Assignment 1 DWM

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Department of Computer Science & Engineering

(IoT & Cyber Security Including Blockchain Technology)

Academic Year: 2022-23

Assignment No. 1
Year / Sem: TE/ V Date of Display: 03/08/22
Course Name: Data Warehousing and Mining Date of Submission:19/08/22
Course Code: IoTCSBCC504 Subject in charge: Dr. Sheeba P. S.
Assignment No. 1 addresses to:
CO1: Understand data warehouse fundamentals and design data warehouse with dimensional modelling
and apply OLAP operations.
CO2: Understand data mining principles and perform Data preprocessing and Visualization

Q. No. Question Covered
1 (i) Design star & snowflake schema for "Hotel Occupancy" CO1
considering dimensions like Time, Hotel, Room, etc.
(ii) Calculate the maximum number of base fact table records
for the values given below:
Time period: 5 years
Hotels: 150
Rooms: 750 rooms in each Hotel (about 400 occupied in
each hotel daily).
2 Explain ETL of data warehousing in detail. CO1
3 Differentiate between OLTP and OLAP. CO1
4 Explain Data mining as a step in KDD. Give the architecture of typical CO2
data mining System.
5 Discuss the types of attributes and data visualization for data CO2

Dr. Sheeba P. S.
Subject Incharge & HoD
Dr. Sheeba P. S. Dr. Sheeba P. S.
Faculty In charge Head, Dept. of CSE (IoT & CS)

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