Tenchu 2 (English)

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‘Warn: AAO BEFORE USING YOUR PLAYTATION® CAME CONSOLE ‘ysl preg ns ay eparae pete sc en oes cei ah pater oashrg igs peau tocea pen Spots oa eraon seco oe blag wee ges ncn ares Daye! on PuySatot ge code, may ade see {ren thse nas Coa corr may na reves sea eer seers {nin pesone wo ave nasa fpr esr epee ajo nu oy hs ‘Depleted cost" pyar pro lpg yo geere 3 teow, ‘Sings wn lying se gure = mess ate sion eet mashes bs ares. sot. any rena mover ar conaoane = MMEDATELY dcntnue ue {asa your phys bow eng pay, ‘warw 10 owNens oF RQsECTIONTLEwsONS: Dano canis PySttongane creo poten TV wi Het osuig he us mana er ourpoecn TV as sche LED hoe Gens ean 02 our Weeran ‘ayoLne Your PuarstaTON® Ost: “Ths coat disrede Tr as al win te PySten® gan case 1 Donates rh tr ames tna $ Bona tin eet si nea 3a or aru suc oat 1 Besta tne ar cesar et ea ute ney, * yeep compar dso Anas tlre eset ant i ert case "en at. ean die wi 3 ee, hy 20, mang mS se eco te eae Never se os rata les, TABLE OF CONTENTS Prologue... : Starting Up 7 Main Menu Options Menu character Seren. Mission Sereen tems Screen : Game Sereen Basie Controls Input Devices Mission Seoring = Ninja ems - characters : Acvanced Hinga Techniques creaits Customer Support... 22+ Software License Agreement PROLOGUE as atime of great turmoil Bitter wars raged a5 those In power sought yet more power, but only chacs prevailed There was Dut one Beacon of hope shining amidst the ‘maaness—Matsunashin Gohda who ruled hie people with wisdom, compassion, and justice, Bening the great man were {wo ninjas who were sworn to serve and protect their master to the death. Rikimaru, a leader fof the Azuma ShinoBi-yu ninja sect, and Ayame, a young female ‘ninja, sully their hands withthe Blood of the wicked ang unjust far from the public's eye. This i the tale of to shadows of justice born unto darkness land destined to die in darkmess STARTING UP + Setup your PlayStation® game console according tothe + Make sure the power i of before inserting or removing & compact aise + Insert the Tenchu dise and close the aise cover Insert game contralers and turn on the PlayStation game + Follow the on-screen instructions to start a game. When the game is started you wil see an introductory movie. ress tne x to end the movie and bring up the Main menu, Main Menu Use the up/down Directional Buttons to serell options and the X 10 select There are three options onthe Main menu ' START Selec Play to start the game using the current settings. You will proceed to. the Character sereen, TRAININGHere you can play the taining rnission to practice your ninja sills ‘OPTIONS - Select Options to change game settings (ee Options menu Below Main Menu Options Menu. Use the Directional Buttons to nighitgnt an eption, and the X to selec. Use the A to return tothe Main menu. There are nine eptions to choose from RECORD ~ Choose this oation to view a tecord of level standings for each character, Options Menu DIFFICULTY ~Use the up/down Directional Buttons to select between, ypormal and hard. Selecting hard aifficulty will increase both the yhamber of enemies and thelr hitpoints STEREO/MONO - Use the up/down Directional Guttons to select between stereo or mono sound. ‘Vouune ~ Select this option to change music and effeets value (Gee Volume below) usie TEST ~ Select this option fo play any of the musie tracks And/or sound effects (See Musie Test on page 6) CONTROLLER ~ Use the rightVlet Directional Buttons to select Between the defoutt controler configuration and thee alternate Configurations accoraing to your preference, FEEDBACK ON/OFF - Use the up/down Directional Buttons to select it the force feedback ison or aff Ifyou are using an analog Contrater(Gual Shock), set Feedback to On fo turn on the Contraer’s vibration featur. In certain situations, the controtler ‘nit vibrate fo simulate the impact of attacks and damage. MEMORY CARO ~ select this option te interact