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Richmund A. Palma, PhD

Professor V, Agroforestry Department, College of Agiculture, University of Science and Technology of

Southern Philippines Claveria Campus, MOSCAT, Poblacion, Claveria, Misamis Oriental

(An excerpt from the Instructional Material on ANOVA IN RCBD USING MICROSOFT EXCEL)

STEP 1. Look for Microsoft Excel program in your assigned computer and double click MS Excel ICON. In
a few seconds the Microsoft Excel window (Book 1) will appear.
STEP 2. Create DATA TABLE. Assign the Treatment in the 1st column (A) and the number of Replications
in the 1st row (1). Enter the corresponding values in each cells. Make sure you enter the correct value
(double check!!!).
STEP 3. Compute the TREATMENT and REPLICATION total.

To get the Treatment total, click to highlight values starting from the intersection of B2 and drag up to
the intersection of E2.


Then click AUTOSUM. Microsoft Excel will automatically show the SUM. Do the same for the rest of the
For Replication total, click to highlight values starting from the intersection of B2 and drag up to B6.

Click FORMULAS and then AUTOSUM.

STEP 4. Compute the GRAND TOTAL by clicking the intersection F6 (the CELL will be highlighted). Click
EQUAL sign then ADD all the values from intersection of F2 to F4. Click ENTER.
STEP 5. Compute the CORRECTION FACTOR (CF). The formula for CF is G2/rt (Gomez and Gomez, 1983)
where G = Grand Total; r = replication; t = treatment. Look for a cell and mark CF. Then do the following

1. Click the adjacent cell (B8).

2. Click EQUAL (=) sign.
3. Click shift 9 for the open parenthesis and click the GRAND TOTAL value (F6).
4. Click shift 6 to show HUT sign then click 2 and shift 0 (for close parenthesis).
5. Click / (symbol for division in Microsoft Excel).
6. Click shift 9 then 3 (treatment) then shift 8 (asterisk – symbol for multiplication) then 4
7. Click ENTER.

2 3 4

STEP 6. Compute the DEGREE of FREEDOM (DF) of each Sources of Variation.

Replication DF Treatment DF

Experimental Error DF Total

STEP 7. Compute the TOTAL SUM OF SQUARES (TSS). The formula for TSS is ∑X2 – CF (Gomez and Gomez,
1983) where X = observations (in this case from cell B2 to E4); CF = correction factor. Look for a cell and
mark TSS. Perform the following process to compute TSS:

1. Click the adjacent cell (B9).

2. Click EQUAL (=) sign.
3. Click shift 9 for the open parenthesis.
4. Click B2 then shift 6 then 2. Do the same until you will reach E4. Place + in between cells. To
add close parenthesis, click shift 0.
5. Click – then B8 (the value for CF).
6. Click ENTER.

2 4

STEP 8. Compute the REPLICATION SUM OF SQUARES (RSS). The formula for RSS is ∑R2 / t – CF (Gomez
and Gomez, 1983) where R = replication totals (in this case from cell B5 to E5); t = treatment; CF =
correction factor. Look for a cell and mark RSS. Perform the following processess to compute RSS:

1. Click the adjacent cell (B10).

2. Click EQUAL (=) sign.
3. Click shift 9 for the open parenthesis.
4. Click B5 then shift 6 then 2. Do the same until you will reach E5. Place + in between cells. To
add close parenthesis, click shift 0.
5. Click / (symbol for DIVISION) then enter 3 (the number of treatments in this example)
6. Click – (SUBTRACTION) then B8 (the value for CF).
7. Click ENTER.

2 4 5


STEP 9. Compute the TREATMENT SUM OF SQUARES (TrSS). The formula for TrSS is ∑T2 / r - CF (Gomez
and Gomez, 1983) where T = treatment totals (in this example from cell B5 to E5); t = treatment; CF =
correction factor. Look for a cell and mark TrSS. Perform the following processess to compute TrSS:

1. Click the adjacent cell (B10).

2. Click EQUAL (=) sign.
3. Click shift 9 for the open parenthesis.
4. Click B5 then shift 6 then 2. Do the same until you will reach E5. Place + in between cells. To
add close parenthesis, click shift 0.
5. Click / then 4 (the number of replications in this example)
6. Click – then B8 (the value for CF).
7. Click ENTER

2 4 5


STEP 10. Compute the EXPERIMENTAL ERROR SUM OF SQUARES (ESS). The formula for ESS is TSS – RSS
– TrSS (Gomez and Gomez, 1983) where TSS = total sum of squares (B9); RSS = replication sum of squares
(B10); TrSS = treatment sum of squares (B11). Look for a cell and mark ESS. Perform the following
processess to compute ESS:

1. Click the adjacent cell (B12).

2. Click EQUAL (=) sign.
3. Click B9 to B11. Place – in between.
4. Click ENTER

2 3

STEP 11. Construct ANOVA Table. The table should have seven columns titled in following order: 1.
Sources of Variation; 2) Degree of Freedom; 3) Sum of Squares; 4) Mean Square; 5) Computed F; 6) Tabular
F at 95% or 0.05; and, 7) Tabular F at 99% or 0.01. Enter the following Sources of Variation in the first
column, as follows: Replication, Treatment, Experimantal error and Total.

Enter the values for DF and Sum of Square (SS) in the ANOVA Table by clicking EQUAL (=) sign in the
respective intersection. For example, Replication DF - click B16 then EQUAL then go to the cell where the
Replication DF is located then click. The value of Replication DF will automatically appear in B16. Do the
same process for other values.

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