Wolff's Anatomy-Capitulo 2

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The ocular appendages: eyelids,

conjunctiva and lacrintal apparatus
2.1 The eyelids or palpebrae 30 2.6 The conjunctiva 51
2.2 The palpebral glands 39 2.7 The caruncle 70
2.3 The palpebral blood vessels 44 2.8 The plica semilunaris 71
2.4 Muscles of the palpebral region 46 2.9 The lacrimal apparatus and
2.5 The eyebrows (supercilii) 50 tears 72

2.1 THE EYELIDS OR PALPEBRAE bicularis oculi and levator labii superioris . The sulci
mark the junctions between the loose palpebral and
The eyelids help to keep the corneas moist, and
denser tissues in the cheek, hence limiting oedema
protect again st injury and excessive light, regulating
and demarcating adipose herniation.
the amount of light reaching the retina. When they
Lines of 'minimal tension' occur in facial skin as
are closed, stimulation of visual cortex ceases. The
elsewhere (Fig. 2.2), formed by two kinds of force:
lids are essential for distribution and drainage of the
the first group are due to habitual expression, e.g.
tears: the upper lid restores the preocular tear film
frontal furrows near the glabella, circumpalpebral
at each blink and blinking has a pumping effect on
sulci, nasolabial folds, circumoral and preauricular
the lacrimal sac.
lines; the second group are lines due to relaxation of
The upper eyelid extends over the orbital margin
the palpebral skin itself. Elective skin incisions are
to the eyebrow above, the lower more smoothly into
often made in lines of minimal tension, but in order
the cheek, where nasojugal and malar sulci may limit
to forestall palpebral eversion (ectropion) during
it (Fig. 2.1); these folds increase with age, and here
healing, palpebral incisions, especially inferior, are
the skin is tied to periosteum. At the nasojugal sulcus
usually orthogonal to lines of minimal tension and
a band of conn ective tissue passes between or-
the palpebral margin.
The upper lid is the most mobile, and is raised in
the vertical plane by an elevator muscle (levator
palpebral superioris). In forward gaze the upper lid
just overlaps the cornea, in closure it covers it. In
contrast, the lower lid lies just below the cornea w hen
the eye is open, on closure merely reaching it (see
Table 2.1). The opened lids enclose an elliptical
palpebral fissure between their margins, which meet
at medial and lateral angles or canthi.

The canthi
The lateral canthus is acute, about 30-40°, or 60° with
the lids w ide open . It often continues into an
inferolateral groove in the line of the upper palpebral
margin; around this small furrows or 'crow's feet'
Fig. 2.1 The surface anatomy of the eyelids. occur with age. The lateral canthus is 5-7 mm medial

Fig. 2.3 (a) The interpalpebral fissure , showing the right eye
in the primary position ; (b) the inner canthus during adduction
of the eye, showing recession of the caruncle.

Fig. 2.2 The lines of minimal tension of the face (Langer's is a small area of tissue derived from skin and contains
lines) . These are generated by two mechanisms: 1, lines of
habitual expression (e.g. in the forehead , at the glabella region ,
large modified sweat glands, and sebaceous glands
around the eyelids and nasolabial fold and other lines of opening into the follicles of fine hairs. The plica
expression around the mouth and preauricular region); 2, lines semilunaris represents the membrana nictitans ('third
of skin relaxation in flexion and extension (e .g. circular lines
armed in the neck in flexion and at the back of the neck in
eyelid' ) of many other vertebrates . It often contains
ex1ension). (From Converse, J.M. (1964) Reconstructive Plastic non-striated muscle. Along each palpebral margin,
Surgery Vol. 1, published by W.B. Saunders.) opposite the plica, a small lacrimal papilla bears the
punctum lacrimale, which conducts tear fluid into the
lacrimal canaliculi. The puncta divide the margins
to the orbital margin and 1 em from the fron- into ciliary and lacrimal parts (Fig. 2.3) .
tozygomatic suture (Fig. 1.18). Although eyeballs vary little in size, palpebral
The medial canthus, more obtuse, has a horizon- fissures do, forming the feature which popularly
tal inferior lower rim and a superior rim sloping defines the size of the 'eye'. In Caucasians with the
inferomedially; their contained canaliculi accord with lids open, the lateral canthus is about 2 mm above the
this configuration. The canthus continues medially medial, thus imparting an inferomedial slope to the
into a visible ridge produced by the medial palpebral fissure, an obliquity increased in Mongolian races,
ligament (Fig. 1.18). who also show a dermal fold across the medial
The lateral canthus is in contact with the globe, the canthus (the epicanthus), which can overlap the
medial separated from it by a small 'tear lake', the caruncle (Fig. 2.4).
lacus lacrimalis. A yellowish conjunctival fold, the Epicanthi are normal in all races in fetal life,
lacrimal caruncle projects into the lacus, and lateral to disappearing as the nasal bridge develops. The
it is the pink plica semilunaris . The lacrimal caruncle presence of canthi have been associated with flat

exp osed ocular regio n s . Th ese are h en ce the common

sites of con gestion , d egeneration or injury due to
exposure to ch em ical an d p h ysical agents, including
d rying and radiatio n . Lid closu re in resp on se to
threat or injury is accompanied by reflex elevatio n of
the eyeball (Bell's phen om en on); h en ce lower a reas
are most affected by therm al and cau stic in juries .
Imperfect closure in coma or facial p alsy also exp oses
this lower area to d am age (coma v igilence) .
Table 2.1 summarizes the dimen sion s an d relation s
of palpebral fissures at different ages. Note th a t the
ocular area visible between the lids decreases with
age .

Fig. 2.4 Epicanthal folds in a Chinese man.

The palpebral margin
Th e palpebral m argin is about 2 m m w ide measure d
n asal b on es, but Duckworth (1904) n o ted tha t they from its p osterior margin to the p osterior lash line .
are ab sent in N egroes, w h o h ave n asal b on es flatter In th e ad u lt, there is no chan ge in w id th with age,
than in M on gols . Th e p resen ce of canthi m ay b e or be tween the sexes, but the m argin is n arrower in
associate d w ith congenital ptosis. children (Table 2. 1). Lid margin vascularity in creases
With the lids op en the p alpebral fissures are about with age in adults, p articularly in women , and
30 mm lon g b y 15 mm high (see Table 2. 1) and are telan giectatic vessels are seen w ith increasing fre-
asymme trical. Th e greatest h eight ab ove an intercan- quen cy on the lower lid margin with increasing age
thalline is m edial; below it is lateral (Fig . 2.1) . The (Hykin and Bron, 1992) . From its rounded anterior
cornea, iris and pupil, a lateral trian gle and m edial bord er project the eyelashes (cilia) in two or three
crescent of sclera, the caruncle a nd plica, are all rows . The superio r cilia, lo n ger and m ore numerou s,
visible in the fissure. curl up, w hile the lower curl d own; h ence the cilia
Whe n the lids close, the la ter al canthus d rop s d o n ot in terlace in lid closure. Cilia are u su ally d arker
b elow the m edial and the fiss ure b ecom es sinuo u s, than oth er h airs and remain so excep t in certain
and con cave upwards centrally. Th e lash line follows diseases (e.g. alop ecia areata). Each lash su rvives fo r
the fissure except m ed ially, w here it is h orizontal. ab out 5 months; its replacem ent is fully grown in 10
Laterally the lateral canthus slopes d own wards. weeks . Young cilia are clubbed , and m ay rem ain so
Interpalpebral areas of conjunctiva and cornea, in ch ronic inflammatory condition s. They are lo nger
p articularly low er central cornea, form the m ost and m ore curled in childhood .

Table 2.1 Some characteristics of the palpebral opening and its relation to certain parts of the globe

Length Height Pupil Cornea Lacus and plica Position of

(mm) (mm) lacrimales transverse axis

Newborn 18.5-19 10 Touches free border Upper border at level Not visible Middle of pupil
of lower eyelid of free margin of
upper eyelid
Infant 24- 25 13 Equidistant from free Upper and lower Slightly visible Below middle of
borders of eyelids borders covered to pupil
same extent
Adult 28-30 14-15 Near free border of Lower border at level Visible Lower border of
upper eyelid of free margin of pupil
lower eyelid
Old age 28 11- 12 Touches free margin Lower border a little Very visible Near lower
of upper eyelid distance from free border of
margin of lower cornea


s ·n


Fig. 2.5 (a) Disposition of the meibomian

orifices behind the mucocutaneous junction
(mcj) of the lid margin (the 'grey line'); (b)
micrograph of meibomian orifices of the
lower lid of a normal Caucasian subject.
(b) The 'grey line' is arrowed .

Ciliary follicles Skin

Unlike other hairs, cilia have no erector muscles; they The palpebral skin is thin (less than 1 mm thick) and
are set obliquely, anterior to the palpebral muscle, almost transparent, folding and wrinkling easily . A
reach the tarsal plate, and have a sensory innerva- fold often exists laterally in the upper lid in old age,
tion . and may overhang the lid margin . The skin is very
The sharp posterior border is apposed to the globe. elastic and recovers rapidly after oedema. As the
An terior to it are the orifices of tarsal glands. Between upper lid is raised a superior tarsal sulcus develops
this and the cilia is a narrow grey line, marking an at the superior tarsal border, caused by attachments
avascular palpebral plane (Fig. 2.5). of levator palpebrae superioris . The upper palpebral
The ciliary part of the palpebral rim bears lashes . skin is thus partly buried when the upper lid is
Medial to the puncta is the lacrimal part of the raised, wholly in view only when it is lowered. A
palpebral rim, containing the lacrimal canaliculus; similar, inferior tarsal sulcus is poorly developed .
this part is rounded, has no tarsal glands and rarely Palpebral skin is attached to the orbital margin and
has cilia . palpebral ligaments, particularly the medial.
The skin of the medial part of the eyelid (Fig. 2.6)
differs markedly from that of the temporal (Fig. 2.7).
It is smoother and. more oily and while it has only
Palpebral tissues, from the front to back, are: a few rudimentary hairs and associated sebaceous
glands, the unicellular sebaceous glands in the basal
1. skin;
epidermis are plentiful (Wolff, 1951) (Fig. 2.8).
2. subcutaneous areolar tissue;
3. striated muscle (orbicularis oculi);
4. submuscular areolar tissue;
.::>. tarsal plates and fibrous tissue; Although the epithelium is thin, it has a
6. septum orbitale; stratum corneum, stratum granulosum, and stratum
7. non-striated muscle; mucosum of three or four layers. The basal layer
conjunctiva . (stratum germinativum) rests on a basement

Fig. 2.6 Skin of nasal portion of the right upper eyelid. Note
that 11 is almost devo1d of ha1rs, apart from lashes.

Fig. 2.8 Section of sk1n from the nasal side of the eyel1d to
show numerous umcellular sebaceous glands m the basal layer
of the epidermis

There are always large ptgrnent cells in pcrivascubr

connective tissue and hair follicles, more abundant
here than elsewhere. More numerous in brunettes
than blondes, the pigment cells contain a golden
yellow or brown pigment. Such melanocyte'> arc
mobile and may, by accumulation, produce colour
changes in the lids.

Subcutaneous areolar tissue

Fig. 2.7 Skm of lateral portion of upper eyelid. Note The subcutaneous areolar tissue is loose and contains
numerous hairs, in addition to the lashes.
no fat; the skin is mobile on the subjacent muscle and
is easily distended by oedema or haemorrhage. It is
absent near the ciliary margin and palpebral sulci,
membrane. Epithelium at the palpebral margin and at the canthi where skin adheres to the palpebral
thickens, when traced backwards, to contain between ligaments.
c,even and ten layers, and the dermis becomes denser,
more elastic and folded into high, narrow papillae.
The mucocutaneous junction is just behind the
Striated muscle
openings of the tarsal glands, i.e. at the junction of
'wettable' and 'non-wettable' surfaces, representing The striated muscle is the palpebral part of the
the anterior limit of the marginal strip of tear fluid orbicularis palpebrarum. The muscle fibres encircle
(Fig. 2.9). the palpebral opening, are obliquely interrelated, and
overlap each other. Filling almost the whole thickness
of the lid margin is its ciliary part (muscle of
Palpebral hairs Riolan) (Fig. 2.10), traversed by ciliary follicles,
Palpebral hairs, large in the fetus, are very fine in glands of Moll and excretory ducts of tarsal glands
adults: they have small sebaceous and sweat glands. (Fig. 2.11).

Fig. 2.9 Vert1cal section through the

eyelid (Masson tnchome stain) Orig1nal
magnification x2. (Courtesy of Dr D. Lucas.)

Submuscular areolar tissue which it may overlap. Its lower border adjoins the
upper palpebral furrow . It is adherent to orbicularis
The submuscular areolar tissue lies between the and epicranial aponeurosis, which thus separates the
orbicularis and tarsal p late, and communicates with preseptal 'space' from the so-called 'dangerous ,uca'
the subaponeurotic stratum of the scalp. Hence pus of the scalp. The prcmuscular and retromuscular
or blood can enter the upper lid from the scalp. levels communicate through the orbicularis, but the
Through this plane, entered by incision at the grey septum and tarsal plates isolate them from the orbit.
line, the lid may be split into anterior and posterior
layers. It is traversed by fibres of the levator, some
passing to the skin through orbicularis, others to the
Tarsal plates and fibrous tissue
lower third of the tarsus (but see p.37). The stems of
the palpebral nervec; are in this plane; therefore any The fibrous layer is the framework of the lids . It is
local anaesthetic must be injected d eep to th e or- thick centrally as the tarsal plates, thin peripherally
bicularis. as the septum orbitale. The two regions arc con-
In the lower lid the subm uscular areolar tissue is tinuous and, when the lids are closed, form a shutter
in a single stratum (the p reseptal space) in fron t of for th e orbital opening, incomplete only at the
the septum orbitale. In the upper lid it is divided by palpebral fissure.
the levator into pretarsal and p reseptal spaces. Th e tarsal plates maintain the shape and firmness
The small pretarsal sp ace encloses the peripheral of the lids. They contain no cartilage, but consist of
arterial arcade (Figs 2.10 and 2.52), bounded an- dense fibrous tissue and some elastic tissue, par-
teriorly by the levator tendon and orbicularis, pos- ticularly around the tarsal glands. They extend from
teriorly by the tarsal plate and palpebral muscle. It a point 7 mm from the lateral orbital tubercle to the
is limited above by the origin of this muscle from the lacrimal puncta, 9 mm from the anterior lacrimal
levator and below by the attachment of levator to the crest.
tarsal p late (but see p.39). Both tarsi are well delimited, but laterally at the
The preseptal space is triangular in section , palpebral margin they arc united with th e connective
bounded in front by o rbicularis, behind by the o rbital tissue of ciliary follicles to form the ciliary mass of
septum and tendinous fibres of levator piercing Whitnall.
orbicularis. Above is the preseptal mass of fat, which The superior tarsus, transversely crescentic, ts
is distinct from the general subcutaneous fat. It lies larger, being 11 mm in height at its middle; the
largely in front of the septum and behind the inferior tarsus, somewhat oblong, is 5 mm high. Both
orbicularis as a crescent along the orbital margin, are abou t 29 mm long and 1 mm thick.

Orbital septum Fat Levator Muscle of MOIIer

g land s (of


Peripheral arcade

- Tarsal glands (of Wolfring)

Swoat gland

Tarsal (Meibomian) gland in the tarsal plate

- Muscle of Riolan

Lash with gland of Zeis, running

into this the duct of Moll's gland

Fig. 2.10 Vert1cal section through the upper lid (Wolff s preparations).

Fig. 2.11 Section of lid margin showing

muscle bundles of Riolan (R) traversed by
hair follicle (H). Note the associated coiled
gland of Moll (M). Original magnification
x 205. (From Tripathi, R. C. and Tripathi, B.
J. in Davson, H. (ed.) (1984) The Eye, Vol.
1A , 2nd edition, published by Academic

Fused fascial sheaths Thickening

in levator sheath

Superior lamella
of aponeurosis

Orbital septum

- Deep lamella

Superior tarsus

- Inferior

Fig. 2.12 Vertical anteroposterior section

Orbital septum of the orbit.

