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Ecology and geography :D

Activity 1. Meet in couples and do a brainstorm around the following ideas:

a. How did the study of earth begin?

It started to explain and understand the events that were occurring around.

What is the study object of geography

Ubicate each place

b. What are the branches of geography?

Economy, history, architecture, urbanism, ecology

c. What is the difference between geographic facts and phenomena?

Geographic facts are something permanent like rivers and mountains, but phenomena are something
that occurs in a certain time like landslides, tsunamis, etc.

d. What is the physical landscape and what are its elements?

A physical landscape is something that has not been touched by human beings such as Machu Picchu,

e. What is a cultural landscape and how is it constituted?

A cultural landscape is something that has been touched by human beings such as the Eiffel Tower,
Tower of Pizza, Chichén Itzá, etc.

Activity 2. Make a concept map in the paper according to the results from the previous brainstorming
and include a reflection on why it is important to study geography and what its connection with other
sciences is.
Activity 3. Using the requested images, select two pictures of the same landscape in your community or
other part of the country (present and past), and on a sheet of paper make a comparative chart of both
images. It addresses the following questions:

a. What kind of landscape is it and why?

b. What elements of the landscape do in depict? Describe them.
c. How have humans affected the landscape?
d. Have there been changes in the landscape? Explain.
e. If there are any changes, what other sciences besides geography do you think can be used to
study such changes?

Cerro de la Silla

Questions Past Present

What kind of landscape is it and Hill, it was formed by nature Hill, and fundidora, one is facts
why? and the other one is manmade.
What elements of the landscape Trees, they were made naturally Houses they were man made.
do in depict? Describe them.
How have humans affected the It wasn’t affected at all in the There is a big park and a lot of
landscape? past, there were only a few companies and houses.
Have there been changes in the In the past there was nothing Yes, Fundidora has been added.
landscape? Explain.
If there are any changes, what Ecology History, Architecture, Urbanism,
other sciences besides and Ecology.
geography do you think can be
used to study such changes?

Activity 4. Make conclusions about the differences between both landscapes and the importance of
geography in the study of Earth.

The difference between the past landscape and the present landscape is that there are a lot more
houses and companies and Fundidora.

So for me (Pato) the difference between the past Cerro de la Silla compared to the new one is that the
new one has more architecture such as houses or even Fundidora, as the old one has more examples of
Ecology with nature and everything.

Activity 5. Imagine now that you are a scientist, and you need to study certain facts or phenomena.
Write a one-page essay describing the facts or phenomena that you would study, considering the
following points:

a. It should mention the application of different branches of geography in the first half.
b. The other half page should discuss why geography is a multidisciplinary science and its

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