Format For Case Presentation

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A Case Study on

Preeclampsia with sever features

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement in

Related Learning Experience 109

Submitted to:

Ms. Donna S. Carcueva, RN, MN

Clinical Instructor

Submitted by:

March 31, 2022


I. ABSTRACT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

II. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ----------------------------------------------------- 4

III. INTRODUCTION -------------------------------------------------------------- 5

● Background of the study
● Reasons of choosing such case for presentation
● The significance of the case study in relation to the theme
● Scope and Limitations of the Study

IV. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY -------------------------------------------- 9

● Nursing Education
● Nursing Practice
● Nursing Research

V. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY -------------------------------------------- 10

● General Objectives
● Specific Objectives

VI. PATIENT’S PROFILE ---------------------------------------------------- 11 - 22

● Demographic Data
● Vital Signs
● Input and Output
● Nursing Health History
● Physical Assessment
o Diagram of Body
● Developmental Data

VII. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY ------------------------------------------- 23 - 29

VIII. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY ---------------------------------------------------- 30

● Narrative
● Diagram

IX. DIAGNOSTIC TESTS ---------------------------------------------------- 31 - 34

X. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL MANAGEMENT ------------------------- 35 - 43

● Ideal
● Actual
o Drug study
o Procedures / Surgeries

XI. NURSING CARE MANAGEMENT ------------------------------------------- 44 - 49

● Nursing Care Plan #1
● Nursing Care Plan #2
● Nursing Care Plan #3

XII. DISCHARGED PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------- 50 – 51

● Long term goal discharge plan
● Medication
● Treatment therapy
● Health teachings hygiene
● Outpatient
● Diet
● Spirituality

XIII. EVALUATION, RESULTS, AND DISCUSSION ------------------------- 52

● Definition of terms
● Bibliography

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