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Elementary Work Sample Portfolio Keystone Elementary oo Work Sample Portfolio THE Cover Sheet Checklist and KEYSTONE Portfolio Section Cover Sheets SCHOOL INSTRUCTIONS: Please make sure all information on this form is complete. A Work Sample Portfolio Evaluation Cover Sheet Checklist and all corresponding Portfolio Section Coversheets ‘must be included for each work sample. PLEASE KEEP COPIES OF ALL WORK SUBMITTED. Keystone requires 5 to 7 business days to complete each evaluation. Student Information Sent wane ast st miele) Sadan 19 Naber as a a wr ae EE = Grade Level and Course Informatio! Grade Level Subject KINDERGARTEN Areas Included ease provide the assgament narres below. Remember for each course you should be submitting 1 star quality example and 1 (Check All) chalenging/weak assignment example ‘Language Arts: Language Skills] Language Arts: Phonics Start- star Challenging V Math Assignment: The Land of Assignment: Practice Sounds atl ‘Counterpane and Sequence Words | for Letters e and y (B) Mixed up Wath: Star Maths Challenging Language Arts Assignment: Estimate and Check | Assignment: Recognize I Sead Differences- Estimate and Combine Problems-Snack-_ | Social Studies Check ‘Time Problems Course! Language Skils: Star | Course: Language SkI- Weak 1) Science Assignment: A Letter toMy Friend | Assignment: Playground oat Exercise Required Portfolio Sections Please check that each cover sheet i attached and placed in order. Use each cover sheet to mark the beginning ‘of each portfolio section Failure to submit the portalio in order or without al required material wiles in portfolio ejection, Elementary Work Semple Portfalio. “Section I: Learning Coach Contact Information/Avalabiity ‘Section 2: Language Arts Course Progression Status Section 3: Language Arts Work Samples ‘Section 4: Mathematics Course Progression Status Section 5: Mathematics Work Semples ‘Section 6: Your Choice Course Work Samples Section 1 Cover Sheet: Learning Coach Contact Information Meeting Preparation Questions Learning Coach Name: MORAYA WHITE Email: Phone Number: Skype Name: Preferred Method of contact: Phone i Time Zone: Your child’s teacher will reach out to you with the signup link upon receipt of this written review preparation document. You will then choose a time from the signup link to schedule your one-on-one conference. lomentary Work sample Portfolio Meeting Preparation Questions In order to help us best support you during the review meeting, please complete answers to the questions below: 1) What three challenges have you run into upto this point in your progress? 2), How do you feel your student is progressing relatwe to your desired schedule? 3). List any general questions here. Challenges Iran into were time management, student attention span, and organizing earring space. | was able to resolve time management by finding a time that fit bast for™and |. Once | learnad that | could stack lessons, this made the process much easier! The leaning spsce was bit of challenge attertime went on, | ound tat for changing the scace lepending on the lesson kept it iteresting for her. For instance for Math, if we reeded space for blocks or different large tems, we used tre ktchen bar since was roomy. thad madeher a tent with Cchrstmas lights that she loved so this where we did the Literatur and Comprehension assignments for ‘Story Time pln ongoing to te library aswel odo lessonsas she loves the atmosphere there, ‘betievas progressing wll through the dasses wth ourschedula. Ny goal wa ofa the core lessons by the end of June. If 'm unable to finish Art, History, and Science (she loves these subjects) by then these willbe the lessons use to keep her engaged over the Summer. Cveral she is exited about her classes ae loves to learn! Elementary Work ample Portfolio Section 2 Information: Language Arts Course Progression Status Course Overview: © Please provide an overview of how you feel your student is doing with the Language Arts portions of the Keystone Elementary Program. © Include any questions you have that you would like to review with your grade level teacher during the upcoming Review Mesting related to the Language Arts courses. Phonics-@ ts excelling tthe letter and sound recognition portions of the Phonkss section. She's very ‘amilia with the diference between the Capital and Lowercase letters and can say and recognize every sound. The challenges she had in the begianing were during the online lessons when having to choose an em in the picture withthe corresponding sound. This became easier as lessons progressed, Language Skills dlp: ecms to enjoy this section the best as we are fiying through the lessons! She absolutely loves her “All About Me" book. The sections that are completed over two lessons she often ‘completes in one. She even skims back through the pages to see what she has done inthe past. Shes, happy when the assignment allows her to draw her experlences. Literature and Comprehension. is very observant and very attentive. Her comprehension is great and she has good follow through when going back to review the stones. @ seems to be a good reader, Bo you have any suggestions where can determine what her reading lvelis? wating. MBs wen has ae progressing vary well. she has challenges withthe Uppe/iomercase 3” and the number. She has finished the writing book so | am supplementing with customizable writing heats and store Bought booWlets i there anything npartcular shouldbe dang since tha book s done? Elementary Work Sample Portfolio. Section 3 Cover Sheet: Language Arts Work Samples PLEASE BE SURE THAT THE SAWBLES PROVIDED ARE NOT SSESSVENTS, THEY SHOULD BE PATSICAL WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS OR PROJECT. Assignment 1 Star Quality Assignment Assignment Name: Scor Please describe why you and your student selected this as the star quality assignment. We chose this lesson because it shows has Mabas progressed with coloring. She used to use one color and colar outside ofthe lines in all diferent directions. This lezzon shows the variety in hereolors and an improvement in neatness Assignment 2 Challenging/Weak Assignment Assignment Name: Please describe what content or components of this. assignment made you identify it as a weak or challenging assignment. This san example of when MBiphad 2 challenge with writing her letters correctly onthe line and spacing, Do you feel your student still needs additional help/support on this topic? No, seems to have gotten better with her letters and spacing, ~ “The Land of Counterpan and Sequence Words ihe Land of Gommtespane” Color the picture. Then. say how you would play with the toys shown. GEA. ..