Surfaces of the tarsi The ends of both plates are attached to the orbital
margin by ligaments.
The anterior surface is convex and separated from
orbicularis by areolar tissue, facilitating independent
movement. The posterior surface is concave, ad-
The medial palpebral Ligament
herent to the conjunctiva and shaped to the eyeball. Somewhat triangular in shape, this is attached to the
The 'free' border at the margin of the lid is thick, maxilla from the anterior lacrimal crest nearly to its
horizontal and coextensive with the ciliary part of the suture with the nasal bone (Figs 1.18, 2.68, 5.19 and
margin; the 'attached' border is thin, and continuous 5.36). It has a lower border, below which pass some
with the septum orbitale, except where pierced by the fibres of orbicularis; above it is continuous with the
levator in the upper lid and the inferior rectus in the periosteum. Its base is at the anterior lacrimal crest,
lower (see below). Palpebral muscles are attached to where the ligament divides. The posterior part is
the superior and inferior borders of the correspond- continuous with the lacrimal fascia, covering the
ing tarsi (Figs 2.10 and 2.12). upper part of the lacrimal sac.

The anterior part divides at the medial canthus into periorbita is continuous with extraorbital periosteum;
two bands, crossing the lacrimal fossa (but not in centrally it is continuous with the tarsal plates, except
contact with the sac), to blend with the medial ends where pierced by fibres of the levator in the up-
of the tarsal plates. These bands form a 'Y' on its side per lid and an expansion from the inferior rec-
with the main ligament. The two branches cor- tus in the lower. However, its continuity with the
respond to the lacrimal parts of the lid margins and superior tarsus between fibres of levator is difficult
contain the lacrimal canaliculi, enclosing the caruncle to demonstrate and is denied by many. Part of the
and bounding the medial canthus. septum is carried forwards with the levator, part
The anterior surface of the ligament is adherent to reflected along its upper surface (Fig. 2.10).
skin and faces anterolaterally while its branches face The septum is a flexible fascia which follows all
anteromedially, together making an obtuse angle. movements of the lids; some consider it the deep
A deep or reflected part of the ligament is said to fascia of the palpebral part of orbicularis. Its fibres
arise as it crosses the lacrimal sac to attach behind it: run in arcades, which cross at right-angles.
some, however, regard this as a fascial expansion The septum is thicker laterally and stronger in the
(Whitnall, 1932). upper lid, where two tendinous slips from its lateral
Superolateral traction of the lateral canthus makes side gradually diminish medially.
the medial palpebral ligament prominent. This Weak areas in the septum orbitale determine the
prominence is almost entirely on the frontal process sites of herniation of orbital fat. Such herniae are
of the maxilla., frequent, especially in old people.
A fingertip placed in the lacrimal fossa will lie The attachment of the septum does not exactly
below the position of medial canthus, which some follow the orbital margin (Fig. 2.13). Laterally the
consider to correspond to the anterior lacrimal crest. attachment is separated from the lateral palpebral
If a vertical incision is made 2 mm medial to the ligament and its orbital tubercle by loose connective
medial canthus, the lacrimal sac is exposed under its tissue and fat. Ascending, it crosses the ironto-
lateral lip. zygomatic suture and then follows the orbital margin
Therefore the lower, prominent part of the medial to the supraorbital notch which it spans, creating a
palpebral ligament is not much in front of the sac; foramen. Thence it descends along the margin, in
a probe pressed backwards below it will hit bone, not front of the trochlea, crossing the supratrochlear
the sac. vessels and nerve to reach bone again behind the
posterior lacrimal crest. It descends on the lacrimal
The lateral palpebral ligament bone behind the pars lacrimalis of orbicularis,
lacrimal sac and medial palpebral ligament and in
Attached to the orbital tubercle 11 mm below the
front of the medial check ligament (Fig. 2.68). The
frontozygomatic suture, this ligament is 7 mm long
attachment crosses the lacrimal fascia to the anterior
and 2.5 mm broad. Its fibrous tissue is not very lacrimal crest, level with the lacrimal tubercle,
dense. It is quite unlike the well-developed medial
following the orbital margin to the zygomatic bone.
palpebral ligament, being little more than the areolar
Here it leaves the margin on its facial aspect by a few
tissue of the septum orbitale behind the lateral
millimetres, forming an osteofibrous pocket, the
palpebral raphe. premarginal recess of Eisler, which contains fat. The
The lateral palpebral ligament is deeper and less
attachment then returns to tbe orbital margin below
prominent than the medial ligament. l'ts anterior
the lateral orbital tubercle.
surface is fused with preciliary fibres of the or-
Laterally the septum is superficial, anterior to the
bicularis. Superficial to the lateral palpebral ligament
lateral palpebral ligament, while medially it is behind
lie a few lobules of the lacrimal gland and the lateral
the lacrimal part of orbicularis oculi (Fig. 2.12). Where
palpebral raphe, formed by orbicularis fused with the
this lacrimal muscle diverges into the eyelids the
orbital septum. Posterior to it is the lateral check
corresponding parts of the septum meet behind the
ligament, separated from it by a lobule of lacrimal
caruncle and plica, between which lies the medial
gland (Fig. 4.41). The upper border is united with the
inferior palpebral artery (Fig. 2.13).
levator (Fig. 5.20), its lower with an expansion from
the inferior oblique and inferior rectus.
The septum orbitale (Figs 2.12, 2.13 and 5.36)
In the upper eyelid the septum is mainly in contact
The septum orbitale {palpebral fascia) is attached to with orbital fat which separates it from the lacrimal
the orbital margin at the arcus marginale, where the gland, levator and tendon of superior oblique.

Sphenoid Sphenoid Optic Supraorbital Orbicularis

ala major ala minor foramen notch oculi
Fossa tor - Arch for vessels
lacrimal gland
- supercilii
Zygomatic process

Superior orbital Orbicularis

fissure ' - (lacrimal part)

Zygomatic - Lacrimal fossa

Lateral orbital - _ Levator labi1
tubercle superioris
Attachment of
septum- -orbicularis oculi
Zygomatico- _
facial canal
Eisler's pocket-

Inferior Maxillary Infra- Infra- Levator
orbital fissure process orbital orbital labii superioris
sulcus foramen

Fig. 2.13 Attachment of septum orbitale and the muscles around the orbit.

Medially it is in contact with orbital fat between the the orbital margins of the tarsal plates (Figs 2.10, 2.12
trochlea and medial palpebral ligament (Fig. 4.47). and 4.39). The inferior muscle may be visible through
In the lower eyelid the septum lies in contact with the conjunctiva. The whole muscle is supplied by
orbital fat and the expansions of inferior rectus and sympathetic nerve fibres. It widens the palpebral
inferior oblique (Figs 2.12 and 4.39). fissure. Non-striated muscle also crosses the inferior
In the lower lid there is only one 'space', between orbital fissure and occurs in the fascia bulbi. The
the septum and tarsal plate behind and orbicularis in whole system represents the retractor bulbi of some
front (Fig. 2.14). mammals. For further detail of orbital smooth muscle
The septum orbitale is pierced by: see Chapter 4.
• lacrimal vessels and nerves;
• supraorbital vessels and nerves; Conjunctiva
• supratrochlear nerve and artery; The conjunctiva of the lids, the palpebral conjunctiva,
• infratrochlear nerve; is firmly adherent to the tarsus.
• anastomosis between the angular and ophthalmic
• superior and inferior palpebral arteries above and
below the medial palpebral ligament; Apart from cutaneous glands and those of the
• levator palpebrae superioris in the upper and a conjunctiva, there are various tarsal glands, named
prolongation of inferior rectus in the lower lid. eponymously after Meibomius, Moll and Zeis.

Non-striated muscle MEIBOMIAN GLANDS

The layer of non-striated muscle fibres, the palpebral The tarsal glands (meibomian glands) are long
muscle of Mi.iller, is just behind the septum orbitale sebaceous glands unconnected with hairs, though
in both lids; its fibres are mostly vertical and are they may represent an extinct row of lashes. They lie
derived from the levator muscle (in the upper lid) and within the tarsal plates, which they almost com-
the inferior rectus (in the lower), and are attached to pletely traverse (Figs 2.10 and 2.14); the upper ones

arc therefore longer. Arranged vertically, about 25 in In the monkey, the blands are richly innervated.
the upper lid and 20 in the lower, they consist of a Many nerve fibres encircle the acini and ducts
nmtral canal, into which open numerous rounded and appear to be apposed to the acinar basement
acini secreting sebum. The small orifices of the canals membranes (Chung t'f a/., 1996). This differs from
open on the margin of the lid just in front of tl1l' sebaceous gland elsewhere, which are not inner-
mucocutaneous junction (Fig. 2.15). vated. There is a rich innervation with smooth and
The meibomian secretion prevents overflow of varicose nerve endings immunoreactive to ncuropep-
leMs by reason of its hydrophobic properties, tide Y (NPY) and vasointestinal peptide (VIP) suggest-
prevents tears from macerating the skin, and after ing a predominantly parasympathetic innervntion,
blinking leaves an oily film over the tears to retard although it should be noted that NPY-reacti\·e fibres
L'vaporation. Each canal is lined by four layers of cells may also have sympathetic and other originc;. Fibres
and a basement membrane. At it<; mouth there arc staining for tyrosme hvdroxylase (TH), calcitonin
si\ layers, the deepest being cylindrical. Keratiniza- gene-related peptide (CCRP) and substance (SP) arc
tion increases towards the lid margin. The acini arc present, but relatively sparse. TH innervation is more
usually globular, 10-15 in number and arc placed nssociated with vessels, whereas CGRP and SP-
irregularly along the central canal almost to its orifice, reactivity is associated with sensory nerves running in
like a chain of onions (Figs 2.16-2.19). The glands the trigeminal ganglion. 'I he implication is that the
show through the conjunctiva as yellow strc.1ks; glands are neuromodulated. Like the lacrimal acini,
the globular arrangement is quite visible in the they also possess androgen receptors and appear to
young. (See Obata (1994) for further morphological be under endocrine control (Sullivan e/ a/., 1996).
details). Delivery of me1bomian oil onto the lid margin is the
Superior tarsus result of secretion, supplemented by the muscular
action of each blink (Bron, 1996).

The ciliary gland!> (of Moll) arc simple tubules which
Excretory begin in a spiral (not in a glomerulus like the
Lateral sweat glands); they resemble sweat glands arrested
canthus in development. Thcv arc 1. 5-2 mm long and set
obliquely in contact with the bulbs of cilia. They arc
more numerous in the lower lid, but not as numerous
as cilia. Each has a fundus, body, ampullary part and
neck. The lumen is large (figs 2.20-2.22) but narrows
InferiOr tarsus at the neck. The duct traverses dermis and epidermis
and opens between cilia into a ciliary follicle or a
sebaceous gland of Zcis (Pig. 2.10).

Fig . 2.14 (a) The postenor surface of the two eyelids which have been made transparent by soda·glycenne to show the tarsal
glands (of Me1bom1us) ; (b) lower tarsal plate of young adult to show the arrangement of conJunctival vessels and the me1bom1an
glands (arrows); (c) h1gher magn1flcalion of (b).

(a) (b)
Fig. 2.15 The lower lid marg1n 1n a p1gmented sub1ect. Note the clear demonstration of the oil gland onfices (in b) (compare
with Fig. 2.5).

Fig. 2.16 Vert1cal sect1on of hd, showing the tarsal plate Fig. 2.17 Section of me1bom1an gland show1ng a number of
contaming me1bomian glands (M). Note the vert1cal onentat1on saccules (S) w1th dis1ntegrat1ng secretory cells. The result1ng
of compact connective tissue on the mner (1) and outer (3) me1bomian secretion is poured mto the duct (D), which is lined
surfaces of the plate and sag1na1 onentation of the central zone by stratified squamous epithelium. Onginal magnification x205.
(2). C conJunctiva; L - levator aponeurosis; 0- orbiculans (From Tripath1, R. C. in Davson, H. (ed.) (1984) The Eye, Vol.
oculi muscle bundles. Orig1nal magn1hca11on x51 (From 1A. 2nd ed1t1on, published by Academic Press.)
Tnpalhi, R C. and Tnpathi, B. J. 1n Davson, H (ed.) (1984)
The Eye, Vol 1A. 2nd edition, published by Academ1c Press.)

Tarsal plate

Fig. 2.19 Lobules of a tarsal (me1bom1an) gland. (Wolff's


The secretory part is lined by cylindrical cells con-
Fig. 2.18 Sect1on of lid pass1ng through opening of the tarsal taimng secretory granules and fatty granul.11Ions;
gland. Towards the external onflce (0), the duct epithelium between these and their basement membr<Hll' is an
thickens and the surface cells show keratinization {arrows). ill-defined stratum of longitudinal or obliqut•ly placed
R - Muscle of R1olan. Ong1nal magn1ficat1on x205 (From
Tripathi, R. C. m Davson. H. {ed.) (1984) The Eye, Vol. 1A, 2nd myoepithelial cells. The lining of the duct is similar,
edition. published by Academ1c Press.) but Jacks mvoepithelial cells .

of Ze1s

Fig. 2.20 Section of the lid marg1n to

show the three types of gland. (Wolff's
preparallon .)

Fig. 2.21 Section of c11iary gland of Moll

show1ng lumen (L) lined by cylindrical
ep1thehal cells supported by a layer of
flattened myoepithelial cells and basement
membrane (arrows). Original
magnification >< 820. (From Tnpathi, R C 1n
Davson, H (ed.) (1984) The Eye, Vol. 1A.
2nd edition. published by Academ1c Press.)


Gland of '

Fig. 2.22 Junction of Ciliary gland (of Moll) and duct. Note
the funnel-shaped termination of the gland.

The sebaceous glands (of Zeis) discharge directly mto
and adjoin ciliary follicles, usually two to each follicle
(Figs 2.20, 2.23 and 2.24). Each consists of one
to three acini (there are usually 10-20 in ordi-
nary sebaceous glands). The epithelium, resting on
a basement membrane, consists of actively divid-
ing cubical cells whose polygonal progeny develop
granules of a sebaceous nature. The nuclei become
rounded, paler, diminish in size, stain more densely,
and finally disappear. The degenerating cells lose
Fig. 2.23 Sect1on to show a gland of Ze1ss (Z) empty1ng 1nto
their walls and arc pushed centrally and then towards a lash follicle (L). Note how there IS nuclear fragmentation and
the duct. The sebum so formed exudes into the ciliary loss of cellular definition as the follicle 1s approached.

follicle. As elsewhere, it prevents the hairs from

becoming dry and brittle.


The medial and lateral palpebral arteries are branches
of the ophthalmic and lacnmal arteries, respectively
(fig 2 20).
The medial palpebral arteries - superio r and
inferior- pierce the septum orbitale abo\e and below
the medial palpebral ligament (Fig. 2.48). Each anas-
tomoses with the corresponding lateral pa lpebral
artery to form the tarsal arcades in the submuscul.u
areolar tissue (i.e. between the orbicularis and tarsal
plate), close to the lid margin (Figs 2.25 and 2.26). The
tar~a/ arcades anastomose with branches of the superfi-
cial temporal, transverse facial, and infraorbital ar-
teries .
In the upper lid a second arterial arcade (arcus
tarseus superior) is formed from the superior branch
of the medial palpebral in front of the upper margin
of the tarsal plate (f-igs 2.10 and 2.25).
Branches of the arcades supply the orbicularis and

Fig. 2.24 Section of c11iary gland of Zeiss (Z). The glands
skin, conjunctiva and ta rsal glands .
are assoc1ated with the ha1r follicles (H) by short ducts Orig1nal
magn1f1cat1on x512. (From Tnpathl, A C 1n Davson, H (ed.)
(1984) The Eye, Vol. 1A. 2nd ed111on. published by AcademiC VEINS
The palpebral veins arc larger and more numerous
than the arteries and arc arranged in pretarsal and
posttarsal strata. They form a dense plexus (visible
in the living) ncar the upper and lower conjunctival
Ophthalmic fornices. Some drain into frontal and temporal vems,
artery others traverse orbicu laris to become tributaries of the
artery ophtha lm ic veins.

Zygomat,co artery
orbital The lymphatic channels also form pre- and posttarsal
artery plexuses, connected by cross-channels. According
to Fuchs the former have many valves, the latter
none. The posttarsal plexus drains the conjunctiva
and tarsal glands, the pretarsal the skin and its
appendages. Both groups drain as follows: those for
the lateral side run to the preauricular and deep
parotid nodes and thence to the deep cervical chain;
the medial parts of the lids, especially the lower,
drain to the submandibular lymph nodes and thence
to the deep cerviCal (Fig. 2.27). Small lymphoid
Fig. 2.25 The anastomoses of artenes of 1nternal and nodules have been described in the palpebral connec-
external carotid ong1n around the orbital opemng. tive tissue (Fig. 2.27).

