The Champion Legal Ads: 10-06-22

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net Simpson, Civil Case Manager, OF THE must notify Jacqueline STREET
Shawanna Carter Candace M.
THE STATE COURT OF at (404) 687-3985 or jd- JUDICIAL TOWER LOCATED Simpson, Civil Case Manager, DECATUR, GEORGIA 30030
Boutwell, Keisha N. Townsend,
plff.; No Atty., dft.
STATE OF GEORGIA and follow-up with a pleading 556 N. MCDONOUGH or CIVIL CASE MANAGER
ORDER confirming withdrawal of the STREET 404-687-3985
(4) 21A03558 UHG I, LLC vs.
(Civil Motions Calendar) motion or other disposition. DECATUR, GEORGIA 30030 , and follow-up with a pleading E-mail to jdsimpso
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12,
Pending motions which are ripe 2022Page 17
Nicholas Love Victor Newmark,
Failure to respond to the notice JACQUELINE D. SIMPSON
plff.; No Atty., dft.
confirming dismissal or settle-
for decision are hereby placed to appear at the Motions Calen- CIVIL CASE MANAGER ment.
on the ++Civil Motions Calen- dar may result in the dismissal 404-687-3985 All Motions or Demands for a IN THE STATE COURT OF
(5) 21A03700 Maricela Chavez
dar++ scheduled for November of the pending motion or in any E-mail to jdsimpso Jury Trial shall be made in writ- DEKALB COUNTY
vs. Phillip Bashaw Michael J.
21, 2022 at 9:00 A.M. in other action the Court may ing as a separate pleading filed STATE OF GEORGIA
O’Hagan, plff.; R. Edward Furr,
Courtroom B on the second deem appropriate. with the Clerk of State Court, ORDER
Jr., dft.
floor of the Judicial Tower, loc- SO ORDERED, this 6th day of IN THE STATE COURT OF and a copy served on the op- (Peremptory Calendar)
ated at 556 N. McDonough October, 2022. DEKALB COUNTY posing parties, at least ten (10) The following actions have
(6) 21A05661 Ehsan Razavi vs.
Street, Decatur, Georgia Kimberly A. Alexander, Judge STATE OF GEORGIA days prior to the non-jury trial been pending for more than
Shaunteka Dunn, Tyson Lem-
30030. All parties and counsel State Court of DeKalb County ORDER date shown herein. If a jury tri- one year and comprise the
ons No Atty., plff.; No Atty., dft.
are required to appear at the (Civil Non-Jury Trial Calendar) al is not so demanded, then a ++Peremptory Calendar++
call of the Calendar and should Counsel and pro se litigants in party shall be deemed to have which will be called on Novem-
(7) 21A05920 Union Insurance
be prepared to proceed with ar- (1) 20A80939 American Zurich all listed cases are directed to waived the right to trial by jury ber 2, 2022, at 8:30 a.m. in
Company a/s/o Clover Enter-
gument at that time. The Court Insurance Company vs. All Star appear in Court for the ++Civil for damages pursuant to Courtroom B on the Second
prises, Inc. vs. Winder Venture,
hereby advises all parties that a Innovations, LLC James W. Non-Jury Trial Calendar++ on Collins v. Jones, 197 Ga. App. Floor of the Judicial Tower, loc-
LLC d/b/a Chevron Food Mart
corporation must be represen- Hays, B. Emory Potter, plff.; No November 2, 2022 at 9:00 A.M. 839, 399 S.E.2d 546 (1990). ated at 556 N. McDonough
J. David Stuart, plff.; Jon L.
ted by an attorney in any civil Atty., dft. in Courtroom B (via Zoom) on Information concerning the Civil Street, Decatur, Georgia
Coogle, dft.
proceeding in this Court. Eckles the Second Floor of the Judi- Non-Jury Trial Calendar is 30030.
v. Atlanta Technology Group, (2) 21A00344 Tyrese Edwards cial Tower, located at 556 N. available at www.dekalbstate- All parties must appear in court
(8) 22A01161 PNC Bank, N.A.
Inc., 267 Ga. 801, 485 S.E.2d vs. Pars Auto Sales, Inc. Sam- McDonough Street, Decatur, to announce the status of their
vs. Evoyagelane Proctor aka
22 (1997). Any corporate party antha Embry, plff.; Richard J. Georgia 30030. Corporations SO ORDERED, this 6th day of cases. Failure of the Plaintiff to
Evoyagelane Z. Proctor Keith
not represented by counsel by Storrs, dft. must be represented by coun- October, 2022. appear will result in the Com-
D. Taylor, plff.; No Atty., dft.
the call of this Calendar will not sel in all actions filed on or after Kimberly A. Alexander, Judge plaint being dismissed. Failure
be heard during this calendar, (3) 22A00345 Destiny Reid vs. June 5, 1997. Eckles v. Atlanta STATE COURT OF DEKALB of the defendant to appear will
(9) 22A01172 Johar Ali d/b/a
State Court and such corporate party risks
the Court taking appropriate ac-
Ralph Greene Todd L. McFar-
land, David M. Zagoria, plff.; No
Technology Group, Inc., 267
Ga. 801, 485 S.E.2d 22 (1997).
AJN Home Renovation vs. Re-
result in any counterclaim be-
ing dismissed and the answer
ginald Brown d/b/a BECO In-
020-469416 10/6 tion including, but not limited to, Atty., dft. Counsel and parties should ap- (1) 19A75554 Lincoln Technic- being stricken pursuant to Uni-
vestments No Atty., plff.; No
STATE COURT OF judgment for the opposing party pear with their witnesses, ready al Institute, Inc. vs. Anthony form State Court Rule 20.
Atty., dft.
DEKALB COUNTY or dismissal of the claim or mo- (4) 22A01349 Zaragoza Ortiz- to proceed to trial at that time. Jenkins James G. Whiddon, III, Dismissal of any case prior to
JUDGE tion. Counsel for the corporate Lucena vs. Georgia Depart- All conflicts shall be handled as Jeremy T. McCullough, plff.; No calendar call must be in writing
(10) 22A01553 Cynthia Barnett
KIMBERLY A. ALEXANDER party must either appear in ment of Transportation, DeKalb required by Georgia Uniform Atty., dft. and filed with the Clerk prior to
vs. Barbara Ann Johnson No
DIVISION VII Court or must have filed a writ- County Board of Commission, Court Rule 17.1. Attendees at the call of the calendar in order
Atty., plff.; No Atty., dft.
CIVIL MOTIONS CALENDAR ten entry of appearance on be- and John Doe Gregory T. the Non-Jury Trial Calendar (2) 19A76732 Mamaroneck to be effective.
half of the corporation before Bailey, plff.; Noah W. Priest must have express authority to Capital, LLC vs. Josie Davis 020-469418 10/6 No continuances will be gran-
AT 9:00 A.M. the call of the Calendar. Inform- Goodsett, Laura K. Johnson, settle the pending claim(s) and Joshua Orem, plff.; No Atty., ted except on prior written Or-
ation concerning position on John E. Jones, Jr., dft. must be prepared to confiden- dft. DEKALB COUNTY der of the Court for legal cause
OF THE the Calendar is available at tially reveal the terms of settle- shown. All conflicts shall be 020-469417 10/6 ment to the Court. (3) 20A78609 First Acceptance KIMBERLY A. ALEXANDER handled as required by Geor-
ON THE 2ND FLOOR AT The removal of any motion The removal of a case for any Insurance Co. of GA as subro- gia Uniform Court Rule 17.2.
from this calendar shall be by DEKALB COUNTY reason from the Non-Jury Trial gee of Tressure Barnett vs. CIVIL For any additional information
STREET Order of the Court only. A Mo- Calendar shall be by Order of Shawanna Carter Candace M. regarding this calendar, please
tion for Continuance must be KIMBERLY A. ALEXANDER the Court only. A Motion for Boutwell, Keisha N. Townsend, NOVEMBER 2, 2022 Jacqueline D. Simpson, Civil
JACQUELINE D. SIMPSON made in writing at least ten Continuance must be made in plff.; No Atty., dft. Case Manager, at (404) 687-
days before the hearing, and CIVIL NON-JURY CALENDAR writing at least ten days before COURTROOM B 3985 or jdsimpso@dekalb-
404-687-3985 an Order must be submitted. If trial, and an Order must be (4) 21A03558 UHG I, LLC vs. or visit the web-
a case has settled or the is- AT 9:00 A.M. submitted. If a case is settled or Nicholas Love Victor Newmark, JUDICIAL TOWER LOCATED s i t e a t
E-Mail to jdsimpso COURTROOM B ON THE 2ND FLOOR AT sues have been resolved, the otherwise resolved, the parties plff.; No Atty., dft.
parties must notify Jacqueline (VIA ZOOM) must notify Jacqueline 556 N. MCDONOUGH SO ORDERED, this 6th day of OF THE STREET
THE STATE COURT OF Simpson, Civil Case Manager, Simpson, Civil Case Manager, (5) 21A03700 Maricela Chavez October, 2022.
at (404) 687-3985 or jd- JUDICIAL TOWER LOCATED Division VII, at (404) 687-3985 vs. Phillip Bashaw Michael J. DECATUR, GEORGIA 30030 Kimberly A. Alexander, Judge
STATE OF GEORGIA, or O’Hagan, plff.; R. Edward Furr, STATE COURT OF DEKALB
and follow-up with a pleading 556 N. MCDONOUGH Jr., dft. CIVIL CASE MANAGER COUNTY
ORDER STREET 404-687-3985
(Civil Motions Calendar) confirming withdrawal of the , and follow-up with a pleading
motion or other disposition. DECATUR, GEORGIA 30030 confirming dismissal or settle- (6) 21A05661 Ehsan Razavi vs. E-mail to jdsimpso (1) 15A57108 Cach, LLC vs.
Pending motions which are ripe JACQUELINE D. SIMPSON
for decision are hereby placed Failure to respond to the notice ment. Shaunteka Dunn, Tyson Lem- Dee and Kens Auto Brokers
to appear at the Motions Calen- CIVIL CASE MANAGER All Motions or Demands for a ons No Atty., plff.; No Atty., dft. Joseph A. Ranier, IV, plff.; No
on the ++Civil Motions Calen- 404-687-3985 IN THE STATE COURT OF
dar++ scheduled for November dar may result in the dismissal Jury Trial shall be made in writ- Atty., dft.
of the pending motion or in any E-mail to jdsimpso ing as a separate pleading filed (7) 21A05920 Union Insurance DEKALB COUNTY
21, 2022 at 9:00 A.M. in STATE OF GEORGIA
Courtroom B on the second other action the Court may with the Clerk of State Court, Company a/s/o Clover Enter- (2) 15A58106 National Collegi-
deem appropriate. and a copy served on the op- prises, Inc. vs. Winder Venture, ORDER ate Student Loan Trust 2005-1
floor of the Judicial Tower, loc- IN THE STATE COURT OF (Peremptory Calendar)
ated at 556 N. McDonough SO ORDERED, this 6th day of posing parties, at least ten (10) LLC d/b/a Chevron Food Mart vs. Eva Acosta and Jaime A.
October, 2022. DEKALB COUNTY days prior to the non-jury trial J. David Stuart, plff.; Jon L. The following actions have Acosta Brannon W. Carson,
Street, Decatur, Georgia STATE OF GEORGIA been pending for more than
30030. All parties and counsel Kimberly A. Alexander, Judge date shown herein. If a jury tri- Coogle, dft. Cherice A. Tadday, plff.; No
State Court of DeKalb County ORDER al is not so demanded, then a one year and comprise the Atty., dft.
are required to appear at the (Civil Non-Jury Trial Calendar) ++Peremptory Calendar++
call of the Calendar and should party shall be deemed to have (8) 22A01161 PNC Bank, N.A.
Counsel and pro se litigants in waived the right to trial by jury vs. Evoyagelane Proctor aka which will be called on Novem- (3) 17A63383 Allstate Fire and
be prepared to proceed with ar- all listed cases are directed to ber 2, 2022, at 8:30 a.m. in
gument at that time. The Court (1) 20A80939 American Zurich for damages pursuant to Evoyagelane Z. Proctor Keith Casualty Insurance Company
Insurance Company vs. All Star appear in Court for the ++Civil Collins v. Jones, 197 Ga. App. D. Taylor, plff.; No Atty., dft. Courtroom B on the Second as subrogee of Barbara
hereby advises all parties that a Non-Jury Trial Calendar++ on Floor of the Judicial Tower, loc-
corporation must be represen- Innovations, LLC James W. 839, 399 S.E.2d 546 (1990). Broughton vs. Shadea C. Mur-
Hays, B. Emory Potter, plff.; No November 2, 2022 at 9:00 A.M. Information concerning the Civil (9) 22A01172 Johar Ali d/b/a ated at 556 N. McDonough ray Candace M. Boutwell,
ted by an attorney in any civil in Courtroom B (via Zoom) on Street, Decatur, Georgia
proceeding in this Court. Eckles Atty., dft. Non-Jury Trial Calendar is AJN Home Renovation vs. Re- Keisha Townsend, plff.; No
the Second Floor of the Judi- available at www.dekalbstate- ginald Brown d/b/a BECO In- 30030. Atty., dft.
v. Atlanta Technology Group, cial Tower, located at 556 N. All parties must appear in court
Inc., 267 Ga. 801, 485 S.E.2d (2) 21A00344 Tyrese Edwards vestments No Atty., plff.; No
vs. Pars Auto Sales, Inc. Sam- McDonough Street, Decatur, SO ORDERED, this 6th day of Atty., dft. to announce the status of their (4) 18A67580 Emory Chase
22 (1997). Any corporate party Georgia 30030. Corporations cases. Failure of the Plaintiff to
not represented by counsel by antha Embry, plff.; Richard J. October, 2022. Condominium Association, Inc.
Storrs, dft. must be represented by coun- Kimberly A. Alexander, Judge (10) 22A01553 Cynthia Barnett appear will result in the Com- vs. Shantall R. Cummins
the call of this Calendar will not sel in all actions filed on or after plaint being dismissed. Failure
be heard during this calendar, STATE COURT OF DEKALB vs. Barbara Ann Johnson No James V. Zito, plff.; No Atty.,
(3) 22A00345 Destiny Reid vs. June 5, 1997. Eckles v. Atlanta COUNTY Atty., plff.; No Atty., dft. of the defendant to appear will dft.
and such corporate party risks
the Court taking appropriate ac-
Contact Us
Ralph Greene Todd L. McFar- Technology Group, Inc., 267 Terms & Conditions result in any counterclaim be-Index
land, David M. Zagoria, plff.; No Ga. 801, 485 S.E.2d 22 (1997). (1) 19A75554 Lincoln Technic- ing dismissed and the answer (5) 19A73164 Wells Fargo
tion including, but not limited to, Counsel and parties should ap- being stricken pursuant to Uni-
judgment address:
for the opposing party Atty., dft. The Champion Newspaper, pear with their witnesses, ready
al Institute,
Clients Inc.
placing vs.advertising
legal Anthony agree to read the first publication Attorney/Court
form State Court Rule 20.
Notices Bank, N.A.17vs. Donald K. Jar-
or dismissal of the claim or mo- Attn: Legal Advertising Jenkins
of James
any data G. Whiddon,
submitted in any III,
form to The Champion to verify
CourtofCalendars mond Alexandria
17 Capers, plff.;
(4) 22A01349 Zaragoza Ortiz- to proceed to trial at that time. its
Jeremy T. McCullough,notify
accuracy and shall the newspaper of any corrections
plff.; No Dismissal any case prior to No Atty., dft.
tion. Counsel for the corporate P.O. Box Depart-
1347 All conflicts shall be handled as required by 3 p.m. on the Friday following the first publication. Adoption
calendar call mustNotices
be in writing 24
party must either appear in Lucena vs. Georgia Atty., dft.
andAdvertisements for toBids (6)
24, 75
or must have filed a writ- Decatur,
ment of Transportation, Ga.,
required by Georgia Uniform Fax and e-mail acceptance of legal advertising is contingent upon filed with the Clerk prior Cavalry SPV I,
Court Court Rule 17.1. Attendees at acceptance by any client of the following conditions and their use the Condemnations
call of the calendar in order 24

ten entry of appearance on be- PH: County Board of404-373-7779
Commission, x1009 (2) 19A76732 Mamaroneck LLC as assignee of Synchrony
the Non-Jury Trial Calendar of fax and e-mail shall signify acceptance of the conditions: Notices
to be effective.of Incorporation Bank vs. 26 Graham Marsh
of the corporation before and John
half Doe Gregory T.
FAX:678-605-6597 must have express authority to
Capital, LLC vs. Josie Davis
No Notices
continuances to Debtors & Creditors 26
will be gran-
Bailey, plff.; Noah W. Priest Joshua
1. Orem, plff.;
The Champion will No
not Atty.,
be responsible for any errors that occur Richard A. Russell, plff.; No

the call of the Calendar. Inform- E-mail:
Goodsett, Laura K.
Johnson, settle the pending claim(s) and dft.transmission, including identification and notification that an
in ted Divorces
except on prior 28 written Or- Atty., dft.
ation concerning position on must be prepared to confiden- error has occurred. Publication of any transmission as received der Foreclosures
of the Court for legal cause 58
the Calendar is available at John E. Jones, Jr., dft. fulfills the obligation of our publication to the sending client.
Physical address: 627-H East College tiallyAve.
reveal the terms of settle- (3) 20A78609 First Acceptance Insurance
shown. Statements
All conflicts shall be N/A American Ex-
(7) 19A75016
ment to the Court. Insurance Co. of GA asnot
subro- handled as required by Geor-
Juvenile Court press National 28 Bank vs. Dana
The Decatur, Ga. 30030 2. The Champion shall be held responsible for any transmis-
removal of any motion The removal of a case for any sion directed to theBarnett
publication but not received by it. The decision gia Legislation
Uniform Court Rule 17.2.
fromOffice hours:
this calendar shall 9bea.m.
by to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. gee
of theofpublication
Tressure vs. on
shall be final determining receipt of any N/ADana Lewis An-
Lewis d/b/a
reason from the Non-Jury Trial Shawanna Carter Candace M.
message. ForName
any additional
Changes information gela L. Hamilton,
30 plff.; No Atty.,
Order of the Court only. A Mo- Calendar shall be by Order of regarding this calendar, please
tion Legal
for Continuance must deadline
be Boutwell, Keisha N. Townsend, Probate Court dft. 32
advertising is 12 noon Thursday forthe subsequent
Court only. A Motion for 3. The NoChampion
Atty., dft. has no reasonable way to confirm authenticity Jacqueline
made in writing publication.
Thursday at least ten Legal ad requests must specify date(s)must thebeadmadeis in
of a transmission received or whether it was transmitted by an au- Public D. Simpson, Civil
Hearings 37
Continuance thorized agent of a legal client and shall not be held responsible Case Manager,
Public at (404) 687-
Notices (8) 19A76397
38 Fleetcor Techno-
daystobefore the hearing, Holidays
be published. and may alter advertising deadlines. Please
writing at least check
ten days before 3985 or jdsimpso@dekalb-
an Order must beAdvertising
submitted. If calendar at (4) determining
for 21A03558 UHG this. I, LLC vs. Public Sales logies Operating
39 Company,
the Legal trial, and an Order must be Nicholas Love Victor Newmark, or visit the web- LLC vs. 43ALIF Transport Incor-
a case has settledprior
deadlines/ or thetois-major holidays for early deadline notices.
submitted. If a case is settled or 4. All clients using fax or e-mail for transmission of legal data Service
s i t e
by Publication
a t
sues have been resolved, the plff.; No
agree to Atty., dft. publication harmless for consequences of any
hold this Sheriff Sales porated 46 Douglas L. Brooks,
otherwise resolved, the parties breach of confidentiality which might occur. plff.; No Atty., dft.
parties must notify Jacqueline
Foreclosures, Sheriff’s Sales, Marshal Sales and m u sSales
Tax t n o t i fare a c q u eon
y Jheld line (5) 21A03700 Maricela Chavez SO Tax
ORDERED,Sales 48
this 6th day of
Simpson, Civil Case Manager, Simpson, Foreclosure
Civil Case Manager, 5. Facsimile and e-mail cannot replace the submission of ac- Trade
October, Name Registrations
2022. 47 Chartway Feder-
the courthouse
at (404) 687-3985 orsteps jd- on the first Tuesday of each month. vs. Phillip
curate Bashaw
source Michael
documents, butJ.can provide a quicker, easier way (9) 19A76819
notices and Tax Sales notices publish four consecutive Divisionweeks
VII, at (404)
to to transmitplff.;
Edward Furr, who wish to use it. We are glad to
for those
Kimberly Notices
A. Alexander, Judge al Credit N/A
Union vs. Olanrewaju, Marshal Sales
and the first Tuesday
follow-up of each month.
with a pleading
or cooperate
Jr., dft. by implementing fax and e-mail availability after clarify- STATE COURT OF DEKALB Williams N/ALewis N. Jones, plff.; ing user risks as identified currently. *N/A =COUNTY Not Applicable No Atty., dft.
confirming withdrawal of the , and follow-up with a pleading
motion or other disposition. (6) 21A05661 Ehsan Razavi vs.
confirming dismissal or settle- Shaunteka Dunn, Tyson Lem- (1) 15A57108 Cach, LLC vs. (10) 19A77404 American Ex-
Failure to respond to the notice ment. Dee and Kens Auto Brokers
to appear at the Motions Calen- ons No Atty., plff.; No Atty., dft. press National Bank vs. Mi-
All Motions or Demands for a Joseph A. Ranier, IV, plff.; No chael Stanley Jessica J. Fagan,
dar may result in the dismissal
Broughton vs. Shadea C. Mur- Mutual Fire Insurance Com- plff.; No Atty., dft. SPECIALLY-SET TRIAL DATE. (10) 20A81493 Michael Gray Sturm, dft. Fire & Casualty Insurance
ray Candace M. Boutwell, pany R. Roman Bourret, plff.; No continuances will be gran- and Tracy Satterwhite vs. Ian Company N. John Bey, plff.;
Keisha Townsend, plff.; No No Atty., dft. (41) 20A83394 OneMain Finan- ted except on prior written or- Willis-Cruz and Jacquez (23) 21A04200 Paul Campbell Pro Se, LaShawn Terry, dft.
Atty., dft. cial Group, LLC vs. Gail R. der of the Court for legal cause Wilson, State Farm Mutual vs. Raynard Cunningham and
(21) 20A80729 Maleka Hicks Taylor Frederick S. Hecht, plff.; shown. A Motion for Continu- Automobile Insurance Com- ALIF Transport Incorporated (4) 20A80860 H & S Financial,
(4) 18A67580 Emory Chase vs. Katherine Ogeese Walter No Atty., dft. ance must be made in writing pany No Atty., plff.; Thomas Noah S. Rosner, plff.; Travis J. Inc. Assignee of Credigy Re-
Page 18
Condominium Association, Inc.
vs. Shantall R. Cummins
The Champion
Gabriel, plff.; No Atty., dft. Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 
(42) 20A83501 Shauntivia Willi-
at least ten days before the
Pre-Trial Conference, and an
Brennan, Marci W. McKenna,
Adam Klein, Robert W. Parker,
Meyer, Brooke Morgan Ray,
ceivables, Inc. vs. Tiffany S.
Faust Frederick S. Hecht, plff.;
James V. Zito, plff.; No Atty., (22) 20A80768 Westlake Finan- ams vs. Blair Falivene D. Zane Order must be submitted. Jr., Allen L. Broughton, W. Dale No Atty., dft.
dft. cial Services vs. Melvin Horton Hasty, plff.; No Atty., dft. Failure to respond to this no- Ellis, Jr., dft. (24) 21A04765 Timothy L.
Douglas L. Brooks, plff.; No tice may result in the dismissal Whaley vs. Devin G. Ferguson (5) 20A81746 LM General In-
(5) 19A73164 Wells Fargo Atty., dft. (43) 20A83531 SCANA Energy of the complaint, answer, or (11) 20A81707 Barbara and O’Reilly Automotive surance Company vs. Samazie
Bank, N.A. vs. Donald K. Jar- Marketing, LLC f/k/a SCANA counterclaim, and may subject Thompson, as Administrator of Stores, Inc. Kevin W. Burkhart, Berry Caitlin G. Miller, plff.; No
mond Alexandria Capers, plff.; (23) 20A80813 Persolve Re- Energy Marketing, Inc. d/b/a counsel or parties to sanctions. the Estate of William Meredith Sutton T. Slover, plff.; Allison Atty., dft.
No Atty., dft. coveries, LLC as assignee of SCANA Energy vs. Paul M. If a case is settled or otherwise Butsch, deceased vs. M. Escott, dft.
Bridgecrest Acceptance Cor- Hardy Adam S. Russo, plff.; No resolved, the parties must noti- Pruitthealth Virginia Park, LLC, (6) 20A81867 American Stand-
(6) 19A74518 Cavalry SPV I, poration vs. Brittany Moreman Atty., dft. fy Jacqueline Simpson, Civil Et Al. Robert L. Schenk, II, plff.; (25) 21A05140 Dangelo ard Insurance Company of
LLC as assignee of Synchrony Michelle Elaine Taylor, plff.; No Case Manager, Division VII, at Lisa M. Wolff, Jeffrey Braint- Gonzalez Miranda vs. Nathan Ohio vs. Rocio D. Resendiz-
Bank vs. Graham Marsh Atty., dft. (44) 20A83745 Midland Fund- (404) 687-3985 or wain, Eric M. A. Wilder, Erica S. Cost Travis J. Little, plff.; An- Cisneros Caitlin G. Miller, plff.;
Richard A. Russell, plff.; No ing, LLC vs. Alexander Wester- Jansen, dft. drew A. Curtright, dft. Calvin P. Yaeger, dft.
Atty., dft. (24) 20A80960 Midland Credit field Ashley Bowman-Dumitras- , and follow-up with a pleading
Management, Inc. vs. Lashun cu, plff.; No Atty., dft. confirming dismissal or settle- (12) 20A82029 Violeta Zvizdic (26) 22A01612 Ethel Richards (7) 20A83953 Jermaine Al-
(7) 19A75016 American Ex- Jackson Ashley Bowman-Du- ment. vs. The Emory Clinic, Inc., Et vs. Russell Williams David mond vs. Joshua Nelson, Et Al.
press National Bank vs. Dana mitrascu, plff.; No Atty., dft. (45) 20A83896 Patrice Alleyne SO ORDERED, this 6th day of Al. W. Hennen Ehrenclou, Lewis, plff.; Sean L. Gill, Mat- Caleb G. Avraham, plff.; Jason
Lewis d/b/a Dana Lewis An- vs. Shawan Wilson Areion I. October, 2022. Kavan Singh Grover, plff.; Anna thew F. Branch, dft. D. Darneille, dft.
gela L. Hamilton, plff.; No Atty., (25) 20A81231 Mykiala Plez vs. Gamble, plff.; No Atty., dft. Kimberly A. Alexander, Judge B. Fretwell, Kristin E. Malcolm, 020-469420 10/6
dft. Angela Scott and Ameris Scott State Court of DeKalb County dft. STATE COURT OF (8) 21A01020 Dhan Rai vs.
No Atty., plff.; No Atty., dft. 020-469419 10/6 DEKALB COUNTY Reh Law Scott M. Williamson,
(8) 19A76397 Fleetcor Techno- STATE COURT OF (1) 16A60932 Rosetta Taylor (13) 20A82445 Nathan A. Tilles JUDGE JOHNNY PANOS plff.; No Atty., dft.
logies Operating Company, (26) 20A81447 Westlake Finan- DEKALB COUNTY vs. Kelly J. Novoa Cabrera and vs. Jactavius S. Barnett Mi- DIVISION IV
LLC vs. ALIF Transport Incor- cial Services vs. Shaneka Turk JUDGE Richard Retes Stanley A. chael W. Kitchens, plff.; No PEREMPTORY CALENDAR (9) 21A01025 LGE Community
porated Douglas L. Brooks, and Jason Turk Douglas L. KIMBERLY A. ALEXANDER Coburn, plff.; Julie E. Mon- Atty., dft. NOVEMBER 8, 2022 Credit Union vs. Jayquan
plff.; No Atty., dft. Brooks, plff.; No Atty., dft. DIVISION VII aghan, J. Robb Cruser, R. Rus- 10:30 A.M. McNeil Jon David W. Huffman,
CIVIL PRE-TRIAL sell Grant, II, McLaine Merrick, (14) 20A83576 Winsome 2ND FLOOR, COURTROOM C plff.; No Atty., dft.
(9) 19A76819 Chartway Feder- (27) 20A81498 Lawanna Carter CONFERENCE CALENDAR dft. Brown, individually and as heir LANA BROOKS
al Credit Union vs. Olanrewaju and Diane Brown vs. April O. NOVEMBER 2, 2022 to Donald Daley, Deceased CIVIL CASE MANAGER (10) 21A01149 Khalil Smiley
Williams Lewis N. Jones, plff.; Parham Derek M. Wright, plff.; AT 1:30 P.M. (2) 17A67330 Deborah Dorsey, and on behalf of all wrongful 404-371-2535 vs. Saamiya Mohamed Kevin
No Atty., dft. No Atty., dft. COURTROOM B individually and as the Surviv- death beneficiaries of Donald C. Patrick, plff.; No Atty., dft.
(VIA ZOOM) ing Parent of the Deceased, Daley vs. Bruce Nutter, Shan-
(10) 19A77404 American Ex- (28) 20A81509 Midland Credit OF THE and as the Administratrix of the non White, Brandon Reed, TO THE MEMBERS OF THE (11) 21A01177 Camden Devel-
press National Bank vs. Mi- Management, Inc. vs. JUDICIAL TOWER LOCATED Estate of Terry Blount vs. Ron- Darryl Jones and John Doe BAR PRACTICING opment, Inc. vs. Kyle Brunson
chael Stanley Jessica J. Fagan, Wentworth Reynolds Ashley ON THE 2ND FLOOR AT ald Cofer, Michael Cofer, Issac Sasha Robinson, plff.; Calvin P. IN THE STATE COURT OF Douglas L. Brooks, plff.; No
plff.; No Atty., dft. Bowman-Dumitrascu, plff.; No 556 N. MCDONOUGH N. Vela, Club Nite Lite, Club El Yeager, Benjamin J. Yancey, DEKALB COUNTY Atty., dft.
Atty., dft. STREET Jaripeo, and Devonta Dejuan Allison McDonald, dft. PEREMPTORY CALENDAR,
(11) 19A78020 1st Choice DECATUR, GEORGIA 30030 Sanders Chauncy O. Bailey, DIVISION IV (12) 21A01191 Autovest, LLC
Credit Union vs. Sharita Jones (29) 20A81834 Midland Credit JACQUELINE D. SIMPSON plff.; Rush Spencer Smith, Jr., (15) 20A83710 Tremayne An- JUDGE JOHNNY PANOS as assignee of Union City Nis-
Jeremy B. Ross, plff.; No Atty., Management, Inc. vs. Drake CIVIL CASE MANAGER John D. Easley, III, dft. derson vs. Hardison Landscap- ORDER san, Inc. vs. Leslie Smith, Et Al.
dft. Kelly Ashley Bowman-Du- 404-687-3985 ing and Maintenance Services, The following actions have Cherice A. Tadday, plff.; No
mitrascu, plff.; No Atty., dft. E-mail to jdsimpso (3) 19A74472 Noureen Deeb LLC and Gavin Hardison been pending for more than Atty., dft.
(12) 19A78297 IBM Southeast vs. Rebecca Pennington, All- James A. Rice, Jr., plff.; M. one year and comprise the
Employees’ Credit Union vs. (30) 20A81869 Budget Rent A state Insurance Company Steven Heath, Matthew A. ++Peremptory Calendar++ (13) 21A01225 Galaxy Interna-
Kyeasia M. Johnson Robert J. Car System, Inc. vs. Jason THE STATE COURT OF Miguel Castro, Mark Issa, Carly Moseley, dft. which will be called on Tues- tional Purchasing, LLC vs.
Kanjian, plff.; No Atty., dft. Garrett Angela L. Hamilton, DEKALB COUNTY Mathis, plff.; Daniel C. Prout, day, November 8, 2022 at Tange Herington Richard A.
plff.; No Atty., dft. STATE OF GEORGIA Jr., Jackson Palmer, Rudy T. (16) 21A01383 Charles Foun- 10:30 a.m. in Courtroom C, 2nd Russell, plff.; No Atty., dft.
(13) 20A79010 Bigleaf Re- ORDER Harris, dft. tain vs. Lawrence Washburn as Floor of the DeKalb County
sources, LLC d/b/a Bigleaf Ar- (31) 20A81935 Cavalry SPV I, (Civil Pre-Trial Administrator of the Estate of Courthouse. (14) 21A01291 American Ex-
bor, LLC vs. Brian Gordon LLC as assignee of Citibank, Conference Calendar) (4) 19A74590 Hanan Musa vs. Cheng Ji Cheng, Allstate Fire All parties must appear in court press National Bank vs. An-
Clayton O. Carmack, Monique N.A. vs. Lin Shan James Alan Counsel and pro se litigants in John Doe, GEICO General In- and Casualty Insurance Com- to announce the status of their thony Cannady Courtney M.
B. Shackleford, plff.; No Atty., Nadler, plff.; No Atty., dft. all listed cases are directed to surance Company Sean R. pany Kimberly T. McGowan, case. Failure of the Plaintiff to Hollis, plff.; No Atty., dft.
dft. appear in Court for the Division Campbell, plff.; Dennis J. Man- plff.; Ashante Rosier-Robinson, appear will result in the com-
(32) 20A82062 Midland Credit VII Civil ++Pre-trial Conference ganiello, dft. Hillary ShawKat, Sean L. Gill, plaint being dismissed. Failure (15) 21A01398 Discover Bank
(14) 20A79023 CDL Training Ma nageme nt, Inc . Sara h Calendar++ on November 2, dft. of the defendant to appear will vs. Aaron M. Dotson Keith D.
Service of Missouri, LLC d/b/a Dugan Ashley Bowman-Du- 2022 at 1:30 P.M. The purpose (5) 19A75305 Reginald John- result in any counterclaim be- Taylor, plff.; No Atty., dft.
MTC vs. Jazmine T. Arnold mitrascu, plff.; No Atty., dft. of this Conference is to determ- son vs. Siew Lee Taylor L. (17) 21A02023 Elvira Ferrer ing dismissed and the answer
Sara G. Robin, plff.; No Atty., ine the status of the case, re- Leftwich, plff.; Ryan O. Bell, Ar- Rubens, Individually and as being stricken pursuant to Uni- (16) 21A01413 Northside Hos-
dft. (33) 20A82115 Midland Credit solve remaining issues, and jun Nair, dft. Natural Guardian and Next form State Court Rule 20. pital, Inc. vs. George Nicholas,
Management, Inc. vs. Ebony schedule the case for trial. A Friend of Ivana Villegas-Ferrer, Dismissal of any case prior to IV Carmen V. Porreca, plff.; No
(15) 20A79570 American Ex- Harris Ashley Bowman-Du- consolidated Pre-Trial Order (6) 19A76325 Carolyn Penn- a minor, And Victoria Villegas, the calendar call on November Atty., dft.
press National Bank, a nation- mitrascu, plff.; No Atty., dft. will be due sixty (60) days be- Stuckey and Anthony Stuckey a minor vs. Association Casu- 8, 2022 must be E-FILED with
al bank organized under the fore trial, but the Order need vs. Jeramiah Manning, Allstate alty Insurance Company, At- the Clerk prior to the CALL of (17) 21A01418 Capital One
laws of the f/k/a American Ex- (34) 20A82350 Unifund CCR not be prepared for the Pre-Tri- Insurance Company Minerva lanta Classic Tree Service, Inc. the calendar in order to be ef- Bank (USA), N.A. vs. Dara K.
press Centurion Bank vs. Partners vs. Angelica Barron al Conference. Steela, W. Michael Smith, plff.; and Jonathan Smith Edward A. fective. Harrison Jennifer Milton, plff.;
Xiaoxian Fang Angela L. Mark A. Moore, plff.; No Atty., At the Pre-trial Conference, Nicole Sheppe Gupta, Sam- Piasta, plff.; Elizabeth L. Bent- No continuances will be gran- No Atty., dft.
