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State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR



State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

1 Background 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Objective 3
1.3 Methodology 3
1.4 Structure of the Report 6
2 National Action Plan on Climate Change 9
2.1 Introduction 9
2.2 Domestic Actions 9
2.3 National Mission 9
2.4 Other Initiatives 13
2.5 National Mission and Objectives 14
2.6 Mapping National Mission in the State 16
2.7 Institutional Mechanism 18
3 Vulnerability Analysis 19
3.1 Introduction 19
3.2 Climate Sensitivity 20
3.3 Vulnerability of agriculture and allied activities due to climate sensitivity 26
3.4 Bio-Physical Factors 28
3.5 Soil Water Regime 30
3.6 Socio-economic factors contributing to the vulnerability 32
4 Sustainable Energy Mission 39
4.1 Introduction 39
4.2 Key Trends in the sector 41
4.3 Vulnerability of the sector 42 vii

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

4.4 Key issues in the sector 44
4.5 Programme and Policies in the sector 45
4.6 Key Priorities 48
4.7 List of Key Priority Action 59
5 Enhanced Energy Efficiency 67
5.1 Introduction 67
5.2 Key trends in the sector 68
5.3 Key issues in the sector 73
5.4 Programmes and Policies in the sector 77
5.5 Key Priorities 83
5.6 List of Key Priority Action 91
6 Mission on Sustainable Habitat 97
6.1 Introduction 97
6.2 Key trends in the sector 97
6.3 Vulnerability of the sector 100
6.4 Key issues in the sector 101
6.5 Programme and Policies in the sector 103
6.6 Key Priorities 105
6.7 List of Key Priority Action 115
7 Green India Mission 117
7.1 Introduction 117
7.2 Key trends in the sector 122
7.3 Vulnerability of the sector 122
7.4 Key issues in the sector 126
7.5 Programme and Policies in the sector 128
7.6 Key Priority 129
7.7 List of Key Priority Action 135
8 Water Mission 137
8.1 Introduction 138
8.2 Key trends in the sector 138
8.3 Vulnerability of the sector 152
8.4 Key issues in the sector 154
8.5 Programme and Policies in the sector 156
8.6 Key Priorities 158
8.7 List of Key Priority Action 165
viii 9. Sustainable Agriculture Mission 169

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

9.1. Introduction 169
9.2. Key trends in the sector 170
9.3. Vulnerability of the sector 174
9.4. Key issues in the sector 178
9.5. Programme and Policies in the sector 181
9.6. Key Priorities 181
9.7. List of Key Priority Action 187
10. Disaster Management 191
10.1. Introduction 191
10.2. Key trends in the sector 192
10.3. Vulnerability of the sector 197
10.4. Key issues in the sector 198
10.5. Programme and Policies in the sector 202
10.6. Key Priority 203
10.7. List of Key Priority Actions 215
11. Tourism 219
11.1. Introduction 219
11.2. Key trends in the sector 219
11.3. Vulnerability of the Sector 223
11.4. Key issues in the sector 225
11.5. Policy and Program 227
11.6. Key priorities 227
11.7. List of Key Priority Actions 233
12. Health 235
12.1. Introduction 235
12.2. Key Trends in the sector 235
12.3. Vulnerability of the sector 238
12.4. Key issues in the sector 239
12.5. Programmes and Policies in the sector 241
12.6. Key Priorities 243
12.7. List of key priority actions 247
13. Sustainable Himalayan Mission 249
13.1. Introduction 249
13.2. Key trends in the sector 250
13.3. Vulnerability of the sector 256
13.4. Key issue in the sector 257 ix

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

13.5. Programme and Policies in the sector 259
13.6. Key Priorities 260
13.7. List of Key Priority Actions 265
14. Strategic Knowledge Mission 267
14.1. Introduction 267
14.2. Key Issues 269
14.3. Key Priority 271
14.4. List of Key Priority Action 275
15. Cross-Cutting issues to tackle Climate Change in the State 277
15.1. Common Cross-cutting needs and capabilities 279
16. Conclusion 281
16.1. Key Outcome 281
16.2. Financial Budget 281
16.3. Governance 282
16.4. Institutional Arrangement 282
16.5. Change in policies and practices 283
16.6. Low Carbon Inclusive Growth 283
16.7. Building Climate Resilience 283
16.8. Staffing and engagement with stakeholders 283
16.9. Capacity Development 284
16.10. Monitoring and Evaluation 284
16.11. Key Conclusion 285
17. Annex I: Mission wise Comprehensive List of Actions proposed under
17.1. Sustainable Energy Mission 287
17.2. Mission on Enhanced Energy Efficiency 294
17.3. Mission on Sustainable Habitat 296
17.4. Green India Mission 298
17.5. Water Mission 300
17.6. Sustainable agriculture mission 303
17.7. Disaster Management 307
17.8. Tourism 310
17.9. Health Mission 312
17.10. Sustainable Himalayan Mission 315
17.11. Strategic Knowledge mission 316

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Table 1: National Mission on Climate Change its goal and link with development
goal 11
Table 2: Relating State Mission under Climate Change and National Mission 16
Table 3: Temperature variation at Srinagar (ºC) 23
Table 4: Major glaciers in the Indus basin of India 25
Table 5: Characteristic of glacial coverage in the state is given below. 25
Table 6: Recent retreat pattern of selected glaciers in Jammu and Kashmir 25
Table 7: Estimates of Poverty of J&K 33
Table 8: population distribution of Jammu & Kashmir 40
Table 9: Electricity Demand in the state 41
Table 10: Possible Climate Change Impacts on the Energy Sector 43
Table 11: List of Mini Hydro Project Considered Under Implementation 47
Table 12: List Of Wind Power Project Under Implementation 48
Table 13: List of Key Priority Action Proposed under Sustainable Energy Mission 59
Table 14: Capacity wise installed hydro power project State Sector 68
Table 15: Capacity wise installed hydro power project Central Sector 68
Table 16: Capacity wise installed hydro power project Independent Power
Producers 69
Table 17: List of Key Hydro Power Project and their capacity 70
Table 18: Category wise Electrical Energy Consumption 71
Table 19: Peak and Power Availability Scenario in the State 72
Table 20: Energy Demand and Availability 72
Table 21: T&D and AT&C Losses (from 2006-07 to 2011-12) 74
Table 22: Sector wise Energy Conservation Potential in Jammu & Kashmir
(2007-2008) 76
Table 23: Sector Specific Electricity consumption &GHG emission from
electricity consumption 76
Table 24: List of Hydro Power project (with capacity) under
renovation and modernization 85
Table 25: List of Key Priority Action Mission on Enhanced Energy Efficiency 91
Table 26: Urban Population 98
Table 27: Types of vehicles registered in the State 100
Table 28: Adaptation Pathways with respect to climate change in State 102
Table 29: List of Key Priority Action Mission on Sustainable Habitat 115
Table 30: Assessment of variation in forest cover (Area in km2) 119
Table 31: Forest Cover Change Matrix (Area in km2) 119 xi

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Table 32: List of Key Priority Action Green India Mission 135
Table 33: District wise number of lake and water bodies 141
Table 34: Availability of Water from precipitation across the administrative
divisions of Jammu 142
Table 35: Availability of Water from precipitation across the
administrative divisions of Kashmir 143
Table 36: Major glaciers in the Indus basin of India 144
Table 37: The characteristic of glacial coverage in State 144
Table 38: Basin-wise Replenishable Groundwater Resources (in bcm) 145
Table 39: Basin-wise Replenishable Groundwater Resources (in bcm) 146
Table 40: Total area of irrigated land from different sources 147
Table 41: River basin wise irrigated crop area permitted under Indus Water Treaty 151
Table 42: Recent retreat pattern of selected glaciers in Jammu and Kashmir 153
Table 43: Maximum area irrigated 157
Table 44: Aggregate Storage Capacity 157
Table 45: Key Priority Actions State Water Mission 165
Table 46: Crop-wise/ Division-wise details of Area Irrigated 171
Table 47: horticulture productions of Kashmir division in 2012-13 are as follows 172
Table 48: Possible impact of climate change on agriculture and allied sector 175
Table 49: List of key priority action sustainable agriculture mission 187
Table 50: Natural and Anthropogenic disaster type 194
Table 51: Major earthquakes experienced by the State with Mb=5 and above 194
Table 52: Vulnerability against the Hazards 198
Table 53: List of key priority Disaster Management Mission 215
Table 54: Arrival of tourists (both domestic and international) across the three
regions of the states Tourists’ arrival from 2003 to ending 30th
December 2012 (in Lakh) 220
Table 55: Weather stress and related vulnerability of the tourism sector 223
Table 56: Carrying Capacity study for tourist location in Kashmir 226
Table 57: Proposed location for construction of bio-toilet 228
Table 58: List of key priority Action 233
Table 59: Health profile of the state 236
Table 60: Health infrastructure in the state 237
Table 61: Impact of climate change on human health 240
Table 62: List of key priority action health mission 247
xii Table 63: Major glaciers in the Indus basin 252

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Table 64: Recent retreat pattern of selected glaciers in Jammu and Kashmir 253
Table 65: Wetland Reserves in the State 255
Table 66: List of Key priority action Sustainable Himalayan Mission 265
Table 67: List of Key priority action Strategic Knowledge mission 275
Table 68: Cross cutting relevance of some contemplated actions 278
Table 69: Strategies for addressing cross sectoral issues 279
Table 70: Budget proposed under SAPCC 282
Table 71: Comprehensive List of Actions proposed under Sustainable Energy Mission 287
Table 72: Comprehensive List of Actions proposed under Mission on Enhanced
Energy Efficiency 294
Table 73: Comprehensive List of Actions proposed under Mission on Sustainable Habitat 296
Table 74: Comprehensive List of Actions proposed under Green India Mission 298
Table 75: Comprehensive List of Actions proposed under Water Mission 300
Table 76: Comprehensive List of Actions proposed under Water Mission 303
Table 77: Comprehensive List of Actions proposed under Disaster Management 307
Table 78: Comprehensive List of Actions proposed under tourism 310
Table 79: Comprehensive List of Actions proposed under Health Mission 312
Table 80: Comprehensive List of Actions proposed under Sustainable Himalayan Mission 315
Table 81: Comprehensive List of Actions proposed under Strategic Knowledge mission 316

Figure 1: Sectors of J&K mapped to National Mission 4

Figure 2: The process of formulation of SAPCC in J&K 6
Figure 3: Eight fold mission under NAPCC 10
Figure 4: Vulnerability Profiling 20
Figure 5: Vulnerability map of Indian Subcontinent 20
Figure 6: Agricultural Vulnerability based on NDVI variability 27
Figure 7: All forested grids in India 29
Figure8 : Location of Hydro Power Project 67
Figure 9: Source wise hydro power potential and sector wise hydro power
resource harnessed 69
Figure 10: Gross Per capita Electricity (kWh) consumption in J & K 73
Figure 11: Sector specific GHG emission from electricity consumption 77
Figure 12: Projects under execution/planned for execution in 12th Plan 81
Figure 13: District Map of J&K 98
Figure 14: Forest cover in the state 118
Figure 15: Different Forest Types in States 120 xiii

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Figure 16: Forest Grids in India 124
Figure 17: Simulated dominant vegetation in the Himalayan region for the baseline
(left panel) and 2035 (middle panel). The grids where a change in vegetation
is projected are shown in red in the right panel 124
Figure 18: Indus River and its tributaries with in Jammu and Kashmir 139
Figure 19: Indus Basin 149
Figure 20: Predicted change in rainfall (mm) by 2085, (Source: Current Science) 152
Figure 21: Earthquake Hazard map of Jammu and Kashmir shows that entire State
is categorized as Zone IV and V 195
Figure 22Landslide hazard zonation map of North western Himalaya showing
Jammu and Kashmir 196
Figure 23: Wind hazard map of Jammu and Kashmir shows that State is categorized
as very high to moderate damage risk zone 197
Figure 24: Tourists’ arrival to Ladakh from 2003 to ending 30th Dec 2012 220
Figure 25: Tourists’ arrival to Kashmir valley from 2003 to ending 30th Dec 2012 221
Figure 26: Air Connectivity 221
Figure 27: Road Connectivity 222
Figure 28: Samudra Tapu Glacier, Chandra Sub Basin, Western Himalayas
[ISRO 2011] 250
Figure 29: Glacial area under different mountain range 252
Figure 30: Glacial retreat 254


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Abbreviations and Acronyms
ABC Aerial Bunched Cabling
AC Alternating Current
AT&C Aggregate Technical and Commercial
BEE Bureau of Energy Efficiency
BOOT Build Own Operate and Transfer
BMO Block Medical Officer
BPL Below Poverty Line
BPMU Block Programme Management Unit
C:N Carbon: Nitrogen
CBDRM Community based Disaster Risk Management
CCAP Climate Change Action Plan
CDM Clean Development Mechanism
CEA Central Electricity Authority
CFA Central Financial Assistance
CFL Compact fluorescent lamp
CGWB Central Ground Water Board
CIC Community Information Centre
CM Chief Minister
CMO Chief Medical Officer
CO Carbon - di- oxide
CPP Captive Power Plant
CSDRM Climate Smart Disaster Risk Management
CWC Central Water Commission

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

CWPRS Central Water and Power Research Station
DC Direct Current
DM Act Disaster Management Act
DMS Distribution Management System
DPMU District Programme management Unit
DPR Detailed Project Report
DRDA District Rural Development Agency
DRDO Defence Research and Development Organisation
DRM Disaster Risk Management
DRR Disaster Risk Reduction
DSM Demand Side Management
DT Distribution Transformer
ECAP Energy Conservation Action Plan
ECBC Energy Conservation Building Code
EEFP Energy Efficiency Financing platform
EFA External Funding Agency
EMP Environment Management Plan
EOC Emergency Operation Centre
ESCerts Energy Savings Certificates
ESCO Energy Service Company
ET Evapotranspiration
FEEED Framework for energy efficient economic development
FSI Forest Survey of India
FY Financial Year
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GHG Green House Gas
GIS Geographic Information System
GLOF Glacial Lake Outburst Floods
GMC Government Medical College
GoI Government of India
GSDP Gross State Domestic Products
H1N1 Swine influenza A H1N1 virus
H7N9 Avian influenza A(H7N9) virus
xvi HCN Hydrogen cyanide

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

HVAC Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
HVDS High Voltage Distribution System
lAY Indira AwaasYojana
IBIS Integrated biosphere simulator : Vegetation Model
ICA Irrigated Cropped Area
ICDS Integrated Child Development Services
ICIMOD The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development
IGEA Investment Grade Energy Audit
ILB Incandescent Light Bulb
IL&FS Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services
IMD Indian Meteorological Department
INCCA Indian Network on Climate Change Assessment
INM Integrated nutrient management
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IPP Independent Power Producer
IREDA Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency
IRS Incident Response System
ISTSL India SME Technology Services Limited
IWT Indus Water Treaty
J&K Jammu and Kashmir
J&K EC act Jammu and Kashmir Energy Conservation Act
J&K SPDC Jammu and kashmir State Power Development Corporation
JAKEDA Jammu and Kashmir Energy Development Agency
JKSERC J&K State Electricity Regulatory Commission
JKSPDC Jammu and Kashmir State Power Development Corporation
JNNSM Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission
JNNURM Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission
KREDA Kargil Renewable Energy Development Authority
LADF Local Area Development Fund
LED Light-emitting diode
LoC Line of Control
LPG Liquified Petroleum Gas
LREDA Ladakh Renewable Energy Development Agency
MDF Moderately Dense Forest xvii

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

MDG MillenniumDevelopment Goal
MGNREGS Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme
MNRE Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
MoEF Ministry of Environment and Forest
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MOWR Ministry of Water Resources
MSME Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise
MSW Municipal Solid Waste
MTEE Market transformation for energy efficiency
NAPCC National Action Plan on Climate Change
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NATCOM National Communication
NBMMP National Biogas & Manure Management Programme
NDMA National Disaster Management Authority
NEWNE North East West North-East Grid
NF No Forest
NGO Non-governmental organizations
NHPC National Hydroelectric Power Corporation
NIC National Informatics Centre
NIH National Institute of Hydrology
NMEEE National Mission on Enhanced Energy Efficiency
NPC National Productivity Council
NSDP Net State Domestic Product
NWFP North West Frontier Province
O&M Operation and Maintenance
OF Open Forest
PAT Perform Achieve and Trade
PDD J&K /JKPDD Power Development Department J&K
PFC Power Finance Corporation
PHC Public Health Centre
PHE Public Health Engineering
PMGSY Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana
PPA Power Purchase Agreement
xviii PoA Programme of Activities

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

PRECIS Providing Regional Climates for Impacts Studies
PV Photovoltaic
PWD Public Works Department
R-APDRP Restructured- Accelerated Power Development and Reforms
REC Rural Electrification Corporation
REDD Reduce Emission from Deforestation and Degradation
RESCO Renewable Energy Service Company
RGGVY Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana
RKVY RashtriyaKrishiVikasYojana
RM&U Renovation, Modernization and Uprating
RS Remote Sensing
S&L Standard and Labelling
SADP Special Area Demonstration Programme
SAPCC State Action Plan on Climate Change
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SDMA State Disaster Management Authorities
SERC State Electricity Regulatory Commission
SGA Small Group Activity
SHLS Solar Homelighting System
SIDBI Small Industries Development Bank of India
SKIMS Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences
SKUAST Sher-E-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and
SME Small and Medium Enterprises
SOC Soil Organic Carbon
SOER/SOE Report State of Environment Report
SRES Special Report on Emission Scenarios - IPCC
STP Sewage Treatment Plant
SWH Solar Water Heater
T&D Transmission and Distribution
TEM Total Energy Management
TOE Tons of Oil Equivalent
UDD Urban Development Department J&K
ULB Urban Local Bodies

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

UNEP United Nation Environment Programme
UNFCCC United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change
VDF Very Dense forest
WGI Working Group I of IPCC
WHO World Health Organisation

C Degree Centigrade - unit of temperature
kVA Kilo - volt - ampere - unit of electrical power
bcm Billion Cubic Meter
GW Giga watt
ha Hectare
J Joule
kg Kilogram
km Kilometer
km2 Square Kilometer
kW Kilo - watt - unit of electrical energy
LPD Litre Per Day
m Meter
Mha Million Hectare
mm Millimeter
MT Metric Tons
MU Million Unit of Electrical Energy (1 unit = 1 kilo watt hour )
MW Mega Watt
MWh Megawatt hour
Wp Watt peak


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Executive Summary
Introduction will manifest through alteration in frequency,
intensity, spatial extent, or duration of
Climate projections suggest that impacts weather and climate extremes, including
are likely to be varied and heterogeneous climate and hydro-meteorological events.
in India.Some regions will experience more This is likely to pose greater risks to human
intense rainfall and flood risks, while others life and endanger the sustainability of the
will encounter sparser rainfall and droughts economy of several states in India. Indeed the
including spatial shift in the pattern of likely projection of the hydrometerological
rainfall. The Fifth Assessment Report has and geophysical hazards has the potential
further emphasized the loss of ice from to derail the current growth strategy and
glacial range and projected that the current deepen poverty amongst the vulnerable. The
glacial extents are out of balance with impacts of extreme climate-induced events
current climatic condition indicating that (such as cloud burst, enhanced glacial flow,
glaciers will continue to shrink in the future untimely dry and wet days) could result in loss
even without further temperature increase. of life, livelihoods, assets and infrastructure
This has a significant impact not only on the and affect the state’s economic growth and
Himalyan ecosystem of State of Jammu and pro poor initiatives. Given its profile, climate
Kashmir but also several other regions in change is an important concern for the
India and some regions in Pakistan Occupied state as it is presently on a carbon-oriented
Kashmir and beyond. development path and at the same time, it is
vulnerable to climate variations owing to the
A global scientific consensus with regard
fragile ecosystem. It is therefore in the context
to the unequivocal nature of the climate
above, a comprehensive Climate Change
change and its association with increasing
Action Plan with institutional structure for
concentration of greenhouse gas emissions
its implementation has been conceptualized
is widely established. Regional climate
by the State of J&K that would address both
projection indicates that climate variability xxi
adaptation and mitigation concerns with an

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

objective of increasing resilience and climate leading to GLOF can damage the hydrology of
proofing of the sectors keeping in mind the the region. If unchecked, it may even result
conditions of the local vulnerabilities. in irreversible damage to the contiguous
ecosystem. This makes climate change action
Strategic Importance of planning even more challenging in case of
J&K J&K and several other border states.
J&K not only nestles in a fragile ecosystem
but is also surrounded by hostile neighbours. Process of formulating the
The formidable challenges due to a rugged CCAP
terrain are further compounded with the Immediately after the meeting of Chief
task of reconstructing an economy struck Secretaries in February 2010 where the
by militancy and terrorism and at the same issue of developing the State specific Climate
time cater to growth and poverty reduction. Change Action Plan was urged by Hon’ble
This sometimes creates undue pressure Prime Minister, the State Government of
on the environment rising from the need J&K institutionalized the J&K State Council
to add connectivity, tourism infrastructure on Climate Change on 25th of April 2011.
and expanding urban neighbourhoods. To The State Council on Climate Change is a
preserve the territorial integrity of India three-tier structure comprising of Governing
and fight anti-national and hostile elements, Council headed by Hon’ble Chief Minister,
the military, civil administration, politicians Executive Council headed by the Chief
and citizens often need rapid infrastructural Secretary and Expert Committee headed
development which sometimes contradicts by the Director, Environment & Remote
the accepted environmental norms. Sensing. While framing the council and the
Developmental activities and environmental working group, the membership was drawn
correlations are sometimes contradictory. both from the linede partments and also
While many reports suggest that anti national from the different associated departments/
elements with vested interests often try to organizations. A nodal officer was appointed
jeopardise infrastructure development in the to co-ordinate the meetings, to collect/collate
name of environment, other activities in the the required information and to develop the
name of national interest often takes a toll on plans pertaining to each of the sectors.
environmental and ecological balance. Thus Following are the sectors identified as part
careful consideration of the threat perception of the Climate Change Action Plan.
is critical to achieve a balance between the
developmental strategies and environmental 1. Energy - Solar Mission and Renewable
concerns. It also requires diplomacy to Energy
address the common causes, for example 2. Enhanced Energy Efficiency
warm air circulation in Tibet plateau caused
3. Water
xxii due to destruction of environment and poor
management and warming of Indus water

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

4. Sustainable Habitat in climate, human induced changes due
to large scale urbanization that drives the
5. Sustainable Agriculture
warming trend. The biodiversity loss and
6. Tourism water stress owing to the climate change
are the greatest challenge for the State over
7. Sustainable Himalayan Ecosystem
the coming decades. Climate change poses
8. Health a serious threat to the species diversity,
habitats, forests, wildlife, fisheries and the
9. Disaster Management
water resources in the region. Many wetlands
10. Strategic Knowledge mission in J&K that support 20% of the known range
of biodiversity in the region are adversely
11. Green India Mission
affected. The climatic changes resulting in
Both top down and bottom up approach changing weather movements are relatively
was followed in developing the SAPCC. unpredictable, but could be important in the
Consultations were carried out with context of the incidence of different diseases
members of working groups as well as like avian influenza. As per UNEP report
with the administrative departments. some parts of the State are moderate to
Administrative heads were consulted high vulnerability. As per INCCA assessment
recognizing the need for involvement of the the number of rainy days in the Himalayan
senior bureaucracy within the government region in 2030s may increase by 5-10 days on
towards assessing climate change issues and an average, with an increase by more than
mapping the solutions. Tools and templates 15 days in the eastern part of the Jammu and
were formulated for listing climate change Kashmir region. The intensity of rain fall is
specific issues, prioritizing the activities as likely to increase by 1-2 mm/ day. This is likely
“high”, “medium” and “low” and developing to impact some of the horticultural crops;
an outline of the sub-activities to be taken up though rangelands and livestock are likely to
under the high priority activities, estimating benefit. The rate of recession of glaciers is
the budget and sources of funding as well reportedly varying which is being attributed
as formulation of the monitoring and to winter precipitation climate warming
verification protocol. GIZ provided support and anthropogenic elements. Temperature,
for this action planning facilitation and precipitation and cold wave are most likely
engaged CTRAN to coordinate and manage to significantly impact the agricultures sector
the process on behalf of the Government of and enhance its vulnerability. Deficit in food
J&K. production is growing in recent times in Jammu
& Kashmir. With the reduction in rainfall,
Vulnerability the rain-fed agriculture will suffer the most.
In the context of India, especially Jammu and Horticultural crops like apple are also showing
Kashmir, which nestles in fragile Himalayan decline in production and a real coverage
particularly due to decline in snowfall. Study
Ecosystem; there are natural fluctuations

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

by Indian Institute of Science using dynamic areas of J&K is techno-economically unviable
vegetation model has revealed that about by virtue of geographical disadvantages and
39% and 34% of the forested grids are likely scattered household pattern. Moreover, the
to undergo shifts in vegetation type under power sector of the State is already facing
A2 and B2 climate scenarios respectively difficulties like slow rate of capacity addition,
with a trend towards increased occurrence poor evacuation facility, high AT&C losses
of the wetter forest types. Approximately and mismatch in load profile and power
47% and 42% of tropical dry deciduous grids utilization mix is not commensurate with
are projected to undergo shifts under A2 the State climatic conditions. Promotion
and B2 scenarios respectively, as opposed and utilization of renewable energy is the
to less than 16% grids comprising of tropical most feasible solution which would also
wet evergreen forests. Similarly, the tropical promote low carbon growth and can meet
thorny scrub forest is projected to undergo the decentralized energy requirement of
shifts in majority of forested grids under the remote locations.The power available in
A2 (more than 80%) as well as B2 scenarios 2011-12 from all sources was able to satisfy
(50% of grids). The increase in temperature only 64% of total power demand of the State.
may lead to increasing morbidity due to Due to the shortfall of 6,231.74 million units
heat stress. Flash floods due to Glacial Lake during 2011-12, the state faced problems of
Outburst Floods (GLOF) may lead to large frequent power cuts for 8- 10 hours a day
scale landslides and affect food security and which has a detrimental effect on the growth
hence nutritional health. potential of the State. To meet its power
demand of 17,323.00 million units during
Sustainable Energy Mission 2011-12, the State has procured 66.76%
The action plan proposed under sustainable of its total power supplied (i.e. 11,091.26
energy mission is strategized in line with million units) from the NEWNE grid which
the National Action Plan on Climate Change is highly fossil fuel dominated. Promotion of
with objectives of meeting the country’s renewable energy in this context will help in
development goals while simultaneously bridging up of the demand supply gap but
yielding co-benefits to address climate will also promote low carbon development
change effects. The state is currently focused and meeting up of the electrical and thermal
on generation though big hydro power energy requirement without contributing
projects. Potential of micro hydel power to the greenhouse gas emission to the
and Solar are increasingly being tapped. atmosphere. The key priorities proposed
The challenges in the sector are quite a few. under the missions are as follows:
Grid electricity penetration in remote hilly


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Key Priorities: Sustainable Energy Mission
1. Promotion and implementation of solar city project
2. Promotion and facilitation of Off-grid and decentralized renewable energy
generation for electrification, cooking and other thermal energy requirement
3. State Govt. by amendment of building bye-laws suitable to state condition would
promote and mandate use of solar water heating and/or lighting systems
4. Institutional development and strengthening of JAKEDA, LREDA and KREDA for
promotion of Renewable Energy technology applications.
5. Harnessing renewable energy potential of the state for power generation
6. Strengthening of technical competency of various stakeholders of renewable
energy which includes O&M persons, technicians, installers, manufacturers and
other relevant service providers as per international standard
7. Enhancing State’s own power generation capacity through hydro power plant set
up and provides support to private/public investors in projects implementation and
undertakes micro/mini hydro projects for remote area to meet up local demand
8. Promotion of grid connected Rooftop and Small Solar Power projects in the state of
9. Promotion of Green buildings in the state

Mission on Enhanced Energy power theft, unaccounted and uncontrolled

Efficiency consumption beyond agreement load,

unregistered consumers, lesser contract
The power generation in the State is mainly demand, etc.
governed by hydro power with a little share of
Domestic consumers as a whole are the major
fossil fuel based grid interactive power plant.
electricity consuming segment in the State
Total estimated potential for hydro power
with cumulative consumption in tune of 34%
generation in the state is 20,000 MW out of
followed by industrial 20.21%, government
which 16,480 MW (excluding 251 Projects
institution 17.6%, Public water works 14.50%,
up-to 25 MW generation potential identified
commercial 8.6%, agriculture 4.9% and
totaling to 986 MW Capacity) has been
public lighting in tune of 0.7% respectively.
identified as the actual generation potential.
A substantial potential of energy saving
Out of the identified potential only 2457.96
are there across all the energy consuming
MW or 15% has been harnessed so far. The
segments. The energy saving potential across
power sector of the State is subjected to high
agricultural sector is highest in tune of 25-
AT&C losses of the order of 61%. Technical
35%, followed by domestic sector 15-20%,
losses pertain to outdated and old electrical
building sector in tune of 20-30%, industrial
device in the network. To minimize such
sector 7-10% and municipalities around
losses, the system needs up-gradation and
improvements. Commercial losses include
20%. The key priorities proposed under the xxv
missions are as follows:

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Key Priorities: Mission on Enhanced
Mission on Sustainable
Energy Efficiency
Urban areas face significant impacts of climate
1. Establishment and incorporation of
Bureau of Energy Efficiency, J & K EC change. It impacts human health, livelihood
act 2011 and productive assets, especially for the
2. Promoting Energy Efficiency in Small urban poor, informal settlements and other
and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) vulnerable groups. Climate change impacts
3. Promoting Energy Conservation range from increase in extreme weather
Building Code (ECBC) events, flooding to high temperatures
4. Renovation and Modernization of leading to public health concerns, resource
Hydro-power Projects congestions, etc. As the urban regions of
5. Development of comprehensive the state are dynamic systems that face
scheme for promotion of energy unique climate impacts, their adaptation
efficient pumps in agriculture sector must be location specific and tailored to local
6. Reducing Transmission and Distribution circumstances.
(T & D) Losses
7. Promoting Demand Side Management The importance of infrastructure and
(DSM) and energy efficiency improvement of living standards of population
8. Decentralized power generation is crucial to sustain economic development. A
9. Harnessing the biomass potential detailed analysis of the development process
10. Development of policy for mandatory over last four decades shows that one of the
use of efficient light particularly for major reasons for slow economic and social
commercial organizations in the state development is the unplanned population
11. Expansion Conversion of conventional growth. The capital cities and other district
street lights to solar LED/CFL street
towns of the State are challenged with
problems of rapid urbanization, expansion
12. Maximizing solar power usage and
of informal settlements, substantial poverty,
Encouraging use of Solar Gadgets
inadequate infrastructure and environmental
(especially in Industries)
degradation. These and other concerns
13. State energy audit policy and
Implementation of pilot Energy plague cities’ ability to grow and prosper.
efficiency project and IGEA Many of these conditions also limit resilience
14. Promoting Energy Efficiency Practices to address current climate variability.
in the State
Solid waste management is the most
15. Awareness and implementation for
emerging and pressing issues in the urban
use of CFL and replacing incandescent
areas of the State. Agglomeration of solid
lamp under Bachat Lamp Yojna, and
and liquid waste not only contribute to water
Umbrella program of BEE
contamination and pollution but also its
16. Standards And Labelling Programme
xxvi unplanned decomposition results into release

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

of methane to the atmosphere, ultimately 2. Capacity building of all of
factoring for health impacts. Sanitation stakeholders to make them
possesses major stress in the urban areas understand their role and maintain
as absence of adequate sewerage treatment proper environment management
facilities in urban areas results in release system
of effluent from domestic and hospitality 3. GHG accounting study on emission
industry into nearby rivers, lakes and streams by transport vehicles
leading to contamination of water sources.
4. Establishment of intelligent
Indiscriminate developmental activities
transport system
like jamming of drains and encroachment
on rainwater flow paths add to the factors. 5. Policy framework in transport
The urban transport sector has been largely sector
neglected in the State, characterized by 6. Promotion of public transport and
heavy traffic congestion due to narrow mass transport & Promotion of
roads, rapid growth in number of vehicles water transport
along with highly topographic and concentric
7. Reallocation of the hotels or
development. Public transport is limited
application of STP near Dal lake &
due to inadequate road network, poor
DPR preparation on STP
infrastructure and scattered demand.
8. Establishment of end-to-end solid
The State Government is thus planning to
waste management system
mainstream climate change adaptation in
9. Base line study on solid waste and
urban infrastructure development. Creating
industrial waste generation and
this new possibility of adaptive resilience
DPR preparation & four pilot project
would support a new future for cities in the
face of climate change. The key priorities
proposed under the missions are as follows: 10. Capacity Building/ Awareness
Generation Program on segregation
Key Priorities: Sustainable Habitat of solid waste at household level

1. Promotion of battery operated 11. Establishment of segregation

(charged from solar power) transport mechanism of bio-medical waste in
systems in tourist places, battery urban hospitals and in rural PHCs
driven motor boats instead of diesel 12. Application of methane capture
engine boats (battery charged from technology and preparation of
solar module mounted on the boat) fertilizer from weeds in Dal lake
and use of alternative fuel instead
of diesel to drive Barges and other
diesel driven equipment used for
maintenance purpose in the lake xxvii

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Green India Mission and more, endanger the forests. Number of
factors is responsible for deforestation and
According to the interpretation of satellite degradation in Jammu and Kashmir. Due to
data collected for the period of October- high dependency on forest for timber and fuel
December 2008, the forest cover of Jammu wood deforestation is an ongoing process.
and Kashmir is spread over 22,539 sq. km On the other hand the livestock population
(including area outside the LoC) accounting in the State is 9.90 million resulting in
for 10.14% of the State’s geographical huge demand for fodder. In addition most
area. The State of Jammu and Kashmir of these livestocks graze in forests. Grazing
has rich diverse forest resources and plays and trampling of saplings by livestock is the
an important role to preserve the fragile biggest threat to regeneration of vegetation
ecosystem of the State and it also serves as in all forested areas of the State. Low tree
catchments for Himalayan Rivers. In Jammu density, low bio-diversity status as well as
and Kashmir, the perennial water supply higher levels of fragmentation contribute
including groundwater recharge, and health to the vulnerability of these forests. The
of soils, is primarily dependant upon the area current biotic and abiotic stresses are likely
and quality of forest cover. A healthy forest to exacerbate the projected impact of
cover is essential for long term operation climate change that indicates towards shift
of hydroelectric projects. The State forest of vegetation of the forest grid including
provides some environmental services like tropical dry deciduous grids, tropical wet
carbon sequestration, pollution abatement, evergreen forests and tropical thorny scrub
amelioration of climate, in-situ conservation forest. The key priorities proposed under
of biodiversity and maintenance of ecological the mission to reduce the impact of climate
balance. Since there is unique aesthetic change are as follows:
value of forest landscape and huge potential
for tourism in the State, the forests plays a Key Priorities: Green India
pivotal role to make the State an ideal tourist Mission
destination. Forests and climate change 1. Implementation of J&K State Forest
are inherently linked. When kept healthy, Policy
forests play a key role in our national climate
2. Capacity building and awareness for
change strategy. Over geologic time, changes
all levels of stakeholders
in disturbance regimes are a natural part of
all ecosystems. However, loss of forest’s 3. Gene bank development for climate
ability to mitigate the effects of climate adaptable species
change will mean losing many important 4. Eco-restoration through afforestation
ecosystem good and services. Unplanned and Climate oriented eco-restoration
development, climate change, invasive plan
species, unsustainable forestry practices, 5. Phenological Studies of Forest and
xxviii diseases and insects, all of these factors other Tree Species

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

6. Flora and Fauna vulnerability study likely to enhance the current stress on water
7. Studies of carbon influxes/ out fluxes resources from surging population, growing
of various forest types / trees and economic development and land use change
their role in carbon sequestration including urbanization. Increase in ambient
temperature and changes in rainfall pattern
8. Study on per capita fuel wood
might influence the hydrological cycle to a large
consumption and alternative
extent. Other consequences like increase in
rates of evapotranspiration decrease in fresh
9. Climate impact study in undisturbed/ water availability, mass losses from glaciers
protected forest areas. and reductions in snow cover might severely
10. E-green portal with geo-reference impact the hydrological cycle. Change in the
11. Nursery development for climate hydrological cycle may affect the spatial and
adaptable species temporal distribution of runoff, soil moisture,
ground-water reserves and may increase the
12. REDD+ feasibility study for carbon
frequency of droughts and floods. Event of
increased frequency of rainfall and variation
13. Study of climate change impact on in rainfall pattern including extreme events
wild life species like flood poses challenge to the society,
14. Climate change impacts on physical infrastructure and quality.
undisturbed forest area like national
Economy of the State relies heavily on
water intensive sectors like agriculture,
15. Study on soil organic carbon of horticulture, energy generation, tourism, etc.
forest area Since most of the water-bodies in the State
16. Studies of impact of managed are supplied by melt-water from mountain
watershed under different range therefore loss of glacier might reduce
management system on sustained the water availability impacting hydro power
water availability potential and lower availability of water for
irrigation impacting the agrarian economy in
the State. Regions in the State that are already
subjected to water stress are projected to
Water Mission be adversely affected with the potential of
impact on multiple sectors e.g. agriculture,
Climate change is projected to influence the
domestic water supply and health. The key
hydrological cycle of water bodies, water
priorities proposed under the missions to
supply systems and exacerbate requirement
undermine the impact of climate change
of water in different regions. The disturbance
and also to enhance the sustainability of the
of the hydrological cycle as projected due to
sectors are as follows:
the variability in the climatic conditions are

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Key Priorities: Water Mission Sustainable Agriculture
1. Generate baseline data with terrain Mission
analysis (contour/slope/ gradient/
aspect, etc.), with comprehensive Agriculture and its allied sector is the
land classification with catchment mainstay of State economy providing
demarcation, river networks, lakes livelihood opportunity to 70% of the State’s
and water bodies, forest coverage, etc
population and contributing to around 27%
2. Promoting and implementing water to the State’s income. Horticulture plays a
use Efficiency measures
significant role in State’s economy as the
3. Develop hydrological models for
sector contributes 7% to GSDP and provides
different seasons and calibration with
the existing data greater opportunities for development
of agro-industries in the state. Weather
4. Comprehensive water budgeting in lieu
of the current and future demand from variability or climate extremes resulting
domestic supply, irrigation, industry, from climate change could have direct and
tourism and for other sectors indirect effects on the crops, soils, livestock
5. Monitoring river flows and mapping of and pests. While the magnitude of impact
flood and drought zones might vary over the region it is expected
6. Formulate comprehensive that variability of the climatic conditions will
rejuvenation plan for Dal Lake, Mansar impact agricultural productivity and shifting
Lake, Manasbal Lake, Pangong Lake
crop pattern. The vulnerability of the State
and all other major lakes
agriculture sector to climatic variability would
7. Assessment and Implementation of
rain water harvesting and artificial be accentuated at multiple levels including
recharging of ground water the crops or livestock’s, farm or cropping
8. Emphasize the awareness and capacity system and the food system. The implication
building for conservation, concern and of climatic variability or extremes over
co-management of water agricultural sector could be far reaching and
9. Dealing with flood in the changing it could affect food security, livelihoods trade
climate scenarios. policies, water conservation issues impacting
10. Reducing impact of increased erosion large portion of population. In the absence
and sedimentation of appropriate adaptation and mitigation
11. Creation of storage facilities on measures there will be food shortage and
distributaries of river Chenab and
consequent inflation which could endanger
Jhelum as per Indus Water Treaty
the food and livelihood security of the
State. The key priorities proposed under
the missions to undermine the impact of
climate change both through adaptation and
mitigation measures and also to enhance the
sustainability of the sectors are as follows:

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Fodder production.
Key Priorities: Sustainable
16. Developing Cold-Chain Infrastructure
Agriculture Mission
17. Root-Stock & Progeny Plant Material
1. Planning of cropping system and crop
varieties through Crop diversification, 18. Protected cultivation and Precision
drought tolerant crops and water Farming under Hi-tech Green Houses,
saving crops Poly Green Houses & Shade Nets

2. Capacity building of Planners 19. In-situ moisture Conservation through

farmers and extension workers and Roof-top water harvesting (2500
dissemination of new and appropriate RTWH Units with assistance of Rs
technology: 6000/ Per Unit), Storage tanks (291
Low cost storage tanks of 20x20x20
3. Integrated nutrient management m3 @ Rs 1.03 lac/tank assistance,
(INM) Ponds/Trenches, Check-Dams (250 no
4. Promoting Zero Tillage @ Rs 2.00 Lac/CD), Land levelling by
Laser leveller (100 units with Rs 1.5
5. Introducing Trash mulching in lac/Unit assistance)
agriculture 5000 ha are to be covered
under mulching practice for Kashmir 20. Establishment of two number of Bio-
Division Diversity Parks (one in Jammu division
and second in Kashmir division)
6. Combating climate related risk through
Micro Irrigation programme
7. Management of climate change risk Disaster Management
for sustainable productivity
Adverse impacts of climate change on
8. Weather based Crop insurance society often increases disaster risk, disasters
9. Enhancing capacity for livestock themselves erode environmental and social
disease management and forecasting resilience, and thus increase vulnerability
monitoring and management to climate change. Moreover climate
10. Conservation of water bodies and fish variability is projected to result in more
stock augmentation in natural water frequent and intensive disasters – with most
bodies and promotion of fish farming severe consequences on the infrastructure,
11. Screening of crops for moisture/heat/ food security and livelihoods vulnerable
disease/pest tolerance and nutrient communities dependant on natural resource.
use efficiency.
Since both disaster risk (including climate
12. Crop yield and weather modeling for associated disaster risk) and climate related
future projections vulnerabilities are likely to undermine the
13. Carbon pool assessment /sequestration economic sustainability and development
in forest and agricultural ecosystems it is therefore planned that disaster risk
14. Conservation of pollinators, pollination management strategies and climate change
and plant phenology mismatch adaptation planning be integrated in the
15. Grass Land Management / Forage/ State. J&K is a multi-hazard prone region with

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, preparedness and emergency medical
landslides, avalanches, high velocity winds, response to manage mass casualties
snow storms, besides manmade disasters during extreme events
including road accidents and fires, etc. Such 10. Institutional development and
incident frequently occurs thereby disturbing operationalization of the regulatory
the ecological balance and in most of the case framework for effective management
directly results to disastrous events. The key of disaster under State Disaster
priorities proposed under the missions to Management Act 2005 for preparation
undermine the impact of climate extremes of Disaster response and management
are as follows: plan
Key Priorities: Disaster
Management Tourism
1. Hazard risk mapping using GIS and
Other than the destinations of tourism value,
Remote sensing
climate is another principal attraction for
2. Risk reduction through implementable tourists from all over the world. Preference
planning and policy of locations during a particular period of time
3. Strengthening Communication and the profitability of enterprise is largely
Networks and Disaster Management determined by the climatic conditions.
Facilities Thus any regional manifestation of climate
4. Hazard specific multi-parameter variability and extremes are likely to influence
vulnerability assessment and social the popularity of any tourist destination. So
impact assessment at the regional and the projected climate variability and change
local levels for preparing contingency can severely affect the tourism industry in
plan the State through increased infrastructure
damage, additional emergency preparedness
5. Developing and promoting concept
requirements, higher operational expenses
of Climate Smart Disaster Risk
and business interruptions. Barring the
Management (CSDRM)
vulnerability of the sector the tourism sector
6. Preparation of disaster rescue and also contributes to climate change through
rehabilitation plan. GHG emissions from transportation and
7. Awareness/ Sensitization/ Capacity accommodation facilities for tourists.
Building in form of :
The unplanned and unprecedented growth of
8. Community based disaster the tourism industry in the State has resulted
management in the Disaster in severe detrimental impact on local
Management Plan at all levels environment. The inflow of tourist beyond
9. Disaster response training at the the carrying capacity of the location has put
community level to build infrastructure
xxxii tremendous pressure on existing resources
and human resources for medical and infrastructure. The pressing issues are:

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

1. Increased Pollution load, enhanced change and also to enhance the sustainability
health/safety concern of the sectors are as follows:
2. Increased issues of sanitation and
garbage management Key Priorities: Tourism
3. Weather related risks e.g. changes in
1. Undertaking capacity studies and
temperature may discourage tourists
developing EMP for ten tourist
to visit existing tourist destinations.
Extreme climate events may lead to
disruption of services. 2. Construction of Bio-toilet

4. Pressure on drinking water resources 3. Implementation of solid and liquid

5. Siltation and pollution of water bodies waste management facility at six
6. Lack of collection and disposal
mechanism of solid waste 4. Improve climate change related
7. Increased urban congestion and lack of knowledge base of tour operators
proper transportation facilities
5. Undertake study on tourist-related
8. Lack of sewage disposal facility transport emissions
9. Poor maintenance and use of existing
6. Strategizing restoration of Dal Lake
tourist infrastructure
7. Undertake study to identify new
10. Inadequate medical and DRM plan at
environmental friendly natural
climate sensitive tourist spots
tourist destinations for their full-
11. Deforestation and land degradation
fledged operation as tourist spots
12. Unplanned infrastructure in climate
sensitive zones
13. Lack of proper transport infrastructure
with sufficient connectivity with rest of
the country and adjacent countries Weather and climate variability has a
14. Un-regulated development of tourists profound influence on human health. The
destination including problem of impact of climate change over human
accommodation health is likely to be multifaceted involving
increased incidence of vector, water and
15. Restricted & protected access to
food borne diseases, malnutrition and
important tourist destinations in State.
undernourishment, injuries and death caused
16. Requirement of Herringbone drainage by extreme hydrogeological events and
system thermal stress. Temperature, precipitation
The key priorities proposed under the and humidity have a strong influence on the
reproduction, survival and biting rates of
missions to undermine the impact of climate

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

the mosquitoes that determine the malaria 5. Modernization of existing hospitals
and dengue fever, and temperature effects and PHCs
on the life-cycle of the infectious agents 6. Increase in disease surveillance
themselves. The same meteorological factors
• Systematic collection and analysis of
also influence the transmission of water
data about vector borne diseases
and food-borne diseases such as cholera
and other forms of diarrhoeal diseases. The • Systematic collection and analysis of
vulnerability due to the incidence of diseases data about water borne diseases
or hazards will however depend upon the • Systematic collection and analysis of
level of exposure, sensitivity and the coping data about zoonotic diseases
capacity of the populace. Short term impacts 7. Integration of GIS mapping for
of climate change are likely to magnify the collection, analyse and share data
existing socio-economic threats due to rapid and identification of spatial areas of
urbanization, population growth, poverty, high concern
health infrastructure, contamination of air
8. Monitoring system -
and water, unplanned urbanization, issues of
solid and liquid waste management resulting • To understand changes in pattern of
in high morbidity and mortality. Long term diseases
climate change impacts will exacerbate the • To deal with new diseases from
existing stress while undermining growth and emigrants (H1N1, H7N9 etc.)
development. The key priorities proposed
under the missions to undermine the impact Sustainable Himalayan
of climate change are as follows: Mission
Key Priorities: Health In J&K, the major cause of increased
vulnerabilities to the Himalayan ecology
1. District wise inventory on water
are unplanned construction, changing socio
born and vector borne diseases with
economic profile, over and unplanned
respect to weather variability
exploitation of natural resource (e.g. Dal
2. Capacity building of all stakeholders Lake or deforestation), unplanned urban
on preparedness and with action growth, conflicts, insufficient institutional
on health front in situations of flash capacities and people getting aggravated due
flood and earthquake hazard to climate variability and change. Climate
3. Research and study on impact of change may adversely impact the Himalayan
climate change on human health ecosystem through increased temperature,
4. Construction of new hospitals altered precipitation patterns and episodes
with modern infrastructure and of drought. Concerns have also been rising
equipment’s to cope up with climatic over the Himalayan glaciers along with
xxxiv impacts on human population other entities in the global cryosphere. The

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Himalayan glaciers may lose significant ice- of climate change are as follows:
mass thereby endangering the river flow
especially in the lean season when the North Key Priorities: Sustainable
Indian Rivers depend on melting snow and Himalayan Mission
1. Baseline study of climate change
As per IPCC, glacial meltdown is projected impact on flora, fauna species and on
to increase flooding, snow avalanche fall glacial ecology
from established slopes and diminish water 2. Study on vulnerability of mountain
supplies to rivers as glaciers recede. The bio- ecology
diversity which resides in the higher altitudes
3. Community participation for
will have lesser and lesser place to occupy
protection and conservation of
and will be at increased risk of extinction.
mountain ecology, terrestrial ecology
There will be a gradual shift of plant species
and aqua-ecology
towards higher altitudes. This will force local
4. Capacity building and awareness for
communities to shift to newer agricultural
all levels of stakeholders
and fodder species. This coupled with the
fact that that the area is in a highly sensitive 5. Institutional development on
seismic zone, there is bound to be a heavy biodiversity conservation and
stress on housing sector. Flash floods due protection
to Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOF) may 6. Identification of climate grids and
lead to large scale landslides and subsequent effect on forest and ecological
loss of life and property. Changes in the resources
rainfall pattern and relative humidity add to
7. Study on terrestrial and aquatic
weather inconsistencies which also impacts
plantation and harvesting. The Himalayan
8. Study on anthropogenic intervention
ecology is largely impacted by key human
on ecological hotspot
intervention like encroachment, pollution,
siltation, increased resource extraction 9. Study of climate impact on migrated
coupled with inadequate and inappropriate birds and their timings
plantation. Sustainable development 10. Identification of current status of
practice that aims at a balanced growth can Himalayan ecology and climatic trend
arrest this regressive trend. The State Action analysis for Himalayan ecology
plan for sustaining the Himalayan ecosystem
aims to strike a balance between addressing
the issues detrimental to the ecosystem
while enhancing the activities for economic
prosperity like tourism, infrastructure
building etc. The key priorities proposed xxxv
under the missions to undermine the impact

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Strategic Knowledge Key Priorities: Strategic Knowledge
Mission Mission
1. Map & Analyse knowledge sharing
While there has been significant
process, flow, protocol and priority
improvement in scientific understanding
2. Compile currently available
of climate change in the past few decades,
information for assessment
there remains considerable uncertainty
frameworks, methods and tools for
about the nature, timing, spatial distribution
climate impacts, decision support
and severity of the particular impacts. In
tools, good adaptation practices
this context, the State mission on Strategic
3. Establishment of weather and
Knowledge on Climate Change intends to
climate data and easy access of data
create a knowledge system that would
to climate researchers and end users
help implement adaptive actions to reduce
of vulnerable community as well as
vulnerabilities as well as take advantage of the
livelihood sector
mitigation opportunities. It is imperative to
4. Capacity building including developing
build a vibrant and dynamic knowledge system
of training module and imparting
that would inform and support national
through regional workshop
as well as regional actions for responding
5. Develop & maintain online portal on
effectively to the objective of ecologically
climate change
sustainable development. A strong and
6. Organize, annual forum of learning
strategic knowledge system is essential for
seminar, workshop and dissemination
identifying, formulating, planning and
of knowledge based products
implementing policy driven actions while
maintaining the necessary economic growth
rate. Such a strategic knowledge system for Gender Issues and Climate
informing and supporting climate sensitive
actions will need to address a number
of objectives. It is equally important to Women are affected disproportionately
addresse climate science with region specific and differently, due to climate change
modeling; assessment of various technology and associated natural disasters such as
scenarios and alternatives for complying with floods, droughts, cyclones and storms. This
national objectives; leveraging international is largely because men and women are
cooperation and strengthening initiatives bound by distinct socio-economic roles and
for selection and development of new responsibilities that give rise to differences
technologies for adaptation and mitigation; in vulnerability and ability to cope with these
and ensuring that knowledge gaps are climate change consequence.
bridged.The key priorities proposed under
Women usually, require firewood, or even
the missions to enhance the coping capacity
modern fuel and water for cooking and
xxxvi of the population are as follows:
any constraint posed by lack of access or

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

contamination, affects in making them more on the degree of importance and barriers
vulnerable. The work participation rate of envisioned during its implementation.
male and female vary significantly. In post The proposed budgetary estimations for
disaster recovery period, the females stay in implementation of high priority action under
hostile terrain whereas males migrate. the Climate Change Action Plan in different
sectors are only a rough estimate. The total
Therefore it is important that issues relating to
budget has been estimated at INR 67,394.10
gender safety, violence against women during
million (6,739.41 crore) for a 5-year period.
climate stressed scenarios and adaptation
Parts of the Action Plan can be planned to
options which are gender segregated need
be implemented based on the availability of
to be worked upon and friendly policies for
resources of the departments and additional
women needs to be incorporated.
funds may have to be provided for certain
Actions and Budget activities. As the implementation activities
make progress, the exact situation will be
Both adaptation and mitigation actions are more easily visualized. The synopsis of the
proposed under the SAPCC. The actions number of actions being proposed under
proposed under the action plan are each sector and the budget for the priority
prioritized as high, medium, and low based actions are as follows:

Sl Sector No of high Total No Indicative Budget

No Priority of Action (INR in Million)
Actions Proposed Existing Additional
1 Sustainable Energy mission 9 15 1,470.10 3,970.40
2 Enhanced Energy Efficiency 16 16 1,572.00 5,548.40
3 Sustainable Habitat 12 29 0.00 2188.50
4 Green India Mission 16 24 0.00 1276.00
5 Water Mission 11 24 0.00 45,676.00
6 Sustainable Agriculture 20 45 0.00 3,184.70
7 Disaster Management 10 21 0.00 223.50
8 Tourism 7 18 0.00 697.50
9 Health 8 22 0.00 1,047.00
10 Himalayan Mission 10 10 0.00 500.00
11 Strategic Knowledge 6 11 0.00 40.00
TOTAL 125 235 3,042.10 64,352.00


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

1 Background
over the period 1951–2012. Global mean
1.1. Introduction sea level has risen by 0.19 [0.17 to 0.21] m,
estimated from a linear trend over the period
The fifth assessment report of the
1901–2010 with mean rate of sea level rise
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
around 1.7 [1.5 to 1.9] mm/year between
has clearly established the evidences of
1901 and 2010. Between 1993 and 2010, the
variation in global climate parameters such
rate was very likely higher at 3.2 [2.8 to 3.6]
as increase in global average air and ocean
mm/year. Further to AR4, AR5 reveals that
temperatures, widespread melting of snow-
glacial changes have increased substantially
cover and ice and rise in global average sea
in number. There is very high confidence
level. As per the IPCC WGI Fifth Assessment
that, during the last decade, most ice was
Report (AR5) the earth has been witnessing
lost from glaciers in Alaska, the Canadian
radiative imbalance, with more energy from
Arctic and the periphery of the Greenland
the sun entering than exiting through the
ice sheet, the Southern Andes and the Asian
top of the atmosphere, since at least circa
mountains. Total mass loss from all glaciers in
1970. It is virtually certain that Earth has
the world, excluding those on the periphery
gained substantial energy from 1971–2010.
of the ice sheets, was very likely 226 [91 to
The estimated increase in energy inventory
361] Gt/year (sea-level equivalent 0.62 [0.25
between 1971 and 2010 is 274 [196 to 351] x
to 0.99] mm /year)
1021 J). The Global Mean Surface Temperature
has increased since the late 19th century with A global scientific consensus with regard
the last three decades being comparatively to the unequivocal nature of the climate
warmer with the decade of 2000 being the change and its association with increasing
warmest. The global combined land and concentration of greenhouse gas emissions
ocean temperature data show an increase is widely established. The change in climatic
of about 0.89°C [0.69–1.08] over the period condition has manifested through alteration
1901–2012 and about 0.72°C [0.49-0.89] 1
in frequency, intensity and spatial extent of

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

weather and climate extremes. The range strategy. The approaches need to be tailored
of hydro meteorological events include heat to address the state specific issues and local
waves, heavy precipitation, drought and vulnerabilities and conditions.
tropical cyclones which have emerged as
serious threats to both human and natural In June 2008, Government of India’s (GoI)
systems. Such climatic variability is likely National Action Plan on Climate Change
to lead to extreme conditions or impacts. (NAPCC) was announced. The objective of
The impacts over economy or sustainable NAPCC is to adopt and enhance ecological
development are severe when the intensity sustainability of India’s development path.
of the event goes beyond a critical threshold In August 2009, the Hon’ble Prime Minister
in a social, ecological, or physical system, or of India urged each state Government to
through interplay with any other event. formulate its own state level action plan in
line with the strategies of the National plan.
Climate model projections indicate that This was re-emphasized by the Union Minister
global average temperature would increase of State, Environment & Forests (MoEF),
with disproportionate increase in the tropics at the meeting of the Chief Secretaries in
and poles and increased frequency and February 2010. The State Government of
intensity of extreme events. South Asia J&K has thereafter institutionalized a three
is likely to be more vulnerable to climate tier State Council for formulation of the State
change issues due to high population Action Plan on Climate Change.
density, poverty and high dependence on
natural resources. Climate projections for The state of J&K located in the northern
India suggest that impacts are likely to part of the Indian sub-continent and sharing
be varied and heterogeneous, with some international border with Pakistan, Tibet and
regions experiencing more intense rainfall China has the most strategic locations among
and flood risks while others might encounter the states in the country. It falls in the great
sparse rainfall and prolonged droughts. A northwestern complex of the Himalayan
projected spatial shift in pattern of rainfall Ranges with marked relief variation, snow-
towards the flood-prone areas and drought capped summits, antecedent drainage,
towards water scarce regions are among the complex geological structure and rich
more severe effects. Climate variability and temperate flora and fauna. Irrespective of the
climate change pose huge risks to human life ethereal beauty, majesty and grandeur, the
in India and threatens the sustainability of the ecosystem of the state is considered the most
economic growth. India’s geographic diversity fragile on the earth. The lives and livelihood
adds to the complexity of developing and of the state are heavily dependent on the
implementing unified adaptation strategy. natural resources and climatic conditions.
The impacts of climate change vary across Agriculture and allied sectors including
states, sectors, locations and populations horticulture, floriculture, sericulture remains
2 thus there can be no uniform climate change the mainstay of the state’s economy followed

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

by tourism, mining and MSME sector. Apart exercise would serve as a platform to forward
from agriculture and allied activities, the the State climate change agenda which in
economy and livelihood in the state is largely future could be a combination of advocacy,
dependent on tourism sector. Owing to the knowledge deepening, policy analysis and
dependency on natural resources and the operational work. However, there is also a
weather condition, the livelihood of the need for encouraging public investment to
people needs to be climate independent as make the State and community more climate
far as possible. resilient.

The state economy is characterized by 1.3 Methodology

steady growth. However it is impossible to
attain a sustainable economic development Government of India has drafted the National
even with strong economic growth, revenue Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) to
realization if social issues like poverty, meet the challenge of sustaining economic
unemployment and gender inequality are growth in an ecologically sustainable manner
not properly addressed. In order to promote as well as framing of adaptation strategies
sustainable development and enhance the to manage the risk associated with extreme
adaptive capacity as well as resilience of weather and climate change related events.
the social sector, the state Government In order to achieve the objectives of the
has been emphasizing upon improving and NAPCC and link state’s initiative for climate
strengthening livelihood status, healthcare proofing life and livelihood of the vulnerable
facilities, disaster management, poverty section of the society, Government of Jammu
alleviation, literacy and minimising gender and Kashmir had constituted the J&K State
inequalities. Moreover the State Government Council on Climate Change on 25th of April
has also recognized that the climate change 2011. The State Council on Climate Change is
is detrimental to economic progress. Owing a three tier structure comprising of Governing
to its importance, Government of Jammu Council headed by Hon’ble Chief Minister,
and Kashmir has committed to demonstrate Executive Council headed by the Chief
continued leadership in this new and Secretary and Expert Committee headed by
important area. the Director, Environment & Remote Sensing.
The first meeting of the Expert Committee held
1.2 Objective on 9th August 2011 drew the road map of the
SAPCC. Considering the issues related to the
The main objective of State Action Plan on impacts of climate change on the ecologically
Climate Change (SAPCC) is to strategize sensitive as well as economically important
adaptation and mitigation initiative towards sectors, ten missions were identified specific
emission stabilization and enhancement of to the state and corresponding ten working
ecosystem resilience, climate proofing of groups were identified and sanctioned by
the livelihood sector and diversification of the Government. While framing the council 3
dependency on the natural resources. This

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

and the working group, the membership was A top down and bottom up approach
drawn both from the primary department was followed in developing the SAPCC.
and also from the different associated Consultations were carried out with members
departments/ organizations. A nodal officer of working groups as well as with the
was appointed to co-ordinate the regular administrative departments. Administrative
conduct of meetings, to collect/collate the heads were consulted recognizing the need
required information and to develop the for involvement of the senior bureaucracy
plans pertaining to each of the sectors. within the government towards assessing
climate change issues and mapping
the solution. Tools and templates were
Sectors in J&K as mapped to formulated for listing climate change specific
National Missions issues, prioritizing the activities as high,
1. Energy - Solar Mission and medium and low and developing an outline
Renewable Energy [directly linked of the sub-activities to be taken up under the
to NAPCC mission] high priority activities, estimating the budget
and sources of funding as well as formulation
2. Enhanced Energy Efficiency [directly
of the monitoring and verification protocol.
linked to NAPCC mission]
3. Water [directly linked to NAPCC As part of the above exercise sectoral
mission] vulnerability was mapped and climate
4. Sustainable Habitat [directly linked sensitive issues were identified. These were
to NAPCC mission] presented in course of assessment before
the working group. A list of possible activities
5. Sustainable Agriculture [directly
relevant in the climate change context were
linked to NAPCC Mission]
formulated and deliberated on. Stakeholders
6. Tourism (indirectly linked to 3, 4
consultation workshop were also convened
and 7)
to obtain specific feedback in regard to
7. Sustainable Himalayan Ecosystem climate change issues and possible actions
[directly linked to NAPCC mission] to address the concern of anthropogenic
8. Health (indirectly linked to 3, 4) and emission of GHG into the atmosphere as
NRHM well as climate proofing of the sectors.
Recognizing that all activities are not equally
9. Disaster Management (indirectly
important, a prioritization exercise was
linked to 5, 7 and 3)
undertaken to divide the comprehensive
10. Strategic Knowledge mission
list of activities into high, medium and low
[directly linked to NAPCC mission]
priority. Subsequent brainstorming exercise
was undertaken for a sharper focus and to
finalize 10-12 key priorities for immediate
Figure 1: Sectors of J&K mapped to National
4 Mission
implementation under the five year plan

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

period. Descriptions of the key priorities public to validate the proposed actions from
were developed, implementing organizations the point of view of the wider interest group.
were identified and budgets were estimated. giZ provided support for the planning process
Additional funding requirement was assessed and engaged CTRAN to coordinate the inputs
for actions that have linkage with existing on behalf of the Government of J&K. The
programs. The brief of the proposed and the report tries to best capture the views of the
priority actions formulated was shared with stakeholders and put them together in an
external stakeholders from academics, civil unbiased and professional manner. The team
societies and government agencies. with the knowledge partner CTRAN, has tried
to use the various frameworks of the National
The purpose of the consultation was to Climate Change Action Plan in the sub-
make the climate change agenda inclusive, national context encompassing vulnerability,
transparent and validated through ownership resilience and climate governance to frame
of the different stakeholders. Initially, policies at the State level. Efforts were
the process started with involvement of put to support climate change adaptation
administrative and technical groups within policies and manage the potential social risks
the government, but it was extended to associated with climate change mitigation.

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

The brief methodology adopted is presented as follows

Governing Council on Climate Change (Head: CM of J& K State)

Executive Council (Head: Chief Secretary J&K)

Expert Committee (Head: Director, Department of Environment & Remote Sensing J&K)

Working Groups Workshops / Meetings

Assessment of Adaptation Vulnerability Analysis and list

and Mitigation action of possible Adaptation and
mitigation actions SAPCC Identification of
issues & impacts

Synthesizing of data & inputs

Prioritization of the Adaptation and Mitigation Actions

– budgeting –implementation framework

Mapping institutional Framework

Draft Action Plan

Comments and views on Draft Action


Finalization of SAPCC

Figure 2: The process of formulation of SAPCC in J&K

1.4 Structure of the Report • The second chapter gives an overview

of the National Action Plan on Climate
• The SAPCC document begins with the Change, eight missions and other
background chapter introducing the initiatives.
context. The chapter provides an insight
into the methodology and outlines the • The third chapter describes the
6 structure of the document. vulnerability assessment of the State

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

of Jammu and Kashmir and highlights ones to address the issues across all the
climate sensitivity from both biophysical ten sectors.
and socio economic perspectives.
• The fifteenth chapter outlines the cross
• The fourth to fourteenth chapter cutting issues.
highlight a detailed overview of the
sectoral Climate Change Issues and • The final chapter provides the conclusions
describe actions including prioritized and recommendations.

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

2 National Action Plan on Climate
2.1 Introduction representing multipronged, long term and
integrated strategies for achieving key goals
National Action Plan on Climate Change in the context of climate change. The focus
emphasizes the overriding priority of is to promote understanding of Climate
maintaining high economic growth rates to Change, framing adaptation and mitigation
raise the living standards. The NAPCC aligns strategy and promoting energy efficiency and
the measures to promote development natural resource conservation. While many
objectives with co-benefits for addressing of these programmes are already a part of
climate change effectively. It also advocates the current actions, the Action Plan seeks to
strategies that promote, firstly, the enhance them in scope and effectiveness and
adaptation to Climate Change and secondly, implement them in an accelerated manner
further enhancement of the ecological through time bound plans.
sustainability of India’s development
measures. 2.3 National Mission

2.2 Domestic Actions The National Action Plan on Climate

Change (NAPCC) outlines the existing and
India’s National Action Plan on Climate future policies and programs to implement
Change emphasizes on promoting inclusive climate related mitigation and adaptation
and sustainable development strategy measures. The plan identifies eight core
sensitive towards climate change so as to ‘National Missions’ running through 2017.
protect the poor and vulnerable section The various missions are presented in the
of the society. Eight National Missions following diagram.
form the core of the National Action Plan 9

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Figure 3: Eight fold mission under NAPCC


taatte Ac
tioonn P
llaan oonn C
lan Climate
limattee C
The following table gives an overview of the Eight National Missions, the objectives and the
responsible entity for the same:

Table 1: National Mission on Climate Change its goal and link with development goal1

Mission Goal Link with Development Goal

National Solar • Enabling environment to deliver 20 Capacity addition of 16,553
Mission GW of solar power by 2022 MW hydro, 3380 MW nuclear
(out of the total of 78,577 MW
• Grid-connected solar power capacity capacity addition)
Responsible of 1 GW by 2013
Entity: MNRE Ensuring electricity connection
• Additional 3 GW through mandatory to all villages and below
purchases backed with poverty line (BPL) households
by 2009 and reliable power
• preferential tariff by 2017 by the end of the plan [56%
• Favorable conditions for solar electrification rate (2000–
manufacturing capabilities 05), 487.2 million population
without electricity (2005)}
• Off-grid applications: 1 GW by 2017, 2
GW by 2022 20% rise in real wage rate
of unskilled workers [Youth
• 15 million m2 solar thermal collector literacy rate of 76.4% (for ages
area by 2017 and 20 million m2 by 15–24)]
Reduction in head-count ratio
• 20 million solar lighting systems for of consumption poverty by 10
rural areas by 2022 percentage Points
National Mission • Specific energy consumption (SEC) Increase energy efficiency by
for Enhanced reduction targets for energy-intensive 20% by 2016/17
Energy Efficiency units
• Incentivizing action through Energy
Responsible Savings Certificates (ESCerts) – traded
Entity: Ministry and used for compliance
of Power
• National energy efficiency Clean
development Mechanism(CDM)
• National energy efficiency financing
• Creating markets for energy efficient
products and services


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Mission Goal Link with Development Goal
National Mission • Increasing energy efficiency in Develop minimum standards
for Sustainable buildings: building bye laws and of education at elementary
Habitat standards, energy performance level, to ensure Quality
monitoring, national standards
Responsible for construction and recycling of To attain WHO quality of air
Entity: Ministry construction waste standards in all major cities by
of Urban 2011/12
Development • Urban transport: norms integrating
congestion charges, parking, etc., Provide homestead sites to all
norms for pedestrian and cycling, by 2012 and step up the pace
integrating transport planning with of house construction for rural
spatial planning poor to cover all the poor by
• Water supply: mandatory rainwater
harvesting, water and energy audits
National Water • Comprehensive water database in Ensuring water security
Mission public domain and assessment of and food security (MDG 1:
impact of climate change on water Eradicate extreme
Responsible resources
Entity: Ministry poverty and hunger) through
of Water • Promotion of citizen and State action efficient use of water and
Resources for water conservation, augmentation adaptation to
and preservation
climate change
• Focused attention to vulnerable areas
including over exploited areas Ensure integrated water
resources management (MDG
• Increasing water use efficiency by 7: Ensure environmental
20% sustainability)
• Promotion of basin level integrated
water resources management
National Mission • Continuous monitoring of Himalayan Ensure all- weather road
for Sustaining ecosystems connection to all habitations
the Himalayan with population 1,000 and
Ecosystem • Identification of desirable adaptation above (500 and above in hilly
and development policies(sustainable and tribal areas) by 2009, and
Responsible urbanization, water security: all significant habitations by
Entity: Ministry rejuvenation of springs, infrastructure 2015
of Science & development: green roads)
National Mission • 2 Mha of moderately dense forests Increase forest and tree cover
for a Green India by 5 percentage points [22.8%
• 4 Mha of degraded forests of forest cover of the total land
Responsible regenerated/afforested area with an annual change of
Entity: Ministry
of Environment • 0.10 Mha of mangroves restored, 0.1 0.4% between 1990 and 2005]
& Forests Mha wetlands conservation
• 0.20 Mha urban/peri-urban forests,
1.50 Mha degraded land under agro-


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Mission Goal Link with Development Goal
National Mission • Use of genetic engineering to produce Average GDP growth rate of
for Sustainable carbon responsive crops 9% [between 1990 and 2005,
Agriculture 34.3% of
• Low input sustainable agriculture:
Responsible enhanced water use efficiency population earning US $1/day,
Entity: Ministry while 80.4% earning US $2/
of Agriculture • Micro-irrigation for efficient use of day]
Agricultural GDP growth rate
• Water conservation in rain-fed areas on average of 4%
National Mission • Climate change research and
on Strategic fellowship programme
Knowledge for
Climate Change • Climate Change Professor Chairs
• National Research Chairs Climate
Responsible Research Institute
Entity: Ministry
of Science & • Network of climate change research
Technology institutes and scientists
Source: Planning Commission; UNDP (2007); NAPCC (2008)

The idea of a sub-national action plan energy efficiency, white certificates in

emerged to address the local issues with renewable in energy sector, air pollutant
high ownership. This would generate better trading in industry and mining sector
awareness rising from experiences on and offset instruments in forestry sector
climate related issues to corrective actions, such as compensatory afforestation.
better preparedness and also to set strategic
b. Encouraging Kyoto market instruments
priorities at the Sub-National level. These
like Clean Development Mechanism
priorities would enable the leaders in the
States to plan for the resources and also to
monitor the savings in terms of long run cost c. Other initiatives like Bio-Diversity
associated with climate change. Conservation, Wetland Management.

d. Research & development in the area

2.4 Other Initiatives of designing efficient thermal power
plants, promoting energy efficiency in
Apart from eight fold National Missions,
transmission and distribution sector
there have been several market based
including adoption of high-voltage AC
initiatives that have positive influence on
and high-voltage DC transmission to
mitigating the adverse impacts of climate
reduce technical losses, promoting
change. These include
small and large scale hydro power
a. Establishment of market based project, promotion of renewable
instruments in sectors that have energy technologies such as bio-mass
maximum influence on climate change combustion and gasification-based 13
viz. Perform Achieve and Trade for power generation and geothermal

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

based energy generation. Current initiatives are expected to yield savings
of 10,000 MW by 2012. Through buildings
e. Enhancements in the regulatory/
adhering to the Energy Conservation Act
tariff regimes to help mainstream
2001 which recommends:
renewable-based sources in the
national power system and renewable • Mandating specific energy conservation
energy technologies for transportation options decreases consumption in large
and industrial fuels. energy-consuming industries, with a
system for companies to trade energy-

2.5 National Mission and savings certificates;

Objectives • Energy incentives, including reduced

taxes on energy-efficient appliances;
2.5.1. National Solar Mission
• Financing for public-private partnerships
The NAPCC aims to popularize the use of to reduce energy consumption through
solar energy for power generation and other demand-side management programs in
purposes over other fossil-based energy the municipal, buildings and agricultural
options. The plan includes: sectors.

