Revista Pollutant Treatment Efficiencies Luis

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Pollutant treatment efficiencies through rainwater

tank, recycled foamed glass and geofabrics

Monzur Alam Imteaz, Arul Arulrajah & Abdullah Gokhan Yilmaz

To cite this article: Monzur Alam Imteaz, Arul Arulrajah & Abdullah Gokhan Yilmaz
(2021) Pollutant treatment efficiencies through rainwater tank, recycled foamed glass
and geofabrics, International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 14:5, 963-969, DOI:

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Published online: 29 Oct 2020.

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2021, VOL. 14, NO. 5, 963–969

Pollutant treatment efficiencies through rainwater tank, recycled foamed glass and
Monzur Alam Imteaza, Arul Arulrajah a
and Abdullah Gokhan Yilmazb
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia; bSchool of Engineering and
Mathematical Sciences, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia


This study investigated the effectiveness of removing pollutants from roof-collected rainwater through Received 30 October 2019
rainwater tank, filtration using recycled foam glass and geofabrics using series of laboratory experiments. Accepted 12 October 2020
It is found that rainwater tank itself helps to remove some pollutants, especially total suspended solids KEYWORDS
(TSS). To test the efficiency of recycled foam glass as filter material, the material was used to filter Foam glass; filtration;
rainwater collected from roof. It is found that through such filtration most of the pollutants’ concentra­ rainwater; pollutants
tions in the rainwater drop by about 50%. Also, removal efficiency of a 30 cm filter media is about double
compared to a filter media of 10 cm height. However, concentrations of Suspended Solids, Copper and
Lead in the filtered samples were higher than the concentrations in the raw sample, which might be due
to leaching of pollutants from filter media as it is found that higher the filter depth, higher the pollutants
concentrations in the filtrate. To overcome these pollutants’ leaching, similar experiments conducted
with geotextile layer at the bottom of the filter material revealed that through the use of geotextile layer
with 30 cm filter media, significant reductions of pollutants are achievable including an 87% removal in
number of Faecal Coliforms.

1. Introduction Filtration is a very common and established practice that

has been widely used for the separation of solids from fluids. In
Rainwater tank has been in use for centuries, mainly for
addition to trapping relatively larger size particles through
remote communities where other suitable source of water is
straining actions, some smaller sized particles are also being
scarce. However, with the ever-increasing demands of water
trapped through surface adsorption. Filtration was originally
and scarcity of potable water, contemporary urban authori­
introduced aiming at physical separation of solids/particles.
ties are also recommending installing rainwater tanks, mainly
However, later it was found that some filter media stimulates
to reduce potable water demand. Due to potential presence of
some biological processes, causing additional biological/che­
contaminants in the roof-collected rainwater, water from
mical treatments especially in water/sewage treatment in
rainwater tanks are not suitable for potable purposes. In
which undesirable constituents are removed by absorption
urban areas, it is mainly used for garden irrigation and toilet
into a biological film grown on the filter medium. Even in
flushing. However, to increase the uses of rainwater and as
modern treatment plants, filtration is a very fundamental step
such to further reduce the demand of potable water, roof-
of different pollutants’ treatments. After continuous and
collected rainwater can be used for higher level uses (i.e.
repeated use of such filter media, it is likely that the filter
shower and laundry) after proper treatment(s). Several
media will get clogged through continuous accumulations of
researchers reported high level removals of chemical
trapped particles. The common practice to remove this clog­
(Reyneke et al. 2020) and microbial (Waso et al. 2020;
ging is the back-washing of filter media, which causes the filter
Reyneke et al. 2020) contaminants through solar disinfection
media to expand and can sometime destabilise the system.
and solar photocatalysis techniques. Chys et al. (2013)
Nonetheless, even after traditional back-washing, such filtra­
reported a good removal of mono- and poly-aromatic hydro­
tion systems efficiency (regarding achievable flow rate) usually
carbons (MAH and PAH) and polychlorinated biphenyls
do not revert to its original state, i.e. through back-washing,
(PCB) through coagulation/flocculation followed by sand
systems flow efficiency can be improved, however cannot be
filtration. Also, they have further achieved more than 80%
recovered to its original level. When backwashing efficiency
removals of suspended solids and heavy metals through
declines to a very low level, the traditional practice is to replace
a coupled sand- and activated carbon filtration. Neto et al.
the filter media. As such, an optimum option can be to avoid
(2012) through a case study in Brazil reported that treatment
repeated back-washing and replace the filter media more often,
(through slow sand filtration followed by chlorination) of
when suitable filter media is easily available. To achieve this,
rainwater from airport buildings for non-potable purposes
different types of innovative filter materials needs to be
is 60% cheaper.
explored and investigated for their suitability. This paper