Hamilton, plff.; No Atty., dft. dft. counsel and parties represent- antha Feinberg, Craig N. Cow- ley, Erica L. Morton, dft. ted except on prior written or-
ing themselves must be pre- art, Rashawn N. Jones, dft. der of the Court for legal cause (18) 21A01459 Autovest, LLC
(16) 20A79660 Venedicta Mun- (35) 20A82400 Charles pared to address any remain- (18) 21A02040 Tereon Yvette shown. All conflicts shall be as assignee of US Auto Fin-
oz Balderas and Luis Juarez Richards, Leonie Samuels- ing discovery issues, all (7) 19A77959 Derek Bakarich Workman vs. Kimberly Michelle handled as required by Geor- ance, Inc. vs. Ronald K. Neal,
Mata vs. Syeda Nabi, State Richards vs. Jamik Andris K. pending or anticipated motions, and Staci Bakarich, as individu- Nichols Kathryn B. Reddy, plff.; gia Uniform Court Rule 17.2. Jr. Robert J. Orovitz, plff.; No
Farm Mutual Automobile Insur- Young Keisha Samuels, plff.; chances of settlement, length als and Legal and natural Alycia Foggs-Anderson, dft. For any information regarding Atty., dft.
ance Company Jody B. Ever- No Atty., dft. of trial, number of jurors, jury guardians of Kai Bakarich, a this calendar, please contact
ette, plff.; No Atty., dft. pre-qualifications, and court re- minor vs. Riverside Military (19) 21A02693 Jaime Rios vs. Lana Brooks, Division IV Civil (19) 21A01497 Bank of Amer-
(36) 20A82534 Midland Credit porting of the case. Counsel Academy, Inc., Joseph Riley, La Ron Louis Ashton A. Re- Case Manager, 404-371-2535, ica, N.A. vs. Henry Charles
(17) 20A79697 American Ex- Management, Inc. vs. Mulu- and parties are expected to Wendy Stanton as Legal and vollo, Philip A. Pendergrass, or visit our website at Stafford Stacy A. McMullen,
press National Bank, suc- geta Araya Ashley Bowman- confer, exchange documents Natural guardians of E.R., a Jr., plff.; Kristen J. Medwick, plff.; No Atty., dft.
cessor by merger to American Dumitrascu, plff.; No Atty., dft. and resolve any discovery dis- minor Jared L. Mitnick, plff.; dft. SO ORDERED, this 6th day of
Express FSB vs. Jason R. putes. Further, they must have Warner S. Fox, Andrew B. Mc- October, 2022. (20) 21A03361 Johnny Kelly
Waddell a/k/a Jason Waddell (37) 20A82556 Northside Hos- express authority to settle the Clintock, R. Russell Grant, II, (20) 21A02980 Ivory Johnson JOHNNY PANOS, JUDGE vs. Dorothy James Johnny G.
a/k/a Jason Ray Waddell An- pital, Inc. vs. Gregory A. Gard- pending claim(s) and be pre- Craig P. Terrett, Robert Mills, vs. Tiffany Michelle Hagwood STATE COURT OF DEKALB Phillips, plff.; Charles A. Wiley,
gela L. Hamilton, plff.; No Atty., ner Carmen Vincent Porreca, pared to confidentially reveal dft. Daniel C. Jason, plff.; Kristin L. COUNTY Jr., dft.
dft. plff.; No Atty., dft. the terms of settlement to the Yoder, Glenn C. Tornillo, J.
Court. (8) 19A78028 Blanca Mejia and Robb Cruser, dft. (1) 19A74181 Kamoney Ed- (21) 21A03518 Ana M. Apari-
(18) 20A79853 Quality Leasing (38) 20A83021 Unifund CCR, THE ATTORNEYS WHO WILL Sophia Madrid, minor vs. Joey wards vs. Paras Hospitality, cio Rodriguez, Et Al. vs. Dia-
Company, Inc. vs. Marcus Phil- LLC vs. Herman A. Pollard J. ACTUALLY TRY THE CASE, Raab Chirag Patel, Norman H. (21) 21A03130 Leslie-Anne Mc- Inc., Et Al. Brian Mickelsen, mond Henderson, Et Al.
lips d/b/a Marcus Phillips Truck- David Stuart, plff.; No Atty., dft. AND PARTIES REPRESENT- Cuadra, plff.; Kevin Reardon, Allister vs. Sharday Fields, plff.; Dorian Murry, dft. Jerome Lee, plff.; Robert H.
ing, and Dameria Keith Angela ING THEMSELVES, Corpora- Andrew W. Panella, dft. American Family Connect In- Betts, dft.
L. Hamilton, plff.; No Atty., dft. (39) 20A83077 Bank of Amer- tions must be represented by surance Company Brian W. (2) 19A77609 Jolie M. Neal vs.
ica, N.A. vs. Rafael Rashaan counsel in all actions filed on or (9) 20A80796 Paula Gaitan vs. Craig, plff.; Kristen J. Medwick, Fabiola Salinas-Cruz, GEICO
(19) 20A79964 Tidewater Fin- Sellars Quinn McGill Kasper, after June 5, 1997. Eckles v. Northeast Plaza, Outparcel John A. Hannay, dft. General Insurance Company
ance Company vs. Moses plff.; No Atty., dft. Atlanta Technology Group, Inc., Owner, LLC, Et Al. Brandon S. Barton H. Goode, plff.; Thomas
Adams Charles T. Day, III, plff.; 267 Ga. 801, 485 S.E.2d 22 Smith, plff.; Matthew G. (22) 21A03770 Jose Luis Mon- Eugene Brennan, Nicole E.
No Atty., dft. (40) 20A83172 Crown Asset (1997). ARE REQUIRED TO McLaughlin, Edward M. Gilgor, roy and Gonzalo Martinez vs. Shockley, dft.
Management, LLS assignee of ATTEND THE PRETRIAL Charles M. McDaniel, Jr., Jalisa Romena Hossain Marcus
(20) 20A80171 Adrian D. Smith Prosper Funding, LLC vs. Hien CONFERENCE AND WILL BE Stevens, dft. Thorpe, Jonathan Rosenburg, (3) 20A78738 Anthony Ngungu
vs. Tony Cofer and Nationwide Nguyen Roy D. Reagin, Jr., EXPECTED TO COMMIT TO A plff.; Kevin Reardon, Blake vs. Tanecia Nelson, Allstate
Mutual Fire Insurance Com- plff.; No Atty., dft. SPECIALLY-SET TRIAL DATE. (10) 20A81493 Michael Gray Sturm, dft. Fire & Casualty Insurance
pany R. Roman Bourret, plff.; No continuances will be gran- and Tracy Satterwhite vs. Ian Company N. John Bey, plff.;
No Atty., dft. (41) 20A83394 OneMain Finan- ted except on prior written or- Willis-Cruz and Jacquez (23) 21A04200 Paul Campbell Pro Se, LaShawn Terry, dft.
cial Group, LLC vs. Gail R. der of the Court for legal cause Wilson, State Farm Mutual vs. Raynard Cunningham and
(21) 20A80729 Maleka Hicks Taylor Frederick S. Hecht, plff.; shown. A Motion for Continu- Automobile Insurance Com- ALIF Transport Incorporated (4) 20A80860 H & S Financial,
vs. Katherine Ogeese Walter No Atty., dft. ance must be made in writing pany No Atty., plff.; Thomas Noah S. Rosner, plff.; Travis J. Inc. Assignee of Credigy Re-
Gabriel, plff.; No Atty., dft. at least ten days before the Brennan, Marci W. McKenna, Meyer, Brooke Morgan Ray, ceivables, Inc. vs. Tiffany S.
(42) 20A83501 Shauntivia Willi- Pre-Trial Conference, and an Adam Klein, Robert W. Parker, dft. Faust Frederick S. Hecht, plff.;
(22) 20A80768 Westlake Finan- ams vs. Blair Falivene D. Zane Order must be submitted. Jr., Allen L. Broughton, W. Dale No Atty., dft.
cial Services vs. Melvin Horton Hasty, plff.; No Atty., dft. Failure to respond to this no- Ellis, Jr., dft. (24) 21A04765 Timothy L.
Douglas L. Brooks, plff.; No tice may result in the dismissal Whaley vs. Devin G. Ferguson (5) 20A81746 LM General In-
Atty., dft. (43) 20A83531 SCANA Energy of the complaint, answer, or (11) 20A81707 Barbara and O’Reilly Automotive surance Company vs. Samazie
liard V. Castilla, dft. sponsibilities for ensuring that The removal of any case from Masses, LLC d/b/a
(2) 20A82623 Jefferson Capit- the consolidated pretrial is filed. (16) 20A78825 Rejaniece this Non-Jury Calendar shall be vs. Michael
al Systems, LLC vs. Kyle (4) 21A00829 Tiffany Blackwell Failure to respond to this no- Young vs. Florette Smith Jason by the Order of this Court only, Roberts Richard M. Howe, plff.;
Baker, Ketra Baker Richard A. vs. Lakeshia Hester, Loya In- tice or to timely complete the Barrett Green, plff.; Brian F. unless a Demand for a Jury Tri- No Atty., dft.
Russell, plff.; No Atty., dft. surance Company Terrence R. proposed Consolidated Pretrial Williams, dft. al is made, or a Consent Mo-
Bethune, plff.; Denice A. Byrd, Order MAY WELL result in the tion for Continuance is made in (4) 21A02503 Metatron Fifth
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday,
(3) 21A00537 Jefferson Capit- dft. OCTOBER
(17) 20A78947 6 - 12, 2022Page
Brad Balentine Group, LLC vs. Real Estate19
dismissal of the complaint, an- Ac- writing as a separate pleading,
al Systems, LLC vs. Shenika swer, or counterclaim as appro- vs. Michael Gooding Joseph M. filed with the Clerk of State quisition Corporation Robert
020-469421 10/6 McCoy Richard A. Russell, plff.; (5) 21A00948 Allison Rhodes priate; or to subject counsel or Todd, plff.; Z’a R. Williams, dft. Court, and a copy served on Dukes, plff.; Craig Ryan Ler-
STATE COURT OF No Atty., dft. vs. Keely Collins W. Winston parties to contempt sanctions the opposing parties on or be- man, dft.
DEKALB COUNTY Briggs, plff.; Erika Wunderlich, as the Court may deem appro- (18) 20A79121 Brandon Sams fore the close of business on
JUDGE JOHNNY PANOS (4) 21A05505 LM General In- dft. priate; or alternatively, if the vs. Kareen Stephens Jason T. November 8, 2022. Any Dis- 10:30 a.m.
DIVISION IV surance Company vs. Chris- Court deems a lesser sanction Schneider, plff.; Cody M. Mc- positive Motion or Non-Consen-
++CIVIL MOTIONS topher A. Pearson and Geor- (6) 21A01332 Aaliyah Tate vs. is deserved in the removal of Collum, dft. sual Motion for Continuance (1) 20A83187 Midland Credit
CALENDAR++ gia Power Company J. David Jose Zenil-Torres, Et Al. Shaun the case from the trial calendar. should also be filed by Novem- Management, Inc. as assignee
NOVEMBER 7, 2022 Stuart, plff.; Jeffery E. Thomp- M. Daugherty, plff.; Robert L. For information concerning this (19) 20A79196 Devin Doctor ber 8, 2022 to be considered of Capital One Bank (USA),
1:30 P.M. kins, dft. Jenkins, dft. calendar please call 404-687- vs. Shaquila Johnson Korey M. timely. N.A. vs. Nadya N. Rucker Luke
VIA ZOOM VIDEO 7 1 8 1 , e m a i l Albury, plff.; Denice A. Byrd, Magistrate Court Appeals will W. Stuckey, plff.; Pro Se, dft.
CONFERENCE (5) 22A00541 Travelers Prop- (7) 21A01559 Janah Dowell, Et lthompson2@dekalbcountyga.g dft. not be routinely postponed to 020-469426 10/6
LANA BROOKS erty Casualty Company of Al. vs. Darrell Word Reginald A. ov or visit our website at obtain discovery. Any request MOTIONS CALENDAR
CIVIL CASE MANAGER America vs. Eder Jeancarlos Greene, plff.; Kevan G. Dorsey, (20) 20A79271 Mimi Mitchell for postponement to obtain dis- STATE COURT OF
404-371-2535 Barahone James W. Hays, plff.; dft. IT IS SO ORDERED. vs. Frederick T. Work, Jr., M.D. covery must show good cause DEKALB COUNTY No Atty., dft. This 26th day of September, Brandon R. Taylor, plff.; J. and attach a copy of the pro- JUDGE WAYNE M. PURDOM 020-469423 10/6 (8) 21A01979 Darryl Jones vs. 2022. Gabe Banks, dft. posed discovery. DIVISION III
STATE COURT OF Roger Stone T. Andrew Miller, Wayne M. Purdom, Judge If a jury trial is not demanded, NOVEMBER 4, 2022
(1) 16A62169 Sarita Wilcoxson DEKALB COUNTY plff.; Destiny Wilkinson, dft. State Court of DeKalb County (21) 20A79720 Harold D. then a party shall be deemed to ZOOM MEETING
vs. Highlands at East Atlanta JUDGE JOHNNY PANOS Lindon vs. Ashleigh Victoria have waived the right to Trial PLEASE CALL IN AT
LP, Et Al., Non-Party – Marcus DIVISION IV 020-469424 10/6 (1) 18A69190 Daryle L. So- Beiter Gregory J. Bosseler, by Jury for damages pursuant APPOINTED TIME
Miller Thomas G. Sampson, II, CIVIL PRETRIAL CIVIL JURY lomon vs. Laura Williams Ed- plff.; Jason H. Deere, dft. to Collins v Jones, et. al., 197 LUCTRICIA THOMPSON,
plff.; John L. McKinley, Jr., CONFERENCE CALENDAR TRIAL CALENDAR ward Bauer, plff.; Tawanna Ga. App. 839 (1990). CALENDAR COORDINATOR
Charles T. Brant, dft. NOVEMBER 8, 2022 STATE COURT OF Hopson, dft. (22) 20A79742 Shannon For information concerning this 404-687-7181 OR
2ND FLOOR, COURTROOM C DEKALB COUNTY Campbell vs. John Doe, Pro- Calendar please contact Luctri- lthompson2@
(2) 20A80466 Michael Turner LANA BROOKS JUDGE WAYNE M. PURDOM (2) 18A71299 Gabriel Kotsis gressive Mountain Insurance cia Thompson, Calendar Co-
vs. Pedro Torres Rios No Atty., CIVIL CASE MANAGER CALENDAR BEGINNING vs. Travelers Home & Marine Company Ross Moore, II, plff.; ordinator at OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT
plff.; Rebecca L. Samples, dft. 404-371-2535 NOVEMBER 15, 2022 Insurance Company Pro Se, Jason D. Darneille, R. Chris 404-687-7181 or email to
020-469422 10/6 DIVISION III plff.; Karen K. Karabinos, dft. Harrison, Daniel C. Prout, Jr., lthompson2@dekalbcountyga.g view calendars
JUDGE JOHNNY PANOS DEKALB COUNTY 404-687-7181 OR doluci vs. Eric W. Strese, State (23) 20A79762 Curtis Lee vs. IT IS SO ORDERED. STATE OF GEORGIA
DIVISION IV STATE OF GEORGIA lthompson2@ Farm Fire and Casualty Com- Mashelle Rucker J. Wickliffe This 26th day of September, ORDER
CIVIL NON-JURY CALENDAR ORDER pany Justin D. Williams, plff.; Cauthorn, plff.; Dantel Ruiz, dft. 2022. All pending Motions in the
NOVEMBER 7, 2022 The within listed case numbers VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT Timothy L. Mitchell, dft. Wayne M. Purdom, Judge cases listed are hereby placed
10:00 A.M. 18A71517 through 21A01979 (24) 20A79837 Carrie Green State Court of DeKalb County upon the ++Civil Motions Cal-
VIA ZOOM VIDEO comprise the Division IV ++Civil for all calendars (4) 19A73680 Cecil Slaton vs. vs. Darryl Heard Donald Ellis, endar++ scheduled for Novem-
CONFERENCE Pretrial Conference Calendar++ IN THE STATE COURT OF Tu M. Khong C. Napoleon plff.; Robert H. Betts, dft. 9:00 a.m. ber 4, 2022 via Zoom Meeting.
LANA BROOKS for November 8, 2022. DEKALB COUNTY Barnwell, plff.; Babatunde Ab- The removal of any Motion
CIVIL CASE MANAGER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that STATE OF GEORGIA dulrahman, dft. (25) 20A79878 Antia Collier vs. (1) 19A74720 Safeway Insur- from this Motions Calendar
404-371-2535 pretrial conferences shall be ORDER Shalonda S. Newell Jessica ance Company of Georgia vs. shall be by the Order of this held as to all issues in the fol- The following cases comprise (5) 19A73714 Kathy Adkins vs. Angelique Austin, plff.; Marcia Quintarious Javez Herndon An- Court unless the Motion is dis- lowing cases on November 8, t h e No v e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 2 , Daniela Hartstern Curtis J. S. Freeman, dft. gela L. Hamilton, plff.; Pro Se, missed in writing and the dis-
IN THE STATE COURT OF 2022 in Courtroom C, 2nd Floor ++CIVIL JURY Calendar++ and Dickinson, plff.; Melissa Roth, dft. missal is filed with the Clerk of
DEKALB COUNTY of the DeKalb County Court- will be tried during a one-week dft. (26) 20A80459 Jessica Fears State Court prior to the call of
STATE OF GEORGIA house. period beginning, November vs. Wanda Hardy DeMone Lee, (2) 20A83923 JPMorgan Chase the calendar. As any other
ORDER A proposed Consolidated Pre- 15th through November 18th. (6) 19A73807 Scindy Dawson plff.; Denice A. Byrd, dft. Bank, N.A. vs. Skender Pilici basis for removing a Motion
The within listed case numbers trial Order (see Georgia Uni- There will be NO CALENDAR vs. New Horizon Assisted Liv- Tanisha Sims, plff.; J. Max Dav- from the calendar, including a
20A81143 through 22A00541 form Superior Court Rule 7.2) CALL. All cases should expect ing, LLC Michael D. Hoffer, (27) 20A81138 Gulzar Tharani is, dft. Disposition Motion the Court
are hereby ORDERED placed must be e-filed in the State to be reached and must be plff.; Matthew W. Carlton, dft. vs. Abdulgahfar Tokhi, Farm- must be notified in writing no
on the ++NON-JURY TRIAL Court Clerk’s Office by Tues- ready for trial or subject to dis- ers Insurance Exchange, Mid- (3) 20A82603 Allure at Brook- less than ten (10) days prior to
CALENDAR++. The Court will day, November 1, 2022. Fail- missal. ALL CASES WILL RE- (7) 19A75291 Gomera Evans Century Insurance Company wood vs. Keonna Williams the Motions Calendar, unless it
conduct a virtual Non-Jury Cal- ure of the Plaintiff to comply MAIN ON 3 (THREE) HOUR vs. Rolland Rickard Noah S. Shaun M. Daugherty, plff.; No Douglas L. Brooks, plff.; No is with the consent of all
endar via Zoom Video Confer- with this Order may result in the CALL. If you require more than Rosner, plff.; Jonathan M. Adel- Atty., dft. Atty., dft. parties.
ence. complaint being dismissed 3 (three) hours’ notice, please man, dft. Failure to respond to this no-
If any party wishes to rely on without prejudice. Failure of the advise the calendar coordinat- (28) 20A81184 Tan D. Bui vs. (4) 20A83125 American Insu- tice may result in the dismissal
evidence at this proceeding, Defendant to comply with this or in writing of your reasons (8) 19A75962 Derrick Clouden Tearmas Crume Jason A. lated Glass, Inc. vs. Dixie of the pending Motion, if appro-
please e-file any such evid- Order may result in any coun- and requirements before vs. John Doe, Progressive Craig, plff.; Joshua S. Ruplin, Glasshoppers, Inc. Douglas L. priate, or subject counsel to
ence at least twenty-four (24) terclaim being dismissed November 10, 2022. Tele- Premier Insurance Kristie dft. Brooks, plff.; Pro Se, dft. contempt sanctions, as the
hours in advance. without prejudice and the an- phone notice of trial may be Hornsby Battle, plff.; No Atty., Court may deem appropriate.
Any demand for a jury trial shall swer being stricken. given between November 1, dft. (29) 20A81421 Wavenna 9:30 a.m. For information concerning this
be made in writing as a separ- ATTORNEYS WHO WILL TRY 2022 and November 14, 2022. James vs. Johnnie Perry Justin calendar please call 404-687-
ate pleading, shall be e-filed THE CDASE AND PARTIES Cases may be called out of or- (9) 19A75962 Derrick Clouden T. Jones, plff.; Darryl G. (1) 20A83251 Jefferson Capit- 7 1 8 1 , e m a i l
with the Clerk, and a copy REPRESENTING THEM- der as scheduling demands. vs. John Doe, Progressive Haynes, dft. al Systems, LLC vs. Tacarah lthompson2@dekalbcountyga.g
served on the opposing parties SELVES ARE REQUIRED TO Failure to report when called Premier Insurance Kristie Rich Richard A. Russell, plff.; ov or visit our website at
on or before ten (10) calendar ATTEND THE PRETRIAL shall subject the complaint, an- Hornsby Battle, plff.; No Atty., 020-469425 10/6 Pro Se, dft.
days prior to the trial date lis- CONFERENCE. swer or counterclaim to dis- dft. IN PERSON IT IS SO ORDERED.
ted herein. If a jury trial is not No continuances will be gran- missal or subject counsel or the ONE DAY NON-JURY (2) 20A83236 Automobile Ac- This 26th day of September,
so demanded then a party shall ted except on prior written or- parties to such other sanctions (10) 19A76435 Andre Jackson CALENDAR ceptance Corp. vs. Tangie 2022.
be deemed to have waived der of the court for legal cause as the court may deem appro- vs. Nationstar Mortgage, LLC STATE COURT OF DEKALB Shepard James Alan Nadler, Wayne M. Purdom, Judge
right to trial by jury pursuant to shown. priate, including, but not limited d/b/a Mr. Cooper Mortgage Pro COUNTY plff.; J. Max Davis, dft. State Court of DeKalb County
Collins v. Jones, et. al. 197 Ga. For any information regarding to, the removal of the case from Se, plff.; Pro Se, Jarrod S. JUDGE WAYNE M. PURDOM
App. 839 (1990). this calendar, please contact the trial calendar. Mendel, dft. DIVISION III (3) 20A83573 Citibank, N.A. vs. LUCTRICIA THOMPSON is in-
If any party objects to proceed- Lana Brooks, Division IV Civil THIS NOTICE DOES NOT SU- COURTROOM 3-B John W. Posey Martin D. Mar- viting you to a scheduled Zoom
ing with a virtual hearing rather Case Manager, 404-371-2535, PERCEDE ANY PRIOR NO- (11) 19A76643 Emmanuel Eze NOVEMBER 22, 2022 shall, plff.; J. Max Davis, dft. meeting.
than in person, a written object or visit our website at TICE. Parties remain subject to vs. Veronica Y. Phelps Corey STARTING @ 9:00 A.M.
ion shall bee-filed no later than call for trial pursuant to any pri- D. Woods, plff.; Reid R. Parker, PLEASE APPEAR AT YOUR (4) 20A83152 Jefferson Capit- If you would like to have your
October 31 , 2022 . A party that SO ORDERED, this 6th day of or calendar notice. dft. SCHEDULED TIME. al Systems, LLC vs. Najma motion recorded by the court
does not object in writing shall October, 2022. The removal of any case from LUCTRICIA THOMPSON, Omar Richard A. Russell, plff.; reporter, please inform me by
be deemed to have consented JOHNNY PANOS, JUDGE the trial calendar shall be only (12) 19A76699 Ayana Thornton CALENDAR COORDINATOR No Atty., dft. July 8th!
to a virtual hearing . STATE COURT OF DEKALB by order of the Court, Continu- vs. Debbie Bethel J. Curt Law, 404-687-7181 OR
For any information regarding COUNTY ances will not be granted ex- plff.; W. Coleman Sylvan, dft. lthompson2@ 10:00 a.m. Topic: November MOTIONS
this calendar, please contact cept for legal excuse. In the Time: November 4, 2022.
Lana Brooks, Division IV Civil (1) 18A71517 Isabella Morris, event you have a legal excuse, (13) 19A77462 Steve Mead- OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT (1) 20A84076 WF Decatur Please call in at the time listed
Case Manager, at 404-371- Et Al. vs. Amita Shroff, MD, Et please advise the calendar co- ows vs. Deirdre Woods Mi- Crossing, LLC vs. Decatur Hot on calendar.
2535, or visit our website at Al. Cale H. Conley, plff.; Laura ordinator in writing. If a case is chael J. Ivan, plff.; Thomas Eu- IN THE STATE COURT OF Yoga Enterprises, Inc. N. Jack- D. Eschleman, dft. settled or otherwise resolved in gene Brennan, dft. DEKALB COUNTY son Cotney, Jr., plff.; Leon S. Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS
SO ORDERED, this 6th day of any manner, the parties must STATE OF GEORGIA Jones, dft. or Android:
October, 2022. (2) 20A81716 Robert Wozny, notify the calendar coordinator (14) 19A77535 Mary K. Truex The within listed cases are
JOHNNY PANOS, JUDGE Et Al. vs. NuGrape Lofts Con- immediately and follow up with vs. John Doe Robert H. Bene- hereby ORDERED placed upon (2) 20A83954 Orbit Homes Ser- /j/5419622342
STATE COURT OF DEKALB dominium Association, Inc. An- a letter confirming dismissal or field, Jr., plff.; Pro Se, Michael the ++NON-JURY/DEFAULT vices, LLC vs. Deborah A. Fair-
COUNTY thony J. Herro, plff.; Roger E. settlement. C. Davis, dft. CALENDAR++ to be held on man Matthew P. Collins, plff.; Or Telephone;
Harris, dft. The parties must submit a con- Tuesday, November 22, 2022 Pro Se, dft. Dial:
(1) 20A81143 Crown Asset solidated pretrial order in con- (15) 20A78706 Ashleigh starting at 9:00 A.M. in USA 602 333 0032
Management, LLC vs. Gary (3) 21A00287 Ann Margaret Ar- formity with Uniform State Bridges vs. Selenia E. Cordero Courtroom 3B. Please view cal- (3) 20A83024 Mics for the USA 888 270 9936 (US Toll
Dacosta, Sr. Roy D. Reagin, ita Chacon vs. Quadarius Court Rule 7.2. Each litigant Brian W. Craig, plff.; Benjamin endar for your special set ap- Masses, LLC d/b/a Free)
plff.; No Atty., dft. Cooper Jerome Lee, plff.; Hil- bears joint and several re- A. Stahl, dft. pearance time. vs. Michael Conference code: 848489
liard V. Castilla, dft. sponsibilities for ensuring that The removal of any case from Roberts Richard M. Howe, plff.;
(2) 20A82623 Jefferson Capit- the consolidated pretrial is filed. (16) 20A78825 Rejaniece this Non-Jury Calendar shall be No Atty., dft. Find local AT&T Numbers:
al Systems, LLC vs. Kyle (4) 21A00829 Tiffany Blackwell Failure to respond to this no- Young vs. Florette Smith Jason by the Order of this Court only, https://www.teleconference.att.
Baker, Ketra Baker Richard A. vs. Lakeshia Hester, Loya In- tice or to timely complete the Barrett Green, plff.; Brian F. unless a Demand for a Jury Tri- (4) 21A02503 Metatron Fifth com/servlet/glbAccess?pro-
Russell, plff.; No Atty., dft. surance Company Terrence R. proposed Consolidated Pretrial Williams, dft. al is made, or a Consent Mo- Group, LLC vs. Real Estate Ac- cess=1&accessNumber=60233
Bethune, plff.; Denice A. Byrd, Order MAY WELL result in the tion for Continuance is made in quisition Corporation Robert 30032&accessCode=848489
(3) 21A00537 Jefferson Capit- dft. dismissal of the complaint, an- (17) 20A78947 Brad Balentine writing as a separate pleading, Dukes, plff.; Craig Ryan Ler-
al Systems, LLC vs. Shenika swer, or counterclaim as appro- vs. Michael Gooding Joseph M. filed with the Clerk of State man, dft.
McCoy Richard A. Russell, plff.; (5) 21A00948 Allison Rhodes priate; or to subject counsel or Todd, plff.; Z’a R. Williams, dft. Court, and a copy served on Or Skype for Business (Lync):
No Atty., dft. vs. Keely Collins W. Winston parties to contempt sanctions the opposing parties on or be- 10:30 a.m.
Briggs, plff.; Erika Wunderlich, as the Court may deem appro- (18) 20A79121 Brandon Sams fore the close of business on /skype/5419622342
(4) 21A05505 LM General In- dft. priate; or alternatively, if the vs. Kareen Stephens Jason T. November 8, 2022. Any Dis- (1) 20A83187 Midland Credit
November 7, 2022 (see Geor- Mutual Automobile Insurance However, after the Pretrial con- ance Company Quinton S.
Find local AT&T Numbers: gia Uniform Superior Court (4) 21A00211 Hunter Hodge Company Michael E. Norman, ference a consolidated Pretrial Seay, plff.; Pro Se, dft. (1) 20A83599 Seresa Woodard
https://www.teleconference.att. Rule 7.2). Answer only those vs. Matthew Davidorf, Constitu- plff.; Carlos Alexander, dft. order will be mandatory. Fail- vs. Easton Clarke Danielle Obi-
com/servlet/glbAccess?pro- questions which apply to your tion State Services, LLC Robert ure to submit such order may (2) 19A75456 Peter B. Wheel- orah, plff.; William R. Young-
cess=1&accessNumber=60233 case. Witnesses should be lis- J. Cairns, plff.; William A. (2) 21A01000 Kathleen Porter result in Plaintiff’s complaint or er vs. Georgia Pain and Well- blood, dft.
30032&accessCode=848489 ted by name, except records Richardson, dft. vs. QuikTrip Corporation D. Defendant’s counterclaim/cross ness, LLC, d/b/a Summit Spine
Kevin Wheeler, plff.; Pro Se,
Page 20 The Champion
custodians who may be listed
1:15 p.m.
by description. If you cannot
Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 
Candice R. Bryant, dft.
claim/third-party complaint be-
ing dismissed without preju-
& Joint Centers Lance D.
Lourie, plff.; Amy Buice, Daniel
(2) 20A83689 Edgar V. Hurley
vs. Tamaro L. Bibbs, American
Or Skype for Business (Lync): answer a question due to insuf- dice, and Defendant’s answer J. Huff, Mark C. Wilby, dft. Standard Insurance Company ficient knowledge, please state (1) 21A00437 William Gipson (3) 21A00969 Latreica Walton being stricken. of Ohio Sonali Garg, plff.;
/skype/5419622342 such. Pretrial statements do not vs. Joseph Nkrumah Tunde O. vs. Leila Gresham, Nationwide ATTORNEYS WHO WILL TRY 10:15 a.m. Claire A. Sumner, dft.
need to be consolidated prior to Ezekiel, plff.; Chris Denison, Property and Casualty Ins. Co. THE CASE AND PARTIES
1:30 p.m. the Pretrial conference. dft. Frank A. Ilardi, plff.; Tawanna REPRESENTING THEM- (1) 15A56154E3 Steve R. 2:30 p.m.
However, after the Pretrial con- Hopson, dft. SELVES ARE REQUIRED TO Rautenberg vs. Robert Pope
(1) 20A78682 Joshua Jones vs. ference a consolidated Pretrial (2) 21A00492 Kelia Campbell ATTEND THE PRETRIAL Darren W. Penn, plff.; D. Jef- (1) 20A83713 Grace E. Gawel
Adrena Johnson, Progressive order will be mandatory. Fail- vs. James Henry Bell, State (4) 21A00949 Minoo Hosseini CONFERENCE ON THE AS- frey Grate, dft. vs. Christopher D. Jackson
Premier Insurance Company ure to submit such order may Farm Mutual Automobile Insur- vs. Timothy Cook, Garrison SIGNED DATE AND TIME. Zachary J. Nelson, plff.; Mike
Jason M. Ferguson, plff.; Cyn- result in Plaintiff’s complaint or ance Company Miguel A. Property & Casualty Insurance NO CONTINUANCES WILL BE (2) 19A76956 Clara Cotting- O. Crawford, dft.
thia L. Bower, dft. Defendant’s counterclaim/cross Dominguez, plff.; Carrie L. Company Andrew J. Brandt, GRANTED EXCEPT ON PRI- ham vs. Terry Ahmad Pro Se,
claim/third-party complaint be- Christie, dft. plff.; Daniel Kuczler, dft. OR ORDER OF THE COURT plff.; Pro Se, dft. (2) 20A83752 Manuel Del
2:00 p.m. ing dismissed without preju- FOR LEGAL CAUSE SHOWN. Castillo vs. Jaiden M. Bradley
dice, and Defendant’s answer (3) 21A00475 Liud Lopez vs. 2:30 p.m. THESE REQUESTS MUST BE 10:30 a.m. Leonid Felgin, plff.; Jay Eidex,
(1) 21A03131 Sherikia Ivey, In- being stricken. Gail McCabe Jared L. Mitnick, IN WRITING AND RECEIVED dft.
dividually and as mother and ATTORNEYS WHO WILL TRY plff.; Claire A. Sumner, dft. (1) 21A01001 Milani Rentals, IN THE STATE COURT (1) 16A62067 Louise Brannan
next friend of Ja’Cody Ross vs. THE CASE AND PARTIES LLC vs. Michael Deion McKin- CLERK’S OFFICE BY NOVEM- vs. Union Carbide Corporation 2:45 p.m.
Security Solutions of Georgia, REPRESENTING THEM- (4) 20A83998 Keith France vs. ney Anthony J. Herro, plff.; Pro BER 7, 2022. All conflicts shall Robert C. Buck, plff.; W. Clay
LLC Matthew B. Stoddard, Es- SELVES ARE REQUIRED TO Dung Dang William T. Joyner, Se, dft. be handled as required by Massey, Holly Hempel, dft. (1) 20A83791 Kelly Lawrence
quire, plff.; Charles M. ATTEND THE PRETRIAL plff.; David W. Wallace, dft. Georgia Uniform Rule 17.1. vs. Cahrnell Graay William T.
McDaniel, Jr., dft. CONFERENCE ON THE AS- (2) 21A01161 Accura Engineer- For any information regarding (2) 19A76964 Sandra Phillips Joyner, plff.; Kevin Reardon,
SIGNED DATE AND TIME. 1:30 p.m. ing and Consulting Services, this calendar, please contact vs. Tiera T. Tripplett Jason Bar- dft.
2:30 p.m. NO CONTINUANCES WILL BE Inc. vs. Osa Igbinoba Jonathan Luctricia Thompson, Civil Cal- rett Green, plff.; No Atty., dft.
GRANTED EXCEPT ON PRI- (1) 21A00501 Earlean Lee vs. A. Barash, plff.; Pro Se, dft. endar Coordinator at (404) 687- (2) 20A83828 Bereket Tebikew
(1) 19A75252 Gerdau Amer- OR ORDER OF THE COURT Publix Super Markets, Inc. Amir 7181 or email 10:45 a.m. vs. Cassandra Laster Esther Al-
isteel US, Inc. vs. R.E.M. Con- FOR LEGAL CAUSE SHOWN. A. Nowroozzadeh, plff.; Broder- (3) 21A01133 Philadelphia In- LThompson2@dekalb- bert, plff.; Nazish A. Ahmed,
struction, Inc. (FL) Richard M. THESE REQUESTS MUST BE ick W. Harrell, dft. demnity Company a/s/o Car- (1) 20A78674 Cynthia Weigel dft.
Howe, plff.; Pro Se, dft. IN WRITING AND RECEIVED rington Park Condominium vs. SO ORDERED, this 26th day of vs. The Kroger Co. Joseph W.
IN THE STATE COURT (2) 20A81215 Vanessa B. Ma- Transfer Sears Home Service, September, 2022. Weeks, plff.; Matthew G. Mof- 3:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m. CLERK’S OFFICE BY NOVEM- son vs. Estella B. Woullard, Sa- LLC Kristin S. White, plff.; Wayne M. Purdom, Judge fett, dft.
BER 7, 2022. All conflicts shall feco Insurance Company of In- Nicole Wolfe Stout, dft. State Court of DeKalb County (1) 20A83885 Carlos Garcia vs.
(1) 21A04062 Phillip Green vs. be handled as required by diana Matthew Cochran, plff.; (2) 20A80029 Lillian Cas- Deborah Denese Favors
Christan Tennyson Stephen Georgia Uniform Rule 17.1. Savannah L. Bran, dft. (4) 21A01045 Gabrielle Rodrig- PLEASE CALL IN AT YOUR sandra Martin vs. Sylvester Joseph M. Todd, plff.; Roger E.
