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The Value of Variable Frequency

Drive or Variable Speed Drive
Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) or Variable Speed Drive (VSD) is usually use extremely low load mode of operation for chiller at
developed from variable speed technology, and mostly applied on night or other special circumstances so as to reduce energy
HVAC system including pump, fan and chiller etc. In fact, VFD and consumption. If there is a chance the chiller will always operate
VSD are available in the market for nearly two decades, but they at a load less than 20% at night, it should be considered to install
were too expensive at the beginning and therefore not widely a chiller with lower cooling capacity for such purpose. In fact, a
used. With the advancement in electronic technology, VFD and thorough system design will be better than just using
VSD have become popular nowadays. But the question is – is VFD/VSD-controlled chiller in terms of performance and reliability.
VFD or VSD the ultimate solution for energy saving in chiller? Moreover, as VFD or VSD will generate harmonic signals which
will interrupt the normal function of the peripheral electronic
Avoidance Of Surge devices, it is necessary to install a harmonic filter to protect the
One of the reasons for using VFD or VSD is for chiller operating system. Also, when in full load, VFD or VSD consumes more
under low load for a long period of time. During low load, cooling electricity (calculated in kW/Ton). Therefore, it is recommended
water temperature will drop and electricity consumption will be by ARI to use all-round energy modeling software so as to design
high. A key problem of centrifugal compressor is surge, and VFD a more practically efficient air conditioning system.
or VSD can eliminate that problem. In general, single stage
centrifugal chiller can only be downloaded to 30 to 40%. If the According to statistics, most buildings use 2 or more chiller units
chiller is operating under 30% load, it needs hot air bypass or for air-conditioning. In order to let every chiller operate in the high
VFD/VSD to control. Besides, if the starting current is insufficient, efficient high load
VFD or VSD can help to start the chiller, though it is not very area, the sequence Relationship Between Single Unit
common in proper design. control will set to Loading and System Loading
make sure every 單機負荷與系統負荷關係
Not Energy-efficient When Full Load unit is operating at
When operating in full load, a VFD/VSD-controlled chiller will a load of 50% or 60%
consume 2 to 5% more of electricity than regular chiller; therefore more for most of
it is not energy efficient. In evaluating the performance of an the time. This can
Percentage of Time 時間百分比

air-conditioning system, whether the operating unit is reliable and save operating cost,
easy to repair are critical factors. As VFD or VSD-operated chiller as well as to reduce
is more complex to control and has parts, this could affect its the time and
reliability somehow. The electronic units used in VFD or VSD electricity cost
emits lots of heat when operate, which requires an excellent related by the
cooling system to guarantee the performance. VFDs or VSDs in operation of pump
the market use chilled water of the chiller or condensing water for and water tower. 20%
their cooling purpose. If use chilled water, it will waste the cooling When there are
capacity and consume more electricity; but if use condensing more and more
water, the VFD or VSD will be overheated due to under-performance chiller units in a
in heat emancipation. building, the rate of
reaching full load for 0%
100% 75% 50% 25%
Thorough System Design each unit is higher.
Loading 負 荷
Usually VFD or VSD is installed in a single chiller, because it will The part load of
be 10 to 15% more expensive if installed in all the chiller units and Trane’s three-stage Loading of Units Single Unit Loading
thus not economical. During the design stage, the consultant will centrifugal chiller 機組負荷 單機負荷
can be as low as 10 to 15% without causing surge. It can fulfill the 變頻器 (Variable Frequency Drive or Variable Speed Drive) 是由
requirements of changes in load without having a VFD or VSD, and 變頻調速技術發展出來,多使用於暖通空調系統;包括水泵、風扇
is 10% better than other chillers in terms of efficiency. Based on 及製冷機組等等。其實變頻器早在十多二十年前已存在,但當時價
market research, for a project using multi chiller units, with the 錢昂貴,故此使用並不普遍,隨著電子產品的普及性大大提高,它
increase of number in chillers the percentage of operating hours 也漸漸被廣泛使用。但它又是否製冷機組節能的妙藥靈丹?
for a unit in close to full load area (75 to 100%) will be more than
using a single unit alone at full load. For cases using 2 to 3 chillers,
the percentage of operating hours for a single unit at 50% load or
more is 87.2%. 普遍使用變頻器於製冷機組的原因,多是應用於機組長時間處於
An energy efficient air conditioning system depends on its energy 用變頻器可避免離心式壓縮機常見的喘震問題。通常單級離心式
consumption, performance of pump and cooling tower, not just 壓縮機的負荷只能下載到30%至40%。如果機組需要在30%以下
on its chiller. To increase system efficiency, we should use 運轉時,則需要熱氣旁通或變頻器來控制。另外,在起動電流不
automated control system to optimize the operation of chiller and 足時,變頻器可使製冷機組易於起動,但這情況在一般正常設計
cooling tower. Therefore, we must always understand the rationale 下並不常見。
of using VFD or VSD, not just blindly follow. Always remember
that if a chiller has more parts, it becomes less reliable and more 滿負荷時並不省電
complicated to maintain and repair. Otherwise Trane’s direct drive
three-stage centrifugal chiller, which has fewer parts, will not be
the number 1 seller in the US.