CONTACT Monzur Alam Imteaz Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne,
© 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

presents investigation of an innovative material for its suit­ that through filtration using recycled glass and crushed foam
ability as filter material. glass, the harvested rainwater can be treated for heavy metals
To achieve a sustainable world through reducing our as well as sulphate and nitrate to the World Health
exceedingly high ecological footprint, one of the contempor­ Organisation’s drinkable standard.
ary worldwide focuses is minimising the use of virgin mate­ Recycled foam glass is likely to have the potential to be used
rial through increasing use of recycled material. In recent for water treatment through filtration due to presence of
years, several researchers have investigated reuse potentials numerous pores and very high-water absorption capacity as
of different recycled materials, i.e. Rahman et al. (2015) with reported by Arulrajah et al. (2015). Such enormous pores
recycled demolition materials; Kua et al. (2019) with spent render large surface area, which is conducive as surface adsor­
coffee grounds; Neramitkornburi et al. (2015) with fly ash; bent for particles and/or pollutants. It is to be noted that in the
Horpibulsuk et al. (2014) with calcium carbide residue and contemporary filtration process, activated carbon (which has
Phetchuay et al. (2014) with geopolymers. As for recycled got similar physical property) is increasingly being used to
bottle making, with the smaller glass particles (less than achieve higher level of filtration efficiency (Ratnoji and Singh
10 mm) collected through municipal waste collections, it is 2014). In addition to filtration, Geofabrics can also trap some
difficult to colour sort those particles using existing recycling sediments, as well as pollutants. With the aim of making roof
technologies, researchers have been investigating other uses collected rainwater more suitable for domestic purposes, sev­
of such smaller glass particles. For such non-recyclable glass eral experimental tests were conducted to assess the effective­
particles, using them for making recycled foam glass is an ness of rainwater tank itself, recycled foamed glass and
excellent option. Foamed glass has been developed particu­ geofabrics as filter materials in removing some selective
larly for usage in various lightweight structural and insulating pollutants.
applications (Bumanis et al. 2013; Guo et al. 2013;
Pawanawichian et al. 2013; Ponsot and Bernardo 2013;
2. Materials and methods
Wang et al. 2013b; Wu et al. 2013). Also, other researchers
investigated the development of foamed materials with the For the roof-collected rainwater, a house having a rainwater
usage of waste materials in engineering applications (Jana, tank connected with the house roof in north Melbourne was
Fierro, and Celzard 2013; Wang, Sha, and Jin 2013a). In some selected. To investigate the effectiveness of rainwater tanks in
countries where alternate freezing and thawing causes foot­ removing pollutants, the rainwater was collected directly from
path/bicycle path to crack, use of such foamed glass is recom­ the roof (i.e. bypassing the rainwater tank), as well as from the
mended due to its insulating property ( tank after three days of settlement.
However, the usage of recycled glass to manufacture foamed The prime focus of this study is to investigate the effective­
glass is still insufficient, while having significant potential for ness of an innovative material, foamed recycled glass as filter
further production. Fernandes, Tulyaganov, and Ferreira material. The foamed glass for this research was obtained from
(2009) and Ponsot and Bernardo (2013) investigated use of a recycling industry in Melbourne, Australia. Figure 1 shows
recycled foam glass for the production of ceramics. Arulrajah the photo of recycled foamed glass aggregates after production,
et al. (2015), Alim (2009) and Fotiadou (2007) performed details of which can be found from Misapor (2014). From the
extensive suite of engineering tests on foamed recycled glass figure it is clear that the glass aggregates are comprised of
and reported its engineering properties regarding its suitabil­ vesicular, due to the presence of air that forms small voids
ity as lightweight fill material in civil engineering applica­ during the production process. The process of making foam
tions. All the above-mentioned studies focused only on glass is that collected municipal waste glass (obtained from
engineering (i.e. strength) properties and reuse option of glass recycler industry site) is first ground and then fired with
foam glass in engineering structures. Arulrajah et al. (2015) mineral additives in a furnace at temperatures up to 950°C.
investigated environmental properties of foam glass in lim­ The recycled glass foams and is then removed from the fur­
ited scale and reported that the total concentrations (TC) of nace, which then cools down quickly forming low weight
heavy metals found in recycled foamed glass are lower than foamed glass aggregates of up to 40 mm in size. The foamed
the allowable TC values for soil, waste materials and backfill material comprises 98% ground recycled glass and 2% mineral
materials defined by the EPA Victoria. None of the above- additives. Some physical properties of the foam glass sample
mentioned studies investigated the use of such material for are presented in Table 1, most of which were reported by
filtration. Arulrajah et al. (2015). In addition, the hydraulic conductivity
Angrill et al. (2017) through analysing harvested rainwater was measured through the constant head permeability test.
in Spain presented that harvested rainwater is acceptable Figure 2 shows the photo of custom made experimental
regarding physicochemical quality, however not acceptable in setup used for the filtration experiments. Collected foam
regard to presence of microorganisms. Similar study by Lee glass aggregates were placed in the experimental setup at
et al. (2017) in Vietnam reported that in general harvested different depths (10 cm and 30 cm) and contaminated water
rainwater met the drinking standard quality, except micro- was sprinkled from the top of the cylinder. The contaminated
organisms (Coliform and Escherichia coli), however these water (i.e. roof-collected rainwater) was collected in 5 L con­
microorganisms were removed through ultraviolet (UV) ster­ tainers, which were directly connected with the downpipe
ilisation. However, application of ultraviolet technique is not draining from a house roof during a rain event. The collected
always economic or feasible. Aljerf, L. (2018) investigated rainwater sample was mixed within the container through
harvested rainwater quality in Damascus (Syria) and reported rigorous shaking before it was sprinkled on the filter setup.

