Task1 KPMG

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Dear Sir 

The summary table below highlights the issues related to data quality that I found in the 4
data sets provided.

Summary Table

Completness Conformity Uniqueness Accuracy Validity Consistency Integrity

CustomerDemographi Last name, Gender : Gender:spelling

c DOB , job non mistake
title , Tenure standardized Job title :
: incomplete gender , wrong
DOB : non information
standardized Default : invalid
CustomerAddress Job industry

NewCustomerList Last name : DOB ,proper

incomplete , ty value
Job title
Transactions Online
order ,
line ,
product class
, product
size ,
first ,
first , cost

The details below provides more informations about the issues and some methods of mitigation used

Completness issue :

Last name, DOB , job title , Tenure were incomplete for “CustomerDemographic” , Last name , Job
title were incomplete for “NewCustomerList” , Online order , brand, product line , product class ,
product size , standard first , product first , cost were incomplete for “Transactions”

Mitigation : filter all columns

Conformity :

Gender : non standardized gender ,DOB : non standardized for “CustomerDemographic”

DOB ,property value are not standardized for “NewCustomerList”

Mitigation: filter all columns


Gender:spelling mistake ,Job title : wrong ,informationDefault : invalid information for


Job industry is invalid for “CustomerAddress”.

Mitigation : filter all columns


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