Also in Fig. 1, when refrigerant enters evaporator coil, the pressure

reading is 483 KPa and 5ºC. If the pressure drop when entering
the coil is 35 KPa, and the pressure for refrigerant vapor is 448 KPa
About “Superheat” and when leaving the coil, the temperature of refrigerant at the exit of
evaporator is 9ºC as shown by the thermometer.
When we check the pressure and temperature cross-table for R-22
有關超熱和超冷的問題 refrigerant, it shows a pressure of 448 KPa is related to 3ºC
evaporating temperature. There is a 6ºC difference between this
1. What is Superheat? temperature and the reading at the exit of evaporator. This difference
‘Superheat’ = Heating of a substance (refrigerant) at a constant is an additional energy, or called ‘Superheat’. This ‘Superheat’
pressure, above the point of vaporization temperature is the energy to be absorbed at the end of the coil by
liquid refrigerant. Please note that this ‘Superheat’ gas will only
2. What is Suction Superheat? change its temperature, not pressure.
‘Suction Superheat’ = Compressor suction temperature – Evaporator
saturated refrigerant temperature The operation of reciprocating type compressor chiller using valve
is determined by Suction Superheat of the compressor. Usually
Please refer to the example of Fig. 1 (R-22 refrigerant evaporator). when the compressor is fully loaded, the suction should have a
High-pressured liquid refrigerant from Subcooler flows from the Suction Superheat with a temperature around 6ºC to 8ºC.
valve (TXV) and enters evaporator coil, then begins to absorb heat
and expands. In general, the function of a valve is to control the 3. What is Subcooling?
quantity of refrigerant flowing into the evaporator and to ensure all ‘Subcooling’ = Cooling (rejection of heat) of a substance (refrigerant)
liquids are vaporized. at constant pressure, below the temperature at which it condenses.

As shown in Fig. 1, liquid refrigerant is completely vaporized at 4. Calculating the temperature of Subcooling
point A. Therefore, valve has to control the volume of evaporator Subcooling = Condenser Saturated Refrigerant Temperature – Liquid
to match with system load. If insufficient refrigerant enters Line Temperature
evaporator, it will vaporize too soon
and point A will move backward. Fig . Superheat If the unit is equipped with ‘Subcooler’,
TraneNewsletter 2 JAN • 2006

