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accomplishment (n) /əˈkɑmplɪʃmənt/ thành tựu an impressive thing that is done or

achieved after a lot of work It was one of the President's greatest

[accomplishments]. Đó là một trong những [thành tựu] vĩ đại nhất của Tổng
thống. "In passage: The Jeffersonian view is that people should have equal
opportunities, but they do not necessarily avail themselves equally of these
opportunities and are not necessarily equally rewarded for their accomplishments."
address (v) /ˈæˌdrɛs/ bàn luận to think about a problem or a situation and
decide how you are going to deal with it The policy fails to [address] the needs
of the poor. Chính sách này không giải quyết được nhu cầu của người nghèo.
"In passage: This chapter addresses how people conceptualize intelligence,
whatever it may actually be."
attend to (phr v) /əˈtɛnd tɪ/ quan tâm to deal with somebody/something; to
take care of somebody/something I have some urgent business to [attend to].
Tôi có một số công việc khẩn cấp cần [tham dự]. In passage: These implicit
theories can suggest what aspects of the phenomenon have been more or less attended
to in previous investigations.
avail (v) /əˈveɪl/ sử dụng "to make use of something, especially an
opportunity or offer" "To [avail] all these benefits, just register online."
"Để [tận dụng] tất cả những lợi ích này, chỉ cần đăng ký trực tuyến." "In
passage: The Jeffersonian view is that people should have equal opportunities, but
they do not necessarily avail themselves equally of these opportunities and are not
necessarily equally rewarded for their accomplishments."
competency (n) /ˈkɑmpətɪnsi/ năng lực the ability to do something well One
must then ask oneself whether different practicum models are required to graduate
immersion teachers with the necessary [competencies] to meet specifically local
needs. "Sau đó, người ta phải tự hỏi bản thân xem liệu các mô hình thực hành
khác nhau có cần thiết để tốt nghiệp các giáo viên hòa nhập với [năng lực] cần
thiết để đáp ứng nhu cầu cụ thể của địa phương hay không." "In passage: The
Jacksonian view is that all people are equal, not only as human beings but in terms
of their competencies – that one person would serve as well as another in
government or on a jury or in almost any position of responsibility."
conceptualize (v) "định nghĩa, hiểu về" to form an idea of something in
your mind These people do not [conceptualize] hunting as a violent act. Những
người này không [khái niệm hóa] săn bắn như một hành động bạo lực. "In passage:
This chapter addresses how people conceptualize intelligence, whatever it may
actually be."
construct (n) /ˈkɑnstrəkt/ khái niệm an idea or a belief that is based on
various pieces of evidence that have not always been proved to be true This essay
highlights a contrast between lived reality and the [construct] held in the mind.
Bài luận này nêu bật sự tương phản giữa thực tế sống động và [cấu trúc] tồn
tại trong tâm trí. "In passage: For example, some implicit theories of
intelligence suggest the need for expansion of some of our explicit theories of the

correspondence (n) /ˌkɔrəˈspɑndəns/ "sự giống nhau, mối liên hệ" a connection
between two things; the fact of two things being similar There is a close
[correspondence] between the two extracts. Có một [sự tương ứng] chặt chẽ giữa
hai phần trích xuất. "In passage: If an investigation of implicit theories
reveals little correspondence between the extant implicit and explicit theories,
the implicit theories may be wrong."
cross-cultural (adj) giữa các nền văn hóa involving two or more different
cultures and their ideas and customs This is a study of [cross-cultural]
communication in the global marketplace. Đây là một nghiên cứu về giao tiếp [đa
văn hóa] trên thị trường toàn cầu. "In passage: Finally, understanding implicit
theories of intelligence can help elucidate developmental and cross-cultural
developmental (adj) /dɪˌvɛləpˈmɛnəl/ liên quan đến phát triển connected
with the development of somebody/something She specialises in [developmental]
psychology. Cô ấy chuyên về tâm lý học [phát triển]. "In passage: Finally,
understanding implicit theories of intelligence can help elucidate developmental
and cross-cultural differences."
elite (adj) /ɪˈlit/ tầng lớp tinh hoa "belonging to a group of people in
society that is small in number but powerful and with a lot of influence, because
they are rich, intelligent, etc." They are part of an [elite] group of senior
officials. Họ là một phần của một nhóm quan chức cấp cao [ưu tú]. "In passage:
Herrnstein and Murray (1994) seem to have shared this belief when they wrote about
the emergence of a cognitive (high-IQ) elite, which eventually would have to take
responsibility for the largely irresponsible masses of non-elite (low-IQ) people
who cannot take care of themselves."
elucidate (v) /ɪˈlusəˌdeɪt/ làm sáng tỏ to make something clearer by explaining
it more fully The aim of the report is to [elucidate] the main points of the
new regulations. Mục đích của báo cáo là [làm sáng tỏ] những điểm chính của các
quy định mới. "In passage: Finally, understanding implicit theories of
intelligence can help elucidate developmental and cross-cultural differences."
emergence (n) /ˈimərʤəns/ xuất hiện the fact of somebody/something moving out
of or away from something and becoming possible to see Albania's [emergence]
from its long period of isolation Albania [nổi lên] sau thời gian dài bị cô lập
"In passage: Herrnstein and Murray (1994) seem to have shared this belief
when they wrote about the emergence of a cognitive (high-IQ) elite, which
eventually would have to take responsibility for the largely irresponsible masses
of non-elite (low-IQ) people who cannot take care of themselves."
expansion (n) /ɪkˈspænʧən/ mở rộng "an act of increasing or making something
increase in size, amount or importance" Despite the recession the company is
confident of further [expansion]. "Mặc dù suy thoái kinh tế, công ty vẫn tự tin
về khả năng [mở rộng] hơn nữa." "In passage: For example, some implicit
theories of intelligence suggest the need for expansion of some of our explicit
theories of the construct."
experimental (adj) /ɪkˌspɛrɪˈmɛntəl/ có tính thử nghiệm "based on new
ideas, forms or methods that are used to find out what effect they have" The
school's [experimental] teaching methods include letting the children decide what
to study. Phương pháp giảng dạy [thử nghiệm] của trường bao gồm việc để bọn trẻ
quyết định học gì. In passage: Implicit theories of intelligence and of the
relationship of intelligence to society perhaps need to be considered more
carefully than they have been because they often serve as underlying
presuppositions for explicit theories and even experimental designs that are then
taken as scientific contributions.

extant (adj) /ˈɛkstənt/ đang tồn tại still in existence A limited

number of documents from the period are still [extant]. Một số tài liệu hạn chế
từ thời kỳ này vẫn còn [còn sót lại]. "In passage: If an investigation of
implicit theories reveals little correspondence between the extant implicit and
explicit theories, the implicit theories may be wrong."
give rise to (idiom) /gɪv raɪz tɪ/ dẫn đến to cause something to happen or
exist The novel's success [gave rise to] a number of sequels. Thành công của
cuốn tiểu thuyết [đã dẫn đến] một số phần tiếp theo. "In passage: Second, the
implicit theories of scientific investigators ultimately give rise to their
explicit theories."
implicit (adj) /ˌɪmˈplɪsət/ ngầm suggested without being directly expressed
[Implicit] in his speech was the assumption that they were guilty. [Ngụ
ý] trong bài phát biểu của anh ấy là giả định rằng họ có tội. "In passage: In
other words, people all have unconscious notions – known as ‘implicit theories’ –
of intelligence, but no one knows for certain what it actually is."
institution (n) /ˌɪnstɪˈtuʃən/ thể chế "a large important organization
that has a particular purpose, for example a university or bank" The system is
targeted mainly at academic and research [institutions]. Hệ thống được nhắm mục
tiêu chủ yếu vào [các tổ chức] học thuật và nghiên cứu. "In passage: In this
view, we do not need or want any institutions that might lead to favoring one group
over another."
in sum (idiom) /ɪn səm/ Tóm lại "used to introduce a short statement of
the main points of a discussion, speech, etc." "[In sum], we have no chance of
winning the case." "[Tóm lại], chúng tôi không có cơ hội thắng kiện." "In
passage: In sum, knowledge about implicit theories of intelligence is important
because this knowledge is so often used by people to make judgments in the course
of their everyday lives."
intellectual (adj) /ˌɪnəˈlɛkʧuəl/ trí thức connected with or using a person’s
ability to think in a logical way and understand things Gifted children
typically show great [intellectual] curiosity and a wide range of interests. Những
đứa trẻ có năng khiếu thường thể hiện sự tò mò [trí tuệ] lớn và có nhiều mối quan
tâm. "In passage: As mentioned earlier, people have expectations for intellectual
performances that differ for children of different ages."
intersubstitutable (adj) có thể thay thế lẫn nhau can be substituted
between each other/among one another These options are the same - they are
[intersubstitutable]. Các tùy chọn này giống nhau - chúng [có thể thay thế cho
nhau]. "In passage: In this view of democracy, people are essentially
intersubstitutable except for specialized skills, all of which can be learned."
in the course of (idiom) /ɪn ðə kɔrs əv/ trong quá trình during He's seen
many changes [in the course of] his long life. Anh ấy đã nhìn thấy nhiều thay đổi
[trong quá trình] sống lâu dài của mình. "In passage: In sum, knowledge about
implicit theories of intelligence is important because this knowledge is so often
used by people to make judgments in the course of their everyday lives."
