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abandon (v) /əˈbændən/ ngừng lại "'=to leave a place, thing, or person, usually

forever" "We were sinking fast, and the captain gave the order to [abandon]
ship." "Chúng tôi đang chìm nhanh, và thuyền trưởng ra lệnh [từ bỏ] con tàu."
In passage: He had to abandon his training in 1917 when he was sent to France
to fight in the First World War.
abstract (adj) /ˈæbˌstrækt/ trừu tượng "'=used to refer to a type of painting,
drawing, or sculpture that uses shapes, lines, and colour in a way that does not
try to represent the appearance of people or things" "It's a beautiful work of
[abstract] colour and texture, of contrasting dark and light." "Đó là một tác
phẩm tuyệt đẹp về màu sắc và kết cấu [trừu tượng], tương phản giữa tối và sáng."
"In passage: Around this time, Moore moved away from the human figure to
experiment with abstract shapes."
acclaim (v) /əˈkleɪm/ sự tán thưởng '=public approval and praise "Despite the
critical acclaim, the novel did not sell well." "Bất chấp sự hoan nghênh của giới
phê bình, cuốn tiểu thuyết không bán chạy." In passage: Moore was the first
modern English sculptor to achieve international critical acclaim and he is still
regarded as one of the most important sculptors of the 20th century.
advanced (adj) /ədˈvænst/ nâng cao "'=at a higher, more difficult level"
I'm finding the [advanced] physics a bit heavy going.Tôi thấy môn vật lý
[nâng cao] hơi nặng. "In passage: In September 1921, he moved to London and
began three years of advanced study in sculpture."
ambitious (adj) /æmˈbɪʃəs/ tham vọng '=Having or showing a strong desire and
determination to succeed She has some [ambitious] plans for her business.
Cô ấy có một số kế hoạch [đầy tham vọng] cho công việc kinh doanh của mình.
In passage: The boost to his income enabled him to take on ambitious projects
and start working on the scale he felt his sculpture demanded.
ancient (adj) /ˈeɪnʧənt/ cổ xưa "'=of or from a long time ago, having
lasted for a very long time" People have lived in this valley since [ancient]
times. Mọi người đã sống trong thung lũng này từ thời [cổ đại]. "In passage:
Alongside the instruction he received at the Royal College, Moore visited many of
the London museums, particularly the British Museum, which had a wide-ranging
collection of ancient sculpture."
angle (n) /ˈæŋgəl/ góc độ "'=the space between two lines or surfaces at
the point at which they touch each other, measured in degrees" The boat settled
into the mud at a 35° [angle] Thuyền lắng xuống bùn ở một góc 35 ° [] "In passage:
It was a male reclining figure with its knees drawn up together, and its head at a
right angle to its body"
angular (adj) /ˈæŋgjələr/ góc cạnh '=having a clear shape with sharp points
"Her features were too [angular], her face a little too long for beauty."
"Các đường nét của cô ấy quá [góc cạnh], khuôn mặt hơi dài so với vẻ đẹp."
"In passage: Critics who had begun to think that Moore had become less
revolutionary were proven wrong by the appearance, in 1950, of the first of Moore’s
series of standing figures in bronze, with their harsh and angular pierced forms
and distinct impression of menace."
appoint (v) /əˈpɔɪnt/ chỉ định '=to choose someone officially for a job or
responsibility We've [appointed] three new teachers this year. Chúng tôi đã [bổ
nhiệm] ba giáo viên mới trong năm nay. "In passage: Although he wanted to study
sculpture, no teacher was appointed until his second year."
available (adj) /əˈveɪləbəl/ có sẵn '=able to be bought or used Is this
dress [available] in a larger size? Có chiếc váy này [có sẵn] với kích thước lớn
hơn không? "In passage: In this way, Moore’s work became available to collectors
all over the world."
award (v) /əˈwɔrd/ trao thưởng '=to give money or a prize following an
official decision Carlos was [awarded] first prize in the essay competition. Carlos
đã được [trao] giải nhất trong cuộc thi viết luận. "In passage: At the end of
that year, he passed the sculpture examination and was awarded a scholarship to the
Royal College of Art in London."
carve (v) /kɑrv/ khắc "'=to make something by cutting into especially wood or
stone, or to cut into the surface of stone, wood, etc." He [carved] her name on
a tree. Anh ấy đã [khắc] tên cô ấy trên một cái cây. "In passage: He himself
started carving a variety of subjects in stone, including depiction of reclining
women, mother-and-child groups, and masks."
cast (n) /kæst/ những bức tượng điêu khắc '=an object made by pouring hot
liquid into a container and leaving it to become solid The bronze depicted here
is one of eight [casts] created in 1955. Chiếc đồng được mô tả ở đây là một trong
tám [phôi] được tạo ra vào năm 1955. "In passage: When he visited the
Trocadero Museum in Paris, he was impressed by a cast of a Mayan* sculpture of the
rain spirit."
collector (n) /kəˈlɛktər/ nhà sưu tầm "'=someone who collects objects because
they are beautiful, valuable, or interesting" "An avid art [collector], he owned
at least a dozen Picassos." "Là một [nhà sưu tập] nghệ thuật đam mê, ông sở hữu
ít nhất một tá Picasso." "In passage: In this way, Moore’s work became
available to collectors all over the world."
commission (n) /kəˈmɪʃən/ nhiệm vụ (hoàn thành tác phẩm) '=a request to do
a special piece of work She's just got a [commission] to paint Sir Ellis Pike's
wife. Cô ấy vừa nhận được [hoa hồng] để vẽ vợ của Ngài Ellis Pike. "In passage:
In 1944, Harlow, a town near London, offered Moore a commission for a sculpture
depicting a family."
comply with (phrase) /kəmˈplaɪ wɪθ/ "làm theo, tuân theo" "'=to act
according to an order, set of rules, or request" There are serious penalties
for failure to [comply with] the regulations. Có những hình phạt nghiêm trọng nếu
không [tuân thủ] các quy định. "In passage: After leaving school, Moore hoped
to become a sculptor, but instead he complied with his father’s wish that he train
as a schoolteacher."
convince (v) /kənˈvɪns/ thuyết phục '=to persuade someone or make someone
certain I hope this will [convince] you to change your mind. Tôi hy vọng điều
này sẽ [thuyết phục] bạn thay đổi quyết định. In passage: The aim of the group
was to convince the English public of the merits of the emerging international
movement in modern art and architecture.
critical (adj) /ˈkrɪtɪkəl/ thuộc về phê bình "'=giving opinions or judgments on
books, plays, films, etc." She has written a major [critical] study of Saul
Bellow's novels. Cô đã viết một nghiên cứu [phê bình] lớn về tiểu thuyết của Saul
Bellow. In passage: Moore was the first modern English sculptor to achieve
international critical acclaim and he is still regarded as one of the most
important sculptors of the 20th century.
depiction (n) /dɪˈpɪkʃən/ sự khắc họa '=the way that something is represented
or shown I disapprove of the [depiction] of violence on television. Tôi không
chấp nhận [mô tả] bạo lực trên truyền hình. "In passage: He himself started
carving a variety of subjects in stone, including depiction of reclining women,
mother-and-child groups, and masks."
distort (v) /dɪˈstɔrt/ bóp méo '=to change the shape of something so that it
looks strange or unnatural The map [distorted] Greenland to appear four times
its actual size. Bản đồ [bị bóp méo] Greenland xuất hiện gấp bốn lần kích thước
thực của nó. "In passage: He became interested in the paintings of the Spanish
artist Pablo Picasso, whose work inspired him to distort the human body in a
radical way."
emerging (adj) /ˈimərʤɪŋ/ nổi lên '=starting to exist Western
governments should be giving more aid to the [emerging] democracies of the Third
World. Các chính phủ phương Tây nên viện trợ nhiều hơn cho các nền dân chủ
[mới nổi] của Thế giới thứ ba. In passage: The aim of the group was to
convince the English public of the merits of the emerging international movement in
modern art and architecture.
enable (v) /ɪˈneɪbəl/ làm cho có khả năng "'=to make someone able to do
something, or to make something possible" Computerization should [enable] us to cut
production costs by half. Tin học hóa sẽ [cho phép] chúng tôi cắt giảm một nửa
chi phí sản xuất. In passage: The boost to his income enabled him to take on
ambitious projects and start working on the scale he felt his sculpture demanded.
encourage (v) /ɪnˈkərəʤ/ khích lệ '=to talk or behave in a way that gives
someone confidence to do something They've always [encouraged] me in everything
I've wanted to do. Họ luôn [khuyến khích] tôi trong mọi việc tôi muốn làm.