The remaining refrigerant coil will be 圖一:超 熱 it can operate with more refrigerant
full of gas, causing much smaller 483 kpa (5ºC)
to increase cooling effect. The
cooling effect. Contrarily, if there is TXV requirement of temperature for
too much liquid refrigerant into Liquid Subcooling depends on the design of
evaporator, the coil will not be 液體冷媒 the chiller. Usually a chiller has 6ºC to
completely vaporized and some 10ºC ‘Subcooling temperature’. Also,
liquid refrigerant may enter into the ‘Subcooling temperature’ can be an
448 kpa Liquid/ Vapor Mixture
suction tube of the compressor. If (3ºC) 液體/氣體混合物 excellent indicator for the storage level
(9ºC) A
so, the compressor may be of refrigerant inside the system. If
Refrigerant Vapor
damaged as it is designed for 氣體冷媒
‘Subcooling’ is lower or has no
compressed gas, not liquid. ‘Subcooling temperature’, it means
於控制複雜及組件數量增多,故無可避免影響機組的可靠性。變頻 據統計,大部份的建築物都是使用兩台(或以上)的製冷機組提供
器的電子組件發熱量非常大,需要良好的冷卻系統才能保證其可靠 冷氣。為了讓每台製冷機組運行在高效能的較高負荷區域,製冷機
性。市面上的變頻器通常使用機組冷凍水或冷卻水作冷卻用途,但 組的群控方案 (sequence control) 會使每台製冷機組絕大部份時間
如果使用冷凍水,會浪費製冷量,令電費增加;如使用冷卻水,則 運行在50%以上負荷範圍內,既節約運行費用,又節約與之相對應
變頻器散熱效果可能未能符合要求,最後導致過熱。 的水泵及水塔的運行時間及電費。當建築物中的製冷機組的數量越
週詳的系統設計 機部份負荷可低至10%至15%而不發生喘震,不用變頻器也基本上
變頻器普遍只安裝在單一台製冷機組上,因為在所有製冷機組安裝 滿足空調系統的負荷變化要求,效率比其他機組高10%。根據市場
變頻器的費用相對昂貴,整體價格約需調高10%至15%,故此並不 調查所得,採用多台製冷機的工程項目,單機在高負荷區
符合經濟原則。顧問工程公司在工程項目設計階段時,通常設定機 (75%-100%) 運行的時間百分比隨台數增加而急增,遠超過用一台
組於晚間或特別情形下運行時,採用非常低負荷運行模式運行,以 製冷機提供滿負荷的情況。採用2至3台製冷機的常規專案中,單機
減低能耗。如果在夜間製冷機組有機會長期運行低於20% 時,應在 在50%負荷以上運行的時間百分比超過87.2%。
目的。週詳的系統設計,在效能及可靠性方面,比起用變頻器的製 高效能的空調系統是決定於其耗電量;不單在於製冷機組,還包括
冷機組更為優勝。此外,變頻器會發出諧波 (harmonic) 訊號,干 水泵及水塔。為提升系統的效能,應透過自動化控制系統來優化製
擾週邊其他電子產品,故需要加裝諧波過濾器 (harmonic filter) 去 冷機組及水塔的運行。所以不要盲目使用變頻器,應小心考慮選用
保護系統的運作。變頻器於滿負荷時,耗電量 (以kW/Ton計算) 會 它的要素。記著零件越多,製冷機組的可靠性越低,保養也變得複
增加。因此,美國空調與製冷學會 (ARI) 亦主張使用全面性的能源 雜。不然零件特別少的特靈直驅式三級壓縮離心機在美國也不會是
模擬軟件,以達至更實在的高效能空調系統。 No. 1!

there is insufficient refrigerant in the chiller. If ‘Subcooling 35 KPa,而氣體冷媒離開盤管的壓力是448 KPa,在蒸發器出口的

temperature’ is higher than the original design, it means there is 溫度計顯示冷媒溫度為9 C。
too much refrigerant.
查看R-22冷媒壓力及溫度對照表,顯示448 KPa壓力相對於3 C的蒸
From the example of Fig. 2 shows the ‘Subcooling’ effect of small o
發溫度。此蒸發溫度與蒸發器出口量度到的溫度差是6 C,此6 C是

tonnage water cooled chiller. When liquid refrigerant enters

‘Subcooler’ from point A, its temperature is 34ºC, which is lower
than condensing point of 40ºC, and there is a 6ºC of ‘Subcooling

o o
1. 什麼是「超熱」? 常壓縮機於滿載時,吸入管應有及接近6 C至8 C之「吸入端超熱」
超熱是將一個物質(冷媒)於不變壓力下加熱至高於其蒸發點。 溫度。