Figure 1. Foamed recycled glass after production.

Table 1. Physical properties of foam glass sample.

Parameter Value (EP026SP). Faecal Coliforms were measured using
D10 (mm) 0.13 Membrane Filtration as per US EPA (2010) Method 1103.1.
D30 (mm) 1.2 Total Phosphorus was measured as Phosphate by Discrete
D50 (mm) 18.7
D60 (mm) 20.6
Analyser (EK067G). Suspended solids were measured using
Cu (Coefficient of Uniformity) 158 standard method, EA025. For the metals, the test methods
Cc (Coefficient of Curvature) 0.53 used were recommended by the Chemical Abstracts Services,
Particle density (kg/m3) – coarse fraction 462.8
fraction (kg/m3)
CAS (, a division of the American
Particle density (kg/m3) – fine fraction 1508 Chemical Society. Names of the tested metals along with
Minimum dry density (kg/m3) 170 corresponding testing methods as identified by CAS numbers
Maximum dry density (kg/m3) 290
are tabulated in Table 2. To explore the effect of filter depth,
Water absorption (%) – coarse fraction 60 two different depths (10 cm and 30 cm) of foam glass columns
Water absorption (%) – fine fraction 0.3 were used. The geotextile used in this study is ‘Bidim
California Bearing Ratio, CBR (%) 9–12
LA Abrasion Loss (%) 94
Nonwoven Geotextile’ from Geofabrics Pty. Ltd. (http://
Hydraulic conductivity (m/s) 6.5 × 10−7 The pore size and hydraulic con­
ductivity, and porosity of the geotextile are 80 μm and
1.2 mm/s respectively. Details of chemical results are presented
A retention time of 15 minutes was used during filtration in the following section.
process. Filtered water was collected from the bottom of the
cylinder through the valve at the end of conical shaped outlet
3. Results and discussions
at the bottom shown in the Figure 1. Filtrate samples were
collected in oven-dried glass bottles supplied by the commer­ Table 3 shows the typical pollutants present in the rainwater
cial laboratory, who performed all the chemical testing (men­ samples collected directly from the roof and from the rain­
tioned below). The average flowrate of the filtrate from the water tank after 3 days’ settlement period. From the table it is
bottom of the experimental setup was 1.80 cm3/min. Three clear that after settlement/sedimentation of 3 days, concentra­
samples of treated water were collected, and the results pre­ tions of COD, Suspended Solids and Faecal Coliforms signifi­
sented are the average of three measurements. cantly drop down; concentration of Faecal Coliform dropped
Outflow samples were collected after the filtrations with and down to zero and concentration of Suspended Solids reduced
without geofabrics. Inflow and outflow rainwater samples by more than 50%, while concentration of COD dropped from
(with filtration having geofabrics and without geofabrics, 16.2 mg/L to <10 mg/L (detection limit). In addition, some
after sedimentation within the tank without filtration) were other pollutants’ including few heavy metals’ concentrations
tested through state-of-the art environmental laboratory, ALS were also dropped down. After 3 days sedimentation, coarse
Global ( for measuring different pollu­ sediments and debris are likely to settle at the bottom of the
tants’ concentrations. For this study, commonly found pollu­ tank and coliforms are likely to die in course of time with lack
tants in the harvested rainwater in Australia such as Chemical of food (organic matter). As some pollutants (Phosphorus and
Oxygen Demand (COD), Faecal Coliforms, Total Phosphorus, heavy metals) are attached with the sediments, sedimentation
Suspended Solids and heavy metals (Chromium, Copper, process is likely to remove such pollutants indirectly through
Lead, Nickel, Selenium, Zinc and Mercury) were measured. removing sediments. In this particular case concentrations of
COD was measured using spectrophotometric method Phosphorus, Copper, Lead and Zinc were dropped. However,

