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FIRST YEAR – Bachelor of Elementary Education-Generalist

GE 5 Science, Technology, and Society

Module 1 Let’s Check 2
1. Communication
2. Sumerian Civilization
3. Yes, it was conservation of life is their primary challenge
4. Hieroglyphics
5. Egyptian Civilization
6. Greek Civilization
7. Roman Civilization
8. Gazettes
9. Middle/Medieval Ages
10. Pasteurization
FIRST YEAR – Bachelor of Elementary Education-Generalist

GE 5 Science, Technology, and Society

Module 1 Let’s Check 2
1. The Id, Ego, and Super Ego of Freud
The three interacting system that Sigmund Freud proposed These
three are the interacting system that was proposed by Sigmund Freud
which contributes to psychoanalytic theory on an individual's mental
state. The ego is a person's awareness. It balances the demands from
id, superego, and real-life situations. It functions on the reality
principles of an individual's certain and positive personality and
behavior being openly shared and expressed without fear of ridicule.
The superego is an individual's internalized aspirations that serve as
judging criteria for our conscience. In this system, when we consider
doing something we know is unlawful and/or a major offense to an
organization, our superego is aroused, and we feel guilty when we
engage in misbehavior to an activity. It is the responsibility of the ego to
reconcile the superego's constraints and the impulsive demands of id
and deciding for a better plan and for self.

Natural Selection and Survival of the fittest.

Let's look at animals to better understand natural selection and survival
of the fittest. The habitat is where animals live and is contingent on the
resources it can give. Every environment has distinct capabilities and
classifications, whether it is the weather, the food available in the area,
the neighboring creatures, or in land or water form. Natural selection
will occur in this case since an animal must adapt to its surroundings in
order to live. Adaptation will vary depending on mutation, migration,
and genetic drift. For example, they may be altering their coloring to
blend in and adapt to changes in the environment. However, it is based
on the mates' reproduction. Some may not survive the changes in their
bodies when they reproduce because the environment does not have
the full ability to sustain the animal's extended growth. Next, if the
surviving animal is not the normal color of the organism, for example,
brown beetles have a better chance of survival than green beetles,
they will reproduce, and the genetic foundation, which is the brown
coloring, will be handed down to the next generation, a process known
as heredity. As the reproduction of the aforementioned hue continues
for many years, brown beetles will become the common color to all
insects living and reproducing.
It is inevitable that there would be weak and strong reproduction of
species, with predators preferring weak creatures since they are easier
to catch. So, as the phrase "survival of the fittest" implies, it is a conflict
between living and dying. As long as they can adapt and fight to
survive, they have a chance of surviving the given habitat. As a result,
the entire genetically modified creature is stronger.
FIRST YEAR – Bachelor of Elementary Education-Generalist

2. Explain the concept of Geocentricism and Heliocentrism.

Astronomy is the study of stars, planets, space, and the physical
cosmos that is focused on geocentricism and heliocentrism. Astronomy
was explored decades ago since it aids with navigation and future
resemblance. It had been employed for many years to assist people in
their settlements, communal and personal decisions. The distinction
between the two is that people from centuries ago believed that the
planet Earth was the center of the solar system, around which the sun
and all other planets orbited. In that regard, it is the legitimate
astronomical theory proposed by Claudius Ptolemy at the time.
Nicolaus Copernicus, on the other hand, asserted that the Earth is not
the center of the solar system. According to his years of scientific
research and observations, each planet orbits on its own axis and
revolves around the sun, the center of the solar system. Now,
heliocentrism is regarded as the finest contribution to science and
astronomy, as well as the most factual and accepted idea that has yet
to be acknowledged and taught in many institutions. With the
advancement of technology, it was demonstrated that Nicolaus
Copernicus' theory was right.

3. Name other scientific revolutions that happened in the following places:

a. Meso-America
Spaniards occupied Mesoamerica in the 16th century. Even before
colonization, indigenous culture regarded the location to be complex—
the structure of its kingdoms and empires, monuments and cities, the
scope and refinement of their intellectual accomplishments and talents.
Meso-America has made significant contributions to human history
discoveries through temples and pyramids which is called now
archaeology. They also contributed to cosmology and mathematics, but
the development of the Mayan Calendar, which has three interlocking
calendars: Long Count or Universal Cycle, Tzolk'in or Divine Calendar,
and Haab or Civil Calendar, was highlighted.
The Universal Cycle, often known as the Long Count, is used to keep
track of extended spans of time. It is calculated to be 2,880,000 days
long, during which time they thought the cosmos was destroyed and
regenerated at the start of the universal cycle. Tzolk'in, or Divine
Calendar, is also known as sacred round. It includes 20 of 13-day
intervals that add up to a 260-day calendar which is used to calculate
the time of religious and ceremonial activities. And the Haab, also
known as the Civil Calendar, is a 365-day solar calendar split into 18
months of 20 days each and one month of 5 days. An outer ring of
Mayan glyphs represents each of the 19 months on the calendar. Each
day in the month is represented by a number followed by the month's
name. Each symbol reflects a month-related personality.
FIRST YEAR – Bachelor of Elementary Education-Generalist

