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RDS Monitoring Report

Industrial Applications and Distributed
Generation Service
RDS Monitoring Report

Customer Information
Company Name Araucaria Energy
Plant Araucaria - Central Termica San Pedro
Asset BD000467U01 Araucaria CC Expansion San Pedro
Country Argentina

Agreement Type
Operation & Maintenance, Preventive LTP, Includes RDS

Purpose of this report:

The purpose of this RDS Monitoring Report is to provide a summary of the operation of the unit during the reporting
period. The report presents key performance indicators for the train, trips and start failures, helpdesk cases and RDS
Notifications, operational graphs and other observations.

Report Period
01 September 2021 - 30 November 2021

Document ID


RDC Technician

John Esho Faris

Approved by

Per Södergren
RDS Monitoring Report Company Name Araucaria Energy
Plant Araucaria - Central Termica San Pedro
Asset BD000467U01 Araucaria CC Expansion San Pedro

Customer Information ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
Management Summary ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Availability & KPIs ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
Case Summary ................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Observations ................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Operational Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 10
Air Intake ...................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Bearing no. 1 ................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Compressor .................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Combustor ................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Turbine ......................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Bearing no. 2 ................................................................................................................................................................ 19
Gearbox ........................................................................................................................................................................ 20
Driven Unit ................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Auxiliary System ........................................................................................................................................................... 22
Abbreviations & Clarifications ....................................................................................................................................... 26

The recommendations included in this document are preliminary and for informational purposes only. The reproduction, distribution
and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to third parties without prior written authoriz ation by
Siemens Energy is prohibited. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.
© Siemens Energy AG 2021
To discuss this report, please contact the RDC Product Line:

RDS Monitoring Report Company Name Araucaria Energy
Plant Araucaria - Central Termica San Pedro
Asset BD000467U01 Araucaria CC Expansion San Pedro

Management Summary
This report covers the period 01 September 2021 to 30 November 2021 and relates to the SGT-800 (BD000467U01)
installed at the Araucaria - Central Termica San Pedro plant and operated by Araucaria Energy.

The unit has been operating for 245 hours (15.97 %) during the observed period – gas fuel operation for 245 hours
(100.00 %) and liquid fuel operation for 0 hours (0.00 %). It appears to have been no running trips.

During the reporting period no RDS Notification has been provided.

The majority of incoming warnings were related to Dev GT Room Vent Fan Diff Pressure, indicating a deviation
between the GT room vent fan diff pressure measurements. The deviation appears to be caused by transmitter
SAG10CP010 which reads lower values compared to the other measurements in the loop. It is recommended to check
the pressure transmitter for any abnormalities such as leakages, blockages or for water ingress in its instrument lines.
Please also check the calibration of the pressure transmitter.

Data was missing between 1st September and 28th September. The missing data could not be retrieved, and this period
could therefore not be analyzed in this report.

Operational Summary
The graph below gives an overview of the operation of the turbine during the reporting period

The recommendations included in this document are preliminary and for informational purposes only. The reproduction, distribution
and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to third parties without prior written authoriz ation by
Siemens Energy is prohibited. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.
© Siemens Energy AG 2021
To discuss this report, please contact the RDC Product Line:

RDS Monitoring Report Company Name Araucaria Energy
Plant Araucaria - Central Termica San Pedro
Asset BD000467U01 Araucaria CC Expansion San Pedro

Availability & KPIs

This section of the report provides a summary of the operation during the reported period, key performance
indicators for the train and an overview of the operational profile during the last year. The most significant causes for
loss availability are also presented, categorized as trips and start failures.

