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Tantra Touch

Module One - Sacred Sexuality

by Psalm Isadora

Tantra Touch
Sacred Sexuality


4 Simple Tips To Get The Most Out of This Class:

1. Print this workbook out before starting to listen to the recording so you can write down
your notes as you listen.

2. Review the topic outline so you know what to listen for. Make sure you've set aside
private time for this session (minimum 50 minutes) so you’ll be able to focus and fully
receive the benefits of the session.

3. Write down all the interesting and new ideas and inspirations you get while listening —
that way you won’t lose the information most relevant to you.

4. Think of how you can quickly implement the teachings shared in this session.

Preparation Tips:

• Make sure you are in a quiet place where nothing can distract you, and that you are not
driving a car or any other vehicle. Be in a comfortable position so you can fully take part
in any of the exercises or meditations that are part of the class.

• Stretch your muscles before starting the class. Stretching loosens the muscles and
tendons allowing you to sit (or lie) more comfortably. Additionally, stretching starts the
process of “going inward” and brings added focus to the body.

• Take a deep breath. Breathing deeply slows down the heart rate and relaxes the
muscles to help you have a comfortable experience during any guided exercises that will
happen during the class.

We hope you’ll enjoy it!

Tantra Touch
Sacred Sexuality

What Is Tantra?

1. What are the three things Tantra teaches you:




2. Write down your understanding of what Tantra is and how you can apply the
learnings from the ”Eating chocolate” exercise in your intimate life.


Tantra Touch

Psychological Roadblocks For Men & Women

1. What are the common psychological roadblocks men have?


2. What are the common psychological roadblocks women have?


3. Which roadblocks do you recognise in yourself?


Tantra Touch
Sacred Sexuality

Psychological Roadblocks For Men & Women

4. What are the negative beliefs sabotaging your self-confidence that you
discovered during the guided exercise? What are the things you say to yourself that
are making you feel unworthy or lack confidence? List them below.


“Becoming aware of the negative self-chatter and the tapes that are running in your
head all the time will help you learn how to press “pause” when you start hearing
them and bring yourself to being more present in this moment and tap into your
physical body.” ~ Psalm Isadora

Tantra Touch
Sacred Sexuality

Psychological Roadblocks For Men & Women

5. Identifying your Intimacy Root Story

a) What were the beliefs you were thought about sex from your family, religion,
schools and friends? List as many as you can remember.

1) Having sex before marriage is a sin. 2) Having multiple sexual partners makes
you popular/slutty. 3) If I don't have good sex with my partner, my partner will cheat.
5) Being gay is a sin/illness. 6) Having sexual desires is bad. 7) Asking for sex or
telling my partner what I want is not good. 8) Refusing sex to my partner makes me
a bad spouse. 9) Sex is only for procreation and not for enjoyment. 10) Sex is
meant to be enjoyed. 11) Sex is healthy. 12) My sexuality has the potential to attract
harmful situations. 13) Sex is a beautiful act of connecting with another.

Tantra Touch
Sacred Sexuality

Psychological Roadblocks For Men & Women

b) Go through the beliefs you wrote and think how do they affect your intimate life,
your choice of parents and the quality of your relationships? See which ones are
empowering and which ones you feel are disempowering. List them in the
appropriate column below.

Empowering Disempowering
__________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________

c) Look at the column with the disempowering beliefs and decide what new beliefs

you would like to replace them with. Be creative and write a list of the new beliefs
you would want to make your own, so you can rewrite your connection and intimacy
story to match your true heart and soul desires.


Tantra Touch
Sacred Sexuality

Yin & Yang

1. What are the properties of the Masculine - Shiva?


2. What are the properties of the Feminine - Shakti?


3. How can you use this knowledge to balance the masculine/feminine energies
inside yourself and also to apply it in your relationships? Write down your thoughts.


Tantra Touch
Sacred Sexuality

Hyper & Hypo Sexual

1. Where on the spectrum between Hypo and Hyper sexual do you feel you are and
what insights did you gain from the lesson on how to deal with the challenges you
are facing?