• Specific goals for increasing use of 2.5.3. National Mission on Sustainable

solar thermal technologies in urban Habitat
areas, industry and commercial
The National Mission on Sustainable habitat
comprises of three components, viz.
• A goal of increasing production of
• Promoting energy efficiency in the
photo-voltaic power to 1000 MW/
residential and commercial sectors
• Management of municipal solid waste
• A goal of deploying at least 1000 MW
of solar thermal power generation
machineries. • Promotion of urban public transport

Other objectives include the establishment To promote energy efficiency as a core

of a solar research centre, increased component of urban planning, the plan calls
international collaboration on technology for:
development, strengthening domestic
• Extending the existing Energy
manufacturing capacity, and increased
Conservation Building Code (ECBC);
government funding and international
support. • For addressing component 2 on
management of municipal solid
2.5.2. National Mission for Enhanced
14 Energy Efficiency
waste, a greater emphasis on urban

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

waste management and recycling, change may adversely impact the Himalayan
including power production from ecosystem through increased temperature,
waste is envisaged; altered precipitation pattern, glacial melting
and episodes of drought. The plan aims to
• For addressing promotion of urban
conserve biodiversity, forest cover and other
public transport the following are
ecological values in the Himalayan region,
where glaciers which are major sources of
o Strengthening the enforcement India’s water supply are projected to recede
of automotive fuel economy as a result of global warming.
standards and using pricing
2.5.6. National Mission for a Green
measures to encourage the
purchase of fuel efficient
vehicles; The Mission aims at addressing climate
change by enhancing carbon sinks in
o Incentives for the use of public
sustainably managed forests and other
ecosystems, enhancing the resilience and
2.5.4. National Water Mission ability of vulnerable species/ecosystems
to adapt to the changing climate, and
Some of the major areas of intervention
enabling the adaptation of forest dependant
identified in the Water Mission are to increase
local communities in the face of climatic
efficiency of water use, to explore options to
variability. Goals include afforestation on 6
augment water supply in critical areas and to
million hectares of degraded forest lands and
ensure more effective management of water
expanding forest cover from 23% to 33% of
resources. With water scarcity projected to
India’s territory.
increase as a result of climate change, the
Mission sets a goal of a 20% improvement 2.5.7. National Mission for
in water use efficiency through pricing and Sustainable Agriculture
other measures.
The National Sustainable Agriculture Mission
2.5.5. National Mission for Sustaining aims to focus on four areas crucial to
the Himalayan Ecosystem agriculture for adapting to climate change,
viz., dry land agriculture, risk management
The Himalayan Ecosystem is vital to the
coupled with weather insurance, access to
ecological security of the Indian landmass,
information and use of Biotechnology. The
through supporting forest cover, feeding
Mission aims to support climate adaptation
perennial rivers which are sources of
in agriculture through the development of
drinking water, irrigation and hydropower,
climate-resilient crops, expansion of weather
conserving biodiversity, providing a rich base
insurance mechanisms and agricultural
for high value agriculture, and spectacular
landscapes for sustainable tourism. Climate 15

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

2.5.8. National Mission on Strategic 2.6 Mapping National
Knowledge for Climate Change Missions in the State
To gain a better understanding of climate
The following section maps the State
science, impacts and challenges, the plan
missions according to the National Action
envisions a new Climate Science Research
Plan. Therefore it would have the following
Fund, improved climate modeling, and
kind of linkages as detailed out in the table
increased international collaboration. It
also encourages private sector initiatives
to develop adaptation and mitigation
technologies through venture capital funds.
Table 2: Relating State Mission under Climate Change and National Mission

National Mission State Mission Key Issues to be Addressed

Solar mission Energy Mission • Reduction of carbon foot print – Bringing
about grid parity for solar PV and solar thermal
technology including concentrator
• Address energy security
• R&D collaboration, technology transfer and
Capacity building
• Promotion of Renewable energy technology
other than Solar
• Address issues of Energy Security –
Electrification and issues of rural energy
• Green building and energy security
Enhanced Enhanced Energy • Energy efficiency in industrial (MSME sector)
Energy Efficiency Efficiency Mission facilities, commercial, agricultural and
Mission residential sector ,
• Fuel switch (shifting of Diesel based
decentralized power generation option to
Renewable based power generation option
and also addressing the issue of lowering T&D
• Financial mechanism (ESCO)
• Renovation and modernization of existing
hydro power project
Sustainable Sustainable Habitat • Climate resilient urban planning
habitat Mission mission • Solid Waste Management
• Efficient public transport mechanism

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

National Mission State Mission Key Issues to be Addressed
Water Mission Water Mission • Water management and water use efficiency
• Basin management
• Management and regulation of ground water
• Conservation of wetland
Mission on Mission on • Academic research on glacial flow, delta
Himalayan Sustainable management, local variability
Ecosystem Himalayan • Appropriate land use planning
Green India Green India • Forestry, Bio-diversity conservation
Mission Mission • Livelihood promotions
Sustainable Mission on • Develop new varieties of crops
Agriculture Sustainable • Flood resistant varieties and dry land
Mission Agriculture agriculture
• Methane management from rice cultivation
• Soil and water conservation
• Promotion of Horticulture , Floriculture and
• Climate proofing of the animal husbandry
Strategic Strategic • Enhanced research on Climate modeling
Knowledge for knowledge on • Capacity building and awareness generation
Climate Change climate change
Cross Cutting Tourism mission • Climate proofing of the fragile and sensitive
tourist destination
• Climate resilient planning
Health Mission • Improving health infrastructure
• Early warning system of health related stress
• Reduce surface water contamination and
prevention of water borne diseases
Disaster Risk • Disaster management planning and
management infrastructure development
• Awareness creation amongst the community
on climate related vulnerability and


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Apart from eight national missions the State mechanisms including public private
has proposed three separate missions under partnership and civil society actions, are to be
cross-cutting themes. Cross-sectoral working devised, as suited, for effective achievement
groups are formulated to improve the climate of each individual Mission’s objectives.
related governance so that the issues can be The State has proposed constitution of J&K
addressed in a holistic manner. The State has Climate Change Cell which would act as a
decided to focus on a comprehensive strategy nodal entity to coordinate the climate change
for adaptation to climate change in different issue in a holistic manner.
sectors and for mitigation the State would
The proposed institutional mechanism
follow the national policy and no sectoral
consists of the J&K State Council on Climate
targets have been set as a part of the action
Change and Climate Change Cell. These
plan. Inclusion of market mechanism like
bodies would coordinate among departments
CDM, REDD+ will be a co-benefit.
on cross cutting issues. It would also interpret
the various national missions, objectives and
2.7 Institutional Mechanism the strategy in the context of the State. The
body would forge partnership with private
The State Missions are to be implemented
sector, academic institutions and civil society
by the respective departments with support
to facilitate the implementation of various
of the inter-sectoral groups. Appropriate
proposed actions in the State.


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

3 Vulnerability Analysis
3.1 Introduction in J&K that support 20% of the known range
of biodiversity in the region are adversely
Climate change has become the key affected. The climatic change resulting in
environmental concern around the globe, changing weather movements are relatively
and Governments, Non-Governmental unpredictable, but could be important in
Organizations, Environmentalists, Conservat- context of the primary incursion of different
ionists and Donors around the globe are diseases like avian influenza. However, the
focusing on this issue. Since the industrial Governments, local communities, NGOs,
revolution, the mean surface temperature civil society, scientists and conservationists
of the Earth has increased by 10°C and need to deliberate on the more important
temperatures are likely to rise, with serious issues of the role that natural ecosystems,
consequences on biodiversity, natural biodiversity and nature-based solutions can
ecosystems, agricultural productivity, food play in increasing resilience and reducing
security and human livelihoods. In the vulnerability to climate change.
context of India, especially Jammu and
Kashmir, which nestles in fragile Himalayan The vulnerability and adaptive capacities
Ecosystem; there are natural fluctuations are diverse and varies from state to state
in climate, human induced changes due to based on several sectoral and cross sectoral
large scale urbanization in the valley driving parameters. Sectoral parameters include
the warming trend. The biodiversity loss and key sectors of the state’s economy and
water stress owing to climate change are cross sectoral factors include (a) Poverty
the greatest challenges for the state over (b) inequality and social discrimination over
the coming decades. Climate change poses property rights and (c) access to resources
a serious threat to the species diversity, (d) social attrition/migration and (d) unequal
habitats, forests, wildlife, fisheries and the and unsustainable competition for scarce
water resources in the region. Many wetlands natural resources.

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Figure 4: Vulnerability Profiling

3.2 Climate Sensitivity

The district level data to compute climate change risk for J&K is not available. The map below
describes relative vulnerability of the state spatially. Vulnerability map of Indian Subcontinent

Figure 5: Vulnerability Map, spatially adjusted for the state, UNEP

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

From the above picture, it is clear that some Projection for Climate Change for Jammu
parts of the state are having moderate to and Kashmir is predicted on 4x4 report of
high vulnerability. A large part of the state The Indian Network for Climate Change
are under seismic zone but that cannot be Assessment (INCCA), 2010 covering the
strictly linked to climate change. Indian Himalayas including Jammu and
Kashmir. In this report, the future period
Climate profile of J&K indicates variation 2021–2050 under SRES scenario A1B
in climate characteristic over the years. (atmospheric CO2 concentration of 490 ppm
According to IMD1, there is increase in an by 2035) is considered. The mid-year for this
average temperature in Jammu & Kashmir. future period is 2035, and hence assessment
Kashmir valley has shown rise of 1.45oC & period is referred as the ‘2035’ scenario. It
Jammu region has shown a rise of 2.32oC over should be noted that scenario ‘2035’ does
last two decades. Maximum temperature has not represent the exact year 2035: rather,
increased by 0.5oC per year in Kashmir valley. it refers to the climate averaged over 2021–
In Jammu region, maximum temperature 2050. Comparison of the results of 2035
has risen by 0.08oC per year. Also amount scenario with the ‘baseline’ scenario has
of snow fall has reduced over the years. As been made, which represents the averaged
per UNEP and ICIMOD, the temperature observed climate over the period 1961–91.
in Himalayan region has risen by 1oC since ‘Baseline’ is also referred to as either the
1970s. This has caused meltdown of snow ‘reference’ or ‘control’ case.
and glaciers at rate of 15 m/year even
in winter. As a consequence, the water 3.2.1 Precipitation
availability is reduced. Further, changes in
the rainfall pattern and relative humidity add The projections as per INCCA show the
to weather inconsistencies which exist at the following:
time of plantation and harvesting.
Extreme precipitation: The number of rainy
As per IPCC 2007, glacial melt is projected days in the Himalayan region in 2030’s may
to increase flooding, snow avalanche fall increase by 5-10 days on an average, with an
from established slopes and diminishing increase by more than 15 days in the eastern
water supplies and decrease in river flows part of the Jammu and Kashmir region.
as glaciers recede. The impact of change in The intensity of rain fall is likely to increase
climate shall be severe on natural resources by 1-2 mm/day. This is likely to impact
and the environment associated with adversely some of the horticultural crops
urbanization, industrialization and economic though rangelands and livestock are likely to
development. In the context of climate benefit.
change scenario in J&K, it is pertinent to
Projection of Precipitation: The PRECIS run
study the climate change projections in J&K.
IMD: India Meteorological Department, ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

for 2030’s indicate that annual rainfall in months of June, July, August and September
the Himalayan region is likely to increase showing the maximum increase. The winter
in 2030’s with respect to 1970’s range from rain in the month of January and February are
5% to 13% with some areas of Jammu and also projected to increase whereas minimum
Kashmir showing an increase of up to 50%. increase is indicated in October, November
All seasons in the Himalayan regions would and December.
receive increased rainfall, with monsoon


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

3.2.2 Temperature

The temperature variations have been shown in the table below:

Table 3: Temperature variation at Srinagar (ºC)

Sl. Month 1985 1990 1995 1996 1997 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
1. January -1.3 -1.1 -4.7 -2.7 -3.2 -0.8 -2.0 -3.6 -2.8 -2.9 0.3 -0.3 -01.3 -02.5 -02.5 0.4 -01.5
2. February -1.3 1.5 -0.7 0.7 -0.8 2.2 -0.3 -0.3 -0.5 0.4 1.1 0.7 03.3 02.9 01.4 1.5 00.4
3. March 4.7 2.5 3.4 4.9 4 4.6 2.9 3.2 4.5 3.7 5.6 5.3 04.7 03.0 05.3 5.0 06.5
4. April 8.6 6.9 7.4 7.5 7.4 8.3 7.9 8.5 8.6 8.6 8.5 7.1 07.2 08.9 07.7 8.0 09.0
5. May 10.9 11.9 10.5 10.0 9.6 11.4 13.2 14.5 11.3 9.1 10.7 9.9 13.3 11.9 11.5 10.8 11.1
6. June 14.1 16.3 14.1 15.4 14.7 14.4 16.3 17.4 15.2 14.9 15.0 14.4 14.7 16.0 18.3 13.0 13.5
7. July 19.1 18.5 18.7 17.8 20 18.4 18.7 19.5 17.1 18.9 16.9 18.0 19.3 17.8 19.1 16.9 17.7
8. August 17.9 18.3 18.5 17.5 17.1 17.3 17.7 17.6 18.2 17.1 17.1 16.9 18.3 17.8 17.8 17.9 18.8
9. September 12.5 14.1 11.4 13.8 13.8 14.5 11.3 11.2 11.6 13.6 12.6 13.7 12.3 13.3 11.3 11.9 13.3

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

10. October 6.5 4.7 6.5 5.9 7.6 5.1 5.6 6.1 6.6 5.1 6.2 5.8 08.0 03.9 06.9 5.1 07.3
11. November 0.3 0.3 -0.6 1.1 2.3 2.5 2.5 0.9 0.7 0.7 1.1 -0.02 03.5 -01.1 01.0 0.5 02.2
12. December -0.8 -1.7 -0.3 -3.1 0.5 -3.9 -0.7 -0.9 -0.8 0.0 -0.7 -0.03 00.0 -02.0 00.7 -0.8 -3.7

Source: Regional Meteorological Centre, Srinagar

Projections of Surface Temperature years have caused glaciers and snow cover to
decline leading to reductions in melt water
The annual temperature is projected to discharges.
increase from 0.9 +/- 0.6oc to 2.6 +/- 0.7oc
in 2030. The net increase in temperatures Glaciers in the context of Himalayan Region
ranges from 1.7oc to 2.2oc with respect to
1970’s. Seasonal air temperatures show rise Major glacier-fed Himalayan rivers, along
in all seasons. However, one simulation (Q1 with glaciated catchments, have regional
simulation) shows a decrease by 2.6oC in importance. The water from the glacial
October, November and December. melt sustains stream flow in these rivers
through the dry season. The ‘frozen water’
Summary of data on Climate Change and its in the Himalayas is crucial for the people
impact indicate that since July (1901-1950), inhabiting the mountain areas as well as
the maximum temperature in July (1976-96) those inhabiting the downstream regions.
has increased by 2-4oC. As per SASE report, The Indus and the Ganges– the two major
Himalayan region has grown warmer by rivers in western Himalayan region – directly
2.2oC in last two decades. Between 1901 and impact the lives of a large population living in
1996, rainfall has declined in Kashmir Valley. the northern part of India, and even beyond
This has implication for change in cropping the national boundaries.
pattern and food security of the region.
The Indus basin has 7,997 glaciers with a
3.2.3 Glacial Change and cold wave total glacier cover of 33,679 sq. km and total
ice volume of 363.10 cu. km. The Ganges
Trend analysis of change in glacial cover basin has 968 glaciers with a total glacier
projects future scenario, though has not cover of 2,857 sq. km and total ice volume
benn well represented by PRECIS modelling. of 209.37 cu. km. The contribution of snow
Glacial melting is likely to increase due to to the runoff of major rivers in the eastern
warming thereby leading to increased river Himalayas is about 10% but more than 60%
flow during summer. According to IPCC, the in the western Himalayas. Major glaciers in
increase in temperature by 0.74oC over 150 Indus basin are given in table 4.


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Table 4: Major glaciers in the Indus basin of India

Basin No. of glaciers Glacier covered Area Ice volume (cu. km)
(sq. km)
Ravi 172 193 8.04
Chenab 1,278 3,059 206.30
Jhelum 133 94 3.30
Beas 277 579 36.93
Sutlej 926 635 34.95
Upper Indus 1,796 8,370 73.58
Shyok 2,454 10,810 NA
Nubra 204 1,536 NA
Gilgit 535 8,240 NA
Kishenganga 222 163 NA
Total 7,997 33,679 363.10

Table 5: Characteristic of glacial coverage in the state is given below.

Glaciers (no.) Area (sq. km) Average Size (sq. km) Glacier %
526 29163 10.24 61.8

The rate of recession of glaciers is reportedly variable which is being attributed to winter
precipitation climate warming and anthropogenic elements of landscape. Recent trend related
to glaciers are given in table below.

Table 6: Recent retreat pattern of selected glaciers in Jammu and Kashmir

Name of the Retreat of Observation Trend Avg. retreat rate

Glacier snout (m) Period (m/year)
Drang-Drung - 2004-07 No Change -
Kangriz - 1913-2007 No Change -
NA 1862-1909 Advancing Retreating 15.42

--do-- 1909-1929 Retreating No 2.50

Change Retreating
--do-- 1929-1958 14.00
No change
- NA 1958-1985 -

- 1985-2004 3.00

2004-2005 -


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Observed changes in glaciers in Jammu and Most of the glaciers in western Himalayas
Kashmir are receding (except a few in Jammu and
Kashmir, which do not show any change or
Studies conducted during last three decades are advancing). The processes controlling
by the National Institute of Hydrology, the rate of retreat of glaciers are complex
Roorkee, reveal that in Ladakh, Zanskar and and vary with location and topography of
the Great Himalayan ranges of Jammu and the area. However, the impact of rising
Kashmir are generally receding, and the temperature and reducing snowfall on
glacier volume change ranges between 3.6% glacier mass balance is reflected in these
and 97%, with the majority of glaciers findings, which may require a sound long-
showing a degradation of 17%–25%. The term database for precise climate change
23 km long Drang- Drung glacier in the assessment.
Zanskar valley is highly affected by western
disturbances (ablation rate variations Further, quantity of snow fall has reduced
between 0.75 cm/day and 2.67 m/ day (reported 0.60 m of snow today as compared
during July and August). The studies, to 3 m 40 years back in Fakir Gujri). Total
however, do not reveal any significant loss in extent of glaciers is reported to be
retreat during 2004–07. 17.8 sq. km between 1911 and 2001. For
example, reported retreats in Kolhai glacier
The Nubra valley of Jammu and Kashmir from 112 sq. km to 94 sq. km between 1911
has 114 small-sized glaciers varying and 2004. Large glaciers are fragmented and
between less than 5 km and 10 km in small ones have diminished e.g. more or less
length. The glaciers of the valley do not show disappearance of Nijwan Akal glacier in Sindh
much change in their length and area during valley, change in maximum and minimum
the period 1989–2001. However, variable rainfall in Kashmir valley (Minimum has
decline in the glacial area of the Siachin fallen from 181 mm to 84 mm and maximum
glacier has been observed. The area has from 65.89 mm to 21.7 mm between 1901
reduced from 994.99 sq. km in 1969 to 932.90 to 1994); extent of wetlands also decreased
sq. km in 1989. However, small change in between 1911 & 2004.
the area (932.90 sq. km to 930 sq. km) has
been noticed during the decade of 1989– 3.3 Vulnerability of
2001. Recession patterns of 466 glaciers in agriculture and allied
the Chenab, Parbati and Baspa basins of the activities due to climate
western Himalayas have been studied for sensitivity
the period 1962–2008. Here, a reduction in
Temperature, precipitation and cold wave
the glacial area from 2,077 sq. km to 1,628
significantly impact the agricultural sector
sq. km and an overall de-glaciation of 21%
and enhances its vulnerability. This happens
has been observed.
due to the early onset of rain or increased

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

number of dry days. The valley has been Thermal stress effects on livestock
receiving less amount of rainfall. productivity

Agriculture and Allied Crop Production The THI changes in three distinct areas of the
practices in the Himalayan region Himalayan region has been analyzed for the
months of January, February, March, May,
In western Himalaya, the traditional farming
June and July. The regions defined for this
operation is a complex product of crop
analysis include Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal
husbandry, animal husbandry and forest
Pradesh and Uttaranchal in the Himalayan
resources constituting interlinked diversified
region. The analysis for the baseline period
production systems. However, with changing
and the 2030 scenario has predicted an
land use, the area under cultivation for many
increase in THI in many parts of Himalayan
traditional crops has been reduced and some
region between March-September with a
others are on the verge of extinction. Deficit
maximum rise between April- July. In the
in food production is rampant in recent
Himalayan region for 2030 scenario, thermal
times in Jammu & Kashmir. With reduction
discomfort is likely to increase with THI > 80
in rainfall, the rain-fed agriculture will suffer
than the baseline scenario, thereby indicating
the most. Horticultural crops like apple are
that in 2030’s, most places in this region are
also showing decline in production and a
likely to remain under high temperature
real coverage particularly due to decline in
stress as compared to the baseline period.

Figure 6: Agricultural Vulnerability

based on NDVI variability


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

The climate change indicators represent assessment of the impact of climate change
environmental conditions and increase on forest ecosystems in India. A dynamic
our understanding of the cause and effects vegetation model IBIS (Integrated Biosphere
of climate change and act as tools for Simulator) was used to assess the impacts
evaluating on-going and future development of climate change on forests in India. The
programmes. Some of these indicators study indicates that about 39% and 34%
include: (a) Increase in average temperature of the forested grids are likely to undergo
regime in State (b) Shift in rainfall pattern & shifts in vegetation type under A2 and B2
deficit snow fall (c) Decrease in water levels climate scenarios, respectively with a trend
of rivers and streams (d) Reduced snow fall as of increased existence of the wetter forest
a result of heat-trapping gases (e) Drying up types.
of springs & reduction in the flows (f) Shift
in snow fall timing (e.g. February & March Approximately 47% and 42% of tropical dry
winters receive heavy snowfall whereas deciduous grids are projected to undergo
December & January, the usual snow time shifts under A2 and B2 scenarios respectively,
receiving less snowfall (g) Reported decline as opposed to less than 16% grids comprising
in glacial area in Chenab basin e.g. glacial of tropical wet evergreen forests. Similarly,
area has reduced from 1 to 0.3 the tropical thorny scrub forest is projected
between 1962 – 2004 (h) Rising temperature to undergo shifts in majority of forested
& flash floods (i) Altitudinal movement of grids under A2 (more than 80%) as well as
temperature sensitive plant species. B2 scenarios (50% of grids). According to
another study, projected impacts of climate
Plant species responding to high temperature change, using a moderate A1B scenario and
would grow at higher altitudes e.g. red algal IBIS vegetation model for the period of 2030
bloom increased in Dal Lake due to water -2080 are projected in figure 3.3 and 3.4,
temperature rise. which show the impacts on current forested
locations in India. The figure shows that
3.4 Bio-Physical Factors Jammu and Kashmir is projected to undergo
vegetation change in both A1B (2035 and
3.4.1 Forest
2085) scenarios.
Indian Institute of Science has conducted an


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Figure 7: All forested grids in India

All forested grids in India are shown in color Functional Types and changes in NPP. An
(red or green): red indicates that a change Indian Institute of Science (IIS) study, this
in vegetation is projected in that grid during region is defined by forests that lie in the
the time-period of 2021-2050, and green States of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal
indicates that no change in vegetation is Pradesh and Uttarakhand. Much of the
projected by that period. dense forests of these areas are part of the
Himalayan biodiversity hotspot as defined
Impact of climate change on forests by Conservation International. The entire
The impact is assessed with respect to the Himalayan region is covered by 98 IBIS
potential shift in vegetation types or Plant grids, out of which 55 (56%) are projected 29
to undergo change. Thus, over half of the

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

forests are likely to be adversely impacted precipitation is reflected in the increase
in the Himalayan region by 2030’s. NPP is in sediment yield. This is quite evident in
projected to increase in the region by about the Himalayan region as well. The other
57% on an average by 2030’s. major factors that dictate sediment yield
are the intensity of rainfall, land use and
3.5 Soil Water Regime the soil type of the area. The increase in the
The Hydrologic Simulation with Climate sediment yield in the Himalayan region is
Change Scenario in 2030s up to 25%, which can be detrimental for the
existing water resources projects and has the
The Himalayan region is mainly fed by the
potential to cause considerable damage to
Indus river system. The whole area exhibits
the environment.
an increase in the precipitation in the 2030s
scenario. The increase varies between Aquatic ecosystems
5% - 20% in most areas, with some areas
Aquatic ecosystems have played an important
of Jammu and Kashmir and Uttarakhand
role in the socio-cultural system of the State.
showing an increase up to 50%. The impact
The economy of many people is dependent
of the increase in precipitation in this region
on these systems as they provide livelihoods
is reflected in an almost similar pattern of
to boatmen, agriculturists, tourism industry,
increase in the evapotranspiration (ET).
etc. The aquatic systems in the State are
This is expected to happen presumably on
however, confined to only approximately
account of (a) the increase in the amount of
0.8% of the total land mass, yet they have
moisture in the soil and land surface and (b)
a tremendous impact on the lives of the
the increase in temperature.
people. The State also depends mainly on
Both these factors enhance the opportunity hydel power generation. The main aquatic
for ET. The water yield, which is the total systems found in the State are:
surface runoff, is usually a function of
a) Low altitude lakes which are fresh
precipitation and its distribution. The other
water and high in productivity. These
factors that influence water yield are the soil
are mainly found in the Jammu region.
profile and land use in the area. It may be
noted that for the Himalayan region there b) Valley Lakes: The valley abounds in
has been a general increase in the water yield lakes of varying sizes and shapes. These
for the 2030s scenario. However, it may be are all fresh water bodies.
noticed that the increase in the water yield
c) Forest Lakes: Found within the hills,
is more for those areas where the increase
these lakes are small as compared to
in ET is less. The increase in water yield has
the valley lakes.
been up to around 50% for some areas of
Indus River for the 2030s. d) Glacial Lakes: These are high altitude
lakes and are found in and above the
30 The general impact of increase in the
alpine areas.

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Pressures/ Threats to Aquatic eco-systems around the water bodies, i.e. the
rivers and the lakes. They become
1. Encroachments: This has been the
the main channel to carry the
main threat to lacustrine systems of the
organic wastes and night soil from
valley with the two major lakes i.e. the
the city and villages. Mushrooming
Wular Lake and the Dal Lake shrinking
of hotels around the famous Dal
to approximately half their size in the
Lake also discharge the night soil
last 50 years or so. Encroachments
produced from these, in absence
along the Wular Lake are mainly from
of a proper drainage (sewage)
expansion in arable fields for paddy
system. The houseboats also have
whereas those within the Dal Lake are
contributed the organic pollution of
for housing and vegetation purpose.
the Dal Lake by discharging organic
The Dal Lake traditionally has floating
effluents directly into the lake.
gardens (made from dug up weeds from
the lake) along its north-western edge. c. Inorganic pollutants: The chemical
These have increased in size and extent fertilisers and pesticides used by
and the older ones have been reclaimed agricultural farmers around the
to build permanent settlements. A Dal and Wular Lake seep into the
direct consequence of encroachment water. This has caused a build-up
into the lake has led to degradation of of inorganic pollutants and other
the Aanchar Lake on the north-western heavy metals, injurious to the
part of Srinagar city. A major part of life forms in the lake. Aspects of
this lake is now a residential colony and bio-magnification have not been
the remaining portion is a swamp. This studied but could be a major cause
lake, a few years ago used to provide a of concern.
major supply of reeds to Kashmir vally
All these have been a cause of
for making mats and also lotus stems
Eutrophication, especially of the
(Nelumbo sp.) used as food during
lakes which are enclosed and have
winters. This supply has now dried up.
a weak water flow.
2. Pollution: Three main sources of
3. Siltation: Degradation of catchment
pollution to the water bodies of the
areas of the lakes and water-bodies have
State are identified as:
brought down large sediment loads
a. Solid waste: non-degradable into the river and lake systems causing
materials like polythene and plastics an appreciable increase in the quantity
which are dumped into the lakes of suspended particulate matter. The
and rivers by the local people. water bodies lose transparency which
may cause changes in the biota. Heavy
b. Organic pollutants: Most of the
human habitations are settled
particulate matter also causes siltation 31
and subsequent choking of lakes and

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

rivers. The Jhelum River is a case in growth of Net State Domestic Product (NSDP)
point where the depth of the river is at current prices. The average annual growth
barely a few inches at certain points. of NSDP at current prices during 1980-81
to 1999-2000 was 12.45% for Jammu and
4. Increased Resource Extraction: The
Kashmir against 15.01%, 14.28%, 13.83%
water bodies have provided many
and 14.3% for Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, West
resources to the people of the State. In
Bengal and Kerala respectively. In the case
addition to the vegetable growth in the
of the growth of Per Capita NSDP at current
lakes, the water bodies also provide
prices also, the state of Jammu and Kashmir
large stocks of lotus stem and water
was lagging behind most Indian States. The
chestnut. The lakes also provide reeds
average annual growth of Per Capita NSDP
for making mats. In addition to this,
at current prices during 1980-2000 was
fish abound in the water systems of the
estimated as 9.63% for Jammu and Kashmir
State which provides cheap protein.
against 12.9%, 11.63%, 11.63%, and 12.86%
However, over exploitation of these
for Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, West Bengal
resources, especially fish resources
and Kerala respectively.
have caused major decline in fish
yields. Impediments to growth in J&K

3.6 Socio-economic factors The slow growth of the state of Jammu and
contributing to the Kashmir can be attributed to various factors.
vulnerability Armed militancy in Kashmir during the
past decade has been a major factor. Low
3.6.1 Economic growth productivity in agriculture and allied sectors
Latest 2001 census reveals that the has impeded employment and income
population of Jammu and Kashmir is generation. Poor industrial infrastructure
10,069,917 which is about 0.98% of India’s along with the poor investment climate has
population. The population growth rate in left the industrial sector dormant.
the state has been consistently high and 3.6.2 Poverty and Hunger
during 1981-2001 it was more than 2% p.a.
Its geographical area is 222,236 sq. km., with Though the growth figures are not robust,
a share of 6.76% of the country’s total size. the state has emerged in terms of poverty
About 54% of the population in the state is alleviation. Food related vulnerability is not
literate, as against the national literacy rate of as high as compared to some other Indian
65.38%. The age structure of the population states. Official data suggests that indeed
indicates a high dependency ratio both in levels of poverty are negligible in the valley.
the 1971 and 1981 census. The trend in the As compared with 28.3% people officially
development of Jammu and Kashmir is not estimated to survive below the poverty line
so encouraging. It has been lagging behind in India in the year 2004-05, the comparable
32 ratio for the state of Jammu and Kashmir in
most of the major states in regard to the

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

the same year was pegged by the Planning of which are imported into the state from
Commission at a meagre 4.5%. Kashmir the rest of India. These crises of livelihoods
is one of the most egalitarian societies in have been aggravated by the collapse of the
the country, in which land reforms were carpet weaving industry, and setbacks to
implemented with greater vigor than in most tourism. The per capita income of the state
regions of India. In the first decade after India’s is only two thirds of the national average, at
Independence, big farms were abolished Rs. 17,174 against Rs. 25,907 in India taken
resolutely, and subsequently surplus lands as a whole. Its unemployment rate is 4.21%,
were distributed among landless farmers. against a national rate of 3.09%.

Table 7: Estimates of Poverty of J&K

Year Poverty Line ()$ Poverty Ratio (%)$$ Population BPL (in millions)
Rural Urban Rural Urban Combined Rural Urban Combined
1973-74 46.60 NA 45.51 21.32 40.83 NA NA NA
1977-78 NA NA 42.86 23.71 38.97 NA NA NA
1983 91.80 99.62 26.04 17.76 24.24 1.311 0.249 1.560
1987-88 NA NA 25.70 17.47 23.82 NA NA NA
1993-94 213.83 253.61 30.34 9.18 25.17 1.905 0.186 2.092
1999-00 367.45 420.20 3.97 1.98 3.48 0.297 0.0049 0.346

3.6.3 Livelihood scenario and extreme In recent years, the state has seen large scale
weather events migration to cities and resource congestion
and pollution has increased significantly.
A careful examination of the disaggregated
Coupled with this fact, there are a large
official data also suggests that although
number of people moving out of hill
overall ratios of poverty are much lower
agriculture affecting the ecological balance
in Jammu and Kashmir than in the rest of
in the region. Especially, the Leh region has
India, the state lags behind many others in
rapidly changed in last few years. The growing
several specific indicators of poverty. This
numbers of tourists has led many in Ladakh
is a predominantly agrarian economy, in
to abandon agriculture and move to the city
which 80% of the population of the state
for tourism-related businesses. The rapid
is dependent on agriculture directly or
urbanisation is also leading to overcrowding
indirectly. 97% of the cultivators are small
with an influx of migrant workers. Day-to-
or marginal farmers, with average land
day life has been impacted as young Zahakis
holdings as small as 0.7 hectares. There has
increasingly adopting new and mainstream
been a worrying deceleration of agricultural
ideas of development. Local elders are
production in the state. The valley suffers
concerned that these changes are resulting
from a 44% deficit in food grain production,
in the breakdown of their traditional
33% in vegetables and 69% in oilseeds, all 33
value system and an abandonment of

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

the longstanding ecological approach and the interiors. Getting the right material at
indigenous wisdom. The negative impact of affordable prices is the new challenge.
these changes has become more apparent
Similarly, earthquake and flood in northern
in recent times. Two severe flash floods, a
and north western parts of Kashmir caused
phenomenon uncommon for the region,
significant devastation. The economic
devastated Leh in 2006 and 2010. The damage
was remittance and border trade decline,
was exacerbated by the overcrowding and
collapse of traditional routes and nallas and
encroachment on water channels. At the
security related restrictions enhanced the
same time, Ladakh has been witnessing a fast
vulnerability of the affected population in
depletion of glaciers and snow cover, erratic
both 2005-06 and 2010.
water supply in the glacier fed streams,
warmer temperatures, and new pest species
3.6.4 Human Development
that often destroy annual yields. These
new realities have left Zahakis increasingly Economic Survey of J&K 2010, mentioned
insecure and uncertain about their future. that more than 42% population of Scheduled
Changes are happening at multiple levels Tribes, majority of them Gujjars and
and at a rate faster than can be managed and Bakerwals, live below poverty line in the state
understood. According to scientists at the and are highly vulnerable to climate change.
Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology at A study by Mr Harsh Mander also highlights
Pune, the August 2010 flood phenomenon in the vulnerability in the region due to food
Ladakh is due to the impact of global warming. deficit. Given that this is a food deficit state,
With higher average temperatures in high the contribution of the Public Distribution
regions, monsoon winds have reached Leh. System (PDS) to food security of Kashmir
Geologists of Kashmir University have also cannot be understated. The researchers
identified human folly as a factor. Unplanned found functioning ration shops even in the
urbanization and drainage congestion leads deep interior, and less than 4% people did not
to such disasters. have ration cards. Most reported that they
were able to access subsidized grains, even if
The problem in Ladakh is unique as it is a high
sporadically. But the shops are opened only
altitude cold desert. Traditional material of
for one or two days in a month, and if they
sun-baked mud bricks is ecologically sound
miss their chance, their share of food grains,
in one fundamental aspect. In winter with
and are presumably sold in the black-market.
sub-zero temperature, it keeps the interior
The study found gaps in the opening of ICDS
warm. Over the years, cement has come in
centers in some remote locations, but the
use which freezes the interior in winter. Much
supply of hot cooked food to children was
more heat and energy is needed to keep it
poor. However, in most locations, the centers
warm inside. With change in rain pattern to
functioned as little more than feeding points.
rain, new material has to used with a design
Children were not weighed, and malnourished
34 that can bear rain and also help in heating

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

children were not identified or treated. Few 2030s are derived from the PRECIS, regional
centers run pre-school classes, and expecting model developed by the Hadley centre and
mothers are not examined or advised about forced by the GHG emission scenarios arising
proper nutrition. 98% children reported that out of the IPCC defined A1B socio-economic
they ate hot cooked meals at school, although scenario for the future. The transmission
there are months in which the meals are not windows in some parts of the Himalayan
served due to lack of supply. region i.e. Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal
Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim and Arunachal
The scenario gets worse in some northern Pradesh however, continue to have only 0-2
and northwester areas in Greater Kashmir months open for transmission even in the
region, where poor land man ratio, feudal 2030’s.
system society and poor out reach of the
public services due to the armed conflict in Himalayan region: The increase in
the region have made the population highly temperatures may lead to increasing
vulnerable. Even the livelihood programmes morbidity due to heat stress. Flash floods
proposed under National Rural Livelihood due to Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOF)
Mission for the state that is supposed to may lead to large scale landslides and affect
cover all the villages can hardly to benefit food security and hence nutritional health.
these areas.
It is important to note that the entire region
3.6.5 Impacts of climate change on of Jammu & Kashmir is eco-sensitive and
human health contiguous and any development to adapt to
climate change requires a holistic approach
The impacts of climate change on health rather than piecemeal and regional basis.
have been deduced in quantitative as Ultimately the vulnerability of the ecosystem
well as qualitative terms. The quantitative will affect not only the nomads, rare faunas
aspects that have been studied are only for and flora in the region but also every life
the transmission of malaria in the 2030s. form in the region. The region is in seismic
The transmission windows have been zone, several areas are flood prone and
determined in terms of (a) temperature the Indus water treaty many times poses
only and (b) temperature plus the relative developmental challenge to the valley.
humidity requirements for transmission. Similarly, geo-strategic issues with the
neighboring countries like Pakistan and China
Based on minimum required temperature
initiates much developmental trade-offs for
for transmission of malaria, a district-
strategic region that may not be ecologically
wise map of India was generated to show
the distribution of different categories of
transmission windows under baseline and by
the year 2030s. The climate projections for

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Some tentative conclusions are: get a scientific picture from the bottom.
Relying on computer simulation may
(a) There have been extreme weather not be enough.
events in North Pakistan, Jammu and
Kashmir and even parts of the high (d) The observed data in the region is rather
altitude region of Himachal Pradesh. limited which makes planning and
The need is to study this phenomenon district level vulnerability assessment
to better understand the science of quite difficult and extent of exposure
climate change as its impacts the needs to be estimated to compute the
region. index.

(b) Adaptation to extreme weather events (e) The emission and pollution index for
must be done in a scientific manner. major cities need to be computed to
Local governments, non-governmental estimate the extent of vulnerability.
organizations and the people must
be empowered with resources. Local (f) Drainage congestion due to
solutions may provide best answers. urbanisation must not be allowed to
Documentation and mainstreaming happen. Infrastructure building must
of indigenous practices that is highly be given priority to build resilience. The
climate resilient need to be taken up design and material of building should
for the region. be such so as to cater for expected
rain in future. Scientists, architects and
(c) Study and understanding of construction engineers in India must rise
relationship of trees with rainfall needs to the occasion to suggest the most cost
immediate attention. The phenomenon effective architecture. Climate resilient
could well be due to global warming building (GRIHA/IGBC) standard may be
and climate change. Local narratives, incorporated in the building codes and
though anecdotal, must be merged to development regulation.


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

4 Sustainable Energy Mission
4.1 Introduction Through, the demand for energy to meet
economic development exists, a strategy
Energy is a vital component for sustained should be developed towards lowering
economic growth and the energy mix is an the Green House Gas emissions from the
indicator of sustainable development of a energy system besides satisfying the global
State and the country. Also proportionate demand for energy services. Increasing the
growth in power sector is essential to share of renewable sources in the existing
maintain the economic growth. With energy generation mix is assessed as the best
enhanced modernization, industrialization possible option towards meeting the global
and change in life style; the energy demand energy supply challenge.
has increased several folds in across the last
The action plan proposed under State energy
decade. Energy demand across the country
mission while catering to the objective of
is met primarily through conventional
national solar mission aimed at enabling
energy resources which not only raises
communities to understand the uncertainty
the concern on energy security but also
of future climatic conditions and engage
results in increased accumulation of green-
them effectively in a process of developing
house gas in the atmosphere. As per IPCC
adaptation and mitigation programmes.
Fifth Assessment Report Green House Gas
The Climate Change Action Plan for solar &
emissions resulting from provision of energy
renewable energy technology is strategized
services have contributed significantly to
in line with the National Action Plan on
the phenomenal increase in atmospheric
Climate Change with objectives of meeting
concentration of Green House Gas
the country’s development goals while
concentration. Thus, the States with high
simultaneously yielding co-benefits to
dependency on conventional energy sources
address climate change effects.
for meeting the energy demand contribute
significantly to environmental degradation. The social, cultural, economic and other
developmental aspects of any region are

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

influenced by climate. The State of Jammu scattered household pattern. Moreover, the
& Kashmir has a diverse physiographical power sector of the State is already facing
characteristic and climatic condition ranging difficulties like slow rate of capacity addition,
from extreme hot zones/areas to snow- poor power evacuation facility, high AT&C
capped hills to cold arid deserts. With losses and mismatch in load profile. Power
the presence of several glaciers; hilly and utilization mix is not commensurate with
rugged topography of the land and extensive the State’s climatic conditions. Promotion
network of canals and streams the State has and utilization of renewable energy is the
immense potential for mini, micro and small most feasible solution which would also
hydro projects. promote low carbon growth and can meet
the decentralized energy requirement of the
The State is currently focused on generation
remote locations.
through big hydro power project. Potential
of micro hydel power and Solar are The State population has increased
increasingly being tapped. Grid electricity by 23.71% in the period of 2001- 2011.
penetration in remote hilly areas of Interestingly the urban population has
J&K is techno-economically unviable by increased at a rate of 27.21% in the same
virtue of geographical disadvantages and period which has certainly increased the
energy demand.

Table 8: population distribution of Jammu & Kashmir

Sl. No State Population 2011 Percentage decadal Population density

growth rate per sq. km.
Total 2001-2011 2001 2011
1 Rural 91,34,820 19.77 100 124
2 Urban 34,14,106 35.66
Total 125,48,926 23.71

Source: Digest of Statistics for 2010 -11, Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Govt. of J&K


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

The power available in 2011-12 from all Out of total power demand of 17,323 million
sources was able to satisfy only 64% of total units, power generation from the State
power demand of the State. Due to the owned power houses is only 2,562.723
shortfall of 6,231.74 million units during million units. Bulk of electricity consumption
2011-12, the State faced problems of frequent in the State is by the domestic sector. With
power cuts for 8-10 hours a day which has a modernization and increased urbanization,
detrimental effect on the growth potential per capita energy consumption of the State
of the State. To meet its power demand of has increased from 849.98 kWh in 2010-11 to
17,323.00 million units during 2011-12, the 882.82 kWh in 2011-12. The energy demand
State has procured 66.76% of its total power has gradually increased during last five years
supplied (i.e. 11,091.26 million units) from at an annual rate of 5 to 6%. According to the
the NEWNE grid which is highly fossil fuel sixteenth All India Power Survey, the power
dominated. requirement of the State is expected to reach
19,500 million units during 2020-21.
4.2 Key Trends in the sector
In addition to in-sufficient power generation
The State is largely dependent on the power capacity of the State, high transmission and
generated from hydropower projects and distribution losses of 61.61% and loss due
thermal power plants besides supplements to collection inefficiency accumulating to
from DG set. Jammu & Kashmir has a total 72.68% of total power demand as AT & C loss
power generation capacity of 2,648.46 MW adds to the power crisis.
under central and State sector. The State is
heavily relying on power purchase from the The State of J&K has vast hydro potential
NEWNE grid and thermal power generation estimated at 20,000 MW out of which only
units and gas and diesel based power units 16,480 MW is identified till date mainly due
during winters when its own hydro power to resource constraints. Approximately, 15%
generation reduces and power demand of total identified hydro power potential i.e.
rises. The State is facing power crisis owing 2,457.96 MW has been exploited so far; out
to untapped renewable energy, high rate of of which the States sector projects is only
AT&C losses including pilferage. 760.46 MW.

Table 9: Electricity Demand in the State The primary sources of cooking fuel in rural
areas of Jammu & Kashmir are firewood
Peak Power Demand 2,500 MW and chips followed by LPG. Urban cooking
Peak Power Met 1788.9 MW
fuel demand is mainly met through LPG.
Energy Requirement 17,323.00
Electricity is the main energy source for
Million units urban lighting. The scenario is same in the
Source: rural areas too; kerosene is being seldom
used as an alternative. Although the State is
emid=295&lang=en 41
fairly electrified with 97% of villages lit, but

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

providing continuous power at cheaper rate increase in climate variability may trigger
is difficult. extreme climate events, i.e., floods and
droughts and thirdly, changing hydrology
4.3 Vulnerability of the and possible extreme events may increase
sector sediment risks. More sediment, along with
other factors such as changed composition of
Climate change can adversely impact water
water raise the probability that a hydropower
resources and other sectors of the State.
project suffers greater exposure to turbine
The source of water is mainly summer and
erosion. Moreover; an unexpected amount
monsoon precipitation and melting of the
of sediment will also lower turbine and
large reserve of snow and glaciers in the
generator efficiency, resulting in a decline
Himalayan region. The high rate of warming
in energy generated. Since, the majority
will result in rapid shrinking of majority of
of power is generated from hydropower
glaciers in Himalayan range. Formation,
sources; hence, there are high chances
growth and likely outburst of glacial lake are
that, the State may face power crisis if the
directly related to climate change and de-
projected impact of climate change happens.
As a result, the State will become highly
Strategies for linking climate change and dependent on thermal power plants and also
energy sector are usually centered on higher carbon intensive power procurement
mitigation efforts as, the prevalent fossil from the NEWNE grid.
fuel based energy generation methods
The projected impacts of variation in cold
contribute to climate change in a big way.
wave level would result in more intense
Developing options for low carbon growth
winters in some areas. The peak winters
and reducing carbon footprint are important
would enhance the electricity demand since
to limit the degree of future climate change.
the consumption rises due to usage of power
Energy and water sector are closely and for heating purpose. The power shortage
dynamically associated. Research by World in winter would also lead to exploitation of
Bank2 establishes that, the climate change other energy sources and fuel wood in rural
might impact hydro power generation in three areas and will lead to affecting the forest
possible ways. Firstly, the available discharge cover of the State.
of a river may change, since hydrology is
Regions with increased temperature would
usually related to local weather conditions,
face rise in electricity demand because of
such as temperature and precipitation in the
higher use of electrical cooling and would
catchment area. Secondly, an unexpected

Policy Research Working Paper on Estimating Global Climate Change Impacts on Hydropower Projects: Applications
42 in India, Sri lanka and Vietnam –The World Bank

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

thereby enhance the pressure on electricity centralized power plants tend to serve large
distribution network through increased section of population and are also sensitive
seasonal demand. to climate change.

Higher demand of energy due to climatic Biomass still dominates the State domestic
variability and lower generation due to energy profile e.g. fire wood, dung, etc. which
projected impact of climate change would are more vulnerable to effect of climate
widen the power supply-demand deficit in change. With the increased cold wave, the
Jammu &Kashmir. Extreme weather events efficiency of bio-digesters also deteriorates.
are also likely to pose threat to physical
infrastructure assets. Impact of extreme The envisaged climate change could impact
weather events on energy sector due to different components of the electricity sector
climate change can harm economic and as outlined below.
social infrastructure because of the fact that,

Table 10: Possible Climate Change Impacts on the Energy Sector

Climate Change Indicators Impacts on Energy Sector

Variation in Hydrological cycle • Availability of water in hydro power plants.
• Increased possibility of sediment and climate extreme
Reduced Temperature • Higher Demand of electricity resulting to increased
drawl resulting to high dependency on fossil fuel based
energy generation and increase in GHG emission
• Energy demand will increase in domestic sector for
room heating, hot water requirements and as well as in
commercial sector.
• Increase in use of firewood in rural area leads to
affecting the forest cover of the State.
• Could impact renewable energy generation potential
like, solar, biogas, hydro, etc.
Increased Temperature • Increased need of energy in household sector for
cooling particularly in areas like Jammu.
• Could impact renewable energy generation potential,
especially solar
Extreme events (landslide, • Could affect the transmission and distribution
cloudbursts, etc.) infrastructure in the State.
• Effect power plant infrastructure including transmission
and distribution network

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Assessing the vulnerability of energy supply in humidity index leads to enhanced energy
to climatic events and longer term climate consumption across the sates, thereby
change needs a strategic approach to increasing the supply-demand deficit.
ensure that timely and effective adaptation
measures are adopted for coherence across During winter the problem is aggravated
different sectors and effective governance as the discharge rate in the rivers falls
to reduce the sector’s vulnerability to the subsequently leading to generation drop to
impact of climate change. one-third of that of the generation during
summer whereas energy demand increases
4.4 Key issues in the sector due to heating loads. Thus, the overall impact
in the State would be manifested through the
Though around 17,426 villages/hamlets3 supply-demand deficit.
of the State are electrified but providing
continuous power supply particularly during However, the supply from the NEWNE grid
winter when the energy demand of the State is unable to meet the entire demand of the
is very high is still a challenge for the power State especially during the long winter when
department of Jammu & Kashmir. With the State faces deficiency in both peak and
73% of population living in rural areas, the off peak hours. This makes the population
extensive use of firewood is leading to forest suffer from long hours of load shedding,
degradation. Infrastructure constraints are with the rural areas being the worst hit. The
also rampant in both rural and urban areas. supply is also affected in terms of low voltage.
The shortage during peak hours for sustained
The power supply scenario of the State is periods also calls for drawl of power resulting
characterized by persistent power shortage. in higher cost of grid electricity.
The State has very low electricity generation
capacity as majority of hydro power potential The geographical condition of the State with
is still untapped due to resource constraint many villages in remote and far-flung areas
and lack of interest in project investment makes access difficult, in addition to the
amongst local entrepreneurs. frequent natural calamities such as landslides,
cloudbursts, etc.
As power plants located in Jammu & Kashmir
are largely run-off the river based hydro Due to hilly and difficult terrain and dispersed
power plants, change in climate systems and population in rural areas, the transmission
variation in hydrological cycle at the both and distribution network systems are still
basin/catchment level across Himalayan unviable and moreover the operation and
region has direct impact on energy maintenance cost are also high.
generation. Temperature variability and rise

44 3
2010-2011 information from Digest of Statistics 2010-2011

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

The low-temperature condition lowers the Mission (JNNSM) –
efficiency of the biogas projects, one of the
a) Solar Lanterns
best choices to meet the cooking energy
requirement in rural areas. Though areas like b) Solar Home Lighting
Ladakh, etc. receive heavy sunrays and have c) Off-grid Rooftop Solar Power
high potential of solar energy generation but Plants
the remoteness and difficult terrain are the d) Grid connected Rooftop Solar
major barriers for the grid connection. The Power Plants
distance of the Ladakh -Kargil region from the
e) Grid connected Solar Power Plant
other main areas like Jammu-Srinagar would
result in high T&D loss in power evacuation f) Solar Street Lighting
from the solar power plants. The remoteness g) Solar Water Heating
of villages and transportation problem in
h) Solar Cookers
winter due to snow fall is the major barrier
in providing access to maintenance service 3. National Biogas & Manure
Management Programme (NBMMP)
for the users or beneficiaries of the remote
villages for almost ¼th of the year. 4. National Biomass Cook stove Initiative
4.5 Programme and Policies 5. Small hydro power programme
in the sector
6. Small Wind Energy & hybrid systems
JAKEDA since its inception in 1989 has been
making stride in promoting renewable 7. Biomass Co-generation (non-bagasse)
energy technology across the State and in industry Programme
meeting the power demand of remote 8. Special Area Demonstration
locations through decentralised renewable Programme (SADP)
energy generation under various schemes
and programmes of the Ministry of New
and Renewable Energy (MNRE). Along RVEP:
with JAKEDA, Ladakh Renewable Energy
JAKEDA, since 2004, is electrifying un-
Development (LREDA) and Kargil Renewable
electrified remote census villages and
Energy Development Agency (KREDA) are
hamlets as approved by Rural Electrification
also actively involved in renewable energy
Corporation (REC) where grid connectivity is
implementation projects. The renewable
either not feasible or not cost effective. It has
energy project implementation is undertaken
electrified 440 villages and hamlets so far.
under following programmes-
Around 37,700 solar home lighting systems
1. Remote Village Electrification have been distributed across 16 districts of
Programme (RVEP)
the State under remote village electrification
2. Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar programme.

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

JNNSM: Sub-District Hospitals, stadium, shrines etc.
Simultaneously with the implementation of
• 13,000 solar lanterns are being JNNSM scheme, JAKEDA is also undertaking
distributed under the solar lantern implementation of 5 solar power plants
programme of MNRE to 73 Remote under BADP programme of 5 kW capacities
Gujjar & Bakerwal Bastis located across across the State.
Jammu & Kashmir province. The State
govt. has already distributed 19,531 JAKEDA is presently undertaking
SPV home lighting systems till date to implementation of 6 solar power projects
general category across the State. cumulating to 550.00 kW capacity in
Sheep Breeding Farm - Daksum, Anantnag,
• Off-grid Solar Power plants: 13 solar University of Kashmir -Main Campus, Srinagar,
power plants of capacity ranging Sainik School Manasbal, Ganderbal, Kashmir,
from 5 – 25.50 kW are being installed Village Trehgam, Kupwara, J&K Institute
under JNNSM scheme in district / for Management & Public Administration,
sub-district hospitals with cumulative Sidhara, Jammu and Panjbakhtar Temple,
capacity of 123.90 kW. Apart from Jammu.
central schemes, the State under BADP
programme is also implementing 15 • Solar Water Heating System: Under
solar power projects of 5 kW capacities JNNSM scheme, total 25,000 LPD4 of
in Community Information Centres Solar water heating system is installed
(CICs) accumulated to 75 kW. at 11 sites across the State. In addition
to this, 51 solar water heating systems
Solar power projects under commissioning: are installed in commercial complexes,
institutions, district/ sub-district
Total 33 projects are under installation
hospitals, municipal corporations, etc.
cumulating to 550.00 kW capacities in District/
accumulating to 64,500 LPD.
LPD refers Litre Per Day


S tat
ate A
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lan oonn C
la Climate
te C
ngee:: JJAMMU
• Solar Cookers: JAKEDA, considering State is implementing 294 biogas plants.
high solar energy potential of the State,
has also promoted and implemented National Biomass Cook stove Initiative
6,000 nos. of Box type solar cookers in Programme: To achieve the objective of low
Kishtwar area. emission cooking and conservation of forests
by reducing firewood consumption, the State
Biogas Programme: To reduce climate has distributed 4,50,000 improved cook
change impact and prevent black carbon and stoves under the NBIC programme.
GHG emission, the State has installed 2,063
biogas plants of 2 cum capacity. Under the Micro Hydel projects and Water Mills:
programme of National Biogas & Manure 6 Mini Hydro projects are considered for
Management Programme (NBMMP), the implementation under IPP Mode (Phase-I).

Table 11: List of Mini Hydro Project Considered Under Implementation

Sl. No Project Name Project Capacity

1 Paristan MHP, Ramban 2 * 1 MW = 2.00 MW
2 Ukhral MHP, Ramban 2 * 0.875 MW = 1.75 MW
3 Buta-kulan MHP, Ganderbal 2 * 0.875 MW = 1.75 MW
4 Rayil MHP, Ganderbal 2 * 0.725 kW = 1.45 MW
5 Surasyar MHP, Budgam 2 * 0.60 MW = 1.20 MW
6 Dandipora Daksum MHP, Anantnag 2 * 0.90 MW = 1.80 MW

Water Mills: 50 traditional water mills have been upgraded for the mechanical and electrical
output of 3 -5 kW.


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Wind Power Projects:

A project of 8 MW is being implemented in Bidda (Reasi). Apart from standalone wind power
project, the State is also implementing 5 Wind Hybrid Systems at following sites:

Table 12: List Of Wind Power Project Under Implementation

Sl. No. Site Capacity (kW)

1 PHC, Narbal 7.0 (4.2 kW from Wind + 2.8 kW from SPV)
2 SDH, Ganderbal 8.8 (6.6 kW from Wind + 2.2 kW from SPV)
3 SDH, Akhnoor 11.8 (8.4 kW from Wind + 3.4 kW from SPV)
4 Deera ki GaliRajouri in lieu of 8.8 (6.6 kW from Wind + 2.2 kW from SPV)
SDH, Sunderbani
5 SDH, Banihal 10.0 (6.6 kW from Wind + 3.4 kW from SPV)
TOTAL 46.40

4.6 Key Priorities 1. Promotion and implementation

of solar city project
With the vision of providing energy access to
Around 100% of the urban population of
all and improved energy security for the State,
Jammu & Kashmir is dependent on grid power
key elements for mitigation and adaptation
or energy from DG set for lighting purposes.
were identified after detailed deliberation
Urbanization and economic development are
with the working group. With a very little or
leading to a rapid rise in energy demand in
no net emission from energy sector, the State
urban areas leading to increase in greenhouse
continues to be “carbon neutral”, despite the
gas emission. The State is also experiencing
steep growth in energy consumption.
rapid growth in peak electricity demand and
To promote low carbon sustainable growth, the power department is not able to cope up
the State Government has planned to with the rise in peak demand. Incorporation
promote green energy by increasing share of the solar city programme would prove
of renewable energy in generation mix, crucial towards supporting the development
scaling up decentralized renewable energy of renewable energy application and energy
application, etc. The strategies towards efficiency measures, thereby curbing grid
increasing resilience of the State’s energy power demand by 10% in next five years. The
sector lie in up scaling of current programmes activities to be undertaken are:
and activities along with new interventions.
A. Preparation of a master plan for all
The priorities are in line with the concerns
district headquarters under the “Solar
raised due to impact of the climate change
City project” for increasing renewable
and the State’s response.
48 energy supply and energy efficiency

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

measures in the city. efficiency measures to be undertaken
in government owned and government
B. Set-up institutional arrangements for
aided institutions and organizations.
implementation of the master plan.
• Solar water heating systems for
a. Formation of a Solar City Cell.
residential buildings, institutions,
b. Approval and Monitoring of commercial buildings, hospitals and
projects implemented under industries.
“Solar City” plan.
• Municipality waste or kitchen waste
C. Awareness generation and capacity utilization for energy generation.
building activities by managing
2. Promotion and facilitation
publicity programmes, conducting
of Off-grid and decentralized
training programmes/business meets
renewable energy generation for
for stakeholders like architects, builders
electrification, cooking and other
& developers, engineers, RWAs,
thermal energy requirement.
manufacturers/suppliers, financial and
technical institutions, NGOs. Around 73% of the State population resides
in rural areas5. More use of renewable energy
D. Promotion of cities as Solar and carbon
technology would ensure energy security,
neutral city in next five years through
reduce local pollution and increase access
implementation of pilot solar city
to energy in areas where distributed and
project in phases-
decentralized forms of energy production
• Phase I - Jammu, Srinagar and would be economically convenient. Hence,
Katra renewed efforts to set up decentralized
renewable energy solutions, would be
• Phase II - Kupwara&Udhampur
undertaken primarily through a combination
• Phase III - Rajauri, Poonch and of off-grid solar power plants, small solar
Baramula, -wind hybrid generators, bio–digesters.
The following measures are proposed under This would ensure cooking energy supply
solar city project - for 50 -100 people in institutions, hospitals,
industries, etc. and fulfill the energy demand
• Installation of solar street lighting and for lighting of rural households. The activities
load management of municipality planned are
• Solar power packs, solar water heaters, A. Facilitating deployment of stand-alone
solar air heaters/ coolers, rooftop solar off-grid solar power plants of capacity
plant for common area lighting, energy

Economic Survey Report of Jammu & Kashmir -2012-13

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

within 50 - 100 kW for fulfilling the would help in reducing waste generation and
power demand of 5 MW in dispersed dependency on conventional fuel sources.
locations by 12th plan period. The Moreover, the utilization of wastes would
electrical energy from the off-grid help in keeping the environment clean.
power plants would empower the
3. State Govt. by amendment of
population of the higher terrain and
building bye-laws suitable to
far- flung areas in the country to sustain
State condition would promote
under extreme weather conditions and
and mandate use of solar water
severe impact of climate change.
heating and/or lighting systems.
B. Installation of 300 kW solar-wind hybrid
The State govt. in line with the objective of
power plants with capacity of 20 kW to
national solar mission would promote and
meet the power demands in 12th plan
mandate the use of solar water heating and/
or lighting systems according to the State
C. Maximizing use of stand-alone Solar geographical condition, climate scenario
Home Lighting System (SHLS) in and energy usage pattern. Use of Solar
rural household through distribution Energy for water heating has high potential
of 20,000 SHLS of 40 Wp capacity in the State because of high solar incident
annually. radiation and longer daytime. A large
amount of energy is consumed for water
D. Implementation of pilot scale 15 nos.
heating in places like hotels, government
bio-digester systems annually for
offices hostels, guest houses, nursing homes,
cooking energy generation for 50 -100
hospitals, residences due to long winters and
people from kitchen waste and wastes
extreme cold. Enhancing usage of solar water
from hostels, hospitals, small scale
heating systems will replace use of crude
industries and institutions, etc.
and inefficient electric heaters and address
The energy requirement for cooking problem of inadequate power supply. Solar
purposes in the commercial establishment driers can be promoted across small scale
and institutions is met with firewood as well as medium scale units like agro
gathered mostly from forest areas or LPG. processing units etc. The Forest Rest Houses,
This not only reduces the area under carbon Circuit Houses, PWD Bungalows, District
sink and depletes the conventional fuel Collectorate buildings, Govt. Guest House
reserve but also enhances the vulnerability and Primary Health Centre’s, Hospitals using
of the area in light of the proposed climate electric geysers contribute higher power
change impact through top soil denudation demand and green-house gas emission as
in case of flood or other impact, greenhouse the power demand is majorly met either
gas emission, etc. The use of kitchen waste using electrical energy or liquid fossil fuel.
or other industrial wastes in bio-digester The activities planned are:

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

A. Amendment of building bye-law o District Collectorate
considering State demographic profile Building and other govt.
for mandatory use of solar water establishments -20 Nos. of
heating systems in 1,500 LPD each

• All District Head Quarters of the • Training to users on operation and

State by year 2015 maintenance of the system

• All commercial and institutional 4. Institutional development and

buildings of urban and semi urban strengthening of JAKEDA, LREDA
areas by 2017 and KREDA for promotion of
Renewable Energy technology
• All private residential houses of
urban areas with more than 1000
sq. ft. area by 2018 To ensure proper implementation of
climate friendly sustainable initiatives
• By 2020, in all towns and small
and to sustain the benefits for longer
cities; solar water heating system
duration, a detailed strategy for project
usage by the private households
implementation and rigorous monitoring
and commercial buildings.
protocol of implementation initiatives under
B. Promotion & facilitation for setting the State climate change action plan needs
up of Solar Water Heating (SWH) to be developed. Therefore, a Programme
systems in all Govt. establishments by Management cell (PMC) is to be established
undertaking pilot projects – under the Chairpersonship of Administrative
Secretary, Science and Technology for a
• Pre-feasibility study for SWH
comprehensive review and to propose future
system in Govt. establishments.
directions including identification of financial
• Preparation of bankable DPR mechanism and bridging of the investment
• Arrangement and management of gap for promoting renewable energy
project fund for implementation. technology. This Cell, besides monitoring
and oversight would also issue guidelines
• Facilitating deployment of SWH with respect to renewable energy usage,
system in Govt. establishments – green building concepts etc. and would
o Primary Health Centre’s - 10 issue green practices certificates to various
Nos. of 1,000 LPD each projects through regular check mechanisms.
A corpus fund will be created with inclusion
o Hospital - 10 Nos. of 3,000 fund from Govt. of India schemes and State
LPD each government schemes which will be utilized
o Govt. Higher Secondary for following activities -:
School - 10 Nos. of 500 LPD 51

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

A. Training of the working group members The main objective of the action plan is to
and their representatives from JAKEDA, improve the productive potential of natural
LREDA and KREDA and other concerned and renewable energy sources and reduce the
departments and organizations on huge dependency on thermal energy supply
sector specific climate change issues to the State. Each of the renewable energy
and enhance knowledge about the sources can be an eco-sustainable practice;
policy measures. hence this needs to effectively manage for
increased supply of electrical and thermal
B. Introduction of e-governance system
energy and achievement of consequent
and enabling IT based operation in
economic and social growth. The activities
planned are -
capacity building of all officers at
district level. A. Assessment of Biomass potential and
availability for energy generation in
C. Development of Projects in JAKEDA,
the State and demarcation of biomass
LREDA & KREDA by way of:
potential sites in the map:
• Identification of projects,
The State particularly Jammu region with
• Development of Pre-Feasibility large no. of agro-processing units has
Report, Detailed Project Report, huge potential for biomass based energy
generation. To assess the bio-energy available
• Arrangement of fund,
in the State and initiate biomass project
• Monitoring of project implementation following sub activities are
implementation and operation. planned –
All the programs and initiatives proposed i. Identification of agency for assessment
under State climate change action plan for study
solar energy sector will be implemented
ii. Study on biomass availability for energy
through these agencies and other line
generation in the State for demarcation
departments in coordination with PMC. The
of biomass potential map.
PMC would report to the Central Advisory
Council for Climate Change constituted by the iii. Risk assessment of bio- energy sources
State government. The PMC would help in in anticipated climate change situations
effective project implementation, monitoring (variable rainfall, snowfall, temperature,
& evaluation, easier documentation, extreme events)
learning, sharing & dialogue on climate
iv. Risk assessment of bio-energy
change initiatives by the State on solar, small
infrastructure in climate change
hydro and wind sector.
situations including extreme events.
5. Harnessing renewable energy
v. Projection and risk assessment of
52 potential of the State
energy demand.