"In passage: He studied at Castleford Grammar School from 1909 to 1915, where
his early interest in art was encouraged by his teacher Alice Gostick."
enroll (v) /ɪnˈroʊl/ đăng ký vào "'=to put yourself or someone else onto the
official list of members of a course, college, or group" Is it too late to
[enroll] at the college? Có quá muộn để [ghi danh] vào trường đại học không?
"In passage: After the war, Moore enrolled at the Leeds School of Art, where
he studied for two years."
enthusiastically (adv) /ɪnˌθuziˈæstɪkli/ 1 cách nhiệt liệt '=in a way that shows
enthusiasm "When I suggested a walk, Elena nodded [enthusiastically].""Khi tôi đề
nghị đi dạo, Elena gật đầu [nhiệt tình]." "In passage: His work was
enthusiastically welcomed by fellow sculptors, but the reviews in the press were
extremely negative and turned Moore into a notorious figure."
exceptional (adj) /ɪkˈsɛpʃənəl/ "đặc biệt, hiếm có" "'=much greater than
usual, especially in skill, intelligence, quality, etc." The company has shown
[exceptional] growth over the past two years. Công ty đã cho thấy sự tăng trưởng
[đặc biệt] trong hai năm qua. "In passage: Moore’s exceptional talent soon gained
recognition, and in 1926 he started work as a sculpture instructor at the Royal
exhibition (n) /ˌɛksəˈbɪʃən/ triển lãm "'=an event at which objects such as
paintings are shown to the public, a situation in which someone shows a particular
skill or quality to the public" The photographs will be on [exhibition] until
the end of the month. Các bức ảnh sẽ được [triển lãm] cho đến cuối tháng. "In
passage: In 1931, he held an exhibition at the Leicester Galleries in London."
expire (v) /ɪkˈspaɪr/ hết hạn '=to end or stop being in use My passport will
[expire] next year. Hộ chiếu của tôi sẽ [hết hạn] vào năm tới. "In passage:
There were calls for his resignation from the Royal College, and the following
year, when his contract expired, he left to start a sculpture department at the
Chelsea School of Art in London."
extremely (adv) /ɪkˈstrimli/ vô cùng '=very This is an [extremely]
difficult thing to do Đây là một điều [cực kỳ] khó thực hiện "In passage: His
work was enthusiastically welcomed by fellow sculptors, but the reviews in the
press were extremely negative and turned Moore into a notorious figure."
fascinated (v) /ˈfæsəˌneɪtɪd/ mê hoặc '=extremely interested We watched
[fascinated] as he cleaned and repaired the watch. Chúng tôi đã xem [bị mê hoặc]
khi anh ấy lau chùi và sửa chữa đồng hồ. "In passage: Moore became fascinated with
this stone sculpture, which he thought had a power and originality that no other
stone sculpture possessed."
graduate (v) /ˈgræʤəˌweɪt/ tốt nghiệp "'=to complete school, college, or
university successfully" "After he [graduated] from high school, he joined the
Army." "Sau khi anh [tốt nghiệp] trung học, anh gia nhập quân đội." "In
passage: After graduating, Moore spent the first six months of 1925 travelling in
humanistic (adj) /ˌhjuməˈnɪstɪk/ nhân văn '=relating to humanism ('= the idea
that people do not need a god or religion to satisfy their spiritual and emotional
needs) Marx's early writings were essentially [humanistic]. Các tác phẩm đầu
tiên của Marx về cơ bản là [nhân văn]. "In passage: The resulting work signifies
a dramatic change in Moore’s style, away from the experimentation of the 1930s
towards a more natural and humanistic subject matter."
inclination (n) /ˌɪnkləˈneɪʃən/ "định hướng, xu hướng" "'=a preference or
tendency, or a feeling that makes a person want to do something" My own
[inclination] would be to look for another job. [Khuynh hướng] của riêng tôi là tìm
kiếm một công việc khác. "In passage: Throughout the 1930s, Moore did not show
any inclination to please the British public."
increasingly (adv) /ˌɪnˈkrisɪŋgli/ ngày càng trở nên '=more and more
"[Increasingly], there is pressure on the council to reverse its decision."
"[Càng ngày], càng có áp lực lên hội đồng để đảo ngược quyết định của mình."
"In passage: As he became increasingly interested in these ‘primitive’ forms
of art, he turned away from European sculptural traditions."
instruction (n) /ˌɪnˈstrəkʃən/ sự hướng dẫn '=the teaching of a
particular skill or subject The course gives you basic [instruction] in car
maintenance. Khóa học cung cấp cho bạn [hướng dẫn] cơ bản trong việc bảo dưỡng
ô tô. "In passage: Alongside the instruction he received at the Royal College,
Moore visited many of the London museums, particularly the British Museum, which
had a wide-ranging collection of ancient sculpture."
issue (v) /ˈɪʃu/ phát hành '=to produce or provide something official
Christmas stamps to be [issued] in November Tem Giáng sinh sẽ được [phát
hành] vào tháng 11 "In passage: He did dozens of studies in clay for the
sculpture, and these were cast in bronze and issued in editions of seven to nine
copies each."
menace (n) /ˈmɛnɪs/ sự đe dọa '=a dangerous quality that makes you think
someone is going to do something bad He had a slight air of [menace] which
made me uneasy. Anh ta có một chút khí chất [uy hiếp] khiến tôi khó chịu. "In
passage: Critics who had begun to think that Moore had become less revolutionary
were proven wrong by the appearance, in 1950, of the first of Moore’s series of
standing figures in bronze, with their harsh and angular pierced forms and distinct
impression of menace."
merit (n) /ˈmɛrət/ giá trị '=the quality of being good and deserving
praise Brierley's book has the [merit] of being both informative and readable.
Cuốn sách của Brierley có [điểm đáng khen ngợi] là có nhiều thông tin và dễ
đọc. In passage: The aim of the group was to convince the English public of the
merits of the emerging international movement in modern art and architecture.
movement (n) /ˈmuvmənt/ sự vận động "'=the act or process of changing a
situation or event, or of changing the way something happens or is done" There
has been a [movement] toward smaller families. Đã có một [phong trào] hướng tới
các gia đình nhỏ hơn. In passage: The aim of the group was to convince the
English public of the merits of the emerging international movement in modern art
and architecture.
notorious (adj) /noʊˈtɔriəs/ tai tiếng '=famous for something bad The company
is [notorious] for paying its bills late. Công ty [khét tiếng] về việc thanh toán
các hóa đơn muộn. "In passage: His work was enthusiastically welcomed by fellow
sculptors, but the reviews in the press were extremely negative and turned Moore
into a notorious figure."
originality (n) /ərˌɪʤəˈnælɪti/ sự độc đáo '=the quality of being special and
interesting and not the same as anything or anyone else We were impressed by the
[originality] of the children's work. Chúng tôi rất ấn tượng bởi [tính độc đáo]
của tác phẩm dành cho trẻ em. "In passage: Moore became fascinated with this stone
sculpture, which he thought had a power and originality that no other stone
sculpture possessed."
pierce (v) /pɪrs/ xuyên thủng "'=to go into or through something, making a
hole in it using a sharp point" The needle [pierces] the fabric four times a
second. Kim [xuyên] vào vải bốn lần một giây. "In passage: Critics who had
begun to think that Moore had become less revolutionary were proven wrong by the
appearance, in 1950, of the first of Moore’s series of standing figures in bronze,
with their harsh and angular pierced forms and distinct impression of menace."