- - - Ascending branch The orbicularis is served by the facial nerve, the
Peripheral __ levator by the upper division of the oculomotor
palpebral PosteriOr nerve, and non-striated muscle by S) mpathetic
arcade conJunctival artery
Marginal - · - The upper lid is served mainly by the supraorbital
palpebral nerve, assisted medially by the supra- and infra-
trochlc.u, and laterally by lacrimal branches of the
ophthalmic nerve. The lower lid is innen.ated by the
infraorbital nerve, with slight overlap near the canthi
by lacrimal and in fratrochlct~r nerves. The plane of
Fig. 2.26 Schematic vert1cal section of the upper lid to show
the d1sposit1on of the peripheral and marginal palpebral arcades the mt~in branches of the nerves is between the
and the1r ascend1ng and descend1ng branches. orbicult~ri<> t~nd the tarst~l plate (Fig. 2.28).

Lower deep
cervical nodes

Fig. 2.27 (a) The superf1c1al lymph nodes and lymph vessels of the head and neck;

Submental nodes

Submandibular nodes

lnfrahyoid node

Prelaryngeal node

Anterior cervical
node (in suprasternal
Fig. 2.27 (contd) (b) Deep d1ssection to show the whole chain of the cervical nodes and the lymphatic drainage of the
tongue. {From Williams, P.R eta/. {eds) (1995) Gray's Anatomy, 38th ed11ion, published by Churchill Livingstone.)

Supraorbital nerve Supraorbital nerve surrounds the palpebral fissure, to the brow, temple
(lateral (medial branch) and cheek. It consists of two main parts: palpebral;
orbital (Fig. 2.29).

Palpebral part
The palpebral part of orbicularis oculi ts central and
confined to the lids. It consists of pale fibres and may
divide into pretarsal and preseptal strata, which are
joined, by the thinnest parts of the muscle, at the
supenor and inferior palpebral sulci.
It diverges from the medial palpebral ligament and
Fig. 2.28 Nerves of the eyelids of the nght eye: neighbounng bone, and curves across the lids in a
series of half ellipses, which interlace beyond the
lateral canthus as the lateral palpebral raphe which
2.4 MUSCLES OF THE PALPEBRAL REGION is strengthened by the septum orbitalc.


Orbicularis oculi is the palpebral sphincter. lt is an The orbital part has a curved origin from the upper
elliptical sheet extending from the lids, where it orbital margin medial to the supraorbital notch, the

Fig. 2.29 (factng page) (a) D1agram to show the arrangement of orbicularis The palpebral port1on comprises {a) the pretarsal
muscle; (b) the preseptal muscle. The orb1tal part {c) surrounds the orbital nm; {From Collin (1983) A Manual of Systematic Eyelid
Surgery, published by Churchill Livingstone) {b) the lids and palpebral aperture 1n the primary pOSitiOn of gaze of a 20-year·old
man Note the well-marked superior lid fold: (c) light lid closure Note the gentle curve of the lid marg1n and the persistence of the
supenor lid fold as a line crease; (d) the outer canthus; (e) the inner canthus: {f) the palpebral apertures in the pnmary position of
gaze of a 70-year-old woman: {g) inner canthus of the subject shown in (f). Note the accentuated concav1ty of the canthus and
resulting prominence of the punctum, due to atrophy of pericanalicular tissue


(b) (f)

(c) (g)

(h) (i)

Fig. 2.29 (contd) (h) forced lid closure 1n a 20-year·old ; (i) forced hd closure 1n a 70·year-old. Note the exaggerated penorbllal
skm creases· (j) schematic diagram companng the relat1ve lengths of md1v1dual muscle fibres 1n the pretarsal and preseptal regions
of the palpebral portion of the human orb1culans oculi muscle. The pretarsal port1on IS comprised of short f1bres of heterogeneous
length m 1ts med1al, m1ddle and lateral port1ons The preseptal port1on is comprised of shorter fibres in its med1al and lateral
portions than 1ts m1ddle port1on. lnd1v1dual muscle fibres do not appear to extend the enhre length of the muscle. The fibre
d1stnbuhon of the orbital portion has not been determined (From W1rtschafter eta/ (1995).)

maxillary process of the frontal bone and the frontal botulinum A toxin in the treatment of blepharospasm,
process of the maxilla, from the medtal palpebral since it implies that the toxin must be diffused
ligament, and from the lower orbital margin medial through the lids to achieve a maximum result.
to the infraorbital foramen. This attachm{!nt is mus- Information is available as to orbicularis muscle
culotcndinou'> and dtscontinuous. Penpheral fibres fibre size and type (Wirtschafter et a/., 1995). It
sweep across the orbital margin in concentric loops, contains myofibres with the smallest diameters of any
the more central ones forming almost complete facial muscle (Polgar et a/., 1973). At increasing
rings. distance from the eyelid margin, there ts a gradual
Recent studies of volume reconstrucltons of the increase in fibre diameter and in the proportion of
orbiculans muscle and the dtstribuhon of the motor type 1 fibres. These are slow twitch, fatigable oxida-
end plates suggest that both its palpebral and or- tive fibres and make up 10-15°/c• of the muscle. Fast
bital parts are made up of short mu<;cle fibres twitch, glycolytic tvpc 2 fibres represent almoc;t 100%
averaging 1.1 mm long (0.4-2.1 mm) connected by of the pretarsal fibres, and hmc a cross-sectional
myomyous junctions which interrupt the courc;c of area of 400 f..Lm 2 ; only 3 4°1<. arc type 1. In the
the muscle bundles (Fig. 2.29j) (Wirtschafter et a/., prescptal region, 8-l5°'o <~re type 1 and the average
1995). Neuromuscular junctions arc arranged in stag- cross-sectional area is about 550 f..Lm 2 (McLoon and
gered clusters along the entire length of the mu<;cle. Wirtschaftcr, 1991; Porter, Burns and May, 1989)
This arrangement has implications for the use of These topographic differences may mfluence the

orbicularis contraction during the blink and forced without obvious stimulus. Reflex blinking is stimu-
eye closure. lated by visible threats and loud noises. Voluntary
blinking, to clarify vision or to break eye contact, also
occurs. Reflex blinking is stimulated by drying of the
Relations cornea; it spreads tear fluid, and the pars lacrimalis
helps to empty the sac (p.84).
The palpebral part has areolar tissue b~t no fat ?n The orbital part closes the lids firmly, and draws
both aspects. Anteriorly, this separates 1t from skm; the skin of the forehead, temple and cheek medially,
posteriorly, the submuscular areolar l~yer sep~r~tes which forms radial furrows around the lateral can-
it from tarsal plates and palpebral fasCia, contammg thus. These are temporary in youth, but become
main vessels and nerves and fibres of levator. This permanent later ('crow's feet'). The muscle also
part is adherent to dermis at the medial. and later~! contracts during short but powerful expiration, as in
canthi. Fibres of the levator pass through 1t to the skm crying, coughing, blowing the nose, sneezing, and
(Fig. 2.10). excessive laughter. Contraction of the orbital part
The orbital part spreads above on the forehead depresses the eyebrow to reduce excessive light from
(contributing to the structure of the eyebrow and above, the relaxed palpebral part allowing the lids to
covering corrugator supercilii), laterally on the. temple remain open. When both parts contract the eyelids
(covering the anterior part of the temporal fasc1a), and are 'screwed up'.
below on the cheek (overlapping the zygomatic bone The two parts of the muscle affect the volume of
and elevator muscles of the upper lip and nostril). the conjunctival sac differently: the palpebral part
Anteriorly it is separated from the skin by a layer of does not diminish its volume, so that no tears spill,
fat, to which it is adherent, and thus to skin. but the orbital fibres compress the sac, and tears spill
Peripheral fibres of orbicularis attached to skin arc over the check. Contraction of the orbital part,
musculus superciliaris (Merkel, 1887), a depressor of
pressing the puckered lids against the globe, is more
the medial end of the eyebrow (Arlt, 1863), to the skin effective against external violence than mere blink-
of which some superomcdial peripheral fibres are ing.
attached; musculus malaris (Henle, 1853) formed by
The palpebral part is opposed by levator palpebrae
some medial and lateral peripheral fibres attached to superioris, the orbital by occipitofrontalis.
the skin of the cheek. Some fibres are attached to skin
round the medial canthus, wrinkling the medial part
of the lids (Merkel, 1887).
A third part of the orbicularis oculi is a recognizable Nerve supply
entity, the pars lacri malis (tensor tarsi), often named
Orbicularis oculi is innervated by the facia l nerve,
Horner's muscle, although it was earlier recorded by
through its temporal and zygomatic branches which
Duverney (1749) and Gerlach (1880). It is a thin layer
enter the muscle from its lateral side and deep
attached behind the lacrimal sac to the upper pos-
aspect. Several temporal branches ascend across the
terior lacrimal crest (Figs 2.66 and 2.67) and the
zygoma and pass above the lateral canthus to supply
lacrimal fascia. Passing anterolaterally, it divides into
the upper half of orbicularis, assisted by upper
two, slips around the canaliculi and blends with the
zygomatic branches, the lower of which cross the
pretarsal and ciliary parts of orbicularis .oculi in both
zygomatic bone to reach its lower part. As these
nerves penetrate the muscle they divide further (Fig.
The pars ciliaris (muscle of Riolan), formed of fine
5.35). Because any nerve may be affected by disease
striated muscle fibres, is in the dense tissue of
or injury, paralysis may be local: for example,
the palpebral margins. The ciliary glands (of Moll)
paralysis of the lower palpebral part allows the lower
are between these fibres and palpebral parts of
lid to evert (ectropion), leading to epiphora.
orbicularis (Fig. 2.10). They also surround the tarsal
(meibomian) glands (Figs 2.10 and 2.6?)· Media~ly
the ciliary and lacrimal parts are contmuous (F1g.
This muscle is situated at the medial end of the
eyebrow deep to frontalis and orbicularis. Attached
Actions at the medial end of the superciliary ridge, it passes
The palpebral part closes the lids gently, as in superolaterally through the overlying muscles, to the
blinking, which is often involuntary and frequently skin of the eyebrow near its mid point.

Action element of 'attention' is present, as Duchenne (1883)

noted. Raised eyebrows, with lids half-closed, sug-
The two corrugators pull the eyebrows towards the gest forced attention, or craftiness!
nose, making them project over the medial canthus,
producing \·ertJcal furrows above the bridge of the
nose, and sometimes a depressiOn at thetr dermal Nerve supply
attachments. The occtpato-frontalis is supplied by the facial
The corrugator supercilius muscle is used primarily nerve, through its posterior auricular and temporal
to reduce glare. It is well developed in outdoor branches.
workers and even in children who wear no hats who,
acquire vertical furrows at an early age. In facial
expression it is the basis of frowning, evident in MUSCULUS PROCERUS
crying, sorrow, pain, and when attempting mental The paired proceri, dose together near the mid line,
recall. occupy the bridge of the nose and an interval
between the lower fibres of frontalis. They are
Nerve supply attached inferiorly to the nasal bones and lateral nasal
cartilages and pass to blend with the dermis near the
The corrugators are supplied by the facial nerve,
bridge of the nose (Fig. 5.36). Pulling on this skin
through its wperior zygomatic branch.
they create transverse furrows in the lower central
part of the forehead and root of the nose. Hence also
OCCIPITOFRONTALIS the frequent concave mid point to the transverse
Occipitofrontalis consists of paired occipital and fron- furrows of the forehead.
tal muscles, united by the large, thin, epicranial The procerus acts with corrugator supercilii to
aponeurosis, covering most of the cranial vault. increase prominence of the eyebrows to reduce bright
Each occipitalis, small and quadrilateral, is light. Duchen ne named it 'the muscle of aggression'
attached to the lateral two-thirds of the highest (Duchenne, 1883), but it may also express anguish.
nuchal line and to the mastoid process, immediately Frontalis, orbicularis oculi, corrugator supercilii
superior to the sternocleidomastoid. Its parallel and procerus were regarded by Howe (1907) as
fascicles pass into the epicranial aponeurosis. accessory muscles of accommodation, contracting
Frontalis, also quadrilateral, is attached to the when vision is difficult (presumably to achieve
epicranial aponeurosis mid-way between the coronal stenopaeic viewing). The continuity of frontalis and
suture and the orbital margin and to the skin of the occipitalis may sometimes explain occipital headache
eyebrows, mingling with orbicularis and corrugator. associated with eye strain.
Above, a distinct triangular interval separates the
frontal muscles; below, the medial fibres converge to 2.5 THE EYEBROWS (SUPERCILII)
blend with the procerus, which is ascending and is
hence the antagonist of frontalis. Each eyebrow (supercilium) is a transverse elevation
studded with hairs between the forehead and upper
lid. It resembles the scalp, consisting of skin, sub-
Action cutaneous connective tissue, a muscular stratum,
Frontalis elevates the eyebrows and draws the scalp submuscular areolar tissue, and pericranium. The
forwards, wrinkling the forehead transversely in latter is adherent to the variably prominent part of
variable furrows, often convex upwards laterally and the frontal bone which shapes the region. Its size is
centrally concave or absent. Occipitalis retracts the obviously influenced by that of the frontal sinus.
scalp in opposition to frontalis.
Occipitofrontalis opposes the orbital part of or-
bicularis oculi to elevate the eyebrows in upward
gaze; levator palpebrae superioris opposes the pal- The skin of the forehead and eyebrows is thick and
pebral part. mobile, with many sebaceous glands, and adherent
Occipitofrontalis increases access of light to the eye to the superficial fascia.
- and also reflection, thus animating expression. The hairs of the eyebrow are stiff and form a
Frontalis is contracted when vision is difficult due to comma-like area, the head of which (with vertical
distance or insufficient light. It expresses surprise, hairs) is medial and typically below the orbital
admiration, fear and horror, in all of wh1ch the margin, the body lying along the margin (with

oblique or horizontal hairs). The tail is usually above veniently described in three regions: palpebral, bul-
the orbital margin. However, there is much variation; bar, and fornical.
the eyebrow may be high or low, much curved or
almost horizontal. Many muscles are attached to THE PALPEBRAL CONJUNCTIVA
the mobile superciliary skin, so that they may be
elevated, depressed, displaced medially, and so on, This may be subdivided into the marginal, tarsal and
contributing much to expression. orbital zones.
Usually the space between the eyebrows is hairless
- hence the term glab ella. The eyebrows are some- Marginal conjunctiva
times continuous across the mid line.
The marginal conjunctiva is a transition zone
between skin and the conjunctiva proper. Its
SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUES structure is continued on the back of the lid for about
The subcutaneous tissue contains little fat and much 2 mm (Parsons) to a shallow s ubtarsal fol d, near
fibrous tissue which connects the dermis to the which the perforating vessels traverse the tarsus to
underlying muscles. Thus the skin, subcutaneous conjunctiva.
and muscle layers move together. The puncta open in the marginal zone, and thus
the conjunctival sac is continuous with the nasal
inferior meatus via the lacrimal passages. Thus
conjunctival infection may spread to the nose and vice
This contains vertical fibres of frontalis, arched versa.
horizontal fibres of orbicularis, and the oblique fibres
of corrugator supercilii. Tarsal conjunctiva
The tarsal conjunctiva is thin, adherent and very
SUBMUSCULAR AREOLAR LAYER vascular; its consequent red dish colour is a con-
This is a continuation of the so-called 'dangerous' venient clinical indicator. The tarsal glands appear as
area of the scalp, and also continues into the upper yellow streaks through the translucent tarsal con-
lid between the septum orbitale and orbicularis. junctiva, which is intimately adherent to the superior
However, a deep part of the epicranial aponeurosis tarsus and almost impossible to separate by dissec-
may, by attachment to the orbital margin, cut off this tion, which makes surgical repairs here very difficult.
area from the lids. Unlike the upper tarsal conjunctiva the lower is
The arterial supply of the superciliary region is adherent for only half the tarsal width.
from the supraorbital and superficial temporal
arteries, the venous drainage is to the same veins an d Orbital conjunctiva
also the angular vein. The lymphatic capillaries d rain
into the submandibular and parotid nodes. The orbital conju nctiva of the upper lid is between
FunctionaJly this layer is important in allowing the the tarsal upper border and fornix. It is loosely
skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscle layer to move attached to the subjacent non-striated muscle (Fig.
freely upon it. 2.10). It is folded horizon tally by movement, most
when t he eyes are open and least when they are s h ut.
The folds are a postnatal development.
2.6 THE C O NJUNCTIVA Low magnification shows, just above the superior
tarsal plate, a series of shallow g rooves, which create
The conjunctiva is a thin, translucent mucous a mosaic of low elevations (Stieda's plateaux and
membrane which joins the eyeball to the lids: hence grooves), which are not true papillae. This area
its name. It covers the lids posteriorly, is reflected may encroach up to halfway across the tarsal con-
anteriorly to the sclera, becoming continuou s with junctiva.
the corneal epithelium. The conjunctival sac thus
formed is open at the palpebral fissure. It normally
contains about 7 f.Ll of tear flu id but can accommodate
up to 30 f.LI. Instilled eyedrops in excess of this This is a continuous annular cul-de-sac. It is artifi-
volume are either drained by the lacrimal sac or cially but conveniently divided into superior, inferior,
overflow the lids. lateral and medial regions (Fig. 2.30).
Although the conjunctiva is continuous, it is con- The s uperior fornix reaches the orbital margin ,