- Practice Sounds for Letters eand y (B) Died Op Read the row of mixed-up words aloud. Unscramble the words and write a sentence, 2 ( Che: The word thet begins with @ capital letter goes fist | 4 1. The vet wet. got ; 2 UL eawet 3. vere ee Is oh ay ps 1 LUNuAGE ARTS BLUE Elementary Work Semple Fortotio. Section 4 Information Mathematics Course Progression Status CO Course Overview: ‘© Please provide an overview of how you feel your student is doing with the Mathematics portions of the Keystone Elementary Program. Include any questions you have that you would like to review with ‘your grade level teacher during the upcoming Review Meeting related to the Mathematics course. {ew scems to enjoy ne nine pans ofthe Nath sessions. | Youre Math tobe chalengine whenit came to counting the blocs. It started out aeat, but! found ‘tat Iwas abe to hold her attention 25 the lessons progressee by occasional using very small items she loved play with to count (Shoplins, et). she seemed to have fun andleam at the sametime! She a0 Overall ee! she progressing well through the subject. she's able put Rem ito groups and add ot subtract when needed Section 5 Cover Sheet: Mathematics Work Samples PLEASE BE SURE THAT THE SAMPLES PROVIDED AFE NOT ASSESSMENTS. THEY SHOULD BE PHYSICAL WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS OR PROJECTS Assignment 1 Star Quality Assignment Assignment Name: Sco Please describe why you and your student selected this as the star quality assignment. (2 w125 able to-estimate by looking at the number problem willitte help. Assignment 2 Challenging/Weak As: Assignment Name: Please describe what content or components of this assignment made you identify it as a weak or challenging assignment. (SRpp2W some challenges with knowing when to.use the Part-Part Total Sheet. She knew how to useit but from justhearing the problem she had trouble knowing that she couldn't use it for determining “How many more..” Do you feel your student still needs additional help/support ‘on this topic? Estimate and Check A 4 Find the estimate. 1. Estimate the difference if you take away 3 from 9. Is 9 closer to 5 or 10? ls 3 closerto 5 or 10? Estimate: What is the difference? 9 take away 3 is about eke 2. Estimate the difference if you take away 8 from 19. Is 19 closer to 15 or 20? Is 8 closer to 5 or 10? hn Estimate: What is the difference? 19 take away 8 is about 3. 14 take away 8 is about ee 4. 16 take away 4 is lhe 5. About how many is 14 take away 4? ee. 6. You had 19 stickers. You gave 4 stickers away. About how many stickers do you have left? Circle the answer. a A. about20 —_B. about 10 CE ours \ cerita 7. Estimate the difference. 19 take away 10 is about 8. Estimate the difference. 15 take away 6 is about 2 aac @ leinreseno UrLen A Read the problem. Can you use the Part-Part-Total Sheet to solve it? Circle Yes or No. If you circle Yes, solve the problem and write the answer. 1, Emily has 7 carrots. Sarah has 8 carrots. rs How many carrots do they have in all? - Can you use the Part-Part-Total Sheet to solve the problem? Qe B. No ee 2. Adam ate 9 grapes. Ray ate 8 grapes. a @e e How many more grapes did Adam eat? ST @ Can you use the Part-Part-Total Sheet to solve the problem? i A. Yes ea 3. Kim has 5 crackers. Levi has 10 crackers. How many more crackers does Levi have than Kim? Can you use the Part-Part-Total Sheet to solve the problem? __ A. Yes (CB No A grapes crackers har © sansa 4. Mandy ate 8 pretzel sticks. Ben ate 4 pretzel sticks. How many pretzel sticks in all did they eat? Can you use the Part-Part-Total Sheet to solve the problem? t) A. Yes B. No al sticks 5. David has 4 slices of cheese. Tom has 9 slices of cheese. How many slices of cheese do they have altogether? Can you use the Part-Part-Total Sheet to solve __ the problem? C 7 A. Yes_/ B. No _— slices of cheese Read each problem and circle the answer. 6. Whatcan you do to solve this problem? There are 10 crackers in the bowl and 3 on the plate. How many crackers are there altogether? © ASPut 10 and 3 together. Oo © Brake 3 awaytrom 16. 7. What can you do to solve this problem? Jimvhas 11 blocks. Lisa has 8 blocks. How many blocks do they have in all? A. Compare 11 and 8. B. Add 11 and 8. rome soumcmmapeo @® tecccse couse mone Elementary Work Sample Potiolio. Section 6 Coversheet: Your Course Choice Work Samples Assignment 1 Star Quality Assignment Assignment Name: Score: Star Please describe why you and your student selected this as the star quality assignment. ‘Ths lesson snows nowel nas progressed wellin wriung her sentences cn the anes and better spacing. She enjoyed leaining now to mail letter to fiend and author. Assignment 2 Challenging/Weak Assignment Assignment Nam Scor Please describe what content or components of this assignment made you identify it as a weak or challenging assignment. Tis lesson shows wherallle hed some challenges coloring. Using the same colors, not coloring the entre scene Do you feel your student still needs additional help/support A‘ Letter,to\My, Friend Write a letter to a friend. Playground Gxereise Color the chidren exercising. Revie ering Exercises” . LUNGUAGE ARTS BLE

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