2. 什麼是「吸入端超熱」? 3. 什麼是「超冷」?
「吸入端超熱」相等於壓縮機吸入端溫度減以蒸氣器冷媒飽和溫度。 「超冷」是將一個物質(冷媒)於不變之壓力下冷卻(棄熱),其所冷
流經膨脹閥 ,進入蒸氣器盤管開始吸熱膨脹。基本上,一個膨脹閥 4. 「超冷」溫度之計算
的作用是控制流入蒸氣器的冷媒量及確保所有液體完全氣化。 冷凝器飽和冷媒溫度減以液體管溫度。

如圖1所示,液體冷媒完全氣化於‘A’點位置。所以,膨脹閥要控 如機組配備「超冷器」,可增加運作冷媒之製冷效果,「超冷」溫度
制蒸發器容量,以配合系統的負 要求多少,要視乎其機組設計而
荷。如果冷媒進入蒸發器不足, 定,一般風冷機組應有6 C至
它會氣化得太早,‘A’點會向後 Fig 2. Evaporative Condenser 10 C「超冷溫度」。同時,「超
移,結果餘下的冷媒管充滿氣 圖二:蒸發式冷凝器 冷溫度」的多少亦是系統堆存冷
體,造成較小的製冷效果。相反 媒量之最佳指示。如「超冷」溫
有太多液體冷媒進入蒸發器,不 Fan 風扇 度少於或沒有「超冷溫度」,表
TraneNewsletter 3 JAN • 2006

能使管內全部氣化;結果,有些 示機組冷媒量不足;如「超冷」
液體冷媒進入壓縮機吸入端喉 溫度高於設計的話,即表示機組
Refrigerant Vapor
管。如液體冷媒進入壓縮機可導 冷媒量太多。
機本是設計用於壓縮氣體,而非 Condenser Coil
A 從圖2的例子可以看到小型水冷
液體。 機組之「超冷」功能,冷媒液從
1434 kpa
(40ºC) A ‘A’點進入「超冷器」,將冷媒
o o
繼續運用圖1例子,冷媒進入蒸 6[SV水泵 液冷卻至34 C,低於其40 C凝
(34ºC) B o
發器盤管時,壓力是483 KPa及 SuSV 儲水缸 結點,系統有6 C之「超冷」溫
5 C,假設流經盤管的壓力降是 Liquid Refrigerant 液體冷媒 Subcooler 超冷器 度。
Is there Energy Standard in
Hong Kong?
Philip C.H. Yu, PhD RPE CEng Director of Environmental & Applications Engineering, Trane Asia Pacific
Philip has over 15 years of professional experience in the HVAC field in Asia Pacific. He is actively involved in non-business technical activities both in Hong
Kong and Mainland China. His areas of interest include building energy, chiller technology, refrigerant piping design and applications of various air-conditioning
余中海博士工程師 特靈公司亞太區 環保及應用技術總監
Email 電郵