investigator (n) /ˌɪnˈvɛstəˌgeɪtər/ nhà nghiên cứu a person who examines a
situation such as an accident or a crime to find out the truth [Investigators]
have studied the possible effects of contamination. [Các nhà điều tra] đã nghiên
cứu những ảnh hưởng có thể có của sự ô nhiễm. "In passage: Second, the implicit
theories of scientific investigators ultimately give rise to their explicit
irresponsible (adj) /ˌɪrəˈspɑnsəbəl/ vô trách nhiệm not thinking enough
about the effects of what they do; not showing a feeling of responsibility It
would be [irresponsible] to ignore the situation. Sẽ là [vô trách nhiệm] nếu bỏ
qua tình hình. "In passage: Herrnstein and Murray (1994) seem to have shared
this belief when they wrote about the emergence of a cognitive (high-IQ) elite,
which eventually would have to take responsibility for the largely irresponsible
masses of non-elite (low-IQ) people who cannot take care of themselves."
judgment (n) /ˈʤəʤmənt/ đánh giá an opinion that you form about something
after thinking about it carefully; the act of making this opinion known to others
It will probably take some time for history to give its final [judgement] on
his legacy. Có lẽ sẽ mất một thời gian để lịch sử đưa ra [phán quyết] cuối cùng về
di sản của ông. "In passage: To better understand the judgments people make about
their own and others’ abilities, it is useful to learn about people’s implicit
loosely (adv) /ˈlusli/ lỏng lẻo in a way that is not firmly held or attached
Economic growth can be [loosely] defined as an increase in GDP. Tăng trưởng
kinh tế có thể được định nghĩa [một cách lỏng lẻo] là sự gia tăng GDP. "In passage:
These views are not based strictly, but rather, loosely, on the philosophies of
Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, and Andrew Jackson, three great statesmen in
the history of the United States."
make use of (idiom) /meɪk juz əv/ tận dụng "to use something/somebody,
especially in order to get an advantage" We could [make use of] our resources.
Chúng tôi có thể [tận dụng] tài nguyên của mình. "In passage: In the
Jeffersonian view, the goal of education is not to favor or foster an elite, as in
the Hamiltonian tradition, but rather to allow children the opportunities to make
full use of the skills they have."
masses (n) /ˈmæsɪz/ quần chúng the ordinary people in society who are not
leaders or who are considered to be not very well educated The government attempts
to suppress dissatisfaction among the [masses]. Chính phủ cố gắng trấn áp sự bất
mãn trong [quần chúng]. "In passage: Herrnstein and Murray (1994) seem to have
shared this belief when they wrote about the emergence of a cognitive (high-IQ)
elite, which eventually would have to take responsibility for the largely
irresponsible masses of non-elite (low-IQ) people who cannot take care of
misleading (adj) /mɪsˈlidɪŋ/ gây hiểu lầm giving the wrong idea or impression
and making you believe something that is not true It would be seriously
[misleading] to suggest that television has no effect on children. Sẽ là [sai
lầm] nghiêm trọng nếu cho rằng truyền hình không có tác dụng đối với trẻ em. "In
passage: Third, implicit theories can be useful when an investigator suspects that
existing explicit theories are wrong or misleading."
miss the point (idiom) /mɪs ðə pɔɪnt/ không hiểu did not understand You
[missed the point] when arguing with them. Bạn [đã bỏ lỡ quan điểm] khi tranh
luận với họ. "In passage: Until scholars are able to discuss their implicit
theories and thus their assumptions, they are likely to miss the point of what
others are saying when discussing their explicit theories and their data."
necessarily (adv) /ˌnɛsəˈsɛrəli/ nhất thiết used to say that something cannot
be avoided The number of places available is [necessarily] limited. Số lượng địa
điểm có sẵn [nhất thiết] có hạn. "In passage: The Jeffersonian view is that
people should have equal opportunities, but they do not necessarily avail
themselves equally of these opportunities and are not necessarily equally rewarded
for their accomplishments."
notion (n) /ˈnoʊʃən/ khái niệm "an idea, a belief or an understanding of
something" She had only a vague [notion] of what might happen. Cô chỉ có một [ý
niệm] mơ hồ về những gì có thể xảy ra. "In passage: In other words, people all
have unconscious notions – known as ‘implicit theories’ – of intelligence, but no
one knows for certain what it actually is."
phenomenon (n) /fəˈnɑməˌnɑn/ hiện tượng "a fact or an event in nature or society,
especially one that is not fully understood" Globalization is a [phenomenon] of
the 21st century. Toàn cầu hóa là một [hiện tượng] của thế kỷ 21. In passage:
Implicit theories provide a framework that is useful in defining the general scope
of a phenomenon – especially a not-well-understood phenomenon.
presupposition (n) /ˌprisəpəˈzɪʃən/ giả định trước something that you
believe to be true and use as the beginning of an argument even though it has not
been proved; the act of believing it is true We don't accept theories based on
[presupposition] and coincidence. Chúng tôi không chấp nhận các lý thuyết dựa
trên [tiền giả định] và sự trùng hợp. In passage: Implicit theories of
intelligence and of the relationship of intelligence to society perhaps need to be
considered more carefully than they have been because they often serve as
underlying presuppositions for explicit theories and even experimental designs that
are then taken as scientific contributions.
reward (v) /rɪˈwɔrd/ thưởng "to give something to somebody because they
have done something good, worked hard, etc." She was [rewarded] for her efforts
with a cash bonus. Cô ấy đã được [khen thưởng] cho những nỗ lực của mình bằng
một khoản tiền mặt. "In passage: People are rewarded for what they accomplish,
if given equal opportunity."
scholar (n) /ˈskɑlər/ học giả a person who knows a lot about a particular
subject because they have studied it in detail He was the most distinguished
[scholar] in his field. Ông là [học giả] xuất sắc nhất trong lĩnh vực của mình.
"In passage: Until scholars are able to discuss their implicit theories and
thus their assumptions, they are likely to miss the point of what others are saying
when discussing their explicit theories and their data."
scope (n) /skoʊp/ phạm vi "the range of things that a subject, an
organization, an activity, etc. deals with" This subject lies beyond the
[scope] of our investigation. Chủ đề này nằm ngoài [phạm vi] điều tra của chúng
tôi. In passage: Implicit theories provide a framework that is useful in defining
the general scope of a phenomenon – especially a not-well-understood phenomenon.
statesman (n) /ˈsteɪtsmən/ chính trị gia "a man who is a wise, experienced
and respected political leader" He is not the the party’s most elderly
[statesman]. Ông ấy không phải là [chính khách] cao tuổi nhất của đảng. "In
passage: These views are not based strictly, but rather, loosely, on the
philosophies of Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, and Andrew Jackson, three
great statesmen in the history of the United States."
strictly (adv) /ˈstrɪktli/ chặt chẽ in all details; exactly This is not
[strictly] true. Điều này là không đúng sự thật. "In passage: These views are
not based strictly, but rather, loosely, on the philosophies of Alexander Hamilton,
Thomas Jefferson, and Andrew Jackson, three great statesmen in the history of the
United States."
supplementation (n) bổ sung the act of adding something to something else
in order to improve or complete it One study found that [supplementation] with the
mineral selenium reduced the risk of dying from cancer by 50%. Một nghiên cứu cho
thấy [bổ sung] khoáng chất selen làm giảm 50% nguy cơ tử vong vì ung thư. In
passage: But the possibility also needs to be taken into account that the explicit
theories are wrong and in need of correction or supplementation.
ultimately (adv) /ˈəltəmətli/ cuối cùng in the end; finally A poor diet
will [ultimately] lead to illness. Một chế độ ăn uống nghèo nàn [cuối cùng] sẽ dẫn
đến bệnh tật. "In passage: Second, the implicit theories of scientific
investigators ultimately give rise to their explicit theories."
unconscious (adj) /ˌənˈkɑnʃəs/ vô thức not aware of somebody/something;
not noticing something; not conscious The brochure is full of [unconscious]
humour. Tài liệu quảng cáo chứa đầy sự hài hước [vô thức]. "In passage: In
other words, people all have unconscious notions – known as ‘implicit theories’ –
of intelligence, but no one knows for certain what it actually is."
underlying (adj) /ˌəndərˈlaɪɪŋ/ cơ bản important in a situation but not
always easily noticed or stated clearly The [underlying] assumption is that the
amount of money available is limited. Giả định [cơ bản] là số lượng tiền có sẵn
là có hạn. In passage: Implicit theories of intelligence and of the relationship
of intelligence to society perhaps need to be considered more carefully than they
have been because they often serve as underlying presuppositions for explicit
theories and even experimental designs that are then taken as scientific

achieve (v) /əˈʧiv/ đạt được "to succeed in reaching a particular goal,
status or standard, especially by making an effort for a long time" The firm has
[achieved] the status of undisputed market leader. Công ty đã [đạt được] vị thế
dẫn đầu thị trường không thể tranh cãi. "In passage: Laboratory-based drug
discovery has achieved varying levels of success, something which has now prompted
the development of new approaches focusing once again on natural products"
ailment (n) /ˈeɪlmənt/ bệnh (nhẹ) an illness that is not very serious I got all
the usual childhood [ailments]. Tôi đã có tất cả [bệnh tật] thời thơ ấu bình
thường. In passage: Looking to nature for the soothing and curing of our
ailments is nothing new – we have been doing it for tens of thousands of years.
approach (n) /əˈproʊʧ/ cách tiếp cận a way of dealing with somebody/something;
a way of doing or thinking about something such as a problem or a task She took the
wrong [approach] in her dealings with them. Cô ấy đã sử dụng [cách tiếp cận]
sai lầm trong giao dịch của mình với họ. "In passage: Laboratory-based drug
discovery has achieved varying levels of success, something which has now prompted
the development of new approaches focusing once again on natural products."
array (n) /əreɪ/ chuỗi "a group or collection of things or people, often one that
is large or impressive" The store offers a vast [array] of bottles of different
shapes and sizes. Cửa hàng cung cấp một [loạt] chai lọ với nhiều hình dạng và kích
cỡ khác nhau. "In passage: Consequently, they have a bewildering array of
interactions with other organisms, something which has driven the evolution of an
enormous range of very interesting compounds for defensive and offensive purposes."