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

vi. Conducting detailed feasibility study technological and regulatory aspect.
and identify viable biomass power
C. Assessment of Wind energy potential
of the State, wind mapping and
vii. Awareness programmes and identification of wind project sites.
capacity building of nodal agency on
The State is experiencing high wind speed
technological and regulatory aspect
suitable for wind power projects but due
B. Assessment of Solar irradiation, to high rugged hilly terrain and large forest
temperature, wind speed at district level area, the wind power projects have not
across the State for solar mapping. yet scaled up in the State. Moreover, the
detailed assessment of wind potential is not
The State having high incident solar radiation
carried out and sites appropriate for project
and having longer daytime, has tremendous
set up is also not identified. To promote wind
solar energy potential particularly in the
power projects it is therefore needed to
Ladakh region. But, due to rugged hilly
conduct a detailed study for wind project site
terrain and extreme weather conditions
identification and assess its power generation
in some areas of the State it is needed to
identify the solar project sites and assess
the energy generation potential of the sites D. Detailed assessment of Waste to
for promotion of solar energy project in the Energy projects from Municipal Waste,
State. Industrial and other wastes in the
i. Assessment of Solar irradiation,
temperature, wind speed at district level Waste disposal in today’s urban areas is a
across the State for solar mapping. major problem. It not only requires a large land
area but also leads to major environmental
ii. Risk assessment of solar energy sources
concern. Therefore, there is a great potential
in anticipated climate change situations
for diversification of waste to energy projects
(variable rainfall, temperature, extreme
that would contribute to mitigate power
demand supply gap in urban areas as well
iii. Risk Assessment of solar energy as help to overcome the problem of waste
infrastructure in climate change handling. While significant potential exists
situations including extreme events. for waste to energy projects, geographic
location, end-use function, technology
iv. Projection and risk assessment of
diffusion and grid-parity pricing are the key
energy demand.
determinants in technology penetration.
v. Identification of appropriate sites for To promote waste to energy projects and
solar energy projects publicize its importance, following actions
vi. Awareness programmes and planned -
capacity building of nodal agency on

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

i. Identification of agency for assessment technologies R&D initiative needs to be
study undertaken for improved biogas plant
technology and operations.
ii. Study on waste availability for energy
generation in the urban areas and 6. Strengthening of technical
industrial areas for demarcation of competency of various
waste mapping. stakeholders of renewable
energy which includes O&M
iii. Risk Assessment of waste to energy
persons, technicians, installers,
projects viability in anticipated climate
manufacturers and other
change situations (variable rainfall,
relevant service providers as per
snowfall, temperature, extreme
international standard
Even though the Govt. of India is
iv. Projection and risk assessment of
running several promotional programmes
energy demand.
and schemes for renewable energy
v. Conducting detailed feasibility study implementation but one of the main reasons
and identify viable project for failure of renewable energy sources is the
lack of technical support in terms of proper
vi. Awareness programmes and
and adequate installation, maintenance
capacity building of nodal agency on
and repair of renewable energy systems
technological and regulatory aspect
due to insufficient or technical competency.
E. Undertake R&D work to improvise The State of Jammu & Kashmir being the
the performance of biogas plants extreme northern State and having scattered
in low temperature condition and population distribution, the renewable
with reduced livestock waste in high energy technology manufacturer has low
temperature zones like Jammu. interest in hilly regions. Therefore, the
The State is way behind its target for introduction of training courses in all ITI’s,
implementation of biogas plants under engineering colleges would be beneficial for
central scheme. Due to low temperature successful implementation and operation of
condition and collection inefficiency of the renewable energy projects and reduce
livestock waste, the biogas plants installed dependency on external technical experts for
in low temperature areas are not running operation and maintenance, repair, etc. The
successfully. Whereas collection of livestock activities designed are:
is a constraint in high temperature zones; A. Introduction of curriculum and
hence, technology innovation is needed to assessment on Renewable Energy
operate biogas plants efficiently with reduced system installation, Operation &
livestock wastes for high temperature Maintenance, repair, etc. in all ITIs of
zones. To harness and implement biogas the State to meet the local demand of

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

technician and installer for RE. 20,000 MW but identification of only 16,480
MW has achieved. Therefore, a detailed
B. Introducing technical course on
reconnaissance study is needed to assess
Renewable energy technology and
the present hydro power potential and to
Energy management at Poly-technic/
identify project sites. These include analysis
Engineering colleges of the State to
of hydrological data of major rivers of Jammu
achieve increase in availability of
& Kashmir and its tributaries and regular
technically qualified manpower.
petrographic analysis of major rivers of the
C. Conducting certificate courses for State for assessment of the rate of erosion
strengthening of technical competency and analyzing the causes, apart from regular
of the existing solar and other monitoring of the isoceraunic conditions of
renewable energy technology service the region. The above data shall be analyzed
providers. on regular basis and study of its impact on
the efficiency of the system can be estimated.
D. Supporting State level entrepreneurs
This would also addressing the issue of
to become RESCOs, Channel Partners
“energy access” to people by providing them
under JNNSM scheme and renewable
with “clean energy” and thereby reducing
energy device manufacturers,
usage of highly polluting thermal power and
distributors, installers, etc.
reducing power procurement from northern
E. Linking promotions of technical grid is the prime focus of the State govt. The
personnel with certification in following activities are planned:
renewable energy technology, O&M,
A. Detailed reconnaissance study on
repairs etc.
water availability and hydrology data
7. Enhancing State’s own power evaluation for identification of new
generation capacity through hydro projects and demarcation of
hydro power plant set up and hydro power sites with specific capacity
provides support to private/ mapping.
public investors in projects
B. Promotion & facilitation of hydro power
implementation and undertakes
project implementation by providing
micro/mini hydro projects for
adequate support from the State
remote area to meet up local
government in terms of clearance,
land acquisition, power transmission
The State energy sector has taken a lead in network development and funding.
creating awareness and committed to go Encouragement of greener construction
for hydro technologies for improving the technologies in new Hydro power
scientific knowledge regarding the direct as project implementation.
well as indirect parameters of environmental
impact. The State has hydro potential of
C. Declaration of water policy and mandate 55
siltation and pollution control in water

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

bodies of hydro power projects. Implementation of solar power grid connected
projects will address the livelihood concerns
D. Implementation of 50 MW mini, micro
of related stakeholders, strengthening supply
hydro project in already identified
chains of solar energy products in the State.
project sites within next 5 years
The actions planned are:
through IPP mode and 50 MW through
IPP mode. A. Implementation of 25 MW grid
connected Rooftop and small solar
Following sub-activities will be undertaken
power plant up to 2 MW capacities
to achieve the target of 60 MW hydro power
across the State within 2017-18 by
project -
Independent Power Producers (IPP)
• Identification of project sites and also through PPP mode.

• Bankable DPR preparation Participation from all type of investors is

necessary to emerge the solar technology
• Identification and selection of project
based power project which is new concept to
investor and fund
the State. Hence, investments from private
• Undertake project clearances, grid sector entities, central and State governments
connectivity and also public sector entities should be
• Implementation of hydro power encouraged and following activities to be
project executed -

8. Promotion of grid connected • Identification of project sites

Rooftop and Small Solar Power • Bankable DPR preparation
projects in the State of J&K
• Identification and selection of project
Since, the State does not have adequate investor and fund
electricity generation capacity to meet the
• Undertake project clearances, grid
growing power requirements, renewable
energy generation capacity addition
particularly solar energy needs to be • Implementation of solar power plant
considered. Though multiple renewable
B. Development of disposal policy towards
energy projects have been implemented; still
proper decommissioning and recycling
the grid interactive solar power generation
of solar panels installed across the
option has not been explored so far. To
mitigate power demand –supply gap of the
State, particularly to meet the high peak Even though solar photovoltaic based power
demand, the State is focusing to explore its generation is clean and environmentally
solar power potential for grid connected sustainable; but use of harmful chemicals
power generation and set the target for 25 like mercury and chromium in solar cell
56 MW grid connected solar power project. manufacturing may prove to be detrimental

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

is not disposed properly. With the increase in in all new govt. buildings and residential
solar project implementation environment buildings of more than 1500 sq. ft. in
degradation due to solar cell disposal will also cities of Jammu & Srinagar in line with
increase which may affect the environment Green building standard and Energy
as well as the ecosystem of the State. Hence, Conservation and Building Code (ECBC)
policy needs to be developed for adequate of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Govt.
disposal measures including recycling of of India and mandatory compliance
disposed solar cells. Separate solar cell of energy efficiency measures, rain
disposal site and training of recycling of solar water harvesting measures, recycling
cells is also needed. measures for water and wastes in
all big hotels. The policy would also
9. Promotion of Green buildings in
mandate the buildings to implement
the State
green building standard and should
The climatic condition of the State varies have green building certification. It is
from region to region with hot climate also recommended that till the point
conditions in Jammu and cold climate in compliance is being made mandatory
Kashmir. This leads to higher power demand for the residential building, special
throughout the year. Due to land shortage incentives may be offered so as to
in urban areas for construction and with encourage the technology and increase
ever increasing urban population it is much awareness about the potential benefit
more crucial to have scientifically built and of using the green building concept.
climate friendly buildings are inevitable.
C. Capacity Building of authorities
Conventional method of construction uses
(Housing & Urban Development
large quantity of material and many of them
Department, PHE, Irrigation & Flood
are non-renewable and toxic leading to
Control Department, Public Works
environmental degradation. Green buildings
(R&B) Department, JAKEDA, LREDA,
would not only reduce the impacts but would
KREDA) on green building policy and
consume less energy and water, generate less
its requirement. Awareness generation
waste, conserve natural resources, would be
through workshop and advertising
climate friendly. The activities planned are –
media on green building standard and
A. Development of policy framework involve NGO, community groups, social
on green building considering State Organisation for creating awareness.
geographical location, prevailing
The green building would contribute in
climatic condition.
energy security of nation and also reduce the
B. Introducing mandatory norms for overall carbon footprint.
undertaking green building measures


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

4.7 List of Key Priority Action
Table 13: List of Key Priority Action Proposed under Sustainable Energy Mission

Sl. Title Organiz- Budget (Rs. In Million) Source of

No. ations Existing Additional Total Funding
1 Promotion and JAKEDA, 20.00 20.00 40.00 MNRE, Govt.
implementation of solar city LREDA, of J&K, Dept.
project by KREDA, of Urban
A) Preparation of a master plan Housing & Development
for all district HQs under the Urban Dev.
“Solar City project” Dept.
B) Set-up of institutional
arrangements for
implementation of the master
C) Awareness generation and
capacity building activities
by managing publicity
programmes, conducting
training programmes/
business meets for
D) Implementation of pilot solar
city project in phase wise-
Phase I - Jammu, Srinagar
and Katra, Phase II -
K u p w a r a & U d h a m p u r,
Phase III - Rajauri, Poonch,
2 Promotion and facilitation JAKEDA, MNRE, Govt.
of Off-grid and decentralized LREDA, of J&K, User
renewable energy generation KREDA, or Beneficiary
for electrification, cooking Rural Dev. Department
and other thermal energy Dept. or
requirement. Organization,
A) Facilitating deployment of 1,125.00 125.00 1,250.00 External
5 MW stand-alone off-grid Agencies
solar power plant of capacity
within 50 - 100 kW for
fulfilling the power demand
in dispersed locations by 12th
plan period.
B) Installation of 300 kW solar- 3.40 1.10 4.50
wind hybrid power plants
with capacity of 20 kW in
12th plan period.


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organiz- Budget (Rs. In Million) Source of
No. ations Existing Additional Total Funding
C) Maximizing use of stand- 324.00 756.00 1080.00
alone Solar Home Lighting
System (SHLS) in rural
household level through
distribution of 20,000 SHLS of
40 Wp capacity annually.
D) Implementation of pilot scale 1.50 1.50 3.00
15 nos. bio-digester systems
annually for cooking energy
generation for 50 -100 people
from kitchen waste and other
waste in hostels, hospitals,
small scale industries and
institutions etc.
3 State Govt. by amendment of JAKEDA, MNRE, Govt.
building bye-laws suitable to LREDA, of J&K, Dept.
state condition will promote KREDA, of Urban
and mandate use of solar Housing & Development,
water heating systems and/ Urban Dev. Municipality
or lighting Dept. of J&K, User
A) Amendment of building Nil Nil Nil or Beneficiary
bye-law considering state Department
demographic profile for or
mandatory use of solar water Organization,
heating systems in External
• All District Head Quarters
of the state by year 2015.
• All commercial and
institutional buildings of
urban and semi urban
areas by 2017.
• All private residential
houses of urban areas
with more than 1000 sq.
ft. area by 2018.
• By 2020, in all towns and
small cities; solar water
heating systems usage by
the private households
and commercial


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organiz- Budget (Rs. In Million) Source of
No. ations Existing Additional Total Funding
B) Promotion & Facilitation for 9.90 6.60 16.50
setting up of Solar Water
Heating (SWH) systems in
all Govt. establishments by
undertaking pilot projects in

• Primary Health Centre’s -
10 Nos.
• Hospital - 10 Nos.
• Govt. Higher Secondary
School - 10 Nos.
• District Collectorate
Building and other govt.
establishments -20 Nos.
4 Institutional development JAKEDA, MNRE, Govt.
and strengthening of LREDA, of J&K,
for promotion of Renewable State LREDA,
Energy applications Climate KREDA,
A) Training of the working Change Nil 10.00 10.00
group members and their Cell, J&K
representatives from
JAKEDA including LREDA
and KREDA and other
concerned departments
and organizations on sector
specific climate change issues
and enhance the knowledge
about the policy measures.
B) Introduction of e-governance 1.30 3.70 5.00
system and enabling IT based
operation in the JAKEDA,
capacity building of all officers
at district level.
C) Development of Programme Nil 5.00 5.00
Management Cell in S&T
Dept.for identification of
projects, development of Pre-
Feasibility Report, Detailed
Project Report, Arrangement
of fund, Monitoring of
project implementation and


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organiz- Budget (Rs. In Million) Source of
No. ations Existing Additional Total Funding
5 Harnessing renewable JAKEDA, MNRE, Govt.
energy potential the state Housing of J&K,
for power generation & Urban Funding
A) Assessment of Biomass Develop- Nil 3.00 3.00 Agencies
potential and availability for ment Dept.
energy generation in the state -J&K
and demarcation of biomass
potential sites in the map.
B) Assessment of Solar Nil 5.00 5.00
irradiation, temperature,
wind speed at district level
across the state for solar
C) Assessment of Wind Energy Nil 5.00 5.00
potential of the state, wind
mapping and identification of
wind project sites.
D) Detailed Assessment of Nil 5.00 5.00
Waste to Energy projects
from Municipal Waste,
Industrial and other wastes in
the state.
E) Undertake R&D work to Nil 5.00 5.00
improvise the performance
of biogas plants in low
temperature condition and
with reduced livestock waste
in high temperature zones.
6 Strengthening of technical JAKEDA, Govt. of
competency of various Technical J&K, Dept.
stakeholders of renewable Education of Higher
energy which includes Dept. -J&K, Education,
O&M persons, technicians, Industry & Dept. of
installers, manufacturers Commerce Technical
and other relevant service Dept. -J&K Education,
providers as per international MNRE
A) Introduction of subject 1.50 Nil 1.50
or paper on RE system
installation, O&M, repair, etc.
in all ITIs of the state to meet
a local demand.


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organiz- Budget (Rs. In Million) Source of
No. ations Existing Additional Total Funding
B) Introducing technical course 1.50 Nil 1.50
on Renewable energy
technology and Energy
management at Poly-technic
/Engineering colleges of the
state to achieve increase
in availability of technically
qualified manpower.
C) Conducting certificate courses Nil 1.00 1.00
for strengthening of technical
competency of the existing
solar and other renewable
energy technology service
D) Supporting state level Nil 0.50 0.50
entrepreneurs to become
RESCOs, Channel Partners
under JNNSM scheme and
renewable energy device
manufacturers, distributors,
installers, etc.
7 Enhancing state's own power JAKEDA, Govt. of J&K,
generation capacity through JKSERC, Funding
hydro power plant set up JKSPDC, Agency, Govt.
and provides support to LREDA, of India, Dept.
private/public investors in KREDA, of Water,
project implementation and PHE, MNRE
undertakes micro/mini hydro Irrigation
projects for remote area's to & Flood
meet up local demand. Control
A) Detailed reconnaissance Dept. -J&K Nil 10.00 10.00
study on water availability and
hydrology data evaluation for
identification of new hydro
projects and demarcation
of hydro power sites with
specific capacity mapping.
B) Promotion & facilitation Nil 1.00 1.00
of hydro power project
implementation by providing
adequate support from the
state government in terms of
clearance, land acquisition,
power transmission network
development and funding.
Encouragement of greener
construction technologies
in new Hydro power project
implementation. 63

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organiz- Budget (Rs. In Million) Source of
No. ations Existing Additional Total Funding
C) Declaration of water policy 0.50 Nil 0.50
and mandate siltation and
pollution control in water
bodies of hydro power
D) Implementation of 10 MW Nil 1000.00 1000.00
mini, micro hydro project in
already identified project sites
by next 5 years through PPP
mode and 50 MW through
IPP mode.
8 Promotion of grid connected JAKEDA, MNRE, Private
Rooftop and Small Solar JKSERC, or Public
Power projects in the state JKSPDC, Agency,
of J&K LREDA, Govt. of J&K,
A) Implementation of 25 MW KREDA Nil 2000.00 2000.00 Funding or
grid connected Rooftop and Donor Agency
small solar power plant up
to 2 MW capacities across
the state within 2017-18
by Independent Power
Producers (IPP) and also
through PPP mode.
B) Declaration of policy measures Nil 2.50 2.50
for proper decommissioning
and recycling of all solar
panels installed across the
9 Promotion of green buildings JAKEDA, MNRE, Govt.
in the state LREDA, of J&K, Govt.
A) Development of policy KREDA, 1.50 Nil 1.50 of India, BEE,
framework on green building PHE, Private or
considering state geographical Irrigation Public Agency,
location, prevailing climatic & Flood JNNURM
condition. Control
Dept. - J&K,
B) Introducing mandatory Housing Nil 20.00 20.00
norms for Undertaking green & Urban
building measures in all new Develo-
govt. buildings and residential pment
buildings of more than 1500 Dept. - J&K,
sq. ft. in cities of Jammu & Public
Srinagar. Works
Mandatory compliance of (R&B)
energy efficiency measures, Depart-
rain water harvesting ment
measures, recycling measures
of water and wastes in all big
64 hotels.

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organiz- Budget (Rs. In Million) Source of
No. ations Existing Additional Total Funding
C) Capacity Building of Nil 3.50 3.50
authorities (Housing & Urban
Development Department,
PHE, Irrigation & Flood
Control Department, Public
Works (R&B) Department,
JAKEDA) on green building
policy and its requirement.
Total 1470.10 3970.40 5440.50


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

5 Enhanced Energy Efficiency

5.1 Introduction in the state and existence of high mountains

with glacial cover and heavy rainfall makes it
Jammu & Kashmir is the northernmost state haven for hydro power generation.
of India. It is situated mostly in the Himalayan
As per preliminary survey an estimated
mountains. Jammu and Kashmir shares
potential of only 16,480 MW of power has
border with the states of Himachal Pradesh
been identified, much less than the actual
and Punjab to the south and internationally
potential. The state of Jammu and Kashmir
with the People’s Republic of China to the
was the second, next to Mysore to use Hydro
north and east and Pakistan to the west. The
Power much back in the 1st decade of this
State has a population of 1,25,48,926 with
20,15,088 households
(14,97,920 rural and
5,17,168 urban) as per the
2011 Census.

The state is traversed

by three main rivers i.e.
Indus, Jhelum and Chenab.
The Indus traverses
through Ladakh, while the
Jhelum and Chenab flows
through Kashmir & Jammu
respectively. The average
rainfall is about 100 cm.
Existence of huge glaciers 67
Figure 8: Location of Hydro Power Project

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

5.2 Key trends in the sector available hydel resources would also suffice
for power supply to Northern grid along with
Power sector plays a major role in any meeting the state’s internal demands.
developmental effort. A sustained growth in
power sector is crucial to ensure economic Total estimated potential for hydro power
growth. The gradual increase in demand of generation in the state is 20,000 MW out of
power is a sign of improvement in human which 16,480 MW (excluding 251 Projects
development as well as industrialization. up-to 25 MW generation potential identified
Hydro power is recognized as an ecofriendly, totaling to 986 MW Capacity) has been
economical and green renewable source of identified as the actual generation potential.
energy. State of Jammu and Kashmir has Out of the identified potential only 2,457.96
huge hydel potential which if utilized fully MW or 15% has been harnessed so far.
would provide a strong impetus to the growth
5.2.1 Electric Power Installed
of the State’s economy. The tapping of hydro
power potential calls for huge resources,
technical expertise, administrative reforms, The power generation in the state is mainly
congenial environment, proper regulation governed by hydro power with a little share
and management besides competitive of fossil fuel based grid interactive power
marketing, policy formation and private plant. The list of hydro power generating
participation. Optimal exploitation of the station in the state is as follows:

Table 14: Capacity wise installed hydro power project State Sector

Under Power Development Corporation

Hydro 759.96 MW
Total No. Of Hydel Projects 20
Thermal 175.00 MW
Total No. Of Thermal Projects(Operated only in case of emergency in 2
view of high per unit generation cost)
Under Power Development Department
Diesel 33.146 MW

Table 15: Capacity wise installed hydro power project Central Sector

Hydro 1,680.00 MW
Total No. Of Hydel Projects 4

68 6
Year book 2011-12_PDD J&K_12th Oct’12 & Economic survey J & K 2012-13-Power

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Table 16: Capacity wise installed hydro power project Independent Power Producers

Hydro 17.50 MW
Total No. Of Hydel Projects 4

Figure 9: Source wise hydro power potential and sector wise hydro power resource harnessed


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Table 17: List of Key Hydro Power Project and their capacity

Sl. No. Name of Project Basin Capacity in MW Configuration

1 Lower Jhelum Jhelum 105.00 3 x 35
2 Upper Sindh-II Jhelum 105.00 3x35
3 Upper Sindh-I Jhelum 22.60 2 x 11.3
4 Ganderbal Jhelum 15.00 2x3+2x4.5
5 Pahalgam Jhelum 3.00 2 X 1.5
6 Karnah Jhelum 2.00 2x1
7 Baglihar Stage I Chenab 450.00 3x150
8 Chenani-I Chenab 23.30 5 x 4.66
9 Chenani-II Chenab 2.00 2x1
10 Chenani-III Chenab 7.50 3 x 2.5
11 Bhaderwah Chenab 1.50 3 X 0.5
12 Iqbal Indus 3.75 3 x 1.25
13 Sumoor Indus 0.10 2 x 0.50
14 Hunder Indus 0.40 2 x 0.20
15 Bazgoo Indus 0.30 2 x0.15
16 Igo- Marcelloung Indus 3.00 2x1.5
17 Marpachoo Indus 0.75 3x0.25
18 Haftal Indus 1.00 2x0.5
19 Satakna Indus 4.00 2X2
20 Sewa-III Ravi 9.00 3x3
21 Sanjak Indus 1.26 3 x 0.42
Sub Total State Sector(in MW) 760.46
1 Salal Chenab 690.00 6x115
2 Dulhasti Chenab 390.00 3 x130
3 Uri-I Jhelum 480.00 4x120
4 Sewa-II Ravi 120.00 3x40
Sub Total Central Sector(in MW) 1,680.00
Private Sector
1 Athwatoo Jhelum 10.00 2x5
2 Brenwar Jhelum 7.50 3 X2.50
Sub Total Private Sector(in MW) 17.50
Total potential in operation(in MW) 2,457.96


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

5.2.2 Sector Wise Energy Consumption

Domestic consumers as a whole are the major electricity consuming sector in the state with
cumulative consumption in tune of 34%. The category-wise energy consumption is given in the
table below.

Table 18: Category wise Electrical Energy Consumption

Sl. Customer category 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

No. Energy %age Energy %age Energy %age
Consum- Consum- Consum-
ption (In ption (In ption (In
1 Domestic 1,380.00 36.00 1,255.93 31.08 1,431.98 33.56
2 Non- Domestic/ 295.00 7.70 349.10 8.64 333.26 7.81
3 Industrial 856.00 22.33 816.54 20.21 849.53 19.91
4 Govt.
4.a Irrigation/ Agriculture 295.00 7.70 198.10 4.90 140.67 3.30
4.b Public Lighting 14.00 0.37 29.07 0.72 35.66 0.84
4.c Public Water Works 383.00 9.99 586.04 14.50 636.14 14.91
4.d State Central Dept. 532.00 13.88 711.20 17.60 695.65 16.30
4.e General Purpose Bulk 78.00 2.03 95.10 2.35 144.10 3.38
Grand Total 3,833.00 100.00 4,041.08 100.00 4,266.99 100.00


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

From above statistics it is evident that increase during 11th Plan period at an annual
although the demand of electricity across rate of 5 to 6%. To bridge the widened gap
public utility is low but the demand is between demand and supply, the State
increasing. However this increasing demand Power Department has enforced power cuts
can also be met without increasing the load of the order of 8 hours a day in summer
by introducing energy efficiency measures. and 10 hours a day in winter (under most
A huge potential of energy saving lies with critical scenario). Even with scheduled load
the domestic sector that accounts for the shedding activity, the restricted demand
major share of energy in the state. With a turns out in tune of 11,091.26 MUs in 2011-
saving potential of 20-25% in the domestic 12, which necessitated banking of power
sector, introduction of energy conservation during summer with other state utilities and
measures can result in substantial energy using of the same during winter.
saving which can provide for unmet demand
and energy shortage in the state. The total availability of power in J & K from
all the sources was just around 64% of the
5.2.3 Demand Supply Scenario total requirement in FY 2011-12. The State
Analysis is forced to purchase power from various
sources besides drawing from Northern grid.
The energy demand has seen a gradual

Table 19: Peak and Power Availability Scenario in the State

Energy Scenario 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
(in MW) -05 -06 -07 -08 -09 -10 -11 -12 -13 (E)
Peak Demand 1,706 1,800 1,925 2,020 2,120 2,290 2,369 2,500 2,600
Peak Met 1,350 1,242 1,306 1,350 1,340 1,407 1,490 1,788 1,900
Peak Deficit 356 558 619 670 780 883 877 711 700
Peak Deficit (%) 20.87 31.00 32.16 33.17 36.79 38.56 37.02 28.44 26.92

Table 20: Energy Demand and Availability

Energy 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 -12 2012 -13
Scenario (in -05 -06 -07 -08 -09 -10 -11 (E)
Energy 9,604 10,503 11,343 14,037 14,750 15,656 16,544 17,323 17,842.69
Restricted 7,306 7,916.38 8,236.53 8,743.96 9,147.21 10,370 10,667 11,115.41 11,560.03
Energy 2,334 2,586.62 3,106.47 5,293.04 5,602.79 5,286 5,877 6,207.59 6,282.66
Energy 24.21 24.63 27.39 37.71 37.99 33.76 35.52 35.83 35.21
72 Deficit (%)

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Figure 10: Gross Per capita Electricity (kWh) consumption in J & K7

5.3 Key issues in the sector losses are also accounted on commercial
ground due to low metering efficiency, theft,
5.3.1 AT & C Losses pilferages, non-metering or non-recovery of
payments. The transmission and distribution
Once electric energy is generated, it is losses coupled with commercial losses are
transmitted to areas where it will be collectively known as Aggregate Technical
used. Transmission refers to delivering and Commercial (AT&C) loss. The AT&C
electric energy from point of generation losses in the State are very high of the order
to distribution network. Distribution of 61% as recorded in FY 2011-12. Technical
encompass the substations and feeder lines losses pertain to outdated and old electrical
takes power from the high voltage grid and device in the network. To minimize such
progressively step down the voltage before losses, the system needs up-gradation and
it finally reaches the premises of different improvements. Commercial losses include
categories of consumers. The entire process power theft, unaccounted and uncontrolled
of transmission from generating station to consumption beyond agreement load,
users results in technical losses of energy unregistered consumers, lesser contract
known as Transmission and Distribution demand, etc.
(T&D) losses. Over and above the T&D losses,

Year Book 2011-12_PDD_12th Oct’12

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Table 21: T&D and AT&C Losses (from 2006-07 to 2011-12)

Sl. Particulars 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

1 Energy Input (MU) 8,236.53 8,743.96 9,148.07 10,370.65 10,667.20 11,091.26
2 Energy Billed (MU) 4,030.84 3,331.64 3,538.71 3,833.00 4041.10 4,267.00
3 T&D Losses (MU) 4,205.69 5,412.32 5,609.36 6,537.65 6,626.10 6,824.26
4 %age T&D Losses 51.06 61.90 61.31 63.04 62.12 61.61
5 C o l l e c t i o n 66.59 69.74 75.70 75.67 68.00 70.99
Efficiency (%age)
6 Energy realized 2,676.26 2,416.20 2,633.12 2,902.07 2,749.38 3,029.14
7 AT&C Losses 5,560.27 6,327.76 6,586.85 6,537.65 7,917.82 8,062.12
8 %age AT&C Losses 67.51 72.37 70.69 72.03 74.23 72.68

5.3.2 Sector specific energy the following sectors of the State.

conservation and saving
• Energy saving potential in Agricultural
The energy consumption patterns are
A large numbers of Agricultural pump sets
changing with invention of new technology
and Agricultural machineries consume
and initiation of energy conservation
significant quantum of fossil fuels and
measures by State Government. Efforts have
electricity. Inefficient agricultural pumps
been made to collect data on electricity
may be replaced by star rated efficient ones.
conservation measures in agriculture,
Based on several studies on agricultural pump
commercial, municipalities, SMEs, etc.
set efficiency, it has been found that the
Irrespective of the initiatives being taken up,
efficiency varies from 25-35% due to various
a considerable potential of energy saving
factors. With a BEE star labeled agricultural
lies in each sector. “State-wise Electricity
pump set, the efficiency can be enhanced
Consumption & Conservation Potential in
upto 50-52%8.
India” carried out by National Productivity
council (NPC) in 2009 provides the following
• Energy saving potential in Power
estimation of possible saving in energy
distribution system
consumption in J & K.
Jammu & Kashmir Power Development
The possibility of energy savings is high in
Department has an important role to play
in making the state level Electricity grid

74 18
Combined Summary Report_ NPC 2009

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

more climate-friendly. The transmission building complexes. The ECBC sets minimum
and distribution loss in Jammu & Kashmir is energy performance standards for design
more than 61% and this can be reduced up and construction of non-residential buildings.
to 28.6% on a time bound programme, say Studies conducted by NPC reveal that energy
by the financial year 2018-19. Appropriate savings potential in commercial buildings
strategic actions are required to reduce the varies from 20-30%.
T&D Loss of the State.
• Energy saving potential in Industrial
• Energy saving potential in Lighting & Sector
Domestic Sector9
The annual electricity sale to the industry
30% of the power is consumed for lighting sector including low & medium voltage
purposes. Thus use of efficient light could be consumers (SME) and high voltage consumers
made mandatory particularly for commercial (large industries) is 953 MU which is 23.62%
organizations. Star rated home appliances of the total electricity sold. The larger industry
should be encouraged in domestic sector. segment is covered under the mandates of
Usage of Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL) EC Act as designated consumers for energy
and Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) star efficiency, while SME segment is being
rated products can save up-to 40-50% of addressed through cluster based initiatives
power in rural sector and 15-20% in urban by BEE. Based on several studies & energy
areas. On the whole, the energy saving audits by NPC, the electrical energy saving
potential in domestic sector is estimated 20- potential in industrial sector varies from
25%. 7-10%.

• Energy saving potential in Building • Energy saving potential in

sector municipalities

Energy Conservation Act, 2001 empowers the Based on sample studies by NPC, the
Government to prescribe the ECBC (Energy energy saving potential for municipalities &
Conservation Building Code) for efficient use corporations from street lighting is assessed
of energy and its conservation in buildings or to be 25% and that from water works &
sewage is 20%.
Combined Summary Report_ NPC 2009


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Table 22: Sector wise Energy Conservation Potential in Jammu & Kashmir (2007-2008)

Sl. Sector Reference Annual Energy Consumption Estimated annual Energy

No. Saving Potential
1 Agricultural 271.00 - 58.8 -
2 Commercial 213.00 - 11.3 -
3 Municipalities 472.00 - 70.0 -
4 SME Clusters10 15.31 - 0.0 -
5 Domestic 1399.00 - 280.0 -
6 Industries 953 - 67 339
Total 3323.31 487 MU 339

5.3.3 Grid electricity consumption and of GHG emission. An assessment is being

GHG emission made to account the contribution of GHG
from consumption of electrical energy in
Greenhouse gases (GHG) are emitted mainly the state. Since the state is interconnected
from burning of fossil fuels. Generation of to North East West North-East (NEWNE)
electricity which is mostly from conventional grid the specific emission factor of the grid is
power plant results in considerable amount being considered for estimation.
Table 23: Sector Specific Electricity consumption &GHG emission from electricity consumption

Consumption In MU In MWh Emission tCO2 %

Categories Factor11
(NEWNE Grid)
Domestic 1,431.98 14,31,980.00 0.94 13,46,061.00 12.91
Non- Domestic/ 333.26 3,33,260.00 0.94 3,13,264.40 3.00
Industrial 849.53 8,49,530.00 0.94 7,98,558.20 7.66
Irrigation/Agriculture 140.67 1,40,670.00 0.94 1,32,229.80 1.27
Public Lighting 35.66 35,660.00 0.94 33,520.40 0.32
Public Waterworks 636.14 6,36,140.00 0.94 5,97,971.60 5.74
State Central Dept. 695.65 6,95,650.00 0.94 6,53,911.00 6.27
General Purpose Bulk 144.10 1,44,100.00 0.94 1,35,454.00 1.30
T & D losses-MU 6,824.26 68,24,260.00 0.94 64,14,804.00 61.53
Total GHG Emission (tCO2) 1,04,25,775.00

SME clusters electrical energy savings potential is already included in Industrial Sector.
76 11
CO2 Baseline Database for the Indian Power Sector, User Guide, Version 8.0_January 2013

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Figure 11: Sector specific GHG emission from electricity consumption

5.4 Programmes and Policies In addition to the policies and programmes

in the sector for energy efficiency implemented by BEE,
NMEEE would enforce the following four
5.4.1 National Mission on Enhanced
initiatives. These initiatives are as follows:
Energy Efficiency (NMEEE)
• Perform Achieve and Trade (PAT), a
The National Mission for Enhanced Energy market-based mechanism to make
Efficiency is one of the eight missions of improvements in energy efficiency
National Action Plan on Climate Change in energy-intensive large industries
configured towards improvising cost and facilities more cost-effective by
effective strategies for end- use demand side certification of energy savings that
management. The Mission, by 2014-15, is could be traded.
likely to achieve about 23 million tons oil-
• Market transformation for energy
equivalent of fuel savings- in coal, gas, and
efficiency (MTEE) with a shift to energy-
petroleum products, along with an expected
efficient appliances in designated sectors
avoided capacity addition of over 19,000
through innovative measures that make
MW. The carbon dioxide emission reduction
is estimated to be 98.55 million tons annually.
the products more affordable. 77

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

• Energy efficiency financing platform financing platform, set up partial
(EEFP), a mechanism to finance DSM risk guarantee funds, and develop
programmes in all sectors by capturing innovative financial derivatives of
future energy savings. performance contracts and fiscal and
tax incentives for investment in this
• Framework for energy efficient
economic development (FEEED),
or developing fiscal instruments to • Create and adopt robust and credible
promote energy efficiency. monitoring and verification protocols to
capture energy savings from all energy-
The NMEEE set out a comprehensive strategy,
efficient activities in a transparent
which comprises the following components;
• Create demand for energy-efficient
• Take necessary steps to overcome
products, goods, and services by
market failures with appropriate
creating awareness about the efficacy
regulatory and policy framework to
of these products and services,
support the measures mentioned
amending government policies and
programmes to integrate energy
efficiency, preparing bankable projects 5.4.2 Restructured- Accelerated Power
to stimulate the process, and offering Development and Reforms
right incentives for cost-effective Programme (R-APDRP)
improvements in energy efficiency
in energy-intensive industries and The Govt. of India has proposed to continue
facilities through certification of energy R-APDRP as a Central Sector Scheme in the
savings that could be traded. XI Plan with revised terms and conditions.
The focus of the programme would be on
• Ensure adequate supply of energy-
actual, demonstrable performance in terms
efficient products, goods, and services.
of sustained loss reduction. Establishment of
This is being done by creating a cadre
reliable and automated systems for collection
of certified energy professionals;
of accurate base line data, and adoption of
promoting energy service companies
Information Technology in the areas of energy
(ESCOs), standards, and labeling of
accounting would be essential before taking
end-use equipment and appliances
up the regular distribution strengthening
and preparing structured programmes
to leverage international financing
instruments including the Clean • R- APDRP is a scheme to bring down
Development Mechanism (CDM) to T&D losses to 15% within project
reduce transaction costs to attract period of 5 years with minimum target
private investment etc. 0f 3% per annam.
• Create and promote energy efficiency

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

• The scheme is divided in two parts, The DPR for Supervisory Control and
PART-A and PART-B. Part-A is to cover data Acquisition (SCADA) / Distribution
Ring Fencing, Feeder Metering, management System (DMS) for Jammu
Distribution Transformer (DT) and Srinagar cities have been approved
Metering, application of Information by GoI at an estimated cost of INR 52.89
Technology and Supervisory Control Crore.
and Data Acquisition / Distribution
Management System (DMS) in 5.4.3 Power Sector Reforms
Distribution Sub Sector. Part-B is aimed
To support reform initiatives in power
to strengthen Distribution System in
sector, three tripartite MOUs have been
the identified project areas.
signed so far between Jammu and Kashmir
• The Power Finance Corporation (PFC) Power Development Department (J&KPDD),
will be the Nodal Agency for the Planning Commission, GOI and Ministry of
operationalization and implementation Finance, GoI to avail Central assistance for
of the RAPDRP programme under the the years 2006-07, 2007-08 and 2008-09.
overall guidance of the Ministry of The State Government needs to prepare
Power (MoP). and submit a Blue Print for the turnaround
of T&D power sector. Some of the key
• Govt. of India will provide 100% loan recommendations are given below;
for part A of the R-APDRP schemes and
• Projected reduction of T&D losses from
90% loan for part B of the R-APDRP.
62.9% in 2009-10 to 28.6% in 2018-19.
• Under R-APDRP scheme 30 towns • Legislative requirement i.e. enactment
have been identified as project areas of J&K Electricity Act and J&K
in J&K State. Out of which 11 towns Conservation Act on the pattern of the
are in Jammu region including Jammu Central Acts.
City and 19 towns in Kashmir region
including Srinagar City. These towns are • Making State Electricity Regulatory
as under: Akhnoor, Anantnag, Budgam, Commission (SERC) fully functional and
Bandipore, Baramulla, Bhaderwah, Administrative Reforms for ensuring
Bijbehara, Doda, Duru-Verinag, accountability.
Ganderbal, Handwara, Jammu, Kargil, • Establishment of base line data and
Kathua, Kishtwar, Kulgam, Kupwara, undertaking T&D loss studies.
Leh, Pattan, Pulwama, Punch, Rajouri,
Ranbir-Singhpora, Samba, Shopian, • Unbundling of T&D sectors.
Sopore, Srinagar, Sumbal, Tral and • Tariff revision through SERC.
Udhampur. GoI has sanctioned INR
191.25 Crore for part-A and INR 1665.27 • Technical intervention like metering by
Crore for part-B of R-APDRP scheme.

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

• Strengthening / upgrading compu- Crore was spent till March 2011.
terized bills / collection system.
5.4.5 Rural Electrification Programme
• Introduction of High Voltage Distribution
System (HVDS)/ Aerial Bunched Cabling Under the rural electrification programme
(ABC) in power theft prone areas. in J&K a total number of villages/ hamlets
electrified rose to 14,229 by 31-03-2011.
• Power factor correction - Installation of
Under Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran
shunt capacitors.
Yojana (RGGVY) schemes target was to
• Energy saving incentive likes Time of electrify 283 un-electrified/ de-electrified
Day tariff, Power factor incentives, villages, out of which 169 villages were
seasonal tariff and subsidy on energy successfully electrified by Oct-2012.
savers etc.
• RGGVY is a scheme for 100% Rural
• Strengthening training/capacity Electrification.
• 14 Schemes covering whole of J&K
• Augmentation of system network at were submitted to Rural Electrification
various stages etc. Corporation (REC) at a total estimated
DPR (Detailed Project Report) cost of
5.4.4 Hon’ble Prime Ministers INR 1,051.73 Crore. All these schemes
Reconstruction Programme have been sanctioned by REC at a cost
of INR 917.02 crore and INR 741.36
The Hon`ble Prime Minster of India during his
Crore was released. An amount of INR
visit to J&K in November, 2004 announced a
568.57 Crore has been spent by end of
Re-construction Plan in infrastructure for the
state. The objective of the scheme under the
program is to develop infrastructure at 220KV • RGGVY Schemes aims at envisage
and 132KV level by way of construction/ electrifying 365 no. un-electrified
Augmentation of Grid Stations, new lines villages and de-electrified villages,
and thickening of conductors in existing lines. which are financially viable for
Originally the project was estimated to cost electrification within the Grid System.
around INR 707.00 Crore based on cost data
• 3,03,682 no. Rural Household
2003. The project was scrutinized by CEA and
connections are proposed under the
the project cost was revised to INR 1,006.51
RGGVY schemes.
Crore subsequently. Accordingly, the revised
project amount of INR 1,351.00 Crore was • 1,10,337 no. BPL households are
furnished to CEA for approval and the Project earmarked for free electrification and
Report was approved for INR 1,350.00 Crore. 5,889 no. already electrified villages to
Out of this cost, an amount of INR 1,048.56 be covered for intensive electrification
80 under the scheme.

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

• As per guidelines of RGGVY, National • Projects upto 10 MW are reserved for
Hydroelectric Power Corporation state subjects with relaxed technical
(NHPC) and Jammu and Kashmir State criteria.
Power Development Corporation
• 15% free power + 1% Local Area
(J&KSPDC) have been entrusted with
Development Fund (LADF) has to be
the execution in each of the 7 districts,
provided to State.
as under;
• Projects are to be allotted on Build Own
• NHPC: Udhampur, Kathua, Jammu,
Operate and Transfer (BOOT) basis to be
Srinagar, Budgam, Leh and Kargil.
returned to State after 35 years.
• J&KSPDC: Kupwara, Anantnag,
• Upfront Premiums ranging from 4.0 lakh
Doda, Baramullah, Pulwama,
to 8.0 lakh / MW as per the capacity of
Rajouri and Poonch.
the projects.
5.4.6 State Hydro Policy • Tariff based bidding for project above 25
State Hydel policy 2011, notified by the
Govt. of Jammu & Kashmir for any new • Terminal value for return of project
hydro projects of generation capacity from should not be more than 10% of the cost
2 to 100 MW is to be implemented by of the project at the time of bidding.
Jammu & Kashmir State Power Development
• 30% power (excluding 15% free power
Corporation Ltd. Projects upto 2 MW have to
+ 1% LADF) has to be procured by the
be implemented by Science and Technology
State with first right refusal for the
Department. The main features are;

Figure 12: Projects under execution/planned for execution in 12th Plan

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

remaining Allotment of project through Council’s purview. The Governor council
transparent competitive bidding. would consist of ten to fifteen members
appointed by the Government.
• Jammu & Kashmir State Power
Development Corporation Ltd. should • The Bureau shall effectively co-ordinate
be the Nodal Agency and responsible with designated consumers, designated
for Land acquisition, IWT clearance, agencies and other agencies, recognize
Forest clearance etc. and utilize the existing resources
and infrastructure, in performing the
• Incentive should be procured by way of
functions assigned to it under the Act.
non imposition of water usage charges
for 1st ten years, exemption from • Bureau shall recommend amendments
Entry Tax / Income Tax available to or modifications in the norms for
IPPs, besides incentive available from processes and energy consumption
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy standards to the Government to suit the
(MNRE), GoI. regional and local climatic conditions of
the State Bureau shall recommend on
• Model Implementation Agreement
the energy conservation building codes
and Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
to the Government with respect to use
are integral parts of the reserved Hydel
of energy in the buildings.
Policy 2011. Timelines / mile stone have
been fixed as part of the agreement. • Prescribe guidelines for energy
conservation building codes specified
5.4.7 Jammu and Kashmir Energy by the Government.
Conservation Act, 2011
• The bureau shall support the
The Jammu & Kashmir Energy Conservation Government for issuing energy savings
Act, 2011 as passed by the Jammu and certificates.
Kashmir State Legislature was approved by
• Strengthening of consultancy services
the Governor on 23rd April, 2011. Salient
in the field of energy conservation.
features of the state EC act, 2011 are given
below: • Promote research and development in
the field of energy conservation.
• Establishment and incorporation of
Bureau of Energy Efficiency. • Develop testing and certification
procedure and promote testing facilities
• The head office of the Bureau shall be
for certification and energy consumption
at Jammu/ Srinagar.
of equipment and appliances.
• Management of Bureau: The general
• Formulate and facilitate implementation
superintendence, direction and
of pilot projects and demonstration
82 management of the affairs of the
projects for promotion of efficient use
Bureau shall be under the Governing

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

of energy and its conservation. EC Act 2011. The scheme would develop
and implement Energy Conservation Action
• Promote use of energy efficient
Plan (ECAP) based on a uniform template
processes, equipment, devices and
prepared to take necessary measures to build
institutional and human capacity, enable the
• Promote innovative financing of energy nodal agency to implement energy efficiency
efficient projects. programmes and undertake evaluation
and monitoring of the Energy conservation
• Support financial assistance to
activities implemented in the state.
institutions for promoting efficient use
of energy and its conservation. Newly formed statutory body/nodal agency
have limited experience in energy efficiency
5.5 Key Priorities / conservation activities. This has led to the
need for capacity building, enhancing the
The following key priorities for the sector understanding and knowledge about energy
were identified after detailed deliberation efficiency, having a common action plan
with the working groups. The priorities are to implement measures to reduce energy
in line with the concerns raised due to the intensity of the State etc. The proposed
negative effect of the climate change and the scheme of the BEE, J&K therefore enables
state’s response. statutory body/nodal agency to:

1. Establishment and incorporation a) Prepare a five year ECAP

of Bureau of Energy Efficiency, J
b) Implementation of ECAP with yearly
& K EC act 2011
As per The Jammu and Kashmir Energy c) Enhance capacity to undertake
Conservation Act (J & K EC Act), 2011 a regulatory duties that they are required
Bureau has to be formed. The Bureau to perform under the Act.
shall be a body recognized by the name,
“Bureau of Energy Efficiency”. The bureau The Bureau should provide financial support
would have perpetual succession and a to the statutory body/nodal agency for
common seal, with powers subjected to the strengthening their institutional capacity and
provisions of the Act. Under the Bureau, carry out the following activities:
a statutory body/nodal agency need to be
formed by the state to implement energy • Creation of IT infrastructure
conservation measures at state level. The
• Creation of database for Energy
main objective of the scheme should be to
Managers / Energy Auditors and
build capacity of the nodal agency to enable
Designated Consumers and other
them to discharge regulatory, facilitative
and enforcement functions under the J&K
stakeholders. 83

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

• Organizing workshops / training The Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC)
programmes. was launched by the Government of India
on 27th May, 2007. The ECBC sets minimum
• Creating awareness through electronic energy standards for new commercial
media / print media. buildings having a connected load of 100
kW or contract demand of 120 kVA in terms
• Preparation of Detailed Project Reports
of Energy Conservation (Amendment) Act,
of Govt. Buildings under IGEA.
• Implementation of Energy Efficiency
Labeling programme for 3 categories of
Demonstration Projects in the area
buildings (day use office buildings/BPOs/
of energy efficient street lighting,
Shopping malls) have been developed and
revamping of drinking water pumping
put in public domain. Till now 136 buildings
system and energy efficiency in SMEs
have been found eligible for issue of label. The
ESCO model has been promoted for carrying
• To replace the existing Incandescent out energy efficiency measures in existing
Light Bulbs (ILBs) in the households buildings through performance contracting.
and the street lights of one village with
4. Renovation and Modernization
of Hydro-power Projects
2. Promoting Energy Efficiency in
Hydro power stations are generally designed
Small and Medium Enterprises
with a projected operational life of about
35 years, though equipment start wearing
Energy use & technology gap study and cluster out from commencement of regular
specific manual on energy conservation operation. As a result, the performance of
opportunities need to be prepared for better the plants gradually declines over time. This
understanding of EE in SME sector in J & K. necessitates Renovation & Modernization
Small Industries Development bank of India work of older power stations. Before the
(SIDBI)/India SME Technology Services Limited plants complete their productive lifecycle,
(ISTSL) are already involved in preparation of they should be renovated and modernized to
DPRs on energy efficient technologies in SME revamp their performance. The Renovation,
clusters in different states. BEE also initiated Modernization and Uprating (RM & U)
the Small Group Activities (SGA) and Total involves sizeable capital investment.
Energy Management (TEM) programme to
The main objectives of undertaking RM&U
introduce the energy efficiency practices in
are as follows:
SMEs with support of experts from Japan.
(i) To protect against deterioration of
84 3. Promoting Energy Conservation performance.
Building Code (ECBC)

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

(ii) To improve availability, reliability, on the states without sacrificing the service
efficiency and safety of the obligation. It can also help in creating access
equipment. to subsidies for beneficiary farmers for
electricity conservation (estimated 30-40%)
(iii) To regain lost capacity.
with replacement of inefficient pump sets
(iv) To extend the productive life. with energy efficient ones. Implementation of
the action plan is planned through following
(v) To save investments on new
sub activities:
(i) Preparation of scheme to provide with
Following projects are under RMU in the
financial incentive to farmers on use of

Table 24: List of Hydro Power project (with capacity) under renovation and modernization

S. No. Name of the Project Capacity in MW

1. LJHP 105.00
2. Chenani-I 23.30
3. USHP-I 22.60
4. Karnah 12.00
5. Mohra 9.00
6. Satkna 4.00
7. Iqbal 3.75
8. Haftal 1.00
9. Hunder 0.40
10. Bazgo 0.30
11. Sumoor 0.10
Total 181.45

5. Development of comprehensive energy efficient agricultural pumps.

scheme for promotion of energy
efficient pumps in agriculture (ii) Replacement of inefficient agricultural
sector pumps with energy one.

Jammu & Kashmir’s Agricultural sector 6. Reducing Transmission and

accounts for around 3.5% of the power Distribution (T & D) Losses
requirement of the State. Promotion of
Reduction of T&D losses is a prime focus in
energy efficient agricultural pump sets would
the energy sector as that would directly result
reduce the overall power consumption,
in greenhouse gas emission reduction and
improving performance for ground water
ensure energy security. Implementation of 85
extraction and reducing the subsidy burden

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

the action plan is planned through following Management (DSM) and energy
sub activities: efficiency
(i) To assess the current T&D loss pattern DSM and energy efficiency would reduce the
and plan measures to reduce losses demand for energy and therefore reduce
through increasing of energy efficiency carbon emissions. Under this initiative,
and reducing pilferage. a comprehensive policy and plan to save
(ii) Renovation of existing transmission energy in order to reduce the demand–supply
and distribution network. gap and contribute towards abatement of
climate change effects would be undertaken.
(iii) Replacement of Existing Transformer This would include the following activities:
with star rated transformer. (i) Implementation of utility level DSM
(iv) 100% consumer metering to reduce measures, (ii) Awareness generation for
AT&C Losses - Involving Installation Energy Conservation, (iii) Promotion and
of SCADA system and metering implementation of the National Bureau of
arrangement for on-line remote Energy Efficiency’s ECBC norms in the state to
monitoring system right from grid sub- limit the energy consumption in buildings and
station till the consumer end having a (iv) For proper energy monitoring, capacity
connected load of 20 kW and above. building of energy auditors, strengthening
the existing Energy Conservation Cell under
(v) Implementation of feeder level the Energy Department supporting with
metering at distribution level. manpower and infrastructure.
(vi) Consumer level metering through a cell
8. Decentralized power generation
to formulate and carry out vigilance
activities. The power sector of the state suffers from
(vii) To introduce franchise model for lack of proper transmission network.
distribution to reduce commercial Transmission, Sub-Transmission and
losses and better management of the Distribution lines are very old and owing to
distribution system; the brittle conductors, energy loss during
transmission is high. Promotion of evacuation
a. Formulation of Project of power from decentralized renewable
management unit to facilitate for energy power projects including micro
franchisee for 3 years hydro, run off the river, Solar (PV & Thermal
b. Impart training both), IPP, CPP and high voltage transmission
infrastructure for power evacuation and
c. Training and providing support to import of power from regional grid is planned
prospective entrepreneurs. through evacuation corridors. The fulfillment
86 of the overall objective is planned through
7. Promoting Demand Side
the following sub activities:

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Encouragement for Decentralized generation organizations in the state
of power to reduce the T&D Losses by
introducing schemes and policies Most of the energy is consumed for lighting
purposes. The demand is on a rise with
a. Carrying capacity study and resource construction boom especially in state like
mapping of each of the districts for Jammu & Kashmir. This means regulations in
setting up possible power project. energy usage for lighting purposes can make
b. Preparation of techno economic a major contribution in containing the issue of
feasibility report for the requirement climate change and energy efficiency. There
of transmission network. are three key elements to achieve progress:

c. Applying budgetary provision through (i) Use less energy

international funding and private sector (ii) Replacement of all inefficient lighting
investment. system with energy efficient systems.

9. Harnessing the biomass (iii) Use of renewable energy (e.g. Solar PV,
potential lantern, etc).

Promoting on-grid and off-grid biomass State Govt. should develop a policy
power projects would reduce the carbon framework on using energy efficient lights
emission through reduced use of grid power in domestic & commercial buildings, Govt. &
Under this initiative, the following would be private offices, education institutes, hospitals,
done to harness the biomass potential to colonies, etc.
its maximum: (i) Study the existing policy
and develop investment friendly policy to 11. Expansion Conversion of
promote additional biomass application(ii) conventional street lights to solar
Conducting a detailed feasibility study LED/CFL street lights
for scoping biomass-based project (iii)
Energy from the light of the sun (photovoltaic)
Developing a biomass supply chain involving
can be used to produce electricity. Though
agro, agro industrial and other biomass
the equipment is expensive, maintenance
resources including dedicated energy
requirements minimal and there is no fuel
plantation (iv) Promoting biomass based
cost. They are far less expensive than building
gasifier project in agro based industries (v)
new power plants and grid distribution
Raising awareness (vi) Creating a conducive
systems for rural areas not covered by grid
scenario for investment and (vii) Implement
electricity. Energy from the heat of the sun
demonstration/pilot projects if required.
(solar thermal) can be used economically
10. Development of policy for for water and room heating purposes.
mandatory use of efficient light Conventional street lights can be replaced by
particularly for commercial solar LED/CFL based street lighting system. 87

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

(i) Preparation of pre-feasibility study. 13. State energy audit policy and
Implementation of pilot Energy
(ii) Fund identification.
efficiency project and IGEA
(iii) Implementation strategy
The objective of the pilot initiative is to
12. Maximizing solar power demonstrate the scope of energy efficiency
usage and Encouraging use of through implementation of energy efficiency
Solar Gadgets (especially in measures. Such action would enhance
Industries): the capacity of the state nodal agency to
undertake similar initiative in the future
The use of fossil fuel based power and and also promote such activities amongst
therefore carbon emissions can be reduced the sector. Compliance of the action plan is
with use of solar gadgets. Hence adequate planned through following sub activities:
incentives should be provided for the same.
Under this initiative, the state would promote (i) Conducting energy audit by the
both solar photovoltaic as well as solar empanelled organization.
thermal. An increase in market penetration (ii) Undertaking IGEA in Govt. Buildings,
of stand-alone solar systems for use by Hospital, Universities, Banks, Hotels
institutions, communities and individuals etc.
is being proposed. A range of activities
–promotional policy initiatives, survey, (iii) Implementation of Pilot energy
feasibility reports, demonstration projects, Efficiency one of the identified pumping
awareness creation and capacity building, Station.
and strengthening the manufacturing base (iv) Implementation of Pilot Energy
would be undertaken. All of these would Efficiency Street lighting Project in one
lead to increased use of solar gadgets in the of the Urban Local Bodies (ULB) area.
state. Industrial energy measures should
strengthen the business case for investing (v) Identifying and empanelling ESCOs
in higher efficiency equipment and solar (Energy Services Company).
gadgets. Compliance of the action plan is (vi) Taking up joint pilot project with
planned through following sub activities: ESCOs.
(i) State level policy framework for use of
14. Promoting Energy Efficiency
solar gadgets.
Practices in the State
(ii) Using solar PV for outdoor lighting.
The objective is to create awareness among
(iii) Using solar water heating system.
the sectors (domestic, commercial and
(iv) Carrying out awareness campaign for industrial) about the benefit and necessity
88 more solar system installation and use of taking up energy efficiency measures and
of star rated devices.

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

also the pathway of achieving the same every year. The price differential would
including promotion of use of star rated be borne by project implementer through
gadget. Complying of the action plan is carbon credits earned which could be traded
planned through following sub activities: in the international market under Clean
Development Mechanism (CDM) under the
(i) Identification of Agencies for the
UNFCCC Kyoto protocol. BEE has developed
the umbrella framework for BLY-Programme
(ii) Undertaking sectoral and scoping study of Activities (PoA) which has been registered
of the possibility of energy efficiency in under UNFCCC-EB on 29th April, 2010. The
each sector and barriers in taking up PoA would define key CDM requirements,
the energy efficiency initiatives. including the project baseline, additionality,
monitoring protocols through which CO2
(iii) Undertaking Training Need Analysis
emission reductions would be assessed. The
Study for the department, preparation
PoA approach reduces time and transaction
of manual and carrying out pilot
costs for registering the projects since the
key CDM requirements does not need to be
(iv) Carrying out awareness campaign addressed by area-specific projects within
towards adopting energy efficiency the PoA.
measures and use of star rated
devices. 16. Standards And Labeling
15. Awareness and implementation
for use of CFL and replacing Standards and labelling (S&L) programme
incandescent lamp under Bachat has been identified as one of the key
Lamp Yojna, and Umbrella activities for energy efficiency improvement.
program of BEE A key objective of this scheme is to provide
the consumer an informed choice about
Bachat Lamp Yojana (BLY) promotes energy saving and thereby the cost saving
energy efficient and high quality CFLs as potential of the relevant marketed product.
replacements for incandescent bulbs in The scheme was launched by the Hon’ble
households at the price of an incandescent Minister of Power on 18th May 2006 and
bulb, i.e. INR 15. This would remove is currently invoked for 12 equipments/
barrier of high CFL price (which is currently appliances, i.e. ACs, Tube lights, Frost Free
selling at INR 80 - INR 100 per CFL) and is Refrigerators, Distribution Transformers,
negating its penetration into households. Induction Motors, Direct Cool Refrigerator,
It targets replacement of about 400 million Geysers, Ceiling fans, Colour TVs, Agricultural
incandescent bulbs in use in the country, pump sets, Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG)
leading to a possible reduction of 4,000 MW stoves and washing machines, of which the
of electricity demand, and a reduction of first 4 have been notified under mandatory 89
about 24 million tonnes of CO2 emissions labelling from 7th January, 2010. The other

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

appliances are presently under voluntary energy efficiency. In addition to the objective
labelling phase. The energy efficiency of informed choices to consumers, this
labelling programs under BEE are intended program leads to huge energy savings and
to reduce the energy consumption of thereby cost savings. It also reduces capital
appliance without compromising with the investment in energy supply infrastructure,
services it provides to consumers. The enhances the product quality, strengthens
scheme aims at providing information on the competitive markets, builds position
energy performance of appliances based for domestic industries to compete in such
on the standards issued by BEE so that the markets where norms for energy efficiency
consumers can make judicious decisions are mandatory, removes indirect barriers to
while purchasing appliances. The STAR rating trade, reduces carbon emission and helps
ranges from 1 to 5 in the increasing order of meet climate change goals.


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

5.6 List of Key Priority Action
Table 25: List of Key Priority Action Mission on Enhanced Energy Efficiency
Sl. Title Organiz- Budget (INR in Million) Source
No. ations Existing Additional Total of
1 Policy development for mandatory PDD, PWD, Nil 2.5 0 2.50 GOI
Energy Audit in Govt. Building: Dept of
1. Identification of Agencies for Industry,
taking up activity. Department
2. Scoping study of the possibility of Irrigation,
of energy efficiency in Govt. Health
buildings (e.g. Civil Secretariat, Department,
Hospitals, Irrigation pumping Universities.
system, Universities, etc).
3. Barrier identification of taking up
the energy efficiency initiatives.
4. Undertaking Training Need Analysis
Study for the department,
preparation of manual and
carrying out pilot workshop.
2 Development of comprehensive PDD, Irrigation Nil 0.40 0.40 GOI, EFA
scheme for promotion of energy Dept.,
efficient pumps in agriculture sector. Agriculture
Replacement of Inefficient agricultural Dept.
pumps by efficient pumps
3 Conversion of conventional street UDD, 1.00 100.00 101.00 Govt. of J
lights to solar LED/CFL street lights. Municipality, &K, GOI
1. Preparation of pre-feasibility PDD
2. Fund identification.
3. Implementation strategy
4 Encourage use of Solar Gadgets in Dept. of Nil 2.50 2.50 GOI, EFA
Industries Industry, PDD,
1. Industrial Energy Efficiency Science &
Auditing and Benchmarking Technology
2. State level policy framework for Department
solar gadgets use
3. Using solar PV for outdoor
4. Using solar water heating
5. Carrying out awareness campaign
towards taking up solar system
installation and use of star rated


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organiz- Budget (INR in Million) Source
No. ations Existing Additional Total of
5 T & D Loss reduction - JKSERC & 1.00 1,000.00 1,001.00 Govt. of J
o To assess the current T&D loss JKPDD &K, GOI
pattern, plan & implement
measures to reduce losses
through increase of energy
efficiency in DTs and reducing
pilferages through pilfer-proof
Boxes, Service Cables and ABC
cables for LT lines.
o Renovation of Existing
transmission and distribution
o Replacement of Existing
Transformer with star rated
o 100% consumer metering to
reduce AT&C Losses - Involving
Installation of SCADA system and
metering arrangement for on-
line remote monitoring system
right from grid sub-station up
to the consumer end having
a connected load of 20 kW
and above (Bulk & other such
o Implementation of feeder level
metering at distribution level
o Consumer level metering a cell
should be formulated and carry
out Vigilance activity.
o To introduce franchise model
in distribution to reduce
commercial losses and better
management of the distribution
o Formulation of Project
management unit to facilitate for
franchisee for 3 years
o Impart training
Training and imparting support
to prospective entrepreneurs.


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organiz- Budget (INR in Million) Source
No. ations Existing Additional Total of
6 Encouragement for Decentralized JKSERC, PDD, Nil 3,600.00 3,600.00 GoI,
generation of power to reduce the Science & APDRP,
T&D Losses by introducing schemes Technology RGGVY
and policy Department, Funding
• Pugah Geothermal Project (will IPPs, from
replace Diesel generation in R&M
Ladakh) resources
• Achoora small hydel Gurez (will /EFA
replace Diesel generation in
• Preparation of DPRs/PFRs
of Micro Mini & Small Hydel
Projects. (100 Projects @ INR 10
lakhs per project)
• Incentive to Developers for Small
Hydel Projects @ 5% of estimated
7 Development of policy for mandatory JKPDD, PWD, Nil 2 .00 2.00 GOI,
use of efficient light particularly for Dept. of
commercial organizations in the Industry
1. State Govt. policy framework on
using energy efficient lights in
domestic, commercial building,
offices, education institute,
hospitals, etc.
8 Awareness and implementation for JKPDD, UDD, Nil 200.00 200.00 GOI
use of CFL and replacing incandescent Municipality,
lamp under Bachat Lamp Yojana, and PWD.
Umbrella program of BEE.
9 Promoting efficient brick Dept. of Nil 2.50 2.50 GOI, EFA
manufacturing process leading to Industries
fossil fuel conservation, preventing
denudation of top soil and GHG
emission reduction by mandatory use
of efficient brick heating/burning.
10 Promotion of use of star rated PDD, Dept of Nil 1 .00 1 .00 GOI, EFA
domestic appliances may be Industries
encouraged. The shops selling TV,
Refrigerators or Washing Machines,
Fans etc. may be asked to keep only
star rated products.
1. Incentivizing local equipment
supplier (10% on MRP) for first
3 months from the launching of
the scheme.

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organiz- Budget (INR in Million) Source
No. ations Existing Additional Total of
11 Development of policy to mandate PDD, S&T Nil 3 .00 3.00 GOI
ECBC adoption in state. Department,
PWD, Industry,
12 Formulation of DSM project for PDD, JKSERC, Nil 2.50 2.50 GOI/ EFA
1. Implementation of utility level Science &
DSM measures Technology.
2. Awareness generation for energy
3. For proper monitoring, capacity
building of energy auditors,
strengthening of energy
conservation cell under the
Energy department supported
manpower and infrastructure.
13 Replacement of electric boiler with PDD, UDD, Nil 2 .00 2.00 GOI
solar & grid connected hybrid boiler Department
in industrial units of Industries.
14 Energy Audit of Generation Stations JKSPDD, 1570.00 280.00 1,850.00 Govt. of J
& Renovation and modernization of JKSERC & K, GOI
the existing hydro power station
15 Transport Department Nil 300.00 300.00 GOI
1. Promotion of low emission of Transport,
vehicles, electric vehicles Department
2. Introduction to concept of mass of Urban
rapid transit
16 Maximize harnessing biomass PDD, JAKEDA, Nil 50.00 50.00 CFA-
potential in the state through Dept. of MNRE/
cogeneration/thermal/ power plant/ Industries IREDA
gasification to feed in the grid as / CDM
green power. Increase in application
of CPP both in grid and stand alone
mode EFA
Total 1,572.00 5,548.40 7,120.40


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

6 Mission on Sustainable Habitat
6.1 Introduction rapid urbanization, expansion of informal
settlements, substantial poverty, inadequate
Urban sector faces significant impacts of infrastructure and environmental
climate change. These impacts potentially degradation. These and other concerns
have serious consequences on human plague cities’ ability to grow and prosper.
health, livelihood and socio-economic assets, Many of these conditions also limit resilience
especially for the urban poor, informal to current climate variability.
settlements and other vulnerable groups.
The state government is thus planning to
Climate change impacts range from increase
mainstream climate change adaptation in
in extreme weather events, flooding to
urban infrastructure development. Creating
high temperatures leading to public health
this new possibility of adaptive resilience
concerns. As the urban regions of the state
would support a new future in the face of
are dynamic systems that face unique climate
climate change. The concerned departments
impacts, their adaptation must be location
prepared the action plan prioritizing actions
specific and tailored to local circumstances.
in line with National Climate Change Action
The importance of infrastructure and Plan for the sustainable habitat sector.
improvement of living standards of
population is crucial to sustained economic
6.2 Key trends in the sector
development. A detailed analysis of the The state is situated at high altitude and has a
development process over last four decades mountainous terrain with unfavorable climatic
shows that one of the major reasons for conditions. Most of the urban population of
slow economic and social development the state is usually concentrated in towns
is the unplanned population growth. The and cities. More than 60% of the urban
capital cities and other district towns of population of the state is concentrated in 97
the state are challenged with problems of class I towns, also the net addition to the

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

population of these towns has been the highest (SDR, J&K 2003).The population size, growth,
composition and quality play an important role in the development process.