possess (v) /pəˈzɛs/ sở hữu "'=to have or own something, or to have a
particular quality" In the past the root of this plant was thought to [possess]
magical powers. "Trong quá khứ, rễ của loài cây này được cho là có sức mạnh ma
thuật." "In passage: Moore became fascinated with this stone sculpture, which
he thought had a power and originality that no other stone sculpture possessed."
primitive (adj) /ˈprɪmɪtɪv/ "nguyên thủy, thô sơ" '=of or typical of an early
stage of development; not advanced or complicated in structure The pioneers who
settled the west had to cope with [primitive] living conditions. Những người tiên
phong định cư phía tây đã phải đương đầu với điều kiện sống [nguyên thủy]. "In
passage: As he became increasingly interested in these ‘primitive’ forms of art, he
turned away from European sculptural traditions."
radical (adj) /ˈrædɪkəl/ "nghiêm trọng, cực độ" '=relating to the most
important parts of something or someone; complete or extreme We need to make
some [radical] changes to our operating procedures. Chúng tôi cần thực hiện một
số thay đổi [căn bản] đối với quy trình hoạt động của mình."In passage: He became
interested in the paintings of the Spanish artist Pablo Picasso, whose work
inspired him to distort the human body in a radical way."
reclining (adj) /rɪˈklaɪnɪŋ/ nằm ngửa '=leaning or lying back with the upper
part of the body in a nearly horizontal position The figure in the painting is
in a [reclining] pose. Nhân vật trong tranh đang ở tư thế [ngả lưng]. "In passage:
It was a male reclining figure with its knees drawn up together, and its head at a
right angle to its body"
recognition (n) /ˌrɛkɪgˈnɪʃən/ sự công nhận "'=Appreciation or acclaim
for an achievement, service, or ability" Ella complained that the company never
gave her any [recognition] for her work. Ella phàn nàn rằng công ty không bao giờ
trao cho cô bất kỳ [sự công nhận] nào đối với công việc của cô. "In passage:
Moore’s exceptional talent soon gained recognition, and in 1926 he started work as
a sculpture instructor at the Royal College."
resemblance (n) /rɪˈzɛmbləns/ sự giống nhau '=the fact that two people or
things look like each other or are similar in some other way There was a clear
family [resemblance] between all the brothers. Có một gia đình rõ ràng [giống
nhau] giữa tất cả các anh em. In passage: The pages of his sketchbooks from this
period show his ideas for abstract sculptures that bore little resemblance to the
human form.
resignation (n) /ˌrɛzɪgˈneɪʃən/ sự từ chức '=An act of resigning from a job or
office There have been calls for his [resignation]. Đã có những lời kêu gọi
[từ chức] của anh ấy. "In passage: There were calls for his resignation from the
Royal College, and the following year, when his contract expired, he left to start
a sculpture department at the Chelsea School of Art in London."
revolutionary (adj) /ˌrɛvəˈluʃəˌnɛri/ mang tính cách mạng '=completely new
and having a great effect Penicillin was a [revolutionary] drug. Penicillin
là một loại thuốc [mang tính cách mạng]. "In passage: Critics who had begun to
think that Moore had become less revolutionary were proven wrong by the appearance,
in 1950, of the first of Moore’s series of standing figures in bronze, with their
harsh and angular pierced forms and distinct impression of menace."
shortage (n) /ˈʃɔrtɪʤ/ sự thiếu hụt '=a situation in which there is not
enough of something There's a [shortage] of food and shelter in the refugee
camps. Thực phẩm và nơi ở đang bị thiếu hụt trong các trại tị nạn.In passage:
A shortage of materials forced him to focus on drawing.
signify (v) /ˈsɪgnəˌfaɪ/ biểu hiện '=to make something known; to show She
[signified] her agreement by nodding her head. Cô ấy [biểu thị] sự đồng ý của mình
bằng cách gật đầu. "In passage: The resulting work signifies a dramatic change
in Moore’s style, away from the experimentation of the 1930s towards a more natural
and humanistic subject matter."
spirit (n) /ˈspɪrɪt/ linh hồn "'=the form of a dead person, similar to a
ghost, or the feeling that a dead person is present although you cannot see them"
The [spirits] of long-dead warriors seemed to haunt the area. [Linh hồn]
của những chiến binh đã chết từ lâu dường như ám ảnh khu vực này. "In passage:
When he visited the Trocadero Museum in Paris, he was impressed by a cast of a
Mayan* sculpture of the rain spirit."
turn away from (phrase) /tərn əˈweɪ frəm/ từ chối '=to refuse to accept or
to use something any longer Many shoppers [turned away from] products that were
not environmentally friendly Nhiều người mua sắm [quay lưng lại với] các sản phẩm
không thân thiện với môi trường "In passage: As he became increasingly
interested in these ‘primitive’ forms of art, he turned away from European
sculptural traditions."
variety (n) /vərˈaɪəti/ nhiều loại '=a different type of something Our
supermarket stocks apples in several different [varieties].Siêu thị của chúng tôi
dự trữ táo ở một số [giống] khác nhau. "In passage: He himself started carving a
variety of subjects in stone, including depiction of reclining women, mother-and-
child groups, and masks."
absorb (v) /əbˈzɔrb/ hấp thụ "'=to take something in, especially gradually"
The drug is quickly [absorbed] into the bloodstream. Thuốc nhanh chóng được
[hấp thụ] vào máu. "In passage: Travelling around Thailand in the 1990s,
William Janssen was impressed with the basic rooftop solar heating systems that
were on many homes, where energy from the sun was absorbed by a plate and then used
to heat water for domestic use."
analysis (n) /æˈnælɪsɪs/ sự phân tích '=the study of something in detail
Chemical [analysis] revealed a high content of copper. [Phân tích] hóa
học cho thấy hàm lượng đồng cao. In passage: A recent analysis found that at
least two-thirds of the world’s population lives with severe water scarcity for at
least a month every year.
application (n) /ˌæpləˈkeɪʃən/ "tính năng, sự áp dụng" '=a way in which
something can be used for a particular purpose The new technology has many
[applications]. Công nghệ mới có nhiều [ứng dụng]. In passage: We are aware that
the product we have envisioned is mainly finding application in the developing
world and humanitarian sector and that this is the way we will proceed.
available (adj) /əˈveɪləbəl/ có sẵn '=able to be bought or used Is this
dress [available] in a larger size? Có chiếc váy này [có sẵn] với kích thước lớn
hơn không? "In passage: It is particularly valuable in regions where natural
groundwater reserves have been polluted, or where seawater is the only water source
chief (n) /ʧif/ "người đứng đầu, trưởng" "'=the person in charge of a group
or organization, or the ruler of a tribe" A new [chief] of the security forces has
just been appointed. Một [trưởng] lực lượng an ninh mới vừa được bổ nhiệm. "In
passage: The company itself is based at Imperial College London, although Janssen,
its chief executive, still lives in the UAE."
commercial (adj) /kəˈmərʃəl/ thuộc về thương mại '=related to buying and
selling things The [commercial] future of the company looks very promising.
Tương lai [thương mại] của công ty có vẻ rất hứa hẹn."In passage: The first
commercial versions of the Desolenator are expected to be in operation in India
early next year, after field tests are carried out."
confront (v) /kənˈfrənt/ đương đầu với "'=to face, meet, or deal with a
difficult situation or person" "As she left the court, she was [confronted] by
angry crowds who tried to block her way." "Khi rời khỏi tòa án, cô đã [đối mặt] với
những đám đông giận dữ, những người cố gắng cản đường cô." "In passage: ‘I was
confronted with the enormous carbon footprint that the Gulf nations have because of
all of the desalination that they do,’ he says."
consumption (n) /kənˈsəmʃən/ sự tiêu thụ "'=the act of using, eating, or drinking
something" The meat was clearly unfit for human [consumption] Thịt rõ ràng không
thích hợp cho [tiêu dùng] của con người "In passage: The Desolenator operates as
a mobile desalination unit that can take water from different places, such as the
sea, rivers, boreholes and rain, and purify it for human consumption."
convert (v) /ˈkɑnvərt/ chuyển hóa '=to (cause something or someone to) change in
form or character We [converted] our oil furnace to gas to save money. Chúng tôi đã
[chuyển đổi] lò dầu của mình thành khí đốt để tiết kiệm tiền. In passage: The
warm water flows into a small boiler (heated by a solar-powered battery) where it
is converted to steam.
desalination (n) /diˌseɪlɪˈneɪʃən/ sự khử muối '=the process of removing salt from
sea water [Desalination] has become a viable option for the development of
reliable fresh water supplies. [Khử muối] đã trở thành một lựa chọn khả thi để
phát triển nguồn cung cấp nước ngọt đáng tin cậy. "In passage: ‘I was
confronted with the enormous carbon footprint that the Gulf nations have because of
all of the desalination that they do,’ he says."
distil (v) /dɪˈstɪl/ chưng cất '=to make a liquid stronger or purer by heating
it until it changes to a gas and then cooling it so that it changes back into a
liquid Some strong alcoholic drinks such as whisky are made by [distilling].