Alan Shea, plff.; Arianne For any information regarding uez vs. Trudy Glascow De- APPOINTED TIME Brown W. Bryant Green, III, Harris, dft.
Buchanan A R, dft. this calendar, please contact (3) 20A81013 Star Coble vs. Mone Lee, plff.; Erika Wunder- plff.; Pro Se, R. Scott Master-
Luctricia Thompson, Civil Cal- Selbin Macedo, Allstate Prop- lich, dft. LUCTRICIA THOMPSON is in- son, Candis R. Jones, dft. (2) 20A83909 Jerome Wash-
3:30 p.m. endar Coordinator at (404) 687- erty and Casualty Insurance viting you to a scheduled Zoom ington vs. Lorna Leigh Boze-
7181 or email Sean R. Campbell, plff.; Char- 2:45 p.m. meeting. 11:00 a.m. man Daphne Duplessis Sad-
(1) 19A75973 Rita Madison vs. LThompson2@dekalb- ity T. Wood, dft. dler, plff.; David A. Olson, dft.
John Doe, Allstate Northbrook (1) 21A00175 Marissa Miller vs. Topic: November Civil Pretrials (1) 20A80374 Cornice Lee vs.
Indemnity Company M. Cor- SO ORDERED, this 26th day of (4) 21A00751 Leslie Jett vs. Rachel Hokanson, Farmers In- Time: November 9, 2022 East- Richard Merlini Noah S. Ros- 3:15 p.m.
dele Rolle, plff.; Pro Se, dft. September, 2022. Ashenafi S. Tedla Timothy L. surance Company, Mid-Cen- ern Time (US and Canada) ner, plff.; Rashawn N. Jones,
Wayne M. Purdom, Judge Blair, plff.; Parks K. Stone, dft. tury Insurance Company Mar- dft. (1) 21A02319 Ramon Jones vs.
4:00 p.m. State Court of DeKalb County vin S. Arrington, Jr., plff.; Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS Crete Carrier Corporation Nath-
Michelle LeGault, Calvin P. or Android: https://dekalb- (2) 20A80532 Alexean Oliver an Kratzert, plff.; Brian R.
(1) 21A01153 Erica Harkness PLEASE CALL IN AT YOUR 1:45 p.m. Yaeger, dft. vs. Claudia Ovalle Harlan H.F. Neary, Pro Se, dft.
vs. Greens At Stonecrest Pro APPOINTED TIME 2 Wood, plff.; Arianne Buchanan 020-469429 10/6
Se, plff.; Duane L. Cochenour, (1) 20A81568 Tiffany Harts vs. 020-469428 10/6 A R, dft. CIVIL PRE-TRIAL
dft. LUCTRICIA THOMPSON is in- Shaquita Barton Debora Blair, CIVIL PRE-TRIAL Or Telephone: CONFERENCE CALENDAR
viting you to a scheduled Zoom plff.; David S. Beale, dft. CONFERENCE CALENDAR Dial: 11:15 a.m. STATE COURT OF
4:30 p.m. meeting. STATE COURT OF USA 602 333 0032 DEKALB COUNTY
(2) 20A82734 Fletcher Franklin DEKALB COUNTY USA 888 270 9936 (US Toll (1) 20A80567 Estella Myers- JUDGE WAYNE M. PURDOM
(1) 18A69183 Kevonna Palmer Topic: November Civil Pretrials vs. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. a/k/a JUDGE WAYNE M. PURDOM Free) Welch vs. Walmart, Inc. Mark a. DIVISION III
vs. Fernando Ramirez, Liberty Time: November 14, 2022 Walmart, Inc. Pro Se, plff.; DIVISION III Conference code: 848489 Begnaud, plff.; Mark L. Pickett, NOVEMBER 23, 2022
Mutual General Insurance Eastern Time (US and Canada) Nicholas E. Deeb, Robert A. NOVEMBER 9, 2022 dft. BEGINNING AT 9:30 A.M.
Company Myrlin D. Earle, plff.; Luskin, dft. BEGINNING AT 9:30 A.M. Find local AT&T Numbers: AND EVERY 15 MINUTES
Pro Se, dft. Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS AND EVERY 15 MINUTES https://www.teleconference.att. 1:30 p.m. ZOOM MEETING
or Android: https://dekalb- (3) 20A81881 D’Ontrinette ZOOM MEETING com/servlet/glbAccess?pro- PLEASE CALL IN AT YOUR Clark vs. Arthur Nicolls Sean R. PLEASE CALL IN AT YOUR cess=1&accessNumber=60233 (1) 20A80669 Cynthia Ivey vs. APPOINTED
2 Campbell, plff.; Lauren Travis, APPOINTED 30032&accessCode=848489 Great Anele, Allstate Property TIME
020-469427 10/6 dft. TIME & Casualty Insurance Com- (See Calendar)
CIVIL PRE-TRIAL Or Telephone: (See Calendar) pany Hector J. Rojas, Jr., plff.; LUCTRICIA THOMPSON
CONFERENCE CALENDAR Dial: (4) 20A81784 Martina S. LUCTRICIA THOMPSON Or Skype for Business (Lync): Anne Thomas, dft. CALENDAR COORDINATOR
STATE COURT OF USA 602 333 0032 Gaines vs. Alem Siltan Nkosi CALENDAR COORDINATOR 404-687-7181 OR
DEKALB COUNTY USA 888 270 9936 (US Toll John Bey, plff.; Zanita A. King- 404-687-7181 OR /skype/5419622342 (2) 20A82698 Carolina Valdez LThompson2@
JUDGE WAYNE M. PURDOM Free) Hughes, dft. LThompson2@ De Smith vs. Brandon Wiggs
DIVISION III Conference code: 848489 9:30 a.m. James A. Rice, Jr., plff.; Kim- TO THE MEMBERS OF THE
NOVEMBER 14, 2022 2:00 p.m. VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT berly Stevens, Camille N. Jar- BAR PRACTICING
BEGINNING AT 1:00 P.M. Find local AT&T Numbers: (1) 20A80684 Chris Smith vs. man, dft. IN THE STATE COURT OF
AND EVERY 15 MINUTES https://www.teleconference.att. (1) 21A00774 Rasheeda TO THE MEMBERS OF THE Kasandra Banegas, Farmers DEKALB COUNTY
ZOOM MEETING com/servlet/glbAccess?pro- Gilmore vs. Dequanna Hasan BAR PRACTICING Insurance Company Anthony J. 1:45 p.m. JUDGE WAYNE M. PURDOM
PLEASE CALL IN AT YOUR cess=1&accessNumber=60233 Eldridge Suggs, IV, plff.; Mar- IN THE STATE COURT OF Petrozza, plff.; Davis S. Beale, ORDER
APPOINTED 30032&accessCode=848489 cia S. Freeman, dft. DEKALB COUNTY dft. (1) 20A83332 Sandra Phillips The following cases comprise
TIME JUDGE WAYNE M. PURDOM vs. Jimmie Robison, Allstate Division III Civil ++Pretrial Con-
(See Calendar) (2) 21A00880 Freida Pinnell vs. ORDER (2) 20A80907 Nichole Patrice Property & Casualty Insurance ference Calendar++ for Novem-
LUCTRICIA THOMPSON Or Skype for Business (Lync): Monali Sidhpura, M.D. Freder- The following cases comprise Bolton vs. Shelby Cauthen Company David T. Dorer, plff.; ber 23 2022 via Zoom Meeting.
CALENDAR COORDINATOR ick V. Massey, plff.; M. Scott Division III Civil ++Pretrial Con- Mathew K. Titus, plff.; Meredith No Atty., dft. Each parties PORTIONS of the
404-687-7181 OR /skype/5419622342 Bailey, Angie Doan, dft. ference Calendar++ for Novem- C. Florio, dft. Proposed Pretrial Order to be
LThompson2@ ber 9, 2022 beginning via Zoom (2) 20A83379 Shannon White received in the State Court 1:00 p.m. (3) 21A00816 Elizabeth Meeting. Each parties POR- 9:45 a.m. vs. Bruce Nutter Theodore A. Clerk’s office by November 7,
VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT Brandon vs. Samuel P. Free- TIONS of the Proposed Pretrial Spaulding, plff.; Calvin P. Yae- 2022 (see Georgia Uniform Su- (1) 21A00195 Shawn Chap- man, Nationwide Mutual Insur- Order to be received in the (1) 20A80780 Lakeith Dennard ger, dft. perior Court Rule 7.2). Answer
TO THE MEMBERS OF THE man vs. Complete Lawn Care ance Company Yolanda McK- State Court Clerk’s office by vs. Brandon Epps Terance only those questions which ap-
BAR PRACTICING Services, Inc. Sean R. Camp- enney, plff.; Brannon W. Car- November 7, 2022 (see Geor- Madden, plff.; S.E. Trey Moody, 2:00 p.m. ply to your case. Witnesses
IN THE STATE COURT OF bell, plff.; Jonathan M. Adel- son, dft. gia Uniform Superior Court III, dft. should be listed by name, ex-
DEKALB COUNTY man, dft. Rule 7.2). Answer only those (1) 20A83407 Naem Anderson cept records custodians who
JUDGE WAYNE M. PURDOM (4) 21A00780 Lakeshia McNeal questions which apply to your (2) 18A70381 C.W. Matthews vs. Waffle House, Inc. Justin D. may be listed by description. If
ORDER (2) 21A00308 Lindon Weeks vs. Clifford Daniel, State Farm case. Witnesses should be lis- Contracting Co., Inc. vs. D&L Miller, plff.; Marie L. Wilcox, dft. you cannot answer a question
The following cases comprise vs. John Doe, GEICO General Fire and Casualty Company ted by name, except records Contractors, LLC William R. due to insufficient knowledge,
Division III Civil ++Pretrial Con- Insurance Company Stephen J. Eric L. Jensen, plff.; No Atty., custodians who may be listed Johnson, plff.; Kimberly A. Ellis- (2) 20A83480 Leon Williams, please state such. Pretrial
ference Calendar++ for Novem- Wasley, plff.; No Atty., dft. dft. by description. If you cannot on, dft. individually vs. PruittHealth – statements do not need to be
ber 14, 2022 beginning via answer a question due to insuf- Virginia Park, LLC Lance D. consolidated prior to the Pretri-
Zoom Meeting. Each parties (3) 21A00259 Victor Celona vs. 2:15 p.m. ficient knowledge, please state 10:00 a.m. Lourie, plff.; Jason S. Allard, al conference. However, after
PORTIONS of the Proposed Jack Dalrymple Thomas John such. Pretrial statements do not dft. the Pretrial conference a con-
Pretrial Order to be received in Ashenden, plff.; Marci W. McK- (1) 21A00897 Lucille Fagin vs. need to be consolidated prior to (1) 20A78891 Sidney Lee vs. solidated Pretrial order will be
the State Court Clerk’s office by enna, dft. Courtney Campbell, State Farm the Pretrial conference. Durante Scofield, Allstate Insur- 2:15 p.m. mandatory. Failure to submit
November 7, 2022 (see Geor- Mutual Automobile Insurance However, after the Pretrial con- ance Company Quinton S. such order may result in
gia Uniform Superior Court (4) 21A00211 Hunter Hodge Company Michael E. Norman, ference a consolidated Pretrial Seay, plff.; Pro Se, dft. (1) 20A83599 Seresa Woodard Plaintiff’s complaint or Defend-
Rule 7.2). Answer only those vs. Matthew Davidorf, Constitu- plff.; Carlos Alexander, dft. order will be mandatory. Fail- vs. Easton Clarke Danielle Obi- ant’s counterclaim/cross
questions which apply to your tion State Services, LLC Robert ure to submit such order may (2) 19A75456 Peter B. Wheel- orah, plff.; William R. Young- claim/third-party complaint be-
case. Witnesses should be lis- J. Cairns, plff.; William A. (2) 21A01000 Kathleen Porter result in Plaintiff’s complaint or er vs. Georgia Pain and Well- blood, dft. ing dismissed without preju-
ted by name, except records Richardson, dft. vs. QuikTrip Corporation D. Defendant’s counterclaim/cross ness, LLC, d/b/a Summit Spine dice, and Defendant’s answer
custodians who may be listed Kevin Wheeler, plff.; Pro Se, claim/third-party complaint be- & Joint Centers Lance D. (2) 20A83689 Edgar V. Hurley being stricken.
by description. If you cannot 1:15 p.m. Candice R. Bryant, dft. ing dismissed without preju- Lourie, plff.; Amy Buice, Daniel vs. Tamaro L. Bibbs, American ATTORNEYS WHO WILL TRY
answer a question due to insuf- dice, and Defendant’s answer J. Huff, Mark C. Wilby, dft. Standard Insurance Company THE CASE AND PARTIES
ficient knowledge, please state (1) 21A00437 William Gipson (3) 21A00969 Latreica Walton being stricken. of Ohio Sonali Garg, plff.; REPRESENTING THEM-
such. Pretrial statements do not vs. Joseph Nkrumah Tunde O. vs. Leila Gresham, Nationwide ATTORNEYS WHO WILL TRY 10:15 a.m. Claire A. Sumner, dft. SELVES ARE REQUIRED TO
need to be consolidated prior to Ezekiel, plff.; Chris Denison, Property and Casualty Ins. Co. THE CASE AND PARTIES ATTEND THE PRETRIAL
such order may result in dft. LLC Brooks P. Neely, plff.; Car-
Plaintiff’s complaint or Defend- rie L. Christie, dft. (3) 22A02300 Gloria Eaton vs.
ant’s counterclaim/cross (3) 18A72195 Kaleb Umama John Doe, Travelers Property (1) 22A02169 Taylor Neely vs.
claim/third-party complaint be- vs. Fulton-DeKalb Hospital Au- 11:00 a.m. Casualty Insurance Company C a r v a n a , L L C Sh i m s h o n
ing dismissed without preju- thority dba Grady Health Sys- Megan N. Garcia, plff.; No Wexler, plff.; Michael S.
dice, and Defendant’s answer tem Grady Memorial Hospital (1) 21A2171 Eryn B. Prim vs. Atty., dft. French, dft.

being stricken. The Champion
Mark Mueller, plff.; Daniel J. Legal
Kristina Ivanna Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022Page 21
Sorrells, Cent-
ATTORNEYS WHO WILL TRY Huff, Sharonda Boyce Barnes, ral Mutual Insurance Company (4) 21A02265 Christopher Har- (2) 21A02203 Yevonna Pag-
THE CASE AND PARTIES dft. Brian P. Adams, plff.; William S. valias vs. Arrow Exterminators, gett-Johnson vs. Stone Crest 020-469432 10/6 020-469433 10/6
REPRESENTING THEM- Cowsert, dft. Inc. Charles P. Barry, III, plff.; Mall, LLC c/o RA CT Corp. Sys- CIVIL NON-JURY STATE COURT OF
SELVES ARE REQUIRED TO (4) 19A78270 Thomas Taylor Pro Se, John W. Campbell, Ro- tem Cassie D. Preston, plff.; CALENDAR DEKALB COUNTY
ATTEND THE PRETRIAL vs. Farah Khan, Allstate Insur- (2) 21A900152 Taylor Neely vs. ger E. Harris, Andrew Capobi- Carrie L. Christie, dft. STATE COURT OF PEREMPTORY CALENDAR
CONFERENCE ON THE AS- ance Company Kathryn F. Bur- Vladimir Jdenov Morgan Med- anco, dft. DEKALB COUNTY JUDGE ALVIN T. WONG
SIGNED DATE AND TIME. meister, plff.; Pro Se, Charles ders, plff.; Scott W. McMickle, (3) 20A79044 Zakiya Lancslin DIVISION I DIVISION I
NO CONTINUANCES WILL BE H. Manush, dft. dft. 2:15 p.m. vs. Darlene McCrary, GEICO JUDGE ALVIN T. WONG NOVEMBER 1, 2022
GRANTED EXCEPT ON PRI- Indemnity Company Pro Se, NOVEMBER 1, 2022 10:30 A.M.
OR ORDER OF THE COURT 10:00 a.m. (3) 20A84170 Rosalie Pringle (1) 21A01320 Theresa Kelley plff.; Shanise Lawrence, Tierra 10:30 A.M. COURTROOM D – 2ND
FOR LEGAL CAUSE SHOWN. vs. Deion Reid Kenric Lanier, vs. EHCA Johns Creek, LLC Whitlock, dft. COURTROOM D – 2ND FLOOR
THESE REQUESTS MUST BE (1) 21A01619 Randa Davis vs. plff.; Tawanna Hopson, dft. d/b/a Emory Johns Creek Hos- FLOOR JUDICIAL TOWER
IN WRITING AND RECEIVED Judie Morgan Cassie D. Pre- pital Moses Kim, plff.; Pro Se, JUDICIAL TOWER CALENDAR CLERK
IN THE STATE COURT ston, plff.; W. Curtis Anderson, (4) 21A02220 Herlita Johnson Robert W. Stannard, dft. CALENDAR CLERK JENNIFER VAN WEY
CLERK’S OFFICE BY NOVEM- dft. vs. Steven Easley Joe A. 020-469431 10/6 JENNIFER VAN WEY (404) 371-2271
BER 7, 2022. All conflicts shall Weeks, plff.; Chelsey E. Mur- (2) 21A02406 Keyandra CIVIL IN-PERSON (404) 371-2271
be handled as required by (2) 21A01710 Nikisha Moore ray, dft. Thomas vs. Walmart, Inc. W. MOTIONS CALENDAR STATE COURT OF DEKALB
Georgia Uniform Rule 17.1. vs. Tamesha Gullatt Alexander Calvin Smith, II, plff.; Michael L. STATE COURT OF STATE COURT OF DEKALB COUNTY
For any information regarding D. Perwich , III, plff.; Aaron 11:15 a.m. Miller, dft. DEKALB COUNTY COUNTY DIVISION I
this calendar, please contact Smith, dft. DIVISION I STATE OF GEORGIA ORDER
Luctricia Thompson, Civil Cal- (1) 21A00067 Rochelle Bridges (3) 21A02325 Dawooda Lette JUDGE ALVIN T. WONG STANDING ORDER FOR The following actions have
endar Coordinator at (404) 687- (3) 21A01708 Doris Jackson vs. Adrienne Gilbert Eric L. vs. Drew Mattocks Akins Do- NOVEMBER 1, 2022 NON-JURY CALENDAR been pending for more than
7181 or email vs. Ashley Orr Christopher A. Jensen, plff.; Roderick Malone, herty, plff.; Pro Se, Jennifer W. 10:30 A.M. The following cases are sched- one year or by previous order
LThompson2@dekalb- Campbell, plff.; Bryan M. Haus- dft. DeBaun, dft. COURTROOM D – 2ND uled for a ++non-jury trial++ on and comprise the ++Peremp- ner, dft. FLOOR the 1ST day of November, tory Calendar++ which will be
SO ORDERED, this 26th day of (2) 20A84096 Quintin Wood vs. (4) 20A81362 Amica Mutual In- JUDICIAL TOWER 2022. Pursuant to Collins v. called on November 1, 2022 at
September, 2022. (4) 21A01682 Kecha Shoate Open Door Investment, LLC surance Company a/s/o Kishor CALENDAR CLERK Jones, 197 Ga App 839 (1990), 10:30 A.M. in Courtroom D on
Wayne M. Purdom, Judge vs. Tyrone Bates Nathalie Joseph D. Perrotta, plff.; Patel vs. Lawrence McCain JENNIFER VAN WEY jury trial demands, motions and the 2nd Floor in the Judicial
State Court of DeKalb County Dressie, plff.; William A. Adamma A. McKinnon, dft. Njawa Caitlin G. Miller, plff.; (404) 371-2271 any objection to appearing in Tower of the DeKalb County
Richardson, dft. Joseph W. Weeks, dft. person must be filed not later Courthouse.
  (3) 20A84122 Michelle Phantja STATE COURT OF DEKALB than 10 days before the sched- All parties must appear in court
PLEASE CALL IN AT YOUR 10:15 a.m. vs. 5G Investments, LLC d/b/a 2:30 p.m. COUNTY uled trial date. No cases will be to announce the status of their
APPOINTED TIME Nitro Zone Matthew F. DIVISION I continued except by order of cases. Failure of the Plaintiff to
(1) 21A01756 Dellishea Daly- McGahren, plff. N0, dft. (1) 21A02419 Stone Mill Con- ORDER the Court. appear will result in the com-
LUCTRICIA THOMPSON is in- McArthur vs. Marvin Sullivan dominium Homeowners Associ- The following cases are on the All requests for continuance plaint being dismissed. Failure
viting you to a scheduled Zoom Tifanie Owens, plff.; David S. 1:30 p.m. ation, Inc. vs. Kosson Proper- ++Motion Calendar++ on the must be filed in compliance of the Defendant to appear will
meeting. Beale, dft. ties Limited Catherine Gibson, 1ST day of November, 2022. with Uniform State Court Rule result in any counterclaim be-
(1) 20A84107 Aleah Homer vs. plff.; Pro Se, dft. The removal of any case from 8.5. ing dismissed and the answer
Topic: November Civil Pretrials (2) 21A01844 Steven Bray vs. Goodwill of North Georgia, Inc. the motion calendar shall be by All conflict letters must be filed being stricken.
Time: November 23, 2022 Nicholas Mobley J. Wickliffe Jeffrey S. Gilbert, plff.; Jenna (2) 21A02481 Celine Slater vs. agreement of the parties, their in compliance with Uniform Dismissal of any case prior to
Eastern Time (US and Canada) Cauthorn, plff; Kenan G. S. Schneider, dft. Winston Pratt, State Farm Fire attorneys, or by order of the State Court Rule 17.1(b). the calendar call on November
Loomis, dft. and Casualty Company A. D. Court. The filing of a motion for sum- 1, 2022 must be in writing and
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS (2) 20A83913 Lucky Montoya Senior, plff.; Pro Se, dft. Conflict letters must be filed in mary judgment, a motion for filed with the Clerk prior to the
or Android: https://dekalb- (3) 21A01775 Mohamed vs. Anthony Neal Alfonso accordance with Uniform Rule judgment on the pleadings, oth- call of the calendar in order to Diakite vs. Nadira Moore Gonzalez, plff.; Abi Oyegun, (3) 21A02453 Francis Lara-Te- 17.1. er dispositive motions, and a be effective.
2 Stephen Fowler, plff.; David S. dft. jeda vs. Timeyn Ogiden Alex- These hearings shall take place jury demand after the publica- No continuances will be gran-
Beale, dft. ander D. Perwich, III, plff.; Ro- in person. Any objection to ap- tion of the trial calendar will not ted except on prior written or-
Or Telephone: (3) 20A83919 Harmony Mat- ger E. Harris, dft. pearing in person shall be filed excuse counsel from appear- der of the Court for legal cause
Dial: (4) 21A01766 Inessa Soybel thews vs. Yasmin Fuller W. not later than 10 days before ing. shown. All conflicts shall be
USA 602 333 0032 vs. Ashton Lenox Summit Bryant Green, III, plff.; Jackson the scheduled hearing date. In All questions concerning handled as required by Geor-
USA 888 270 9936 (US Toll Apartment Associates, LP Palmer, dft. 020-469430 10/6 the event the Court is unable to scheduling must be directed to gia Uniform Court Rule 17.2.
Free) Kathryn N. Guzner, plff.; James CIVIL ZOOM conduct in-person hearings due the Calendar Clerk, Ms. Jen- All inquiries shall be directed to
Conference code: 848489 T. Hankins, III, dft. (4) 20A83986 Candy S. Hall vs. MOTIONS CALENDAR to the corona virus, the Court nifer Van Wey, (404) 371-2271, Jennifer Van Wey, Calendar
Collin J. Glomstead Joseph D. STATE COURT OF may schedule these hearings, Clerk, at (404) 371-2271 or
Find local AT&T Numbers: 10:30 a.m. Perrotta, plff.; Brannon W. Car- DEKALB COUNTY for a remote video conference State Court of DeKalb County,
https://www.teleconference.att. son, dft. DIVISION I using Zoom. If the hearings are 556 N. McDonough Street, Calendars may be viewed at
com/servlet/glbAccess?pro- (1) 21A01885 Ramon Shepard JUDGE ALVIN T. WONG scheduled for remote video Decatur, Georgia 30030.
cess=1&accessNumber=60233 vs. Parveen Investments, LLC 1:45 p.m. NOVEMBER 1, 2022 conference, the Court will So Ordered, this 26th day of SO ORDERED, this 26th day of
30032&accessCode=848489 Bryce V. Durham, Esquire, plff.; 9:00 A.M. provide notice and a Zoom link. September, 2022. September, 2022.
William R. Merchant, dft. (1) 18A72302 Jacinta Young COURTROOM D – 2ND All inquiries shall be directed to The Honorable ALVIN T. The Honorable Alvin T. Wong
vs. Kamala Sessoms Richard FLOOR Jennifer Van Wey, Calendar WONG State Court of DeKalb County
Or Skype for Business (Lync): (2) 21A02014 Tien V. Pham vs. M. Howe, plff.; LaShawn W. JUDICIAL TOWER Clerk, at (404) 371-2271 or State Court of DeKalb County Mohammad Heidari Hung Terry, dft. CALENDAR CLERK (1) 17A64616 Lisa Miller vs.
/skype/5419622342 “Alex” Q. Nguyen, Esq., plff.; JENNIFER VAN WEY Calendars may be viewed at (1) 21A02692 CKS Prime In- Daniel Tesfaye, M.D. Matthew
Rebecca L. Abraham, dft. (2) 21A02247 Veronica Wood- (404) 371-2271 vestments, LLC vs. Shawntney F. McGahren, plff.; Pro Se, dft.
9:30 a.m. ruff vs. Ija Kaliah R. Brown, SO ORDERED, this 26th day of Thompson Nicole Simpson,
(3) 21A01989 Guadalupe Gar- State Farm Mutual Automobile STATE COURT OF DEKALB September, 2022. plff.; J. Max Davis, dft. (2) 19A73388 Shante R. Lam-
(1) 19A73178 Daffy Upkins vs. cia Rodriguez vs. Catherine M. Insurance Company Somalia COUNTY The Honorable ALVIN T. bert vs. Andrew R. Priester
John Doe Pro Se, plff.; David Yohn, Wesco Insurance Com- D. Dixon, plff.; Amina Bakari- DIVISION I WONG (2) 19A76413 Deluxe Athletics, Stephen J. Wasley, plff.; Chan-
W. Wallace, Pro Se, dft. pany c/o Corporation Service Green, dft. ORDER State Court of DeKalb County LLC vs. Patrick Henderson, elle M. Robinson, dft.
Company Edward Philip Den- The following cases are on the ATL Sports Connection Eddie
(2) 19A77747 Kathy Jo Turner ker, plff.; Travis J. Meyer, dft. (3) 19A77374 William A. ++Motion Calendar++ on the (1) 18A68972 Susan Arnold vs. L. Key, plff.; No Atty., dft. (3) 19A74360 Norma Givens
vs. Kidney Fresenius Kidney Montano vs. Selam T. Ghebru 1ST day of November, 2022, John Steven White Terry D. vs. Tameika Darden, Progress-
Care Stone Mountain Rachael (4) 21A01898 Tabatha Roberts Bhrett J. Pizza, plff.; Rashawn 9:00 am. Jackson, plff.; Matthew (3) 21A04939 Autovest, L.L.C. ive Premier Insurance Com-
Deloach-Bukle, plff.; Pro Se, vs. Bhisham Dukharan India Y. N. Jones, Daniel C. Prout, Jr., The removal of any case from Schreck, dft. vs. Zarinah Johnson Cherice A. pany of Illinois William R. Mus-
Jeffrey A. Peters, dft. Ali, Esq., plff; Adam C. Joffe, dft. the motion calendar shall be by Tadday, plff.; No Atty., dft. grove, plff.; Ellen L. Ash, dft.
Esquire, dft. agreement of the parties, their (2) 19A74902 CCPG, Inc. vs.
(3) 19A77353 Jurrell Bethel vs. (4) 19A75081 Willie Zackary vs. attorneys, or by order of the Glenda Walker Tyler W. (4) 22A00723 Wells Fargo (4) 19A74812 Torian Joiner vs.
Lekethia Miller Bethaney 10:45 a.m. The Bortolazzo Group, LLC Court. Henderson, plff.; Paula J. Mc- Bank, N.A. vs. Carolyn L. Willis Andrel Young Terrence R.
Embry Jones, plff.; Denice A. Tracey L. Dellacona, plff.; Dav- Conflict letters must be filed in Gill, dft. Adam S. Russo, plff.; Ray- Bethune, plff.; No Atty., dft.
Byrd, dft. (1) 21A02024 Kemotanjaneka id C. Hanson, M. Scott Bailey, accordance with Uniform Rule shawn A. Williams, dft.
Riley vs. Monica Gibson Tracey L. Dellacona, dft. 17.1. (3) 13A49546 American Con- (5) 19A75403 Armando Cruz
(4) 19A74403 Hyuk Kahng vs. Christina N. Sears, plff.; Karen The hearings will take place re- tractors Indemnity Company vs. (5) 22A00906 iTHINK Financial Guerrero vs. BH Chamblee,
Simon Vasquez, James River Inniss, dft. 2:00 p.m. motely using Zoom. The Court Veronica Wilburn James W. Credit Union f/k/a IBM South- LLC Daniel R. Dalton, plff.; Mat-
Insurance Company Scott M. will provide a Zoom link prior to Hays, plff.; Pro Se, dft. east Employees’ Credit Union thew G. Moffett, dft.
Zahler, plff.; Robyn M. Roth, (2) 21A02142 Brian Bailey vs. (1) 21A02264 Jessica Tarabay the hearings. vs. Marcus Terrence Redmon
Timothy L. Mitchell, dft. Marten Transport, Ltd. R. Sean vs. Enterprise Leasing Com- All inquiries shall be directed to Thomas E. Austin, Jr., plff.; J. (6) 19A75620 Melvin Lowery
McEvoy, plff.; Zachary M. Mat- pany of Georgia, LLC Bruce Jennifer Van Wey, Calendar Max Davis, dft. vs. Semaj Denard Howard
9:45 a.m. thews, dft. Alan Hagen, plff.; Pro Se, Clerk, at (404) 371-2271 or Stephen J. Wasley, plff.; Milton
Susan J. Levy, dft. (6) 22A00989 Frankenmuth B. Satcher, III, dft.
(1) 19A77841 Elecia Y. Scott (3) 21A02134 Rogelio Osorio Calendars may be viewed at Mutual Insurance Company
vs. Keva M. Scott Pro Se, plff.; vs. Sierra Hills 161, LLC David (2) 21A02307 Antionette a/s/o Crabapple Roofing Con- (7) 19A76865 Jeffery Smith vs.
Pro Se, dft. Byrd, plff.; Jesse C. Kent, Nechole Brown vs. Damian SO ORDERED, this 26th day of tractors, LLC vs. Elver Gonza- Jasmine Shamelle Knight,
Zachary M. Matthews, dft. Durand, GEICO Indemnity September, 2022. lez Ronald W. Parnell, plff.; State Farm Mutual Automobile
(2) 21A01347 Allyson Myers vs. Company Blade Thompson, The Honorable ALVIN T. Talal P. Ghosheh, dft. Insurance Company Raymond
Felinni’s Pizza, Inc. Scott M. (4) 21A02066 Cheyenne plff.; Pro Se, D. Nathan Chong, WONG T. Brooks, Jr., plff.; Thomas P.
Williamson, plff.; Adrian Britt, Casteel vs. JVT Enterprises, dft. State Court of DeKalb County (7) 21A03025 Elise Redmond Johnson, dft.
dft. LLC Brooks P. Neely, plff.; Car- vs. Stephen Todd Chappell
rie L. Christie, dft. (3) 22A02300 Gloria Eaton vs. Scott C. Huggins, plff.; Pro Se, (8) 20A78478 Nicholas Finan-
(3) 18A72195 Kaleb Umama John Doe, Travelers Property (1) 22A02169 Taylor Neely vs. dft. cial, Inc. vs. Rashidi Yorke
vs. Fulton-DeKalb Hospital Au- 11:00 a.m. Casualty Insurance Company C a r v a n a , L L C Sh i m s h o n Adam S. Russo, plff.; Pro Se,
thority dba Grady Health Sys- Megan N. Garcia, plff.; No Wexler, plff.; Michael S. dft.
tem Grady Memorial Hospital (1) 21A2171 Eryn B. Prim vs. Atty., dft. French, dft.
Mark Mueller, plff.; Daniel J. Kristina Ivanna Sorrells, Cent- (9) 20A78986 Tina Brackins vs.
Huff, Sharonda Boyce Barnes, ral Mutual Insurance Company (4) 21A02265 Christopher Har- (2) 21A02203 Yevonna Pag- Carelis Zambrano Bellorin
dft. Brian P. Adams, plff.; William S. valias vs. Arrow Exterminators, gett-Johnson vs. Stone Crest Robert B. Teilhet plff.; Brian F.
Cowsert, dft. Inc. Charles P. Barry, III, plff.; Mall, LLC c/o RA CT Corp. Sys- Williams, dft.
(4) 19A78270 Thomas Taylor Pro Se, John W. Campbell, Ro- tem Cassie D. Preston, plff.;
vs. Farah Khan, Allstate Insur- (2) 21A900152 Taylor Neely vs. ger E. Harris, Andrew Capobi- Carrie L. Christie, dft. (10) 20A81545 C&F Finance
James W. Martin, plff.; No Atty., 1:30 p.m. Counsel and parties are further Bridgers, plff.; Zachary this calendar, please call Luctri- Saam Ghiaasiaan, plff.; No
(8) 20A78478 Nicholas Finan- dft. reminded that all parties, wit- Podenski, dft. cia Thompson, Civil Calendar Atty., dft.
cial, Inc. vs. Rashidi Yorke (1) 19A77787 David Eller vs. nesses and persons who at- Coordinator at (404) 687-7181
Adam S. Russo, plff.; Pro Se, (27) 21A03296 Wells Fargo Jordan Morgan Michael A. tend the trial are required to (18) 19A77453 Gloria Pittman or email lthompson2@dekalb- (9) 19A74228 Tristan Hill vs.
dft. Bank, N.A. vs. Maksudur Rah- Johnson, plff.; Pro Se, Susan J. wear masks and maintain so- vs. All American Quality Foods, Jerrae Washington Sean R.
man Adam S. Russo, plff.; Pro Levy, dft. cial distancing. Inc. Corey D. Woods, plff.; IT IS SO ORDERED. Campbell, plff.; Pro Se, dft.
Page 22
(9) 20A78986 Tina Brackins vs.
Carelis Zambrano Bellorin
Se, dft. The Champion
1:50 p.m.
Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 
All inquiries shall be directed to Stephen P. Morris, dft. This 27th day of September,
2022. (10) 19A74183 Claudette Goss
Jennifer Van Wey, Calendar
Robert B. Teilhet plff.; Brian F. (28) 21A04433 Avid Accept- Clerk at 404-371-2271 or jlvan- (19) 19A77457 Tena Lynn vs. Wayne M. Purdom, Judge vs. Publix Super Markets, Inc.
Williams, dft. ance, LLC vs. Kianna Nicole (1) 20A79349 Naila Jamal- Cal- Stephanie Gavin W. Bryant State Court of DeKalb County Tonya Shy, plff.; Gene A. Ma-
Dorsey Jeremy B. Ross, plff.; Dobbs vs. W & K Auto, LLC, endars may be viewed at Green, III, plff.; William C. En- jor dft.
(10) 20A81545 C&F Finance No Atty., dft. Hanover Insurance Group finger, dft. 1:30 p.m.
Company vs. Arvis Lamar Joseph L. Wilson, plff.; Elissa SO ORDERED, this 26th day of (11) 19A74171 Girmai L. Tekle
Adam S. Russo, plff.; No Atty., (29) 21A04444 JPMorgan B. Haynes, dft. September, 2022. (20) 20A78511 Sharon Carter (1) 19A73221 Vickie Butler vs. Destiny Taylor Thomas Bri-
dft. Chase Bank, N.A. vs. Suna The Honorable Alvin T. Wong vs. Yelia Whitfield, GEICO Willi- Cobb vs. Eyana L. Isabell Willi- an Jones, plff.; No Atty., dft.
Lumeh Flynn LaVrar, plff.; 2:10 p.m. State Court of DeKalb County am Justin Collins, plff.; Melissa am P. Tinkler, Jr., plff.; Travis J.
(11) 20A82840 Prestige Finan- Christopher Diwan, dft. A. Segel, dft. Mayer, dft. (12) 19A74117 Max Credit Uni-
cial Services vs. Kelly Renard (1) 20A78608 Shonterrian on vs. Bruce T. Collier Kristi S.
