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skc @

at or e-mail us at
a workshop in your area please visit us online
more about upcoming workshops or sponsor
is available, too. If you would like to learn
experience. A brief slide show for educators
and answer questions based on their extensive
how to properly perform the test, record data
seasoned TIMP users who walk them through
We offer workshops for therapists to learn from
experience with the TIMP?
Looking for practical hands on learning


I Just Couldn’t Wait!: A Baby Journal for Preterm Infants
is a new product created by IMPS targeted for the
families and caregivers of premature infants.

First in its class, this Journal will provide families a way to document
their preemie’s events and is an artifact that will remain with them
throughout their life.

Chicago, Illinois 60607

1301 West Madison Street, Suite 526
Guided by the point of view of clinical care practitioners, this baby
journal enables parents/families to:
• stay up to speed with their personal care team
Testing for a better tomorrow.
• track progress and growth Early intervention scientific practitioners use the TIMP to:
• keep abreast of tests and surgeries • Diagnose delay by 4 months
• document important milestones • Develop intervention plans and home programs
• keep journal entries and document any concerns • Teach parents about motor development in infancy
 s well as enter traditional journal entires such as your Family Tree, • Document infant progress
All About Mom and Dad, My Homecoming, and their 1st Birthday

For more information, or to purchase, please visit: or on facebook at IMPS, LLC

TIMP Percentile Rank Standards 2004 Copyright © 2005 Suzann K. Campbell



Score report form for presenting TIMP results
Developed for Pediatric Therapists

in percentile rank format. Attractive illustrated

Our Products are Developed with You in Mind 100

The TIMP is a test of functional motor behavior in infants for use

format for parent education, ideal for presenting


We have a variety of products that fit your needs. Please browse through the 80

by physical therapists, occupational therapists, and other health

results in medical records, easy for other health
product descriptions below and if you have any questions just contact us! 60 75

and education professionals to understand.


professionals in special care nurseries and early intervention or


Show change in performance over time relative


diagnostic follow-up settings.


Age Calculator

to age standards based on 990 U.S. infants

34-35 36-37 38-39 40-41 2-3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17
wks PCA+ wks PCA wks PCA wks PCA wks PT wks PT wks PT wks PT wks PT wks PT wks PT wks PT

PCA=postconceptional age PT=post-term ADJUSTED AGE AT TESTING

Age calculator provides ease of finding (2004 norms). Pad of 50 score sheets.
corrected ages up to 18 weeks for children
born preterm. Self-instructional CD V.4
Self-instructional Compact Disc V. 4 contains
estimated hole punch holes
NICU Care Path for PT description of administration and scoring for all
NICU Care Path
Neonatal and Infant Care Path in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

NICU Care Path: An Infant Care Path TIMP items, videoclips demonstrating varying
Physical Therapy [Observation and Assessment]

levels of infant performance, and video quizzes

Observation 24-28 28-30 30-32 32-34 34-36 36-38 ≥ 40

for PT in the NICU is a 2-page guide to

Behavior (e.g. State transition, nidcap, tolerance to routine care)
Vital signs (e.g. hr, temp., O2, Pain: nipps, pipp, flacc etc.)
Screen musculoskeletal system
General movement (gm) observation
Limited hands-on Assessment
Diaper change

for testing knowledge of TIMP item scoring.

Assess gentle facilitated movement

management of PT for infants in the NICU

Recoils and scarf sign
Assess non-nutritive sucking
Palmar and plantar grasps
Full hands-on Assessment
Standardized testing

CD is text only, no audio.

(e.g. timpsi, timp, napi, nbas, nbo, nns)
Oral-motor control and feeding assessment
(e.g. nomas, pibbs, ncafs)

by Eilish Byrne (100 sheets per pad).

