Look Horrible. My Hair Is Messed Up and I Reek of Alcohol. How Will I Be Ready For My First Day Back at Tokiwadai?

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Chapter 1 Wake up, Mao! A white corpse-like teenage boy started to get up from his blue single bed.

If you take a good look at him, he isnt your typical Japanese teenager. He has dark hair and sea-green eyes, but his eyes are red from a drunken night at a party he went to of a person he doesnt even know, apart from her name. He raised from his tenthousand thread count Parisian sheets only in his tight black boxer-briefs. He struggled his way to the bathroom and stared at his reflection in the mirror. I look horrible. My hair is messed up and I reek of alcohol. How will I be ready for my first day back at Tokiwadai? He attends Tokiwadai Academy. Tokiwadai Academy is the highest acclaimed learning facility in his district. It caters only to the Intelligent and the Elite. He is most definitely only part of the Elite crowd. He went into the mezzanine-like tiled shower and took a long warm bath. After brushing his teeth, washing his face, and styling his hair for twenty minutes, he slowly went down the stairs to the first floor hoping his mother wouldnt notice his red eyes and huge eye bags. Mao, get ready for school. Regine has just finished ironing your uniform. Breakfast is on the table by the way. Regine is their Filipino maid whom they found selling mangoes on the street. Mao turned and watched his mom attempt to reach the television remote control as the left side of her head was wrapped in medical cloth following the left-ear surgery she just had. Mao found his mother, I mean step-mother, a tad overbearing. She always visits Dr. Perfect to get a new body part surgically enhanced or sucked away. Apparently, she got her ears fixed yesterday. Mao found the breakfast of freshly-made corned beef, honey-smoked bacon, truffle omelets, paella and sushi waiting for him on their simple-yet-modern edgy black dining table. He took a seat on one of the edgy hard-to-sit-in dining chairs and grabbed a piece of bacon. As he was chewing on the sweet breakfast item, he was thoughtfully reminiscing about last nights events. Is Ruiko drunk too? Will Hideo be alright after that fall? Did Misaka and Hijiro hook-up? His thoughts were distracted by the large sound coming from the stairwell. Mao heard the footsteps of his brother running down. Maos brother was already dressed in the Tokiwadai uniform and packed his bag. Brother could be considered

as not only part of the Elite, but the intelligent as well. Mao was curious about how his brother is planning on dealing with his first day of High School. Taido, are you ready? Yes, Ive covered all my books and did advanced research on our study topics. Taido was munching on some omelet and corned beef so fast that there were trickles of his breakfast on his uniform. Thats good. Mao was laughing at how clueless his brother would be in High School. Mao retrieved his crisp white long-sleeved Tokiwadai uniform from the laundry area and waited in the front yard for Yazu, the driver. The Tokiwadai uniform consisted of a long-sleeved white collared shirt, a vest with a clear Tokiwadai insignia embedded on the front, and beige-like slacks, but any color would do, and Maos slacks were skinny. As he was waiting for the new black Sedan his father purchased for them when he was in America, he was checking himself out in the huge flower surrounded mirror and smiled at his own reflection. My hair looks so good today. When Taido finally showed up, they entered the Sedan and were on their way to Tokiwadai Academy. The Sedan drove away from the five-thousand square-foot home of the Kabayashis. Stop in Ure Street, Yazu Every day, Mao walks to school with his girlfriend, Sumire Tsakado. They are both preposterously wealthy, but Sumire thinks that its cute if they walk together hand-in-hand. Mao thinks that doing this is lame, but he does it anyway. Sumire, you look great today. Mao took her hand and guided her down the long stairwell in her garden. Sumire was dressed in the typical female Tokiwadai Academy uniform. She was in a collared long-sleeved white shirt, the Tokiwadai vest, and a plaid-beige skirt. I started using a new facial cleanser. Its so good right? Sumire was her usual peppy self today. She is confident and talkative, but the weird thing about her is, she doesnt have much friends. The only person she confides to, besides Mao, is Akira Nobunaga. Yeah! Good thing you changed you facial soap What do you mean good thing? Did my skin look bad before? Did I have lots of blackheads? Her mirror was quickly removed from her purse so that she could check herself out.

Ummmmm Mao was tongue-tied. He liked Sumire, but really only for her looks. He found her too vain and egocentric. I meant that today you just seem happier when you used your new soap. Oh. Thanks. Her phone beeped and suddenly, Sumires tone of voice became serious. As they made a left-turn, they bumped into Akira. Sumire jumped and gave Akira a hug. Akira! Walk with us. Mao was annoyed and found Akira a bit too strong of a female high school student. Are you sure? Isnt this your alone time with Mao? Akira looked a bit uncomfortable and probably liked Mao as much as he liked her. She was shifting from side to side and tried to avoid eye contact with Mao who was giving her an unwelcoming gaze. Its okay. Mao wouldnt mind, right? Sumire gave Mao a slight nudge on the shoulder and a she-can-walk-with-us look. Umm. Sure, why not? Mao was displeased. He wanted this time with Sumire for himself, not to be shared, especially with Akira. See! Letgo! Sumire grabbed onto the arm of both Akira and Mao, which made them form a triple human chain. Mao and Akira had an embarrassed look on their faces, but they both always allow Sumire to do these cute, but embarrassing things. Mao was back in C, 2-C. He knew all his classmates already since they were exactly the same as before. Sumire is in 2-C too, though she rather be in A with Akira. She always complained about this to Mao, but Mao liked it in C. Konayama sensei entered the room as little groups of students were chatting and catching up about what happened to them during summer break. Rikoku went on a skiing vacation in Charmonix, France. Ichin learned how to drive a yacht in the Aegan. Mari got a boyfriend who was ten years her senior, but broke up with him after she wouldnt give in to his requests. Konayama sensei banged a thick Chemistry book on his desk. He got their full attention.

Students, I am Hitsuki Konayama. I will be your adviser this year as well as you Chemistry teacher. To get things going, I will give you your new seating assignments. Everyone, line up at the back of the room. The tables were line up in five columns with six rows, so they have a total of thirty students. Ichin, seat one. Rikoku, seat 2 Taiba, seat 5, Lio, seat 6, and behind you, Mao Kobayashi, seat 7.. Mao was a bit melancholy about his new seat. He didnt really know much about Lio Achigawa, except that he was really nice, smart, and half-French. Mao sat on his chair and went back to what he always did during class, sleep. Sezura sensei, Algebra professor, called Maos attention. Mao, can you tell me what x is in this function? Mao was clearly distraught. He wasnt paying attention and drifted off to a dream where he was a rich billionaire in New York. 24 Lio whispered to Mao. Huh? Mao was looking a bit confused at Lio. X is 24. Lio repeated. 24. Mao said the answer to Sezura sensei, and she was slightly pleased and a bit shocked that he managed to even comprehend the question. Mao, correct, 24. Now, who can tell me if this is a function or not? Sezura sensei was in her Algebra zone again. Mao tapped the shoulder of Lio. Thanks for that, man. No problem Lio smiled back at Mao. Mao didnt really know Lio. Though, after what Lio did, he wanted to know more. Lio seemed a bit mysterious. He would talk to everybody in class a little, but his close friends were in different sections. Well, so are Maos close friends. The thing that befuddled Mao the most was that Lio would always disappear right after class. Mao noticed that Lio would turn the corner then completely disappear like magic. He even surveyed a couple of students about Lios peculiar actions.

I am Ichin Nonasiwa from 2-C and I have been friends with Lio for a year now. I know that he jets off to The Dojo everyday after school to learn how to wield an epee. He practices it every afternoon and can even slice through a tree. Mao, what are you doing? Okay. Fine. I am Sumire Tsakado from 2-C and I have known Lio Achigawa for ten years now. Sometimes, in the afternoons, I see him shopping in the supermarket for cooking ingredients. I know that he can cook delicious French food since Ive eaten some once. He can make souffls, roast beef, fancy cakes, and stuff. Hi! I am Hirumi Kachitora from 2-B. I have a feeling that Lio Achigawa is a child molester. He always disappears from school in a flash and even ignores his friends when it comes to leaving school. Only child molesters act like that so I believe he is one. I have also seen him talking to a small kid in the mall once. That event just fueled my instincts. Mao found these testaments completely useless but a bit useful as well. He thought that at least Lio knows how to use a sword and cook food. Since Mao isnt a young child, he would not be molested by Lio even though he doesnt believe Hirumis rumor. Even though Mao was a bit apprehensive about doing this, Mao is planning to ask Lio to help him for their Algebra quiz. Mao really needed the help anyways. Mao tapped the shoulder of Lio again. Hey, is it alright if you help me study for the algebra test tomorrow after school? Lio gave a did-he-really-just-ask-this look to Mao. He took a gulp and finally responded. Uhhmm. Im not sure, after school is a bit late for me. Mao continued to be suspicious about his after-school activities. Will he be going to The Dojo, cooking a fancy French meal or harassing an innocent child today? Mao didnt care, he needs to pass Algebra. Please! Youre the smartest guy in class. Mao was giving the best puppy-dog face he could. Lio giggled a bit and smiled. He knew that he was one of the smartest students in class, but he just liked the sound of it coming from someone else. Uhmm. Sure. Why not? Ill help you. Mao put on a huge grin and put out his hand for a high-five. Thanks! Love you, Lio!

Lio high-fived him back and continued giggling. Whatever! Chapter 2 Mao was chatting with Ruiko while waiting for his bountiful-chested girlfriend, Sumire, to get out of class he can walk her home. So, has she put out yet? Mao was slightly disgusted by Ruikos question, but he did just date her for that purpose. He only liked her looks and actually wanted to break up with her before. No. She is a very promiscuous nun. She plays but doesnt put out. Sumire is a flirt. She likes wearing short skimpy skirts, tight tops and tons of makeup, but when Mao wants to get more intimate, she brushes him off. Because of this, some classmates dubbed her the Promiscuous Nun. I hate that kind of girl. Hikaru always puts out. Ruiko was smiling and laughing loudly that the freshman class that just finished their last subject were all staring at him. Lucky you. Mao, dump her. No. I still like her. Though, Mao is seriously contemplating over his suggestion. He was getting a bit frustrated with her actions especially those of this morning. Sure. Sure. Oh! Here she comes with that Akira girl. Mao put on a big smile and opened his arms out for a hug. Sumire! You look nice. Hi, Akira. Mao never liked Akira. He was a bit perplexed why a talkative girly girl like Sumire would be best friends with such a serious and rebellious girl like Akira. Akira is smart, but a bit too punk for his taste. Mao. Do I look fat? A look of shock and what-do-I-say reigned all over the face of Mao. Of course not, you look amazing just the way you are. Mao said with a look of content on his face. Akira was smirking while Sumire looked annoyed.