Operational Statistics
The table presents the operational statistics taken from the counter tags in the control system
Reporting Period Total
Operating Hours 245 1342
Equivalent Operating Hours 360 2310
Equivalent Operating Cycles 29 192
Number of Starts 23 186
Produced MW Hours 12070 59100

Hours Percent
Gas Fuel Operation 245 100.00
Liquid Fuel Operation 0 0.00

1) Between 28th September and 30th November

Operational Profile
The histogram presents the operational profile during the last 12 months (hours on the y-axis and load on the x-axis)

The recommendations included in this document are preliminary and for informational purposes only. The reproduction, distribution
and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to third parties without prior written authoriz ation by
Siemens Energy is prohibited. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.
© Siemens Energy AG 2021
To discuss this report, please contact the RDC Product Line:

RDS Monitoring Report Company Name Araucaria Energy
Plant Araucaria - Central Termica San Pedro
Asset BD000467U01 Araucaria CC Expansion San Pedro

Key Performance Indicators (RAW) 1)

The table presents the operational and start related key performance indicators for the train

Reporting Period
Total Period Hours 2184.00
KPI State Hours 1534.00
KPI State Factor (%) 70.24
Available Hours 1528.72
Availability Factor (%) 99.66
Reliability Factor (%) 99.98
Initiated Starts 24
Aborted Starts 2
Successful Starts 21
Failed Starts 1
Running Trips 0

1)Please observe that these values are RAW data which include all events occurred, without being categorized as internal or
external. Thereby, these values have not been adjusted to an ISO standard. These are not official numbers and do not have an
impact of any contractual obligations.

Running Trips
The table presents running trips which have occurred during the reporting period

Date Time Tag Name Event Text

Start Failures
The table presents initiated starts which have failed during the reporting period (not ISO-corrected)

Date Time Tag Name Event Text

10th November 18:35 MBP10AA010/ZT01. GT START ABORT Valve In Wrong Position

The recommendations included in this document are preliminary and for informational purposes only. The reproduction, distribution
and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to third parties without prior written authoriz ation by
Siemens Energy is prohibited. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.
© Siemens Energy AG 2021
To discuss this report, please contact the RDC Product Line:

RDS Monitoring Report Company Name Araucaria Energy
Plant Araucaria - Central Termica San Pedro
Asset BD000467U01 Araucaria CC Expansion San Pedro

Case Summary
This section contains details of helpdesk cases and RDS Notifications which have been raised during the reporting
period. A case can for example be initiated by the customer or by the Remote Diagnostic Center. A RDS Notification is
issued in PDF format and contains a summary of the issue that has been detected and the provision of a
recommended course of action in order to resolve the issue.

Case History
The table presents a summary of all cases which has been raised during the reporting period

Case ID Case Origin Date Raised Case Summary

The recommendations included in this document are preliminary and for informational purposes only. The reproduction, distribution
and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to third parties without prior written authoriz ation by
Siemens Energy is prohibited. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.
© Siemens Energy AG 2021
To discuss this report, please contact the RDC Product Line:

RDS Monitoring Report Company Name Araucaria Energy
Plant Araucaria - Central Termica San Pedro
Asset BD000467U01 Araucaria CC Expansion San Pedro

This section contains compressor wash summary, outages and table with the most frequent warnings activated during
the reporting period. It may also contains observations made during the daily monitoring of the machine. In some
instances these observations have already been advised in advance to the customer in form of a RDS Notification and
these are summarized in the preceding section.

Compressor Washes
The table presents the two most recent compressor washes

Wash Date Operating Hours

10th November 2021 1244

The table presents the planned outages (PO) and extended forced outages (FO) during this reporting period

Start Date Stop Date Type Description

10th November 2021 10th November 2021 PO Compressor Wash

Top 10 Observed Warnings

The table presents the most frequent alarms during this reporting period

Count Tag Name Event Text

24619 SAG10CP800/ZA01. Dev GT Room Vent Fan Diff Pressure
2573 SAG10CP005/XE01. GT-Room/Ambient Diff Pressure L1 Warning
309 MBP10CT005/ZA01. L2 Gas Fuel Temperature
268 MBP10EA901/ZA11. Gas Fuel Not Ready
125 MBP10CT005/ZA02. Low Margin To Water Dew Point
60 MKA10CP005/XL11. Low Air Pressure Generator Cooling Fan 1
48 MKY10CT050/XE01. AVR DSP Temperature H1 Warning
48 MBA10FT901/ZA01. Dev T3 Temperature
45 MBA10CG800/ZA01. Dev Axial Displacement
34 BAC10GS101/ZE01. Generator Circuit Breaker Position Fault