associated (adj) /əˈsoʊʃiˌeɪtəd/ có liên quan đến "if one thing is associated
with another, the two things are connected because they happen together or one
thing causes the other" Lack of confidence is not something normally [associated]
with a high-flying sales executive. Thiếu tự tin không phải là điều gì đó bình
thường [gắn liền] với một giám đốc bán hàng giỏi. "In passage: Although natural
history knowledge points us in the right direction, it doesn’t solve the problems
associated with obtaining useful compounds from insects."
bewildering (adj) /bɪˈwɪldərɪŋ/ khó hiểu making you feel confused because
there are too many things to choose from or because something is difficult to
understand There is a [bewildering] variety of software available. Có rất nhiều
phần mềm [hoang mang] có sẵn. "In passage: Consequently, they have a bewildering
array of interactions with other organisms, something which has driven the
evolution of an enormous range of very interesting compounds for defensive and
offensive purposes."
build on (phr v) /bɪld ɔn/ "xây dựng, phát triển trên nền tảng" to use
something as a basis for further progress We will continue to [build on] our
previous success. Chúng tôi sẽ tiếp tục [xây dựng trên] thành công trước đây của
chúng tôi. "In passage: Pharmaceutical science and chemistry built on these
ancient foundations and perfected the extraction, characterization, modification
and testing of these natural products."
captivity (n) /kæpˈtɪvəti/ điều kiện nuôi nhốt the state of being kept as a
prisoner or in a space that you cannot escape from Wild animals do not always
breed well in [captivity]. Động vật hoang dã không phải lúc nào cũng sinh sản
tốt trong [điều kiện nuôi nhốt]. "In passage: Many insect species are
infrequently encountered and very difficult to rear in captivity, which, again, can
leave us with insufficient material to work with."
carcass (n) /ˈkɑrkəs/ xác chết "the dead body of an animal, especially of a
large one or of one that is ready for cutting up as meat" I saw some vultures
scavenging for [carcasses] on the road. Tôi thấy một số con kền kền đang nhặt xác
[xác] trên đường. "In passage: There are even more insects that are masters of
exploiting filthy habitats, such as faeces and carcasses, where they are regularly
challenged by thousands of micro-organisms."
characterization (n) /ˌkɛrɪktərɪˈzeɪʃən/ đặc tính hóa (in chemistry) the
process of defining the chemical properties of one or more components of a
substance or device material We are learning about [characterization] of fat-based
materials today. Chúng ta đang tìm hiểu về [đặc tính] của các vật liệu làm từ chất
béo ngày nay. "In passage: Pharmaceutical science and chemistry built on these
ancient foundations and perfected the extraction, characterization, modification
and testing of these natural products."
compound (n) /ˈkɑmpaʊnd/ hợp chất a thing consisting of two or more
separate things combined together The air smelled like a [compound] of diesel and
petrol fumes. Không khí có mùi giống như [hợp chất] của khói dầu diesel và
xăng. "In passage: More drugs than you might think are derived from, or inspired
by, compounds found in living things."
conservation (n) /ˌkɑnsərˈveɪʃən/ bảo tồn the protection of the natural
environment "If you are interested in wildlife [conservation], documentaries are
great for learning about different ecosystems and animals.""Nếu bạn quan tâm đến
[bảo tồn] động vật hoang dã, phim tài liệu là lựa chọn tuyệt vời để tìm hiểu về các
hệ sinh thái và động vật khác nhau." "In passage: As much as I’d love to help
develop a groundbreaking insect-derived medicine, my main motivation for looking at
insects in this way is conservation."
consumption (n) /kənˈsəmʃən/ "việc ăn, sử dụng hay tiêu dùng" "the act of using
energy, food or materials" The meat was declared unfit for human [consumption].
Thịt đã được tuyên bố là không thích hợp cho [tiêu dùng] của con người.
In passage: The creatures that particularly interest us are the many insects
that secrete powerful poison for subduing prey and keeping it fresh for future
creature (n) /ˈkriʧər/ sinh vật "a living thing, real or imaginary, that can
move around, such as an animal" "The dormouse is a shy, nocturnal [creature]."
"Ký túc xá là một [sinh vật] sống về đêm, nhút nhát."In passage: The
creatures that particularly interest us are the many insects that secrete powerful
poison for subduing prey and keeping it fresh for future consumption.
daunting (adj) /ˈdɔntɪŋ/ khó nhằn making somebody feel nervous and less
confident about doing something; likely to make somebody feel this way Starting a
new job can be a [daunting] prospect. Bắt đầu một công việc mới có thể là một
viễn cảnh [khó khăn]. "In passage: Firstly, there are so many insects that,
without some manner of targeted approach, investigating this huge variety of
species is a daunting task."
defensive (adj) /dɪˈfɛnsɪv/ phòng vệ protecting somebody/something against
attack As a [defensive] measure he built a series of coastal forts and
watchtowers. "Như một biện pháp [phòng thủ], ông đã xây dựng một loạt pháo đài
và tháp canh ven biển." "In passage: Consequently, they have a bewildering array of
interactions with other organisms, something which has driven the evolution of an
enormous range of very interesting compounds for defensive and offensive purposes."
deprive of (phr v) /dɪˈpraɪv əv/ tước đoạt "to prevent somebody from having or
doing something, especially something important" They were imprisoned and
[deprived of] their basic rights. Họ đã bị bỏ tù và [bị tước đoạt] các quyền cơ
bản của họ. "In passage: With every bit of wilderness that disappears, we deprive
ourselves of potential medicines."
derived from (phr v) /dəraɪvd frəm/ có nguồn gốc từ to come or develop from
something The word ‘politics’ is [derived from] a Greek word meaning ‘city’.
Từ ‘chính trị’ [bắt nguồn từ] một từ Hy Lạp có nghĩa là ‘thành phố’. "In
passage: More drugs than you might think are derived from, or inspired by,
compounds found in living things."
deter (v) /dɪˈtər/ ngăn ngừa "to make somebody decide not to do something or
continue doing something, especially by making them understand the difficulties and
unpleasant results of their actions" The high price of the service could
[deter] people from seeking advice. Giá dịch vụ cao có thể [ngăn] mọi người tìm
kiếm lời khuyên. "In passage: You only have to look at other primates – such as
the capuchin monkeys who rub themselves with toxin-oozing millipedes to deter
mosquitoes, or the chimpanzees who use noxious forest plants to rid themselves of
intestinal parasites – to realise that our ancient ancestors too probably had a
basic grasp of medicine."
discovery (n) /ˌdɪˈskəvri/ phát hiện "an act or the process of finding
somebody/something, or learning about something that was not known about before"
Researchers in this field have made some important new [discoveries]. Các
nhà nghiên cứu trong lĩnh vực này đã thực hiện một số [khám phá] mới quan trọng.
"In passage: Laboratory-based drug discovery has achieved varying levels of
success, something which has now prompted the development of new approaches
focusing once again on natural products."
diversity (n) /dɪˈvərsɪti/ sự đa dạng a range of many people or things that are
very different from each other Does television adequately reflect the ethnic
and cultural [diversity] of the country? Truyền hình có phản ánh đầy đủ [sự đa
dạng] dân tộc và văn hóa của đất nước không? "In passage: With the ability to
mine genomes for useful compounds, it is now evident that we have barely scratched
the surface of nature’s molecular diversity."
domain (n) /doʊˈmeɪn/ lãnh thổ an area of knowledge or activity; especially
one that somebody is responsible for Physics used to be very much a male
[domain]. Vật lý từng là một [miền] nam. "In passage: Insects are the
undisputed masters of the terrestrial domain, where they occupy every possible
encounter (v) /ɪnˈkaʊnər/ gặp được "to experience something, especially
something unpleasant or difficult, while you are trying to do something else"
The report details the problems [encountered] by families in this situation.
Báo cáo nêu chi tiết các vấn đề [gặp phải] của các gia đình trong tình huống
này. "In passage: Many insect species are infrequently encountered and very
difficult to rear in captivity, which, again, can leave us with insufficient
material to work with."
enormous (adj) /ɪˈnɔrmɪs/ vô cùng lớn extremely large Universities are under
[enormous] pressure financially. Các trường đại học đang chịu áp lực tài chính
[rất lớn]. "In passage: Consequently, they have a bewildering array of
interactions with other organisms, something which has driven the evolution of an
enormous range of very interesting compounds for defensive and offensive purposes."
evident (adj) /ˈɛvədənt/ rõ ràng clear; easily seen The orchestra
played with [evident] enjoyment. Dàn nhạc chơi với sự thích thú [hiển nhiên].
"In passage: With the ability to mine genomes for useful compounds, it is now
evident that we have barely scratched the surface of nature’s molecular diversity."
exceed (v) /ɪkˈsid/ vượt quá to be greater than a particular number or
amount The price will not [exceed] £100. Giá sẽ không [vượt quá] £ 100.