with the memory care (Gee Memory Care below). [AUTO SAVE - Use tne up/down Directional Buttons to select Between, fon or off On will eause the game tobe saved automaticaly atthe Completion of a mission. Volume Use the up/down Directional Buttons to select music volume or Sound effects volume, Ure the left/right Directional Buttons to fejust volume, PrassX te accept volume settings and return to Options. Use to return to Options without making changes Music Test 1 Use te up/down Directional Button to sect Play Musie Tracks oF Play Sound Efects. Use the left/right Directional Buttons to select 2 particular musie track or sound track, Memory Card Use the up/down Directional Buttons to highlight Load to load a : {game from the memory card or Save to save a game tothe memory ard. Character Screen Use the left/right Directional Buttons to select your character. Press X to advance to Mission Select screen, Press A to return tission/scraan ‘Character Seren ‘nis screen wil display all playable missions. When you complete certain missions, mote will Become available Use the up/down Divactional Buttons to Selecta mission and X to accept. Press A. to return to the Character sereen, Mission Intro In the mission intro you will hear a description that deseribes your tnission. Press te skip the Inve and move to the Items screen, Items Screen Ninja tems available for you to use in the mission wil be aisplayed, Use the Directional Buttons to select an iter to fda it to your inventory, then press Press 6 to subtract an tiem from your Remember that you ae limited both by te total number of tems that you can ems Seren tarry tehown By the remaining number {ne midate of the seveen) ana the numberof diferent types of Neem you can carry (tive), You slays carry the grappling hook so you can select upto four other kinds of items. When you are Satistied with your inventors, press the START button fo begin the items are automatically replenished at the completion of a mission. The mission rating (see page il) determines the quantity Drdems te be replenished, ebviously, the greater your score, the fore ems you will obtain. ters that weren't used in Smission are automaticaly returned 19 the shelf. GAME SCREEN This section describes the various eispays snown during the game. These displays provide you with information vita te your Survival and success Enemy Health \When you encounter an enemy, tne enemy's health is mdicated by this bar located in the upper lett corner of the sereen. The number Indieates the enemy's remaining hit point. Ninja Health Your ninjas health is indicated by a barat the lower left corner of the sereen and by the remaining hit points, Your nina's ‘maximum hit pelnts is 109. When your nninja’s Bit points drop to 0, he/she wil die. Ki Meter aH ASSAGS ‘ninja has a sixth sense that will allow hhim of her to sense the emotions of ‘people and creatures nearby. The Ki ‘meter is the embodiment of tis ance. It Iaieates the proximity and alertness of any nearby enemies. The ‘meter shows how aware the enemy Is of your ninja im ane of four ways. "27, "P.o1P, and "197 The clazer the enemy isto your ninja, the larger the size af the meter, 'm Game Sereen i: is 2 this indicates the presence of an enemy or innocent character {ho 15 not alert fo your ninjas presence. 1 This indicates thal your ninja has Dean spotted by an enemy but hes not yet been idanified as threat. The enemy may be under {he mistaken impression that you ate @ dog, cat, ore colleague. 