Assessment of Vision/Audition
Assess visual focus
Assess visual tracking
Assess auditory localization and orientation

The PT can use this care path to document

Facilitate calm state and motor organization 24-28 28-30 30-32 32-34 34-36 36-38 ≥ 40
Non-nutritive suck, containment, and positioning
(may include hydrotherapy)

Test of Infant Motor Performance

Positioning and Handling
Address head shaping and musculoskeletal integrity
Promote comfort and respiratory function

assessment, intervention, and team

Promote skin integrity
Promote contained movement
Gentle range of motion as indicated
– Splinting as needed

The Test of Infant Motor

Facilitate periods of exploratory moving

(TIMP) Test Manual

Scar management/skin integrity
– Scar massage, silicon scar sheets, splinting

Promote alerting and interaction (attv)

collaboration in the management

Facilitate development and strength through:
Guided extremity movements (allow infant to push against you)
Increased time in upright position
Varied developmental positions

Test User’s Manual Version 3.0

Test User’s Manual for the Test of Infant Motor

Enhancement of trunk mobility and segmental breathing
Promotion of antigravity movements
Neurodevelopmental techniques (ndt) for the TIMP Version 5

of infants in the NICU environment.

(Continued on back)
© Suzann K. Campbell, 2012

Why the TIMP is Different

C o p y r i g h t © b y E l l i s h M . B y r n e , J u n e B r i d g f o r d G a r b e r, L o u A n n G o l d s t e i n , Va n e s s a B a r b o s a , S u z a n n C a m p b e l l
S h a r i n g t h i s i n f o r m a t i o n i s p r o h i b i t e d w i t h o u t p e r m i s s i o n f r o m p r i m a r y a u t h o r.

Performance V.3 for the TIMP Version 5, 2012;

The test assesses the postural and selective control of movement needed 63 pages, including 2004 developmental age
for functional motor performance in early infancy and has been shown NICU Discharge Path

Preparing for Your Baby to Come Home

NICU Discharge Path Infant Motor Performance Scales, LLC
1301 W. Madison Street #526
Chicago, IL 60607-1953
standards for performance.

through research to: NICU Discharge Path: Preparing for Your Baby
This card has been designed as a guide to educate families on the necessar y steps that occur prior to your baby going home. Name: IMPS LLC on Facebook
You m ay u s e t h i s tool to t r ack you r ba by ’s p r og r es s by c r os s i ng ou t t h e s q u a r e w h e n you h ave com p l ete d t h a t ac t iv it y.
If you have any questions regarding the above steps, please contact your primar y nurse. Thank you. Date of Birth:

At Admission When Your Baby Weighs: When Your Baby Weighs: 2 weeks before discharge 1 week before discharge
Your Baby Weighs: 1500-1600 g 1600-1800 grams Your Baby Weighs: Your Baby Weighs:
(3 - 3 1/2 lbs) (3 1/2 – 4 lbs) > 4 lbs > 4 lbs

to Come Home is a one-page guide by LouAnn

Nutrition ❒ Intro to feeding:
breast, nipple, tube, ❒ Begin feeding your baby ❒ Learn how to mix formula Your baby is eating every 3-4 hours
Your baby is gaining weight

• R
 eflect demands for movement placed on infants by caregivers in The TIMP Online
or IV nutrition (breast, nipple, tube, or IV nutrition) (if applies) ❒ Purchase Formula
(Assesed by a Dietitian)

Treatment ❒ Learn about Kangaroo Care ❒ Learn baby care

❒ Decide on circumcision
❒ Get Shots (for babies 2 months old)
❒ Ask your nurse or doctor any
(Taking temperature, changing ❒ Learn how to bathe your baby questions about how to care for
How can it benefit my baby? ❒ Demonstrate baby care
diapers, etc.) your baby at home

Goldstein for parents of infants in the NICU

competence with nurse

Medications ❒ Bring medications to the hospital

daily life interactions. (Individuals & Institutions)

❒ Order & pick up special formula
& Equipment ❒ Learn what your baby’s ❒ Watch and learn about your ❒ Demonstrate giving medications ❒ Learn about changes to your (if needed)
monitor can tell you baby’s medications to your baby baby’s medications ❒ Fill prescriptions at the pharmacy
❒ Have equipment delivered to
your home