b. Asia
Asian civilization was well-known for its contributions to science and
technology, including electronics and transportation. Its evolution was
influenced by events, the country itself, and time. Another force that
pushed Asian countries, particularly China and Japan, toward the
science revolution was the industrial revolution. Since Asian nations
were recognized for their enormous natural resources that could only
be found on the continent, the revolution transformed the economic,
social, and cultural aspects into a contemporary period, which played a
vital part in development and creating technologies on agriculture,
animal husbandry, fisheries, and mining minerals.
c. Middle East
The Middle Eastern revolution was the result of the rise of nationalism,
imperialism, and European phenomena. Because this area was
inhabited by Muslims, Islamic and Byzantine sciences flourished.
However, another study indicated that the Middle East arrived after the
scientific revolution because their countries are battling to decide with
their inventions as variations in religion and views are contradictory to
growth. As a result, they rely on assistance from industrialized
countries and core states.
d. Africa
Africans were ingrained in their belief that the universe was powered by
God and in charge of delivering peace. In addition, the universe was
linked to the spiritual realm and its inhabitants. What stands out the
most is their progress in the medical field. In 800 AD, the first mental
hospital in Cairo was discovered, providing free treatment for all
citizens. In 1285, a huge hospital named Chris Hani Baragwanath
Hospital was established. The hospital was accepted into the Guinness
Book of World Records, and it still remains today after undergoing
several modifications. Also, they produced a world’s controversial
treatment but accepted to their society that heals the eye infections
using honey and brain, as well as a medicine to cure coughs using
roasted mouse.
FIRST YEAR – Bachelor of Elementary Education-Generalist

GE 5 Science, Technology, and Society

Module 1 Let’s Check 3
1. Discuss the traced development of science and technology from the
pre-colonial times up to the present.
Science and technology were already apparent millennia ago, contributing
to our predecessors' survival. During the pre-colonial time, ancient Filipinos were
made up of many groups with distinct cultures and traditions, some of which are
still apparent and nurtured to this day. They may be found in many regions
around the Philippines, teaching their own groups their own beliefs, education,
and spiritual beliefs. Native tribes are typically found around oceans, rivers, and
streams, as well as in woods, fertile places, and caves. They moved to water and
land areas because food is easily accessible, and it is their source of income,
which they barter with other people for the goods they need. They created
machinery that would be used for hunting and gathering, as well as planting and
harvesting their crops.
The Colonial Period began with the colonization of the Philippines by
Spaniards and Americans. During this historical period, many contributions to
science and technology were made, which are still widely used now and may be
seen in Philippine culture and tradition. They had a huge effect on Roman
Catholicism, which is the religion of more than half of the country's people, under
Spanish colonization. Years ago, they brought us our culture and customs, which
symbolize the Philippines' uniqueness and wealth. They also educated us in
Spanish, which was extensively used at the time as a medium of communication
in which everyone, including Spaniards, understood each other. Literary works
and music began to flourish during this time period; however, only the Spanish
language was permitted to be used, and no writings against the friars were
permitted, otherwise their lives would be forfeited. Education and the
development of governance were major highlights of American colonialism in
terms of contributing to science and technology in the Philippines. They educated
the people about better governance and even built the three branches of
government that are still in use today: the legislative, executive, and judicial
branches. In education, they establish an education system to teach Filipinos in
specific areas because colonization caused many changes. They are important
for using English at school and engaging with others.

During the post-colonial period, the country achieved complete

independence and was able to run on its own with the help of its people and the
established government. Each presidential era has certain highlights in terms of
contributions to science and technology, such as the 1987 Constitution of the
Philippines (C. Aquino Era), Healthcare centers and hospitals that were free use
of utilities in that time (Marcos Era), the promotion of people empowerment
principles and global competitiveness (Ramos Era), the restoration of law and
FIRST YEAR – Bachelor of Elementary Education-Generalist