You may notice that many government officials are not dressing The minimum efficiencies of various mechanical equipment in
formally today at work, especially in summer. This is not to create terms of “Coefficient of Performance” (COP) are specified. How-
a new culture of causal wear in government sector but to save ever, the rating conditions are different as there are different
power consumption because the indoor temperature control has industry- or product-related standards behind. The Chinese rating
been raised 2˚C. However is it effective? conditions are based on GB 19577-2004 (i.e. the
energy efficiency labelling standard for chillers)
It seems quite obvious that increasing indoor that does not allow any tolerance in efficiency. 5
temperature set point may save energy The ASHRAE 90.1 minimum COP values are
because we sacrifice the comfort level. Some- based on rating as per ARI Standard 550/590 6
times this will make the air-conditioning which does allow some tolerance. In fact, some
machines work less hard and hopefully using manufacturers utilize the tolerance range to
less electricity; but air-conditioning is not just all “maximize” their equipment performance. In
about air temperature. Humidity, however, general, the Chinese rating conditions are worse
consumes even more energy to control. When or more conservative than ARI standard;
temperature increases, humidity increases even therefore, the minimum efficiency value in the
faster because the air-conditioning is indeed a Chinese energy standard means higher (approx.
simultaneous cooling and dehumidifying process. 9%) for the same value in the ASHRAE 90.1.
Increasing the temperature set point will often Table 1 give a comparison of the minimum
reduce the dehumidification capacity of the chiller efficiency (COP) requirement between
cooling equipment. It is not proportionally related Chinese and ASHRAE standard as well as the
to the temperature increase, depending on the Code of Practice for “Energy Efficiency of Air
characteristics of individual cooling coil. As a result, Conditioning Installation” being used in the
the increase in moisture contents will then start to voluntary scheme of “Energy Efficient
accumulate up to the point that the cooling coil can Fig.1: Room Air-conditioner
Building”. Since the rating conditions for the
handle. This may lead to different thermal sensory Energy Label in China Hong Kong COP values are similar to ARI
responses of the occupants. Some people may 圖1:中國家用冷氣機能效標籤 standard, the implication from such compari-
open the window to let “fresh air” come in, some son is that Hong Kong is the worst among the
people may turn on a desk fan, some people may lose concentra- three. The numbers indicated in red suggest that the government
tion and go to do something else other than work. This may also should take measures to carry out revision in the near future.
lead to mold and microbial growth (if humidity >60%). 1 There-
fore, simply increasing the indoor temperature not only affect the In addition to a stringent energy standard and being enforced for
productivity of the workers but might cause serious health building design process, it is important to review it in matching
problems as well. Instead, proper humidity control measures 2 with the advancement of technology. Starting from 1 January
should be enforced at the same time, especially for non- 2006, the Department of Energy (DOE) of the U.S. Government is
residential buildings. going to impose a set of new minimum efficiency standard which
TraneNewsletter 4 JAN • 2006