Figure 2. Apparatus setup with foamed glass sample.

Table 2. Test methods used for chemical testing. relative percent differences among three samples for all the
Parameter Test Method tested parameters were less than 20%. Table 4 also shows the
Chromium CAS 7440–47-3 US EPA standard for drinking water (US EPA 1999). From the
Copper CAS 7440–50-8
Lead CAS 7439–92-1
table it is evident that Chromium, Nickel, Selenium and
Nickel CAS 7440–02-0 Recoverable Mercury concentrations were very low (even
Selenium CAS 7782–49-2 lower than detectable limits) in inflow sample as well as filtered
Zinc CAS 7440–66-6
Recoverable Mercury CAS 7439–97-6
samples. Other contaminants such as Zinc, Total Phosphorus,
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Faecal Coliforms were
found present in the inflow sample; and through filtration
process concentrations of these pollutants dropped down.
in reality it may not be achievable to maintain a 3 days sedi­ Also, as expected it is found that with the higher depth of filter
mentation period, before the use of stored rainwater in the media, higher level of treatments was achieved, i.e. pollutants
tank and in some cases, it will be even used immediately removals were higher for the filter media with 30 cm depth.
during/after collection. As such, treatment only through such Among the above-mentioned pollutants which were detectable
sedimentation may not be safe for higher level uses of such after filtration, it is found that a 30 cm high filter column
stored rainwater. As such further treatment process is achieved almost double the removal efficiencies achieved
required. through a 10 cm filter column. Imteaz et al. (2017) through
Table 4 shows pollutants’ measurement results from inflow similar experiments using wood chips as filter media reported
sample (roof collected rainwater), filtered outflow samples that variations of removal efficiencies linearly vary with the
from 10 cm depth filter and 30 cm depth filter. As mentioned height of the filter column; however the rates of the variations
earlier three samples from each test were collected and the are different for different pollutants. It is to be noted that

Table 3. Pollutants’ concentrations in rainwater samples with and without sedimentation.

Parameter Lower detection limit Unit Sample with sedimentation Sample without sedimentation
Suspended Solids
Suspended Solids (SS) 5 mg/L <5 10 (σ = 0.36)
Total Metals
Chromium 0.001 mg/L <0.001 <0.001
Copper 0.001 mg/L 0.004 (σ = 0.001) 0.006 (σ = 0.001)
Lead 0.001 mg/L <0.001 0.001 (σ = 0.0002)
Nickel 0.001 mg/L <0.001 <0.001
Selenium 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01
Zinc 0.005 mg/L 0.060 (σ = 0.004) 0.090 (σ = 0.002)
Total Recoverable Mercury
Mercury 0.0001 mg/L <0.0001 <0.0001
Total Phosphorus as P
Total Phosphorus as P 0.01 mg/L 0.03 (σ = 0.002) 0.04 (σ = 0.004)
Chemical Oxygen Demand
Chemical Oxygen Demand 10 mg/L <10 16.2 (σ = 0.7)
E. coli and Faecal Coliforms
Faecal Coliforms 1 Orgs/100 mL 0 (σ = 0.0) 30 (σ = 5.29)

