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Staffing is the
managerial function of filling and
organisation structure. It
begins with keeping fillcd the positions in the
followed by recruitment. sclection. identification of work force
and development of work force. placement, training, promotion, rcquirement, which is
performancc appraisal
Importance of staffing: Stafting function of
iob. Following are the benefits to the management finds the right pcople for the
1. Helps in organisation. right
obtaining competent Staff:
discovering and obtaining competent Staffing function of management helps in
Contributes for higher personncl for various jobs.
performance by putting rightperformance: Staffing function contributes for
person on the right job. higher
3. Ensures
growth: It ensures continuous survival
the succession and growth of the
planning for managers. enterprise through
4. It ensures
optimum utilization of human resources: It
utilization of human resources helps to ensure optimum
by avoiding
the situations of both the excess and
shortage of personnel.
5. Improves job satisfaction and morale of
and morale of employees: It improves job satisfaction
employees through assessment and fair reward for their contributions.
Staffing function must be performed
employees are not available, it will lead to wastagebyof organisations. If right kind of

resulting in lower productivity and poor materials, time, effort and energy,
must be available in
quality products. Therefore right kind of people
right number at the right time. They should be
and proper incentives to increase given adequate training
Staffing as a part of human resource management: The success of an
achieving its goals is determined to a great extent on the organisation in
competence, motivation and
performance of its human resource. Therefore, staffing function deals with the human
element of management. It is the
responsibility of all managers to select right people, train
them, improve their performance, develop their abilities, and to
protect their health and
physical conditions. In small organisations, managers may perform all these duties but, in
large organisations, a separate department called the human resource department is formed
which has specialists in managing people.
Human Resource Management Process includes following
specialized activities/ Duties:
a. Recruitment i.e. search for
qualified people.
b. Analysing jobs,
collecting information about jobs to prepare job descriptions.
Developing compensation and incentive plans.
d. Training and
development of employees for efficient performance and career growth.
C. Maintaining labour/union management relations.
1. Handling grievances and complaints.
B Providing for social security and welfare of employecs
1. Deiending the company in law suits and avoiding legal complications.

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understand that staffinoi s both

activity: It is important as
line as well as staff directing, and controlling
Staffing, both planning, organising,
like financial manageme
a function
of management just marketing
a distinct
functional area of
a line as
well as a staff activity an i.e.
referrcd to as both the Human Resoure
therefore, role played by urce
etc. Stafing, is
an advisory
as well as
cssential function of
the manager


process is
the timely fulfillment of
function in the management
The main purpose of staffing process involves
organisation. To ensure this, staffing
the manpower requirements
within an

the following steps:

a. Estimating man power requirement (manpower planning)
b. Recruitment
c. Selection
d. Placement and orientation
e. Training and development
f. Performance appraisal
g. Promotion and Career planning
h. Compensation

Estimating man power requirement (Man Power Planning): Man power planning
to of estimating the requirement of man power in the organization. It
efers the process
involves determining number and type of persons having desired qualifications, skills
and experience required. The focus of the man power planning is to get the right number
of qualified people at the
right time.
b. Recruitment: It is the Process of searching for
them to
prospective employees and stimulating
apply for jobs in the organisation. For this purpose, both internal and external
of recruitment may be explored.
c. Selection: Selection is the process of
choosing the suitable candidates from the pool of
job applicants, to fulfill various jobs in the organization. It involves
testing the ability,
knowledge and skill of the applicants through tests and interviews. The selected
candidates are offered an employment contract.
d. Placement and Orientation: Placement refers to
the employee occupying the position
or post for which the person has been selected.
The employee is given a brief
presentation about the company, his duties, and
superiors and subordinates. responsibilities and is introduced to his
Orientation introducing the selected
familiarizing them with the rules and policies of(new)
employees to other employees and
Training and Development: Training is the
abilities of employees to process by which
perform specific jobs are increased. the aptitudes, skills and
learning opportunities designed to
help employees grow. This Development refers to the
opportunity facilitate employee
to is the best way to