11 This indicates that your ninja has been spotted and identified Asan intruder By an enemy character, The enemy will attack veith the intent to xl 12 This indicates that an enemy nearby has been alerted by Suspicious sounds ora body and is actively searching for en Intruder, Beware-searcning guards wil actively ean the root tops. the number next fo the Ki Meter is a numerical representation of the KiMeter. The closer the enemy ist spotting you, the higher the number Inventory Items ‘he items that your ninja is eartying are shown using eons. The umber below each icon indicates how many ofthat item is Being Corried, Select the desired item using the L2 and R@ Buttons, epee G4 Sarat I, Feria baa os, Srontoroypraang end ““Kamesiey __aancanian segura pgs 6 Tacs ae een ego Sepa INPUT DEVICES Please Note: Analog controllers are not supported tn Tenchu. MISSION SCORING At the conclusion of each mission, your ninja skills are rated. Foes {ou beat in batle wil be falied Under "detected kills.” You will be Awarded five points foreach detected Kil Foes tnat you surprise and dispateh using 1 f kiting move will be toteleg under i ‘undetected kills.” Fach undetected kil worth 20 points. Any innecents that you Vitled wif be tallied under “innocents” tnd will subtract 10 point ftom your score, The number of times Mission sani Yyou were spotted ana recognizes ts recorded sd Under "spottec.” It you were never spotted you will receive a 400 point bonus. Each time you were seen and recognized will reduce ‘Your performance will be summed by a rating: Thug, Novice, Ninja, Master Ninja, and Grand Master. Ifyou earn a nigh rating, the stock of ninja Hers you ean choose before a mission will De Inereased. For very nigh atings you may be rewarded with rae ninja items not normally availale to Loré Gehda’s ninjas. Aso, by Successfully completing missions and earning high ratings, your ‘own ability a5 a ninja may be enhanced, NINJA ITEMS. Lora Gohda has provided many wondrous tems to help you LGitptete your missions, Choose from these Wtems wisely because ou can only carry 8 mited number on a mission. Grappling Hook Pre ehted wath 0 metal grappting hook at one end. I {S insiapensable for sneaking Into Bullaings without slerting enemies Shuriken ‘Athrowing star made of lat metal with sharpened points, An excellent long range weapen. a Caltrops Sina multipronged metal spikes designed fo pieroe 2 Shoes. Drop them behing you to discourage an injure Poison Rice pursuers [Atice dumpling full of paralysis poison. Use them to temporarily incapacitate dogs and hungry guards. Mine [An explosive device that explodes when stepped on. Use them to liriate reaming sentries. Multicolored Rice fice that nas been ayed in five colors, Use it asa trast marker to avoig getting Tost. Grenades Small clay balls containing scrap metal and explosives. An excellent atea effect weapon. Bewarewa grenade txplosion can injure anyone within range ineluding you. Dud grenades can be pleked up and reused, Smoke Bomb ‘small bal filled with stow-burning explosive and Corrosive chemicals. When thrown, it eleases a noxious "loud of smake that temporarily stinds thse inthe ein, Healing Potion [Aspecial medicine that has Deen passed down through the Azuma Shinabi-ry clan over many generations Impiping the potion uplifis the spirit and restores depleted health There are rumers that the ninjas whe served the Gohca family im the Desthave used strange and powerful artifacts, Lora Gohda isa wise [nd powerful loa and its very possible that he is inthe possession St heirlooms even more powerful than those listed here. If such ftems existed, they would probably only Be given tothe most shiliful ana trusted of hi nis ago Ow CHARACTERS Rikimaru 25 year old Male Rigorously trained from birch in Azuma Shinobi-ryu ninja eeehniques, Rikimaru has served Lord Gohda since he was sixteen, He has won the admiration of his sect for his thoroughness, patience, and bravery. For his seless dedication, he was granted the legendary Teayoi sword by the sect’s master Shiunsai. He s usually easygoing and friendly o his cohorts, but withdraw, Ayame 21 year old Female ‘an orphan who has been trained since childhood ‘once enraged he becomes terrfyingly focused and ) ) fara ninja, Ayame has served Lord Gohda since she was ourteen. she 1s renowned for het boldness, spontaneity, find quickness, Ayame adores Gohda's daughter Kiku as if Kika were her own baby sister. She jz acerbic ang tough and