Tantra Touch
Sacred Sexuality

The Three Levels Of Intimacy

1. Use the space below to write down any insights that you have during the


Tantra Touch
Sacred Sexuality

The KISS Meditation

1. What does the abbreviation KISS stand for?


2. Describe the experience you have had with the KISS meditation. Did you feel any
blockage or discomfort in your body or mind? Did you have any opening or some
experience that you never had before? 

Tantra Touch
Sacred Sexuality

Module One - Sacred Sexuality

Use this space to write down your notes, ideas & inspirations

Tantra Touch
Neurons To Nirvana

Tantra Touch
Module Two - Neurons To Nirvana

by Psalm Isadora

Tantra Touch
Neurons To Nirvana


4 Simple Tips To Get The Most Out of This Class:

1. Print this workbook out before starting to listen to the recording so you can write down
your notes as you listen.

2. Review the topic outline so you know what to listen for. Make sure you've set aside
private time for this session (minimum 50 minutes) so you’ll be able to focus and fully
receive the benefits of the session.

3. Write down all the interesting and new ideas and inspirations you get while listening —
that way you won’t lose the information most relevant to you.

4. Think of how you can quickly implement the teachings shared in this session.

Preparation Tips:

• Make sure you are in a quiet place where nothing can distract you, and that you are not
driving a car or any other vehicle. Be in a comfortable position so you can fully take part
in any of the exercises or meditations that are part of the class.

• Stretch your muscles before starting the class. Stretching loosens the muscles and
tendons allowing you to sit (or lie) more comfortably. Additionally, stretching starts the
process of “going inward” and brings added focus to the body.

• Take a deep breath. Breathing deeply slows down the heart rate and relaxes the
muscles to help you have a comfortable experience during any guided exercises that will
happen during the class.

We hope you’ll enjoy it!

Tantra Touch
Neurons To Nirvana

Why Is Orgasm Necessary

1. Describe the benefits of sex mentioned in the video?


2. What are the common stresses for most of the people? Write them down and
circle the ones you recognise in your life.


Tantra Touch
Neurons To Nirvana

Why Is Orgasm Necessary

3. How do you rate yourself in relation to the common pleasure addictions? What
are the ways you look for pleasure in order to release the stress?

Food: Are you using food as a crunch to relieve your stress, depression or anxiety?
How often do you eat without paying attention and being present and actually
tasting and allowing yourself to enjoy your food?
Alcohol: Can help you to relax and be more uninhibited. But if you start to need
alcohol to feel comfortable in social situations or even to have sex, that’s when it
can become an addiction.
Sex: Do you find yourself having mindless sex, where you’ve checked out and are
not connecting to the other person? Or do you use a vibrator or porn as a way to
relieve stress but end up feeling empty afterwords?

Remember: They are not good or bad, it depends on how you use them.


Tantra Touch
Neurons To Nirvana

Why Is Orgasm Necessary

4. Why did you join this 7 week program? What is it that you intend to break
through? Form intentions on how you can have better intimacy, better relationships
and mind-blowing soulful sex. Write down your intentions, so that you can use the
course as a tool to create this goal/ these goals.

1. If you have a hard time asking for what you want in you relationships, you can
write an intention: “I ask for what I want in my relationships"
2. If you have a hard time letting go and putting your guard down, so that you can
be more vulnerable and have more heartfelt connections: “I am willing to open my
heart and to be vulnerable” 

Remember: Repeat these intentions to yourself often so that it can become

automatic and gets embedded in your subconscious, leading to changing your
limiting beliefs.


Tantra Touch
Neurons To Nirvana

The Top Four Roadblocks to Orgasm

1. What are the top 4 roadblocks to orgasm? Which ones are you experiencing and
how are they playing in your life?


2. What is the effect of stress on your body, how can you recognise it, and what can
you do to release it?


Tantra Touch
Neurons To Nirvana
The Top Four Roadblocks To Orgasm

3. Write down what would be your daily ritual to disconnect from the outside world
for a while, be present in your body and tune into yourself and into your partner (if
you have one).


