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Lemongrass and Lemon essential oil differ in their effects on the skin and the

use as an alternative insect repellent

A research paper presented to the Senior High School

Department of City Providential College

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the

Subject Practical Research 2

Conducted By:
Eirvine Noah B. Isidro

Submitted to:
Ms. Mary Joy A. Gardanozo
Practical Research 2 Teacher

Academic Year 2022-2023

The lemongrass plant, Cymbopogon citratus, which is mostly found in tropical and subtropical
regions of the world, is the source of lemongrass essential oil. The word "lemon" indicates the
substance's characteristic lemon-like odor, which is primarily produced by the presence of citral.
The trans isomer geranial predominates over the cis isomer neral in the combination of two
stereoisomeric monoterpene aldehydes known as citral. Since ancient times, traditional medicine
has utilized lemongrass essential oil as a treatment to boost immunity, regulate menstrual cycles,
and enhance circulation. Pharmaceuticals, flavors, detergents, and fragrances are also made with
Cymbogen citratus, sometimes known as lemongrass, is grown all over the world. Lemongrass is
mostly produced for decorative purposes, but it also has many additional applications, including
as a food crop, for example. Because of its strong lemon flavor, it is used to make herbal tea. It is
used as a pharmaceutical to treat a variety of health issues, including reducing acne, athlete's foot,
flatulence, muscular pains, and scabies. It is also used as a fragrance in soaps. This substance oil
is a useful product to be extracted since bioactivity studies have revealed that its numerous
components include antimicrobial, antifungal, antibacterial, and mosquito repellent characteristics.
Despite having a similar lemony scent, lemongrass and lemon oil are completely different essential
oils. Lemon oil is cold-pressed from lemon peels, while lemongrass oil is steam-distilled from a
kind of grass. Additionally, they differ chemically. Lemongrass is not phototoxic, although lemon
oil is. Lemongrass does have a considerable risk of skin sensitization, which means you shouldn't
expose yourself to sunlight or tanning beds within 12 hours after applying it to your skin. Despite
coming from separate plants, lemon and lemongrass oils share many of the same characteristics
and uses. They have some of the same chemical elements, including limonene terpenes and citral
and citronellal aldehydes.
Lemon and lemongrass are both antibacterial and antiseptic, making them effective cleaning and
infection-fighting chemicals. Although further study is required to support this assertion, both
forms are thought to strengthen the immune system. Because lemon oil is thought to be good for
the skin, it is frequently used in cosmetics. With its astringent properties, it is said to benefit all
skin types, but especially oily skin. Additionally, lemongrass oil is known to especially help oily
skin. Both oils go well with rosemary and lavender essential oils.
The majority of essential or component oils found in nature are mixtures of hydrocarbons such as
terpene sesquiterpenes, oxygenated chemicals like alcohol esters, ether, aldehydes, ketones,
lactones, phenols, and waxes. Alcohols are the main scent carriers among these oxygenated
molecules. They can withstand oxidants easier. Terpenes, an unsaturated hydrocarbon that is less
stable, are in charge of the degradation of oils. These terpenes are eliminated, leaving only
oxygenated molecules, to increase the stability of essential or component oils and ensure that they
preserve the majority of their flavor and aroma.
This research attempts to create an eco-friendly insect repellant that avoids the use of hazardous
compounds found in commercial pesticides, which can disrupt the environment. Furthermore, the
project intends to produce a low-cost, all-natural insecticide.
Theoretical Framework
According to Shreya Dalela's theory, 2020 states that Lemon and orange-blossom-like perfume
with a tinge of spiciness, comparable to ginger - the fragrance of lemongrass is one of a kind,
something your senses will remember once you encounter it. The perfume of Lemongrass essential
oil is both relaxing and comforting. When breathed using a diffuser or vaporizer, the oil can
naturally alleviate tension and anxiety. As a result, it can even reduce a person's blood pressure.
Even rubbing this oil into the scalp is useful since the scent is relaxing and it’s also stated that
Lemongrass essential oil has powerful antifungal effects. This inhibits the spread of fungal
diseases on the body. It is especially said to battle candida species growth on the skin, nails, and
hair. When used topically, it prevents the onset and growth of any yeast-based infection.
Conceptual Framework