Mao was panicking, in his mind anyways. Huh? Did I say the wrong thing? Why is she asking me that question anyhow? I said the right thing, right? WTF! I give up. Okay. Goodbye, Akira! Oh and hi Ruiko. Bye, Ruiko. Sumire grabbed the arm of Mao and fled the Tokidawai Academy. Mao looked back at them and waved goodbye. As they were walking to Sumires mansion, a sense of seriousness floated about the couple. Sumire was not cheerful and Mao was confused about what just happened a while ago. He found her question to be an out-of-nowhere question with no right answers. He felt like she just wanted to get mad at him. Sumire. How are you? Mao was trying to make conversation. Sumire ignored him. Babe, how are you? Mao asked again. Mao, I think we need to talk. There was no smile or any other good emotion on her face, just a look of doubt. What about? You know, us. We arent going anywhere together. What do you mean? We just watched a movie together the other night. I dont mean it that way. Our relationship is going nowhere. Youre holding me back Mao was flushed. He didnt want them to be over, but did she want them to be over. He looked into her brown eyes and saw sorrow. It was as if she couldnt take what they were doing together anymore. Why? Dont you like us? Not really. I think its better if we just break-up. Sumire said all this so quickly and looked like she was about to cry. Mao was about to cry as well. Mao grabbed her by the shoulders and tried to look into her eyes. Mao knew that she didnt truly want this. Was this because of Akira? Sumire fought against his pull. She didnt want Mao to see her tearing up. She wanted to look strong. She wanted a clean break-up.

My house is here. Im going to go in now. Bye Mao, dont call me. Sumire pushed Mao away as hard as she could that he nearly fell down the stairwell in her garden. Mao started to cry. What kind of heartless bitch is she? We were so happy this morning, and now, she breaks up with me. I should have broken up with her first, just like what Ruiko told me to do. Argh! Mao was running towards Gozen Street where his house is located. He rushed into his bathroom, stripped all of his clothes, and took a nice warm bath. His tears and the water were mixing as he was blowing his nose. Mao, how are you? His mother had a wrap on her buttocks area due to a surgery for but implants she had and a hip replacement so that she could achieve the hourglass figure she has always wanted. Mao didnt respond. He laid on his bed until he was swept off to dreamland. In 2-C in Tokidawai Academy, there is a boy who just wont wake up. Lio kept on peering behind him to see if this sleeping boy is going to wake up any time soon. Since Mao arrived in the morning, he just sat on his seat motionless or falls asleep. Lio and his seatmate, Ajima, even tried to make him laugh, but apparently it made Mao even more tired. Lio was worried. He heard that something was up with the family of Sumire from his father, and maybe this is affecting Mao. Mao shouldnt know about anything. Not yet. During lunch, Ruiko visited Mao. He attempted to talk to Mao, but it was futile. Mao was just as motionless and lifeless as he was this morning. The different teachers all threatened him with detention if he stayed asleep, but he ignored all their threats and continued to delve in his deep slumber. As classes were about to end, Lio was worried. Should I stay after school and teach him or is he going home to sleep? I need to know now. Is he uhmmm? Lio poked Mao with a pencil in an attempt to wake him from his eternal slumber. Yes The Snorlax has finally awaken. Uhmmm about later. Do you still want me to teach you or are you like tired because like you were sleeping the whole day? Lio was hesitant as he didnt want to piss Mao off.

Yeah! Right after Club, lets meet in the library okay. Mao was groaning and seemed to be crying a little, but he still gave a slight forced smile in the direction of Lio. Okie, Sure! Lio smiled back Did Sumire show up today? Mao suddenly asked after falling into slumber. Nope Maos head immediately dropped unto his desk. Lio walked into the air-conditioned library in his Tokidawai Uniform and a yellow and white cardigan with their Algebra book in hand, a Moleskin ruled notebook and monogram colored pens. He spied Mao sitting on a desk, sleeping again. Uhmmm Mao Lio poked him with a pen. Are you awake? Lio was annoyed, he had better things to do, but he wanted to be nice and help someone out. Lio poked him again. Mao just continued sleeping and even groaned once. Lio poked him again. And again And again Yes? Mao brushed his face awake and brought out his notebook. So what do you want to start with? Functions? Am I holding you back? Mao sounded a bit dead and serious. Lio was furious. Mao asked me to teach him Algebra, and now he is asking me if hes holding me back? What does he mean by that anyways? What will I say? He looks like he is on the verge of tears? Uhmm. No. You are not holding me back. Lio managed to spit out this very straightforward line. Really? Sumire told me that I was holding her back. Mao started crying. He let his tears out. His hands were waving about as he was describing the sad events that transpired between him and Sumire last night. He told Lio about Sumires sudden outburst and his inkling that Akira had something to do with it.

Lio disliked Akira very much. Since they were in pre-school, Akira always managed to outshine him and beat him in almost every activity they both were enrolled in. The problem was that Akiras and Lios mothers were close friends, so he couldnt complain about Akira or say anything hurtful to her, even though he has wanted to many times. Its okay. Youll be fine without her. But but she hates me so much that she broke up with me for I dont even know what. You know. Sometimes girls are just weird. They dont know what they want. I know what she doesnt want me. Mao started wiping his snot on his uniform. Heres some tissue. Lio passed a packet of Cuddles to the weeping Mao. I bet shes trying to get you to like take her out or something. She doesnt hate you. She hates me. She couldnt stand to see my face so she didnt show up today. Lio got a small glimmer in his eyes. She wasnt absent because she didnt want to see you. Im sure she had something vital to take care of. Like what? Forget about me? Uhmmm I think its probably family related. I think you can just win her back. Shes fragile because of whats happening to her family right now. Mao wondered how Lio knew so much about Sumire, and why Sumire knew so much about Lio. Mao didnt know squat about Lio before this school year. Mao only knew that they were family and childhood friends, though, they dont really talk to each other that much now. Oh yeah. Youre dad and her dad are friends, but is her family really having problems? I think so. You just have to support her all the way and make her regret breaking up with you. Mao was hit by a sudden burst of energy. Youre right! I just have to be a supportive boyfriend and show her that Im not holding her back! Yeah!

Oh! Its already six. Sorry for keeping you here Lio. Lets go before the school closes. B-but I wasnt able to help you study Algebra. It doesnt matter. You helped me with something even more important, my love life. They exited the huge steel gates of Tokiwadai and went their separate directions as Mao was waving a huge goodbye to Lio. Chapter 3 Mao was happy again. He was walking home with a huge wide silly grin on his face. He now knows that he just needs to be supportive to Sumire for him to win her back. He has a mission, and it will be accomplished. As he kept on strolling home, he realized that he accidentally took the Moleskin notebook of Lio. Lio writes everything in his moleskin. Mao turned the other way around and started running back to school. Mao has always wondered where Lios home is. From what hes heard, its a futuristic-modern-Japanese-Chinese-Indian-American-post-war home with a huge garden. Lio was still a mystery to him even though they shared a heart-to-heart talk just a few hours ago. Mao finally made it back to Tokidawai, and swerved the street that Lio always took. Mao kept on going forward, idly walking. Mao didnt even know the directions to Lios house. As Mao was walking, he heard gunfire. He ran towards the sound and spotted a group of guys harassing a blonde boy. Blonde? There arent many blondes in Japan, much less in this district. Oh Fuck! Lio is blonde and he is bleeding. The three large suited men kept on beating the lanky blonde boy in a yellow and white cardigan and a Tokiwadai unifrom. He tried to swipe back at them, but he would just get punched by another suited man. The bleeding boy was smacked onto the concrete wall as the three men took turns kicking him. Mao was gifted with great martial arts skills and never got to put them to the test. He finally got his opportunity to showcase them. Flying Mao kick! Mao jumped and spun his right leg in the air until it landed and whacked the face of the tallest of the three men. Who is this stupid kid? The two uninjured men were laughing.

Im not stupid. Youre stupid for hurting an innocent boy. Mao triple-punch Mao struck the shortest of the three men until the man fell over. Youre not gonna even put a scratch on me! The fattest man tried to head butt Mao. Mao ducked and slid his leg underneath the fattest man and made him trip over himself. Hahahahaha thats what you get for hurting the innocent! Mao was laughing so hard and the three men look incredibly pissed. The tallest man suddenly grabbed the neck of Mao with a wire and tried strangling him. The legs of Mao somehow somersaulted and struck the tallest man in the face. Hes got back-up The tallest man was whispering into a walky-talky. A black BMW that came out of nowhere pulled over, and the three men ran into it. They are so chicken. They are such weaklings! Mao was doing some sort of victory dance wherein he would move his arms up and down and scream a loud booya after doing such. Lio was laid unto the side of the concrete wall. Mao thought that Lio looked like one of those European princes they studied in History class. Lios shiny blonde hair was speckled with drops of blood, his rib area was black and blue while his deep purple eyes were just staring at thin air. Hey, man, are you okay? Mao put his hand out for Lio to grab hold of. Lio took the hand of Mao but he didnt utter a single word. He started limping and just fell back to the ground. They really busted you up didnt they. Yah. Lio couldnt look Mao in his oceanic eyes. He was shocked at what Mao did and that Mao actually saw this occur. Here, let me help! Mao thought he would be able to carry Lio. Lio is light and slender. He is even able to achieve that hourglass look my step-mom is trying to get. Only if he wasnt so tall, then I could easily have carried him. Lio is 183cm tall while Mao is 172cm tall. Apparently, Lio needs to look down to speak to Mao, by the way.

Lio ended up limping while straddling by the side of Mao. They both entered a family restaurant nearby to get some rest and work things out. So, how are you and Sumire doing? Lio gazed at Mao. Never mind that. What happened to you? I didnt know you got in fights? Mao had a look of excitement in his eyes and started acting out what he did to save Lio. Do not tell anyone about what you saw today, please! Lio moved his arms into the natural begging position. Why? Youll be seen more as a tough guy. Not some super nice, smart and cute (did I really just say cute) guy in class. Mao couldnt stop laughing but stopped when he saw that Lio was being very serious. Nothing happened okay. Its just a family matter. Huh? How are three men beating you up a family matter? It just is. Cough cough Blood was dripping out of Lios mouth. Are..are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital or something? Mao looked extremely worried for the guy he just saved. Yeah. Ill just call Edgar to pick me up here. Do you wanna ride to your home? Wont your parents know that you got into a fight if you driver picks you up? Well. They already know about this. You promise that you wont tell anyone, promise?! Why? Its cool! Mao was waving his arms and doing kung-fu moves to emphasize its coolness factor. Not to me. Its really serious and I really dont want this to some out! Please! A secret between you and me. Lio sounded dead serious and he looked too victimized with droplets of blood dripping down his lip. If it means that much to you, sure. Mao smiles at Lio and ordered a burger while Lio just got some water. Youre going to pay for this water as a thank you! Mao laughed. Hehe sure! Even though he acts all giddy, Lio was extremely worried about what might happen to him later, and Mao keeping his secret safe. Mao still looked sullen over what just happened. So, why were you in a fight?

