Ilets Vocab Study4 C16 2

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adequate (adj) /ˈædəkˌweɪt/ đầy đủ '=enough or satisfactory for a particular

purpose Have we got [adequate] food for 20 guests? Chúng ta có đủ thức ăn

cho 20 khách không? "In passage: Nevertheless, there are certain areas of the
Vale of the White Horse, the valley containing and named after the enigmatic
creature, from which an adequate impression may be gained."
artistic (adj) /ɑrˈtɪstɪk/ "khéo léo, có khiếu nghệ thuật" '=able to create
or enjoy art "His friends are all [artistic] - they're painters, musicians,
and writers." "Bạn bè của anh ấy đều [nghệ thuật] - họ là họa sĩ, nhạc sĩ và
nhà văn." "In passage: While many historians are convinced the figure is
prehistoric, others believe that it was the work of an artistic monk from a nearby
priory and was created between the 11th and 15th centuries."
assign (v) /əˈsaɪn/ ấn định '=Designate or set (something) aside for a
specific purpose. Have you [assigned] a day for the interviews yet? Bạn đã [chỉ
định] một ngày cho các cuộc phỏng vấn chưa? In passage: The White Horse has
recently been re-dated and shown to be even older than its previously assigned
ancient pre-Roman Iron Age date
attest (v) /əˈtɛst/ chứng thực '=to show something or to say or prove that
something is true "As his career [attests], he is a world-class tennis player"
"Như sự nghiệp của anh ấy [chứng thực], anh ấy là một vận động viên quần vợt
đẳng cấp thế giới" "In passage: Nevertheless, the horse had great ritual and
economic significance during the Bronze and Iron Ages, as attested by its
depictions on jewellery and other metal objects"
continuity (n) /ˌkɑntəˈnuəti/ sự tiếp diễn "'=the state of continuing
over time, esp. without change or interruption" He argued that the country needed
to maintain some [continuity] in foreign policy Ông cho rằng đất nước cần duy trì
một số [tính liên tục] trong chính sách đối ngoại "In passage: The fact that
any ancient hill figures survive at all in England today is testament to the
strength and continuity of local customs and beliefs which, in one case at least,
must stretch back over millennia."
controversial (adj) /ˌkɑntrəˈvərʃəl/ gây tranh cãi '=causing disagreement
or discussion The book was very [controversial] Cuốn sách rất [gây tranh cãi]
In passage: More controversial is the date of the enigmatic Long Man of
Wilmington in Sussex
cross (n) /krɔs/ cây thánh giá "'=an object in the shape of a cross that
people were killed on, used as a symbol of Christianity" She wears a gold [cross]
around her neck. Cô đeo một [thánh giá] vàng quanh cổ. "In passage: The figures
include giants, horses, crosses and regimental badges"
custom (n) /ˈkəstəm/ phong tục '=a way of behaving or a belief that has been
established for a long time "In my country, it's the [custom] (for women) to get
married in white" "Ở đất nước tôi, [phong tục] (đối với phụ nữ) kết hôn với người
da trắng" "In passage: The fact that any ancient hill figures survive at all in
England today is testament to the strength and continuity of local customs and
beliefs which, in one case at least, must stretch back over millennia."
depiction (n) /dɪˈpɪkʃən/ sự khắc họa '=the way that something is represented
or shown The painter's [depictions] of the horror of war won her a worldwide
reputation. [Những mô tả] kinh hoàng của chiến tranh của họa sĩ đã giành được danh
tiếng trên toàn thế giới. "In passage: Due to the similarity of the Uffington
White Horse to the stylised depictions of horses on 1st century BCE coins, it had
been thought that the creature must also date to that period"
disjointed (adj) /dɪsˈʤɔɪntɪd/ rời rạc '=not well connected or well
ordered The script was [disjointed] and hard to follow Kịch bản [rời rạc] và
khó theo dõi "In passage: The Uffington White Horse is a unique, stylised
representation of a horse consisting of a long, sleek back, thin disjointed legs, a
streaming tail, and a bird-like beaked head"
emblem (n) /ˈɛmbləm/ biểu tượng "'=a picture of an object that is used to
represent a particular person, group, or idea" A rose is the national [emblem] of
England Một bông hồng là [biểu tượng] quốc gia của nước Anh "In passage: The
latter end of this date range would tie the carving of the horse in with occupation
of the nearby Uffington hillfort, indicating that it may represent a tribal emblem
marking the land of the inhabitants of the hillfort"
enigmatic (adj) /ˌɛnɪgˈmætɪk/ bí ẩn '=mysterious and impossible to understand
completely The Mona Lisa has a famously [enigmatic] smile. Nàng Mona Lisa có một nụ
cười [bí ẩn] nổi tiếng. In passage: More controversial is the date of the enigmatic
Long Man of Wilmington in Sussex
fertility (n) /fərˈtɪlɪti/ "sự màu mỡ, khả năng sinh sản" '=the ability to
produce young It is thought that environmental toxins are destroying
[fertility]. Người ta cho rằng các chất độc trong môi trường đang phá hủy [khả
năng sinh sản]. "In passage: Some researchers see the horse as representing the
Celtic horse goddess Epona, who was worshipped as a protector of horses, and for
her associations with fertility"
gesture (n) /ˈʤɛsʧər/ cử chỉ "'=a movement of the hands, arms, or head, etc.
to express an idea or feeling" She made a rude [gesture] at the other driver.
Cô ấy làm một [cử chỉ] thô lỗ với người lái xe kia. "In passage: The fact
that geoglyphs can disappear easily, along with their associated rituals and
meaning, indicates that they were never intended to be anything more than temporary
gleaming (adj) /ˈglimɪŋ/ sáng bóng '=bright and shiny from being cleaned
The [gleaming] windows are the result of many cleanings Các cửa sổ [lấp
lánh] là kết quả của nhiều lần dọn dẹp In passage: The method of cutting these
huge figures was simply to remove the overlying grass to reveal the gleaming white
chalk below
glimpse (n) /glɪmps/ hình ảnh thoáng qua '=a quick idea or understanding of
what something is like This biography offers a few [glimpses] of his life before
he became famous. Cuốn tiểu sử này cung cấp một vài [cái nhìn sơ lược] về cuộc đời
của anh ấy trước khi anh ấy trở nên nổi tiếng. In passage: These giant carvings
are a fascinating glimpse into the minds of their creators and how they viewed the
landscape in which they lived
indicate (v) /ˈɪndəˌkeɪt/ chỉ ra '=Point out; show Sales [indicate] a
growing market for such art Bán hàng [chỉ ra] một thị trường đang phát triển cho
nghệ thuật như vậy "In passage: The fact that geoglyphs can disappear easily,
along with their associated rituals and meaning, indicates that they were never
intended to be anything more than temporary gestures"
inhabitant (n) /ˌɪnˈhæbɪtənt/ cư dân '=a person or animal that lives in
a particular place "The city of Ely has about 10,000 [inhabitants]." Thành
phố Ely có khoảng 10.000 [cư dân]. "In passage: The latter end of this date range
would tie the carving of the horse in with occupation of the nearby Uffington
hillfort, indicating that it may represent a tribal emblem marking the land of the
inhabitants of the hillfort"
intend (v) /ˌɪnˈtɛnd/ có ý định '=to have as a plan or purpose We [intend]
to go to Australia next year. Chúng tôi [dự định] sẽ đến Úc vào năm tới. "In
passage: The fact that geoglyphs can disappear easily, along with their associated
rituals and meaning, indicates that they were never intended to be anything more
than temporary gestures"
lessen (v) /ˈlɛsən/ làm giảm đi '=Make or become less; diminish A healthy
diet can [lessen] the risk of heart disease. Một chế độ ăn uống lành mạnh có thể
[làm giảm] nguy cơ mắc bệnh tim. In passage: But this does not lessen their
melt into (v) /mɛlt ˈɪntu/ hòa vào (cảnh sắc) "'=to look so similar to
something else all around you, or to be so much a part of it, that people do not
see or notice you" The security men just [melted into] the background until
they were needed Các nhân viên an ninh chỉ [tan vào] nền cho đến khi họ cần đến
In passage: The elegant creature almost melts into the landscape.