Table 26: Urban Population

Description 2001 2011

Total Population 1,01,43,700 1,25,48,926
Male 53,60,926 66,65,561
Female 47,82,774 58,83,365
Rural 76,27,062 91,34,820
Urban 25,16,638 34,14,106
Urban population as percentage of 24.81 27.21
total population

Source: Digest of Statistics, J&K, 2010-11

Figure 13: District Map of J&K

The main developmental issues in the context Municipality/ Municipal councils all over the
of urban areas of the state are being taken state. The urban population is spread across
care of by two main Municipal Corporations all the districts of the state, with Srinagar,
-Jammu Municipal Corporation and Srinagar Jammu, Leh, Baramulla and Udhampur
98 Municipal Corporation. There are about 83 having high population concentration. All

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

these districts have major cities and divisional 6.2.1 Solid waste
administrative headquarters. The capital
cities of Srinagar and Jammu have always Solid waste management is emerging as an
been the traditional growth centres. Most of essential urban and industrial issue. The
the small and medium towns are extending Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) generated in
due to uncontrolled population growth. Srinagar city in 2010 was around 394 MT/day
of which around 220 MT/day was disposed as
The existing urban infrastructure along with landfill at SyedporaAchan(SOE report 2012).
the core urban public services such as water Majority of slaughter houses in Srinagar city
supply, sanitation and sewerage, urban have the slaughtering areas within their
roads and solid waste management do not premises. The waste is released into the
suffice for the growing urban population. surface and underground drainage system.
The Sanitation facilities in urban areas lack In Jammu, the MSW generation is estimated
sewerage systems in urban areas resulting in to 350 – 400 MT/day, out of which 300 MT/
pollution of the nearby water bodies due to day solid wastes are collected and sent to
release of untreated effluents. Poverty and Dumping Site at Bhagwati Nagar.
lack of livelihood amenities in rural areas
has led to migration of population to urban 6.2.2 Transport
areas. This has posed threat to the availability
The transport sector contributes majorly
of proper human habitat. Lack of sewerage
to the Green House Gas (GHG) emission in
system, indiscriminate developmental
the state. It is estimated that the number of
activities have led to contamination of the
vehicles in the State would be multiplied two
water bodies, drain and obstruction in the
times every five years adding significantly to
rainwater outlets.
the quantum of emission of GHG. Roads are
Overcrowding and expansion of slums, the primary mode of transport available in
increasing scarcity of water supply, Jammu and Kashmir. Therefore, along with
inadequacies of public health facilities and the road length, the number of vehicles has
sanitation system, and mismanagement risen significantly. The State Government
of waste materials are the major problems regulates road transport facilities under the
dogging the urban areas. Moreover, rampant provisions of Motor Vehicles Act, 1988. The
growth of private housing colonies, which in number of registered vehicles has reached
most cases are not well planned, leads to to 8.1 lakh as on 31st March 2009 which
issues for urban local bodies to ensure basic accounts for 47,000 extra vehicles than the
amenities to these colonies. Most of these last year. This figure corresponds to an annual
colonies have turned into slums adding to percentage growth of figure 7.63%. Details
the problems in the Srinagar city. of public and private transport are given in
table blow:

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Table 27: Types of vehicles registered in the State

Sl. No. Type of vehicle Total Registration

1 Buses 10,360
2 Mini buses 15,411
3 Trucks/ tankers/ MGV/LGV 48,190
4 Cars 1,92,793
5 Jeeps 11,791
6 Taxies 25,308
7 Motor cycle/ Scooter 4,30,844
8 Auto rickshaws 39,753
9 Tractors 20,296
10 Trailers 667
11 Other (Ambulance, Record rollers dozers etc) 15,081
Total 8,10,494

Source: J&K Transport Department, 2009-10

6.3 Vulnerability of the changing climate has already manifested

sector through extreme weather conditions which

have been further aggravated by many
Cities and towns of Jammu & Kashmir ill-practices resulting in deforestation and
have always been vulnerable to natural environmental degradation.
hazards such as earthquakes, cloudbursts,
Within the cities of Jammu & Kashmir, the
snow storms, floods, droughts, avalanches
poor are typically the most vulnerable. They
and landslides. In some situations, cities
tend to live in slum/informal settlements,
experienced increase in the frequency of
often located in areas most exposed to
existing climate-related hazards, such as
the effects of global climate change, steep
flooding. Due to the peculiar topography,
slopes and ravines. Little or no infrastructure
rugged terrain, extreme weather conditions
exists to provide protection from storm
and underdeveloped economy, the state has
events or to ensure mobility. Reflecting the
always been prone to natural disasters and
low and unstable incomes of the residents,
it’s after effects. Jammu and Kashmir has
but exacerbated by poor land tenure
witnessed many cases of natural disaster in
characteristics, little or no building regulation,
the 19th and early 20th centuries.
and lack of housing finance, low housing
Such events not only disrupt economic quality results poor resistance to natural
activity but also lead to immense hardship disasters. The inherent vulnerability of these
for the affected population. The signs of settlements within the urban areas of the

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

state is amplified as the effects of climate earthquakes. Also, downhill creep causes
change become more pronounced. landslips and landslides. The area between
Batote and Banihal on National Highway is
The signs of climate change at present are prone to landslides.
mainly visible through rise in temperature or
increase or decrease in rainfall. Also frequent 6.4 Key issues in the sector
rainfall makes urban living highly vulnerable to
floods and landslides. Indian Meteorological The issues related to the people’s habitat are
Department (IMD) monitoring reveals considered the vital indicators for assessment
that temperature is increasing in both the of the living condition in an identified
regions of Jammu & Kashmir with significant geographical area.
increase in Maximum temperature by 0.05°C
Solid Waste generated from urban
per year in Kashmir Valley and minimum
household is normally collected and dumped
temperature in Jammu region by 0.08°C per
in an unscientific manner to nearby dumping
year (Jaiswal&Rao, IMD Pune, 2007).
grounds. Absence of proper segregation
6.3.1 Flashfloods and Landslides system and scientific treatment and disposal
procedure leads to unhygienic condition near
Cloudbursts and flash floods are common the urban areas across the state. Different
features in different parts of the state which wastes and waste management activities
are usually responsible for loss of life and have varied impacts on energy consumption,
property. Flash floods are mainly caused due methane emissions and carbon storage.
to glacial melting as a result of glacial melting. Recycling reduces Green House Gas (GHG)
Suru basin and Kolhai are the prominent emissions by reducing methane emissions
examples. They have lost about 16% and from landfills. If energy is generated from
18% of the total volume respectively. It is the waste the consumption of energy from
observed that flash floods cause tremendous fossil sources would reduce. Inadequate
loss in catchment of Jhelum, Chenab and Tawi collection and improper disposal system
rivers. Low-lying areas of the Kashmir Valley, currently lead to spillage and contamination
especially Sonawari, Awantipora, Srinagar, of soil and surface as well as groundwater
along with parts of Jammu are prone to streams. Integrated Solid waste Management
flood. Upper catchments of all tributaries of facility is still not implemented within the
Jhelum, Indus, Chenab and Tawi rivers are state. Moreover, the solid and liquid waste
also prone to flash floods. generated from the slaughter house has
a detrimental effect on the nearby water
Landslides are common phenomenon across bodies and also the aesthetic environment.
the state. Large and small landslide occurs
every year in all three region of the State. Sanitation possesses major problems in
These are complex disaster phenomenon the absence of any sewerage system in
caused by heavy rainfall, snowfall and urban areas resulting in release of domestic

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

effluent into nearby rivers and streams there are days when some areas remain
leading to contamination of water sources. inaccessible due to landslides, snowfalls or
Indiscriminate developmental activities also other damages caused by heavy rains. Public
add to the problem by jamming drains and transport is limited due to inadequate road
encroaching on rainwater flow paths. network, poor infrastructure and scattered
The urban transport sector has been largely
neglected in the State, characterized by In order to combat these odds through a
heavy traffic congestion due to narrow roads, sustainable strategy for climate resilience,
rapid growth in number of vehicles along the state has envisaged some key priorities
with highly concentric development. Often in the urban sector.

Table 28: Adaptation Pathways with respect to climate change in State

Issues Impact Pathways

Warm and Humid Increased demand for Create awareness to retrofit building with
summer and cold cooling green design; policy incentive for usage star
winters rated HVAC products
Energy Usage Higher concentration Utility DSM measures in street lighting,
and higher use solar water heating
Increase in natural Increase loss of Policy formulation on hazard resistant
hazard like earthquake, human settlement settlements within populated urban areas
flashflood, Cloudbursts, and loss of lives and awareness for hazard preparedness to
landslides etc. minimize loss of property and lives.
Heavy and aberrant Increased storm- Development of storm water management
precipitation water runoff plan and investment in sewerage; re-
assessment of master plans/land use plans
of urban agglomerations, policy incentive
use of permeable surfaces and incorporation
in the PWD codes
Enhanced waste Health hazards, Awareness for waste segregation and
generation due to soil contamination policies for land filling of waste
urban agglomeration through leaching,
by population influx odour pollution
Decline in the forest Decrease in bio- Planting heat tolerant trees, city wide
cover sequestration of programmes for tree watering and
atmospheric carbon maintenance, roadside plantation
dioxide, incur programme, development of parks
significant adverse
soil erosion and
frequently degrade
into wasteland.
Transport system Congestion and higher Phase out of old vehicles, integrated traffic
102 congestion and ageing GHG emission study, congestion reduction plan and
implementation of intelligent transport

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

6.5 Programme and Policies blocks, development of Parks/ play grounds/
in the sector graveyards, development of roads, etc.

The following key policies are in place that 3. Integrated Development of

would be able to address the impacts of Medium Towns
climate change and also reduce the sectoral
The scheme is implemented by the Urban
contribution to climate change. The Housing
Local Bodies in all towns other than Srinagar
and Urban Department is responsible
and Jammu Cities for providing basic civic
for implementation of these schemes/
amenities. The scheme is implemented
through the Municipal Councils/Committees
1. Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban and the funds are routed through the
Renewal Mission (JNNURM) Directors of Urban Local Bodies Jammu
and Kashmir. The other scheme with same
The State government has adopted several objectives known as Urban Development
urban development schemes such as the Scheme (UDS) is a District Sector scheme and
Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal administrated by the District Development
Mission (JNNURM). JNNURM was launched Commissioners.
by Government of India on 3rd December,
2005 and it started its implementation in the 4. Urban Transport
State in 2007. It is a reform driven fast track
The funds under this scheme were provided
programme to ensure planned development
to Srinagar Development and Jammu
of identified cities. It focuses on efficiency
Development Authorities for construction
in urban infrastructure/service delivery
and up-gradation of Bus Terminals and other
mechanism, community participation and on
Mini Bus stands to resolve the transport
enhancing accountability of the Urban Local
related problems of Srinagar and Jammu
Bodies. The main thrust areas of JNNURM are
Cities till 2009-10. During the previous
Water Supply Including Sanitation, Sewerage,
financial year the scheme was extended for
Solid Waste Management, Road Network,
other towns of the State and the funds were
Urban Transport, Integrated Development of
released to two Directors of Urban Local
slums, Re-Development of Inner (Old) City.
Bodies for Urban Transport.
2. Capital City Development
5. Drainage Sector
Programme (CCDP)
The Department contemplates to provide
The scheme is being implemented in two
proper drainage network in the State.
capital cities of Srinagar and Jammu to
Accordingly various schemes/works under
provide basic civic amenities primarily in
this sector have been taken up to be
Construction of lanes/ drains/ culverts,
construction of bath rooms/ lavatory
executed through Srinagar/Jammu Municipal 103
Corporations and Directorate of Urban Local

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Bodies, Kashmir/ Jammu. An allocation of Management Plan of the Lake is funded 100%
INR 2,000.00 lakh were provided during the by GOI and the Rehabilitation has to be borne
year 2011-12 and have been proposed to by the State Government. The rehabilitation
retain the same for the current financial year plan has been worked out and land at Rakh-
under this sector. i-Arth, measuring about 3,000 canals is being
developed in the first phase. There are other
6. Integrated Low Cost Sanitation components for establishing the Housing
Scheme colony at Rakh-I-Arth to be funded through
State Plan besides funds for construction
This is a centrally sponsored scheme aiming
of secondary sewers and laterals of the
to convert /construct low cost sanitation
Sewerage System.
units through sanitary two pit pour flush
latrines and new latrines for EWS households 8. Sewerage Sector
without latrines. About 56 projects for
conversion/ construction of 5,901 units have Three sewerage schemes viz Sewerage
been sanctioned by Government of India Project TalabTiloo at Jammu, Sewerage
(GoI). Project in Brari Numbalat Srinagar and
Sewerage Project in Khushalsarat Srinagar are
7. Dal Development under execution under this sector. The pilot
Project TalabTillo has been commissioned.
The Dal Development Programme has two
The amount shall be utilized to provide
components - Conservation/ Management
house connections through chambers in
Plan of the Lake and Rehabilitation / Re-
major portion of the area covered under the
Settlement of Dal Dwellers & Lateral Sewer
pr ectt. The
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to be commissioned provided the house and overall sustainability. Within the
connections are made. Sustainable Habitat sector, six key priorities
are put under the transport infrastructure
6.6 Key Priorities sector and seven priority actions are under
sustainable urban development sector. The
Jammu & Kashmir is characterized by an
total budget proposed for the thirteen key
increasing altitude as one moves towards
priorities along with sub activities is INR
north, thereby decreasing temperature.
96885 Lakh or INR 968.85 Crore.
Thus, Jammu is 366 m above the mean sea
level with annual mean temperate of 24.5°C Under a policy scenario with implementation
and sub-tropical climate. Kashmir is at an of national emission reduction strategies,
altitude of 1,585 m above mean sea level aggregated mitigation costs can be reduced
with a mean annual temperature of 13.3°C if economy-wise environmental policies
and comes under temperate climate, while are complemented by urban policies, such
Ladakh is at a height of 3,505 m above the as congestion charges or increasing spatial
mean sea level and experience sub-arctic density. This is due to complementarities
climate. The state has a hilly topography with other policy objectives, such as
and one of the most vulnerable states to the lower local pollution and health benefits,
effects of climate change such as warmer and enhancement of city attractiveness
temperatures, unusual rainfall, landslides. and competitiveness through lower local
At the same time, better urban planning and pollution levels. The identified key priorities
policies can reduce energy use and Green consist of multiple opportunities for the
House Gas (GHG) emissions and improve the mitigation activities to explore the carbon
resilience of urban infrastructure to climate markets with several mechanisms like Clean
change, thereby shaping future trends. Development Mechanism (CDM), Voluntary
Lack of suitable livelihood and employment Carbon Standards, Nationally Appropriate
facilities added to uncontrolled exploitation Mitigation Action (NAMA) etc. The revenue
of natural resources. Moreover, the state is generated from the mitigation activities
situated adjacent to three other countries can be used for their effective operation.
which are equally vulnerable to natural Involvement of State Government through
disasters. This necessitates special attention “climate sensitive” urban planning and
for initiatives on mitigation and adaptation management can help achieve national
under sustainable habitat mission. climate goals and minimise tradeoffs between
environmental and economic priorities at
The state has identified key priorities with high
local levels. While local authorities can help
importance and out of that five actions are
to achieve national climate goals through
adaptation activities and eight are mitigation
urban policies to reduce energy demand and
activities. The high priorities identified are
improve resilience to climate change, national
based on the basis of cost effectiveness, cost-
governments can help to create a sound 105
benefit, feasibility, ease of implementation

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

institutional foundation and knowledge base and programme administration. The two
to support local decision makers engage with capital cities can stimulate green jobs by
stakeholders to identify and carry out cost- raising consumer awareness, raising the
effective actions. eco-efficiency of local business, facilitating
clean-tech start-ups and supporting training
State governments are acting on climate programmes. The following action points have
change issues, even without national policies emerged out of several rounds of discussions
through local regulations, urban services, among the working group members.

Key Priorities: Sustainable Habitat

1. Promotion of battery operated (charged from solar power) transport systems in

tourist places, battery driven motor boats instead of diesel engine boats (battery
charged from solar module mounted on the boat) and use of alternative fuel instead
of diesel to drive Barges and other diesel driven equipment used for maintenance
purpose in the lake

2. Capacity building of all levels of stakeholders to make them understand their role on
their regards and maintain proper environment management system

3. GHG accounting study on emission by transport vehicles

4. Establishment of intelligent transport system

5. Policy framework in transport sector

6. Promotion of public transport and mass transport & Promotion of water transport

7. Establishment of end-to-end solid waste management system

8. Reallocation of the hotels or application of STP near Dal lake & DPR preparation on

9. Base line study on solid waste and industrial waste generation and DPR preparation
& four pilot project implementation

10. Capacity Building/ Awareness Generation Program on segregation of solid waste at

household level

11. Establishment of segregation mechanism of bio-medical waste in urban hospitals

and in rural PHCs

12. Application of methane capture technology and preparation of fertilizer from weeds
generated in Dal lake


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

1. Promotion of battery operated measures would reduce the Green House
(charged from solar power) Gas (GHG) emission from the diesel operated
transport vehicles for tourist motor boats as well as the consumption of
zones, battery driven motor fossil fuel.
boats instead of diesel engine
boats (battery charged from 2. Capacity building of all levels
solar module mounted on the of stakeholders for better
boat) and use of alternative understanding of their role and
fuel instead of diesel to drive maintain proper environment
Barges and other diesel driven management system
equipment used for cleaning the
The state government has emphasized on the
need for capacity building of the officials and
other stakeholders on climate change related
State Government has planned to promote
issues, implications and possible adaptive
research, development and demonstration
and mitigating measures. This would enable
projects in the field of Battery Operated
them to include climatic considerations
Vehicles (BOVs) under the Alternative Fuel
and proper environmental management
for Water Transportation primarily in tourist
strategies in their departmental planning as
places. The objective of the programme is
well as day to day operation and monitoring
to promote non-polluting Battery Operated
activities. The process should begin with a
Vehicles (BOVs) in the state, which would
training needs assessment for all relevant
help in conserving diesel oil and curb
departments and agencies. This might be
environmental pollutions.
followed with training modules especially on
Dachigam National Park is kept out of overall climate change issues, environment
bounds for the daily tourists by the Forest management, solid waste management,
Department, only few tourists are given entry water management and urban management
with special permission from the Tourism would be conducted and subsequent training
Department. This is to prevent the sound and would be imparted. Capacity building would
noise pollution caused by the tourist vehicles also be extended to awareness generation
that enter the sanctuary boundaries. Green on good practices such as source segregation
or Eco – Friendly Vehicles such as Battery or of waste and energy efficiency.
Fuel cell operated vehicles including solar/
The identified key priorities are based on
battery operated vehicles with low sound
the cost effectiveness, feasible options,
pollution could be the effective. Similarly,
sustainability and ease of implementing with
for water transportation which is a primary
respect to the present condition. New or
transportation system throughout the Dal
reformed institutions are needed to enable
lake, Battery Operated Vehicles (charged from
state governments to facilitate capacity
solar power) should be introduced. These 107
building and decision-making on climate

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

change at the local levels. A comprehensive felt in the state capitals as well as district
capacity building programme on climate headquarters. This is primarily because
change is necessary which would help infrastructure growth is slow compared to
to generate awareness and increase the growth in number of vehicles, space and
knowledge base of responsible stakeholders, cost constraints. Better traffic management
officials, policy makers for better climate would limit the CO2 emission, reducing stop-
change adaptability. The action is necessary go traffic and discouraging excessive speed.
before implementation of any climate change Intelligent Transport System (ITS) techniques
mitigation initiatives for a comprehensive have to undergo adaptation and innovation
knowledge base for better understanding to suit the traffic characteristics of the hilly
and better implementation of the initiatives. terrain and narrow roadways in J&K. Apart
Department of Urban Development would from adopting traditional sensors to chaotic
be primarily responsible for this key priority traffic conditions, efforts can be made to
action. design new sensing solutions for chaotic
traffic. There is scope for evaluating existing
3. GHG accounting study on ideas for the challenging traffic scenarios,
emission by transport vehicles innovate new solutions and empirically
evaluate ideas in collaboration with public
Measures to reduce GHG emissions from
and private sectors.
all sectors must be immediately taken to
minimize climate impacts. Transportation State Government is planning to adopt the
sector contributes largely to overall GHG ITS for better management of increasing
emissions throughout the state and is rapidly traffic congestion leading to higher GHG
growing. The state government would emission. Adopting ITS can reduce the GHG
undertake GHG emission estimation from emission and more efficient transport system
the transport sector (both surface and water which would also contribute to the overall
transport sector) so that proper mitigation economic growth of the state.
action could be planned. Based on the
outcome of the result state government 5. Policy framework in transport
would also formulate new transport policies sector
throughout the state.
Climate Change poses two fundamental
4. Establishment of intelligent transport challenges to the transport sector; the
system sector would have to significantly reduce
Green House Gas (GHG) emissions which
Road traffic congestion is a regular problem needs investment for adaptation to impacts
within the state of Jammu & Kashmir. Due to of climate change. The scale and scope of
its unique geographical characteristics and emission reductions sought by policy makers
adverse climatic conditions road networks is a challenging task but there is much that
108 are affected severely. The problem is mainly can still be achieved within the sector at

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

low cost while the cost of energy prices are modes of urban transportation that carry
increasing rapidly. large volumes of passengers quickly. State
Government is planning and prioritizing
The state government is planning to their budgets to allocate more funds in
formulate cost effective mitigation policies order to build new public transportation
that can minimize the GHG emissions from systems and expand or improve upon old
the transport sector. Regional circumstances ones. The improved public transportation
within the state would play an important role systems would encourage use of public
in determining the allocation of effort. The transport in place of personal vehicles. This
new transport policy would focus to curb would require employers to subsidize mass
GHG emissions resulting from the transport transit fees for their employees. Water
sector throughout the state. transport is a major transportation system
within the state and contributes significantly
6. Promotion of public transport
to the economy of J&K. Water transport
and mass transport & Promotion
system can also be encouraged for Mass
of water transport
transit using cleaner fuels instead of diesel.
Transport is the fastest growing source This would also significantly reduce GHG
of Green House Gas (GHG). A shift emissions throughout the state. The state
towards sustainable transport and urban government is encouraging the usage
development would reduce environmental of water transportation system through
costs and reliance on fossil fuels. Vehicular introduction of Battery Operated Vehicles
emissions have two negative impacts on (BOVs) and motor boats run by solar charged
environment: one is global climate change batteries instead of diesel oil to reduce GHG
through increase in GHG emissions and the emission.
other is air pollution and its negative health
7. Reallocation of the hotels or
repercussions. The total number of registered
application of STP near Dal lake
motor vehicles has increased in the two
& DPR preparation on STP
wheeler segment comprising of motorcycles,
scooters and mopeds. The number of two Dal Lake is located on the eastern part of
wheelers has grown rapidly amongst per- Srinagar city on the right bank of Jhelum.
sonalized modes of transportation emitting 15 major drains of the city open into the Dal
the maximum Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Lake, polluting its waters on a daily basis. The
Carbon Monoxide (CO) than the other untreated sewerage brings with it nitrogen
vehicles. Out of all the pollutants, CO2 is and phosphorus which has changed physical
a potent GHG and CO is considered as the and chemical properties of Dal waters. The
major air pollutant. sewage generated from entire Srinagar city
discharged into Dal lake pollutes the water
General public transportation falls into the
category of Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), or
body significantly. Moreover, increasing 109

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

sewage discharged from the nearby hotels systems, and incorporate a plan for
and resorts around Dal lake result in a management of Construction and Demolition
synergistic effect. (C&D) waste, biomedical waste, and domestic
hazardous waste.
Thus state government is planning to
implement several sewage treatment plants Collection and dumping of the solid
which would treat the sewage wastes waste in urban areas is one of the basic
produced from the city and hotels situated responsibilities of the Department. However,
near Dal lake before discharging it into the the Department does not have sufficient
water body. This would reduce the pollution machineries and equipment’s for collection
load as well as methane generation resulting and disposal of Municipal Solid Waste. In
from anaerobic degradation of the high order to deal with the issue the Department
organic load of the city sewage. Also the has introduced a scheme in the Annual Plan
potent GHG emission would be reduced 2010-11 with proposed 6 SWM projects for
along with restoration of the Dal lake. the district of Reasi (Katra), Udhampur, Khour
(Jammu) Budgam, Pulwama and Kulgam. The
8. Establishment of end-to-end SWM is an ever increasing challenge due to
solid waste management system constant migration of people towards towns/
cities. There are several issues which should
The MSW management decisions taken by
be addressed before venturing into a solution
mayors, county executives, and city and county
for handling huge amount of garbage.
councils and boards can influence the rate of
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Emissions The Urban Development Department
of CH4 results from the decomposition of might draw comprehensive plan for power
biodegradable components in the waste generation from Municipal Solid Waste
stream such as paper, food scraps, and yard (MSW) and manure production from
trimmings. The potential of GHGs to cause Municipal Solid Waste. The project could
global climate change is being debated be implemented either through public/
both nationally and internationally. Solid private partnership or fund made available
waste management subprojects include through JNNURM sources. MSW projects
construction and upgrading of landfill sites, are also highly suitable to attract CDM
transfer station, storage and parking facilities benefits. Measures to reduce Green House
for the collection vehicles and procurement Gas emission and adapt to expected climate
of collection and disposal equipments, change impacts would put additional
as eligible under the subproject selection pressure on city budgets and increase the
criteria for the Investment Program. The need for additional public resources. These
activity is proposed to establish an Integrated mitigation activities would reduce significant
Waste Management Plan for cities including amount of GHG emissions and the revenue
measures to improve efficiency of existing
110 flow from the sale of emission reductions
solid waste and sewerage management would help in sustaining the project. The

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

problem of littering can be well managed actions for strengthening the capacities of
with development of suitable linkage or ULBs for segregation, recycling, and reuse
setting up of appropriate infrastructure for of municipal solid wastes and setting up and
recycling of plastics, glass, paper etc. With operating sanitary landfills, in particular
active participation of people, this can be a through competitive outsourcing of SWM
sustainable source of livelihood for a larger services. The garbage collection services
section of urban population. are often not available to many households.
They often fail to dump their garbage on
9. Base line study on solid waste and time when the collection vans arrive at
industrial waste generation and their doorstep. Also many have to walk to
DPR preparation & four pilot project the municipal containers. The surroundings
implementation of the container collection points are often
filthy due to littering by residents, animal
There is an urgent need for detailed analysis
activities, or lack of site maintenance by
of the sources of solid wastes from urban and
the responsible authorities. Indiscriminate
industrial sectors for proper management
dumping into open drains, down banks on
plan to be formulated. The urban department
the road side and down into gullies, is a major
of J&K is thus planning for a detailed
problem within the city area. This other than
baseline study and preparation of Detailed
leading to a visually filthy environment leads
Project Report (DPR) for the solid waste
to increased health risk by physical contact,
management activities. The Department
vector proliferation and infrastructure
is exploring the possibility of engaging
damage by flooding.
consultants for a typical cost effective design
accommodating the latest technologies in The Urban development department
the area. Subsequent allocations would be of the state is planning to provide mass
made. Thus the study shall contribute to a awareness programme with capacity
scientific product such as the development building at household level for proper waste
of a methodological approach which can be sequestration at source. The wastes can be
used by municipalities or research institutions categorized into biodegradable (wet) and
or consultants with similar tasks. non-biodegradable (dry) wastes. The non-
biodegradable (dry) waste would thereafter
10. Capacity Building/ Awareness
be segregated into recyclables, non-
Generation Program on segregation
recyclables and domestic hazardous waste.
of solid waste at household level
Each household would be provided two
The Municipal Solid Wastes (Management buckets in different colors free of charge for
and Handling) Rules 2000 are not the only the wet and the dry waste respectively. This
policy documents targeting the issue. The would reduce the segregation cost of the
National Environment Policy 2006, lays down SWM projects and enhance the efficiency of
the action plan for soil pollution comprising environmental friendly disposal of the solid 111

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

11. Establishment of segregation 12. Application of methane capture
mechanism of bio-medical waste in technology and preparation of
urban hospitals and in rural PHCs fertilizer from weeds generated
in Dal lake
As per a survey report of J&K Pollution
Control Board, the lack of coordination Weed control methods with use of chemicals
between various government departments or mechanical mowers address the problem
and the departments within the health less harmfully than using enzymes and
care institutions is causing issues for dispersal equipment. The excess nutrients
implementation of bio-medical waste have the same harmful effects as those that
management rules. The report says that the come from the surrounding watershed.
management of bio-medical waste should Fertilizers, animal droppings, septic tank
be a priority while allocation funds for health seepage and nutrients recycled from the
care institution. Tons of bio-medical waste sediment reduce the dissolved oxygen level
has accumulated in associated hospital of in a lake thereby increasing the organic load.
the Government Medical College Srinagar This leads to the habitat destruction and
in absence of proper collection mechanism. eutrophication in the Dal Lake and destruction
The state hospitals are littered with used of the major water source of Srinagar city.
syringes, needles, plastic items, bandages Government is planning to implement five
and empty medicine and saline bottles. Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) with the
combined capacity of 36 Million Litres per
State Urban department needs to establish an Day for treatment of sewage generated by
effective mechanism for proper segregation households, commercial establishments and
of biomedical wastes in urban hospitals the hotels.
and rural public health centres. This would
reduce the environmental degradation as However the weeds harvested from the
well as harmful effects to public health lake can be utilized for the extraction of
within the state. The mechanism would methane through controlled anaerobic
significantly help in establishment of proper digestion system which can be utilized for
disposal of the generated biomedical waste power generation or any other energy
from the hospitals of urban area as well as sources. The digested sludge will be rich
rural PHCs. in nutrients and can be utilized as organic
manure. Thus the process would restore the
oxygenation characteristics of the Dal Lake,
promoting healthy aquatic habitat while
reducing undesirable weed growth, snails
and blood suckers like leech etc along with
the associated scum and algae population.

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR


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State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

6.7 List of Key Priority Action
Table 29: List of Key Priority Action Mission on Sustainable Habitat

Sl. Title Organiz- Budget (INR in Million) Source of

No. ations Existing Additional Total Funding
1 Promotion of battery Housing Nil 1.00 1.00 GoI, EFA
operated (charged from solar & Urban
power) transport systems Development
in tourist places, battery (H&UD)
driven motor boats instead
of diesel engine boats Department
(battery charged from solar
module mounted on the
boat) and use of alternative
fuel instead of diesel to drive
Barges and other diesel
driven equipments used for
maintenance purpose in the
2 Capacity building of all levels H&UD Dept. Nil 2.50 2.50 GoI, EFA
of stakeholders to make them
understand their role on their
regards and maintain proper
environment management
3 GHG accounting study H&UD Dept. Nil 2.50 2.50 GoI, EFA
on emission by transport
4 Establishment of intelligent H&UD Dept. Nil 50.00 50.00 GoI, EFA
transport system
5 Policy framework in transport H&UD Dept. Nil 2.50 2.50 GoI, EFA
6 Promotion of public H&UD Dept. Nil 800.00 800.00 GoI, EFA
transport and mass transport
& Promotion of water
7 Reallocation of the hotels or H&UD Dept. Nil 800.00 800.00 GoI, EFA
application of STP near Dal
lake & DPR preparation on
8 Establishment of end-to-end H&UD Dept. Nil 400.00 400.00 GoI, EFA
solid waste management
9 Base line study on solid H&UD Dept. Nil 50.00 50.00 GoI, EFA
waste and industrial
waste generation and DPR
preparation & four pilot
project implementation

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organiz- Budget (INR in Million) Source of
No. ations Existing Additional Total Funding
10 Capacity Building/ Awareness H&UD Dept. Nil 10.00 10.00 GoI, EFA
Generation Program on
segregation of solid waste at
household level
11 Establishment of segregation H&UD Dept. Nil 10.00 10.00 GoI, EFA
mechanism of bio-medical
waste in urban hospitals and
in rural PHCs
12 Application of methane H&UD Dept. Nil 60.00 60.00 GoI, EFA
capture technology and
preparation of fertilizer from
weeds generated in Dal lake
Total Budget (INR in Million) Nil 2,188.50 2,188.50

N.B: The cost estimates are indicative and may change after preparation of Detailed Project Reports


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

7 Green India Mission
7.1 Introduction the next decade is to understand better how
climate affects disturbances and how forests
Forests and climate change are inherently respond to them. Improved monitoring
linked. When kept healthy, forests play a key programs and analytic tools are needed to
role in our national climate change strategy. develop this understanding. Ultimately, this
Over geologic time, changes in disturbance knowledge should lead to better ways to
regimes are a natural part of all ecosystems. predict and cope with disturbance-induced
However, loss of forest’s ability to mitigate changes in forest.
the effects of climate change will mean
7.1.1 Current Status of Forest and
losing many important ecosystem goods
Forest Cover Change
and services. Development, climate change,
invasive species, unsustainable forestry
According to the interpretation of satellite
practices, diseases and insects, all of these
data of October-December 2008, the forest
factors and more, endanger the forests that
cover of Jammu and Kashmir is spread over
we rely on for so much. The variety and
22,539 sq. km (including area outside the
severity of the threats to our forests means
LoC) accounting for 10.14% of the State’s
that simply planting trees for sheer numbers
geographical area (Source: India State of
is not enough. We have to develop detailed
Forest Report, 2011). In terms of forest
restoration plans that take every factor into
density parameters fixed by Forest Survey of
account - from the needs of local wildlife
India , a total of 4,140 sq. km area is presently
to the changing climate in the region. Even
covered under very dense forest, 8,760 sq.
if changes cannot always be predicted, it is
km under moderately dense forest and 9,639
important to consider ways in which impacts
sq. km under open forest; distribution of
to forest systems can be mitigated under likely
which is depicted in the figure below.
changes in disturbance regimes. The task for 117

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Figure 14: Forest cover in the State12

Jammu and Kashmir has 4 National Parks, district, having a spread of 8,900 hectares,
15 Wildlife Sanctuaries and 34 Conservation has been designated as a Ramsar site. The
Reserves, spread across an area of 11,774.50 district-wise forest cover in different canopy
sq. km. The Dachigam National Park is famous density classes is given in the following
for Hangul. The Wular Lake in Baramulla table:

India State of Forest Report 2011, Forest Survey of India, Dehradun


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Table 30: Assessment of variation in forest cover (Area in sq. km)
District Geo. 2011 Assessment Percent Change* Scrub
Area Very Moder- Open Total of GA over 2009
(GA) Dense ately Forest assessment
forest Dense
Anantag 3,984 196 664 578 1,438 36.09 0 23
Baramulla 4,588 425 286 446 1,157 25.22 0 86
Budgam 1,371 99 69 52 220 16.05 0 8
Doda 11,691 619 1,689 1,659 3,967 33.93 0 5
Jammu 3,097 0 210 672 882 28.48 0 43
Kargil 14,037 0 3 21 24 0.17 0 19
Kathua 2,651 112 673 614 1,399 52.77 1 12
Kupwara 2,379 472 366 322 1,160 48.76 0 3
Leh 45,110 0 48 57 105 0.23 0 6
Outside LOC 1,20,848 1,326 2,471 2,686 6,483 5.36 1 1,810
Poonch 1,674 187 300 242 729 43.55 0 9
Pulwama 1,398 110 106 78 294 21.03 0 10
Rajouri 2,630 49 439 752 1,240 47.15 0 8
Srinagar 2,228 196 307 249 752 33.75 0 16
Udhampur 4,550 349 1,129 1,211 2,689 59.10 0 47
Grand total 2,22,236 4,140 8,760 9,639 22,539 10.14 2 2,105
Source: India State of Forest Report 2011, Forest Survey of India, Dehradun

According to the 2011 assessment of FSI, it is 2009. This is due to interpretational changes
observed that the area under forest cover has on account of refinement of methodology
increased by 2 sq. kms in Jammu and Kashmir as well as availability of improved satellite
State. However, there is a net decrease of data in appropriate seasons (Source: ISFR
147 sq. km from the reported area in the ISFR 2011).

Table 31: Forest Cover Change Matrix (Area in sq. km)

2011 Assessment 2009
VDF MDF OF Scrub NF assessment
Very Dense Forest 4,140 0 0 0 0 4,140
Moderately Dense Forest 8,760 0 0 0 8,760
Open Forest 0 0 9,637 0 0 9,637
Scrub 0 0 0 2,101 0 2,101
Non-Forest 2 4 1,97,592 1,97,598
Total 2011 4,140 8,760 9,639 2,105 1,97,592 2,22,236
Net Charge 0 0 2 4 -6
Source: ISFR 2011

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

7.1.2 Forest cover under different actions for enhanced ecosystem (like carbon
forest type sequestration and storage in forest & other
ecosystems), hydrological and biodiversity
Forest Survey of India has undertaken forest conservation along with provisioning services
type mapping using satellite data with like fuel, fodder, timber and NTFPs. The
reference to Champion & Seth Classification. “greening” in the context of climate change
The assessment has identified 38 forest aims at a combination of adaptation and
types belonging to eight forest type groups, mitigation measures, which helps in:
viz. Tropical Dry Deciduous, Subtropical
• Enhancing carbon sinks in sustainably
Pine, Subtropical Dry Evergreen, Himalayan
managed forests and other
Moist Temperate, Himalayan Dry Temperate
and Sub Alpine Scrub. Percentage-wise
distribution of forest cover in various forest • Adaptation of vulnerable species/
types is given in the chart below. ecosystems to the changing climate.

Figure 15: Different Forest Types in States13

The Green India Mission (GIM) under the • Inculcating resilience in the existing
National Action Plan on Climate Change forests by various silvi-cultural and
(NAPCC) aims at adaptation and mitigation forest management interventions

120 13
India State of Forest Report 2011, Forest Survey of India, Dehradun

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

• Adaptation of forest-dependent Officers of the Forest Department and the
communities Principal Chief Conservator of Forests.

The objective of the State Mission on 7.1.3 Role of Forest in State

Forest & Biodiversity sector is to achieve
the national goal of GIM under NAPCC & The State of Jammu and Kashmir has
to respond to the possible climate change rich diverse forest resources that plays
impacts in the State. an important role to preserve the fragile
ecosystem of the State and serves as
Climate change impacts can be reduced by catchments for Himalayan Rivers. In Jammu
way of conservation and protection of forests and Kashmir, the perennial water supply
and biodiversity resources. Revised policies including groundwater recharge, and health
for the protection and management of the of soils, primarily depends upon the area
forest should be integrated with conservation and quality of forest cover. A healthy forest
of the catchment areas in the hills. cover is essential for long term operation of
hydroelectric projects. In the State, forest also
The Green Mission of Jammu and Kashmir is provides some environmental services like
prepared in compliance to the guidelines of carbon sequestration, pollution abatement,
National Climate Change Action Plan-Green amelioration of climate, in-situ conservation
Mission with a series of discussions with the of biodiversity and maintenance of ecological


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

balance. Since there is unique aesthetic mainly served the purpose of timber
value of forest landscape and huge potential production. Although, commercial felling
for tourism in the State, the forests play a of green trees has been discontinued, but
pivotal role to make the State an ideal tourist drying of trees due to natural reasons is
destination. unavoidable. Further, due to continuous and
unrestricted grazing, most of the forests in
Forests are also essential for soil the State are deficient in regeneration. Other
conservation, water security, and for meeting factors like forest fires, invasive weeds,
the daily necessities of local population unregulated tourist movement and lakh of
with regards to timber, firewood, fodder timely silvicultural operations prohibit the
and other forest produce. As per the State regeneration. Similarly, a marked reduction
specific demarcation rules, the forests of the in population of other productive species
State were constituted along with the initial especially medicinal plants, has been
revenue settlement. As forest are the largest observed. Over exploitation of forests has not
land based resource in Jammu and Kahsmir, only degraded them but also impaired their
they have an important role in supporting ability to provide environmental benefits.
livelihoods and poverty alleviation. Forests The effects of forests degradation are visible
also have some economic value and play through drying up of perennial water sources,
an important role in supporting economic accelerated soil erosion, flash floods, silting
activities and human well being. As per the of reservoirs loss of biodiversity and reduced
expert estimation (Down to Earth, issue of forest productivity.
July 2005) the net present environmental
value of forests of Jammu and Kashmir was 7.3 Vulnerability of the
Rs.1,92,000 crores. sector
7.2 Key trends in the sector 7.3.1 Climate Variability in J&K

The varied and distinctive geo-climatic Climate variability refers to shorter term like
conditions across the three regions of the daily, seasonal, annual, inter-annual, several
state, viz, Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh is years’ variations in climate, including the
responsible for the diversified forest cover fluctuations associated with El Niño (dry)
ranging from sub-tropical to temperate and or La Niña (wet) events. The overall effects
alpine. The three regions have witnessed of climate variability are puzzling in Jammu
exponential growth in human and livestock and Kashmir. Based on Percent of Normal,
population, rapid industrialization and spurt majority of the districts in the northwest
in developmental activities, especially in part of the country consisting of Rajasthan,
past few decades. These developmental Gujarat, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, and
processes have resulted in depletion of Haryana have drought probabilities of
forest cover accompanied by an overall ≥20%. Severe drought produces massive
degradation and forest soil. Earlier, forests tree mortality, but there is also evidence of

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

periodic tree staffing during extreme rainy study indicates that about 39% and 34% of
years. As per INCCA Report 2010 the whole the forested grids are likely to undergo shifts
Himalayan region is exhibiting an increase in vegetation type under A2 and B2 climate
in the precipitation in the 2030s scenario. scenarios, respectively with a trend towards
The increase varies between 5% and 20% in increased occurrence of the wetter forest
most areas, with some areas of Jammu and types.
Kashmir showing an increase of up to 50%.
As per INCCA Report 2010 due to climate Approximately 47% and 42% of tropical dry
variability in the State, food production deciduous grids are projected to undergo
deficit is growing in recent times. Due to low shifts under A2 and B2 scenarios respectively,
rainfall, the rain-fed agriculture will suffer as opposed to less than 16% grids comprising
the most. Horticultural crops like apple are of tropical wet evergreen forests. Similarly,
also showing decline in production and the tropical thorny scrub forest is projected
areal coverage particularly due to decline in to undergo shifts in majority of forested
snowfall. grids under A2 (more than 80%) as well as
B2 scenarios (50% of grids). According to
7.3.2 Impact of climate change on another study projected impacts of climate
forest ecosystems in Jammu and change, using a moderate A1B scenario and
Kashmir IBIS vegetation model for the period of 2030s
and 2080s, are projected in figure below,
Indian Institute of Science has conducted an which show the impacts on current forested
assessment of the impact of climate change locations in India. The figure shows that
on forest ecosystems in India. A dynamic Jammu and Kashmir is projected to undergo
vegetation model IBIS (Integrated Biosphere vegetation change in both A1B (2035 and
Simulator) was used to assess the impacts 2085) scenarios.
of climate change on forests in India. The


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Figure 16: Forest Grids in India

All forested grids in India are shown in color The model simulated vegetation as well as
(red or green): red indicates that a change grids that undergo vegetation change for the
in vegetation is projected at that grid in Himalayan region is shown in above Figure 18
the time-period of 2021-2050, and green The entire Himalayan region is covered by 98
indicates that no change in vegetation is IBIS grids, out of which 55 (56%) are projected
projected by that period. to undergo change. Thus, over half of the
forests are likely to be adversely impacted in
the Himalayan region by 2030’s14.

Figure 17: Simulated dominant vegetation in the Himalayan region for the baseline (left panel) and
2035 (middle panel). The grids where a change in vegetation is projected are shown
in red in the right panel

124 14
of Environment & Forests Government of India (November 2010)

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

7.3.3 Vulnerability to the sector According to the estimated vulnerability index
suggests that upper Himalayas, northern and
Severe Human pressure on forest is central parts of Western Ghats and parts of
responsible for deforestation and central India are most vulnerable to projected
degradation in Jammu and Kashmir. Due to impacts of climate change. The forests in the
high dependency on forest for timber and fuel central part of India, especially the north-
wood, deforestation is an ongoing process. western part of India are highly vulnerable.
On the other hand the livestock population
in the State is 9.90 million resulting in huge Due to changes in precipitation and
demand for fodder. In addition most of temperature in Jammu and Kashmir the
this livestock graze in forests. Grazing and probable vulnerability of the forestry sector
trampling of saplings by livestock is the is as follows:
biggest threat to regeneration of vegetation
• Climate change would increase many
in all forested areas of the State. Low tree
existing stress on forest ecosystems
density, low bio-diversity status as well as
through increase in invasive species,
higher levels of fragmentation contribute
insect pests and pathogens, and
to the vulnerability of these forests. As per
disturbance regimes. Climate change
Chatuvedi, (2010) , most of the mountainous
would result in ecosystem shifts and
forests (sub-alpine and alpine forest, the
Himalayan dry temperate forest and the
Himalayan moist temperate forests) are • Many tree species would have
susceptible to the adverse effects of climate insufficient adaptation rates to keep
change. This is because climate change is pace with climate change.
predicted to be larger for regions that have
• Forests would not be able to provide a
higher elevations. There is a need to explore
consistent supply of forest products.
win-win adaptation practices in such regions
such as anticipatory plantations, sanitary • Climate change impacts on forests
harvest, and pest and fire management. would impair the ability of many
forested watersheds to produce
It is also seen that a significant part of reliable supplies of clean water.
the Himalayan bio-diversity hotspot that
• Climate change would result in a
stretches along the northwestern part of
widespread decline in carbon storage
India along the States of Punjab, Jammu and
in forest ecosystems across the
Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh is projected
to be highly vulnerable. This may be mostly
attributed to the higher elevation of these • Many contemporary and iconic forms
regions. The study has shown that these of recreation dependent on forest
regions will experience higher levels of ecosystems would change in extent
warming. and timing due to climate change. 125

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

• Climate change would alter many species have been replaced by un-palatable
traditional and modern cultural species. To meet the fodder demand, more
connections to forest ecosystems. and more areas are subjected to overgrazing,
further compounding the problem. This is
7.4 Key issues in the sector a vicious cycle which often results in many
conflicts between different stakeholders for
Loss of forest cover and habitat destruction:
use of scarce grazing resources. Over-grazing
Many species are threatened due to habitat
of forest areas by livestock has also seriously
destruction, forest fragmentation and loss of
impaired the ability of natural forests to
forest cover. Developmental activities (road
construction, transmission lines, power
projects, etc.), encroachments, illicit felling Encroachments: Human encroachments into
of trees, uprooting of trees due to natural biologically rich forest areas have increased
calamities like heavy snowfall, and wind alarmingly resulting in loss of forest cover and
storms are some of the reasons responsible honeycombing of forests. Encroachments
for loss of forest cover. into water bodies like lakes are common and
have reduced the expanse of lake bed.
Spread of Alien species: In some of the sub-
tropical forests areas of the State, spread Anthropogenic pressure on forest areas:
of alien species like Lantana camara and Both protected and unprotected forest areas
Partheniumhysterphorisus, has posed an and grazing lands are under tremendous biotic
increasing threat on forest productivity pressure for timber and firewood extraction/
and native biodiversity. Few species of fish collection. Indiscriminate collection of many
like mirror carp have caused decline in the native species having commercial value or
population of native fish species like the medicinal importance continues despite
Schizothorax. Other species of trout in protection accorded under different laws
several hill streams have adapted well but (Wildlife Act, Forest Act, and Biodiversity
their impacts on local biota unknown. Act).

Unregulated grazing by domestic livestock: Jammu and Kashmir is endowed with rich
Rapid increase in the livestock population of biodiversity and gene pool resources, such
the State has resulted in a huge gap between as dense lush green forests, alpine pastures,
demand and supply of fodder. Consequently, snow bound peaks, glaciers, rivers, streams
the forests and pastures of the State are and fascinating wetlands like Wullar, Dal,
subjected to heavy grazing, much beyond Hokersar, Hygametc offering conducive
their carrying capacity. This problem has breeding grounds for the migratory birds.
remained largely unaddressed, resulting in In the sub-tropical forests of the State, Chir
severe degradation of forests and pasture (Pinus roxburghii), which occurs between 600
lands which has further reduced the fodder m to 1,500 m, is the predominant species.
126 availability. The palatable grass and shrub The common tree associates of this species

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

are Quercus leucotrichophora, Quercus ilex, foetens, Viburnum nervosum, Skimmia
Olea cuspidata, Pistacia integerrima, Lyonia laureola, Podophyllum hexandrum, Parrotia
ovalifolia, Pyrus pashia, Alnus nepalensis, jacquemontiana, Desmodium spp, Sarcococca
Acacia modesta, Celtis australis, Rhus spp and saligna, Indigofera pulchella, Prinsepia utilis,
Corylus colurna. Shrubs commonly found in Rubus spp, Rosa spp, Berberis spp, Daphne
this zone are Myrsine africana, Dabregeasia cannabina, Acer pictum, Cotoneaster spp
hypoleuca, Berberis spp, Nerium indicum, etc.
Plectranthus rugosus, Daphne cannabina,
Zizyphus spp, Spiraea sorbifolia, Prinsepia The herbaceous ground flora includes Viola
utilis, Rubus ellipticus, Woodfordia canescens, Fragaria vesca, Rumex hastatus,
floribunda, Rosa moschata and Punica Anemone spp, Polygonum spp, Girardinia
granatum. These shrubs constitute the heterophylla, Impatiens glandulifera, Atropa
under growth in Chir forests. The intensity belladonna, Podophyllum hexandrum, and a
of under growth in Chir forests varies from variety of miscellaneous grasses and ferns.
light to heavy. The ground flora generally
Alpine pastures immediately follow the
comprises Fragaria vesca, Viola canescens,
temperate tree line from 3,200 to 3,600
Polygonum spp, Girardinia heterophylla,
m, the alpine vegetation is scarce between
Ainsliaea aptra, Impatiens glandulifera, and
3,600-4,100 m and largely comprises of trees
a variety of grasses and ferns. The common
like Junipers, Rhododendrons, Betulaetc
climbers of this zone are Clematis spp,
sprinkled with multiple herbs and shrubs.
Jasminum humile, Vitis spp, Rosa moschata.
The fauna of Jammu and Kashmir includes
The temperate forests occur at altitudes
wild goats like Markhor and Ibex, antelopes
between 1,600 m and 3,200 m. These
like Chhiru, deer’s like Hangul or Kashmir
temperate forests are dominated by Blue
Stag, Musk Deer, Spotted Deer, Shapoo,
pine (Pinus wallichiana), Spruce (Picea
Black Bears, Leopards, Wolf, Fox, Monkeys
smithiana), Deodar (Cedrus deodara) and
and birds like Western Tragopan, Himalayan
Silver fir (Abies pindrow). The common broad
Monal Pheasant etc. Though the man vs wild
leaved tree associates of Deodar, Kail and
conflict has always existed in the past, it has
Fir are Aesculus indica, Alnus nepalensis,
certainly escalated in the past two decades.
Ulmus wallichiana, Prunus padus, Quercus
Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus) and
dilatata, Quercus semecarpifolia, Q.
common leopard (Panthera pardus fusca)
leucotrichophora, Fraxinus excelsior, Betula
frequently attack humans and livestock
utilis, Rhododendron spp, Celtis australis,
resulting in death/ serious injuries, besides
Pyrus pashia, Corylus colurna, Toona ciliata,
causing loss to property. The obvious reasons
Toona serrata, Populus spp. The incidence
are the loss of wild habitat as a result of
of the under growth in these forests varies
human activities such as deforestation
in intensity from scant to moderate and
causing loss of forest cover, change in land
the commonly found species are Viburnum 127
use pattern, human interference, stone

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

quarrying and mine blasting near the forest maintain ecological balance, the felling of
areas, forest fires, and natural factors like trees has also been limited. As a result, the
increase in wild life populations, decline in out turn of forest produce has declined. The
the natural prey base, change in the predator out turn of timber which was 102.48 thousand
behavior due to easy availability of prey like cubic meters in 2000-01, declined to 69.70
stray dogs, etc. thousand cubic meters in 2009-10, and has
further come down to 37.14 thousand cubic
7.5 Programme and Policies meters during the current financial year 2012-
in the sector 13 (ending Nov)15. Therefore, the continuous
ecological restoration activity in Jammu
The following are the major schemes and
and Kashmir would certainly have climate
Programmes implemented in the forestry
change mitigation effects besides addressing
sector of the State under State/District/
biodiversity issues. Forests have to be
Centrally Sponsored schemes:
conserved and managed in a sustainable
• Consolidation and Demarcation manner with active participation of local
• Development of Minor Forest Produce communities so as to ensure a continuous
including Medicinal Plants flow of benefits to all stakeholders.
• Eco Task Force
At the same time, the Government has
• Urban Forestry
adopted the J&K State Forest Policy in
• Pasture and Fodder Development January 2011 for effective conservation
• CM’s participatory Afforestation and management of forest ecosystems.
Scheme The State Forest Policy addresses need for
• Forest Protection conservation of forest resources, meeting
• Participatory Grazing Land Development needs of people, and poverty alleviation
Programme through developmental activities. Strategies
for protection, conservation and management
• Eco-restoration of Degraded
of forests are fully defined and documented
in the State Forest Policy which has been
• Integrated Forest Protection Scheme
formulated through series of consultation
• CAMPA with different stakeholders.

It is seen that majority of the above schemes Salient features of Forest Policy 2010:
are related to afforestation and reforestation.
Afforestation on the degraded forests has Being the largest land based resource in
yielded good results. The initiative has been the State; forests have immense potential
recognized and awarded by the government for supporting livelihoods and alleviating
of India for the year 2009 and 2010. To poverty. State forest policy was launched in
the year 2010.
128 15

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

The basic objectives of the Jammu and regeneration deficient and open forest
Kashmir State Forest Policy are as follows: areas.
• Conservation of biodiversity and
• Unutilized areas suitable for tree
natural habitat through preservation of
growth will be afforested by planting
natural forests with the vast variety of
fast growing species to meet the energy
flora and fauna.
requirements of local population in
• Rehabilitation of degraded forests order to offset use of fossil fuels.
so as to optimize their productivity
and restore their potential to provide • Technologies for efficient conversion
ecosystem goods and services on of energy from biomass will also be
sustainable basis. developed and popularized.
• Poverty alleviation by meeting
In order to benefit from international
livelihood needs of forest dependent
incentives towards conservation,
communities through sustainable
maintenance and enhancement of forest
supply of forest produce by improving
carbon stocks, institutional framework
productivity of existing forests, and
will be established to synergize actions of
through forestry activities, schemes
individuals, organizations and Government
and programmes.
Departments. Cent percent incentives will
• Extending tree cover outside forests to flow to the local community wherever such
reduce pressure on natural forest for incentives accrue because of involvement of
supply of forest produce. the community in protection, afforestation
and reforestation activities.
7.6 Key Priority
The key priority actions for climate change
Trees utilize carbon dioxide in the atmosphere adaptation and mitigation adopted by the
for biomass production, and provide State would aim at maintaining a healthy
mitigation and adaptation services. In order forest resource, reduce the continuous
to tap the potential of forests for climate depletion and degradation of forest and, and
change mitigation and adaptation, following also recognize the close association between
strategy will be adopted: climate change and forests.

• Conservation, sustainable management 1. Implementation of J&K State

of forests and enhancement of forest Forest Policy :
carbon stocks will be encouraged to
offset emissions from core sectors of The Jammu and Kashmir State Forest Policy-
energy, industry and transport. 2011, provides a comprehensive roadmap
for conservation of existing forests and
• Forest carbon stocks will be conserved restoration of the forests that have degraded. 129
and enhanced by reforestation of

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Implementation of strategies provided in the genetic conservation is the key to preserving
State Forest Policy will address the climate vulnerable species. At the same time,
change issues related to forestry sector in species having wider adaptability over larger
a significant manner. The policy provides geographical and climatic regimes also need
that the Forest Department will prepare an to be identified and conserved as a part of
implementation schedule for realizing the adaptation strategy for climate change.
objectives of this Policy, and, a high powered
institutional mechanism will be put in place 4. Eco-restoration through
to monitor and review the implementation of afforestation and Climate
the Policy. Therefore, the first and foremost oriented eco-restoration plan
priority for the Forest Department is to
Ecological restoration helps in recovery of
implement the State Forest Policy in letter
degraded, damaged, or destroyed ecosystem.
and spirit.
The State government wants to take
2. Capacity building and awareness Ecological restoration activity particularly in
for all levels of stakeholders terms of afforestation to respond to climate
change in the State. These activities would
Capacity building of forest department help influence the State’s carbon budget
personnel would be undertaken to improve in a positive way. The State would prepare
their skills and professional competence to an eco-restoration plan for climate change
enable them to recognize the impacts of mitigation.
climate change on forest resources. They
should be trained on the legal aspects of forest 5. Study on identification of tree
and environmental issues. Infrastructural phenology” with “Phenological
requirement and professional needs are to studies of Forestry and other
be identified for proper guidance on climate tree species”
change issues to meet the requirements at
Climate change may cause deviation
all levels of Forest officers & staff.
in timing, duration and synchronization
3. Gene bank development for of phonological events in forest species.
climate adaptable species Changes in rainfall, precipitation and
temperature would alter tree phenology since
Forests have to cope with new environmental they differ widely with respect to adaptations
stresses, both biotic and abiotic. These to seasonal drought and indications for bud
include habitat shifting and alteration, break of vegetative and flower buds. Erratic
fragmentation, drought, temperature precipitation and increasing temperature are
extremes, flooding, wildfire, and novel likely to alter the span of the growing season
insects and diseases. To maintain the healthy of trees. The impact of climate change can be
ecosystems in the State vulnerable species better assessed at the level of functional types
130 and habitats should be identified. Therefore, based on the duration of deciduousness and

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

timing of onset of the reproductive phase litter, deadwood and soil carbon stocks and
(first-visible-flower). The State government sequestration rates for different species.
would take a study to see the significant
variation (advanced or delayed) in onset 8. Study on per capita firewood
dates of flowering and fruiting responses in consumption and alternative
tree species as a result of climatic change. livelihood

6. Flora and Fauna vulnerability Firewood derived from forests is an

study important source of domestic energy
in rural and urban areas of Jammu and
Fauna and flora though can gradually adapt Kashmir. Fuelwood is collected directly from
to changes in temperatures but they fail forests and fields in the Himalayan region.
to adapt to sudden weather variability. Unrestricted grazing in forest areas has
Reduced snowfall in the mountains of reduced the tree regeneration. This would
the State may cause habitat shift for affect future supply of fuelwood and carbon
mountainous plant and bird communities sinks. The per capita fuel wood consumption
to higher elevations for survival. Species in the State needs to be quantified so that
having physiological limitations to adapt to future plans can be formulated accordingly.
sudden weather changes might become This study would seek to document annual
extinct. Since horticulture is one of the major per capita fuelwood consumption, availability
sources of livelihood and revenue, the State and production through case study research
Government wants to do a study to see the in all the districts of Jammu and Kashmir
floral and faunal changes in the State. and associated fuelwood harvesting areas. It
would help in the improvement of livelihood
7. Studies of carbon influxes/ out of the forest dependent communities and
fluxes of various forest types / also encourage forest conservation which
trees and their role in carbon will ultimately result in GHG sequestration.
9. Study on soil organic carbon
The goal of carbon sequestration study is to (SOC) of forest area
identify potential approaches for enhancing
terrestrial carbon sequestration as a The soil represents the largest depository
partial mitigation of CO2 induced climate for fixing carbon. The forest soil is one of the
change. The primary objective of the State major carbon sinkdue to high organic carbon
Government is to provide data to determine content. A study would be conducted in
carbon stocks and sequestration rates Jammu and Kashmir to estimate the SOC pool
spanning the entire life cycle of the major under different forest covers. Due to wide
forest species. The study would be designed variations in weather, soil types, topography
to provide improved estimates based on and altitude the forest species vary from
micrometeorological and inventory methods, broad leaved to conifers and from deciduous

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

to evergreen. SOC pool also varies as per the geospatial layers shown on the map. The
the forest species. Findings of this study e–portal would help to develop adaptation
would serve as benchmark for the future and mitigation strategy for forestry and other
investigations to ascertain the changes in SOC sectors in the Jammu and Kashmir.
pool over a period of time and to take climate
change mitigation measures if required. 12. Nursery development for climate
adaptable species
10. Climate impact study in
undisturbed/ protected forest The State Government wants to run a
areas programme for producing high quality
climate adaptable seedlings by using
Most of the forests are subjected to advanced technology, which would be
disturbances on account of human activities. initiated under State Forest Department.
The forest degradation in these areas is Under this programme some root trainer
primarily due to anthropogenic causes and and clonal nurseries would be established
it would be difficult to segregate the effects in different forest divisions. The seedlings
of climate change on forests in these areas. produced would be utilized for plantations
Therefore, climate impact studies should in the land under forest Department and the
also be carried out in undisturbed/ protected surplus seedlings would be sold to the public
forest areas where the climate change for better survival.
effects, if any, are not confounded with other
disturbance effects. 13. REDD+ feasibility study for carbon
11. E-green portal with geo-
reference Forests are not only a major carbon sink, they
are also a renewable source for imperishable
The State Government would do the field forest products and a replacement for fossil
Survey with modern instruments / fuels. This scoping study aims at exploring
Standalone GPS with reasonable accuracy the feasibility for developing mechanism
for collection of associated Master Data under the UN Framework Convention
inclusive of Legacy Data as per Standard on Climate Change (UNFCC) to Reduce
Operating Procedure (SOP) prescribed Emission from Deforestation and forest
by FSI / Department. The E-green portal Degradation (REDD). The State has become
would provide accessibility to a variety a huge resource and is especially interested
of geospatial layers available including in the opportunities of the most recent
thematic information, topographic maps development REDD+, which would include
and satellite images. It would also provide financial award for conservation, sustainable
access to important documents relevant to management of forests and enhancement of
carbon stock in the State.

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

14. Study of climate change impact like flooding, droughts, changes in plant and
on wild life specie animal feeding, reproductive and migration
patterns. Since tourism is one of the major
Wildlife lifecycle (breeding, nesting, sources of revenue generation of the State, a
growing or feeding) depends on the climatic detailed study on climate change impact on
conditions of the area. Some species sensitive National Parks of the State is the need of the
to climate change need to move to suitable hour.
climate conditions. Other species which are
able to adapt to the new climate conditions 16. Studies of impact of managed
would become more dominant. Biodiversity watershed under different
management strategies are essential for management system on
maintenance of biodiversity resources. The sustained water availability
most important strategy would be to leverage
our current system of nature conservation Government of Jammu and Kashmir is looking
reserves by creating connectivity among the forward to start Integrated Watershed
protected areas. To help animals to survive Management Programme (IWMP) project
in the weather variability or climate change, in all the rain fed areas of the State in a
the State government wants to do a study on phased manner. This would help in creating
climate change impact on wildlife species. dependable infrastructure to make various
A team of officers should be involved for farming in the area a profitable activity,
wildlife conservation. arrest the groundwater decline, conserve
surface water run-off during monsoon, and
15. Climate change impacts on reduce soil erosion and to inculcate the
undisturbed forest area like culture of water conservation This approach
national parks will incorporate new technologies and allow
protecting important water resources, while
Climate change would affect the habitats and at the same time addressing critical issues
wildlife in National Parks though few habitats such as the current and future impacts of
are capable of being effective carbon sinks. rapid growth and climate change. IWM is
Rates of glacier melting would be noted an approach that recognizes and operates
and the impact on these areas needs to be based on the interconnectedness of ecology,
assessed. Although maximum National Parks economy and society.
can be affected by impact of climate change


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

7.7 List of Key Priority Action
Table 32: List of Key Priority Action Green India Mission

Sl. Title Organiz- Budget (INR in Million) Source of

No. ations Existing Additional Total Funding
1 Implementation of J&K State Department Nil 150.00 150.00 GoI, Govt.
Forest Policy of Forest of J&K,
2 Capacity building and Department Nil 200.00 200.00 GoI, Govt.
awareness for all levels of of Forest of J&K,
stakeholders and CAMPA EFA
3 Gene bank development for Department Nil 50.00 50.00 GoI, Govt.
climate adaptable species of Forest of J&K,
4 Eco-restoration through Department Nil 450.00 450.00 GoI, Govt.
afforestation and Climate of Forest of J&K,
oriented eco-restoration plan and CAMPA EFA
5 Phenological studies of Department Nil 10.00 10.00 GoI, Govt.
Forestry and other tree of Forest of J&K,
Species EFA
6 Flora and Fauna vulnerability Department Nil 6.00 6.00 GoI, Govt.
study of Forest of J&K,
7 Studies of carbon influxes/ Department Nil 10.00 10.00 GoI, Govt.
out fluxes of various forest of Forest of J&K,
types / trees and their role in EFA
carbon sequestration
8 Study on per capita fuel wood Department Nil 10.00 10.00 GoI, Govt.
consumption and alternative of Forest of J&K,
livelihood EFA
9 Study on soil organic carbon Department Nil 5.00 5.00 GoI, Govt.
of forest area of Forest of J&K,
10 Climate impact study in Department Nil 10.00 10.00 GoI, Govt.
undisturbed/ protected forest of Forest of J&K,
areas. EFA
11 E-green portal with geo- Department Nil 100.00 100.00 GoI, Govt.
reference of Forest of J&K,
12 Nursery development for Department Nil 150.00 150.00 GoI, Govt.
climate adaptable species of Forest of J&K,

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organiz- Budget (INR in Million) Source of
No. ations Existing Additional Total Funding
13 REDD+ feasibility study for Department Nil 5.00 5.00 GoI, Govt.
carbon sequestration. of Forest of J&K,
14 Study of climate change Department Nil 10.00 10.00 GoI, Govt.
impact on wild life species of Forest of J&K,
and wildlife EFA
15 Climate change impacts on Department Nil 10.00 10.00 GoI, Govt.
undisturbed forest area like of Forest of J&K,
national parks and wildlife EFA
16 Studies of impact of managed Department Nil 100.00 100.00 GoI, Govt.
watershed under different of Forest of J&K,
management system on and wildlife EFA
sustained water availability Division
Total (INR in Million) Nil 1,276.00 1,276.00


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8 Water Mission
8.1 Introduction to the society, physical infrastructure and
Climate change is projected to influence the
Economy of the State relies heavily on water
hydrological cycle of water bodies, water
intensive sectors like agriculture, horticulture,
supply systems and exacerbate requirement
energy generation, tourism, etc. Since most of
of water in different regions. The disturbance
the water-bodies in the State receive supply
of the hydrological cycle as projected due to
from mountain range therefore loss of glacier
the variability in the climatic conditions are
might reduce the water availability impacting
likely to enhance the current stress on water
hydro power potential and lower availability
resources from surging population, growing
of water for irrigation impacting the agrarian
economic development and land use change
economy in the State. Regions in the State
including urbanization. Increase in ambient
that are already subjected to water stress
temperature and changes in rainfall pattern
are projected to be adversely affected with
might influence the hydrological cycle to
impacts on multiple sectors e.g. agriculture,
a large extent. Other consequences like
domestic water supply and health.
increase in rates of evapotranspiration,
decrease in fresh water availability, mass
It is therefore imperative that effective plan be
losses from glaciers and reductions in snow
strategized towards increasing the efficiency
cover might severely impact the hydrological
of water use, explore options to augment
cycle. Change in the hydrological cycle may
water supply in critical areas and ensure more
affect the spatial and temporal distribution of
effective management of water resources.
runoff, soil moisture, ground-water reserves
Integrated water resources planning and
and may increase the frequency of droughts
basin management are strategized to cope
and floods. Increased frequency of rainfall
up with the projected variability in rainfall
and variation in rainfall pattern including
and river flow. The Broad objectives of the
extreme events like flood poses challenge
mission addressed are: 137

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

• Promoting research studies on all and wetlands. The following section provides
aspect related to impact of Climate a brief of the existing water bodies in the
Change on Water Resources including State, the availability of water from various
quality aspects of water resources so resources and its demand across different
as to address the growing concern of sector in the State.
water and food security issue.
8.2.1 River System
• Expeditious implementation of water
resources projects- irrigation, Hydro The water flowing in the Himalayan rivers
power, domestic water supply, water receives water from rain, snow and glaciers.
transport, etc. Water flow from snow and glaciers make
these rivers perennial where heavy monsoon
• Promotion of traditional and modern
rainfall contribute to the bulk of water in
system of water conservation and
these basins which are used for irrigation and
preservation of water bodies –lakes.
Hydro-power generation.
• Planning on principles of integrated
water resources development and 1. Indus River
The Indus river originates at the confluence
• Ensuring convergence among various of the Sind river and the Gar river which is
water resources programmes. Mansarovar lake in Tibet at an elevation of
518 meters, and enters India through South-
• Intensive capacity building and
eastern corner of J&K State. The Indus River
awareness programme including those
is fed by massive Tibetan glacial waters to
for Panchayati Raj Institutions, Urban
become a mighty river further fed from
local bodies, Water User Associations
other glacial catchment areas in Karakoram
and youths towards water use
and Zanskar ranges. The Indus river flows in
efficiency, water conservation and
between the Ladakh range and Zanskar range
managing water related disaster like
before crossing the international boundaries
flood and drought.
into Pakistan. The Indus traverses a distance
8.2 Key trends in the sector of 1,800 miles (2,900 km) through Tibet,
India, Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK), and
The State is endowed with ample amount of Pakistan before draining into the Arabian
surface and ground water resources mostly Sea in south of Karachi. The main catchment
of Himalayan origin. The three distinct area of the Indus river is in Kargil and Ladakh
physiographic division of the State are drained districts of J&K (about 59,146 sq. km). The
by three distinct river basins namely Chenab, catchment area up to Indo-Pak border is
Jhelum and Indus River. Apart from the about 1,68,355 sq. km out of which 30,755
rivers, the State is also gifted with numbers Sq. km is in Tibet and 1,37,000 Sq. km is in
138 of water bodies including tributaries, lakes the international boundaries of India (out

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

of which 59,646 Sq. km within the line of Kohat, Zoab and Kabul are not discussed
control. herein. The river has been variously known
as the Sengge or Lion River by the Tibetans,
Indus has several tributaries major among Abbasseen or Father of Rivers by the Pathans
them are Gilgit River, Gumal River and of present North West Frontier province
Kabul River. The western tributaries of the (NWFP) Pakistan, and Mitho Dariyo or Sweet
Indus that include the Swat, Kurram, Gomal, River by the denizens of the arid Sindh.

Figure 18: Indus River and its tributaries with in Jammu and Kashmir

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

2. Jhelum River 3. Chenab River

Jhelum originates from Verinag spring in The merging of the two Himalayan River-
Anantnag and after passing through Srinagar Chandra River and Bhaga River at Tandi
it flows as into Wular lake and then passing located in upper Himalayas forms the
through Baramula and Uri it flows towards Chenab. It enters the plains of Jammu and
Pakistan. The total geographical area of then enters into Pakistan.The Salal, Dulhasiti,
Jhelum basin up to Indo-Pakistan border is Sawalkot and Baglihar Hydel projects have
about 34,755 sq. km. The total catchment been constructed over it.
area upto the ceasefire line of about 17,622
4. Kishan Ganga River
sq. km, spreads in seven districts namely
Anantnag, Pulwama, Srinagar, Badgam,
Kishan Ganga is in Drass (Kargil) in the
Baramulla, Kupwara, and Poonch. The Lidder
inner Himalayas. After passing through the
River is the biggest tributary of Jhelum and
mountain tracks of Gurez, Keran and Karnah
is fed by a large number of glaciers. Jhelum
it joins Jhelum at Doemel.
is joined by many small streams like Vishow,
140 Rambiara, Wanbran, Aripal, Romeshi, etc.

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

5. Tawi River North-western India and North Eastern
Pakistan. The river drains a total catchment
Originating from Kailashkund spring at Soej area of 14,442 sq. km in India after flowing
hills in Bhaderwath, Tawi passes through for a length of 720 km.
Jammu and joins Chenab in Ranbir Singh
Pura and then enter Pakistan. 8.2.2 Lake

6. Ravi River Number of lakes and water bodies in the

State that acts as a source of surface water
Ravi is a trans-boundary river flowing through are represented as follows:

Table 33: District wise number of lake and water bodies

Sl. No District Number of Lakes and Water bodies

SOI Toposheet of 1967 LISS III Datasheet of 2012
1 Anantnag 88 98
2 Baramulla 119 124
3 Budgam 25 33
4 Doda 13 88
5 Jammu 15 15
6 Poonch&Rajouri 46 27
7 Pulwana 61 20
8 Kathua 1 1
9 Kupwara 111 66
10 Ladakh 637 665
11 Srinagar 52 74
12 Udhampur 36 19
Total 1,248 1,230


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

8.2.3 Major supply of water in the constituents of climate. The presence of
State the water vapors in the climate, which
depends upon the feed of the moisture from
1. Precipitation evaporation, both from the seas and the
land, and the movement of this moist water,
Precipitation is the major source of water
its condensation and the precipitation are
resource in the State over and above surface
part of the climatic process. The regime of
water and replenishable groundwater. The
the precipitation in the hydrologic cycle, thus
precipitation is also one of the important
heavily depends on the climatic factors.