I am quarrelling with one of them? Which one? The tall one, the fat one or the midget? None of them. They are just his pawns. So, he wasnt there? I am sure he was there somewhere. You should bring a sword or something next time. Mao remembered one of his classmates saying that Lio trains at The Dojo. Lio was a bit surprised that Mao said sword. Does Mao know about my sword? Does he know about the Alliance? He shouldnt, well at least, not yet. Hahahahha why would I bring a sword? Lio tried to fake a laugh as to drive away all suspicion. I dunno. Just a thought. Its already eight. Wont your parents be worried? My step-mom is used to my partying, and my dad is never home. Lio knew why his dad was never home. His dad is part of the Alliance. So, Mao doesnt know anything yet. Good. Oh. Lio was fixing his bloodied blonde hair as he was pushing at his rib area. He was critically injured during the brawl a while ago. Are you fine? Do you need to go to the hospital or something? Mao was genuinely worried about Lio. Even though he only really knew him for less than a week, he felt oddly comfortable around him immediately. Yeah. Ill bring you home first. Edgars here. Lio left a five-thousand Yen bill and they left the restaurant. Both Mao and Lio left the family restaurant in dead silence. They headed towards the silver Audi and not a word was spoken. In the vehicle, Lio was gazing at the dark night. What will happen to me now? Cant Mao just mind his own business? He really has to forget about his tomorrow, no one should know about what happened tonight. Mao, on the other hand, felt increasingly nervous being in a car with Lio. Lio seems so serious today. He was always so happy before. Maybe, this was something that

was crucial to his family. I need to know more. Mao felt worried about Lio, but didnt want to admit these feelings to himself. To him, he was just being a curious gossip. The car suddenly stopped since they already arrived at the Kobayashi Mansion. Lio opened the door and slowly exited the car, as did Mao. Bye. Thanks again. Lio put his hand out for a good handshake. Sure. It was my pleasure! Mao took his hand and shook it, but he felt Lios hands shaking like he was nervous about something. Lio re-entered the shiny vehicle. Mao, who was just standing by the sidewalk, watched as the sight of Lios shiny Audi grew smaller and smaller. Chapter 4 Is Lio here yet? Mao was excited for Lio to come. He wanted to know more about his secret, and he planned on following Lio after school again. You know hes always late. Ajima, Lios seatmate, gave a hearty laugh. Mao was hoping that Lio would show up for class today even though his rib area was critically injured. The door was slowly sliding and revealed a tall and slender silhouette. Mao was expecting Lio to be in a cast or wrapped in bandages, but Lio was just in his everyday Tokidawai uniform, except he was wearing the Tokiwadai sweater instead of the vest. Im sorry sensei. I woke up a bit late today. Lio was trying to give an innocent smile to Konayama sensei to avoid detention. Okay. Get back to your seat. Konayama sensei was one of the more lenient teachers since he was one of the younger ones. He wanted to be liked by his students, unlike some of the ancient relics who teach in the school. Mao could not stop smiling. Lio came today. I wonder how his ribs are doing. Is he in bandages? He seems to look fine to me. Mao tapped the back of Lio gently as to not cause harm to any injury he may have. Hey. Are you alright? Lios head made a 180 degree turn. His eyes narrowed to the face of Mao sharply, and his lips made a slight v-shape. Of course. Why wouldnt I be? Lio gave the cheesiest smile he could, and he said this response with the happiest voice he could muster.

Ummm. Did you forget about yesterday? Mao was becoming annoyed. How could he forget something like the events of yesterday? They were totally epic! What yesterday? Oh! When I was tutoring you in Algebra? Lio was acting confused and innocent like his usual self, but there was a slight difference in his voice. His voice sounded like stop-talking-about-what-happened-yesterday. Mao was furious. Whats wrong with him? He is purposefully pretending to forget about the occurrences yesterday. I think I should remind him of them. No. I mean the part when I saved you from the three thugs who were bullying you. Mao said this as loud as he could without capturing the attention of Konayama sensei. Ajima, Ichin and some of the other classmates seated near them turned their heads in anticipation and interest. Lios eyebrows furrowed. What? I dont get what youre saying? Lio was giggling. He was pretending as if Mao was insane. His fingers were moving in a circular motion to project how crazy Mao is. Lio grabbed the collar of Mao and pulled him closer to whisper something into his ear. I told you not to tell anyone about this! But you were pretending nothing happened. Hello! Everyone can hear us if we talk about it right now. But but fine, I want to know about whats going on with you. Relax. I can deal with it myself. Not if what happened yesterday happens again. How are your ribs by the way? Mao was pointing to Lios rib area with his finger. Its fine. Did it get bandaged? No. Its healed already. No! It was so bloody just yesterday. Fine. Ill show you later.

Cool! During break okay. Mao was smiling as he wanted to see what sort of mystery lies behind these healed ribs of Lios. Mr. Kobayashi, Mr. Achigawa, is your little conversation over yet or do you want to share this wonderful story to the class? Konayama sensei looked a bit pissed, but he tried to keep his composure as he was discussing the table of elements. Yes! We were just talking about how wonderful an element hydrogen is. Lio was desperately trying to save himself since he would not want Mao spilling the story in the middle of class. Yeah! Hydrogen is great. Mao repeated. The rest of the period went by slowly. Mao was doodling all over his notebook and Lio was scribbling down little notes about the lesson in his moleskin. When the bell finally rang, Mao screamed a loud Booya! Lio grabbed the arm of Mao and dragged him to the mens bathroom located near the science lab. It was the farthest from the students. Lio took of his sweater and belt. He unbuttoned his crisp white shirt, and revealed the clear pale skin of his. He looks so slender. His body really forms the perfect hourglass shape. Your scar disappeared! Mao was in shock. How could this have happened? Yes, I know. Lio looked a bit flushed and was blushing a bit since he was the only one half-naked in the room. But.. but how? Maos mouth was agape and he was still in total shock. My family has a highly skilled doctor who studied in the best schools in America and Europe. He just did his job to the best of his abilities. Wow! He is an amazing doctor. Yeah. I know right. Can I feel it? If there are still traces of the scar. Lio gulped. Lio was a bit nervous about the thought of another boy feeling his clothes-less body. Uhmm I dont know. Please? I just wanna know how he did it! Mao sounded insistent.

Lio was panicking in his mind. What is he trying to do? No one has really touched my body before. This is so embarrassing! I hope this is going to be over like now! Urgh! I am so nervous! The bell rang just in time. Thank God! Lio was overjoyed. He avoided the whole situation. Lio put on all his clothes and ran out the bathroom towards the classroom of 2-C. The rest of the day went by quickly. There was the tough Algebra quiz. A boring lecture on Romeo and Juliet was given by Ashuji sensei, a new literature teacher. Hey! Sumire isnt back yet Ruiko bumped the head of a sleeping Mao since classes were over. Oh yeah. I didnt really notice. Mao said still a bit dopey from sleeping all day. I thought you wanted to win her back. What do you mean you didnt notice? I am just a bit occupied with other things. What other things? Ummm like school and Algebra. You hate school. You hate Algebra even more. Ruiko sounded furious as if his best friend was keeping something from him. I know, but I need to do better in school so my dad wont get mad at me anymore. Mao looked at his watch and realized that they were dismissed ten minutes ago already. He needed to carry out his after-school plan. Oh look at the time. I have to go Ruiko! Mao stood up and started heading for the door. Sumire isnt here so we walk home together. Ruiko sounded a bit confused and let-down. Ummm yeah! Sorry, man. Taido and I have to go somewhere today so Yuzu is picking us up. Oh okay, man. See you tomorrow I guess. Ruiko glanced at the floor and looked a bit lonely. He felt that he was being ditched by Mao, his best friend. Mao ran out the Tokiwadai gates and into the waiting jet-black Sedan.

Right turn, Mao? Yuzu looked the same today with his black and white drivers uniform, but apparently, Maos mom added a hat to his uniform in order to make some sort of fashion statement. No. Left turn today please! Mao had a plan. A new one actually. Today, he is going to follow Lio around to see where he is going. He is curious about the places Lio goes to. The fights Lio gets in. He never knew much about Lio, but Maos sudden discovery about his family feuds opened his eyes. He was worried that Lio might get into another fight today, and just wanted to be a good friend. He plans on stalking Lio until he finds out about his secret, and maybe even Sumires secret. As the Sedan kept on going, Yuzu spotted a shiny Audi moving slowly in front of them. Is this what youre looking for young master? Ummm yes! The black Sedan parked behind the silver Audi. Mao was trying to look through the back window of the Audi since the rest were tinted. He kept on moving his head around until he spotted a blonde lanky boy who was looking back. He saw Lio who saw him. The sliver Audi suddenly moved, but the black Sedan moved at the same pace in the same direction. The Audi stopped, and so did the Sedan. The Audi moved again, and the Sedan moved again too. This action went on for several almost an hour, until the Audi suddenly swerved right. The Sedan was too slow to catch up, but Mao wasnt worried at all. He knew that turning right would lead to a dead end. It leads to some old broken-down factory. Mao went out of his Sedan and lithely made his way to the factory. He was shocked to find a white figure, with a sword in its right hand with glistening blonde hair walking into the old downtrodden factory. Mao knew that the figure is Lio, but he didnt know what Lio was doing. What is he wearing? Why does he have a sword? Why is he going into this old factory? Why isnt he at home? Why does he look so cool in that outfit?