Jones Beth E. Rogers, plff.; Pro (30) 21A04488 American Ex- Felton vs. Fried Fresh Chicken (1) 18A69703 Sabrina Coard (21) 19A78115 Kimberly V. (2) 19A73601 Curtis Mullins vs. Williams, plff.; Pro Se, dft.
Se, dft. press National Bank vs. Lorelle & Fish, Inc. James A. Rice, Jr., vs. Valarie Vanessa Wilson Sheard vs. Clara M. Wallace Chester Gaston Benjamin Z.
Pickett Michael Kirschenheiter, plff.; M. Austin Moretz, dft. Somalia D. Dixon, plff.; Kevin Jameson Sackey, plff.; Morgan Levy, plff.; R. Scott Masterson, (13) 19A73818 Bertila
(12) 21A00305 American Ex- plff.; Pro Se, dft. Reardon, dft. A. McGee, dft. dft. Gonzales vs. Sun Express, Inc.
press National Bank vs. Jason 2:30 p.m. Michael T. Rafi, plff.; No Atty.,
Jordan aka Jason S. Jordan (31) 21A04512 Portfolio Recov- (2) 18A71514 Christopher Tyre (22) 19A75068 Leslie Chick, II (3) 19A73541 Consumer Port- dft.
Courtney M. Hollis, plff.; No ery Associates, LLC vs. Toy- (1) 20A78587 Michelle Antoine- vs. Roy Engman Jordan John- vs. Christopher Michael Hestley folio Services, Inc. vs. Cher-
Atty., dft. etta Johnson R. Douglas Gold- Maxwell vs. Nedzad Durmic, son, plff.; Katie A. Hingerty, dft. Fatima Alexia Zeidan, plff.; londa Rejae Freeman Adam S. 2:30 p.m.
in, Jr., plff.; Pro Se, dft. Travelers Property Casualty In- Jason D. Darneille, dft. Russo, plff.; Pro Se, dft.
(13) 21A00506 Wells Fargo surance Company Harlan H.F. (3) 18A71175 Helen Ross- (1) 19A74774 Ford Motor Cred-
Bank, N.A. vs. Tesfaye E. Ade- (32) 21A04575 Midland Credit Wood, plff.; Michael E. Carroll, Stubblefield vs. Rogsbert F. (23) 19A78143 Darrell Taylor (4) 19A73039 Nellithy Hill vs. it Company, LLC c/o MacDow-
new Miya A. Bryant, plff.; Pro Management, Inc. vs. Katre- dft. Phillips Jennifer A. Kurle, plff.; vs. Glenard Courtland Steven Spivey 60, LLC E. Brian ell & Associates, Ltd. vs. Nikhil
Se, dft. cha Mason Ashley Bowman- Daniel J. Huff, Sharonda Boyce Fair, plff.; Rakhi D. McNeill, dft. Watkins, plff.; No Atty., dft. Mosali Will Driggers, plff.; No
Dumitrascu, plff.; Pro Se, dft. 2:50 p.m. Barnes, dft. Atty., dft.
(14) 21A00778 Quvada More- (24) 20A78487 Stephanie S. (5) 19A72640 Zaira Wise vs.
land vs. CJ Enterprises, LLC (33) 21A05080 Westlake Finan- (1) 20A78607 Sandy Conley (4) 18A71845 Deborah Cross Gamble vs. Damian Willis Carolina Logistic, Inc. Brian T. (2) 19A75534 Jerry W. Ferrell
Harold W. Spence, plff.; No cial Services vs. Gary L. Stell, vs. Dayna Brown Philip A. Pen- vs. Ann Frank, State Farm Mu- Franklin R. Evans, plff.; Denice Mohs, plff.; Kevin Reardon, dft. vs. Estradas Professional Ser-
Atty., dft. Sandra Stell Douglas L. dergrass, Jr., plff.; Herrittaccei tual Automobile Insurance A. Byrd, dft. vices, LLC No Atty., plff.; No
Brooks, plff.; Pro Se, dft. Shabazz, dft. Company Ahkibah Kahn, plff.; (6) 19A73221 Vickie Butler Atty., dft.
(15) 21A02243 Professional 020-469434 10/6 Huel M. OKelley, IV, dft. 020-469436 10/6 Cobb vs. Eyanna L. Isabell Wil-
Financial Services of Georgia CIVIL PRE-TRIAL CALENDAR 3:10 p.m. PEREMPTORY CALENDAR liam P. Tinkler, Jr., plff.; Travis (3) 19A75516 Hudson Bridge
as assignee of United Auto STATE COURT OF (5) 18A69617 Tammy Cook STATE COURT OF J. Meyer, dft. Townhomes Owners Associ-
Sales, Inc. vs. Quanesha I. Os- DEKALB COUNTY (1) 18A68769 Bridget Wright Gaines vs. Amanda Schneider DEKALB COUNTY ation, Inc. vs. Laconnia Y.
born Luke W. Stuckey, plff.; No NOVEMBER 1, 2022 vs. Emory Healthcare, Inc. Jason N. Slate, plff.; Rakhi D. JUDGE WAYNE M. PURDOM (7) 18A71755 Carlton Young- Dandy Brian M. Gardiner, plff.;
Atty., dft. 1:30 P.M. Jane M. Lamberti, plff.; Hunter McNeill, dft. NOVEMBER 14, 2022 blood vs. Emory Healthcare, Evan Barnard, dft.
DIVISION I – S. Allen, Jr., dft. 1:30 P.M. Inc. Katherine L. McArthur, plff.;
(16) 21A02418 American Ex- JUDGE ALVIN T. WONG (6) 19A72752 Bryan Merit vs. PLEASE APPEAR AT YOUR Brian K. Mathis, Gary R. Mc- (4) 19A75391 Wells Fargo
press National Bank vs. Peter COURTROOM D – 3:30 p.m. James Staten W. Bryant SCHEDULED TIME Cain, dft. Bank, N.A. vs. Lhamo Mullin Al-
Alvaro Vera aka Peter J. Al- 2ND FLOOR Green, III, plff.; Craig N. Cow- AS PROVIDED ON THE exandria Capers, plff.; Pro Se,
varo Vera Courtney M. Hollis, JUDICIAL TOWER (1) 21A03503 Donna Rider vs. art, dft. CALENDAR (8) 20A82540 Michael Ennis dft.
plff.; No Atty., dft. CALENDAR CLERK Kevin B. Lewis Kwame Lateef COURTROOM B ON THE 3RD vs. Anahi Ramirez, Casualty In-
JENNIFER VAN WEY Townes, plff.; Matthew A. (7) 19A74020 Angel Williams FLOOR surance Company, Allstate (5) 19A75388 Lawrence Enen-
(17) 21A02433 Midland Credit (404) 371-2271 Woods, dft. vs. Yvette Runner Christopher JUDICIAL ANNEX DEKALB Property & … Kevin C. Patrick, muo vs. Duane Earl Hildreth
Management, Inc. AAO Capital K. Annunziata, plff.; Jonathan COUNTY plff.; Andrea M. Avery, dft. James A. Rice, Jr., plff.; Scott
One Bank (USA), N.A.-Platin- STATE COURT OF DEKALB 3:50 p.m. M. Adelman, dft. COURTHOUSE H. Moulton, dft.
um vs. Steve Hodgson Luke W. COUNTY LUCTRICIA THOMPSON, (9) 20A81504 Patricia Eddins
Stuckey, plff.; Pro Se, dft. DIVISION I (1) 20A83362 Shanae Laster (8) 19A73308 Marcine Sullivan CALENDAR COORDINATOR vs. DeKalb Medical Center, Inc. (6) 19A75321 Tammy Rivera
ORDER vs. Lakeisha Haynes Joshua vs. Meyer Greenberg Matthew 404-687-7181 OR Lamonte E. Scott, plff.; Pro Se, vs. D&A Designs, LLC Charles
(18) 21A02485 Midland Credit The following cases are on the M. Samuels, plff.; Darrell L. C. Broun, plff.; John C. Patton, lthompson2 Stephen H. Sparwath, dft. D. Graham, plff.; Pro Se, dft.
Management, Inc. vs. Laura a. ++pre-trial conference calen- Sutton, Jay M. O’Brien, dft. dft.
Croffitt Adoo Ashley Bowman- dar++ on the 1st day of Novem- 020-469435 10/6 VISIT our website at (10) 19A72776 Kristin Markiton (7) 19A75279 CSP Community
Dumitrascu, plff.; Pro Se, dft. ber, 2022. CIVIL JURY CALENDAR (9) 18A69571 Rachel St. Fleur vs. Endale Alemu Charles Owner, LLC vs. Devin Goins
A consolidated pre-trial order in STATE COURT OF vs. Masquerade, Inc. J. Parker for all calendars McAleer, plff.; J. Timothy Douglas L. Brooks, plff.; Pro
(19) 21A02595 Autovest, L.L.C. compliance with Uniform Rule DEKALB COUNTY Miller, plff.; Alan I. Begner, dft. TO MEMBERS OF THE BAR Wooten, dft. Se, dft.
vs. Shevin Sheldon Wignal 7.2 shall be e-filed in the DIVISION I PRACTICING
Cherice A. Tadday, plff.; No Clerk’s Office by October 27, JUDGE ALVIN T. WONG (10) 19A74899 Anthony Fowler IN THE STATE COURT OF 2:00 p.m. (8) 19A75226 Synovus Bank
Atty., dft. 2022. If a consolidated pre-trial NOVEMBER 1, 2022 – vs. Froilan Macedo, Geico In- DEKALB COUNTY vs. William Rutledge, Jr.
order is not possible for any JANUARY 31, 2023 demnity Company Harlan H.F. PEREMPTORY CALENDAR, (1) 19A73720 Consumer Port- Jeremy B. Ross, plff.; Pro Se,
(20) 21A02955 American Ex- reason, each party must e-file 8:30 A.M. Wood, plff.; Thomas Eugene DIVISION III folio Services, Inc. vs. Monika dft.
press National Bank vs. Camtu that party’s portion of the pre- COURTROOM D – Brennan, dft. JUDGE WAYNE M. PURDOM R. Jackson Philip Rubin, plff.;
Nguyen aka Camtu T. Nguyen trial order by the due date. 2ND FLOOR ORDER Pro Se, dft. (9) 19A75103 1st Choice Cred-
Keith D. Taylor, plff.; No Atty., The attorney or the party who JUDICIAL TOWER (11) 19A75693 Randall Jones The following actions comprise it Union vs. Nakeisha Mobley
dft. will be trying the case must ap- CALENDAR CLERK vs. Joseph Joshua Ward, the ++Peremptory Calendar++, (2) 19A74709 Joseph Fanfan Jeremy B. Ross, plff.; Pro Se,
pear for the pre-trial confer- JENNIFER VAN WEY Geico Insurance Company which will be called on Monday, vs. James Hensley Andrew J. dft.
(21) 21A03020 National Col- ence at the time assigned un- (404) 371-2271 Christopher J. Adams, plff.; November 14, 2022 at 1:30 Brandt, plff.; Grant Butler
legiate Student Loan Trust less specifically excused by the Melissa L. Bailey, dft. p.m. in Courtroom B on the 3rd Smith, dft. (10) 19A74969 Jonathan Bish-
2007-2 vs. Christophe Lewis court. STATE COURT OF DEKALB Floor of the DeKalb County op vs. Larry Holman Laura M.
Cherice A. Tadday, plff.; No The hearings will take place re- COUNTY (12) 19A76246 Jessica Berger Courthouse-Judicial Tower. (3) 19A74639 Blooming Con- Mayfield, Esq., plff.; Pro Se, dft.
Atty., dft. motely using Zoom. The Court DIVISION I vs. Knopf Emily Ashleigh R. PLEASE APPEAR AT YOUR struction, LLC vs. Sunshine
will provide a Zoom link prior to ORDER Madison, plff.; Ben Harbin, dft. SCHEDULED TIME AS Management Group, Inc. John 3:00 p.m.
(22) 21A03083 Midland Credit the hearings. The following cases published PROVIDED ON THE CALEN- H. Watson, plff.; Pro Se, dft.
Management, Inc. aao Cit- Failure to file the party’s por- on this ++jury trial calendar++ (13) 19A75937 Norris Smith vs. DAR. (1) 19A75594 Christopher
ibank, N.A. – Citi Diamond Pre- tion of the pre-trial order or fail- are subject to be called for a Shelvie Latrice Wesley San- All parties must appear in court (4) 19A74614 Janay Joyner vs. Durham vs. Donna M. McAl-
ferred Card vs. Ahmed Rufai ure to appear at the pre-trial jury trial from the week of ford M. Hill, plff.; James V. to announce the status of their CM Hairston Road, LLC David lister Dwame Lateef Townes,
Luke W. Stuckey, plff.; No Atty., conference shall subject the of- November 1, 2022 – January Wysocki, dft. case. Failure of the plaintiff to H. Glass, plff.; No Atty., dft. plff.; Pro Se, dft.
dft. fending party to sanction, in- 31, 2023. All cases on this cal- appear will result in the com-
cluding dismissing of the com- endar have been pre-tried and (14) 19A75964 Deborah Wa- plaint being dismissed. Failure (5) 19A74455 LM Insurance (2) 19A77485 Gabriella Heard
(23) 21A03134 Wells Fargo plaint, counterclaim or cross- pre-trial orders have been ters vs. Mary Tench Brendan of the defendant to appear will Corporation vs. Latino Team vs. Keith Hinkle David T. Dorer,
Bank, N.A. vs. Erin Santini-Asi- claim for want of prosecution or entered. Flanagan, plff.; Trevor G. Hiest- result in any counterclaim be- Roofing, LLC Mathew A. plff.; Samuel S. Sykes, II, dft.
makos Miya A. Bryant, plff.; No striking of defensive pleadings. The Court will notify counsel and, dft. ing dismissed and the answer Schuh, plff.; No Atty., dft.
Atty., dft. Conflict letters must be filed in and parties of the date they are being stricken pursuant to Uni- (3) 19A76041 Regional Accept-
accordance with Uniform Rule expected to report for trial. The (15) 19A76373 Noreen Raines form State Court Rule 20. (6) 19A74408 GFS II, LLC ance Corporation c/o Richard
(24) 21A03212 American Ex- 17.1. Court will endeavor to provide vs. Dana Johnson, Progress- Dismissal of any case prior to d/b/a Gateway Financial Solu- B. Maner, P.C. vs. Quatwana
press National Bank vs. John All inquiries shall be directed to not less than 48 hours of no- ive Premier Insurance call of the calendar on NOVEM- tions vs. Jarrel S. Smalls Ryan McCutchen Richard B. Maner,
Liddell Richard A. Russell, plff.; Jennifer Van Wey, Calendar tice. Cases may be called out Roodgine D. Bray, plff.; Steven BER 14, 2022 must be in Kelly McLemore, plff.; Pro Se, plff.; Pro Se, dft.
No Atty., dft. Clerk, at 404.371.2271 or jlvan- of turn. R. Wilson, dft. WRITING and FILED with the dft. Counsel and parties are re- clerk’s office 24 hours prior to (4) 19A75941 Cornelius Gober
(25) 21A03226 Technical Edu- Calendars may be viewed at minded that all documents (16) 19A77327 Billy Finley vs. the CALL of the calendar in or- (7) 19A74365 Willie Nelson, III vs. Kim Arnold Pro Se, plff.; No
cation Services dba Aviation In- must be exchanged, reviewed Anthony R. Johnson, Auto der to be effective. No continu- vs. Renee S. Hall Fabian G. Atty., dft.
stitute of Maintenance vs. SO ORDERED, this 26th day of and properly marked as exhib- Owners Insurance Company ances will be granted except on Rincon, plff.; No Atty., dft.
Justin Adeyeye Adam S. September, 2022. its as required by the pre-trial Thomas O. Rainey, IV, plff.; prior written order of the court (5) 19A75929 Cavalry SPV I,
Russo, plff.; No Atty., dft. The Honorable ALVIN T. order. Due to Covid related Pro Se, Robert W. Parker, Jr., for legal cause shown. All con- (8) 19A74324 Raymond Polv- LLC as assignee of Capital
WONG healthcare precautions, all doc- dft. flicts shall be handled as re- inen vs. Certain Underwriters at One Bank (USA), N.A. vs. De-
(26) 21A03265 Travelers Prop- State Court of DeKalb County uments and videos must be quired by Georgia Uniform Lloyd s London Subscribing to borah Y. Carter Richard A.
erty Casualty Company of capable of being displayed in a (17) 19A76952 Jeffrey Denkins Court Rule 17.2. P o l i c y Russell, plff.; Pro Se, dft.
American vs. David Gomez digital format. vs. Olivia Fogel Tyler H. For any information regarding #2623TDUBMDJ17L2239
James W. Martin, plff.; No Atty., 1:30 p.m. Counsel and parties are further Bridgers, plff.; Zachary this calendar, please call Luctri- Saam Ghiaasiaan, plff.; No (6) 19A75882 State Farm Fed-
dft. reminded that all parties, wit- Podenski, dft. cia Thompson, Civil Calendar Atty., dft. eral Credit Union vs. Cullen
(1) 19A77787 David Eller vs. nesses and persons who at- Coordinator at (404) 687-7181 Bond Hal Jordon Leitman, plff.;
(27) 21A03296 Wells Fargo Jordan Morgan Michael A. tend the trial are required to (18) 19A77453 Gloria Pittman or email lthompson2@dekalb- (9) 19A74228 Tristan Hill vs. Pro Se, dft.
Bank, N.A. vs. Maksudur Rah- Johnson, plff.; Pro Se, Susan J. wear masks and maintain so- vs. All American Quality Foods, Jerrae Washington Sean R.
man Adam S. Russo, plff.; Pro Levy, dft. cial distancing. Inc. Corey D. Woods, plff.; IT IS SO ORDERED. Campbell, plff.; Pro Se, dft. (7) 19A75862 CDC Federal
Se, dft. All inquiries shall be directed to Stephen P. Morris, dft. This 27th day of September, Credit Union vs. Marimeko L.
1:50 p.m. Jennifer Van Wey, Calendar 2022. (10) 19A74183 Claudette Goss Elie Todd J. Poole, plff.; Pro
(28) 21A04433 Avid Accept- Clerk at 404-371-2271 or jlvan- (19) 19A77457 Tena Lynn vs. Wayne M. Purdom, Judge vs. Publix Super Markets, Inc. Se, dft.
ance, LLC vs. Kianna Nicole (1) 20A79349 Naila Jamal- Cal- Stephanie Gavin W. Bryant State Court of DeKalb County Tonya Shy, plff.; Gene A. Ma-
Dorsey Jeremy B. Ross, plff.; Dobbs vs. W & K Auto, LLC, endars may be viewed at Green, III, plff.; William C. En- jor dft. (8) 19A75847 Gwinnett Hospit-
No Atty., dft. Hanover Insurance Group finger, dft. 1:30 p.m. al System, Inc. vs. Clarence A.
(6) 19A75882 State Farm Fed- fected. Al. William K. Owens, Jr., plff.; months and comprise the and Casualty Insurance Com- (virtually) present at the Man-
eral Credit Union vs. Cullen No continuances will be gran- Shane Keith, dft. ++Peremptory Calendar++ pany, State Farm Mutual Auto- datory Pretrial Conference on
Bond Hal Jordon Leitman, plff.; ted except by prior order of the which will be called on Novem- mobile Insurance Company November 28, 2022 at 1:00
Pro Se, dft. Court for legal cause. All con- (15) 22A02160 Truist Bank, ber 2, 2022 at 9:15 a.m. Hannah R. Moore, plff.; Pro Se, p.m. In preparation for the Pre-
flicts shall be Uniform Superior f/k/a Branch Banking & Trust Parties must contact the Court dft. trial conference, Parties are dir-
(7) 19A75862 CDC Federal Court Rule 17.1. The Court will Company vs. Caressa McCoy via email to Civil Case Man- ected to:

Credit Union vs. Marimeko L. The Champion Legal Section, Thursday,
not consider any continuances OCTOBER
Angela L. Hamilton, plff.; Pro
(12) 21A02320 6 - 12, 2022Page 23
Latasha Floyd ager, Summer Schmidt
Elie Todd J. Poole, plff.; Pro requested prior to October 24th Se, dft. (slschmidt@dekalbcountyga.go vs. Thor Gallery at South • Email Ms. Schmidt a copy of
Se, dft. or after October 31st. If plaintiff v), by October 24, 2022, to an- DeKalb John F. Pascua, plff.; 020-469439 10/6 the Consolidated Pretrial Order
fails to announce as directed (16) 22A02172 Geico General nounce the status of their case Pro Se, dft. STATE COURT OF in Word format;
(8) 19A75847 Gwinnett Hospit- above, they must be present for Insurance Company a/s/o Des- and to obtain further instruc- DEKALB COUNTY • Discuss settlement options
al System, Inc. vs. Clarence A. the virtual Hearing. To obtain mond Mainor vs. Taryn Walker tions regarding proceeding with (13) 21A02495 Alycea Willi- JUDGE prior to the Pretrial Conference
Evans Carmen Vincent Por- the Zoom link and for any fur- Deanna Smith, plff.; Pro Se, dft. the Hearing using the Zoom ap- ams vs. Brooklyn Kitchen & ANA MARIA MARTINEZ and be ready to discuss settle-
reca, plff.; Pro Se, dft. ther information regarding this plication. Further instructions Lounge, LLC Arlissa Williams PRE-TRIAL ment history with the Court;
calendar, please contact Ms. (17) 22A02194 Wells Fargo regarding the Zoom application Jennings, plff.; Pro Se, dft. CONFERENCE CALENDAR • Discuss any motions in Limine
(9) 19A75682 Progressive Dir- Schmidt via email Bank, N.A. vs. Carole Kaboya will follow. Please include ALL NOVEMBER 28, 2022 that have been filed and make
ect Insurance Company, Inc. Adam S. Russo, plff.; Pro Se, parties on any email corres- (14) 21A03225 PNIC Unique 1:00 P.M. a good faith effort to resolve
vs. Kenyatta D. Carter Angela . Failure of the Plaintiff to com- dft. pondence with the Court. Insurance Company vs. Nezi- DIVISION 6 them; and
L. Hamilton, plff.; Pro Se, dft. ply with this direction will result Failure of the Plaintiff to com- ah Flood Brandon J. Davis, JUDICIAL TOWER • Discuss any objections in de-
in the complaint being dis- (18) 22A02202 Raheem ply with the Court’s direction plff.; Pro Se, dft. 3RD FLOOR, COURTROOM D positions to be presented at tri-
(10) 19A75681 Midland Fund- missed without prejudice. Malone vs. Jonathan Lewis, All- will result in the complaint be- SUMMER SCHMIDT al and make a good faith effort
ing, LLC vs. Kendall Mayfield The Calendar may be viewed state Northbrook Indemnity ing dismissed without preju- (15) 21A03302 Felipe Torres CIVIL CASE MANAGER to resolve them. All unresolved
Ashley Bowman-Dumitrascu, at: Company, Allstate Property dice. Failure of the Defendant vs. Builders of Metro Atlanta, 404-687-7135 objections, together with argu-
plff.; Pro Se, dft. and Casualty Insurance Com- to comply with the Court’s dir- LLC Glenn E. Cooper, plff.; Pro ment and citations, shall be
SO ORDERED, this 27th day of pany Peter J. Ross, plff.; Pro ection will result in any counter- Se, dft. IN THE STATE COURT OF brought to the pre-trial confer-
3:30 p.m. September, 2022. Se, dft. claim/cross-claim/third party DEKALB COUNTY ence, with a copy to the Court.
Judge Ana Maria Martinez claim being dismissed without (16) 21A03368 Jefferson Capit- STATE OF GEORGIA Any objections not brought be-
(1) 20A79637 Alexious Allen State Court of DeKalb County (19) 22A02220 Jefferson Capit- prejudice and the answer be- al Systems, LLC as assignee of ORDER OF INSTRUCTIONS fore the Court prior to trial shall
vs. Justin Bunyon Daniel J. al Systems, LLC as assignee of ing stricken. No continuances Barclays Bank vs. Clarence FOR DIVISION VI be deemed waived.
Saxton, plff.; Erica M. Williams, (1) 21A03445 Jefferson Capit- Santander Consumer USA I vs. will be granted except by prior Gray Cherice A. Tadday, plff.; PRETRIAL CONFERENCE Parties are directed to contact
dft. al Systems, LLC vs. Felix Thrift Bolaji Adeleye, plff.; order of the Court for legal Pro Se, dft. AND CIVIL JURY CALENDAR Ms. Schmidt via email at:
Sashagaye A. Cooper, Et Al. Pro Se, dft. cause. All conflicts shall be Uni- Consolidated Pretrial Order and
(2) 18A72022 Idell Burrow, as Cherice A. Tadday, plff.; Pro form Superior Court Rule 17.1. (17) 21A03406 Maritza Mad- Motions in Limine must be filed regarding the calendar, trial
Executrix of the Estate of Elder Se, dft. (20) 22A0225 HS Financial For any information regarding here vs. Bishal Rai, GEICO by: November 18, 2022 matters and instructions by the
Burrow vs. A.G. Rhodes Home Group, LLC, as Assignee, this calendar, please contact General Insurance Company Mandatory Pretrial Conference deadline indicated in this Order.
– Cobb, Inc. Michael R. Braun, (2) 21A04688 Phil Harris, a/a/o Transferee, and Successor-in- Ms. Schmidt via email: Terrence R. Bethune, plff.; Pro to be held via Zoom: Novem- Standing Order and Calendar
plff.; Donnell J. Collins, dft. Southern Services, LLC, a/a/o interest to K vs. Regine Brown Se, dft. ber 28, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. may be viewed at: www.dekalb-
Direct Source Lending vs. La- Angela L. Hamilton, plff.; Pro . Civil Trial Dates: December
(3) 20A82576 Tamara Waller bon Earl Cough Pro Se, plff.; Se, dft. The Calendar may be viewed (18) 21A03414 Westlake Finan- 12th through December 16th SO ORDERED, this 27th day of
vs. Shanrika Hardeman, Farm- Pro Se, dft. at: cial Services vs. Dante Laney, DeKalb County continues to September, 2022.
ers Insurance Exchange Mi- (21) 22A02237 Shakendra Et Al. Douglas L. Brooks, plff.; monitor the COVID-19 emer- Judge Ana Maria Martinez
chael E. Gumprecht, plff.; Jef- (3) 22A01237 Velocity Invest- Benton vs. Titlayo Akporido, Et SO ORDERED, this 27th day of Pro Se, dft. gency and has the technology State Court of DeKalb County
frey A. Kershaw, dft. ments, LLC, as assignee of Al. William F. Heitmann, III, September, 2022. to conduct the calendar virtu-
Webbank vs. Brandon Tatum plff.; Pro Se, Kimberly Sherid- Judge Ana Maria Martinez (19) 21A03477 Midland Credit ally. Lead counsel must ap- (1) 18A72349 Toyoa Andrews
(4) 21A01665 Discover Bank Victor W. Newmark, plff.; Pro an, dft. State Court of DeKalb County Management, Inc. vs. Amanda pear virtually for the pretrial vs. Peter Boven, Et Al.
vs. Clinton Grizzle Shenika Lee Se, dft. Swanson Ashley Bowman-Du- conference. All parties shall DeAndre V. Rivers, plff.; Alaina
Collier, plff.; No Atty., dft. (22) 22A02241 Asmarit Kidane mitrascu, plff.; Pro Se, dft. contact the Court via email to S. Howard, dft.
(4) 22A01263 Wells Fargo Hailet, Mother of and Next (1) 09A04062 Capital One the Civil Case Manager, Sum-
(5) 19A76441 Nikia Martin vs. Bank, N.A. vs. Yalemwork A. Friend of Bruk Nebay Negash, Bank (USA), N.A. vs. Kimberly (20) 21A04873 Jerome Banks m e r S c h m i d t (2) 19A73548 Alter Antonie vs.
United Health Services of Geor- Gebeyhu Adam S. Russo, plff.; Minor Child of Nebay Negash A. Delaware Stacy A. McMul- vs. Keiva Eppinger, Geico Gen- (slschmidt@dekalbcountyga.go El Compadre Trucks, Inc. Dav-
gia, Inc. Michael J. Fuller, Jr., Pro Se, dft. Habte vs. Text Ultra Lounge, len, plff.; Pro Se, dft. eral Insurance Company Le- v), by November 18, 2022, for id J. Panitz, plff.; Robert F.
plff.; Benjamin P. Ralston, dft. Inc. Nigel Phiri, plff.; Pro Se, onid Felgin, plff.; William A. further instructions regarding Brawner, II, Charles Medlin, dft.
(5) 22A01289 JPMorgan Chase dft. (2) 20A82466 Citibank, N.A. vs. Richardson, dft. proceeding with the Hearing
(6) 20A82404 Melody Calvert Bank, N.A. vs. Charlie Wolfe Amy Winkles B. Winkles Tan- using the Zoom application. (3) 19A73712 Alecia Castle-
vs. Ashanti D. Dunkley-Thomas Flynn LaVrar, plff.; Pro Se, dft. (23) 22A02256 Citibank, N.A. isha Sims, plff.; Pro Se, dft. (21) 21A05118 D & J Construc- Counsel must include ALL berry vs. Brennon Steib, Et Al.,
Kevin C. Ford, plff.; Calvin P. vs. Christopher Stroud Flynn tion, LLC vs. Sharan Ben-Miller parties on any email corres- Allstate Property and Casualty
Yaeger, dft. (6) 22A02057 Tidewater Fin- LaVrar, plff.; Pro Se, dft. (3) 20A82471 Bank of America, Douglas L. Brooks, plff.; Pro pondence with the Court. Insurance Company Yehuda
ance Company d/b/a Tidewa- N.A. vs. Craig H. Smith Alexan- Se, dft. All cases should expect to be Smolar, plff.; Nicholas Bedford,
(7) 20A81504 Patricia Eddins ter Motor Credit vs. William (24) 22A02268 Citibank, N.A. dria Capers, plff.; Pro Se, dft. reached during the week of tri- dft.
vs. DeKalb Medical Center, Inc. Bernard Baker Charles T. Day, vs. Cynthia Nicholas Flynn (22) 21A05746 H.M., a minor al. Cases may be called out of
Lamonte E. Scott, plff.; Pro Se, III, plff.; Pro Se, dft. LaVrar, plff.; Pro Se, dft. (4) 20A83872 Gregory Paul by and through her natural order as scheduling demands. (4) 19A75411 Dianne Stalling,
Stephen H. Sparwath, dft. Williams vs. Arthur Kirk Martin guardian, Jami McGraw vs. Parties will be specially set for Et Al. vs. Cristian Fuentes,
(7) 22A02074 American Tire (25) 22A02277 American Ex- Jordan M. Jewkes, plff.; Char- Camp Twin Lakes, Inc., Et Al. trial during the pretrial confer- Liberty Mutual Insurance Com-
(8) 20A81234 Juwanna Robin- Distributors, Inc. vs. Exclusive press National Bank vs. Paul ity T. Wood, dft. J. Mac C. Pilgrim, plff.; Brynda ence. The parties are re- pany, The Hertz Corporation,
son vs. Barbara Aikens Brian Mobile Tire Services, LLC Vivi- Philips aka Paul Fuller Philips Rodriguez Insley, Vicki M. Mc- minded to review the Court’s Wausau Underwriters Insur-
W. Craig, plff.; Joshua S. an Hudson Uchitel, plff.; Pro Ayodele “Ayo” O Uboh, plff.; (5) 21A00354 Virgil Algee vs. Ginty, dft. Standing Order as they pre- ance Company Roger W. Or-
Ruplin, dft. Se, dft. Pro Se, dft. Mary Meadows, Geico Indem- pare the proposed Consolid- lando, plff.; Travis J. Meyer, dft.
nity Company Richard C. Bent- (23) 22A00085 Adriana Mor- ated Pre-Trial Order and in anti-
020-469437 10/6 (8) 22A02080 Westlake Ser- (26) 22A02285 Henry Lam vs. ley, plff.; Cymill Jarrett-Thorpe, ales vs. Eric Aidan Tyson Mar- cipation of their attendance at (5) 19A76020 Brenda Pace vs.
STATE COURT OF vices, LLC, d/b/a Westlake Fin- John Doe, Mid Century Insur- dft. shall, LM General Insurance the Pre-Trial Conference. Stephen Taylor, Et Al., Allstate
DEKALB COUNTY ancial Services vs. Iesha T. ance Matthew R. Hagen, plff.; Company Joseph A. Zdrilich, Parties must submit a CON- Fire and Casualty Insurance
JUDGE Manning aka Iesha Tiffany Pro Se, dft. (6) 21A00548 Crown Asset plff.; Maya K. De Foor, dft. SOLIDATED Pretrial Order in Company Steven Fair, plff.; Pro
ANA MARIA MARTINEZ Manning aka Iesha Manning Management, LLC assignee of conformity with Uniform State Se, Jason D. Darneille, dft.
NON-EST CALENDAR Louis R. Feingold, plff.; Pro Se, (27) 22A02295 Harvey Boyd Synchrony Bank (BP) vs. Mark (24) 22A00436 ShaCori Hill- Court Rule 7.2 by November
NOVEMBER 2, 2022 dft. vs. Darnell Meadows, Et Al. Kline Leslie Ann Dunn, plff.; man vs. Ibrahim Conteh Al- 18, 2022, via email to Ms. (6) 19A76498 Aamir White vs.
9:00 AM Gregory J. Bosseler, plff.; Mark Pro Se, dft. phonso Craig, plff.; Racquel Schmidt in Word format. Fail- Candice Kelly, Geico Indem-
DIVISION 6 (9) 22A02099 Edwina Belcher G. Hatton, dft. Richards, dft. ure to respond to this calendar nity Company Liza A. Park,
JUDICIAL TOWER vs. Denise Moncrief Mo- (7) 21A00622 Jameela O. by the deadline, or to file the plff.; Joseph A. Kaiser, dft.
3RD FLOOR, COURTROOM D hammed Ssali Luwemba, plff.; Rancher vs. Walter A. Calhoun, (25) 22A00697 Sheterria Ba- proposed Consolidated Pretrial
SUMMER SCHMIDT Shanise G. Lawrence, dft. Progressive Premier Insurance con vs. Michael A. Duchesne, Order to Ms. Schmidt, may res- (7) 19A76675 Laura Amanda
CIVIL CASE MANAGER 020-469438 10/6 Company of Illinois Victor J. Geico Indemnity Company ult in the parties and/or their Dumas-Hernandez vs. Dora
404-687-7135 (10) 22A02105 Shanari Fayson STATE COURT OF Ortiz, plff.; Catalina Alvarez, dft. Stephen Alan Shea, plff.; Mat- counsel being held in CON- Enriquez, Et Al., Allstate Insur- vs. Petal Phillips Shaw Andrew DEKALB COUNTY thew Ashby, dft. TEMPT and/or in the DIS- ance Company Christy Crowe
IN THE STATE COURT OF R. Lynch, plff.; Tasha Washing- JUDGE (8) 21A01074 Deangelo James MISSAL of the complaint, an- Childers, plff.; Robert W. John-
DEKALB COUNTY ton, dft. ANA MARIA MARTINEZ vs. Tania Ervin Lashonda (26) 22A00937 Dale Handlin swer, counterclaim, cross claim son, Pro Se, dft.
DIVISION VI PEREMPTORY CALENDAR Council-Rogers, plff.; Terry vs. Susan Edwards, State Farm or third party, as appropriate.
NO SERVICE (11) 22A02132 Prestige Finan- NOVEMBER 2, 2022 Grandison, dft. Mutual Automobile Insurance All Motions in Limine shall be (8) 20A79685 Ling Chen, M.D.
HEARING ORDER cial Services, Inc. vs. Yvonne 9:15 A.M. Company Charles P. Barry, III, filed on or before November 18, vs. Dermatology Associates of
The following cases, with ser- Printup Beth E. Rogers, plff.; DIVISION 6 (9) 21A01167 Steven Dunlap, plff.; Pro Se, dft. 2022. Georgia, LLC Andrew Y. Coff-
vice having not been filed with Pro Se, dft. JUDICIAL TOWER Jr. vs. Joel Cervantes Gutier- The removal of a case from the man, plff.; Joshua I. Bosin, dft.
the Court, comprise the ++Non- 3RD FLOOR. COURTROOM D rez, Old Dominion Insurance (27) 22A01619 Brian Farmer ++Pre-Trial/Jury calendar++ for
Est Calendar++ which will be (12) 22A02136 Jasmine Harris SUMMER SCHMIDT Company Michael L. Goldberg, vs. G5 Parking Solutions, LLC any reason shall ONLY BE BY (9) 20A79793 Davette Taylor
called on November 2, 2022, at vs. Slater Thorpe, III, National CIVIL CASE MANAGER plff.; Marcia S. Freeman, dft. Brian D. Rogers, plff.; Matthew ORDER OF THE COURT AND vs. David Nealon Rollo W. Mi-
9:00 a.m. General Ins. Co. Michael R. 404-687-7135 P. Stone, dft. MUST BE FILED WITH THE chael Smith, plff.; Kenneth M.
