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ARUSHIE: Good Morning, Everyone. I am Arushie

REST ONE BY ONE I am Akul, I am Aman, I am Bhavye
ARUSHIE: our barrier to communication is

SCENE 1: In office room of a company, IN North

Aman and Bhavye have been hired by A65 employer
and are starting from today. One of them is from south
India and other is from east India because of this they
don’t speak Hindi.
AMAN and Bhavye are sitting on their respective tables
Their boss AKUL enters.
AMAN and BHAVYE: Good Morning sir
AKUL: Good morning Aman and Bhavye. I want you in
my office in 10 mins.

SCENE 2 – Aman and Bhavye knock the door and

enter Akul’s cabin in 10 mins.
AMAN and BHAVYE: Yes Sir?
AKUL: We have meeting with senior head. I need this
file completed.
BHAVYE: When do you need this file?
AKUL: mujhe ye file kal 12 baje tak chahiye.
ARUSHIE: Akul’s phone rings and he asks them to leave
by waiving his hand.

AMAN and BHAVYE: Good Morning sir
AKUL: Good morning, the meeting is at 12. The senior
head will be here any minute. I hope the file is completed.
AMAN and BHAVYE: What Sir?
BHAVYE: You Asked us To Complete The File But you
didn’t tell us The Time.
AMAN: Yes sir, you didn’t tell us the time.
AKUL: What Are You Talking About I Told You To
Complete It By 12 Noon today before the ring went on.
AKUL: Oh, I remember I spoke in Hindi mujhe 12 baje
tak chahiye.
AMAN and BHAVYE: But sir we don’t understand
AKUL: Omg! Why Didn’t You Tell Me.
AMAN: But Sir It Was mentioned in our CV.
AKUL: What have I done. Umm. Now what will I show
the senior head. ummm I should have been more careful
now my job is in danger and SO IS YOURS (ANGER).
AMAN: But sir its our second day how is it our fault.
BHAVYE: If you would have asked us we would have
told you that we don’t speak Hindi.
ARUSHIE: Akul’s phone rings and he picks up the call.
AKUL: Good morning sir. Yes sir. In how much
time will you be here.
ARUSHIE: The senior head replied and said that he will
be late and lets keep the time for the meeting at 3:00 pm.
Akul Hangs up the phone
AKUL: You guys are lucky the senior head just
called and meeting is now at 3:00pm. So lets not
waste any time and this is the time that you show me
how much valuable you both are to the company.
Now rush rush and finish the file.
AMAN and BHAVYE: Yes sir, umm ok sir, Thank you
sir, umm Thank you sir
ARUSHIE: Aman and Bhavye were able to complete
their file on time and the meeting was successful.
ARUSHIE: Now, In This Case the Barrier to
Communication is Differing Language. The Boss Didn’t
Know That the Employees Don’t Understand Hindi. He
unintentionally told Aman and Bhavye the time in Hindi
causing miscommunication. Due to this, they were unable
to complete the work, but they were lucky enough that
their boss had delayed the meeting by 3 hours and in the
end they were able to complete the work, Akul walks into
the meeting with a big smile on his face and big relief.

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