The recommendations included in this document are preliminary and for informational purposes only. The reproduction, distribution
and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to third parties without prior written authoriz ation by
Siemens Energy is prohibited. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.
© Siemens Energy AG 2021
To discuss this report, please contact the RDC Product Line:

RDS Monitoring Report Company Name Araucaria Energy
Plant Araucaria - Central Termica San Pedro
Asset BD000467U01 Araucaria CC Expansion San Pedro

GT Room Vent Fan Diff Pressure Deviation

Dev GT Room Vent Fan Diff Pressure (SAG10CP800/ZA01) has been activated frequently during this reporting period,
indicating a deviation between the GT room vent fan diff pressure measurements (SAG10CP010/15/20). As can be
seen in the graph below the deviation appears to be caused by transmitter SAG10CP010 which reads lower values
compared to the other measurements in the loop. It is recommended to check the pressure transmitter for any
abnormalities such as leakages, blockages or for water ingress in its instrument lines. Please also check the calibration
of the pressure transmitter.

The recommendations included in this document are preliminary and for informational purposes only. The reproduction, distribution
and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to third parties without prior written authoriz ation by
Siemens Energy is prohibited. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.
© Siemens Energy AG 2021
To discuss this report, please contact the RDC Product Line:

RDS Monitoring Report Company Name Araucaria Energy
Plant Araucaria - Central Termica San Pedro
Asset BD000467U01 Araucaria CC Expansion San Pedro

Operational Overview
Air Intake
This section contains an overview of the inlet and ambient conditions.

Inlet & Ambient Conditions

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and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to third parties without prior written authoriz ation by
Siemens Energy is prohibited. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.
© Siemens Energy AG 2021
To discuss this report, please contact the RDC Product Line:

RDS Monitoring Report Company Name Araucaria Energy
Plant Araucaria - Central Termica San Pedro
Asset BD000467U01 Araucaria CC Expansion San Pedro

Bearing no. 1
This section contains an overview of the vibration and temperatures on bearing no. 1 and axial

Bearing 1 Vibration & Temperature

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and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to third parties without prior written authoriz ation by
Siemens Energy is prohibited. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.
© Siemens Energy AG 2021
To discuss this report, please contact the RDC Product Line:

RDS Monitoring Report Company Name Araucaria Energy
Plant Araucaria - Central Termica San Pedro
Asset BD000467U01 Araucaria CC Expansion San Pedro

This section contains an overview of the compressor conditions, such as temperature, pressure and
regulation of bleed valves.

Compressor Pressure & Temperature

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and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to third parties without prior written authoriz ation by
Siemens Energy is prohibited. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.
© Siemens Energy AG 2021
To discuss this report, please contact the RDC Product Line:

RDS Monitoring Report Company Name Araucaria Energy
Plant Araucaria - Central Termica San Pedro
Asset BD000467U01 Araucaria CC Expansion San Pedro

Variable Guide Vane

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and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to third parties without prior written authoriz ation by
Siemens Energy is prohibited. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.
© Siemens Energy AG 2021
To discuss this report, please contact the RDC Product Line:

RDS Monitoring Report Company Name Araucaria Energy
Plant Araucaria - Central Termica San Pedro
Asset BD000467U01 Araucaria CC Expansion San Pedro

Bleed Valves

The recommendations included in this document are preliminary and for informational purposes only. The reproduction, distribution
and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to third parties without prior written authoriz ation by
Siemens Energy is prohibited. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.
© Siemens Energy AG 2021
To discuss this report, please contact the RDC Product Line:

RDS Monitoring Report Company Name Araucaria Energy
Plant Araucaria - Central Termica San Pedro
Asset BD000467U01 Araucaria CC Expansion San Pedro

This section contains an overview of the combustor conditions, such as T7 temperature and combustor dynamics.