Mao has so many questions that will soon be answered because of his prying. Mao quietly crept behind the sword-wielding Lio. To his delight, or not, his question will now be answered. Chapter 5 Lio was clad in a standard fencing uniform. He was wearing the all white outfit, but on the left shoulder lays the Achigawa family insignia. In his left-hand, he held his epe. He has been practicing with his epee for the past two years, ever since his father told him that he would be part of The Alliance. His epee was sharp and properly smoothed out. The tip was deadly; it has felt the blood of many who have tried to cross Lio. He broke through the holed door of the old factory and was welcomed with darkness. Though it was dark, he felt a presence, and he heard a distinct sound. The ears of Lio heard the eerie sound of German folk music. Fuck. Hes here. Where are you? Lio was ready to deal with him. He faced him once, but was met with no avail and was saved by Mao. Lio wants to exact revenge, a final battle between two long-term rivals. A small candle suddenly was lit on one side of the room where a thin and not so tall black-haired kid was standing. This peculiar child was laughing. He was wearing a ruffled tuxedo and white gloves. For a kid as young as he looked, it was odd that he has a moustache that curled at the ends. Lios eyes were filled with rage. He wanted to lunge straight at him, but remembered about the little boys body guards. Another candle was lit on a balcony in the room. Lio sighted a tall and thin man grinning as he was perched on the edge of the balcony. To the right of the room, another candle was lit. The flickering flame brought light to a short man who was standing on a stack of old and dusty newspapers. Just a few meters away from Lio, a candle was lit. This time, the person holding the candle was a fat man who looked just about ready to charge straight at Lio. Lio readied his epee as he spotted the fat man rushing towards him. Suddenly, about six-hundred flickering candles were lit all over the seven-thousand squarefoot room of the factory. The lights blinded Lio and he was struck by the heavy charge of the fat man. Lio fell towards the ground and a few strands of his gorgeously blonde hair were burned off by a candles flame.

Lio jumped right back up and stood in perfect form. Legs, slightly squatted and spread apart evenly. Right-arm holding the epee fully stretched out and ready to strike at any moment, while the left-arm is up in the air keeping an equilibrium of balance. The fat man ran further and charged again. This time, Lios epee struck the center of his spherical bald head, and his skull was slightly cut through. Lio pounced towards the rusty ladders leading to the balcony. The short man quickly ran towards him. Lio used his teeth to carry the epee around and started climbing the ladder. The short man quickly followed suit and climbed the ladder too. With the epee nudged between his teeth, Lio was having a difficult time climbing up so the short man caught up to him. Lio kicked downwards and managed to bump the head of the short man. Since his kicks werent so strong, the short man grabbed Lios leg. It was a struggle for both of them to drag the other down. Lio was trying to kick the short man off the ladder while the short man was attempting to throw Lio off the ladder by grabbing his feet. Lio swiftly opened his mouth and saved the epee from falling. With his right hand, Lio started slicing through the short mans head. Para-four Lio was in the proper fencing form, but sideward and in the air, which looked like a broken ballet. Stop it, kid. The short man was becoming angry and brought out a chain, which he used to tie up Lios feet. Lio felt the short mans movements and started jumping on the ladder. The tall man saw how the short man struggled so he repelled from the ladder and brought out a pocket knife. The tall man smiled an evil grin as he was cutting through air to the direction of Lio. Can you face the two of us Blondie?! Both the short man, whose head was bleeding from Lios epee, and the tall man, who was climbing down the ladder armed with a sharp pocket knife, were laughing. Master, we will deal with him. Do not worry. The European looking boy was still standing in the same corner that he was waiting in from the moment Lio entered the factory. He looked emotionless, as if he didnt care. Good work, boys.

Lio knew that he wouldnt be able to handle the both of them while hanging onto the ladder so he let go and jumped off while his legs were still chained. As Lio was free-falling down the ladder, he sut through the chains with his epee, spun in the air, and managed to land on his feet. The short man and the tall man who were still on the ladder followed suit. Little did Lio know, but the fat man was right behind him and grabbed him from behind, locking both Lios arms together. His epee fell to the ground as his fingers were smashed into each other. Lio tried kicking and jumping, but the fat mans sinewy arms forced Lio into an awkward position. The two other men finally arrived and the both of them started taking jabs at Lios body. The short man was pummeling Lios thighs, while the tall man repeatedly punched Lios stomach. Mao was disgusted by the way the tall man, the short man, and the fat man took advantage of their numbers and beat Lio to a pulp. He found the fourth boy, the one in a ruffled tuxedo, quite odd. Mao watched him as he was surveying the battle scene. He displayed no emotion except when blood would spew out of Lios body, he would smirk a little. Mao couldnt take watching Lio getting hurt anymore. Mao ran out of his hiding position, behind some oil barrels, towards the rumble. So you finally decided to come out. The deeply black hair covered the mysterious boys eyes, which made it even more difficult to tell how he is feeling. Stop hurting him! Aerial Summersault! Mao spun through the air whamming the head of the tall man. He threw his arms up and broke through the head of the short man. The short man tried to fight back by stepping on Maos feet, but as he was doing this, Mao kicked the air and managed to break his teeth. As Mao was defeating the two men, Lio used his feet and hit the groin area of the fat man, which lead the fat man to emitting a loud groan of displeasure. Mao and Lio surveyed the room and were relieved to find their enemies fainted on the floor. What are you doing here? Mao was surprised to find the calm and gentle Lio involved in this type of gang war. Lio ignored mao and continued to survey the room. He was spinning his head around and stopped at the position that the raven-haired boy was standing in.

Are you going to answer me? I just saved your life again. Mao was already shouting. He didnt understand what Lio was doing in some old worn-out factory or why he was fighting with the same men the other day. Whats Lio hiding? Cant he just tell me whats going on? Whered that boy go? The one who was standing right there. Lio was pointing to the position a candle is now occupying. Hey! Arent you gonna answer me! Mao continued his rampage until he too noticed the missing presence of that peculiar boy. Where.. where did he go? Lio continued his search until he spotted a cave like exit seen only by the small light of a candle that was left lying on a ground right by the entrance of this cave. Lio, armed with his epee, ran in the cave with incredible speed leaving Mao behind. Mao, who was terribly annoyed by Lios ignorance, sprinted towards the cave as well and managed to seal the entrance before Lio could get in. Move it, Mao! Lio look pissed and aimed his sword straight at Maos nose. Lio. Hold it. Just answer me! Mao didnt even break a sweat. He just wanted to know what Lio is up to. Just move! I am doing something important. Why were you getting beaten by those guys again? Just move! I cant deal with this right now. I have to get to that boy. I cant just move. Im worried about you and what youre getting into! Mao was shocked by the words he just uttered. Lios eyes widened. He was speechless. Mao is worried about me? Uhmm okay. Ill tell you just run after me! Lio ran past Mao as Mao was trailing him. So whats going on? Mao sounded exhausted as he was running the marathon of his life while trying to keep up with the surprisingly fast Lio. Uhmmm here is how it is. That boys family and my family were in war since the early eighteen-hundreds. His ancestors and my ancestors used to wage war in castles with big armies. They were arguing over a sought after piece of land in Latvia. Wha-what?! Youre families are still arguing about it now? Mao was startled by the account. He was expecting something like Lio accidentally broke his car, but not something involving their ancestors or castles and Latvia.

Its an Alliance thing. Lio suddenly stopped talking. I shouldnt have mentioned Alliance. I hope he doesnt get too involved. What Alliance? And how did you learn how to fence so well and fight? I thought you were kind of sissy. Mao was slightly laughing, but was extremely curious about what happened. Well, Ive been training at The Dojo after school for the past year. So Ichin was right. He does go to The Dojo. They both entered a giant dome-shaped room. The ceiling was only covered with glass. Only the moonlight was able to enter the austere room, and they couldnt see anything. Whats here? Mao was scratching his head. Whats going on? Lio looked possessed. Lio was eyeing every little bit of the room in search of the raven-haired boy. Suddenly, the same eerie German folk music played in the background as they could hear the silly laughter of a small shadow hidden behind a huge stone pillar. Lio readied his sword and got into his fencing stance as he galloped towards the pillar. Mao followed him, fists ready in the air. Get out! Theres no way out now! Lio sounded angry. His body hurt, there was a bleeding scratch on his cheek, and his legs were all bruised. Lio swiftly slashed behind the pillar. He smiled, but it turned upside down when he struck nothing. Huh? Lio looked disappointed and frazzled. Lio and Mao turned another direction as they heard the same laugh coming from behind another pillar. Their heads turned a different direction since they heard the same laugh again but coming from a pillar in the totally opposite size of the room. Who is that kid? Mao was lost. He didnt understand what was happening. He defeated the three men, but he felt as if they were going to face something far worse. Just watch out, Mao. Lio, in his fencing stance, was circling around the room, ready to strike any foe that will pop out. The same tall man as before suddenly swooped out of a pillar with a vase and cracked the vase on Lios head. Lio looked unaffected and lunged at him, cutting through his abdominal area.

Mao was just about ready to support Lio, until he felt chubby arms grab his behind. Backwards punch! Mao twisted his body, along with his arms, which knocked over the head of the same fat man as a while ago. As he watched the fat man palpitating on the ground, he noticed that all the injuries of the fat man were healed. Watch out! Lio saw the same short man as a while ago run at Mao. Mao turned around and watched the same short man bump into his legs. Take this! Mao performed a round-house kick and knocked the short man and sent him flying towards a pillar. Heheheheehehhehehehehe The raven-haired boy revealed himself from behind a stone pillar. He was carrying a lit candle, which made him seem frightening since the only thing that was lighted was his dead-pale face. Out of the stone pillar behind him, nine figures were crawling out. Three were tall, three were short, while the other three were stubby. Oh fuck! Lio gasped as he watched the nine figures crawling towards them. Mao ran by Lios side and they stood back-to-back, prepared for what they are about to face. The terrifying shadows were running through the dark dome-shaped area. They ran through the moonlight where they were seen by Lio. Lio caught sight of some of the figures. He saw the same tall man, the same short man, and the same fat man. Two tall men miraculously appeared in front of Mao. Take this! Mao readied his fists, and the fists rammed through the air breaking the head of one of the tall men and blowing the other away. Three short men were unsuspectingly gnawing on the legs of Lio while Lio was tring to fend off the fat man who had a hungry look on his eyes as if he wanted to devour Lio. Lio flambed around his epee and scarred the face of the fat man leaving him with a bleeding eye and mouth. To ease off the short men, Lio squatted and performed a graceful but powerful arabesque in the air and threw the short men off to a pillar. Once they struck the stone, the short men spewed out blood as if they were geysers. A tall man and two fat men formed a ring and kept on spinning using the fat man as a base.