millennium (n) /məˈlɛniəm/ thiên niên kỷ "'=a period of 1,000 years, or the
time when a period of 1,000 years ends" The corpse had lain preserved in the soil
for almost two [millennia] Xác chết đã được bảo quản trong đất gần hai [thiên
niên kỷ] "In passage: The fact that any ancient hill figures survive at all in
England today is testament to the strength and continuity of local customs and
beliefs which, in one case at least, must stretch back over millennia."
monk (n) /məŋk/ nhà sư '=a member of a group of religious men who do not
marry and usually live together in a monastery "‘He has attended several retreats
at the abbey, run by the Catholic order of Benedictine [monks]" "‘Anh ấy đã tham
dự một số khóa tĩnh tâm tại tu viện, do dòng Benedictine [tu sĩ] Công giáo điều
hành." "In passage: While many historians are convinced the figure is
prehistoric, others believe that it was the work of an artistic monk from a nearby
priory and was created between the 11th and 15th centuries."
mound (n) /maʊnd/ mô đất '=A raised mass of earth and stones created for
purposes of defence or burial. "The dead were cremated, and then buried at the
centre of a great [mound]" "Người chết được hỏa táng, và sau đó được chôn ở
trung tâm của một [gò đất] lớn" In passage: The Uffington Horse is also
surrounded by Bronze Age burial mounds
mythology (n) /məˈθɑləˌʤi/ thần thoại "'=A collection of myths, especially one
belonging to a particular religious or cultural tradition."She's fascinated by the
stories of classical [mythology] Cô ấy bị cuốn hút bởi những câu chuyện [thần
thoại] cổ điển "In passage: It is possible that the carving represents a goddess
in native mythology, such as Rhiannon, described in later Welsh mythology as a
beautiful woman dressed in gold and riding a white horse"
overlie (v) nằm phía trên '=to be on top of something Soft clays
[overlie] the basalt Đất sét mềm [overlie] bazan In passage: The method of
cutting these huge figures was simply to remove the overlying grass to reveal the
gleaming white chalk below
prehistoric (adj) /ˌprihɪˈstɔrɪk/ thuộc thời tiền sử '=describing the period
before there were written records Painting originated in prehistoric times. Tranh
có nguồn gốc từ thời tiền sử. "In passage: While many historians are convinced the
figure is prehistoric, others believe that it was the work of an artistic monk from
a nearby priory and was created between the 11th and 15th centuries."
priory (n) /ˈpraɪəri/ tu viện "'=a building where monks or nuns live, work,
and pray" "Others included walks from Iona to Holy Island, Canterbury to York,
and around the monasteries, abbeys and [priories] of Yorkshire." "Những người khác
bao gồm đi bộ từ Iona đến Đảo Holy, Canterbury đến York, và xung quanh các tu viện,
tu viện và [các giáo viện] của Yorkshire." "In passage: While many historians
are convinced the figure is prehistoric, others believe that it was the work of an
artistic monk from a nearby priory and was created between the 11th and 15th
protector (n) /prəˈtɛktər/ người bảo hộ '=someone who protects someone or
something Philip II considered himself the [protector] of the Catholic Church.
Philip II tự coi mình là [người bảo vệ] của Giáo hội Công giáo. "In passage:
Some researchers see the horse as representing the Celtic horse goddess Epona, who
was worshipped as a protector of horses, and for her associations with fertility"
reference (n) /ˈrɛfərəns/ sự đề cập đến '=a mention of something He
made several [references] to his time in France Anh ấy đã đưa ra một số [tham
chiếu] về thời gian ở Pháp "In passage: The earliest evidence of a horse at
Uffington is from the 1070s CE when ‘White Horse Hill’ is mentioned in documents
from the nearby Abbey of Abingdon, and the first reference to the horse itself is
soon after, in 1190 CE"
regimental (adj) /ˌrɛʤəˈmɛntəl/ thuộc trung đoàn '=connected with a particular
regiment He retained close links with former [regimental] colleagues. Ông
vẫn giữ mối liên kết chặt chẽ với các đồng nghiệp cũ [trung đoàn]. "In passage:
The figures include giants, horses, crosses and regimental badges"
representation (n) /ˌrɛprəzɛnˈteɪʃən/ sự tượng trưng "'=a sign, picture,
model, etc. of something" This statue is a [representation] of Hercules. Bức
tượng này là một [đại diện] của Hercules. "In passage: The Uffington White Horse is
a unique, stylised representation of a horse consisting of a long, sleek back, thin
disjointed legs, a streaming tail, and a bird-like beaked head"
reveal (v) /rɪˈvil/ làm lộ ra "'=to allow something to be seen that, until
then, had been hidden" A gap in the clouds [revealed] the Atlantic far below Một
khoảng trống trên mây [tiết lộ] Đại Tây Dương ở phía dưới In passage: The method
of cutting these huge figures was simply to remove the overlying grass to reveal
the gleaming white chalk below
ritual (n) /ˈrɪʧuəl/ nghi thức "'=a set of fixed actions and sometimes words
performed regularly, especially as part of a ceremony" Coffee and the newspaper
are part of my morning [ritual]. Cà phê và báo là một phần [nghi lễ] buổi sáng
của tôi. "In passage: Nevertheless, the horse had great ritual and economic
significance during the Bronze and Iron Ages, as attested by its depictions on
jewellery and other metal objects"
scatter (v) /ˈskætər/ rải rác '=to cover a surface with things that are far
apart and in no particular arrangement I [scattered] grass seed all over the
lawn Tôi [rải] hạt cỏ khắp bãi cỏ "In passage: There are 56 hill figures
scattered around England, with the vast majority on the chalk downlands of the
country’s southern counties"
scour (v) /skaʊər/ quét dọn '=to remove dirt from something by rubbing it
hard with something rough You'll have to [scour] out those old cooking pots
before you use them Bạn sẽ phải [lùng sục] những chiếc nồi cũ kỹ trước khi sử
dụng "In passage: However, the grass would soon grow over the geoglyph again
unless it was regularly cleaned or scoured by a fairly large team of people"
slope (n) /sloʊp/ con dốc '=a surface that lies at an angle to the
horizontal so that some points on it are higher than othersThe roof is at a [slope]
('= at an angle to a horizontal surface) of 30° Mái nhà ở [độ dốc] ('= một góc với
bề mặt nằm ngang) là 30 ° "In passage: The horse is situated 2.5 km from
Uffington village on a steep slope close to the Late Bronze Age (c. 7th century
BCE) hillfort of Uffington Castle and below the Ridgeway, a long-distance Neolithic
steep (adj) /stip/ dốc đứng '=rising or falling at a sharp angle "It's
a [steep] climb to the top of the mountain, but the view is worth it" "Đó là một
[dốc] leo lên đỉnh núi, nhưng tầm nhìn rất đáng giá" "In passage: The horse is
situated 2.5 km from Uffington village on a steep slope close to the Late Bronze
Age (c. 7th century BCE) hillfort of Uffington Castle and below the Ridgeway, a
long-distance Neolithic track."