Một số đồ uống có cồn mạnh như rượu whisky được làm bằng cách [chưng cất].
"In passage: When the steam cools, it becomes distilled water."
domestic (adj) /dəˈmɛstɪk/ thuộc gia đình "'=belonging or relating to the
home, house, or family" I’ve never been fond of [domestic] chores like cooking and
cleaning. Tôi chưa bao giờ thích công việc nhà [trong nhà] như nấu ăn và dọn dẹp.
"In passage: Travelling around Thailand in the 1990s, William Janssen was
impressed with the basic rooftop solar heating systems that were on many homes,
where energy from the sun was absorbed by a plate and then used to heat water for
domestic use."
enormous (adj) /ɪˈnɔrmɪs/ khổng lồ '=extremely large He earns an [enormous]
salary. Anh ấy kiếm được một mức lương [rất lớn]. "In passage: ‘I was
confronted with the enormous carbon footprint that the Gulf nations have because of
all of the desalination that they do,’ he says."
envision (v) /ɛnˈvɪʒən/ mường tượng '=to imagine or expect that something is
a likely or desirable possibility in the future He [envisioned] a partnership
between business and government. Ông [đã hình dung ra] mối quan hệ đối tác giữa
doanh nghiệp và chính phủ. In passage: We are aware that the product we have
envisioned is mainly finding application in the developing world and humanitarian
sector and that this is the way we will proceed.
exceed (v) /ɪkˈsid/ vượt quá "'=to be greater than a number or amount, or to
go past an allowed limit" The success of our campaign has [exceeded] our
wildest expectations. Sự thành công của chiến dịch của chúng tôi đã [vượt quá]
những mong đợi hoang dã nhất của chúng tôi. In passage: Janssen says that be
2030 half of the world’s population will be living with water stress – where the
demand exceeds the supply over a certain period of time.
executive (n) /ɪgˈzɛkjətɪv/ ban quản trị '=a group of people who run a
business or an organization The sales [executive] from Unilever is here to see
you. [Giám đốc điều hành] bán hàng từ Unilever có mặt ở đây để gặp bạn. "In
passage: The company itself is based at Imperial College London, although Janssen,
its chief executive, still lives in the UAE."
filter (n) /ˈfɪltər/ bộ lọc "'=any of several types of equipment or devices
for removing solids from liquids or gases, or for removing particular types of
light" Ozone is the earth's primary [filter] for ultraviolet radiation. Ozone
là [bộ lọc] chính của trái đất đối với bức xạ tia cực tím. "In passage: The device
has a very simple filter to trap particles, and this can easily be shaken to remove
footprint (n) /ˈfʊtˌprɪnt/ "dấu chân, khối lượng" "'=a measurement of the size,
effect, etc. that something has" We took the decision to invest in new countries
and grow our global [footprint]. Chúng tôi đã quyết định đầu tư vào các quốc gia
mới và phát triển [dấu chân] toàn cầu của mình. "In passage: ‘I was confronted with
the enormous carbon footprint that the Gulf nations have because of all of the
desalination that they do,’ he says."
generate (v) /ˈʤɛnərˌeɪt/ phát ra (năng lượng) '=to produce energy in a
particular form "The wind farm may be able to [generate] enough electricity/power
for 2,000 homes." Trang trại gió có thể [tạo ra] đủ điện / năng lượng cho 2.000
ngôi nhà. "In passage: Its main selling point is that unlike standard
desalination techniques, it doesn’t require a generated power supply: just
humanitarian (n) /ˌjuˌmænəˈtɛriən/ nhân đạo '=(a person who is) involved in or
connected with improving people's lives and reducing suffering The prisoner has
been released for [humanitarian] reasons. Tù nhân đã được thả vì lý do [nhân đạo].
In passage: We are aware that the product we have envisioned is mainly
finding application in the developing world and humanitarian sector and that this
is the way we will proceed.
intensive (adj) /ˌɪnˈtɛnsɪv/ cường độ lớn '=involving a lot of effort or
activity in a short period of time [Intensive] bombing had reduced the city to
rubble. Các cuộc ném bom [cường độ cao] đã khiến thành phố trở thành đống đổ
nát. "In passage: They don’t have the money to operate them, they are very
maintenance intensive, and they don’t have the money to buy the diesel to run the
desalination plants, so it is a really bad situation."
lease (v) /lis/ cho thuê "'=to make a legal agreement by which money is paid
in order to use land, a building, a vehicle, or a piece of equipment for an agreed
period of time" The building's 60 units are currently [leased] to students of the
university. 60 căn của tòa nhà hiện đang được [cho thuê] sinh viên của trường đại
học. "In passage: The market for the self-sufficient devices in developing
countries is twofold – those who cannot afford the money for the device outright
and pay through microfinance, and middle-income homes that can lease their own
microfinance (n) tài chính vi mô '=the activity or business of providing
financial services to poor people or new businesses in poor countries "Since 1976,
[microfinance] programs have sprung up in developing nations around the world."
"Kể từ năm 1976, các chương trình [tài chính vi mô] đã mọc lên ở các quốc gia
đang phát triển trên thế giới." "In passage: The market for the self-sufficient
devices in developing countries is twofold – those who cannot afford the money for
the device outright and pay through microfinance, and middle-income homes that can
lease their own equipment."
mission (n) /ˈmɪʃən/ nhiệm vụ '=any work that someone believes it is their
duty to do My [mission] in life is to educate the rich about the suffering of the
poor. [Nhiệm vụ] của tôi trong cuộc sống là giáo dục người giàu về nỗi khổ của
người nghèo. In passage: We are a venture with a social mission.
municipal (adj) /mjuˈnɪsəpəl/ thuộc thành phố '=of or belonging to a town
or city Schools and municipal offices were closed to enable pupils and
employees to attend. Các trường học và văn phòng thành phố đã bị đóng cửa để tạo
điều kiện cho học sinh và nhân viên tham dự. "In passage: They would put the
Desolenator on their roof and hook it up to their municipal supply and they would
get very reliable drinking water on a daily basis,’ Janssen says."
negotiate (v) /nɪˈgoʊʃiˌeɪt/ đàm phán '=to have formal discussions with someone
in order to reach an agreement with them The government has refused to [negotiate]
with the strikers. Chính phủ đã từ chối [thương lượng] với những người đình
công. "In passage: In the developing world, the price will depend on what deal aid
organisations can negotiate."
niche (adj) /nɪʧ/ "ngách, dành cho nhóm người nhỏ" "'=interesting to, aimed
at, or affecting only a small number of people" MMA is not a [niche] sport any
more. MMA không phải là một môn thể thao [thích hợp] nữa. "In passage: In the
developed world, it is aimed at niche markets where tap water is unavailable – for
camping, on boats, or for the military, for instance."
operate (v) /ˈɔpərˌeɪt/ "thực hiện, tiến hành" "'=to manage a business,
service, etc. and make it work" The company [operated] 156 fewer stores this
year. Công ty [đã điều hành] 156 cửa hàng ít hơn trong năm nay. "In passage: The
Desolenator operates as a mobile desalination unit that can take water from
different places, such as the sea, rivers, boreholes and rain, and purify it for
human consumption."
