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Explain the following ideas (2 points each):

1. Christ as the Sacrament of God

In the sacraments, Jesus Christ himself acts, providing new life,

forgiving sins, donating his own body and blood, healing, uniting,
and consecrating. Jesus is the supreme sacrament of God's love in
and of himself. Jesus was the most complete manifestation of
God's goodness and love. We believe Jesus is both God's and
Mary's son — fully human and completely divine. Jesus brought
God and God's love to earth through his person, actions, words,
and gestures.

2. The Church as the Sacrament of Christ

The Church serves as one who relay the message Christ wanted to
convey to us. As what Christ did in his time on earth, the Church
propagates the word of God and helps people go on the right path.
Through the Holy Spirit, who animates the Church, transforms it
into a place where people can truly encounter Christ. The Church is
genuinely sacramental since it is the means through which
individuals throughout history have come into contact with Jesus
Christ's living presence.

3. The Sacraments as the Sacrament of Christ

The seven ritual sacraments divided into three groups are Jesus
Christ instituted visible evidence of internal sanctifying grace to
the soul. The sacraments aid in the sanctification of individuals
and the building up of the body of Christ. They are a method to
stay connected to God during life's ups and downs, as well as a
way to express praise and adoration to God. They aid in the
nourishment, strengthening, and expression of our religion.

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