streaming (adj) /ˈstrimɪŋ/ tuôn chảy '=smoothly float or wave at full extent
She sat with [streaming] tears on her face Cô ấy ngồi với những giọt
nước mắt [đang chảy] trên khuôn mặt "In passage: The Uffington White Horse is a
unique, stylised representation of a horse consisting of a long, sleek back, thin
disjointed legs, a streaming tail, and a bird-like beaked head"
stylised (adj) cách điệu '=Depicted or treated in a mannered and non-realistic
style The rock drawings depict a variety of [stylized] mythological figures and
patterns. Các bức vẽ trên đá mô tả nhiều loại hình và hoa văn thần thoại [cách
điệu]. "In passage: The Uffington White Horse is a unique, stylised
representation of a horse consisting of a long, sleek back, thin disjointed legs, a
streaming tail, and a bird-like beaked head"
temporary (adj) /ˈtɛmpərˌɛri/ tạm thời '=not lasting or needed for very
long The ceasefire will only provide a [temporary] solution to the crisis. Lệnh
ngừng bắn sẽ chỉ cung cấp một giải pháp [tạm thời] cho cuộc khủng hoảng. "In
passage: The fact that geoglyphs can disappear easily, along with their associated
rituals and meaning, indicates that they were never intended to be anything more
than temporary gestures"
testament (n) /ˈtɛstəmənt/ bảo chứng '=proof of something He is a walking
[testament] to the value of hard work Anh ấy là một [minh chứng] đi bộ cho giá
trị của sự chăm chỉ "In passage: The fact that any ancient hill figures survive
at all in England today is testament to the strength and continuity of local
customs and beliefs which, in one case at least, must stretch back over millennia."
tribal (adj) /ˈtraɪbəl/ thuộc về bộ lạc '=relating to a tribe Cooking the
bread was a [tribal] custom. Nấu bánh mì là một phong tục của [bộ lạc]. "In
passage: The latter end of this date range would tie the carving of the horse in
with occupation of the nearby Uffington hillfort, indicating that it may represent
a tribal emblem marking the land of the inhabitants of the hillfort"
well-preserved (adj) bảo quản tốt '=kept in good condition It was a
pretty town with a picturesque harbour and [well-preserved] buildings Đó là một
thị trấn xinh đẹp với bến cảng đẹp như tranh vẽ và các tòa nhà [được bảo tồn tốt]
"In passage: It is not far from the Bronze Age cemetery of Lambourn Seven
Barrows, which consists of more than 30 well-preserved burial mounds"
worship (v) /ˈwərʃɪp/ thờ tụng '=to have or show a strong feeling of respect
and admiration for God or a god On the island the people [worshipped] different
gods. "Trên đảo, người dân [tôn thờ] các vị thần khác nhau." "In passage: Some
researchers see the horse as representing the Celtic horse goddess Epona, who was
worshipped as a protector of horses, and for her associations with fertility"

absorbing (adj) /əbˈzɔrbɪŋ/ thu hút '=Something that is absorbing is very

interesting and keeps your attention I read her last novel and found it very
[absorbing] Tôi đọc cuốn tiểu thuyết cuối cùng của cô ấy và thấy nó rất [hấp thụ]
"In passage: And, as Yong explains in his utterly absorbing and hugely
important book, we mess with them at our peril"
adept (adj) /əˈdɛpt/ tinh thông '=having a natural ability to do something that
needs skill She's very [adept] at dealing with the media Cô ấy rất [thành thạo]
trong việc xử lý các phương tiện truyền thông "In passage: It’s a fascinating
topic and Yong, a young British science journalist, is an extraordinarily adept
allergy (n) /ˈælərʤi/ dị ứng '=a condition that makes a person become sick
or develop skin or breathing problems because they have eaten certain foods or been
near certain substances Your rash is caused by an [allergy] to peanuts. Phát ban của
bạn là do [dị ứng] với đậu phộng. "In passage: Our obsession with hygiene, our
overuse of antibiotics and our unhealthy, low-fibre diets are disrupting the
bacterial balance and may be responsible for soaring rates of allergies and immune
problems, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)"
appealing (adj) /əˈpilɪŋ/ "quyến rũ, thu hút" '=attractive or interesting
He had a nice smile and an [appealing] personality. Anh ấy có một nụ cười
đẹp và một tính cách [hấp dẫn]. In passage: Among the less appealing case
studies is one about a fungus that is wiping out entire populations of frogs and
that can be halted by a rare microbial bacterium
attitude (n) /ˈætəˌtud/ thái độ "'=a feeling or opinion about something
or someone, or a way of behaving that is caused by this" It's often very
difficult to change people's [attitudes] Thường rất khó thay đổi [thái độ] của mọi
người In passage: The book also acknowledges that our attitude towards bacteria is
not a simple one
bacterium (n) /bækˈtɪriəm/ vi khuẩn "'=a type of very small organism that
lives in air, earth, water, plants, and animals, often one that causes disease"
an illness caused by [bacteria] in drinking water bệnh do [vi khuẩn] trong
nước uống "In passage: Microbes, most of them bacteria, have populated this
planet since long before animal life developed and they will outlive us"
bizarre (adj) /bɪˈzɑr/ lạ lùng '=very strange and unusual His behaviour
became more and more [bizarre] Hành vi của anh ta ngày càng trở nên [kỳ quái]
"In passage: Leading us gently by the hand, he takes us into the world of
microbes — a bizarre, alien planet — in a bid to persuade us to love them as much
as he does. By the end, we do."
combat (v) /ˈkɑmbæt/ chống lại '=to try to stop something unpleasant or
harmful from happening or increasing I have to [combat] this constant desire
to eat chocolate. Tôi phải [chống lại] ham muốn ăn sô cô la thường xuyên này."In
passage: New research is now unravelling the ways in which bacteria aid digestion,
regulate our immune systems, eliminate toxins, produce vitamins, affect our
behaviour and even combat obesity"
contentedly (adv) /kənˈtɛntədli/ 1 cách thoải mái '=in a happy and satisfied
way "Finishing her dinner, she sat back and sighed [contentedly]" "Ăn tối
xong, cô ngồi lại và thở dài [mãn nguyện]" In passage: Microbes that sit
contentedly in the human gut (where there are more microbes than there are stars in
the galaxy) can become deadly if they find their way into the bloodstream.
deadly (adj) /ˈdɛdli/ nguy hiểm chết người '=likely to cause death His voice
was cold and [deadly] Giọng anh ấy lạnh lùng và [chết người] In passage:
Microbes that sit contentedly in the human gut (where there are more microbes than
there are stars in the galaxy) can become deadly if they find their way into the
destructive (adj) /dɪˈstrəktɪv/ có hại "'=causing, or able to cause,
damage" I worry about the [destructive] effect that violent films may have on
children. Tôi lo lắng về tác động [phá hoại] mà phim bạo lực có thể có đối với
trẻ em. "In passage: Instead we should realise we have a symbiotic
relationship, that can be mutually beneficial or mutually destructive"
detergent (n) /dɪˈtərʤənt/ chất tẩy rửa "'=a chemical substance in the form
of a powder or a liquid for removing dirt from clothes, dishes, etc." You shoul
use liquid [detergents] to clean the floor. Bạn sử dụng chất lỏng [chất tẩy
rửa] để lau sàn. "In passage: For example, there are studies indicating that the
excessive use of household detergents and antibacterial products actually destroys
the microbes that normally keep the more dangerous germs at bay"
digestion (n) /daɪˈʤɛsʧən/ sự tiêu hóa '=The process of digesting food
Discover how eating raw food helps balance your body and aids [digestion].
Khám phá cách ăn thức ăn thô giúp cân bằng cơ thể và hỗ trợ [tiêu hóa].
"In passage: New research is now unravelling the ways in which bacteria aid
digestion, regulate our immune systems, eliminate toxins, produce vitamins, affect
our behaviour and even combat obesity"
disrupt (v) /dɪsˈrəpt/ làm gián đoạn "'=to prevent something, especially a
system, process, or event, from continuing as usual or as expected" Heavy snow
[disrupted] travel into the city this morning Tuyết rơi dày [làm gián đoạn]
chuyến du lịch vào thành phố sáng nay "In passage: Our obsession with hygiene,
our overuse of antibiotics and our unhealthy, low-fibre diets are disrupting the
bacterial balance and may be responsible for soaring rates of allergies and immune
problems, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)"
distaste (n) /dɪˈsteɪst/ sự chán ghét '=a dislike of something that you
find unpleasant or unacceptable His [distaste] for publicity of any sort is
well known. [Không thích] của anh ấy đối với công khai dưới bất kỳ hình thức nào
cũng được biết đến. "In passage: However, if you can overcome your distaste for
some of the investigations, the reasons for Yong’s enthusiasm become clear"
diverse (adj) /dɪˈvərs/ đa dạng '=Showing a great deal of variety; very
different. "The country is ethnically [diverse], indicated by its four language
groups." "Đất nước này [đa dạng] về sắc tộc, được biểu thị bằng bốn nhóm ngôn
ngữ." "In passage: Other studies show that keeping a dog as a pet gives children
early exposure to a diverse range of bacteria, which may help protect them against
allergies later."
dub (v) /dəb/ đặt cho cái tên '=Give an unofficial name or nickname to She
was [dubbed] by the newspapers the Angel of Death Cô được các tờ báo mệnh danh
là Thiên thần của cái chết "In passage: Indeed, some scientists even suggest we
should think of each species and its microbes as a single unit, dubbed a
eliminate (v) /ɪˈlɪməˌneɪt/ loại bỏ '=to remove or take away someone or
something A move towards healthy eating could help [eliminate] heart disease.