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napierO Stajjing

. Performance appraisal (evaluation): Performance appraisal means evaluating an

employec's current and/or past perfomance against certain predetermined standards.
The superior has to provide the employee fecdback on his/her performance. This
evaluation helps to know what is expected
from him and his potential for development.
Promotion and career planning: Promotion involves placement of an employee in a
position having higher pay, increased responsibilities, facilities and status. It encourages
employees to grow and realise their full potential.

h. Compensation: It refers to all forms of pay or rewards given to employees. It is in the

form of direct fínancial payments like wages, salaries, incentives, commissions etc. A
good compensation system cnables an employer to retain and motivate people of
required caliber and qualification in his/her
Meaning: Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating
them to apply for jobs in an organisation. The object of recruitment is to attract potential
employees with the necessary characteristics or qualification, in the adequate number for the
jobs available.
Sources of Recruitment: The sources of recruitment are based on the policy followed by the
organization. The sources of recruitment are classified into two broad categories, namely:
a. Internal Sources
b. External Sources



*Promotion Direct Recruitment

*Transfers *Casual Callers
*Employment Exchange
Campus Recruitment
Labour Contractors
Internal sources: Internal sources refer to filling the required positions from within the
organisation. Following are the important internal sources of recruitment.
() Promotion: Promotion involves placement of an employee in a position having higher
pay, increased responsibilities, facilities and status. It is a vertical movement of an
employee within the organization. Promotion is given on the basis of knowledge,
experience and skills ofan employee.
Promotion helps to improve the motivation, loyalty and satisfaction level of employees.

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from job to another, one

Transfer means shifting of an movement or employees,
(b) Transfers:
It is a lateral
used for trainin
one shift to another. can also be
to another or Transfers
responsibility and salary. departrmonent
change in their
status, in any branch or
of personnel
different jobs. Shortage
employees for leaning or department.
from other branch
be fillcd through transfer

Merits of Internal Sources the employees to improve

Promotions motivate
Motivation to improve performance:
. work with commitment and
through lcarning and practice. They
their performance

loyalty. the process of

the selection process: Internal recruitment also simplifies
2. Simplifies evaluated more
in the enterprise can be
selection and placement. Already working people

to prepare them for higher
3. Tool of training: Transfer is a tool of training the employees
workforce from the surplus
4. Shifting workforce: Transfer has the benefit of shifting
departments to departments of staff shortage.
to getting candidates from
5. Cheaper: Filling of jobs intenally is cheaper as compared
extenal sources.
Limitations of Internal Sources: The limitations of using intemal sources of recrutment are

as follows:
) No scope for fresh talent: When vacancies are filled through internal promotions, the
scope for induction of fresh talent is reduced.
(ii) Lethargic Attitude: The employees may become lethargic if they are sure of time bound
(1) Not Reliable source: A new enterprise cannot use internal sources of recruitment. No
organisation can fill all its vacancies from internal sources.
(iv) Less spirit of competition: The spirit of competition among the employees may be
(V) Reduce the productivity: Frequent transfers of employees may often reduce the
productivity of the organisation.

Recruitment of people from outside is known as external sources of recruitment. When the
required qualified personnel are not available within the organization, the organization has to
depend on external sources. The various external sources of recruitment are as follows:

(a) Direct Recruitment or Recruitment at factory gate: Under the direct recruitment, a
notice is placed on the notice-board of the
enterprise specifying the details of the jobs
available. Jobseekers assemble outside the
premises of the organisation on the specified
date and selection is done on the
The direct recruitment is followed
usually for casual vacancies of unskilled or
semi-skilled jobs. Such workers are known as casual or
badli' workers and they are paid
remuneration on daily wage basis.

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Only 52
Cape Stajjing

(b) Casual callers (unsolicited applications): Many qualified persons apply for employment
to reputed companies on their own initiative. Such job-seekers and unsolicited
applications serve as a good source of man power.

c) Advertisement: Advertisement in newspapers and journals is used when a wider choice

is requircd. Most of the senior positions of industry as well as commerce are fillcd by this
method. More information about the organisation and job can be given in the
advertisement. Advertisement gives the management a wider range of candidates.