4. Journal about the effects you observe that doing this daily ritual is having on your


Tantra Touch
Neurons To Nirvana

The Top Four Roadblocks To Orgasm

5. List the effects of shame mentioned in the video.


6. How has shame manifested in your intimate relationships? Write about the
effects you can recognise in your life?


Tantra Touch
Neurons To Nirvana

The Top Four Roadblocks to Orgasm

7. How can you recapture the feeling of childhood wonderment about your body/
your partners body? Allow your imagination to give you suggestions how you can
go back to this state of freedom.


8. Describe the experience you have had while doing the exercise for shifting from
the left analytical brain to your right feeling brain.


Tantra Touch
Neurons To Nirvana

Neural Plasticity  

1. Reflect on how often fear is affecting you by shutting down your heart and body,
your sexuality and your ability to connect to other people


2. What are the six ways to experience ecstasy?


Tantra Touch
Neurons To Nirvana

Neural Plasticity  

2. How and where will you apply the 6 ways to ecstasy in your life?


3. Create your positive affirmations to use throughout this course:


Tantra Touch
Neurons To Nirvana
Neural Plasticity  

4. What are your intentions for this week around your sexuality and love life? Write
them down.

1. Your intention can be as simple as “to just relax”. 
2. “My intention is to breakthrough a particular pattern.”
3. “I want to attract a partner.”
4. “I want to be able to save my marriage and connect more deeply and sensual
with my partner.”


Tantra Touch
Neurons To Nirvana

The Three-Part Tantra Breath Exercise

1. How does your energy feel before and after doing the Bliss Breath?


2. How does your body feel after doing the Arousal Breath? How are your thoughts
different? How is your energy level changed?


Tantra Touch
Neurons To Nirvana

The Three-Part Tantra Breath Exercise

3. What were the experiences you have had while doing the Sound Breath?


4. Describe the experience you have had with the Secret Squeeze exercise?


Tantra Touch
Neurons To Nirvana


Use this space to write down your notes, ideas & inspirations


Tantra Touch
The Seven Levels Of Intimacy

Tantra Touch
Module Three - The Seven Levels Of Intimacy

by Psalm Isadora

Tantra Touch
The Seven Levels Of Intimacy


4 Simple Tips To Get The Most Out of This Class:

1. Print this workbook out before starting to listen to the recording so you can write down
your notes as you listen.

2. Review the topic outline so you know what to listen for. Make sure you've set aside
private time for this session (minimum 50 minutes) so you’ll be able to focus and fully
receive the benefits of the session.

3. Write down all the interesting and new ideas and inspirations you get while listening —
that way you won’t lose the information most relevant to you.

4. Think of how you can quickly implement the teachings shared in this session.

Preparation Tips:

• Make sure you are in a quiet place where nothing can distract you, and that you are not
driving a car or any other vehicle. Be in a comfortable position so you can fully take part
in any of the exercises or meditations that are part of the class.

• Stretch your muscles before starting the class. Stretching loosens the muscles and
tendons allowing you to sit (or lie) more comfortably. Additionally, stretching starts the
process of “going inward” and brings added focus to the body.

• Take a deep breath. Breathing deeply slows down the heart rate and relaxes the
muscles to help you have a comfortable experience during any guided exercises that will
happen during the class.

We hope you’ll enjoy it!

Tantra Touch
The Seven Levels Of Intimacy

The Seven Chakras & Levels Of Intimacy

1. Remember your experience doing the Arousal breath. When you scanned your
body did you notice any places where you felt pain or discomfort? Use the
illustration below and circle the places where you felt these sensations.

Tantra Touch
The Seven Levels Of Intimacy

The Seven Chakras & Levels Of Intimacy

2. At the end of this workbook, you will find tables with the main learning points
about the chakras. Read the descriptions of the meanings of the blockages related
to the places in your body where you felt pain or discomfort. Journal about which
chakras did you discover blockages in, and what would that mean for you. Use the
space on this and next page.

