Moving Average Cross Strategy

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Estratégia de cruzamento de Médias Móveis (Moving Average Cross

Estudo realizado com o intuito de testar o comportamento de duas médias móveis simples (42 e 252 períodos), quando há o cruzamento das duas e, a partir
disso, entrar comprado ou vendido no ativo.

Neste exemplo, tenho uma base de dados de 10 anos (2010 até 2019), com 12 ativos. Para fins de estudo, só usarei um ativo: o par EUR/USD. No entanto, a
estratégia poderá ser replicada em quaisquer ativos.

This study was carried out with the aim of testing the behavior of two simple moving averages (SMAs, 42 and 252 periods), when there is a crossing of the two
SMAs and, from that, going long or short in the asset.

In this example, I have a 10-year database (2010 to 2019), with 12 assets. For study purposes, I will use only one asset: the EUR/USD pair. However, the
strategy can be replicated in any assets whatsoever.

In [3]: import pandas as pd

import numpy as np

In [4]: rawdata = pd.read_csv('/content/drive/MyDrive/Colab Notebooks/sma_dataset.csv',

index_col=0, parse_dates=True).dropna()

In [5]:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
DatetimeIndex: 2516 entries, 2010-01-04 to 2019-12-31
Data columns (total 12 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 AAPL.O 2516 non-null float64
1 MSFT.O 2516 non-null float64
2 INTC.O 2516 non-null float64
3 AMZN.O 2516 non-null float64
4 GS.N 2516 non-null float64
5 SPY 2516 non-null float64
6 .SPX 2516 non-null float64
7 .VIX 2516 non-null float64
8 EUR= 2516 non-null float64
9 XAU= 2516 non-null float64
10 GDX 2516 non-null float64
11 GLD 2516 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(12)
memory usage: 255.5 KB

In [6]: # renaming the only column to 'price'

rawdata = pd.DataFrame(rawdata['EUR='])
rawdata.rename(columns={'EUR=': 'price'}, inplace=True)

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
DatetimeIndex: 2516 entries, 2010-01-04 to 2019-12-31
Data columns (total 1 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 price 2516 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(1)
memory usage: 39.3 KB

In [7]: # creating the SMAs columns

rawdata['SMA42'] = rawdata['price'].rolling(42).mean()
rawdata['SMA252'] = rawdata['price'].rolling(252).mean()

price SMA42 SMA252


2019-12-24 1.1087 1.107698 1.119630

2019-12-26 1.1096 1.107740 1.119529

2019-12-27 1.1175 1.107924 1.119428

2019-12-30 1.1197 1.108131 1.119333

2019-12-31 1.1210 1.108279 1.119231

In [8]: %matplotlib inline

from pylab import mpl, plt'seaborn')
mpl.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 300
mpl.rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif'
rawdata.plot(title='EUR/USD | 42 & 252 days SMAs\nEUR/USD | Médias Móveis 42 & 252 períodos',
figsize=(20, 12));

In [9]: # generating positioning signals, which 1 stand for 'long position' and -1 for 'short position'
rawdata['position'] = np.where(rawdata['SMA42'] > rawdata['SMA252'],
1, -1)
rawdata['position'].plot(ylim=[-1.1, 1.1],
title='Market Positioning\nPosicionamento de Mercado',
figsize=(20, 12));

In [10]: # plotting the log returns histogram

rawdata['returns'] = np.log(rawdata['price'] / rawdata['price'].shift(1))
rawdata['returns'].hist(bins=35, figsize=(20, 12));

In [11]: # comparing and calculating the results from both SMA-based strategy and passive benchmark investment
rawdata['strategy'] = rawdata['position'].shift(1) * rawdata['returns']
rawdata[['returns', 'strategy']].sum()
rawdata[['returns', 'strategy']].sum().apply(np.exp)

Out[11]: returns 0.838006

strategy 1.288039
dtype: float64

In [12]: rawdata[['returns', 'strategy']].cumsum(

).apply(np.exp).plot(figsize=(20, 12));

In [13]: # calculating annualized mean and standard deviation in log and regular space
rawdata[['returns', 'strategy']].mean() * 252

Out[13]: returns -0.019671

strategy 0.028174
dtype: float64

In [14]: np.exp(rawdata[['returns', 'strategy']].mean() * 252) - 1

Out[14]: returns -0.019479

strategy 0.028575
dtype: float64

In [15]: rawdata[['returns', 'strategy']].std() * 252 ** 0.5

Out[15]: returns 0.085414

strategy 0.085405
dtype: float64

In [96]: (rawdata[['returns', 'strategy']].apply(np.exp) - 1).std() * 252 ** 0.5

Out[96]: returns 0.085405

strategy 0.085373
dtype: float64

In [16]: # creates two columns: 'cumret' (gross performance over time) and 'cummax' (maximum gross performance)
rawdata['cumret'] = rawdata['strategy'].cumsum().apply(np.exp)
rawdata['cummax'] = rawdata['cumret'].cummax()
rawdata[['cumret', 'cummax']].dropna().plot(figsize=(20, 12));

In [17]: # calculating drawdown (max difference between 'cummax' and 'cumret')

drawdown = rawdata['cummax'] - rawdata['cumret']