(d) Employment exchanges: Employment exchanges set up by the government are acting as
the connecting link betwcen job seekers and employers. Job seekers have to register with
the cmployment exchanges. Employment exchanges supply suitable names to business
enterprises when required.

(e) Consulting Agencies or Placement Agencies: private placement agencies register with
them. the names of job seekers and recommend suitable candidates to the business
enterprises on their request.

( Campus Recruitment (Educational Institutions): Companies or large organizations,

maintain a close contact with various universities, institutions and colleges for the
recruitment of engineers, managers, executives etc.
The organization conduct interviews in the colleges to the qualified students and the
suitable candidates are selected based on their academic records, communication skills,
intelligence etc.

(g) Labour contractors: Labour contractors are the specialist people who supply man power
to the factory or organizations. Through these contractors, workers are appointed on
contract basis for a particular time period.

h) Recommendations of Employees: Applicants introduced by present employees, or their

friends and relatives may prove to be a good source of recruitment.

d) Advertising on Television: Telecasting over T.V. is also a good source of recruitment.

Information of vacant posts, job description, qualifications required etc., is given as
) Web-publishing: Internet has become an important source of recruitment. There are
certain web-sites which are specifically meant for providing information about both job-
seekers and job available.
E.g.; etc.

Merits of External Sources: The advantages of using external sources of recruitment are as
i. Qualified Personnel: By using external sources of recruitment, the management can
atract qualified and trained people to apply for vacant jobs in the organisation.
ii. Wider Choice: When vacancies are advertised widely, a large number of applicants
Irom outside the organisation apply. The management has a wider choice while

selecting the people for employment.

Far Rri

i Fresh Talent: Extemal recniitment provides wider choice and brings new blod
ne changing
blood in the
that suits the cha.
ideas and skills
fresh talent. with

organisation. So
it brings
external sources, the existing staff will have,
i. Competitive Spirit: If a company to show
better performance.
the outsiders. They will work harder
compcte with

Limitations of External Sources: dissatisfaction

recruitment may lead to
. Dissatisfaction among existing staff: External that their chances
and fnistration among existing employees.
They may feel Of

promotion are reduced.

external sources takes a long time. The business
Lengthy process: Recnuitment from
the vacancies and wait for applications to initiate the selection process.
has to notity
external sources. A lot of money
Costly process: lt is very costly to recruit staff from
has to be spent on advertisement and processing of applications.

Sciection is the process of choosing the best person from among the job applicants for a job.

It is the process of selecting the best and eliminating the rest.

Definition: According to Dale Yoder, "Selection is the process of choosing from among the
candidates from within the organization or from the outside, the most suitable person for the
curent position or for the future position"
Steps in Selection Process
a) Preliminary Screening: After receiving the applications from the candidates, the next
step is examining the applications, to ascertain the eligibility of the candidate.
Screening means, preparing a list of eligible candidates who can be called for selection

b) Selection Tests: After screening the

applications, eligible candidates are asked to appear
for selection test to assess the
intelligence, skill and The knowledge. following tests are
usually conducted.
1. Intelligence tests: Intelligence tests used to
judge the mental capacity of
applicant. Intelligence tests evaluate the ability of an individual to understand
instructions and make decisions.
2. Aptitude tests: Aptitude means the potential which an individual has for learning new
skills. Aptitude tests indicate the
person's capacity and his potential for development.
3. Trade or
Proficiency_tests: They measure the level of actual
knowledge and
proficiency in the area of profession or technical training.
Personality tests: Personality tests measure the overall qualities of a
provide information of the candidate's personal characteristics person. They
emotional reactions, confidence, such as temperament,
courage, likes, dislikes etc.
Interest test: This, identifies the candidate's interest, fascination
some job. These tests and involvement for
suggest the nature of job liked by the candidates
bring him job satisfaction. which may

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Chapter 6- Staffing

interview: Candidates who are qualified in the selcction test are called for interview.
Intervicw Is a lomal tace to face conversation conducted to evaluatc candidate's

personality, smartncss, attitude ctc..