If you had pain on your low back, that would be a blockage in your second
chakra, related to your sexual energy. It is often also associated with depression.
If you had pain around your head, or felt headache, that would be a blockage
associated with your sixth chakra, which is your intuition and you ability to find
space and not react to your emotions all the time.
If you felt pain in your chest, or your shoulders, that would be associated with
your heart chakra. That’s a blockage to being able to be vulnerable, and feel safe to
give and receive, or to bond.
If you felt like you wanted to cough, or your throat felt dry, that’s a blockage to
your fifth chakra. This is connected to the ability to speak your truth.
If you felt pain in your knees, your lower hips or tailbone, that is associated to
your root chakra. That would be a blockage to the feelings of stability, or the
foundation, going back to your family patterns.
If you felt pain more around your stomach, or if you have a lot of indigestion,
that would be a blockage to your third chakra. That’s your ability to individuate, to
have healthy self-esteem, to create boundaries in your relationships based on that


Tantra Touch
The Seven Levels Of Intimacy

The Seven Chakras & Levels Of Intimacy


3. Find the Affirmations related to the blockages in the tables at the end of this
Workbook. Touch the places where you felt pain, breath into each place bringing
the Shakti energy into it and repeat the affirmations. Observe what is happening.
Use the space below to journal about your experience.


Tantra Touch
The Seven Levels Of Intimacy

The Seven Chakras & Levels Of Intimacy

4. What are the levels of intimacy connection and which chakras are associated
with each level?


5. When you have sex can you feel where the primary level of connection is at,
using the chakra levels of intimacy map? Use the space below to journal on your
experiences and observations.


Tantra Touch
The Seven Levels Of Intimacy
Metaphysics Of Tantra & Whole Body Orgasms

1. What is the etymology of the word Kundalini? Where is it located in the male and
female body? Write the answers below.


2. Describe what the elements of the ancient symbol of the Caduceus represent. 

(shown at 01:29 min. in the video)


Tantra Touch
The Seven Levels Of Intimacy

Metaphysics Of Tantra & Whole Body Orgasms

3. List what are the Microcosmic orbit benefits for women:


4. List what are the Microcosmic orbit benefits for men:


5. What are the differences in multiple orgasms for men and women?


Tantra Touch
The Seven Levels Of Intimacy

Metaphysics Of Tantra & Whole Body Orgasms

6. Use arrows to draw in the picture below (depending on your sex), where you felt
the Microcosmic orbit move in your body and where it was stuck - was it only
moving through the first two chakras, was it going up to the heart, or was it
circulating freely in your body?

Tantra Touch
The Seven Levels Of Intimacy

Metaphysics Of Tantra & Whole Body Orgasms

8. Describe the experience you have had while doing the Microcosmic Orbit


Tantra Touch
The Seven Levels Of Intimacy

The Art Of Touch & Its Key Benefits

1. What makes Tantra touch and Tantra sex different than the regular touch and
sex? Describe your understanding below:


2. Journal about your experience while doing the Featherlight Touch. How did you
feel? Was it easy to identify what your body was asking for and allow yourself to
give it through your touch?


Tantra Touch
The Seven Levels Of Intimacy
Microcosmic Orbit Practice

1. How do you feel after doing the Microcosmic Orbit practice? Journal about your


Tantra Touch
The Seven Levels Of Intimacy

The Root Chakra

Early childhood and family patterns.

This level is our ground level and the

ROOT CHAKRA foundation we have built our lives on.

Stage of The root of a tree affects the fruit that
Development will grow. What is happening in your
life right now is like the fruit on the
tree. If you want to change the results,
you have to go back to the root.
Blocked Can mean living in a constant state of
Chakra fight or flight, lack of stability and
Meaning trauma.

Your feet, tailbone, prostate, G-spot

and cervix.

Color: RED Touch
*Touch your tailbone when repeating
the affirmation.
Element: EARTH Your feet growing roots into the earth;
Visualize a deep rust red color like the ground
Sense: SMELL in Hawaii.
I am safe. I am grounded. I let go of
past hurts and trauma. I can relax and
let go.

Tantra Touch
The Seven Levels Of Intimacy

The Sex Chakra

Puberty. This Shakti sexual chi is the

rocketfuel for everything we want to

SEX CHAKRA cretate in our lives and all the other 7

levels of development. The second
Stage of
chakra is also the storehouse of
subconscious emotions and deeper
desires. It is our pleasure center
where we go to relieve all the stress of
survival from the root level 1.
Blocked Can result in depression, low energy,
Chakra lack of passion and creativity, low
Meaning libido, and blocked intimacy.