order in the Philippines (Magsaysay Era), the framework plan for women (G.M.
Arroyo Era), the promotion of our national language and social justice in the
country (Quezon Era), the execution of Land Reform Code (Macapagal Era), the
organization of Kapisanan sa Paglilingkod sa Bagong Pilipinas (KALIBAPI) by
Jose P. Laurel, the creation of People’s Court that investigate all suspected
Filipinos of disloyalty and treason (Sergio Osmeña), the creation of no wang-
wang policy (B. Aquino Era), the tax reform, Build Build Build program,
Transportation modernization, free college education, independent foreign policy,
and universal health care under Duterte Era.
Identify some achievements in the field of science and technology
from President Marcos up to the present administration.
a. Ferdinand Marcos
Achievements in the field of science and technology:
 Services and transportation to rural areas
 Allying United States against war Vietnam war
 Economic reforms in 11 industries development such as
integrated steel, petrochemical complex, heavy
engineering industries, expansion of the cement industry,
industrialization of the coconut industry, integrated pulp
and paper mill, copper smelter, aluminum smelter,
phosphate fertilizer, manufacture of diesel engines and
 Solved the inadequate supply of food, lack of social
services, infrastructure support, and lethargic economy
 The International Rice Research Institute
 The Judicial Development Fund and the Philippine
Amusement and Gaming Corp
 The Philippine Heart Center, Lung Center of the
Philippines, and the National Kidney and Transplant
 The Cultural Center of the Philippines, Folk arts Theater,
Philippine International Convention Center, National arts
Center housing the Philippine High school of Arts,
Nayong Pilipino and the People’s Park in the Sky
 Bagong Lipunan Improvement of Sites and Services
projects that develops a strong and solid economic base
for the community
 Trunk-line Road networks
 Irrigation systems and hydroelectric power plants
b. Corazon Aquino
Achievements in the field of science and technology
 Promotion of human rights and civil liberty
 More healthy and responsible direction in the Philippine
FIRST YEAR – Bachelor of Elementary Education-Generalist

 Filipino language as the national identity

 Brought back the democracy
 Women had the status of second-class citizens
 Promulgated the Family Code
 The Executive Order no. 128 or the Reorganizing the
National Science and Technology Authority
c. Fidel Ramos
Achievements in the field of science and technology:
 Eliminating power crisis
 Invite more foreign and domestic investment
 Reduce widespread corruption
 Implementation of Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
 Signing final peace agreement between the government
and Moro National Liberation Font
 Restoring and rebuilding international confidence to
Philippine economy
 The Philippine 2000 development program
 Stabilized the post-people power chaos
 Adoption of gunpowder
 Mechanical clocks
 Spectacles
 Vertical windmills
 Improved water mills
d. Joseph Estrada
Achievements in the field of science and technology:
 Helping the poor
 Contributed with food, medicine, clothing, and other relief
 Jeep ni Erap: Ang Pasada ng Pangulo Radio-TV Program
 Gains Export Program
 Setting the Regional Food Microbiology Laboratory
 Implementation of Climate Information Monitoring and
Prediction Services
 Creation of Phil-Jobnet
 Project Rise or the Rescue Initiative for Science
 Strengthening the National Computer Center
e. Gloria Arroyo
Achievements in the field of science and technology:
 Building bridges for better and advanced transportation
 Establish school building for children
 Building the Light Railway Transmit (LRT)
 3% growth in economy
FIRST YEAR – Bachelor of Elementary Education-Generalist

 The Electronic Procurement System

 Filipino Strategic Areas of Innovation
 Biofuels
 The Strong Republic Nautical Highway
 The S&T Undergraduate Scholarship program
f. Benigno Aquino Jr.
Achievements in the field of science and technology:
 Development of microsatellites
 RA 10606 or An Act Amending the National Health
Insurance Act of 1995
 Program that provides free vaccination to children
 Systematic deployment of health professionals to far-
flung areas
 Approving RA 10533, the K+12 program
 NAIA Expressway Phase II
 Naga Airport
 Legazpi Base Port, Blue Point Port, and Catbalogan Port
 Jct. Menzi-Dahican-Lawigan Tourism Road, Replacement
of Lucban Bridge and Aproaches along Manilad Road,
Lobo Malabrigo San Juan Road, Gandara Matinguinao
Road, Butuan City By-pass Road
g. Rodrigo Duterte
Achievements in the field of science and technology
 Balik Science Law or the RA 11035
 Philippine Space Act or RA 11363
 Quezon City Facility, an operational power plant
 Kaliwa Dam Project
 Diwata 2 (Philippine Made Microsatellite)
 Jeepney Modernization Program
 Biotek M Diagnostic Kit
 Railways for Mass Transport
o Hybrid Electric Train
o Hazard Hunter Application
o Molecular Laboratory
 Color-coded Agricultural Guide Map
 Digital Imaging for Monitoring and Evaluation

2. Name greatest scientific technological contributions of the colonizers

brought in the country that promotes nation-building.
Despite colonialism and the loss of many lives, Spaniards
and Americans have made significant contributions to the modernization of
the Philippines. Personally, I believe that the education system introduced by
Spaniards and Americans was the driving force that continues to support
country development until today. Their lessons have molded us to generate
new ideas and generating better things that benefit us in our everyday
FIRST YEAR – Bachelor of Elementary Education-Generalist

routines. They were the ones who introduced us to industrialization and

modernization, which we are now working on in order to become a more
advanced and rapidly growing country. Without their education system, we
may revert to a more traditional and cultural way of life and become one of the
world's poorest countries.

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