Metabolic Engineering of Aeromonas Hydrophila For The Enhanced Production of PHBcoPHHx Qiu2005

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Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2006) 69: 537–542

DOI 10.1007/s00253-005-0034-6


Yuan-Zheng Qiu . Jing Han . Guo-Qiang Chen

Metabolic engineering of Aeromonas hydrophila for the enhanced

production of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate)

Received: 6 March 2005 / Revised: 26 May 2005 / Accepted: 27 May 2005 / Published online: 28 June 2005
# Springer-Verlag 2005

Abstract Wild-type Aeromonas hydrophila 4AK4 produced Introduction

35–45 wt.% poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexa-
noate) (PHBHHx) consisting of 10–15 mol% 3-hydroxy- Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) are biopolyesters of (R)-
hexanoate (3HHx). To enhance PHBHHx production, vgb hydroxyalkanoates, which are accumulated by microorgan-
gene encoding Vitreoscilla haemoglobin or fadD gene isms as carbon and energy reserves (Doi 1990; Steinbüchel
encoding Escherichia coli acyl-CoA synthase was co-ex- 2001). These biopolymers have material properties sim-
pressed with polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) synthesis-re- ilar to petrochemical plastics, yet it is biodegradable and
lated genes including phbAB from Wautersia eutropha and can be produced from renewable carbon sources such as
phaPCJ from A. hydrophila. Expression of vgb increased carbohydrates and fatty acids. Therefore, PHA have at-
PHBHHx content from 46 to 53 wt.% without affecting tracted increasing interests. Approximately 150 different
the polymer monomers composition, whereas fadD in- hydroxyalkanoic acids are now known to occur as con-
creased both PHBHHx content from 46 to 64 wt.% and its stituents of PHA (Doi and Steinbüchel 2002). The com-
3HHx fraction from 15 to 24 mol%. Co-expression of vgb position of PHA is mainly dependent on the substrate
or fadD gene with PHA-synthesis-related genes generally specificity of PHA synthase, metabolic routes providing
increased PHBHHx content over 60 wt.%. Co-expression precursors and cultivation conditions. Poly(3-hydroxybu-
of phbAB with vgb increased PHBHHx content and con- tyrate) (PHB) is the best characterized PHA, and its pro-
centration up to about 70 wt.% and 4.0 g l−1, respectively. duction in Wautersia eutropha has been well studied. The
Fermentor study also showed that in the recombinants har- PHB biosynthesis genes of W. eutropha form a single
boring vgb, CDW, PHBHHx concentration and productiv- operon known as phbCABRe, which encodes PHB syn-
ity were significantly elevated up to 54 g l−1, 28.5 g l−1 thase, β-ketothiolase and NADPH-dependent acetoacetyl-
and 0.791 g l−1 h−1, respectively, suggesting that vgb could CoA reductase (Peoples and Sinskey 1989a,b; Slater et al.
promote PHA synthesis. In this strain, lac promoter could 1988; Schubert et al. 1988).
be used to constitutively express foreign genes such as Copolymer poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhex-
phbA and phbB encoding β-ketothiolase and NADPH- anoate) (PHBHHx) consisting of 3-hydroxybutyrate (3HB)
dependent acetoacetyl-CoA reductase of W. eutropha, re- and 3-hydroxyhexanoate (3HHx) was produced by Aero-
spectively, without use of IPTG. The results showed that monas caviae and A.hydrophila 4AK4 (Doi et al. 1995; Lee
combined expression of different genes was a successful et al. 2000; Chen et al. 2001). Compared with PHB,
strategy to enhance PHA production, which could be use- PHBHHx has better physical and mechanical properties,
ful for strain development to construct other recombinant such as enhanced flexibility and improved impact strength
PHA-producing strains. (Doi et al. 1995; Feng et al. 2002). PHBHHx also has
better biocompatibility than PHB and polylactic acid
(PLA) (Yang et al. 2002; Zhao et al. 2003a). The PHBHHx
Y.-Z. Qiu . G.-Q. Chen (*) biosynthesis genes of A. caviae consisting of phaP, phaC
Department of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, and phaJ encoding phasin, PHA synthase and (R)-specific
Tsinghua University,
Beijing, 100084, China enoyl-CoA hydratase, respectively, had been cloned (Fukui
e-mail: and Doi 1997). The similar operon was also found in
Tel.: +86-10-62783844 A. hydrophila (Zhang 2002).
Fax: +86-10-62788784 A. hydrophila 4AK4 showed some advantages for
J. Han production of PHBHHx, such as robust growth property
School of Life Science, Shandong Normal University, and simple growth requirements, which make it a potential
Jinan, 250014, China strain for industrial production (Chen et al. 2001). Previous

