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Question Answers of Brother in Land

Q: What is the significance behind Danny's dream. What does this reveal about Danny as a
Ans: During the nuclear war, everyone was facing misery and desolation. Children got separated
from their parents and some even lost them forever. Similarly, Danny had witnessed his mother
and father's death and was simply horrified and disgusted by the cruelty of the world. Danny
found his parents his beacon of hope for his survival but when they got lost, he still misses them
and they are still alive in his heart. As 'hopeful' is a word that defines his character, he still hopes
for the circumstances to get better in the future. Danny missed his parents as they were his hope,
when Danny dreams them in his dream, he again starts to hope for the best. 'peace breaks out',
this was what Danny hoped for. In his childhood innocence he finds war completely useless; he
wants the people to reunite and live a peaceful and happy life with their families. Instead of fight
and spreading bloodshed and terror, he wants to reunite and relive the past. Danny wanted to
rewind the past and wanted to bring back the good old days he had spent with his family.
Q: Compare and contrast the standard of living of Danny versus military style of living
back at Kershaws farm.
Ans: The Governments duty was to protects its citizens and provide them with medication and
food, however they were not fulfilling these duties. They killed and got rid of all the injured
people so they would not have to waste their medication and food on them when they could save
up the food for themselves. when all the survivors were starving to death and dying with hunger,
the military officers were having a party on the food of the citizens. In order to arm Skipley
against these dictatorial forces, the citizens made a society known as MASADA to fight against
the military forces and give the food to the righteous and deserving people. MASADA worked to
arm the citizens of Skipley against the ulterior motives of the military officers back at Kershaw's
Activity 1
Select 6-7 people from the list to start a new society following a nuclear war. Later give
reasons for your choice too.
Nancy Taylor------------------nurse
Alison Thomas----------------School Teacher
Hendry Jackson---------------Welder
Gray Lloyd----------------------Builder
Paul Richard----------------soldier
Steven Graham----------------Carpenter
Andrew Smith---------------------Accountant
Mark Watson--------solicitor
Angela Simon-----------------Nanny
Samantha Elkins------------shop assistant
Sally Dalto------------------banker
Brenda Smith-------------model
John Smith-----------car mechanic
Kevin--------------------painter and decorator
Sophie Hills----------Scientist
During the nuclear war, Skipley turned into a live example of hatred and jealousy a man
possesses for each other. The whole world seemed to be decorated with destruction, pain, misery
and dead bodies. ‘Desperate times call for desperate measures’. The survivors of the nuclear
attack chose me to become their next mayor. I was in charge to reconstruct Skipley and bring
back its life and beauty, just the way it used to be before. I selected seven of the survivors for the
main work. Nancy taylor as nurse, Alison Thomas, to educate the children and Hendry Jackson
and gray Lloyd to find the useful material from the destruction and rubble and to construct and
weld homes for the remaining citizens. Paul Richard (soldier) would educate the children about
survival tactics. Amanda the surgeon would treat the injured and lastly Steven Graham would
finish off with the wood work.
Nancy Taylor and Amanda: Nancy Taylor and Amanda would together help the citizens and cure
them of different diseases. They can also help to recover the spacers who have totally lost their
minds. Nancy Taylor would nurse the patients while Amanda will find solutions and remedies to
treat them.
Alison Thomas: Alison Thomas would educate the children about nuclear wars and help them
with their studies. Furthermore, she would also take care of younger children who have lost their
parents with the help of the nanny, Angela Simon.
Hendry Jackson and gray Lloyd: these both will work together to reconstruct the buildings of
Skipley. They would excavate wood and other materials to construct new homes and buildings.
Paul Richard: he would equip the children with survival tactics and fighting techniques.
Activity 2
Select any 10 items that you have come across after the blast. Justify your selection and
write about the virtue of each item.
After the nuclear war there is hardly anything that s in good condition however I still hopefully
searched for useful things in the debris and destruction of the world.
1) Large garbage bags
Now, nuclear war is a state where everyone has to survive without caring about what they use.
Large garbage bags are very useful to carry things. So now I have the basic equipment to carry
the rest of the things that I come across during my search.
2) A radio
A radio is a must so in order to stay informed about the upcoming events and safety precautions
and extra radio is essential after nuclear war attack to stay updated.
3) A gun
I am very lucky that I found a gun with bullets in it. This must be a gun of a soldier either died or
ran away during the war. I would give to away to my parents so they can use it in hard time when
we are attacked.
4) Cactus
In school I have learnt the method of extracting water and minerals from cactus plants. A really
big cactus is growing in the corner. I used a piece of bark to cut it and carefully extract the water.
5) Water bottles
I have found some water bottles of beverages and petrol. I would store all the water in these
water bottles that I have extracted out of these bottles.
6) Match sticks
Now basically I don’t know how to light a fire with the help of stones but luckily I have found
two boxes of match sticks and now we would be able to warm the water for bathing and to cook
the pea soup. Now I have learnt that fire and water are the basic necessities of living.
7) My younger brother’s lost teddy bear
I am very elated to find my brother’s teddy bear which he had been crying for. Just because of
this war I cannot let him destroy his inner peace and childhood innocence.
8) Large palm leaves
Large palm leaves take a very long time to die away so these palms can be used to provide
urgent shelter.
9) A pile of clothes
I have found a pile of worn out clothes that are torn and ragged and in a very bad condition. But
in case there is another attack, we would at least be able to change our clothes in case we come
in contact with the radioactive waves.
10) Torch
In the dark, the torch can help us find the path easily. In case the soldiers come and take away all
our belongings, at least then we will be able to run away unnoticed.

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