Mao and Lio were preparing for this spinning human top. Mao jumped in the air while Lio broke the chain with a spinning lunge. Mao then went in for the kill and whammed the faces of the fat men with his knees as he spin-punched the tall man. Lio and Mao looked around to see if they got all the enemies. Once they realized that they defeated them all, they high-fived each other and looked straight at the obscure little boy. Ahahahahahahahahahahaha The weird boy just got even more dangerous. He was laughing with his arms wading in the air. Out of nowhere, hundreds of dark figures were emerging from behind several pillars lifting up the glass ceiling. Mao was looking at Lio with a dumb-founded look. What,,what is happening? Why are there suddenly so many of these men? Lio looked around and noticed that they werent lonely, they were in the company of around a hundred of the same three men. Its his ability. He cloned the men. He was cloning them while we were in battle with the others. Huh? So he has magic or something? Well. You can put it that way. He is someone not to be messed with, but I have to mess with him. Why are you doing this anyway? The army of a hundred started charging towards the two boys, the blonde clad in all-white, while the brunette was in a slightly loosened school uniform. The two boys looked around and nodded their heads at each other. Lets talk while were getting rid of these guys okay. Lio straddled a tall man and ran his epee through his stomach while managing to kebab two short men with him. Sure. So wh-whats going on here? Mao performed a spinning air-electric kick in the air knocking over two tall men, which in turn, tumbled over a fat man. That boy on the phone over there is German. My family is French, and we have been in rivalry for generations. Lio stopped as he was being bitten by a slew of short men. He then aimed his epee towards the eyes of a short man and started piercing the eyes of five short men, until they fainted and stopped biting him.

My dad and his dad met in Spain a month ago and this just refueled their resentment towards each other over the land. So, their sons, that would be us, were sent to resolve their dispute sacrificing our lives for glory. Mao was trying to listen as he was using several tall men as his makeshift punching bags. So why is he cloning these three men again and again. Ah. He is gifted with the ability to create clones of people. He is able to get a copy of a persons DNA with just a touch, and he can manipulate objects to form that particular person. Apparently, he has created soft cottony clones for us to deal with. Why these three men? His philosophy is that the tall man is for aerial enemies, the short man is for attacking the lower body area, while the fat man is useful for his brute strength. Thats peculiar. I know right? The fat man is not strong, hes just fat. No wonder these guys are so easy to kill, they are made of plastic. Mao rammed his arms through a row of men and split through their bodies without struggle. The barrage of clones kept on going. Lio and Mao went defeated man after man. Sweat was flowing down their heads, their arms were sore, their legs were bitten, and they were wondering if these clones are ever going to end. Mao was karate-chopping through hundreds of men, until he hit a tall man, who didnt break, but was as hard as stone. Lio too slashed a short man clone, but he wasnt able to cut through him. Shit. He made stone clones! Lio was being carried by a threesome of fat men. He was being lead to a crowd of more fat men. They laid Lio on top of a concrete table and tied him up. Mao saw all of this happening, and had an incessant urge to protect him. With a spinning kick, Mao managed to crack a short stone man. He did the same thing and kicked his way through the crowd. Lio was being felt up by the fat men as they were slowly removing his fencing uniform. Hands were crawling all over his body, and Lio was incredibly nervous about what might happen.

As Maos eyes saw what was happening, an enigmatic energy grew in him and he was suddenly breaking through the stone clones as easily as he had the plastic ones. Lios vest was torn off by the clones, then his white long-sleeved top, his fencing trousers. Lio was left with a dark sort of man-tights and a white wifebeater. A fat man in front slowly removed the wifebeater. Lio only had his boxer-briefs on left. His epee was too far to reach, he gave up hope. Out of nowhere, Mao was breaking apart dozens of stone clones, until he reached the crowd taking care of Lio. Stop touching him! Take your cold dirty hard hands of my friend! Mao readied his arms in a dueling Taekwondo position and went into form one blasting the head of one of the fat men. Lio was crying. He looked hopeless and was even ready to take his own life, but once he was Mao break through the crowd, Lio couldnt help but smile, someone was going to take care of him. Mao cut through all the fat stone men, until no clone was left in the giant facility. Lio, still only in his boxer-briefs, except for the fencing vest that was still intact, was looking for the short black-haired boy. Whered he go? Lio was spinning around, almost hysterical. You mean that boy? Mao was breathing heavily, while bending over and lying on his knees, fatigued. Thanks by the way for, you know, saving me..again. Lio sounded extremely thankful, but tried to act cool pretending to be focused on the search for the now missing boy. No problem! Mao was grinning. He really wanted to save Lio for some reason. He just had the urge to protect him from anything. What the fuck is that? Lio ran towards the position the German boy was standing in, and spotted two letters. Mao pointed to a tiny figure climbing up a rope ladder leading to a helicopter above the ceiling. Is that him? Lio tilted his head up, clearly still distraught by the letters, and screamed at the sight of the shady ant-like figure. Fuck..fuck..fuck! He got away!

Lio read the first letter, in a red and black envelope, addressed to him: From: Uli Hezner To: Lio Achigawa Lio. Let us settle this little dispute next time, maybe over some coffee and sausages. Till we meet again. Lio turned even paler than he already was. Mao slowly made his way to where Lio was and grabbed the second letter. Dont read that! Lio immediately grabbed the purple envelope from the bruised hands of Mao. But its for me! Mao tried to get the letter back, but Lio ran to a far off pillar to secretly read the letter in silence. From: The Captain To: Mao Kobayashi Mao! Welcome to LOpera Alliance! We are pleased to know that you are interested in becoming a member of LOpera Alliance. We plan on making your processing as swift as possible. If we ever meet, I will be excited. Good Luck! Oh Shit! Chapter 6 In the silver Audi, sat two men, a soft-looking blonde and a confused-looking brunette. The blonde in a torn brass vest and boxers was in near tears. He reread a black and red letter again and again. During the ride, he kept on biting his nails, moving into different positions and scream at the driver to move faster. The brunette in a school uniform was holding a pristine white letter in his hands. He just stared at the note for the whole ride, not moving, not even distracted by the erratic movements of his company. All of the sudden, the Audi came to a disturbing halt. The stopped at a humungous, around a fifteen-thousand square-foot, estate. The golden gate was lined with grape vines. The two boys got out of the vehicle. The brunette looked at the blonde while the blonde just continued walking. What is with him? What does it mean that I am welcome to LOpera Alliance? What is it anyway? Mao scratched his head as he followed Lio.

Its me, Lio. Lio spoke into a bush that was beside the shimmering gate, apparently there was a hidden intercom within the bush. Suddenly, the gate magically opened. Lio walked in and his hands gave a signal to Mao that he should follow. Mao was in awe as he watched the streams of water pour out of the Statues of Greek gods and goddesses in their entrance garden and fountain foyer. They looked like they came straight from a craftsmans studio in Italy. Lio walked up the golden rimmed stairwell while Mao followed in his steps. They stood in front of a door with Lio embedded on the front in French Script. It was shimmering in silver while the door itself is made of gold. Mao was in awe over how extravagant Lio is, and before, he used to think Lio of just a typical student. Lio took a seat on the king size bed draped in beautiful shimmering cloth. He narrowed his eyes at Mao. Mao took a seat at the only available chair in the room, a little further beside the bed. There was an awkward silence for a few minutes. Mao kept on playing with his fingers while Lio stared at Mao. Are you alright? Lio asked. Mao was confused. Why wouldnt he be alright? They won the battle. Yeah. Are you? No, I am most definitely not. Lio cracked his knuckles in frustration. You have been put under grave circumstances. You can be hunted down, in danger. What do you mean? Mao was now annoyed. Shouldnt Lio be happy for him? The LOpera Alliance. You are now a member of LOpera Alliance. Lio muttered to himself LOpera Alliance again and again. Mao had completely forgotten about the letter he received. He was too wrapped up in everything else. What is it by the way? He took a gulp. The LOpera Alliance is an organization of families from the 17th, 18th and 19th century. Lio sounded very serious. Our families have been in constant war for years. We are our families representatives. We are the ones protecting our families pride, dignity, and fortune. We risk our lives for the sake of our dynasty. No shit! Mao was in awe over this revelation. You mean I am fighting this war for the Kobayashis? Precisely.

So, my family just joined this battle or what? Ive never heard of any Kobayashi in some alliance. Well, you shouldnt let anyone know about this. By the way, youre dad was in war for the past seventeen years. Seriously? Hes never told me. Its supposed to be kept a secret. So, you should be just like him. What? I cant tell anyone. Lio was concerned. What am I to do with him? Go back home and ask your dad. He should know if youre officially in this game. Will he be in the war with me? If youre in it, then hes out. You have to be careful from now on; you have a target on your back. Mao was looking around worried that Lio might be right. Since Lio has been in the alliance, Mao caught thugs beating Lio up. Ill try. Thanks, man. Mao stood up as Lio escorted him towards the exit. Bye, Lio. Thanks for everything. Mao held up his hand for a high-five. I should be the one thanking you; you saved my life back there. Its just what friends do. Lio took Maos hand until Mao grabbed Lios and hugged him. For some reason, Lio started blushing and sort of pushed Mao back. Flustered, Lio said, Mao, you need to be on your way. Who knows what might happen? I guess youre right. Mao was scratching his head in confusion over what just happened. Bye, Mao. Lio waved as Mao got in one of the black cars waiting for him. Chapter 7 What?! Youre in the LOpera Alliance? Maos dad, Miko Kobayashi, was in pain. He didnt want to see his son suffer through what he has suffered through for the past seventeen years.

Yes, man. Didnt I just say that like a dozen times?! Mao didnt ever really get along with his father all that well. Miko was usually away from home for some reason, and Mao was usually just left with his step-mom. That cant be. I am still part of this alliance. They cant pass it on. Look here dad. Mao took out the note he received back in the old warehouse. Miko was reading it carefully as if he had a hard time comprehending every single word in that short note. We will see if this is true. Miko took out his Sony laptop and went to a website that stated forbidden. He typed in a code and the site suddenly turned into the homepage of the LOpera Alliance website. He attempted to login, but for some reason his username and password would not work. What is happening?! Miko was in fright. He was panicking as he continued trying to login to no avail. Mao, I think you may just be part of the alliance. Mao wasnt sure how to feel. Was he to be happy for carrying on the Kobayashi legacy or distraught over the fact his life will be in danger all the time, and it will be up to him to maintain the dignity of his family. I am ready for whatever. Son, I have something to share with you. Mikos eyed were gleaming as if he was going to reveal an item of great importance. Being a member of the LOpera Alliance takes a lot of strength, intelligence and bravery, sadly, all you have is bravery. Mao looked disappointed in himself. Even my own father thinks Im a failure. And? I just want to give you this. Miko took out the painting of the god Shiva and behind it, hid a locked safe. Miko input a 10-digit code, and he opened the door. He took out a long shimmering sword. Mao, this is my katana. It has been in our family for generation and passes on to every family caretaker. Am I the family caretaker? Apparently, you are. You need to build up strength Mao. I know. I have been training Judo, Karate and taekwondo for years now. That is true; I enrolled you in those classes to prepare you for this. So you would be able to fend for yourself. Thanks, dad. Mao grabbed the katana out of Mikos hands. Thanks for this sword too.

