Covid-19 Effects On Elderly - Edited

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Covid-19 Effect on Elderly






Effects of Covid-19 on the Elderly

Recently over the past year, Covid-19 has called an emergency in the global health

sector. This health emergency has been felt globally, with some parts seriously affected by

the spread of the Virus. Since the first cases of covid-19 were reported in 2019, there has

been a lot of fear among people since the Virus was termed as a fast killer. The emergency

called for quick action to abandon the normal ways of life and adopt new ways of living so as

to mitigate the spread of the Virus. People also needed to secure themselves to be safe from

contracting the Virus. The Covid-19 Virus raised the alarm all over the world, and soon the

researchers and scientists engaged in serious research to find a solution for the pandemic.

Background and Significance

The Covid-19 Virus has caused many problems for the people and the economy at

large. All the countries over the world felt these negative impacts brought about by the Virus.

The economic sector was greatly affected all over the world. Many countries suffered huge

losses in an attempt to contain the spread of the Virus. Several countries opted to have the

countries under lockdown as they tried their level best to reduce the spread of the Virus. The

effects of the Virus were worse to all those infected, children, young people, adults, and the

aged. Any person affected was at risk of losing their life. Research has been undertaken to

find a solution for the Virus (Martínez-Santos et al., 2021).

Project Purpose

The purpose of this project is to determine the effects of the Covid-19 on elderly

people. Elderly people are at a high risk of losing their lives when affected by the Virus than

young people, and this has called for research to find out the effects of the Virus on the


Project Questions

The project will be guided by several questions;

i. Why are elderly people more likely to lose their lives when they contract the Virus

rather than recovering?

ii. What should be done to help the elderly people recover at a fast rate when they

contract the Covid-19 Virus?


The project will be guided by several hypotheses;

i. Many elderly people lose their lives when they contract the Covid-19 Virus.

The number of those who survive after contracting the virus is very low

compared to those who lose their lives.

ii. Most elderly people have developed health complications; thus, their immune

system is easily defeated by the Covid-19 Virus.

Theoretical Framework with Theorist - social cognitive theory

The social cognitive theory clearly describes how individual experiences and actions

and other environmental factors influence individual health behavior. The health of an

individual can be improved by the behavior of others to self-efficacy, expectations, and

behavioral capability. In this context, elderly people can be helped improve their immunity so

as to minimize the effects of Covid-19 on their health; with this theory in practice,

community-based interventions can be established to care for the elderly people who contract

the Virus.


Covid-19 has brought about many negative effects all over the world. There is increased

vulnerability of the elderly people who contract the Virus, and the fatality rate is very high

for the elderly as compared to the young people. Health caregivers have been working hard in

collaboration with scientists to look for a lasting solution to the Covid-19 pandemic. Their

efforts have yielded some fruits where they have been able to come up with various vaccines

for the Virus. The vaccines have greatly helped the elderly in their struggle with the Virus.

The effects of the Virus are worse and more pronounced within elderly people due to

segregation and health complications in them (Batra et al. 2020).



Batra, K., Morgan, A. E., & Sharma, M. (2020). COVID-19 and social isolation endangering

psychological health of older adults: Implications for Telepsychiatry. Journal of

Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, 1.

Martínez-Santos, A. E., Facal, D., de la Fuente, N. V., Vilanova-Trillo, L., Gandoy-Crego,

M., & Rodríguez-González, R. (2021). Gender impact of caring on the health of

caregivers of persons with dementia. Patient Education and Counseling.

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