Một động thái hướng tới việc ăn uống lành mạnh có thể giúp [loại bỏ] bệnh
tim. "In passage: New research is now unravelling the ways in which bacteria aid
digestion, regulate our immune systems, eliminate toxins, produce vitamins, affect
our behaviour and even combat obesity"
endure (v) /ɪnˈdʊr/ tồn tại "'=to suffer something difficult, unpleasant,
or painful" We had to [endure] a nine-hour delay at the airport. Chúng tôi đã phải
[chịu đựng] sự chậm trễ chín giờ tại sân bay. In passage: It was Pasteur’s ‘germ
theory’ that gave bacteria the poor image that endures today
enthralling (adj) làm cho mê hoặc '=keeping someone's interest and
attention completely I found your book absolutely [enthralling]! Tôi thấy
cuốn sách của bạn hoàn toàn [mê hoặc]! "In passage: Writing with lightness and
panache, he has a knack of explaining complex science in terms that are both easy
to understand and totally enthralling"
excessive (adj) /ɪkˈsɛsɪv/ quá mức "'=More than is necessary, normal, or
desirable; immoderate." [Excessive] exercise can sometimes cause health problems.
Tập thể dục [quá mức] đôi khi có thể gây ra các vấn đề về sức khỏe. "In
passage: For example, there are studies indicating that the excessive use of
household detergents and antibacterial products actually destroys the microbes that
normally keep the more dangerous germs at bay"
exposure (n) /ɪkˈspoʊʒər/ sự tiếp xúc '=the fact of experiencing something or
being affected by it because of being in a particular situation or place Even a
brief [exposure] to radiation is very dangerous Ngay cả một [tiếp xúc] ngắn với bức
xạ cũng rất nguy hiểm "In passage: Other studies show that keeping a dog as a pet
gives children early exposure to a diverse range of bacteria, which may help
protect them against allergies later."
fight off (v) /faɪt ɔf/ chống lại '=to free yourself from an illness or a
desire to do something you should not do I was trying to [fight off] the urge to
sneak into the kitchen for something to eat. Tôi đang cố gắng [chống lại] ham
muốn lẻn vào bếp để ăn gì đó. "In passage: In the future, our ability to manipulate
microbes means we could construct buildings with useful microbes built into their
walls to fight off infections"
halt (v) /hɔlt/ dừng lại '=to (cause to) stop moving or doing something or
happening Filming was [halted] after the lead actor became ill. Việc quay phim bị
[tạm dừng] sau khi nam diễn viên chính bị ốm. In passage: Among the less
appealing case studies is one about a fungus that is wiping out entire populations
of frogs and that can be halted by a rare microbial bacterium
hygiene (n) /ˈhaɪˌʤin/ vệ sinh '=the practice or principles of keeping
yourself and your environment clean in order to maintain health and prevent disease
He doesn’t care much about personal [hygiene]. Anh ấy không quan tâm nhiều
đến [vệ sinh] cá nhân. "In passage: Our obsession with hygiene, our overuse of
antibiotics and our unhealthy, low-fibre diets are disrupting the bacterial balance
and may be responsible for soaring rates of allergies and immune problems, such as
inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)"
immune system (n) /ˌɪmˈjun ˈsɪstəm/ hệ miễn dịch '=the cells and tissues
in the body that make it able to protect itself against infection The
infection causes the [immune system] to activate white blood cells and chemicals to
fight the bacteria Nhiễm trùng khiến [hệ thống miễn dịch] kích hoạt các tế bào
bạch cầu và hóa chất để chống lại vi khuẩn "In passage: New research is now
unravelling the ways in which bacteria aid digestion, regulate our immune systems,
eliminate toxins, produce vitamins, affect our behaviour and even combat obesity"
inhabit (v) /ˌɪnˈhæbət/ cư trú '=to live in a place These remote
islands are inhabited only by birds Những hòn đảo xa xôi này chỉ là nơi sinh sống
của các loài chim "In passage: They inhabit the soil, air, rocks and water and are
present within every form of life, from seaweed and coral to dogs and humans"
invisible (adj) /ˌɪnˈvɪzəbəl/ vô hình '=impossible to see The aircraft
is designed to be [invisible] to radar Máy bay được thiết kế để [tàng hình]
trước radar "In passage: Invisible to the naked eye, they are ubiquitous"
knack (n) /næk/ "sự thông thạo, sở trường" '=a skill or an ability to do
something easily and well There's a [knack] to using this corkscrew Có một [sở
trường] để sử dụng cái vít nút chai này "In passage: Writing with lightness and
panache, he has a knack of explaining complex science in terms that are both easy
to understand and totally enthralling"
lightness (n) /ˈlaɪtnəs/ sự nhẹ nhàng '=the state of being light The
glass adds [lightness] to the room Kính tạo thêm [độ sáng] cho căn phòng "In
passage: Writing with lightness and panache, he has a knack of explaining complex
science in terms that are both easy to understand and totally enthralling"
low-fibre (adj) ít chất xơ "'=the shortage of a substance in certain foods, such
as fruit, vegetables, and brown bread, that travels through the body as waste and
helps the contents of the bowels to pass through the body easilythe shor" "This
plant is [low-fibre], but has a lot of sugar" "Loại cây này [ít chất xơ], nhưng
có nhiều đường" "In passage: Our obsession with hygiene, our overuse of
antibiotics and our unhealthy, low-fibre diets are disrupting the bacterial balance
and may be responsible for soaring rates of allergies and immune problems, such as
inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)"
luminescent (adj) /ˌluməˈnɛsənt/ phát quang '=producing light without being
heated "Bacteria produce distinctive, [luminescent] signals as detected by a
photometer" Vi khuẩn tạo ra các tín hiệu [phát quang] đặc biệt khi được phát hiện
bằng quang kế In passage: Another is about squid that carry luminescent
bacteria that protect them against predators
mutually (adv) /mˈjuʧuəli/ "lẫn nhau, qua lại" '=felt or done by two or more
people or groups in the same way It will be a [mutually] beneficial project.
Nó sẽ là một dự án [đôi bên] cùng có lợi. "In passage: Instead we should
realise we have a symbiotic relationship, that can be mutually beneficial or
mutually destructive"
obsession (n) /əbˈsɛʃən/ nỗi ám ảnh "'=the control of one’s thoughts by a
continuous, powerful idea or feeling, or the idea or feeling itself" His interest
in detective stories has turned to [obsession]. Mối quan tâm của anh ấy đối với
những câu chuyện trinh thám đã chuyển sang [ám ảnh]. "In passage: Our obsession
with hygiene, our overuse of antibiotics and our unhealthy, low-fibre diets are
disrupting the bacterial balance and may be responsible for soaring rates of
allergies and immune problems, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)"
organism (n) /ˈɔrgəˌnɪzəm/ sinh vật "'=a single living plant, animal, virus,
etc" Amoebae and bacteria are single-celled [organisms] Amip và vi khuẩn là
[sinh vật] đơn bào In passage: What then do these millions of organisms do?
outlive (v) /ˌaʊˈtlɪv/ sống lâu hơn '=to live or exist longer than someone or
something He [outlived] all of his brothers. Anh ấy [sống lâu hơn] tất cả các
anh em của mình. "In passage: Microbes, most of them bacteria, have populated this
planet since long before animal life developed and they will outlive us"
overcome (v) /ˈoʊvərˌkəm/ vượt qua '=to defeat or succeed in controlling or
dealing with something Juventus [overcame] Ajax in a thrilling game. Juventus
[vượt qua] Ajax trong một trận đấu gay cấn. "In passage: However, if you can
overcome your distaste for some of the investigations, the reasons for Yong’s
enthusiasm become clear"
overuse (n) /ˌoʊvərˈjuz/ lạm dụng '=the fact that something is used too
often or too much The [overuse] of X-rays may be causing 250 deaths each year.