Superior forn1x} Supenor

J~.r.""--Scleral conjunctiva
Orbital conJunctiva
1'-~--Umbal conjunctiva conjunctiva
conjunctiva Tarsal conjunctiva

Marginal COnjunctiva
Inferior { Margmal conjuncllva ·--Limbal conjunchva}lnfenor
palpebral Tarsal conjunctiva - -'<'\'--'-. Scleral conjunctiva bulbar
conjunctiva Orbital conjunctiva ,--......~:--- Inferior fornix conjunctiva

Fig. 2.30 (a) D1agrammat1c representation
of the conjunctival sac 1n vertical section of
the closed eye, (b) dimens1ons (1n
m1ll•metres) of human conJunctival sac
measured from lid marg1ns w1th the
palpebral aperture open (after Wh1tnall,
1921 ); (c) d1mensions (in millimetres) of
human conjunctival sac measured from the
limbus w1th an assumed corneal d1ameter of
12 mm (after Whllnall, 1921 ). (From Tnpathi,
A C 1n Davson, H. (ed.) (1984) The Eye,
Vol 1A 2nd ed11ion. published by Academ1c

8-LO mm from the limbus; the inferior fornix to '>ubjacent structures by areolar tissue, and is thus
\\ Jthin a few millimctres of the infenor orbit,ll mar· mobile enough to allow ocular mm·ement-. Bulbar
gin, 8 mm from the limbus; the latera l fornix, c; mm conjunctiva is in contact with tendons of the recti,
from the <>urface and 14 mm from the limbus, e'\tcnds covered by fascia bulbi (Tenon's capsule); both arc
ju!'>t postenor to the equator The m edia l fornix is the d ivided to expose the tendons, antcnor to which the
most shallow, comprbing med1al end'> of the superior conjunct1"a cmers the anterior part of the bulbar
and inferior fornicc<;. fascia. They are separated, to about 3 mm from the
Fornical conjunctiva is adherent to areolar tissue, cornea, by areolar tissue containing <,ubconjunctival
\\ hich i'> continuous \\ ith e'pans1ons from the vessels. Between conjunctiva and '>clera i'> loose
sheaths of the levator and rectus muscles, whose episcleral tissue. In this episcleral region lie the
contractions can Hwrcfore deepen the fornices; it also anterior ciliary arteries, forming a pt•ricorneal plexus,
continues mto the tarsi. It contains conjunctival clnd tendons of the recti.
glands (of Krause) and palpebral muscles (of At about 3 mm from the cornea, conjunctiva fascia
Mliller). bulbi and sclera are adherent. Because the con·
In intertendinou'> mtervals behind the fornices the Junctiva here is less mobile, a firmer hold of the globe
conjunctiva adjoin<, orbital fat, and h.1cmorrhagc (e.g. can be obtamed at surger}. At this umon conjunctiva
from a ba<,al cranial fracture) C<ln advance under the sometimes forms il slight ridge, obvious in some
conjunctiva to the limbus. infections - the limbal conjun ctiva. At the limbus,
rhe whole forn1x 1s well 'asculari.ted; it<, 'enous between conjuncti"a and sclera, the conJunctival
plexus <1nd aponeurotic expansions from inferior dermis, fascia bulbi, and ep1<,cleral connective tissue
rectus <1nd oblique arc visible in itc; inferior part. are densely fused.
Incisions at the superior forn ix enter areolar tissue
between lev,1tor and supenor rectus; at the mfcrior
fornix they enter between the inferior palpebral and
inferior rt•ctuc; mu.,cles and e'<pansions from inferior
ocular muscles (Fig-. 2.12 and 4.28). Conjunctival structure vane<, from region to region,
and this may affect pathological processes. Only
neonatal conjunctiva is pristine; it is exposed to
pathological vaganes from an early .1ge. As a mucou'>
Thin, and so translucent that underlying sclera membrane, conjunctiva has ,m epithelium and sub·
appears white, the bulbar conjunctiva is tied to mucosal lamina propria.

Ep ithelium The deepest layer is of cylindrical cells, as in

epiderm is, with intermedtatc layers of polyhedral
Most of the palpebral margin is covered by cells, the most superficial being flat but indented.
keratini.1ed 'itratified epithelium. The mucocutaneous Squamous cells are gradually replaced by columnar
junction (Figs 2.9, 2.31 and 2.32) is posterior to and cubical cells in the direction of the conjunctival
openings of the tarsal gl;mds, t.e. at the junction of sac. The number of lavers,.., .1lso reduced, but deepest
'dry' and 'mobt' regions where the marginal strips cells remain cylindrical. Goblet cells, absent at the
of tear fluid end. Here the skm changes abruptly to mucocutaneous junction, begin to appear and are
non-keratini;:ed squamous cells in about five strata, very numerous beyond the subtarsal fold (Kc.,sing,
all nucleated. The basa l epithelium retains papillae. 1968).

Skin Mucocutaneous junction

Keratin and
eleidin- t

orbi tal -


Fig. 2.31 Vert1cal sect1on of the postenor edge of the lower lid marg1n (low power). Note how the layers of squamous cells
d1m101sh 1n number when traced to the nght.

Mucocutaneous junction

. .. ..____

- ..,.....-_

.~ . C>

...... ,
.. ..
.... _ --
_ ~c:; - .

... ... .....

· ·'" -

, .... ·"'t.' •''~ · ~

••' c. ... - ..... -

·~ .f,~ t \' ~·

I~ ·~~ t • ' •

~~,.,~ f/-:il,-,...~

Fig. 2.32
If!,i" .. I \"'*-~'"" '
Vert1cal section of the mucocutaneous JUnCtiOn of the lower eyelid. Note the sudden term1nat1on of keratin and ele1d1n
layers at arrow. To the nght are nucleated squamous cells

Fig. 2.33 (a) TEM of formcal conJunctiva

of a 45-year-old, showing tall columnar cells,
w1th long straight ap1cal microvilli. numerous
hposomes (black arrow) in the ap1cal
cytoplasm, and wide intercellular spaces
containing amorphous matenal (wh1te arrow).
(a) Orig1nal magnification x2500;

(b) TEM of the Junctional zone of two

superf1c1al eprthelial cells. The ap1colateral
cell JUnctiOn consists of a zonula occludens
(ZO) (t1ght junction). a zonula adherens (ZA)
and a desmosome (D). The apical m1crov1lh
are covered by an elaborate glycocalyx.
(b) Original magnification x30 000;

(c) TEM of the basal reg1on of bulbar

conJunctival ep1thehum, showmg dense
1ntermed1ate filaments (IF) and numerous
hem1desmosomes formmg attachment to the
basement membrane (arrow). Profiles of
collagen bundles are seen 1n the lam1na
propria The cell nucleus is unusually
euchromatic. Ong1nal magmficahon x6000
(Courtesy of Dr 0. Earley.)

Fig. 2.34 (a) SEM of the surface of the

cOnJunctiva from a normal eye show1ng a
hole from wh1ch a cell has recently been
sloughed off. Note the differing microvillous
populat1on and the shallow nature of the
{a) hole. F1eld Width 36 fJ.m;

(b) Th1ery·s method showing branching

cha1ns of silver granules extending outwards
(b) from the m1crovilli and cell surface;

(c) M1crograph show1ng the spacing of

anchoring s1tes both on the cell surface and
upon the m1crov1111. The identical nature of
most of the sta1n1ng is well shown. The
c1rcle 1ncludes an area of surface anchor
(c) s1tes;

The} often contain pigment granules I here are

sewr,11 layers of polygonal cells and one or two layers
of squamous cells with oval nuclei parallel to the
surfacl' fhc polygonal cells, unlike those in the
cornc.1, lack intercellular bridges.

Fine stmcfttre of the nmjttnctiual epithdittm

Epithcltal cells arc attached to one another by des-
mosomcs across highly interdigitating borders. The
interct•llular spaces arc wider than thOSl' of the
conwal epithelium.
The basal cells contain large elcctron-dt•nsc nuclei
surrounded by a perinuclear halo \\ hich is free
of organelles (Abdci-Kh,11ek, Williamson and Lee,
1978). Ihc basal aspect of the cells att,1Ches to an
undulating basal lamin,1 by hemidesmosomes. A
prominent network of intermediate filaments inserts
into the attachment structures. The percentage of
basal membrane occupiL•d by hemidesmosomes is
greatL•r in central cornea (27.9 ± 9.2";.,) than at the
limbus (14.9 ± 3.5°/o) (Cuoll and Ku\o\,1bara, 1968;
(d) Gipson, 1989). Mitochondria, rough endoplasmic
Fig. 2.34 (contd) (d) Normal conJunctival surface cell reticulum and Golgi membranes are spar'->e, and
show1ng subsurface ves1cles and m1crovllli. (From 01lley, P.N.
(1985) Trans. Ophthal. Soc. UK 104. 381.) usually perinuclear. Mttoscs are uncommon (lee ct
a/., 1981) Conjunctl\al cell density falls with age.
Tht• epithelium of the superior tarsal conjunctiva Earley ( 1991) has shown an almost twofold increase
is bil,m1inar, with a deeper layer of (llbical cells in mc.1n cell area at the surface comp.1ring sub-
(whose oval nuclei have thetr long axes parallel to the jects under 21 years of age with those over 80
surface) ,md a superficial layer of cylindrical cells, years. Intermediate cells arc polygonal and have less
whose ovtll nuclei arc bt~sal and perpendicular to the condensed cytoplasm. Mitochondria are larger and
surfao.• I owards the forni'\ il third, intermediate, denser than in the basal layer while intermediate
layer of pol} hedral cells begins to appear; at the filaments are sparser and less aggregated (Breitbach
fornix, although epithelium is otherwise uncht~nged, and Spitznas, 1988). The majority of cells ('d<trk cells')
there ,1re often three layers. Epithelium of tnferior arc of high electron density, v•ith fewer 'light'
tarsal conjunctiva ha'> thrt•e or four layers in most of cells. Some cells contain clcctron-den'>c, rod-shaped
its extent, but sometimes two and, rarely, five. Basal bodies (Abdel-Khalek, Williamson and Lee, 1978).
cells Ml' cubical; a<> in ,111 save juxtamarginal con- The superficial cells are joined at their anterior
juncti\",1 thev arc followed by layers of polygonal contiguou.., borders by junctional complexes (com-
cuneiform ,md conical cells. The surfa-ce cells possess prising zonulae occludentae, zonulae adherentae,
a glyco<.c1hx (f-igs 2.33 and 2.3-l) that stains positi\·ely and maculae adherent,1e) which seal the intercellular
for glvcoprotcin and is difftcult to distingUish from space ,mteriorly (Fig. 2.33). This confers the property
mucin, which is thought by some to be adsorbed onto of a semipermeable membrane on the conjunctival
the epithelial surface (Figs 2.3~ and 2.36). epithelium (as with the corneal epithelium) facilitat-
From fornix to limbus, epithelium becomes less ing the passage of lipid-soluble molecules from the
glanduiM, losing its goblt.•t cells, and more eptdermal tears to the conjunctiva and obstructing the move-
in type; but it is neH•r kt•rt~ttntzed. More polyhedral ment of water-soluble molecules and ions. This
layers ilppcar, superficiill cells become flatter, deeper favours the entry of lipid-soluble drugs (such as
ones tilllcr. At the limbus, the epithelium ts stratified, chloramphenicol) into th<.• conjuncti\a, and is also a
and pilpillae form, giving the deep aspect il charac- barrier to the movement of protein across the con-
teristic sinuous profile. Bilsc11 cells here arc small, junctiva from the extracellular space into the tears.
cylindrical or cubical, with little protoplasm and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) shows the
denst• nuclei which produce the dark line characteris- surface epithelial cells to be polygonal, mostly
tic of limbal conjunctt\a (r:igs 2.33, 6.18 and 7.48(a). hexagonal, often \\ tth a petalloid arrangement

Fig. 2.35 (a) SEM of conjunctival

epithelium of a 30-year-old shows regular
small polygonal cells (mean area 46.98 f.l.m 2 )
and interspersed goblet cells (arrows).
Ongtnal magnificatton x 1500.

(b) SEM of conjunctival epithelium of a

54-year-old showing cellular pleomorphism,
variegate microvillar pattern and well-defined
cell borders. Goblet cell stomas appear as
small dark craters interposed between the
epithelial cells. The mean cell area
measured 118.43 f.l.m 2 . A 'dark' cell shows
short regular tightly compacted microvilli.
Original magnification x 1500.

(c) SEM of conjunctival epithelium of a

77-year-old. The epithelial cells are
pleomorphic (mean cell area 84.2 IJ.m 2 ) and
the microvilli show gross clumping and
centralization. The cell borders are
particularly prominent and there is a notable
absence of goblet cells. Original
magnification x 1500.

Fig. 2.35 (contd) (d) SEM of

conJunctival ep1thelium of a 30-year-old
showmg a presecretory goblet cell stoma
(d1ameter 4 1--lm) containing a central tuft of
m1crovllli. Rad1al m1crovllli traverse the
stomal opemng and the border 1s delineated
by a row of tall microvilli. Ong1nal
magn1hcat1on · 6000. (Courtesy of Dr 0 .

, :··. around a central core of cells (Biumcke and

'\ltorgenroth, 1967; Pfi!'-.ter, 1975). They arc 3-20 f.Lm
Mucus layer
\\ 1de at the limbus, and 6-10 f.Lm on the tarsus
(Greiner, Covington ,1nd Allansmith, 1979). The cells
Anchoring layer are studded with a carpet of shaggy microvilli or, to
a lesser extent, microplic.1e, whose density, size and
location determine ,1n appearance of 'light' and 'dark'
vesicles cells. Greiner, Covington and Allansmith (1979) and
Earley (1991) attribute the light appearance to a high
density of micrm Jlh, while Pfister (1975) found fewer
microvilli on light cells, but a greater mucus coating;
Golgi complex
(glycosylation) the mucus coat on SEM is greater in young subjects
(Earley, 1991) The d.uk cells of the tarsal conjunctiva
Endoplasmic reticulum
are slightly depressed below the surface, larger and
(protein synthesis) with shorter, bro.1der microvilli (Greiner, Covington
and Allansmith, 1977).
Microv illi arc about 0.5-1 fJ.ffi high and about
0.5 J.Lm thick, with an intervillous gap of 0.5- L J.Lrn
(Schwarz, 1971; Dilly, 1985). Microplicae, which may
be fused microvilli (Stcuhl, 1989), are only 0. 5 JJ-In in
height and width and up to 3 J.Lm in length. On the
upper tarsus (Greiner l'f a/., 1980a, 1982) they rna\ be
branched, or tufted (5% greater than 1 J.Lm) . They arc
longer in the lower fornix (Nichols, Dawson and
Togni, 1983), and elongated microvilli may bridge
over goblet orifices (Greiner, Covington and Al-
lansmith, 1977, 1979) or lymphoid collections.
Fig. 2.36 Diagrammatic representation of a surface
conJunctival cell of the conjunctival epithelium. A proposed Actin filaments pass from within the microvilli into
pathway of exocytos1s, and fate of a subsurface ves1cle is a horizontal condensation - the terminal web, wh1ch
1nd1cated by arrows. AF - Anchored f1bnls; AS sites of anchors the cell membrane to the cytoskeleton (Gip-
anchorage to cell membrane. C clumped microvilli; D dense
microvilli; E - endoplasmiC ret1culum: EX = extenor surface of son and Anderson, 1977). Nichols, Dawson and
eye; F = hbrils associated w1th the cell surface and m1crov1lh; Togni (1983) postulated a contractile function in
= =
G Golgi complex: GC long m1crov11h. M = m1tochondnon: MV relation to the microvilli.
• microvillus: N = nucleus: RF • released fibnls; S subsurface
The apical cytoplasm of the surface cells con-
vesicle: SP - sparse m1crov1lh; ST short m1crov1lh. (From
D1lley. P.N. (1985) Trans. Ophtha/. Soc. UK, 104, 381 .) tains numerous ves1cles (sometimes referred to as

Fig. 2.37 (a) Schematic drawing of the

upper limbus in a pigmented subject to
show the relationship between the limbus,
the palisades of Vogt, the finger-like radial
Finger-like processes which may sometimes be seen
processes and pigment epithelial slide onto the cornea
itself. (From Bron, A.J. (1973) Trans.
(a) Ophthalmol. Soc. UK, 93, 455.)