Plaintiff must contact the court Braun, plff.; Rian E. Banks, dft. (10) 21A01390 Sharon Butler- COURT BY NOVEMBER 18, Barre, III, dft.
via email to the Civil Case Man- IN THE STATE COURT OF Thompson vs. Elizabeth Eich- (28) 22A02943 Lauren Kilgore 2022. A Motion for Continu-
ager, Summer Schmidt (13) 22A02139 Jasmine DEKALB COUNTY inger, Garrison Property and vs. Paul Matthews Ross Moore, ance and/or Extension of Dis- (10) 20A80493 Edward Willis
(slschmidt@dekalbcountyga.go Peagler vs. Leshanda Menard STATE OF GEORGIA Casualty Insurance Company, II, plff.; Maureen E. Murphy, dft. covery must be by consent of vs. Kylon Williams Scott A. Pry-
v), by October 31st, to an- Joseph F. Kuveikis, plff.; Pro ORDER OF INSTRUCTIONS USAA Casualty Insurance all parties and a Consent Or- or, plff.; Leslie P. Becknell, dft.
nounce the status of their Se, dft. FOR DIVISION VI Company Steven D. Loube, der submitted in Word format to
case(s). Plaintiff should not CIVIL PEREMPTORY plff.; Sean L. Gill, dft. Ms. Schmidt, at the same time (11) 20A80671 Judith Benedict
contact the Court for a continu- (14) 22A02156 Sharon Smith CALENDAR as the Motion is filed with the vs. Felix Reyes, Travelers
ance earlier than October 24th vs. MDA Prime, LLC d/b/a Ex- The following cases have been (11) 21A01760 Cyrus Williams Clerk of the Court. Property Casualty Insurance
unless service has been per- xon Glenwood Food & Gas, Et pending for more than four vs. John Doe, Allstate Property Lead Counsel is required to be Company Shamiracle Johnson
fected. Al. William K. Owens, Jr., plff.; months and comprise the and Casualty Insurance Com- (virtually) present at the Man- Rankin, plff.; Travis J. Meyer,
No continuances will be gran- Shane Keith, dft. ++Peremptory Calendar++ pany, State Farm Mutual Auto- datory Pretrial Conference on dft.
ted except by prior order of the which will be called on Novem- mobile Insurance Company November 28, 2022 at 1:00
Court for legal cause. All con- (15) 22A02160 Truist Bank, ber 2, 2022 at 9:15 a.m. Hannah R. Moore, plff.; Pro Se, p.m. In preparation for the Pre- (12) 20A81243 Darrell Hicks
flicts shall be Uniform Superior f/k/a Branch Banking & Trust Parties must contact the Court dft. trial conference, Parties are dir- Hoxie vs. Paragon 28, Inc.
Court Rule 17.1. The Court will Company vs. Caressa McCoy via email to Civil Case Man- ected to: Douglas R. Kendrick, plff.;
not consider any continuances Angela L. Hamilton, plff.; Pro ager, Summer Schmidt (12) 21A02320 Latasha Floyd Franklin P. Brannen, Jr., dft.
requested prior to October 24th Se, dft. (slschmidt@dekalbcountyga.go vs. Thor Gallery at South • Email Ms. Schmidt a copy of
or after October 31st. If plaintiff v), by October 24, 2022, to an- DeKalb John F. Pascua, plff.; the Consolidated Pretrial Order (13) 20A83414 Marion Webb
fails to announce as directed (16) 22A02172 Geico General nounce the status of their case Pro Se, dft. in Word format; vs. David Munro James A.
above, they must be present for Insurance Company a/s/o Des- and to obtain further instruc- • Discuss settlement options Rice, Jr., plff.; Marvis L. Jen-
the virtual Hearing. To obtain mond Mainor vs. Taryn Walker tions regarding proceeding with (13) 21A02495 Alycea Willi- prior to the Pretrial Conference kins, dft.
vs. Felix Reyes, Travelers (1) 18A71286 Kevin Coleman, der is submitted. If a motion for choose to file a legal objection Final Questions Due October 5, Decatur, GA 30030. partment of Purchasing and
Property Casualty Insurance Et Al. vs. David S. Grenda, continuance is submitted less to this adoption, you may ap- 2022 not later than 2:00 pm Proposals submitted by mail Contracting after this date will
Company Shamiracle Johnson M.D., Et Al. Ronald L. Hilley, than 72 hours before the hear- pear at the hearing and you Final Addendum Issued (if ne- should be addressed to Dec- not receive a response or be
Rankin, plff.; Travis J. Meyer, plff.; D. Michael Williams, Alan ing, parties must email a cour- must show cause why your par- cessary) October 12, 2022 not atur Housing Authority, ATTN: the subject of addenda.
dft. J. Payne, dft. tesy copy of the motion and or- ental rights to this child should later than 2:00 pm Lawton Jones, Technical Ser- Addenda: Addenda may be is-
der to Ms. Schmidt not be terminated. In order to Proposals Due October 20, vices Director, 750 Commerce sued in response to changes in
Page 24
(12) 20A81243 Darrell Hicks
Hoxie vs. Paragon 28, Inc.
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 
(2) 20A82080 Dauda Saibu vs.
Ricardo Zacahua-Ocotoxtle
v), or the motion will not be
object, you must (1) file notice
of your objection with the Adop-
2022 not later than 2:00 pm
Public Acknowledgement Octo-
Drive, Suite 400, Decatur GA,
30030 and should be plainly
the ITB. It is the responsibility
of the Bidder to ensure aware-
Douglas R. Kendrick, plff.; William H. Thomas, Jr., plff.; L. considered. Failure of the tion Clerk, Superior Court of ber 24, 2022 not later than 5:00 marked as + +“Apartment ness of all addenda issued for
Franklin P. Brannen, Jr., dft. Bruce Hedrick, dft. Plaintiff to comply with the Fulton County, 136 Pryor St pm Cleaning Services – GA-011- this solicitation. Please ac-
Court’s direction and deadlines S W , A t l a n t a , G A 3 0 3 0 3, Anticipated Board Review and 2022-04”++ with the proposer’s knowledge the addenda and
(13) 20A83414 Marion Webb (3) 20A82774 Renee and will result in the complaint be- ++Case No. 2022CV365613++; Approval December 2022 name, and the date & time for submit to the Department of
vs. David Munro James A. Zukenn Walters vs. Emory ing dismissed without preju- and (2) provide notice of the fil- receipt of proposal. All propos- Purchasing and Contracting as
Rice, Jr., plff.; Marvis L. Jen- Healthcare, Inc. d/b/a Emory dice. Failure of the Defendant ing of your objection to counsel *OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTEND- als submitted by mail will be requested. Bidder may email
kins, dft. Decatur Hospital, Et Al. Robin to comply with the Court’s dir- for the Petitioners: Lila New- ANCE* collected at the above-men- Angel Frazier at
N. Loeb, plff.; David Ladner, V. ection and deadlines will result berry Bradley, Claiborne Fox Meeting will be held via ZOOM. tioned mailing address at 8:30
Michelle Stock, Brooke Beall, in any counterclaim/cross- Bradley Goldman LLC, 5256 Please refer to “Virtual Mandat- a.m., local time, on the day to verify the number of ad-
dft. claim/third party claim being Peachtree Road, Suite 195, At- ory Pre-Proposal Conference” mentioned above and held un- denda prior to submission. Ad-
020-469466 10/6 dismissed without prejudice lanta, GA 30341, 404-442- for instructions to receive meet- opened at the office of Decatur denda issued for this project
STATE COURT OF (4) 21A00677 Pawnee Leasing and the answer being stricken. 6969. For information on how ing link. Housing Authority until 3:00 may be found on DeKalb
DEKALB COUNTY Corporation vs. Arco Interna- If the case is resolved in any to access the hearing, contact p.m., at which time they will be County’s website,
JUDGE tional Food Distributors, LLC, manner, notify Ms. Summer Counsel for Petitioners listed Except as expressly provided opened with those that have https://www.dekalbcountyga.go
ANA MARIA MARTINEZ Et Al. Jeremy T. McCullough, Schmidt via email above or Adoption Clerk of in, or permitted by, the Propos- been hand delivered. Faxed v/purchasing-contracting/bids-
MOTIONS CALENDAR plff.; Emmanuel West, dft. (slschmidt@dekalbcountyga.go Fulton County, (404) 613-5313. al Documents, from the date of Proposals are not acceptable. itb-rfps.
NOVEMBER 3, 2022 v) and follow up with a plead- issuance of the RFP until final Please address all questions The County reserves the right
9:30 AM (5) 21A04415 Eric Anderson ing confirming dismissal or set- Owner action of approval of regarding this RFP to Karen to reject any and all bids, to
DIVISION 6 vs. Bernard Gardner, State tlement at least 72 hours be- contract award, the Contractor Atchley, Technical Services Co- waive informalities, and to re-
JUDICIAL TOWER Farm Mutual Automobile Insur- fore the scheduled hearing. Ad For Bid submitting a Proposal shall not ordinator at 404-270-2108 or advertise.
3RD FLOOR, COURTROOM D ance Company, Et Al. Danielle Calendar may be viewed at: initiate any communication or
SUMMER SCHMIDT M. Griffith, plff.; Kayla McCal- 040-468775 9/15,9/29,10/6 discussion concerning the Proposal Documents can be This 3rd day of October, 2022.
CIVIL CASE MANAGER lum, Charity T. Wood, Pro Se, SO ORDERED, this 27th day of 10/13 Project, the RFP or the Con- found on the Decatur Housing
404-687-7135 dft. September, 2022. ADVERTISEMENT FOR tractor’s Proposal or any part Authority website at: Judge Ana Maria Martinez SEALED PROPOSALS thereof with any employee, Condemnation
IN THE STATE COURT OF (6) 21A04566 Carol W. Hat- State Court of DeKalb County DESIGN/BUILD SERVICES agent, or representative of the tractingproposals.html
DEKALB COUNTY field vs. Richard Meli, M.D. Proposals will be received elec- Owner. Any violation of this re- Decatur Housing Authority re- 050-468776 9/15,9/22,9/29
STATE OF GEORGIA Trent B. Speckhals, plff.; Beth (1) 19A76427 National Collegi- tronically on the DeKalb County striction may result in the rejec- serves the right to reject any or 10/6
INSTRUCTIONS FOR W. Kanik, dft. ate Student Loan Trust 2004-2 School District (“Owner”) web- tion of the Contractor’s Propos- all proposals and to waive any IN THE SUPERIOR COURT
DIVISION VI vs. Latoya Phillips Cherice A. site at al. irregularities or informalities in OF DEKALB COUNTY
CIVIL MOTIONS CALENDAR 020-469467 10/6 Tadday, plff.; Pro Se, dft. https://dekalbschoolsga.ion- the proposals. No proposals STATE OF GEORGIA
Calendar Call to be held via STATE COURT OF until 2:00 p.m. local The Owner reserves the right to may be withdrawn for a period STATE OF GEORGIA,
Zoom: November 3, 2022 at DEKALB COUNTY (2) 20A81654 LVNV Funding, time on Thursday, October 20, reject any or all proposals, and of sixty (60) days after the re- Plaintiff,
9:30 a.m. JUDGE LLC as successor in interest to 2022 for a Design/Build Con- to waive technicalities and in- ceipt of the proposal without vs.
Pending Motions which are ripe ANA MARIA MARTINEZ SoFi Lending Corp. vs. Eliot tractor for ++RFP No. 23-752- formalities. the consent of the Housing Au- Fifty thousand nine hundred
for decision are hereby placed NON-JURY CALENDAR Bern M. Kyle Floyd, plff.; J. 001, Design/Build Services for thority. thirty-four dollars and seventy-
upon the Court’s ++Civil Mo- NOVEMBER 2, 2022 Max Davis, dft. HVAC Automation Control Up- Publish Dates: 9/15, 9/29, 10/6, The Firms submitting propos- three cents ($50,934.73) in
tions Calendar++ scheduled for 9:30 A.M. grades (Project No. 379-35)++. 10/13 als or being considered for this U.S. currency;
November 3, 2022 at 9:30 a.m. DIVISION 6 (3) 20A83557 Midland Credit Proposals received after the project shall be licensed to per- Defendants, in rem.
Counsel for the parties are re- JUDICIAL TOWER Management, Inc. vs. Liliane specified time will not be con- form such work by the State of CIVIL ACTION
040-469300 9/29,10/6
quired to be present via Zoom 3RD FLOOR, COURTROOM D Milord Ashley Bowman-Du- sidered. GA in which the work is to be FILE NO. 22CV2684
and are directed to contact the SUMMER SCHMIDT mitrascu, plff.; Pro Se, dft. performed and shall submit VERIFIED COMPLAINT FOR
Court via email to the Civil CIVIL CASE MANAGER SCOPE OF SERVICES evidence of such license be- FORFEITURE
Case Manager, Summer 404-687-7135 (4) 20A84087 Terry Rojas The scope of this project is to fore his/her proposal may be Plaintiff, the State of Georgia,
Schmidt (slschmidt@dekalb- Romero, Et Al. vs. John provide design-build services opened or considered. by and through Sherry Boston,
Sealed responses will be re-, by October 27, IN THE STATE COURT OF Jameson Alfonso Gonzalez, for HVAC Automation Control DECATUR HOUSING AU- District Attorney of the Stone
ceived by the DeKalb County
2022, regarding further instruc- DEKALB COUNTY plff.; S. Megan McClinton, dft. Upgrades at various sites as THORITY Mountain Judicial Circuit,
School District in the Purchas-
tion and technology for the STATE OF GEORGIA specified per the Owner’s Cri- ing Department, 1701 Moun- hereby brings this Complaint
(5) 21A01146 Christopher Ber- 040-469678 10/6
hearing. If a party is not repres- ORDER OF INSTRUCTIONS teria for design and construc- tain Industrial Boulevard, Stone for Forfeiture pursuant to
wick vs. Lodge Atlanta Pro Se, ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS
ented by counsel, the party FOR DIVISION VI tion and the Contract Docu- Mountain, Georgia 30083, be- O.C.G.A. § 9-16-12, and shows
must appear at the hearing. As CIVIL NON-JURY TRIAL plff.; Pro Se, dft. ments. DeKalb County, Georgia the Court the following:
fore 2:00 P.M. EST, October Week of OCTOBER 6,
a reminder, all corporations in CALENDAR 25, 2022, for ++RFP 23-540R PARTIES, JURISDICTION
Georgia are required to be rep- The following cases are hereby (6) 21A01535 Midland Credit Request for Proposal (“RFP”) 2022 Request for Solicitation AND VENUE
Compensation and Classifica- No. 22-500634 Refer to the In-
resented by counsel in courts placed upon the Court’s Civil Management, Inc. vs. Donat documents will be available 1.
tion Study++. Responses must dex for the page number in
of record, pursuant to Eckles v. ++Non-Jury Trial Calendar++ McPherson Ashley Bowman- Thursday, September 15, 2022, The Court has subject matter
be received before 2:00 P.M. which the Display ad is located
Atlanta Technology Group., scheduled for November 2, Dumitrascu, plff.; Dekia K. and may be obtained from the jurisdiction over this action and
EST, Tuesday, October 25, ++22-500634 Design Services
267 Ga. 801 (1997). 2022 at 9:30 a.m. Thompson, dft. DeKalb County Board of Edu- this Court is the proper venue.
2022. Responses received for South River Trail VI 22-
If a motion for continuance is All parties, counsel, and any cation website at https://dekalb- after the stated deadline will not 2.
submitted less than 72 hours witnesses shall be present vir- (7) 21A01724 Midland Credit 101538 Sewer Rods and Ac- The Defendant in rem property
be accepted. Responses will be cessories 22-101543 SPLOST
before the hearing, parties tually for the calendar and must Management, Inc. vs. Mario (hereinafter “Defendant Prop-
acknowledged on Tuesday, Oc- Phase II Road Resurfacing
must email a courtesy copy of contact the Court via email to Bacilieri Ashley Bowman-Du- VRTUAL MANDATORY PRE- erty”) sought to be forfeited is
tober 25, 2022, beginning at Project (Area A) (365 Day Con-
the motion and order to the the Civil Case Manager, Sum- mitrascu, plff.; Pro Se, dft. PROPOSAL CONFERENCE described as follows:
3:00 P.M. EST. tract)++
Civil Case Manager, Summer m e r S c h m i d t A virtual mandatory Pre-Pro- Solicitations may be down- a) Fifty thousand nine hundred
Schmidt (slschmidt@dekalb- (slschmidt@dekalbcountyga.go (8) 21A03198 Jerod Moore vs. posal Conference will be held thirty-four dollars and seventy-
loaded from: https://dekalb-, or the motion v), by October 24, 2022, for fur- Ronald Waters Pro Se, plff.; via ZOOM at 10:00 a.m. local 040-469679 10/6,10/13 three cents ($50,934.73) in
may not be considered by the ther instructions regarding pro- Pro Se, dft. time on Thursday, September AD FOR BIDS U.S. currency.
presiding judge. ceeding with the Hearing using 29, 2022. Prospective bidders The DeKalb County Board of Invitation to Bid (ITB): DeKalb 3.
If the case is settled or dis- the Zoom application. Please (9) 21A05671 Consumer Port- must provide the following in- County Government requests Names and addresses of all
Education reserves the right to
posed of, please notify Ms. include ALL parties on any folio Services, Inc. vs. Kelvin formation by 5:00 PM, EST on qualified individuals and firms known purported owners of the
reject any or all solicitations
Schmidt, at 404-687-7135, and email correspondence with the Bernard Davis, Jr., Et Al. Kristi Wednesday, September 28, with experience in road resurfa- defendant property are as fol-
and to waive informalities or
follow up with a Court. S. Williams, plff.; Pro Se, dft. 2022: cing services to submit bids for lows:
technicalities in any solicitation
pleading confirming dismissal Any evidentiary exhibits must 1. Individual Name and Title received. ++ ITB No. 22-101543, Juan Carlos Trejo Quintana,
or settlement at least 72 hours be eFiled into the record by Oc- 2. Company Name DEKALB COUNTY BOARD OF SPLOST Phase II Road Resur- 430 Summit Road, Walnut
before the scheduled hearing. tober 24, 2022. Documentary 3. Telephone Number facing Project (Area A) (365 Creek, CA 94598.
Failure to respond to this no- evidence shall not be con- Adoptions 4. Email Address
Ms. Carla L. Smith, Executive Day Contract)++. SEIZURE
tice may result in the dismissal sidered absent proper founda- Director, Vendor Services For a copy of the Invitation to 4.
of the pending motion, or any tion for trial. The Court will not 030-469468 10/6,10/13,10/20 This information must be sent Dr. Vasanne Tinsley, Interim Bid, please contact: DeKalb The Defendant Property in
other action the Court may consider affidavits brought for NOTICE TO BIOLOGICAL to dcsd-op-solicitation@dekalb- Superintendent County Department of Purchas- paragraph one was seized by
deem appropriate during the trial, unless they comply with MOTHER AND UNKNOWN A meeting link September 22, 2022 ing and Contracting, The Ma- Detective Jose Avelar #1706
Hearing. the provisions set forth in the BIOLOGICAL FATHER will be sent to all those provid- Ad Control #1198 loof Administration Building, with the City of Brookhaven Po-
If the case is resolved in any 2013 Georgia Evidence Code. TO: Veronica Ann Nichols and ing the above information no 2nd Floor, 1300 Commerce lice Department, pursuant to
manner, notify Ms. Schmidt via ALL MOTIONS AND/OR DE- any male claiming to be the later than 9:30 AM, EST on 040-469469 10/6,10/13 Drive, Decatur, Georgia 30030, lawful authority on January 20,
email: slschmidt@dekalb- MANDS shall be made in writ- biological father of L.Z.N., who Thursday, September 29, 2022. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL telephone number (404) 371- 2022, at 1331 N. Cliff Valley and follow up ing as separate pleadings. was born to Veronica Ann Nich- Due to lack of responses Dec- 7051 or visit our website at ht- Way, Brookhaven, DeKalb
with a pleading confirming dis- They shall be filed with the ols in Fulton County, Georgia There will be mandatory site atur Housing Authority is re- tps:// County, Georgia.
missal or settlement at least 72 CLERK OF THE COURT and a on September 25, 2021. A Peti- visits beginning at 9:00 AM, questing bid submissions for purchasing-contracting/bids-itb- 5.
hours before the scheduled copy served on the opposing tion for Adoption is pending in EST on Friday, September 30, Apartment Cleaning for a one rfps. Bids will be received at the The City of Brookhaven Police
hearing. party on or before twenty (20) the Superior Court of Fulton 2022 and Monday, October 3, (1) year contract with four (4) above address until 3:00 p.m. Department reported the fact of
Calendar may be viewed at: calendar days prior to the trial County, Georgia. The final 2022. Attendance is mandat- one-year optional renewals for on November 4, 2022. seizure, in writing on February date listed. hearing has been set for ory at each site. a total of five (5) years. Questions: Questions must be 14, 2022, which is within thirty
SO ORDERED, this 27th day of An Order of the Court is re- November 15, 2022, at 9:30 Proposals will be received until submitted to Angel Frazier, via days of seizure.
September, 2022. quired to remove a case from a.m. via Zoom. Please be ad- SCHEDULE FOR SELECTION 3:00 p.m., local standard time, email to amfrazier@dekalb- 6.
Judge Ana Maria Martinez the trial calendar. A Motion for vised that your parental rights (dates are subject to change) on Friday, the 21st of October,, no later than The Defendant Property is in
State Court of DeKalb County Continuance will be con- and responsibilities will be ter- Virtual Mandatory Pre-Propos- 2022 at the main office Dec- 5:00 P.M. on October 19, 2022. the custody or control of the
sidered only if consented to by minated upon the finalization of al Conference* September 29, atur Housing Authority, 750 Questions and requests for in- City of Brookhaven Police De-
all parties and a Consent Or- the adoption. Should you 2022 @10:00 am Commerce Drive, Suite 400, terpretation received by the De- partment or the City of
(1) 18A71286 Kevin Coleman, der is submitted. If a motion for choose to file a legal objection Final Questions Due October 5, Decatur, GA 30030. partment of Purchasing and Brookhaven Police Depart-
Et Al. vs. David S. Grenda, continuance is submitted less to this adoption, you may ap- 2022 not later than 2:00 pm Proposals submitted by mail Contracting after this date will ment Seizure Account with JP-
M.D., Et Al. Ronald L. Hilley, than 72 hours before the hear- pear at the hearing and you Final Addendum Issued (if ne- should be addressed to Dec- not receive a response or be Morgan Chase Bank and loc-
plff.; D. Michael Williams, Alan ing, parties must email a cour- must show cause why your par- cessary) October 12, 2022 not atur Housing Authority, ATTN: the subject of addenda. ated in and within DeKalb
J. Payne, dft. tesy copy of the motion and or- ental rights to this child should later than 2:00 pm Lawton Jones, Technical Ser- Addenda: Addenda may be is- County, Georgia, and subject to
der to Ms. Schmidt not be terminated. In order to Proposals Due October 20, vices Director, 750 Commerce sued in response to changes in the jurisdiction of this Court.
(2) 20A82080 Dauda Saibu vs. (slschmidt@dekalbcountyga.go object, you must (1) file notice 2022 not later than 2:00 pm Drive, Suite 400, Decatur GA, the ITB. It is the responsibility
Ricardo Zacahua-Ocotoxtle v), or the motion will not be of your objection with the Adop- Public Acknowledgement Octo- 30030 and should be plainly of the Bidder to ensure aware- FACTUAL BACKGROUND
William H. Thomas, Jr., plff.; L. considered. Failure of the tion Clerk, Superior Court of ber 24, 2022 not later than 5:00 marked as ++“Apartment ness of all addenda issued for 7.
Bruce Hedrick, dft. Plaintiff to comply with the Fulton County, 136 Pryor St pm Cleaning Services – GA-011- this solicitation. Please ac- On January 21st, 2022, Of-
Court’s direction and deadlines SW, Atlanta, GA 30303, Anticipated Board Review and 2022-04”++ with the proposer’s knowledge the addenda and ficers were dispatched to 1331
(3) 20A82774 Renee and will result in the complaint be- ++Case No. 2022CV365613++; Approval December 2022 name, and the date & time for submit to the Department of N. Cliff Valley Way,
Brookhaven Police Depart- along with an empty marijuana service of this complaint as The DeKalb County Police De- and charged with Violation of due process to enforce the for- quired by the Order of the
ment Seizure Account with JP- bag. provided by O.C.G.A. § 9-16- partment reported the fact of the Georgia Controlled Sub- feiture; and Judge of said Court to sur-
Morgan Chase Bank and loc- 12(f); seizure, in writing on Decem- stances Act, O.C.G.A. § 16-13- 8) That the Court grant to the render possession of the prop-
ated in and within DeKalb 10. 5) That the Court enter a judg- ber 22, 2021, which is within 30. Plaintiff such other relief as the erty to the Department of
County, Georgia, and subject to Due to Quintana having a large ment in favor of the State of thirty days of seizure. 12. Court deems just and equit- Transportation no later than 30
the jurisdiction of this Court. amount of U. S. Currency in his Georgia declaring said defend- 6. Michael Kefetew was transpor- able. days from filing of the Declara-
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022Page 25
possession, and in close prox- ant property forfeited to the The Defendant Property is in ted to DeKalb County Jail. The tion of Taking.
FACTUAL BACKGROUND imity to the illegal drugs, it can State of Georgia pursuant to the custody or control of the U.S. currency was transported Sherry Boston That in accordance with the Of-
7. be inferred that he was using O.C.G.A. § 9-16-12; DeKalb County Police Depart- to BB&T where it was counted Georgia Bar No. 438199 ficial Code of Georgia Annot-
On January 21st, 2022, Of- the $50,934.73 in U.S. cur- 6) That the Court retain jurisdic- ment or the DeKalb County Po- by an employee and determ- District Attorney ated Section 32-3-13 through
ficers were dispatched to 1331 rency, for the facilitation of illeg- tion to direct the proper disposi- lice Department Seizure Ac- ined to be $6,142.00 and was Stone Mountain Judicial Circuit 32-3-19, if the owner, or any of
N. Cliff Valley Way, al drug sales and distribution. tion and distribution of the for- count with BB&T and located in then deposited in an account at the owners, or any person hav-
Brookhaven, DeKalb County, 11. feited property as provided by and within DeKalb County, the bank. Heather C. Waters ing a claim against or interest in
Georgia in reference to a suspi- Juan Carlos Trejo-Quintana O.C.G.A. § 9-16-19; Georgia, and subject to the jur- 13. Georgia Bar No. 740145 said property, shall be dissatis-
cious vehicle. Information was was arrested and charged with 7) The Court shall afford parties isdiction of this Court. The marijuana was seized pur- Sr. Assistant District Attorney fied with the compensation, as
given via 911 that a gray sedan Violation of the Georgia Con- due process to enforce the for- suant to O.C.G.A § 16-13- Stone Mountain Judicial Circuit estimated in the Declaration of
was parked at the location for trolled Substances Act, feiture; and FACTUAL BACKGROUND 49(b)(1). The U.S. currency is 556 N. McDonough Street, Taking and deposited in Court,
about an hour and occupied by O.C.G.A. § 16-13-30. 8) That the Court grant to the 7. subject to forfeiture pursuant to Suite 700 such person or persons, or any
two males. Upon the officer’s 12. Plaintiff such other relief as the Officer Butler #3606, with the O.C.G.A. § 16-13-49(b)(2), Decatur, Georgia 30030-3355 of them, shall have the right, at
arrival a silver Hyundai sedan, Juan Carlos Trejo-Quintana Court deems just and equit- DeKalb County Police Depart- (b)(3) and (b)(5), The weapon Email: hcwaters@dekalb- any time subsequent to the fil-
displaying CA tag 8XXP959, was transported to DeKalb able. ment, was dispatched to a is subject to forfeiture pursuant ing of the Declaration and the
was parked in front of Building County Jail. The U.S. currency Sherry Boston vehicle accident located at to O.C.G.A. § 16-13-49(b)(6). Main Office: (404) 371-2561 deposit of the fund into Court
1331. Registration for the was transported to JPMorgan Georgia Bar No. 438199 4918 Covington Highway. Upon 14. 22CV2028/KEFTEDE but not later than 30 days fol-
vehicle came back to a Hernan- Bank where it was counted by District Attorney, Stone Moun- arrival, Butler noticed Michael Said Defendant Property is lowing the date of service as
dez Trans LLC out of Downey, an employee and determined to tain Judicial Circuit Kefetew sleeping in the driver’s contraband and should be for- 050-469470 10/6,10/13 provided for in the Official Code
CA. be $50,934.73 and was then Heather C. Waters seat of a 2018 Toyota 4 Run- feited to the State of Georgia CITATION of Georgia Annotated Sections
8. deposited in an account at the Georgia Bar No. 740145 ner. The vehicle had sustained pursuant to the provisions of IN THE SUPERIOR COURT 32-3-8 through 32-3-10 to file
Officers with the City of bank. Sr. Assistant District Attorney front-end damage. As Ofc. But- O.C.G.A. § 16-13-49, in that OF with the Court a notice of ap-
Brookhaven approached the 13. Stone Mountain Judicial Circuit ler was attempting to wake Ke- said property represents pro- DEKALB COUNTY peal, the same to be in writing
vehicle and observed one His- The marijuana and cocaine 556 N. McDonough Street fetew, he noticed that the keys ceeds derived or realized from GEORGIA and made a part of the record
panic male, later identified as were seized pursuant to Room 700 were in the ignition and the a violation of the Georgia Con- DEPARTMENT OF in the proceedings.
Juan Carlos Trejo-Quintana, O.C.G.A § 16-13-49(b)(1). The Decatur, Ga 30030 vehicle was not in park. trolled Substances Act, TRANSPORTATION The said property, as thus af-
located in the driver’s seat of U.S. currency is subject to for- Email: hcwaters@dekalb- 8. O.C.G.A. § 16-13-30. VS. fected, is described as follows:
the vehicle. Det. Avelar asked feiture pursuant to O.C.G.A. § Ofc. Butler asked Kefetew what 15. CERTAIN ACCESS RIGHTS; SEE PAGE 20-A; FOR DE-
Quintana the reason he was 16-13-49(b)(2), (b)(3), and Main Office: (404) 371-2561 happened that caused him to Said Defendant Property is and SCRIPTION
there to which Quintana replied (b)(5). ++Juan Carlos Trejo-Quintana/ hit the wall to which Kefetew re- contraband and should be for- Darlene D. Evans; and DeKalb This 4th day of March , 2022.
he was waiting for someone. 14. 22CV2684++ sponded that he did not hit the feited to the State of Georgia County Tax Commissioner, in- /s/ Debra DeBerry
While speaking with Quintana, Said Defendant Property is 050-468970 9/29,10/6,10/13 wall. Kefetew was asked if pursuant to the provisions of dividually Clerk Superior Court
Det. Avelar noticed an odor of contraband and should be for- 10/20 there were any firearms in the O.C.G.A. § 16-13-49, in that DEKALB COUNTY
raw marijuana coming from the feited to the State of Georgia IN THE SUPERIOR COURT vehicle and he responded no. said property was used or in- ++DOCKET NO. 22CV6085++
vehicle. Det. Avelar asked pursuant to the provisions of OF DEKALB COUNTY Ofc. Butler asked Kefetew to tended for use to facilitate a vi- IN REM __________________ Parcel No. 8 20.