study showed that PHBHHx production could be enhanced (per liter) 9.0 g Na2HPO4·12H2O, 1.5 g KH2PO4, 1.0 g
by using recombinant A. hydrophila (Han et al. 2004). In (NH4)2 SO4, 0.4 g MgSO4·7H2O and 1% (v/v) trace ele-
this study, PHA-synthesis-related genes were combined ment solution. The composition of trace element solution
with cell-growth-related gene or carbon source metabolism was mentioned in previous report (Qiu et al. 2004).
gene in A. hydrophila to further increase PHBHHx pro- Media for fermentor studies contained (in g l−1) 2.0
duction. Genes vgb encoding Vitreoscilla haemoglobin and Na2HPO4·12H2O, 1.85 KH2PO4, 4 (NH4)2SO4, 0.5 MgSO4·
fadD encoding Escherichia coli acyl-CoA synthase were 7H2O, 10 dodecanoate, 1 yeast extract and 1% (v/v) trace
used to co-express with PHA-synthesis-related genes. Ad- element solution. A 6-l NBS computer-controlled fer-
ditionally, the expression of heterogenous genes in recom- mentor (NBS Bioflo 3000, New Jersey, USA) containing
binant A. hydrophila was also studied. 3-l broth was used. Additional 80 g l−1 dodecanoate and
18 g l−1 (NH4)2SO4 were fed after 12-h cultivation.

Materials and methods

SDS-PAGE and enzyme assay
Bacterial strains and plasmids
For SDS-PAGE, 1-ml culture broth was harvested, washed
A. hydrophila 4AK4 (Chen et al. 2001) and E. coli S17-1 with distilled water, resuspended in 50 μl SDS-PAGE
(Simon et al. 1983) were cultivated in LB medium at 30 sample buffer and boiled for 10 min. SDS-PAGE was
and 37°C, respectively. When necessary, 50 mg l−1 kana- performed using Mini-PROTEAN II electrophoresis cell
mycin was added. Plasmids used are listed in Table 1. (Bio-Rad, USA).
pVGAB and pTG01 were constructed previously (Qiu For enzyme assay, cells were harvested, washed with
et al. 2004; Zhao et al. 2003b). All plasmids were derived 0.1 mol l−1 Tris–HCl (pH 7.5) and resuspended in 10%
from pBBR1MCS-2 (Kovach et al. 1995) by inserting a volume of the same buffer. Crude extract was prepared
DNA fragment of phaPC, phaCJ, phaPCJ, phbAB, vgb or from supernatant after sonication and centrifugation. Pro-
fadD genes or both two DNA fragments of those genes. tein concentrations were determined by Bradford method
All DNA manipulations were carried out using standard using Bio-Rad protein assay solution (Bradford 1976).
procedures (Sambrook and Russell 2001). The recom- The activity of β-ketothiolase was spectrophotometri-
binant plasmids were first introduced into E. coli S17-1 by cally monitored at 25°C by the decrease in absorption of
electroporation, then conjugationally introduced into A. acetoacetyl-CoA at 303 nm as reported by Nishimura et al.
hydrophila 4AK4. (1978) with the following modification. The reaction
mixture contained 380 μl of 0.1 mol l−1 Tris–HCl (pH
8.1), 50 μl of 0.4 mol l−1 MgCl2, 5 μl of 7 mmol l−1
Culture conditions for PHA synthesis acetoacetyl-CoA, 5 μl of 10 mmol l−1 CoA and 55 μl H2O.
The reaction was initiated by the addition of 5-μl crude
In culture of shake flask, overnight-cultivated A. hydro- extract.
phila 4AK4 strains in LB medium supplemented with Acetoacetyl-CoA reductase was spectrophotometrically
50 mg l−1 kanamycin were transferred into mineral salt monitored at 340 nm by the oxidation of NADPH during
(MS) medium (pH 7.2) containing 8 g l−1 dodecanoate reduction of acetoacetyl-CoA (Senior and Dawes 1973).
and 1 g l−1 yeast extract. The cells were subsequently The reaction was carried out at 25°C in a total volume of
cultivated at 30°C for 48 h. The MS medium contained 500 μl containing 12.5 μl of 10 mmol l−1 NADPH and