(b) Low-power view of transverse section of

the limbal palisades. The palisades (PP) are
composed of epithelial rete pegs. The
interpalisades (IP) contain vessels, nerves
and lymphocy1es. E = Episclera and
episcleral vessels; LS - limbal sclera.
(b) Original magnification x 110.

(c) Transverse section of upper limbus in

higher power. RP = rete peg of the palisade;
(c) IP = interpalisade.

(d) High-power view of the palisade region

showing a blood vessel (V) derived from the
episcleral vessel system in the interpalisade
• region. The organization of the rete pegs
(RP) is well shown. P = Palisade cells.
Original magnification x700. (From Tripathi,
R. C. in Ruben, M. (ed.) (1972) A Textbook
of Contact Lens Practice, published by
Bailliere Tindall.)

Fig. 2.39 Upper limbus m a p1gmented subJect. The p1gment

w1th1n the epithelial cells of the rete peg demarcate each
palisade. The marg1ns of the palisade are most clearly defined
because of the higher amount of the pigment within the basal

Although goblet cells and conJunctival vesicles stain

positiwly with PAS and Aldan blue, only the ,·esicles
and the conjunctival membrane-associated material
'>tain by fhiery's (silver) method. Also, the intervil-
lous and supravillous mucus stain differently to each
other with colloidal iron (Wright and MacklC, 1977;
Dill) and \1ackie, 1981).
f Jistochemical staining suggests that the vesicular
Fig. 2.38 Lower limbus 1n a Caucas1an subject, show1ng material b a glycoprotein, but does not provide
vascular loops w1thm the hmbal palisades. evidence that it is a rnucin It ts reasonably regarded
as the b,1sis of a surface glycocalyx \\. hich i" respon-
sible for the wcttability of the ocular '>urfilce and
'sub<>urface vesicles'), 0.-1-0.81J.m wide and sur- bind., physically to the overlying goblet cell mucin
roundL•d by a unit membrane (Srini,·asan t't a/., (Liotet eta/., 1987; Tiffanv, 1990a, b).
1977; GrL•iner cf a/., 19S0a). Dilly (1985) has studied Evidence for the n.1t~1re of the ocular .,urface
these using Ruthenium red and silver stains and mucin.., has been suggested recently b\. Gipson,
has demon'>trated the presence of a 'mucoprotein' on the basis of studies using immunohistochemical
anchored to the inner membrane of the \ esicle and technqiues and in-silll hybridisation, which have
histochemically identical to the material ilttached to shown thilt three of the nine cloned mucin genes are
the outer surface of thl' epithelial cells (Fig. 2.36). expreo.;sed at the ocular surface (Watanabe L'l a/., 1995;
Thio., mucoprotein is distinct from the contents of lnatomi d a/., 1995, 1996), MUC 1, il membrane-
the gobll't cl'lls and from o.,urface rnucih. Dilly (1985) spanning mucin is e\.pres-.ed bv the strotified corneal
has propo-.ed that a 'mucoprotem' synthesi7l•d in the and conJunctival epithelia, excluding the goblet cells.
cells i., packaged by the Golg1 apparatu-., tr,msferred The conJunctiva also e\.pre..,ses two secretor} mucins;
to vesidl'S, and then tr<m-.ported to the cell sur- MUC 4 in the stratified epithelium but not goblet cells
face after fusion with tlw cell membrane. lie has and MUC"i in the goblet cell olone.
suggested that interrned1ate filaments in the cell rhe limba1 epithelium i'> about ten cl'lls deep,
(keratin/tonofilaments) may play a dynamJl role in about 1\\ J(e as thick as in the cornea, forming the
selecting or conducting ,.e.,icles to the surface. papillal' of the limbal palisades (of Vogt), whose
Therl' b an increa-.e in conju ncti' al vesicle-. in distinctive feature, in thl• upper and lower limbus,
vernal cat.urh (Takakusaki, 1969), contact lens allergy is thdr r,1dial arrangement (Figs 2.37 and 2 18). This
(Greiner t'f a/., 1980b) and tlw denervated eyl' (Dilly is particularly obvious in pigmented subjects (Fig.
and Mackie, 1981). rhio., has led to a view that 2.39). 1\ '>eparatc vilscul.u '>upply, with elongated
the \'l'side'> provide an additional mucin -.ecretory vasculiiJ loops, extendo., 111 submucous capillary con-
sourCL', but their product is hbtochemically different ncdi\'l' tissue from episcleral arteries. It is obvious by
from goblet cell muon ,md ocular surface 'mucin'. slit-lamp (Gra,·es, 1934; Bron and Goldberg, 1980},

stoma and discht~rgc their mucin content. They

are finally shed, unlike intestinal goblet cells
which they otherwist' rt•semble. Electron microscopy
demonstrates an electron-dense basal nucleu-. \\ ith
relatively dense cytopl.1sm in which rough endoplas-
mic reticul um, m itochondria t~nd a well-developed
Golgi apparatus t~re embedded. They arc attached bv
desmosomes to neighbouring epithelia l cells. Goblet
cells have abundant secretory granules 0.4 - 10 nm in
diameter, with tht• largest granules clo...est to the
apical membrane . The content of these largt• gr.1nult•s
is more homogeneous ,1nd less electron dense than
that of the deeper granules. When the apical aspt•ct
of the goblet cell reaches the epithelial surface, it
(a) presents a number of surface microvilli which are
gradually lost iiS the cell distends prior to disgorging
(Pfister, 1975; Greiner el nl., 1981) (Figs 2.35 t~nd 2.44).
rhi~ may be related to lo..,~ of microfilamentary
anchors passing beh<H•en the microvilli and the
terminal web, a lattiCl•work of fine filanwntous
material lying -.ubjacent to the micro\'illi. Ultim,ltely
the apical plasma membrane ruptures and the
mucous ~ecretory granules are released to the
surface. Goblet cell openings are 1-3 IJ.m on the
tilr'>us, and 2- S IJ.m elsewhere. They may be bridged
by microvillous processes (Greiner, Covington ilnd
Allansmith, 1979; Greiner l'f nl., 1981).
Hyaline bodies found in 25% of elderly, normal
Fig. 2.40 (a) Fluorescein ang1ogram of the hmbal reg1on, bulbar conjuncti\aC ,ue thought by some to rt•prescnt
show1ng the marg1nal arcades and the short segments of
vessels w1th1n the pahsades: (b) Draw1ngs of the limbal degenerate goblet cells (Abdel-Khalek, Williamson
arcades. Linear magn1flca11on x 36 (From Graves. B. (1934) Br. .1nd Lee, 1978). On transmission electron micros-
J . Ophthalmol. , 18 305.) copy (TEM) they are t.'lectron dense centrally, with
an electron lucent periphery rimmed by trilamcllar
and appears during fluort·~cein angiography (fig. membrane (Earley, 1991). They make up ilbout 15%
2.40). The epithelium of the palisade zone prm ide~ of the superficial t•pitheli,ll cell population (Stcuhl,
the generative zone for the corneal epithelium. 1989), and 8% of the bilsa l epithelial cell populatton
in children (Rao t'l a/., 1987). Their mean linear
density is 10 cells/mm (Kes~ing, 1968).
CoMet cells Although goblet cells ha\e been regarded a-. ter-
I hcse occur throughout conjunctiva, especially the minally d ifferentiated cells which discharge their
plica c;;emilunaris, singly or in association with contents, including nuclei and organelles with their
epithelial crypts (Figs 2.41 ,md 2.5-l). They are most (holocrine) secretions, there ts a vtew that they
dense nasally, least dense in upper temporal forni'\, ma) be apocrine gl.1nds capable of replenishing
and absent at the palpebral mucocutaneous junction their c,ccretion ilfter di..,chilrgc (Wanko, Lloyd ilnd
and the limbus (Kcs'>ing, 1966, 1968). The goblet Ct'll'> Matthews, 196-l). Rl'(ently Wei, Sun and La\ ker
arc the chief source of tl'ilf mucin, and arc essential (1990) have identified 'label-retaining' goblet cell.., in
for moistening the oculilr -.urface (the lacrimt~ l gland rild iolabelling experimen ts, which suggests that they
and conjunctival epithelium have been proposed a-. have a proliferative ct~pacity. Goblet cells are thought
other -.ources). Gobll•t cl'lb probably arise from th e to form basally and lose their connection w ith ba-.al
ba-.al layer of epithdium and tend to retain lamina early, before migration to the surface (Ke-....-
attachment to its ba'>Cment membrane. Round or oval ing, 1968) whtch t'> '>upportcd by the obsen ation of
in shape, 10-20 IJ.m w ide, w ith flat basal nuclei (Figs paired, basal, 'pre'>ecretory' goblet cells during con-
2A2-2.44), the cells become larger and more m ·al ,1s junctival resurfacing of cornea in rabbit experiments
they approach the surface, where they devl'lop a (Aitken ct n/., 1988).

_.. ·....

. ···-·..
• 0

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 2.41 (a) D1agram of the relative (b) schematic draw1ng of the distribution of (c) schematic representation of the
topographic distribution of the goblet cells. saccular and branched crypts in the right distribution of the intra-epithelial mucus
Right eye with semilunar fold and Krause's eye; crypts in the right eye;
accessory lacrimal glands in the upper and
lower formcal areas, which are Indicated by
dotted lines. Tarsal margins are also
1nd1cated by dotted l1nes:

Various mucous crypts have been described in the

conjunctiva (Kessing, 1968). The net-shaped crypts
160 (of Henle) are best developed in the upper tarsal area.
These are tubular structures with lumina of 15-
30 ..,.m which contain a few goblet cells. Saccular and
branched crypts have been considered as rudimen-
N 120
E tary accessory lacrimal glands. They occur in the
E upper and lower fornices and orbital zone with a
'"': 100
Q density of 1-5 crypts/20 mm 2 . Similar structures are
~ 80 seen on the free margin of the plica and inferonasal
Q) to the limbus in youth. They contain small numbers
15 of goblet cells. The intraepithelial mucous crypts
(5 60
consist of clusters of goblet cells arranged around a
40 central lumen and with an overall diameter of 50 ..,.m.
They predominate in the lower fornix and on the plica
20 with a density of 10-100 crypts/20 mm 2 . Their num-
bers increase in chronic inflammation, and decrease
in dry eye, pemphigoid and vitamin A deficiency.
/0"- 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
7th fetal 6/12 year Loss of goblet cells affects the wetting of the ocular
month Age (years) surface, even when tear fluid is adequate.


(d) age variation m goblet cell dens1ty in the bulbar area. Note Melanocytes
that the highest density at all ages is in the lower nasal
quadrant. 6 = Lower nasal quadrant; • = upper nasal quadrant; Melanocytes occur at the limbus, fornix, plica and
x lower temporal quadrant; 0 = upper temporal quadrant.
(From Kessing (1986) Acta Ophthalmol. Suppl. 95, 1 with caruncle, and at sites of perforation of the anterior
permission.) ciliary vessels (Montagna, 1967). In highly pigmented

Fig. 2.42 Ught micrograph of human

• bulbar epithelium showing mature goblet
cells (arrowed) at the epithelial surface
SE = Subepithelial connect1ve tissue:
V = episcleral vesseL

Fig. 2.43 Goblet cell crypts (C) of the

bulbar conjunctiva.

races they give the conJunctival surface a brown IgG, the third component of complement and sur-
tinge; in Caucasians they are usually amelanotic, face HLA-DR (Ia) antigen; unlike them they are
although melanin can be demonstrated by the dopa not phagocytic, but function in antigenic presenta-
reaction (Fig. 2.45). tion, lymphokine and prostaglandin production, and
stimu lation of T lymphocytes. They are involved in
allograft rejection of the cornea, and in contact
Langerhans cells hypersensitivity of the skm.
The cells of Langerhans are cells of the so-called Cells of Langerhans were originally described
'dendritic system' (Stingl, Tamaki and Katz, 1980) in humans as dendritic cells in the basal corneal
which includes epidermal and mucosal cells of Lan- epithelium (Engelman, 1867) and further described
gerhans and dendritic cells in thymus and lymph by Sugiura, Waku and Kondo (1962) as part of a
nodes. They appear to represent a highly differen- 'polygonal cell' system present in all vertebrates.
tiated cell line from bone marrow related to the They arc also present in the human limbus (Sugiura,
monocyte -macrophage-histiocyte series: like these, Waku and Kondo, 1962) and in the conjunctival
they have surface receptors for the Fe component of epithelium (Gillette, Chandler and Greiner, 1982). In

Fig. 2.44 (a) SEM of conjunctival

epithelium of a 5-year-old, showing goblet
cells at different stages of mucus secretion.
The presecretory goblet cell stoma (arrow) is
smaller than those actively engaged in
mucus secretion (M). Original magnification

(b) TEM of bulbar conjunctiva of a

77-year-old, showing a secretory goblet cell
discharging packets of intact mucus granules
on to the cell surface. Original magnification
(b) xsooo.

(c) SEM profile of the apical part of a

secretory goblet cell, showing tightly packed .
mucus secretory granules about to erupt
through the attenuated apical cytoplasm
(arrow). Adjacent epithelial cells have a
well-formed filamentous glycocalyx.
mv = microvilli. Original magnification
(C ) X10 000.

the absence of corneal injury or inflammation cells

of Langerhans arc present tn the peripheral but rarely
central corneal epithelium (Vantrappen eta/., 1985).
Their density in skin is 500/mm2 and in peripheral
cornea 15-20/mm 2 (Rodrigues et al., 1981).
The highest density of Langerhans cells was found
in the tarsal conjunctiva by Steuhl eta/. (1995) (lower
central: 4.7 cells/mm2 ), followed by the fornix (up-
per central: 3.1 cells/mm 2) and the bulbar con-
junctiva (upper lateral: 1.0 cells/mm2). The numbers
decreased \vith age from an average of 4.4 cellslmm2
in those under 20 years of age, to 1.2 cells/mm2 in
those over 60 years of age.
They exhibit a unique ultrastructural feature, the
Birbeck granule, which stains positively for ATPase,
and express T-6, S-100 and HLA-DR antigens at their
surface (which may be detected by immunohis-
tochemical techniques). They can thus be readily
differentiated from surrounding epithelial cells (Fig.
2.46) (Braude and Chandler, 1983). Cells of Langer-
hans no desmosomes.


Fig. 2.44 (contd) (d) H1gher magnifiCation of the region

shown 1n (c). to show 1nd1V1dual secretory granules bound by a
membrane. The th1n ap1cal plasma membrane bears a few
m1crov1lh (mv). Original magn1f1callon > 19 000. (Courtesy of Dr
0 Earley.)

' I

,,....... .. ..
I .. t 1

Fig. 2.45 Flat secllon at the limbus, to show subconjunctival Fig. 2.46 Rat conJunctiva . Abundant Langerhan·s cells (l)
melanocytes (Bielchowsky stam) . (ATPase stain).

The accessory lacrimal glands lymphoid layer appears first in the fornices at 3-4
months of age, and its development and that of the
Two groups of accessory lacrimal glands are
conjunctiva produce folds in the tarsal conjunctiva at
associated with the conjunctiva.
the fifth month.

