Annexure 5

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Annexure 5 PESTEL Analysis of CIC Holdings

Factor Drivers Impact to the Organisation O/T H/M/L

• • T H
• Volatility in Sri Lankan • Regulatory/Taxes on pricing, promotions affect the pricing strategies T H
governance and policies, of CIC
post-Covid FY2020/2021
• Deteriorated International • Trade barriers/ Import barriers set forth in response to the pandemic T H
Trade restricted the retail industry gain Economies of Scale The demand for
fashion retail took a downturn immediately with the restrictions on
travelling due to Covid

• Sri Lanka reverted to a lower-middle-income country (World T H

Bank, 2021) and threatens the Market segment it is creating value for.
The key segments are affected as the Disposable income plummeted
with the current instability and volatility of economy.
• The consumption patterns and spending patterns being altered T H
significantly impacted the Agri businesses as well as livestock
• SLR depreciating at a higher rate 1USD=270LKR) Rupee is now T H
floated and Sri Lanka is in a crisis
• Sri Lankan Foreign Debt Crisis • Rupee is now being floated and many business are affected in terms T H
Increasing Per capita GDP of Improts
• Decreasing Tourism • Unable to bring down Fuel and other essentials impact the plants and
daily operations of the CIC Holdings.Delayed Private sector
investment hindered in the key developments in the manufacturing
arena within the past few years.
• Economic Growth/GDP Growth stalled at 4.1% with the escalation T M
of the Covid 3rd wave in Sri Lanka.
• Until 2021 May, Imports shot up 26% despite increased prices and O M
CIC revenue was increased in the first quarter of the current year.
• Crisis affected Lifestyle Lifestyles are heavily affected in terms of T H
• Increasing of Redundancy • Fuel & Gas shortage
• Working from Home Concept • Currency Depreciation
• Scheduled Power • Tax burdens
• Power cuts and therefore affects CIC plants and production despite
the demand created.
• Increased Redundancy and lower disposable income created a T H
requirement to reshape the corporate/marketing strategies for ODEL
• Highly Social Media savvy customers constantly looking out for O H
better value and experience. This provides ODEL an edge over the
competition as the Digital resources are high with the organization.
• Robust hike on Social media/ e-shopping that enhances the value of O H
online journey and communication and ODEL thrived with the fully
fledged social and e-commerce platforms.
Working from home opened up new avenues for ODEL to grow and
gain an edge over competitors with the strategic decision to take on
100% online journey to create a safe space for their target consumers.
• Consumer needs shift enabled by • Novel modes of payments introduced during the past 5 years and O H
Technology disruption, Post efficiency applied the same to ODEL digital and physical
Pandemic touchpoints.
• Advanced Analytics AI| AR| VR taking over fashion industry, ODEL O H
IT arm constantly thrive with strategical investments to employ
efficient tools to win over the competition.
• Carbon footprint controls and • Complying with the wastage control and reduction in carbon footprint O M
wastage control and regulations • ODEL involves in Research and innovation to improve processes to
reduce all forms of wastage occurred at Factory and Store level.
• Ethical Trading • ODEL is complied with Code of Ethics across all Stakeholders. O M
• Ethical Trading is channeled through all platforms and relevant
parties. T M
• Labour Laws • Employee related laws T H
• Acquisition Laws • GDPR Data protection laws in place therefore usage of insights T
• Health and Safety Laws restricted

Annexure 6 AC2ID Test CIC

Identity Elements Analysis
Actual Identity Internal Values and Culture Encourages teambuilding and closeness of all tema
members, Agile work structure

Product and Service Quality Innovative products

Seems to be lacking on advance tech in terms of inhouse
infrastructure and can improve on digital technology is
Structure Flat agile structure encourages ideas and responsibility is
shared with clear targets given to each division. Structure
is agile however the efficiency can improve with proper
Competitive Position Locally and internationally established brands are housed
by CIC holdings. The quality and reputation hold a special
competitive position in Sri Lanka.
Communicated Internal Communication from Management communication is irregular and requires
Identity management system however each employee is a part of the Internal
Information Systems and Intranet
Marketing Communication Marketing Communication mainly happens offline, and the
digital platforms are not utilised to the fullest potential with
very low number of followers on Social platforms.
Employee Behaviour Positive employee behaviour considering the low turnover
pre-covid era and the work-life balance is appreciated by
employees as per the Balance score card review.
Visual Identities Stays true to the brand identity as a branded house.
Includes the logo on all press releases/media
Conceived Identity Stakeholder Perception Internal- employees are moderately satisfied and feels
secured in terms of the job
Investors: Content with returns and strategic plans extended
Connected- Suppliers/distributors find certain policies
unfair and payments unnegotiable
Customers: often confused about their digital presence
which is minimal
External-Public and Govt moderately positive esp about the
CSR and Research and Development on Safety and Good
practices related to agriculture. The rural development and
jobs have made a drastic difference in uplifting the rural
Ideal Identity Strengths and Core Capabilities Decades of Experience
Highly Qualified set of Human Resource
Technology savvy
Strong financial capacity to weather any storm
Large plants and machinery capabilities
State of the art technology for Research and Development
Optimum Corporate Positioning Ideal positioning is High Quality and Trendier as per Fig
Ideal Organisational Structure Flatter division with better authority
Ideal Corporate Behaviour Digital Engagement needs to be amongst the top priority
and digitisation of their products distribution to end
International training for the R&D members
Yearly employee appraisal through awards ceremonies.
Desired Identity Vision held by Founder/CEO To be the most respected and admired corporate for the
positive impact we make on society by nurturing the lives
of those we touch
Vision held by Investors CIC provides exceptional returns for the investments and
their growth strategy is succinct and creates clarity to the
risks associated with the investment of funds
Vision held by employees Receiving due recognition and fair remuneration along with
job security and to be a part of the growing conglomerate.
Vision held by general public To be environment friendly and continuously providing
healthy diet choices to Sri Lankan market along with
nurturing lives in the rural community and island-wide.

Annexure 7 Rating on Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory: CIC

Hygiene Factors Rate Motivational Factors Rate

Working Conditions and Situations 3 Responsibilities 2
Staff Relationship /Camaraderie 2 Achievements 3
Office Policies 3 Recognition 2
Leadership 5 Personal Growth 3
Pay 4 The job entailed 4
Avg 3.4 Avg 2.8

Annexure 8 (Global Data 2022)

Annexure 8 Social trends (Global Data 2022)

Annexure 9 Social trends (Global Data 2022)

Annexure 10 Digital Radar CIC

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