Table 1 Plasmids used in Plasmids Relevant characteristics Source or reference

this study
pBBRvgb Containing Vitreoscilla hemoglobin gene vgb downstream This study
of its native promoter
pBBRfadD lac promoter, fadD from Escherichia coli This study
pTG01 lac promoter, phbAB from Wautersia eutropha Zhao et al. (2003b)
pVGAB lac promoter, phbAB; native promoter, vgb gene Qiu et al. (2004)
pFDAB lac promoter, phbAB and fadD This study
pAH04 lac promoter, phaPC from A. hydrophila This study
pAH04vgb lac promoter, phaPC; native promoter, vgb gene This study
pAH04fadD lac promoter, phaPC and fadD This study
pAH05 lac promoter, phaCJ from A. hydrophila This study
pAH05vgb lac promoter, phaCJ; native promoter, vgb gene This study
pAH05fadD lac promoter, phaCJ and fadD This study
pAH09 lac promoter, phaPCJ from A. hydrophila This study
pAH09vgb lac promoter, phaPCJ; native promoter, vgb gene This study
pAH09fadD lac promoter, phaPCJ and fadD This study
Table 2 Shake flask culture of Strains CDW PHBHHx 3HHx fraction PHBHHx concentration
recombinant A. hydrophila
4AK4 strains (g l−1) (wt.%) (mol%) (g l−1)

4AK4 5.4±0.3 45.7±1.5 14.6±0.3 2.4±0.3

4AK4(vgb) 5.1±0.1 52.9±2.9 14.6±0.3 2.6±0.0
4AK4(fadD) 3.0±0.1 64.0±3.2 23.9±0.5 1.9±0.1
4AK4(phbAB) 5.4±0.2 59.1±1.6 10.1±0.2 3.2±0.1
4AK4(phbAB+vgb) 5.8±0.3 69.4±0.1 10.7±0.4 4.0±0.2
4AK4(phbAB+fadD) 3.0±0.2 64.3±1.4 17.4±0.3 1.9±0.2
4AK4(phaPC) 5.5±0.1 55.3±3.0 23.5±0.2 3.0±0.2
4AK4(phaPC+vgb) 5.4±0.0 63.7±2.4 25.7±0.2 3.5±0.1
4AK4(phaPC+fadD) 3.6±0.0 67.5±2.0 25.0±0.9 2.4±0.0
4AK4(phaCJ) 5.3±0.1 53.5±1.4 23.4±0.3 2.8±0.1
4AK4(phaCJ+vgb) 5.6±0.2 58.2±3.3 25.2±0.6 3.2±0.3
Cells were cultivated in MS 4AK4(phaCJ+fadD) 4.1±0.1 63.2±0.6 24.3±0.1 2.6±0.2
medium containing 8 g l−1 4AK4(phaPCJ) 5.5±0.2 55.2±4.2 20.5±0.9 3.0±0.1
dodecanoate and 1 g l−1 yeast 4AK4(phaPCJ+vgb) 2.9±0.1 63.0±0.3 23.5±0.6 1.8±0.1
extract at 30°C for 48 h 4AK4(phaPCJ+fadD) 3.1±0.1 67.8±1.8 23.8±0.2 2.0±0.2
CDW Cell dry weight