Glands of Krause Lymphoid layer

The glands of Krause lie mainly in the deep The lymphoid layer is a fine connective tissue
subjunctival tissue of the upper fornix (about 42), reticulum, containing many lymphocytes, which is
between the palpebral part of the lacrimal gland and thickest in the fornices (50-70 IJ.m, Villard, 1896) and
the tarsal plate, and also in the lower fornix (6-8) ends at the subtarsal fold, so that lymphocytes are
(Krause, 1867). Their ductules unite into a single duct absent from the marginal conjunctiva.
which empties into the fornix. Similar glands occur Lymphocytic nodules occur near the canthi but
on the caruncle. Gobbets and Spitznas showed that diminish in the conjunctival periphery; the true
the glands of Krause are innervated. follicles found in the inferior fornix of the dog, cat
and rabbit do not occur in humans. Expansions of
Glands of Wolfring these foci may cause visible surface swellings in
follicular conjunctivitis of viral or allergic origin.
The glands of Wolfring are larger than those of Lymphocytes, predominantly T cells, are found in
Krause. There are two to five above the superior substantia propria and epithelium, in a ratio of about
tarsus or within its upper border near the mid point 2:3. Neutrophils are also found in the epithelium and
and two within the lower edge of the inferior tarsus. submucosa, while plasma cells and mast cells (which
Their short, wide, excretory ducts are lined by a layer preponderate in the perilimbal and tarsal regions) are
of cubical basal cells and superficial cylindrical cells found only in the submucosa (Allansmith, Greiner
like those of conjunctiva (Fig. 2.47). and Baird, 1978).
Henle's 'glands' are merely folds of mucous Lymphoid aggregations corresponding to the
membrane between the fornices and tarsal plates. mucosal associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) of the
The glands of Manz, present at the limbus in some gut and bronchi are also found in the conjunctiva.
ungulates, are not found in humans. The conjunctival associated lymphoid tissue (CALT)
consists of T and B lymphocytes, without plasma
cells. The stratified architecture of the epithelium
The conjunctival submucosa
overlying these lymphoid nodules is partly obscured
The submucosa has superficial lymphoid and deep by infiltrating lymphocytes. The epithelium lacks
fibrous layers which extend to the limbus. The goblet cells and exhibits exaggerated microvillous

Fig. 2.47 Vertical section of the upper lid

showing the location of the glands of
Wolfring (GW) in the upper portion of the
tarsal plate in close vicinity to the
meibomian gland (M). Original magnification
x72. (From Tripathi, A. C. and Tripathi, B.
J. in Davson. H. (ed.) (1984) The Eye, Vol.
1A, 2nd edition, published by Academic

processes (Chandler and Gillette, 1983; Franklin and Peripheral tarsal arcade
1 Remus, 1984).
The peripheral tarsal arcade in the tarsal plate, fornix
and proximal bulbar conjunctiva runs at the upper
border of the tarsus between the two parts of the
Fibrous layer
1 The fibrous layer is generally thicker than the lym-
levator (Figs 2.10, 2.25, 2.26 and 2.48). Its peripheral
perforating branches pass above the tarsal plate,
phoid layer, except over the tarsal plate, with which pierce the palpebral muscle and divide into ascending
it blends. It contains the conjunctival vessels and and descending conjunctival branches.
nerves and glands of Krause. The descending branches supply the proximal
two-thirds of the tarsal conjunctiva, anastomosing
with the shorter branches of the marginal artery
CONJUNCTIVAL PAPILLAE which have pierced the tarsal plate at the subtarsal
fold. The ascending branches pass up over the fornix
True papillae occur only at the limbus and in the to the globe, where they become the posterior
marginal conjunctiva. The limbal papillae form the
conjunctival arteries (Fig. 2.49). These anastomose
upper and lower palisades of Vogt (Fig. 2.37) where
with the anterior conjunctival arteries about 4 mm
fingerlike columns of epithelium interdigitate with
from the limbus and together they supply the bulbar
long extensions of the submucosa while the surface
of the epithelium remains flat. Focal vascular papil- The peripheral arcade of the lower lid, when
lary elevations occur, particularly over the upper
present, lies in front of the inferior palpebral muscle
tarsus, in chronic conjunctivitis or allergic eye dis- of Muller and is distributed like that of the upper lid.
ease. It may arise from the lacrimal, the transverse facial
or superficial temporal arteries. It is often absent, and
the inferior tarsal plate, fornix or bulbar conjunctiva
ARTERIES are then supplied by the marginal arcade or muscular
The arterial supply of the conjunctiva is from: arteries to the inferior rectus.
1. the peripheral tarsal arcades;
Marginal tarsal arcade
2. the marginal tarsal arcades;
3. the anterior ciliary arteries; The marginal arcades send perforating branches
4. the deep ciliary system. through the tarsus to the conjunctiva at the subtarsal

Supraorbital Supraorbital Supratrochlear

Frontal vein

Lacrimal artery

Superficial Angular vein

temporal artery and artery

Facial vein
and artery

Transverse Infraorbital artery

facial artery Fig. 2.48 The blood supply of the eyelids.

palpebrae superioris

;.< Long posterior Superior

c•llary rectus
Orbiculans artery
Penpheral Antenor c1llary artery
branch Circulus arteriosus
1r1d1S ma10r

Fig . 2.50 Antenor ciliary artenes and veins.

Fig . 2.49 Sect1on of the upper lid and antenor port10n of the because fluorescein angiography demonstrates un-
eye to show the blood supply to the conJunctiva (C).
explained ins perfusion defects after vertical (but
not horizontal) muscle surgery (Havreh and Scott,
fold. These divide into marginal and tarsal twigs, The s uperficial sagittal system is composed of the
which run perpendicularly e1ther to feed the very muscular arteries of the recti and thetr anterior cthary
v.1-.cular zone at the lid margin or to meet with branches (Figs 2.49, 2.50, 10.21) and 10.26). Each
corresponding branches of the penpheral arcade. muscular artery gtves off two anterior ciliarv arteries
The tarsal conjunctiva is thus well supplied with except that to the lateral rectus which supplies only
blood, hence tts red colour. The fornix ,., red and the one. The anterior ciliary arteries appear darker than
bulbar conjunctiva is colourless unless congested. the conjunctival. They run forwards in the episclera
and pierce the sclera to join the circulus iridis major
which they help to form (Fig. 10.25}. The scleral
Th e vascular supply of the anterior segment
foramma are often marked by pigment At this point
According to Leber, the anterior segment of the the anterior ciliarics give off episcleral arteries which
human eye has deep and superficial circulations pass fon"ard to form the episcleral arterial c1rcle,
which arise from the ophthalmic artery and are in 1-5 mm behind the limbus. In humans this may have
communication anteriorly. This has been borne out superficial and deep component'>, gi\ mg an appear-
in recent years by vascular casting studies (Ashton ance of discontinuity.
and Smtth, 1953; Mornson and \ ah Bw,kirk, 1983}, Ep1sderal branches anastomose to form the deep
and by low-dose fluorescein angiography and studies episcleral capillary net of the pericorneal plexus.
in red-free light (Meyer and Watson, 1987, Meyer, These do not move with the conjunctiva At the
1989). limbus the episcleral arteries make a hairpin bend,
The ophthalmtc artel) provides two sagittal sys- and enter the bulbar conjunct•\ a as the anterior
tems (Fig. 10.25). The d eep sagittal sys te m, of medial conjunctival arteries, which run to anastomose with
and lateral long postenor ciliary arteries, supplies a branches of the posterior conjunctival artery about
deep coronal arterial circle made up of the major 4 mm from the limbus. Its perilimbal branches in the
arterial circle of the tris and the cthary mtramuscular conjunctiva form the superficial or conjunctival
circle. This system communicates, through perforat- part of the pericorneal plexus. At the limbus,
ing scleral arteries, \.\ tth the superficial episcleral the episcleral arteries give rise to marginal cor-
arterial circle derived from the anterior ciliary arteries. n eal arcad es, which extend subepithelially to the
u'>ually (in about 60°to of vessels} flow is from the peripheral edge of Bowman's layer of the cornea.
deep to the superficial system in both the vertical and They also gtve off fine loops to the palisades of Vogt
horizontal meridia (Meyer, 1989). This is of interest, at the upper and lower limbus (Bron and Goldberg,

different patterns of redness which occur in inflam-

matory disease of the external eye. The tarsal con-
junctiva, forni>.. and posterior bulbar conjunctiva are
supplied by the palpebral arcades. The perilimbal
bulbar conjunctiva, limbus and episclera are sup-
plied by the deep ciliary arterial circle via the
'lcleral perforating arteries, in addition to the anterior
ciliary arteries. In conjunctivitis the bulbar con-
junctiva becomes brick red and the redness increases
towards the forni>.. and tarsal plate; the episcleral
system is spared. ThL• congested bulbar vessels arc
seen to mO\'e with the conjunctiva and blanch poorly
on pressure.
In affections of the anterior uvea or cornea (anterior
uveitis, keratitis) the ciliary system is congested .
Dilatation of the episcleral and limbal vessels gives
rise to a characteric;tic 'circumcorneal' or 'ci linry
injection'; clinically the vessels do not move when the
conjunctiva is mmed, but blanch on pressure. In
interstitial keratitis, the \essels which invade the
deep cornea arise withm the sclera from the deep
portion of the anterior ciliary arteries.


The conjunctival veins accompany and outnumber
the corresponding arterie-;. fhe palpebral veins drain
the tarsal conjuncllva, fornix and posterior bulbar
conjunctiva. In the upper lid, a venous plexus
Fig. 2.51 Draw1ng of the penpheral corneal vascular arcades between the tendons of the levator drains into the
and palisades of Vogt. Bowman's layer term1nates at the
penphery of the cornea (Co). Cross-sect1on of the conJunctiva veins of the le\ a tor and superior rectus and thence
shows the palisades of Vogt. Palisades are formed by stromal into the ophthalmic
pap1llae and epithelial rete pegs An antenor ciliary artery (ACA) Immediately behind the limbal arcades .111d
IS seen 1n the upper nght corner 11 forms the episcleral artenes
(EA) Two sets of vessels ong1nate from the superficial marg1nal anterior to the episcleral arterial circle lies a
artenal plexus of the limbus: term1nal, form1ng the peripheral perilimbal venous circle, composed of up to three
corneal arcades near the term1nat1on of Bowman's layer: and communicating parallel vessels. These collect blood
recurrent, which also form part of the penpheral arcades. These
run postenorly through the palisades to supply the penhmbal from the limbus, marginal cornea l arcades and the
conJunctiva. The recurrent vessels anastomose w1th the anterior conjunctiva l veins, which are more con-
conjunctival vessels from the forn1ces . The episcleral venous spicuous than their corresponding arteries. They
plexus (EVP) is deep to the palisades of Vogt. The lymphatics
are coloured green. two groups of lymphatiCS (superf1c1al and drain into radial episcleral collecting veins, and then
deep) extend through the palisades of Vogt. (From Alvarado. mto the veins of the rcctu5 muscles. They receive
J A. and Weddell, J.E. (1971) H1stotogy of the Human Eye . blood from the episcleral veins and from veins which
published by W.B. Saunders.)
emerge from the -;clera, presumably draining dccpt•r
structures, and also drain the larger ciliary emissary
vein<; which emerge from the scleral foramin,l. The
19RO) (Fig. 2.51). E,Kh limbal arteriole -.upplie'> veins leave the anterior surface of the globe, over the
bl'twecn one and three superficial limbal capi iiMie-. rectus muscles. rhey dilate in hyperaemia.
wh1ch form a network of vessels one to four tiers
deep. These vessel-. arc less leaky on fluoresct•in
.mgiography than those of the bulbar and tarsal
conjunctiva, because the hmbal capillaries han• A superficial plexus of small vessels extends beneath
,, thicker endothelium and fe\\er fenestrations the vascular capillancs A deep plexus of large
(Iwamoto and Smelser, 1965). vessels, in the fibrous laver of the conJunctiva,
fhcsc \'ascular anatomical ,1rrangements explam receives lymph from this. It drains towards the

canthi, joining the lympathics of the lids: the lateral endothelial cells containing a twisted mass of '•brils.
ch.1nnels drain to the parotid nodes, the medial to the One or two nerves enter each capsule, losm 5 their
~ubmandibular (Fig. 2.27). myelin sheath. The classic papers (Weddell, 1941;
Weddell, Palmer and Pallie, 1955; Sinclair, 1967) on
the sensibility of skin and cornea have corsiderably
modified views on nerve endings and thC' r function-
Ihe nerves supplying the conjunctiva are from the ing in the conjunctiva. According to these observers
~arne sources a<; for the lids, but the long ciliary the so-called 'end bulb of Krause' is but a stage in
nerve<; supply the circumcorneal conjunctiva (and the cycle of growth and decay of such specialized
cornea) and the lacnmal and infratrochlear nerves organs. Moreover, these special endings are com-
supply a larger proportion of conjunctiva than skm. paratively rare and variable in distribution in the
r-...erve endings arc either s1mple (naked or 'free') or human conjuncti\·a, 'free' endings being much more
specialized (e.g. end bulbs), such as the 'end bulbs' numerous and widespread.
of Krause.
2.7 THE CARUNCLE (Figs 1.18, 2.53 and 2.54)
Free nerve endings
The caruncle (from Latin cnro = flesh) is a soft, pink,
Nerve fibres lose their myelin sheaths and form a
ovoid body, about r:; mm high and 3 mm broad,
subepithelial plexu., in the superficial substantia
situated in the lacus lacrimalis medial to the plica
propria. They then form an intraepithelial plexus
semilunaris. It ts attached to the plica, and fibres of
around the bases of the epithelial cells, sending free
the medial rectus sheath enter its deep surface. Thus,
fibrils between them.
it is most promment on lateral gaze and is retracted
on medial gaze. Deeply, abundant connective tissue
End bulbs is in contact with the septum orbitale and medial
check ligament.
The end bulbs of Krause (Fig. 2.52) are round and
The caruncle is modified skin, bearing goblet cells
20- 100 f..lm long. Each is surrounded by a capsu le
and lacrimal tissue in addition to hairs, sebaceous
continuous with tht• nerve sheath and lin ed by
and sweat glands. The epithelium is non-keratini/ed,
stratified squamous, the sebaceous glands arc hke
those of the lids and the hairs (about 15) are fine ,
colourless and directed medially. Modified lacrimal
glands (of Krause), surrounded by a thin laver of fat,
arc often consp1cuous in the centre of the caruncle,
with a tubuloacinous structure and a duct opening
near the plica. Near the conjunctiva, single goblet
cells are found, or groups which form a kind of
acinus .

·-· ...... -· -. . '
~/. ·...
. ~ "'
. ,~

. ....... ..
Fig. 2.52 Flat section at the hmbus to show the end bulb of Fig. 2.53 The nasal canthus regron. showrng (a) the phca,
Krause (Brelchowsky starn) . (b) the caruncle and (c) the lower puncta.

Hair Plica semilunaris

follicle with goblet cells
Skin with
at medial sebaceous


Fig. 2.54 Honzontal section through the caruncle and plica sem1lunans (Wolff's preparation).

BLOOD SUPPLY 2.54) and may be superficial or grouped, with a

nmrow duct (intraepithelial gland of Tourneux) (Fig.
The caruncle is supplied by the superior medial
2.55). Melanophores are always present, but may be
palpebral arteries. The branches pass through deep
non-pigmented in blonde individuals.
connective tissue, which mny maintain their patency
The connective tissue stroma is loose and vascular
when cut and encourage bleeding.
and may contain a nodule of fibrocartilage. The plica
may represent the nichtahng membrane of many
vertebrates, but sec Sllbbc (1928).
LYMPHATICS A simpler viC\\ 1s that the plica is an inevitable
These drain into the submandibular lymph nodes. formation. The conJunctival area at the medial can-

The infratrochlear nerve supplies the caruncle.


The plica is a narrow crescentic fold of conjunctiva,

concave laterally, lying lateral to and partly behind
the caruncle. It reaches the middle of the inferior
fornix below and extends less far above. The free
lateral border is separated from the bulbar con-
Junctiva by a 2 mm recess, which almost disappears
when the eye looks laterally. Its pink, vascular colour
contrasts with the white of the sclera. In structure it
resembles bulbar conjunctiva but it has eight to ten
(not six) epithelial layers and a cylindrical (not Fig. 2.55 Section of a portiOn of phca sem1lunans to show
cuboidal) basal layer. Goblet cells are numerous (Fig. the gland of Toumeux

thus must be lax enough to aiiO\v full lateral ocular

rotation, producing a fold tn medial rotation. No such
arrangement exists laterally; here the fornix ts deep.
The shallow medial fornix enables the puncta to dip
into tear fluid.