Việc [lạm dụng] tia X có thể gây ra 250 ca tử vong mỗi năm."In passage: Our
obsession with hygiene, our overuse of antibiotics and our unhealthy, low-fibre
diets are disrupting the bacterial balance and may be responsible for soaring rates
of allergies and immune problems, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)"
"panache, (n) /pəˈnɑʃ,/ " sự tinh tế "'=a stylish, original, and very
confident way of doing things that makes people admire you"The orchestra played
with great [panache] Dàn nhạc đã chơi với [panache] tuyệt vời "In passage:
Writing with lightness and panache, he has a knack of explaining complex science in
terms that are both easy to understand and totally enthralling"
peril (n) /ˈpɛrəl/ hiểm họa "'=great danger, or something that is very
dangerous" Teenagers must be warned about the [perils] of unsafe sex Thanh thiếu
niên phải được cảnh báo về [nguy cơ] của tình dục không an toàn "In passage: And,
as Yong explains in his utterly absorbing and hugely important book, we mess with
them at our peril"
plea (n) /pli/ sự cầu khẩn '=A request made in an urgent and emotional manner
He made a [plea] for help Anh ấy đã [cầu xin] giúp đỡ "In passage:
Yong’s book is in many ways a plea for microbial tolerance, pointing out that while
fewer than one hundred species of bacteria bring disease, many thousands more play
a vital role in maintaining our health"
populate (v) /ˈpɑpjəˌleɪt/ sinh sống '=to live in an area or place The settlers
began to move inland and [populate] the river valleys. Những người định cư bắt
đầu di chuyển vào đất liền và [cư trú] ở các thung lũng sông. "In passage:
Microbes, most of them bacteria, have populated this planet since long before
animal life developed and they will outlive us"
potent (adj) /ˈpoʊtənt/ có lực lượng/ sức mạnh "'=powerful, persuasive, or
effective" This is a very [potent] drug and can have unpleasant side-effects.
Đây là một loại thuốc rất [mạnh] và có thể có các tác dụng phụ khó chịu.
In passage: The first man to see these extraordinarily potent creatures was a
Dutch lens-maker called Antony van Leeuwenhoek in the 1670s
predator (n) /ˈprɛdətər/ kẻ săn mồi "'=an animal that hunts, kills, and eats
other animals" Wolves are major [predators] of rodents Sói là [kẻ săn mồi]
chính của các loài gặm nhấm In passage: Another is about squid that carry
luminescent bacteria that protect them against predators
soaring (adj) /ˈsɔrɪŋ/ tăng cao '=rising very quickly to a high level "The
[soaring] price of natural gas is a serious concern, since many power plants are
fuelled by it" "Giá khí đốt tự nhiên [tăng cao] là một mối quan tâm nghiêm
trọng, vì nhiều nhà máy điện được cung cấp năng lượng từ nó" "In passage: Our
obsession with hygiene, our overuse of antibiotics and our unhealthy, low-fibre
diets are disrupting the bacterial balance and may be responsible for soaring rates
of allergies and immune problems, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)"
supposedly (adv) /səˈpoʊzədli/ đáng nhẽ ra '=used to show that you do not
believe that something you have been told is true "Well, the tickets are
[supposedly] in the mail." "Chà, vé [được cho là] được gửi qua đường bưu điện."
"In passage: We tend to see the dangers posed by bacteria, yet at the same
time we are sold yoghurts and drinks that supposedly nurture ‘friendly’ bacteria"
symbiotic (adj) /ˌsɪmbiˈɑtɪk/ cộng sinh '=involving two types of animal or
plant in which each provides the conditions necessary for the other to continue to
exist The fungi form [symbiotic] associations with the roots of plant species
Các loại nấm hình thành các liên kết [cộng sinh] với rễ của các loài thực vật
"In passage: Instead we should realise we have a symbiotic relationship, that
can be mutually beneficial or mutually destructive"
teeming (adj) /ˈtimɪŋ/ đông đúc '=Full of people or things; crowded. He was
enchanted by the [teeming] streets and outdoor markets in the village. Anh bị mê
hoặc bởi những con đường [đầy ắp] và những khu chợ ngoài trời trong làng. "In
passage: Using microscopes of his own design that could magnify up to 270 times, he
examined a drop of water from a nearby lake and found it teeming with tiny
creatures he called ‘animalcules’."
tolerance (n) /ˈtɑlərəns/ sự chịu đựng "'=the ability to deal with
something unpleasant or annoying, or to continue existing despite bad or difficult
conditions" My [tolerance] of/for heat is considerably greater after having lived
in the Far East for a couple of years [Khả năng chịu đựng] của tôi đối với /
đối với nhiệt cao hơn đáng kể sau khi sống ở Viễn Đông trong vài năm "In passage:
Yong’s book is in many ways a plea for microbial tolerance, pointing out that while
fewer than one hundred species of bacteria bring disease, many thousands more play
a vital role in maintaining our health"
ubiquitous (adj) /juˈbɪkwɪtəs/ ở khắp mọi nơi '=seeming to be everywhere
"Leather is very much in fashion this season, as is the [ubiquitous] denim"
"Da thuộc rất nhiều trong thời trang mùa này, cũng như denim [phổ biến]"
"In passage: Invisible to the naked eye, they are ubiquitous"
unglamorous (adj) /ənˈglæmərəs/ không đẹp đẽ '=Lacking glamour and
excitement Their activity is often [unglamorous] and rarely acknowledged. Hoạt
động của họ thường [không hài hước] và hiếm khi được thừa nhận. In passage: The
readers of Yong’s book must be prepared for a decidedly unglamorous world
utterly (adv) /ˈətərli/ vô cùng '=completely or extremely What an
[utterly] stupid thing to do! Thật là một việc [hoàn toàn] ngu ngốc để làm! "In
passage: And, as Yong explains in his utterly absorbing and hugely important book,
we mess with them at our peril"
wipe out (v) /waɪp aʊt/ "hủy diệt, càn quét" '=Eliminate something
completely. The plague had [wiped out] whole villages Bệnh dịch đã [xóa sổ] toàn bộ
ngôi làng In passage: Among the less appealing case studies is one about a fungus
that is wiping out entire populations of frogs and that can be halted by a rare
microbial bacterium

adopt (v) /əˈdɑpt/ tiếp nhận '=to accept or start to use something new I
think it's time to [adopt] a different strategy in my dealings with him. Tôi
nghĩ đã đến lúc [áp dụng] một chiến lược khác trong giao dịch của tôi với anh ấy.