outright (adv) /ˈaʊˈtraɪt/ "toàn bộ, ngay lập tức" '=completely or immediately
I think cigarette advertising should be banned [outright]. Tôi nghĩ rằng
quảng cáo thuốc lá nên bị cấm [hoàn toàn]. "In passage: The market for the
self-sufficient devices in developing countries is twofold – those who cannot
afford the money for the device outright and pay through microfinance, and middle-
income homes that can lease their own equipment."
panel (n) /ˈpænəl/ "tấm, ô" "'=a flat, usually rectangular part, or piece
of wood, metal, cloth, etc., that fits into or onto something larger" White silk
[panels] were inset into the sides of the dress [Tấm] lụa trắng được lồng vào hai
bên của chiếc váy "In passage: Water enters through a pipe, and flows as a thin
film between a sheet of double glazing and the surface of a solar panel, where it
is heated by the sun."
particle (n) /ˈpɑrtɪkəl/ phân tử '=an extremely small piece of matter
Dust [particles] must have got into the motor. Bụi [các hạt] chắc đã lọt vào
động cơ. "In passage: The device has a very simple filter to trap particles, and
this can easily be shaken to remove them."
particularly (adj) /ˌpɑrˈtɪkjələrli/ đặc biệt "'=especially, or more than
usual" "I didn't [particularly] want to go, but I had to." "Tôi [đặc biệt]
không muốn đi, nhưng tôi phải đi." "In passage: It is particularly valuable in
regions where natural groundwater reserves have been polluted, or where seawater is
the only water source available."
portable (adj) /ˈpɔrtəbəl/ di động '=light and small enough to be easily
carried or moved The laptop's ultra compact design makes it extremely [portable]
and practical. Thiết kế siêu nhỏ gọn của máy tính xách tay làm cho nó trở nên
cực kỳ [di động] và thiết thực. In passage: Two decades later Janssen developed
that basic idea he saw in Southeast Asia into a portable device that uses the power
from the sun to purify water.
processing (n) /ˈprɑsɛsɪŋ/ quá trình xử lý '=the series of actions that are
taken to change raw materials during the production of goods Uruguay's
manufacturing production and exports are largely based on the [processing] of
natural resources. Sản xuất chế tạo và xuất khẩu của Uruguay chủ yếu dựa vào
[chế biến] tài nguyên thiên nhiên. In passage: Janssen saw that there was a need
for a sustainable way to clean water is both the developing and the developed
countries when he moved to the United Arab Emirates and saw large-scale water
purify (v) /ˈpjʊrəˌfaɪ/ lọc '=to remove bad substances from something to
make it pure Plants help to [purify] the air. Cây giúp [thanh lọc] không
khí. In passage: Two decades later Janssen developed that basic idea he saw in
Southeast Asia into a portable device that uses the power from the sun to purify
reliable (adj) /rɪˈlaɪəbəl/ đáng tin cậy '=deserving trust; dependable My car
is old but it’s [reliable]. Xe của tôi cũ nhưng nó [đáng tin cậy]. "In passage:
They would put the Desolenator on their roof and hook it up to their municipal
supply and they would get very reliable drinking water on a daily basis,’ Janssen
reserve (n) /rɪˈzərv/ dự trữ "'=the act of keeping something or a supply of
something until it is needed, or a supply that you keep" She keeps a little money
in [reserve] Cô ấy giữ một ít tiền trong [dự trữ] "In passage: It is
particularly valuable in regions where natural groundwater reserves have been
polluted, or where seawater is the only water source available."
rooftop (n) /ˈrufˌtɑp/ mái nhà '=the outside surface of the roof of a building
Police marksmen with rifles were stationed on the [rooftops]. Cảnh sát
thiện xạ với súng trường đã đóng quân trên [các mái nhà]. "In passage: Travelling
around Thailand in the 1990s, William Janssen was impressed with the basic rooftop
solar heating systems that were on many homes, where energy from the sun was
absorbed by a plate and then used to heat water for domestic use."
self-sufficient (adj) /ˌsɛlfsəˈfɪʃɪnt/ tự cung tự cấp "'=able to provide
everything you need, especially food, for yourself without the help of other
people" They were busy with growing vegetables and all the other chores of a
[self-sufficient] rural life. Họ bận rộn với việc trồng rau và tất cả các công việc
khác của cuộc sống nông thôn [tự cung tự cấp]. "In passage: The market for the
self-sufficient devices in developing countries is twofold – those who cannot
afford the money for the device outright and pay through microfinance, and middle-
income homes that can lease their own equipment."
selling point (phrase) /ˈsɛlɪŋ pɔɪnt/ điểm đặc sắc của sản phẩm '=a feature
of a product for sale that makes it attractive to customers[Selling points] must be
presented in terms of benefits to the customer [Điểm bán hàng] phải được trình bày
dưới dạng lợi ích cho khách hàng "In passage: Its main selling point is that
unlike standard desalination techniques, it doesn’t require a generated power
supply: just sunlight."
severe (adj) /səˈvɪr/ trầm trọng "'=causing very great pain, difficulty, worry,
damage, etc.; very serious" There is expected to be a [severe] frost tonight.
Dự kiến đêm nay sẽ có băng giá [nghiêm trọng]. In passage: A recent analysis
found that at least two-thirds of the world’s population lives with severe water
scarcity for at least a month every year.
standard (adj) /ˈstændərd/ tiêu chuẩn "'=usual rather than special, especially
when thought of as being correct or acceptable" These are [standard] procedures for
handling radioactive waste. Đây là các quy trình [tiêu chuẩn] để xử lý chất thải
phóng xạ. "In passage: Its main selling point is that unlike standard
desalination techniques, it doesn’t require a generated power supply: just
sustain (v) /səˈsteɪn/ "giữ vững, chống cự" '=to cause or allow something to
continue for a period of time He seems to find it difficult to [sustain]
relationships with women. Anh ấy dường như cảm thấy khó [duy trì] mối quan hệ
với phụ nữ. "In passage: The Desolenator can produce 15 litres of drinking water
per day, enough to sustain a family for cooking and drinking."
sustainable (adj) /səˈsteɪnəbəl/ bền vững '=able to continue over a period of
time Solutions put in place now must be [sustainable]. Các giải pháp được đưa
ra hiện nay phải [bền vững]. In passage: Janssen saw that there was a need for a
sustainable way to clean water is both the developing and the developed countries
when he moved to the United Arab Emirates and saw large-scale water processing.
technique (n) /tɛkˈnik/ "kỹ năng, kỹ thuật" '=a way of doing an activity
that needs skill Yoga is a very effective [technique] for combating stress. Yoga
là một [kỹ thuật] rất hiệu quả để chống lại căng thẳng. "In passage: Its main
selling point is that unlike standard desalination techniques, it doesn’t require a
generated power supply: just sunlight."
transmit (v) /trænzˈmɪt/ truyền sóng "'=to broadcast something, or to send out
or carry signals or messages using radio, television, etc."The information is
[transmitted] electronically to the central computer. Thông tin được [truyền] điện
tử đến máy tính trung tâm. In passage: The performance of the unit is shown on
an LCD screen and transmitted to the company which provides servicing when
valuable (adj) /ˈvæljəbəl/ có giá trị "'=important, useful, or beneficial"
Niekro was named the most [valuable] player in baseball. Niekro được mệnh
danh là cầu thủ [có giá trị] nhất trong môn bóng chày. "In passage: It is
particularly valuable in regions where natural groundwater reserves have been
polluted, or where seawater is the only water source available."
vary (v) /ˈvɛri/ biến động "'=to change or cause something to change in amount
or level, especially from one occasion to another" "My taste in classical music
[varies] greatly, but I usually prefer Mozart or Brahms" "Sở thích âm nhạc cổ
điển của tôi [rất khác nhau], nhưng tôi thường thích Mozart hoặc Brahms hơn" In
passage: Prices will vary according to where it is bought.