In passage: Their remarkable diversity exceeds that of every other group of
animals on the planet combined.
exploit (v) /ˌɛkˈsplɔɪt/ "sống, khai thác" to treat a person or situation as
an opportunity to gain an advantage for yourself She realized that her youth
and inexperience were being [exploited]. Cô nhận ra rằng tuổi trẻ và sự thiếu kinh
nghiệm của mình đang bị [lợi dụng]. "In passage: There are even more insects that
are masters of exploiting filthy habitats, such as faeces and carcasses, where they
are regularly challenged by thousands of micro-organisms."
extraction (n) /ɛkˈstrækʃən/ khai thác the act or process of removing or
obtaining something from something else Commercial peat [extraction] is
destroying many threatened habitats. Than bùn thương mại [khai thác] đang phá
hủy nhiều môi trường sống bị đe dọa. "In passage: Pharmaceutical science and
chemistry built on these ancient foundations and perfected the extraction,
characterization, modification and testing of these natural products."
filthy (adj) /ˈfɪlθi/ bẩn thỉu very dirty and unpleasant It's [filthy] in
the slump! Nó [bẩn thỉu] trong tình trạng ế ẩm! "In passage: There are even
more insects that are masters of exploiting filthy habitats, such as faeces and
carcasses, where they are regularly challenged by thousands of micro-organisms."
for their own sake (idiom) /fər ðɛr oʊn seɪk/ vì lợi ích của cái gì "because of
the interest or value something has, not because of the advantages it may bring"
I believe in education [for its own sake]. Tôi tin vào giáo dục [vì lợi
ích của chính nó]. "In passage: I sincerely believe that all species, however
small and seemingly insignificant, have a right to exist for their own sake."
from scratch (idiom) /frəm skræʧ/ từ đầu without any previous preparation or
knowledge I learned German [from scratch] in six months. Tôi đã học tiếng Đức [từ
đầu] trong sáu tháng. "In passage: Then, for a while, modern pharmaceutical
science moved its focus away from nature and into the laboratory, designing
chemical compounds from scratch."
grasp (n) /græsp/ hiểu biết a person’s understanding of a subject or of
difficult facts These complex formulae are beyond the [grasp] of the average
pupil. Những công thức phức tạp này nằm ngoài khả năng [nắm bắt] của học sinh
trung bình. "In passage: You only have to look at other primates – such as the
capuchin monkeys who rub themselves with toxin-oozing millipedes to deter
mosquitoes, or the chimpanzees who use noxious forest plants to rid themselves of
intestinal parasites – to realise that our ancient ancestors too probably had a
basic grasp of medicine."
groundbreaking (adj) /ˈgraʊnˌbreɪkɪŋ/ đột phá making new discoveries; using
new methods This was a [groundbreaking] piece of research at the time. Đây là một
nghiên cứu [đột phá] vào thời điểm đó. "In passage: As much as I’d love to help
develop a groundbreaking insect-derived medicine, my main motivation for looking at
insects in this way is conservation."
hurdle (n) /ˈhərdəl/ "khó khăn, trở ngại" a problem or difficulty that must
be solved or dealt with before you can achieve something The next [hurdle] will
be getting her parents' agreement. [Rào cản] tiếp theo sẽ là nhận được sự đồng ý
của cha mẹ cô ấy. "In passage: Securing sufficient numbers of the organism in
question, isolating and characterizing the compounds of interest, and producing
large quantities of these compounds are all significant hurdles."
identify (v) /aɪˈdɛntəˌfaɪ/ xác định to find or discover somebody/something
Scientists have [identified] the gene responsible for the disease. Các
nhà khoa học đã [xác định] được gen gây ra căn bệnh này. "In passage: From the
tiny proportion of insects that have been investigated, several promising compounds
have been identified."
in existence (idiom) /ɪn ɪgˈzɪstəns/ đang tồn tại the state or fact of
being real or living or of being present The company has been [in existence] since
1924. Công ty đã [tồn tại] từ năm 1924. "In passage: Yet even though insects are
far and away the most diverse animals in existence, their potential as sources of
therapeutic compounds is yet to be realised."
infrequently (adv) /ˌɪnˈfrikwəntli/ không thường xuyên not very often
This only happens [infrequently]. Điều này chỉ xảy ra [không thường xuyên].
"In passage: Many insect species are infrequently encountered and very
difficult to rear in captivity, which, again, can leave us with insufficient
material to work with."
in question (idiom) /ɪn kˈwɛʃən/ đang được nói đến that is being discussed On the
day [in question] we were in Cardiff. "Vào ngày [được đề cập], chúng tôi ở
Cardiff." "In passage: Securing sufficient numbers of the organism in question,
isolating and characterizing the compounds of interest, and producing large
quantities of these compounds are all significant hurdles."
insignificant (adj) /ˌɪnsɪgnˈjɪfɪkənt/ không đáng kể not big or valuable
enough to be considered important The levels of chemicals in the river are not
[insignificant]. Mức độ của các chất hóa học trong sông không phải là [không đáng
kể]. "In passage: I sincerely believe that all species, however small and
seemingly insignificant, have a right to exist for their own sake."
interaction (n) /ˌɪnərˈækʃən/ tương tác "the act of communicating with
somebody, especially while you work, play or spend time with them" She likes
shows with lots of [interaction] between performers and their audience. Cô ấy
thích các chương trình có nhiều [tương tác] giữa những người biểu diễn và khán giả
của họ. "In passage: Consequently, they have a bewildering array of
interactions with other organisms, something which has driven the evolution of an
enormous range of very interesting compounds for defensive and offensive purposes."
intestinal (adj) /ˌɪnˈtɛstɪnəl/ liên quan đến đường ruột connected with the
intestine (a long tube in the body between the stomach and the anus. Food passes
from the stomach to the small intestine and from there to the large intestine)
He had an [intestinal] surgery last week. Anh ấy đã có một cuộc phẫu thuật
[ruột] vào tuần trước. "In passage: You only have to look at other primates – such
as the capuchin monkeys who rub themselves with toxin-oozing millipedes to deter
mosquitoes, or the chimpanzees who use noxious forest plants to rid themselves of
intestinal parasites – to realise that our ancient ancestors too probably had a
basic grasp of medicine."
investigate (v) /ˌɪnˈvɛstəˌgeɪt/ "điều tra, nghiên cứu" "to carefully examine
the facts of a situation, an event, a crime, etc. to find out the truth about it or
how it happened" Detectives are currently [investigating] possible links between
the murders. Các thám tử hiện đang [điều tra] các mối liên hệ có thể có giữa
các vụ giết người. "In passage: From the tiny proportion of insects that have
been investigated, several promising compounds have been identified."
isolate (v) /ˈaɪsəˌleɪt/ cô lập to separate somebody/something physically
or socially from other people or things This decision will [isolate] the country
from the rest of Europe. Quyết định này sẽ [cô lập] đất nước khỏi phần còn lại
của Châu Âu. "In passage: Securing sufficient numbers of the organism in
question, isolating and characterizing the compounds of interest, and producing
large quantities of these compounds are all significant hurdles."
laboratory (n) /ˈlæbrəˌtɔri/ phòng thí nghiệm "a room or building used for
scientific research, experiments, testing, etc." The effects of weathering can
be simulated in the [laboratory]. Các tác động của thời tiết có thể được mô phỏng
trong [phòng thí nghiệm]. "In passage: Then, for a while, modern pharmaceutical
science moved its focus away from nature and into the laboratory, designing
chemical compounds from scratch."
looming (adj) /ˈlumɪŋ/ (hiểm họa) gần kề (of something bad) to appear serious and
likely to happen soon There was a crisis [looming]. Đã có một cuộc khủng hoảng
[lờ mờ]. "In passage: This realization, together with several looming health
crises, such as antibiotic resistance, has put bioprospecting – the search for
useful compounds in nature – firmly back on the map."
modification (n) /ˌmɑdəfəˈkeɪʃən/ "sự thay đổi, sửa đổi" the act or process of
changing something in order to improve it or make it more acceptable; a change that
is made Considerable [modification] of the existing system is needed. Cần
[sửa đổi] đáng kể hệ thống hiện có. "In passage: Pharmaceutical science and
chemistry built on these ancient foundations and perfected the extraction,
characterization, modification and testing of these natural products."
motivation (n) /ˌmoʊtəˈveɪʃən/ động lực the reason why somebody does
something or behaves in a particular way What is the [motivation] behind this
sudden change? [Động lực] đằng sau sự thay đổi đột ngột này là gì? "In passage:
As much as I’d love to help develop a groundbreaking insect-derived medicine, my
main motivation for looking at insects in this way is conservation."
niche (n) /nɪʧ/ vị trí hoặc vai trò riêng trong hệ sinh thái (biology) a
position or role taken by a kind of living thing in its environment "Within each
[niche], similar animals avoid competing with each other." "Trong mỗi [niche], các
loài động vật giống nhau tránh cạnh tranh với nhau." "In passage: Insects are the
undisputed masters of the terrestrial domain, where they occupy every possible
noxious (adj) /ˈnɑkʃəs/ độc hại poisonous or harmful The old car emits
[noxious] fumes. Chiếc xe cũ phát ra khói [độc hại]. "In passage: You only have to
look at other primates – such as the capuchin monkeys who rub themselves with
toxin-oozing millipedes to deter mosquitoes, or the chimpanzees who use noxious
forest plants to rid themselves of intestinal parasites – to realise that our
ancient ancestors too probably had a basic grasp of medicine."
obtain (v) /əbˈteɪn/ đạt được "to get something, especially by making an
effort" I've been trying to [obtain] permission to publish this material.