Table 34: Availability of Water from precipitation across the administrative divisions of Jammu

Sl. Station 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

No. Total Total Total Total Total
Rainfall in Rainfall in Rainfall in Rainfall in Rainfall in
mm mm mm mm mm
1. Jammu 1,098.9 1,112.4 1,235.8 1,294.1 1,339.4
2. Banihal 982.8 1,553.2 1,865.4 1,038.4 1,180.7
3. Batote 1,151.2 1,703.5 1,912.5 1,038.4 1,265.9
4. Bhaderwah 1,193.5 1,597.4 1,407.9 918.8 1,075.5
5. Katra 1,819.7 1,879.2 2,546.9 2,283.2 2,375.5
6. Kathua 1,005.4 1,301.8 1,162.9 1,896.4 1,360.4


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

An analysis of availability of precipitation Analysis of pattern of precipitation in Kashmir
between 1980 and 2008 reveals a varied division between 1990 to 2008 reveals
pattern. Analysis of the rainfall trends that though rainfall in Srinagar, Pahalgam,
indicate that since 1980, the rainfall has Kukernag, Qazegund, Gulmarg & Kupwara
shown declining trend in Mansar, Udhampur, showed significant variation, the number of
Kathua, Kishanpur, Mandi, Basoli, Rajouri, days with rainfall has increased in the areas.
Akhnoor, Khorh, Poonch, Bilawar, Ramnagar
& Barmeen stations while the number 2. Glacial
of rainy days has increased in Kishanpur,
The “frozen water” in the Himalayas is crucial
Mandi, Rajouri & Akhnoor. Rainfall started
for the people inhabiting the mountain areas
increasing from 2000 in Jammu, Banihal,
as well as those inhabiting the downstream
Batote, Bhaderwah, Katra & Kathua along
regions. The Indus basin has 7,997 glaciers
with increase in number of rainy days in
with a total glacier cover of 33,679 sq. km
Jammu, Banihal, Batore & Bhaderwah.

Table 35: Availability of Water from precipitation across the administrative divisions of Kashmir

Sl. Station 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

No. Total Total Total Total Total
Rainfall in Rainfall in Rainfall in Rainfall in Rainfall in
mm mm mm mm mm
1. Srinagar (IMD) 635.2 680.8 887.6 501.8 649.7
2. Pahalgam 976.6 1,300.7 1,514.7 921.2 1,038.2
3. Kukernag 671.8 1,107.2 967.1 713.0 1,215.3
4. Qazigund 1,006.1 1,275.7 1,407.1 879.8 1,075.3
5. Gulmarg 1,057.8 1,663.0 1,664.3 937.8 1,222.9
6. Kupwara 868.8 970.0 1,196.8 654.2 989.5

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

and total ice volume of 363.10 cu. km. The contribution of snow to the runoff of major rivers in
the eastern Himalayas is about 10% and more than 60% in the western Himalayas.

Table 36: Major glaciers in the Indus basin of India

Basin No. of glaciers Glacier covered Area (km2) Ice volume (km3)
Ravi 172 193.00 8.04
Chenab 1,278 3,059.00 206.30
Jhelum 133 94.00 3.30
Beas 277 579.00 36.93
Satluj 926 635.00 34.95
Upper Indus 1,796 8,370.00 73.58
Shyok 2,454 10,810.00 NA
Nubra 204 1,536.00 NA
Gilgit 535 8,240.00 NA
Kishenganga 222 163.00 NA
Total 7,997 33,679.00 363.10

Table 37: The characteristic of glacial coverage in State

Glaciers (no.) Area (km2) Average Size (km2) Glacier%

526 29163.00 10.24 61.80


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

3. Ground-water Two main aquifer systems lie in this area-
the hard rock or fissured aquifer and the soft
The major areas of the State are occupied sedimentary or porous aquifer. Occurrence
by high hills. Occurrence of the ground and movement of ground water is mainly
water is primarily confined to alluvial regions controlled by primary inter- granular porosity
which have been classified into Piedmont in the soft sedimentary alluvium and Karewa
deposits on outer plains of Jammu, Dune (elevated table-land in Kashmiri dialect)
belt in the outer Himalayas, isolated valley formations. The unconsolidated sedimentary
fills in lesser Himalayas, fluvio-Lacustrine deposits form multi-layer aquifer systems in
deposits in Kashmir valley and moraines and the outer plains of Jammu and valley areas of
fluvioglacial deposits in Laddakh. Dug well Kashmir. In hard rock or fissured formation,
in Kashmir has limited yield. Ground water the thick weathered zone and the fractured
occurs in perched condition and give rise secondary porosity govern the occurrence
to springs in phreatic surfaces. The Annual and movement of ground water. There
Replenishable Ground water Resource of the exists large scope for further ground water
State has been assessed as 2.70 bcm and the development, particularly in the valley area
net ground water availability is 2.43 bcm. as well as Kandi areas by constructing suitable
The annual ground water draft of the State ground water structures. The groundwater
is only 0.33 bcm. Ground Water is being resources have two components, viz. static
used through dug wells, bore wells and tube and dynamic.
wells for drinking and irrigation purposes.

Table 38: Basin-wise Replenishable Groundwater Resources (in bcm)

Annual Monsoon Season Recharge from Rainfall 0.61

Replenishable Recharge from other sources 0.77
Ground water
Non-Monsoon Recharge from Rainfall 1.00
Season Recharge from other sources 0.32
Total 2.70
Natural Discharge during non-monsoon season 0.27
Net Annual Ground water Availability 2.43
Annual Ground Irrigation 0.10
water draft Domestic and industrial uses 0.24
Total 0.33
Projected Demand for Domestic and Industrial uses upto 2025 0.42
Ground water availability for future irrigation 1.92
Stage of Ground water development 14.00


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Table 39: Basin-wise Replenishable Groundwater Resources (in bcm)

Parameters Anan- Bad- Bara- Jammu Kathua Kupw- Pulw- Srin-

tnag gan mula ara ama agar
Annual Monsoon Recharge 3,038 1,969 4,689 31,424 13,748 1,921 3,544 1,158
Repleni- Season from
shable Rainfall
Ground Recharge 12,237 8,229 9,885 21,921 8,747 4,074 7,877 4,175
water from
Resources other
Non- Recharge 13,851 6,805 29,245 15,700 6,869 7,002 16,160 4,028
Monsoon from
Season Rainfall
Recharge 3,465 1,050 1,260 16,032 6,223 105 3,045 840
Total 32,591 18,053 45,079 85,077 35,587 13,102 30,626 10,201
Natural Discharge during non- 3,259 1,805 4,508 8,508 3,559 1,310 3,063 1,020
monsoon season
Net Annual Ground water 29,332 16,248 40,571 76,569 32,028 11,792 27,563 9,181
Annual Irrigation 40 36 236 6,636 2,193 14 53 295
Ground Domestic and 1,377 2,285 3,488 6,854 1,786 1,981 2,256 3,903
water industrial uses
Total 1,417 2,321 3,724 13,490 3,979 1,995 2,309 4,198
Projected Demand for Domestic 2,534 4,017 6,257 11,721 2,676 3,948 3,691 6,694
and Industrial uses upto 2025
Ground water availability for 26,758 12,195 34,078 58,212 27,159 7,830 23,819 2,192
future irrigation
Stage of Ground water 5 14 9 18 12 17 8 46

8.2.4 Major Usage of Water and its major/medium surface water scheme and
sourcing in the State about 4.00 lakh ha through surface water
minor schemes. The ground water irrigation
1. Irrigation
potential is estimated to be 7.08 lakh ha. 2
major and 16 medium and a large number
The total cultivable area of the State is 25.96
of minor irrigation completed schemes
lakh16 acres (10.51 lakh ha). Agriculture and
provides irrigation facilities to about 2.877
its allied sector including horticulture and
lakh hectare area in the State through Indus,
sericulture are highly dependent upon the
Jhelum, Chenab and Ravi rivers. Currently,
availability of water. The irrigation potential
14 medium and 13 renovation projects are
of the State is 2.50 lakh hectares through
under construction in the State.
146 16
1 lakh = 0.1 million

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Table 40: Total area of irrigated land from different sources

Year Net Area Irrigated by (000 ha)

Canals Tanks Well Other Total
1950-51 244.00 3.00 3.00 11.00 261.00
1955-56 277.00 1.00 3.00 9.00 290.00
1960-61 256.00 - 5.00 13.00 274.00
1965-66 270.00 - 1.00 7.00 278.00
1968-69 252.00 - 1.00 11.00 264.00
1974-75 279.00 - 3.00 13.00 295.00
1980-81 285.00 2.00 4.00 13.00 304.00
1985-86 288.69 2.67 4.12 14.13 309.61
1990-91 278.58 1.98 1.33 16.20 298.09
1995-96 284.86 2.57 1.42 17.73 306.58
1998-99 283.81 2.60 1.32 21.42 309.15
1999-00 278.35 2.57 1.37 20.80 303.09
2000-01 284.15 2.71 1.53 22.48 310.87
2001-02 284.42 2.79 1.61 21.35 310.17
2002-03 274.50 2.66 1.57 20.49 299.67
2003-04 282.41 3.87 1.06 19.19 306.53
2004-05 266.28 3.93 1.08 19.60 310.89
2005-06 289.28 4.21 1.05 17.57 312.11
2006-07 286.64 4.24 1.04 17.52 309.44
2007-08 285.78 4.22 0.99 17.05 308.04
2008-09 287.77 4.84 3.80 17.32 313.73
2009-10 287.80 5.11 4.33 20.03 317.27
2010-11 288.48 6.22 11.65 14.28 320.63

Soruce: Digest of Statistics 2010-11

The above statistics clearly reveals that majority of irrigation in the State is canal fed comprising
about 90% of the total.


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Irrigation Development in Indus Basin during the summer time, the main crops
in the two districts (Ladakh and Kargil) are
Due to sub-zero temperatures during the wheat, gram and small millets. Major sources
winter the Ladakh terrain remains under of irrigation are gravity canal or kulhs drawn
snow cover. There is only one crop season from rivers or streams. Due to topography
available during summer which is highly and availability of agriculture land in patches
dependent on irrigation due to very scanty there is limited scope of major and medium
rainfall in the area and arid climate condition. irrigation projects. Minor irrigation schemes
The irrigated area as on effective date of are well suited for the region; about 476 minor
treaty was 42,179 acres (17,069 ha) which is irrigation schemes are providing irrigation to
now increased to 49,338 acres (19,967 ha). about 16,000 ha area in the Ladakh region.
Therefore, another 62,837 acre (25,430 ha) One medium project namely Igo Phey canal
area can be brought under irrigation under project provides irrigation to about 4,000 ha
the provision of treaty. However, the total of land. One Parkachik Khowas irrigation canal
cultivable area in the Ladakh region is only project for irrigation of 2,235 ha land in the
71,540 acre (28,953 ha). Therefore, almost Kargil is under construction. It is estimated
all the cultivable area of Ladakh region can that another 8,000 ha area can be brought
be brought under irrigation under the treaty, under irrigation by minor irrigation schemes
but the provisions cannot be fully utilized as in the districts, leaving a scope of about
the cultivable area is limited. In the Indus 15,000 ha area without irrigation under the
basin there is only one crop season available treaty.


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Figure 19: Indus Basin

Irrigation Development in Jhelum Basin irrigation area (2,63,658 ha) has already been
achieved. There is large number of surface
Due to hilly terrain Jhelum basin has got flow minor irrigation schemes (3,540 no’s) and
limited scope of major and medium irrigation surface water lift irrigation schemes (411) as
projects. Large numbers of Zamindari per minor irrigation census (2000-2001). Dug
canals (kuhl) were constructed by people to wells, shallow tube wells as well as deep tube
supply irrigation water to the fields. A large wells have also been developed to a limited
number of government canal schemes like extent. An area of about 15,000 acre (6,000
lift schemes, diversion schemes and storage ha) is irrigated through ground water. During
schemes have been providing irrigation the survey and studies conducted by Central
facilities to the large track of cultivated and Water Commission, it was found that there
horticulture area. As on effective date of were not many feasible storage schemes in
Indus treaty, irrigated area in Jhelum was the tributaries of Jhelum basin. Only feasible
5,17,909 acre (2,09,594 ha) and additional storage option found out was Drang site. The
area permissible without any storage in Irrigation and Flood Control Department, J&K
the treaty, works out to be 6,67,909 acre has proposed 14 storage sites where storage 149
(2,70,300 ha), out of which 6,51,500 acre is feasible and an area of about 80,000 acre

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

can be brought under irrigation from these there is urgent need to build storages as to
storages. However, these sites have to be exploit all the additional Irrigated Cropped
further surveyed and investigated as a small Area (ICA) permissible under with storage.
height of dam of about 20 m height, could
relate to serious problems of submergence Ground Water is being used through dug
of forest, land and villages. wells, bore wells and tube wells for drinking
and irrigation purposes. Two main aquifer
Irrigation Development in Chenab Basin systems lies in the area, the hard rock or
fissured aquifer and soft sedimentary or
About 16% of the basin area is sown with porous aquifer. Occurrence and movement
mostly wheat, maize, rice, onion, fruits, of ground water is mainly controlled by
vegetables and beans. The area in Chenab primary inter- granular porosity in the
basin in Jammu region is mostly irrigated by soft sedimentary quaternary alluvium and
gravity canals. Besides, irrigation from other Karewas formations. The unconsolidated
sources like tube wells, tanks, well, springs, etc sedimentary deposit form multi-layer
are also carried in much smaller magnitude. aquifer system in Jammu, outer plain and in
In Doda district, two medium irrigation Kashmir, valley areas. In hard rock or fissured
schemes namely Shiva canal and Kashtigarh formation the thick weathered zone and the
canal scheme have been constructed during fractured secondary porosity govern the
Fifth Five Year Plan. In Udhampur district, occurrence and movement of ground water.
two canals namely Udhampur and Duddar There exists large scope for further ground
canal were constructed in IInd and Vth plan water development, particularly in the valley
respectively. Similarly, in Rajouri District also area as well as Kandi areas by constructing
two medium irrigation projects namely Ans suitable ground water structures.
and Sajal have been functioning. In Jammu
district, land is generally flat and two major Development of additional Irrigated
canal systems, namely Ranbir canal and Cropped Area within the provision of Indus
Pratap canal were constructed way back Water Treaty
during 1903-04 to irrigate vast track of land
on either side of river. As these are restrictions As per provisions of Indus Water Treaty,
under the Indus Treaty for expanding the additional ICA can be taken by India and is
irrigation area, without creating storages, as follows:


ate A
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Table 41: River basin wise irrigated crop area permitted under Indus Water Treaty

River Basin ICA as on ICA permissible as per Total ICA permissible Total ICA
Effective Treaty 2010-11
Date (1-4- Without With storage Without With (Actual)
1960) storage & releases storage storage &
(Addl) releases
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Indus 42179 70000 - 112179 112179 51175
Jhelum 517909 400000 150000 667909 917909 512575
Chenab 82389 231000 50000 132389 313389 48952
- - 150000
Total 642477 701000 350000 912477 1343477 612702
# includes 6,000 acres outside drainage basin of Chenab

2. Domestic Water care of by exploiting ground water.

Jhelum basin Chenab basin

The population of Jhelum basin in 2001 Total population in the Chenab basin district
Census was about 40 lakh. The total domestic in J&K is 34.28 lakh as per 2001 census. The
water demand is estimated to be 460 MLD. domestic water demand is roughly estimated
The areas falling in the basin are hilly and to be 240 mgd. The stage of ground water
mountainous with inter mountain valleys. development is quite low (Jammu 16% &
The valley areas are flat and mildly undulating Kathua 12%). These are about 600 tube wells
topography. In such condition small surface and 331 dug wells in the Chenab districts,
water streams/ rivers and ground water is mostly in Jammu and Kathua districts. For
most suitable for domestic water supply. The meeting the domestic water requirement
ground water utilization in the valley has not at the remote places not covered with the
much developed but 95% of development of irrigation projects commands, ground water
ground water has been utilized for domestic potential has to be tapped.
and industrial use. As per State statistics,
Jhelum valley has 1,485 tube wells and 5,216 In the whole of the State of J&K 5,55,700
dug well for the domestic water supply water taps have been installed out of which
purposes. Given the relatively low stage 1,52,400 are public stand post and rests are
of ground water development in each of private pipe connections.
these districts, it seems that increase in the
3. Drinking Water
water demand in the future decades can be
taken care of through further development Drinking water is widely available in the State.
of ground water resources. Similarly, small However, some villages/ habitations once 151
industrial requirement of water can be taken covered under drinking water supply face

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

problematic scenario due to quantitative 8.3 Vulnerability of the
or qualitative deficiencies. Issues related to sector
less service level, sources depletion, outlived
design period of water supply schemes 8.3.1 Projected variation in the
need to be addressed. The Govt. of J&K is precipitation pattern
facilitating availability of portable water
to the extent of 135 ltr per person per day Overall Precipitation pattern: The PRECIS
in urban areas and 70 ltr per person per run for 2030’s indicate that annual rainfall
day in rural areas through administrative in the Himalayan region is likely to increase
departments. It is envisaged to provide deep in 2030s with respect to 1970s range from
tube wells/production wells to address the 5% to 13% with some areas of Jammu and
drinking water problem in extremely water Kashmir showing an increase up to 50%. All
scarcity zones and areas where water sources seasons in the Himalayan regions indicate an
have completely depleted due to drought. increase in rainfall, with monsoon months of
June, July, August and September showing
the maximum increase in rainfall. The winter
rain in the month of January and February are
also projected to increase whereas minimum
increase is indicated in October, November
and December.

Figure 20: Predicted change in rainfall (mm) by 2085, (Source: Current Science)

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Extreme precipitation: The number of rainy to the environment.
days in the Himalayan region in 2030s may
increase by 5-10 days on an average, with an 8.3.2 Projected variation of the glacial
increase by more than 15 days in the eastern reserve
part of the Jammu and Kashmir region. The
The snowline and glacier boundary are
intensity of rain fall is likely to increase by 1-2
sensitive to changes in climate conditions.
mm/ day.
Trend analysis of various glaciers from the past
Associated Vulnerability: Increase in the data gives some future projections. Glaciers
rainfall is likely to enhance the incidence of are not well represented by PRECIS modeling.
flood. It might also impact livelihood sectors Warming is likely to rapidly increase the rate
like agriculture and tourism. The general at which glaciers are melting, leading to
impact of is reflected in the increase in greater ablation than accumulation. Almost
sediment yield. The other major factors that all glaciers reportedly show negative mass
govern sediment yield are the intensity of balance according to SASE report.
rainfall, land use and the soil type of the area.
The rate of recession of glaciers reportedly
The increase in the sediment yield in the
varies due to winter precipitation, climate
Himalayan region is up to 25%, which can be
warming and anthropogenic elements of
detrimental for the existing water resources
projects and also cause considerable damage

Table 42: Recent retreat pattern of selected glaciers in Jammu and Kashmir

Name of the Retreat of snout Observation Trend Avg. retreat rate

Glacier (m) Period (m/year)
Drang-Drung NIL 2004-2007 No Change -
Kangriz NIL 1913-2007 No Change -
Siachin NA 1862-1909 Advancing 15.42

NA 1909-1929 Retreating 2.50

NA 1929-1958 Retreating 14.00

NIL 1958-1985 No Change NIL

NA 1985-2004 Retreating 3.00

NA 2004-2005 No change NIL


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Associated Vulnerability: Glacial melt is the Wular Lake, which acts as an absorption
expected to increase under change in climatic basin. When the Wular lake level rises, the
conditions, which would lead to increased water from the river reaches above, almost
summer flows in some rivers systems leading up to Srinagar. Many times the rising water
to enhanced flood scenario for few decades, breaches the embankment at a number of
followed by reduction in the flow as glaciers places, mostly on the left side, submerging
disappear resulting into drought conditions. tracts of rich cultivated land, causing heavy
damages to the crops. The problem is
8.4 Key issues in the sector aggravated on account of the silt brought
down by Pohru River entering into outfall
8.4.1 Flood risk from water bodies in
channel and causing blockages.
the State
The major risk is projected as the town is
Destructive floods of both large and small
thickly populated along its bank and any
magnitudes, have been taking heavy toll
widening of bank or raising embankments is
on life and property in the State as seen
not feasible.
from the historical records. The problem in
Kashmir valley is basically due to inundation Historical instances of flood are
of banks of river Jhelum and its tributaries,
land erosion in Jammu region around the • During the year 1928, Jhelum caused
Chenab and Tawi rivers. heavy flood in the valley when the
river carried a discharge of 2,265 cu.
Flood Problem in Jhelum Basin m/s (about 80,000 cusecs) against
the capacity of 906 cu. m/s (32,000
The flood problem in the valley is due
to inadequate carrying capacity of the
river Jhelum in its length from Sangam to • In 1950, flood flow was encountered
Khandanyar. Just upstream of Srinagar a due to discharge of about 1000 cu.
flood spill channel with capacity of 481 cu. m/s (35,000 cusecs).
m/s (17,000 cusecs) takes off to by-pass the
city at Padshahibagh. However, in spite of Flood Problem in the Chenab basin
the flood spill channel, floods can be caused
from Jhelum in the Srinagar town, if the The Chenab in the hilly area up to Akhnoor
discharge of river through the town exceeds does not create any flood problem as it
991 cu. m/s (35,000 cusecs). passes through the deep rocky steep gorges.
In the plains, the slope of river is flat and
The outfall channel below Wular Lake is the it spreads to a width of 1 km to 8 km with
only outlet for drainage of whole valley. The many tributaries. The river channels erode
off take channel is only about 20,000 cusecs the cultivable lands and the river inundates
154 (570 cu. m/s). During high discharge in the vast area causing devastation at higher
river, the flood water gets accumulated in discharges.

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

8.4.2 Retreat of Glacial System Hydrology (NIH) reveal that glaciers
in Ladakh, Zanskar and the greater
1. A study of snow cover monitoring
Himalayan ranges of Jammu and
by Negi et al, (2009) in the PirPanjal
Kashmir are generally receding and the
and Shamshawari ranges in Kashmir
glacial volume changes range between
valley indicated spatial and temporal
3.6% and 97%, with the majority of
variability in the snow cover. Advance
glaciers showing degradation of 17% -
melting was observed in Banihal and
25%. The studies however, do not reveal
Naugam/ Tangdhar regions than Gurej
any significant retreat during 2004-
and Machhal regions.
07. Most of the glaciers in Western
2. Shekher et al (2010) studied the Himalayan are receding (except a few
snowfall patterns in the Western in Jammu & Kashmir which are not
Himalayan range which indicated a changing or rather are advancing).
decrease in total seasonal snowfall
B. The Nubra valley of Jammu and
by 280 cm over the entire Western
Kashmir has 114 small-sized glaciers
Himalaya between 1988 to 2008. The
varying between less than 5 km
snowfall decreased by 280 cm over
and 10 km in length. The glaciers of
the PirPanjal, 80 cm over Shamshawari
the valley has not shown much change
and 440 cm over the greater Himalaya
in their length and area during the
ranges. Whereas over the Karakoram
period 1989–2001. However, variable
range, only 40 cm decreasing trend
decline in the glacial area of the Siachin
was noticed.
glacier has been observed. The area
3. Study by A V Kulkarni (2006) indicated has reduced from 994.99 sq. km in
significant glacial retreat. The study 1969 to 932.90 km2 in 1989. However,
investigated 466 glaciers in Chenab, small change in the area (932.90 sq.
Parbati and Baspa basin since 1962. km to 930 sq. km) has been noticed
The investigation has shown an overall during the decade of 1989–2001.
reduction in glaciers area from 2,077 Recession patterns of 466 glaciers in
sq. km to 1628 sq. km since 1962, an the Chenab, Parbati and Baspa basins
overall deglaciation of 21%. However, of the western Himalayas have been
numbers of glaciers have increased studied for the period 1962–2008. An
due to fragmentation. MoEF report overall deglaciation of 21% has been
on Climate Change and India (A 4x4 observed.
Assessment report) in Nov 2010,
Most of the glaciers in western
gives an overall status as summarized
Himalayas are receding (except a few in
Jammu and Kashmir, which are either
A. Studies conducted during last three stagnant or advancing). The processes
controlling the rate of retreat of glaciers
decades by the National Institute of

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

are complex and vary with location 4. Excessive use of pesticide and insecticide
and topography of the area. However, in the catchment.
the impact of rising temperature and
5. Soil erosion in the catchment and
reducing snowfall on glacier mass
balance might require a sound long-
term database for precise climate 6. Prolific plantation in Wular
change assessment.
7. Unchecked housing
8.4.3 Deterioration of the Water 8. Weed intensification and
bodies eutrophication

The lakes are the worst hit by the human

interference and rapid urbanization. Some
8.5 Programme and Policies
of these water bodies have disappeared in the sector
due to natural causes like glacial action, low
precipitation or are on the verge of extinction. 8.5.1 Indus water Treaty
Lakes that are within the urban areas have
Water utilization and hydro-power generation
deteriorated over the period of time. The
in the State is largely governed by the Indus
reason for such shrinkage/deterioration is
Water Treaty. The Indus system comprises
an outcome of massive habitations around
three eastern rivers namely the Sutlej, the
the lakes and encroachment/choking of
Beas, the Ravi and three western rivers
drainage system. Also massive erosion in
namely the Indus, the Jhelum and the Chenab.
the catchment area has resulted in siltation
Under the Indus Water Treaty (IWT) of 1960,
of these lakes thereby converting the water
the waters of eastern rivers are allocated to
body into landmass. Dal lake which exists
India and those of western rivers to Pakistan
as a water body system with its adjoining
except specified uses by India mostly in the
lakes i.e. Gilsar, Khushalsar and Aanchar are
State of J&K.
almost nonexistent. The deterioration of
water bodies is largely due to: As on effective date of agreement on
1. Indiscriminate cutting of surrounding 1.4.1960, 6.42 lakh acres were being irrigated
vegetation thereby increasing silt and by India from the Western Rivers and is
nutrient load in the lake bodies. entitled to irrigate additional ICA of 7.01 lakh
acres (total of 13.43 lakh acres) as per details
2. Disposal of Sewage and domestic below.

3. Open Defecation.


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Table 43: Maximum area irrigated

Name of the river The Indus The Jhelum The Chenab Total
ICA in acres 70,000 4,00,000 2,31,00017 7,01,000

As per Annex – E of the Indus Water Treaty, the aggregate storage capacity of all single purpose
and Multi-purpose reservoirs which may be constructed by India after Effective Date shall not
exceed the following table:

Table 44: Aggregate Storage Capacity

Sl River System Conservation storage MAF Flood Storage MAF

No. General Storage Power Storage
(a) The Indus 0.25 0.15 Nil
(b) The Jhelum (excluding the 0.50 0.25 0.75
Jhelum Main)
(c) The Jhelum Main Nil Nil As provided in
Paragraph 9 of
Annexure to the
(d) The Chenab (excluding the 0.50 0.60 Nil
Chenab Main)18
(e) The Chenab Main19 Nil 0.60 Nil

8.5.2 Jammu and Kashmir Water water, the protection and improvement in the
Resources (Regulation and physical integrity of water sourses, lakes and
Management) Act, 2010 springs, the safety and surveillance of dams.
The Act also provides for the establishment
The State Act of 2010 provides the law of State Water Resources Regulatory
relating to use of water, the measurement, Authority for regulating water resources,
construction, control and management ensuring judicious, equitable and sustainable
of works with respect to water storage, management, allocation and utilization of
conservation and protection, the irrigation water resources, fixing the rates for use of
water supply, drainage, flood control and water and matters connected therewith and
prevention, the improvement in the flow of incidental there to.

Includes 6000 Acres outside drainage basin of Chenab
India shall have the option to increase the Power Storage Capacity specified against item (d) above by making a
reduction by an equal amount in the Power Storage Capacity specified against items (b) or (e) above.
Storage works to provide the power storage capacity on the Chenab main specified against item (e) above shall
not be constructed at a point below Naunut (Latitude 33019’ N and Longitude 75059’ E)

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

The tariff fixation and revenue collection contaminating the ground water through
from different water usages particularly seepage.
from Hydro power will provide huge revenue
realization to the State which can be further 8.6 Key Priorities
reinvested in construction of Hydro and
1. Generate baseline data with
Irrigation Schemes in the State, proper
terrain analysis (contour/
operation and maintenance of the water
slope/ gradient/aspect, etc.),
system including water bodies. The Act
including comprehensive
covers all the aspects of proper regulation of
land classification, catchment
surface and ground water in the State.
demarcation, river networks,
In the Jammu and Kashmir Water Resources lakes and water bodies, forest
(Regulation and Management) Act, 2010, coverage, etc.
prioritization of water allocation has been
Assessment of the water resources is the
given in the following order, but subject
first step in understanding the State of water
to modification if so warranted by area/
resources. This is essential to assess all water
situation specific consideration:-
resource related activities such as efficient
• Drinking water including washing and management of the resources, planning
bathing of the water resource for future use, re-
• Irrigation adjustment of water use plans considering
• Generation of electricity the changed supplies and demands etc.
Baseline assessment consists of
• Ecology and
• Agro industries and non-agricultural • A hydrological study to enhance natural
industries. water availability in the basin/region/
The act has adopted policy for establishment
• Monitoring of Ground water level and
of a network of water quality laboratories at
district level to ensure the water quality and
regular monitoring in terms of parameters • Estimation of surface runoff and
laid down by Government of India so as to Evapotranspiration
ensure that the good health of people. The
• Spatial Distribution and Seasonal
Act provides for prevention of encroachment
Variability of precipitation and number
on existing water bodies and deterioration
of dry days
of water quality in such water bodies due to
pollution. The Act also provides for treatment • Monitoring of stream level and flow
of effluents, solid/gaseous wastes which
• An assessment of the resultant flows
are discharged into the natural streams,
that would continue to be available in
158 water bodies and have the potentials of

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

• Estimate available catchment areas evapotranspiration. Farmers should
and basin studies to evaluate the actual also be trained for computing water
scenario of water availability requirements of crops and build capacity
towards applying just as much needed
• Undertaking study on Glaciology,
and not irrigate randomly. Promoting
Snow Hydrology, River hydrology and
System of crop intensification and
achieving water use efficiency across
• Deciding on the acceptability of the agriculture sector.
resultant flows from the environmental
• Water recycling (including recycling of
and cultural aspects, and changing the
tail end water for irrigation)/reuse
water use plans accordingly.
• Canals should be ensuring canals are
Such data information will help in ground free from seepages.
water, surface water vulnerability mapping
and framing plan for integrated water 3. Develop hydrological models for
management. different seasons and calibration with
the existing data
2. Promoting and implementing
water use efficiency measures Planning adaptation or DRM measures
requires consistent monitoring, archiving
Implementing water use efficiency has been (including past weather data information) and
accorded with the highest priority under analysis of the weather related parameters
National Water Mission. Following are the so as to assess the variation/trends in the
measures proposed to be undertaken as a meteorological cycle and project future
part of the priority action: climate scenario using Global Circulation
• Mandating water audit across industrial Models (GCMs). On regional basis GCMs are
and commercial sector to benchmark down scaled to Regional Climate Models
unit wise water usage and enforcing (RCMs). The study should also include data
adoption of water conservation collection programme about the hydraulic
measures. parameters in the three sub-basins in the
State. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool
• Introduction of water metering (SWAT) model usually used to predict the
system across domestic, industrial and hydrological response of the basin catchment
commercial sector to ensure judicious to the natural inputs (meteorology) as well as
usage of water. manmade interventions (irrigation etc).
• Creating awareness among the
The weather and basin level hydrological
farmer groups towards judicious use
data parameters will be used to develop the
of water and promoting sprinkler/
hydrological model under short, medium
drip irrigation systems and lowering 159
and long term scenario. Hydrological models

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

give the hydrological and flood forecasting for the changed hydraulics. This would be
of stream flows. These models are also used an aid for planning or modifying the flood
for flood forecasting of stream flows. The protection works. Again, the proposed flood
projections of variability in the hydrological management plan can be studied through the
cycle will be used to develop the hazard risk model. If, an unsteady flow model is linked
vulnerability and plan adaptation measures. to the topography, effects of these, on the
The hydrological model developed will be upstream and downstream, can be studied.
calibrated on time to time basis based on the
continual monitored data parameters so to 6. Formulate comprehensive
facilitate projection with lowest error. rejuvenation plan for Dal Lake,
Mansar Lake, Manasbal Lake,
4. Comprehensive water budgeting Pangong Lake and all other major
in lieu of the current and future lakes
demand from domestic supply,
irrigation, industry, tourism and Lakes are the essential sources of surface
for other sectors water which suffice for the domestic and
drinking water requirement in the State.
The total water balance of the State, its Moreover these lakes are also main areas of
basins, sub-basins, areas, etc. depicting tourist attraction. Shrinkage and deterioration
the quantified hydraulic cycle is the main of the lakes and water qualities along with
tool for understanding the water situation. encroachment and choking of drainage
Water budgeting should be based on this system might be forced.
hydraulic cycle and interaction between
rain water, surface water, ground water, 7. Assessment and Implementation
evaporation etc. It is therefore essential that of rain water harvesting and
water budgeting be carried out to chalk out artificial recharging of ground
efficient planning. water

5. Monitoring river flows and Artificial Recharging of Ground water

mapping of flood and drought
The artificial recharge to ground water aims
at augmentation of ground water reservoir by
Using the river geometry and the flood area modifying the natural movement of surface
maps, it is possible to judge the discharges water utilizing suitable civil construction
at any point of the stream network. For techniques. Artificial recharging helps to
this, the digital elevation model (DEM) enhance the sustainable yield in areas where
would have to be linked to the flood flow over-development has depleted the Aquifer,
model. After the model gets validated in the Conservation and storage of excess surface
process, flood prone areas for a given flood water for future requirements improve the
160 frequency could be mapped from the model, quality of existing ground water through

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

dilution, remove bacteriological and other types of source water may be available
impurities from sewage and waste water. for artificial recharge viz. In situ
To facilitate ground water recharging it is precipitation on the watershed, Surface
essential to identify (canal) supplies from large reservoirs
located within basin, Surface supplies
• Availability of non-committed surplus
through trans basin water transfer,
monsoon run off in space and time.
Treated municipal and industrial
• Identification of suitable wastewaters.
hydrogeological environment and
• Soil infiltration studies
sites for creating subsurface reservoir
through cost effective artificial recharge • Hydrogeological study of the area
techniques relating to rock units, their ground
water potential and general pattern of
As a first step towards identification of suitable ground water flow and chemical quality
sites following studies are proposed: of water in different aquifers including
(i) Identification of Areas : identification aquifer geometry
of areas should be carried out in • Geophysical studies
• Areas where ground water levels are • Chemical quality of source water
declining on regular basis
• Assessment of Sub-Surface Potential
• Areas where substantial amount of For Ground Water Recharge
aquifer has already been desaturated
Based on the identification of the area that
• Areas where availability of ground
are water stressed and possessing lower
water is inadequate in lean months
ground water level ten locations would be
• Areas where salinity ingress is taking selected based on the assessment of quality
place of the soil, hydrogeology and hydrology and
the level of vulnerability.
(ii) Identifying site suitability through
following studies Rainwater Harvesting
• Hydrometeorological Studies
Rain water harvesting is the technique for
to decipher the rainfall pattern,
collecting and storing rain water in surface
evaporation losses and climatological
or sub-surface aquifers, before it is lost as
surface run-off.
• Hydrological Studies should be
undertaken to ascertain the availability Following are the measures proposed as part
of source water for the purpose of of the action plan
recharge ground water reservoir. Four (i) Developing policy and incentives

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

framework towards promoting Following are the technologies proposed
rainwater harvesting in urban areas under the action plan in urban and rural
and new construction. areas subjected to suitable satisfaction of the
ground condition:
(ii) Training of architect, urban local bodies
and builders over the technology of Urban Areas
rain water harvesting.
• Roof Top Rain Water /Storm run off
(iii) Implementation of pilot and harvesting through
demonstration project in urban and
rural areas o Recharge Pit

(iv) Undertaking study of the water stressed o Recharge Trench

area with declining ground water level o Tubewell
and substantial amount of aquifer being
de-saturated and demarcating areas o Recharge Well
for undertaking rain water harvesting Rural Areas
project. Following are the important
aspects to be looked into for rain water • Rain Water Harvesting through
harvesting: o Gully Plug
• Hydrogeology of the area including o Contour Bund
nature and extent of aquifer, soil
cover, topography, depth to water o Gabion Structure
level and chemical quality of o Percolation tank
ground water
o Check Dam/ Cement Plug/ Nala
• The availability of source water, one Bund
of the primary requisite for ground
water recharge, basically assessed o Recharge shaft
in terms of non-committed surplus o Dugwell Recharge
monsoon runoff
o Ground Water Dams/Subsurface
• Factors determining to area Dyke
contributing to run off like area
available, land use pattern, Emphasize on the awareness and capacity
industrial, residential, green belt, building for conservation, concern and co-
paved areas, roof top area etc. management of water

• Hydrometerological characters like Creating awareness for the need of water

rainfall duration, general pattern conservation and propagating benefits
162 and intensity of rainfall. in terms of reducing water purification

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

and sewer cost, less electrical energy use lying areas with hydrological models
for pumping, environmental and social to understand flood situations under
benefits and preservation of ground water different scenarios
reserves are the essential steps towards
Drought Related Measures
water management and ensuring water use
efficiency. In this context schools should 3. Completion of on-going irrigation
promote a water conservation ethics projects (major, medium minor
among children and also engage civil society schemes) with the help of centrally
organizations in creating awareness. funding / assistance.

8. Dealing with flood and Drought in 4. Renovation of existing irrigation

the changing climate scenarios Schemes

• Major and medium schemes with

Flood or Drought can derail the development
Central Assistance
trajectory currently in place in the State.
Prolonged drought conditions can be harmful • Minor irrigation schemes within
to the agriculture yield. State has to manage State funding
such conditions by development of irrigation
5. Development of ground water/
system, ground water development, water
irrigation and Drinking Water to cover
harvesting, changing cropping pattern,
all the area which is not reachable by
adopting integrated farming systems.
surface water.
Studies in various regions with regard to
climate change scenarios have indicated 6. Rehabilitation of water bodies by
over increased frequency or probability of desalting and raising the capacity of
floods. Flood causes extreme damage to the their reservoirs by gated arrangements.
human life and infrastructure. Thus it should The stored water can be useful for
be judiciously managed so as to lower the drought management in the cropped
impact on livelihood. areas.

To control or reduce the impact of extreme 7. Developing crop varieties considering

hydrological events like drought or flood it the rise in air temperatures and
is essential that adaptation measures be intermittent drought conditions.
planned to identify and reduce the impacts Flood Related Measures
of climate variability.
8. Preparation/ revision of Master Plans
1. Developing hydrological forecasting for flood protection with changed flood
models for floods and lean period flows scenarios due to climate change. Some
and fitting the models and calibration efforts for preparation of master plans
of the model with the existing data. for flood control and management
in the Jhelum and Chenab basins
2. Linking digital elevation models for low

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

have been carried out by the State 12. Dam Break or Embankment break
government with the help of Central studies to be conducted routinely with
Water Commission. Considering the the help of CWC, NIH (National Institute
projections of enhanced magnitudes of of Hydrology and Central Water and
floods due to Climate Change efforts, Power research Stations (CWPRS).
these master plan may be revised.
9. Reducing impact of increased
9. Urban storm water drainage erosion and sedimentation
improvement guidelines to be framed
to facilitate implementation of various Whereas losses consequent to floods
schemes under Jawaharlal Nehru generally occur only in crop season, the losses
National Urban Renewal Mission due to sedimentation of fertile lands, bank
(JNNURM). Increased frequency of erosion and changing course of river lead to
floods, urban drainage congestion loss of productive lands. The land erosion and
may pose bigger problems. Studies deposition by sedimentation is likely to be
should be carried out with the help of accentuated in the climate change scenario
Central Water Commission (CWC) for because increasing flood frequencies will
improved drainage designs for urban cause land erosions, and rainfall intensities
areas. Strict measures for cleaning of may erode soil in the upper catchments. In
drainage and waterways and removal the flood control & management master plan,
of encroachments and acquisition of river training and erosion control measures
land/ properties for effecting proper should also be studied and implemented. A
drainage measures are enforced master plan for soil conservation measures
through legal and procedural changes. and catchment area treatment should be
prepared for time bound implementation. It
10. Designing and planning of
is also recommended to develop a universal
Implementation of nonstructural
soil loss model depicting erosion and
measures for flood management,
sediment transport. It is also recommended
and storage of water in numerous
to develop a master Plan for soil conservation
depressions and lakes.
measure and catchment area treatment and
11. Development of flash flood forecasting implementation.
system based on the alerts from
Automatic Rain gauges.


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

8.7 List of Key Priority Action
Table 45: Key Priority Actions State Water Mission

Sl. Title Organiz- Budget (INR in Million) Source of

No. ations Existing Additional Total Funding
1 Generate baseline data with PHE, Irrigation Nil 8.00 8.00 MOWR,
terrain analysis (contour/ and Flood CWC,
slope/ gradient/aspect, control CGWB,
etc.), with comprehensive department GoI, EFA
land classification with
catchment demarcation,
river networks, lakes
and water bodies, forest
coverage, etc
2 Promoting and PHE, Irrigation Nil 12.00 12.00 MOWR,
implementing water and Flood CWC,
use water use Efficiency control CGWB,
measures department GoI, EFA
, Housing
and Urban
3 Develop hydrological PHE, Irrigation Nil 8.00 8.00 MOWR,
models for different and Flood CWC,
seasons and calibration control CGWB,
with the existing data department , GoI, EFA
4 Comprehensive water PHE, Irrigation Nil 12.00 12.00 MOWR,
budgeting in lieu of the and Flood CWC,
current and future demand control dept, CGWB,
from domestic supply, Industry and GoI, EFA
irrigation, industry, tourism Commerce
and for other sectors dept
5 Monitoring river flows PHE, Irrigation Nil 12.00 12.00 MOWR,
and mapping of flood and and Flood CWC,
drought zones control dept CGWB,


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organiz- Budget (INR in Million) Source of
No. ations Existing Additional Total Funding
6 Formulate comprehensive Lake Nil 56.00 56.00 MOWR,
rejuvenation plan for Development CWC, GoI,
Dal Lake, Mansar Lake, authority, and other
Manasbal Lake, Pangong Housing external
Lake and all other major and Urban agencies
lakes Development
7 Assessment and PHE, Housing Nil 208.00 208.00 MOWR,
Implementation of rain and Urban CWC,
water harvesting and Development CGWB,
artificial recharging of Department, GoI, EFA
ground water Rural dev.
8 Emphasize the awareness PHE, Housing Nil 10.00 10.00 MOWR,
and capacity building for and Urban CWC,
conservation, concern and Dev. Dept CGWB,
co-management of water GoI, EFA
9 Dealing with flood in PHE, Irrigation Nil 300.00 300.00 MOWR,
the changing climate and Flood CWC, GoI,
scenarios. control dept, EFA
and Relief
10 Reducing impact of Irrigation and Nil 50.00 50.00 MOWR,
increased erosion and Flood control MoAgri,
sedimentation department, GoI, EFA
11 Creation of Storage Irrigation and Nil 45,000.00 45,000.00 GoI,
facilities on Distributaries Flood Control MOWR
of River Chenab and Department
Jhelum As per Indus Water MOWR, NIH
Total (INR in Million) Nil 45,676.00 45,676.00


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

9. Sustainable Agriculture Mission
J&K is among the world’s very few places
9.1 Introduction
where quality saffron is cultivated. Pampore
Like majority of Indian States, the agriculture tehsil of district Pulwama is famous for its
and its allied sector is the mainstay of high grade saffron in the world. Saffron is also
economy and livelihood across Jammu and grown in limited scale in Kishtwar district of
Kashmir. Over 65% of the population are Jammu region. Saffron cultivation has been
directly or indirectly engaged in agriculture introduced in temperate areas of other
and allied Sectors. The agriculture and its districts as well and some areas of Doda and
allied sector contribute to around 27% of Udhampur districts have seen wonderful
States income20. The three regions of the output. Traditional Basmati rice of temperate
State namely Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh areas in the State is gaining economic
have distinct geographical features and significance through various departmental
agro climatic zones which determine the interventions in quality improvement,
respective cropping pattern and productivity productivity enhancement, marketing, etc.
of crops. Paddy is the main crop of Kashmir, While the magnitude of impact might
followed by maize, oilseeds, pulses, vary over the region but it is expected that
vegetables, fodder and wheat. In Jammu variability of the climatic condition will
region, wheat is the predominant crop impact agricultural productivity and shifting
followed by maize, paddy, pulses, oilseeds, crop pattern. The vulnerability of the State
fodder, vegetables and other crops while agriculture sector to climatic variability would
in Ladakh, barley is the major cereal crop be accentuated at multiple levels including
followed by wheat. Saffron cultivation is a the crops or livestocks, farm or cropping
bonus to the agricultural sector of the State. system and the food chain. The implication


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

of climatic variability or extremes over 9.2. Key trends in the sector
agricultural sector could be wide-reaching
and it could affect food security, livelihood The favorable agro climatic conditions,
activities, trade policies, water conservation fertile soil, sub-tropical climate are ideally
issues impacting large portion of population. suited for cultivation of fruits and vegetables
Adverse impacts of climate change on in the State. Fruit growing has become a
agricultural production would be severe major industry and contributes largely to
in the absence of appropriate adaptation the export trade of the State21. Rice, maize
and mitigation measures with far reaching and wheat are the major crops. While in the
consequences in terms of food shortages and Kashmir region wheat, oil seeds and fodder
consequent inflation which could endanger cultivation is being introduced as a second
the food and livelihood security of the State. crop, in Jammu farmers are raising paddy as
an additional crop. The major fruits grown
To respond to the climate change impact on in the State are apple, walnut, almond, pear,
agriculture sector and allied sector, the State cherry, apricot, peach, plum, etc. The major
Mission in line with the National Sustainable vegetables grown in the State are onion,
Agriculture Mission wants to strategize potato, tomato, turnip, peas, radish, carrot,
actions towards climate proofing of the sector. green vegetables, etc. and spices like chillies,
It seeks to undertake suitable adaptation garlic, turmeric, etc. The State of J&K is
and mitigation measures in the domain of predominantly a mono-cropped and rain-fed
crops (both agricultural and horticultural) with about 40% of the area in Jammu division
and animal husbandry. These interventions and 60% in Kashmir division having assured
would be embedded in research and means of irrigation.
development activities, absorption of
improved technology and best practices, Of the net area sown (7.14 Lakh ha) only 42%
creation of physical, financial infrastructure is irrigated. The cropping intensity is 152%
and institutional framework, facilitating & fertilizer consumption has increased in
access to information and promoting recent decades. Besides basmati rice, rajmah
capacity building. While promotion of dry- and saffron are important crops. Rice, Wheat
land agriculture would promote drought and potatoes are the main crops whose
and pest resistant crop varieties and ensure total production is around 7 Lakh tonnes.
adequacy of institutional support, the Agriculture exports from State include apples,
Mission would also expand its coverage to cherry, rice, peaches, saffron, rajmah, pulses
rain-fed areas for integrating farming systems & wheat.
with management of livestock and fisheries,
In Kashmir Division out of Total net sown
so that agricultural production continues to
area of 3.50 Lakh hectares, an area of about
grow in a sustainable manner.
2.10 Lakh hectares is irrigated. The per capita

170 21
State of Environment Report

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

available area for crop cultivation i.e. average respectively. The numbers of farm operating
land holding size is 0.53 hectares and 1.08 families are about 8.12 Lakh.
hectares in Kashmir Valley and Ladakh region

Table 46: Crop-wise/ Division-wise details of Area Irrigated

Source : Economic survey 2012-13


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Primary agricultural cooperative societies greater opportunities for agro-industries. It
in State facilitate farming communities. is considered a core sector of economy in the
For promoting integrated use of manure & State. As per the Directorate of Horticulture
fertilizers, vermin-compost units have been around 7 lakh families are actively involved
set up in State. Saffron development is being in horticulture sector with an area of 3.07
given thrust under a centrally sponsored lakh hectares under major horticulture crops
scheme to increase productivity of Saffron. for the year 2008-09 with 66% area under
Tulip garden has been set up in Kashmir. fresh fruits. With efforts of the department
of horticulture there have been an increase
Horticulture plays a significant role in State’s
in the production and also in the area under
economy & the sector contributes 7% to
GSDP. The Horticulture sector provides

Table 47: horticulture productions of Kashmir division in 2012-13 are as follows

Fresh Fruits Area (ha) Production (MT)

Apple 140156 1326740
Pear 6887 38054
Apricot 3362 12163
Peach 748 2848
Plum 2062 6388
Cherry 3699 11112
Grapes 191 525
Olive 91 1
Other Fresh 1702 6215

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Apart from the fresh fruits dry fruits like 1. Floriculture: Floriculture sector in
walnut, almonds are also produced in Jammu & Kashmir is still in its infancy.
considerable quantity. With the introduction of Centrally
Sponsored Schemes i.e, Technology
Livestock is an integral part of agriculture
Mission from 2006-07 and RKVY from
in the State. The population of livestock is
2009-10, this sector has attracted the
high in Rajouri, Poonch & Kargil district of
attention of the farming community
the State. The fodder production and its
irrespective of their age or gender.
availability is a pressing problem in the State.
Observing the trends of growth in
The total fodder availability to animals in J&K
Agriculture Sector, more recently
is 2.29 kg/head/day including green fodder
GOI has declared floriculture as
to the tune of 1.62 kg/head/day which is
sunrise industry as it promises huge
far below the national average for fodder of
employment potential. During the year
5.15 kg/head/day as grazing in the State does
1998-99, an area of only 100 ha. was
not allow for regeneration. Hence effective
under flowers with annual turnover of
policy for range and pasture land needs to be
INR 100.00 lakh, which has reached to
developed and implemented.
400 ha. during 2011-12 with annual
The rivers, streams & lakes of the State turnover of INR 1500.00 lakh, with
facilitate farming of over a 40 million tonnes indirect employment generation of
of fish. Farmers’ skills are being enhanced by 15000 unemployed people22. In order
increasing their poultry rearing & hatching to maintain ecological balance and
capacity. minimize repercussions of global
warming on mankind, development
The State has suitable agro-climatic
of parks/strips, and commercial
conditions for floriculture. This industry
floriculture with judicious use of water
produces flowers for domestic and
by adopting drip/ sprinkler irrigation
international markets. Kashmir is well known
system is very essential in climatic
for Sericulture industry too and is home to
change scenario.
large silk factories. The set up at Srinagar
alone manufactures 3 Lakh meters of silk 2. Sericulture: Sericulture is one of the
fabrics. traditional practice in the State. The
climate being temperate is highly
Apart from Agriculture sector, allied sectors
congenial for rearing both univoltine and
namely Horticulture, Fishery, Sericulture,
bivolting species for cocoon production.
Floriculture, Sheep Husbandry, Social /
These sericulture practices are however
Agro-Forestry are important in sustainable
declining in the State. The new areas are
agriculture mission. A description of allied
yet to be identified and existing trees
sectors and its requirement is given below:
are not adequately protected including
State of Environment Report J&K

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

inadequacy of mulberry leaves and increase grass cover on wastelands.
damage being caused by insects and
4. Sheep Husbandry: Most of the districts
pests in development and expansion of
are hilly and have sufficient forage/
mulberry varieties.
fodder/Bushes for sheep and goat
It can play important role in climate rearing. In cold areas, most of the people
conserving with massive mulberry are non-vegetarians, large number of
plantations on State land, wastelands, sheep and goats are imported from
community lands which can thrive well Rajasthan and other parts of the State.
under different conditions. This would
5. Research Interventions: Research
also help to prevent soil erosion, land
priorities such as development of
degradation and constitute as one of
infrastructure for advanced centre for
the most effective carbon sinks. The
climate change, assessment of carbon
mulberry foliage could be utilized for
sequestration potential under different
silk worm rearing, multi cropping during
agro-ecosystem, monitoring of crop
spring, late spring and early autumn as
health, greenhouse gases in different
climatic change has drastically affected
ecosystem and around industrial units,
sprouting of mulberry plants.
development of improved varieties
In the context above it is essentially of crops, fruit crops with enhanced
to evolve high yielding superior drought/heat tolerance need to be
varieties of disease resistant silk worm focused in SKUAST Jammu, SKUAST
races and mulberry varieties that Kashmir, universities, research and
suit local conditions. Laying stress development institutions, etc.
on development and rising of dwarf
mulberry trees to supplement and 9.3. Vulnerability of the
replenish the traditional tall mulberry sector
trees and improving mulberry
leaf quality both qualitatively and 9.3.1.Climate change and its impact on
quantitatively can also be adopted agriculture and allied sector
towards increasing production. Weather variability or climate extremes
3. Social/Agro Forestry: Components of resulting from climate change could impart
social forestry such as turning waste direct and indirect effects on the crops, soils,
lands into nurseries and plantation livestock and pests. Increase in atmospheric
along with soil conservation measures, carbon dioxide level will have a fertilization
planting of different kinds of grasses effect on crops with C3 photosynthetic
and fodder on available wastelands pathway and likely to promote their
would go a long way to increase forest growth and productivity. The increase in
temperature, depending upon the current
174 cover to desired level, for reducing
carbon emission, soil erosion and ambient temperature, can reduce crop

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

duration, increase crop respiration rates, efficiencies, and increase evapo-transpiration
alter photosynthate partitioning to economic rate.
products, affect the survival and distribution
The impact of climate change on the
of pest populations, hasten nutrient
agriculture and its allied sector are depicted
mineralization in soils, decrease fertilizer-use
in the table below23:
Table 48: Possible impact of climate change on agriculture and allied sector
Sector Impact
Crop • Increase in ambient CO2 concentration is beneficial since it leads to increased
photosynthesis in several crops, especially those with C3 mechanism of
photosynthesis such as wheat and rice, and decreased evaporative losses. Despite
this, yields of major cereals crops, especially wheat are likely to be reduced due
to decrease in grain filling duration, increased respiration, and / or reduction in
rainfall/irrigation supplies.
• The primary effects of increased concentration of CO2 include higher
photosynthetic rate, increased light-use efficiency, reduction in transpiration and
stomatal conductance and improved water-use efficiency.
• Most of the studies on impact of elevated CO2 on crop species, reported earlier,
have been based on controlled environment or enclosures like green houses,
controlled environmental chambers, open top chambers, and other enclosures
to confine CO2 gas around the experimental plants. However, concerns have been
expressed that the results obtained from such enclosure-based CO2 enrichment
systems might not be the true representatives of the open field conditions24.
• Increase in extreme weather events such as floods, droughts, cyclones and heat
waves will adversely affect agricultural productivity.
• Reduction in yields in the rainfed areas due to changes in rainfall pattern during
monsoon season and increased crop water demand.
• Incidence of cold waves and frost events may decrease in future due to global
warming and it would lead to a decreased probability of yield loss associated
with frost damage in northern India in crops such as mustard and vegetables.
• Quality of fruits, vegetables, tea, coffee, aromatic, and medicinal plants may be
• Incidence of pest and diseases of crops to be altered because of more enhanced
pathogen and vector development, rapid pathogen transmission and increased
host susceptibility.
• As temperature increases, the insect-pests will become more abundant through
a number of inter-related processes, including range extensions and phonological
changes, as well as increased rates of population development, growth, migration
and over-wintering.
• Agricultural biodiversity is also threatened due to the decrease in rainfall and
increase in temperature, and increased frequency and severity of droughts,
cyclones and floods.

Aggarwal PK, Joshi HC, Singh SD, Bhatia A, Jain N, Shiv Prasad, Chaudhary A, Gupta N and Pathak H (2009a)
Agriculture and environment, In: Hand Book of Agriculture, Directorate of Information and Publication Agriculture,
ICAR, New Delhi
Climate Change Impact, Adaptation and Mitigation in Agriculture: Methodology for Assessment and
ApplicationDivision of Environmental Sciences, Indian Agricultural Research Institute 175

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Water Demand for irrigation water would increase with rise in temperature and evapo-
transpiration rate. It may result in lowering of groundwater table at some places.
Soil • Organic matter content, which is already quite low in Indian soils, would become
still lower. Quality of soil organic matter may be affected.
• The residues of crops under the elevated CO2 concentrations will have higher C:N
ratio, and this may reduce their rate of decomposition and nutrient supply.
• Rise in soil temperature will increase N mineralization, but its availability may
decrease due to increased gaseous losses through processes such as volatilization
and denitrification.
• There may be a change in rainfall volume and frequency, and wind may alter the
severity, frequency and extent of soil erosion.
Lives- • Climate change will affect fodder production and nutritional security of livestock.
tock Increased temperature would enhance lignification of plant tissues, reducing the
digestibility. Increased water scarcity would also decrease production of feed
and fodder.
• Major impacts on vector-borne diseases will be through expansion of vector
populations in the cooler areas. Changes in rainfall pattern may also influence
expansion of vectors during wetter years, leading to large outbreaks of diseases.
• Global warming would increase water, shelter, and energy requirement of
livestock for meeting the projected milk demands.
• Climate change is likely to aggravate the heat stress in dairy animals, adversely
affecting their reproductive performance.
Fishery Increasing temperature of lake, tank and river water is likely to affect breeding,
migration and harvests of fishes

9.3.2. Assessing vulnerability subject to changes in economic and policy

scenarios are also vulnerable to expected
The future vulnerability of the agricultural climate-change conditions. The agricultural
sector in Jammu and Kashmir is determined sector of the State has been subject to
to a great extent by the analysis of the important variations in economic conditions
vulnerability of the sector to the present and policies. These conditions have affected
climatic, economic and policy scenarios. the structure of agricultural production and
Agricultural systems which are currently resulted in reduction of number of small
subject to climatic annual variability are farmers who have migrated to urban areas.
likely to be more vulnerable under the Even for larger, commercial farmers, unstable
most commonly expected scenarios of and often inconsistent agricultural policies
climate change (i.e. increased temperatures, have increased their vulnerability. The State
increased rainfall variability). Similarly, has identified some specific vulnerability in
176 agricultural systems which are currently the agricultural sector, these are as follows:

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

• Water availability will be reduced, • The livelihood of farm communities will
which is altering the crop rotation and be affected, and marginalized groups
cropping patterns like women, children and the elderly
will be negatively impacted through
• Drastic reduction in cereal production,
widespread malnutrition.
e.g. Wheat and rice, and yields of other
major cereals would be on decline. • Increase of ambient temperature has
lowered milk production, conception
• Some minor improvements may
rate in winter is affected in instances
happen in yield due to increased
when the breeding season occurs in
duration of growing period
spring and summer months.
• Livestock production may be decline,
• Climatic changes affect certain parasites
creating crises in milk, meat and poultry
and pathogens which could result in
supplies and pushing prices beyond
adverse effect on host animal.
reach of the average population of
Jammu and Kashmir. • Direct effect of the climatic changes on
animal may be due to heat / cold stress,
• Rangelands would be over-stressed
dehydration, etc. Indirect effect will be
from prolonged droughts and shifting
malnutrition, fluctuations in vector
human and livestock populations
and water borne infectious diseases.
around riverine areas and in
Changing patterns of diseases due to
mountainous regions. This will reduce
climatic changes are observed in25:
tree and shrub cover.
o Infectious diseases, viz: mastitis,
• Inland fisheries predicted to be reduced
para tuberculosis, anthrax,
due to decreased water availability and
Rift Valley Fever (RVF), gastro-
changing river flows; plant diseases,
intestinal parasitic infestations
weeds and insect attacks will increase
and arthropod borne diseases.
considerably, resulting in major crop
losses o Metabolic and deficiency
diseases due to irregular
• Fruits, vegetables and horticultural
availability of fodder and
products and flowers are high-value
imbalance of nutrients.
exports for Jammu and Kashmir. A
predicted reduction in these will o Increased HCN poisoning in
severely impact on balance of drought conditions
o Allergic and skin diseases

State of Environment Report

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

9.4. Key issues in the sector the net area sown is rain-fed. Roughly 94% of
the holdings fall in the size class of less than
9.4.1. Agricultural productivity 2 hectares and around 81.5% in less than 1
Major crops are paddy, wheat maize and
barley, sorghum and gram are the minor ones. As per the State of Environment Report
State faces massive deficit in food (40%), injudicious use of agrochemicals like
Oilseeds(70%) and vegetables (30%)26. The fertilizers and pesticides is resulting in toloss
increasing demand and complex agricultural of long-term agricultural productivity of the
problems of the temperate and cold arid land. The surface runoff with agricultural
region of the State has increased the import residues is also causing degradation of
of food grains from other States. surface water bodies through algal bloom,
and contamination of ground water sources.
The crop growth rate in the State is in The report also suggests that Saffron
declining phase. As per the Economic Survey cultivation in Kashmir has been facing a
2012-13 the growth registered agriculture threat of extinction as the area under Saffron
& allied sectors during 10th Five Year Plan cultivation has declined from 5707 hectares
and 11th five year plan was 2.24% and in 1996 to 3715 hectares in 2009-10. The
2.16% respectively as against the target of productivity of saffron has also declined from
4%. Growth rate for the agriculture & allied 3.13 kgs per hectare in 1998-99 to around 2
sector for the 12th Five year plan period has to2.5 kgs per hectare in the last few years.
been targeted to be around 2.99% and as per The production practices followed in Kashmir
the advance estimates, growth rate for the whereby farmers have traditionally adopted
year 2012-13 has been projected at 3.84%. longer cycles and sowing of unsorted corns
of different grades together with senility
The horticulture production is also in the
of saffron fields and moisturestress are
declining phase. According to Economic Survey
responsible for low production.
2012-2013 in the last three consecutive years
the horticulture production has decreased 9.4.2. Climate Variability and
from 22,20,493 MTs to 18,83,500 MTs. Horticulture
The decline in agricultural growth rate and
horticulture production is most likely due to The State of J&K is blessed with varied
low productivity, inadequate of agricultural topographic and agro-climatic status, which
research, low seed replacement rate, yield contributes significantly for diversified fruit
stagnation, lack of adequate irrigation facility, crops cultivation and production. While the
etc. Weather variability in terms of changes in temperate agro climatic zone is favorable
precipitation and temperature might impact for fruits like apple, pears, peach, plum and
the yield resulting in lower productivity. As apricot the sub-tropical areas are favorable for
per the economic survey 2012-13, 58% of crops like mango, guava, citrus, berry, aonia

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

and litchi besides cash crops and other high changes in trees and fruits as well.
value low volume crops like strawberry. Some
8) Depletion of local gene pool.
of the key climate related issues identified in
the sectors are outlined as follows: 9.4.3. Weather and Agriculture in the
1) Increase of mean temperature in State
Jammu region has affected the crop Due to less precipitation, the plants are
line forcing shifting of cultivation of generally found growing along moist river
fruits like apple and walnut to upper margins or in moist rock crevices. The rain
belts. fed agriculture in Jammu is relatively weak
2) Declining and erratic rainfall, soil and contains the untapped genetic plant. The
erosion coupled with decreasing promotion of agriculture growth needs the
fertility, increasing industrialization technological interventions which include:
and urbanization, drying up perennial • Off season tillage
irrigation source with decrease in • Ploughing across the slope
catchment areas etc are some of the
• Adoption of in-situ moisture
issues threatening the ecosystem
conservation plan
in Jammu region comprising of eco-
sensitive Shivaliks and Peer-panchal • Conservation agriculture practice
ranges of the lesser Himalayas. • Pest management

3) Incidence of drought and water • Soil health improvement

scarcity • Promotion of hybrid verities

4) Due to increase of mean temperature The alpine herbs grow in belts along the
in Jammu region the fruit plants are edges of melting glaciers and never spread to
not getting the required chilling hours exposed slopes. The characteristic features
which is essential in maintaining the of some the vegetation are the cushion like
quality of the fruits. nature of plants, which is an adaptation for
cold dry winds and blizzards.
5) Higher rates of evapotranspiration
are resulting in huge loss of the soil
Cultivation of fruits and other horticulture
moisture level resulting in lowering
crops has been practiced over ages. The
of the water table and scanty water
agro-climatic condition is well suited for
availability for cultivation.
cultivation of a large number of temperate
6) Climate variability is resulting in and sub-tropical fruits of different varieties,
resurgence of insect/pests and viz., mangoes, bananas, oranges, apples,
diseases. cherries, pears, mulberry and apricots.

7) Reduction in self life of the harvested The three rivers viz. the Tawi on which 179
produce due to the physiological Jammu city stands, the Chenab and the

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Jhelum together with its tributaries irrigate issues of Agriculture and allied sector
the fertile Valley of Kashmir. The major water identified by the State are:
bodies are Dal and Nagin. The lakes abound • Hilly terrain, fragile soil & limited
swampy lagoons and distinctive hydrophytic mechanized farming.
formations. The higher ridges and upper
• Single cropping season & lack of private
reaches of the State are permanently snow
covered i.e. glaciers. The foothills and high
passes get seasonal snow fall. Some of the • Absence of post-harvest infrastructure
regions have low lying clouds. & proper market.
• Poor genetic livestock.
According to the National Mission for
• High cost of fodder & cattle feed in
Sustainable Agriculture the State has also
developed a vision which are as follows:
• Shift in land use from staple Rice
• Transform Agriculture into Climate
cropping to horticulture.
Resilient Production system
• Grow and Ecologically Sustain Due to increasing variability in temperature
agricultural production to its fullest and precipitation, the State has also identified
potential some climate change impacts on agriculture
• Ensure Food Security and Equitable and livestock breeding. These are:
Access to Food Resources • Reduced availability of water
• Enhance Livelihood Opportunities • Decline in production and yield of
• Contribute to Economic Stability at the wheat, rice and maize
State Level • Enhanced scope of crop diseases and
insect pests
With respect to the above vision the State has
• Desertification trend of grasslands
identified Climate change risks on agriculture
sector at three levels, these are: • Rising fire incidences

• Crop (Livestock) Level: Productivity and • Growing risk of livestock epidemics

Quality of Produce
9.4.4. Mechanization and agricultural
• Farm (Cropping System) Level: Soil productivity27
quality, Water resources, Pest &
Diseases Farm mechanization is highly essential
• Food System Level: Pricing, Food towards enhancing the yield and
Security productivity of current agriculture. Farm
tools and equipments are needed for timely
On the basis of above three levels sectoral completion of various agricultural operations

180 27
Prof.D. Kuchroo, SKUAST

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

and precise application of input resulting in change adaptation and mitigation. However,
higher productivity as well as profitability the main thrust of majority of the schemes are
including reduction of drudgery of woman to increase the production and productivity
work force involved in farm sector. The of Cereal crops by promoting High Yielding
mechanization would possibly augment Varieties of seeds, improving soil health,
agricultural productivity by 10-15% and even strengthening and promotion of farm
post-harvest management could add 5-10% mechanization, quality control arrangement
by reducing losses. Laser leveling and zero for seed production and distribution, human
tillage have the potential to make positive resource development, management and
contribution to increase productivity and development of natural resources through
income of farmers. Weeding equipment can National Watershed Development Project for
add to the reduction in cost of cultivation. Rain-fed Areas (NWDPRA) and demonstration
on crop management and Integrated Pest
9.5. Programme and Policies Management (IPM). But the main challenges
in the sector in agriculture sector are shrinking land base,
depletion of water resources, shortage
The ongoing schemes and programmes in of Farm labor, Increasing costs of inputs,
Agriculture sector in Jammu and Kashmir are uncertainties of weather, soil erosion,
as follows: and volatility in national and international
1) Technology Mission, markets.