venture (n) /ˈvɛnʧər/ việc mạo hiểm "'=a new activity, usually in business,
that involves risk or uncertainty" His most recent business [venture] ended in
bankruptcy. Công việc kinh doanh [liên doanh] gần đây nhất của anh ấy đã kết thúc
trong phá sản. In passage: We are a venture with a social mission.
viable (adj) /ˈvaɪəbəl/ có thể đứng vững được '=able to work as intended or
able to succeed "In order to make the company [viable], it will unfortunately be
necessary to reduce staffing levels." "Để làm cho công ty trở nên [khả thi],
rất tiếc là sẽ cần thiết phải giảm cấp độ nhân viên." "In passage: We do realise,
though, that to be a viable company there is a bottom line to keep in mind,’ he

alter (v) /ˈɔltər/ biến đổi "'=to change something, usually slightly, or to
cause the characteristics of something to change" Giving up our car has
radically [altered] our lifestyle. Từ bỏ chiếc xe của chúng tôi đã [thay đổi] hoàn
toàn lối sống của chúng tôi. "In passage: Once his phylogenetic analysis had
established that they were indeed related, he used the same methods to explore how
they have developed and altered over time."
amuse (v) /əmˈjuz/ làm giải trí "'=to entertain someone, especially by
humorous speech or action or by making them laugh or smile"I've brought an article
from yesterday's paper that I thought might [amuse] you. Tôi đã mang đến một bài
báo từ tờ báo ngày hôm qua mà tôi nghĩ có thể làm bạn thích thú. "In passage: Some
people think that fairy tales are just stories to amuse children, but their
universal and enduring appeal may be due to more serious reasons"
analysis (n) /æˈnælɪsɪs/ sự phân tích "'=the process of studying or
examining something in an organized way to learn more about it, or a particular
study of something" Chemical [analysis] of the woman’s dress revealed traces of
blood. Hóa chất [phân tích] chiếc váy của người phụ nữ để lộ vết máu. "In
passage: To work out the evolutionary history, development and relationships among
groups of organisms, biologists compare the characteristics of living species in a
process called ‘phylogenetic analysis’."
ancient (adj) /ˈeɪnʧənt/ cổ xưa "'=of or from a long time ago, having
lasted for a very long time" People have lived in this valley since [ancient]
times. Mọi người đã sống trong thung lũng này từ thời [cổ đại]. "In passage:
But his research suggests otherwise. ‘We have this huge gap in our knowledge about
the history and prehistory of storytelling, despite the fact that we know this
genre is an incredibly ancient one,’ he says."
anthropologist (n) /ˌænθrəˈpɑləʤɪst/ nhà nhân loại học "'=someone who
scientifically studies humans and their customs, beliefs, and relationships" Some
[anthropologists] think that members of hunting and gathering societies tend to
have more leisure Một số [nhà nhân chủng học] nghĩ rằng các thành viên của xã hội
săn bắn và hái lượm có xu hướng rảnh rỗi hơn "In passage: That hasn’t stopped
anthropologists, folklorists* and other academics devising theories to explain the
importance of fairy tales in human society."
appeal (n) /əˈpil/ sức hút "'=the quality in someone or something that
makes him, her, or it attractive or interesting" Spielberg's movies have a
wide [appeal]. Phim của Spielberg có [sức hấp dẫn] rộng rãi. "In passage: Some
people think that fairy tales are just stories to amuse children, but their
universal and enduring appeal may be due to more serious reasons"
aspect (n) /ˈæˌspɛkt/ khía cạnh "'=one part of a situation, problem, subject,
etc." Which [aspects] of the job do you most enjoy? Bạn thích thú nhất với [khía
cạnh] nào của công việc? "In passage: The answer, it would appear, is fear –
blood-thirsty and gruesome aspects of the story, such as the eating of the
grandmother by the wolf, turned out to be the best preserved of all."
assumption (n) /əˈsəmpʃən/ "sự cho rằng, phỏng đoán" '=something that you
accept as true without question or proof People tend to make [assumptions] about
you when you have a disability. Mọi người có xu hướng đưa ra [giả định] về bạn
khi bạn bị khuyết tật. "In passage: First he tested some assumptions about which
aspects of the story alter least as it evolves, indicating their importance."
attribute (v) /əˈtrɪˌbjut/ quy cho '=to say or think that something is the
result of a particular thing Her success can be [attributed] to three main
factors. Thành công của cô ấy có thể được [nhờ] vào ba yếu tố chính."In passage:
The universal appeal of these tales is frequently attributed to the idea that they
contain cautionary messages: in the case of Little Red Riding Hood, to listen to
your mother, and avoid talking to strangers."
blood-thirsty (adj) khát máu '=eager to see or take part in violence and
killing "He's quite [blood-thirsty], killing anyone who disobeys him and gets
in his way." "Anh ta khá [khát máu], giết bất cứ ai không tuân theo anh ta và
cản đường anh ta." "In passage: The answer, it would appear, is fear – blood-
thirsty and gruesome aspects of the story, such as the eating of the grandmother by
the wolf, turned out to be the best preserved of all."
cautionary (adj) /ˈkɔʃəˌnɛri/ để cảnh báo '=giving a warning This is a
[cautionary] tale about what happens when you allow innuendo to sully your life.
Đây là một câu chuyện [cảnh báo] về những gì sẽ xảy ra khi bạn cho phép lời
nói dối làm cuộc sống của bạn bị ám ảnh. "In passage: The universal appeal of
these tales is frequently attributed to the idea that they contain cautionary
messages: in the case of Little Red Riding Hood, to listen to your mother, and
avoid talking to strangers."
central (adj) /ˈsɛntrəl/ "trung tâm, chủ yếu" '=main or important
Community involvement is [central] to our plan. Sự tham gia của cộng đồng là
[trọng tâm] trong kế hoạch của chúng tôi. "In passage: Folklorists believe that
what happens in a story is more central to the story than the characters in it –
that visiting a relative, only to be met by a scary animal in disguise, is more
fundamental than whether the visitor is a little girl or three siblings, or the
animal is a tiger instead of a wolf."
characteristic (n) /ˌkɛrɪktərˈɪstɪk/ đặc tính '=a typical or noticeable
quality of someone or something Unfortunately a big nose is a family
[characteristic]. "Thật không may, một chiếc mũi to là một [đặc điểm] gia đình."
"In passage: To work out the evolutionary history, development and
relationships among groups of organisms, biologists compare the characteristics of
living species in a process called ‘phylogenetic analysis’."
come to one's rescue (collocation) /kəm tɪ wənz ˈrɛskju/ giải cứu '=To help
someone in trouble "Thank goodness the lifeguard [came to my rescue];
otherwise, I might have drowned!" "Ơn trời là nhân viên cứu hộ [đã đến cứu tôi];
nếu không, tôi có thể đã chết đuối!" "In passage: In some stories Red Riding
Hood gets the better of the wolf on her own, while in others a hunter or a
woodcutter hears her cries and comes to her rescue."
conserve (v) /kənˈsərv/ "duy trì, bảo quản" "'=to keep and protect from
waste, loss, or damage; preserve" "In order to [conserve] fuel, they put in extra
insulation." "Để [tiết kiệm] nhiên liệu, họ đặt thêm vật liệu cách nhiệt."