"In passage: Research suggests that when adopting a first-person viewpoint we
focus on ‘the focal features of the environment’ and when we adopt a third-person,
‘observer’ viewpoint we reason more broadly and focus more on interpersonal and
moral ideals such as justice and impartiality"
agreeableness (n) tính dễ chịu '=the quality of being friendly and
pleasant She was noted for her pleasant manner and [agreeableness]. Cô ấy được
chú ý vì cách cư xử dễ chịu và [dễ chịu]. "In passage: We might associate wisdom
with intelligence or particular personality traits, but research shows only a small
positive relationship between wise thinking and crystallized intelligence and the
personality traits of openness and agreeableness"
appreciation (n) /əˌpriʃiˈeɪʃən/ "sự nhận thức, cảm kích" "'=the act of
recognizing or understanding that something is valuable, important, or as
described" The crowd cheered in [appreciation]. Đám đông hoan hô [tán
thưởng]. "In passage: One is intellectual humility or recognition of the limits
of our own knowledge, and another is appreciation of perspectives wider than the
issue at hand."
a small handful of (phrase) /ə smɔl ˈhændˌfʊl əv/ một số lượng ít '=a small
number of people or things "She invited all her friends to her party, but only
[a small handful of] them turned up." "Cô ấy đã mời tất cả bạn bè của mình đến
bữa tiệc của mình, nhưng chỉ [một số ít] họ xuất hiện." "In passage: Although
the truly wise may seem few and far between, empirical research examining wisdom
suggests that it isn’t an exceptional trait possessed by a small handful of bearded
philosophers after all — in fact, the latest studies suggest that most of us have
the ability to make wise decisions, given the right context."
assign (v) /əˈsaɪn/ giao cho '=to give a particular job or piece of work to
someone The case has been [assigned] to our most senior officer. Vụ việc đã
được [giao] cho sĩ quan cao cấp nhất của chúng tôi. In passage: Participants in
the group assigned to the ‘distant observer’ role displayed more wisdom-related
reasoning (intellectual humility and recognition of change) than did participants
in the control group.
cognitive (adj) /ˈkɑgnɪtɪv/ thuộc về nhận thức '=connected with thinking or
conscious mental processes Some of her [cognitive] functions have been impaired.
Một số chức năng [nhận thức] của cô ấy đã bị suy giảm. "In passage:
‘Recent empirical findings from cognitive, developmental, social, and personality
psychology cumulatively suggest that people’s ability to reason wisely varies
dramatically across experiential and situational contexts"
compromise (n) /ˈkɑmprəˌmaɪz/ sự thỏa hiệp '=an agreement in an argument
in which the people involved reduce their demands or change their opinion in order
to agree Negotiations are a two-way thing - both sides have to come to a
[compromise]. Đàm phán là một việc hai chiều - cả hai bên đều phải đi đến một
[thỏa hiệp]. "In passage: Sensitivity to the possibility of change in social
relations is also key, along with compromise or integration of different attitudes
and beliefs"
conflict (n) /ˈkɑnflɪkt/ sự bất hòa '=an active disagreement between people
with opposing opinions or principles There was a lot of [conflict] between him
and his father. Có rất nhiều [xung đột] giữa anh ta và cha mình. "In passage:
In another study, couples in long-term romantic relationships were instructed to
visualize an unresolved relationship conflict either through the eyes of an
outsider or from their own perspective."
confront (v) /kənˈfrənt/ đối mặt '=Face up to and deal with (a problem or
difficulty) Usually the best thing you can do in an embarrassing situation is to
[confront] it head on "Thông thường, điều tốt nhất bạn có thể làm trong một tình
huống xấu hổ là [đối đầu] với nó" "In passage: What are we to do, then, when
confronted with situations like a disagreement with a spouse or negotiating a
contract at work, that require us to take a personal stake?"
contextual (adj) /ˌkɑnˈtɛksˌʧuəl/ thuộc về ngữ cảnh '=related to the context of
something He included [contextual] information in footnotes Anh ấy đã đưa
thông tin [theo ngữ cảnh] vào chú thích cuối trang "In passage: Understanding
the role of such contextual factors offers unique insights into understanding
wisdom in daily life, as well as how it can be enhanced and taught."
crystallized (adj) /ˈkrɪstəˌlaɪzd/ "kết tinh, cứng, chắc chắn" '=in embodied or
established form. She didn't have any [crystallized] plans for her career path
after graduation Cô ấy không có bất kỳ kế hoạch [kết tinh] nào cho con đường sự
nghiệp của mình sau khi tốt nghiệp "In passage: We might associate wisdom with
intelligence or particular personality traits, but research shows only a small
positive relationship between wise thinking and crystallized intelligence and the
personality traits of openness and agreeableness"
cumulatively (adv) /ˈkjumjələˌtɪvli/ 1 cách tích lũy '=in a way that
increases by one addition after another [Cumulatively] these studies are telling
a very similar story. [Tích lũy] những nghiên cứu này đang kể một câu chuyện rất
giống nhau. "In passage: ‘Recent empirical findings from cognitive, developmental,
social, and personality psychology cumulatively suggest that people’s ability to
reason wisely varies dramatically across experiential and situational contexts"
display (v) /dɪˈspleɪ/ thể hiện "'=to let something become known by what you
say or do, or how you look" He doesn’t [display] much emotion. Anh ấy không [thể
hiện] nhiều cảm xúc. In passage: Participants in the group assigned to the
‘distant observer’ role displayed more wisdom-related reasoning (intellectual
humility and recognition of change) than did participants in the control group.
distant (adj) /ˈdɪstənt/ xa xôi '=far away She could hear the [distant]
sound of fireworks exploding. Cô có thể nghe thấy tiếng pháo hoa nổ [ở xa]. In
passage: The students were instructed to imagine their career either ‘as if you
were a distant observer’ or ‘before your own eyes as if you were right there’
dramatically (adv) /drəˈmætɪkəli/ 1 cách đáng kể '=suddenly or obviously Your
life changes [dramatically] when you have a baby to take care of. Cuộc sống
của bạn thay đổi [đáng kể] khi bạn có em bé để chăm sóc. "In passage: ‘Recent
empirical findings from cognitive, developmental, social, and personality
psychology cumulatively suggest that people’s ability to reason wisely varies
dramatically across experiential and situational contexts"
egocentric (adj) /ˌigoʊˈsɛntrɪk/ vị kỷ '=thinking only about yourself and what
is good for you "Babies are entirely [egocentric], concerned only with when they
will next be fed" "Trẻ sơ sinh hoàn toàn [tập trung], chỉ quan tâm đến việc khi nào
chúng sẽ được cho ăn lần tiếp theo" In passage: Couples in the ‘other’s eyes’
condition were significantly more likely to rely on wise reasoning — recognizing
others’ perspectives and searching for a compromise — compared to the couples in
the egocentric condition.
empirical (adj) /ˌɛmˈpɪrɪkəl/ thực nghiệm '=based on what is experienced or
seen rather than on theory This theory needs to be backed up with solid
[empirical] data Lý thuyết này cần được sao lưu với dữ liệu [thực nghiệm] vững
chắc "In passage: Although the truly wise may seem few and far between, empirical
research examining wisdom suggests that it isn’t an exceptional trait possessed by
a small handful of bearded philosophers after all — in fact, the latest studies
suggest that most of us have the ability to make wise decisions, given the right
enhance (v) /ɛnˈhæns/ nâng cao "'=to improve the quality, amount, or strength
of something" These scandals will not [enhance] the organization's reputation.
Những vụ bê bối này sẽ không [nâng cao] danh tiếng của tổ chức. "In passage:
Understanding the role of such contextual factors offers unique insights into
understanding wisdom in daily life, as well as how it can be enhanced and taught."
evaluate (v) /ɪˈvæljuˌeɪt/ đánh giá "'=to judge or calculate the quality,
importance, amount, or value of something" Doctors [evaluate] the patient’s
condition. Các bác sĩ [đánh giá] tình trạng của bệnh nhân. "In passage: Grossmann
argues that even when we aren’t able to change the situation, we can still evaluate
these experiences from different perspectives."
exceptional (adj) /ɪkˈsɛpʃənəl/ hiếm có '=not like most others of the same
type; unusual "This is an [exceptional] contract, guaranteeing no layoffs."