2) Apiculture Development Programme, The draft State Agriculture Policy 2013 is

3) Mushroom Development Programme, aimed to develop a road map that would
4) National Mission of Saffron seek to actualize the vast untapped growth
Development in Jammu & Kashmir, potential of the agriculture sector, promote
value addition, accelerate the growth of agri-
5) Integrated Scheme for Development
business, create employment in rural areas,
of Oilseeds, Pulses, Oil palm and Maize
secure fair standard of living for the farmers,
agricultural workers and their families,
6) Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY), discourage migration to urban areas and face
7) Support to State Extension Programme the challenges due to economic liberalization,
for Extension Reforms through globalization and climate change.
Agriculture Technology Management
Agency (ATMA), 9.6. Key Priorities
8) Macro-Management of Agriculture 1. Planning of cropping system
(MMA) and crop varieties through Crop
diversification, drought tolerant
It is seen that through some of the ongoing
crops and water saving crops:
schemes and programmes the State has 181
already initiated some steps for climate The new cropping system would be focused

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

on promoting the cultivation of crops and better management of land, water & crops.
varieties through development of new seed Capacity building and technical support to the
varieties with high adaptation capability, farming community and the technical officers
development of varieties for high temperature, is necessary. Stakeholders’ consultation
drought and submergence tolerance, variety & training workshops and demonstration
which would respond positively to high CO2e exercise are to be carried out through sharing
concentration without reduced growth and of meteorological information and field
yield along with varieties with high fertilizer experience of the farmers. New technologies
and radiation use efficiency. have to be developed with use of climate
information with the initiatives of the related
Diversified cropping system can also be
Department. Online regional database for the
promoted as alternate land use as the
soil, weather, crop genotypes, sustainable
predominant cropping system in the State is
land use patterns and water resources are
rice-wheat or maize-wheat. Such cropping
also to be developed.
pattern has declined the productivity across
time. It is therefore required to facilitate over 3. Integrated nutrient management
cropping system. There are also scope for (INM) in 50000 ha area:
cultivation of medicinal, aromatic and high
Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) has
yielding plants which have greater demand
a vast potential to mitigate effects of climate
in coming years. A new diversified cropping
change. These processes help through
pattern is established by SKUAST and can be
increased rice yields and thereby increased
adopted based on the ground condition and
net CO2 assimilation, 30-40% increase in
nitrogen use efficiency. The technology
Moreover considering the changing weather decreases greenhouse gas emissions
pattern and biotic and abiotic stresses on linked with Nitrogenous fertilizer use. The
the agricultural produce it is imperative government wants to increase the INM
to develop and promote location specific activity for climate change mitigation and this
variety. Key varieties of ravi and kharif crops effect can only be tapped under sufficient
developed by SKUAST might be promoted integrated nutrient supply particularly
on case to case basis followed by successful nitrogen (N).
pilot and time testing.
4. Zero Tillage:
2. Capacity building of farmers
Zero tillage agriculture is a climate friendly
and extension workers and
farming system and has greenhouse gas
dissemination of new and
mitigation potential according to the IPCC
appropriate technology:
Fourth Assessment Report. Zero tillage (ZT)
Combating climate change is a new challenge has effectively reduced the demand for water
for agriculture and allied sectors. So some in rice-wheat cropping systems in more than
182 precautionary measures are to be taken for 1 million ha of area in the Indo-Gangetic

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Plains. With this technology, farmers can get systemic, rare and highly damaging should
higher yields and reduce production costs. In be managed with government intervention.
addition, Zero tillage has a direct mitigation Sometimes the disaster assistance is provided
effect as it converts the greenhouse gases through ex post payments to farmers. Some
like CO2 into O2 and carbon, and enriches soil other risks can be managed on the farm or
organic matter. through few market instruments like weather
insurance. This would give economic security
5. Introducing mulching in
against calamities. New credit and insurance
mechanism should also be devised to facilitate
Mulches would be used in agriculture to adoption of desired practices. However due
suppress weeds, conserve soil moisture, to climate variability, compensation for the
reduce soil erosion and modify soil farming community should be arranged.
temperature. The soil under the mulch
8. Weather based Crop insurance:
is also favorable for earthworms, helpful
through addition of organic matter with Weather based crop insurance programmes
mulch decomposition. So to reduce the with subsidies would be initiated by the
Green House Gas (GHG) concentration the government as a disaster assistance service.
State Government wants to introduce trash Climate change affects the mean and
mulching. variability of weather conditions, and the
variance and covariance of weather events,
6. Combating climate related
including an estimated increase in the
risk through Micro Irrigation
frequency and scope of extreme events.
These weather variability trends imply
Irrigation system can address the climate- changes in yields, their average and the
related risks in agriculture arising from distribution of more extreme values. The
water scarcity. Micro irrigation reduces the implementation would vary with location
water volume required to grow crops. This and crop. So subsidized insurance or ex-post
also allows the use of polyethylene mulch, payments would protect farmers from climate
which would help in soil-water conservation shocks and farmers could be less inclined
and reduce fertilizer and nutrient leaching to change their production techniques and
from rainfall. The State government wants portfolio of activities.
to increase water efficiency through micro
9. Enhancing capacity for livestock
disease management and
7. Management of climate change forecasting monitoring and
risk for sustainable productivity: management:
The weather variability is related to variability Heat stress is one of the main reasons for
in production and yields. Some of these decreasing rate of reproduction among
risks, such as catastrophic events that are 183

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

livestock. As per the secondary literature it is of production;
seen that number of changes in reproductive • Greater risk of oxygen depletion;
systems has occurred due to heat stress. The
• Species shift to more tolerant of warmer
effects on reproduction can be prolonged
and perhaps less-oxygenated waters;
and the impact on animals is severe. Weather
variations have increased the incidents • Introduction of new disease organisms
of vector-borne diseases. To minimize or exotic or undesired species;
the impact of climate change on animal • Establishment of compensating
health and reduced impact of vector borne mechanisms or intervention strategies;
diseases, the State wants to enhance the
11. Screening of crops for moisture/
capacity for livestock decease management.
heat/disease/pest tolerance and
For capacity building the State has plans
nutrient use efficiency
to carry out a study on impact of climate
change on livestock and poultry population, Crop production in different agro-
ensure vaccination of farm animals against ecological regions varies according to crop
contagious diseases, de-worming and early composition, edaphic conditions, and the
disease warning system, develop a breeding cropping pattern. A wide range of variation
policy and use of biotechnology to breed in edaphic, topographic, climatic conditions
genetically climate resilient breeds of farm and selection procedures has cumulatively
animals and increase the availability of helped in preservation of crop genetic
vaccines. diversity. Climate change may influence
the present pest scenario by increasing or
10. Conservation of water bodies and fish
decreasing insect pest or disease, infestation/
stock augmentation in natural water
incidents and severity. To help the situation,
bodies and promotion of fish farming:
screening of crops for moisture/heat/
One of the major concerns of State disease/pest tolerance and nutrient use
government is fisheries management and efficiency is required. Appropriate new
impact of climate change on inland water farming techniques for plant protection
bodies and inland fisheries. So the government measures would be undertaken on the basis
wants to work for stock enhancements in of information gathered from the screening.
inland waters and their possible effects on
12. Crop yield and weather modeling
biodiversity, since most of the population
for future projections
depends wholly or partially on exotic species.
Secondly, freshwater fishes are known to be In agriculture, crop productivity would
among the most threatened species due to be affected with a combination of several
weather variability. The following are the climatic, physiological, technological,
effects on fish population: hydrological, and economic factors. So an
• Longer growing seasons and increased integrated climate model is required for
184 sustainable crop productivity. Integrated crop
rates of biological processes - and often

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

modeling system offers several advantages: histories

• Data exchange within the models can • A set of future land- and climate-
address different aspects of the impacts change scenarios to the assessment
of climate change in a consistent way to estimate a range of carbon stocks
and sequestration rates in agricultural
• Standardized methods and tools would
ecosystems of Jammu and Kashmir.
allow users to carry out impact studies
in different areas and to get a result 14. Conservation of pollinators,
which can be compared. So the State pollination and plant phenology
wants to do a research work on weather mismatch:
modeling for future projections and
Temperature plays an important role to
establish a weather monitoring station
determine the phenology of plants and
with the help of Centre for Climate
animals, and increasing temperatures is
Change and Mountain Agriculture,
associated with climate variability have
caused rapid and dramatic shifts in the
13. Carbon pool assessment / phenologies of numerous and diverse
sequestration in forest and organisms. In the State still we have a
agricultural ecosystems very incomplete understanding of how
interactions between plants and pollinators
To measure the impact of climate change in
will be affected by the phenological shifts
the agricultural ecosystem the State wants
that accompany climate change. Overall, the
to do a research work on assessment of
directions and magnitudes of phenological
carbon sequestration and greenhouse-gas
responses to climate change are highly
(GHG) fluxes in ecosystems. Both terrestrial
variable, and it is also difficult to forecast
(forests, wetlands, grasslands/shrublands,
the impacts of altered phenologies on plant–
and agricultural lands) and aquatic (rivers,
pollinator communities. The government
lakes, and streams) ecosystems would be
wants to determine how shifts in flowering
evaluated through this study. The assessment
phenology associated with climate change
would be conducted by using a methodology
affect by potential pollinators, contrasting
framework through
historically advanced and unchanged plant
• Land use and land management species.
data, climate data with statistical and
15. Grass Land Management /
process-based methods and models
Forage/ Fodder production:
to generate spatially and temporally
explicit carbon storage and GHG flux Strengthening of management of both
estimates grassland and arable areas and agricultural
abandonment on many marginal grazing
• Remote sensing input data, existing
resource and soil inventories, climate
areas, have had deep impacts on natural 185
conservation value and landscape integrity.

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Since J & K is an area where intensive livestock To reduce the impact of climate variability
production is practiced so to reduce the (especially irregular rainfall), precision
impact of livestock on biodiversity the State farming both polyhouse and open precision
wants to do the grass land management, and farming has become successful in bringing
fodder production for the livestock’s. the certainty to agriculture production.
Decreased farming land, declining food
16. Developing Cold-Chain
production, uncertainty in climate, the new
concept of farming with higher skills urged
Cold-Chain Infrastructure will help to the need for popularizing hitech farming.
reduce post-harvest wastage of fruits
19. In-situ moisture Conservation through
and vegetables, which is estimated to be
Roof-top water harvesting:
as high as 35%28 in India. Reduction in
post-harvest wastage together with better Water harvesting and conservation at field
irrigation technologies will contribute to or micro level can bring sustainability to the
a more efficient use of water resources. water sector for irrigation and agriculture,
This will also contribute to reducing rural consequently, increase water availability in
poverty. Through development of Cold chain drought years. Water harvesting is the process
infrastructure, the State Government wants of concentrating rainfall as runoff from a
to help farmers, increase their yields, and catchment to be used in a target area. With
capture a higher share of the final price paid increasing human population and demand
by the consumer. for food, shortfall in groundwater, these
rainwater harvesting systems are attracting
17. Root-Stock & Progeny Plant growing attention. Modern technologies
Material of rainwater harvesting and groundwater
Water availability is one of the major factors recharge such as percolation tank, subsurface
for plant productivity and the breeding of barrier and pond with infiltration wells have
crop varieties that use water more efficiently recently been developed to rejuvenate the
is a key strategy for the improvement of depleted freshwater aquifers.
agro systems. Improvement of the genetic 20. Establishment of two numbers
material of plant is essential in the context of Bio-Diversity Parks (one in
of climate change. Rootstock selection is the Jammu division and second in
most promising method for achieving this Kashmir division):
goal, because the graft genotype controls
Due to climate variability some of the crop
the typical features of the plant.
species are under threat. To restore the crop
18. Protected cultivation and Precision biodiversity, the State government wants to
Farming under Hi-tech Green Houses, establish bio diversity parks in Jammu and
Poly Green Houses & Shade Nets: Kashmir so that the government can able to
186 28
restore some indigenous variety for future use.

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

9.7 List of Key Priority Action
Table 49: List of key priority action sustainable agriculture mission

Sl. Title Organiz- Budget (INR in Million) Source of

No. ations Existing Additional Total Funding
1 Planning of cropping system Dept of Nil 150.00 150.00 GoI, Govt.
and crop varieties through Agri, Horti of J&K
Crop diversification, drought and EFA
tolerant crops and water saving
Agriculture = 50.00
Horticulture = 70.00
Sericulture = 10.00
Floriculture = 20.00
2 Capacity building of Planners Dept of Nil 100.00 100.00 GoI, Govt.
farmers and extension workers Agri, Horti of J&K
and dissemination of new and and EFA
appropriate technology

Agriculture = 50.00
Allied sectors = 50.00
3 Integrated nutrient Dept of Nil 76.0 76.0 GoI, Govt.
management (INM) @ Rs. Agri, Horti of J&K
1500.00 per ha in 50000 ha and EFA

Agriculture (35000Ha) = 52.5

Horticulture (14000Ha) = 21.0
Sericulture (1000Ha) = 1.5
Floriculture (667Ha) = 1.0
4 Promoting Zero Tillage (Zero till Dept of Nil 30.00 30.00 GoI, Govt.
drills@ Rs. 15000 per unit) Agri, Horti of J&K
Agriculture (1000 No.) = 15.0 and EFA
Horticulture (1000 No.) =15.0
5 mulching @ Rs. 2000.00 per ha Dept of Nil 30.00 30.00 GoI, Govt.
in 15000 ha area Agri, Horti of J&K
Agriculture (6250 Ha) = 12.5 and EFA
Horticulture (6250 Ha) = 12.5
Sericulture (1250 Ha) = 2.50
Floriculture (1250 Ha) = 2.50
6 1. Combating climate Dept of Nil 150.00 150.00 GoI, Govt.
related risk through Micro Agri, Horti of J&K
Irrigation programme and EFA
Agriculture = 60.00
Horticulture = 60.00
Sericulture = 15.00 187
Floriculture =15.00

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organiz- Budget (INR in Million) Source of
No. ations Existing Additional Total Funding
7 Management of climate change Dept of Nil 855.00 855.00 GoI, Govt.
risk for sustainable productivity Agri, Horti of J&K
including Integrated Farming and EFA
System (IFS) Models of 0.5 Ha
in Rainfed (500 no) & Irrigated
(500 no) ecosystems of Jammu
@ Rs. 1.65 lacs & 1.85 lacs per
model respectively, Organic
Farming @ Rs.0.2 lac/Ha
(10000 Ha Certification), Bio-
Control Labs (2) @ Rs 200 Lac
each, Bio-Fertilizer lab (2) @ Rs
100 Lac each. Establishment of
vermicompost and vermibeds
@ of Rs 0.30 lac big unit
and 0.10 lac small unit,
management of disease/ pests
and promotion of forest linked
farming system.

Agriculture = 485.00
• IFS Model 1000 No. =
• Organic Farming = 200.00
• Bio-Control Labs = 40.00
• Bio-Fertilizer Labs = 20.00
• Vermicompost/
• Disease/ Pests=10.00
• Forest Linked Farming

Horticulture = 250.00
Sericulture = 60.00
Floriculture =60.00
8 Weather based Crop insurance Dept of Nil 200.0 200.0 GoI, Govt.
Agriculture = 80.00 Agri, Horti of J&K
Horticulture = 80.00 and EFA
Sericulture = 20.00
Floriculture = 20.00


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organiz- Budget (INR in Million) Source of
No. ations Existing Additional Total Funding
9 Enhancing capacity for livestock Dept. of Nil 200.0 200.0 GoI, Govt.
disease management and Animal of J&K
forecasting monitoring and Husbandry and EFA
Animal Husbandry= 100.00
Sheep Husbandry = 100.00
10 Conservation of water bodies Dept of Nil 88.7 88.7 GoI, Govt.
and fish stock augmentation Fisheries of J&K
in natural water bodies and and EFA
promotion of fish farming

Fisheries = 88.7
11 Screening of crops for moisture/ SKUAST Nil 10.0 10.0 GoI, Govt.
heat/disease/pest tolerance of J&K
and nutrient use efficiency and EFA
SKUAST-K = 5.00
SKUAST-J = 5.00
12 Crop yield and weather SKUAST Nil 20.0 20.0 GoI, Govt.
modeling for future of J&K
projections and EFA
SKUAST-K = 10.00
SKUAST-J = 10.00
13 Carbon pool assessment / SKUAST Nil 15.0 15.0 GoI, Govt.
sequestration in forest and of J&K
agricultural ecosystems and EFA
SKUAST-K = 7.50
SKUAST-J = 7.50
14 Conservation of pollinators, SKUAST Nil 10.00 10.00 GoI, Govt.
pollination and plant phenology of J&K
mismatch and EFA
SKUAST-K = 5.00
SKUAST-J = 5.00
15 Grass Land Management / Nil 150.00 150.00 GoI, Govt.
Forage/ Fodder production. of J&K
Agriculture = 100.00 and EFA
Animal/Sheep Husbandry =
16 Developing Cold-Chain Nil 240.00 240.00 GoI, Govt.
Infrastructure of J&K
Agriculture = 70.00 and EFA
Horti P&M = 140.00
Floriculture = 30.00


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organiz- Budget (INR in Million) Source of
No. ations Existing Additional Total Funding
17 Root-Stock & Progeny Plant Nil 120.00 120.00 GoI, Govt.
Material of J&K
and EFA
Agriculture = 20.00
Horticulture = 60.00
Sericulture = 20.00
Floriculture = 20.00
18 Protected cultivation and Nil 200.00 200.00 GoI, Govt.
Precision Farming under Hi- of J&K
tech Green Houses, Poly Green and EFA
Houses & Shade Nets
Agriculture = 140.00
Horticulture = 20.00
Floriculture =40.00
19 In-situ moisture Conservation Nil 520.00 520.00 GoI, Govt.
through Roof-top water of J&K
harvesting (2500 RTWH Units and EFA
with assistance of Rs 6000/ Per
Unit), Storage tanks (291 Low
cost storage tanks of 20x20x20
m3 @ Rs 1.03 lac/tank
assistance, Ponds/Trenches,
Check-Dams (250 no @ Rs 2.00
Lac/CD), Land levelling by Laser
leveller (100 units with Rs 1.5
lac/Unit assistance)
Agriculture = 380.00
• Roof Top Water Harvesting
= 15.00
• Storage tanks = 100.00
• Check-Dams = 200.00
• Land Levelling = 15.00
• Gully Plugging=25.00
• Bench Terracing=25.00
Horticulture = 100.00
Sericulture = 20.00
Floriculture = 20.00
20 Establishment of two number Nil 20.00 20.00 GoI, Govt.
of Bio-Diversity Parks (one in of J&K
Jammu division and second in and EFA
Kashmir division)
(Agriculture and Allied sector)
Total (INR in Million) Nil 3,184.70 3,184.70


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

10. Disaster Management
10.1 Introduction in alterations in the normal functioning
of a society and livelihood disruptions.
Disasters relate to extreme impacts from Climate change assessment has also in-
hazardous physical events on human, turn projected alteration in frequency of
ecological, or physical systems resulting physical events including climate and hydro-


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

meteorological extremes that are likely practice and preparedness. Plan should
to exacerbate the stress on human and therefore be to improve the understanding of
natural systems. Adverse impacts of climate disaster risk, foster disaster risk reduction and
change on society often increases disaster promote continuous improvement in disaster
risk (recent events unfolding in Himalayan preparedness, response, and recovery
Region of India is a testimony), disasters practices. Reduction in the rate of depletion
themselves erode environmental and social of ecosystem services, improvements in
resilience, and thus increase vulnerability to urban land use and territorial organization
climate change. Moreover climate variability processes, strengthening of rural livelihoods,
is projected to result in more frequent and specific advances in urban and rural
intensive disasters – with the most severe governance, enhancing awareness, capacity
consequences on infrastructure, food building of the communities and poverty
security and livelihoods of natural resource reduction are few of the effective strategies.
and dependent vulnerable communities.
Since both disaster risk (including climate 10.2. Key trends in the
associated disaster risk) and climate related sector
vulnerabilities are likely to undermine the
The State comprises of three distinct regions
economic sustainability and development
which correspond with three administrative
it is therefore planned that disaster risk
divisions. Of the three divisions Ladakh alone
management strategies and climate change
covers about 70% of the total area of the
adaptation planning be integrated in context
State followed by Jammu accounting for 19%
of development and development planning
and the valley of Kashmir accounting for the
towards promoting sustainability in social
remaining 11%. The State has no homogeneity
and economic development. The physical
with regard to its physical features but
and social determinants of disaster risk
represents an interesting morphology.
and climate vulnerabilities are dependent
upon the intensity of the extreme events Morphologically the State is divided into
and the level of exposure and vulnerability. three distinct micro regions which are as
The impacts of hazardous physical events follows:-
including climate extremes disproportionately 1) The outer hill division
affect resources, poor communities with
2) Jhelum valley division
little access to alternatives, exposure, and
vulnerability. Strategizing disaster risk 3) Indus valley division.
mitigation technique (reactive, adaptive, The outer hill division starts from the plains
and anticipatory) or adaptation planning in the south to Pir-panjals in the north is
therefore requires a thorough assessment of separated by the Pir-Panjals from the Jhelum
the social profile including the vulnerability valley in the south. Rainfall in this region is
of the region; exposure of the community to scanty and is more or less dry. Southern part
192 extreme events or chronic risks, development of this division is known as sub-mountainous

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

region and the northern part is known as altered stream course, discharge areas and
semi-mountainous region. The average closed aquifers due to lack of geo-hydrological
altitude of the former is 369 meters and of assessments while sanctioning or developing
the latter is 1385 meters above mean sea the projects. Moreover the unauthorized and
level. River Chenab forms the main drainage unplanned construction on the river banks
system of the division. has disturbed the river ecosystem. Sand
and gravel dredging or top soil denudation
Near Kulu the central Himalayas bifurcate into
for brick industry to support growing real
two, one going towards the north-western
estate industry have significantly enhanced
direction and are known as Zanskar range
the human induced disaster risk in the eco-
and the other towards the south-west called
sensitive zones of the State. With projected
as the Dhauleder range. In between these
increase in the frequency and intensity of
two ranges lies green valley of Kashmir.
extreme events including cyclones, droughts,
The northern most extremity of the State and floods, disaster management seeds
is the extensive mountainous territory of greater attention. The projected increase in
Ladakh or the valley of Indus. Extending from the occurrence of extreme events is likely to
the Zanskar in the south to the Karakorum, include:
the Nunkun and the Nanga Parbat in the
• Increase in areas affected by drought
north, Ladakh is almost a plateau desert and
mostly is devoid of vegetation. The average • Increase in areas affected by heavy
altitude of this division is 3,692 M above the precipitation and floods
sea level. River Indus which rises from the
• Areas affected by earthquakes,
MansarowarLake forms the main drainage
landslides, soil creeps and avalanche
of the region.
The State is a multi-hazard prone region with
Apart from the projected hydro-
natural disasters like earthquakes, floods,
meteorological hazards viz. floods,
landslides, avalanches, high velocity winds,
droughts and cloud-bursts there are likely
snow storms, besides manmade disasters
scenarios of natural hazards such caused
including road accidents and fires etc. Human
due to earthquakes, landslides and snow
activities disturbing the ecological balance in
most of the case directly results in disastrous
event or exacerbate the natural disaster. Disaster and hazard profile of J & K State:
Observation exhibited that construction
The typical natural and anthropogenic
of road under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak
disasters in the State of J&K are as follows:
Yojana (PMGSY) schemes or railway track has


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Table 50: Natural and Anthropogenic disaster type

Natural Disaster Manmade Disaster

Incessant Rainfall Urban fire-house & Forest
Flash Flood Village fire-house & Forest
Hailstorm, Snow avalanches and Snow Road accidents
Earthquake Communal disturbances
Wind Storm

1. Earthquakes: Both cities Jammu Most parts of the Kashmir Valley (11%
and Srinagar are in zone IV and V. of the area of the State) covering
The geological structure in the State the Districts of Srinagar, Ganderbal,
makes it vulnerable to earthquakes. A Baramulla, Kupwara, Bandipora,
Main Boundary Fault Thrust (MBFT) Budgam, Anantnag, Pulwama Doda,
underlies Pir Panjal region and runs Ramban, Kishtwar come under Seismic
NW-SE through Manwal-Udhampur- Zone V, where around 50% of the
Reasi and further northwest is population of the State lives. Rest of the
weak zone susceptible to natural State including whole of Ladakh region
disturbances. Zanskar mountain ranges and Jammu Division (89% of the total
underlain by Zanskar geological Thrust, area of the State) are under the Seismic
and Kashmir Valley lie between Pir Zone IV.
Panjal and Zanskar Thrust plane. These
thrust-planes are the largest strike- slip
faults responsible for the occurrence
of earthquakes and disasters in the

Table 51: Major earthquakes experienced by the State with Mb=5 and above

Date Region Magnitude Cause-area affected

8th October Kashmir earthquake 7.60 Activation along MBT which
2005 devastated Kashmir region
Feb 2005 Snow storm - Destroyed villages in southern
May 30, 1885 Western Himalayan area 7.50 Western Himalayan Thrust
Jan15, 1934 Activation along MBT 8.10 Rupturing along MBT zone

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Figure 21: Earthquake Hazard map of Jammu and Kashmir shows that entire State is categorized as
Zone IV and V

2. Flood, Flash flood Cloud-burst: Jhelum, Indus, Chenab and Tawi rivers
Cloudburst and flash flood are common are also prone to flash floods.
disasters which have caused loss of 3. Landslides: Large and small landslides
life and property in various regions occur every year in all three region of
of the State. Glacial melting due to the State. They are complex disaster
warming causes flash floods. About phenomenon caused by heavy rainfall,
16% of glaciers have been lost in Suru snowfall, earthquakes and mining etc.
basin. Kolhai loosing 18% glacier is yet Soil creep and down-slide movements
another example. Flash floods cause of rock masses occur to cause landslips
tremendous losses in catchment of and landslides. Famous land slide area
Jhelum, Chenab and Tawi rivers. All hilly exists between Batote and Banihal on
area of the State is prone to cloudbursts National Highway.
similarly low-lying areas of the
Kashmir Valley, especially Sonawari, Areas along major highways particularly
Awantipora, Srinagar, along with parts Ramban, Panthial, Banihal, Doda,
of Jammu are prone to floods. Upper Kishtwar, Gulmarg, Dawar, Gurez,
catchments of all the tributaries of the Tangdhar, Rajouri etc. are prone to 195

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Figure 22: Landslide hazard zonation map of North western Himalaya showing Jammu and Kashmir

4. Snow avalanches are common in Doda, Kishtwar and other inaccessible

elevation of more than 3,500 m with areas are prone to fire incidents.
30o to 35o hill slopes. North facing However, incidents of fires are equally
slopes have avalanche falls in winter high in the plains as well as in Srinagar
and south facing slopes in summer. city.
Higher reaches of Kashmir including
6. Drought: Most parts of Jammu Division
Anantnag, Kulgam, Gurez, Kargil, Leh,
including Doda, Udhampur, Kathua,
Doda, Ramban, Kishtwar, Banihal, etc.
Jammu etc. are drought prone and are
face avalanches.
subjected to similar climate related
5. Wild Fires: Fire hazards occur frequently disaster.
both in forest and congested urban
7. Wind Storm: Occasional wind storms
sprawls. Doda, Kishtwar and Gurez have
destroy crops, horticulture and roof-
witnessed heavy losses due to fires in
tops of houses. Ladakh has been
the past. Precautionary and emergency
identified as prone to high speed winds
services are needed to safe-guard
but there are hardly any damages due
against local urban area as well as forest
to wind storm, perhaps due to the
fires. All District headquarters/ densely
sparse population and traditional house
196 populated towns and especially Gurez,
construction practices.

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Figure 23: Wind hazard map of Jammu and Kashmir shows that State is categorized as very high to
moderate damage risk zone

8. Other : Several parts of the State and form an effective Disaster Management
face hazards like thunderstorms, cloud Policy. The focus of disaster management
burst, hailstorms, forest fires, dam bursts, has undergone a paradigm shift from relief
heavy snow-fall, human and livestock to prevention, mitigation and preparedness.
epidemics, etc. from time to time; few of
which occasionally convert into situations 10.3. Vulnerability of the
like disaster. Moreover Hilly roads especially sector
in Doda, Ramban, Udhampur, Rajouri, Reasi,
Disaster causes socio-economic and
Poonch, Kishtwar, Ramban, Baramulla,
environmental impacts that disrupt the
Anantnag, Pulwama, Budgam, Jammu,
normal functioning of the vulnerable
Kathua, Zojila, Kargil, Leh, etc. are prone to
communities in the affected areas. Extreme
road accidents.
weather and climate events will lead to
The snow blizzard in February 2005, disaster if the communities are exposed to
devastating earthquake of magnitude 7.6 dangerous extreme events or subjected to
in October 2005, devastating cloudburst high exposure and vulnerability levels. J&K
followed by flashfloods in August 2010 in unlike other Himalayan States are highly
Leh, cloud burst at Bagger in Doda on June susceptible to the impacts of climate change
2011, have forced State establishment as well and disaster risks mainly due to the fragile
as local authorities and civil society to think ecosystem and lower adaptive capability of 197

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

the community. One of the anticipated effects 2007, the Government has notified and
of climate change is increase in the frequency constituted the State Disaster Management
and intensity of extreme weather events Authority (SDMA), State Executive Council
leading to hydro-meteorological disasters. (SEC) and District Disaster Management
The State has experienced several disasters Authorities (DDMAs). The State Disaster
of recurrent nature that has resulted in loss Management Authority has been constituted
of life, livelihood and properties. under the chairpersonship of Hon’ble Chief
Minister and the State Executive Committee
Extreme weather events/ natural calamities
under the Chief Secretary. The State Disaster
pose severely affect on the infrastructure
Response Force (SDRF) has been formed and
and livelihood of the people. The matrix
has two companies (Coys) for field duties
below represents the correlation between
and deployment. Existing facilities for the
vulnerability and the hazardous physical
Fire & Emergency Services (F&ES) and SDRF

Table 52: Vulnerability against the Hazards

Sector Flood Snow/ Earth- Land- Fire Comm- Drou- Wind Heavy
& cloud avala- quake slide unal ght storm Snow
burst nches distri- fall
Road Network √ √ √ √ × √ × × √
Water Supply √ √ √ √ × × √ × ×
Hospital √ √ √ × × × × × ×
Sewages √ × × × × × × √ ×
Food stock and √ × √ √ × √ × × √
Communication √ × √ √ × × × √ ×
Bridges √ × √ × × × × √ ×
Shelters √ × √ × √ × × × ×
Livestock √ √ √ √ √ × √ √ √
Forest Ecosystem √ × √ × √ × × × √
Livelihood sector √ √ √ √ √ × √ √ √
like agriculture and

10.4.Key issues in the are continuously strengthened by provision

sector of capacity-building in terms of equipment

and training. District Disaster Management
State level institutional mechanism for Authorities under the respective Deputy
disaster management Commissioner too have been formed in the
State. According to the recommendations of
In accordance to the Jammu and Kashmir
198 Thirteenth Finance commission (TFC), State
Disaster Management Rules in the year

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) was created • Hiring of boats for carrying immediate
in the State in 2010 and the existing Calamity relief and saving life.
Relief Fund (CRF) was merged with the said • Provision of temporary accommodation
Fund. food, clothing medical care etc.
The payments out of SDRF are scheduled to • Air dropping of essential supplies.
be made on the following ground: Repair / restoration of roads and
• Ex-Gratia payments/ Gratuitous Relief. bridges, drinking water supply works,
irrigation, power, primary education,
• Clothing and utensils/ Household
primary health centers and community
assets owned by Panchayats.
• Supplementary Nutrition.
• Replacement of medical equipment.
• Desilting/ removal of debris/
• Operational cost for Ambulance Service,
restoration/ repair of agricultural land
Mobile Medical Teams and temporary
and fish farms.
• Loss for agricultural/horticultural/
• Clearance of debris and draining off
annual plantation crops.
flood water.
• Input subsidy/ Assistance to farms/ fish
• Search and rescue measures and
disposal of dead bodies / carcasses.
• Employment generation.
• Training to specialist multi-disciplinary
• Replacement of animals, purchase of groups/ teams of the State personnel.
• Procurement of essential search, rescue
• Repair / Replacement of boats/ nets. and evacuation equipment.
• Repair/ Replacement of Tools/
Institutional stakeholders who play key roles
equipment’s and purchase of raw
in disaster risk reduction and managements
• Repair/ restoration of damaged
• All concerned departments of the State
Government and Central Government
• Emergency supply of drinking water. agencies present in the State.
• Provision of medicines, disinfectants, • State, Divisional & District Disaster
insecticides for prevention of outbreak Management Authorities.
of epidemics.
• Local authorities such as ULBs, PRIs,
• Medical care for cattle and poultry etc.
against epidemic as a sequel to a
• Fire & Emergency Services.
notified natural calamity.
• State Police & Central Para Military
• Evacuation of people affected/ likely to
Forces. 199
be affected.

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

• Voluntary and Civil Society Education is the nodal department to
organizations. deal with Pest attacks & Hailstorms

• Indian Red Cross Society, Multilateral • Agricultural & Horticulture Department

aid agencies and UN agencies. is the nodal department to deal with
pest attacks & Hailstorms
• Public sector undertakings, corporate
sector, Hoteliers & other allied • Animal & Sheep Husbandry Department
organizations. is the nodal department to handle
livestock epidemics
• Armed Forces.
• Irrigation & Flood control (IFC)
• Indian Air Force.
Department is be the nodal
• Airport Authority of India. departments for disasters related to
Floods and Dam bursts
• Indian Railways
• Public works Department (R&B) is the
• National Disaster Response Force,
nodal department for disasters related
State Disaster Response Force.
to infrastructure damage
• Community
• Forest Department is the nodal
• Print & Electronic Media department for disasters related to
forest fire
Various departments handling different
types of disasters are as follows: • Power development department (PDD)
is the nodal agency for management
• Department of Home is the nodal
of disasters related to Electric Power
department of management of
Plants, Grid Network, Transmission
manmade and human-induced
lines etc.
disasters including air, train, road, rail
accidents, fires, chemical, biological & • Revenue Department is the nodal
radiological nuclear disasters department for disasters related to
avalanches and landslides, droughts,
• Department of Health & Medical
windstorms and earthquakes


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Gap identification in current Institutional structure to tackle Disaster

Infrastructural gap in addressing the DRM for flood and related disaster

Flood: Flooding is caused by the inadequate capacity of the rivers to contain the high flows
brought down from the upper catchment areas following heavy rainfall..

Flash floods are characterized by very fast rise and recession of flow of small volume and high
discharge, which causes high damages because of suddenness. This occurs in hilly and not
too hilly regions and sloping lands where heavy rainfall and thunderstorms or cloudbursts are

Snowmelt is a gradual process and usually does not cause major floods. Glacial melt is usually
slower than snowmelt and is not capable of causing severe flood. But sometimes glaciers
hold large quantity of bounded water, which may be suddenly released with melting of ice
block resulting into Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs).

Cloud bursts: In case of cloud bursts, cyclonic winds virtually compress the clouds and forced
nucleation amounting to sudden precipitation takes place where all the water from the clouds
is poured out.
• Non-availability of close contour maps and digital elevation models of flood prone
• Flood forecasting and warning (FF and W) network of the CWC, though developed on
scientific basis, does not cover all the flood prone rivers and rivulets
• Very few river basins have been covered with automatic sensors for observations and
telemetry system for communication of data.
• Flood plain zoning regulations have not been enacted and enforced
• Implementation of the flood proofing Measures are yet to be fully implemented
• Lack of flow of information among the basin-states resulting in gaps in preparedness on
their part to face incoming floods.
• The flood response system lacks public participation. There is also lack of awareness
among the people about simple ways of safeguarding their lives and properties during
floods. They are also not aware of the role they can play in the preparedness, mitigation,
rescue and relief during floods.
Infrastructural gap in addressing the drought risk management
Drought: Drought is a natural hazard that differs from other hazards since it has a slow onset,
evolves over months or even years, affects a large spatial extent, and cause little structural
• Development of standard procedures for drought vulnerability assessment and
generation of vulnerability maps are to be undertaken.
• The critical areas for minimizing loss of lives, livelihood and property are to be addressed
purposefully and systematically.
• Measures are to be put in place for drought proofing of chronically drought-prone
Infrastructural gap in addressing the earthquake related DRM 201
• Early warning system
• Lack of Disaster management support network

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

10.5.Programme and effective institutional mechanisms for
mainstreaming DRR.
Policies in the sector
• To promote community-based DRR to
1. State Disaster Management Policy reduce vulnerabilities and effective
2012 responses through awareness-
The Government of Jammu and Kashmir has generation and capacity-building.
developed a State Disaster Management • To promote research and development
Policy 2012 for effective disaster manage- for Disaster Risk Reduction through
ment in the State. The aim of the policy is appropriate disaster prevention,
mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction into mitigation and preparedness measures
all the developmental initiatives to ensure and strategies.
sustainability of investments and minimizing • To develop mechanism for an effective,
the losses due to disasters by taking all well-coordinated and timely response
necessary measures. system.
The approach of the policy States that • To establish a framework for post-
holistic, comprehensive and integrated disaster recovery and reconstruction.
multi-hazard approach should be evolved
The State Disaster Management Policy, 2012
towards disaster management focusing on
has made provisions for following:
building strategic partnerships at various
levels. It will be based on inter-sectoral • Financial Arrangements
coordination, capacity development of all • The Nodal Departments (The
stakeholders at all levels and in all sectors, concerned nodal department should
community participation, and involvement prepare plans for handling these
of cooperation with other agencies. The disasters and should regularly update
Policy identifies that hazards are inevitable the plans. The nodal department
which need not necessarily convert into can seek assistance from any other
disasters. Disaster risk can be mitigated with department, agency/ organization etc.
appropriate, advanced measures. as and when required).

Objectives of the policy are: • Techno – Legal Framework

• To institutionalize Disaster Risk • Strengthening Institutional

Reduction into governance as Mechanisms and Capacity Building
envisaged in Disaster Management • State Institute of Disaster
Act, 2005 and National Disaster Management
Management Policy, 2009. • Emergency Operation Centres
• To promote and mainstream DRR into • Framework for Mainstreaming Disaster
developmental planning. Management in the State
• To build capacities and promote

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

2. Jammu and Kashmir Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) as the apex
Management Rules in the year 2007 body for Disaster Management (DM) in India
with the mandate, inter alia, for laying down
The State Executive Committee should
policies and guidelines on DM. These efforts
prepare the State Disaster Management Plan
will conserve developmental gains and also
which should in addition to the provision
minimize loss of lives, livelihood systems and
laid down in subsections (2) and (4) of the
section 23 of the Act include provision for:
I. Information dissemination 4. The Jammu & Kashmir Natural
Calamities Destroyed Areas
II. Co-ordination among different
Improvement Act, 1955
III. Training of personnel associated with The Jammu & Kashmir Natural Calamities
disaster management Destroyed Areas Improvement Act, 1955
was enacted for improvement of towns,
IV. Periodic assessment of resources for
villages and other areas destroyed by
disaster management in the States
natural calamities in the State. However, not
V. Post disaster evaluation much mileage was achieved through the
3. Disaster Management Act, 2005 enactment of the Act.

The Act provides for the effective 10.6. Key Priority

management of disasters (“disaster” means
a catastrophe, mishap, calamity or grave 1. Hazard risk mapping using GIS
occurrence in any area, arising from natural and Remote sensing
or manmade causes, or by accident or • Preparation of natural hazards zonation
negligence which results in substantial loss map
of life or human suffering or destruction of • Identification of multi hazards zone
property or degradation of environment, map
and is of such a nature or magnitude beyond
• Perform risk and hazard analysis in
the coping capacity of the community.
hazard prone area
Under Disaster Management Act 2005 a
National Plan will be formulated for the Applications of Geoinformatics in Disaster
prevention of disasters, or the mitigation Risk Management are emerging trends
of their effects and undertake measures in the last two decades. Geoinformatics,
for preparedness and capacity building which includes Remote Sensing, Geographic
to effectively respond to any threatening Information System, Global Positioning
disaster situations or disaster. Following the Systems, and Internet Mapping Services,
enactment of the Disaster Management Act, provides the most powerful tools for disaster
2005, (DM Act, 2005) the Government of management through hazard mapping,
India (GOI) constituted the National Disaster monitoring, risk assessment, emergency 203

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

response and reconstruction as planning for • Improve infrastructure resilience
disaster management requires consideration through restoration of buildings in
of the spatial and temporal aspects of the vulnerable areas and critical facilities
location. protection

13 Districts in J&K out of 100 in the country • Enforcement of building codes; better
have been identified as Multi Hazard prone urban planning and zoning of vulnerable
Districts. It is, thus, imperative to have a solid areas
base to start activities related to DRR. SDMA As a planned adaptation strategy, reducing
in association with the Divisional DMA and risks from natural disasters needs to be a part
DDMAs should coordinate assessment of of infrastructure project design, especially
hazards, vulnerabilities and risks prevailing in areas vulnerable to extreme events. It
at various levels in the State. SDMA should is generally much cheaper to incorporate
involve all line departments and all relevant appropriate features in the initial design
agencies in this task. As an outcome of this and construction of infrastructure projects,
exercise, State-specific hazard, vulnerability including siting, than to undertake retrofits
and risk maps should be prepared at the later. The various elements of this program
earliest. may include:
Scenarios need to be developed to depict the • Disaster-specific vulnerability
impact of different types of disasters. These assessments and sector specific impact
scenarios should be used for developing assessment at the State and district
detailed prevention, preparedness and level for preparing contingency plans
mitigation measures. Specific measures • Maintenance of critical facilities such as
like micro-zonation of cities (Jammu and health care services, roads, schools and
Srinagar) and all major towns, land use water supplies
planning and zoning regulations, retrofitting
• Collaboration with insurance providers
of infrastructure and buildings, disaster-safe
to ensure the loss recovery of
construction technology and strengthening
the capacities of communities should be
promoted for different hazard/disaster- • Mainstreaming disaster risk reduction
prone areas of the State in a time-bound into Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Jawaharlal
manner. Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission
and Indira AwasYojana
2. Risk reduction through
• Capacity building among design
implementable planning and
engineers, project planners and
policy development
financial institutions on incorporating
• Development of prefabricated elements of disaster management
structures instead of cast-in-place
204 construction in vulnerable areas In addition to above SDMA should ensure
to carry out the vulnerability check of dams,

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

power projects, bridges, PMGSY roads, Ensuring that communication channels are
tunnels and other key infrastructure not severed during disasters can protect
facilities and take appropriate measures to lives and expedite relief and rehabilitation
make them safe to face severe earthquakes. operations. Furthermore, it is essential to
For this purpose, resource mapping should be have a regular monitoring programmein
carried out through geo-spatial technology place to provide early warning of imminent
wherever feasible. The construction disasters to facilitate a planned response,
work and other activities that affect the including evacuation from vulnerable areas
environment should be monitored by to minimize the impact of disasters. Specific
relevant departments in vulnerable regions action areas will include:
particularly in landslide earthquake and • Monitoring climate system and hydro-
avalanches-prone areas and in areas where meteorological pattern for early
dams-power projects are located especially estimation
in environmentally-fragile regions, like areas
• Generation of hazard maps in regional
along the national highways, water-bodies.
scale and their hazard specific zonation
Hilly areas and the rivers should be protected
by legal enforcement from detrimental • Upgrading forecasting, tracking and
interventions that may lead to situations early warning system for flood, cloud
eventually resulting in disasters. burst and flash flood
• Community level disaster response
3. Strengthening Communication
training to minimize loss of life and
Networks and Disaster
Management Facilities
• Awareness for medical preparedness
• Strengthening and improving weather
and emergency medical response to
forecasts and services network of
manage mass casualties during extreme
Meteorological observatories / Seismic
observatories including Doppler
Weather Radars for each region/district SDMA should ensure development of a State-
to serve as Information network specific Disaster Management Information
• Developing linkage between SDMA and System (JKDMIS). JKDMIS should include
line departments engaged in relief and a comprehensive repository of available
disaster risk reduction manpower, machinery and other resources
available at the State level. The JKDMIS
• Setting up Emergency Operation
should ensure easy accessibility to all
Center (EOC) and implement Incident
relevant authorities at all times to facilitate
Response System (IRS)
quick contact with people and availability
• Develop and/or upgrade forecasting, of resources on the onset of a disaster. The
tracking and early warning systems for JKDMIS should be made available to the
hazard events public through a web-based technology. 205

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

SDMA should ensure a mechanism aligned SDMA should establish a proper chain of
with overall disaster management plan of command for effective management of
the State to receive forecasting and early disasters and coordination of all agencies
warning from the nodal agencies like Indian responsible for disaster management in
Meteorological Department (IMD), Snow the State. The Incident Response System
and Avalanches study Establishment (SASE), would provide combination of facilities,
etc. The modern gadgets like Doppler Radars equipment’s, personnel, procedures and
and satellite based information should form communications operating with common
the basis of accurate forecasting and early organizational structure, with a clear
warning. The available information should responsibility for the management of
be disseminated to vulnerable communities resources to effectively accomplish the stated
to the last mile. Early Warning mechanisms objectives pertinent to an incident.
should be instituted by the FCR Office to
4. Hazard specific multi-parameter
give advance warning and alerts for floods,
vulnerability assessments and
cloudbursts, snow-storms etc. through mobile
societal impacts assessments at
telephony/ SMS service. An alternative
the regional and local levels for
wireless-based communication mechanism
preparing contingency plan
should be introduced for communication
from State to districts and from districts to SDMA should facilitate carrying out hazard
blocks and villages. State, Divisional, District specific multi-parameter vulnerability
& local administration will communicate assessments and societal impacts
with community through media in order to assessmentsat the regional and local levels
prevent panic reaction and get feedback on for all the districts towards preparation
relief measures and urgent needs of various of the contingency plan. In order to
agencies involved in emergency relief move towards safer and sustainable
measures. development, all developmental activities
should be sensitive towards disaster risk
EOC and IRS should be established/
reduction. SDMA and SEC should encourage
implement respectively for effective
all departments to spend a little extra in a
management of disasters and maximum
planned manner on steps and components
coordination of all agencies responsible
that could help in disaster risk reduction.
for disaster management in this State. The
Incident Response System would provide 5. Developing and promoting
combination of facilities, equipment, concept of Climate Smart Disaster
personnel, procedures and communications Risk Management (CSDRM)
operating with common organizational
The impacts of climate change on disaster
structure, with a clear responsibility for the
risks are profound, complex and somewhat
management of resources to effectively
uncertain. It is already evident that trends
206 accomplish the stated objectives pertinent
in economic and livelihoods-related disaster
to an incident.

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

losses are on an upward curve and the 6. Preparation of disaster rescue
majorities are associated with extreme and rehabilitation plan.
weather events. These trends are likely
to continue and may even accelerate as SDMA should ensure preparation of disaster
some hazards become more severe and rescue and rehabilitation plan. All line
unpredictable and greater numbers of departments at the State, Divisional and
vulnerable people are living in harm’s way. District levels should also have their plans
Climate Smart Disaster Risk Management customized to cater to the DRR needs.
(CSDRM) is an integrated development and The guidelines for such plans should be
disaster risk management approach that developed by SDMA. The plans so developed
aims simultaneously at should be operational, regularly reviewed
and updated. The State experiences certain
• changing disaster risks, typical winter-related seasonal disasters such
• enhance adaptive capacity, as snow avalanches and landslides. Disaster-
specific crisis management plans by various
• address poverty, exposure, vulnerability departments should also be prepared in the
and their structural causes and State. Measures to address issues arising out
• promote low/no-carbon development of global warming and climate change which
in a changing climate have increased the risk of the State due to
natural disasters should be given highest
The CSDRM approach should therefore be priority in the risk reduction activities.
integrated into strategic planning, program Standard Operation Procedures (SOP), for
development and policymaking so as to every department, relief manuals/ codes, etc.
develop an inclusive planning to address the should be developed/reviewed and updated
changing climate concern and disaster risk. by relevant government departments under
The CSRDM approach broadly encompasses: the overall guidance of the SDMA. DDMPs
• Tackle changing disaster risk and should spell out strategy for mitigating
uncertainties the impact of disasters of women and
children and should prepare specific plans
• Enhance adaptive capacity for disbursement of speedy relief to them.
• Address poverty, vulnerability and their Specific plans should be prepared for safety
structural causes and protection of animals as well.

The CSDRM approach builds on DRM, Facilities like hospitals, fire services, police
climate change adaptation and development stations, schools, water supply, bridges,
concepts and approaches for disaster risk flyovers and underpasses, electricity grid
mitigation. stations and houses of VVIPs are critical
in nature for post-disaster management.


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

To ensure functioning of critical facilities, planners and insurance personnel
buildings occupying such facilities and falling
Awareness and preparedness are key
in Seismic Zone-V have to be retrofitted.
strategies towards disaster risk reduction.
SDMA should develop a clear-cut retrofitting
Following are the major activities planned
strategy at State level for this purpose. Safety
under stakeholder’s knowledge build up:
audit of all existing Government buildings
should be done within one year. • Inclusion of disaster management
principle under school curriculum:
Schools should be developed into multi Appropriate materials will subsequently
purpose permanent community shelters be developed for various climate
in vulnerable areas with due provisions changes and disaster related issues and
for accommodating displaced families. the same would be introduced in the
Provisions in the State Disaster Response school curriculum.
Fund should be utilized to procure equipments
• Development of information and
necessary for different departments, subject
education material: The SDMA has
to needs assessment and the availability of
to develop information material in
vernacular language and promote
Following are the immediate rescue and through online and social medium.
relief measures for which the SDMA should • School awareness program: Awareness
always be prepared for: programs to be regularly organized by
• Immediate supply of foodstuffs, fuel, the Department for school children.
clothing, blankets, tents and cash etc. • Awareness program for officials: It
• Cash relief/ex-gratia grant to affected is highly necessary to sensitize the
families. government officials at all levels. The
• Schemes for repair/restoration of Department has to regularly organize
public as well as private properties sensitization programs for government
officials at State, district and tehsil /
• Medical assistance is given to the needy
block level. Various key issues related
and injured persons.
to climate change have to be included
7. Awareness/ Sensitization/ under the training programs.
Capacity Building in form of :
8. Community based disaster
• Enhancing Knowledge among the management in the Disaster
Stakeholders Management Plan at all levels
• Disaster preparedness and prevention Experiences from past disasters indicate
that reaching out to the affected community
• Response training
within the critical period following a disaster
208 • Disaster Response training for is a major challenge in the efforts to protect
community, design engineer, project

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

human lives and assets. It is also a fact that human resources for medical
communities being the first responders have preparedness and emergency
more contextual familiarity with the local medical response to manage
hazards and the available resources. They are mass casualties during extreme
also in a better position to plan and execute events
activities related to disaster management at
The diverse nature of disasters to be dealt
the local level.
with calls for a wide variety of training
SDMA should develop mechanisms to inputs in disaster response, for the SDMA
manage disasters at the grass-root level personnel as well as all other target groups.
through community participation. The Policy Floods, cyclones, earthquakes, landslides and
envisages leveraging and capitalizing the avalanches, besides chemical and biological
existing social capital and traditional wisdom emergencies, all call for mutually-different
in management of disasters. The Policy techniques of response, to effectively contain
visualizes a need for a culture for prevention, the potential loss of life, limb and property
mitigation, preparedness, quick response from each of them. The need for specialized
and strategic thinking to be incorporated into training encompassing disaster management
the minds of the vulnerable communities. techniques for all categories would need to
SDMA should encourage PRIs/ULBs to work undergo an all-embracing training program
out Community Based Disaster Management in the response strategies for different
Plans to safeguard lives, livelihood and types of disasters. Para-medics and medical
property, to prevent losses and, at the same personnel, who have a very crucial role in
time, enable a faster recovery in the event disaster rescue operations, will also need to
of a disaster. Involvement of multilateral undergo a basic training course, tailored to
aid agencies and civil society organizations their training needs in pre-hospital handling
should be encouraged to put the Community and treatment of victims.
Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM)
10. Institutional development
system into practice in the State. While
and operationalization of
developing CBDRM, due recognition should
the regulatory framework
be given to most vulnerable groups like
for effective management of
women, children, elders and differently-
disaster under State Disaster
abled persons.
Management Act (DM Act)
SDMA, with the help of line departments, 2005 for preparation of Disaster
should periodically conduct social audits response and management plan
to ensure appropriate participation of all
The DM Act 2005 envisages a paradigm
vulnerable groups.
shift from the erstwhile response centric
9. Disaster response training syndrome to a proactive, holistic and
at the community level to integrated management of disasters with 209
build infrastructure and emphasis on prevention, mitigation and

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

preparedness. This national vision, inter practices. Efforts will also be made to involve
alia also aims at inculcating a culture of the private sector including construction
preparedness among all stakeholders and companies and construction sector
training of different stakeholders is the most associations/federations to promote capacity
important tool to achieve this end. The new building initiatives through their networks
approach covers the entire cycle of disaster targeted at construction fraternity/artisans
management encompassing prevention, in the private or informal sector. Appropriate
mitigation, preparedness, response, relief linkages with national/state level training
and rehabilitation. Effort will also be made and technical institutions will be promoted
to strengthen the State and District Disaster and strengthened to complement the same.
Management Authorities (DMAs) to reduce In addition, awareness and sensitization
disaster risk proactively, and implement will be created by informing house owners,
timely, sustainable, and locally relevant developers, financing institutions, contracting
recovery activities in post-disaster situations. companies and the construction fraternity
It would emphasize institution-building and about safer construction practices.
technical capacity-building, including NGOs,
The National Act of disaster Management
private sector and academia. As part of the
2005, District Disaster management Plan is to
training and capacity-building component,
be mandated as one of the most important
attention will be on regulating engineering
tools for DRR. Strategy should also be
and architecture professionals including
framed towards mainstreaming Disaster Risk
the introduction of a process of registration
Reduction (DRR) into the Development and
and pre-qualification, etc. Substantial
Disaster Management Plans. Approaches
effort will be invested in building capacity
of mainstreaming disaster management
through structured and varied training
into the development process and disaster
program targeted at engineers, architects,
management plans are through
construction site supervisors, construction
artisans, quality auditors and developers and o Structural Measures
town planners etc. Enhancing capacity in DM o Non Structural Measures
Departments/ Cells, municipal corporations o Disaster Mitigation Projects
and urban local bodies will be undertaken
in a concerted manner. This activity will Mainstreaming the DRR in the development
also encompass strengthening existing plan can also be strategized through inclusion
institutional training facilities for specialized into Government of India flagship program.
training in hazard-resistant construction


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Name of the Department Proposed Strategies for DRR Integration into the
No Programme / Sectors Flagship Programmes
1 Indira Rural • Inclusion of such measures like application of Hazard
Awas Development resistant design in construction of IAY houses,
Yojana Department appropriate sitting of IAY housing in guideline of
• Development of model design for lAY houses which
could be easily referred to by DRDAs at district level
and used for community awareness depending on
the geographical location.
• Capacity Building of Rural masons on safe
• Capacity Building of PRIs.
• Community Awareness.
• Capacity Building Programmes for DRDA officials on
Disaster Risk
• Reduction issues
2 Mahatma Rural • Utilisation of MGNREGS funds to reduce the
Gandhi Development vulnerability of Panchayat vis-a-vis natural hazards
National Department such as landslide, drought, forest fire, cloud burst,
Employment flash floods, earthquake etc.
• Giving priority to those works which reduce the
vulnerability of area over the works which enhances
the vulnerability of the area to natural hazards.
• Identified works are available which take into
account the hazard profile and offer continuous
employment opportunities in the event of disasters
to ensure livelihood security in the event of
• Works which reduce disaster risk are given priority
in plans-such as local mitigation works, etc.
• Any other implements able suggestion within the
ambit of the scheme.


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Name of the Department Proposed Strategies for DRR Integration into the
No Programme / Sectors Flagship Programmes
3 Pradhan PWD • The Master Plan for rural roads, the district rural
Mantri road plan and identification of core network under
Gram Sadak the planning process of this scheme should, which
Yojana the overall guidelines of its preparation, explicitly
address the disaster risk reduction concerns
and accord priority to connect the vulnerable
• The technical guidelines should explicitly provide
for suitable protection and inclusion of disaster
risk concerns explicitly - while provision of cross
drainage, slope stabilization, protection works are
already included, in multi-hazard and especially
flood and landslide prone areas fair weather roads
need to be upgraded on a priority basis.
• The maintenance guidelines are modified to ensure
that in case of disasters these roads get provision
for restoration to ensure all weather connectivity.
4 Jawaharlal Urban • Strengthening of the compliance mechanism at the
Nehru Urban Development detail project report submission and appraisal stage
Renewal Department in case of infrastructure projects as well as housing
Mission scheme to ensure structural safety.
• Emphasis on disaster risk audit at the stage of
preparation of detail project reports.
• Inclusion of amending of building byelaws to ensure
structural safety as a mandatory reform in the
Mission cities to ensure safe habitat development.
(Both structural safety and fire safety norms).
• Inclusion of disaster management as a function of
the Urban Local Bodies and allocate resources.
• Inclusion of Disaster Resistant features in the houses
being constructed under the BSUP component as
well as promote development of safe habitat.
• Inclusion of strategies for disaster management in
the City Development Plans.
• Training and Capacity Building Programmes for
municipal officers on disaster risk reduction.


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Name of the Department Proposed Strategies for DRR Integration into the
No Programme / Sectors Flagship Programmes
5 Sarva Siksha Education • Development of a Policy paper of school safety.
Abhiyaan • Introducing school safety as a part of the guidelines
of SSA which is currently focusing on inclusive
• Developing model structurally safe designs for
• Introducing School Safety in the Teacher’s Training
• Training of Rural Engineers appointed under SSA
Scheme as well as the SSA State Coordinators.
• Training of masons in rural areas.
• Construction of Technology Demonstration Units.
• Community Awareness.
6 National Health • Ensure that the village Health Plan and the District
Rural Health and health plan explicitly address the disaster risk
Mission family reduction concerns in the vulnerable habitations
welfare and the vulnerable districts and the disaster
management plan as per DM Act 2005 takes links
itself to the District and village Health plans.
• Provide training to the ASHA workers on disaster
health preparedness and response.
• Strengthening of Disease Health Surveillance System
in rural areas.
• Ensuring structural safety of the CHC/PHC and other
health care service delivery centers in rural areas.
• Training of doctors and hospital staffs on mass
casualty management and emergency medicine.
• Community awareness on disaster management.


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Name of the Department Proposed Strategies for DRR Integration into the
No Programme / Sectors Flagship Programmes
7 Rajiv Awas Urban • Since Rajiv Awas Yojana focuses on developing slum
Yojana Development free cities and Capacity Building and Community
Mobilization is also an important component of RAY.
Through this programme, attempts can be made
towards community level disaster preparedness as
slum dwellers often become the most vulnerable
community during such disasters as floods, fire and
high wind speed.
• Also the Housing Programmes to be implemented
in these selected cities can ensure incorporation of
hazard resistant features and safe sitting


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10.7. List of Key Priority Actions
Table 53: List of key priority Disaster Management Mission

Sl. Title Organiz-ations Budget (INR in Million) Source of

No. Existing Additional Total Funding
1 Hazard risk mapping using SDMA, SEC GoI, Planning
GIS and Remote sensing and DDMA Commission,
1.a. Preparation of natural Nil 12.00 12.00
hazards zonation map
1.b. Identification of multi Nil 8.00 8.00
hazards zone map
1.c. Perform risk and hazard Nil 22.00 22.00
analysis in hazard prone
2 Risk reduction through SDMA, SEC GoI, Planning
implementable planning and DDMA, Commission,
and policy development Dept of Home, DDMA
2.a. Development of Nil 12.00 12.00
prefabricated structures
instead of cast-in-place
construction in vulnerable
2.b. Improve infrastructure
resilience through
restoration of buildings in
vulnerable areas and critical
facilities protection
2.c. Enforcement of building
codes; better urban planning
and zoning of vulnerable
3 S t r e n g t h e n i n g SDMA, SEC , GoI, Planning
Communication Networks DDMA, NIC Commission,
and Disaster Management DDMA


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organiz-ations Budget (INR in Million) Source of
No. Existing Additional Total Funding
3.a. Strengthening and Nil 5.00 5.00
improving weather
forecasts and services
network of Meteorological
observatories / Seismic
observatories including
Doppler Weather Radars for
each region/district to serve
as Information network
3.b. Developing linkage between Nil 6.00 6.00
SDMA and line departments
engaged in relief and disaster
risk reduction
3.c. Setting up Emergency Nil 32.00 32.00
Operation Center (EOC)
and implement incident
Response System (IRS)
3.d. Develop and /or upgrade Nil 20.00 20.00
forecasting, tracking and
early warning systems for
hazard events
4 Hazard specific multi-
SDMA, SEC , Nil 26.00 26.00 GoI, Planning
parameter vulnerability
DDMA, NIC, Commission,
assessment s and societal Dept of Home, DDMA
impacts assessments at theIrrigation,
regional and local levels for
Revenue and
preparing contingency planPWD
5 Developing and promoting SDMA, SEC , Nil 4.00 4.00 GoI, Planning
concept of Climate Smart DDMA, NIC, Commission,
Disaster Risk Management Dept of Home, DDMA
(CSDRM) Irrigation,
and PWD
6 Preparation of disaster SDMA, SEC , Nil 10.00 10.00 GoI, Planning
rescue and rehabilitation DDMA, Dept Commission,
plan. of Home, DDMA
and PWD


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organiz-ations Budget (INR in Million) Source of
No. Existing Additional Total Funding
7 Awareness/ Sensitization/ SDMA, SEC , Nil 24.00 24.00 GoI, Planning
Capacity Building in form of DDMA, Dept Commission,
• Stakeholders knowledge of Home, DDMA
build up Irrigation,
• Disaster preparedness Revenue,
and prevention Agriculture
• Response training and PWD
• Disaster Response
training for community ,
design engineer, project
planners and insurance
8 Community based disaster SDMA, SEC , Nil 38.00 38.00 GoI, Planning
management in the Disaster DDMA, Dept Commission,
Management Plan at all of Home, DDMA
levels Irrigation,
and PWD
9 Disaster response training SDMA, SEC , Nil 2.00 2.00 GoI, Planning
at the community level DDMA, Commission,
to build infrastructure DDMA
and human resources for
medical preparedness and
emergency medical response
to manage mass casualties
during extreme events
10 Institutional development SDMA, SEC , Nil 2.50 2.50 GoI, Planning
and operationalization of DDMA, Dept Commission,
the regulatory framework of Home, DDMA
for effective management of Irrigation,
disaster under State Disaster Revenue,
Management Act 2005 for Agriculture
preparation of Disaster and PWD
response and management
Total (INR in million) Nil 223.50 223.50


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

11. Tourism
11.1 Introduction and business interruptions. Barring the
vulnerability of the sector the tourism sector
Whether it is for adventure or just for leisure, also contributes to climate change through
Jammu and Kashmir, rightly called the GHG emissions from transportation and
“Paradise on Earth” has been one of the most accommodation facilities for tourists.
sought after getaways in India. The State is
endowed with few of the biggest destinations Tourism sector contributes substantially
of religious values and the peaks offering the to the State’s economy and also provides
best to the adventure lovers have made the livelihood opportunity to around 20% of
tourism industry one of the most flourishing the State’s population. The critical challenge
and the mainstay of the State economy. is therefore to develop a coherent policy
strategy that separates the growth of tourism
Other than the destinations of tourism value, industry from enhanced GHG accumulation
climate is another principal attraction for and contribute substantially towards poverty
tourists from all over the world. Preference alleviation and livelihood improvement.
of locations during a particular period of time
and the profitability of enterprise is largely 11.2. Key trends in the
determined by the climatic conditions. sector
Thus any regional manifestation of climate
Pleasant and favorable atmosphere in the
variability and extremes are likely to influence
State has resulted in multi fold growth of the
the popularity of any tourist destination. So
tourism industry. The State has three distinct
the projected climate variability and change
niches, while leisure tourism is available in
can severely affect the tourism industry in
Kashmir valley, pilgrim tourism in Jammu and
the State through increased infrastructure
Ladakh has the potential to offer adventure
damage, additional emergency preparedness
tourism. Following are the list of major
requirements, higher operational expenses 219
tourist destinations coming under these

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

three regions: 2) Kashmir Region: Srinagar, Gulmarg,
Pahalgam, Sonamarg, Daksum,
1) Jammu Region: Jammu, Akhnoor,
Kokernag, Yusmarg, Aharbal, Watlab,
Jhajjar Kotli, Aghar Jitto, Patnitop,
Verinag, Lolab Valley.
Sanasar, Bhaderwah, Kishtwar, Baba-
Dhansar, Reasi, Sihard Baba, Udhampur, 3) Ladakh Region: Kargil, Zanaskar, Leh,
Kud. Nubra, Lamayuru, Spituk.

Table 54: Arrival of tourists (both domestic and international) across the three regions of the State’s
Tourists’ arrival from 2003 to ending 30th December 2012 (in Lakh)

Year Kashmir Valley Jammu Ladakh

Amarnath Ji Domestic/ Mata Vaishno
Foreign Devi Ji
2003 1.53 1.91 54.00 0.28
2004 4.00 3.77 61.00 0.35
2005 3.88 6.05 62.52 0.38
2006 2.65 4.33 69.50 0.44
2007 2.13 4.42 72.22 0.50
2008 4.98 5.72 65.76 0.72
2009 3.73 6.01 82.35 0.78
2010 4.58 7.36 87.49 0.76
2011 6.34 13.14 101.15 1.79
2012 6.21 13.09 101.54 1.79

Source: Jammu and Kashmir Economic survey report 2012-2013

Figure 24: Tourists’ arrival to Ladakh from 2003 to ending 30th Dec 2012


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Figure 25: Tourists’ arrival to Kashmir valley from 2003 to ending 30th Dec 2012

The infrastructure of some of the locations under climate extreme scenario.

in the State is already under stress leading to
congestion, pollution, water and sanitation Tourism Connectivity
issues. Providing hospitality to excess tourists
a. Airways
during the peak time has led to unplanned
infrastructural growth in the climate sensitive Srinagar, Jammu and Leh are major airports,
region thereby enhancing the chances of connecting Jammu and Kashmir with the rest
catastrophic destruction of life and assets of the country.

Figure 26: Air Connectivity


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

b. Roadways

Jammu and Kashmir is well connected by National Highway 1-A, connecting Srinagar with
Jammu (300 km) which is an all-weather road.

