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Summary is a decentralized and scaled blockchain project that has big potential for long
term collaboration with our DATALAC project. We aim to take our strengths of, native human resources and other AI tools in the DATALAC ecosystem
( ) to support reputable international blockchain projects such as
Massa, under the motto: “to give is to take" and “win-win collaboration”.

According to the report from Chainalysis 2022

( ), Vietnam
ranks as Top 1 at the Global Crypto Adoption Index. Thus, it is a great benefit for any
blockchain project to build and develop a local community of users in Vietnam. Our
target of this proposal is to build a mutual- benefit relationship with the Massa team as a
long term partner and to support the Massa project to build a local community with real
active selected users in Vietnam.

We do not charge fees for using our AI software and tools, or we do not earn any profit
from our partner at this time.

What can we do?
Building an online community of Massa’s lovers in Vietnam.

Goal in Q4/2022: 5000 new real selected community members in Facebook - The most
popular social media platform in Vietnam.

Why should you choose us?

● Vietnam ranks top globally for cryptocurrency adoption with the mass population
having access to high-speed internet via smart-phones, computers, ...

● DATALAC has native human resources, social media analysis software (
and 11-year-experience in the field.

● DATALAC is also building our own community, we want to create good

partnerships with top reputed blockchain projects.

How do we build a Vietnamese community?

1. Customers

● Crypto users, traders, VCs, investors, gamblers,...

● Blockchain lovers

● Cosmos lovers

● Validators

● Gem Hunters/ Early investors

● IT students/ computer science students/ Developers

2. Value Propositions

● As Massa's official community, local users will be updated about news of Massa
project, Cosmos ecosystem, blockchain industry and financial market with the
translation into Vietnamese.

● Instant support from Vietnamese admins (8 admins, each admin shall be active at
least 4 hours per day). Therefore, the Vietnamese community is supported 24/24.

3. Distribution Channels

● Phase 1: Facebook group, Fanpage (Q4/2022)

● Phase 2: Telegram, Discord (to be confirmed)

4. Customer Relationship

● Use to collect data and update the latest news about the blockchain
industry, the cosmos ecosystem and international financial markets.

● Interact with users: training, airdrops, whitelist campaigns for users who
contributed for the project. Using the SMCC ranking system in the community to
rank members' contributions.

5. Revenue Stream/ Goal/ Target

5000 new real selected community members in Facebook within Quarter 4 of 2022.

6. Key Activities

a. Using SMCC to find the target customer

● We use SMCC to crawl social media’s public resources and analyze collected data
to find the target customer. More details of can be read at:

● The output is demographic of the target customer, including: Age, Sex Ratio,
Geographical Distribution, Marital Status, Education and Occupation. This
demographic information helps to visualize the customer persona in detail. From
there, we will come up with suitable 4Ps and 7Ps marketing strategies.

b. Targeted advertising campaigns

● Using the above information about target customers to run targeted advertising

● SMCC can generate a list of UID and email of those who have interests in
blockchain and crypto. After retrieving this list, we can propose to Massa’s team to
run targeted Facebook Ads or Tele sales, Email Marketing, etc. to attract new
members into the local community group.

c. Analyze to generate the most attractive content to feed the community

● SMCC can assist Content Creator in finding trendy content, new and hot trends, as
well as in analyzing past trends to create good quality content.

● In detail, SMCC can find viral posts from largest news fanpages in Vietnamese (For
example, searching for the keyword "Blockchain" will show trending posts from
sites like Tất Tần Tật về Blockchain, Phổ cập Blockchain, Coin68, Tâm sự
Underground, Coin98 Insights, etc.)

● These latest contents, after careful selection, will be provided to feed the
Vietnamese community.

SMCC can be used to find viral content about crypto and blockchain.

d. Rank members in community

● Using the SMCC ranking system in the community to rank members' contributions.

● SMCC can track members' social activities and rank them by scoring their
engagement and contribution to the project’s group (calculate each member’s like,
share, comment, posts,... in the group weekly and monthly). Thus, Massa’s team
can reward most active contributors in airdrop, whitelist, token,... in order to
encourage more interactions among local community members.

7. Key resources

● Tools: SMCC, and other AI tools in the DATALAC ecosystem.

● Native Human resources: 8 people, they are Data Analysts and Community
builders from They are trained regularly to improve their knowledge
and skills in community management, marketing and data analytics. More details of
our School of data can be found at:

8. Key partners

● Crypto websites in Vietnam (,, coin68,, UG team,, etc.)

● Crypto groups in Vietnam (Tâm sự Underground, Pho cap Blockchain, Binance

Vietnam, Cosmos Vietnam, DATALAC group, etc.)

9. Cost Structure

● Community development team: $500 x 8 people = $4000 per month.

● There is no other surcharge fee from our service.

● All other Services provided or used by Massa team and third parties (e.g. running
Facebook Ads, airdrop, rewards, etc.) are at Massa's own decision and expense.

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