Miko looked wearily at Mao as if he felt that harm was soon to approach him. I hope you take this job seriously. The LOpera Alliance has a very long history. Mao was a bit distracted by the glow the katana was emitting. Definitely. If youre wondering, I never really wanted our family involved with it? Miko was looking down at the ground while playing with his fingers. I can tell. Why did we even join this alliance? During the 18th century, Lord Thomas and Lord Engelberg were feuding over a large piece of land in central Europe. Mao was baffled. Why was he talking about European feudal lords? Dad, were in Japan not Europe. I am aware of that, but this is how the LOpera Alliance began. They fought over the land, recruiting several lords all over Europe. The feud later developed into a war after more and more dynasties from America all the way to China joined in. Now, it wasnt only that piece of land they were aiming for, but the properties of their enemies and their comrades. How did the Kobayashis get into this? Wait, son. Ill get to that in a while. Lady Amaterasu joined the allegiance of Lord Thomas along with several Japanese dynasties, one of the more prominent ones being the Achigawas. Maos mouth suddenly opened in shock. Lio is an Achigawa and seemed to carry a burden over what will befall his family. The Achigawas employed our late ancestor, Mao Kobayashi. You were named after him. I guess this was just destiny. What do you mean? Destiny that I will one day fight in this war? No, that you will end it. I dont get it. What do you mean end it? Its been going on for centuries. It has, but lately, the families in Europe want to end these shenanigans. Many families were brought apart and ruined because of this alliance. We even gained a ton of enemies because of this. So, other families in the alliance are our enemies. Yes, we have a lot. That is why Im always out of the country; I have to protect us.

Maos spine was tingling. He didnt know what to do if someone like Uli were to attack him. Especially in Japan, our rival is breathing close to us. Huh? Our rival family, the Tsakados. What? The Tsakados. Sumire! Does she know of the LOpera Alliance? I know what youre thinking, Sumire. She does not know anything about this, but her brother does. You should watch out for him now, he wields a deadly scythe that can cut through even the strongest diamond. Sumires brother is the enemy. He isnt even here? Of course he isnt. Hes in the Middle East fighting of the Obamas. Maos eyes widened in disbelief. All along, his girlfriend has been his adversary, and they both were clueless about it. You look tired, son. You need to go to bed. Before Mao went to sleep, he received a message on his phone Mao Im sorry Ive been away for the past couple of weeks. I miss you a lot. Its just that my brother was badly injured, and I needed to visit him in case he, you know, dies or something. I hope we can get back to being us again. See you in school tomorrow. SUMire TsaKado Chapter 8 The bell clung in Tokiwadai High School, alerting the students to hurry to class or their teachers would fine them with detention. Lio was smoothly brisk walking to his class, until a shaking hand grabbed him from behind. Because of suspicion, Lio took the shaking hand and twisted it, turning the culprits arms into a pretzel. Lio. Its me. Mao was contorted into position that turned his expression into one full of pain. Lio blushed. He realized that he made a mistake; he expected the culprit to be someone else from their school.

Im sorry. Im just taking some precautionary measures. Lio untwisted the arms of Mao. We better hurry or else were going to be late. It doesnt matter right now. I have a couple of questions to ask you. Cant we do this in class? About the LOpera Alliance. Lio looked at him keenly. He observed that Mao looked messy, his strands of hair were not in their usually fixed place, and his eyes were patterned with red lines. Sure. Lets go somewhere no one will see us or hear us. The Tokiwadai library was the schools biggest facility. Hundreds of shelves of books lined the two floors, creating a maze. In one of the further edges, two boys, a blackhaired and a blond-haired student, sat in seclusion. Mao took a long deep gulp. He didnt know how to ask Lio these questions. He and Lio werent the best of friends. It was only this year that they actually became even the slightest closer. Though, he saved Lios life twice. Lio was just sitting beside him with an eager expression on his face. He was curious about what Miko Kobayashi told his son about the LOpera Alliance. Lio, I know that youre family is one of the pioneers of the involvement of Japan in the LOpera Alliance. Yes, I know. This is why Im always ready for combat. Are you even worried about your rivals, your enemies? I am, but Ive been doing this for the past two years. You just got used to it? Yes. Now move on to the juicier questions. Mao couldnt help but laugh at Lio lightness in taking on all this. I was just wondering, what do we do to our rival families? You know about Sumire dont you? Lios expression changed. His eye glinted and he pursed his red lips. Yeah. I just want to know how will we work this out? Im sorry, Mao, but you cant. As long as her brother hasnt admitted defeat, she will be your enemy.

Does this mean we cant be together? Well, not really. I mean look at Romeo and Juliet. Their families are bitter rivals, but they still managed to date and stuff. Lio, they died in the end. Yah. I forgot about that. Her brother is still in Iran, so you can be with her till he gets back. What will happen when he gets back? When he finds out that youre dating his sister, you will be like a dying injured kitten. Hes planning on killing me. Mao eyes were growing wider and turning even more red. News spread that you have become the representative for the Kobayashi Clan so well, he knows that he isnt able to defeat your dad. He will come to get you. Mao was starting to sweat. Trickles of perspiration fell down from his head in a downpour. How about the rumors that the alliance will be put to an end? Rumors are just rumors, Mao. Lio was rolling his eyes, trying to act cool, but he started tapping his leg as if he was thinking about something important. Oh. Mao just let this one go for a while. He could sense that Lio didnt want to talk about it. Is that all your dad told you? Basically. He also gave me a sword. The Kobayashis weapon, the diamond crusted katana is one amazing sword. Thanks. Though, I prefer using my fists. Have you tried it out yet? No. Its sort of huge. Everyone will see me whacking some tree with it. You should. It will give you this burst of strength, just like the one I get with my trusted epee. So thats the Achiagawas special weapon.

But you cant rely on your katana all the time, the Tsakado scythe can easily break through it. I heard that it can cut through diamond. Yah so be prepared, Mao. For some reason, Lio was smirking as if he just said something funny, though Mao surely wasnt even smiling. We better get to class, if we miss the next subject, well be marked absent. Mao walked in the bustling classroom. He surveyed the room like he was expecting someone to maul him. After searching for a minute or so, he sat at his usual seat for his English elective class, right beside Sumire. Hey! Where were you the whole day? Sumire was grinning, the same way she has been since they started being an item. I was just caught up a while ago. Mao couldnt look at her in the eyes. He felt that a wall grew in between them. A wall that could keep them apart forever. Oh sure. Sumire was reluctant to say anymore. She felt that Mao wasnt happy to see her after she had been gone for so long. Sumire. Mao took her hands and looked her in the eyes. Im glad to see you back. Sumire just sat back and smiled at him. Mao was still nervous. He didnt know what would happen between him and Sumire once her brother returned from the Middle East. Hey! Mao, come to my house tomorrow night okay? Im cooking a traditional Middle Eastern meal for us. Sumire was back. She wasnt that indifferent chick she was when she left; shes back to being perky. Sure, definitely. Chapter 9 Before the school day ended, Mao had to finish his Mathematics class with Lio. Lio was seated right in front of him like always, except Mao started noticing everything a bit differently. He would usually just take a look around to see if anyone was missing, but now, he started to actually observe the area, like someone was planning on lunging at him at any moment, just like what Lio does. Mao was not sure about visiting Sumires home. Her dad might be there, and he surely knows about the LOpera Alliance and Mao being involved in it. He might just be asked to leave, or worse, fought against.

Lio. Mao tapped Lios chair as Lio was busily copying the solutions to a difficult logarithm problem written on the white board. Yes? Lio looked back at him with worry. I was just thinking if I should eat dinner at Sumires place tomorrow or not? What? Lio was shocked. He knew something about what happened in the Middle East concerning the Tsakados. He was certain Sumire would not invite the Tsakados arch rival over for dinner. Sumire told me that she would be cooking a Middle Eastern feast for us. Mao tried to smile but failed due to his heightened nerves. Im not sure if thats such a good idea. Why? We only have until who knows when to be together. Im just saying that itll be dangerous. I know that so Im brining my katana. You know that your katana will perish against their scythe. Her brother is resting at a hospital somewhere in the Middle East so I shouldnt be that worried. Well, I think it is best you practice with that sword of yours before you just go into battle with it. Mao was contemplating over Lios suggestion. He hasnt even tried the katana, and it does seem quite heavy to wield. Where am I going to train with this? I know just the place. Mao and Lio entered the giant wood-paneled doors of The Dojo. When they entered, they caught sight of dozens of sword specialists engaged in combat with one another. Each fighter uses a different weapon. Some use the typical wooden training sword, while others use spears, rings, or nunchucks. As Mao was agape over the impressive display of swordsmanship, Lio approached a taut man with long dark hair tied up into a ponytail with a white headband. Mao found him a bit suspicious at first since he was the only one not training, but he looked capable of beating half of the fighters. He was tall (around 5 feet 10 inches) and his muscles were clearly defined. Follow me! Lio called Mao as he was trailing behind the ponytailed myrmidon.

They strolled towards the back of The Dojo and entered a room. In the room, the swordsman opened a hidden passage beneath the bookshelf in the corner. He and Lio were jumping into the passage, as he motioned Mao to follow suit with hand gestures. The hidden passage was rather plain. It was a typical wooden Japanese dojo with floor mats and several training dummies. Hi! the man suddenly waved at Mao. Im Kai. The sensei of this dojo. HI, Kai. Mao responded. So youre the Mao Lio keeps on talking about. Kai was laughing heartily to himself. You talk about me, huh? Mao asked Lio with a huge cheeky grin on his face. No, I dont! Lio was blushing as he hit Kai in the head with the holding end of his epee. Maybe like once or twice, but thats it. More like the past everyday for the past couple of weeks. Kai was eyeing Mao up and down now. Shut up! Just train already! Lios face turned even redder with embarrassment. Okay, Mao. You seem to be in good shape. Youre pretty muscular, I guess. Kai still looked unsure of Mao. Thanks. Mao didnt know what to make of this. Lio isnt very muscular but hes very agile. Im just wondering if you are too. Mao looked at Kai as Kai took out his shiny saber. The edge looked sharp that it could kill and the sword itself was massive. Kai was practicing slashing with it in the air, which worried Mao as it might hack him too. Mao, fight me. Kai looked decisively into the eyes of Mao. Huh? Mao was afraid. He has never fought someone as skilled as Kai before. What the hell, bring it on. Both Kai and Mao stood on opposite corners of the battlefield. Kai was stretching while Mao took out his katana and just stared at it as if he was trying to figure out what to do with it. Lio would serve as the judge and referee for this match so he changed into the proper costume and came out in a white long-sleeved shirt and bow-tie. Are you ready, fighters?! Lio screamed from the center.

