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Perpindahan Panas

(2 SKS)
Endah Sulistiawati, S.T., M.T.

Pertemuan ke-2
The heat flux due to conduction in the x direction
is given by Fourier’s law:


• Where Q is the rate of heat transfer (W),

• k is the thermal conductivity [W(m⋅K)],
• A is the area perpendicular to the x direction,
and T is temperature (K).
• For the homogeneous, one-dimensional plane
shown in Fig. 5-1a, with constant k, the
integrated form of (5-1) is


• where Δx is the thickness of the plane.

• Using the thermal circuit shown in Fig. 5-1b, Eq.
(5-2) can be written in the form

• (5-3)

• where R is the thermal resistance (K/W).

Konduktivitas Termal, k
• The thermal conductivity k is a transport
• The thermal conductivity is a function of
temperature, but the use of constant or averaged
values is frequently sufficient.
• Room temperature values for air, water,
concrete, and copper are 0.026, 0.61, 1.4, and
400 W/(m ⋅ K).
• One-Dimensional Conduction
• In the absence of energy source terms, is
constant with distance, as shown in Fig. 5-1a.
• For steady conduction, the integrated form of
(5-1) for a planar system with constant k and A
is Eq. (5-2) or (5-3).
• For the general case of variables k (k is a
function of temperature) and A (cylindrical and
spherical systems with radial coordinate r, as
sketched in Fig. 5-2), the average heat transfer
area and thermal conductivity are defined such

• For a thermal conductivity that depends linearly

on T,
• and the average heat thermal conductivity is
• FIG. 5-2 The hollow sphere or cylinder
• For cylinders and spheres, A is a function of
radial position (see Fig. 5-2): 2πrL and 4πr2,
where L is the length of the cylinder.
• For constant k, Eq. (5-4) becomes
Conduction with Resistances in
• A steady-state temperature profile in a planar
composite wall, with three constant thermal
conductivities and no source terms, is shown in
Fig. 5-3a.
• The corresponding thermal circuit is given in
Fig. 5-3b.
• The rate of heat transfer through each of the
layers is the same.
• The total resistance is the sum of the individual
resistances shown in Fig. 5-3b:

• Additional resistances in the series may occur at

the surfaces of the solid if they are in contact
with a fluid.
• The rate of convective heat transfer, between a
surface of area A and a fluid, is represented by
Newton’s law of cooling as

• where 1/(hA) is the resistance due to convection

(K/W) and the heat transfer coefficient is
• For the cylindrical geometry shown in Fig. 5-2,
with convection to inner and outer fluids at
temperatures, Ti and To, with heat-transfer
coefficients hi and ho, the steady-state rate of
heat transfer is

• where resistances Ri and Ro are the convective

resistances at the inner and outer surfaces.
• The total resistance is again the sum of the
resistances in series.
Example 1: Conduction with
Resistances in Series and Parallel
• Figure 5-4 shows the thermal circuit for a
furnace wall. The outside surface has a known
temperature T2 = 625 K. The temperature of the
surroundings Tsur is 290 K. We want to estimate
the temperature of the inside wall T1. The wall
consists of three layers: deposit [kD = 1.6
W/(m⋅K), ΔxD = 0.080 m], brick [kB = 1.7
W/(m⋅K), ΔxB = 0.15 m], and steel [kS = 45
W/(m⋅K), ΔxS = 0.00254 m]. The outside surface
loses heat by two parallel mechanisms—
convection and radiation.
• The convective heat-transfer coefficient hC = 5.0
• The radiative heat-transfer coefficient hR = 16.3
W/(m2⋅K). The latter is calculated from
Conduction with Heat Source
• Application of the law of conservation of energy
to a one-dimensional solid, with the heat flux
given by (5-1) and volumetric source term S
(W/m3), results in the following equations for
steady-state conduction in a flat plate of
thickness 2R (b = 1), a cylinder of diameter 2R
(b = 2), and a sphere of diameter 2R (b = 3). The
parameter b is a measure of the curvature. The
thermal conductivity is constant, and there is
convection at the surface, with heat-transfer
coefficient h and fluid temperature T∞.
Two- and Three-Dimensional
• Application of the law of conservation of energy
to a three-dimensional solid, with the heat flux
given by (5-1) and volumetric source term S
(W/m3), results in the following equation for
steady-state conduction in rectangular
coordinates. Similar equations apply to
cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems.
Finite difference, finite volume, or finite element
methods are generally necessary to solve (5-15).

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