Quintana if there were any O.C.G.A. § 16-13-49, in that STATE OF GEORGIA step out of the vehicle so he olation of the Georgia Project / P.I. No: 0017129
guns in the vehicle, Quintana said property represents pro- STATE OF GEORGIA, could show him the damage to Con¬trolled Substances Act, The said named persons and County: DeKalb
replied no. Quintana was asked ceeds derived or realized from Plaintiff, the Toyota. As Kefetew exited O.C.G.A. § 16-13-30. any and all other persons Parcel Number: 08
to step out of the vehicle, Mr. a violation of the Georgia Con- vs the vehicle, Butler noticed a 16. known and unknown claiming Required ROW: 80.99 LINEAR
Quintana complied. Quintana trolled Substances Act, Six thousand one hundred black handgun near the door of Said Defendant Property is any right, title, power, interest, FEET OF ACCESS RIGHTS
was asked if he had any O.C.G.A. § 16-13-30. forty-two dollars ($6,142.00) in the vehicle which he immedi- contraband and should be for- ownership, equity, claim or de- Property Owners: Darlene D.
marijuana in the vehicle and 15. U. S. currency; One (1) Taurus ately secured for safety. Ofc. feited to the State of Georgia mand in and to the lands here- Evans; and DeKalb County Tax
advised that there was a small Said Defendant Property is PT111G2 9mm S/N: TKZ30208 Butler also observed a measur- pursuant to the provisions of inafter described, and all occu- Commissioner
amount in a container. contraband and should be for- (est. value $289.00); ing scale with crumbs of a O.C.G.A. § 16-13-49, in that pants, tenants, lessees, li- All that tract or parcel of land ly-
Quintana began to act nervous, feited to the State of Georgia Two (2) digital scales (est. green leafy substance in the said property was found in censees and all holders, own- ing and being in Land Lot 196
looking around and not comply- pursuant to the provisions of value $3.00 each); Defendants, cup holder area in plain view. close proximity to any con- ers and users of ways and of the 15th Land District of
ing with orders to remain in one O.C.G.A. § 16-13-49, in that in rem. 9. trolled substance or other prop- easements in, across, over and DeKalb County, Georgia being
location. Quintana attempted to said property was used or in- CIVIL ACTION Ofc. Butler asked Kefetew if he erty subject to forfeiture. under said land are hereby no- more particularly described as
retrieve his phone from his tended for use to facilitate a vi- FILE NO. had been drinking to which Ke- 17. tified, under the provisions of follow:
pocket several times after be- olation of the Georgia ++22CV2028 KEFETEW++ fetew advised he’d had a Said Defendant Property is the Official Code of Georgia
ing told to keep his hands vis- Con¬trolled Substances Act, VERIFIED COMPLAINT FOR couple of beers. Field Sobriety contraband and should be for- Annotated Sections 32-3-4 LIMITED ACCESS
ible. Based on Quintana’s in- O.C.G.A. § 16-13-30. FORFEITURE was completed without suffi- feited to the State of Georgia through 32-3-19, providing for
consistent statements, 16. Plaintiff, the State of Georgia, cient evidence to place Ke- pursuant to the provisions of the exercise of the power of BEGINNING at a point being
Quintana admitting to Said Defendant Property is by and through Sherry Boston, fetew into custody for being un- O.C.G.A. § 16-13-49, in that eminent domain by the State of 105.94 feet left of and opposite
marijuana being in the vehicle, contraband and should be for- District Attorney of the Stone der the influence. Ofc. Butler said property is a weapon avail- Georgia, or any of its subdivi- station 224+95.35 on said con-
and U.S. currency observed feited to the State of Georgia Mountain Judicial Circuit, asked if he could search the able for any use in any manner sions, or by any county of such struction centerline laid out for
loose in the vehicle, Quintana pursuant to the provisions of hereby brings this Complaint vehicle and Kefetew advised he to facilitate a violation of the State, as follows: Covington Highway on Geor-
was detained. Mr. Quintana ad- O.C.G.A. § 16-13-49, in that For Forfeiture pursuant to could. Before the search G e o rg i a Co n t ro l l e d Su b - That the above stated case, be- gia Highway Project/P.I. No.
vised he was cold, so he was said property was found in O.C.G.A. § 9-16-12, and shows began, Kefetew said that he stances Act, O.C.G.A. § 16-13- ing a condemnation in rem 0017129; thence S 55°40'22.1"
placed in the back of Det. close proximity to any con- the Court the following: had a small amount of 30. against the property herein- E a distance of 80.99 feet to a
Avelar’s patrol vehicle. trolled substance or other prop- PARTIES, JURISDICTION marijuana in the vehicle. As WHEREFORE THE STATE OF after described, was filed in point 99.03 feet left of and op-
9. erty subject to forfeiture. AND VENUE Ofc. Butler conducted his GEORGIA PRAYS: said Court on the 4th day of posite station 225+75.58 on
On the front passenger floor- 17. 1. search he located a black back- 1) That all purported owners March, 2022 That, in accord- said construction centerline laid
board, a small clear container Said Defendant Property is The Court has subject matter pack on the front passenger- and/or interest holders listed ance with provisions of the out for Covington Highway on
was located and contained ap- contraband and should be for- jurisdiction over this action and side floor board which con- herein be personally served aforesaid Official Code, a De- Georgia Highway Project/P.I.
proximately a gram of suspec- feited to the State of Georgia this Court is the proper venue. tained a clear mason jar filled with a copy of the complaint claration of Taking, duly author- No. 0017129.
ted marijuana. Quintana was pursuant to the provisions of 2. with a green leafy substance and summons; ized and properly executed as
read his Miranda rights in O.C.G.A. § 16-13-49, in that The Defendant in rem property and a second scale. The scale 2) That the custodians of the provided by the Official Code, The title, estate or interest in
Spanish by Det. Avelar and said property is a weapon avail- (hereinafter “Defendant Prop- from the cup holder was also defendant property be person- has been made and filed in the above described land, re-
agreed to cooperate. Quintana able for any use in any manner erty”) sought to be forfeited is seized. The center console ally served a copy of the com- said case, declaring the neces- quired by condemnor and now
advised that neither the money to facilitate a violation of the described as follows: contained a large amount of plaint and summons herein; sity for and exercising the taken by condemnor for public
nor the vehicle belonged to G e o rg i a Co n t ro l l e d Su b - a) Six thousand one hundred U.S. currency along with a 3) That any and all owners and power of taking the said de- use as rights of way for a LIM-
him. He had borrowed the stances Act, O.C.G.A. § 16-13- forty-two dollars ($6,142.00) in loaded firearm magazine. A interest holder(s) that reside scribed lands for State-aid pub- ITED ACCESS HIGHWAY as
vehicle from “Henry” and drove 30. U. S. currency; large amount of small clear out of state or depart this state lic road purposes, thereby vest- defined under the Official Code
it from California to Georgia. A b) One (1) Taurus PT111G2 plastic bags was located inside or cannot after due diligence be ing the title to same in the De- of Georgia Annotated sections
consent to search the vehicle WHEREFORE THE STATE OF 9mm S/N: TKZ30208 (est. the vehicle as well as one Ec- found within this state or con- partment of Transportation; 32-6-110 through 32-6-119 is
was given by Quintana. During GEORGIA PRAYS: value $289.00); stasy pill. A gray and black bag ceals himself or herself to avoid and, in pursuance of such au- as follows: Fee simple title to
the search, a piece of a glove 1) That all purported owners c) Two (2) digital scales (est. was recovered from the trunk service notice of the complaint thority, the Department of the above described access
was cut and made into a pock- and/or interest holders listed value $3.00 each). that contained an additional for forfeiture be served by pub- Transportation has deposited rights all as shown described
et which was in the driver-side herein be personally served 3. amount of U.S. currency. De- lication as provided in O.C.G.A. the Department of Transporta- within on the attached plats
interior door handle. Inside the with a copy of the complaint Names and addresses of all tective E.J. George arrived on § 9-16-12(b)(3); tion has deposited with the marked Annex 1-A. Said ac-
pocket was a small black and summons; known purported owners of the the scene and took possession 4) That the Court hold a hear- Clerk of the Superior Court of cess rights being required
plastic bag containing a hard 2) That the custodians of the defendant property are as fol- of the drugs, weapon, scales, ing within sixty (60) days of the said County$500.00 as the just between the condemnees re-
substance, that appeared to be defendant property be person- lows: and U.S. currency. service of this complaint as compensation for the said maining real property and exist-
Cocaine in rock form and power ally served a copy of the com- Michael Kefetew, 6003 King 10. provided by O.C.G.A. § 9-16- lands described; and all per- ing roads, streets or highways,
residue. Det. Avelar inquired if plaint and summons herein; Way Walk, Lithonia, Ga 30058. Due to Kefetew having a large 12(f); sons claiming such fund or any intersecting or adjacent to the
Quintana knew what the white 3) That any and all owners and SEIZURE amount of U. S. Currency in his 5) That the Court enter a judg- interest therein, are hereby re- LIMITED ACCESS HIGHWAY,
powdery substance was to interest holder(s) that reside 4. possession, and in close prox- ment in favor of the State of quired to make known their such access rights being spe-
which Quintana replied it was out of state or depart this state The Defendant Property in imity to the illegal drugs, it can Georgia declaring said defend- claims to the Court; cifically delineated on Depart-
possibly cocaine but denied it or cannot after due diligence be paragraph two was seized by be inferred that he was using ant property forfeited to the In accordance with the provi- ment of Transportation plats
was his and could not advise found within this state or con- Detective E.J. George #2858 of the $6,142.00 in U.S. currency, State of Georgia pursuant to sions of the Official Code of dated the 7th day of January,
who it belonged to. Cash was ceals himself or herself to avoid the DeKalb County Police De- the two digital scales, and the O.C.G.A. § 9-16-12; Georgia Annotated, the 2021; Last Revised: Sheet No.
observed strewn on the driver's service notice of the complaint partment, pursuant to lawful au- Taurus PT111 G2 9 mm S/N: 6) That the Court retains juris- Plaintiff-Condemnor has prayed 60-0003 on December 17,
side floorboard, center console, for forfeiture be served by pub- thority on December 4, 2021 TKZ30208 firearm, for the facil- diction to direct the proper dis- the Court for Immediate pos- 2021, Sheet No. 60-0011 on
and passenger floorboard. A lication as provided in O.C.G.A. during a vehicle accident at itation of illegal drug sales and position and distribution of the session of said property, and all August 27, 2021 and attached
black fanny pack was located § 9-16-12(b)(3); 4918 Covington Highway, Dec- distribution. forfeited property as provided persons having any interest in hereto Annex 1-A.
on the front passenger side of 4) That the Court hold a hear- atur, DeKalb County, Georgia. 11. by O.C.G.A. § 9-16-19; or claim against such property,
the vehicle with cash inside ing within sixty (60) days of the 5. Michael Kefetew was arrested 7) The Court shall afford parties as above set forth, are re-
along with an empty marijuana service of this complaint as The DeKalb County Police De- and charged with Violation of due process to enforce the for- quired by the Order of the
bag. provided by O.C.G.A. § 9-16- partment reported the fact of the Georgia Controlled Sub- feiture; and Judge of said Court to sur-
12(f); seizure, in writing on Decem- stances Act, O.C.G.A. § 16-13- 8) That the Court grant to the render possession of the prop-
10. 5) That the Court enter a judg- ber 22, 2021, which is within 30. Plaintiff such other relief as the erty to the Department of
Due to Quintana having a large ment in favor of the State of thirty days of seizure. 12. Court deems just and equit- Transportation no later than 30
amount of U. S. Currency in his Georgia declaring said defend- 6. Michael Kefetew was transpor- able. days from filing of the Declara-
possession, and in close prox- ant property forfeited to the The Defendant Property is in ted to DeKalb County Jail. The tion of Taking.
imity to the illegal drugs, it can State of Georgia pursuant to the custody or control of the U.S. currency was transported Sherry Boston That in accordance with the Of-
be inferred that he was using O.C.G.A. § 9-16-12; DeKalb County Police Depart- to BB&T where it was counted Georgia Bar No. 438199 ficial Code of Georgia Annot-
the $50,934.73 in U.S. cur- 6) That the Court retain jurisdic- ment or the DeKalb County Po- by an employee and determ- District Attorney ated Section 32-3-13 through
rency, for the facilitation of illeg- tion to direct the proper disposi- lice Department Seizure Ac- ined to be $6,142.00 and was Stone Mountain Judicial Circuit 32-3-19, if the owner, or any of
al drug sales and distribution. tion and distribution of the for- count with BB&T and located in then deposited in an account at the owners, or any person hav-
Page 26 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 
100-469553 10/6,10/13 110-468297 9/22,9/29,10/6, 110-468301 9/15,9/22,9/29 110-468305 9/15,9/22,9/29 110-468322 9/22,9/29,10/6 110-468766 9/15,9/22,9/29,
Notice to Debtors and Creditors
070-468971 9/29,10/6 Notice is given that Articles of CREDITORS AND CREDITORS AND CREDITORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the estate of
NOTICE OF CHANGE OF Incorporation which incorpor- All creditors of the Estate of All creditors of the Estate of All creditors of the Estate of All creditors of the Estate of ++Marcelina Flores++ late of
CORPORATE NAME ate ++Edinburgh Community ++HUGH N. BALL, JR++, late ++MARY ERNESTINE ++Vicki Lujean Nepte Bolton ++Jo T. Flick++ deceased, late Dekalb County, deceased, are
Notice is given that articles of Association, Inc.++ have been of DeKalb County, deceased, KEEBLE++, late of DeKalb a/k/a Vicki N. Bolton++, late of of DeKalb County, Georgia, are hereby notified to render in
amendment which will change delivered to the Secretary of are hereby notified to render in County, Georgia, are hereby DeKalb County, are hereby no- hereby notified to render in their demands to the under-
the name of ++VFC PROPER- State for filing in accordance their demands to the under- their demands to the under- signed according to law, and all
notified to render in their de- tified to render in their de-
TIES, INC to EMPIRE CITY with the Georgia Nonprofit Cor- signed according to law, and all signed according to law, and all persons indebted to said es-
mands to the undersigned ac- mands to the undersigned ac-
PROPERTIES, INC++ have poration Code. The initial re- persons indebted to said Es- persons indebted to said es- tate are required to make im-
gistered office of the corpora- tate are required to make im- cording to the law, all persons cording to law, and all persons tate are required to make im- mediate payment.
been delivered to the Secret- indebted to the said Estate are indebted to said Estate are re-
ary of State for filing in accord- tion is located at 160 Claire- mediate payment. mediate payments. This 8th day of September,
mont Avenue, Suite 650, Dec- This 15TH day of SEPTEM- required to make immediate quired to make immediate pay- This 30th day of August, 2022 2022
ance with the Georgia Busi- payment. ment.
ness Corporation Code. The re- atur, DeKalb County, Georgia BER, 2022 Charles P. Hudson, Jr Name: Cayce-Kate Felis Ser-
30030 and its initial registered RICHARD H. ANDRE This 29th day of August, 2022 Myra C. Heath, Gary M. Cloer, Executor of the Estate of rano
gistered office of the corpora- Mary Elizabeth Eaton and William Gary Lanning, Co-
tion is located at PO BOX 690, agent at such address is Attorney of the Estate of Jo T. Flick Title: Administrator
Rachel E. Conrad. HUGH N. BALL, JR Personal Representative Executors M. Emily Cunningham Address: 2310 Park Crest
Deceased of the Estate of c/o J. Scot Kirkpatrick, Esq. McCurdy & Candler, LLC Drive, Papillion, NE 68133
070-469664 10/6,10/13 ESTATE NO.: 2022-1014 Mary Ernestine Keeble Chamberlain, Hrdlicka, White, 160 Clairemont Avenue
NOTICE OF CHANGE OF Richard H. Andre, Esq. 2545 Roper Rd Williams Y Aughtry Suite 550
100-469554 10/6,10/13
CORPORATE NAME Andre Kill & McCarthy, LLP Decatur, Georgia 30030
NOTICE OF INTENT Cumming, GA 30028 191 Peachtree St, N.E.
Notice is given that articles of 244 Roswell Street Suite 1000
TO INCORPORATE 110-468302 9/15,9/22,9/29 Forty-Sixth Floor 110-468763 9/15,9/22,9/29 110-468767 9/15,9/22,9/29
amendment which will change Marietta, GA, 30060
Notice is given that Articles of 10/6 Atlanta, Georgia 30303 10/6 10/6
the name of ++MUSTANG
Incorporation which incorpor- 110-468298 9/22,9/29,10/6 NOTICE TO DEBTORS 110-468306 9/15,9/22,9/29 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND Notice to Debtors and Creditors
FUND, INC. to Montgomery
ate ++Hopewell Manor Com- 10/13 AND CREDITORS 10/6 CREDITORS All creditors of the estate of
Elementary PTO, Inc.++ have
munity Association, Inc.++ NOTICE TO DEBTORS All creditors of the Estate of NOTICE TO DEBTORS All creditors of the Estate of ++Deborah Humphries++ late
been delivered to the Secret-
have been delivered to the AND CREDITORS ++BRITTANY NICOLE BOOK- of Dekalb County, deceased,
ary of State for filing in accord- ++George Christopher Hunni- AND CREDITORS
Secretary of State for filing in All creditors of the Estate of ER++, late of Dekalb County, are hereby notified to render in
ance with the Georgia Busi- cutt++, late of DeKalb County, All creditors of the Estate of
accordance with the Georgia ++Grady Howell++, late of Georgia, deceased, are hereby their demands to the under-
ness Corporation Code. The re- deceased, are hereby notified ++Ruby Lee Harris++, de-
Nonprofit Corporation Code. DeKalb County, deceased, are notified to render in their de- signed according to law, and all
gistered office of the corpora- to render in their demands to ceased, late of DeKalb County,
The initial registered office of mands to the undersigned ac- persons indebted to said es-
tion is located at 3995 Ashford hereby notified to render in the undersigned according to Georgia are hereby notified to
the corporation is located at cording to law, and all persons tate are required to make im-
Dunwoody Rd., Atlanta, GA their demands to the under- law, and all persons indebted to render in their names to the un-
160 Clairemont Avenue, Suite indebted to said estate are re- mediate payment.
30319 signed according to law, and all said Estate are required to dersigned according to law,
650, Decatur, DeKalb County, quired to make immediate pay- This 15th day of September,
Georgia 30030 and its initial re- persons indebted to said Es- make immediate payment. and all persons indebted to ment. 2022
gistered agent at such address tate are required to make im- This 15th day of Sept, 2022 said Estate are required to This the 2nd day of September, Name: Nancy B. Goodman
Charter is Rachel E. Conrad. mediate payment.
This 14th day of September,
Martha Jane Hunnicutt make immediate payment. 2022. Title: Attorney
Administrator of the Estate of This 26th day of August, 2022 M. MICHAEL KENDALL Address: 1275 Peachtree
100-468972 9/29,10/6 2022. George Christopher Hunnicutt Harvey Lee Harris Attorney For Dianne D. Barkley Street NE Suite 525 Atlanta
Notice of Organization 100-469555 10/6,10/13 Therese Summerour-Bolton Deceased Administrator of the Estate of Executrix of the Estate of Brit- Georgia 30309
Notice is hereby given that art- NOTICE OF INTENT Administrator of the Estate of 10 Larahmont Lane Ruby Lee Harris tany Nicole Booker
icles of Organization, which or- TO INCORPORATE Grady Howell, Deceased Johnson City, TN 37604 553 Edgefield Drive THE KENDALL LAW FIRM
130 North Hill Street 110-468768 9/15,9/22,9/29
ganizes ++Blue Truck Road- Notice is given that Articles of 2336 McIntosh Drive 110-468303 9/15,9/22,9/29 Stone Mountain, GA 30087
Griffin, GA 30223 10/6
side LLC++, have been de- Incorporation which incorpor- Locust Grove, Georgia 30248 10/6 110-468307 9/15,9/22,9/29
770-228-0558 Telephone Notice to Debtors and Creditors
livered to the Secretary of State ate ++Wellington Park Town- 110-468299 9/22,9/29,10/6 NOTICE TO DEBTORS 10/6 All creditors of the estate of
for filing in accordance with the home Association, Inc.++ have 10/13 AND CREDITORS NOTICE TO DEBTORS Email + +JOAQUIN FRANCISCO
Georgia Limited Liability Com- been delivered to the Secret- NOTICE TO DEBTORS All creditors of the Estate of AND CREDITORS SANTANA++ late of Dekalb
pany Act. The initial registered ary of State for filing in accord- AND CREDITORS ++Harriet Lee Parnes++, late of All creditors of the Estate of 110-468764 9/15,9/22,9/29 County, deceased, are hereby
office of the company is loc- ance with the Georgia Non-
All creditors of the Estate of DeKalb County, deceased, are ++DONALD LAWRENCE notified to render in their de-
ated at 1246 Carriage Trace profit Corporation Code. The 10/6
++Priscilla Baldwin Jackson++, hereby notified to render in SAMPLER++, late of DeKalb NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND mands to the undersigned ac-
Circle, Stone Mountain, GA, initial registered office of the
late of DeKalb County, de- their demands to the under- County, Georgia, are hereby CREDITORS cording to law, and all persons
30087, and its initial registered corporation is located at 160
ceased, are hereby notified to signed according to law, and all notified to render their de- All creditors of the Estate of indebted to said estate are re-
agent at such address is An- Clairemont Avenue, Suite 650,
render in their demands to the ++Hansel Alexander Davis++ quired to make immediate pay-
thony Stuckey Decatur, DeKalb County, Geor- persons indebted to said Es- mands to the undersigned ac-
undersigned according to law, late of DeKalb County, de- ment.
gia 30030 and its initial re- tate are required to make im- cording to law, and all persons
and all persons indebted to ceased, are hereby notified to This 1st day of September,
100-469551 10/6,10/13 gistered agent at such address mediate payment. indebted to said Estate are
said Estate are required to render in their demands to the 2022
NOTICE OF INTENT is Rachel E. Conrad. This 15th day of September, hereby notified to make imme-
make immediate payment. undersigned according to law, Name: JAY SANTANA
Notice is given that Articles of This 9th day of September, Michele Ruth This 24th day of August, 2022 and all persons indebted to
said Estate are required to WILL ANNEXED
Incorporation which incorpor- 100-469556 10/6,10/13 2022. Executor of the Estate of DONALD LAWRENCE Address: 2076 Bruce Lane,
ate ++City Square Townhome NOTICE OF INTENT Bernice B Smith Harriet Lee Parnes SAMPLER, JR make immediate payment.
This 9/15/2022 Merrick NY 11566
Association, Inc.++ have been TO INCORPORATE Executor of the Estate of Deceased Executor
delivered to the Secretary of Notice is given that Articles of Priscilla Baldwin Jackson Thomas J LaMattina Adminis-
6471 Canopy Dr 46 Oakridge Avenue trator for the Estate of Hansel
State for filing in accordance Incorporation which incorpor- Deceased Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Atlanta, Georgia 30317 Alexander Davis Deceased
with the Georgia Nonprofit Cor- ate ++Browns Ridge 6307 Jacobs Creek Circle
poration Code. The initial re- Homeowners Association, 110-468304 9/15,9/22,9/29 110-468308 9/15,9/22,9/29 Michael T Byrne 110-468769 9/15,9/22,9/29
Fayetteville, NC 28304 10/6 10/6 10/6
gistered office of the corpora- Inc.++ have been delivered to 2138 East Main Street
110-468300 9/15,9/22,9/29 NOTICE TO DEBTORS NOTICE TO DEBTORS Snellville, Georgia 30078 Notice to Debtors and Creditors
tion is located at 160 Claire- the Secretary of State for filing
mont Avenue, Suite 650, Dec- 10/6 AND CREDITORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the estate of
in accordance with the Georgia
atur, DeKalb County, Georgia Nonprofit Corporation Code. NOTICE TO DEBTORS All creditors of the Estate of All creditors of the Estate of 110-468765 9/15,9/22,9/29 ++Dung Phi Nguyen++ late of
30030 and its initial registered The initial registered office of AND CREDITORS ++Cassandra Rose Binney++, ++Ellen May Griewahn++, late 10/6 Dekalb County, deceased, are
agent at such address is Lisa A the corporation is located at All creditors of the Estate of deceased, are hereby notified of DeKalb County, deceased, NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND hereby notified to render in
Crawford. 160 Clairemont Avenue, Suite ++John Wesley Capps++, late to render in their demands to are hereby notified to render in CREDITORS their demands to the under-
650, Decatur, DeKalb County, of DeKalb County, deceased, their demands to the under- All creditors of the Estate of signed according to law, and all
100-469552 10/6,10/13 the undersigned according to
Georgia 30030 and its initial re- are hereby notified to render in signed according to law, and all ++Mollye Normyra Credle++ persons indebted to said es-
NOTICE OF INTENT law, and all persons indebted to
gistered agent at such address their demands to the under- persons indebted to said es- late of DeKalb County, de- tate are required to make im-
TO INCORPORATE said Estate are required to tate are required to make im-
is Rachel E. Conrad. signed according to law, and all ceased, are hereby notified to mediate payment.
Notice is given that Articles of make immediate payment. mediate payment. This 15th day of September,
Incorporation which incorpor- persons indebted to said Es- render in their demands to the
This 26th day of August, 2022. This 29th day of August, 2022. 2022
ate ++SerenityTownhome As- tate are required to make im- undersigned according to law,
Zachary Orion Binney Steven R Ashby Name: Thao Ngoc Thi Nguyen
and all persons indebted to
sociation, Inc.++ have been de-
livered to the Secretary of State
Debtor & Creditor mediate payment.
This 1st day of Sept, 2022
Administrator Attorney for said Estate are required to Title: Administrator
1523 Iverson Street NE Katherine Gurnham Griewahn make immediate payment. Address: 1354 Heritage Ridge
for filing in accordance with the Mark Henderson Capps Atlanta,GA 30307 Executor of the Estate of SW, Mableton, GA 30126
Georgia Nonprofit Corporation 110-468281 9/15,9/22,9/29 This 2nd day of September,
Executor of the Estate of ELLEN MAY GRIEWAHN
Code. The initial registered of- 10/6 2022
John Wesley Capps Georgia Will and Hollie Edwards, Executor, of
fice of the corporation is loc- NOTICE TO DEBTORS 110-468770 9/15,9/22,9/29
Deceased Probate Lawyers, LLC the Estate of Mollye Normyra
ated at 160 Clairemont Avenue, AND CREDITORS 10/6
1842 Chrysler Dr 4500 Hugh Howell Road Credle, Deceased
Suite 650, Decatur, DeKalb All creditors of the Estate of Notice to Debtors and Creditors
Atlanta, GA 30345 600 Heritage Place Hollie Edwards, All creditors of the estate of
County, Georgia 30030 and its ++Alvin Friedlander++, late of
Tucker GA 30084 c/o The Ammari Firm, LLC ++Gene Ray Odom++ late of
initial registered agent at such DeKalb County, deceased, are
(770) 493-4924 3535 Roswell Road, Suite 18 Dekalb County, deceased, are
address is Lisa A Crawford. hereby notified to render in
their demands to the under- Marietta, Georgia 30062 hereby notified to render in
signed according to law, and all their demands to the under-
persons indebted to said Es- signed according to law, and all
tate are required to make im- persons indebted to said es-
mediate payment. tate are required to make im-
mediate payment.
This 8th day of September,
This 6th day of September,
2022 2022
Brett Friedlander, Name: LaKrista Jordan
Executor of the Estate of Title: Personal Representative
Alvin Friedlander, Deceased Address: 2494 Gable Ct. SW,
405 Matheson Place Atlanta, GA 30331
Cary, NC 27511
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022Page 27
110-468771 9/15,9/22,9/29 110-468858 9/22,9/29,10/6, 110-468862 9/22,9/29,10/6 110-468866 9/22,9/29,10/6 110-468973 9/29,10/6,10/13, 110-468978 9/29,10/6,10/13 110-469301 9/29,10/6,10/13
10/6 10/13 10/13 10/13 10/20 10/20 10/20
CREDITORS CREDITORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the estate of CREDITORS CREDITORS All creditors of the estate of
STATE OF GEORGIA All creditors of the Estate of All creditors of the Estate of ++Mary Jo Duncanson++ late All creditors of the Estate of All creditors of the Estate of ++William Almand Bullard++
COUNTY OF DEKALB ++Clarence Lamar Polly++, late ++Margaret Doeden of Dekalb County, deceased, ++John Henry Klenke Breden- ++Marguerite W. Lowe++, De- late of Dekalb County, de-
IN RE: ESTATE OF AZALEA of DeKalb County, Georgia, de- Lawless++, late of DeKalb are hereby notified to render in berg++, late of DeKalb County, ceased, late of DeKalb County, ceased, are hereby notified to
G. COWAN ceased, are hereby notified to County, deceased, are hereby their demands to the under- deceased, are hereby notified Georgia, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the
All creditors of the estate of render in their demands to the signed according to law, and all to render in their demands to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law,
notified to render in their de-
++Azalea G. Cowan++ late of undersigned according to law, persons indebted to said es- the undersigned according to undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to
mands to the undersigned ac-
DeKalb County, deceased, are and all persons indebted to tate are required to make im- law, and all persons indebted to and all persons indebted to said estate are required to
hereby notified to render in said estate are required to cording to law, and all persons mediate payment. said estate are required to said Estate are required to make immediate payment.
their demands to the under- make immediate payment. indebted to said Estate are re- This 22nd day of September, make immediate payment. make immediate payment. This 22nd day of September,
signed according to law, and all This 8th day of September, quired to make immediate pay- 2022 Dated this 19th day of Septem- September 19, 2022 2022
persons indebted to law, and all 2022. ment. Name: Brooks Mackintosh ber, 2022. Anthony J. Lowe, Executor Name: Courtney Allyn Pring
persons indebted to said es- Patricia Ann Hewitt, Executor of This 22ND day of September, Title: Attorney Melinda Broome Bredenberg, 1011 Merchants Drive, Apt. 303 Title: Executor
tate are required to make im- the Estate of Clarence Lamar 2022. Address: Mackintosh Law, LLC, Executor Dallas, GA 30132 Address: 1063 Taylor Court,
mediate payment. Polly Personal Representative: Anne 246 Sycamore Street, Suite Laurin M. Mcswain, Esq. Winder, Georgia 30680
Melissa P. Walker, Esq. S. Lawless 150, Decatur, GA 30030 Lefkoff, Duncan, Grimes, Mc- 110-468979 9/29,10/6,10/13
This 6 day of September, 2022. 1418 Dresden Drive Suite 240 Womble Bond Dickinson (US) swain Hass & Hanley, P.C. 10/20 110-469473 10/6,10/13,10/20
Atlanta, Georgia 30319 LLP 110-468867 9/22,9/29,10/6 3715 Northside Parkway, Suite NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND 10/27
Carlton S. Cowan Attn: Anne Kelley Russell, Esq. 10/13 300-600 CREDITORS NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND
Administrator of 110-468859 9/22,9/29,10/6 271 17th Street NW, #2400 Notice to Debtors and Creditors Atlanta, Georgia 30327 All creditors of the Estate of CREDITORS
Azalea G. Cowan, deceased 10/13 Atlanta, GA 30363 All creditors of the estate of (404) 262-2000 ++Richard Thomas Fulton++, All creditors of the Estate of
NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND ++Argie Anderson++ late of deceased, of DeKalb County, ++LEROY THOMPSON,
5398 Pounds Drive North CREDITORS 110-468863 9/22,9/29,10/6 Dekalb County, deceased, are are notified to render their de- SR.++, late of DeKalb County,
Stone Mountain, GA 30087 All creditors of the estate of 10/13 hereby notified to render in mands to the undersigned ac- deceased, are hereby notified
++Alicia Renee McCaskill++, NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND their demands to the under- 110-468975 9/29,10/6,10/13 cording to law, and all persons to render in their demands to
John B. Miller, Esq. late of Dekalb County, Georgia, CREDITORS signed according to law, and all 10/20 indebted to said estate must the undersigned according to
GA Bar No. 507305 are hereby notified to render in All creditors of the Estate of persons indebted to said es- NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND make immediate payment. law, and all persons indebted to
John B. Miller & Associates, their demands to the under- ++WENTZELL LARON tate are required to make im- CREDITORS This 29 day of September, said estate are required to
P.C. signed, Khadijah Rae-Niece MITCHELL++, late of DeKalb mediate payment. All creditors of the Estate of 2022. make immediate payment.
P.O. Box 675433 Royster, according to law, and County, deceased, are hereby This 22nd day of September, ++AMIRA JAMILAH JOHN- Estate of Richard Thomas This 27 day of September,
Marietta, GA 30006 all persons indebted to said es- notified to render in their de- 2022 SON-MAXWELL++, late of Fulton 2022.
tate are required to make im- mands to the undersigned ac- Name: Fannie Loretta Neal, Ex- DeKalb County, deceased, Es- c/o Cynthia Fulton Steven R. Ashby Attorney for
mediate payment to the under- cording to law, and all persons ecutor tate No. 2022-0805, are hereby 1045 Byrnwyck Road Ora Lee Thompson, Executor
110-468773 9/15,9/22,9/29 signed. indebted to said estate are re- Title: Law Office of Amy notified to render in their de- Atlanta, Georgia 30319 of the Estate of LEROY
10/6 This 12th day of September, quired to make immediate pay- Yarkoni PC mands to the undersigned ac- M. Nicole Brown THOMPSON, SR.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors 2022 ment. Address: 2002 Summit Blvd, cording to law, and all persons Alston & Bird LLP One Atlantic Georgia Will and Probate Law-
All creditors of the estate of Khadijah Rae-Niece Royster This 13th day of September, Suite 300, Brookhaven, GA indebted to said Estate are re- Center yers, LLC
++Charles Edward Howard++ c/o Law Offices of K. Douglas 2022. Steven R. Ashby 30319 quired to make immediate pay- 1201 West Peachtree Street, 4500 Hugh Howell Road
late of Dekalb County, de- Cook, LLC Attorney for Rico M. Mitchell, ment. Suite 4900 600 Heritage Place
ceased, are hereby notified to 3 Dunwoody Park Executor of the Estate of 110-468868 9/22,9/29,10/6 This 19TH day of September Atlanta, Georgia 30309-3424 Tucker, GA 30084
render in their demands to the Suite 103 WENTZELL LARON 10/13 2022 (770) 493-4924
undersigned according to law, Atlanta, GA 30338 MITCHELL Notice to Debtors and Creditors Fred Robert Maxwell, Jr., Ad- 110-468980 9/29,10/6,10/13
10/20 110-469474 10/6,10/13,10/20,
and all persons indebted to Georgia Will and Probate Law- All creditors of the estate of ministrator of the Estate of
said estate are required to 110-468860 9/22,9/29,10/6 yers, LLC 4500 Hugh Howell ++Rhina S. Tuck++ late of Amira Jamilah Johnson-Max-
make immediate payment. 10/13 Road Dekalb County, deceased, are well, deceased
All creditors of the Estate of CREDITORS
This 8th day of September, NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND 600 Heritage Place hereby notified to render in Fred Robert Maxwell, Jr.
++Lillian V. Young++ All creditors of the estate of
2022 CREDITORS Tucker GA 30084 their demands to the under- c/o Gail S. Baylor, Attorney at
late of DeKalb County, de- ++CAROL LYNN WORSING-
Name: Tangela Howard All creditors of the Estate of (770) 493-4924 signed according to law, and all Law, P.O. Box 870725
ceased, are hereby notified to ER++, Georgia, Estate No.
Title: Administrator ++Louis Wilks Newell, Jr.++, persons indebted to said es- Stone Mountain, GA 30087
render in their demands to the 2022-1538 are hereby notified
Address: 1521 Stoneleigh late of Dekalb County, Georgia, 110-468864 9/22,9/29,10/6 tate are required to make im- to render their demands to the
Circle, Stone Mountain, GA deceased, are hereby notified 10/13 mediate payment. undersigned according to law,
and all persons indebted to undersigned according to law
30088 to render in their demands to Notice to Debtors and Creditors This 22nd day of September, and all persons indebted to
the undersigned according to All creditors of the estate of 2022 said Estate are required to
110-468976 9/29,10/6,10/13 make immediate payment. said estate are required to
law, and all persons indebted to ++Peter R. Dennis++ late of Name: Samuel L. Tuck make immediate payments to
10/20 This 20th day of September
110-468774 9/15,9/22,9/29 said estate are required to Dekalb County, deceased, are Title: Executor the undersigned.
10/6 make immediate payment. hereby notified to render in Address: 2875 Harwick Drive, This the 22nd day of Septem-
AND DEBTORS Nicole Y. Souder, Administrat-
Notice to Debtors and Creditors This the 12th day of Septem- their demands to the under- Atlanta, GA 30350 ber, 2022
All Creditors of the Estate of or of the Estate of
All creditors of the estate of ber, 2022. signed according to law, and all Larry Melnick, Esq.
++IMOGENE COUCH Lillian V. Young, Deceased
++Robert Eugene Clark, Jr.++ M. MICHAEL KENDALL persons indebted to said es- 110-468869 9/22,9/29,10/6 Attorney for Walter Lowe Smith
MAXEY++, late of DEKALB 2407 Summerland Drive
late of Dekalb County, de- Attorney For Gillette Madkikns- tate are required to make im- 10/13 Executor of the Estate of Carol
County, are hereby notified to Decatur, GA 30032
ceased, are hereby notified to Newell Administratrix of the Es- mediate payment. IN THE PROBATE COURT OF Lynn Worsinger
render their demands to the un-
render in their demands to the tate of Louis Wilks Newell, Jr. This 22nd day of September, Dekalb COUNTY P.O. BOX 502548
dersigned according to law and 110-468981 9/29,10/6,10/13
undersigned according to law, THE KENDALL LAW FIRM 2022 STATE OF GEORGIA Atlanta, Georgia 31150-2548
all persons indebted to said Es- 10/20
and all persons indebted to 130 North Hill Street Griffin, GA Name: Shannon M. Vogt IN RE: ESTATE OF
tate are required to make im- Notice to Debtors and Creditors
said estate are required to 30223 Title: Attorney Victoria Renee Rice,
Address: 3060 Mercer Uni- mediate payment. All creditors of the estate of
make immediate payment. 7 7 0 - 2 2 8 - 0 5 5 8 Te l e p h o n e DECEASED This 19th day of September, 110-469475 10/6,10/13,10/20
versity Dr, Ste. 200, Regent ++Larry J. Forney++ late of
This 8th day of September, ESTATE NO. 2022-1379 2022. 10/27
Centre, Atlanta, GA 30341 Dekalb County, deceased, are
hereby notified to render in
Name: James Joseph Ward 110-468861 9/22,9/29,10/6 CREDITORS ecutor AND CREDITORS
110-468865 9/22,9/29,10/6 their demands to the under-
Title: Executor 10/13 All Creditors of the Estate of c/o Thomas F. McNally, Jr., At- signed according to law, and all All creditors of the Estate of
Address: 900 Circle 75 Park- NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND 10/13 ++Victoria Renee Rice++, late torney at Law
Notice to Debtors and Creditors persons indebted to said es- ++JASON DAVID
way, Ste. 800, Atlanta, GA CREDITORS of Dekalb County, deceased, 125 Clairemont Avenue, Suite
All creditors of the estate of tate are required to make im- SCHULTZ++, late of DeKalb
30339 STATE OF GEORGIA are hereby notified to render in 450
++Dollene Patricia Baskin++ mediate payment. County, deceased, are hereby
COUNTY OF DEKALB their demands to the under- Decatur, GA 30030 This 18th day of September,
late of Dekalb County, de- signed according to law, and all notified to render in their de-
All creditors of the estate of 2022
110-468808 9/15,9/22,9/29 ceased, are hereby notified to persons indebted to said Es- mands to the undersigned ac-
++Brandon Lamar Smith++, de- Name: Paula Hickey Forney
10/6 ceased, late of DeKalb County, render in their demands to the tate are required to make im- cording to law, and all persons
undersigned according to law, Title: Executor indebted to said Estate are re-
NOTICE TO DEBTORS are hereby notified to render in mediate payment. 110-468977 9/29,10/6,10/13 Address: 4029 Menlo Way, At-
AND CREDITORS their demands to the under- and all persons indebted to This 15th day of SEPTEMBER, 10/20 quired to make immediate pay-
said estate are required to lanta, Georgia 30340
All creditors of the Estate of signed according to law, and all 2022. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND ment.