T7 Average (Ring 1)

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and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to third parties without prior written authoriz ation by
Siemens Energy is prohibited. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.
© Siemens Energy AG 2021
To discuss this report, please contact the RDC Product Line:

RDS Monitoring Report Company Name Araucaria Energy
Plant Araucaria - Central Termica San Pedro
Asset BD000467U01 Araucaria CC Expansion San Pedro

T7 Average (Ring 2)

Low Frequency Pulsation

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and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to third parties without prior written authoriz ation by
Siemens Energy is prohibited. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.
© Siemens Energy AG 2021
To discuss this report, please contact the RDC Product Line:

RDS Monitoring Report Company Name Araucaria Energy
Plant Araucaria - Central Termica San Pedro
Asset BD000467U01 Araucaria CC Expansion San Pedro

Medium Frequency Pulsation

High Frequency Pulsation

Narrow Frequency Pulsation

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and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to third parties without prior written authoriz ation by
Siemens Energy is prohibited. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.
© Siemens Energy AG 2021
To discuss this report, please contact the RDC Product Line:

RDS Monitoring Report Company Name Araucaria Energy
Plant Araucaria - Central Termica San Pedro
Asset BD000467U01 Araucaria CC Expansion San Pedro

This section contains an overview of the exhaust pressure.

Exhaust Pressure

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and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to third parties without prior written authoriz ation by
Siemens Energy is prohibited. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.
© Siemens Energy AG 2021
To discuss this report, please contact the RDC Product Line:

RDS Monitoring Report Company Name Araucaria Energy
Plant Araucaria - Central Termica San Pedro
Asset BD000467U01 Araucaria CC Expansion San Pedro

Bearing no. 2
This section contains an overview of the vibration and temperatures on bearing no. 2.

Bearing 2 Vibration & Temperature

The recommendations included in this document are preliminary and for informational purposes only. The reproduction, distribution
and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to third parties without prior written authoriz ation by
Siemens Energy is prohibited. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.
© Siemens Energy AG 2021
To discuss this report, please contact the RDC Product Line:

RDS Monitoring Report Company Name Araucaria Energy
Plant Araucaria - Central Termica San Pedro
Asset BD000467U01 Araucaria CC Expansion San Pedro

This section contains an overview of the vibration and temperatures on the gearbox.

Gearbox Vibration & Temperature

The recommendations included in this document are preliminary and for informational purposes only. The reproduction, distribution
and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to third parties without prior written authoriz ation by
Siemens Energy is prohibited. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.
© Siemens Energy AG 2021
To discuss this report, please contact the RDC Product Line:

RDS Monitoring Report Company Name Araucaria Energy
Plant Araucaria - Central Termica San Pedro
Asset BD000467U01 Araucaria CC Expansion San Pedro

Driven Unit
This section contains an overview of the vibration and temperatures on the generator.

Generator Vibration & Temperature

The recommendations included in this document are preliminary and for informational purposes only. The reproduction, distribution
and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to third parties without prior written authoriz ation by
Siemens Energy is prohibited. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.
© Siemens Energy AG 2021
To discuss this report, please contact the RDC Product Line:

RDS Monitoring Report Company Name Araucaria Energy
Plant Araucaria - Central Termica San Pedro
Asset BD000467U01 Araucaria CC Expansion San Pedro

Auxiliary System
This section contains an overview of the lube oil and fuel system.

Lube Oil Tank

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and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to third parties without prior written authoriz ation by
Siemens Energy is prohibited. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.
© Siemens Energy AG 2021
To discuss this report, please contact the RDC Product Line:

RDS Monitoring Report Company Name Araucaria Energy
Plant Araucaria - Central Termica San Pedro
Asset BD000467U01 Araucaria CC Expansion San Pedro

Lube Oil Supply

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and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to third parties without prior written authoriz ation by
Siemens Energy is prohibited. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.
© Siemens Energy AG 2021
To discuss this report, please contact the RDC Product Line:

RDS Monitoring Report Company Name Araucaria Energy
Plant Araucaria - Central Termica San Pedro
Asset BD000467U01 Araucaria CC Expansion San Pedro

Gas Fuel System

The recommendations included in this document are preliminary and for informational purposes only. The reproduction, distribution
and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to third parties without prior written authoriz ation by
Siemens Energy is prohibited. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.
© Siemens Energy AG 2021
To discuss this report, please contact the RDC Product Line:

