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Reganit, John Paolo Z.

Phil. Lit – A46

SOLILOQUY 1: An exhausted frontliner amidst pandemic
“One, two, three, and four. I’ve already had four patients who died today. It’s pathetic. They did
not even see nor feel the presence of their family; they died lonely. (sigh) I see, life as a doctor
hasn’t really changed much huh. I do my best to treat sick Covid patients, sleep, and wake up to
treat other patients. I have to wear personal protective equipment and watch some people that
do not care about quarantine. And some people still die because of this damn virus. It really is
quite disheartening, but hey, I took an oath and you’re a doctor now Paolo. Even if you’re tired,
you can not give up, you can not rest. One loss of staff and you’ll cause trouble for the rest. Pity
those who will have to work straight duty.
The more I serve, the more my anxiety becomes "the new normal" with each passing day. I feel
that my fear of getting infected slowly weakens my resolve to serve and care. I fear the
possibility that I might be a virus carrier, so I choose to stay here for the safety of my family.
Oh how I miss my family. I wonder how Bianca is doing. I hope she’s not that stressed in her
online classes. Papa must be at work. I’m worried about him. I should call him and remind him
to bath and wash his hands when he goes home. And Mama, she must be cooking. I miss her
cooking. My Lord, please protect them, protect us from this pandemic. Please end this
pandemic, I beg of you. I’m tired of people dying at my hands, and I’m tired of thinking that I
might be the next victim of this Covid pandemic.”

A middle-aged professor who bids farewell to his class because of Covid 19 infection.

“Thank you, class. Stay safe. Goodbye!”

On that note, I bid my class farewell.
Following a while of personal journey towards,
Tolerating that the Covid pandemic is genuine.
For families, children, and students in self-disengagement,
To effectively finish this school year is massively significant.
Be that as it may, creating this open door happen,
Achieves a great deal of extra weight on educators and families.
Oh God, it really is quite disheartening.
Teaching involves the human connection and,
I feel like that’s been taken away from me.
Few are decidedly ready for internet educating and research;
Few teach topic supporting online material,
But others who educate exclusively and relevantly,
Are confronting fundamentally various difficulties.
Teachers and students alike suffer from,
Poor internet, access issues, and inappropriate equipment.
Tsk, this outbreak for economically disadvantaged students,
They will fall further behind their wealthier peers.
Ugh, this will be also hard for me, I am a Father.
I need to take care of my family as well as my parents.
My sentiments swing between hopefulness,
About the imaginative potential in this difficult situation;
And negativity about the drawn out impacts,
On the long-term effects on my students’ futures.
But despite that, I keep on teaching.
The virtual world has regularly been condemned,
As an interruption from or avoidance of the genuine actual world.

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