will be 4-20% higher than the ASHRAE numbers in Table 1. In

Very often effective approach to energy saving starts from China, the above mentioned energy efficiency labelling standard,
building design stage. A new energy standard 3 has been issued as well as other 2 similar standards for room air-conditioners and
and enforced since 1 July 2005 in Mainland China. It contains 10 unitary air-conditioning products 7, specified 5 levels. Level-5 is
mandatory clauses and aims at 50% energy saving target. During the market entrance requirement and energy-efficient products
standard drafting, it has made a lot of reference to ASHRAE must meet Level-2. In other words, any manufacturers failed to
Standard 90.1 4 which is primarily an American energy standard meet the Level-5 efficiency requirement will be retired by law.
but also commonly used or referred worldwide. For instance, Similar mechanism can be found in Japan also, which really helps
chiller full-load efficiency is a mandatory requirement in both raising the energy standard as a whole. It may be another reflec-
energy standards while part-load efficiency (IPLV) is a recommen- tion for the Hong Kong Government. Perhaps purely relied on the
dation in the Chinese standard but mandatory in ASHRAE 90.1. voluntary programs might not work!
也許大家都留意到,近來很多政府公務員在辦公室都穿著便服,尤 ASHRAE 90.1標準則為強制性。兩套標準對多種機電設備的最低性
其是夏天。政府並非要創便服文化,只是提倡節約能源而已。將室 能系數(COP),制定了標準。由於兩國工業、產品的標準有所不
內冷氣溫度提高了2 C,但此舉又是否有效呢? 同,採用的測檢條件也因而有異。中國採用的條件基於GB
表面看來,提高室內冷氣溫度,犧牲一點舒適可換取節省能源。冷 容有負偏差 5 ,ASHRAE 90.1的最低性能系數值則基於ARI(美國製
氣機減低運作負荷,有時可減少耗電量。但事實上,空氣調節的原 冷空調協會)550/590標準 6 ,可接受某程度的偏差。事實上,一些
理又豈只室溫控制簡單,更重要的是濕度,而控制濕度往往需要更 製造商因此利用這些可接受偏差,令產品發揮「最強」表現。一般而
多的能源。其實調節空氣的過程同時包括冷凍及抽濕兩部份,當溫 言,中國採用的測檢條件比ARI較差或保守。因此,同樣的最低能
度上升,濕度可能上升得更快。提高室內冷氣溫度調節點通常會令 效數值,中國的標準會比ASHRAE 90.1高(約9%)。表一中便將中
冷氣機的抽濕功效降低,而兩者之間不一定按比例變動,要視乎個 國、ASHRAE 及本港「能源效益建築物自願計劃」採用的「空調裝置
別冷凍盤管性能而定。因此,當抽濕功效降低,水份便開始積聚, 能源效益守則」,作為三地製冷機組最低性能系數要求的比較。由
直到冷凍盤管不能處理的水平。這引起的反應也因人而異:有人會 於香港採用的測檢條件與ARI相近,比較之下便成為三地標準最差
打開窗戶,讓「新鮮」空氣流入;有人會開風扇;有人會失去專注 的一個。表中紅色的數字表示本港政府需要制定新措施,以改善目
力,而去幹別的事。除此之外,濕度上升(>60%)更會滋生霉菌及 前的能效標準。
微生物。 1 因此,單單提高室溫調節點而不處理好濕度問題,不但
影響員工的生產力,更帶來健康問題。尤其對非住宅大廈而言,必 除設立更嚴緊的條例,規管建築物設計外,更須配合日新月異的科
須同時適當控制濕度 2 ,方為上策。 技發展而不斷改進。由2006年1月1日起,美國能源部將實施新的最
要有效地節省能源,應該由大廈設計開始。中國在2005年7月1日開 製冷機組的能源效益標籤及另外兩種適用於房間空調機及單元式空
始,實行一套新的建築節能設計國家標準 3 ,當中包括10項強制 調機的標準 7 ,制定了五級水平。第五級是最低的市場要求,達不
條文,以節省50%能源為最終目標。 這套新標準的草擬,參考了廣 到便不許在中國生產、售賣,而「節能產品」必須達二級。換言之,
為美國及世界各國採用的ASHRAE(美國供暖製冷及空調工程師學 未達第五級的產品將被取締。日本亦有類似的措施,證明對提升整
會)90.1標準 4 。兩者亦有差異,例如兩套標準均強制要求滿負荷性 體的能源效益確實有效。看來本港政府應該借鏡,因為單單倚賴一
能;而對綜合部份負荷性能(IPLV),中國標準為建議採用,但 些自願計劃,未必能產生積極作用。

Table 1: Comparison of minimum chiller COP among different energy standards

表1: 不同能源標準中最低製冷機能效之比較

Compressor Type Cooling Capacity P.R.C. U.S.A. H.K.