In passage: Neither did his analysis support the theory that the central
section of a story is the most conserved part.
constant (adj) /ˈkɑnstənt/ bất biến "'=staying the same, or not getting less
or more" The fridge keeps food at a [constant] temperature. Tủ lạnh giữ thực
phẩm ở nhiệt độ [không đổi]. "In passage: ‘Habits and morals change, but the
things that scare us, and the fact that we seek out entertainment that’s designed
to scare us – those are constant,’ he says."
disguise (n) /dɪsˈgaɪz/ cải trang '=The state of having altered one's
appearance in order to conceal one's identity I told them you were a policewoman
in [disguise] Tôi đã nói với họ rằng bạn là một nữ cảnh sát trong [cải trang]
"In passage: Folklorists believe that what happens in a story is more central
to the story than the characters in it – that visiting a relative, only to be met
by a scary animal in disguise, is more fundamental than whether the visitor is a
little girl or three siblings, or the animal is a tiger instead of a wolf."
dispose of (phrase) /dɪˈspoʊz əv/ "loại bỏ, giết hại" '=to get rid of someone
or something or deal with something so that the matter is finished It took only
five minutes for the world champion to [dispose of] his opponent. Chỉ mất năm
phút để nhà vô địch thế giới [hạ gục] đối thủ của mình. "In passage: The wolf
runs on ahead and disposes of the grandmother, then gets into bed dressed in the
grandmother’s clothes to wait for Little Red Riding Hood."
end up with (phrase) /ɛnd əp wɪθ/ kết thúc cùng với '=to finally be in a
particular place or situation They could [end up with] a 50-point winning margin
Họ có thể [kết thúc với] tỷ lệ thắng 50 điểm "In passage: Checking for
variants of these two tales and similar stories from Africa, East Asia and other
regions, he ended up with 58 stories recorded from oral traditions."
enduring (adj) /ɪnˈdʊrɪŋ/ lâu dài '=existing for a long time I shall be
left with many [enduring] memories of the time I spent in India. Tôi sẽ để lại
nhiều kỷ niệm [lâu dài] về thời gian tôi ở Ấn Độ. "In passage: Some people
think that fairy tales are just stories to amuse children, but their universal and
enduring appeal may be due to more serious reasons"
evolve (v) /ɪˈvɑlv/ tiến hóa "'=to develop gradually, or to cause something
or someone to develop gradually" Did humans [evolve] from apes? Phải chăng
con người [tiến hóa] từ loài vượn? In passage: Tehrani has used the same approach
to compare related versions of fairy tales to discover how they have evolved and
which elements have survived longest.
feature (n) /ˈfiʧər/ đặc điểm '=a typical quality or an important part of
something The town's main [features] are its beautiful mosque and ancient
marketplace. [Đặc điểm] chính của thị trấn là nhà thờ Hồi giáo xinh đẹp và khu
chợ cổ. "In passage: Why are these details retained by generations of
storytellers, when other features are not?"
flexibility (n) /ˌflɛksəˈbɪləti/ sự linh hoạt '=the ability to change or be
changed easily according to the situation The schedule doesn't allow much
[flexibility]. Lịch trình không cho phép nhiều [tính linh hoạt]. In passage:
He found no significant difference in the flexibility of events there compared with
the beginning or the end.
fundamental (adj) /ˌfəndəˈmɛnəl/ "quan trọng, nòng cốt" '=being the most basic
or most important thing on which other things depend We need to make [fundamental]
changes in the way we treat our environment. Chúng ta cần thực hiện những thay
đổi [cơ bản] trong cách chúng ta đối xử với môi trường của mình. "In passage:
Folklorists believe that what happens in a story is more central to the story than
the characters in it – that visiting a relative, only to be met by a scary animal
in disguise, is more fundamental than whether the visitor is a little girl or three
siblings, or the animal is a tiger instead of a wolf."
get the better of (collocation) /gɪt ðə ˈbɛtər əv/ đánh bại '=to defeat
someone "She played well, but her opponent [got the better of] her." "Cô ấy
đã chơi tốt, nhưng đối thủ của cô ấy [chơi tốt hơn] cô ấy.""In passage: In some
stories Red Riding Hood gets the better of the wolf on her own, while in others a
hunter or a woodcutter hears her cries and comes to her rescue."
gripping (adj) /ˈgrɪpɪŋ/ lôi cuốn '=interesting or exciting I found the
book so [gripping] that I couldn't put it down. Tôi thấy cuốn sách [hấp dẫn] đến
nỗi tôi không thể đặt nó xuống. "In passage: Maybe being swallowed whole by a
wolf, then cut out of its stomach alive is so gripping that it helps the story
remain popular, no matter how badly it’s told."
gruesome (adj) /ˈgrusəm/ máu me "'=extremely unpleasant and shocking, and
usually dealing with death or injury" The newspaper article included a
[gruesome] description of the murder. Bài báo bao gồm một mô tả [khủng khiếp]
về vụ giết người. "In passage: The answer, it would appear, is fear – blood-thirsty
and gruesome aspects of the story, such as the eating of the grandmother by the
wolf, turned out to be the best preserved of all."
hunter-gatherer (n) người săn bắt và hái lượm "'=a member of a society that
lives by hunting and collecting wild food, rather than by farming" "His
primarily interest is in the Penan people, who live as [hunter-gatherers] in the
forests." "Mối quan tâm chủ yếu của anh ấy là những người Penan, những người sống
như [những người săn bắn hái lượm] trong các khu rừng." "In passage: ‘Studies on
hunter-gatherer folk tales suggest that these narratives include really important
information about the environment and the possible dangers that may be faced there
– stuff that’s relevant to survival,’ he says."
incident (n) /ˈɪnsədənt/ "sự việc, tình tiết" '=An instance of something
happening; an event or occurrence A youth was seriously injured in a shooting
[incident] on Saturday night. Một thanh niên bị thương nặng trong một vụ nổ súng
vào đêm thứ Bảy. "In passage: However, Tehrani found no significant difference in
the rate of evolution of incidents compared with that of characters"
incredibly (adv) /ˌɪnˈkrɛdəbli/ cực kỳ '=extremely An [incredibly] loud
bang followed the flash. Một tiếng nổ lớn [cực kỳ] vang lên sau ánh đèn flash.
"In passage: But his research suggests otherwise. ‘We have this huge gap in
our knowledge about the history and prehistory of storytelling, despite the fact
that we know this genre is an incredibly ancient one,’ he says."
indicate (v) /ˈɪndəˌkeɪt/ chỉ ra "'=to show, point, or make clear in
another way" Please [indicate] which free gift you would like to receive.
Vui lòng [cho biết] bạn muốn nhận món quà miễn phí nào. "In passage: First
he tested some assumptions about which aspects of the story alter least as it
evolves, indicating their importance."
morals (n) /ˈmɔrəlz/ đạo đức '=standards for good or bad character and
behaviour They believe addicts have no [morals] and cannot be trustedHọ tin rằng
những người nghiện không có [đạo đức] và không thể tin cậy được "In passage:
‘Habits and morals change, but the things that scare us, and the fact that we seek
out entertainment that’s designed to scare us – those are constant,’ he says."
narrative (n) /ˈnɛrətɪv/ câu chuyện kể '=a story or a description of a
series of events It's a moving [narrative] of wartime adventure. Đó là một [tường
thuật] cảm động về cuộc phiêu lưu thời chiến. "In passage: ‘Studies on hunter-
gatherer folk tales suggest that these narratives include really important
information about the environment and the possible dangers that may be faced there
– stuff that’s relevant to survival,’ he says."
necessarily (adv) /ˌnɛsəˈsɛrəli/ nhất thiết '=in all cases; as an expected
result Money doesn’t [necessarily] buy happiness. Tiền không [nhất thiết]
mua được hạnh phúc. In passage: It also needs to be interesting when it’s told
by someone who’s not necessarily a great storyteller.’
negative (adj) /ˈnɛgətɪv/ tiêu cực '=bad or harmful The warm winter has had
a very [negative] effect on the ski industry. Mùa đông ấm áp đã có ảnh hưởng rất
[tiêu cực] đến ngành trượt tuyết. "In passage: Clasen believes that scary stories
teach us what it feels like to be afraid without having to experience real danger,
and so build up resistance to negative emotions."
perennial (adj) /pərˈɛniəl/ vĩnh viễn "'=lasting a very long time, or happening
repeatedly or all the time" The film White Christmas is a [perennial] favourite.