) Reference and Background checks: Background checks help to know the additional
information of the candidates such as honesty, loyalty, character etc. This is verified from
the hcads of the educational institutions or from their previous employers.
Selcction Decision: After clearing all the selection tests, interviews etc., the right
candidate will be selected for the job. This decision is taken after getting the opinion of
concerned manager of the department where the selected candidates has to work.

O Medical Examination: Candidates finally selected for the job are asked to undergo a
to check whether
medical examination they physically fit for the job. This aims at
reducing employee turnover, absenteeism, accidents etc., in the organization.
g) Job Offer (issue of appointment letter): Candidates finally selected are issued a formal
appointment order by the organization to confirm his acceptance. It contains the nature of
job, the remuneration, date of reporting and other terms and conditions relating to
h) Contract of Employment (Acceptance of job offer): Once the selected candidate accepts
the job offer, he becomes the employee of the organization. He has to formally join the
organization by giving his acceptanee in writing or by signing the contract of employment.
It contains job title, the pay scale, leave rules, work rules, etc.
The organization will open a service register in the name of the candidate and record every
detail of his qualification, his particulars of employment, pay scale etc.


Training is the process by which the aptitudes, skills and abilities of employees to perform
specific jobs are increased. It attempts to improve their performance onthe current job.
Development refersto the learning opportunities designed to helpemployees grow.
I n other
words it is growth of individuals in all respects.
Education is the process ofincreasingtheknowledge andunderstanding of employees.

Difference between Training and Development

Training Development
It is a process of increasing knowledge and It is a process of learning and growth.
| It is to enable the employee to do the job It is to enable the overall growth of the

|better. employee.
| It is a job oriented process. It is a career oriented process.

Importance of Training: Due to changes in the technology, customer demands ete., jobs
have become more complex. Candidates may gain theoretical knowledge from educational
nstitutions, but for the practical knowledge, training is required.
raining and development help both the organisation and the individuals.

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and development to an orpa
Benefits to the organization: The
benefits of training organisation
are as follows:
Training is a systematic learning, always bpetter
) Training helps in systematic learning: and money due to accident.
to wastage of efforts nts
than hit and trial methods which lead
and break down.
in improving employee
(i) It enhances employee productivity: Training helps
productivity both in terms of quantity and quality,
leading to higher profits.
the future manager who can take over
(ii) It produces future managers: Training equips
in case of emergency.
turnover: Training increases employee
morale and reduces
(iv) Reduces employee
absenteeism and employee turnover.
()It helps to cope with the changing environment: It helps in obtaining effective
response to fast changing technological and economic environment
(vi) Less supervision: A well trained enmployee will be well acquainted with the job and
will need less of supervision.
(vi) Industrial peace in the organization: Training also helps in building an efficient and
co-operative workforce. Dissatisfaction, complaints, absenteeism, etc., can also be
reduced among workers. This will maintain industrial peace in the organization.

Benefits to the Employees: The benefits of training and development activity to the
employees are as follows:
) Improved skills and knowledge: Training improves employee's ability, knowledge
and skills. Employees become more eligible for promotion and leads to better career.
(i) Increased earning: Increased performance by the individual help him to earn more.
(i) Improves efficiency: Training makes the employee more efficient to handle machines.
Thus, less prone to accidents.
(iv) Job satisfaction: Training increases the satisfaction and morale of employees.

Methods of training: The following chart shows the different methods of training adopted
bythe organizations.)
Methods of Training

On the Job Training Off the Job Training

Apprenticeship *
Class Room Lecture
*Coaching Films
* Internship Training

* Job rotation
*Vestibule Training
Computer modeling
On the Job Training: On the
job training is a method, where workers work under the
guidance and supervision of experienced, qualified and trained supervisors or managers. The
following are the important methods of on the job training.