The lacrimal gland, above and anterolateral to the

eyeball, secretes tears through a series of ducts into
the superior fornix. The gland appears in all ver-
tebrates except fish, where ambient water replaces
the tears.
The tears moisten the surface epithelia of the
cornea and con ju nctiva, lubricate the apposed sur-
faces of lid and globe and supply the first and major
refractive interface of the eye, between the air and
precorneal tear film, whtch contributes 43 dioptres of
Fig. 2.56 A demonstrabon of the stream1ng of lacnmal flu1d
the total SO dioptres refractive power of the eye. The from the aperture of the palpebral port1on of the lacnmal gland.
tears contain substances such as immunoglobulins, The streams are v1ewed 1n hght blue w1th ~o fluorescein 1n the
complement, lyso7yme, lactoferrin and ceruloplas- COnJunctival sac. The margrn of each stream IS h1ghly
fluorescent as the fresh lacnmal flu1d dilutes the fluorescein .
min, which have a role in combating infection and
in the inflammatory response at the ocular surface
(Bron and Seal, 1986). The palpebral (inferior) part
The lacrimal gland (Figs 5.20, 5.23 and 5.24)
The palpebral part is also flattened hori?Ontally, and
consists of:
is one-third the si.t.e of the orbital part, with its
• a large orbital or superior part; anterior border just above the lateral border of the
• a small palpebral or inferior part in continuity upper fornix. Thus, 1t is visible through the con-
with the superior part. junctiva when the upper lid is everted and up to 12
ductular openings may be seen \Vith biomicro!-.copy,
or made visible w ith 2°'o fluorescein (Bron, 1986) (Fig.
The orbital (superior) part
2.56). It lies mainly on the forn ix, palpebral con-
The orbital part is in a fossa on the anterolateral area junctiva and the superior palpebral muscle. The
of the orbital roof. Shaped like an almond, it displays lateral expansion of the levator separates the two
su perior and inferior su rfaces, anterior and posterior parts, which arc otherwise continuous behind it (Fig.
borders, medial and lateral extremities. 5.22).
The superior surface is convex and lies in the The conjunctival glands of Krause (Fig. 2.10) arc
fossa on the fronta l bone, connected to it by weak accessory lacrimal glands lying between the fornix
trabeculae. The inferior surface, slightly concave, lies and convex border of the tarsus as a downward
successively on the levator, its expansion and the continuation of the palpebral part.
lateral rectus (Figs 5.15 and 5.22). The anterior border
is well-defined and in contact with the septum
orbitale. Hence skin, orbicularis and septum orbitale
must be divided to reach the gland . The posterior The lacrimal gland is tubuloacinar with short,
border, more rou nded, is in contact with the orbita l branched tubules, resembling the parotid gland in
fat and level with the posterior pole of the eye. The structure (Fig. 2. 57). ftc; lobules, each the si.t.e of a
medial extremity rests on levator and the lateral pin-head, are not sharply differentiated from sur-
extremity on the lateral rectus. Connective tissue rounding fat, which extends between them. The acini
attachments arc fou nd : to the bony fossa of the are made up of pyramidal secretory cells with their
lacrimal gland above; to the zygomatic bone belm.,r, apices directed towards a central lumen (Fig . 2.58).
to the periorbita behind; and to the accompanying The basal portion of the acinus is separated from a
ducts within. basement membrane by myoepithelial cells. The

Fig. 2.57 Light micrograph of the human

lacnmal gland. A lacrimal gland acini;
D lacrimal ductule Note the highly
vascular stroma of the gland.

interlobular and interacinar connective tissue contains numerous microvilli at the luminal surface.
many small vessels, unmyelinated nerves (Orzalesi, Organelles arc less well developed than in secretory
Riva and Testa, 1971) and plasma cells (AIIansmith et cell<> and the nucleus is central. Adjacent cell
a/., 1976) and is poorly developed in the young. membranes show complex interdigitation. Egeberg
In each acinus, adjacent secretory cells arc joined and Jensen (1969) demonstrated intact <>ccretory
near their lumen by junctional complexes; more granules within the duct lumen suggesting an
basally, where there is extensive interdigitation of apocrine mode of secretion (fig. 2.60).
plasma membranes, there arc rare desmosomes (Fig. Plasma cells of the interstitial space arc an impor-
2.59). Apical microvilli, about 0.5 11-m in length, tant source of immunoglobulins secreted into the
extend into the lumen (Egcberg and Jensen, 1969). tears. Allansmith et a/. (1976) have est1mated that
The nucleus and rough endoplasmic reticulum are human lacrimal glands contain over three million
basal in the cells. Scattered Golgi complexes lie plasma cells. Franklin (1973) and Gillette el a/. (1980)
laterally here and also in the apical part of the cell have shown IgA-secreting (and fewer lgG-, lgM-,
(Kuhne), 1968a; Essner, 1971). The most prominent IgE-, and IgD-<>ccreting) cells by immunofluorescent
features are the abundant secretory granules, which staining (Fig. 2.61).
extend from the apex up to and surrounding the In tears, as in other exocrine secretions, lgA is
nucleus. Granules range in siL:e from 0.5 to 1.4 11-m the chief immunoglobulin. Secretory IgA is dimeric
(Ruskell, 1975) and contain a finely granular material in form, two molecules of IgA being linked by
with indistinct ltmiting membranes (Fig. 2.60). It is a polypeptide J chain, also of plasma cell origin
not agreed whether different serous and mucous (Tomasi, 1976). Lacrimal acinar cells synthesize a
types of cell exist in the lacrimal gland (Essner, 1971), secretory component (SC) which becomes membrane
but the studies of Ito and Shibasaki (1964), Kuhne! associated and may provide a binding site for the J
(1968) and Allen, Wright and Reid (1972) support the chain of dimcric IgA (Koshland, 1975). It is sug-
presence of a mucus-secreting cell. Ultrastructural gested that the IgA-SC complex enters the acmar cell
differences in granule density and type have been by adsorptive pinocytosis (Brandtzaeg and Baklien,
discussed by various authors, but their significance 1977) and is transported to the acinar lumen.
is uncertain (Kobayashi, 1958; Egeberg and jensen,
1969; Ruskell, 1975). Myoepithelial cells arc elon-
gated, with flattened nuclei and numerous fibrils
resembling those of smooth muscle cells. They are The lacrimal artery enters at the posterior bor-
regarded as contractile and may aid the expulsion of der from the neurovascular hilus; sometimes the
secretion (Scott and Pease, 1959). transverse faci al artery supplies a branch. The
The ducts show two or three cell layers and lacrimal vein joins the superior ophthalmic.

Lumen -c lgA
Acinar cell
- J chain
' "'----'._._ Nucleus 6
Secretory component
--'~-----'==:;__-+- Lumen
4 +-+---.,~A,..,.--;;,.._~~..,.,.--+:- Microvilli

Golgi ----'-T-77.'!~ I
apparatus Basement

~ membrane

Rough endoplasmic
reticulum lgA plasma cell
(a) (b)

(C) (d)

Fig. 2.58 (a) Schematic drawing of the lacrimal acinus. (b) Secretion of secretory lgA. (c) Illustration of the secretory process.
The left-hand side of the draw1ng shows the process of secretion of lacrimal proteins such as lysozyme (lys) and lactofernn (If).
1. Amino acids are taken up into the cell from the interstitium, 2 proteins are synthes1zed 1n the rough endoplasmiC reltculum,
3. mod1fied 1n the Golg1 apparatus and 4. released from the secretory granules. The nght-hand side of the draw1ng Illustrates the
translocation of secretory lgA (slgA) from the basolateral membrane; to the lacnmal ac1nar lumen. T-helper lymphocytes (Th) are
thought to sttmulate lgA-spectfte B lymphocytes (B) to differentiate into the lgA-spectfic plasma cells. Dtmenc lgA btnds to secretory
component (SC), which acts as membrane-bound receptors for lgA. Th1s IS 1nternahzed and tnvolved 1n the transport of slgA to the
lumen for secrelton. (Mod1hed from J. Murube del Castillo.) (d) The following model for prote1n secret1on has been proposed by
Dartt (1989). Three separate pathways can be utilized to st1mulate lacnmal gland prote1n secretion cAMP-dependent (acttvated by
VIP, {:J-adrenergic agon1sts, cr-MSH, (ACTH), IP3 iCa2 · /Protein k1nase C-dependent (cholinergic agon1sts), and other (cr 1-adrenerg1c
agon1sts). The cAMP-dependent agonists stimulate secretion by Interacting with spec1f1c receptors on the basolateral membranes of
acmar cells. This act1vates adenylate cyclase, most likely via a stimulatory G protein, to produce cAMP. cAMP, perhaps via
cAMP-dependent protein kinases (protein kinase A), causes exocytosis. Cholinergic agonists stimulate protein secretion by
Interacting with the muscarinic receptor (glandular M4 ) on the basolateral membranes of the acinar cell. This interaction via a G
protein activates phospholipase C to generate IP3 and DAG d1acyl glycerol from PIP2 • IP3 causes Ca2 + release from an
Intracellular store wh1ch IS probably endoplasmic rettculum related The Ca2 • activates Ca2 • calmodulin-dependent protetn ktnases
which presumably cause exocytos1s The DAG generated by cholinergic agonists causes a translocation of protein kinase C from
cytosol to membranes where tt 1s activated and probably causes exocytosis. The VIP and chohnerg1c pathways, the ACTH and
cholinergic pathways, and the u 1 • and {:J-adrenerg1c pathways can 1nteract to potenltate secretion. Th1s Interaction occurs after the
nse in second messengers. u 1 -adrenergic agonists stimulate protein secret1on by 1nteract1ng w1th speetfic receptors on the
basolateral membranes of lacnmal glands ac1nar cells. These receptors are a 1-adrenerg1c receptors, although they are somewhat
uncharactenst1c. (Courtesy of D. Dartt.)

Fig. 2.60 TEM of lacnmal duct structure Ong1nal
magn1f1cat1on ~5400. (Courtesy of Mr B Damato.)


. . - "

' """'."'·... . ... .-

\, ~ "

Fig. 2.59 (a) TEM of lacnmal ac1nus and surround1ng
interstitial space (In). Each ac1nar cell contains a well·dehned
basal nucleus and a number of electron-dense secretory
granules (DG) as well as lipid Inclusions (Li). The intercellular
spaces (arrows) are wide. but narrow towards the ap1ca1 ends
of the cells where Junctional complexes are present (not
shown). There are profuse m1crovlllus interd1g1tations of the
plasmalemmas of adjacent cells. and m1crovllli project from the
ap1cal ends mto the intra-ac1nar lumen (L). Myoep1thehal cells (b)
conta1n1ng myof1laments and electron-dense fus1form dens1t1es
he at the basal aspect of the ac1nus (My). Original magmhcat1on Fig. 2.61 (a) Light m1crograph of a human lacnmal gland,
x4200. (Courtesy of Mr B. Damato.) (b) TEM of a lacnmal stained w1th haematoxylin and eos1n, to show the Interstitial
acinar cell show1ng an accumulation of electron-lucent (LG) and space lymg between the ac1m and the ductules; (b) h1gh·power
electron-dense (DG) secretory granules. N = Nucleus; L light m1crograph of human lacnmal gland, sta1ned w1th methyl
= ac1nar lumen, arrows md1cate Intercellular space. Ong1nal green pyron1ne. showing lymphocytes and plasma cells
magmf1cat1on x 6650. (arrowed).

LYMPHATICS palatine (sphenopalatine) ganglion, in which only the

parasympathetic fibres relay. The postganglionic
These pass from the gland to the conjunctival chan-
secretomotor fibres have in the past been said to enter
nels and thence to preauricular nodes.
the qgomatic nerve and reach the lacrimal gland via
a connection with the lacrimal nerve. This orthodox
description may require modification. Ruskell (1971a)
The lacrimal gland is innervated by the lacrimal, has reviewed the evidence of his own researches in
greater (superficial) petrosal, and cervical sym- primates. He describes a parasympathetic pathway
pathetic trunk. The fibres of the greater (superficial) through orbital branches of the pterygopalatine
petrosal, the 'nerve of tear secretion', are axons of ganglion, which join a 'retro-orbital plexus', whose
neurons in the so-called 'superior salivatory nucleus'. rami lacrimales carry non-myelinated postganglionic
They travel in the nervus intermedius to the fibres, both sympathetic and parasympathetic.
geniculate ganglion and, without synapse, form the Postganglionic sympathetic fibres may reach the
greater (superficial) petrosal nerve. This occupies a gland by several routes: along the lacrimal artery
groove on the front of the petrous temporal (Fig. (from the internal carotid plexus); through the deep
5.16), passes under the trigeminal ganglion to join (in petrosal nerve (and hence also from the same
the foramen lacerum) the deep petrosal (from the plexus); and through the lacrimal nerve. Ruskell has
sympathetic plexus round the internal carotid artery) identified sympathetic fibres in the adventitia of the
and forms the nerve of the pterygoid canal (Figs 5.5 lacrimal artery and (to a very limited extent) in the
and 5.30). lacrimal nerve (Fig. 2.62).
The nerve of the pterygoid canal (vidian nerve), The sensory fibres are carried by the lacrimal nerve
containing parasympathetic (secretomotor) and from nerve cells in the trigeminal ganglion, but most
sympathetic (vasomotor) fibres, joins the pterygo- of these reach the skin.

nucleus of V
Main sensory
nucleus of V
Supenor salivary
nucleus V

Fig. 2.62 The lacrimal reflex arc (after Kurihashi). The afferent path is formed by the first and second branches of the trigeminal
nerve. The efferent path proceeds from the lacrimal nucleus, near the superior salivary nucleus via the facial nerve (nervus
intermedius) through the geniculate ganglion, the greater superficial petrosal nerve and the nerve of the kerogloid canal (where it is
joined by sympathetic fibres of the deep petrosal nerve). The nerve passes to the pterygopalatine ganglion where it synapses with
third order neurones which reJoin the maxillary nerve to supply the lacrimal gland via fibres which form the retro-orbital plexus of
nerves. These carry parasympathetic and VIPergic nerve fibres to the gland.

THE PUNCTA its patency maintained by surrounding dense fibrous

tissue continuous with the adjacent tarsal plate.
Each punctum lacrimale is a small, round or oval
Fibres of the orbicularis also press the punctum
orifice on the summit of an elevation, the papilla
towards the lacus lacrimalis; muscle atrophy makes
lacrimalis, near the medial end of the lid margin at
the papilla more prominent, commonly so in the
the junction of its ciliated and non-ciliated parts. It
is in a line with the openings of the ducts of the tarsal
glands, the nearest of which is within 0.5-1 mm. The
puncta are relatively avascular and thus paler than
surrounding areas, a pallor accentuated by lateral THE LACRIMAL CANALICULI
tension on the lower lid - an aid in finding a stenosed Each canaliculus is first vertical and then horizontal,
punctum (Fig. 2.63). facts of importance in passing a probe. The vertical
The upper punctum is slightly medial to the lower, part is about 2 mm long and turns medially at
respective distances from the medial canthus being roughly a right-angle to become the horizontal part,
6 and 6.5 mm. However, in lid closure the puncta almost 8 mm in length. At the angle is a dilatation
often make contact (Doane, 1980, 1981). The upper or ampulla. Both horizontal parts converge towards
punctum opens inferoposteriorly, the lower supero- medial canthus, the upper slightly downwards, the
posteriorly. Hence normal puncta are visible only lower slightly upwards, both being in a lid margin;
when lids are everted. the upper is the shorter.
Each punctum, with lids open or shut, faces into The canaliculi pierce the fascia (i.e. the periorbita
the groove between the plica semilunaris and globe, covering the lacrimal sac) separately, uniting to enter
a small diverticulum of the sac, the lacrimal sinus of
Maier (Fig. 2.45) at a point on the posterolateral
surface of the sac about 2.5 mm from its apex.

The canalicular lining is stratified squamous
epithelium (Figs 2.64 and 2.65) supported by elastic
tissue. The wall is so thin and elastic that canaliculi
can be dilated to three times normal diameter, which
is 0.5 mm, and lateral traction on the lids easily
straightens them to facilitate probing. Coloured fluid
injected into a canaliculus can be seen through the
translucent tissue of the lid's margin.
Like its punctum a canaliculus is surrounded
(a) by fibres of orbicularis, which invert the punctum
inwards in the lower lid.
The medial third of the canaliculi are covered in
front by the two bands which connect the medial
palpebral ligaments to the tarsi, while behind is the
lacrimal part of orbicularis oculi (Horner's muscle)
(Figs 2.66 and 2.67).


The membranous lacrimal sac occupies a hollow (the
lacrimal fossa) formed by the lacrimal bone and
frontal process of the maxilla near the anterior border
of the medial orbital wall. The sac, closed above and
(b) open below, is continuous with the nasolacrimal
Fig. 2.63 Lacrimal puncta. (a) Lower, everted, in a duct, a mere constriction marking their junction.
20-year-old man; (b) upper, everted, in a 70-year-old woman. Their common axis (indicated by a line from the

Hair follicle with

ciliary gland of Zeis

Skin -


(a) Conjunctival aspect (b)

Fig. 2.64 (a) Honzontal section of the med1al reg1on of the lower eyelid. show1ng the lacnmal canaliculus at the JUnction of the
vert1ca1 and honzontal port1ons. surrounded by f1bres of orb1culans. MO "' C1liary gland of Moll. Note goblet cells 1n the conJunctiva.
(Wolff's preparation.) (b) H1gh·power v1ew of honzonlal section of lacnmal canaliculus (haematoxylin and eostn sta1n, ongtnal
magn1f1cat1on x 85) (Courtesy of D. Lucas.)

medial canthus to the first upper molar tooth) slopes The sac is enclosed by a periorbita, which splits at
down and backwards at 15-25°; but from the front the posterior lacrimal crest, encloses the sac, reunit-
there tS a slight angle between their axes, the ing at the anterior crest, and thus form-. the lacrimal
sac sloping slightly more laterally than the duct, fascia (Figs 2.66-2.68). This fascia is separated from
although both are nearlv \·ertical (Fig. 2.68). the sac by areolar tissue containing a fine plexus of
veins continued around the duct, except at the
fundus where it is closely adherent, and sometimes
on its medial aspect.