Bộ phim White Christmas là một bộ phim được yêu thích [lâu năm]. In passage:
He believes the perennial theme of women as victims in stories like Little Red
Riding Hood explains why they continue to feel relevant.
prehistory (n) tiền sử '=the period of human history before there were
written records of events "Human [prehistory] is divided into three successive
periods: the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age" "[Tiền sử] của loài
người được chia thành ba thời kỳ kế tiếp nhau: Thời kỳ đồ đá, thời kỳ đồ đồng và
thời kỳ đồ sắt" "In passage: But his research suggests otherwise. ‘We have this
huge gap in our knowledge about the history and prehistory of storytelling, despite
the fact that we know this genre is an incredibly ancient one,’ he says."
preserve (adj) /prɪˈzərv/ bảo tồn "'=to keep something as it is, especially
in order to prevent it from decaying or being damaged or destroyed" We want to
[preserve] the character of the town while improving the facilities. Chúng tôi
muốn [bảo tồn] nét đặc trưng của thị trấn trong khi cải thiện cơ sở vật chất.
"In passage: The answer, it would appear, is fear – blood-thirsty and
gruesome aspects of the story, such as the eating of the grandmother by the wolf,
turned out to be the best preserved of all."
relevant (adj) /ˈrɛləvənt/ liên quan đến '=connected with what is happening
or being discussed The point is highly [relevant] to this discussion. Vấn đề
là rất [có liên quan] đến cuộc thảo luận này. "In passage: ‘It might be what we
find interesting about this story is that it’s got this survival-relevant
information in it,’ says anthropologist Jamie Tehrani at Durham University in the
reproduce (v) /ˌriprəˈdus/ mô phỏng lại "'=to produce a copy of something,
or to be copied in a production process" They said the printing was too faint to
[reproduce] well. Họ nói rằng bản in quá mờ để [tái tạo] tốt. "In passage: What,
then, is important enough to be reproduced from generation to generation?"
resistance (n) /rɪˈzɪstəns/ sự kháng cự "'=the act of fighting against something
that is attacking you, or refusing to accept something" With the utmost
[resistance] I forced my eyes open. "Với sự [kháng cự] tối đa, tôi cố gắng mở mắt
ra." "In passage: Clasen believes that scary stories teach us what it feels like
to be afraid without having to experience real danger, and so build up resistance
to negative emotions."
retain (v) /rɪˈteɪn/ "duy trì, giữ lại" '=to keep or continue to have
something She succeeded in [retaining] her lead in the second half of the race.
Cô ấy đã thành công trong việc [giữ lại] vị trí dẫn đầu của mình trong nửa
sau của cuộc đua. "In passage: Why are these details retained by generations of
storytellers, when other features are not?"
seemingly (adv) /ˈsimɪŋli/ có vẻ "'=appearing to be something, especially when
this is not true" He remains confident and [seemingly] untroubled by his recent
problems. Anh ấy vẫn tự tin và [dường như] không gặp rắc rối với những vấn đề gần
đây của mình. In passage: Yet in his analysis such elements were just as
flexible as seemingly trivial details.
significant (adj) /sɪgˈnɪfɪkənt/ đáng chú ý '=important or noticeable There
has been a [significant] increase in the number of women students in recent years.
Số lượng sinh viên nữ đã tăng lên [đáng kể] trong những năm gần đây. "In
passage: However, Tehrani found no significant difference in the rate of evolution
of incidents compared with that of characters"
stable (adj) /ˈsteɪbəl/ "cân bằng, giữ nguyên" '=firmly fixed or not likely
to move or change Don’t climb the ladder until you’re sure it’s [stable]. Đừng
leo lên thang cho đến khi bạn chắc chắn rằng nó [ổn định]. "In passage: ‘Certain
episodes are very stable because they are crucial to the story, but there are lots
of other details that can evolve quite freely,’ he says."
storyteller (n) /ˈstɔriˌtɛlər/ người kể chuyện "'=a person who writes or
tells stories, or reads them aloud" My grandmother was a pretty good [storyteller].
Bà tôi là một [người kể chuyện] khá giỏi. "In passage: Why are these details
retained by generations of storytellers, when other features are not?"
survival (adj) /sərˈvaɪvəl/ sống sót '=continuing to exist or wanting to
continue to exist We all have a strong [survival] instinct. Tất cả chúng ta đều có
bản năng [sinh tồn] mạnh mẽ. "In passage: ‘It might be what we find interesting
about this story is that it’s got this survival-relevant information in it,’ says
anthropologist Jamie Tehrani at Durham University in the UK."
swallow (v) /sˈwɔloʊ/ nuốt "'=to cause food, drink, pills, etc. to move from
your mouth into your stomach by using the muscles of your throat" My throat is
so sore that it really hurts when I [swallow]. Cổ họng của tôi bị đau đến nỗi tôi
thực sự đau khi tôi [nuốt]. "In passage: Maybe being swallowed whole by a wolf,
then cut out of its stomach alive is so gripping that it helps the story remain
popular, no matter how badly it’s told."
swallow up (phrase) /sˈwɔloʊ əp/ nuốt chửng "'=to cause food, drink, pills,
etc. to move from your mouth into your stomach by using the muscles of your throat"
He put a grape into his mouth and [swallowed it up]. Anh ta đưa một quả nho
vào miệng và [nuốt chửng]. "In passage: In some versions, the wolf swallows up
the grandmother, while in others it locks her in a cupboard."
theory (n) /ˈθɪri/ "lý thuyết, giả thuyết" "'=a formal statement of the rules
on which a subject of study is based or of ideas that are suggested to explain a
fact or event or, more generally, an opinion or explanation" Adele took a
course in modern political [theory]. Adele đã tham gia một khóa học về [lý
thuyết] chính trị hiện đại. "In passage: That hasn’t stopped anthropologists,
folklorists* and other academics devising theories to explain the importance of
fairy tales in human society."
trivial (adj) /ˈtrɪviəl/ tầm thường '=having little value or importance I
don't know why he gets so upset about something so [trivial]. Tôi không biết tại
sao anh ấy lại khó chịu về một điều gì đó [tầm thường] như vậy. In passage: Yet in
his analysis such elements were just as flexible as seemingly trivial details.
unconvinced (adj) /ˌənkənˈvɪnst/ hoài nghi '=Not certain that something is
true or can be relied on or trusted Parisians remain [unconvinced] that the project
will be approved Người dân Paris vẫn [chưa thuyết phục] rằng dự án sẽ được phê
duyệt "In passage: Jack Zipes at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, is
unconvinced by Tehrani’s views on fairy tales."
universal (adj) /ˌjunəˈvərsəl/ phổ biến '=existing everywhere or involving
everyone "Food, like sex, is a subject of almost [universal] interest." "Thực
phẩm, giống như tình dục, là một chủ đề được quan tâm gần như [phổ quát]." "In
passage: The universal appeal of these tales is frequently attributed to the idea
that they contain cautionary messages: in the case of Little Red Riding Hood, to
listen to your mother, and avoid talking to strangers."
universal (adj) /ˌjunəˈvərsəl/ phổ biến '=existing everywhere or involving
everyone "Food, like sex, is a subject of almost [universal] interest." "Thực
phẩm, giống như tình dục, là một chủ đề được quan tâm gần như [phổ quát]." "In
passage: Some people think that fairy tales are just stories to amuse children, but
their universal and enduring appeal may be due to more serious reasons"
variant (n) /ˈvɛriənt/ biến thể '=something that is slightly different from
other similar things "There are many colas on the market now, all [variants] on
the original drink." "Có rất nhiều cola trên thị trường bây giờ, tất cả [các
biến thể] của thức uống ban đầu." "In passage: Checking for variants of these two
tales and similar stories from Africa, East Asia and other regions, he ended up
with 58 stories recorded from oral traditions."
variety (n) /vərˈaɪəti/ nhiều loại '=a different type of something Our
supermarket stocks apples in several different [varieties].Siêu thị của chúng tôi
dự trữ táo ở một số [giống] khác nhau. In passage: People of every culture tell
each other fairy tales but the same story often takes a variety of forms in
different parts of the world.
work out (phrase) /wərk aʊt/ tìm ra câu trả lời '=Find the answer to
something I couldn't [work out] whether it was a band playing or a record Tôi
không thể [tìm hiểu] cho dù đó là một ban nhạc đang chơi hay một bản thu âm "In
passage: To work out the evolutionary history, development and relationships among
groups of organisms, biologists compare the characteristics of living species in a
process called ‘phylogenetic analysis’."

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