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Bearing Repeater

Type 133 -- 407


3317E/133--407.DOC012 Edition: 02. Febr. 2000

Revision: June 30, 2006
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Bearing Repeater Compass Navigation
Operator Manual Equipment


Declaration of Conformity acc. to EC Directive 96/98/EC, see respective manual of the

heading source.

1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 Notes on the Operating Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3 Switching on the Bearing Repeater Compass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
4 Signalling during the Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
5 Additional Operations in Normal Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
6 Alarm Indication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
7 Switching off the Bearing Repeater Compass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Edition: June 30, 2006 I 3317/133--407.DOC012

Bearing Repeater Compass
Operator Manual

intentionally left blank

3317/133--407.DOC012 II Edition: 20. Jan. 1999

Bearing Repeater Compass Navigation
Operator Manual Equipment

1 General
The Bearing Repeater Compass indicates the ship’s heading, i.e.:
-- the direction of the ship’s fore--and--aft line -- ascertained and electrically transmitted by
the gyro compass (or a GPS--Ccompass*) and referred to GEOGRAPHICAL
NORTH -- independently from the mounting site of the gyro compass
-- the direction of the ship’s fore--and--aft line -- ascertained and electrically transmitted by
the magnetic compass -- independently from the mounting site of the magnetic compass
Heading indications are analog (on the card) and digital (display).
Varying the brightness intensity is to be made via the key mounted beside the casing.


Operator Manual
This operator manual contains all operating instructions as well as a survey of possible
alarms indicated on the digital display.

Service Manual
In addition to the operator manual a service manual is available. It contains:
-- information about installation and first putting into operation
-- information about maintenance and shipboard repair
-- a description of the repeater compass

*development status E05

Edition: June 30, 2006 1 3317/133--407.DOC012

Bearing Repeater Compass
Operator Manual

2 Notes on the Operating Instructions

The display on the bearing repeater compass indicates operating states and own alarms.

Explanation of symbols:

Key operation

Action, general

3317/133--407.DOC012 2 Edition: 20. Jan. 1999

Bearing Repeater Compass Navigation
Operator Manual Equipment

3 Switching on the Bearing Repeater Compass

With switching on the supply voltage, the bearing repeater compass is put into operation;
sysnchronisation is performed automatically.

4 Signalling during the Operation

Indications Comments,

¡ Valid Heading from Gyro Compass

-- Heading indication on the display

© Valid Heading from Magnetic Compass

-- Heading indication on the display;

a flashing degree sign appears instead of
the tenths--of--a--degree indication

¢ No Valid Heading

-- Horizontal lines on the display

Development status E05:

Indications Comments,

¡ Valid Heading from Gyro Compass

Heading from a gyro compass:
-- Heading indication on the display
alternating with the heading source
Heading from a magnetic compass (the indication of the heading source
can be switched off -- see service

Heading from a GPS--compass

© No Valid Heading

-- Horizontal lines on the display

Edition: June 30, 2006 3 3317/133--407.DOC012

Bearing Repeater Compass
Operator Manual

5 Additional Operations in Normal Mode

The key for the following operations is beside the casing.

Indications Comments,

¡ Dimming
Changing of the brightness of the card illumi-
e. g.: nation and of the digital display.
or: If the dimming becomes darker instead
of lighter when the dimming key is
Ÿ pressed, press the key again!.
Development status E05 only:
The brightness of the card illumination
and the display can be adjusted to zero.

© Test

Press the key for approx. 3 s :

-- All segments of the digital display are alight
Display and the card illumination with maxi-
mum brightness at a

¢ Correction of Analog Indication (Cards) (ONLY IN CASE OF ERROR)

Press the key so long until the display shows


Release the key.

The heading indication in the display flashes.
Then, press the key again and keep it pressed.
The card begins to turn slowly clockwise and
becomes increasingly faster thereby.

By all means set the card to the
display value, otherwise a wrong
heading value is indicated!
When magnetic compass equipment is con-
nected, the tenth--of--degree indication ap-
pears so that correction may be performed.
Carry out the correction as given above.
After ending the mode of card correction, the
device returns to normal operation after ap-
prox. 7s.

3317/133--407.DOC012 4 Edition: June 30, 2006

Bearing Repeater Compass Navigation
Operator Manual Equipment

Development status E05:

After max. brightness (pressing the key), the operational modes “Test”, “Configuration” and
“Correction of Analog Indication” can be selected.
The key has to be released for a moment to select the respective operation mode.

Indications Comments,

© Test

Press the key for approx. 3 s :

-- All segments of the digital display are alight
Display and the card illumination with maxi-
mum brightness at a

¢ Configuration (for detailled information see service manual)

£ Correction of Analog Indication (Cards) (ONLY IN CASE OF ERROR)

Press the key so long until the display shows


Release the key.

The heading indication in the display flashes.
Then, press the key again and keep it pressed.
The card begins to turn slowly clockwise and
becomes increasingly faster thereby.

By all means set the card to the
display value, otherwise a wrong
heading value is indicated!
When magnetic compass equipment is con-
nected, the tenth--of--degree indication ap-
pears so that correction may be performed.
Carry out the correction as given above.
After ending the mode of card correction, the
device returns to normal operation after ap-
prox. 7s.

Edition: June 30, 2006 5 3317/133--407.DOC012

Bearing Repeater Compass
Operator Manual

6 Alarm Indication
Effect: The heading indication of the bearing repeater compass do not follow up the
heading changes any longer.
Measures: Check connections, or call Raytheon Marine Service.

Indications Comments, Notes

Error types:
SCI: -- Serial interface defective or
or: -- transferred telegram invalid
Con: -- No data or
-- serial interface is not connected

7 Switching off the Bearing Repeater Compass

The bearing repeater compass can be switched off by switching off the supply voltage.

3317/133--407.DOC012 6 Edition: 20. Jan. 1999

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