Figure 27: Road Connectivity

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

c. Railways of World Tourist Arrivals from 0.6% to 1%
for the next five years (Source: Letter DO
Jammu Tawi, a major railway junction of No. 8(12)/2011- MRD, issued by Ministry of
North India, and Udhampur in Jammu Tourism, Government of India to Secretary
province, Srinagar’s nearest railhead (302 Tourism of all States).
km) can be reached by a large number of
trains from most parts of country. Trains 11.3.Vulnerability of the
operate within Kashmir valley from Qazigund
to Baramulla. Kashmir is being connected by
rail with Jammu and the project is expected Extreme weather and climate events mostly
to be commissioned in near future. lead to widespread adverse effects on
mankind, material, economy or environment.
Tourism Growth
Climate projection predicts future changes in
1. Increase in Domestic Tourist temperature and other important features
of climate which are likely to manifest
The Ministry of Tourism Government of India themselves differently across the States.
aims at maintaining the annual domestic According to the IPCC, hot extremes, heat
tourist growth rate of 12.16% for the next waves and heavy precipitation events are
5 years (Source: Letter DO No. 8(12)/2011- likely to occur more frequently. Depending
MRD, issued by Ministry of Tourism, upon wide range of factors, including
Government of India to Secretary Tourism anthropogenic climate change, natural
of all States) climate variability and socioeconomic
development, the vulnerability would be
2. Increase in international Tourist determined. Major weather related stress
and implication on tourism destination is
The Ministry of Tourism, Government of
outlined as follows:
India aims at increasing the country’s share

Table 55: Wather stress and related vulnerability of the tourism sector

Weather Stress Implication

Increased Temperature Altered seasonality, heat stress for tourists, cooling costs
and increased incidence of infectious disease ranges
Decreasing snow cover and Lack of snow in winter sport destinations, shorter winter
shrinking glaciers sports seasons, aesthetics of landscape reduced and
increased chances for flash flood
Increasing frequency and intensity Risk for tourism facilities, infrastructure damage , business
of landslide, avalanches and interruption costs
extreme storms
Increased frequency of heavy Flooding damage to architectural and cultural assets,
precipitation in some regions damage to tourism infrastructure, altered seasonality 223

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

The impacts of climate change on tourism source, increased solid and liquid waste
based on weather stress can be categorized load, biodiversity loss, reduced landscape
as follows: aesthetic, increased natural hazards, damage
to infrastructure and increasing incidence of
Direct Climate Change impacts: Direct impact vector-borne diseases would affect tourism
of climate change is categorized both from industry to varying degrees.
the point of seasonal variability and climate
extremes. Suitability of tourism at a location Adaptation strategy for mountain and winter
is highly dependent on the climate /seasonal tourism destination
variations. Thus, change in the duration and 1) Stimulate product and seasonal
quality of climate-dependent tourism seasons diversification e.g. all year tourism
could impact the profitability of the tourism
2) Groom ski slopes to reduce snow dept
3) Preserve glacier areas
Variation or shortening of duration of 4) Move ski areas to higher altitudes
favourable climate condition might result in
5) Improve insurance cover in the face of
incremental population in already stressed
extreme events
tourist destinations resulting in increased
environmental degradation and vulnerability. 6) Educate and raise awareness among
tourists on the impacts of global
Climate change studies have predicted a warming environment
number of climate extremes including flood 7) Improve water use efficiency and
from more intense precipitation, cloud protect watershed.
burst, drought, landslide, storm intensity
and avalanches. Such climate extremes are Adaptation strategy for nature based
likely to affect the tourism industry through destination
increased infrastructure damage, additional 1) Develop response plans i.e. water
emergency preparedness requirements, supply planning (in drought susceptible
higher operation costs (e.g. insurance, backup destinations), risk assessment
water and power systems, and evacuations) and preparedness strategies, and
and business interruptions. implement early warning systems (e.g.
for flooding/flash flood)
Indirect environmental impacts:
2) Develop new areas/circuits to
Since environmental conditions are critical decongest regularly visited areas
to tourism sector, therefore environmental 3) Improve adaptive capacity of authorities
changes would have profound effect on and managers of protected areas
destination based regional tourism enterprise. through capacity building initiatives,
Deterioration in the quality of available water especially in biodiversity hotspots
224 including contamination of surface water
4) Establish scientific monitoring survey

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

programmes to assess ecosystem 3. Weather related risks e.g. changes in
changes and take necessary protection temperature may discourage tourists
measures (monitoring activities to visit existing tourist destinations.
could especially focus on species and Extreme climate events may lead to
habitats most vulnerable to climate disruption of services.
change impacts and most important 4. Pressure on drinking water resources
for tourism activities).
5. Siltation and pollution of water bodies
Adaptation strategy for religious 6. Lack of collection and disposal
destination mechanism of solid waste
1) Development of climate resilient 7. Increased urban congestion and lack of
rehabilitation centre based on the proper transportation facilities
carrying capacity 8. Lack of sewage disposal facility
2) Since most of the tourist destination in 9. Poor Maintenance and Use of Existing
the State lies in climate sensitive and Tourist Infrastructure
vulnerable areas therefore permission
10. Inadequate medical and DRM plan at
should be granted only based on the
climate sensitive tourist spots
carrying capacity of the location
11. Deforestation and land degradation
3) Since most of the location does not
have adequate transportation facilities 12. Unplanned infrastructure in climate
therefore disaster management should sensitive zones
be planned for rehabilitation of tourist 13. Lack of transport infrastructure
under climate stressed condition. 14. Lack of sufficient connectivity with rest
of the country and adjacent countries
11.4.Key issues in the sector
15. Un-regulated developments of tourist
The unplanned and unprecedented growth destinations including problem of
of the tourism industry in the State has accommodation
resulted in severe and detrimental impact 16. Poor waste disposal system
on local environment. The inflow of tourist 17. Restricted & protected access to
beyond the carrying capacity of the location important tourist destinations in State.
has put tremendous pressure on existing
18. Requirement of Herringbone drainage
resources and infrastructure. The pressing
system (Gulmarg).
issues are
1. Increased Pollution load, enhanced The sector has structural & institutional
health/safety concern weaknesses despite being one of the oldest
2. Increased issues of sanitation and & longest operating industries in the State.
garbage management Besides other things there is a need for 225
continuous effort to make tourism resorts/

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

places in State secure & safe. The important of the tourist circuit of Srinagar. The analysis
issues relating to the tourism sector is also portrays infrastructural gap that are
the carrying capacity of the destination. likely to exacerbate under projected climate
Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services change scenario.
(IL&FS) has estimated the carrying capacity

Table 56: Carrying Capacity study for tourist location in Kashmir

Town Destination Existing Carrying Available Estimated Available

Load Capacity daily Load daily
(2010) capacity (2020) capacity
(persons) (persons)
2010 2020
Srinagar ChashmaShahi, 1,325 6,563 38,050 2,513 18,695
Botanical Garden
Srinagar NishatBagh 16,868 6,143 -488 20,684 -4,304
Srinagar Shalimar Bagh 12,682 4,784 76 15,577 -2,819
Srinagar Dal lake 23,667 16,659 22,980 46,248 -6,963
Srinagar Dachigham National 131 342 554 248 437
Srinagar Hazratbal shrine 31,204 2,925 37,046 48,456 19,794
Gulmarg Gulmarg Tourist 9,093 11,250 2,157 23,190 -11,940
Watlab Wular Lake 3,646 60,275 96,812 7,191 93,268
Sonmarg Sonmarg 5,170 67,500 62,330 13,002 54,498
Manasbal Manasbal lake 4,376 16,439 23,022 8,629 18,769
Tangmarg Tangmarg 2,553 15,000 1,17,447 6,810 1,13,190


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

11.5.Policy and Program Existing Capacity from Carrying Capacity.
Estimation of carrying/ available capacity will
There are no definite tourism policies in prevent physical, economic and socio cultural
place across the State29 that addresses the environment degradation. The ten identified
concerns over climate change concern or locations are:
reduce greenhouse gas emission. Action 1. Leh (Ladakh Region)
has therefore been proposed to develop a
2. Lola-bangas (Kashmir Region)
tourism policy that can address the climate
change concern as well as contribute to low 3. Dadpatri (Kashmir Region)
carbon inclusive growth of the sector. 4. Aharbal (Kashmir Region)
5. Verinag(Kashmir Region) and
11.6. Key priorities
6. Mansbal (Kashmir Region)
1. Undertaking carrying capacity 7. Mansar (Jammu Region)
studies and developing EMP for
8. Kistwar (Jammu Region)
ten tourist locations:
9. Poonch (Jammu Region) and
The Assessment of carrying capacity is 10. Rajori (Jammu Region)
based on three major indicators: Physical-
Ecological, Socio-Demographic and Political- 2. Construction of Bio-toilet
Economic. Physical and Ecological Indicators
are based on fixed components (ecological Human waste disposal is a pressing problem
capacity, assimilative capacity) and flexible across all tourist destinations in the State.
components (infrastructure systems like Open disposal of such waste leads to organic
water supply, electricity, transportation, pollution & infectious diseases (dysentery,
etc.). Socio-demographic indicators refer diarrhoea, amoebiasis, viral hepatitis,
to social and demographic issues with cholera, typhoid) in epidemical proportions
importance to local communities, as they are due to contamination of surface water and
related to the growth of tourism. Political- drinking water resources. Moreover the sub-
economic indicators refer to the impacts zero temperature does not allow natural
of tourism on local economic structures, biodegradation of organic matter leading
activities, etc. including competition to other to accumulation of the human waste over
sectors. The primary focus here is to study the years, contaminating the ice which is
the Existing Capacity and Carrying Capacity the only source of drinking water. Further,
of different tourist destinations in Kashmir melted ice loaded with human waste can
circuit. The Available Capacity of a particular contaminate the rivers and other water
destination is calculated by deducting sources exacerbating the health risks. The


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

DRDO designed bio toilets are ideal for made of metal/ FRP and has the provision for
biodegradation of human waste at high preserving the bacteria in large numbers.
altitude and can operate even at ambient
temperature as low as -50oC . The bio-digester Since the route to major tourist destination
technology has two components: anaerobic and pilgrim lies in eco sensitive zones and
microbial consortium and specially designed fragile terrain therefore construction of
fermentation tank. The microbial consortium permanent toilets is a major problem in this
has been made by acclimatization, location. Moreover the ambient temperature
enrichment and bio-augmentation of the of the location would prevent biodegradation
cold-active bacteria collected from Antarctica of human waste in normal digester. Therefore
and low temperature areas. It is composed bio-toilets are proposed on pilgrimage routes
of four clusters of bacteria belonging to and at tourist posts in Jammu and Kashmir.
hydrolytic, acidogenic, acetogenic and Following are the locations and number of
methenogenic groups with high efficiency bio-toilets proposed:
of biodegradation. Fermentation tank is

Table 57: Proposed location for construction of bio-toilet

Sl. No Location Proposed Budget (INR in Million)

1 Dal Lake – Mugal garden 5.00
2 Manasbal 2.50
3 Verinag 2.50
4 Kokernag 2.50
5 Kargil 2.50
6 Mansar 2.50
7 Kistwar 2.50
8 Katra 5.00
9 Jammu City 2.50


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3. Implementation of solid and digestion sludge
liquid waste management • energy prices/buyback tariff for
facility energy purchase
• cost of alternatives, land price
Solid and liquid waste management (SLWM)
and capital and labor cost
takes care of collection, transport, processing,
recycling or disposal of waste materials, • capabilities and experience of the
usually produced from human activity. technology provider.
Management of solid and liquid waste 3) Identification of dumping site
has turned out to be a pressing problem
4) Undertaking EIA
in the city. Generation and accumulation
5) Identifying implementation partner.
of waste leads to nuisance, air and water
pollution, vector and water borne diseases
Implementation of solid and liquid waste
and also contribute to greenhouse gas
management facility is planned across the
emission to the atmosphere. The problem of
following locations:
implementation of comprehensive solid and
1) Gulmarg
liquid waste management facilities are
2) Leh
1) Lack of knowledge in regard to
technology that can ideally be 3) Patnitop
implemented to address the solid and 4) Sonmarg
liquid waste
5) Pahalgam
2) Unavailability of proper dumping site
6) Bandipore.
3) Apathy of the Municipal Authority and
absence of community participation. 4. Improve climate change
related knowledge base of tour
So implementation of the solid and liquid operators
management facility is planned as follows
1) Classification of waste Lower level of awareness is common
among the tourism sector’s stakeholders.
2) Identification of the Technology based
Lack of knowledge and research regarding
on the following considerations
the complexities of tourism-climate
• the origin and quality of the interrelationships are common to the sector.
waste Reduction of the impact of climate extremes
• presence of hazardous or toxic requires a thorough knowledge about the
waste early warning systems related to weather
• availability of outlets for the variability and climate induced disaster risk
energy produced reduction techniques.

• market for the compost/anaerobic Tour operators are likely to play a vital role 229

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

in ensuring adaptation and mitigation 5. Undertake study on tourist-
initiatives through their capacity to influence related transport emissions
the whole tourism supply chain. it is therefore
imperative that the operators be made Transportation causes around 75% of the CO2
aware and trained on the climate change emissions generated from tourism sector,
adaptation and mitigation issues. They could with aviation accounting for the bulk of it
generate awareness among customers and (40%)30. Although transport has a relatively
soft mobility product development. However small share in current global emissions, there
the operators are also less sensitive to the is a need to develop effective mitigation
climate change issues, possible greenhouse measures, considering its projected dynamic
gas mitigation and adaptation strategy. Tour growth. Technological development is still
operators and guides must therefore be a key mitigation tool, but is insufficient to
trained over contain the problem of climate change.
Therefore, there is a need of a mix of
1) Understanding climate change and
measures, including undertaking baseline
climate induced disaster
studies relating to tourist related transport
2) Knowledge on assessing information
emissions, technological improvements,
related to early warning
regulatory and market based measures,
3) Disaster risk management techniques as well as behavior changes. Although the
4) Reduce greenhouse gas emission second communication to UNFCCC by India
estimates the emission from the related
The mode to be followed for imparting sector but segregation was not in place for
knowledge would be through awareness tourism sector. The following actions are
and capacity building workshops. Awareness proposed under the assignment
building would be done on a mass scale in
1) Calculate the emission portfolio of the
phases for the tour operators and associated
State transportation sector
public in general and communities in
2) Calculate the emission portfolio of
tourism locations/destinations. Additionally,
total energy consumption in hotel and
specific customized awareness and capacity
hospitality enterprise in the State
building programmes have to be undertaken
for tour operator groups/associations and 3) Identifying the core area of reduction in
staff from government tourism facility. Such fossil fuel consumption
programmes should be repeated and that
6. Strategizing Restoration of Dal
capacity and awareness building would

The ecologically sensitive Dal Lake is facing

severe degradation from indiscriminate

230 30
Second International Conference on Climate Change and Tourism - UNWTO

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

disposal of solid and liquid waste31. The of the Dal lake and prepare a detailed project
solid and liquid wastes generated from the report aimed at restoration of the lake along
households in and around Dal lake finds its way with conservation plan. Few of the strategies
to the lake. The pollution created is harmful recommended for consideration are:
to the ecological and aesthetic balance of 1) Dredging and De-weeding
the lake. Above the pollution load; 61,000
2) Rehabilitation
tons of soil equivalent to 2.7 mm per year get
deposited on the beds of the lake annually32. 3) Removal of willow plantation

The indiscriminate disposal of solid waste

7. Undertake study to identify new
in the interior areas of the lake has choked
environmental friendly natural
various interlinking channels. The Channel
tourist destinations for their
passing through Naidyar and Jogilankar has
full-fledged operation as tourist
turned into foul smelling drain/cesspool.
Decaying biodegradable solid waste stinks
and emits hydrogen sulphide gas bubbles Most of the tourist destinations in the State
rom the water bed. The Khujyarbal area in have exceeded their carrying capacities. It
Nagin Basin of Dal Lake has turned into marsh is therefore required to identify additional
filled with garbage. Dirty clumsy habitations tourist destinations so as to reduce the
all around the interlinking channels have population burden for the existing tourist
choked the drains with wastes. locations.

Studies by appropriate agencies are

imperative to develop the baseline condition

Parvaiz Ahmed and G. A. Bhat, University of Kashmir
Press Bureau of India,


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

11.7 List of Key Priority Action
Table 58: List of key priority Action Tourism

Sl. Title Organiz- Budget (INR in Million) Source of Funding

No. ations Existing Additional Total
1 Undertaking carrying Dept. of Nil 50.00 50.00 DoT, GoJ&K, MoT,
capacity studies and Tourism PPP-Viability Gap
developing EMP for ten Funding
tourist locations (VGF) from MoT
2 Construction of Bio- Dept. of Nil 27.50 27.50 DoT, GoJ&K, MoT,
toilet Tourism, PPP-Viability Gap
Urban Dev Funding
Dept and (VGF) from MoT
3 Implementation of Dept. of Nil 600.00 600.00 DoT, GoJ&K, MoT,
solid and liquid waste Tourism, PPP-Viability Gap
management facility at LAWDA, Funding
six locations Urban (VGF) from MoT
Development JNNURM
Dept and
4 Improve climate change Dept. of Nil 5.00 5.00 DoT, GoJ&K, MoT,
related knowledge base Tourism, PPP-Viability Gap
of tour operators Funding
(VGF) from MoT
5 Undertake study on Dept. of Nil 5.00 5.00 DoT, GoJ&K, MoT,
tourist-related transport Tourism PPP-Viability Gap
emissions Funding
(VGF) from MoT
6 Strategizing Restoration Dept. of Nil 10.00 10.00 DoT, GoJ&K, MoT,
of Dal Lake Tourism, Lake PPP-Viability Gap
Conservation Funding
Dept (VGF) from MoT,
Lake development
7 Undertake study Dept. of Nil 10.00 10.00 DoT, GoJ&K, MoT,
to identify new Tourism, PPP-Viability Gap
environmental Funding
friendly natural tourist (VGF) from MoT
destinations for their JNNURM
full-fledged operation
as tourist spots
Total ( INR in Million) Nil 697.50 697.50

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

12. Health
12.1 Introduction parameters due to lack of livelihood facilities.
Climate change in Jammu and Kashmir has
Gradual and widespread climate changes enhanced morbidity and mortality due to
with major impacts have occurred repeatedly direct exposure to climatic adversities or
in Jammu and Kashmir in the past. Although indirectly through increased cases of vector
climate changes can occur for many reasons, attacks, scarcity of nutritious supplements,
it is conceivable that human activities are degrading water quality. Interstate migration
forcing an increase in the probability of in search for livelihood has increased
large, abrupt events. Such change in climate infiltration of diseases in the State. The State
condition might have natural causes, or government of J&K is on a drive to ensure
could be triggered by humans or be among better health through institutional up-
the dangerous anthropogenic interferences. gradation, infrastructural improvement and
The interactions of global climate change, ensuring easy access to health care facilities
air pollution and the extreme weather to all.
conditions have visible repercussions on the
eco-system manifested through multiple 12.2.Key Trends in the
sectors including health. From symptoms sector
of normal flu to stomach problems, climate
change has manifested its impacts on human From the National Family Health Survey
and livestock health. Human adaptability (NFHS-3)33, conducted in 2005-06, the
in many cases has failed to shape itself following trend for the State of Jammu and
according to the drastic changes in climatic Kashmir can be deduced on health related

National Family Health Survey 2005-06 Report published by International Institute for Population Sciences,
Deonar, Mumbai

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

• Earlier the infant mortality rate was to this disease is more for those who
higher due to cold wave. But with the use wood, charcoal, dung cakes, straw
recruitment of additional manpower or other agricultural wastes as domestic
in neonatology, the infant mortality fuels. About 1% of adults in the State
has reduced from 65 (as per NFHS-2, suffer from asthma (897 per 1,00,000
conducted in 1998-99) to 45 deaths women and 816 per 1,00,000 men).
per 1,000 live births. • In Jammu and Kashmir, 63% households
• Abnormal rainfall, flash flood, improper depend on public medical services.
sewerage system, etc. together causes But the scenario is different in the
spreading of water borne diseases urban areas where, 58% households
like diarrhoea, cholera, etc. Children go for private medical services.
are mostly affected with diarrhoea. The main reasons why people do
Despite of huge awareness programme not opt for public medical services
on ORS (Oral Rehydration Solution), it are unsatisfactory services (55%),
is hardly administered. Around 85% of unavailability of accessible healthcare
children have lesser liquid intake during facility (33%) and longer response
diarrhoea which leads to an increased period (22%).
risk of dehydration.
Comparative figures of major health and
• Mortality rate of children below the
demographic indicators are as follows:
age of 5 years has decreased from 80
(as per FHS-2, conducted in 1998-99) Table 59: Health profile of the State
to 51 per 1,000 live births.
• 25% women and 28% men are found Sl. Particulars Value
anorexic and 17% women and 6% men No.
are overweight within age group of 15 1 Decadal Growth34 (%) 23.71
to 49 years. 2 Total Fertility Rate35 2.40

• 52% of women and 20% of men suffer

3 Crude Birth Rate (CBR)36 17.80
4 37 41.00
from anaemia in the State of Jammu Infant Mortality Rate
and Kashmir. This clearly indicates the
The healthcare system of the State was
deficiency of nutrients in their daily
found to be active and supported the human
health sustainability against climate change.
• Out of every 1,00,000 persons, 96 The infrastructures of healthcare facilities
suffer from tuberculosis. Vulnerability have been well maintained. But, there is a

Census 2011
SRS 2004
SRS 2011
236 37
SRS 2011

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

huge scope of development for additional the increasing demand for healthcare services
healthcare infrastructure, inventory for and reduce the response period, recruitment
medicine and creating awareness about of medical practitioners of different category
hygienic practices. Although, there is decent is essential as the State already has sufficient
availability of equipment and supplies, paramedical practitioners.
hospitals still lack in modern facilities. To meet

Table 60: Health infrastructure in the State

Particulars No.
District, Sub-district/Private Hospitals and Associated Hospitals 115
Allopathic and Primary 259
Unani 175
Ayurvedic 282
Primary Health Centres 412
Medical Aid Centres and Mobile Units 573
T.B. Centres 11
S.T.D./V.D. Clinics 9
Family Planning Centres and Sub-centers/others 2,081
Leprosy Sub-centers and Leprosy Control Units 55
Trachoma Units/Amichi Centres/others 97
Medical Personal in Health Department Doctors 5,573
Nurses 2,721
Compounders 2,864
Vaids/Hakims 613
Dawasaazs 444
Sanitary Inspectors 136
Health Inspectors 180
Basic Health Workers 560
Lady Health Visitors 201
Auxiliary Nurses/ Dias/ 3,041
Health Educators 335
Others 8,209
Total 24,877


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

12.3.Vulnerability of the can significantly increase in this region
because of comparatively high temperature,
low altitude, etc.
The health sector is highly vulnerable to the
12.3.3. Cold wave
impacts of climate change. Changes in local
climatic conditions majorly influence health In winter season, cold wave poses threat to
issues in the State. Following are the climatic human lives. The infants are highly vulnerable
variability affecting the health sector: to the cold wave on direct exposure. In
2012, more than 400 infants died due to
12.3.1. Precipitation
cold wave. But the situation has been tamed
The annual rainfall in the State has increased with immediate steps including augmenting
over years and it is mostly above average manpower especially para-medicals, nurses
except in Ladakh (Leh) and Udhampur38. and other staffs for neonatology.
This continuous increase in rainfall may
12.3.4. Anthropogenic activity
cause water borne diseases (diarrhoea,
cholera etc.) which might also take form of In rural areas of the State, wood, charcoal,
an epidemic. High rainfall would increase the dung cakes, straw etc. are used as fuels
chances of weather events like flash floods for cooking purpose. These kinds of fuels
further aggravating the spread of water result in emission of smoke which causes
borne diseases. tuberculosis, asthma and other respiratory
diseases. Women and children are most
12.3.2. Temperature
The vulnerability of the State towards vector
The improper disposal of solid waste
borne diseases is high due to increase in
generated from households creates
temperature that multiplies the reproduction
problem for the Municipal Corporations and
rate of the carriers. The temperature in
Municipalities. The waste materials have to
Kashmir has risen by 1.45oC and 2.32oC
be segregated into categories before using
in Jammu over last two decades38. This
for waste-to-energy transformation. But as
increases cases of malaria, dengue as the
there is no specialised mechanism for waste
vector population is easily multiplied in the
sequestration, the waste is used for land
higher temperature. Although Kashmir region
filling only.
is not affected by malaria as anopheles does
not survive at high altitude, but the scenario The bio-medical wastes also come along with
is different in Jammu as incidents of malaria the other wastes in the land filling site. These

238 39
Source: IMD: India Meteorological Department, ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

are highly hazardous for human health and for cooking and other domestic purposes.
may contain several kinds of diseases. The sewerage from hotels and markets also
affect the wetlands and during heavy rainfall
Disposal of wastes, sewerages etc. by the or flash flood, it becomes a breeding ground
people living in houseboats, hotels and for water borne diseases.
markets surrounding the Dal lake is a
common practice. This not only causes 12.4.2. Absence of high risk zone
degradation of lake ecology, but also spreads demarcation
water borne diseases.
Jammu and Kashmir comes under earthquake
12.3.5. Pollution vulnerable zone IV and V. The State is also
vulnerable to flash floods, landslides and
Increasing emission from vehicles, dust snow blizzard. But, no identification or
particles in urban area also has significant mapping has been done for high risk areas
effect on human health. Also aeroallergens (especially in disaster recovery planning). The
and other allergic diseases are increasing due mapping or identification of high risk zones
to pollen and mould spores. Elevated level can be very useful to improve preparedness
of mould spores present in the atmosphere and making contingency plan in order to
especially during the summer seasons easily encounter the health related issues.
carried by air currents can pose significant
threat to the respiratory system and may 12.4.3. Malnutrition
lead to cardiovascular diseases, asthma,
tuberculosis, etc. Malnutrition among children is a common
health issue in Jammu & Kashmir. While
12.4.Key issues in the sector Anganwadi centers take care of 83% children
below 6 years, only 19% actually receive
12.4.1. Inadequate sewerage system the benefits from the centers. Among the
benefitted children of the Anganwadi centers,
Though the sewerage system of the State is 17% receive supplementary food, 10% have
in a good shape, but still there is a wide scope access to pre-school and 8% have taken the
for improvement. Sewerage treatment plants vaccination service by the Anganwadi centers.
and effluent treatment plants are required Health check-up and growth monitoring has
to reduce the tendency of water and vector been administered to only 5% children. This
borne diseases. People are found to dispose is revealed in the 2005-06 report of National
off the untreated sewerage in the Dal Lake, Family Health Survey (NFHS-3). Amongst the
Jhelum. The same practice is also observed children from age group of 0-5 years, around
among the people living in houseboats. 35% have stunted growth, 15% are anorexic
The inmates of the houseboats are more and 26% are underweight which clearly
vulnerable to water borne diseases due to indicates inadequacy of nutritious food. The
use of contaminated water of the Dal Lake scenario is not only true for children, but also 239

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

among the people of age group of 15 to 49 cycle. These waste materials contain organic
years, where 25% women and 28% men are and chemical contents. Wastes generated
found wasted; and 17% women and 6% men by households also contain disease causing
are overweight and also 52% of women and microbes. This also degrades the quality of
20% of men have anaemia. ground water. Unavailability of clean drinking
water may lead to problems in digestion,
12.4.4. Ground water level depletion stomach problem and skin diseases in
addition to water borne diseases. Installation
The ground water quality is depleted with
of Effluent Treatment Plant and Sewerage
industrial effluents, untreated wastes and
Treatment Plant at the disposal sites and
sewerage disposed off in uncovered disposal
proper handling of wastes are essential to
site and run-off from agricultural fields due
prevent depletion of ground water.
to hydraulic connectivity in the hydrological

Table 61: Impact of climate change on human health

Climate Change Issues Impact

Abnormal Rainfall with an Increasing Trend 1. Flash Flood, Landslides, Surface Run-off
2. Increase in occurrence of Diarrhoea
Increasing Surface Temperature Increase in Malaria, Dengu, Chikungunya
Prevalence, Heat stress
Malnutrition 1. Most of the children of age below 5 year
are found to be either stunted or wasted
or underweight
2. Anaemia


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

12.5.Programmes and Officer (CMOs), Block Medical officer (BMOs),
District Programme Management Unit
Policies in the sector
(DPMUs), Block Programme Management
ICDS Programme: The ICDS (Integrated Unit (BPMUs) and field workers have been
Child Development Services) programme trained by the expert teams engaged by
was launched to provide nutrition and Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, GoI and
health services for children of age below NIC (National Informatics Centre). 1,00,734
six years and pregnant or lactating women. pregnant women and 65,543 children were
This programme also covers pre-school registered under the scheme during 1st April
activities for children of age 3 to 6 years. to 21st November 201241.
Community based local Anganwadi centers
SMS based Process Automation and
are responsible for such activities.
Performance Monitoring System for ANMs:
Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakaram: This In Jammu and Kashmir, a mobile SMS based
programme has been initiated to provide process automation and performance
free services to the pregnant women and monitoring by BSNL has been enforced.
sick new born child of age below 30 days. The objective of the program is to track the
The services provided under this programme due services for Mother and Child and that
include free food, blood for transfusion and provided by ASHAs (Accredited Social Health
transport facilities. This programme is under Activist) and ANMs (Auxiliary Nurse Midwife).
implementation in all Government hospitals, The program is launched in only two districts
Associated Hospitals of Medical Colleges and (Jammu and Srinagar) on pilot basis for about
Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences 600 ANMs42.
(SKIMS), Soura, Srinagar. 84,307 pregnant
Promotion of Menstrual Hygiene among
women & 14,796 sick new born have been
Adolescent girls (10-19 Yrs): Under this
benefited under this scheme within a short
programme, 100 ANMs/LHVs in 10 districts
span of April to October 201240.
have been trained as Block Facilitators for
Mother and Child Tracking System (MCTS): Menstrual Hygiene for Adolescent girls43.
This programme has started from 2011-12
Referral Transport Service: J&K Health
to monitor ante-natal/post natal check-ups
Referral Transport Service No-102 has been
and complete immunization of children.
launched in all the districts of the State with
For tracking the services, a unique ID no.
an aim to provide referral transport service
is given to the patients. For successful
to the patients. The programme has shown
implementation of the project, Chief Medical
satisfactory result in providing ambulance

Economic Survey-2012-13
Economic Survey-2012-13
Economic Survey-2012-13 241
Economic Survey-2012-13

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

services both in rural and urban areas with Immunization Programme: The Immun-
quick response time in case of medical ization Programme was launched much
emergencies and accidents. People during before the study in 1978 with a target to
emergency can avail ambulance services by reduce child morbidity and mortality by
dialing a toll free no. under this programme. protecting them from seven diseases like
All the districts of J&K are covered under the Tuberculosis, Polio, Diptheria, Pertussis,
scheme. The existing fleet of approximately Tetamus, Measles & Hepatitis B. Under this
800 basic life-support ambulances operating programme, children below 2 years are
at various levels of health care are being vaccinated against stet diseases. The growth
networked under this scheme. In addition in programme outreach is observed from
to this, 50 Basic Life Support Ambulances 1988-89 vaccination coverage rate of 57%
procured under NRHM, for placing on to that 67% in 2005-0647. During 2011-12,
National Highway after every 30 km, shall the progress related to DPT/Polio (3 dose),
also be brought in the network44. Measles, BCG and TT 2nd Booster were
2.21 lakh, 2.22 lakh, 2.29 lakh and 1.94 lakh
Trauma Centres on National Highways: respectively. The level of achievement of
Construction of 10 no. of Trauma Centres Immunization remained 80 to 90%48.
was started at Leh, Kargil, Gund, Mirgund,
Kangan, Qazigund, Anantnag, Ramban, Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY): In the year
Mahanpur (Kathua), Udhampur and Thathri 2009, the Janani Suraksha Yojana was re-
(Doda) with the assistance of Government initiated. The reach of the programme is
of India. Out of these 10 Trauma centers, 7 increased through benefitting 7,771 mothers
were completed and work of 3 centers is in from 2008-09 to 1,32,645 in 2011-12. A
progress. The Department of Health, Govt. of total of 4.40 Lakh beneficiaries have been
Jammu and Kashmir, has started construction benefited underJSY by October 201249.
of a Trauma Hospital at Khillani (Doda)45.
Computerization of Hospital Services:
Family Welfare Programme: This programme Under the ICT project, 16 no. of hospitals
is funded by the Central Government. The were computerized under the pilot project
main objective of the programme is to reduce through NIC. The pilot project covered 2
the rates of birth and death through various DHs (District Hospitals), 4 CHCs (Community
family welfare planning measures46. Health Centres) and 10 PHCs (Public Health

Economic Survey-2012-13
Economic Survey-2012-13
Economic Survey-2012-13
Source: NFHS -2 conducted in 1988-89 and NFHS -3 conducted in 2005-06
Economic Survey-2012-13
242 49
Economic Survey-2012-13
Economic Survey-2012-13

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

National Rural Health Mission: The Ministry development has been taken up in Govt.
of Health and Family Welfare, GoI launched Medical Colleges (GMC) of Jammu and
a programme named National Rural Health Srinagar. Govt. Medical Colleges of Jammu
Mission (NRHM) on December, 2005. The and Srinagar have been taken up for up-
institutional arrangements of the Mission gradation under Pradhan Mantri Swasthya
are in place in State Head Quarter and in all Suraksha Yojna (PMSSY) each at the cost of
districts of Kashmir and Jammu divisions. INR 120.00 Crore, which was subsequently
The main objectives of the programme revised to INR 135.00 Crore. In GMC Srinagar,
are to reduce Maternal Mortality Ratio Institute of Traumatology is being established
(MMR), Infant Mortality Ratio (IMR) and under PMSSY with 9 allied Super Specialties.
stabilization of Total Fertility Rate (TFR). The 15 Super Specialties are being created at
target TFR has already been achieved by Government Medical College, Jammu. CPWD
the State. According to the result of survey (Central Public Works Department) took up
conducted by the Directorate of Economics construction of 6-stroyed 220-bedded Super
and Statistics, MMR has reduced and the Speciality Hospital Block at Government
IMR of Jammu and Kashmir has shown a Medical College, Jammu and 4-storeyed
declining trend. 9,814 ASHAs have been Institute of Traumatology and allied super
selected till 2012 in the State. 6,886 Village specialties at Shreen Bagh, Srinagar52.
Health Sanitation and Nutrition Committees
(VHSNCs) headed by the Sarpanches/ 12.6. Key Priorities
Panches have been constituted. During
1. District wise inventory of
2010-11, NRHM workshops were conducted
water borne and vector-borne
at the district level to generate awareness
diseases with respect to weather
regarding the programme amongst NGOs,
members of the civil society and the field
health functionaries’ viz. ASHAs, ANMs, To strengthen the healthcare facilities of the
AWWs (Anganwadi Workers) etc. During the State to deal with the vector borne and water
year 2012-13, 307 Block level workshop have borne diseases, a separate medical wing can
been conducted in order to sensitize the PRIs be established at the block level hospitals/
and other ground level functionaries51. Public Health Engineer (PHEs). Actions
such as diagnosis, treatment and supply of
Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojna:
medicine along with awareness generation
This programme by the Ministry of Health &
in patients and their family members would
Family Welfare, GoI, aims to ensure availability
be undertaken by this wing. This team would
of affordable/ reliable tertiary level
also be responsible for maintaining stock and
health care. To augment facilities for good
emergency preparedness.
quality medical education, infrastructural

Economic Survey-2012-13
Economic Survey-2012-13

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

2. Capacity building of all borne and zoonotic diseases. Development
stakeholders on emergency of infrastructure and healthcare facilities
preparedness and rapid action are required to accommodate the victims.
on health context in situations In order to improve the infrastructure
of flash flood and earthquake of health sector of the State, it is very
necessary to construct new public hospitals
The State of Jammu and Kashmir falls in with advanced and modern instruments
earthquake vulnerable zone IV and V. Flash and diagnosis equipments. The district
flood is another natural disaster with a high headquarters should at least have one public
occurrence probability. Capacity building of hospital, so that all the people from all socio-
all stakeholders is needed to enable them to economic class can have comparatively easy
take rapid actions to tackle health hazards access to such facilities at lower cost.
during disasters. The programme of capacity
building will be done by the consultants, 5. Modernization of existing
disaster management organizations in hospitals and PHC
association with government in PPP mode.
As healthcare facilities at district level are
3. Research and study on impact insufficient to provide services to all the
of climate change on human needy people in a district, it is crucial to
health develop the infrastructure of the PHCs. Also
the existing hospitals can be modernized by
A comprehensive research need to be retrofitting or expansion to provide advanced
conducted to understand the impact of the treatment to more people.
changing climatic variables on human health.
The study will be carried out based on the 6. Increase of surveillance:
suggestions and feedback of the Sher-E-
Kashmir University along with Department of • Systematic collection and analysis of
Health and the Department of Environment data about vector borne, water borne
and Remote Sensing. This study would be and zoonotic diseases according to
very helpful in preparing activities to take type.
appropriate measures according to climate
The present database of the State on vector
variability in future.
borne, water borne and zoonotic diseases
4. Construction of new hospitals with is not developed according to classification
and reason of occurrence. There should
modern infrastructure and equipment
be systematic procedure of data collection
to cope up with climatic impacts on
related to diseases. The data should be
human population
analyzed with the help of statistical software
Climatic variables are expected to cause an and compared with climatic data to draw
244 increase in occurrence of vector borne, water a clear picture of the interdependence of

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

climate change and diseases. A thorough 8. Monitoring system:
survey work can be conducted to collect
the baseline data. • To Understand Changes In Pattern Of
7. Integration of GIS mapping for
collection, analysis and sharing • To Deal with new diseases from
of data and identification of emigrants (H1N1, H7N9 etc.)
spatial areas of high concern
In order to understand the changing patterns
GIS maps can be applied for data collection, of diseases with the change in climatic
analysis and sharing of data with others to variables, a Monitoring Cell can be established
prepare the baseline. This system would at the district level government hospitals.
also enable the responsible department to The cell would be responsible for collection
identify the spatial zones of high concern. and compilation of data and information on
A website can be developed for providing diseases along with the climatic variables.
the information on cause of disease Such database would be helpful in correlating
and prevention and primary treatment the occurrence and intensity of diseases
procedure. against climatic condition and adaptation
measures can be framed accordingly. The
cell would also be responsible to maintain
database for the new diseases like H1N1,
H7N9 etc.


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

12.7 List of Key Priority Action
Table 62: List of key priority action health mission

Sl. Title Organiz- Budget (INR in Million) Source of

No. ations Existing Additional Total Funding
01 District wise inventory Department Nil 220.00 220.00 GoI/External
on water born and of Health Funding
vector borne diseases Agencies/CSR
with respect to weather Budgets
02 Capacity building of Department Nil 50.00 50.00 GoI/External
all stakeholders on of Health Funding
preparedness and rapid Agencies/CSR
action on health context Budgets
in situations of flash flood
and earthquake
03 Research and study on Department Nil 2.00 2.00 GoI/External
impact of climate change of Health Funding
on human health Agencies/CSR
04 Construction of new Department Nil 500.00 500.00 GoI/External
hospitals with modern of Health Funding
infrastructure and Agencies/CSR
equipment’s to cope up Budgets
with climatic impacts on
human population
05 Modernization of existing Department Nil 100.00 100.00 GoI/External
hospitals and PHCs of Health Funding
06 Increase of surveillance – Department Nil 25.00 25.00 GoI/External
• Systematic collection of Health Funding
and analysis of data Agencies/CSR
about vector borne Budgets
• Systematic collection
and analysis of data
about water borne
• Systematic collection
and analysis of data
about zoonotic


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organiz- Budget (INR in Million) Source of
No. ations Existing Additional Total Funding
07 Integration of GIS mapping Department Nil 50.00 50.00 GoI/External
for collection, analyse of Health Funding
and share data and Agencies/CSR
identification of spatial Budgets
areas of high concern
08 Monitoring system - Department Nil 100.00 100.00 GoI/External
• To understand changes of Health Funding
in pattern of diseases Agencies/CSR
• To deal with new Budgets
diseases from
emigrants (H1N1,
H7N9 etc.)
Total (INR in Million) Nil 1,047.00 1,047.00


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

13. Sustainable Himalayan Mission
13.1 Introduction economic profile, over and unplanned
exploitation of natural resource (e.g. Dal
Repeated extortion and exploitation of Lake or deforestation), unplanned urban
ecology has hit back in the form of disasters growth, conflicts, insufficient institutional
in India repeatedly, the recent manifestation capacities and higher climate variability and
being the Uttarakhand tragedy. The change. Sustainable development practice
environmentalists have mulled ruthless that aims at a balanced growth can arrest
human activities responsible for these this regressive trend. The State Action plan
kinds of natural repercussions taking a toll for sustaining the Himalayan ecosystem
on human lives, ecosystem, biodiversity aims to strike a balance between addressing
and infrastructure of a region. Jammu and the issues detrimental to the ecosystem
Kashmir, being a rugged unstable hilly terrain while enhancing the activities for economic
is also vulnerable to such repercussions. prosperity like tourism, infrastructure
In wake of the Uttarakhand incident, the building, etc.
National Mission for sustaining the Himalayan
eco system has recommended creation of It develops management measures for
ecological zones in the ecologically sensitive sustaining and safeguarding the Himalayan
areas. glacier and mountain eco-system. Himalayas,
being the source of key perennial rivers, the
In Jammu and Kashmir, it is observed that Mission would, inter-alia, seek to understand,
the reasons responsible for such disasters whether and to which extent, the Himalayan
are pretty rampant. Influx of tourists and glaciers are in recession and how the problem
invasive migratory species are challenges could be addressed. This would involve a
for the state. In a state like J&K, the major joint effort from climatologists, glaciologists
causes for increased vulnerabilities are: and other experts.
unplanned construction, vulnerable socio

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

13.2. Key trends in the The flow of the rivers in the Himalayan
region largely depends on the glaciers. The
sector glaciers which are pulled towards the earth
Glaciology and Glaciers in Jammu and surface due to the huge mass moves down
Kashmir the mountain slope accumulating debris and
rocks on its way. While moving towards south,
Glacial covers are important indicators the gradual rise in temperature causes it to
of climate change. The glaciers in the break into pieces. These pieces melt and flow
Himalayan region have lost ice mass due into the river system. The mass of the glaciers
to melting which has increased the volume vary in a periodical cycle in accordance to the
of river flow. There are 32,392 glaciers in river cycles. The rate of glacial melting is less
the Indus, Ganga and Brahmaputra basins in monsoon when the rivers carry enough
according to an inventory developed under water and rises before and after the monsoon
a study to estimate glacial advance and to feed the rivers. Therefore depleting glacial
retreat with help of satellite data on around cover would result in scarcity of water
1000 Indian Himalayan glaciers [Snow and through drop in water levels in the major
glaciers of the Himalayas – A study by Indian rivers. Millions of people and the biological
Space Research Organisation, June 2011]. diversity rely on glacier-fed, Himalayan water
India alone has 16,627 glaciers covering an sources for their survival.
area of 40,563 sq. km. Himalayan glaciers in
the Indian subcontinent mainly drains into According to National Aeronautics and Space
three river basins, namely, Indus, Ganga and Administration (NASA) and the Chinese
Brahmaputra. These glaciers are important Academy of Science, deposition of soot,
sources of freshwater for northern Indian black carbon and other pollutants is the
rivers and water reservoirs. reason behind the fast melting of glaciers.

Figure 28: Samudra Tapu Glacier, Chandra Sub Basin, Western Himalayas [ISRO 2011]

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Glaciers usually exhibit properties of mirror Himalaya have ground based mass balance
and hence reflect back most of the heat measurements. Glaciers such as Patsio (Ref.
incident of them. The layer of carbon alters Snow and Avalanche Study Establishment),
the property and increases the rate of Phuche (Ref. National Institute of Hydrology,
absorption over the rate of reflection. The Jammu), Kolahoi (Ref. TERI - The Energy and
absorbed heat leads to rapid melting. Resources Institute) and Nardu Glacier (Ref.
by Sharda University) are being investigated
Scherler and Book hagen in Nature using ground based glaciological mass
Geoscience and Public Affairs & balance observations. Hydrological mass
Communication, Newsletter, January 2011 balance has been conducted on Siachen
Santa Barbara, California] identified debris Glacier from 1986-87 to 1990-91 (Bhanu,
coverage with the aid of new remote-sensing Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology,
methods and satellite images as a prime personal communication, June 2013).
factor for glacial advancement and retreat.
This is due to the fact that a debris layer Projection for Himalayan glaciers
of above 2 cm thickness shields the glacier
from heat and prevents melting. This is the Major glacier-fed Himalayan Rivers, along
reason why scientists have noted that the with glaciated catchments have regional
glaciers in the Karakoram region of North importance. The water produced from
western Himalaya are stagnant whereas melting of glacier sustains stream flow in
all glaciers in the tropics are retreating. these rivers through out the dry season. The
According to them glaciers in the Western, Indus basin has 7,997 glaciers with a total
Central, and Eastern Himalaya are retreating, glacier cover of 33,679 sq. km and total ice
at the highest rate at a maximum of 8 m/yr volume of 363.10 cu. km. The Ganga basin
in the Western Himalayan Mountains. The has 968 glaciers with a total glacier cover of
properties of these glaciers are in contrast 2,857 sq. km. and total ice volume of 209.37
to the ones in the gently sloped, low-relief cu. km. The contribution of snow to the
Tibetan Plateau without any debris coverage. flow of major rivers is more than 60% in the
Their frontal changes can be explained with western Himalayas. The largest individual
temperature and precipitation changes. glacier is the Siachen glacier with a total area
Till date a total of 15 glaciers in Indian of 926 sq. km.


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Table 63: Major glaciers in the Indus basin

Basin No. of glaciers Glacier Area Estimated ice

(sq. km.) Reserves (cu. km.)
Ravi 217 113.60 5.50
Chenab 2039 2341.20 210.70
Jhelum 733 222.80 9.00
Beas 384 416.60 31.80
Satluj 2108 1315.00 82.90
Upper Indus 2814 1230.00 66.10
Shyok 3357 5937.70 981.70
Nubra 204 1,536.00 NA
Gilgit 535 8,240.00 NA
Kishenganga 222 163.00 NA

Source: ICIMOD 2012

Figure 29: Glacial area under different mountain range


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

The rate of melting of glaciers is reportedly varies due to winter precipitation, climate warming
and anthropogenic elements of landscape. Recent trend related to glaciers are given in following

Table 64: Recent retreat pattern of selected glaciers in Jammu and Kashmir

Name of the Retreat of snout Observation Trend Avg. retreat rate

Glacier (m) Period (m/yr.)
Drang-Drung - 2004-07 No Change -
Kangriz - 1913-2007 No Change -
Siachin NA 1862-1909 Advancing 15.42
-do- 1909-1929 Retreating 2.50
-do- 1929-1958 Retreating No 14.00
- NA 1958-1985 -
Retreating No
- 1985-2004 change 3.00
2004-2005 -


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

The disastrous cloudburst in Leh, Ladakh in on Dams, Rivers and People (SANDRP). The
Jammu and Kashmir in August 2010, which analysis by DIHAR dug into the reasons that
led to flash floods and mudslides testified triggered the cloudburst in a rain shadow
the impacts of climate change. Defense area like Ladakh. According to the report, the
Institute for High Altitude Research (DIHAR) DIHAR study pointed out that the Leh Ladakh
attributed the catastrophe to prolonged region was witnessing unusual phenomenon
winters in the Leh Ladakh region. The study like bright sunshine in June and July months,
has been quoted in a latest report “Water causing melting of snow and high relative
Sector Options for India in a Changing humidity (72 %) as compared to earlier years
Climate” brought out by South Asia Network (50 %).

Figure 30: Glacial retreat

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Wetland Ecosystems d) Glacial Lakes which are high altitude
lakes and are found in and above the
Ecosystems play an important role in alpine areas. Some of the lakes in
determining the socio-cultural condition Ladakh are brackish in nature.
of the State. The economic conditions of
the communities are largely dependent The land cover and land use dynamics in the
on the ecosystem as they are the means catchment of the wetland have huge impact
of livelihood to boatmen, agriculture on the functionality and health of the wetland.
dependent communities, tourism industry As per the temporal and special analysis of
etc. The hydrological systems in the State are land use and land cover in the catchment
however confined to only around 0.8 % of the by the different researchers, it is seen that
total land mass, yet they have a tremendous there have been significant changes due to
impact on the lives of the people as the State climate change from 1972 to 2005 (Romshoo
depends on hydel power generation to a S A & Irfan Rashid, 2012)53. In this duration
great extent. The main hydrological systems there has been a noticeable increase in the
in Jammu and Kashmir are: horticulture plantation, settlements. On the
a) Low altitude lakes which are fresh other hand, area under agriculture, fallow,
water bodies and high in productivity. forest, pasture has decreased along with
These are mainly found in the Jammu water resource. The decrease in area under
region. agriculture and fallow is responsible for
increase in spatial extent of horticulture and
b) Valley Lakes which are also fresh water
plantation. Similarly, forest and pasture areas
lakes of different size in the valley
have been transformed into scrub because of
c) Forest Lakes which are found along the deforestation over the past 33 years.
hills. These lakes are small as compared
to the valley lakes.

Table 65: Wetland Reserves in the State

Kashmir Region Ladakh Region

Wetlands Reserves 1) Hokera, 2) Narkara, 3) Malgam, 1)Tsomoriri Wetland, 2) Pangong

4) Chatlam, Pampore, 5)Manibugh Tso Wetland 3) Chushul Marshes
6) Mirgund, 7) Shallabugh, 8) Ajaz 4) Tsokar Basin, 5) Hanley
Jheel, 9) Hygam Marshes

Shakil Ahmad Romshoo&Irfan Rashid, 2012: Assessing the impacts of changing land cover and climateon
Hokersar wetland in Indian Himalayas, Saudi Society for Geosciences, Springer.

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Forest Ecology: The Himalayan region whereas Jammu region has shown a rise
encompassing the States of Jammu and of 2.32oC over last two decades. Maximum
Kashmir, Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh temperature has increased by 0.50C per year
shows that out of the 98 IBIS grids covering in Kashmir valley. In Jammu region, maximum
this region, 56% of the grids are projected to temperature has risen by 0.080C per year.
undergo change by 2030s. The net primary Also amount of snow fall has reduced over
productivity (NPP) is projected to increase the years. As per UNEP and ICIMOD, the
in the region by an average of about 57% by temperature in Himalayan region has risen by
2030s. 1oC since 1970s. This has caused meltdown of
snow and glaciers at rate of 15 m/yr. even in
13.3.Vulnerability of the winter. The bio-diversity which resides in the
sector higher altitudes will have lesser and lesser
place to occupy and will be at increased risk
Climate change may adversely impact the
of extinction. There will be a gradual shift of
Himalayan ecosystem through increased
plant species towards higher altitudes. This
temperature, altered precipitation patterns
will force local communities to shift to newer
and episodes of drought. Concerns have also
agricultural and fodder species. This coupled
been rising over the Himalayan glaciers along
with the fact that the area lies in a highly
with other entities in the global cryosphere.
sensitive seismic zone, creates a heavy stress
The Himalayan glaciers may lose significant
on housing sector.
ice-mass thereby endangering the river
flow especially in the lean season when The increase in temperatures may lead to
the North Indian Rivers depend on melting increase in morbidity due to heat stress. Flash
snow and ice. Studies by several scientific floods due to Glacial Lake Outburst Floods
institutions in India have been inconclusive (GLOF) may lead to large scale landslides and
about the extent of change in glacier mass subsequent loss of life and property. Changes
and whether climate change is a significant in the rainfall pattern and relative humidity
causative factor. As per IPCC 2007, glacial add to weather inconsistencies which also
meltdown is projected to increase flooding, impacts plantation and harvesting.
snow avalanche fall from established slopes
and diminish water supplies to rivers as Most of the glacial lakes in the Himalayan
glaciers recede. The impact of change in region are known to have formed in the last
climate shall be severe on natural resources 5 decades, and a number of Glacial Lake
and the parameters associated with Outburst Flood (GLOF) events have been
urbanization, industrialization and economic reported in this region. At least one GLOF
development. event was recorded rbrtu 3-10 years in the
Himalayan region. These GLOF events have
According to IMD, there is increase in the resulted in loss of many lives, as well as the
average temperature in Jammu & Kashmir.
256 destruction of houses, bridges, fields, forests
Kashmir valley has shown rise of 1.450C and roads. The hazardous lakes, however,

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

are situated in remote areas. If the potential Aanchar Lake was a major source of
GLOF is known in advance, the GLOF hazard reeds and lotus stems (Nelumbo sp.)
could be reduced. used for making mats and consumed as
food in Kashmir during winters.
13.4.Key issue in the sector 2. Pollution: Three main sources of
The Himalayan ecosystem supports the pollution to the water bodies of the
ecological security of the Indian landmass, State are identified. These are:
through supporting forest cover, feeding a. Solid waste: non-degradable
perennial rivers which are sources of materials like polythene and
drinking water, irrigation, and hydropower, plastics which are dumped into
conserving biodiversity, providing a rich base the lakes and rivers by the local
for high value agriculture, and spectacular people.
landscapes for sustainable tourism. The b. Organic pollutants: Most of the
ecosystem is however impacted from human human habitations are settled
intervention explained as follows: around the water bodies, i.e.
1. Encroachments: This has been the the rivers and the lakes. The
main threat to wetland ecosystems of human habitations are the major
the Kashmir valley with the two major sources for organic wastes and
lakes i.e. the Wular Lake and the Dal night soil collected from the city
Lake shrinking to approximately half and villages. Hotels and resorts
their size in the last 50 years or so. mushrooming around the famous
Encroachments along the Wular Lake Dal Lake also discharge the night
are mainly due to expansion of arable soil into the water in absence
fields for paddy whereas those in the of a proper drainage (sewage)
Dal Lake are for housing and vegetable system. The houseboats also
gardens. The Dal Lake traditionally create organic pollution by direct
held floating gardens (made from dug discharge of organic wastes into
up weeds of the lake) along the north- the lake.
western edge of the lake. These have c. Inorganic pollutants: The
increased in size and the older ones chemical fertilisers and pesticides
have been reformed into permanent produced from the agricultural
settlements. Consequences of lake farms around the Dal and
encroachment are also apparent in Wular Lake runs off into water
Aanchar Lake in the north-western part bodies. This has accumulated
of Srinagar city. A major part of this inorganic pollutants and heavy
lake has been turned into a residential metals injurious to the aquatic
colony and the remaining portion ecosystem. Though the bio
remains a swamp. Few years back, the magnification has not been 257

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

studied yet, it is a major concern a) Rare Mammals:
for the life forms depending on
the water bodies. These have The rare mammals of the region include
led to Eutrophication, especially the Kashmir stag or Hangul (Cervus
in the enclosed lakes and water elephus hanglu), the Musk Deer (Moschus
bodies. . moschiferus), the Tibetan Antelope or
Chiru (Panthelops hodgsoni), the Tibetan
3. Siltation: Reducing catchment areas
Gazelle (Procapra picticaudata), the Serow
of lakes and water-bodies have led to
(Capricorms sumatraensis), the Markhor
deposition of large sediment loads into
(Capra falconeri), the Amon the Wild Yak (Bos
the river and lake systems causing an
grunniens), the Tibetan Wild Ass, the Snow
increase in the suspended particulate
Leopard (Panthera uncia) and the Brown
matter. The water bodies lose
Bear (Ursus arctos), Ibex (Capra siberica) to
transparency which may cause changes
name a few.
in the biota. Heavy particulate matter
also causes siltation and subsequent Dachigam has witnessed a drastic decline in
choking of lakes and rivers. The Jhelum the population of Hangul in the last three
River is a case in point where the depth decades. It is reported by Malik and Saxena
of the river has reduced to barely few (2012) that in 1940 the population of Hangul
inches at certain points. was around 3002, while in 1947 it was
4. Increased Resource Extraction: The estimated at 2000 and ten years later at 4001.
water bodies have been sources for It drastically declined in 1971 when its size was
vegetables that grow in the lakes, estimated at 320 by WWF and 550 according
large stocks of lotus stem and water to J&K Wildlife Department In March 1980
chestnut. The lakes also provide reeds the count was 347 while in March 1983 the
for making mats. In addition to this, Hangul population in Dachigam was estimated
fish abound the water systems of the to be at 550. According to Wildlife Protection
State which are the sources for cheap Department the number was estimated to
protein. However, over exploitation be 605 in 1986 and 818 in 1988. But with
of the resources have led to major increasing insurgency in Kashmir valley,
declines in fish yields. Hangul population suffered a great setback.
5. Inadequate and inappropriate Its population further slashed to 140-170. In
plantations: Plantation activities taken 1995 the population was estimated to be at
up along the wetland and lake edges 290. As per census of 1999 the population
are not appropriate. of Hangul was estimated at 270-325 in the
wintering ground of Dachigam whereas
Some floral and faunal species are threatened total population of Hangul in and around
by the weather variability. Following are Dachigam National Park was estimated at
258 some of the rare, spectacular and threatened 435-520. The census conducted in March
fauna of the state: 2000 in Dachigam National Park estimated

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

the population as 350-470 animals. The which should be considered to address the
censuses of 2003, 2008 and 2009 have put key issues of wildlife and bio diversity, such
the population at 150-170, 117-119 and 201- as species loss, conservation and impact of
234 respectively. Recent Hangul population climate change on bio diversity.
estimation in March 2011 roughly put the
number as 218±13.96 (Source: Malik and 13.5.Programme and
Saxena in International Journal of Research Policies in the sector
in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences,
3 (2) Apr – Jun 2012 The National Environment Policy, 2006,
pp. 662) interalia provides for the following relevant
measures for conservation of mountain
b) Rare Birds: ecosystems:

Some of the rare and threatened birds species • Adopt appropriate landuse planning
found in the area include exotic ones like the and watershed management practices
Himalayan Golden Eagle (Acquila chrysatos), for sustainable development of
the Bearded Vulture (Gypaetus barbatus), the mountain ecosystems.
Monal Pheasant (Lophopherus impejanus), the • Adopt ‘best practice’ norms for
Koklas (Pucrasia macrolopha), the Western infrastructure construction in mountain
Tragopan (Trogopan malanocephalus), regions to avoid or minimize damage to
the Black necked Crane (Grus nigricollis), sensitive ecosystems and despoiling of
the Himalayan Snow Cock (Tetrogallus landscapes.
himalayensis.) and the Bar-Headed Goose • Encourage cultivation of traditional
(Anser indicus). varieties of crops and horticulture by
promotion of organic farming enabling
c) Migratory Water birds:
farmers to realize a price premi¬um.
Migratory Water birds include Duck, Geese • Promote sustainable tourism through
and Swans. The most common migratory adaptation of ‘best practice’ norms
bird during winter are Mallard (Anas for tourism facilities and access to
platyrhynchos), Common Teal (Anas crecca), ecological resources, and multi-
Pintail (Anos acuta), Red Crested Pochard stakeholder partnerships to enable local
(Netta rufina), Greylag Goose (Anser), communities to gain better livelihoods,
Wigeon (Anas penelope), Shoveller (A. while leveraging financial, technical,
clypeata), Garganay (A. guerguedula), Coot and managerial capacities of investors.
(Fulica atra) and Gadwall (Anas ctripera). • Take measures to regulate tourist
inflows into mountain regions to ensure
The state has pondered on the role of
that these remain within the carrying
natural ecosystems in increasing resilience
capacity of the mountain ecology.
and reducing vulnerability to climate change 259

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

• Consider particular unique mountain the researchers. Impacts of glacial retreat
scapes as entities with ‘Incomparable influences the flow of glacier fed rivers,
Values’, in developing strategies for glacier lake outburst floods (GLOFs) and
their protection. changing flood severity and frequency. Thus
continued and enhanced monitoring of the
Jammu and Kashmir has a huge potential Himalayan ecosystem is essential to estimate
for eco-tourism. It is not only important the state of the glaciers and how change in
from tourism point of view but also it glacial mass can impact river flow. Research
creates employment opportunities for study on climate change impact on Glacier
local people in the preservation of ecology, ecology and its impact on Flora and Fauna
environment and natural forests. Taking into is therefore proposed. Since several other
consideration the importance of this sector countries in the South Asian region share
for environmental and economic point of the Himalayan ecosystem, appropriate forms
view, the forest department has already of scientific collaboration and exchange of
prepared a pilot project proposal for eco- information may be proposed to enhance
tourism development at surrounding area understanding of ecosystem changes and
of Dera-Ki- Gali in Districts of Rajouri and their effects.
Poonch at an estimated cost of 9.23 crore.
2. Study on vulnerability of
Hirpora Wildlife Sanctuary has also submitted mountain ecology
an Eco- tourism plan to the State Government
at an estimated cost of 69.00 lakh and has Himalayan Mountain ecosystem is among
been approved the Steering Committee the India’s most vulnerable bio-geographical
meeting of CAMPA on 12.12.2011 for funding domain. Mountain ecosystems in the State
during 2012-13. An additional proposal for are very distinct from lowlands. It is fragile
constitution of Eco-Tourism Board has also and highly prone to soil erosion, landslides,
been submitted to the Government for flood, earthquakes. Due to increase in
consideration. human density and climatic variability, the
indigenous culture, traditional knowledge,
13.6. Key Priorities and livelihoods are at stake in the mountains.
Climate change and variability in water flow
1. Baseline study of climate change resulting in either excess or scarcity of water
impact on flora, fauna species increases the vulnerability of mountain
and on glacial ecology livelihoods. So vulnerability analysis relating
to the impact of climate change on the
Climate change is causing significant loss mountain ecology and its impact on life and
in glacial mass in the high mountains of livelihood of the people is one of the major
the State. Due to some reasons many tasks proposed.
glacial changes data are not available to

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

3. Community participation for 4. Capacity building and awareness
protection and conservation of for all levels of stakeholders
mountain ecology, terrestrial
ecology and aqua-ecology Two important types of climate impact on
Ecology have been observed across the
Floods, landslides, seasonal drought, heavy world:
rain and hailstorm are reported as major
outcomes of climate change vulnerability. o Phonological change
Climate change would impact the systems of
o Location to survive and capability
the communities through loss of livelihood
of reproduction
& social capital, changing agro-livestock
conditions and the emergence of invasive These types of impacts have been observed
species. Climate change is also likely to affect on many species and regions over long periods
perennial aquaculture, fisheries through of time in the State. Taking into consideration
increasing temperatures, changes to water the urgency of the biodiversity conservation
current and nutrient, changed rainfall it is essential to involve communities and
pattern leading to threat to local fisheries stakeholders at all level and build capacity for
and aquaculture. Aquaculture is likely to be biodiversity conservation. Community based
impacted by climate change through higher management of the biodiversity should also
temperature, water availability and river bed be promoted with incentives to community
township impacts. It is therefore imperative organizations and panchayats for protection
and proposed to start a community and enhancement of forested lands. In
led movement for the management and mountainous regions, the aim should be to
conservation of the fragile habitats of the maintain two-thirds of the area under forest
endangered animal species, aquaculture, covers in order to prevent erosion and land
fisheries and promote sustainable community degradation and ensure the stability of the
livelihood. Community orientation should fragile eco-system.
also be planned to address the issue of the
human-wildlife conflict through mapping of This activity can also be tagged with
the conflict sensitive areas and developing individual schemes and activity involved
site-specific landscape management plans in various aspects of capacity building and
and human-wildlife conflict mitigation empowerment for the goal of enhancing
strategies. Community will also be trained conservation in Himalayan ecosystems. The
over maintaining the state forest cover, programmes should be planned in such a
Ramsar and other wetlands. Developing of fashion so as to result in capacity building and
biodiversity register is also proposed under empowerment, implementation approaches
the action. and methods, case studies, and evaluation.


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

5. Institutional development on to introduce systems in place to identify and
biodiversity conservation and demarcate grids.
7. Study on terrestrial and aquatic
Changes in climatic conditions are placing ecosystem
increasing pressure on ecosystems. The
The bio-geophysical and bio-geochemical
threats to Mountain Ecosystems require
processes draw a strong inter dependency of
urgent action to protect mountain
biosphere, aquatic ecosystems and climate.
biodiversity and to provide environmental
Surface climate of Jammu and Kashmir
services to the state. It is therefore imperative
interacts with vegetation cover, biomes and
to implement a programme to continue
productivity, respiration of vegetation and
development of overarching legal and
soil (all components of the carbon cycle).
institutional framework at State level, and
Various processes in terrestrial ecosystems
run a pilot scheme to introduce regulations
influence the flux of carbon between land
and innovative management and financing
and the atmosphere. On the other hand
approaches in selected protected areas. The
the aqua biota is also influenced due to bio-
pilot scheme would lead the policy advice and
optical heating and changes in temperature.
the on-going development of existing policies
It is therefore proposed to conduct a research
at State level. Mandates should be planned
study on terrestrial and aqua ecosystem.
to ensure that stakeholders at all levels gets’
The research scope should also addresse
involved in the management of protected
the major knowledge gaps in the impact of
areas and maintenance of biodiversity be
climate change on fisheries and aquaculture.
considered which utmost priority.
This may include analysis of the impact
6. Identification of climate grids and of changing climate, rising temperature,
effects on forest and ecological river/lake water quality, distribution and
resources abundance of riverine species, vulnerability
and resilience of the riverine systems.
The smart grid emerges as a critical
tool to address global climate change. An observational and monitoring network
Environmental impacts of climate change on for the Himalayan environment is also
water resources and biological components recommended to assess freshwater
of the landscape is an integral part of resources and health of the ecosystem.
hydrological and ecological research, and Cooperation among the neighbouring states
the results would be used for the natural and countries would lead to comprehensive
resource management. Utilities across the network coverage.
State are deploying grid technologies for
proper identification of climate change 8. Study on anthropogenic
impact on Forest and Ecological resources of intervention on ecological
262 hotspot
Jammu and Kashmir. It is therefore planned

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Ecological hotspots are areas which support species found in Jammu and Kashmir. It is
natural ecosystems that are intact and where therefore recommended to introduce study
native species and communities associated aimed at reducing the climate impact on
with these ecosystems are well represented. migratory birds and develop climate resilient
They also have a high diversity of locally conservation strategy and its implementation
endemic species which otherwise are not plan.
found outside the hotspot. Due to high
population pressure and climatic variability 10. Identification of current status of
some of the species are endangered and Himalayan ecology and Climatic
extinct. A study is highly recommended to trend analysis for Himalayan
demarcate the ecological hotspot, undertake ecology
inventorisation and strategize measures
The ecology of the Himalayas varies with
towards protection.
climate, rainfall, altitude and soils, like
9. Study of climate impact on from tropical at the base of the mountains
migratory birds and their to permanent ice and snow at the highest
timings elevations. The amount of yearly rainfall
varies all across the state. This diversity of
Migratory bird species face the challenge of climate, altitude, rainfall and soil conditions
climate change which impacts the multiple supports a variety of distinct plant and
habitats they require to breed, migrate and animal communities and life and livelihood
overwinter. Shifting bird ranges, changing of the people. It is therefore planned to form
population, time of migration and breeding a specialised body and undertake continuous
affect the availability of food needed to study to investigate the impacts of climate
raise their offspring, which might lead change on genetic resources, current
to extinction some bird species. Climate ecological status, diversity and altitude
stressors may impact the variety of common wise distribution of species in Jammu and


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

13.7 List of Key Priority Action
Table 66: List of Key priority action Sustainable Himalayan Mission

Sl. Title Organiz- Budget (INR in Million) Source of

No. ations Existing Additional Total Funding
1 Baseline study of climate Department Nil 10.00 10.00 GoI,
change impact on flora, of Env. and GoJ&K,
fauna species and on glacial forest EFA
2 Study on vulnerability of Department Nil 100.00 100.00 GoI,
mountain ecology of Env. and GoJ&K,
forest EFA
3 Community participation for Department Nil 80.00 80.00 GoI,
protection and conservation of Env. and GoJ&K,
of mountain ecology, forest EFA
terrestrial ecology and aqua-
4 Capacity building and Department Nil 100.00 100.00 GoI,
awareness for all levels of of Env. and GoJ&K,
stakeholders forest EFA
5 Institutional development on Department Nil 80.00 80.00 GoI,
biodiversity conservation and of Env. and GoJ&K,
protection forest EFA
6 Identification of climate grids Department Nil 60.00 60.00 GoI,
and effect on forest and of Env. and GoJ&K,
ecological resources forest EFA
7 Study on terrestrial and Department Nil 20.00 20.00 GoI,
aquatic ecosystem of Env. and GoJ&K,
forest EFA
8 Study on anthropogenic Department Nil 20.00 20.00 GoI,
intervention on ecological of Env. and GoJ&K,
hotspot forest EFA
9 Study of climate impact on Department Nil 10.00 10.00 GoI,
migrated birds and their of Env. and GoJ&K,
timings forest EFA
10 Identification of current Department Nil 20.00 20.00 GoI,
status of Himalayan ecology of Env. and GoJ&K,
and Climatic trend analysis forest EFA
for Himalayan ecology
Total (INR in Million ) Nil 500.00 500.00


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

14. Strategic Knowledge Mission

14.1 Introduction melt would result in increased flooding, rock

avalanches from destabilized slopes, affect
The visible signs of bio-diversity and water resources and also decrease river
ecological fragility in Jammu and Kashmir flow. This would again impact factors like
have come as a wakeup call for a strategic freshwater availability, power supply which
shift. The State should look at climate change largely depend on hydro power. Other than
issues with a fresh approach. The impact of the immediate effects, this would also result
climate change on the region has manifested in long term effects as climate change is likely
itself through various recent environmental to impinge on sustainable development
events like depletion of snow cover in high compounding the pressure on natural
altitude areas like Gulmarg during prime resources and the environment parameters
winter, shift in rainfall pattern, flash floods associated with urbanization, industrialization
and cloud bursts in Ladakh region and and economic development.
change in all climatic parameters in the sub-
While there has been significant
tropical and temperate regions of the State.
improvement in scientific understanding
The consequences of the changes are not
of climate change in the past few decades,
only restricted to the local population but
there remains considerable uncertainty
also affect the overall economy of the State.
about the nature, timing, spatial distribution
The effects are visible on sectors like health,
and severity of the particular impacts. In
forests, agriculture and horticulture and all
this context, the State mission on Strategic
other major sectors which contribute to
Knowledge on Climate Change intends to
the States economy. The current scenario is
create a knowledge system that would
projected to have future impacts like glacial
help implement adaptive actions to reduce
melting in the Himalayas, which would prove
vulnerabilities as well as take advantage of
detrimental to the State’s interest. The glacial 267
the mitigation opportunities. The State Action

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Plan for Strategic Knowledge seeks to build a • To model and plan for the climate
vibrant and dynamic knowledge system that sensitive sectors and regions, assess the
would inform and support national as well impacts of climate change, analyze the
as regional actions for responding effectively vulnerability of regions/districts, sectors
to the objective of ecologically sustainable and population groups and evaluate
development. A strong and strategic the traditional adaptation practices to
knowledge system is essential for identifying, climate variability and extremes.
formulating, planning and implementing • To integrate the processes of assessment
policy driven actions while maintaining the of vulnerability, knowledge and data
necessary economic growth rate. (Such a on natural resources, institutions
strategic knowledge system for informing and capacities with the bottom-up
and supporting climate sensitive actions approach for planning of adaptation
will need to address a number of objectives. and mitigation projects for the benefit
The mission addresses climate science with of climate sensitive sectors, regions
region specific modeling; assessment of and population groups.
various technology scenarios and alternatives
• To enable government including its
for complying with national objectives;
policymaking bodies in the policy-
leveraging international cooperation and
formulation function.
strengthening initiatives for selection and
development of new technologies for • To inform and assist the development
adaptation and mitigation; and ensuring that agencies to evolve suitable management
knowledge gaps are bridged.) for adaptation and mitigation
The principal objectives of the mission can • To empower and upgrade the
be listed as below: capabilities of people and administrative
• To monitor climate variability and officers to take appropriate steps at
make climate change projections for their own level for the reduction of
the State through global and regional risk.
climate modeling. Climate modeling • To strengthen regional cooperation
at regional level will help to improve through the establishment of
the quality and specificity of climate mechanisms for exchanging information
change projections including changes with regions sharing the borders and
in hydrological cycle. ecology of the State.
• To build GHG inventory and identify the
dominant GHG/CO2 emitting sectors, The existing knowledge bases of the
industries, districts, municipalities in Government departments and their
order to enable selection of mitigation responsiveness towards the recent weather
opportunities. events have been integrated to develop a
268 holistic response towards the climate change

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

issues apparent in the State. The main signs • Sustainable Himalayan Ecosystem,
of climate change in the State are manifested • Health
through increase in erratic temperature
• Disaster Management
fluctuations, an average rise in temperature,
receding glaciers, change in rain and • Strategic Knowledge mission
snowfall pattern which are likely to affect
14.2. Key Issues
water resources, farming, power generation,
forests, human health, tourism and several Measures to generate strategic knowledge
other natural ecological systems. should carefully include the perspectives,
knowledge and understanding of the
SAPCC J&K identifies ten missions specific
population, policy makers, decision makers
to the State and corresponds to the
and the stakeholders. The knowledge strategy
responsibilities of containing the issues
developed should be comprehensible and
through ten working groups identified
executable by the stakeholders at large. This
and sanctioned by the Government. The
should minutely address the issues and at the
identified sectors are:
same time support the need for economic
• Energy - Solar Mission and Renewable and livelihood enhancement of the State.
• Enhanced Energy Efficiency The identified State specific constraints are:

• Water • Insufficient observational and scientific

• Sustainable Habitat, information database at sub divisional
• Sustainable Agriculture levels essential for validating the
modeling outputs is a handicap.
• Tourism
• Green India Mission

Information Components
Meteorology Precipitation (Daily), maximum and minimum temperature
(Daily), solar radiation, Wind speed, Relative humidity, Glacial
melting, Evapotranspiration data, etc
Land surface Hydro-geological maps inclusive of: contour, drainage, Digital
Elevation Models (DEM), soil type, depth, texture and physical,
characteristics (composition of silt, sand, clay, rocks), drainage
network, watershed boundary, Hydraulic conductivity, LRDP
(land resource development plan) , etc

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Hydrological Water level and discharge, river cross section, Glacial retreat ,
Aquifer-type, depth, extent, lithological variation, information,
transmissivity, hydraulic conductivity, specific yield, storage
coefficient, well-location, well type, well depth, water table
data, groundwater consumption etc
Agriculture, Horticulture, A detailed cropping zone wise inventory on planting date/
and Livestock method/distribution, agriculture/ horticulture management
practices, diseases incidence, incidence of livestock diseases,
invasive species inventory, fertility factor percentage organic
carbon and nitrogen content, area under cultivation, yield and
types of variety cultivated is important
Socio economic Profile Socio economic information inclusive of information on the
institutions and governance. This includes vital statistics (total
population, male female ratio, adult dependency ratio, crude
death rate, crude birth rate, average life expectancy at birth, etc.);
education information, essential for vulnerability assessments
and also for socio economic scenario building both of which
are critical for responding to climate change and for designing
efficient occupational structure – formal and informal.
Forest and Biodiversity Geographical distribution of vulnerable habitats and species,
information about invasive species
Health related Data Health statistics including morbidity/mortality data, distribution/
risk maps for climate sensitive diseases like diarrhoea and
malaria, health infrastructure, prevalence of malnutrition, etc.
Energy Energy information on consumption patterns and conservation
potential. It should include information on urban infrastructure
like transport and buildings.

