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Anthropology- Study of

human beings as a
species and as members
of different cultures.

Cultural-explores how culture ● Archeology falls in Physical- looks at the ways in

both branches
shaped the way people lived in which humans are similar to,
the past and how they live in the and different from, other
world today. Three Branches of species it also examines how
Cultural humans have developed
● Ethnology- the study of the origin and biologically over time
culture of different people/races. ● Paleoanthropology-study of bone
Studied by participant observation. and remains of ancient ancestors
● Linguistics(study of how language ● Primatology-study of primates
affects and expresses ● Archaeology- is the study of
culture)→Historical(study of similarities physical remains of the past
and difference of a language to find cultures to understand and
out how people migrated), reconstruct them , --->Prehistoric
structural(how sounds are put together Archaeology: For civilization with
to make a meaning), no written record archaeology is
sociolinguistic(how people use the best way to find out how
language to express status and people lived and moved,
context) Archaeology and History: Using
● Archaeology- is the study of physical historic record to shed light on
remains of the past cultures to human prehistory, behavior and
understand and reconstruct them , --- cultural evolution.
>Prehistoric Archaeology: For ● Forensics- help identify remains
civilization with no written record after mass deaths etc.
archaeology is the best way to find out ● Human Variation- study of
how people lived and moved, difference and similarities of
Archaeology and History: Using existing human population
historic record to shed light on human
prehistory, behavior and cultural

● Napoleon Chagnon- studied the Yanonomo→ gave vaccines, bribed individuals
● Bronislaw Malinowski-studied Trobriand Islanders (ethnology)
● Diamond Jenness-studied oral history and nomadic annuitant(ethnology)
● Margaret Mead- Studied Samoan adolescent→participant observation(ethnology)
● Derek Freeman- Studied Samoan adolescent →participant observation
● Ruth Benedict-Studied Japanese culture→films, newspapers, interviews, and
● Richard Lee- studied Dube Ju’hoansai (ethnology)
● Noam Chomsky- father of modern stractural linguistics ( linguistics)
● Roger Brown and Margaret ford→ study how people address each other can tell the relationship
between them (linguistic)
● Donald Johanson- found an australopithecus aferinsis and named it lucy-
● Charles Darwin- suggested human first evolved in africa (human variation)
● Louis and Mary Leaky- found another proof thanks to Charles darwin theory
(paleoanthropology) son is richard
● Jane Goodall- studied primates (primatology)
● Sue Savage- studied banobo communication(primatology)

● hypothesis- is an assumption based on known facts
● Participant observation-living with a member and participating in their culture(watching a
● Culture- the total system of ideas, values, behaviors, and attitudes in society
● Informant- a reliable knowledgeable person who provides specific information to
anthropologists studying his/her community
● Kinship- relationship between people through marriage, common ancestry or adoption
● Ethnography- written account of a culture
● Hominin- human/human ancestor → slanted thigh bone
● Fossil-preserved remains
● Australopithecus aferinsis- hominin that walked 3.2 years ago
● Bipedalism- the ability to habitually walk in two legs- 3.6 years ago
● neanderthals - less intelligent beings lost to homo sapiens
Research tools of the anthropologist:
➔ Informants
➔ Interviews- structured interview(lists of questions that do not change), semi-structured
interview(anthropologists prepare questions in advance), unstructured
interview(between interviewer and informant)
➔ Counting people, mapping, and photographs

Primatologists- observes primates in laboratory or in natural habitat

Problems of Participant observation:
➢ Margaret Mead- asked personal questions to the girls
➢ Napoleon Chagnon- gave vaccines, bribed tribes
➢ Ruth Benedict -studied the culture of the enemy to help the USA defeat the Japanese

★ Eurocentric: europe think theyre way superior that the rest of the individuals
★ Culture Relativism: people in the culture only understand the culture in depth
★ Functional theory: a certain practice is done to stabalize the culture or serves a
★ Culture materialism: conditions affect how a culture develops
★ Feminist anthropology: re-examinies anthropology to make sure female voice is

Location of great finds (Paleoanthropology)

● Ethiopia
● Kenya
● Tanzania
● South Africa

Human Evolution a timeline

➔ Australopithecus Afarensis-3.85-2.95mya
➔ Australopithecus Africanus-3.3-2.1mya
➔ Paranthropus boiser-2.1-1.2 mya
➔ Australopithecus robustos- 1.8-1.2mya
➔ Homo habitis-2.4-1.4mya
➔ Homo erectus-1.89mya-70000 ya
➔ Homo neandethalerisinisis - 200 000-28 000 ya
➔ Homo sapiens- 200,000 ya(present)
How are primates similar to humans
● Bond between mother and infant
● Infant dependency
● Grooming
● Communicate with facial expression
● Rotating forearms, grasping hands and feet, forward eyes, larger brains
How are primates different from humans
● Humans are the only ones that adapted to bipedalism
● Humans reproduce in about 20 yrs old
● Physical ability of speech, symbolic and spoken language
● Human live and mate in pairs
● Humans develop ideas beliefs etc.
Why humans are different from one another
● Variation
● Heritability
● Environmental fitness

Origins of bipedalism:
● Hauling food
● A new world
● Attracting mates(Lovejoy)
● Grabbing a bite
● Keeping cool
● Aquatic apes
● Weapons and tools
Hadza- tanzania, micheael finkle
Garbageology- gal g. Harrison,william rathje, wilson hughes
What are friends for- barbara smuts,
Up to the startling line-
Earliest human migrations-
Diane Fossey-
How to know that a fossil is a hominin:
s-shape spine
arc on feet
slanted thighbone

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