Your hips, the tip of your sex organ,

the tip of your tongue.

*Place your hand at your pubic bone
Element: WATER when repeating the affirmation.
A lightening bolt of electricity from the
Sense: TASTE tip of your sex organ running up your
Visualize spine to the crown of your head; a
great churning ocean of water in your
I am sensual. I am free to feel
pleasure. It is safe to feel my sexual

Tantra Touch
The Seven Levels Of Intimacy

The Ego Chakra

Individuation - when you learn to

separate yourself and your patterns

EGO CHAKRA from the root level of your family. This

Stage of
can be very difficult because our
tribes and families often judge us
when we try to change and evolve into
our own person.
Blocked Can result in low self esteem, co-
Chakra dependant behaviours, inability to be
Meaning successful and low metabolism.

Your navel, your solar plexus.

Touch *Touch your tailbone when repeating
the affirmation.
A great burning sun in the center of
Visualize your belly; an arrow of light shooting
Element: FIRE from your navel.
I am safe. I am grounded. I let go of
Sense: VISION past hurts and trauma. I can relax and
Positive let go. I am powerful. I am strong. I
Affirmations: have willpower. I can manifest my
vision. I am healthy. I can create
wealth and abundance.

Tantra Touch
The Seven Levels Of Intimacy

The Heart Chakra

When you begin to experience love,

bonding and attachment. For most of
Stage of
HEART CHAKRA us, we experienced our first bonding
when we breastfed from our mothers,
which is also at the heart level.
Blocked Can mean difficulty forming bonds or
Chakra being overly co-dependant, or overly
Meaning attached.

Your heart, lungs - with breath,

breasts, nipples.
* Place your hand on your heart area
when repeating the affirmation.
A bright green emerald jewel radiating
Color: GREEN Visualize
from your heart.
I am worthy of being loved. I am
Element: AIR
enough. I give love with no
expectation. I soften my heart to
Sense: TOUCH receive love without fear. I am safe
enough in myself to be vulnerable and
let my guard down. I can give and
receive love equally.

Tantra Touch
The Seven Levels Of Intimacy

The Voice Chakra

The ability to speak truthfully without

fear of consequences. Most of us from

VOICE CHAKRA childhood experiences were trained

that it was dangerous to tell the truth.
We learned to be accepted and
Stage of
please others instead of using our
voices to speak our truth and be
authentic. Many people are afraid they
will be judged if they communicate
their desires to their partners and so
they hide part of themselves away.
Blocked Can result in difficulty in speaking your
Chakra truth and sharing desires, lack of self-
Color: BLUE Meaning expression.

Your throat, collarbone, neck, jaw.

Element: SOUND *Touch your touch around your throat,
your collarbone or your jaw when
Sense: HEARING repeating the affirmation.
A doorway that opens from your throat
Visualize to infinite space; your spirit flying free
in the sky.
Positive I can speak my truth. I am authentic. I
Affirmations: am limitless.

Tantra Touch
The Seven Levels Of Intimacy

The Mind Chakra

Discernment and Intuition. The ability

Stage of to see through the bullshit clearly -

MIND CHAKRA Development what is real and what is not true. Self
trust and to not question your intuition.
Can can cause migraines, self doubt,
confusion, anxiety.
Your forehead - the space between
your brows.

*Touch touch between you eyebrows
when repeating the affirmation.
A doorway that opens from your
Visualize forehead into infinite space; the
feeling of expansion

Element: SPACE
I can see clearly. I am the observer of
my emotions. I am guided by my
Sense: INTUITION Affirmations:
perfect intuition.

Tantra Touch
The Seven Levels Of Intimacy

The Bliss Chakra

Mystical union. When all the other

chakras are in balance, the mystical

BLISS CHAKRA 7th chakra can be open, giving a

feeling of total bliss, peace and
ecstasy. One of the fastest and easiest
ways to tap into this 7th level is
Stage of
through sex and orgasm, when you
lose self-consciousness and are
completely immersed in a feeling of
bliss and perfection. When two people
can enjoy this experience together, it is
incredibly powerful and turns sex into a
sacred experience.
Color: WHITE Blocked Can result in difficulty in speaking your
Chakra truth and sharing desires, lack of self-
Meaning expression.

