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College of Health Sciences

Summer-2021/2022: Major assignment no. 1

Student Name Mohammad Hamad AL Mahdi

Student ID No. 1072280

Course Code and Title PBH110 Introduction to Happiness and Positive


Course Section Female AD-AA / Male AD-AA

Course Instructors Dr Reham Kotb

Total: _____________
This major assignment is divided into three sections and their directions are given
Multiple choice questions 1 to 4 each carries 0.5 marks for the right answer (total of 2
Directions: Mark the letter of the choice that best completes each statement.
1. I credit all my successes to other people or factors, who am I?
a) External optimist
b) Permanent Optimist
c) Specific Optimist

2. Positive psychology conceive character as a central concept of human behavior with the
aim to describe the consequences of___________.
a) Character
b) Personality
c) Happiness
d) Emotions

3. Who demonstrated the attribution theory and who demonstrated the PREE?
a) Bernard Weiner
b) B.F. Skinner
c) Sigmund Freud
d) Carl Jung

4. Which is the expression to the type of reaction: “ This is all my fault”

a) Optimistic Externalization
b) Specific
c) Pessimism
d) The Optimist
e) Pessimistic Internalization
Short text questions 1 to 3 each carries one marks (total of three marks).
Directions: State short answers for the questions below – approximate 5 sentences per
1. Define personality. And give example of abnormal personality
A personality disorder involves long-lasting, all-encompassing, disruptive patterns of
thinking, behavior, mood, and interpersonal relations. The presence of these patterns
can cause a person significant distress and/or impair their ability to function. Generalized
anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and panic disorder are examples of abnormal
2. Name four times to use Optimism Techniques.
1. Give yourself credit for your thoughts by analyzing them
2. Use your strengths to bring other good things to the world
3. Negatives should be minimized when possible
4. Consider future events that may also occur
3. What are people who experience positive emotions during bereavement more
likely to develop?
Consequently, positive emotions should enhance people's subsequent emotional well-
being by building this psychological resource. The presence of positive emotions during
bereavement has been found to have a positive impact on the development of long-term
plans and goals for people.

Each case carries 5 Marks each (Total of 20 marks)
Directions: Answer questions – min ½ page per question.
Case Study 1
I wrote a paper for my English class and my professor thought it was excellent. He asked me to
write another paper to submit for a writing competition. The winner of the competition will have
his or her work published nationally. Oh, my goodness. I am terrified! I am not that good of a
writer. I just got lucky on that last paper. There is no way that I am going to be able to write
anything even close to being competitive with all the other entries. I am going to utterly
disappoint my professor and probably end up with a poor grade in this class as a result. I wish
he had never asked me to do this.
Based on your knowledge about the ABCD model, recognize and describe the “Beliefs”
and “Consequences” factor of this event and how can you dispute it?
The students is facing a problem and he don’t want to be in the competition because he thinks
he will fail in it and that will lead to his professor being disappointment and he will give him bad
grades. The believes the student holds is that he is not good enough to join the competition and
he got Lucy the first time he wrote the paper. The internal and external behavior that result from
B is that he do not want to disappoint his professor and he do not want to join the competition
because he thinks he is not good enough. In my opinion, he need to challenge himself and
believe that he can do it and even if he did not win, he still got this experience and his professor
will not make him poor grade if he didn’t win because he will be grading the first paper.
Case Study 2
Mrs. Asma is always doing kind things for the kids in the neighborhood; especially for Linda and
her friends. She bakes cookies for them, picks them up after school when their parents are
working, and listens when they have a problem.
• How can Linda and her friends show gratitude to Mrs. Asma?
• What are some ways that we can be grateful to others when they do kind things
for us?
Mrs. Asma is a very good women she’s kind and helpful she really love her neighbors. They can
show gratitude by surprising her with a day for Asma they can do a full day for her with all the
things she loves. For example to start the day, they could make her favorite breakfast and a cup
of coffee then they can go to her favorite place and spend the day with her. Then they can give
her a gift it does not need to be an expensive one they can give her something they make by
hand that will be nice and it shows that they care. There are many ways you can be grateful to
others for example you can do kind things to them in return be there when they need you and
buy them a gift or flowers.

Case Study 3

Adam lives in the UAE where he leads a very safe and fortunate life. He regularly, however,
watches the news where he witnesses tragedies unfolding around the world. Adam is deeply
moved by these events. Although he feels empathy and compassion towards the people who are
suffering, he also feels very helpless about what he can do to change this reality for them. This
causes Adam to experience distress and hopelessness about the state of the world.

 Using the ABCDE model of positive psychology, could Adam alleviate the distress
and feel more optimistic about the world? Explain systematically how the ABCDE model
will help him dispute his negative beliefs and change them into ones that are more positive.

Adam need to calm down and be grateful for what he have he needs to start thinking about how
he can help people who are suffering. The things that Adam is facing is that he feel helpless and
distress and that everyone deserve to live in peace and feel safe. What he need to do is start
searching on how he help needed people and how he can provide a safe place for them.
Although he cannot do, it be himself he need more people to help him he can ask his friends
and family and he can post some awareness on social media and ask people all around the
world to help him. and there are many people who have the same feelings and they want to
help people Adam can be that one who will give other the chance to help others.

Case Study 4

It’s Eid Aladha, your whole family is gathered around the table in first day of Eid and there is an
abundance of delicious food being served. You really feel like this is a special moment.

 Name some positive psychology skills that can help you increase your positive
emotions in this moment. What are the positive emotions you may experience more of? How
does using these skills change the way you experience this Eid?
There are so many positive psychology techniques you can use to help you increase your
positive emotions. For example building relationships with others. We are most happy when we
spend time with others and have social relationships. Be kind, Random acts of kindness can
actually increase your happiness, according to studies. People who volunteer have known this
for a long time. Researchers found that people who performed five acts of kindness per week for
six weeks ended up significantly happier than the control group. To me the most positive
emotions I may experience is kindness because kindness have so many layers when you are
kind to other you show them how much you care about them. To increase your positive emotion
you can donate to needed people or you cook for them and give people food they will feel
happy. Using these skills can change the way I feel about eid because eid is about giving and
make others happy and celebrate it with family and friends.
Positive Psychology Techniques. (2021, 1 12). Retrieved from Therapist Aid LLC:

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