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Climate is determined by the temperature and
precipitation characteristics of a region over time.
Short-term state of Long-term pattern
The temperature characteristics of a region are the atmosphere of weather
influenced by natural factors such as latitude, Can change within Takes very long time
elevation, and the presence of ocean currents. minutes or hours to change
What actually What you expect
The precipitation characteristics of a region are
influenced by factors such as proximity to mountain
ranges and prevailing winds.
What is Climate?
• general pattern of weather in a certain area
over a long period of time. • It is the measurement of distance north or
• are the averages of precipitation, south of the Equator.
temperature, humidity, other measures of • “The closer the place is to the equator, the
weather occurring over a long period in a warmer the climate is the farther the place is
particular place. from the equator, the colder the climate is.”

What is Climate in the Philippines? Altitude

the climate of the Philippines is tropical and • It is the height of an object or point in
maritime (according to PAGASA). relation to sea level or ground level.
• The air temperature decreases as the
altitude increases.
characterized by relatively
high temperature, high humidity,
and abundant rainfall. due to the decrease
in air pressure.
There are four climate types: Bodies of Water
Type I.
• help regulate the climate of a certain area.
• Two Pronounced Season • Areas that are close to oceans and other
• Dry from Nov-April and wet during the rest of large bodies of water tend to have more
the yr. moderate climate changes between seasons
• Maximum rain period from June-Sept. = Places that are far from the bodies of water
have extreme climates.
Type II.
• No dry season with maximum rain.
• Not a single dry month. • It represents a particular area in detail,
• Minimum monthly rainfall. including everything natural and man-made
Type III. hills, valleys, roads, or lakes.

• No maximum rain period with dry season. Topography features such as mountains play an
• Resembles type I. important role in the amount of precipitation that falls
TYPE IV. over an area.

o Windward Side
• Rain is evenly distributed throughout the
year. Area of the mountain where the wind blows; there is
• Resembles type II. precipitation
o Leeward Side • Over millions of years, warm climate periods
have alternated with cold climate periods
Area of the mountain opposite of the windward; dry
and has less precipitation. GLACIERS

Ocean Currents • A huge sheet of ice.

• Covered large part of Earth
• the movement of water from one location to
another; driven by wind, water density GREENHOUSE GASES
differences, and tides.
• It is one major long-term controller of
• Ocean current affects the temperature of the
nearby land mass.

CLIMATIC REGION Reasons of Changes in Climate

an area characterized by similar climatic conditions • Amount of volcanic activity

all year round. • Ocean circulation
• Complicated process like weathering of
Köppen A system used
Climate by scientist to Principle that Scientist Follows in Studying
classify climates. Ancient Climate
Scientists use three (3) sources of information such
Scientists classify climates according to two major
factors: Temperature and Precipitation.
• Fossils
Köppen Climate Classification
• Tree rings
• categorizes climate zones throughout the • Pollen records
world based on local vegetation.
• recognizes four major climate groups based
Hypothesis that Causes Climates to Change
on temperature values (identified by the • Variations in the position of earth relative to
capital letters A, C, D, and E), and the fifth the sun
based on moisture (identified by the capital • Sun energy output
letter B), to create global climate patterns. • Volcanic eruption
A newer system called the modified Köppen • Movement of the continents
classification system is used today. FACTORS THAT AFFECT CLIMATE


CLIMATE CHANGES IN • Deforestation
➢ Movements of ➢ Flood • Power plants
plates ➢ Tides • Industrialization
➢ Adapt/extinction ➢ Fire • Overfishing
➢ Ice age ➢ seasons
What are the Solutions to Climate Change?

History of Earth Climate Changes • Invest in renewable energy

• Restore nature
PALEOCLIMATE • Protect forests
• The climate of ancient Earth • Protect the oceans
• Reduce plastic
ICE AGE • Reduce how much people consume
Earth’s Axial Tilt

the orbital position of the earth to the sun, meaning

different areas of the earth point from the sun at
different time of the year.


• Changes in weather conditions.

• distribution of a calendar year into phases Monsoon Season
that are marked by changes in temperature,
precipitation, vegetation and duration of day • a long spell of rainy season
and night.
There are number of factors that are
• linked with the position of the Earth in
responsible for the formation of seasons:
relation to the sun.
• The Movement of the Earth
The Seasons are generally divided into spring,
• Types of the Movement of the Earth
summer, autumn and winter.
• The shape of the earth’s axis.
Four Seasons • Two important positions of the earth.


• On the 21st of March and 22nd of September

the sun’s rays fall directly on the Equator.


• From 21st June onwards, the northern

hemisphere slowly moves towards the sun
and the rays fall directly on the tropic of
Cancer, 23°N.
• As a result, places to the north of the tropic
of Cancer, receive more sunrays leading to • Formation of the season
longer days and shorter nights.


• As the earth moves away from the sun days

start becoming shorter and nights longer.
• On 23rd September, the Autumnal Equinox,
days and nights are again equal throughout
the world.
• The season of autumn or fall begins.


• From 23rd September the day in the

northern hemisphere gradually becomes
shorter as the sun starts its southward
• The Southern Hemisphere gets longer days
and shorter nights, and 22nd December is
the shortest day in the Northern Hemisphere.

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