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Chapter6- Staffing

a. Apprenticeship training or Understudy: Apprenticcship or understudy is a method of

training under which the traince is required to work under the supervision and guidance of
a master worker for a period of time. This type of training is commonly used to train up
employces like clectricians, plumbers iron workers, or carpenters who require a higher
Ievel of skill.

b. Coaching: In this mcthod, the superior guides and instructs the trainee as a coach. He
familiarizes the employces with the methods of using cquipment, materials, tools etc. Thc
coach sets goals and suggests how to achieve these goals. He also provides feedback to
the trainee on his performance and offers his suggestions for improvement.

C. Internship Training: Internship is a method of on-the-job training for white-collar and

professional carcers. It provides practical experience which is backed up by theorctical
knowledge. Intemship training is essential for medical, auditing, management, lawyer's
profession etc.

d. Job-Rotation: Job rotation is a method of training which involves rotation of employeces

from one department to another or from one job to another so that he may learn
working of various departments or jobs. It is also known as the Channel Method.
gives an opportunity to the trainees to interact with the employees
This method
jobs/department which enhances co-operation among departments.
the trainee to
Off the Job Training: Off the job methods refer to the methods which require
leave his work place for undergoing training programme.
The following are the important methods of off the job training;
well known to train white collar or
1. Classroom lecture/ Conferences: This method is
in a room like that
managerial executives in the organization. Here, the training is given
demonstrations can make
of classroom in the form of lecture. The use of audio visuals or
the presentation more interesting.
of an organization faced by
2. Case study: Case study is taking an actual situation/problem
the case and develop alternative
the managers. Trainees are supposed to study, analyse
of this method is to develop the decision
solutions and select the best solution. The aim
making abilities of the employees.
method an artificial work place atmosphere is created in
3. Vestibule training: In this
staff and office employees who deal with tools,
organization to train the technical and
and machines. Here the employees learn their jobs on the equipments
work place. This is usually done when employees
tools they will be using in their actual
are handle sophisticated machinery and equipment.
required to
work environment by programming computer a
4. Computer modeling: It simulates the or high
The learning takes place without the risk
imitate some of the realities of the job.
costs that would be incurred if
there were mistakes in real life

and demonstrate skills that are not easily

5. Films: They provide information
method in certain cases.
It is a very effective
represented by the other techniques.

For Private Circulation Only
Chapter 6- Staffing
Programmed Instruction: Under this method some useful information is
meaningful units and these units are arranged in a proper way to form a broken into
package i.c. from simple to complex. The trainee logical learnin
goes through these units by ning
questions or filling the blanks. answerinong
I Fill in the blanks:
the is the managerial function of filling and
positions in the organisation structure. keeping filled
3. is the first step
in selection process.
is the process of
employee to other employees and
introducing the selected
organisation. familiarising him with the rules and
policies of the
post for which the _refers to the employee occupying the position or
5. person has been selected.

employees before handling is the off-the-job

training method given to
6. sophisticated machinery and equipment.
refers to
higher responsibilities, status and shifting an
employee to a
higher position, carrying
7. pay.
is a good source of
over staffed departments. filling the vacancies with employees from
8.Referal system reduces the
9. cost of recruitment.
Preliminary screening is a step in the (True/False)
10. Staffing is selection process.
searching for (True/False)
Multiple choice questions: prospective candidates. (True/ False)
1. Which one of
the following is not a function of
(a) Recruitment (b) Training staffing?
2. It refers to the ()Compensation (d) Directing
process of searching for
them to prospective employees and stimulating
apply for jobs in the organisation.
(a) Selection b) Training (c) Recruitment
3. Which one of the (d) Orientation
following is an internal source of
(a)Transfer recruitment?
(c) Advertisement (b) Employment exchange
(d) Campus recruitment
These tests measure the
existing skills of
knowledge and proficiency in the area of the individual in terms of the level of
(a) Trade test
(6) Personality test professions technical training

5. Promotion of ()Intelligence test (d) Aptitude test

employees results in
Increase in pay
(c) Increase in job satisfaction b) Increase in
(d) all of the above
6. Which of the
(a) Case study
following is On-the-Job method of
(b) Coaching training?
(c)Vestibule Training (d)
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Computer modeling
Circulation Only

