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Good Morning Madam & all my Dear Friends

Today I will present you with Few Fun Facts

Geography Facts for Kids

1. Asia is the largest continent on earth. This also means it has the
largest population with over 4.46 billion people!
2. The United States and Canada share the longest border in the
world. In total, it spans over 1,538 miles!

Animal Facts for Kids

1. Horses and cows actually sleep standing up.

2. A shark doesn’t contain any bones in its body.
3. Scientists believe there are around 6 to 10 million different species
of insects.
4. Dolphins only shut half their brain off when sleeping. The other half
stays at a low level of alertness to protect against predators,
obstacles, or other animals.
5. Elephants are the only animal that can’t jump.

Science Facts for Kids

1. It would only take one hour to drive to space if you could go

straight up in the air.
2. The Solar System formed about 4.6 billion years ago.
3. Our average body temperature declines as we age.
4. About 75% of your brain is made of water.
5. Your heart beats about 115,000 times a day.
6. Jupiter is the fastest spinning planet in the solar system.
7. The sun is about 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

Food Facts for Kids

1.  It takes about 50 licks to finish just one scoop of ice cream.
2. Apples are actually part of the rose family.
3. It takes between two and three years for a pineapple to grow to its
full size.
4. Cashews don’t grow like other nuts – they actually grow on cashew
apples. The fruit contains a more bitter flesh than other varieties.
Biology Facts:

1. Your heart beats about 115,000 every day.

2. The human body is made up of about 37 trillion cells.
3. The human eye is comprised of about 2 million working parts.
4. Humans are born with about 300 bones, but some fuse together as
we grow older. As a result, we only have around 206 left by the time
we reach adulthood.
5. The human brain will triple its size in the first year of life.
6. Women’s hearts beat faster than men’s.
7. Scientists believe that there are more than 10 million different
kinds of life forms on earth

Random Facts:

1. Your nose gets warmer when you lie.

2. It’s impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
3. every year, they waited until the annual flooding of the Nile River,
which usually happened in July.

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