• Weak and fragmented knowledge base • Lack of institutional mechanisms for

for impact assessment and selection of collating, synthesizing and delivering
technology choices knowledge products for decision
• Knowledge gaps in respect to the making
impacts of climate change in different • Lack in organized multidisciplinary
sectors of economy research capabilities
• Absence of a system of technology • Inventory of traditional knowledge
270 watch

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

The proposed approach for addressing the needed
knowledge gaps and mobilization of strategic
• Develop and provide knowledge and
knowledge in the areas related to climate
information services and products for
change are identified as follows:
use at specific and different levels, for
• Strengthen and prioritize ongoing and example, develop internal knowledge
planned programmes in respect of alert system, risk assessment reports,
developing adaptation and mitigation regular reports on base line information
activities and indicators, policy briefs, discussion
papers on scenarios and choices, etc.
• Increase the spatial and temporal
coverage and resolution of regional • Undertake vulnerability analysis of
impact of climate change in the State most sensitive populations / occupation
groups and areas in the State of Jammu
• Develop the State level capacity
and Kashmir.
in distributed form but networked
through the activities and programmes • Activities are to be identified and
identified as a part of the mission undertaken for ensuring that practical
knowledge gaps in respect of risk
• Widen the scope and activities of
management are also bridged in
knowledge generation for observation,
collaboration with the expertise
monitoring, assessment and actions
and knowledge available with the
relating to the management of climate
vulnerable groups.
change induced risk

• Use existing delivery structures 14.3. Key Priority

for knowledge dissemination and
1. Map & Analyze knowledge
sharing process, flow, protocol
• Create knowledge networks with and priority
selected core knowledge generating
and applying institutions as nodes The impact of climate change could
that are linked and involved in the jeopardize economic development and
development of activities through a livelihood if not dealt with a collaborative
wide range of knowledge partners approach. Knowledge about the possible
impact is the key step towards developing a
• Use extramural research system to climate resilient society and climate proofing
undertake the widening of activities of of the livelihood sector. It is therefore
knowledge generation and delivery needed that all agencies working in the
• Create new knowledge institutions by field of climate resilient development come
leveraging and supplementing existing together for sharing learning and knowledge.
strengths as far as possible when It is therefore essential to promote sharing 271

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

of experiences, best practices and lessons development of knowledge base needed for
learned in mainstreaming climate change the development of foresight, assessment
concerns into development policies and and decision making activity with a view to
practices. The climate change cell will undertake improvement and elaboration of
undertake the task of mapping and analyzing climate resilient and sustainable development
the existing channel of sharing of knowledge pathways in the light of responsible climate
on climate change. The mapping will help to change related actions
frame policy intervention towards developing
strategic alliances and partnerships in 3. Establishment of weather and
streamlining knowledge sharing related to climate data and easy access
the climate change agenda. of data to climate researchers
and end users of vulnerable
2. Compile currently available community as well as livelihood
information for assessment sector
frameworks, methods and
tools for climate impacts, There are several databases that are relevant
decision support tools and good for climate research, available with respective
adaptation practices agencies of the Government which are
highly essential for climate research and
Activities towards mapping of the knowledge modeling. It is therefore important to
base and data resources relevant to climate review the restriction over the data access
change for taking up research studies as well and create a platform and provide access
as mobilization of State specific strategic of data information to registered users
knowledge are required to be implemented useful for research on basic phenomena of
and institutional support need to be provided climate science, assess of key climate and
for the formation of State wide knowledge biogeochemical variables including changes
network and networking of the State level in eco-systems and land use change & land
institutions. The activities will also identify cover change so as to analyze the possible
the knowledge gaps at the State level with feedbacks on climate change, determine
regard to the areas of climate change impacts region specific modeling to understand the
on important socio-economic sectors like future effects of climate change on different
agriculture, health, natural resources, eco- types of ecosystems. It therefore important
system, health, biodiversity, etc. On the that the climate change cell be made the
basis of the above baseline information repository of all climate and weather related
mapping an integrated consultation process information and empowered of creating
will be conducted so as to identify the best databases and registered users. Registered
assessment frameworks, methods and tools user from amongst the government
for climate impacts study, decision support departments and organizations including
272 tools and good adaptation practices. Similar climate researchers and end users of
intervention will help in generation and vulnerable community as well as livelihood

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

sector will be provided access to the climate information will be integrated as part of
related information. the State level climate change Knowledge
Management System. These websites will be
4. Capacity building including designed as part of the programme to serve
developing of Training module the needs of the key officials and would also
and imparting knowledge reach out to the wider community.
through regional workshop
6. Organize annual forum,
Considering that climate change is a relatively learning seminar, workshop and
new challenge, the focus of the Climate dissemination of knowledge
Change Action Plan will be on generating based product
awareness and building capacity. This will be
done across all levels of the Government and Future actions need to focus on widening
external stakeholders involved in the different the awareness and understanding of
sectors. Enhancing awareness levels and the issue of climate change in the State,
understanding of CCA approaches will help including their contribution to ecosystem
in mainstreaming SAPCC and achievement of protection and supporting sustainable
objectives through convergence with other development, and especially their value to
department. In this context training need vulnerable communities. Such action will
analysis will be carried out and module will help enhancing livelihood resilience and
be developed to impart knowledge amongst adaptive capacities of rural and vulnerable
the administrative departments. This strong people in State. Popularized publications,
drive towards building capacity will result in issue based features on climate change
empowering people and organizations to be at the State level, through targeted Opinion
able to better address, manage and respond Editorial Pieces and other media forms will be
to climate change concerns. pursued. The issues will also be deliberated
in annual forum, learning seminar and
5. Develop & maintain online portal workshop conducted at the grass root level.
website The concerted communication effort will
also be focused on the value of sustainable
Climate change related knowledge is very
development reduction of GHG emission
limited at the State level. It is therefore
and low carbon lifestyle. The initiative will be
essential to develop a web-based
super headed by the climate change cell of
communication approach whereby the
the Govt of J&K.
website carrying all the climate related


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

14.4 List of Key Priority Action
Table 67: List of Key priority action Strategic Knowledge Mission

Sl. Title Organiz-ations Budget (INR in Million) Source of

No. Existing Additional Total Funding
1 Map & Analyse knowledge Climate Change Nil 3.00 3.00 GoI, MoEF,
sharing process, flow, Cell Govt of J&K, EFA
protocol and priority SKUAST, J&K,
University of
Jammu, University
of Kashmir,
2 Compile currently Climate Change Nil 15.00 15.00 GoI, MoEF,
available information for Cell Govt of J&K, EFA
assessment frameworks, SKUAST, J&K,
methods and tools for University of
climate impacts, decision Jammu, University
support tools, good of Kashmir,
adaptation practices
3 Establishment of weather Climate Change Nil 15.00 15.00 GoI, MoEF,
and climate data and easy Cell Govt of J&K, EFA
access of data to climate SKUAST, J&K,
researchers and end users University of
of vulnerable community Jammu, University
as well as livelihood of Kashmir,
4 Capacity bbuilding Climate Change Nil 1.50 1.50 GoI, MoEF,
including developing Cell Govt of J&K, EFA
of Training module SKUAST, J&K,
and imparting through University of
regional workshop Jammu, University
of Kashmir,
5 Develop & maintain online Climate Change Nil 1.50 1.50 GoI, MoEF,
portal website Cell Govt of J&K, EFA
University of
Jammu, University
of Kashmir,
6 Organize annual Climate Change Nil 4.00 4.00 GoI, MoEF,
forum, learning Cell Govt of J&K, EFA
seminar, workshop SKUAST, J&K,
and dissemination of University of
knowledge based product Jammu, University
of Kashmir,
Total (INR in Million ) Nil 40.00 40.00

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

15. Cross-Cutting issues to tackle Climate
Change in the State
There are several cross-cutting issues in the stakeholder coalitions, seeking to affect
climate change debate. It requires multi- systemic change on wide-ranging issues,
sectoral coordination and commitment of focused on outcomes rather than inputs to
multiple stakeholders. Although not new, deliver scalable and sustainable change.
collaboration across the sectors private, To understand the cross cutting issues the
public and civil society has traditionally been following process was adopted. The following
complex. ‘Convergence’ is a more complex diagrams give the details.
form of collaboration involving multi-


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

While looking at the environmental environmental cost. The State also has to
effectiveness in choosing a key priority, address the issue of complementarities
one has to see whether the cost is localised to avoid duplication of efforts or resource
(area specific, State-wide, national or deployment. It has to negotiate with multiple
global). However if the State has to opt players and decide on the implementation
for a clean technology then the additional agenda based on the development priority
costs have to be considered and additional of the State. The priority actions where such
investment need to be negotiated with non- dilemma exists have been treated as cross-
local stakeholders. This would strengthen sectoral issues.
factors like equity, flexibility or effective

Table 68: Cross cutting relevance of some contemplated actions

Cross-sectoral Sectors- Actions Typology Anticipated
challenge Involved of action conflict
Containing Damage Agriculture, Change in crop storage Adaptation Medium
to the housing Water, structure and raised plinth
and storage Housing
infrastructure in
flood prone areas
Containing Food Agriculture, Food preservation, seed Adaptation Low
Insecurity during Horticulture, bank, homestead garden
extreme weather Rural
conditions Development
Alternate livelihood Agriculture, Livestock rearing, seed Adaptation Low
during flooding Animal storage, horticulture
conditions Husbandry, cultivation
Basin/Flood Plain Water, Integrated water resource Adaptation High
Management Agriculture, management at basin
Energy level should determine the
apportionment of water in
different sectors taking into
account the international
Promoting Agriculture, Promoting of better Adaptation High
sustainable Rural water use efficiency and
agricultural Development, development of carbon
practices responsive varieties
Preserving the bio Forest, Requires a holistic action to Adaptation Medium
diversity preserve the flora as well
278 as the fauna including the
aquatic ones of a specific

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Institutionalising Energy, A multi-layered approach Mitigation Medium
Energy use Industry, to change the mindsets,
efficiency Works, methods and appliances to
Agriculture improve end-use efficiency
and process efficiency
Promoting green Energy, Green topped road, Mitigation Medium
infrastructure Works, Urban, promotion of renewable
Transport and energy saving
measures in the housing

15.1. Common Cross-cutting includes formation of the Governing Council,

needs and capabilities Executive council and expert committee
and also capacity building of the District
The following are the common crosscutting level administration, Program Monitoring
needs and capabilities that have emerged and Impact Assessment. Sensitizing
from the working group deliberations. Entrepreneurship Development Institute
Government of J&K understands the would be involved to promote skill building
common needs that emerge across sectors in general with a special emphasis on green
and has proposed several institutional skills.
mechanisms to address the issues. This
Table 69: Strategies for addressing cross sectoral issues

Strategies Local State level Linkages to national

Awareness Creating local level Building awareness of Participation in national
awareness is a first legislators, policy makers networks, interface with
step, e.g. barefoot on socio-economic and the national knowledge
workers, framer field socio-political cost of network and research
schools may promote climate change systems
descaled climate
change concerns
Capacity Monitoring, Scientific assessment, Special regional
observation measurement, models, modeling and
Awareness/ with State level technical assessments, best
assessment at state/ institutions like PCB, practices study and
district/ community Watershed Mission, resource leveraging
levels Regional Centers of from various missions
National Institution, and mission resource
Universities centers and technical


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Generation of Locale specific Research networks, Interface with IPCC
Knowledge/ databases, scenarios Compilation of State level assessments, interfacing
Information and assessment, local GHG inventory and input with regional/global
monitoring networks, to National databases(e.g. databases, scenarios and
rapid assessment NATCOM), scientific and assessments, technology
for input to State policy models, State-wide inventory database
inventory and area specific scenarios,
technology inventory
Institutions/ Community Stakeholders networks, Standardized Climate
Partnerships initiatives, Early public/ private programs impacts assessment both
warning networks, academic as well more
Disaster management applied ones for result
teams based management and
Policy/ Local specific Science-policy linkage, Adaptation funds,
Instruments adaptation plans, mainstreaming climate Interface with private
community based change agenda in sectoral sector participants for
adaptation programs policies of the State fund under market
(agriculture, energy, mechanisms like CDM,
water, forestry, Himalayan REDD/REDD+
ecosystem etc.) economic
instruments (e.g.
insurance, R&D funds),
integration with national
development/ planning
Technology Locale specific Targeted R&D, Technology Scientific exchange,
technology transfer protocols, technology transfer
adaptation demonstration/ pilot


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

16. Conclusion
The State Action plan on Climate Change is demographic factors exclusive to the State.
a dynamic and strategic document largely
aligned with the National Action Plan on 16.1. Key Outcome
Climate Change to help in implementation
The State has undertaken massive exercise
of NAPCC measures at the State level. At the
for identifying key priorities in each sector.
same time, the SAPCC has also considered
The State Climate Change Action Plan has
particular regional and local characteristics
taken into consideration both mitigation
and specific concerns of vulnerable sectors
and adaptation issues in a holistic manner.
and communities within the State. The
However adaptation actions have been
SAPCC through vulnerability and risk
recognized to be of greater significance
assessment provides a scientific basis for
while prioritizing. About 229 actions have
decision making at the highest level of policy
been identified across eleven sectors. Out
making. The sub national plan is developed
of which 122 actions have been prioritized.
to address the gap between global scenarios
Institutional Arrangement has been worked
and local risk assessments through a locally
out and notified. The cross-sectoral working
grounded approach towards the issues
groups have successfully produced these
relevant to climate change in the State. The
drafts by working together and moderating
plan had emerged out of contributions from
the different contested positions.
the experts and various stakeholders in the
State. SAPCC (J&K) takes into consideration
16.2. Financial Budget
the vulnerability and challenges faced by the
State due to the topography, terrain, poverty, The budget for the Climate Change Action
international borders, dispersed population, Plan presented below is purely indicative
complex geological structure, dependence at this stage. The budget only pertains to
on natural resources, limited energy priority actions to be undertaken in the short
sources and other geographic, climatic and 281

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Table 70: Budget proposed under SAPCC

Sl No Sector No of high Total No Indicative Budget

Priority of Action (INR in Million)
Actions Proposed Existing Additional
1 Sustainable Energy mission 9 15 1,470.10 3,970.40
2 Enhanced Energy Efficiency 16 16 1,572.00 5,548.40
3 Sustainable Habitat 12 29 0.00 2,188.50
4 Green India Mission 16 24 0.00 1,276.00
5 Water Mission 11 24 0.00 45,676.00
6 Sustainable Agriculture 20 45 0.00 3,184.70
7 Disaster Management 10 21 0.00 223.50
8 Tourism 7 18 0.00 697.50
9 Health 8 22 0.00 1,047.00
10 Himalayan Mission 10 10 0.00 500.00
11 Strategic Knowledge 6 11 0.00 40.00
125 235 3,042.10 64,352.00

The total budget for the State Climate Change direction of Governing Council and Executive
Action Plan works out to be approximately Council in consultation with the Executive
INR 67,394.10 million . committee.

16.3. Governance 16.4. Institutional

Governing Council on Climate Change Arrangement
constituted under the chairmanship of the
The institutional arrangement for formulation
Chief Minister of the State will be the apex
of Climate Change Cell has to be enshrined
body to take decisions on the finalization
through notification with approval by the
of strategy and action plan for the State.
Cabinet. J&K Climate Change Cell will be
Executive Council under the chairmanship
the operating body for coordinating the
of the Chief Secretary will guide the process.
climate change related work. There will
An Expert Committee under Director,
be a Project Management Agency or PMU
Department of Environment and Remote
to be supported by experts to develop the
Sensing will function as the nodal body
implementation guidelines in each sector
for the Climate Change Action Plan. The
and work with departments and agencies
implementation of the action plan will be
to develop baseline, emission inventory,
through the proposed Climate Change Cell
adaptation and mitigation proposals for
(detailed institutional arrangement will be
funding and have consultation across
worked out in form of a detailed project
departments and networks and to undertake
282 report) that would function under the
awareness and capacity building exercises.

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

This will help in building the capacity of line provided at the levels of framing the policy, at
department staff. This proposed PMU under organizational level and at the practice level.
SAPCC will support J&K Climate Change Cell Policies need to integrate the climate change
in implementation of SAPCC in the following considerations. At the organizational level,
issues: the awareness, skills and capacity have to be
developed. Strategic bodies like J&K Climate
1. Supporting development of the project
Change Cell shall be established. At a practice
proposal and DPR for the priority actions
level, line department’s implementation
proposed under the SAPCC and support
initiatives should be shifted towards a more
J&K Climate Change Cell in sourcing
climate friendly development path. Marginal
funding from Government Institutions
incremental actions will not suffice and
or External Funding Agency
significant actions are required at all levels
2. Supporting preparation of Annual Plan to move on a climate-friendly, inclusive and
and budgeting for the climate change sustainable development path.
actions proposed under SAPCC.

3. Supporting the preparation of progress

16.6.Low Carbon Inclusive
report and coordinating with Nodal Growth
Department of SAPCC of other states.
The various mitigation initiatives planned
4. Coordinating with the Working Groups under the proposed missions will ensure
and State Missions for planning and that the J&K proceeds towards low carbon
convergence. inclusive growth.

5. Monitoring project input, activities and

16.7. Building Climate
6. Maintenance of MIS, supporting
preparation of participatory micro The different adaptation initiatives being
planning. planned will ensure better preparedness to
climate-induced changes, including extreme
7. Promote Knowledge Management and
events. For a climate sensitive State such as
policy advocacy through workshop,
J&K, climate change adaptation is an integral
seminar and participatory village level
part of good governance & development.
16.8. Staffing and
16.5. Change in policies and engagement with
practices stakeholders
Analysis of the key priorities reveals that
From the range of issues / concerns, it is
climate change orientation needs to be
quite clear that even though climate change 283

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

is an environmental challenge, the response 16.9. Capacity Development
requires both environment experts as
well as involvement of non-environmental Climate change and its possible impacts on
professionals. Resolution of climate the lives and livelihoods of the people, scope
change issues cannot be done in isolation for adaptation and undertaking of mitigation
by the environmental or climate change initiatives are relatively new concepts in the
fraternity alone. The issues/problems are so State. Consequently, the limited awareness
fundamental and deep in the sectoral context on the broader issues relating to concept
that the respective sector professionals have of vulnerability, climate proofing, climate
to address these problems. Policy-makers, resilience across all implementation levels,
economists, planners, engineers, scientists, line department will be unsuccessful unless
development programme specialists and the critical targeted and need based capacities
others have to be encouraged to contribute are developed in regard to the above issues.
towards resolving climate change problems The outcome of SAPCC is largely dependent
in a structured way. on developing the required capacities
at different levels of administration and
In order to ensure successful implementation implementation, including the grass root
of SAPCC it is important to ensure level.
involvement of stakeholders, particularly
community, in a more proactive way in the Adequate training programme should
CCA planning (micro level and participatory) therefore be planned as part of strategic
implementation. This involvement will relate knowledge mission. Moreover, J&K Climate
to: Change Cell should organize awareness
workshops at the regional level to promote
(i) Promoting much greater climate
similar initiatives. Even participatory micro
change awareness within community,
level CCA planning can be encouraged
(ii) Identifying problematic issues relevant towards promotion of traditional knowledge
to climate change, and adaptation practices. Capacity building
of the CBOs and NGOs should also be a part
(iii) Support in monitoring of climate-
of the planned programme. Following action
induced problems and
can be implemented and organized through
(iv) Ensuring greater accountability to the J&K Climate Change Cell and its PMU with
people on climate change issues. subject matter specialist.

Stakeholder involvement will be an effective 16.10.Monitoring and

tool in bringing out the solutions in a more
holistic manner. If stakeholder involvement
as described here is not initiated, then Monitoring and evaluation is a critical
284 stakeholders are bound to look at government part of programme implementation. A
as an Adversary and not as a partner.

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

programme level MIS will be developed 16.11. Key Conclusion
and ensured that information are routinely
collected, imputed and analyzed during A multidisciplinary, integrated and
the programme period. As a part of the coordinated convergence approach will be
monitoring framework baseline studies will adopted in implementing the SAPCC. J&K
be conducted during first year and follow up Climate Change Cell under the guidance
assessment will be carried out depending of the Governing as well as the Executive
upon the length of the programme. Inputs Council and in consultation with Expert
and activity monitoring will be based on Committee will adopt a proactive, preventive
information routinely gathered at different and preparedness oriented approach rather
levels using the programme MIS; (e.g. than a reactive approach. Different sectors
numbers and quantities of different activities have different key priorities to be addressed
and investments carried out and their costs). through different initiatives over different
On an annual basis, the programme review timeframe. J&K Climate Change Cell will
processes will involve comparison of what implement its initiatives relevant to their
was planned and what actually achieved. key priorities within themselves and in close
This will provide an annual assessment coordination with different departments and
of the progress and will assist in the early stakeholders involved. During this SAPCC
identification of the problem areas to be implementation, J&K Climate Change Cell
addressed during the subsequent years. As will demonstrate, promote and encourage
part of the project proposal developed for different initiatives through policy changes
sourcing of funding and implementation and implementation actions as a response to
of the SAPCC an indicator based frame will climate change.
be developed and will be reviewed on a
periodic basis. The structure of the MIS is Following the implementation of this first
given below: SAPCC, awareness and knowledge on
climate change issues / concerns would

Area Key impacts Targets to Key Frequency Feedback

to monitor monitor programme loop
to evaluate


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

be developed across the State. Therefore, some departments that were not actively
the overall capacity of both Government engaged, e.g. Education department, Rural
staff across all levels as well as those of the development etc. The overall focus on
external stakeholders will be considerably capacity building addresses an educational
higher. Once built, this capacity should goal/target but this is not implemented
be collectively and gainfully used in a through the formal systems of the Education
consultative, participatory and inclusive department. It is therefore proposed that
manner in determining the focus areas of these departments that have not been
attention in the next version of the SAPCC. directly engaged should be encouraged to
While all sectors were directly or indirectly be involved so that new perspectives and
covered in preparing the SAPCC, there were approaches emerge.


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

17. Annex I: Mission wise Comprehensive List of Actions proposed
under SAPCC
17.1 Sustainable Energy Mission

Table 71: Comprehensive List of Actions proposed under Sustainable Energy Mission

Sl. Title Organizations Priority Type Scale Nature Time

No. Frame
1 Promotion and implementation of solar city project by JAKEDA, LREDA, H
A) Preparation of a master plan for all district HQs under the “Solar City KREDA, Housing MI A PS ST
project” & Urban
B) Set-up of institutional arrangements for implementation of the master Development AD A CB ST
plan Department - J&K
C) Awareness generation and capacity building activities by managing AD A CB LT
publicity programmes, conducting training programmes/business
meets for stakeholders
D) Implementation of pilot solar city project in phase wise- MI A IP LT
Phase I - Jammu, Srinagar and Katra
Phase II - Kupwara&Udhampur
Phase III - Rajauri, Poonch, Baramula,
2 Promotion and facilitation of Off-grid and decentralized renewable JAKEDA, LREDA, H
energy generation for electrification, cooking and other thermal KREDA, Rural
energy requirement. Development
A) Facilitating deployment of 5 MW stand-alone off-grid solar power Dept. -J&K MI S IP MT
plant of capacity within 50 - 100 kW for fulfilling the power demand in
dispersed locations by 12th plan period. 287

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organizations Priority Type Scale Nature Time
No. Frame
B) Installation of 300 kW solar-wind hybrid power plants with capacity of MI S IP ST
20 kW in 12th plan period.
C) Maximizing use of stand-alone Solar Home Lighting System (SHLS) in MI S IP MT
rural household level through distribution of 20,000 SHLS of 40 Wp
capacity annually.
D) Implementation of pilot scale 15 nos. bio-digester systems annually for MI S DP MT
cooking energy generation for 50 -100 people from kitchen waste and
other waste in hostels, hospitals, small scale industries and institutions
3 State Govt. by amendment of building bye-laws suitable to state JAKEDA, LREDA, H
condition will promote and mandate use of solar water heating KREDA, Housing
systems and/or lighting. & Urban
A) Amendment of building bye-law considering state demographic profile Development AD S PA ST
for mandatory use of solar water heating systems in Department -
• All District Head Quarters of the state by year 2015 J&K, Govt. of J&K,
• All commercial and institutional buildings of urban and semi Dept. of Health,
urban areas by 2017 Dept. of Higher
• All private residential houses of urban areas with more than Education -J&K,
1000 sq. ft. area by 2018
• By 2020, in all towns and small cities; solar water heating systems
usage by the private households and commercial buildings.
B) Promotion & Facilitation for setting up of Solar water heating (SWH) MI S DP ST
systems in all Govt. establishments. By undertaking pilot projects in
• Primary Health Centre’s - 10 Nos.
• Hospital - 10 Nos.
• Govt. Higher Secondary School - 10 Nos.
288 • District Collectorate Building and other govt. establishments -20

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organizations Priority Type Scale Nature Time
No. Frame
4 Institutional development and strengthening of JAKEDA, LREDA and JAKEDA, LREDA, H
KREDA for promotion of Renewable Energy applications KREDA, State
A) Training of the working group members and their representatives from Climate Change AD S CB ST
JAKEDA including LREDA and KREDA and other concerned departments Cell, J&K
and organizations on sector specific climate change issues and enhance
the knowledge about the policy measures.
B) Introduction of e-governance system and enabling IT based operation AD S CB &IP ST
in the JAKEDA, LREDA and KREDA and capacity building of all officers at
district level.
C) Development of Project Management Cell at JAKEDA for identification AD A CB LT
of projects, development of Pre-Feasibility Report, Detailed Project
Report, Arrangement of fund, Monitoring of project implementation
and operation.
5 Harnessing renewable energy potential scenario of the state for power JAKEDA, Housing H
generation & Urban
A) Assessment of Biomass potential and availability for energy generation Development AD S RS ST
in the state and demarcation of biomass potential sites in the map. Dept. -J&K
B) Assessment of Solar irradiation, temperature, wind speed at district AD S RS ST
level across the state for solar mapping.
C) Assessment of Wind Energy potential of the state, wind mapping and AD S RS ST
identification of wind project sites.
D) Detailed Assessment of Waste to Energy projects from Municipal Waste, AD S RS ST
Industrial and other wastes in the state.
E) Undertake R&D work to improvise the performance of biogas plants in AD A RS ST
low temperature condition and with reduced livestock waste in high
temperature zones. 289

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organizations Priority Type Scale Nature Time
No. Frame
6 Strengthening of technical competency of various stakeholders JAKEDA, Technical H
of renewable energy which includes O&M persons, technicians, Education Dept.
installers, manufacturers and other relevant service providers as per -J&K, Industry &
international standard Commerce Dept.
A) Introduction of subject or paper on RE system installation, O&M, repair, -J&K AD S CB ST all ITIs of the state to meet a local demand.
B) Introducing technical course on Renewable energy technology and AD S CB ST
Energy management at Poly-technic /Engineering colleges of the state
to achieve increase in availability of technically qualified manpower.
C) Conducting certificate courses for strengthening of technical competency AD S CB ST
of the existing solar and other renewable energy technology service
D) Supporting state level entrepreneurs to become RESCOs, Channel AD S CB MT
Partners under JNNSM scheme and renewable energy device
manufacturers, distributors, installers, etc.
7 Enhancing state's own power generation capacity through hydro JAKEDA, JKSERC, H
power plant set up and provides support to private/public investors JKSPDC, LREDA,
in project implementation and undertakes micro/mini hydro projects KREDA, PHE,
for remote area's to meet up local demand. Irrigation & Flood
A) Detailed reconnaissance study on water availability and hydrology data Control Dept. AD S PS MT
evaluation for identification of new hydro projects and demarcation of -J&K
hydro power sites with specific capacity mapping.
B) Promotion & facilitation of hydro power project implementation by MI S PA MT
providing adequate support from the state government in terms of
clearance, land acquisition, power transmission network development
and funding.
290 Encouragement of greener construction technologies in new Hydro
power project implementation.

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organizations Priority Type Scale Nature Time
No. Frame
C) Declaration of water policy and mandate siltation and pollution control AD S PA ST
in water bodies of hydro power projects.
D) Implementation of 10 MW mini, micro hydro project in already identified MI A IP MT
project sites by next 5 years through PPP mode and 50 MW through IPP
8 Promotion of grid connected Rooftop and Small Solar Power projects JAKEDA, JKSERC, H MI S MT
in the state of J&K JKSPDC, LREDA,
A) Implementation of 25 MW grid connected Rooftop and small solar KREDA MI S IP MT
power plant up to 2 MW capacities across the state within 2017-18 by
Independent Power Producers (IPP) and also through PPP mode.
B) Declaration of policy measures for proper decommissioning and MI S PA ST
recycling of all solar panels installed across the state.
9 Promotion of green buildings in the state JAKEDA, LREDA, H
A) Development of policy framework on green building considering state KREDA, PHE, AD S PA ST
geographical location, prevailing climatic condition. Irrigation &
B) Introducing mandatory norms for undertaking green building measures Flood Control MI A PS & LT
in all new govt. buildings and residential buildings of more than 1500 Dept. -J&K, DP
sq. ft. in cities of Jammu & Srinagar. Housing & Urban
Mandatory compliance of energy efficiency measures, rain water Development
harvesting measures, recycling measures of water and wastes in all big Dept. -J&K, Public
hotels. Works (R&B)
C) Capacity Building of authorities (Housing & Urban Development AD S CB LT
Department, PHE, Irrigation & Flood Control Department, Public
Works (R&B) Department, JAKEDA) on green building policy and its

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organizations Priority Type Scale Nature Time
No. Frame
10 Promotion of Waste to Energy projects by utilizing municipal and JAKEDA, JKSERC, M
industrial wastes JKSPDC, LREDA,
A) Development of Policy framework KREDA, Housing AD S PA ST
B) Facilitate project implementation through support in project clearances, & Urban MI S PA MT
Arrangement & management of project implementation fund Development
Dept. -J&K
C) Identification of projects and preparation of 3 Nos. Detailed Project MI S PS ST
D) Facilitation and implementation of 3 nos. demonstration projects in MI A DP MT
major cities of the state
11 Maximizing use of solar energy application for minimizing the grid JAKEDA, JKSERC, M MI S IP LT
power shortage by installation of 100 MW grid connected solar power JKSPDC, LREDA,
plants through IPP mode and 10 MW through PPP mode by 12th plan KREDA
a) Identification of project sites.
b) Bankable DPR preparation.
c) Identification and selection of project investor and fund.
d) Undertake project clearances, grid connectivity.
e) Implementation of solar power plant.
12 Reducing grid power dependency and fossil fuel savings through JAKEDA, LREDA, M MI S IP LT
replacement of diesel generators by promoting & facilitating setting KREDA, Dept.
up Off-grid Rooftop solar power systems in all Govt. establishments of Health
including – -J&K, Higher
• Health Centre’s - 300 Nos. Education Dept.
• Educational Institutions - 200 Nos. -J&K, Technical
• District Collectorate Building and other govt. establishments - Education Dept.
100 Nos. -J&K, Govt. of J&K

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organizations Priority Type Scale Nature Time
No. Frame
13 Promotion and facilitation in setting up 10 MW biomass based power JAKEDA, JKSERC, M MI A IP LT
projects with capacity of 1 MW and above through single window JKSPDC, LREDA,
procedure. KREDA, Industry
a) Preparation of Bankable Detailed Project Report. & Commerce
b) Arrangement & management of project implementation fund. Dept. -J&K
c) Single window clearance for setting up biomass power plant
d) Dedicated plantation activity for biomass generation.
e) Implementation of pilot power projects of total capacity of 10 MW
14 Promotion of community based solar cooker system / solar JAKEDA, LREDA, L MI A PA & MT
concentrating system use to suffice 100 people cooking energy KREDA, Education DP
requirement at schools/education centers through policy mechanism Dept. -J&K
and also demonstration project implementation.
15 Creating solar energy and other renewable energy technology supply JAKEDA, LREDA, L AD A PA, IP LT
chain by incorporation of Mini RE Park or RE Valley for production of KREDA, Industry & CB
Solar PV, thermal devices and other RE technology devices etc. in SEZ & Commerce
mode by the Government of J&K. Dept. -J&K
a) Land identification, development and allocation for RE park.
b) Development of RE park as a PPP initiative.
c) Allocation of area to RE manufacturers under SEZ scheme.

Priority H – High, M – Medium, L – Low;

Type MI - Mitigation, AD – Adaptation;
Scale S – State-wide, A – Particular / Focused Area
Nature RS - Research Study, PA - Policy Action, PS - Pre-investment Study, DP - Demonstration Project, IP - Investment Project,
CB - Capacity Building, OM - Regular Operation & Maintenance;
Timeframe ST – Short-term, MT - Medium Term, LT – Long term 293

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

17.2 Mission on Enhanced Energy Efficiency

Table 72: Comprehensive List of Actions proposed under Mission on Enhanced Energy Efficiency

Sl. Title Organizations Priority Type Scale Nature Time

No. Frame
01 Policy development for mandatory Energy Audit in Govt. Building; JKPDD, PWD, H MI S PA, DP ST
Dept. of Industry
02 Undertaking Training Need Analysis Study for the department, PDD,PWD H MI S CB/RS ST
preparation of manual and carrying out pilot workshop.
03 T & D Loss reduction JKSERC&JKPDD High AD S IP MT
04 Development of policy for mandatory use of efficient light particularly JKPDD, PWD, High MI S PA ST
for commercial organizations in the state. Dept. of Industry
05 Conversion of conventional street lights to solar LED/CFL street lights. JKPDD, PWD, High MI S DP ST
Municipality, UDD
06 Encourage use of Solar Gadgets in Industries Dept of Industry, High AD S PA ST
PDD, Science
& Technology
07 Awareness and implementation for use of CFL and replacing incandescent JKPDD, UDD, High MI S IP MT
lamp under Bachat Lamp Yojana, and Umbrella program of BEE. Municipality,
08 Development of policy to mandate ECBC adoption in state. PDD, S&T High MI S PA ST
PWD, Industry,
09 Formulation of DSM project. PDD, JKSERC, H MI S IP MT
Dept. Of Science
294 & Technology.

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organizations Priority Type Scale Nature Time
No. Frame
10 Development of comprehensive scheme for promotion of energy PDD, Irrigation H MI S PA, DP MT
efficient pumps in agriculture sector. Dept.,
Agriculture Dept.
11 Promotion of use of star rated domestic appliances may be encouraged. PDD, Dept of H MI S PA MT
The shops selling TV, Refrigerators or Washing Machines, Fans etc. may Industries
be asked to keep only star rated products.
12 For proper energy monitoring, capacity building of energy auditors, PDD, UDD M MI S CB ST
formation of energy conservation Cell supported with manpower and
13 To maximize harnessing biomass potential in the state through co-gen/ PDD, JKREDA, H MI S PA/PS/ MT
thermal/power plant/ gasification to feed the grid as green power. Dept. of DP
Increase in application of CPP both in grid and standalone mode Industries
14 Energy Audit of Generating Stations & Renovation and modernization JKSPDC, JKSERC H MI S IP LT
of the existing hydro power station
15 Promotion of low emission vehicles, electric vehicles Dept. of H MI S PA & LT
Transport, Dept. PS
of Urban Dev.
16 Introduction to concept of mass rapid transit Dept of H MI S PA & LT
Transport, Dept. PIS
of Urban Dev.
Priority H – High, M – Medium, L – Low;
Type MI - Mitigation, AD – Adaptation;
Scale S – State-wide, A – Particular / Focused Area
Nature RS - Research Study, PA - Policy Action, PS - Pre-investment Study, DP - Demonstration Project, IP - Investment Project,
CB - Capacity Building, OM - Regular Operation & Maintenance;
Timeframe ST – Short-term, MT - Medium Term, LT – Long term 295

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

17.3 Mission on Sustainable Habitat
Table 73: Comprehensive List of Actions proposed under Mission on Sustainable Habitat
Sl. Title Organizations Priority Type Scale Nature Time
No. Frame
1 Promotion of battery operated (charged from solar power) transport H&UD Dept. H MI S PA, IP MT
systems in tourist places, battery driven motor boats instead of diesel
engine boats (battery charged from solar module mounted on the boat)
and use of alternative fuel instead of diesel to drive Barges and other diesel
driven equipments used for maintenance purpose in the lake
2 Capacity building of all levels of stakeholders to make them understand H&UD Dept. H AD S CB ST
their role on their regards and maintain proper environment management
3 GHG accounting study on emission by transport vehicles H&UD Dept. H AD S RS ST
4 Establishment of intelligent transport system H&UD Dept. H AD A IP MT
5 Policy framework in transport sector H&UD Dept. H AD S PA ST
6 Promotion of public transport and mass transport & Promotion of water H&UD Dept. H MI/AD S PA/IP MT
7 Reallocation of the hotels or application of STP near Dal lake & DPR H&UD Dept. H AD A PA/IP LT
preparation on STP
8 Establishment of end-to-end solid waste management system H&UD Dept. H MI A PA MT
9 Base line study on solid waste and industrial waste generation and DPR H&UD Dept. H MI A RS MT
preparation & four pilot project implementation
10 Capacity Building/ Awareness Generation Program on segregation of solid H&UD Dept. H MI S CB ST
waste at household level
11 Establishment of segregation mechanism of bio-medical waste in urban H&UD Dept. H MI A IP MT
hospitals and in rural PHCs
12 Application of methane capture technology and preparation of fertilizer H&UD Dept. H MI A IP MT
from weeds generated in Dal lake
13 Establishment of Rail based transport system H&UD Dept. M MI A IP LT

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organizations Priority Type Scale Nature Time
No. Frame
14 Establishment of transport development authority H&UD Dept. M MI S PA MT
15 Establishment of Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority H&UD Dept. M MI S PA LT
16 Develop control rules and regulations in master plan H&UD Dept. L MI S PA ST
17 Dedicated cell with Directorate should be established for tourism sector H&UD Dept. M MI S PA ST
18 Establishment of State level observatory for climate change H&UD Dept. M MI, AD S PA, IP LT
19 Internal link roads to avoid traffic jam H&UD Dept. M MI, AD S IA ST
20 Increase density of habitats to save agricultural land H&UD Dept. M AD S PA, IP MT
21 Reallocation of the people living in houseboats with employment H&UD Dept. M AD S PA MT
alternatives for livelihoods
22 Implementation of common STP for houseboats H&UD Dept. M MI S IP LT
23 Reallocation of Dal lake surrounding markets or incorporation of end-to- H&UD Dept. M AD, MI A PA, IP MT
end Solid waste management system
24 Development of water transfer system from Dal lake to the Jhelum in case H&UD Dept. M MI, AD A PA, IP LT
of rise in water level and other wet lands
25 Establishment of STP at the disposal site H&UD Dept. M MI A IP MT
26 Education to entrepreneurs by private sector H&UD Dept. L AD S CB ST
27 A subject paper on Climate change should be in course structure of Poly- H&UD Dept. L AD S CB MT
technique Institutes
28 Study on climate change should be added in study curriculum at lower H&UD Dept. L AD S CB ST
29 Institutional support H&UD Dept. M AD S CB MT
Priority H – High, M – Medium, L – Low;
Type MI - Mitigation, AD – Adaptation;
Scale S – State-wide, A – Particular / Focused Area
Nature RS - Research Study, PA - Policy Action, PS - Pre-investment Study, DP - Demonstration Project, IP - Investment Project,
CB - Capacity Building, OM - Regular Operation & Maintenance; 297
Timeframe ST – Short-term, MT - Medium Term, LT – Long term

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

17.4 Green India Mission

Table 74: Comprehensive List of Actions proposed under Green India Mission

Sl. Title Organizations Priority Type Scale Nature Time

No. Frame
1 Implementation of J&K State Forest Policy Department of Forest H AD S PA ST
2 Capacity building and awareness for all levels of stakeholders Department of Forest H AD S CB LT
and CAMPA Division
3 Gene bank development for climate adaptable species Department of Forest H AD S IP LT
4 Eco-restoration through afforestation and Climate oriented Department of Forest H MI S IP LT
eco-restoration plan and CAMPA Division
5 Phenological Studies of Forest and other Tree Species Department of Forest H AD A RS ST
6 Flora and Fauna vulnerability study Department of Forest H AD S RS ST
7 Studies of carbon influxes/ out fluxes of various forest types / Department of Forest H MI S RS ST
trees and their role in carbon sequestration
8 Study on per capita fuel wood consumption and alternative Department of Forest H AD S RS ST
9 Climate impact study in undisturbed/ protected forest areas. Department of Forest H AD S RS ST
10 E-green portal with geo-reference Department of Forest H AD S IP LT
11 Nursery development for climate adaptable species Department of Forest H AD S IP LT
12 REDD+ feasibility study for carbon sequestration Department of Forest H MI S RS ST
13 Study of climate change impact on wild life species Department of Forest H AD S RS ST
and wildlife Division
14 Climate change impacts on undisturbed forest area like national Forest and wildlife H AD A RS ST
parks Division
298 15 Forest Fire management Department of Forest M AD S IP LT

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organizations Priority Type Scale Nature Time
No. Frame
16 Valuation of existing forest wealth of J & K Department of Forest M AD S RS LT
17 GIS based Monitoring and Evaluation of the program Department of Forest M AD S IP ST
18 Study on soil organic carbon of forest area Department of Forest H AD S RS ST
19 Study on water and forest linkage and forest composition Department of Forest M AD S RS ST
20 Climate Change impact on fruit species/horticultural species Department of Forest L AD S RS ST
and conservation, protection and monitoring strategy
21 Strengthening JFM and afforestation activity Department of Forest L MI S IP LT
and CAMPA Division
22 Study of impact of climate change on rotational forest species Department of Forest L AD S RS ST
and wildlife Division
23 Increasing plantation activities on outside forest land Department of Forest L MI S IP LT
(Plantation Activities and Supporting natural Regeneration)
24 Studies of impact of managed watershed under different Department of Forest H AD S RS ST
management system on sustained water availability

Priority H – High, M – Medium, L – Low;

Type MI - Mitigation, AD – Adaptation;
Scale S – State-wide, A – Particular / Focused Area
Nature RS - Research Study, PA - Policy Action, PS - Pre-investment Study, DP - Demonstration Project, IP - Investment Project,
CB - Capacity Building, OM - Regular Operation & Maintenance;

Timeframe ST – Short-term, MT - Medium Term, LT – Long term


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

17.5 Water Mission

Table 75: Comprehensive List of Actions proposed under Water Mission

Sl. Title Organizations Priority Type Scale Nature Time

No. Frame
1 Generate baseline data with terrain analysis PHE, Irrigation and Flood control H AD S RS ST
(contour/slope/ gradient/aspect, etc.), with department
comprehensive land classification with catchment
demarcation, river networks, lakes and water
bodies, forest coverage, etc
2 Promoting and implementing water use Efficiency PHE, Irrigation and Flood control H Ad, MI S RS, PA, MT
measures department , Housing and Urban DP, IP,
Development Department, MOWR, CB, OM
CWC, CGWB , Agriculture
3 Develop hydrological models for different seasons PHE, Irrigation and Flood control H AD S RS M
and calibration with the existing data department , MOWR, CWC, CGWB
4 Comprehensive water budgeting in lieu of the PHE, Irrigation and Flood control H AD S RS M
current and future demand from domestic supply, department, Industry and Commerce
irrigation, industry, tourism and for other sectorsdepartment
5 Monitoring river flows and mapping of flood and PHE, Irrigation and Flood control H AD S RS L
drought zones department
6 Formulate comprehensive rejuvenation plan for Lake Development authority, Housing H AD A RS, PS L
Dal Lake, Mansar Lake, Manasbal Lake, Pangong and Urban Development Department
Lake and all other major lakes
7 Assessment and Implementation of rain water PHE, Housing and Urban Development H AD S RS,PS, M
harvesting and artificial recharging of ground Department, Rural development DP, IP,
water Department CB, OM

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organizations Priority Type Scale Nature Time
No. Frame
8 Emphasize the awareness and capacity building PHE, Housing and Urban Development H AD, MI S RS, CB M
for conservation, concern and co-management of Department
9 Dealing with flood in the changing climate PHE, Irrigation and Flood control H AD S RS, DP M
scenarios. department, MOWR, CWC, CGWB,
Revenue and Relief department
10 Reducing impact of increased erosion and Irrigation and Flood control department, H AD S RS, IP M
sedimentation NIH, Agriculture Production
11 Creation of Storage facilities on Distributaries of Irrigation and Flood Control Department H AD A PS, IP L
River Chenab and Jhelum As per Indus Water MOWR, NIH
12 Generation of baseline data on the rainfall pattern Irrigation and Flood control department M AD S RS L
and its futuristic changes in view of climate
change including trend analysis on temperature,
snowfall and extreme events on the basis of
meteorological data with IMD and CWC
13 Evaluation of the changes in permanent snow Climate Change Cell, Science and M AD S RS L
line and glaciers in this region technology department
14 Develop the climate change scenario in terms of Climate change cell , Irrigation and Flood M AD S RS L
water resources control department
15 Study of temperature change to assess the present Climate change cell , Irrigation and Flood M AD S RS L
day evaporation loss and its futuristic scenario control department
16 Study on seepage loss Irrigation and Flood control department, M AD S RS, PS M
17 Assessment of possible canal lining to minimize Irrigation and Flood control department, M AD S RS, PS M
seepage PHE 301

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organizations Priority Type Scale Nature Time
No. Frame
18 Set up a fully equipped water analysis laboratory PHE M AD S IP L
for all possible parameters of water quality
19 Comprehensive assessment and zonation of PHE, Housing and Urban Development M AD S RS, PA L
level of water pollution defining their specific Department , Agriculture Production
source like type of industry, domestic, tourism, Department
agriculture and also excess sedimentation through
natural processes
20 Regulate land use conversion to restrict the PHE, Revenue and Relief department M AD S RS, PA M
congestion in natural water infiltration for
groundwater recharge
21 Explore and adopt the water efficient farmingIrrigation and Flood control department, M AD S RS, DP, M
techniques and crop varieties Agriculture Production Department IP
22 Zonation of the districts in terms of waterPHE, Housing and Urban Development L AD A RS, DP, L
availability Department, Agriculture Production IP
Department, Irrigation and Flood control
23 Evaluate the potential waterways for Tourism Department , Housing and L AD A RS, DP L
transportation/ communication Urban Development Department
24 Community training for basic water quality PHE L AD S CB M
estimation with simple test kits

Priority H – High, M – Medium, L – Low;

Type MI - Mitigation, AD – Adaptation;
Scale S – State-wide, A – Particular / Focused Area
Nature RS - Research Study, PA - Policy Action, PS - Pre-investment Study, DP - Demonstration Project, IP - Investment Project,
CB - Capacity Building, OM - Regular Operation & Maintenance;
302 Timeframe ST – Short-term, MT - Medium Term, LT – Long term

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

17.6. Sustainable agriculture mission

Table 76: Comprehensive List of Actions proposed under Water Mission

Sl. Title Organizations Priority Type Scale Nature Time

No. Frame
1 Planning of cropping system and crop varieties through Crop Dept. of Agri. and H AD S DP ST
diversification, drought tolerant crops and water saving crops Horti.
2 Capacity building of Planners farmers and extension workers and Dept. of Agri. and H AD S CB ST
dissemination of new and appropriate technology: Horti.
3 Integrated nutrient management (INM) Dept. of Agri. and H AD A IP ST
4 Promoting Zero Tillage Dept. of Agri. and H AD A PA ST
5 Introducing Trash mulching in agriculture 5000 ha are to be covered Dept. of Agri. and H AD A DP ST
under mulching practice for Kashmir Division Horti.
6 Combating climate related risk through Micro Irrigation programme Dept. of Agri. and H AD A IP ST
7 Management of climate change risk for sustainable productivity Dept. of Agri. and H AD S IP ST
8 Weather based Crop insurance Dept. of Agri. and H AD S PA ST
9 Enhancing capacity for livestock disease management and forecasting Dept. of Animal H AD S CB ST
monitoring and management Husbandry
10 Conservation of water bodies and fish stock augmentation in natural Dept. of Fisheries H AD S IP ST
water bodies and promotion of fish farming
11 Resource mapping (Agriculture) by using GIS and RS technology SKUAST L AD S IP ST
and Strengthening of agro advisory services by using Android 303

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organizations Priority Type Scale Nature Time
No. Frame
12 Screening of crops for moisture/heat/disease/pest tolerance and SKUAST H AD S RS ST
nutrient use efficiency.
13 Crop yield and weather modeling for future projections SKUAST H AD S RS ST
14 Carbon pool assessment /sequestration in forest and agricultural SKUAST H AD S RS ST
15 Conservation of pollinators, pollination and plant phenology SKUAST H AD S RS MT
16 Grass Land Management / Forage/ Fodder production. Dept of Floriculture H AD S IP, PA, ST
17 Developing Cold-Chain Infrastructure Dept. of Horticulture H AD S IP MT
18 Root-Stock & Progeny Plant Material Dept. of Agri, Dept H AD S DP MT
of Horticulture
19 Protected cultivation and Precision Farming under Hi-tech Green Dept. of Horticulture H AD S DP MT
Houses, Poly Green Houses & Shade Nets
20 In-situ moisture Conservation through Roof-top water harvesting Dept. of Agriculture, H AD S IP MT
(2500 RTWH Units with assistance of Rs 6000/ Per Unit), Storage Horticulture
tanks (291 Low cost storage tanks of 20x20x20 m3 @ Rs 1.03 lac/
tank assistance, Ponds/Trenches, Check-Dams (250 no @ Rs 2.00
Lac/CD), Land levelling by Laser leveller (100 units with Rs 1.5 lac/
Unit assistance)
21 Establishment of two number of Bio-Diversity Parks (one in Jammu Dept. of Horticulture H AD, MI S DP, PA, MT
division and second in Kashmir division) CB
22 5000 roof top rain water harvesting units to be constructed under Dept. of Agri. PHE M AD A IP MT
Kashmir Division
23 Promoting farmer industry partnership as well as seed industry Dept. of Agri. M AD A PA, MT
linkage DP,IP
24 Socio economic surveys and knowledge net working Dept. of Horti. M AD S RS ST

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organizations Priority Type Scale Nature Time
No. Frame
25 Development and promotion of Integrated pest management (IPM) Dept. of Horti. M AD S RS ST
as pest/insect control technique.
26 Developing inventory of Green House Gases emission and Dept. of Agri. M AD S RS ST
27 Nutritional management in livestock, animal health issues and Dept. of Animal M AD S DP LT
breeding of disease and heat resistant varieties. husbandry
28 Sensitivity analysis of fish species to impacts of climate change Dept. of Fisheries M AD S RS ST
29 R&D activities in the evaluation of various mulberry varieties and silk Dept. of Sericulture M AD S CB ST
worm breeds with changing climatic scenario
30 Promoting Organic cultivation and setting up of vermicompost unit Dept. of Agri. M MI, AD S IP MT
10,000 Ha of area under Kashmir division is proposed under the
action Plan
31 Development of drought resistant, low chilling varieties, development Dept. of Agri. M AD S RS MT
of farming procedure in light of the projected weather pattern in a
particular region
32 50000 units are proposed under Protected cultivation in Kashmir Dept. of Agri. M AD S IP MT
33 Implementation of 50000 bamboo greenhouse structure is proposed Dept. of Agri. M AD S IP MT
for Kashmir division
34 To introduce solar driven mechanized agricultural inputs to reduce Dept. of Agri. M AD S PA, DP MT
GHG emission
35 Evaluation of new approaches for paddy cultivation like aerobic rice Dept. of Agri. M AD A IP MT
and SRI 2000 ha of area are to be proposed under SRI in Kashmir
36 Sustainable management of Range lands/ grass lands Dept. of Agri. L AD S IP LT
37 Establishment of micro-level handling units in production zone for Dept. of Horti. L AD A DP LT 305
storage of farm produce

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organizations Priority Type Scale Nature Time
No. Frame
38 Promotion of use of high yield fruit varieties without depletion of Dept. of Horti. L AD A CB LT
gene pool
39 Promotion of Strip and terrace plantation in hilly areas Dept. of Horti. L AD A DP, PA, LT
40 Plantation of apricot and pomegranate in forest areas Dept. of Horti. L AD A IP LT
41 Development of check dams Dept. of Agri. PHE, L AD A IP LT
42 Promotion of rare and minor fruits Dept. of Horti. L AD S DP LT
43 Development of preparedness for protecting crops against climate Dept. of Horti. L AD S DP LT
extremes, like introduction of anti-hail nets, Shade nets
44 Conservation of genetic diversity of crop plant Dept. of Agri. L AD S PA, IP LT
45 Developing food and nutrition garden Dept. of Agri. L AD S PA, DP LT

Priority H – High, M – Medium, L – Low;

Type MI - Mitigation, AD – Adaptation;
Scale S – State-wide, A – Particular / Focused Area
Nature RS - Research Study, PA - Policy Action, PS - Pre-investment Study, DP - Demonstration Project, IP - Investment Project,
CB - Capacity Building, OM - Regular Operation & Maintenance;
Timeframe ST – Short-term, MT - Medium Term, LT – Long term


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

17.7. Disaster Management

Table 77: Comprehensive List of Actions proposed under Disaster Management

Sl. Title Organizations Priority Type Scale Nature Time

No. Frame
1 Hazard risk mapping using GIS and Remote SDMA, SEC and DDMA H AD S RS ST
2 Risk reduction through implementable planning SDMA, SEC and DDMA, Department of H AD S RS,PA, ST
and policy development Home affairs and Revenue DP
3 Strengthening Communication Networks and SDMA, SEC , DDMA and NIC H AD S RS,PA, MT
Disaster Management Facilities DP, CB
4 Hazard specific multi-parameter vulnerability SDMA, SEC , DDMA, NIC, Department H AD S RS MT
assessment s and societal impacts assessments of Home affairs, Irrigation, Revenue and
at the regional and local levels for preparing PWD
contingency plan
5 Developing and promoting concept of Climate SDMA, SEC , DDMA, NIC, Department H AD S RS,PA, MT
Smart Disaster Risk Management (CSDRM) of Home affairs, Irrigation, Revenue, CB
Agriculture and PWD
6 Preparation of disaster rescue and rehabilitation SDMA, SEC , DDMA, Department of H AD S PA, CB ST
plan. Home affairs, Irrigation, Revenue,
Agriculture and PWD
7 Awareness/ Sensitization/ Capacity Building as SDMA, SEC , DDMA, Department of H AD S CB MT
DRM strategy Home, Irrigation, Revenue, Agriculture
and PWD
8 Community based disaster management in the SDMA, SEC , DDMA, Department of H AD S PA, CB MT
Disaster Management Plan at all levels Home affairs, Irrigation, Revenue,
Agriculture and PWD

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organizations Priority Type Scale Nature Time
No. Frame
9 Disaster response training at the community level SDMA, SEC and DDMA H AD S CB, RS ST
to build infrastructure and human resources for
medical preparedness and emergency medical
response to manage mass casualties during
extreme events
10 Institutional development and operationalisation SDMA, SEC , DDMA, Department of H AD S PA, CB ST
of the regulatory framework for effective Home affairs , Irrigation, Revenue,
management of disaster under State Disaster Agriculture and PWD
Management Act 2005 for preparation of
Disaster response and management plan
11 Monitoring River Flows and mapping flood SDMA, SEC , DDMA and Department of M AD S RS, PS LT
zones Irrigation,
12 Developing linkages between SDMA and SDMA, SEC , DDMA and Department of M AD S PA ST
disaster risk reduction component of sectoral Irrigation, Home affairs and Revenue
development plans
13 Disaster management and risk reduction SDMA, SEC , DDMA and Department of M AD S PA, CB ST
committees to oversee monitoring of disaster Irrigation, Home affairs and Revenue
response and mitigation programmes
14 Maintenance of critical facilities such as health
SDMA, SEC , DDMA and Department of M AD S IP, OM LT
care services and water supplies Irrigation, Home affairs, Revenue and
Health and Medical Education
15 Land use/land cover change studies SDMA, SEC , DDMA and PWD M AD S RS, PS LT
16 Landslide and environmental risk assessment SDMA, SEC , DDMA and Department of M AD S RS MT
17 Assessment of the impact of natural disasters SDMA, SEC and DDMA M AD S RS MT
upon masses, particularly women

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organizations Priority Type Scale Nature Time
No. Frame
18 Study of the impact on natural resources and SDMA, SEC and DDMA M AD S RS, PS MT
livelihoods of people due to changing weather
patterns and extreme weather events
19 Documentation of best practices in traditional SDMA, SEC and DDMA M AD S RS MT
coping methods, possible interventions to meet
current disaster risk and promotion of the same
20 Collaboration with insurance providers to insure SDMA, SEC , DDMA and Department of L AD S PS,PA LT
infrastructure, mainstreaming disaster risk Revenue
reduction into Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Jawaharlal
Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission and
Indira Awas Yojana
21 Organize fire response training, mock drills and SDMA, SEC , DDMA L AD S CB LT
enhance fire services

Priority H – High, M – Medium, L – Low;

Type MI - Mitigation, AD – Adaptation;

Scale S – State-wide, A – Particular / Focused Area

Nature RS - Research Study, PA - Policy Action, PS - Pre-investment Study, DP - Demonstration Project, IP - Investment Project,

CB - Capacity Building, OM - Regular Operation & Maintenance;

Timeframe ST – Short-term, MT - Medium Term, LT – Long term


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

17.8. Tourism

Table 78: Comprehensive List of Actions proposed under tourism

Sl. Title Organizations Priority Type Scale Nature Time

No. Frame
1 Undertaking carrying capacity studies and developing EMP for Dept of Tourism H AD A RS ST
ten tourist locations
2 Construction of Bio-toilet Dept of Tourism, H AD, MI A DP MT
Urban Development
Dept and PWD
3 Implementation of solid and liquid waste management facility at Dept of Tourism, H AD, MI A DP MT
six locations Urban Development
Dept and PWD
4 Improve climate change related knowledge base of tourism Dept of Tourism, H AD S RS ST
5 Undertake study on tourist-related transport emissions Dept of Tourism H MI S RS MT
6 Undertake study to identify new environmental friendly natural Dept of Tourism, H AD S RS, PA ST
tourist destinations for their full-fledged operation as tourist
7 Strategizing Restoration of Dal Lake Dept of Tourism, H AD A RS, MT
Lake Development OM
8 Developing Tourism policy and linking it with climate change Dept of Tourism, H AD S PA ST
issue Educational institute
9 Promoting use of Solar thermal and solar PV system in hotels and Dept of Energy, Dept M MI S PA, DP, MT
resorts of Tourism IP
310 10 Identifying and establishing eco-tourism Dept of Tourism, Dept M AD A RS, PA, LT
of Forest PS

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organizations Priority Type Scale Nature Time
No. Frame
11 Develop and disseminate emission management tools Dept of Tourism , M MI S RS ST
Research institute/
12 Research on existing measures/mechanism adopted by private Dept of Tourism, M AD S RS ST
sector service providers for minimizing environmental impacts Research institute/
13 Undertaking capacity building and awareness workshop on Dept of Tourism M AD A CB,PS ST
climate change
14 Framing & Adoption of Sustainable Tourism Development Dept of Tourism L AD S PA, PS MT
Guidelines for the State with active participation through cell
15 Distribute best practices guide on emission management tools to Dept of Tourism L MI S RS, CB MT
tourism business organizers and operators
Promote alternate fuel/means for transportation particularly in
new tourist destinations
16 Inland waterways to be identified for Jhelum in Srinagar city Dept of Tourism L MI A PS LT
17 Monitor changing consumer perception and behavior in relation Dept of Tourism L AD A RS MT
to climate change /undertake consumer Market research
18 Facilitating ropeway at Verinaag Dept of Tourism L AD, MI A IP LT

Priority H – High, M – Medium, L – Low;

Type MI - Mitigation, AD – Adaptation;
Scale S – State-wide, A – Particular / Focused Area
Nature RS - Research Study, PA - Policy Action, PS - Pre-investment Study, DP - Demonstration Project, IP - Investment Project,
CB - Capacity Building, OM - Regular Operation & Maintenance;
Timeframe ST – Short-term, MT - Medium Term, LT – Long term 311

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

17.9. Health Mission

Table 79: Comprehensive List of Actions proposed under Health Mission

Sl. Title Organizations Priority Type Scale Nature Time

No. Frame
1 District wise inventory on water born and vector borne diseases Department of Health H AD S RS ST
with respect to weather variability
2 Capacity building of all stakeholders on preparedness and Department of Health H AD/MI S CB ST
rapid action on health context in situations of flash flood and
3 Research and study on impact of climate change on human Department of Health H AD A RS MT
4 Construction of new hospitals with modern infrastructure Department of Health H AD A IP MT
and equipment’s to cope up with climatic impacts on human
5 Modernization of existing hospitals and PHCs Department of Health H AD S IP, OM LT
6 Increase of surveillance – Department of Health H AD S RS MT
• Systematic collection and analysis of data about vector
borne diseases
• Systematic collection and analysis of data about water
borne diseases
• Systematic collection and analysis of data about zoonotic
7 Integration of GIS mapping for collection, analyze and share data Department of Health H AD S RS MT
and identification of spatial areas of high concern


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organizations Priority Type Scale Nature Time
No. Frame
8 Monitoring system - Department of Health H AD S PS, RS ST
• to understand changes in pattern of diseases
• to deal with new diseases from emigrants (H1N1, H7N9
9 Facilitation of secured supply of water and electricity in the Department of Health M AD A IP MT
hospitals in extreme weather conditions / disaster
10 Capacity building of Anganwadi and ASHA workers on health Department of Health M AD S CB MT
related issues of climate change
11 Identification of high risk disaster zones Department of Health M AD S RS MT
12 Strengthening approaches to manage vector borne disease that Department of Health M AD/MI S IP, CB MT
have worsened due to climate change impacts
13 Strengthening approaches to deal with the physical and Department of Health M AD/MI S IP, CB MT
psychological impacts due to extreme weather conditions caused
by climate change
14 Addressing drought, nutrition & food security due to increased Department of Health M AD S RS/PA MT
risk of drought, consequent decline in agriculture and increased
malnutrition & food security
15 Undertaking measures to manage water borne disease that have Department of Health M AD/MI S IP MT
worsened due to climate change impacts
16 Establishment/ Up gradation of pathological laboratories for Department of Health M AD S IP, OM ST
disease identification caused due to climate variations
17 Development of institutional framework and infrastructural Department of Health M AD S RS/IP, MT
facilities for early detection of vector borne diseases, including PS
managing outbreaks
18 Establishment of mobile health centre to provide medical facilities Department of Health M AD S DP/IP MT
in far off areas during extreme climatic events

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organizations Priority Type Scale Nature Time
No. Frame
19 Studying the inter linkages between air quality and climate Department of Health L AD/MI S RS MT
change, and implications on health
20 Formulating Adaptation strategies to reduce the impact of climate Department of Health L AD S PA/CB ST
change issues affecting human health
21 Research initiatives for changed patterns of diseases by region Department of Health L AD S RS ST
and by climate parameters
22 Assessment of health impacts due to malnutrition- Research Department of Health L AD S RS ST
study on malnutrition of vulnerable groups due to food insecurity
caused by climatic variations

Priority H – High, M – Medium, L – Low;

Type MI - Mitigation, AD – Adaptation;
Scale S – State-wide, A – Particular / Focused Area
Nature RS - Research Study, PA - Policy Action, PS - Pre-investment Study, DP - Demonstration Project, IP - Investment Project,
CB - Capacity Building, OM - Regular Operation & Maintenance;
Timeframe ST – Short-term, MT - Medium Term, LT – Long term


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

17.10. Sustainable Himalayan Mission
Table 80: Comprehensive List of Actions proposed under Sustainable Himalayan Mission

Sl. Title Organizations Priority Type Scale Nature Time

No. Frame
1 Baseline study of climate change impact on flora, fauna Department of Env. and forest H AD S RS ST
species and on glacial ecology
2 Study on vulnerability of mountain ecology Department of Env. and forest H AD S RS ST
3 Community participation on protection and conservation of Department of Env. and forest H MI S IP, CB LT
mountain ecology, terrestrial ecology and aqua-ecology
4 Capacity building and awareness for all levels of Department of Env. and forest H MI S CB LT
5 Institutional development on biodiversity conservation and Department of Env. and forest H MI S CB LT
6 Identification of climate grids and effect on forest and Department of Env. and forest H AD S RS ST
ecological resources
7 Study on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem Department of Env. and forest H AD S RS ST
8 Study on anthropogenic intervention on ecological hotspot Department of Env. and forest H AD S RS ST
9 Study of climate impact on migrated birds and their timings Department of Env. and forest H AD S RS ST
10 Identification of current status of Himalayan ecology and Department of Env. and forest H AD S RS ST
Climatic trend analysis for Himalayan ecology

Priority H – High, M – Medium, L – Low;

Type MI - Mitigation, AD – Adaptation;
Scale S – State-wide, A – Particular / Focused Area
Nature RS - Research Study, PA - Policy Action, PS - Pre-investment Study, DP - Demonstration Project, IP - Investment Project,
CB - Capacity Building, OM - Regular Operation & Maintenance;
Timeframe ST – Short-term, MT - Medium Term, LT – Long term 315

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

17.11. Strategic Knowledge mission
Table 81: Comprehensive List of Actions proposed under Strategic Knowledge mission

Sl. Title Organizations Priority Type Scale Nature Time

No. Frame
1 Map & Analyze knowledge sharing process, flow, protocol Govt of J&K, SKUAST, J&K, H AD S RS, CB ST
and priority University of Jammu,
University of Kashmir,
2 Compile currently available information for assessment Govt of J&K, SKUAST, J&K, H AD S RS, CB ST
frameworks, methods and tools for climate impacts, decision University of Jammu,
support tools, good adaptation practices University of Kashmir,
3 Establishment of weather and climate data and easy access Govt of J&K, SKUAST, J&K, H AD S RS, CB, ST
of data to climate researchers and end users of vulnerable University of Jammu, DP
community as well as livelihood sector University of Kashmir,
4 Capacity building including developing of Training module Govt of J&K, SKUAST, J&K, H AD S RS, CB MT
and imparting through regional workshop University of Jammu,
University of Kashmir,
5 Develop & maintain online portal website Govt of J&K, SKUAST, J&K, H AD S RS, DP ST
University of Jammu,
University of Kashmir,
6 Organize annual forum, learning seminar, workshop and Govt of J&K, SKUAST, J&K, H AD S RS, CB MT
dissemination of knowledge based product University of Jammu,
University of Kashmir,
7 Develop and disseminate knowledge management tools ( Govt of J&K, SKUAST, J&K, M AD S RS, CB, MT
like knowledge maps, electronic yellow page dictionaries, University of Jammu, DP
apprenticeship programmes, communities of practice, University of Kashmir,
lectures and case studies, videos on best practices and web
based learning

State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

Sl. Title Organizations Priority Type Scale Nature Time
No. Frame
8 Piloting training course for participating institutions and Govt of J&K, SKUAST, J&K, M AD S DP, CB LT
knowledge networks University of Jammu,
University of Kashmir,
9 Provide advisory services to knowledge network portals Govt of J&K, SKUAST, J&K, M AD S RS, DP, LT
& participating institutions and to improve their access to University of Jammu, CB
adaptation finance mechanisms University of Kashmir,
10 Establish Village resource and Village Knowledge Centers Govt of J&K, SKUAST, J&K, L AD A RS, DP, LT
University of Jammu, CB
University of Kashmir,
11 Promoting traditional adaptation knowledge and practices Govt of J&K, SKUAST, J&K, L AD A RS, DP, LT
University of Jammu, CB
University of Kashmir,

Priority H – High, M – Medium, L – Low;

Type MI - Mitigation, AD – Adaptation;
Scale S – State-wide, A – Particular / Focused Area
Nature RS - Research Study, PA - Policy Action, PS - Pre-investment Study, DP - Demonstration Project, IP - Investment Project,
CB - Capacity Building, OM - Regular Operation & Maintenance;
Timeframe ST – Short-term, MT - Medium Term, LT – Long term


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR


State Action Plan on Climate Change: JAMMU & KASHMIR

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