12.5 μl of 7 mmol l−1 acetoacetyl-CoA in a buffer pression of phbAB increased PHBHHx content and low-
[120 mmol l−1 potassium phosphate (pH 5.5), 24 mmol ered 3HHx fraction. If phbAB was co-expressed with vgb, it
l−1 MgCl2, 1 mmol l−1 dithiothreitol]. The reaction was significantly enhanced PHBHHx synthesis from 46 to
initiated by the addition of 5-μl crude extract. 69%, resulting in higher PHBHHx concentration (from 2.4
to 4.0 g l−1). Expression of vgb slightly increased PHBHHx
content. When vgb was co-expressed with phaPC, phaCJ
Analysis of PHBHHx or phaPCJ, it further increased PHBHHx content. Ampli-
fication of fadD increased PHBHHx content from 46 to
The cells were harvested by centrifugation, washed with 64% and increased 3HHx fraction from 15 to 24 mol%.
ethanol and distilled water and then lyophilized. The cel- When fadD was co-expressed with phbAB, phaPC, phaCJ
lular PHBHHx was analyzed by gas chromatography or phaPCJ, it further increased PHBHHx content. How-
(GC) (He et al. 1998). GC analysis was carried out using ever, for unknown reasons, amplification of fadD led to
Hewlett-Packard 6890 equipped with 30-m HP-5 capillary lower cell dry weight (CDW).

Fermentor culture of recombinant A. hydrophila

Results 4AK4 strains

Shake flask culture of recombinant A. hydrophila Recombinants harboring vgb produced higher CDW and thus
4AK4 strains higher PHBHHx concentration and productivity (Table 3).
PHBHHx concentration and productivity in recombinant
As shown in Table 2, amplification of phaPC, phaCJ or harboring phbAB and vgb genes increased up to 28.5 g l−1
phaPCJ genes increased PHBHHx content (from 46 to and 0.791 g l−1 h−1, respectively, compared to 22.1 g l−1
55%) and 3HHx fraction (from 15 up to 24 mol%). Ex- and 0.525 g l−1 h−1 in wild-type strain. Expression of

Table 3 Fermentor culture of recombinant A. hydrophila 4AK4 strains

Strains CDW PHBHHx 3HHx fraction PHBHHx concentration PHBHHx productivity
(g l−1) (wt.%) (mol%) (g l−1) (g l−1 h−1)

4AK4 40.4 54.6 14.4 22.1 0.525

4AK4(phbAB+vgb) 54.0 52.7 12.0 28.5 0.791
4AK4(phaPC+vgb) 50.2 56.3 25.1 28.3 0.674
4AK4(phaPC+fadD) 33.8 61.3 27.2 20.7 0.493
A 6-l NBS computer-controlled fermentor (NBS Bioflo 3000, New Jersey, USA) containing 3-l broth was used. Fermentations were carried
out at 30°C and pH 6.5. Dissolved oxygen concentration was maintained at 15% of air saturation in the fermentation broth. Total
fermentation time for all above studies was 36–42 h

phaPC in the recombinants led to higher 3HHx fraction A

in PHBHHx. In recombinant harboring phaPC and fadD 16
genes, 3HHx fraction reached 27.2 mol%.