壓縮機類型 製冷量(kW) 中國 美國 香港

水冷式 울527 3.80 4.20 3.20

Water-cooled 527 - 1163 4.00 4.20 3.70
渦旋式/活塞式 >1163 4.20 4.20 4.00
scroll/reciprocating 風冷式和蒸發冷卻式 울50 2.40 2.80 2.40
Air-cooled and evaporative cooled >50 2.60 2.80 2.40

水冷式 울527 4.10 4.45 4.50

Water-cooled 527 - 1163 4.30 4.90 4.50
>1163 4.60 5.50 5.20
風冷式和蒸發冷卻式 울50 2.60 2.80 2.70
Air-cooled and evaporative cooled >50 2.80 2.80 2.70

水冷式 울527 4.40 5.00 3.80

Water-cooled 527 - 1163 4.70 5.55 4.20
>1163 5.10 6.10 5.20
TraneNewsletter 5 JAN • 2006
Bank of China
Built in 1989, The Bank of China
Tower boasts 70 storeys of
unique curve and symmetry,
and is now one of the
landmarks in Hong Kong. Trane
is appointed to replace its old
units with 5 air cooled screw
chillers totaling over 1,875 tons.
The project is expected to be
Shanghai Plaza 66
completed by early 2006. 上海恆隆廣場
中銀大廈於1989年落成,樓高 The provision of chillers for the phase 1 of Shanghai Plaza
70層,是香港具代表性的建築 66 has been a landmark project for Trane. Now we are
物之一。特靈為該大廈提供5台 going to provide 3 units of water cooled centrifugal chiller
共超過1,875冷噸的風冷螺杆式 and 1 unit of water cooled screw chiller, with a total
製冷機組,以替換已經老化的 tonnage of over 3,500 tons, for the 46-storey-tall phase
現有機組。工程預算於今年初 2 of the building. The project is expected to complete
by mid-2006. This, plus the 3 units of water cooled
centrifugal chiller with a total tonnage of over 2,000 tons
for the renovation of the phase 1, has made Trane the
sole supplier of chiller, and become a representative
project of Trane in Shanghai.
Ruttonjee House 特靈為上海恆隆廣場第一期提供製冷機組,成為我們在當
律敦冶大廈 地的地標工程項目。除此以外,我們將為興建中樓高46層
Trane is going to provide 4 units of
350-ton air cooled screw chiller for
Ruttonjee House at the heart of Central.
Trane also handles the installation part 2,000冷噸的水冷離心式製冷機組。完工後,特靈將成為
of this project, and the completion date 整項工程的唯一製冷機組的供應商,極具代表性。
is targeted at the end of February 2006.

Leighton Centre 禮頓中心

Trane has recently been awarded with a contract to replace and
install a unit of 400-ton water cooled screw chiller for the
20-year-old Leighton Centre.
Western Magistracy Building
The chiller will provide air 西區裁判法院大樓
conditioning for the shopping
The former Western Magistracy Building, now hosts
arcade and offices inside the
various government offices, has recently appointed Trane
TraneNewsletter 6 JAN • 2006

building, and the project is

to install an air cooled screw chiller. The project
expected to complete by end
requirement is very stringent, apart from meeting a
of February 2006.
Coefficient of Performance (COP) value of 3 and above.
超過20年樓齡的禮頓中心,最 As the building is very close to residential areas, chiller
近由特靈更換及安裝1台400冷 noises generated during operation must be kept to the
噸的水冷螺杆式製冷機組,以 minimum.
供應空調系統於商場及寫字 現時為多個政府部門辦事處的前西區裁判法院大樓,最近
樓。工程預計於今年2月尾竣 委託特靈安裝了一台風冷螺杆式製冷機組。此個項目對機
工。 組要求相當高,除了性能系數(COP)指數須達三或以上
Zhongshan Factory