Tôi đang cố gắng [xin] phép để xuất bản tài liệu này.In passage: This can
make it difficult to obtain sufficient quantities of the compound for subsequent
occupy (v) /ˈɑkjəˌpaɪ/ sử dụng "to fill or use a space, an area or an amount
of time" "As the company grew, it continued to [occupy] more space.""Khi công ty
phát triển, nó tiếp tục [chiếm] nhiều không gian hơn." "In passage: Insects are
the undisputed masters of the terrestrial domain, where they occupy every possible
offensive (adj) /əˈfɛnsɪv/ tấn công connected with the act of attacking
somebody/something He was charged with carrying an [offensive] weapon. Anh ta
bị buộc tội mang vũ khí [tấn công]. "In passage: Consequently, they have a
bewildering array of interactions with other organisms, something which has driven
the evolution of an enormous range of very interesting compounds for defensive and
offensive purposes."
organism (n) /ˈɔrgəˌnɪzəm/ sinh vật "a living thing, especially one that is
extremely small" "Even the simplest, single-celled [organisms] show examples of
this behaviour." "Ngay cả những [sinh vật] đơn bào, đơn giản nhất cũng cho thấy
những ví dụ về hành vi này." "In passage: Securing sufficient numbers of the
organism in question, isolating and characterizing the compounds of interest, and
producing large quantities of these compounds are all significant hurdles."
parasite (n) /ˈpɛrəˌsaɪt/ kí sinh trùng a small animal or plant that lives
on or inside another animal or plant and gets its food from it Fleas and lice are
[parasites]. Bọ chét và rận là [ký sinh trùng]. "In passage: You only have to
look at other primates – such as the capuchin monkeys who rub themselves with
toxin-oozing millipedes to deter mosquitoes, or the chimpanzees who use noxious
forest plants to rid themselves of intestinal parasites – to realise that our
ancient ancestors too probably had a basic grasp of medicine."
pathogenic (adj) /ˌpæθəˈʤɛnɪk/ gây bệnh able to cause disease "They
include, in fact, both [pathogenic] and opportunistic microorganisms responsible
for various diseases in the host." "Trên thực tế, chúng bao gồm cả vi sinh vật
[gây bệnh] và cơ hội gây ra các bệnh khác nhau ở vật chủ." "In passage: These
insects have many antimicrobial compounds for dealing with pathogenic bacteria and
fungi, suggesting that there is certainly potential to find many compounds that can
serve as or inspire new antibiotics."
pharmaceutical (adj) /ˌfɑrməˈsutɪkəl/ về dược phẩm connected with making
and selling medical drugs The [pharmaceutical] industry is highly globalised.
Ngành công nghiệp [dược phẩm] mang tính toàn cầu hóa cao. In passage:
Zoologist Ross Piper looks at the potential of insects in pharmaceutical research
pitfall (n) /ˈpɪtˌfɔl/ cạm bẫy "a danger or difficulty, especially one that is
hidden or not obvious at first" Getting professional advice will help you avoid
the most obvious [pitfalls]. Nhận được lời khuyên chuyên nghiệp sẽ giúp bạn tránh
được những [cạm bẫy] rõ ràng nhất. "In passage: And although the road from
isolating and characterizing compounds with desirable qualities to developing a
commercial product is very long and full of pitfalls, the variety of successful
animal-derived pharmaceuticals on the market demonstrates there is a precedent here
that is worth exploring."
potentially (adv) /pəˈtɛnʃəli/ có tiềm năng used to say that something
may develop into something What you did could [potentially] ruin my reputation!
Những gì bạn đã làm có thể [có khả năng] hủy hoại danh tiếng của tôi! "In
passage: Secondly, insects are generally very small, and the glands inside them
that secrete potentially useful compounds are smaller still."
precedent (n) /ˈprɛsɪdənt/ tiền lệ a similar action or event that happened
earlier There is no [precedent] for a disaster of this scale. Không có [tiền lệ]
cho một thảm họa quy mô này. "In passage: And although the road from isolating and
characterizing compounds with desirable qualities to developing a commercial
product is very long and full of pitfalls, the variety of successful animal-derived
pharmaceuticals on the market demonstrates there is a precedent here that is worth
promising (adj) /ˈprɑməsɪŋ/ có triển vọng showing signs of being good or
successful He was voted the most [promising] new actor for his part in the movie.
Anh ấy đã được bình chọn là nam diễn viên mới [triển vọng nhất] cho vai diễn
của mình trong phim. "In passage: The main cause of this shift is that although
there are plenty of promising chemical compounds in nature, finding them is far
from easy."
prompt (v) /prɑmpt/ thúc đẩy to make somebody decide to do something; to
cause something to happen The discovery of the bomb [prompted] an increase in
security. Việc phát hiện ra quả bom [đã thúc đẩy] tăng cường an ninh."In passage:
Laboratory-based drug discovery has achieved varying levels of success, something
which has now prompted the development of new approaches focusing once again on
natural products."
proportion (n) /prəˈpɔrʃən/ phần a part or share of a whole Water covers a
large [proportion] of the earth's surface. Nước bao phủ một phần lớn [tỷ lệ]
bề mặt trái đất. "In passage: From the tiny proportion of insects that have been
investigated, several promising compounds have been identified."
quantity (n) /kˈwɑntəti/ lượng an amount or a number of something Products are
cheaper to produce in large [quantities]. Sản phẩm rẻ hơn nếu sản xuất với số lượng
lớn. "In passage: Securing sufficient numbers of the organism in question,
isolating and characterizing the compounds of interest, and producing large
quantities of these compounds are all significant hurdles."
range (n) /reɪnʤ/ khoảng a variety of things of a particular type
Librarians need a broad [range] of skills. Các thủ thư cần có [nhiều] kỹ
năng. "In passage: Consequently, they have a bewildering array of interactions with
other organisms, something which has driven the evolution of an enormous range of
very interesting compounds for defensive and offensive purposes."
rear (v) /rɪr/ nuôi "to keep and breed ( produce young from) animals or birds,
for example on a farm" Lions usually manage to [rear] about half the number of
cubs born to them. Sư tử thường quản lý [phía sau] khoảng một nửa số đàn con
do chúng sinh ra. "In passage: Many insect species are infrequently encountered and
very difficult to rear in captivity, which, again, can leave us with insufficient
material to work with."
recesses (n) /ˈrisɛsəz/ "góc tối, góc khuất" the part of a place that is
furthest from the light and hard to see or get to He stared into the dark
[recesses] of the room. Anh nhìn chằm chằm vào [hốc] tối của căn phòng. "In passage:
If we can shine a light on the darker recesses of nature’s medicine cabinet,
exploring the useful chemistry of the most diverse animals on the planet, I believe
we can make people think differently about the value of nature."
relatively (adv) /ˈrɛlətɪvli/ tương đối "to a fairly large degree,
especially in comparison to something else" Lack of exercise is also a risk
factor for heart disease but it's [relatively] small when compared with the others.
Thiếu tập thể dục cũng là một yếu tố nguy cơ của bệnh tim nhưng nó [tương
đối] nhỏ so với những người khác. In passage: Why is it that insects have
received relatively little attention in bioprospecting?
remarkable (adj) /rɪˈmɑrkəbəl/ đáng kinh ngạc unusual or surprising in a
way that causes people to take notice The area is [remarkable] for its scenery.
Khu vực này [đáng chú ý] vì phong cảnh của nó. In passage: Their remarkable
diversity exceeds that of every other group of animals on the planet combined.
resistance (n) /rɪˈzɪstəns/ "kháng, chống lại" "dislike of or opposition to
a plan, an idea, etc.; the act of refusing to obey" As with all new ideas it met
with [resistance]. "Như với tất cả các ý tưởng mới, nó vấp phải [sự phản
kháng]." "In passage: This realization, together with several looming health
crises, such as antibiotic resistance, has put bioprospecting – the search for
useful compounds in nature – firmly back on the map."
rid of (phr v) /rɪd əv/ loại bỏ "to remove something that is causing a
problem from a place, group, etc." Further measures will be taken to [rid] our
streets [of] crime. Các biện pháp khác sẽ được thực hiện để [loại bỏ] tội phạm
trên đường phố của chúng ta. "In passage: You only have to look at other primates
– such as the capuchin monkeys who rub themselves with toxin-oozing millipedes to
deter mosquitoes, or the chimpanzees who use noxious forest plants to rid
themselves of intestinal parasites – to realise that our ancient ancestors too
probably had a basic grasp of medicine."
scratch the surface (idiom) /skræʧ ðə ˈsərfəs/ "chạm đến, khám phá bề mặt" "to
deal with, understand, or find out about only a small part of a subject or problem"
The investigation barely [scratched the surface] of the city's drug problem.
Cuộc điều tra hầu như không [làm nổi bề mặt] vấn đề ma túy của thành phố.
"In passage: With the ability to mine genomes for useful compounds, it is now
evident that we have barely scratched the surface of nature’s molecular diversity."
secrete (v) /sɪˈkrit/ tiết ra to produce a liquid substance More saliva is
[secreted] while chewing. Nhiều nước bọt được [tiết ra] hơn trong khi nhai.
"In passage: Secondly, insects are generally very small, and the glands
inside them that secrete potentially useful compounds are smaller still."
secure (adj) /sɪˈkjʊr/ đảm bảo có được "to obtain or achieve something,
especially when this means using a lot of effort" The team managed to [secure]
a place in the finals. Đội đã cố gắng [đảm bảo] một vị trí trong trận chung kết.
"In passage: Securing sufficient numbers of the organism in question,
isolating and characterizing the compounds of interest, and producing large
quantities of these compounds are all significant hurdles."
significant (adj) /sɪgˈnɪfɪkənt/ đáng kể large or important enough to have
an effect or to be noticed There are no [significant] differences between the
two groups of students. Không có sự khác biệt [đáng kể] giữa hai nhóm sinh viên.