Out[17]: 0.17779367070195895

In [18]: # calculating the longest drawdown period

temp = drawdown[drawdown == 0]
periods = (temp.index[1:].to_pydatetime() -

Out[18]: array([datetime.timedelta(days=1), datetime.timedelta(days=1),

datetime.timedelta(days=10)], dtype=object)

In [19]: periods.max()

Out[19]: datetime.timedelta(days=596)

In [20]: # first, the module 'SMAVectorBacktester' was imported to our file. Then, we start the SMA-based strategy backtest, along with a
n example of optimization of the same SMA-based strategy
from scipy.optimize import brute

class SMAVectorBacktester(object):
''' Class for the vectorized backtesting of SMA-based trading strategies.
symbol: str
RIC symbol with which to work with
SMA1: int
time window in days for shorter SMA
SMA2: int
time window in days for longer SMA
start: str
start date for data retrieval
end: str
end date for data retrieval
retrieves and prepares the base data set
sets one or two new SMA parameters
runs the backtest for the SMA-based strategy
plots the performance of the strategy compared to the symbol
updates SMA parameters and returns the (negative) absolute performance
implements a brute force optimizeation for the two SMA parameters

def __init__(self, symbol, SMA42, SMA252, start, end):

self.symbol = symbol
self.SMA42 = SMA42
self.SMA252 = SMA252
self.start = start
self.end = end
self.results = None

def get_data(self):
''' Retrieves and prepares the data.
rawdata = pd.read_csv('/content/drive/MyDrive/Colab Notebooks/sma_dataset.csv',
index_col=0, parse_dates=True).dropna()
rawdata = pd.DataFrame(rawdata[self.symbol])
rawdata = rawdata.loc[self.start:self.end]
rawdata.rename(columns={self.symbol: 'price'}, inplace=True)
rawdata['return'] = np.log(rawdata / rawdata.shift(1))
rawdata['SMA42'] = rawdata['price'].rolling(self.SMA42).mean()
rawdata['SMA252'] = rawdata['price'].rolling(self.SMA252).mean() = rawdata

def set_parameters(self, SMA42=None, SMA252=None):

''' Updates SMA parameters and resp. time series.
if SMA42 is not None:
self.SMA42 = SMA42['SMA42'] =['price'].rolling(
if SMA252 is not None:
self.SMA252 = SMA252['SMA252'] =['price'].rolling(self.SMA252).mean()

def run_strategy(self):
''' Backtests the trading strategy.
data =
data['position'] = np.where(data['SMA42'] > data['SMA252'], 1, -1)
data['strategy'] = data['position'].shift(1) * data['return']
data['creturns'] = data['return'].cumsum().apply(np.exp)
data['cstrategy'] = data['strategy'].cumsum().apply(np.exp)
self.results = data
# gross performance of the strategy
aperf = data['cstrategy'].iloc[-1]
# out-/underperformance of strategy
operf = aperf - data['creturns'].iloc[-1]
return round(aperf, 2), round(operf, 2)

def plot_results(self):
''' Plots the cumulative performance of the trading strategy
compared to the symbol.
if self.results is None:
print('No results to plot yet. Run a strategy.')
title = '%s | SMA42=%d, SMA252=%d' % (self.symbol,
self.SMA42, self.SMA252)
self.results[['creturns', 'cstrategy']].plot(title=title,
figsize=(20, 12))

def update_and_run(self, SMA):

''' Updates SMA parameters and returns negative absolute performance
(for minimazation algorithm).
SMA: tuple
SMA parameter tuple
self.set_parameters(int(SMA[0]), int(SMA[1]))
return -self.run_strategy()[0]

def optimize_parameters(self, SMA42_range, SMA252_range):

''' Finds global maximum given the SMA parameter ranges.
SMA42_range, SMA252_range: tuple
tuples of the form (start, end, step size)
opt = brute(self.update_and_run, (SMA42_range, SMA252_range), finish=None)
return opt, -self.update_and_run(opt)

if __name__ == '__main__':
smabt = SMAVectorBacktester('EUR=', 42, 252,
'2010-1-1', '2020-12-31')
smabt.set_parameters(SMA42=20, SMA252=100)
print(smabt.optimize_parameters((30, 56, 4), (200, 300, 4)))

(1.29, 0.45)
(0.97, 0.05)
(array([ 50., 236.]), 1.49)

In [21]: smabt.plot_results()

In [ ]:

Resultado (Results)
O primeiro modelo usado (médias móveis simples, de 42 e 252 períodos) teve um resultado de 1.2880 (ou 128.8%) no período testado. Já o modelo com
parâmetros otimizados (médias móveis simples, de 50 e 236 períodos) apresentou uma performance de 1.49 (ou 149%). O modelo otimizado,
desconsiderando taxas e outros custos, teve uma performance 15.68% acima do modelo inicial.

The first model used (SMAs, 42 and 252 periods) had a result of 1.2880 (or 128.8%) in the tested period. The model with optimized parameters (SMAs, of 50
and 236 periods) presented a performance of 1.49 (or 149%). The optimized model, excluding fees and other costs, performed 15.68% higher than the initial

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