Lio, cant you see that were still preparing. Kai just looked at Lio blankly. Once both the fighters were ready, they got into position on their end of the stage. Fighters, GO! Lio shouted from the top of his lungs enjoying being the referee as he had never done this before. Mao wasnt aware of what to do. He just kept on trying to strike Kai with his sword. Kai dodged every single slash Mao attempted. Kai was quick. He seemed to flash before Maos eyes. He obviously had the edge over Mao since he has been training for years while this was Maos first match. Kai suddenly disappeared in front of Mao and hit him from behind. Mao dove right onto the floor. Mao just stood up wiping the sweat off from his forehead. Just show yourself, Kai! Mao couldnt find Kai on the stage anywhere because Kai was trained to be incredibly agile and had the ability to move as fast as a light breeze. As Mao stood there with his sword in position, Kai struck him on his shoulder. Every time Mao got on his two feet, he would immediately be hit by Kai and end up on the floor again. Mao, just use your senses! Lio suddenly said out loud. Fuck off, Lio! Even though they couldnt see Kai spiraling around the arena, they heard his voice echoing throughout the hidden room. Lio was worried about Mao. Whenever Mao was hit by Kai, a look of anguish ended up on Lios face. Kai was ready to strike Mao again. He knew that Mao was about to reach his breaking point. Is he worthy enough to train? Kai sped up, readying his sword in place, and slashed. For some reason, he slashed nothing, but air. Mao managed to avoid the slice. Mao focused on where the sound of footsteps was coming from. He heard the swift steps of Kai approach him from the left so Mao swerved the other way. Kai stood in disbelief. Mao avoided my attack. Kai disappeared once again. Mao positioned himself in an attack position. Kai tried another go at slashing Mao, but this time, not only did he evaded the slice, but he caught it with his katana.

Both Kai and Mao were struggling as their weapons were deadlocked in a fight. Youre pretty good at this, boy. Kai said while he pushed against the handle of his sword. Not bad yourself, old man. Mao uttered as he was attempting to curve his katana. Mao spun and released himself from the deadlock. He quickly knocked the weapon out of Kais hand with one whack. So, am I ready to train? Mao smirked with a sense of confidence. Kai gulped. Kai has never been defeated by any of his students before, especially one that has never had training no less. Youre ready. Im only twenty-four by the way, little kid. Thanks. You start tomorrow. Bring a towel and a change of clothing. I cant tomorrow; I have a dinner at my girlfriends place. Mao wasnt sure what he should do. He needed to train before stepping foot in his girlfriends/enemys home. Then the next day. Kai led them out of the secret room, and into the main dojo. Thanks again, Kai. Mao said as he bowed. Stop emoting. I need to get home like now. Lio was impatiently tapping his foot over and over. Mao, dont worry about anything. You have amazing natural skill. Kai waved goodbye as the boys entered Lios car, and were on their way to Maos mansion. Chapter 10 Mao wearily made his way towards Sumires home. He unconsciously kept on walking slower and slower as he got closer to her home. He was nervous. His senses were heightened for some reason as if he felt that he would get attacked. Mao and Sumire lived close by each other, around a few blocks apart. Theyve known one another for a long time, but Lio knew her for even longer, apparently, since they were kids. Mao quietly stepped on the brick staircase leading to the gated front doors of the Tsakado household. He didnt understand why, but his fingers kept on shaking as he was about to ring the door bell to their home.

In the silence of the night, Mao heard an increasingly loud scream. It came from inside the Tsakado mansion. Mao stealthily pounced towards an open window of the Tsakado household and caught a glimpse of a towering figure and a thin girl. After closer inspection, he knew it was Sumire. Mao wanted to badly punch whoever was trying to hurt Sumire, but the man wasnt even touching her. They looked like they were enjoying a peaceful conversation actually. He didnt know what to do, was he to go in for dinner or wait for the man to leave. Though, it didnt seem like he was about to head out any time soon. After waiting several more minutes, Mao couldnt stand it anymore. He had to know what was happening to Sumire. Does she know about the LOpera Alliance?Is she in danger? Mao rang the doorbell. He heard the muttering from the inside and suddenly a huge explosion erupted from the room Sumire was in. Mao sprinted to Sumire. She was covered in asphalt, he knees were shaking but she didnt look the least bit frightened. The man, on the other hand, was wiping off debris left from the explosion. The man was tall, around six feet. Mao was a bit intimidated by the man. He was dressed in a black trench-coat, black cigarette jeans, and combat boots. He looked like a vampire-soldier. He was pale, and looked like he hasnt slept for days. Mao, what are you doing here? Sumire was trying to keep together, pretending that no explosion had occurred. You invited me here for dinner. Mao tried to look like her hadnt seen anything, like the explosion and the vampire-army guy wasnt around. Forget dinner. What is happening? Sumire hesitated to answer. She looked around at the remnants of her living room and at the army man. Mao, I need just need to say that Im Before she could finish what she had to tell Mao, she was cut of by the stranger. Dont say anything. The man was touching the arm of Sumire and looked at Mao with a stare that screamed go away now. Boy, you need to leave. No! Mao was thankful that he brought his sword with him. My girlfriend is in trouble, dude. Its my responsibility to save her. Well, man, Im her brother so shes my liability not yours.

Mao couldnt believe it. Her brother, the agent of the Tsakados, was standing right in front of him. Mao took the end of the sword in his hand, ready to strike at any moment. Sumire was just watching them both stare at each other. It looked as if she was caught in the middle, but in truth, she was the one Mao should be after. Out of the blue, another explosion blasted from their garden. Shit. Sumires brother uttered as he crept to the garden. Their pagoda was destroyed, and the Tsakado symbol, a statue of a double-headed komodo dragon was stolen. Those fuckers! As Mao was still mesmerized in shock, Sumire tapped his shoulder. I hope that we can still be friends. Sumire started to cry. Mao held her and put his arms around her. What do you mean? Im sure you know about the- SUmire was once again cut off by her brother. Sumire! Tonights the night. Her brother was actually beaming a broad smile as he said that, undermining the fact that part of their home was destroyed. What?! SUmire looked back and forth at Mao and her brother. Now? Yes, lets get going! Chapter 11 Three dark shadows were sprawling through the streets in the middle of the night. One was holding a shimmering sword. Another was holding ninja stars and small knives, while the thinnest and smallest one with longer hair held a fan in her hands. Why are you following us?! screamed the buffest shadow. Im going wherever Sumire is going? barked the European looking shadow. Stop fighting! the girl shadow was in near tears. For some reason, she was nervous. Mao can come if he wants, so Sen, get over it! Im Sen by the way. Sen smiled a cute grin at Mao. He didnt look all that intimidating after all. He had huge black eyes and Japanese boy-band style hair. He was probably just acting tough. Mao. Mao smiled the fakest smile he ever had at Sen. Mao was still a bit terrified at Sen, but he thought that they probably didnt know about his association with the LOpera Alliance. Who are we after?

Were after the Zaisos. Sen made it clear with his eyes that he was speaking about only himself and Sumire. Yeah, so we need to get a move on if we want to catch them! Sumire was nearly out of breath until her brother picked her up and carried her while running. This is what a good boyfriend would do, Mao. Sen gave Mao a mischievous smirk. Mao kept on looking forward, ignoring the insult of Sen. They were standing in front of a huge the Meiji Shrine. It was in the early morning that they finally arrived at the gate. The shrine was locked up a guard was protecting it from passers-by while listening to his Ipod. How do you know theyre here? Mao was looking around for any clues that may indicate their presence. I know, little boy. They always wait for me here. Sen was intently observing the gate. Was he expecting some explosion? Maybe. They stood in the same position for almost half an hour, behind an enormous Cherry Blossom tree. They spotted a drunken couple cruising through and streets and an abandoned dog wander into the shrine. Nothing else. Sen kept his eyes on the gate while Sumire always readied herself whenever she heard even the lightest chirp from a bird or the tiniest ticking noise they kept on hearing. What are we still doing here? Mao was tired of waiting for apparently nothing. He thought that he might be able to get some action out of this. He wanted to show Sumire that he could protect her. Shut up, boy. We are definitely waiting for someone. Sen didnt even bother to watch Mao as he climbed the tree. The guard isnt leaving anytime soon so I dont think anyone is coming in or out of there. Mao climbed down the tree as he realized that view of the inside of the shrine was shrouded by the trees. Mao couldnt wait any longer. What are they hiding? The suspense was infuriating him. Im going off. Mao started leaving their hiding place and headed towards the gate. Stop it! Sen grabbed the arm of Mao, but it was pushed off. Mao approached the guard. The guard was clad in typical police uniform, a blue outfit and a belt with a gun and stick strapped on it.

Excuse me, is there anything going on inside?Mao acted as politely as he could. He even bowed to the guard. The guard took his stick out. No, not that I know of. What are you doing here in the middle of the night? Shouldnt you be at home? I was just out for a jog, and I winded up here. Mao looked at the stick. It was the normal black stick, but he kept on hearing a ticking noise. It got louder and louder. I advise you to go home. Its dangerous out here. The ticking noise got louder and louder, closely resembling a police car siren. Sure, boss. Mao turned around. He found the sound terribly annoying. He just wanted to back to Sumires broken down house and eat her Middle Eastern cooking. The noise got to a level that it could crack glass already. Mao looked back to see what was happening to the guard, but he was just standing there, listening to his Ipod again. After a second, the guard exploded. The explosion broke part of the wall and the gate of the Meiji Shrine. Mao couldnt fathom what was happening. He just stood there with his hand over his mouth. Mao felt someone tap him from behind. Look what youve done! Sen was fuming. He held out his knives, ready for anything to come strike him. I managed to open the gate. Thats what Ive done. Mao was still in awe over what happened. He wasnt too sure how the policeman could implode like that. Now the Zaisos know that were here. We have to be more careful here on out. Yes, sir! Mao hadnt cared much about whatever Sen had to say, he was more worried about Sumire. Sumire was right behind Sen, with her peculiar fan. Mao had never seen Sumire carry a fan before and found it weird that she would need one at such a cold night as that night. Are you alright? Mao put his hand over Sumires shoulders. Yeah. Im just a bit scared. Sumire was shaking in her stance, but she looked as if she was trying to act tough. Before they come kill us here, we better get going. Sen surveyed the inside of the Meiji Shrine.