7. Which of the Chapter 6- Stafjing

following is off
(a) Apprentice programmes the job method of
(c) Case study
(b) Internship training
8. Under this method of (d) Job rotation
worker, training, a
trainee is put under
(a) Internship training guidance of a master
(c) Apprenticeship training (b) Vestibule training
(d) Induction training
Il One word/ sentence
answer type
1. What is
questions (1 mark)
Ans: Staffing is the
managerial function of filling and
organisation structure. keeping filled the positions in the
2. Name one internal
source of
Ans: Promotion, Transfer recruitment.
3. Name any one external source of
Ans: Advertisement, Employment Exchange.
4. State any one type of selection tests.
Ans: Intelligence tests.
5. What is meant by Interview in
Selection Process?
Ans: Interview is a formal face
to face conversation
conducted to evaluate candidates
personality, smartness, attitude etc.
6. What is Training?
Ans: Training is the process by which the aptitudes, skills and abilities of
perform specific jobs are increased. employees to

7. What is the meaning of "Development' in Staffing Process?

Ans: Development refers to the
learning opportunities designed to help employees grow.
In other words it is
growth of individuals in all respects.
8. Name on-the-job training method given to plumbers, electricians or iron workers.
Ans: Apprenticeship training.
V Short Answer
type questions (2 marks)
1. Why is staffing both a line as well as staff activity?
Ans: Staffing is both a function of management just like
planning, organising, directing,
and controlling as well as a distinct functional area of
management like marketing
management, financial management etc. Therefore it is the function of the manager as well
as an
advisory role played by the Human Resource Department.
Write any two factors which infuence the way of recruitment, selection and
of employees in any
Ans: 1. Work load analysis 2. Work force analysis

For Private Circulation Only 59

3. Give the meaning of Selection. the suitable
candidates from the pool of

is the process of choosing
Ans: Selection
various jobs in the organization.
applicants, to fulfill

4. What is Placement? the position post for which the perso n

Ans: Placement refers to
the employee occupying
about the company, his
The employee is given a brief presentation
been selected.
duties, and responsibilities.
5. What is Orientation?
employees to other employees and
Ans: Orientation means introducing the selected (new)
of the organization.
familiarizing them with the rules and policies
internal source of recruitment.
6. Give the meaning of 'Transfer' as an
branch to
job to another, one
Ans: Transfer means shifting of an employee from one

change in their status, responsibility

another or one shift to another. There will not be any
and salary.
adopt to
7. State the two types of direct financial payments which an organisation can

pay its employees.

Ans: 1. Time based- Salary or wages
2. Performance based- salary, wages or commission.

8. State any two differences between

Training and Development
Training Development

1. It is a process of increasing knowledge | 1. It is a process of learning and

and skills. growth.
2. It is to enable the employee to do the job | 2. It is to enable the overall growth of

better. the employee.

|3. It is a job oriented process. 3. It is a career oriented process.

9. What is Job Rotation?

Ans: This kind of training involves shifting the trainee from one department to another or
from one job to another so that he may learn the working of various departments or jobs.

10. State any two merits of external sources of recruitment.

Ans: 1. Can get qualified Personnel
2. Wider Choice for selection
3. Can obtain Fresh Talent

11. Write any two demerits of external sources of recruitment.

Ans: 1. It involves a lengthy process ofselection.
2. It is a costly process.

12. Mention any two merits of internal sources of recruitment.

Ans: 1. It gives motivation to improve performance as the promotions are based on
2. It simplifies the selection process.