"In passage: Securing sufficient numbers of the organism in question,
isolating and characterizing the compounds of interest, and producing large
quantities of these compounds are all significant hurdles."
snip (v) /snɪp/ thu gọn to cut something using short quick movements [Snip]
a tiny hole in the paper. [Cắt] một lỗ nhỏ trên tờ giấy. "In passage:
Fortunately, it is now possible to snip out the stretches of the insect’s DNA that
carry the codes for the interesting compounds and insert them into cell lines that
allow larger quantities to be produced."
soothing (adj) /ˈsuðɪŋ/ giúp xoa dịu "that makes somebody who is
anxious, upset, etc. feel calmer" She has such a [soothing] voice that I always
feel calm listening to her. Cô ấy có một giọng nói [êm dịu] đến nỗi tôi luôn cảm
thấy bình tĩnh khi nghe cô ấy nói. In passage: Looking to nature for the soothing
and curing of our ailments is nothing new – we have been doing it for tens of
thousands of years.
subdue (v) /səbˈdu/ khuất phục "to bring somebody/something under control,
especially by using force" The most serious charges relate to the regime’s
efforts to [subdue] insurgents in the northern provinces. Các cáo buộc nghiêm
trọng nhất liên quan đến nỗ lực của chế độ trong việc [khuất phục] quân nổi dậy ở
các tỉnh phía bắc. In passage: The creatures that particularly interest us are
the many insects that secrete powerful poison for subduing prey and keeping it
fresh for future consumption.
subsequent (adj) /ˈsəbsəkwənt/ sau đó happening or coming after something
else [Subsequent] events confirmed our doubts. Các sự kiện [tiếp theo] đã xác nhận
những nghi ngờ của chúng tôi. In passage: This can make it difficult to obtain
sufficient quantities of the compound for subsequent testing.
sufficient (adj) /səˈfɪʃənt/ đủ enough for a particular purpose; as much as you
need These reasons are not [sufficient] to justify the ban. Những lý do này
không [đủ] để biện minh cho lệnh cấm. "In passage: Securing sufficient numbers
of the organism in question, isolating and characterizing the compounds of
interest, and producing large quantities of these compounds are all significant
target (v) /ˈtərgət/ có mục tiêu to aim an attack or a criticism at
somebody/something The company has been [targeted] by animal rights groups for
its use of dogs in drugs trials. Công ty đã bị [nhắm mục tiêu] bởi các nhóm bảo
vệ quyền động vật vì việc sử dụng chó trong các cuộc thử nghiệm ma túy. "In
passage: Firstly, there are so many insects that, without some manner of targeted
approach, investigating this huge variety of species is a daunting task."
terrestrial (adj) /tərˈɛstriəl/ trên cạn "living on the land or on the
ground, rather than in water, in trees or in the air" The desert is a [terrestrial]
habitat. Sa mạc là một môi trường sống [trên cạn]. "In passage: Insects are the
undisputed masters of the terrestrial domain, where they occupy every possible
ubiquity (n) /juˈbɪkwɪti "sự có mặt, xuất hiện ở khắp nơi" the fact that
something seems to be everywhere or in several places at the same time; the fact
that something is very common The [ubiquity] of religion as an impulse hardly needs
elaboration. [Sự phổ biến] của tôn giáo như một sự thúc đẩy hầu như không cần
phải trau chuốt. "In passage: Thirdly, although we consider insects to be
everywhere, the reality of this ubiquity is vast numbers of a few extremely common
undisputed (adj) /ˌəndɪˈspjutɪd/ "chắc chắn, không bàn cãi" that cannot be
questioned or proved to be false; that cannot be disputed The date of the painting
is now [undisputed]. Niên đại của bức tranh bây giờ là [không thể bàn cãi].
"In passage: Insects are the undisputed masters of the terrestrial domain,
where they occupy every possible niche."

assign (v) /əˈsaɪn/ "cho, giao" "to say that something has a particular value
or function, or happens at a particular time or place" [Assign] a different
colour to each different type of information. [Gán] một màu khác nhau cho từng
loại thông tin khác nhau. "In passage: Rubin and colleagues did not assign
greater weight to any one dimension in determining playfulness; however, other
researchers have suggested that process orientation and a lack of obvious
functional purpose may be the most important aspects of play (e.g. Pellegrini
autonomy (n) /əˈtɑnəmi/ tự chủ the ability to act and make decisions
without being controlled by anyone else Parents need to give young adults greater
[autonomy] in their own lives. Cha mẹ cần trao cho thanh niên [quyền tự chủ]
lớn hơn trong cuộc sống của họ. "In passage: Intrinsically motivated free play
provides the child with true autonomy, while guided play is an avenue through which
parents and educators can provide more targeted learning experiences."
avenue (n) /ˈævəˌnu/ cách a choice or way of making progress towards something
We will explore every [avenue] until we find an answer. Chúng tôi sẽ khám
phá mọi [đại lộ] cho đến khi tìm ra câu trả lời. "In passage: Intrinsically
motivated free play provides the child with true autonomy, while guided play is an
avenue through which parents and educators can provide more targeted learning
capture (v) /ˈkæpʧər/ mô tả được chính xác "to succeed in accurately
expressing a feeling, an atmosphere, etc. in a picture, piece of writing, film,
etc." The song [captures] the spirit of those times. Bài hát [nắm bắt] tinh thần
của những thời điểm đó. "In passage: Definitions range from discrete descriptions
of various types of play such as physical, construction, language, or symbolic play
(Miler & Almon 2009), to lists of broad criteria, based on observations and
attitudes, that are meant to capture the essence of all play behaviors (e.g. Rubin
et al. 1983)."
cognitive (adj) /ˈkɑgnɪtɪv/ về nhận thức connected with mental processes of
understanding This is both a [cognitive] and an emotional process. Đây là cả
một quá trình [nhận thức] và cảm xúc. "In passage: Researchers and educators
know that these playful activities benefit the development of the whole child
across social, cognitive, physical, and emotional domains."
complex (adj) /ˈkɑmplɛks/ phức tạp made of many different things or parts
that are connected; difficult to understand Scientists need a better
understanding of the [complex] interactrions that cause hurricanes to intensify.
Các nhà khoa học cần hiểu rõ hơn về các tương tác [phức tạp] gây ra các cơn
bão mạnh lên. "In passage: Through play, children learn to regulate their
behavior, lay the foundations for later learning in science and mathematics, figure
out the complex negotiations of social relationships, build a repertoire of
creative problem-solving skills, and so much more."
component (n) /kəmˈpoʊnənt/ phần one of several parts of which something is made
The country still lacks the basic [components] of a real democratic system.
Đất nước vẫn thiếu những [thành phần] cơ bản của một hệ thống dân chủ thực
sự. "In passage: Indeed, play is such an instrumental component to healthy child
development that the United Nation High Commission on Human Rights (1989)
recognized play as a fundamental right of every child."
consensus (n) /kənˈsɛnsəs/ đồng thuận an opinion that all members of a group
agree with She is skilled at achieving [consensus] on sensitive issues. Cô ấy
có kỹ năng đạt được [sự đồng thuận] trong các vấn đề nhạy cảm. In passage: Full
consensus on a formal definition of play continues to elude the researchers and
theorists who study it.
construction (n) /kənˈstrəkʃən/ xây dựng "the process or method of building
or making something, especially roads, buildings, bridges, etc." Work has begun on
the [construction] of the new airport. Công việc [xây dựng] sân bay mới đã bắt
đầu. "In passage: Definitions range from discrete descriptions of various types of
play such as physical, construction, language, or symbolic play (Miler & Almon
2009), to lists of broad criteria, based on observations and attitudes, that are
meant to capture the essence of all play behaviors (e.g. Rubin et al. 1983)."
contemporary (adj) /kənˈtɛmpərˌɛri/ đương thời belonging to the same time
He was [contemporary] with the dramatist Congreve. Anh ấy [cùng thời] với
nhà viết kịch Congreve. In passage: A majority of the contemporary definitions of
play focus on several key criteria.
continuum (n) /kənˈtɪnjuəm/ chuỗi liên tục a series of similar items in which
each is almost the same as the ones next to it but the last is very different from
the first It is impossible to say at what point along the [continuum] a dialect
becomes a separate language. Không thể nói vào thời điểm nào dọc theo [liên tục]
một phương ngữ trở thành một ngôn ngữ riêng biệt. "In passage: Often, play is
defined along a continuum as more or less playful using the following set of
behavioral and dispositional criteria (e.g. Rubin et al. 1983)."
counterpart (n) /ˈkaʊntərˌpɑrt/ người tương tự trong một hoàn cảnh khác a
person or thing that has the same position or function as somebody/something else
in a different place or situation "The women's shoe, like its male [counterpart],
is specifically designed for the serious tennis player." "Giày nữ, cũng giống như
giày nam, được thiết kế đặc biệt cho người chơi quần vợt nghiêm túc." "In passage:
Today, children play eight hours less each week than their counterparts did two
decades ago (Elkind 2008)."
criterion (n) /kraɪˈtɪriən/ tiêu chí "a standard or principle by which
something is judged, or with the help of which a decision is made" She failed
to meet the strict selection [criteria]. Cô không đáp ứng được [tiêu chí] tuyển
chọn khắt khe. "In passage: Definitions range from discrete descriptions of
various types of play such as physical, construction, language, or symbolic play
(Miler & Almon 2009), to lists of broad criteria, based on observations and
attitudes, that are meant to capture the essence of all play behaviors (e.g. Rubin
et al. 1983)."
critically (adv) /ˈkrɪtɪkəli/ Quan trọng in a way that is extremely
important because a future situation will be affected by itHe has to make a
[critically] important decision. Anh ta phải đưa ra một quyết định [cực kỳ] quan
trọng. "In passage: Critically, recent research supports the idea that adults
can facilitate children’s learning while maintaining a playful approach in
interactions known as ‘guided play’ (Fisher et al. 2011)."
curriculum (n) /kərˈɪkjələm/ giáo trình "the subjects that are included in a
course of study or taught in a school, college, etc." The school [curriculum]
should be as broad as possible. [Chương trình giảng dạy] của trường nên càng
rộng càng tốt. "In passage: At a very basic level, adults can enrich the child’s
environment by providing objects or experiences that promote aspects of a
detriment (n) /ˈdɛtrəmənt/ điều gây hại the act of causing harm or damage;
something that causes harm or damage Too many tests are a [detriment] to good
education. Quá nhiều bài kiểm tra là một [phương hại] cho nền giáo dục tốt. "In
passage: Researcher Joan Goodman (1994) suggested that hybrid forms of work and
play are not a detriment to learning; rather, they can provide optimal contexts for
dichotomy (n) /daɪˈkɑtəmi/ sự tách biệt a division or contrast between two
groups or things that are completely opposite to and different from each other
There is often a [dichotomy] between what politicians say and what they do.
