Incel Analysis

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Incel Analysis

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Incel Analysis
Incels have found it pleasant to share their views concerning women on the internet

behind their computers. Unfortunately, the view is absurd, and their feelings towards women are

such a disappointment. The behavior of incels is misogynistic and violent directed towards

women. The incels are unable to come clear and ask for a relationship due to depression due to

lack of a loved one and sexual experience as others. Mental health is also another reason for the

incels not coming out clear in public. They are also based online to find support from the public.

Incel is a group of men in an online community who, in their perceptions, cannot attract

women sexually. Blackpilled incels have it that it is their lifestyle and it can never be changed.

The members have weird relations with women and appear to give hostile talks or speeches

towards women. The Incels have found the internet as a base to find support on their threats and

violence towards women. Involuntary celibacy is the situation of staying single despite several

attempts to get into a relationship. Through involuntary celibacy, men get depressed, a situation

that can cause harm to themselves and others.

In the video analysis, incels begin from two concepts provided in the video, “This is what

the life of an incel looks like (HBO).” The first concept is failure to get to attract a person and

get into a relationship with one. The other area of concern when discussing the incels is the

social classification and societal view of their inability to attract. The other concept is the

justification of their action through the online platforms to gain support from the public. The

public view to arresting the incels has also been noticed in the recent past. This leads to more

cases of incels occurring at the expense of helping them. Helping the incels would call for a

societal understanding of their situation and not discrimination.



Roush, E. M. (2020). Straight Men Come Out: Queer Eye and the Path to a More Mindful


Sharkey, G. (2021). Failure to thrive: incels, boys and feminism. Continuum, 1-15.

Solberg, E. M. (2021). Response to “# Me Too, Medieval Literature, and Trauma-Informed

Pedagogy”. New Chaucer Studies: Pedagogy and Profession, 2(2).

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