Top of your head

Touch *Touch the top of your head when
repeating the affirmation.
A moonroof or skylight at the top of
your head opening up and expanding
into infinite space. See golden light
Visualize pouring down from the sky and
entering through the top of your head
filling you with a feeling of grace and
Positive I am one with everything. I feel total
Affirmations: bliss.

Tantra Touch
The Seven Levels Of Intimacy


Use this space to write down your notes, ideas and inspirations


Tantra Touch
Tantra For One

Tantra Touch
Module Four - Tantra For One

by Psalm Isadora

Tantra Touch
Tantra For One


4 Simple Tips To Get The Most Out of This Class:

1. Print this workbook out before starting to listen to the recording so you can write down
your notes as you listen.

2. Review the topic outline so you know what to listen for. Make sure you've set aside
private time for this session (minimum 50 minutes) so you’ll be able to focus and fully
receive the benefits of the session.

3. Write down all the interesting and new ideas and inspirations you get while listening —
that way you won’t lose the information most relevant to you.

4. Think of how you can quickly implement the teachings shared in this session.

Preparation Tips:

• Make sure you are in a quiet place where nothing can distract you, and that you are not
driving a car or any other vehicle. Be in a comfortable position so you can fully take part
in any of the exercises or meditations that are part of the class.

• Stretch your muscles before starting the class. Stretching loosens the muscles and
tendons allowing you to sit (or lie) more comfortably. Additionally, stretching starts the
process of “going inward” and brings added focus to the body.

• Take a deep breath. Breathing deeply slows down the heart rate and relaxes the
muscles to help you have a comfortable experience during any guided exercises that will
happen during the class.

We hope you’ll enjoy it!

Tantra Touch
Tantra For One

Your Sexual Shakti

1. Quiz: How strong your sexual magnetism is.

Read the descriptions below and use them as a starting point to identify how how or
low is your Shakti. Use the space provided on the next page to journal about your
thoughts and feelings on the subject.

Low Shakti: You have a hard time feeling arousal. You have low energy in general
in your life. Can be connected to anxiety or depression.

Hight Shakti: People often comment on your hight sexual energy. You have sex to
relax, instead of needing to relax in order to have sex.

Blocked Shakti: You have a specific trauma associated with your sexuality that has
blocked your ability to feel sexual pleasure in your body. You associate pleasure
and sexual energy with a state of danger, where you can be retraumatized again. 

Overactive Shakti: Your sexual energy is a distraction. You can’t focus on work,
you can’t focus your mind on anything, because your sexual energy is out of

Self-destructive Shakti: You consistently choose sexual situations which are

harmful, self destructive or hurt your overall life quality.

Addictive Shakti: You use sex as an escape - like a drug. You might be in denial.
You continuously lie about your sex life or are promiscuous and hide, and can’t stop
yourself even when you put yourself and your partners in danger. 

Tantra Touch
Tantra For One

Your Sexual Shakti


Tantra Touch
Tantra For One

Your Sexual Shakti

2. What are the common sexual blockages for women?


3. What are the common sexual blockages for women?


Tantra Touch
Tantra For One

Your Sexual Shakti

4. Watch again the end of the first video and reflect below on the following

What would a society with normal sexuality look like? How would be people
differently experiencing their own sexuality? Feel free to add your own ideas and