Thường có một [sự phân đôi] giữa những gì các chính trị gia nói và những gì
họ làm. In passage: Our society has created a false dichotomy between play and
discovery (n) /ˌdɪˈskəvri/ phát hiện "an act or the process of finding
somebody/something, or learning about something that was not known about before"
The film takes us on a journey of [discovery] to different parts of the
globe. Bộ phim đưa chúng ta vào một cuộc hành trình [khám phá] đến các vùng
khác nhau trên thế giới. "In passage: In the more direct form of guided play,
parents or other adults can support children’s play by joining in the fun as a co-
player, raising thoughtful questions, commenting on children’s discoveries, or
encouraging further exploration or new facets to the child’s activity."
discrete (adj) /dɪˈskrit/ "riêng biệt, rời rạc" independent of other things
of the same type The organisms can be divided into [discrete] categories. Các
sinh vật có thể được chia thành các loại [rời rạc]. "In passage: Definitions
range from discrete descriptions of various types of play such as physical,
construction, language, or symbolic play (Miler & Almon 2009), to lists of broad
criteria, based on observations and attitudes, that are meant to capture the
essence of all play behaviors (e.g. Rubin et al. 1983)."
dispositional (adj) liên quan đến bản tính related to one's disposition
(natural qualities of a person's character) This situation is stressful to
people with a nervous [disposition]. Tình trạng này gây căng thẳng cho những
người có [định vị] lo lắng. "In passage: Often, play is defined along a continuum
as more or less playful using the following set of behavioral and dispositional
criteria (e.g. Rubin et al. 1983)."
domain (n) /doʊˈmeɪn/ khía cạnh an area of knowledge or activity; especially
one that somebody is responsible for I am not responsible for things that
happen outside the [domain] of the home. Tôi không chịu trách nhiệm về những việc
xảy ra bên ngoài [miền] của ngôi nhà. "In passage: Researchers and educators
know that these playful activities benefit the development of the whole child
across social, cognitive, physical, and emotional domains."
element (n) /ˈɛləmənt/ yếu tố a necessary or typical part of something; one
of several parts that something contains The architects were instructed to
incorporate [elements] from the older building. Các kiến trúc sư đã được hướng dẫn
để kết hợp [các yếu tố] từ tòa nhà cũ hơn. In passage: Both free and guided
play are essential elements in a child-centered approach to playful learning.
elude (v) /ɪˈlud/ lảng tránh to manage to avoid or escape from The two men
managed to [elude] the police for six weeks. Hai người đàn ông đã tìm cách [lẩn
tránh] cảnh sát trong sáu tuần. In passage: Full consensus on a formal
definition of play continues to elude the researchers and theorists who study it.
enrich (v) /ɪnˈrɪʧ/ "làm giàu, làm phong phú" "to improve the quality of
something, often by adding something to it" The study of science has [enriched]
all our lives. Việc nghiên cứu khoa học đã [làm phong phú] tất cả cuộc sống của
chúng ta. "In passage: At a very basic level, adults can enrich the child’s
environment by providing objects or experiences that promote aspects of a
essence (n) /ˈɛsəns/ bản chất "the most important quality or feature of
something, that makes it what it is" "[In essence] ( when you consider the
most important points), your situation isn't so different from mine." "[Về bản
chất] (khi bạn xem xét những điểm quan trọng nhất), tình huống của bạn không quá
khác so với tôi." "In passage: Definitions range from discrete descriptions of
various types of play such as physical, construction, language, or symbolic play
(Miler & Almon 2009), to lists of broad criteria, based on observations and
attitudes, that are meant to capture the essence of all play behaviors (e.g. Rubin
et al. 1983)."
exploration (n) /ˌɛksplərˈeɪʃən/ khám phá the act of travelling through a
place in order to find out about it or look for something in it Budgets for space
[exploration] have been cut back. Ngân sách dành cho [thám hiểm] không gian đã bị
cắt giảm. "In passage: In the more direct form of guided play, parents or other
adults can support children’s play by joining in the fun as a co-player, raising
thoughtful questions, commenting on children’s discoveries, or encouraging further
exploration or new facets to the child’s activity."
expound (v) /ɪkˈspaʊnd/ "đưa ra, giải thích" to explain something by
talking about it in detail She [expounded] her theory further in the course of
her talk. Cô ấy [giải thích] thêm lý thuyết của mình trong quá trình nói chuyện.
"In passage: Yet, while experts continue to expound a powerful argument for
the importance of play in children’s lives, the actual time children spend playing
continues to decrease."
extrinsically (adv) từ bên ngoài in a manner that is not belonging
naturally to someone or something; coming from or existing outside someone or
something rather than within them She was [extrinsically] motivated by the salary
offered rather than the company's values. Cô ấy được thúc đẩy [bên ngoài] bởi mức
lương được đưa ra hơn là giá trị của công ty. In passage: It has no extrinsically
motivated function or goal.
facilitate (v) /fəˈsɪləˌteɪt/ tạo điều kiện to make an action or a
process possible or easier The new trade agreement should [facilitate] more
rapid economic growth. Hiệp định thương mại mới sẽ [tạo điều kiện] tăng trưởng
kinh tế nhanh hơn. "In passage: Critically, recent research supports the idea
that adults can facilitate children’s learning while maintaining a playful approach
in interactions known as ‘guided play’ (Fisher et al. 2011)."
figure out (phr v) /ˈfɪgjər aʊt/ tìm ra to think about somebody/something
until you understand them/it I'm trying to [figure out] a way to make this work.
Tôi đang cố gắng [tìm ra] một cách để làm cho việc này hoạt động. "In
passage: Through play, children learn to regulate their behavior, lay the
foundations for later learning in science and mathematics, figure out the complex
negotiations of social relationships, build a repertoire of creative problem-
solving skills, and so much more."
for its own sake (idiom) /fər ɪts oʊn seɪk/ vì lợi ích của cái gì "because of
the interest or value something has, not because of the advantages it may bring"
I believe in education [for its own sake]. Tôi tin vào giáo dục [vì lợi
ích của chính nó]. "In passage: The founder of the National Institute for
Play, Stuart Brown, has described play as ‘anything that spontaneously is done for
its own sake’."
formal (adj) /ˈfɔrməl/ chính thức very correct and suitable for official or
important occasions He kept the tone of the letter [formal] and businesslike.
Anh ta giữ giọng điệu của lá thư [trang trọng] và kinh doanh. In passage:
Full consensus on a formal definition of play continues to elude the researchers
and theorists who study it.
fundamental (adj) /ˌfəndəˈmɛnəl/ cơ bản serious and very important;
affecting the most central and important parts of somethingThere is a [fundamental]
difference between the two points of view. Có một sự khác biệt [cơ bản] giữa
hai quan điểm. "In passage: Indeed, play is such an instrumental component to
healthy child development that the United Nation High Commission on Human Rights
(1989) recognized play as a fundamental right of every child."
give somebody a leg up (idiom) /gɪv ˈsəmˌbɑdi ə lɛg əp/ giúp ai phát triển
to help someone to improve their situation The loan from his father
[gave him a leg up] when he needed it. Khoản vay từ cha anh ấy [đã cho anh ấy
một chân] khi anh ấy cần nó. "In passage: Under pressure of rising academic
standards, play is being replaced by test preparation in kindergartens and grade
schools, and parents who aim to give their preschoolers a leg up are led to believe
that flashcards and educational ‘toys’ are the path to success."
hybrid (adj) /ˈhaɪbrɪd/ "lai, kết hợp" that is the product of mixing two
or more different things "Creole is a [hybrid] language, the result of mixing
Western African languages and French." "Tiếng Creole là một ngôn ngữ [lai], kết
quả của sự pha trộn giữa các ngôn ngữ Tây Phi và tiếng Pháp." "In passage:
Researcher Joan Goodman (1994) suggested that hybrid forms of work and play are not
a detriment to learning; rather, they can provide optimal contexts for learning."
instrumental (adj) /ˌɪnstrəˈmɛnəl/ quan trọng important in making something
happen The Conservation Trust performs an [instrumental] role in the
protection of rural environments. Ủy ban Bảo tồn thực hiện một vai trò [công cụ]
trong việc bảo vệ môi trường nông thôn. "In passage: Indeed, play is such an
instrumental component to healthy child development that the United Nation High
Commission on Human Rights (1989) recognized play as a fundamental right of every
intense (adj) /ˌɪnˈtɛns/ mãnh liệt very great; very strong We were all
suffering in the [intense] heat. Tất cả chúng tôi đều đang phải chịu đựng cái
nóng [dữ dội]. "In passage: The drive to play is so intense that children will
do so in any circumstances, for instance when they have no real toys, or when
parents do not actively encourage the behavior."
interaction (n) /ˌɪnərˈækʃən/ tương tác "if one thing has an interaction
with another, or if there is an interaction between two things, the two things have
an effect on each other" There's not enough [interaction] between the
management and the workers. Không có đủ [tương tác] giữa quản lý và công nhân.
