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ValidDocs App

By : Pranjal Jain
Date: 4th Oct,2022
ValidDocs App
An App to verify your legal documents. This app helps
users to compare their legal documents with standard
system clauses and help them in verification with
better customer service experience.
What are the Problems
• When a user have legal document but doesn't know is it right or not .
• He / she have to sing document on urgent basis with accuracy in the documents .
• Doesn’t have much knowledge about the documents and procedure .
• Needs to consult a good lawyer in the city .
• There are limited options for users to approach lawyer and book an appointments.

• Provided a platform where user can verify there legal documents on their own .
• User-friendly product help them to achieve their goal with busy schedules.
• Help users to find right lawyer for them at home.
Design Thinking process

Empathize Define Ideate Prototype Test

User Interviews , Problem Statement , User flow , Story Usability study ,

Digital Prototype
Discover pain points , Hypothesis board , Paper/digital Affinity diagram
personas , User statement wireframes
journey map
User Research : Research Goals and Target Audience
In Advance to conduct user research , my research goals are :
• Understand the common reasons why customers need to use the product.
• Understand the challenge when customers trying to engage with the product.
• Understand the expectations that customers anticipate for the customer service.
• Understand the frustrations of user while looking for their concern before finalizing any legal procedure.

I aim to people who have these characteristics as our target audience:

• Ages 18 to 80
• Lives in the rural and urban places.
• People who often needs to verify documents who are engaged in such occupation.
• Include participant with different gender.
• Include participants with disability.

Questions I asked :
• How do you identify risks while signing any document?
• How do you trust the one who is preparing the documents ?
• How do you know the clauses included in the documents are correct?
• How do you approach lawyer after identifying issues with legal documents?

User Research : Summary

I conducted the user research process by asking questions to user’s thoughts and opinion about their procedure in verifying
legal documents. There are two user groups: a junior employee under age 25 with busy schedule , and a senior employee
between age 40 to 50 with an unpredictable schedule.
I consider point of accessibility is included. Both the groups want the product service to be effective and efficient, no matter
they need urgent help or just look for a specific answer. Sometimes user don’t have knowledge about clauses included in the
document, therefore they need expert advices.
User Research : Pain Points
Based on the research :

1 2 3

Users couldn’t Fear of fraud and Need

understand legal distrust. trustworthy
documents consultancy.
As I stated the three main user paint points after interviewing, creating user personas to present the main user groups helps
me become more aware and prevent me from obscureness.

Smith Green
• Want to verify documents of his new property.
• Needs to consult a lawyer.
• Easily uses technology even busy schedule.

• Could be impatient of waiting to have an appointment with
lawyer .
• Couldn’t understand legal documents .
• Reduce the willingness to use the service if the process are
Smith Green is a 43 year old employee in a IT company in Mumbai
Age 43 with an unpredictable schedule. Since he is new in the town he
Education Master Degree in Science doesn’t have knowledge of lawyer and how to verify documents.
City Mumbai However , phone calls and meeting people often need to wait for
Family Lives with wife and a son long and he is expectation if he could have alternatively search
Occupation Employee in IT sector solution at home or office without going through a complicated
I have defined problem statement and hypothesis statement based on
user’s paint points and the persona I created.

Problem statement
Smith is an employee with busy schedule who needs to verify an agreement
for his new house because he is new in the town and don’t have proper
knowledge of legal documents.

Hypothesis statement
If Smith downloads the app to search information , then he can be guided by
good lawyers in the city and can verify his documents on his own .
User flow Consult a

Open app
Self Risk appointment

Select a lawyer
from the town
Select Document

Consult a
Summary lawyer
From legal
Story Board
Paper wireframes
Paper wireframes
Paper wireframes
Digital wireframes
Digital wireframes




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