++JIMMY LYNN SMITH++, late persons indebted to said es- make immediate payment. /s/ Todd A. Larsen CREDITORS This 26th day of SEPTEMBER,
of DeKalb County, deceased, tate are required to make im- This 12th day of September, Todd A. Larsen, Esq. STATE OF GEORGIA 110-468982 9/29,10/6,10/13 2022.
are hereby notified to render in mediate payment to me. 2022 Attorney for Executor COUNTY OF DEKALB 10/20 KAREN S MCNEIL Administrat-
their demands to the under- This day 22 of September Name: Olivia Smith 914 Church Street All debtors and creditors of the Notice to Debtors and Creditors or of the Estate of JASON
signed according to law, and all 2022. Title: Attorney for Estate Decatur, Georgia 30030 Estate of ++Barbara Murphy++, All creditors of the estate of DAVID SCHULTZ, Deceased
persons indebted to said es- Donovan Moore Address: 12461 Veterans Me- deceased, late of Dekalb ++Candyce Lynn Crane++ late 793 EPHESUS CHURCH RD
tate are required to make im- Administrator of the Estate of morial Hwy., Douglasville, GA County, Georgia, are hereby of Dekalb County, deceased, WHITESBURG, GA 30185
mediate payment. Brandon Lamar Smith 30134 notified to render in their de- are hereby notified to render in
This 30th day of AUGUST, 109 Stone Fork Ln mands to the undersigned ac- their demands to the under-
2022 Hutto, Texas 78634 cording to law, and all persons signed according to law, and all
Latawsha Little-Hill, Esq indebted to said Estate are re- persons indebted to said es-
Attorney for quired to make immediate pay- tate are required to make im-
SUSAN JILL LORD ment to the undersigned. This mediate payment.
Executor of the Estate of 19th day of September, 2022. This 20th day of September,
Georgia Will and Probate fices Stanley M. Lefco, P.C., Name: Charles Edward Gra-
Lawyers, LLC 4651 Roswell Road, Suite G- ham Baird
4500 Hugh Howell Road 602, Atlanta, Georgia 30342, Title: Personal Representative
600 Heritage Place Attorney for the Estate of Bar- Address: 518 Hempstead St.,
Tucker GA 30084 bara Murphy. Scottdale, GA 30079
(770) 493-4924
through its agent, the DeKalb
County Division of Family and
Children’s Services, alleging
that the whereabouts of the
parents of the above-named
children, are unknown. The Pe-
Page 28 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022  tition asks the Court to grant
temporary legal custody of the
110-469476 10/6,10/13,10/20 110-469481 10/6,10/13,10/20 110-469666 10/6,10/13,10/20, 120-468821 9/15,9/22,9/29 120-468871 9/22,9/29,10/6 above-named children to the
Notice to Debtors and Creditors
Notice to Debtors and Creditors
Divorce 10/6
Department on the grounds
that the children are depend-
All creditors of the estate of All creditors of the estate of AND CREDITORS 120-468280 9/15,9/22,9/29 OF DEKALB COUNTY STATE OF DEKALB COUNTY STATE ent as that term is defined by
++Arroscoe Holland++ late of ++Roger Winfield Scott++ late All creditors of the Estate of OF GEORGIA OF GEORGIA O.C.G.A. section 15-11-2. A
Dekalb County, deceased, are of Dekalb County, deceased, ++ANNE JACKSON JOHN- ROBERT LOPEZ, VIVETTE MILLER free copy of the petition may be
hereby notified to render in are hereby notified to render in NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Petitioner, Petitioner obtained from the Clerk of the
SON++, late of DeKalb County, In the Superior Court
their demands to the under- their demands to the under- deceased, are hereby notified V V. Juvenile Court of DeKalb
signed according to law, and all signed according to law, and all of DeKalb County ARGENTINA MATA, SAMUEL STEPHENS County, 4309 Memorial Drive,
to render in their demands to State of Georgia
persons indebted to said es- persons indebted to said es- Respondent. Respondent Decatur, Georgia 30032, on
the undersigned according to Civil Action# ++22FM4952++
tate are required to make im- tate are required to make im- CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. Civil Action any day, Monday through Fri-
mediate payment. mediate payment. law, and all persons indebted to Maximino Bautista-Vazquez ++22FM5069++ ++File No. 21FM3121++ day, between the hours of 8:30
This 6th day of October, 2022 This 6th day of October, 2022 said Estate are required to Plaintiff NOTICE OF PUBLICATION NOTICE OF FILING FOR a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
Name: Beverly Khromah Name: Patricia Scott Young make immediate payment. vs. By Order for service by publica- PETITION FOR NOTICE BY You are commanded to be and
Title: Administrator Title: Executrix This 6th day of OCTOBER, Magdalena Valente-Ramirez tion dated the 24th day of June, PUBLICATION appear on the 19th day of Oc-
Address: 3482 Oakleaf Pass, Address: 721 SE 6th Ct, Fort 2022. Defendant 2022 you are hereby notified TO SAMUEL STEPHENS : tober 2022 at 9:00 a.m. to show
Fairburn, GA 30213 Lauderdale, FL 33301 MILDRED J THOMPSON of the To: Magdelena Valente- that on the 25 day of May, Pursuant to an Order for Public- cause why the request of the
Estate of ANNE JACKSON Ramirez 2022, ROBERT LOPEZ filed ation signed by the Honorable Department for dependency of
JOHNSON, Deceased 2430 Johnson Rd NE suit against you for Divorce. Judge Courtney L. Johnson on the above-named children
935 HAVERHILL TRAIL Apt C You are required to file with the July 28, 2022 , you are hereby should not be granted. The
110-469482 10/6,10/13,10/20 hearing will be convened re-
LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30044 Atlanta, GA 30345 clerk of the Superior Court, and notified that a Petition for Di-
110-469477 10/6,10/13,10/20 10/27 motely, via Zoom video confer-
110-469667 10/6,10/13,10/20 By Order of the Court, for ser- serve upon the Petitioner's at- vorce has been filed in the Su-
10/27 Notice to Debtors and Creditors encing. You may sign into your
10/27 torney, Glenn E. Cooper, perior Court of DeKalb County,
Notice to Debtors and Creditors All creditors of the estate of vice by publication dated the
NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND whose address is 5855 Jimmy Georgia, Case No. 21FM3121, hearing by using a Zoom Meet-
All creditors of the estate of ++Patsy Allen Bradley++ late of 8th day of August, 2022 You ing ID for
CREDITORS Carter Boulevard, Suite 155, on April 1, 2021 to obtain a di-
++David C. Stansell++ late of Dekalb County, deceased, are are hereby notified that on the Judge Desiree Sutton-Peagler,
All creditors of the Estate of Norcross, DeKalb County, vorce.
Dekalb County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in 20th day of May, 2022 The Zoom ID # 9970-509-5447. You
++Walter L. Woods++ Georgia 30071 an answer with- The Petition alleges Petitioner
hereby notified to render in their demands to the under- above-named Plaintiff filed suit may also appear at the DeKalb
late of DeKalb County, de- in sixty (60) days of the date of has diligently tried to find Re-
their demands to the under- signed according to law, and all against you for: Divorce. County Juvenile Court, 4309
ceased, are hereby notified to the order for publication. spondent but to no avail requir-
signed according to law, and all persons indebted to said es- You are required to file with Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor-
render in their demands to the Witness the Honorable Mark ing service by publication to
persons indebted to said es- tate are required to make im- the Clerk of Superior Court, and gia 30032.
undersigned according to law, Anthony Scott, Judge of this seek a divorce.
tate are required to make im- mediate payment. to serve upon the plaintiff or Please contact the court if you
and all persons indebted to Superior Court. You may obtain a copy of this
mediate payment. This 27th day of September, need additional information.
said Estate are required to plaintiff's attorney whose name This 27th day of June, 2022. Petition from the Clerk of Su-
This 6th day of October, 2022 2022 Court Administration: 404-294-
make immediate payment. and address is: 2410 JOHN- Deputy Clerk, Superior Court perior Court of DeKalb County,
Name: Gary Winston Menzies Name: Leslie Sanders Bradley 2777 and Clerk’s Office: 678-
This 28th day of September SON RD NE APT F, ATLANTA DeKalb County Superior Court,
Title: Executor Title: Administrator CTA 409-4252.
2022 GA 30345 Answer in writing 556 North McDonough Street,
Address: 3437 Carlisle Court Address: 9118 Wood River You may file in the office of the
Tanya L. Woods Administrator within sixty (60) days of the Ground Floor, Decatur, GA
SE, Conyers, GA 30013 Lane, Charlotte, NC 28277 Clerk of this Court and serve
of the Estate of Walter L. date of the Order of Publica- 120-468870 9/22,9/29,10/6 30030 or (404) 371-2836.
Woods, Deceased tion. 10/13 After you review the Petition, upon Petitioner’s attorney Gl-
5494 Lucile A venue Witness the Honorable STA- IN THE SUPERIOR COURT you must file your written an- enda Harper, P.O. Box 191,
110-469483 10/6,10/13,10/20 Stone Mountain, GA 30083 OF DEKALB COUNTY STATE swer and objections to the Peti- Clarkston, GA 30021. A party is
CEY K HYDRICK, Judge of the
110-469478 10/6,10/13,10/20 10/27 OF GEORGIA tion with the Clerk of Superior entitled to counsel in these pro-
110-469741 10/6,10/13,10/20, DeKalb Superior Court. ceedings and the Court will ap-
10/27 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND Civil Action File Number: Court. You must also serve a
10/27 This the 8th day of AUGUST, point an attorney for you if you
Notice to Debtors and Creditors CREDITORS ++22FM5713++ copy of your answer upon the
NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND 2022. are unable, with undue finan-
All creditors of the estate of All creditors of the Estate of NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OF Petitioner: Jennifer S. Yoxall,
CREDITORS Debra DeBerry Esquire, One West Court cial hardship, to employ coun-
++Douglas Scot MacKenzie, ++Un Suk Gero++, Deceased, State of Georgia, COMPLAINT FOR DIVORCE
Sr.++ late of Dekalb County, late of DeKalb County, Geor- Clerk of Superior Court Square, Suite 750, Decatur, GA sel.
County of DeKalb. 556 N. McDonough Street TO THE ABOVE REFER-
deceased, are hereby notified gia, are hereby notified to ENCED RESPONDENT 30030. Witness: the HONORABLE
All debtors and creditors of the G-130 Annex Your answer must be made Judge Desiree Sutton-Peagler.
to render in their demands to render in their demands to the estate of ++SYLVANIA JOHN- HEREIN, ADAM JAY SIM-
the undersigned according to undersigned according to law, Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 MONS within sixty (60) days of the This 9th day of September
SON TRIPLETT++ deceased, date of the Order for Service by 2022.
law, and all persons indebted to and all persons indebted to late of DEKALB County, Geor- 120-468342 9/29,10/6,10/13 By the Order Granting Service
said estate are required to said Estate are required to 10/20 by Publication dated the 24h Publication. ANTONINETTE BRANTLEY
gia, are hereby notified to Signed this day 5 of August, Juvenile Court of DeKalb
make immediate payment. make immediate payment. render in their demands to the NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Day of August, 2022. You are
This 23rd day of September, September 16, 2022 In the Superior Court hereby notified that a Com- 2022. County
below named person(s) accord- CLERK, Superior Court of
2022 Joanna Fletcher, Administrator ing to law. of DeKalb County plaint.for Divorce has been filed
Name: Douglas S. MacKenzie, c/o William A. Turner, Esq. State of Georgia in the Superior Court of DeKalb DeKalb County 160-468873 9/22,9/29,10/6
This 6 day of OCTOBER, 2022. Prepared and Presented by:
Jr c/o Broel Law, LLC Cohen Pollock Merlin Turner, WHITNEY TRIPLETT, Adminis- Civil Action# ++22FM4422- County, Georgia, Case No. 10/13
Title: Administrator P.C. 22FM5713 on June 17, 2022. /s/ Jennifer S. Yoxall NOTICE TO APPEAR
trator of the Estate of 10++
Address: 331 North Marietta 3350 Riverwood Parkway, Petitioner seeks a total divorce, Jennifer S. Yoxall, Esquire STATE OF GEORGIA
Pkwy, Marietta, GA 30060 Suite 1600 that is to say a divorce, a vin- Yoxall Family Law COUNTY OF DEKALB
TRIPLETT Plaintiff
Atlanta, Georgia 30339 culo matrimonii in the above- One West Court Square IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF
Zainab M Brown, MAJOR vs.
styled action. Suite 750 DEKALB COUNTY.
BROWN LAW, (678) 761-0154 Hector Pineda Gonzalez Decatur, GA 30030
3330 Cumberland Blvd SE, You may obtain a free copy of In the interest of:
Defendant (678) 420-5534 ++L.M., Sex: F, DOB:
110-469479 10/6,10/13,10/20 110-469484 10/6,10/13,10/20 Suite 500, Atlanta, GA 30339, this Complaint for Divorce from
To: Hector Pineda Gonzalez 02/26/2021, Age: 1, Case Num-
10/27 10/27 email: zmbrown@majorbrown- one of two places. You may
3990 Camelot Ct either obtain a copy from the ber: 22J01821++
Notice to Debtors and Creditors Notice to Debtors and Creditors
Tucker, GA 30084 Clerk of the Superior Court of NOTICE OF DEPENDENCY
All creditors of the estate of
++Joseph E. Sims++ late of
All creditors of the estate of
++Stephen Ray Donathan++
110-469742 10/6,10/13,10/20,
By Order of the Court, for ser- DeKalb County, DeKalb County Deprived PROCEEDINGS
vice by publication dated the Courthouse, 556 North Mc- TO: CLARISSA MINTON,
Dekalb County, deceased, are late of Dekalb County, de- NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND 29th day of August, 2022 You 160-468872 9/22,9/29,10/6 MOTHER, LAMARCUS (LAST
hereby notified to render in ceased, are hereby notified to CREDITORS Donough Street, Ground Floor,
are hereby notified that on the Decatur, Georgia 30030, or 10/13 NAME UNKNOWN), PUTAT-
their demands to the under- render in their demands to the State of Georgia, IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF IVE FATHER AND ALL
undersigned according to law, 9th day of September, 2022 from the undersigned attorney's
signed according to law, and all County of DeKalb. DEKALB COUNTY KNOWN, UNKNOWN, AND
persons indebted to said es- and all persons indebted to All debtors and creditors of the The above-named Plaintiff filed office Steams-Montgomery &
suit against you for: Divorce. Proctor, 291 SE Alexander STATE OF GEORGIA UNNAMED PUTATIVE, LEG-
tate are required to make im- said estate are required to estate of ++MICHAEL In the Interest of: FILE #s: AL or BIOLOGICAL FATHERS
mediate payment. make immediate payment. TRIPLETT++ deceased, late of You are required to file with Street, Marietta, Georgia
the Clerk of Superior Court, and 30060-2084, 770.426.1148. + + 9 9 0 3 7 8 6 4 1 , of the above-named children,
This 6th day of October, 2022 This 20th day of September, DEKALB County, Georgia, are 990378642,990378643 K.T. WHOSE WHEREABOUTS
Name: Sherry Gleaton Sims 2022 hereby notified to render in to serve upon the plaintiff or You are required to file your
Answer and objections to the SEX:M DOB:08/18/11 ARE UNKNOWN.
Title: Administrator Name: Richard Alexander Orr their demands to the below plaintiff's attorney whose name
Complaint.for Divorce with the CASE#2J01911 K.T. SEX:M GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or-
Address: 4063 Snapfinger Title: Administrator named person(s) according to and address is: Yeni M.
Clerk of the Superior Court of D O B : 0 7 / 0 6 / 1 9 der of this Court, you are
Way, Decatur, GA 30035 Address: Levenson & Assoc, law. Auxume Guerra, 3990 Cam- CASE#22J01912 M.T. SEX:M hereby notified that on August
3330 Cumberland Blvd, SE, This 6 day of OCTOBER, 2022. elot Ct, Tucker, GA 30084 an DeKalb County. You must also
serve a copy of your answer D O B : 0 6 / 2 0 / 2 0 31, 2022 a Petition of Depend-
Ste 925 Atlanta GA 30339 WHITNEY TRIPLETT, Adminis- Answer in writing within sixty CASE#22J01913++ ency was filed in this Court by
trator of the Estate of MI- upon Petitioner's attorney, Bur-
(60) days of the date of the Or- ton M. Miller, Steams-Mont- Children under the age of 18 the Georgia Department of Hu-
CHAEL TRIPLETT der of Publication. TO: Nitaya Torrence, mother, man Services, through its
110-469480 10/6,10/13,10/20 Zainab M Brown, MAJOR gomery & Proctor, 291 SE Al-
10/27 110-469549 10/6,10/13,10/20 Witness the Honorable Tan- exander Street, Marietta, Geor- putative father, Donald Good- agent, with the DeKalb County
BROWN LAW, (678) 761-0154 gela Barrie, Judge of the win, and any unknown/un- Division of Family and Children
Notice to Debtors and Creditors 10/27 3330 Cumberland Blvd SE, gia 30060-2084, 770.426.1148,
All creditors of the estate of Notice to Debtors and Creditors DeKalb Superior Court. named father, whereabouts un- Services (hereinafter referred to
Suite 500, Atlanta, GA 30339, This the 19th day of Septem- known. as “the Division”), whose ad-
++Richard Hill Latham++ late of All creditors of the estate of email: zmbrown@majorbrown- Your Answer must be made
Dekalb County, deceased, are ++Helen Gibbons White++ late ber, 2022. within Sixty (60) Days of the Or- Greetings: Pursuant to an Or- dress is 2300 Parklake Drive der of this Court dated Septem- NE, Atlanta, DeKalb County,
hereby notified to render in of Dekalb County, deceased, Debra DeBerry der Granting Service y Publica-
their demands to the under- are hereby notified to render in Clerk of Superior Court tion. ber 09, 2022 you are hereby Georgia 30345, alleging the
signed according to law, and all their demands to the under- 556 N. McDonough Street WITNESS, the Honorable Tan- notified that a Dependency Pe- whereabouts of the above men-
persons indebted to said es- signed according to law, and all G-130 Annex gela Barrie,Judge of the Super- tition was filed against you in tioned parties are unknown.
tate are required to make im- persons indebted to said es- Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 ior Court of DeKalb County. this Court by the Georgia De- The Petitioner asks the Court to
mediate payment. tate are required to make im- This 25th day of August, 2022. partment of Human Services, transfer temporary legal cus-
This 6th day of October, 2022 mediate payment. Debra DeBerry through its agent, the DeKalb tody of the above-named child
Name: Alesa Latham Myers, This 6th day of October, 2022 Clerk of the Superior Court of County Division of Family and to the Division of Family and
aka Alesa Gail Latham Myers Name: Brooks Mackintosh DeKalb County, DeKalb County Children’s Services, alleging Children Services on the
Title: Personal Representative Title: Attorney Courthouse, that the whereabouts of the grounds that the child is de-
Address: c/o Mark Branden- Address: Mackintosh Law, LLC, 556 North McDonough Street, parents of the above-named pendent as that term is defined
burg, 4609 Wieuca Rd, NE, At- 246 Sycamore Street, Suite Decatur, Georgia 30030 For: children, are unknown. The Pe- by O.C.G.A. § 15-11-2(22).
lanta, GA 30342 150, Decatur, GA 30030 Burton M. Miller tition asks the Court to grant A free copy of the Petition may
temporary legal custody of the be obtained from the Clerk of
above-named children to the the Juvenile Court of DeKalb
Department on the grounds County, 4309 Memorial Drive,
that the children are depend- Decatur, Georgia 30030, on
ent as that term is defined by any day, Monday through Fri-
tody of the above-named child vices (hereinafter referred to as GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or- al mother of the above-named be and appear at the DeKalb the parental relationship, in- temporary custody of the Divi-
to the Division of Family and “the Division”), whose address der of this Court, you are child, and Respondent in the County Juvenile Court, 4309 cluding the right to inheritance, sion pursuant to a prior order of
Children Services on the is 2300 Parklake Drive NE, At- hereby notified that on Septem- above matter, WHOSE Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- and that the children be com- the Court finding the child to be
grounds that the child is de- lanta, DeKalb County, Georgia ber 13, 2022 a Petition of De- WHEREABOUT IS UN- gia 30030 by person or via mitted to the Georgia Depart- dependent. The Petition asks
pendent as that term is defined 30345, alleging the where- pendency was filed in this KNOWN: Zoom (Zoom ID 581-751-2155) ment of Human Services, with the Court to terminate parental
by O.C.G.A. § 15-11-2(22). abouts of the above-named Court by the Georgia Depart- GREETINGS: THE PETITION on the right to proceed for adop- rights and obligations of the

A free copy of the Petition may The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022Page 29
parties are unknown. The ment of Human Services, OF KORBIN TINSON FOR LE- November 30, 2022, at 10:00 tion. A free copy of the petition parents, with respect to the
be obtained from the Clerk of above-named child is in the through its agent, with the GITIMATION was filed against o’clock a.m., before Judge may be obtained from the Clerk child, arising out of the parent-
the Juvenile Court of DeKalb temporary custody of the Divi- DeKalb County Division of you in this court, by the biolo- Temika W. Murry to show of the Juvenile Court of DeKalb al relationship, including the
County, 4309 Memorial Drive, sion pursuant to a prior order of Family and Children Services gical father of the above-named cause why the request of the County, 4309 Memorial Dr., right to inheritance, and that the
Decatur, Georgia 30030, on the Court finding the child to be (hereinafter referred to as “the child. Division regarding legal cus- Decatur, Georgia 30032, on child be committed to the Geor-
any day, Monday through Fri- dependent. At said hearing, the Division”), whose address is You are commanded to be and tody of the above-named chil- any day, Monday through Fri- gia Department of Human Ser-
day, between the hours 8:30 Court will review and consider 2300 Parklake Drive NE, At- appear and/or make known any dren should not be granted. day, between the hours of 8:30 vices with the right to proceed
a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Please con- the Division’s recommended lanta, DeKalb County, Georgia objections to the Petition de- Due to the pandemic caused by a.m. and 5:00 p.m. for adoption.
tact the Clerk’s office at 678- permanency plan of adoption 30345, alleging the where- scribed above in writing. Set- COVID-19 this matter may be You are commanded to be and A free copy of the Petition may
409-4252 or email submitted by the Division pur- abouts of the above mentioned ting forth the grounds for any held virtually via Zoom. In addi- appear at the DeKalb County be obtained from the Clerk of
piojuvenile@dekalbcountyga.g suant to O.C.G.A. § 15-11-231. parties are unknown. The Peti- such objections, and your ob- tion, computer access will be Juvenile Justice Center, 4309 the Juvenile Court of DeKalb
ov for information regarding A free copy of previous orders, tioner asks the Court to trans- jections must be filed with this available at the DeKalb County Memorial Dr., Decatur, Geor- County, 4309 Memorial Drive,
electronic filing and virtual ac- and the Social Services Case fer temporary legal custody of Court within thirty (30) days Juvenile Court if needed. gia 30032 on the 30th day of Decatur, Georgia 30030, on
cess. Plan may be obtained from the the above-named child to the after the date of the service by You may file in the office of the November 2022 at 9:00 a.m. to any day, Monday through Fri-
You are hereby commanded to Clerk of the Juvenile Court of Division of Family and Children publication, or be commanded Clerk of this Court and serve show cause why the request of day, between the hours 8:30
be and appear at the DeKalb DeKalb County, 4309 Memori- Services on the grounds that to appear VIA VIDEO CON- upon Petitioner’s attorney, the Division to terminate your a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Please con-
County Juvenile Court, 4309 al Drive, Decatur, Georgia the child is dependent as that FERENCE before the Honor- Leslie Y. Abbott, PO Box 3306; parental rights to the above- tact the Clerk’s office at 678-
Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- 30030, on any day, Monday term is defined by O.C.G.A. § able TEMIKA MURRY o f Decatur, Georgia 30031, within named child should not be 409-4252 or email
gia 30030 by person or via through Friday, between the 15-11-2(22). Dekalb County Juvenile Court sixty (60) days of the date of granted. piojuvenile@dekalbcountyga.g
Zoom (Zoom ID 581-751-2155.) hours 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. A free copy of the Petition may 4309 Memorial Dr, Decatur, GA the first publication, your an- This hearing will be held virtu- ov for information regarding
on Please contact the Clerk’s of- be obtained from the Clerk of 30032 on the date November swer to the Division’s petition. ally via ZOOM at the same date electronic filing and virtual ac-
November 9, 2022, at 9:30 fice at 678-409-4252 or email the Juvenile Court of DeKalb 30th, 2022, at 1:30 p.m., to A party is entitled to counsel in and time listed above. The cess.
o’clock a.m., before Judge piojuvenile@dekalbcountyga.g County, 4309 Memorial Drive, show cause why the request of these proceedings and the ZOOM ID number for this hear- You are hereby commanded to
Temika W. Murry to show ov for information regarding Decatur, Georgia 30030, on KORBIN TINSON should not Court will appoint an attorney ing is 9970-509-5447. Com- be and appear at the DeKalb
cause why the request of the electronic filing and virtual ac- any day, Monday through Fri- be granted. The hearing will for you if you are unable, puters will be available at the County Juvenile Court, 4309
Division regarding legal cus- cess. day, between the hours 8:30 take place via ZOOM. Please without undue financial hard- DeKalb County Juvenile Court Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor-
tody of the above-named chil- You are hereby commanded to a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Please con- contact the Court at (404) 294- ship to employ counsel. Notice if needed. You may file in the gia 30030 by person or via
dren should not be granted. be and appear at the DeKalb tact the Clerk’s office at 678- 2700 for access to the ZOOM is hereby given that a provi- office of the Clerk of this Court Zoom (Zoom ID 963-656-
Due to the pandemic caused by County Juvenile Court, 4309 409-4252 or email link. sional hearing may be conduc- and serve upon Petitioner’s at- 85416) on
COVID-19 this matter may be Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- piojuvenile@dekalbcountyga.g The Respondent shall lose all ted on the date listed above by torney, Jerry W. Thacker, PO. November 7, 2022, at 9:00
held virtually via Zoom. In addi- gia 30030 by person or via ov for information regarding rights to object to the reques- the court pursuant to O.C.G.A. Box 83480 Conyers, Georgia o’clock a.m., before Judge
tion, computer access will be Zoom (Zoom ID 963-656- electronic filing and virtual ac- ted Petition for Legitimation and § 15-11-163. Findings of Fact 30013 prior to November 30, Linda Bratton-Haynes show
available at the DeKalb County 85416) on November 4, 2022, cess. the Court can enter an order on and orders of disposition made 2022, your answer to the Divi- cause why the request of the
Juvenile Court if needed. at 9:00 o’clock a.m., before You are hereby commanded to these matters. at the provisional hearing may sions’ Petition. Division to grant the Termina-
You may file in the office of the Judge Linda Bratton Haynes to be and appear at the DeKalb This the 30th day of Septem- become final at a final hearing The biological fathers may lose tion of Parental Rights should
Clerk of this Court and serve show cause why the request of County Juvenile Court, 4309 ber, 2022. unless parties served by public- all rights to the children and the not be granted. Due to the pan-
upon Petitioner’s attorney, the Division of the above- Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- /s/Laureen Tobias ation appear at the final hear- Court may enter an order ter- demic caused by COVID-19
Leslie Y. Abbott, PO Box 3306; named child should not be gia 30030 by person or via Attorney for Petitoner ing. minating all such father’s rights this matter may be held virtu-
Decatur, Georgia 30031, within granted. Due to the pandemic Zoom (Zoom ID 581-751-2155) 160-469674 10/6,10/13,10/20 WITNESS, Temika W. Murry, to the child and such father ally via Zoom. In addition, com-
sixty (60) days of the date of caused by COVID-19 this mat- on 10/27 Judge may not object to the termina- puter access will be available at
the first publication, your an- ter may be held virtually via November 1, 2022, at 9:30 NOTICE TO APPEAR This the 28th day of Septem- tion of his parental rights un- the DeKalb County Juvenile
swer to the Division’s petition. Zoom. In addition, computer o’clock a.m., before Judge STATE OF GEORGIA ber 2022 less, within thirty (30) from the Court if needed.
A party is entitled to counsel in access will be available at the Temika W, Murry to show COUNTY OF DEKALB Antoninette L. Brantley, receipt of this Petition, unless You may file in the office of the
these proceedings and the DeKalb County Juvenile Court cause why the request of the IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb he files a petition to legitimate Clerk of this Court and serve
Court will appoint an attorney if needed. Division regarding legal cus- DEKALB COUNTY. County the children and files notice of upon Petitioner’s attorney,
for you if you are unable, You may file in the office of the tody of the above-named chil- In the interest of: the filing of the petition to legit- Leslie Y. Abbott, PO Box 3306;
without undue financial hard- Clerk of this Court and serve dren should not be granted. ++M.G., Sex: M, DOB: imate with the DeKalb County Decatur, Georgia 30031, within
ship to employ counsel. Notice upon Petitioner’s attorney, Due to the pandemic caused by 12/07/2004, Age: 17 YRS., Termination Juvenile Court. sixty (60) days of the date of
is hereby given that a provi- Leslie Y. Abbott, PO Box 3306; COVID-19 this matter may be Case Number: 22J02013++ A party is entitled to counsel in the first publication, your an-
sional hearing may be conduc- Decatur, Georgia 30031, your held virtually via Zoom. In addi- NOTICE OF DEPENDENCY 170-468874 9/22,9/29,10/6 these proceedings and the swer to the Division’s petition.
ted on the date listed above by answer to the Division’s re- tion, computer access will be PROCEEDINGS 10/13 Court will appoint an attorney The putative father(s) shall lose
the court pursuant to O.C.G.A. quest. available at the DeKalb County TO: DAWN RHODE, MOTHER IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF for you if you are unable, all rights to the children and will
§ 15-11-163. Findings of Fact A party is entitled to counsel in Juvenile Court if needed. and ALL KNOWN, UNKNOWN, DEKALB COUNTY without undue financial hard- not be entitled to object to the
and orders of disposition made these proceedings and the You may file in the office of the AND UNNAMED PUTATIVE, STATE OF GEORGIA ship, to employ counsel. termination of his rights unless
at the provisional hearing may Court will appoint an attorney Clerk of this Court and serve LEGAL or BIOLOGICAL FATH- IN THE INTEREST OF: ++FILE WITNESS, Desire Sutton within thirty (30) days from the
become final at a final hearing for you if you are unable, upon Petitioner’s attorney, ERS of the above-named chil- No.@ 990376669 M.W. SEX: F Peagler, Judge receipt of this Petition, he files
unless parties served by public- without undue financial hard- Leslie Y. Abbott, PO Box 3306; dren, WHOSE WHERE- DOB: 05/18/21 AGE: 1 CASE # This the 26th of August 2022. a petition to legitimate the child
ation appear at the final hear- ship to employ counsel. Notice Decatur, Georgia 30031, within ABOUTS ARE UNKNOWN. 22J01867++ /S/ Mandana Butler and files notice of the filing of
ing. is hereby given that a provi- sixty (60) days of the date of GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or- A Child/Children Under 18 Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb the petition to legitimate with
WITNESS, Temika W. Murry, sional hearing may be conduc- the first publication, your an- der of this Court, you are Years of Age County the DeKalb County Juvenile
Judge ted on the date listed above by swer to the Division’s petition. hereby notified that on Septem- NOTICE OF TERMINATION 170-468875 9/22,9/29,10/6 Court. Pursuant to O.C.G.A.
This the 9th day of September the court pursuant to O.C.G.A. A party is entitled to counsel in ber 28, 2022 a Petition of De- PROCEEDINGS 10/13 §15-11-283
2022 § 15-11-163. Findings of Fact these proceedings and the pendency was filed in this TO: Corinthia M. Whitehead, NOTICE TO APPEAR A party is entitled to counsel in
Antoninette L. Brantley, and orders of disposition made Court will appoint an attorney Court by the Georgia Depart- the biological mother and putat- STATE OF GEORGIA these proceedings and the
Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb at the provisional hearing may for you if you are unable, ment of Human Services, ive fathers, Leddie Stewart and COUNTY OF DEKALB Court will appoint an attorney
County become final at a final hearing without undue financial hard- through its agent, with the Michael Wall and any IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF for you if you are unable,
160-469485 10/6,10/13,10/20 unless parties served by public- ship to employ counsel. Notice DeKalb County Division of known/unknown, named/un- DEKALB COUNTY without undue financial hard-
10/27 ation appear at the final hear- is hereby given that a provi- Family and Children Services named putative, biological In the interest of ship to employ counsel. Notice
NOTICE TO APPEAR ing. sional hearing may be conduc- (hereinafter referred to as “the and/or legal father of the ++J.W, Sex: F, DOB: is hereby given that a provi-
STATE OF GEORGIA WITNESS, the Honorable Linda ted on the date listed above by Division”), whose address is above-named child. 04/13/2006, Case Number sional hearing may be conduc-
COUNTY OF DEKALB Bratton Haynes, Judge the court pursuant to O.C.G.A. 2300 Parklake Drive NE, At- GREETINGS: Pursuant to an 22J00854++. ted on the date listed above by
IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF This the 26th day of Septem- § 15-11-163. Findings of Fact lanta, DeKalb County, Georgia Order of this Court dated Au- NOTICE OF TERMINATION the court pursuant to O.C.G.A.
DEKALB COUNTY. ber 2022. and orders of disposition made 30345, alleging the where- gust 26, 2022 you are hereby PROCEEDINGS § 15-11-163. Findings of Fact
In the interest of: Antoninette L. Brantley, at the provisional hearing may abouts of the above mentioned notified that a Petition for Ter- TO: ANTWAN ROSS, PUTAT- and orders of disposition made
++M.J.R., Sex: F, DOB: Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb become final at a final hearing parties are unknown. The Peti- mination of Parental Rights has IVE FATHER, and ALL at the provisional hearing may
11/24/2020, Age: 1 YR., Case County unless parties served by public- tioner asks the Court to trans- been filed against you in this KNOWN/UNKNOWN AND UN- become final at a final hearing
Number: 21J00321++, ation appear at the final hear- fer temporary legal custody of Court by the Georgia Depart- NAMED PUTATIVE, LEGAL or unless parties served by public-
NOTICE OF DEPENDENCY 160-469486 10/6,10/13,10/20, ing. the above-named child to the ment of Human Services, BIOLOGICAL FATHERS, ation appear at the final hear-
PROCEEDINGS 10/27 WITNESS, Temika W. Murry, Division of Family and Children through its agent, the DeKalb WHOSE WHEREABOUTS ing.
TO: JO MARIE ROBINSON, NOTICE TO APPEAR Judge Services on the grounds that County Division of Family and ARE UNKNOWN. WITNESS, the Honorable Linda
MOTHER and ALL KNOWN, STATE OF GEORGIA This the 26th day of Septem- the child is dependent as that Children Services (Division), GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or- Bratton-Haynes
UNKNOWN, AND UNNAMED COUNTY OF DEKALB ber 2022 term is defined by O.C.G.A. § located at 2300 Parklake Dr., der of this Court, you are This the 12th day of Septem-
PUTATIVE, LEGAL or BIOLO- IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF Antoninette L. Brantley, 15-11-2(22). Atlanta, Georgia 30345 al- hereby notified that on or about ber 2022.