"In passage: Critically, recent research supports the idea that adults can
facilitate children’s learning while maintaining a playful approach in interactions
known as ‘guided play’ (Fisher et al. 2011)."
intrinsic (adj) /ˌɪnˈtrɪnsɪk/ "bên trong, nội tại" belonging to or part of
the real nature of something/somebody "These tasks were repetitive, lengthy and
lacking any [intrinsic] interest." "Những nhiệm vụ này lặp đi lặp lại, dài dòng và
thiếu bất kỳ sự quan tâm [nội tại] nào." "In passage: Similarly, Miller and Almon
(2009) say that play includes ‘activities that are freely chosen and directed by
children and arise from intrinsic motivation’."
make-believe (n) trò chơi đóng vai "imagining that something is real, or that you
are somebody else, for example in a child’s game" "‘Let's play [make-believe],’
said Sam." "“Hãy chơi [make-believe],” Sam nói." In passage: It involves make-
mentally (adv) /ˈmɛnəli/ về tinh thần connected with or happening in the
mind "I felt extremely fit, both physically and [mentally]." "Tôi cảm thấy vô
cùng sung mãn, cả về thể chất và [tinh thần]." In passage: Play is actively
engaged: Players must be physically and/or mentally involved in the activity. Play
is non-literal.
motive (n) /ˈmoʊtɪv/ "động cơ, mục tiêu" a reason for doing something There
seemed to be no [motive] for the murder. Dường như không có [động cơ] cho vụ giết
người. "In passage: From the perspective of a continuum, play can thus blend
with other motives and attitudes that are less playful, such as work."
negotiation (n) /nɪˌgoʊʃiˈeɪʃən/ đàm phán formal discussion between people
who are trying to reach an agreement The rent is a matter for [negotiation]
between the landlord and the tenant. Giá thuê là một vấn đề [thương lượng]
giữa chủ nhà và người thuê. "In passage: Through play, children learn to regulate
their behavior, lay the foundations for later learning in science and mathematics,
figure out the complex negotiations of social relationships, build a repertoire of
creative problem-solving skills, and so much more."
non-literal (adj) "nghĩa bóng, mang nghĩa khác ngoài nghĩa đen" not using or
taking words in their usual or most basic sense There are so many ways to tell
stories in a [non-literal] way Có rất nhiều cách để kể chuyện theo cách [không
theo nghĩa đen] In passage: Play is actively engaged: Players must be physically
and/or mentally involved in the activity. Play is non-literal.
optimal (adj) /ˈɑptɪməl/ "tối ưu, tốt nhất" the best possible; producing
the best possible results The [optimal] economic position for households is
represented by point B on the chart. Vị trí kinh tế [tối ưu] cho các hộ gia
đình được thể hiện bằng điểm B trên biểu đồ. "In passage: Researcher Joan
Goodman (1994) suggested that hybrid forms of work and play are not a detriment to
learning; rather, they can provide optimal contexts for learning."
orientation (n) /ˌɔriɛnˈteɪʃən/ định hướng the type of aims or interests that
a person or an organization has; the act of directing your aims towards a
particular thing People over 55 tended to have a strong leisure [orientation].
Những người trên 55 tuổi có xu hướng có [định hướng] giải trí mạnh mẽ. "In
passage: Rubin and colleagues did not assign greater weight to any one dimension in
determining playfulness; however, other researchers have suggested that process
orientation and a lack of obvious functional purpose may be the most important
aspects of play (e.g. Pellegrini 2009)."
perspective (n) /pərˈspɛktɪv/ quan điểm a particular attitude towards
something; a way of thinking about something A historical [perspective] may help
us understand the issue. [Quan điểm] lịch sử có thể giúp chúng tôi hiểu vấn
đề. "In passage: From the perspective of a continuum, play can thus blend with
other motives and attitudes that are less playful, such as work."
pleasurable (adj) /ˈplɛʒərəbəl/ "dễ chịu, làm vui lòng" giving pleasure We do
everything we can to make your trip [pleasurable]. Chúng tôi làm mọi thứ có thể
để chuyến đi của bạn trở nên [thú vị]. In passage: Play is pleasurable: Children
must enjoy the activity or it is not play.
predominantly (adv) /ˌprɪˈdɑmənənˌtli/ chủ yếu mostly; mainly She works in
a [predominantly] male environment. Cô ấy làm việc trong một môi trường [chủ yếu]
là nam giới. "In passage: In either case, play should be actively engaged, it
should be predominantly child-directed, and it must be fun."
purposeless (adj) /ˈpərpəsləs/ không có mục đích "having no meaning, use or
clear aim" I am not convinced that it was entirely [purposeless]. Tôi không
tin rằng nó hoàn toàn [không có mục đích]. "In passage: More specifically, he
says it ‘appears purposeless, produces pleasure and joy, [and] leads one to the
next stage of mastery’ (as quoted in Tippett 2008)."
regulate (v) /ˈrɛgjəˌleɪt/ "kiểm soát, điều tiết" to control something by means
of rules The department is responsible for [regulating] the insurance industry.
Bộ chịu trách nhiệm [điều chỉnh] ngành bảo hiểm. "In passage: Through
play, children learn to regulate their behavior, lay the foundations for later
learning in science and mathematics, figure out the complex negotiations of social
relationships, build a repertoire of creative problem-solving skills, and so much
repertoire (n) /ˈrɛpərtˌwɑr/ "kho, vốn" "all the plays, songs, pieces of music,
etc. that a performer knows and can perform" She was a [renowned] pianist with a
wide repertoire. Cô ấy là một nghệ sĩ piano [nổi tiếng] với nhiều tiết mục. "In
passage: Through play, children learn to regulate their behavior, lay the
foundations for later learning in science and mathematics, figure out the complex
negotiations of social relationships, build a repertoire of creative problem-
solving skills, and so much more."
robust (adj) /roʊˈbəst/ "tốt, mạnh mẽ" strong and healthy He seems to
be in [robust] (good) health. Anh ta có vẻ như đang ở trong tình trạng [rất] (tốt)
sức khỏe. "In passage: At this mid-point between play and work, the child’s
motivation, coupled with guidance from an adult, can create robust opportunities
for playful learning."
spontaneously (adv) /spɑnˈteɪniəsli/ tự phát in a way that is not planned
but done because you suddenly want to do it We [spontaneously] started to
dance. Chúng tôi [một cách tự nhiên] bắt đầu khiêu vũ. "In passage: The founder
of the National Institute for Play, Stuart Brown, has described play as ‘anything
that spontaneously is done for its own sake’."
standard (n) /ˈstændərd/ tiêu chuẩn "a level of quality, especially one that
people think is acceptable" There has been a fall in living [standards]. Đã có
sự sụt giảm trong [tiêu chuẩn] sống. "In passage: Under pressure of rising
academic standards, play is being replaced by test preparation in kindergartens and
grade schools, and parents who aim to give their preschoolers a leg up are led to
believe that flashcards and educational ‘toys’ are the path to success."
stem from (phr v) /stɛm frəm/ bắt nguồn từ to be the result of something
Most people’s insecurities [stem from] something that happened in their
childhood. Hầu hết mọi người đều cảm thấy bất an [bắt nguồn từ] điều gì đó đã xảy
ra trong thời thơ ấu của họ. In passage: Play should stem from the child’s own
symbolic (adj) /sɪmˈbɑlɪk/ mang tính biểu tượng "containing symbols, or being
used as a symbol" He shook his fist in a [symbolic] gesture of defiance. Anh ta
lắc nắm tay trong một cử chỉ thách thức [tượng trưng]. "In passage: Definitions
range from discrete descriptions of various types of play such as physical,
construction, language, or symbolic play (Miler & Almon 2009), to lists of broad
criteria, based on observations and attitudes, that are meant to capture the
essence of all play behaviors (e.g. Rubin et al. 1983)."
various (adj) /ˈvɛriəs/ khác nhau several different "We talked about jobs,
family, football and [various] other things." "Chúng tôi đã nói về công việc, gia
đình, bóng đá và [nhiều] thứ khác." "In passage: Definitions range from discrete
descriptions of various types of play such as physical, construction, language, or
symbolic play (Miler & Almon 2009), to lists of broad criteria, based on
observations and attitudes, that are meant to capture the essence of all play
behaviors (e.g. Rubin et al. 1983)."
voluntary (adj) /ˈvɑləntɛri/ một cách tình nguyện "done willingly, not because
you are forced" Attendance on the course is purely [voluntary]. Việc tham dự khóa
học hoàn toàn là [tự nguyện]. "In passage: It is freely chosen, spontaneous and
variety (n) /vərˈaɪəti/ "sự phong phú, đa dạng" several different sorts of
the same thing There is a wide [variety] of patterns to choose from.Có nhiều
[nhiều] mẫu để lựa chọn. "In passage: Firstly, there are so many insects that,
without some manner of targeted approach, investigating this huge variety of
species is a daunting task."
vary (v) /ˈvɛri/ khác nhau "to be different from each other in size, shape,
etc." "There are a number of routes to the summit, with [varying] levels of
difficulty." "Có một số tuyến đường lên đỉnh, với mức độ khó [khác nhau]."
"In passage: Laboratory-based drug discovery has achieved varying levels of
success, something which has now prompted the development of new approaches
focusing once again on natural products."
venom (n) /ˈvɛnəm/ chất độc "the poisonous liquid that some snakes,
spiders, etc. produce when they bite or sting you" The snake injects the [venom]
immediately after biting its prey. Con rắn tiêm [nọc độc] ngay sau khi cắn con
mồi. "In passage: Meanwhile, a compound from the venom of the wasp Polybia
paulista has potential in cancer treatment."
wilderness (n) /ˈwɪldərnəs/ thiên nhiên hoang dã a large area of land that has
never been developed or used for growing crops because it is difficult to live
there The Antarctic is the world's last great [wilderness].Nam Cực là [vùng hoang
dã] vĩ đại cuối cùng trên thế giới. "In passage: With every bit of wilderness that
disappears, we deprive ourselves of potential medicines."

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