"Đây là một hợp đồng [đặc biệt], đảm bảo không có việc sa thải." "In passage:
Although the truly wise may seem few and far between, empirical research examining
wisdom suggests that it isn’t an exceptional trait possessed by a small handful of
bearded philosophers after all — in fact, the latest studies suggest that most of
us have the ability to make wise decisions, given the right context."
expansive (adj) /ɪkˈspænsɪv/ rộng mở '=covering a large area There was an
[expansive] view from the window. Có một cái nhìn [mở rộng] từ cửa sổ. In
passage: Looking at problems from this more expansive viewpoint appears to foster
cognitive processes related to wise decisions.
experiential (adj) /ɛkˌspɛriˈɛnʃəl/ dựa trên kinh nghiệm '=based on
experience The [experiential] learning associated with employment [Trải
nghiệm] học tập kết hợp với việc làm "In passage: ‘It appears that
experiential, situational, and cultural factors are even more powerful in shaping
wisdom than previously imagined,’ says Associate Professor Igor Grossmann of the
University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada"
factor (n) /ˈfæktər/ yếu tố '=a fact or situation that influences the
result of something Heavy snow was a contributing [factor] in the accident.
Tuyết rơi dày là một [yếu tố] góp phần gây ra vụ tai nạn. "In passage:
Understanding the role of such contextual factors offers unique insights into
understanding wisdom in daily life, as well as how it can be enhanced and taught."
focal (adj) /ˈfoʊkəl/ trọng tâm '=central and important "The [focal] figure of
the movie is Annette Corley, a dancer who has boyfriend troubles." "Nhân vật
[tâm điểm] của bộ phim là Annette Corley, một vũ công gặp rắc rối với bạn trai."
"In passage: Research suggests that when adopting a first-person viewpoint we
focus on ‘the focal features of the environment’ and when we adopt a third-person,
‘observer’ viewpoint we reason more broadly and focus more on interpersonal and
moral ideals such as justice and impartiality"
foster (v) /ˈfɑstər/ thúc đẩy '=to encourage the development or growth of
ideas or feelings I'm trying to [foster] an interest in classical music in my
children. Tôi đang cố gắng [nuôi dưỡng] niềm yêu thích âm nhạc cổ điển ở các con
tôi. In passage: Looking at problems from this more expansive viewpoint appears to
foster cognitive processes related to wise decisions.
framework (n) /ˈfreɪmˌwərk/ khuôn khổ "'=a system of rules, ideas, or beliefs
that is used to plan or decide something" Most biologists use the same basic
[framework] for classification. Hầu hết các nhà sinh học sử dụng cùng một
[khung] cơ bản để phân loại. "In passage: Coming up with a definition of wisdom is
challenging, but Grossmann and his colleagues have identified four key
characteristics as part of a framework of wise reasoning."
function (n) /ˈfəŋkʃən/ chức năng '=the natural purpose (of something)
The [function] of the veins is to carry blood to the heart.[Chức năng] của
các tĩnh mạch là đưa máu đến tim. "In passage: In other words, wisdom is not
solely an “inner quality” but rather unfolds as a function of situations people
happen to be in."
generalized (adj) /ˈʤɛnərəˌlaɪzd/ tổng quát '=Used or applied generally; not
specific or specialized Teachers complain about a [generalized] lack of respect
from students. Các giáo viên phàn nàn về sự thiếu tôn trọng [chung chung] của
học sinh. "In passage: ‘It is remarkable how much people can vary in their wisdom
from one situation to the next, and how much stronger such contextual effects are
for understanding the relationship between wise judgment and its social and
affective outcomes as compared to the generalized “traits”,’ Grossmann explains"
humility (n) /hjuˈmɪlɪti/ "sự khiêm tốn, nhún nhường" '=the quality of not
being proud because you are aware of your bad qualities He doesn't have the
[humility] to admit when he's wrong. Anh ta không có [sự khiêm tốn] để thừa
nhận khi anh ta sai. "In passage: One is intellectual humility or recognition of
the limits of our own knowledge, and another is appreciation of perspectives wider
than the issue at hand."
ideal (n) /aɪˈdil/ lý tưởng '=a principle or a way of behaving that is of a
very high standard We are committed to the [ideal] of equality. Chúng tôi
cam kết thực hiện [lý tưởng] bình đẳng. "In passage: Research suggests that when
adopting a first-person viewpoint we focus on ‘the focal features of the
environment’ and when we adopt a third-person, ‘observer’ viewpoint we reason more
broadly and focus more on interpersonal and moral ideals such as justice and
impartiality (n) /ˌɪmˌpɑrʃiˈælɪti/ tính công bằng '=the fact of not supporting
any of the sides involved in an argument The state must ensure the independence
and [impartiality] of the justice system. Nhà nước phải đảm bảo tính độc lập và
[công bằng] của hệ thống tư pháp. "In passage: Research suggests that when
adopting a first-person viewpoint we focus on ‘the focal features of the
environment’ and when we adopt a third-person, ‘observer’ viewpoint we reason more
broadly and focus more on interpersonal and moral ideals such as justice and
incident (n) /ˈɪnsədənt/ sự việc '=an event that is either unpleasant or
unusual A youth was seriously injured in a shooting [incident] on Saturday
night Một thanh niên bị thương nặng trong [sự cố] nổ súng vào đêm thứ Bảy "In
passage: Participants then discussed the incident with their partner for 10
minutes, after which they wrote down their thoughts about it"
informative (adj) /ˌɪnˈfɔrmətɪv/ cung cấp nhiều tin tức '=providing a lot of
useful information This is an interesting and highly [informative] book. Đây là
một cuốn sách thú vị và mang tính [thông tin] cao. "In passage: ‘That is,
knowing how wisely a person behaves in a given situation is more informative for
understanding their emotions or likelihood to forgive [or] retaliate as compared to
knowing whether the person may be wise “in general”"
insight (n) /ˈɪnˌsaɪt/ sự thấu hiểu '=The capacity to gain an accurate and
deep understanding of someone or something. "It was an interesting book, full
of fascinating [insights] into human relationships." "Đó là một cuốn sách thú vị,
chứa đầy những [hiểu biết sâu sắc] hấp dẫn về các mối quan hệ giữa con người với
nhau." "In passage: Understanding the role of such contextual factors offers
unique insights into understanding wisdom in daily life, as well as how it can be
enhanced and taught."
instruct (v) /ˌɪnˈstrəkt/ hướng dẫn '=to teach someone how to do something
He works in a sports centre [instructing] people in the use of the gym
equipment. Anh ấy làm việc trong một trung tâm thể thao [hướng dẫn] mọi người cách
sử dụng thiết bị tập thể dục. In passage: The students were instructed to imagine
their career either ‘as if you were a distant observer’ or ‘before your own eyes as
if you were right there’
integration (n) /ˌɪnəˈgreɪʃən/ sự hòa nhập '=the action or process of
combining two or more things in an effective way He creates a seamless
[integration] of contemporary and historic images Anh ấy tạo ra sự [tích hợp]
liền mạch giữa hình ảnh đương đại và lịch sử "In passage: Sensitivity to the
possibility of change in social relations is also key, along with compromise or
integration of different attitudes and beliefs"
interpersonal (adj) /ˌɪntərˈpərsənəl/ giữa cá nhân với nhau '=connected with
relationships between people The successful applicant will have excellent
[interpersonal] skills. Người nộp đơn thành công sẽ có kỹ năng [giao tiếp giữa các
cá nhân] xuất sắc. "In passage: Research suggests that when adopting a first-
person viewpoint we focus on ‘the focal features of the environment’ and when we
adopt a third-person, ‘observer’ viewpoint we reason more broadly and focus more on
interpersonal and moral ideals such as justice and impartiality"
judgment (n) /ˈʤəʤmənt/ sự đánh giá '=a decision or opinion about someone or
something that you form after thinking carefully It proved difficult to come
make a [judgment] about how well the school was performing Thật khó để đưa ra [đánh
giá] về việc trường hoạt động tốt như thế nào "In passage: ‘It is remarkable how
much people can vary in their wisdom from one situation to the next, and how much
stronger such contextual effects are for understanding the relationship between
wise judgment and its social and affective outcomes as compared to the generalized
“traits”,’ Grossmann explains"
justice (n) /ˈʤəstɪs/ công lý '=fairness in the way people are dealt with
There's no [justice] in the world when people can be made to suffer like that
Không có [công lý] nào trên thế giới này khi mọi người có thể bị khiến người
ta phải chịu đựng như vậy "In passage: Research suggests that when adopting a
first-person viewpoint we focus on ‘the focal features of the environment’ and when
we adopt a third-person, ‘observer’ viewpoint we reason more broadly and focus more
on interpersonal and moral ideals such as justice and impartiality"
moral (adj) /ˈmɔrəl/ thuộc về đạo đức "'=relating to the standards of good or
bad behaviour, fairness, honesty, etc. that each person believes in, rather than to
laws" It is not part of a novelist's job to make a [moral] judgment. Việc đưa ra
phán xét [đạo đức] không phải là một phần công việc của một tiểu thuyết gia. "In
passage: Research suggests that when adopting a first-person viewpoint we focus on
‘the focal features of the environment’ and when we adopt a third-person,
‘observer’ viewpoint we reason more broadly and focus more on interpersonal and
moral ideals such as justice and impartiality"
negotiate (v) /nɪˈgoʊʃiˌeɪt/ thương lượng '=to have formal discussions with
someone in order to reach an agreement with them I'm [negotiating] for a new
contract Tôi đang [thương lượng] cho một hợp đồng mới "In passage: What are we
to do, then, when confronted with situations like a disagreement with a spouse or
negotiating a contract at work, that require us to take a personal stake?"