Tantra Touch
Tantra For One

For Women

1. What is foreplay in Tantra and why is it important?


2. What are the four types of orgasms a woman can have?


Tantra Touch
Tantra For One

For Women

3. Journal about your experience doing the Tantra breast massage.


Tantra Touch
Tantra For One

For Men

1. Journal about your experiences with the Edging technique.


2. Journal about your experiences with the Prostate massage.


Tantra Touch
Tantra For One

For Men

3. What are the four workout tips for better sex?


4. Write down what would be your action plan to incorporate the four workout
tips for better sex in your life.


Tantra Touch
Tantra For One

Daily Practises For Men And Women

1. Self pleasure journaling – write about your experiences with self pleasuring this


Tantra Touch
Tantra For One

Use this space to write down your notes, ideas & inspirations


Tantra Touch
Tantra For Two

Tantra Touch
Module Five - Tantra For Two

by Psalm Isadora

Tantra Touch
Tantra For Two


4 Simple Tips To Get The Most Out of This Class:

1. Print this workbook out before starting to listen to the recording so you can write down
your notes as you listen.

2. Review the topic outline so you know what to listen for. Make sure you've set aside
private time for this session (minimum 50 minutes) so you’ll be able to focus and fully
receive the benefits of the session.

3. Write down all the interesting and new ideas and inspirations you get while listening —
that way you won’t lose the information most relevant to you.

4. Think of how you can quickly implement the teachings shared in this session.

Preparation Tips:

• Make sure you are in a quiet place where nothing can distract you, and that you are not
driving a car or any other vehicle. Be in a comfortable position so you can fully take part
in any of the exercises or meditations that are part of the class.

• Stretch your muscles before starting the class. Stretching loosens the muscles and
tendons allowing you to sit (or lie) more comfortably. Additionally, stretching starts the
process of “going inward” and brings added focus to the body.

• Take a deep breath. Breathing deeply slows down the heart rate and relaxes the
muscles to help you have a comfortable experience during any guided exercises that will
happen during the class.

We hope you’ll enjoy it!

Tantra Touch
Tantra For Two

Tantric Ritual - Setting The Stage

1. Write down an action plan where you’ll involve all your 5 senses in order to
prepare a great atmosphere.

Note: You can use the suggestions in the video or a starting point in your practice,
but never be scared to explore and come up with what you know works best for
your and your partner.




Tantra Touch
Tantra For Two

Your Sexual Shakti



Additional notes

Tantra Touch
Tantra For Two

Tantra Breath Technique

1. Write down the key takeaways from the session and how are you going to start
applying them in your life.


Tantra Touch
Tantra For Two

The Best Foreplay

1. Write down the key takeaways from the session.


2. Write down how will your next foreplay with your partner look like.


3. What is the the juice detox that you can use to clear the toxin in your body?


Tantra Touch
Tantra For Two

Tantra Massage For Two

1. You can use the space below to write down the key takeaways from the

Level 1 - With your clothes one using the feather light touch.


Level 2 - Full body tantric massage.


Level 3 - Yoni or lingham massage


Tantra Touch
Tantra For Two

Tantra Massage For Two

2. Journal about your experiences with tantra massage for two.

What was your experience?


What was your partner’s experience?


Tantra Touch
Tantra For Two

KISS Meditation With Penetration

1. Write down the key takeaways from the session.


Tantra Touch
Tantra For Two

Best Sex Positions For KISS Technique

1. Write down the key takeaways from the session. Focus on which position you
are going to use with your partner and try to incorporate what you learned so
far in order to prepare the stage.


2. What is the importance of eye connection during orgasming?


Tantra Touch
Tantra For Two

O-Yoga For Couples

1. What are the 5 secrets to better foreplay yoga?


2. Journal about your experiences with O-Yoga.


Tantra Touch
Tantra For Two
O-Yoga For Couples


Tantra Touch
Tantra For Two

Use this space to write down your notes, ideas & inspirations


Tantra Touch
Urban Kama Sutra

Tantra Touch
Module Six - Urban Kama Sutra

by Psalm Isadora

Tantra Touch
Urban Kama Sutra


4 Simple Tips To Get The Most Out of This Class:

1. Print this workbook out before starting to listen to the recording so you can write down
your notes as you listen.

2. Review the topic outline so you know what to listen for. Make sure you've set aside
private time for this session (minimum 50 minutes) so you’ll be able to focus and fully
receive the benefits of the session.

3. Write down all the interesting and new ideas and inspirations you get while listening —
that way you won’t lose the information most relevant to you.

4. Think of how you can quickly implement the teachings shared in this session.

Preparation Tips:

• Make sure you are in a quiet place where nothing can distract you, and that you are not
driving a car or any other vehicle. Be in a comfortable position so you can fully take part
in any of the exercises or meditations that are part of the class.