her tongue 1 almost as sharp as her sword. Matsunoshin Gohda Male Age 30 atsunosnin sa benevetent territorial lord who ecame the head ofthe Gohda clan while stl young. He has no desire to expana Ms eritary Increase hi power. He isa wise ruler who dedi~ ites himself fo ensuring the peace of his people Gnd improving ther standard of living. He is also caring and doting father who as raised princess Kiku on is own since his wife's death. Naotada Sekiya Male Age 57 Naotaca i the patriarch of the Sekiya family, tne that haz served the Gohda family as evisers over many generations. The Sekiya family has always provided the Gohda family ‘withthe lordzip's leutenants. Haotada. Served Matsunoshin’s father, and has served Ar Matsunoshin’s teacher, birectional ution in the atvection you wish to move, Rolling Princess Kiku Surticutarly usefl for dodging enemy attacks Female Age 12 ‘ Mataunoshin Gohd only daughter, Princess I Slide along the walls Kivu is lovingly reacurea by her father. Tis is another technique that i Because ner mother died when she was young, Iaizpensable to.a nina. There is no teMing fia tends fo be ehiaieh ana dependent on wnat danger lurks Beyond the corners of Diners despite reaching puberty. Riku looks up pans and passageways. Wnen you are close fojame, a8 Hf Ayame were her older sister, toa wall, pressing the Oar the RI button teat move you up against the wall. Use the r Directional Buttons to sige along the wall ADVANCED NINJA TECHNIQUES Your ninja wit automata stop at comet and te camera se wn ves nearness. You must ald being seen BECAUSE of ute wi pun out alow you toe aroun \ Tre pine ee Danton by he enemy. Fee tee tre comer | sare gerd accion rosario buses Pres a ; | Tae ent ci sh Tron snagew to shadow Use the grappling hook a ay eee ois aves enemie stike gta om The grappling rope ital tf com | eee Srey Svc ie cats ar unavotaai. At ana he app pions ti inepensabi 0° a em aay areing yout own presence fom the tng Jo and eambering uo es Ka eee eee ipat iste ultimately beautiful way ofthe ninja SSSttone, Select the grappling nook with he RR weayat tbe nett Sey eS ae nd ete te st sly the aaet Move while crouching 2 ee en and reese te fo lunch te eae Crouching 1s a fundamental teennique for stealth. Crouching wall ‘When the grappling hook catches, the ninja hauls im/Rerself UP, aoe een ear an recoied, crouch res he Kill from the shadows target Is enttely unaware of the creeping ninja. (The Ki meter nuit be no higher than 2.) Sneak up onthe intended vietim and Press the 2 To execute therm The eetual technique used wil vary Gepending en the distance between the ninja and the target and the way the target is facing. Use the ninja items ‘To successfully complete missions, the importance of items Tonnot be overlooked. Altiough there are items for attacking, fuen as shutivens and grenades, the key point Is that you are a Sinjecsecreey 1s paramount, earn f0 use items that are designed Tanelp te ninja remain undetected. Poison rice can be used to peuttatize the threat of guard dogs that can detect ninja with {heir strong sense of smell When spotted by an enemy, a smoke bomb can provide temporary cover for the ninja to escape. Know your enemy Te complete a mission without being spetted wil require the Teja Ser goed seou. Yu wil neato aatect anger and Tee Serene Use nee meter fo determine when Yu ae Bie loan enemy Ifyou are sare, make sre fo ack around fo ‘eer mere ey oe: nen you fina sn enemy, eve {iGis trom sate vantage pont to earn their patil Pater, Once WETS ateny you canine out approach In orr fake ean ylotgrise, Revo se stontn eshigues when an enemy 1 ar elon ne ances of remaining undetected. Ninja Actions Gecceamtnm [od amuse pt seoeu! ub ited ones oc HE Jumping fmwanm [ine sme ore Sorina [Lx ae rows Streteranme [Pies omsromarepeenay I JK Stealth Mode (crouching) HK Stealth Mode (Rotting) y= Geach : oo wre 3% Hanging | 3€ steattn Mode owans 3 Blocking

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