Your Health

(100 sheets per pad). At successive points in

Meet your:
❒ Attend several “Parent Nights”
❒ Doctor ❒ Meet with the Physical Therapist ❒ Follow up with Case Manager ❒ Learn how to contact your
Care Team ❒ Nurse
❒ Case Manager
to learn more about team
member roles and meet
and Speech Therapist to learn
about your baby’s development
and Social Services to establish
discharge plan
health care team once your
baby goes home

The TIMP Online: electronic automated

other parents
❒ Social Services


• Diagnose
 motor developmental delay from 34 weeks postconceptional
❒ Eye Exam (6 weeks of age) ❒ Hearing Screening by
Your baby will have multiple tests
(only for baby’s born <32 wks GA) the Audiologist ❒ Get baby’s test results ❒ Car Seat Screen
while in the hospital. If you have (for babies born at <37 wks GA)
❒ Developmental Assessment ❒ Feeding Assessment by Please ask the appropriate staff to clarify the
any questions, please ask your
by the Physical Therapist the Speech Therapist results if you have any questions ❒ Get your baby’s foot prints

the NICU experience, families are guided to

nurse or doctor
(if needed) (if needed)


calculation of standard scores and narrative

❒ Recieve your baby’s ❒ Learn about “do’s and dont’s”
Learn about: ❒ Get a car seat for your baby
Journal Book ❒ Attend CPR Class of going home
❒ baby’s needs and attend a Car Seat Class
❒ Learn about your ❒ baby’s “signals” ❒ Demonstrate knowledge of CPR ❒ Get WIC Form from your
❒ Watch CPR video
baby’s diagnosis Case Manager

age through 4 months post term based on age standards developed Discharge ❒ Get your baby’s space ready ❒ Learn about equipment needed ❒ Learn sleep positions

develop knowledge and skills in areas such as

Begin planning: at home (toys, bottles, clothes) “Back to Sleep Program”
for home (if applies) (apnea monitor,
Planning ❒ Add your baby to your
insurance plan;
❒ Choose your pediatrician; ❒ Get helpful hints from oxygen use, tube feedings) ❒ Recieve your Multidisciplinary
Discharge Summary
your Case Manager can help. your nurse ❒ Arrange an extended visit or

reports and graphs. One-year subscription.

❒ Update personal information ❒ Establish support system overnight stay with your nurse ❒ Recieve your baby’s
(i.e. phone number and address)
at home to learn about home care Immunization card

from a sample of 990 U.S. infants of all races/ethnicities. baby care, equipment and medications, tests,
• Q
 ualify infants earlier for EI services because of greater measurement and discharge planning. Reliability Assessment
precision, i.e., more items at each age, than other tests. Assessment of rater reliability from scoring of
• M
 easure the outcomes of physical therapy provided to high risk infants TIMP Test Forms 4 tests. Report specifies item scores that need
in the special care nursery or home exercise programs offered to (English, French and Portuguese) improvement.
premature infants post-hospital discharge. Test of Infant Motor Performance V. 5.1
illustrated test forms. Package of 25.
• P
 redict 12-month motor performance with sensitivity 92% and
specificity 76% and preschool motor performance with sensitivity
ORDER NOW! Visit and click on the products
72% and specificity 91% at 3 months of age. TIMPSI Screening Test Forms
shopping page where you can use your Mastercard or Visa
The TIMPSI is a short, illustrated screening
• Have excellent test-retest and rater reliability in the hands of trained users. to purchase all of our featured products plus the Harris Infant
version of the TIMP for use by testers already
Neuromotor Test.
familiar with the full test. Items levels are shown
Information on the reliability and validity of the TIMP has been made available to Shipping and handling is charged per order, and calculated as 10% of order total
Early Intervention personnel in all US states and territories. Ask whether your state has in developmental order based on performance
for U.S. delivery and at actual cost of shipping for international orders.
approved the TIMP for use in early diagnosis of delayed motor development! of 990 U.S. babies. Package of 50.
For more information about TIMP products, or ordering by purchase
order, contact or call (312) 733–9604.

Rev. 01/2015

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