• Stretch your muscles before starting the class. Stretching loosens the muscles and
tendons allowing you to sit (or lie) more comfortably. Additionally, stretching starts the
process of “going inward” and brings added focus to the body.

• Take a deep breath. Breathing deeply slows down the heart rate and relaxes the
muscles to help you have a comfortable experience during any guided exercises that will
happen during the class.

We hope you’ll enjoy it!

Tantra Touch
Urban Kama Sutra

Urban Kama Sutra Exercise

1. What are the main points you took from the session and how are you going to
implement them in your life?


2. Try all ten urban Kama Sutra secrets in three main sex positions discussed in
the video. Which one did you like the most? Why?


3. Which Kama Sutra area do you struggle with? How will you and your partner
overcome those obstacles?


Tantra Touch
Urban Kama Sutra

Sacred Spot Massage

1. How did you feel using the techniques from this video?


2. What was your partner’s experience?


3. How did you manage to delay the gratification and have a complete


4. Is there anything that you struggled with? How will you overcome it next time?


Tantra Touch
Urban Kama Sutra

Six Best Positions For Intimacy

1. Which position did you enjoyed the most? Why?


2. Which position did your partner liked the most? Why?


3. Was there a position that you struggled with. Why do you think was the reason?
How do you plan on overcoming it?


Tantra Touch
Urban Kama Sutra

Exercise And Practice

4. What it felt like to give and receive tantric massage?


5. What it felt like to make it last longer? How different was the experience when
you delayed the gratification?

6. Which position did you choose for the Urban Kama sutra Tantra secrets
exercise? Describe your experience?
Tantra Touch
Urban Kama Sutra


Use this space to write down your notes, ideas & inspirations

Tantra Touch
Sex Magic

Tantra Touch
Module Seven - Sex Magic

by Psalm Isadora

Tantra Touch
Sex Magic


4 Simple Tips To Get The Most Out of This Class:

1. Print this workbook out before starting to listen to the recording so you can write down
your notes as you listen.

2. Review the topic outline so you know what to listen for. Make sure you've set aside
private time for this session (minimum 50 minutes) so you’ll be able to focus and fully
receive the benefits of the session.

3. Write down all the interesting and new ideas and inspirations you get while listening —
that way you won’t lose the information most relevant to you.

4. Think of how you can quickly implement the teachings shared in this session.

Preparation Tips:

• Make sure you are in a quiet place where nothing can distract you, and that you are not
driving a car or any other vehicle. Be in a comfortable position so you can fully take part
in any of the exercises or meditations that are part of the class.

• Stretch your muscles before starting the class. Stretching loosens the muscles and
tendons allowing you to sit (or lie) more comfortably. Additionally, stretching starts the
process of “going inward” and brings added focus to the body.

• Take a deep breath. Breathing deeply slows down the heart rate and relaxes the
muscles to help you have a comfortable experience during any guided exercises that will
happen during the class.

We hope you’ll enjoy it!

Tantra Touch
Sex Magic

Sex Magic

1. What are the main points you took from the session and how are you going to
implement them in your life?


2. Give examples of when your sexual energy is not working for you.


3. Give examples of when your sexual energy is working for you.


Tantra Touch
Sex Magic

Sex Magic

4. Create a scenario when you are going to use the secret squeeze and apply it to at
least one daily situation. What were the results? How did you feel?


5. Create a vision board. Use this place to write down ideas. What would you like your
vision board to have?


Tantra Touch
Sex Magic

Conscious Celibacy

1. What are the main points you took from the session?


2. How can you use conscious celibacy in your life? Come up with ideas or an
action plan.


3. Do the exercise for one week and write down you feelings/impressions at the
end of this little experiment.


Tantra Touch
Sex Magic

Guided Visualization

1. What is your Sanculpa?


2. How did you feel after the guided visualization?


3. When can you use the guided visualization?


Tantra Touch
Sex Magic

Thank You

1. What was your biggest takeaway from this course?


1. How do you plan on using in your life the techniques learned in this


Tantra Touch
Sex Magic


1. Use this space to write down your notes, ideas & inspirations


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