Zhongshan Factory Grand Opening

To cope with our continued business expansion, Trane has built a
new factory in Zhongshan last year. The project was divided into
2 phases, occupying a total area of more than 35,000 square metres.
The first phase has already been completed, and 4 production lines
are in full operation since September 2005. Products manufactured
include air handling unit, water cooled scroll chiller, water cooled Mr. Craig Kissel (middle), President of Trane Commercial Systems,
hosted the ribbon cutting ceremony.
self-contained unit, and water source water pump unit, all to be
sold to the Southern China and South East Asian markets. Trane
now has 2 factories in China. The one in Taicang, Jiangsu Province, 已竣工,四條生產線亦已於去年九月初投產。所生產的空調產品包
is mainly producing large-scale chiller, while the Zhongshan factory 括空氣處理機組、水冷渦旋式製冷機組、水冷櫃式冷風機組及水源
is focusing in the production of light commercial units. 熱泵機組。產品主要供應中國華南和東南亞市場。特靈現時於國內
為配合拓展業務,特靈於2005年在廣東省中山市建立了一所新廠 設有兩所廠房,位於江蘇省太倉市廠房主要生產大型製冷機組,而
房。興建工程共分兩期,佔地面積超過35,000平方米。第一期工程 中山廠房則主力生產小型商用機組。

India President Visits Energy Efficiency Memorandum

Trane booth at Green with China’s MOC
Building Congress 節能合作備忘錄
印度總統到訪綠色建築展覽會 Trane has signed a
memorandum with the
The Green Building Congress and International
Chinese Ministr y of
Exhibition 2005 was held in New Delhi, India in
Construction in Beijing,
September 2005. The honorary president of India
making a giant leap in the
hosted the opening ceremony and Trane India
applications of promoting
was a key sponsor of the event. The focus of
“energy efficiency and
this congress was mainly on how to achieve the
climate preservation in the
standards of green building for new construction
construction area” in China.
projects. Topics for discussion included
Details of the memorandum
re-generating energy, proper use of water source,
include: 1) scholarship for
recycled and re-used materials.
training prominent doctoral Mr. Francis Yuen (right), President and Business Leader
綠色建築會議及國際展覽會2005於9月中在印度 of Trane, Asia and Mr. Wu Yong, Deputy Director of
candidates in energy Science and Technology Department of MOC, jointly
新德里舉行,由印度總統主持開幕儀式。特靈印 efficiency, green building and presented the signing ceremony of the memorandum.
度是今次展覽會的贊助商。會議重點主要討論新 environmental protection; 2) 特靈亞太區總裁阮健平先生(右)與建設部科技司副主任武涌
建築項目如何達到綠色建築的標準。討論事項包 develop and promote new 先生攝於合作備忘錄簽署儀式
括再生能源、善用水源、循環及再用物料。 technologies; 3) establish building energy-efficient showcase project; and 4)
TraneNewsletter 7 JAN • 2006

training for mayor. In fact China is facing tremendous pressure of energy supply
due to industrialization and urbanization; therefore, it is necessary to promote
the concept of green building and energy efficiency.
忘錄的具體內容包括:1) 設立獎學金,幫助相關國內院校培訓在節能、綠色建
築及環保方面有突出表現的博士生;2) 開發及推廣新技術;3)建立高效能建築
The honorary president of India (left) visited Trane’s
booth and inquired about the refrigerant being used.
Prevention of Legionnaires’ Disease
Mr. K. L. Chan, Operations Director of Trane Hong Kong, is recently
appointed by the Environment, Transport and Works Bureau as a member
of the Prevention of Legionnaires’ Disease Committee. The 1-year
tenure starts from November 2005. The committee will provide
professional recommendations and guidelines for the government to
reduce the risk of Legionnaires’ Disease, as well as promoting the
application of such guidelines on water cooled air-conditioning system.
Mr. K. L. Chan, Operations Director of Trane Hong Kong
軍人症委員會之委員。壹年的委任期由2005年11月中開始。委員會主要 特靈香港業務董事陳家龍先生

New Kid on the Block 喜獲麟兒 Just Married 新婚愉快

Congratulations to Janice Yu for Terry Tang and Selina Yu tied their
her newborn baby boy Bert knot on 5 November 2005. Our
Wong! warmest wishes for their love to last
恭喜虞興意(Janice Yu)最近喜 forever!
獲愛兒Bert Wong。 鄧俊雄(Terry Tang)與太太(Selina
TraneNewsletter 8 JAN • 2006


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