U/mg protein
Expression of heterogenous genes in recombinant 4AK4+IPTG
A. hydrophila 4AK4 4

To study the expression characteristics of heterogenous 0

Time (h)
genes, A. hydrophila 4AK4 (pTG01) harboring phbAB 4 8 12 16 20 24 28
genes was used. The wild-type strain did not show visible B
β-ketothiolase (PhbA) and acetoacetyl-CoA reductase 4
(PhbB) bands on SDS-PAGE gel according to their mo-

U/mg protein
lecular mass (40.5 and 26.3 kDa). Two additional bands
(Fig. 1) were found in total protein profile of A. hydrophila 4AK4(pTG01)
4AK4 (pTG01), which represented putative PhbA and 2 4AK4(pTG01)+IPTG
PhbB based on their calculated molecular mass. IPTG did
not affect phbA and phbB expression in the recombinant
strain since there was no significant difference of protein
0 Time (h)
profiles in the presence and absence of IPTG.
A. hydrophila 4AK4 (pTG01) significantly increased 4 8 12 16 20 24 28
PhbA and PhbB activities, which were 5- to 1,100-fold Fig. 2 Enzyme assay of β-ketothiolase (a) and acetoacetyl-CoA
higher for PhbA and 23- to 73-fold higher for PhbB com- reductase (b) in wild-type and recombinant A. hydrophila 4AK4
pared with those of wild-type strain, respectively (Fig. 2). (pTG01). Cells were cultivated in MS medium containing 8 g l−1
sodium glucoante and 1 g l−1 yeast extract at 30°C. When indicated,
IPTG significantly lowered the activities of both enzymes 0.2 g l−1 IPTG was added at 6 h. One unit of β-ketothiolase was
defined as 1 μmol of acetoacetyl-CoA depletion in 1 min. One unit
M 1 2 3 4 5 6 of acetoacetyl-CoA reductase was defined as 1 μmol of NADPH
kDa depletion in 1 min

66 in the recombinant. The recombinant strain grown with

56 IPTG showed 46, 61 and 89% PhbA activity and 10, 11 and
43 A 24% PhbB activity of that grown without IPTG at 8, 16 and
24 h, respectively. In wild-type strain, IPTG did not affect
36 the activities of the two enzymes (Fig. 2).

27 B

A. hydrophila 4AK4 was used in industrial scale produc-

M 1 2 3 4 5 6
kDa tion of PHBHHx (Chen et al. 2001). It is crucial to increase
PHBHHx content and productivity to realize economical
66 production. It is also significant to regulate its monomer
composition to meet various applications (Wang et al.
2005). However, it was difficult to realize those purposes in
43 A the wild-type strain (Chen et al. 2001). Previous studies
had indicated that phaPCJ played a key role in PHBHHx
synthesis (Han et al. 2004), and recombinant harboring
phbAB could be used to regulate PHBHHx compositions
27 (Qiu et al. 2004). To increase PHBHHx production by
metabolic engineering, several pathways are crucial in-
cluding pathways from fatty acids to acyl-CoA, 3HB-CoA
Fig. 1 SDS-PAGE analysis of total cellular proteins from wild-type and 3HHx-CoA supply pathways. In addition, oxygen up-
(lanes 1, 3 and 5) and recombinant (lanes 2, 4 and 6) Aeromonas
hydrophila 4AK4 (pTG01). Cells were cultivated in MS medium take efficiency is important as this will affect β-oxidation
containing 8 g l−1 sodium glucoante and 1 g l−1 yeast extract at 30°C and cell growth. Therefore, the combination of PHA-syn-
with (A) or without (B) 0.2 g l−1 IPTG addition at 6 h. One-milliliter thesis-related genes (phaPCJ, phbAB) with cell-growth-
samples were withdrawn at 8 h (lanes 1 and 2), 16 h (lanes 3 and 4) related gene (vgb) or fatty acids metabolism gene (fadD)
and 24 h (lanes 5 and 6). Protein bands indicated by A and B
represented putative β-ketothiolase (40.5 kDa) and acetoacetyl-CoA will be a useful strategy to realize near-complete strain
reductase (26.3 kDa), respectively, based on their known molecular development so that PHBHHx production can be enhanced
mass as much as possible.

