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A young adult who realizes he is having a heart attack after savoring another stick of cigarette
inside the comfort room.

The moon sure is beautiful and bright,

Indulge in the darkness and a silent night.
Sleepless nights held myself tight.
How wonderful the stars seem close to one another,
So near yet so far, I wish we were still together.

You know, they say that when you’re dying,

Your whole life flashes before your eyes.
I wasn’t dying, but something in me did.
Everything I had known about love,
Reached to an excruciating death.
Everything I had known about love,
Flashed before my eyes - for it was her,
She was everything I knew about love.
From the way, she flashed a smile at me.
From the way she talks to the way she moves.
She was my first love, my first everything.
Honestly, when I made a choice to love her,
I made a choice for her to be my last.
Up until this moment, this very moment,
It all flashed before my eyes and I can’t help it.
But I had too many unanswered questions.
To fall to my knees – I wanted to know how?
You had always been there for me.
You are there at my lowest point in life.
And you had always been there with me,
To share my most joyful moments.
You had always been there to witness my growth,
Not only in love but also in my well-being.
But how is any of this can be true?
How can I be that the only woman,
I have ever loved, is not with me?

I fluctuate between this rage and weakness,

Where I’m conscious of the fact that it hurts.
Where I’m crying and there is a direct link,
Between my thoughts and emotions.
It is – where my voice is hoarse but,
The words leave my mouth nonetheless.
Where I want answers in my questions.
It sure is a good time to drink a beer,
I wonder what she’s doing at this time of the year.
I really do still love her, if she’ll just give me a chance,
If I can turn back the time, I would not give you up.
Put a smile back on your beautiful face,
And make you happy once again.
If you can just look into my eyes,
Open up myself and let you come inside,
So you shall see and feel what’s in my heart.
It is probably the greatest regret of my life,
I have hurt you so bad, and leave you behind.
Ugh! How come this drink brings back these memories?
And all of these memories bring me back to you.
I think I should get some fresh air outside,
Let me get my cigarette, oh and also the light.
It’s so cold outside, my bones are chilling,
I couldn’t hold anymore what I’m feeling.
Oh, there it is the comfort room, now,
Let me light my cigarettes up and take some.
(Breathed in)
Cough, I think it’s better to stop smoking.
I think it’s better to stop thinking about her…
What – What is happening to me?
Breathe. Breathe. I couldn’t breathe.
Someone? Please. (Gasps) My Chest hurts.
Help me. Someone help me. Help.
I was floating in darkness in a moment.
Could this be the other side? It can’t be.
Lord not now, I still want to see her one last time,
I’ll do everything I can, seeing her smile.
(Heart Rate beeping)
Where am I? Is someone holding my hand?
I’m still alive, and who’s this napping?
I can’t quite see her, let me fix her hair.
And whilst we wait for God to heed my summons,
Let’s go back in time when our love is born.
O Lord, now I am contented and happy…
The moon sure is beautiful tonight.

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