RDS Monitoring Report Company Name Araucaria Energy
Plant Araucaria - Central Termica San Pedro
Asset BD000467U01 Araucaria CC Expansion San Pedro

Liquid Fuel System

The recommendations included in this document are preliminary and for informational purposes only. The reproduction, distribution
and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to third parties without prior written authoriz ation by
Siemens Energy is prohibited. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.
© Siemens Energy AG 2021
To discuss this report, please contact the RDC Product Line:

RDS Monitoring Report Company Name Araucaria Energy
Plant Araucaria - Central Termica San Pedro
Asset BD000467U01 Araucaria CC Expansion San Pedro

Abbreviations & Clarifications

OH Operation Hours (counter tag)
Accumulated period of time from start initiation operation to full stop

EOH Equivalent Operation Hours (counter tag)

Weighted operating events affecting the life of the machine forming an equivalent operating
time to determine inspection intervals or life expectancy

EOC Equivalent Operation Cycles (counter tag)

Number Of Starts Accumulated number of starts (counter tag)

A start will be added when the T7 temperature reaches 300 °C

Unit States A unit state is a particular unit condition (In-service, Reserve Shutdown, Forced Outage,
Planned Outage) which is a necessity to be able to calculate and present key performance
indicators for the unit

KPI State Hours Time during which an unit state could be distinguished

KPI State Recovery Ratio of KPI state hours to total period hours in the period under consideration

Available When the unit is capable of providing service, regardless of whether it is actually in service
and regardless of the capacity level that can be provided.

In-Service When the unit is electrically connected to the system and performing generation function or
stable operation of the driven equipment

Reserve Shutdown When the unit is available, but not in service

Unavailable When the unit is not capable of operation because of operational or equipment failures,
external restrictions, testing, work being performed or an adverse condition. The unavailable
state persists until the unit is made available for operation, either by being placed in the in-
service state or the reserve shutdown state.

Forced Outage When the unit is unavailable due to unplanned component failure (immediate, delayed,
postponed) or another condition that requires the unit to be removed from service
immediately or before the next planned shut down

Planned Outage When the unit is unavailable due to inspection, testing or overhaul. A planned outage is
scheduled in advance.

SH Service Hours
Time during which the unit was in the in-service state

The recommendations included in this document are preliminary and for informational purposes only. The reproduction, distribution
and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to third parties without prior written authoriz ation by
Siemens Energy is prohibited. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.
© Siemens Energy AG 2021
To discuss this report, please contact the RDC Product Line:

RDS Monitoring Report Company Name Araucaria Energy
Plant Araucaria - Central Termica San Pedro
Asset BD000467U01 Araucaria CC Expansion San Pedro

RSH Reserve Shutdown Hours

Time during which the unit was available, but not in service

FOH Forced Outage Hours

Time during which the unit was unavailable due to forced outages

POH Planned Outage Hours

Time during which the unit was unavailable due to planned outages

PH Period Hours
Total amount of hours in the period under consideration

AH Available Hours
Time during which the unit is available for service

AF Availability Factor
Probability that a unit will be usable at a point in time, based on the past experience with that
specific gas turbine

RH Reliability Hours
Is calculated as the number of hours the gas turbine is deemed to be in an available state or
undergoing planned maintenance

RF Reliability Factor
Probability that a unit will not be in a forced outage condition at a point in time

Start Initiated Action intended to bring a unit from the shutdown to the in-service state

SS Successful Starts
Bringing a unit through a starting attempt to the in-service state, as evidenced by the
maintained closure of the generator to the system or stable operation of the driven

FS Failed Starts
Inability to bring a unit through a qualifying starting attempt to the in-service state within a
specified period

Start Aborted A start attempt which is intentionally aborted by starting the stop sequence

Shutdown Event in which the unit is brought from operation to a stationary condition under control of a
programmed unloading and stopping sequence

Running Trip Is an event that causes the train to shut down from an in-service state

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and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to third parties without prior written authoriz ation by
Siemens Energy is prohibited. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.
© Siemens Energy AG 2021
To discuss this report, please contact the RDC Product Line:

RDS Monitoring Report

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