For Private Circulation Only 60


Chapter 6- Staffing
13. Mention any two demerits of
Ans: 1. There is no internal
scope for fresh talent. sources of
2. Lethargic
Attitude of the
Short answer type questions employecs when there are time bound promotions.
1. Explain the importance of(4 marks)
2. of
Explain any 1our types tests used
3. Explain the internal sources of for selection of
Explain the merits and demeritsrecruitment.
of internal
5. Distinguish between sources of
training and
6. How does development.
training and development of
employees benefit the organizations?
VI Longanswer type questions (8 marks)
1. Explain the stages in
2. Explain the external Staffing Process. 500
sources of
3. Explain the merits and demeritsrecruitment.5
of external
3. Describe the steps involved in Selection sources of recruitment.
4. Explain the four Process.
methods of On-the-Job and
5. Explain the benefits of any four methods of
training and development to the Off-the-Job training.
organization and to the employees.
VII Practical oriented question
(5 marks)
1. As an HR manager, list out
any ten sources of
your organization. recruitment, to fill in the vacancies in
est Your erstandng
Chapter 6
nder this method of recruitm
sation containning the
uitment. a
notice is
organ details of the placed on
) Casual callers
(b) Labour contractors jobs available. the notice board of the
None ofthe above (e)
Recommendations of employees
which ofthe followingis
is not an

a Qualificd (b) Wider advantage of using external

personnel of
choice sources of
(c) Fresh recruitment?
analysis would enable to talent (d)
know whether the Economical source
a)nderstaffed (b) Overstaffed
(c) organisation

The various activities involved

in the
Optimally staffed (d) All of the
process recruitment
of above
(a) ntification and assessmer of the different include
the most suitable sources of
) Sclecting source or sources
nuiting applications from the
prospective candidates
the above
d) All of
ofers to the horizontal mOvement of
(a) Transfer (b) Promotion
employees along the organisational structure.
C) Training (d) None of the above
hen the employees are given promotion, their
a) Motivation level improves
(b) Loyalty increases
c) Job satisfaction level is higher (d) All of the above
U'nder this method of recruitment, an organisation maintains a database of unsolicited
applicants in their offices.
(a) Direct recruitment (6) Casual callers (¢) Labour cotractors (d) Advertising on

S. It is a very useful source of reeruitment for hiring casual or "badli' workers to whom
compensation is provided on a daily wage basis.
consultants (b) Direct recruitment
(a) Placement agencies and management
(c) Labour contractors
(d) Advertising on television

9. This test is an indicator of a person's learning

ability or the ability to make decisions
and judgements.
(b) Personality test (c) Intelligence test (d) Aptitude test
(a) Trade test
in order to
to the new employees of an organisation
10. This type of training is provided and
rules and policies, their superior
familiarise them with the organisational

subordinate, and so on. (c) Internship training

(a) Vestibule training (b) Apprenticeship
(d) Induction training Resource Department?

activities lie
within the scope of Human
of the following and incentive plans
a) Formulating compensation union management
s u r i n g healthy
labour relations
and welfare ofemployees
for social security
Creating provision
(d) All of the above

rPrivate Circulation Oniy


1 d e n t i f y the correct sequence ofthesteps involved in the staffing process

Placement and Orientas:.
the Manpower
(a) Recruitment, Estimating
Sclection Sclection,
Placement and Orientation
(6) Estimating the Manpower
Recruitmcnt Recruitment, Placement and
(C) Selection, Estimating the
Manpower Requirements,
Oricntation Recruitment, Selection, Placement an
(a) Estimating the Manpower
selection process
involved in the
of the steps
3. Identify the correct sequence
Reference and Background checkim
(a) Medical Examination, Contract of Employment, king,
Selection Decision, Job Offer Contract of Employment
Selection Decision,
(6) Reference and Background checking,
Medical Examination, Job Offer
Decision, Medical
checking, Selection
(C) Job Offer, Reference and Background
Examination, Contract of Employment
Selection Decision,
Medical Examination, Joh
(d) Reference and Background checking,
Offer, Contract of Employment
14. Kundan Lai joined a food processing unit as a factory worker. Since he was expected t
work on sophisticated machinery, he was asked to undergo a speclal training. Identify the

training method with reference to above lines.

(a) Vestibule training (b) Apprenticeship training
(d) Induction training
(c) Internship training
15. In the job application form for the post of Production Manager, Ketan had given details
of his present employer. The company contacted the General Manager of his present
company to establish Ketan's credibility. Identify the step în selection process being

described in the above lines.