Medial to the sac, separated by periorbita and bone,
arc the anterior ethmoid sinuses (Fig. 1.4), which may
extend behind or in front of the sac, and below this
the nasal middle meatus. Lateral to it are skin, part
of orbicularis oculi, and lacrimal fascia, attached to
which are a few fibres of the inferior oblique.
Anterior are the medial palpebral ligament and
angular vein.
The angular vein complicates the surgica l approach
to the lacrimal sac. It crosses the ligament sub-
cutaneously 8 mm from the medial canthus. Some-
Fig. 2.65 Port1on of the wall of the canaliculus. Note the times a tributary crosses the ligament between the
elastic f1bres deep to the ep1thelium. medial canthus and parent vein . Incision for removal

Lateral Medial
Frontal prolongation . palpebral
process of sheath of ligament
'Nasal bone medial rectus
Medial Lacrimal Prolongation
1palpebral muscle to the tarsus
ligament Groove in
orbitale frontal process
Angular and
Lacrimal sac sutura notha
Angular Lacrimal fascia
artery Inferior
oblique '
Fig. 2.67 The relations of the lacrimal sac. (Wolff's

(a) explain how relatively slight blows to the eye may

lead to swelling of the lids on blowing the nose.
A sudden strain on the ligament may tear the
sac. Below the level of the ligament only fibres of
orbicularis are anterior and can securely resist disten-
sion of the lacrimal sac. Hence abscesses and fistulas
will open below the ligament.
Posterior to the sac are the lacrimal fascia and
Upper lid muscle; the latter, attached to the upper half of
the posterior lacrimal crest, passes laterally behind
the sac and covers posteriorly the medial third of
Lower the canaliculi. Further posterior are the septum
Lacrimal orbitale and check ligament of the medial rectus (Fig.
bone Ciliary 4.42).
The lacrimal sinus (of Maier) is a diverticulum of
(of Riolan)
the upper part of the sac behind the middle of the
Lacrimal lateral surface into which the canaliculi open either
sac Orbicularis
together or separately (Fig. 2.69).

The nasolacrimal duct, the continuation of the
Fig. 2.66(a) Dissection to show lacrimal apparatus. Relation lacrimal sac from its so-called 'neck' to the inferior
of angular vein and artery to medial palpebral ligament (Wolff's
dissection) . (b) The relations of the lacrimal sac and the pars meatus in the nose, is only 15 mm in length. It lies
lacrimalis (Horner's muscle). (Wolff's dissection.) in a canal formed mainly by the maxilla (Figs 1.4 and
1.7) and completed by the lacrimal bone and lacrimal
process of the inferior concha. It descends pos-
terolaterally, a surface indication being a line from the
of the sac should not be more than 2-3 mm medial medial canthus to the first upper molar. Its inferior
to the medial canthus. orifice varies greatly. When it corresponds to the
The inferior edge of the medial palpebral ligament opening of the bony canal at the highest part of the
is free, but a sheet of areolar tissue ascends laterally inferior meatus it is rounded; but it may be prolonged
from it to blend with the lacrimal fascia covering the as a membranous submucous tube opening at
fundus of the sac (Fig. 2.67). This attachment may varying levels on the lateral meatal wall and

Medial palpebral
ligament Frontal Corrugation
(turned up) process supercilii

Orb1tal fat

Lacnmal sac

canaliculus Nasal bone


Orb•lal fat

oblique M1ddle
Penorbita concha

'Valve' Inferior
of Hasner concha
and nerve

Fig. 2.68 Dissect1on to show the relations

of the lacnmal sac and the nasolacnmal
duct from the front. (Wolff's preparation.)

becoming more slit-like as it descends. It may be very

difficult to find.
The duct is lateral to the middle meatus (Fig. 2.68).
It may make a ridge in the maxillary sinus (Fig.

The valves
concha Valve of medial Numerous valves have been described in the
paloebral ligament
nasolacrimal duct. They are folds of mucous
- Maxillary SinUS membrane with no valvular function, because Autds
can be blown up the duct to emerge at the puncta.
Valve of Beraud
or of Krause
The most constant is the 'valve' of Hasner (phca
lacnmalis) at the lower end, a relic of the fetal "eptum
Valve of Ta1llefer (figs 2.68 and 2.69). Usually well developed, the plica
rna\ pren~nt a sudden blast of air (when blowing the
nose) from entenng the lacrimal sac.
Valve of Hansner,
Cruveilhier, or Bianchi
The lacrimal sac and duct have a double-layered
Fig. 2.69 Scheme of the so-called ·valves of the
nasolacnmal canal epithelium, the superficial layer composed of


The preocular tear film is the sheet of tears which
covers the exposed interpalpebral portion of the
globe and cornea. That portion overlying the cornea
is the precorneal tear film. The tear film has for many
years been regarded as about 7 f.l.m thick (Mishima
eta/., 1966) and (as Wolff proposed) composed of
three layers: a deep mucin layer, an aqueous layer
and a surface oily layer.
Recent measurements of the precorneal tear film
in humans indicate a thickness of up to 40 f.l.m, and
the mucin layer (which had been thought to be about
0.03 f.l.m) was found to be in the region of 30 f.l.m
(Prydal, 1990; Prydal and Campbell, 1992). For many
Fig. 2.70 Dacryocystogram demonstrating the nasolacnmal years our concept of the structure and function of the
system using a subtraction technique. A common canaliculi; B tear film was based on the model of Holly and Lemp
(arrow) = common canaliculus; C upper pole of the lacnmal (1971, 1977). The cornea l surface was thought to be
sac; 0 = nasolacrimal duct. (Courtesy of Dr Glyn Lloyd.)
hydrophobic, and intrinsically non-wettable. The role
of goblet cell mucin was to achieve wettability. Recent
studies have suggested that the ocular surface does
columnar cells, the deeper cells being flatter. The
remain wettable even in the absence of goblet cell
bases of the columnar cells reach the basement mucin (Cope eta/., 1986; Liotet eta/., 1987; Tiffany,
membrane; they arc never ciliated, but goblet cells, 1990a,b) and that the ocular surface is intrinsi-
in variable numbers, and sometimes mucous glands, cally wettable by reason of the highly glycosylated
occur. Subepithelial lymphocytes occur and may glycocalyx of its surface cells (Dilly, 1985; Nichols,
be aggregated pathologically into follicles. The
Chiappino and Dawson, 1985).
membranous wall of the sac is of fibroelastic tissue,
the elastic element being continued around the
canaliculi. Around the nasolacrimal duct is a curious The deep mucin layer
plexus of vessels, forming erectile tissue like that on
the inferior concha. Engorgement of these vessels is This is said to be bonded to the glycocalyx of the
said to be sufficient to obstruct the duct. surface epithelial cells and is demonstrable in the
In its upper part the nasolacrimal duct is easily living eye by Alcian blue drops instilled in the tear
separable from bone; below it is closely adherent, sac and in ultrastructural studies by staining with
forming a mucoperiosteum, which may facilitate ruthenium red and other dyes (Dilly, 1985).
spread of infection. The course of the lacrimal sac and
duct can be demonstrated by dacryocystography (Fig. The aqueous layer
This layer is the major component, carrying dissolved
salts, proteins, enzymes and antimicrobial substances
Vessels (Bron and Seal, 1986). It also contains dissolved
mucin. The lacrimal and accessory lacrimal glands
The arteries are supplied from palpebral branches of make the chief contribution to the aqueous content,
the ophthalmic (Fig. 5.20), angular and infraorbital but constituents are added by all the glands which
arteries and nasal branch of the sphenopalatine. The abut the conjunctival sac.
veins drain into the angular and infraorbital ves-
sels above, below into the nasal veins. The lym-
p hatics pass to the submandibular and deep cervical The surface oily layer
nodes. The surface layer is an oily film, 0.1 J.l.m thick, derived
chiefly from the meibomian oil glands but also from
the glands of Zeiss. With dim illumination and using
Nerves the tear film as a mirror surface, the oily layer may
The nasolacrimal duct is innervated by the infra- be. seen as a multicoloured interference pattern. The
trochlear and anterior superior alveolar nerves. lipid constituents vary but consist chiefly of wax

and cholesterol esters w ith some phospholipid and

hydrocarbons (Andrews, 1973). The oil film can be
stretched or compressed by widening or narrowing
the palpebral aperture.
The preocular tear film is re-established with each
blink, about once every 5 s. Between blinks the film
thins, partly because of evaporation, and partly due
to the flow of aqueous tears into the neighbour-
ing marginal tear strips. If blinking is deliberately
prevented, the tear film will break up in a random
fashion as the lipid layer approaches and then
contaminates the surface epithelium. In normal sub-
jects the break-up time is 15-34 s, but is very
variable. Fig. 2.71 The supenor marg1nal strip (S). Note the 011
The preocular fi lm is compressible and elastic. It droplets in it and also some a~r bubbles.
has clinging properties that preserve its stability,
and spreading properties that ensure clear vision
immediately after blinking. The tear lipids are fluid
at lid temperature and spread readily from their
origin just anterior to the mucocutaneous junction,
across the watery surface of the tear film. Thev retard
evaporation (Mishim,l and Maurice, 1961 ). If the lid
margins are everted (as by the operating speculum)
the preocular film spreads, thins and evaporates
more quickly than normal.
In the act of blinking the upper lid descends and
the marginal strip of tears sweeps over the cornea.
The goblet cells of the tarsal conjunctiva release
packets of mucus which coat its smooth surface and
spread a mucin layer on to the surface of the corneal
epithelium to form its deepest layer (Wolff, 1951).
This mechanism I'> thought also to be important m
the removal of unwanted mucin, cells and foretgn
debris, which arc collected together as a mucous
thread in the lower fornix (Nom, 1966, 1974; Adams,
1979). The blink is probably important in delivering
tear oil to the lid margins.
The glands responsible for the secretion and main - Fig. 2.72 Schematic draw1ng of the tear film Recent stud1es
tenance of the precorneal tear film do not lie in the have suggested that the muc1n layer may be up to about
cornea itself. In this way the cornea is protected while 30 IJ.m 1n thickness so that the total thickness of the tear film
may be as great as 40 IJ.m.
its optical homogeneit) ts preserved.

lid margin, and the phca and caruncle (Figs 2.73 and
2.74). The marginal tear strips can be seen to have
Tears are found in the conjunctival fornices (4.5 f.LI), a concave anterior border in the optical section of the
preocular tear film ( 1.1 f.LI), and along the marginal slit-lamp, and this curved mirror face is responsible
tear strips (2-9 f.LI) (Mishima and Maurice, 1961; for the bright linear reflex which they present when
Mishima, 1965). The marginal tear strips arc wedge- viewed with diffuse illumination (Fig. 2.75). The
shaped tear menisci which run along the posterior normally apposed lacrimal puncta dip at all times into
borders of upper and lower lids at their pomts of the marginal strip of tears. fn lateral or straight-ahead
apposition to the globe (Fig. 2.71). They become gaze they are related to the strips bordering the lacus
continuous temporally at the lateral canthus (Fig. lacrimalis; in med1al gaze, when the lacus 1s recessed
2.72) and nasally at the medial canthus, running backwards, the puncta are in contact with the precor-
around the groove between the lacrimal parts of the neal portion of the marginal strips.

- marginal

Fluid at

. strip

Fig. 2.73 With the eye looking laterally the marginal strips are continued medially between the lid margin on one hand and the
plica and caruncle on the other. They join at the medial canthus.

Fluid at

- marginal

Fig. 2.74 With the eye look1ng medially a cav1ty appears deep to each lacnmal portion of the lid marg1n and the marg1nal stnps
stop short. (From Wolff (1946) Trans. Ophthalmol. Soc. UK, 66, 291 .)

At the lid margin it can be seen that the anterior too, the tear lipid, which p roves the anterior layer
limit of the marginal strip is the mucocu taneous of the tear film, is readily replenished with each
junction of the lid, which, running just posterior to blink.
the origin of the tarsal gland o rifices, is spread with By staining the tears with fluorescein the marginal
meibomian lipid on its cutaneous aspect and thus tear strips may be demonstrated using a blue light
affords a non-wettable surface which repulses the source. This shows that there is a zone of thinning,
tears and prevents them 'brimming over'. In this way o r black line, at the ju nction of the p reocular tear film

to the lacrimal puncta; fory, ard spillage is prevented

by sebaceous secretion at the mucocutaneous junc-
tions of the lids \\ hich render the skin non-wet-
Tears enter the canaliculi partly by capillarity and
parth by a reduction of prc<>sure in the system. The
precise mechanism is not agreed upon, but various
propo'>als have been made. Jones ( 1961) postulated
a ' lacrimal pump' tn which the canalicul!, filled with
tear fluid, become shortened during each blink, and
force fluid into the sac. It has also been suggested that
contraction of orb1cularis dilates the sac, partly b~
pulling on the medtal palpebral hgament which is
attached to the sac and partly by contraction of the
lacrimal portion of orbicularis \\ h1ch IS attached
posteriorly to the fascia of the sac. This is thought to
create a negative pre'isure which a'>pirates fluid into
the sac from the canalicuh Mo,·ement of fluid mto
the puncta can be ob~ervcd after e<1ch blink, or after
an c1dduction of the globe. The pumping action of
Fig. 2.75 The marginal stnp of tears or tear meniscus, orbtcularis 1s exaggerated during the blinking and
sta1ned w1th fluorescein . forcible lid closure which accompanies excess lacrima-
tion. It has also been suggested that the 'elastic recoil'
of the sac after dilatation drives the tear fluid down
the n,1solacrimal duct, but there is ltttle evidence for
with the marginal <>trips a<> thev pass into continuity this. It is more like!\ that the tears entering the duct
on the surfact' of the globe. T'hts is due to the lower arc 111 fact absorbed through the mucosa, so that little
hydro<>tatic prc-;sure in the mcniscu<> than within the reaches the nasal Cilvity except when there is excess
preocular film The superior strip extends for a tearing (Maurice, 197.,).
millimetre or '>0 on to the uppt'r cornea and ends as Recordings of the duct (Frieberg, 1918; Rosengren,
a sharp demarcation line. A similar line is seen below 1928) and canaliculi (Wilson, 1976) have confirmed a
and in contact lens "carers may be rem forced by the pressure rise during lid closure which may drive fluid
ring of meniscus-induced thinning at the len'> edge. into the na'>olacrimal duct. Cha\ 1s, Welham and
This may lead to drv '>pots over the interpalpebral Maisey (1978), using scintillography, suggested that
conjunctiva (MtDonald and Brubacker, 1971) The transfer of fluid from the canaliculi to the sac is an
margin<ll stnp of tears is noticeably swollen b} active process while flow in the na..,olacrimal duct 1s
lacrim<ltion, or reduced in volume when lacrima l passive. Studies of particle flow in the marginal strip
gland function ts impa1red (i c. 'dry eye'). and high-speed cinematography ha\ e shown that the
puncta( orif1ccs eleV<1te tO\\ards e,1Ch other during
blinking and usually meet and occlude when the lid
is half-way down. I Iowever, meeting is not e'isenti,ll
fears i\fe lost from thl' conjunctiva( '>t1C partly by the to puncta! closure. It is thought that canalicular and
absorption of water through the conjunctiva, partly sac pressure rise during the remainder of the blink
b) e\aporation at the surface, and partlv b) flow into and force the contained fluid through the drainage
the nasolacrimal system (Fneberg, 1918) m> an active system. The clastic expansion of the canahculi in the
process. Tears drain without the aid of gravity and first few seconds after the blink creates a vacuum
can do '>0 when the hcc1d i-. mverted. Between each withm the system which draws in tears when the
blink, fluid flows from the prcocular film into thl' puntla separate and open (Doane, 1980, 19tH; Lemp
nearest marginal strip of tears. Tears, secreted largely and Weiler, 1983). Tear fluid enters both lacrimal
b) the lacrimal gland, flow into the lateral pMt of the canali(Uii after each blink. Krebicl flow al'>o act<> to
upper fornix c1nd enter the upper and lower margin<~! draw fluid up across the inferior punctum, over the
strip of tears. In thi'> way, tear'> m<~v be conducted caruncle, into the '>upcrior punctum.

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