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How to configure your Edimax router with PLDT My DSL 1. Pop in the CD-ROM (included in your router package).

You will be asked to connect your modem to your Edimax router and your Edimax router to your computer. Be sure to follow the instructions in the CDROM carefully. 2. Go through the step by step procedure in the CD-ROM. The preliminary instructions are self explanatory, so no need to go thru the details here. 3. When you reach the part where its asking you what type is your internet connection - you will be given the following options: - Cable Modem, Fixed IPx DSL, PPPoE, PPP, L2TP xDSL, Telstra Big Pond, etc. . Choose 'Cable Modem'. This is where I got stuck the first few tries. I kept on insisting on using 'Fixed IPx DSL', but when I did an ipconfig (you don't have to do this) several times, I noticed that the IP address changes. So definitely, I don't have a Fixed/Static IP. Rather, I have a Dynamic IP address. So I cannot use 'Fixed IPx DSL'. But the choices doesn't include Dynamic IP. Only Fixed IP. My Internet connection type is not included in the list, so what do I do? Yes, I can curse the salesman who sold me the Edimax router, but other than that, what do I do?? This is the tricky part. Click on 'Cable Modem'. Don't ask questions. Just click on it. Then click Next. 4. You will be asked to enter Host and MAC address. Leave the Host field blank. And for the MAC address, click on the Clone button. 5. Save your settings. 6. Then press on the Reset button at the back of your Edimax router for 30 seconds. 7. The lights on the Edimax router will start blinking like crazy for a few seconds to a full minute or two. Wait. Patience, young jedi.

8. Mouse over your internet connection on your task bar. It should now tell you that there is/are Wireless connection available. If you hadn't renamed anything yet, your Wireless connection's default name is 'Default'. Click on it to connect. You should now be able to connect to the internet. And you can also unplug the ethernet/RJ45 from your computer. You should now be able to connect wirelessly. Woohoo. TIP: - Should you not be able to connect again, AFTER being able to connect WIRELESSLY already, just press on the Reset button at the back of your Edimax router for 30 seconds, WITHOUT turning off your modem or your computer. In the industry, we call it 'hard reset.' Naks. It almost always works. - Also, don't dismiss the User Guide/Manual/Documentation. Read it. - If there's anything that's not in the Manual, Google it. It helps to check what others have to say. If you have questions, write it in the comment part. I'm not an expert, but If I can, I'd be ecstatic to help you out. Cheers!

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