openness (n) /ˈoʊpənəs/ sự cởi mở '=Lack of secrecy or concealment;
frankness A democratic society committed to [openness] and transparency Một xã
hội dân chủ cam kết [cởi mở] và minh bạch "In passage: We might associate wisdom
with intelligence or particular personality traits, but research shows only a small
positive relationship between wise thinking and crystallized intelligence and the
personality traits of openness and agreeableness"
perspective (n) /pərˈspɛktɪv/ góc nhìn '=A view or prospect. Her attitude
lends a fresh [perspective] to the subject. Thái độ của cô ấy tạo ra một [quan
điểm] mới mẻ cho chủ đề. "In passage: One is intellectual humility or
recognition of the limits of our own knowledge, and another is appreciation of
perspectives wider than the issue at hand."
promote (v) /prəˈmoʊt/ "đẩy mạnh, khuyến khích" '=to encourage or support
something It has long been known that regular exercise [promotes] all-round good
health. "Từ lâu, người ta đã biết rằng tập thể dục thường xuyên [thúc đẩy] sức
khỏe tốt toàn diện." In passage: Some situations are more likely to promote
wisdom than others.
recession (n) /ˌriˈsɛʃən/ suy thoái kinh tế '=a business cycle contraction when
there is a general decline in economic activity "Economic [recession] may be
riggered by various events, such as a financial crisis" "Kinh tế [suy thoái] có
thể bị ảnh hưởng bởi nhiều sự kiện khác nhau, chẳng hạn như khủng hoảng tài chính"
"In passage: For example, in one experiment that took place during the peak
of a recent economic recession, graduating college seniors were asked to reflect on
their job prospects"
recognition (n) /ˌrɛkɪgˈnɪʃən/ sự công nhận "'=Acknowledgement of the
existence, validity, or legality of something" The unions must receive proper
[recognition] Các công đoàn phải nhận được [sự công nhận] thích đáng "In
passage: One is intellectual humility or recognition of the limits of our own
knowledge, and another is appreciation of perspectives wider than the issue at
reflect (v) /rɪˈflɛkt/ ngẫm nghĩ '=Think deeply or carefully about. He
[reflected] with sadness on the unhappiness of his marriageAnh ấy [phản ánh] với
nỗi buồn về sự bất hạnh của cuộc hôn nhân của mình "In passage: For example, in
one experiment that took place during the peak of a recent economic recession,
graduating college seniors were asked to reflect on their job prospects"
retaliate (v) /rɪˈtæliˌeɪt/ trả đũa '=to hurt someone or do something harmful
to someone because they have done or said something harmful to you "If someone
insults you, don't [retaliate] as it only makes the situation worse." "Nếu ai đó
xúc phạm bạn, đừng [trả đũa] vì điều đó chỉ khiến tình hình trở nên tồi tệ hơn."
"In passage: ‘That is, knowing how wisely a person behaves in a given
situation is more informative for understanding their emotions or likelihood to
forgive [or] retaliate as compared to knowing whether the person may be wise “in
revere (v) /rɪˈvɪr/ kính trọng '=to greatly respect and admire someone or
something Nelson Mandela is widely [revered] for his courage and leadership
Nelson Mandela được nhiều người [tôn kính] vì lòng dũng cảm và khả năng lãnh
đạo của ông "In passage: Across cultures, wisdom has been considered one of the
most revered human qualities"
scenario (n) /sɪˈnɛrioʊ/ viễn cảnh '=a description of possible actions or
events in the future There are several possible [scenarios]. Có một số [kịch
bản] có thể xảy ra. "In passage: Grossmann and his colleagues have also found
that one of the most reliable ways to support wisdom in our own day-to-day
decisions is to look at scenarios from a third-party perspective, as though giving
advice to a friend"
sensitivity (n) /ˌsɛnsɪˈtɪvɪti/ sự nhạy cảm '=The quality or condition of being
sensitive He has a [sensitivity] to cow's milk Anh ấy có [nhạy cảm] với sữa
bò "In passage: Sensitivity to the possibility of change in social relations is
also key, along with compromise or integration of different attitudes and beliefs"
stake (n) /steɪk/ nguyên tắc '=A situation involving competition in a
specified area We will keep you one step ahead in the fashion [stakes] Chúng
tôi sẽ giúp bạn đi trước một bước trong lĩnh vực thời trang [cổ phần] "In passage:
What are we to do, then, when confronted with situations like a disagreement with a
spouse or negotiating a contract at work, that require us to take a personal
trait (n) /treɪt/ "nét, điểm" '=a particular characteristic that can produce
a particular type of behaviour His sense of humour is one of his better
[traits]. Khả năng hài hước của anh ấy là một trong những [đặc điểm] tốt hơn của
anh ấy. "In passage: Although the truly wise may seem few and far between,
empirical research examining wisdom suggests that it isn’t an exceptional trait
possessed by a small handful of bearded philosophers after all — in fact, the
latest studies suggest that most of us have the ability to make wise decisions,
given the right context."
unfold (v) /ənˈfoʊld/ bộc lộ '=(of events or information) gradually develop
or be revealed There was a fascinating scene [unfolding] before me Có một cảnh
hấp dẫn [đang diễn ra] trước mắt tôi "In passage: In other words, wisdom is
not solely an “inner quality” but rather unfolds as a function of situations people
happen to be in."
unresolved (adj) /ənrɪˈzɑlvd/ chưa được giải quyết '=not solved or ended
The question of contracts remains [unresolved]. Câu hỏi về các hợp đồng vẫn
[chưa được giải quyết]. "In passage: In another study, couples in long-term
romantic relationships were instructed to visualize an unresolved relationship
conflict either through the eyes of an outsider or from their own perspective."
viewpoint (n) /vˈjuˌpɔɪnt/ góc nhìn '=a point of view I do try to put over our
[viewpoint] Tôi cố gắng vượt qua [quan điểm] của chúng tôi "In passage: Research
suggests that when adopting a first-person viewpoint we focus on ‘the focal
features of the environment’ and when we adopt a third-person, ‘observer’ viewpoint
we reason more broadly and focus more on interpersonal and moral ideals such as
justice and impartiality"
wisdom (n) /ˈwɪzdəm/ trí khôn ngoan '=the ability to use your knowledge and
experience to make good decisions and judgments I certainly hope to gain a little
[wisdom] as I grow older. Tôi chắc chắn hy vọng sẽ đạt được một chút [trí tuệ]
khi tôi lớn lên. "In passage: Across cultures, wisdom has been considered one of
the most revered human qualities"
solely (adv) /ˈsoʊəli/ duy nhất '=only and not involving anyone or anything
else I bought it [solely] for that purpose Tôi đã mua nó [chỉ] cho mục đích đó
"In passage: In other words, wisdom is not solely an “inner quality” but
rather unfolds as a function of situations people happen to be in."

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