Process Output
1. 18-12 Fresh 1. Cut or chop the - Making alternative
lemongrass leaves into Lemongrass Oil as
Lemongrass Leaves pieces (0.5-1inch long)
insect repellent
2. Scissor or Knife 2. Put it on bucket of water
and wash the lemongrass
3. Distilled Water leaves
3. Get the food smasher,
4. Pan and put the washed
5. Storage Jar lemongrass and smash it
using food smasher
6. Strainer 4. Get the small container
and put the smashed
7. Coconut Oil lemongrass leaves
8. Spoon 5. Put some oil or any kind
of oil like coconut oil and
9. Small Container mix using spoon
6. Boil it with container
10. Food Smasher using pan (double boil) and
11. Witch hazel simmer for an hour
7. Strain it using strainer
12. Spray Bottle and put it on other small jar
9. Add water on spraybottle
and witch hazel and add
small amount of lemongrass

Process Output
1. 4-5 Lemons 1. Add water on big - Making alternative
container then add Lemon Oil as insect
2. Baking Soda baking soda to soak repellent
3.Container lemons (soak 10mins)
4. Distilled Water 2. After washing the
5. Grater lemons, dry it using
6. ½ cup of olive oil
3. Use garter to make
7. Small jar lemon zest and putt the
8. Strainer lemon zest on small jar
9. Witch hazel 4. Add light olive oil
10. Spray Bottle 5. 2-3 TBSPLemon zest
and 1/2 cup of olive oil
6. Place near the
window for 5 days
(Shake 2x a day)
7. Strain it using
strainer and put it on
other small jar
8. Add water on
spraybottle and witch
hazel and add small
amount of lemon oil

Statement of the Problem

This research sought to assess the needs on Lemongrass and Lemon essential oil differ in their
effects on the skin. The results of this study were used to develop a healthier and more
environmentally friendly skin care solution that is equally as effective as store-bought items.
Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions:
1. To determine the effectiveness of lemongrass and lemon as environmentally friendly
product for skin.
2. What is the difference between lemon oil and lemongrass essential oil?
3. How long does the lemongrass oil have an effect?
4. To determine how safe the repellent is as an environmentally friendly insect repellant
5. Is lemongrass oil as an insect repellent;
• Affordable?
• Safe?
Alternative Hypothesis
There is a significant difference in using lemongrass and lemon oil as an effective natural
product for skin and as an alternative insect repellent
Null Hypothesis
There is no significant difference in using lemongrass and lemon oil as an effective natural
product for skin and as an alternative insect repellent
Scope and Delimitation
This study looks at the efficacy of lemongrass lemon oil on the skin and as an alternative
mosquito repellant. Due to the difficulty in obtaining test subjects, not all types of insects will be
examined and tested. This study only tested an insect repellent consisting of lemongrass and
lemon oil against mosquitoes and ants in an open setting.

Significance of the Study

The results of the study may be beneficial to the following:
For Future Researchers, this might serve as a guide for them if they undertake the same study,
and it could provide them with helpful information.
For Community, this research will benefit them by providing sufficient knowledge about the
usefulness of lemongrass and lemon oil for our skin and as an insect repellent, as well as raising
awareness about how to prevent insect-borne illnesses.
For parents and guardians, this study will help and guide them to care for their children and
keeping them safe.
For people with sensitive skin, this study will help them to gain knowledge about this concept to
help them avoid harsh, infection, irritation, etc. and protect their skin.
For Senior High School students, this might enable them understand the importance of lemon
and lemongrass efficiency for skin and as a primary ingredient in manufacturing insect repellant,
as well as how safe it would be for them to use it every day.
Definition of Terms
Alternative refers to a product manufactured by a company other than Mobility that has quality,
function, and performance attributes equivalent to a Product.
In this study, lemongrass "Tanglad" refers to the chemicals utilized by the research in the
formula that will assess the repellent's effect.
Insect repellents are substances used to protect the body from insect bites that might have local
or systemic effects.
To neutralize lemongrass oil and water, a combination of alcohol is employed. Alcohol
"Ethanol" is a sort of combination utilized by the researchers in this investigation to neutralize
lemongrass oil and water.

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