except Faecal Coliforms and Suspended Solids, all other pollu­ sample. Potential reason for these higher concentrations is
tants’ concentrations both in inflow and outflow samples are that these pollutants were leached from the foam glass itself.
lower than the US EPA limits for drinking water. Suspended Arulrajah et al. (2015) reported presence of higher concentra­
Solids do not pose any potential health effect/hazard, however tions of Lead and Copper in the recycled foam glass samples.
drinking water should be free from Suspended Solids from Also, as the recycled foam glass sample aggregates’ bonding is
consumers’ satisfaction point of view. Regarding Faecal not very strong, i.e. particles likely to break apart under small
Coliforms, where continuous regular monitoring programme force/disturbance, some detached particles under the water
exists, US EPA states that only 5% samples may contain pre­ flow caused to increase the suspended solid concentrations in
sence of these bacteria. For this case, this is not a part of regular the outflow sample. Inherent Lead and Copper present in the
monitoring, rather a random sample test. In such situation, foam glass particles, which were carried with the detached
Australian Standard (NHMRC 1996) states that there should particles caused to increase the concentrations of Lead and
be no trace of Faecal Coliform. The above findings conform Copper in the filtrate sample.
with the earlier findings, who reported that through filtration To prevent such leached-out pollutants in the filtered water,
pollutants’ concentrations can be alleviated (Aljerf, L., 2018), it is proposed to provide thick geotextile fabric layer at the
however only filtration is not enough to eliminate the faecal bottom of the filter media, i.e. before the outlet valve. Another
coliform. set of experiments were conducted to investigate the effective­
Contrary to the expectation, concentrations of few pollu­ ness of geotextile fabric layer for those particular pollutants, i.e.
tants (Suspended Solids, Copper and Lead) in the filtered Suspended Solids, Copper, Lead and Faecal Coliforms. Last
samples were higher than the concentrations in the inflow column of Table 4 presents concentrations of these pollutants

Table 4. Pollutants’ concentrations in inflow and filtered water samples.

Outflow Outflow Outflow
Parameter Lower detection limit Inflow (10 cm filter) (30 cm filter) with geotextile layer US EPA limit#
Suspended Solids (mg/L) 5 10 71 107 <5 -
(σ = 2.65) (σ = 3.61)
Total Phosphorus as P (mg/L) 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.01 - -
(σ =.005) (σ = 0)
Chemical Oxygen Demand (mg/L) 10 16.2 12.5 <10 - -
(σ =.902)
Faecal Coliforms (Orgs/100 mL) 1 30 16 7 4 5%*
(σ = 0.72) (σ = 0.36) (σ = 0.529)
Chromium (mg/L) 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 - 0.1
Copper (mg/L) 0.001 0.006 0.023 0.047 0.002 1.3
(σ =.001) (σ =.002) (σ = 0.001)
Lead (mg/L) 0.001 0.001 0.003 0.005 <0.001 0.015
(σ =.001) (σ =.001)
Nickel (mg/L) 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 - -
Selenium 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 - 0.05
Zinc (mg/L) 0.005 0.090 0.087 0.040 - 5.0
(σ =.005) (σ =.003)
Recoverable Mercury (mg/L) 0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 - 0.002
US EPA (1999)
*For a continuous and regular monitoring program US EPA recommends that less than 5% of the tested samples may contain Faecal Coliforms