Vitreoscilla haemoglobin (VHb) encoded by vgb gene, protein profiles between IPTG presence and absence. This
an oxygen-binding protein, allows the bacterium to grow was possibly due to the defect of LacI protein in A.
aerobically even under microaerophilic conditions (Kallio hydrophila, the repressor of lac promoter in E. coli. That
et al. 1994). VHb was able to promote PHB synthesis in should partially explain the fact that IPTG addition did not
recombinant E. coli (Yu et al. 2002). Combined expression affect PHBHHx biosynthesis and its monomer composition
of phbAB, phaPC, phaCJ or phaPCJ with vgb gene further in recombinant A. hydrophila 4AK4 (pTG01) (Qiu et al.
enhanced PHBHHx production in recombinant A. hydro- 2004).
phila 4AK4. In most cases, the combined expression Enzyme assay showed that the activities of β-keto-
resulted in higher PHBHHx content and CDW, leading to thiolase and acetoacetyl-CoA reductase in recombinants
higher PHBHHx concentration in shake flask culture. significantly increased, indicating that the two genes were
When vgb was co-expressed with phbAB, the PHBHHx successfully expressed in recombinant A. hydrophila
concentration increased up to 4.0 g l−1. Since VHb affected 4AK4. It was interesting to find that IPTG addition had
oxygen uptake, it will affect cell growth and β-oxidation. negative effect on the activities of both enzymes. The
By combining vgb with pha genes, the PHA accumulation negative effect possibly occurred at the level of proteins
and cell growth would be promoted synergistically. instead of at transcription or translation level since IPTG
Gene fadD encoding acyl-CoA synthase (FadD) cata- did not significantly affect the expression of phbA and
lyzes the first step of fatty acid degradation; therefore, it phbB (Fig. 1).
would affect PHBHHx synthesis from fatty acids. It was In summary, the combination of PHA-synthesis-related
reported that amplification of E. coli fadD gene had sig- genes with cell-growth-related gene or carbon source me-
nificant effect on monomer composition of medium-chain- tabolism gene is a powerful strategy to enhance PHBHHx
length PHA in recombinant E. coli (Park et al. 2003). In production in recombinant A. hydrophila. This combi-
recombinant A. hydrophila 4AK4, amplification of E. coli nation strategy may be useful for strain development to
fadD gene increased both PHBHHx content and 3HHx construct other recombinant PHA-producing strains. It was
fraction. Combined expression of phbAB, phaPC, phaCJ also demonstrated that lac promoter is constitutively ex-
or phaPCJ with fadD gene further increased PHBHHx pressed in A. hydrophila 4AK4 which makes it a good
content. Amplification of fadD might accelerate the con- bacterium for further genetic engineering study.
version of fatty acids into acyl-CoA, resulting in increased
carbon flux in β-oxidation cycle, which sequentially pro- Acknowledgements We are very grateful for the kind donation of
moted PHBHHx synthesis. The C6 intermediate (hexa- phaA and phaB genes from Dr. A. Steinbüchel of Münster University
noyl-CoA) in the cycle is first converted to 3HHx-CoA and in Germany, vgb gene from Dr. Z.Y. Shen of Tsinghua University in
presented to PHA synthase before it is degraded to shorter China and plasmid pBBR1MCS-2 from Dr. Philip Green of Procter
fatty acids; thus, increasing carbon flux in β-oxidation in- & Gamble (Cincinnati, OH, USA).
This study was financially supported by Natural Science Founda-
creased 3HHx-CoA flux more markedly compared with tion of China Grant No. 30170017 and the State Outstanding Young
that of 3HB-CoA flux, resulting in higher 3HHx fraction in Scientist Award (No. 30225001).
PHBHHx. However, expression of fadD gene had negative
effect on cell dry weight due to some unknown reasons.
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