The Meiji Shrine was pristine. It had statues of several Japanese gods, beautiful flowers growing all over, and a quaint duck pond with water lilies floating on top. The Meiji shrine was flawless except for the debris left over from the explosion. We have to be as invisible as a trained ninja tonight or well turn out like that guard before. Sen had a serious tone when he said this. He looked a bit afraid for once. They surfed closer to the actual shrine. It was gigantic. There were flights of stairs creating a bridge-like pattern. The shrine itself had to be at least thirty-thousand square meters. They climbed every flight looking around if anyone was approaching. Sumire seemed the weariest as she only had a flower-embossed fan with her. As they nearly reached the top, they caught sight of a lanky boy with a sword on him. His blond-hair shined in the moon light, and he was totally focused on the shrine. They all halted as they saw him. Is that one of the Zaisos? Lets strike! Mao screamed as he ran towards the glowering figure. The man blocked against Maos slash. Finally, Mao saw who it was. Chapter 12 Lio, what are you doing here? Mao was surprised to find Lio hanging around this place. Hed always thought Lio was Catholic and didnt praise these gods. The question is what are you doing here, Mao? Lio looked at Mao with his signature evil glare. Lio did not expect Mao to be here, he only expected two siblings to show up. Hes just a tag-along. Sen patted Lio on the back and gave him a hug. He was over at our place to see Sumire until the explosion happened. How are you by the way? Is everything alright? Lio blushed when they hugged, and seemed like he didnt want to end it. The doctors there were specially trained for accidents like mine. Sen showed the healed injury to Lio. You do know what happened after right? Sorry, man. It must be tough. Lio seemed hypnotized by Sen. He couldnt lay his eyes off him.

Yeah, but I can finally lead a normal life now. Sen just laughed over what happened, but you could tell in his eyes that he wasnt happy. The rest of them, even the unusually quiet Sumire, seemed to be in the know of what was going on. Mao was just left confused over what they were talking about. He didnt like the feeling of being left out, but he didnt want to intrude because he found it uncanny that Sen, his supposed enemy, was allowing him to accompany them. Sumire, are you ready? Lio looked at Sumire who was practicing opening and closing her fan. I guess. Sumire seemed daunted. She was there, but she didnt want to be there. The four of them now entered the shrine. It was dark and empty. There were a few mats laid down on the floor, and stations with pictures of their gods. The stations had smoke coming from them because of the incense burning. They went deeper into the dark shrine and spotted a statue. It was the stature of Rhamu, the god of lightning and thunder. Most often than not, he was depicted as a bald old man with tone of white facial hair floating on top of a cloud, but this stature was different. The Rhamu here was young and taut in the Indian-seating position. It was muscular and held a lightning bolt in his hands. Whats this? Mao was touching the bolt. Dont touch anything. Sen yelped. They didnt hear a thing except for the same ticking sound they heard coming from the guard by the gate. It was coming from the lightning bolt, and it got more and more intense. The four of them ran as far as they could away from the statue. After barely a minute, the statue exploded, and its head flung towards Mao, who managed to catch it. In the midst of the smoke, they saw a tall dark-haired man standing in the position where the buff Rhamu sat in. He was slightly tanned and didnt look very Japanese. He seemed Japanese mixed with some other blood. Jean Zaiso, the Brapanese gun-master. Sumire was in awe over this guy. Her eyes widened as she stared at him. He was good-looking. Perhaps this was the reason. He was basically the full package, tall, dark and handsome. Who is this Jean Zaiso? Mao was annoyed. Who is this guy anyway? And who does he think he is?

Jean Zaiso is the agent for the Zaisos. His special weapon is the magnum rocket launcher. Sen, like his sister, was in awe too. Why dont you know him, Mao? Lio too was agape while looking at him, even with some drool sliding down his mouth. Hes one of the best looking agents in the LOpera Alliance. Mao looked at Lio creepily. So what if he is? I mean are we here for him? Well, not really. Hes here for us. Sumire took her fan out and opened it. Ho ho ho! Am I surprised to see you. Jean was wearing a tight waist coat and a striped blue polo. He was carrying to tiny pistols. Me? Sen answered back. Not you. Actually, yes. You too! Jean was laughing in sheer hysterics. I meant him. He was pointing at Mao who now took out his katana. Why me? Mao was sort of confused on what was happening at that very moment. Our families arent rivals so I dont see the need for your presence right now. Jeans tone became quite serious. I wouldnt know that. Im just new here. Dont mind him, Mao. Lio took out his epee and went into proper fencing formation. Jean, is it me youre looking for? Yes, you are one of them. Jean took out his pistols and held them up perpendicular to Lio. Also, that girl over there. Sumire, pleasure to meet you. Jean smiled a very seductive smirk at Sumire, who looked disgusted. Does everyone know about it already? Sen shouted as he readied all his ninja knives. What is everyone talking about? Mao couldnt help but ask. He didnt like being out of the know. Clearly, not everyone. Jean threw his pistols in the air and shot at Mao. Mao dodged a bullet while he blocked the other with his sword. That was easy! Mao couldnt help but be overjoyed. Mao, his bullets are molten silver. They will burn anything it touches, even your katana. Lio ran to the edge of the shrine, hoping to block the exit of the shrine.

Youre a nuisance. Im not really after you anyhow. Jean aimed towards Sumire. I will just finish my job as soon as possible. Jean shot a range of bullets at Sumire. Fuck! Sen uttered. Sumire suddenly blocked and deflected every shot. She performed a ballet with her fan, that bounced off every molten bullet. Whats that? Mao was jubilated. Its an iron fan. A special one at that. Jean looked frustrated. He wanted to kill her and get his mission over with. It is made out of iron from the Earths core and minerals taken from the atmosphere, so it can withstand any temperature. You actually know. Sumire still looked nervous even though she was talking back at the enemy. Of course. I did my research. I hope you did too. Duh! I did. For some reason, no one butter in their fight, even though they just had a staring contest for the next couple of minutes. It was as if everyone in the shrine were just waiting for either Jean or Sumire to make a move. I hope you can forgive me. Jean took out his pistols and continuously shot at Sen. Sen tried to run, but he wasnt fast enough. He managed to dodge the first couple, but as the rain of bullets torrented at Sen, it was inevitable Sen would get shot. The molten silver soaked in his skin, leaving huge red and black marks all over his lower body. AHH! Sumire couldnt believe this. Jean just killed her brother whom she dearly loved. I will avenge him! Sumire attempted to strike him with her fan, but he blocked every hit against him. Why did Sen not block the bullets? Mao knew that Sumire wanted to settle a score with him, so he chose to sit out unless she really needed the help. Doesnt he have the reflexes of a ninja? He does. Lio was in tears. He went up to the body of Sen, and placed his head on Sens chest. He was bombed in the Middle East, which critically injured his whole body, but he managed through their miracle medicine, but it has unbearable side effects. One of them being, slow reaction reflexes. Sumire struggled to battle Jean. Jean was simply more experienced than her in combat. Every hit she threw, he dodged.

Mao was puzzled at even why Sumire knew how to fight. Hed never seen her compete in anything physical. Lio subsequently joined in the battle. With his epee, he tried to scratch Jean, but in truth, he was knocking off the pistols from Jeans hands. Stop it, blonde boy. You will never knock these off. Jean was just steadied into position, aiming to wherever Sumire ran towards. Sumire ran behind whatever statues she could reach, but Jean blasted each and every statue she used as a shield, leaving bits of god statues left on the floor. She was running out of energy. Mao could see how tired Sumire was so, aside from what he knew he was not a part of, he took out his sword and charged at Jean. Dont even think about, Mao Kobayashi! Jean shot bullet after bullet at Mao. Mao hit back the bullets but one managed to pass through, and the silver bullet slid through his shoulder, only hitting the end of his flesh. The burning silver bullet left a steaming red mark on Mao. The heat left on Mao was too much to handle that he fell. You cant dodge these bullets. Jean was readying an even larger weapon now. These bullets were under intense heat. These will burn through your skin. Ouch. Thanks for the info. Mao was on the ground while his bruise was letting out blood and steam. Dont harm anyone! Sumire stopped running, and stood in position. So youre finally going to act brave and not as a coward. Jean took out a huge rocket launcher. The rocket launcher was gleaming, with French writing etched on the side. Yeah. Hope youre lucky. Get ready, Bitch! Lio loaded his rocket launcher and let out a stream of giant rockets. These shining bullets were enormous, around the size of a seven year old boy. Sumire! Mao tried to stand up and run in front of the rockets, but his arm was still steaming and the pain was astronomical. In a matter of seconds, Sumire opened her fan and threw it in the air. When she caught it, it wasnt just a normal size fan, it grew into the size of small dog. It was flowery and sparkled in the moonlight.

Eat that! Jean was maniacally throwing a fit. He knew that the rockets would blow Sumire up into smithereens. No, you eat it! Using her fan, Sumire deflected the rockets back at Jean. In a split second, the rockets reflected back at the direction of Jean. Jean couldnt believe it. His beloved rockets would be his end, but he knew this was coming. The rockets left a huge hole in the ground after the smoke and debris were off. You did it! Mao ran and hugged Sumire. He was impressed and a bit dazed by what she just accomplished. Good job, Sumire. I believe you are ready. Sen patted Sumires head, but she didnt look happy. In fact, she looked a bit worried. Lio was already waiting by the hole. He was pushing off the remnants of whatever was left after the explosion. He seemed frustrated. Sumire. Lio called out to her. He escaped. What? How? Sumire looked worried. Will he be after me? He prepared an escape route. Sen pointed towards a rope ladder poking through the ceiling. Oh. There is a letter her for you. Lio took Sumire opened the letter and her expression changed. It looked dark, like she wanted to cry. From: The Captain To: Sumire Tsakado Sumire! Welcome to LOpera Alliance! We are pleased to know that you are interested in becoming a member of LOpera Alliance. We plan on making your processing as swift as possible. I hope that youll be as amazing as your brother. Good Luck! What is that? Mao looked lost by the other threes conversation. Chapter 13

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