in filtered water with 30 cm depth of filter material supported disinfectant will be required. Through such higher-level treat­
by geotextile fabric. From the table it is clear that pollutants’ ment rainwater can be converted to potable water standard. In
concentrations dropped down significantly with the use of brief, rainwater retained in the tank for 3 days found to be the
geotextile fabric. Concentrations of Suspended Solids and best quality among all the tested treatment options.
Lead were removed below their individual detection levels. The second-best treatment was achieved through higher
The concentration of Copper in the filtrate was still detectable, depth filter media supported by geotextile layer at the bottom.
however on average removed by almost 67% from inflow It is found that depth of filter media has significant effect on
samples. Geotextile fabric provided at the bottom acted as an the pollutants’ removal efficiencies. However, to derive
effective filter media for the suspended solids as well as for the a generalised relationship between filter media depth and
heavy metals (Lead and Copper). Vieira, Weeber, and Ghisi removal efficiency, tests should be conducted with more dif­
(2013) used similar geofabric (BIDIM) with an upward flow ferent depths of filter media. Also, for the current research
filtration to treat rainwater and achieved removals of sus­ being a pilot study, only domestic roof-collected rainwater was
pended solids in the range of 71–79%. In regard to Faecal tested. For a wider use of this material, future study should
Coliforms, there were still traces of this microorganism in look in to the effectiveness of such material in treating higher-
the filtrate, which are not expected to be removed only through level contaminants present in different industrial wastes.
physical treatment. Findings from Kim et al. (2016) conforms
with this. The usual practice to kill pathogens or such bacteria
is to apply disinfectant (i.e. Chlorine), which requires addi­ Disclosure statement
tional cautiousness and expertise as excess use of such disin­ No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
fectant may cause undesirable taste and/or disease if consumed
for long time.
It is to be noted here that like other filter material, foam Notes on contributors
glass is also expected to be getting clogged after prolonged use Dr Monzur Alam Imteaz is an Associate Professor in the Department of
and common practice for removing such clogging is to apply Civil & Construction Engineering at Swinburne University of
backwashing, efficiency of which degrades day by day. Imteaz, Technology, Melbourne. He obtained his Ph.D. in 1997 from Saitama
Khan, and Ahsan (2019) presented detailed studies on predict­ University, Japan. Later he has completed his post-doctoral research at
ing clogging and backwashing efficiencies of sand-based filters The University of Queensland, Brisbane. He has been actively involved
with various researches on sustainability, water recycling, developing
for removing arsenic. For the present study, it was out of decision support tools and seasonal rainfall forecasting. Dr Imteaz is the
scopes to study long-term clogging/backwashing behaviour author of the book, “Urban Water Resources”. He is serving as editorial
of foam glass filter. However, it is recommended to be a part board member for the international journals, “Resources, Conservation &
of future study. Recycling”, “Journal of Hydroinformatics”, “Hydrology”, “World
Environment” and “Journal of Water Resource and Hydraulic
4. Conclusions Prof. Arul Arulrajah is the Professor of Geotechnical Engineering at
Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia. He is cur­
To increase the uses of roof-collected rainwater, as well as rently involved in research topics such as recycled materials in geotech­
recycled material such as ‘foam glass’, this study investigated nical applications, geotechnics of pavements and ground improvement.
the effectiveness of treating rainwater through sedimentation Arulrajah joined Swinburne in 2006 after 14 years of prior industry
within the tank, filtration with recycled foam glass and geo­ experience in Australia, Singapore and Malaysia (1992-2006) in the
fabrics. This is a novel study exploring use of an innovative design, site implementation and project management of geotechnical
engineering and civil engineering infrastructure projects. Arulrajah is a
material for filtration. Before investigating such material for Fellow of the Institute of Engineers Australia (FIEAust) and a Chartered
commercial purposes, a common domestic purpose was Professional Engineer (CPEng).
selected, and filtration capability of such material was investi­
Dr Abdullah Gokhan Yilmaz is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of
gated for some commonly found contaminants. From the Engineering at La Trobe University. Prior to joining La Trobe University,
presented results it is clear that rainwater tank itself does he worked as an Assistant Professor at the University of Sharjah and the
some treatment through sedimentation, especially for SS, American University of Sharjah, Research Fellow at Victoria University
COD and Faecal Coliforms. It also facilitates removing some and Lecturer at Heriot-Watt University. Dr Yilmaz has over 40 publica­
heavy metals and phosphorus from the stored rainwater. tions in prestigious journals and several conference papers. His research
interests are climate change, hydrological modeling, flood and drought
Regarding filtration through ‘foam glass’, it is found that it analysis, renewable energy, water quality modeling, and desalination
acted as an effective filter media and almost all the pollutants’ systems.
concentrations were lowered through filtration, except for
Suspended Solids, Copper and Lead, for which it was found
that concentrations of these pollutants in the filtered samples ORCID
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