(a) Job offer (b) Contract of employment
(c)Reference and background checking (d) Selection decision

16. When the Principal of Golden Life Public School was on the verge of retirement, the
management of the school contacted a specialised business firm in order to fill up the
vacancy. Identify the source of recruitment being used by the management.
(a) Labour contractors (b) Advertising
(C) Placement agencies and management consultants (d) Direct recruitment
17. Rakesh works as a software engineer in an IT company. He provided the reference of
close friend Rohan to the Human Resource Department for the post of Senior Business
Development Manager. Rohan was duly selected for the concerned post by the company.
Identify the source of recruitment being used by the company.
(a) Advertising (6) Placement agencies and management consultants
(c) Recommendation of employees (d) Direct recruitment

Application Type Questions

1. The workers of a factory are unable to work on new machines and always demand for help
supervisor. The Supervisor is overburdened with their frequent calls.
Suggest the remedy.

For Private Circulation Only 176

Test Your nderstanding
afactory remain
of a
visit of engineer is made
engineer because of lack of
which causes

high overhcadknowledge of
charges. Howhi-tech
h er e m o v e d

quality of oduetion is not as per can this
not fully aware of standar
ere not On
he the it was
to improve the accuracy? proper operation of the observed
that most of
machinery. What could

di an nrovides
seeurity services. It be the
don'tleak the seerets of their clients. requires such eandidates
\What step
should be incorporatedwho are
reliable and
AcL local festival, it got an plates and bowls. It produces selection proccss? in
ll iulill its order and urgent order of 100000 plates
which method of extra 50,000 plates bowls. and bowls cach
company will
Advise how
recruitment would you the
Case Studics: suggest.
conpanyN limitcd is setting up a new
campetitive plant India for
and cost effective
s a highi
rs sour
hanutacturers source their auto production base in this sector. auto manufacturing
components. India
components from here.
arket share in India and also export to the X limited is planning to Many reputed car
nned operations.To achieve these tune of at least S5 capture about 40%
targets it million in about 2
l heen retained by the requires a highly trained and years of its
company to advise it in this motivated work force.
mindthe sector thecompany is operating. matter. While
giving answers in kecp

Qutline the process of staf+ing the company should

Which sources of follow.
recruitment the
company should rely upon. Give
reasons for your
Outline the process of selection the company should
follow with reasons.
Which methods of training and
development should be company initiate? Explain giving

A major insurance company handled all

recruiting, SCreening and training for data
entry customer service representatives. Their competitor was attracting mostprocesses
of the
potential employees in their market. Recruiting was made even more qualified,
difficult by the strong
economy and the "jobseeker's market.' This resulted in the client
who had the 'soft' skills needed for the having to choose from candidates
job, but lacked the proper 'hard' skills and training.
1. As an HR manager what
problems do you see in the company?
2. How do you think it can be resolved?

A Public transport corporation has hired 1,000 buses for the different routes for the passengers of
metropolitan city. Most of the 3,000 crewmen (drivers, conductors, helpers etc.) of these buses have
EC ound to be wanting in satisfactorily dealing with public and daily commuters. They seem to
e itle interested in the job and the job seem to have lost all meaning to them.

nanager ofthe public transport company what measures do you suggest to improve the
working of crewman in question?
possible to modify their behaviour by planning a suitable type oftraining? Suggest one.

Private 177
Circulation Only
IVMs. Jayshrce recently
completed her Post Ciraduate Diploma in Human Resource
ew months from now a appointed her as its
large stecl manufacturing company human
nan resour A
hanager. As and has expansion plan in
of now. the company employs 800 persons an
in hand
hand ce
1ay require another 200 pcrsons for various types of additional requirements. Ms. Javeh.
Dccngiven completc charge of the company's Human Resource Department,
nree has
P'oint out, what finctions is she supposed to perform?
2. What
problems do you foresee in her job?
3. What steps is she going to take to perform her job efficiently?
4. How
significant is her role in the organisation?

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