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) Morga states that the natives were scared of crocodiles because they built fences to secure
themselves. This suggests that Filipinos tend to put up barriers between themselves and people
who are stronger than them, which they cannot tolerate. Morga also states that the natives
were able to capture and kill some of those crocodiles. This implies that the natives have some
group of hunters or soldiers that repels the crocodiles. Morga also portrayed the Filipinos as
ignorant for they adore the crocodiles as if they were superior to them.

2.) Rizal’s motive in writing his annotations was to give Filipinos their identity. Rizal also wanted to
provide the Filipinos their history and correct the statements of Morga that offends the
Filipinos. According to what we’ve learned in “Readings in Philippine History” and in the writings
of Morga, the Filipinos already had a civilization even before the coming of Spaniards. These
proves that Filipino civilization were not brought or introduced by the Spaniards but instead,
Filipinos had their own unique civilization that was eliminated by the colonizers. Rizal wanted
the Filipinos to realize this and present a sense of nationality amongst them. Rizal’s annotations
of Morga’s writing fits other propagandists’ idea on how the Filipinos should view themselves.
Rizal and other propagandist aim to give the Filipino its own civilization.

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