E.M Assignment 2

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Course Title: Entrepreneurial Marketing Course Code:

Assignment 02
Name of Course Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Faisal Rasheed
Section: A Program: BBA Date: 20th April 2022
Submission Date: 27th April 2022 Maximum Marks: 10
Program Objective: PO1, Course Objective: CO1,
PO2. PO3 CO2, CO3 Course Learning Objective: CLO1, CLO2

Name: Shiza Shafqat Registration no: L1S19BBAM0015

Thoroughly read the article titled “Entrepreneurial Marketing: A Construct for Integrating Emerging
Entrepreneurship and Marketing Perspectives’ by Morris et al (2002) and answer following questions (available
on your cms portal).

Question # 1: differentiate between Conventional Marketing and Entrepreneurial Marketing in your own words
(two approaches discussed in the research article). Give at least two examples from Pakistani perspective on each

Question # 2: discuss the key take ups of this study?

Question # 3: Suppose you are going to launch your own startup business in services sector how this research
would help you to market your venture?

Guidelines: 1. Maximum Two-page assignment, additional page won’t be considered/checked/marked. 2. Font Size: Times New
Roman 12

3. Submission in hard copy only.

4. Deadline: Wednesday 27th April 2022.
5. Submission after deadline, Plagiarized and copied content will be marked ZERO
6. This page should be cover page for each student assignment.
7. No file required
8. This should be titled page of your assignment.
Question # 1
Differentiate between Conventional Marketing and Entrepreneurial Marketing in your
own words (two approaches discussed in the research article). Give at least two examples
from Pakistani perspective on each point.
Conventional Marketing and Entrepreneurial Marketing (Difference)
Traditional marketing is known as any marketing that is not online. This means that there is no
advertising through mediums such as print, broadcast, direct mail and billboards. From
newspapers to radio, traditional marketing helps in reaching targeted audiences. Also, in this
type, the marketer does not think out of the box or doesn’t exhibit creativity and innovation.
Traditional marketing focuses only on the products and their development and does not mainly
prioritize their needs and wants of the consumers. Most importantly, it comprises of four
principles working together; product, price, place, and promotion. Contrarily, entrepreneurial
marketing emphasizes on relationships, social awareness and content. It includes business
planning, identification of consumer’s needs and wants and designing an appealing message to
promote the product.
Unlike conventional marketing, the entrepreneurial marketing focuses on creating a strong link
between the customer and the brand, creating new markets and developing innovative and unique
products that highly differentiate from the competitors’’ products. A major difference between
the two is that in conventional marketing, market is assessed and analyzed before developing a
product and entrepreneurial marketing is started with an idea for which marketer tries to find a
market. As compared to the traditional, entrepreneurial marketing involves more risks and giving
attention to what the consumers demand.

Entrepreneurial marketing:
1. Food Panda is a Pakistani food app which has been successful in forming a strong
relationship with the users through feedback forms and reviews option. The customers can
comment about the food that is delivered to them. Also there is a highly efficient helpline
which immediately solves the queries and problems of the customers. They also ask their
customers regarding suggestions and sponsor their ads on social media platforms such as
YouTube, Instagram and Facebook.
2. The Airlift app places advertisements on the social media to gain insights on behavioral
response and needs of the customers.
Conventional Marketing:
1. Tapal is a Pakistani tea brand that is advertised on TV and also billboards
2. Closeup is a toothpaste brand which is displayed on billboards and the television for
Question # 2: Discuss the key take ups of this study?
Answer: The key takeaways from the given article are listed as:
 Discussion on the integrative model of entrepreneurial marketing which contains:
External Environmental Conditions; Internal Organizational Environment; Organizational
Approach to Marketing (EM); Organizational Outcomes.
 The elements of entrepreneurial marketing has components: Opportunity driven;
Reactiveness; Innovation focused; Customer Intensity; Risk Management; Resource
Leveraging; Value Creation.
 Difference between traditional marketing and entrepreneurial marketing, and how the
need developed for entrepreneurial marketing.
 The dimensions of Entrepreneurial marketing are: Marketing as Culture; Marketing as
Strategy; Marketing as Tactics.
 Internal Organizational Environment consists of three elements: Market Orientation of
the firm; Entrepreneurial Orientation of the firm; Organizational Climate Variables.
 How and why the need developed for entrepreneurial marketing.

Question # 3
Suppose you are going to launch your own startup business in services sector how this
research would help you to market your venture?
Various entrepreneurial marketing concepts and terms have been covered in the given research
article. If they are implemented in the venture, the business can grow well. The article portrays
that it is the modern and advanced era that is why the ways of marketing have been changed and
improved. This has led to increase in the efficiency regarding the execution of a business. For
example, the practice of marketing comprises of three important and distinct dimensions;
culture, strategy and tactics. Implementing it in the new business venture would prove to be
beneficial in the following ways:
 The business’s overall value proposition can also be gained and then articulated to the

 As strategy, marketing is alert on how the firm will compete with competitors so some
key decision areas that can be helpful for the firm are determining market segmentation,
target positioning and when to partner.

 For marketing, tactics can be identified and gained from the given article to apply on the
new firm. They comprise of customization, real time consumption and production. The
implementation of innovative marketing design and marketing mix variables would
enhance customer relationships and the reputation of the firm.

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