GICAL FATHERS of the above- DEKALB COUNTY. Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb A free copy of the Petition may leging that the whereabouts of March 31, 2022, a Petition For Antoninette L. Brantley,
named children, WHOSE In the interest of: County be obtained from the Clerk of the biological mother and fath- Termination of Parental Rights Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb
WHEREABOUTS ARE UN- ++C.W., Sex: F, DOB: the Juvenile Court of DeKalb er and the identity and where- was filed in this Court by the County
KNOWN. 7/08/2022, Age: 2 Months, 160-469673 10/6,10/13,10/20 County, 4309 Memorial Drive, abouts of any unknown putat- Georgia Department of Human
GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or- Case Number: 22J01961++ 10/27 Decatur, Georgia 30030, on ive father are unknown. The Services, through its agent,
der of this Court, you are NOTICE OF DEPENDENCY IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF any day, Monday through Fri- above-named children are in DeKalb County Division of
hereby notified that a Perman- PROCEEDINGS DEKALB COUNTY day, between the hours 8:30 the temporary custody of the Family and Children Services
ency Hearing has been set in TO: CHRISTIAN WEEKS, In the interest of: a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Please con- Division pursuant to a prior or- (hereinafter referred to as “the
the interest of the above refer- MOTHER, and ALL KNOWN, ++K. P. Sex: M DOB: tact the Clerk’s office at 678- der of the Court finding the chil- Division”), whose address is
enced child by the Juvenile UNKNOWN, AND UNNAMED 08/07/2020 File No. 990376536 409-4252 or email dren to be dependent. The Pe- 2300 Parklake Drive NE, At-
Court of DeKalb County and by PUTATIVE, LEGAL or BIOLO- Case No: 22J01549++ piojuvenile@dekalbcountyga.g tition asks the Court to termin- lanta, DeKalb County, Georgia
the Georgia Department of Hu- GICAL FATHERS of the above- A child under 18 years of age. ov for information regarding ate the parental rights and ob- 30345, alleging the where-
man Services, through its named children, WHOSE NOTICE OF LEGITIMATION electronic filing and virtual ac- ligations of the parents, with re- abouts of the above-named
agent, DeKalb County Division WHEREABOUTS ARE UN- PROCEEDINGS cess. spect to the children, and of the parties are unknown. The
of Family and Children Ser- KNOWN. TO: Najaree Perry, the biologic- You are hereby commanded to children to them arising out of above-named child is in the
vices (hereinafter referred to as GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or- al mother of the above-named be and appear at the DeKalb the parental relationship, in- temporary custody of the Divi-
“the Division”), whose address der of this Court, you are child, and Respondent in the County Juvenile Court, 4309 cluding the right to inheritance, sion pursuant to a prior order of
is 2300 Parklake Drive NE, At- hereby notified that on Septem- above matter, WHOSE Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- and that the children be com- the Court finding the child to be
lanta, DeKalb County, Georgia ber 13, 2022 a Petition of De- WHEREABOUT IS UN- gia 30030 by person or via mitted to the Georgia Depart- dependent. The Petition asks
30345, alleging the where- pendency was filed in this KNOWN: Zoom (Zoom ID 581-751-2155) ment of Human Services, with the Court to terminate parental
abouts of the above-named Court by the Georgia Depart- GREETINGS: THE PETITION on the right to proceed for adop- rights and obligations of the
parties are unknown. The ment of Human Services, OF KORBIN TINSON FOR LE- November 30, 2022, at 10:00 tion. A free copy of the petition parents, with respect to the
above-named child is in the through its agent, with the GITIMATION was filed against o’clock a.m., before Judge may be obtained from the Clerk child, arising out of the parent-
temporary custody of the Divi- DeKalb County Division of you in this court, by the biolo- Temika W. Murry to show of the Juvenile Court of DeKalb al relationship, including the
sion pursuant to a prior order of Family and Children Services gical father of the above-named cause why the request of the County, 4309 Memorial Dr., right to inheritance, and that the
the Court finding the child to be (hereinafter referred to as “the child. Division regarding legal cus- Decatur, Georgia 30032, on child be committed to the Geor-
dependent. At said hearing, the Division”), whose address is You are commanded to be and tody of the above-named chil- any day, Monday through Fri- gia Department of Human Ser-
petition to legitimate the child December 2022 at 10:30 a.m. Gabriela Ares Danner, filed a
and files notice of the filing of to show cause why the request Petition in the DeKalb County
the petition to legitimate with of the Department to terminate Superior Court on 9/1/2022 to
the DeKalb County Juvenile your parental rights to the change the name from: Gabri-
Court. above-named children should ela Ares Danner to Gabriela
A party is entitled to counsel in not be granted. You may file in Ares McNicoll.
Page 30 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 
these proceedings and the
Court will appoint an attorney
the office of the Clerk of this
Court and serve upon Petition-
Any interested party has the
right to appear in this case and
170-468984 9/29,10/6,10/13 for you if you are unable, er’s attorney, Glenda Harper, file objections within 30 days 200-468287 9/15,9/22,9/29 200-468291 9/15,9/22,9/29 200-468345 9/29,10/6,10/13
10/20 without undue financial hard- P.O. Box 191, Clarkston, GA after the Petition was filed. 10/6 10/6 10/20
IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF ship, to employ counsel. 30021, within sixty (60) days of Dated:-12/15/2021 NOTICE OF PETITION NOTICE OF PETITION TO NOTICE OF PETITION TO
STATE OF GEORGIA siree Sutton Peagler Department’s Petition. A party Petitioner, Pro se OF MINOR CHILD(REN) DeKalb County Superior Court DeKalb County Superior Court
IN THE INTEREST OF FILE This 16th day of September is entitled to counsel in these 1406 Meridian St SE DeKalb County Superior Court State of Georgia State of Georgia
NO. ++990375313 C. T. SEX: 2022. proceedings and the Court will State of Georgia Civil Action Case Number Civil Action Case Number
Atlanta, GA 30317
F AGE: 2 DOB: 1/21/20 CASE /S/ Manda Butler appoint an attorney for you if Civil Action Case Number ++22FM7633++ ++22FM8255++
# 22J02089++ Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb Debra DeBerry
you are unable, without undue ++22FM7827++ Vincent Michael Suraci filed a Charita Jones filed a petition
Child/Children Under the Age of County Georgia financial hardship, to employ Clerk of Superior Court
200-468284 9/15,9/22,9/29 Iza Campbell filed a petition in petition in the DeKalb County in the DeKalb County Superior
18 170-469675 10/6,10/13,10/20 counsel.
TO: Chelsea Jones, the biolo- WITNESS the Juvenile Court 10/6 the DeKalb County Superior Superior Court on August 29th, Court on September, 20, 2022
10/27 Court on September 6, 2022, to 2022, to change the name to change the name from:
gical mother and any IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF Judge Desiree Sutton-Peagler, NOTICE OF PETITION TO
known/unknown, named/un- Juvenile Court of DeKalb CHANGE NAME OF ADULT change the name(s) of the fol- from: Vincent Michael Suraci to Charita Jones to Charita Cole-
named putative, biological STATE OF GEORGIA County Georgia. DeKalb County Superior Court lowing minor child(ren) from: Vincent Michael Braven. man.
and/or legal father of the IN THE INTEREST OF: ++FILE ANTONINETTE BRANTLEY, State of Georgia Bowen Leta Nelson to Bowen Any interested party has the Any interested party has the
above-named child. NO.990372996,990372997 Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb Civil Action Case Number Leta Campbell. right to appear in this case and right to appear in this case and
GREETINGS: Pursuant to an A.R.S SEX:F DOB:AUGUST County ++22FM7700++ Any interested party has the file objections within 30 days file objections within 30 days
Order of this Court dated 09, 2011 CASE#22J01881 Gashawbeza Amaloto filed a right to appear in this case and after the Petition was filed. after the Petition was filed.
September 16, 2022, you are Q.T.S. SEX:M DOB:FEBRU- petition in the DeKalb County file objections within the time Dated: August 28, 2022 Dated: September 20, 2022
hereby notified that a Petition
for Termination of Parental
A R Y 0 9 ,
2 0 0 9
Name Change Superior Court on 08/31/2022,
to change the name from:
prescribed in OCGA §§19-12-1
Vincent Suraci
Petitioner, Pro se
Charita Jones
Petitioner, Pro se
Rights has been filed against CHILDREN SUBJECT TO THE Dated: September 6, 2022 862 Hardwood Ct 5780 Woodside Crossing
200-268284 9/15,9/22,9/29 Gashawbeza Tadesse Amalto
you in this Court by the Geor- JURISDICTION OF THE Iza Campbell Stone Mountain, GA 30083 Stonecrest GA 30038
gia Department of Human Ser- 10/6 to Akal Tadesse Amalto.
COURT Any interested party has the Petitioner, Pro se Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry
vices, through its agent, the TO: Adrianna Satterwhite, NOTICE OF PETITION 1050 Thornwood Ln Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court
DeKalb County Division of TO CHANGE NAME(S) right to appear in this case and
MOTHER, and any UN- Stone Mountain, GA 30083 200-468343 9/29,10/6,10/13, 200-468346 9/29,10/6,10/13
Family and Children Services OF MINOR CHILD(REN) file objections within 30 days
KNOWN/UNNAMED BIOLO- Debra DeBerry 10/20 10/20
(Division), 2300 Parklake Dr., GICAL, LEGAL OR PUTATIVE DeKalb County Superior Court after the Petition was filed.
Atlanta, Georgia 30345 al- Dated: 08/31/2022 Clerk of Superior Court NOTICE OF PETITION TO NOTICE OF PETITION
FATHER, whereabouts un- State of Georgia
leging that the whereabouts the known. Gashawbeza Amalto 200-468288 9/15,9/22,9/29 CHANGE NAME OF ADULT TO CHANGE NAME(S)
Civil Action Case Number
biological mother and the Greetings: Pursuant to the Or- Petitioner, Pro se 10/6 DeKalb County Superior Court OF MINOR CHILD(REN)
whereabouts of the putative der of this Court signed on Au- 2628 Northeast Exp Way NOTICE OF PETITION TO State of Georgia DeKalb County Superior Court
Marie Elisa Davis filed a peti-
father are unknown. The gust 25, 2022, you are hereby Debra DeBerry CHANGE NAME OF ADULT Civil Action Case Number State of Georgia
tion in the DeKalb County Su-
above-named child is in the notified that a Petition for Ter- Clerk of Superior Court DeKalb County ++22FM8220++ Civil Action Case Number
perior Court on June 23rd,
temporary custody of the Divi- mination of Parental Rights has 200-468285 9/15,9/22,9/29 Superior Court Kristina Sophia Sims filed a ++22FM5467++
sion pursuant to a prior order of 2022, to change the name(s) of
been filed against you in this 10/6 State of Georgia petition in the DeKalb County BROOKLYN LOWE filed a pe-
the Court finding the child to be the following minor child(ren)
Court by the Georgia Depart- NOTICE OF PETITION TO Civil Action Case Number Superior Court on September, tition in the DeKalb County Su-
dependent. The Petition asks from: Da'Vauhn Lamar Atilard
ment of Human Services, CHANGE NAME OF ADULT ++22FM7507++ 20, 2022, to change the name perior Court on MAY 11, 2022
the Court to terminate the par- through its agent, the DeKalb to Da'Vauhn Lamar Davis.
DeKalb County Superior Court In re the Name Change of: from: Kristina Sophia Sims to to change the name(s) of the
ental rights and obligations of County Division of Family and Any interested party has the
State of Georgia Rachel Marisa Ziffer Chris Capp. following minor child(ren) from:
the parents, with respect to the Children Services, 2300 Park- right to appear in this case and
Civil Action Case Number Any interested party has the ISLA FAITH NICOLE LOWE-
child, and of the child to them lake Drive, Atlanta, GA 30345, file objections within the time
++22FM7722++ Andrew Bennett Ziffer right to appear in this case and JOYCE to ISLA NICOLE
arising out of the parental rela- alleging that the whereabouts prescribed in OCGA §§19-12-1
Arryelle Ciarra Vines filed a Petitioner. file objections within 30 days LOWE.
tionship, including the right to of the parents are unknown. (f)(2)and(3).
inheritance, and that the child petition in the DeKalb County v. after the Petition was filed. Any interested party has the
The above-named children are Dated: 6/23/2022
be committed to the Georgia Superior Court on August 31, Janet Moss Ziffer Dated: 9/20/2022 right to appear in this case and
in the temporary custody of the Marie Elisa Davis
Department of Human Ser- 2022, to change the name Andrew Bennett Ziffer, filed a Kristina Sophia Sims file objections within the time
Department pursuant to a prior Petitioner, Pro se
vices, with the right to proceed order of the Court finding the from: Arryelle Ciarra Vines to Petition in the DeKalb County Petitioner, Pro se prescribed in OCGA §§19-12-1
4670 Lake Hill Trl
for adoption. A free copy of the children to be dependent. The Jackson Ahmir Lee Vines. Superior Court on August 8th, 4489 Marjorie Rd (f)(2)and(3).
Ellenwood, GA 30274
petition may be obtained from Petition asks the Court to ter- Any interested party has the 2022 to change the name(s) of Snellville, Georgia 30039 Dated: 05/11/22
Debra DeBerry
the Clerk of the Juvenile Court minate the parental rights and right to appear in this case and the following minor child(ren) Debra DeBerry BROOKLYN LOWE
Clerk of Superior Court
of DeKalb County, 4309 Me- obligations of the parents, with file objections within 30 days from: Rachel Marisa Ziffer to Clerk of Superior Court Petitioner, Pro se
morial Dr., Decatur, Georgia respect to the children, and of after the Petition was filed. August Riley Ziffer. 200-468344 9/29,10/6,10/13 1850 COTILLION DRIVE
30032, on any day, Monday the children to the parents Dated: 8/31/2022 Any interested party has the 10/20 UNIT 4115
through Friday, between the 200-468282 9/15,9/22,9/29
arising out of the parental rela- Arryelle C Vines right to appear in this case and NOTICE OF PETITION ATLANTA, GA 30338
hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 10/6
tionship, including the right to Petitioner, Pro se file objections within the time TO CHANGE NAME(S) Debra DeBerry
inheritance, and that the chil- 1700 Hunter Ridge Ln prescribed in OCGA 19-12- OF MINOR CHILD(REN) Clerk of Superior Court
You are commanded to be and dren be committed to the Geor- CHANGE NAME OF ADULT
#904 1(f)(2) and (3). DeKalb County Superior Court 200-468347 9/29,10/6,10/13
appear at the DeKalb County gia Department of Human Ser- DeKalb County Superior Court
Peachtree Corners, GA 30092 Dated: 8/8/2022 State of Georgia 10/20
Juvenile Justice Center, 4309 vices, with the right to proceed State of Georgia
Debra DeBerry Andrew Bennett Ziffer Civil Action Case Number NOTICE OF PETITION TO
Memorial Dr., Decatur, Geor- for adoption. A free copy of the Civil Action Case Number
Clerk of Superior Court Petitioner, Pro se ++22FM8226++ CHANGE NAME OF ADULT
gia 30032 on the 1st day of petition may be obtained from ++22FM7895++
December 2022 at 9:00 a.m. to 200-468286 9/15,9/22,9/29 4843 Springfield Drive Karim Ombeni Bagalwa filed a DeKalb County Superior Court
the Clerk of the Juvenile Court Tiblos Lamond Tillery filed a
show cause why the request of 10/6 Dunwoody, GA 30338 petition in the DeKalb County State of Georgia
of DeKalb County, 4309 Me- petition in the DeKalb County
the Division to terminate your NOTICE OF PETITION TO Debra DeBerry Superior Court on 9/20/2022, to Civil Action Case Number
morial Drive, Decatur, Georgia Superior Court on September
parental rights to the above- 30032 on any day, Monday CHANGE NAME OF ADULT Clerk of Superior Court change the name(s) of the fol- ++22FM8121++
8, 2022, to change the name
named child should not be through Friday, between the from: Tiblos Lamond Tillery to DeKalb County Superior Court 200-468290 9/15,9/22,9/29 lowing minor child(ren) from: Kenneth Robert Salkow-Sha-
granted. hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 Tobias Lamond Tillery. State of Georgia 10/6 Ireine Karim Nezia to Ireine piro filed a petition in the
This hearing will be held virtu- p.m. Any interested party has the Civil Action Case Number NOTICE OF PETITION TO Nezia Karim. DeKalb County Superior Court
ally via ZOOM at the same date Due to ongoing public health ++22FM7756++ CHANGE NAME OF ADULT Any interested party has the on 9/16/2022, to change the
right to appear in this case and
and time listed above. The and safety concerns regarding Eldred Jawaun Hugley filed a DeKalb County Superior Court right to appear in this case and name from: Kenneth Robert
file objections within 30 days
ZOOM ID number for this hear- COVID-19, the DeKalb County State of Georgia file objections within the time Salkow-Shapiro to Kenneth
after the Petition was filed. petition in the DeKalb County
ing is 9970-509-5447. Com- courthouse and judicial opera- Civil Action Case Number prescribed in OCGA §§19-12-1 Robert Salkow Shapiro.
puters will be available at the Dated: 9-8-2022 Superior Court on 9/1/2022, to
tions have resumed in an change the name from: Eldred ++22FM7603++ (f)(2) and(3). Any interested party has the
DeKalb County Juvenile Court Tiblos Lamond Tillery
altered capacity. Hearings can Jaime L Puckett filed a peti- Dated: 9/19/2022 right to appear in this case and
if needed. You may file in the Petitioner, Pro se Jawaun Hugley to Eldred
be convened remotely via tion in the DeKalb County Su- Karim Ombeni Bagalwa file objections within 30 days
office of the Clerk of this Court 2033 Charter Manor Jawaun Jones.
Zoom video conferencing or in perior Court on August 26th, Petitioner, Pro se after the Petition was filed.
and serve upon Petitioner’s at- person. The hearing will be Lithonia, GA 30058 Any interested party has the
torney, Jerry W. Thacker, PO. Debra DeBerry right to appear in this case and 2022, to change the name 4159 Church Street, Apt 5H Dated: 09/14/2022
convened remotely, via Zoom from: Jaime Lynne Puckett to Clarkston, GA 30021 Kenneth Robert Salkow-Sha-
Box 83480 Conyers, Georgia video conferencing. You may Clerk of Superior Court file objections within 30 days
30013 your answer to the Divi- after the Petition was filed. Jaime Lynne Braven. Debra DeBerry piro
sign into your hearing by using
sions’ Petition. a Zoom Meeting ID for Judge Dated: 09/01/2022 Any interested party has the Clerk of Superior Court Petitioner, Pro se
The biological fathers may lose Desiree Sutton-Peagler, Zoom 200-468283 9/15,9/22,9/29 Eldred Jawaun Hugley right to appear in this case and 1558 Grant Drive NE
all rights to the child and the ID # 9970-509-5447. You may 10/6 Petitioner, Pro se file objections within 30 days Brookhaven, GA 30319
Court will enter an order termin- also appear at the DeKalb NOTICE OF PETITION TO 1740 Century Circle NE after the Petition was filed. Debra DeBerry
ating all such father’s rights to County Juvenile Court, 4309 CHANGE NAME OF ADULT Atlanta, GA 30345 Dated: 5-24-2022 Clerk of Superior Court
the child and such father may Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- DeKalb County Debra DeBerry Jaime L Puckett
not object to the termination of gia 30032. Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court Petitioner, Pro se
his parental rights unless, with- Please contact the court if you 862 Hardwood Ct
State of Georgia
in thirty (30) from the receipt of need additional information. Stone Mountain, GA 30083
this Petition, unless he files a Civil Action Case#
Court Administration: 404-294- ++22FM7811++ Debra DeBerry
petition to legitimate the child 2777 and Clerk’s Office: 678- Clerk of Superior Court
and files notice of the filing of In re the Name Change of:
the petition to legitimate with You are commanded to be and Gabriela Ares Danner
the DeKalb County Juvenile appear on the 8th day of Petitioner.
Court. December 2022 at 10:30 a.m. Gabriela Ares Danner, filed a
A party is entitled to counsel in to show cause why the request Petition in the DeKalb County
these proceedings and the of the Department to terminate Superior Court on 9/1/2022 to
Court will appoint an attorney your parental rights to the change the name from: Gabri-
for you if you are unable, above-named children should ela Ares Danner to Gabriela
without undue financial hard- not be granted. You may file in Ares McNicoll.
ship, to employ counsel. the office of the Clerk of this Any interested party has the
WITNESS, the Honorable De- Court and serve upon Petition- right to appear in this case and
siree Sutton Peagler er’s attorney, Glenda Harper, file objections within 30 days
This 16th day of September P.O. Box 191, Clarkston, GA after the Petition was filed.
2022. 30021, within sixty (60) days of Dated:-12/15/2021
/S/ Manda Butler your answer to the
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022Page 31
200-468348 9/29,10/6,10/13 200-468378 9/22,9/29,10/6 200-468381 9/22,9/29,10/6 200-468384 9/22,9/29,10/7 200-468823 9/15,9/22,9/29 200-468826 9/15,9/22,9/29 200-468914 9/22,9/29,10/6
10/20 10/13 10/13 10/13 10/6 10/6 10/13
DeKalb County DeKalb County Superior Court DeKalb County Superior Court DeKalb County OF GEORGIA GEORGIA GEORGIA
Superior Court State of Georgia State of Georgia Superior Court In re: In re: In re:
State of Georgia Civil Action Case Number Civil Action Case Number State of Georgia Kendra Nicole Callawa Edward Russell Horton III Marcus Jamine Rayborn
Civil Action Case Number ++22FM5063++ ++22FM7613++ Civil Action Case Number a/k/a Kenny Nicole Callaway, a/k/a Triniti Yemaya Horton a/k/a Takesha Sin Rayborn
Petitioner, Petitioner. Petitioner.
++22FM7581++ Sydney JoAnn Hunter filed a Marcia Olivine Griffiths filed a ++22FM8064++
++22FM7761++ Civil Action File Number Civil Action File Number
In re the Name Change of: petition in the DeKalb County petition in the DeKalb County TANYA McCREARY ARDOIN
Civil Action File NO. ++22FM7865++ ++22FM8074++
Katherine James Bowman Superior Court on 5/25/2022, to Superior Court on 8/26/2022, to Petitioner. NOTICE OF PETITION TO NOTICE OF PETITION TO NOTICE OF PETITION TO
Petitioner. change the name from: Sydney change the name from: Marcia vs. CHANGE NAME OF ADULT CHANGE NAME OF ADULT CHANGE NAME OF ADULT
Katherine James Bowman, JoAnn Hunter to Lane Spirit Olivine Griffiths to Marcia Oliv- JERRY JEVON ARDOIN Petitioner herein filed a petition Petitioner herein filed a petition Petitioner herein filed a petition
filed a Petition in the DeKalb Hunter. ine Knowles. Respondent in the Superior Court of DeKalb in the Superior Court of DeKalb in the Superior Court of DeKalb
County Superior Court on Any interested party has the Any interested party has the TANYA McCREARY ARDOIN County on 2nd day of Septem- County on the 7th day of County on the 14th day of
8/25/2022 to change the name right to appear in this case and right to appear in this case and filed a Petition in the DeKalb ber 2022, for a legal name September, 2022, for a legal September 2022, for a legal
from: Katherine James Bow- file objections within 30 days file objections within 30 days County Superior Court on change from KENDRA NICOLE name change from Edward name change from Marcus
man to Vivian Meliae Bau- after the Petition was filed. after the Petition was filed. 9/8/2022 to change the CALLAWAY to KENNY Russell Horton III to Triniti Jamine Rayborn to Takesha
mann. Dated: 05/25/22 Dated: 08/26/2022 name(s) of the following minor NICOLE CALLAWAY. Any in- Yemaya Horton. Any inter- Sin Rayborn. Any interested
Any interested party has the Sydney JoAnn Hunter Marcia O Griffiths child(ren) from: JERRY JEVON terested party has the right to ested party has the right to ap- party has the right to appear in
right to appear in this case and Petitioner, Pro se Petitioner, Pro se ARDOIN, JR. to ZEYORA AR- appear in this case and file ob- pear in this case and file objec- this case and file objections
file objections within 30 days 2187 Hannah Ln 3219 Bluebird Lane DOIN. jections within 30 days after the tions within 30 days after the within 30 days after the Peti-
after the Petition was filed. Tucker, GA 30084 Decatur, GA 30032 Any interested party has the Petition was filed. Petition was filed. tion was filed.
Dated: August 25, 2022 Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry right to appear in this case and This 2nd day of September This 7th day of September, This 14th day of September,
Katherine James Bowman Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court file objections within the time 2022. 2022. 2022.
Petitioner, Pro se prescried in OCGA 19-12- The Law Office of Vanessa Brittany Fales /s/ Lori Anderson
200-468379 9/22,9/29,10/6 200-468382 9/22,9/29,10/6 Kosky, PC Bar # 529358 Lori Anderson, GA Bar No.
4650 Sharon Valley Ct 10/13 10/13 1(f)(2)and(3).
2341 Brockett Road Tucker Alston & Bird LLP 791760 Atlanta Legal Aid Soci-
Dunwoody, Georgia 30360 NOTICE OF PETITION TO NOTICE OF PETITION TO Dated: 9/8/2022 Georgia 30084 Phone: ety, Inc.
200-468349 9/29,10/6,10/13 DeKalb County DeKalb County Superior Court Petitioner, Pro se 200-468828 9/15,9/22,9/29 30303
200-468824 9/15,9/22,9/29 10/6
10/20 Superior Court State of Georgia 1053 VISTA TRAIL NE (404) 614-3913
NOTICE OF PETITION TO State of Georgia Civil Action Case Number ATLANTA, GA 30324 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT leanderson@atlantalegalaid.or
DeKalb County Superior Court ++22FM8022++ Salina Yesmin Khandaker 200-468385 9/22,9/29,10/6 OF GEORGIA
State of Georgia 10/13 In re:
In re: filed a petition in the DeKalb CIVIL ACTION CASE NO.
Civil Action Case Number NOTICE OF PETITION TO Jamaury Edjuan Crosby a/k/a
Laura Jean Viens County Superior Court on ++22FM6074++ Nasia Monet Crosby Petitioner. 200-469451 9/29,10/6,10/13,
++22FM7022++ Petitioner. 9/12,2022, to change the name CHANGE NAME OF ADULT NOTICE OF NAME CHANGE 10/20
Civil Action
Laquetta R. Banks filed a peti- Laura Jean Viens, filed a Peti- from: Salina Yesmin Khandaker DeKalb County Superior Court JILL KATHLEEN GREGORY File Number NOTICE OF PETITION
tion in the DeKalb County Su- tion in the DeKalb County Su- to Salina Yesmin. State of Georgia filed a petition in the DeKalb ++22FM7616++ TO CHANGE NAME(S)
perior Court on August 9, 2022 perior Court on 9/13/2022 to Any interested party has the Civil Action Case Number County Superior Court on NOTICE OF PETITION TO OF MINOR CHILD(REN)
to change the name from: change the name from: Laura right to appear in this case and ++22FM8056++ 7/5/2022 to change their name CHANGE NAME OF ADULT DeKalb County Superior Court
Laquetta Rena Banks to Jean Viens to Laura Jean Mc- file objections within 30 days Jasmine Carter filed a petition from: JILL KATHLEEN Petitioner herein filed a petition State of Georgia
Laquetta Rena Reeves. Cormick. after the Petition was filed. in the DeKalb County Superior GREGORY to JETT RYAN in the Superior Court of DeKalb Civil Action Case Number
Any interested party has the Any interested party has the Dated: 09/12/2022 Court on June 21st 2021, to GREGORY. Any interested County on 26 day of August, ++22FM7271-5++
right to appear in this case and change the name from: Barbra party has the right to appear in 2022, for a legal name change
right to appear in this case and Salina Yesmin Khandaker WILLIAMS, OSIA filed a peti-
file objections within 30 days Carter to Jasmine Jenay this case and file objections from Jamaury Edjuan Crosby to
file objections within 30 days Petitioner, Pro se tion in the DeKalb County Su-
after the Petition was filed. Carter. within 30 days after the Peti- Nasia Monet Crosby. Any inter-
after the Petition was filed. 3849 Carole Dr tion was filed. perior Court on AUG 16, 2022,
Dated: Aug 9, 2022 Dated: 9/13/2022 Any interested party has the ested party has the right to ap- to change the name(s) of the
This 5th day of July, 2022. pear in this case and file objec-
Laquetta Banks Laura Jean Viens Debra DeBerry right to appear in this case and LAW OFFICE OF MELINDA C. following minor child(ren) from:
Petitioner, Pro se Petitioner, Pro se Clerk of Superior Court file objections within 30 days tions within 30 days after the
5185 Scarbrough Lane 689 Gresham Ave SE after the Petition was filed. Petition was filed.
200-468383 9/22,9/29,10/6 MELINDA C. PILLOW This 26th day of August, 2022. AKIM JONES.
Stone Mountain, GA 30088 Atlanta, GA 30316 10/13 Dated: June 21, 2021 Attorneys for Petitioner Any interested party has the
Debra DeBerry Jasmine Jenay Carter Melissa Horne
Debra DeBerry NOTICE OF PETITION 125 Clairemont Avenue, Troutman Pepper Hamilton right to appear in this case and
Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court CHANGE NAME OF ADULT Petitioner, Pro se Suite 470 file objections within the time
Sanders, LLP
200-468350 9/29,10/6,10/13 200-468380 9/22,9/29,10/6 DeKalb County 1870 Oak Valley Rd Decatur, GA 30030 600 Peachtree Street prescribed in OCGA §§19-12-1
10/20 10/13 Superior Court Decatur, GA 30035 Suite 3000 (f)(2) and (3).
AMENDED NOTICE NOTICE OF PETITION TO State of Georgia Debra DeBerry (404) 378-7620 Atlanta, Georgia 30308 Dated: 04 MAY, 2022
OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME OF ADULT Civil Action Case Number Clerk of Superior Court (404) 885-3286 OSIA WILLIAMS
CHANGE NAME OF ADULT DeKalb County Superior Court ++22FM8083++ 200-468386 9/22,9/29,10/6 200-468825 9/15,9/22,9/29 Petitioner, Pro se
DeKalb County Superior Court State of Georgia In re the Name Change of: 10/13 10/6 2260 STARLINE DR
Civil Action Case Number TIFFANY THOMAS-WILSON DECATUR, GA 30032
Civil Action Case Number TO CHANGE NAME(S) DEKALB COUNTY STATE OF 200-468913 9/22,9/29,10/6
++22FM8096++ Petitioner. GEORGIA 10/13 Debra DeBerry
++22FM7423-3++ Vicki Charmaine Kelly filed a Ther petitioner, TIFFANY OF MINOR CHILD(REN) Clerk of Superior Court
Baby Savage Taneiko petition in the DeKalb County THOMAS-WILSON, filed a Peti- DeKalb County Superior Court JOSHUA DAVID GRINDLEY OF DEKALB COUNTY STATE
Michelle Griffith filed a petition Superior Court on September tion in DeKalb County Superior State of Georgia a/k/a JADE DREA OF GEORGIA 200-469665 10/6,10/13,10/20
in the DeKalb County Superior 15, 2022, to change the name Court on September 15, 2022 Civil Action Case Number Petitioner. In re the Name Change of: 10/27
Court on August 19, 2022, to from: Vicki Charmaine Rowe to to change the name from: ++22FM7994++ Civil Action Civil Action File No.: SUPERIOR COURT OF
change the name from: Baby Vicki Charmaine Moore. TIFFANY THOMAS-WILSON to Lidia Gomez Vicente filed a File Number ++22FM7698++ DEKALB COUNTY
Savage to Taneiko Michelle Any interested party has the Tiffany Thomas. petition in the DeKalb County ++22FM7743++ STEPHANIE H. KAYHAN, STATE OF GEORGIA
Griffith. right to appear in this case and Any interested party has the Superior Court on 09/12/2022, NOTICE OF PETITION TO Petitioner In re:
Any interested party has the file objections within 30 days right to appear in this case and to change the name(s) of the CHANGE NAME OF ADULT NOTICE OF PETITION TO Eva Nikol Saramine Powell
right to appear in this case and after the Petition was filed. file objections within 30 days following minor child(ren) from: Petitioner herein filed a petition CHANGE NAME OF ADULT a/k/a Evan Nikolas Saramine
file objections within 30 days Dated: September 15, 2022 after the Petition was filed. Kelsin Juventino Chavez in the Superior Court of COMES NOW, Petitioner, Fuamatu
after the Petition was filed. Vicki Charmaine Kelly Dated: 9/15/2022 Gomez to Kevin Juventino DEKALB County on this 1st STEPHANIE H. KAYHAN, the Petitioner.
Dated: August 22, 2022 Petitioner, Pro se Wilson-Thomas, Tiffany Chavez Gomez. day of September, 2022. for a Petitioner in the above styled Civil Action
Taneiko MIchelle Griffith 3941 River Forge In Propria Persona sui juris, in Any interested party has the legal name change from action, who filed a Petition on File Number ++22FM7696++
Petitioner, Pro se right to appear in this case and JOSHUA DAVID GRINDLEY to the 31st day of August, 2022 in NOTICE OF PETITION TO
Ellenwood, Georgia 30294 Full Life
7121 Brookstone Trl file objections within the time JADE DREA. Any interested the Superior Court of DeKalb CHANGE NAME OF ADULT
Debra DeBerry Ex. Rel: TIFFANY THOMAS- Petitioner herein filed a petition
LiIthonia, GA 30058 prescribed in OCGA §§19-12-1 party has the right to appear in County to change her name
Clerk of Superior Court WILSON this case and file objections from Stephanie Hanson Kay- in the Superior Court of DeKalb
Debra DeBerry 3315 Sangster Way (f)(2)and(3).
within 30 days after the Peti- han to Stephanie Danielle Han- County on 31st day of August,
Clerk of Superior Court Decatur, Territory, Georgia Re- Dated:-09/12/2022 tion was filed. son. 2022, for a legal name change
public (30032-9999) Lidia Gomez Vicente This 1st day of September, Any interested party has the from Eva Nikol Saramine Pow-
Debra DeBerry Petitioner, Pro se 2022. right to appear in this case and ell
Clerk of Superior Court 3317 Chamblee Tucker Rd ALSTON & BIRD LLP file objections within thirty (30) to Evan Nikolas Saramine
Apt-6 1201 West Peachtree Street days after the Petition was Fuamatu. Any interested party
Atlanta, GA 30341 Atlanta, Georgia 30309 filed. has the right to appear
Debra DeBerry (404) 881-7000 (firm main) Respectfully submitted, this the in this case and file objections
Clerk of Superior Court (404) 881-4958 (direct dial) 31st day of August, 2022. within 30 days after the Peti- FAULHABER FAMILY LAW, tion was filed.
Attorney for Petitioner LLC This 31st day of August, 2022.
3180 North Point Parkway PETERS, RUBIN, SHEFFIELD
Building 100, Suite 103 & HODGES, P.A
Alpharetta, GA 30005 2786 N. Decatur Rd., Suite 245
(770) 408-1025/ FAX (866) Decatur, GA 30033
725-5877 (404) 296-5300
Tamar Faulhaber Georgia Bar Erin E. King, Esq.
No. 256195 Attorney for Peti- Georgia Bar No. 158027
tioner Attorney for Petitioner
contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- grounds of any such objections, grounds of any such objections. with your pleadings/objections,
261. All interested parties are and must be filed with the Court All objections should be sworn unless you qualify to file as an
hereby notified to show cause on or before 10/17/2022. to before a notary public or be- indigent party. Contact probate
why said Petition should not be BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All fore a probate court clerk, and court personnel for the re-
granted. All objections to the objections to the petition must filing fees must be tendered quired amount of filing fees. If
Petition must be in writing, set- be in writing, setting forth the with your pleadings/objections, any objections are filed, a hear-
Page 32 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 
ting forth the grounds of any
such objections, and must be
grounds of any such objections.
All objections should be sworn
unless you qualify to file as an
indigent party. Contact probate
ing will be scheduled at a later
date. If no objections are filed,
200-469680 10/6,10/13,10/20 filed with the Court on or be- to before a notary public or be- court personnel for the re- the petition may be granted 220-468806 9/15, 9/22, 9/29, 220-468876 09/22, 09/29,
10/27 fore 10/17/2022. fore a probate court clerk, and quired amount of filing fees. If without a hearing. 10/6 10/06, 10/13/2022
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All filing fees must be tendered any objections are filed, a hear- Bedelia C Hargrove NOTICE ++2022-1628++ NOTICE ++2022-1397++
OF DEKALB COUNTY STATE objections to the petition must with your pleadings/objections, ing will be scheduled at a later Judge of the Probate Court TO: Donna Rae Harris and to TO: All Interested Parties and
OF GEORGIA be in writing, setting forth the unless you qualify to file as an date. If no objections are filed, Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of whom it may concern: to whom it may concern:
Civil Action Case Number: grounds of any such objections. indigent party. Contact probate the petition may be granted the Probate Court MARY HURNEY has peti- SARA H PORTER has peti-
++22FM8433++ All objections should be sworn court personnel for the re- without a hearing. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. tioned Mark A C Robinson to tioned to be appointed Adminis-
NOTICE OF PETITION TO to before a notary public or be- quired amount of filing fees. If Bedelia C Hargrove 1100 be appointed County Adminis- trator(s) of the estate of JAMES
CHANGE NAME OF ADULT fore a probate court clerk, and any objections are filed, a hear- Judge of the Probate Court Decatur, Georgia 30030 trator, For the Sole Purpose of LEONARD PORTER de-
Notice is hereby given that filing fees must be tendered ing will be scheduled at a later Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the 404-371-2601 Commencing or Continuing A ceased, of said County. The
Rowena Europa McNease filed with your pleadings/objections, date. If no objections are filed, Probate Court Lawsuit Against an Estate, of Petitioner(s) has also applied
her Petition in the Superior unless you qualify to file as an the petition may be granted 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 220-468804 09/15, 09/22, the estate of EBONY JAMAL for waiver of bond and/or grant
Court of DeKalb County, Geor- indigent party. Contact probate without a hearing. 1100 09/29, 10/06 RANDOLPH deceased, of said of certain powers contained in
gia, on 9/26/2022, praying for a court personnel for the re- Bedelia C Hargrove Decatur, Georgia 30030 NOTICE ++2022-1728++ County. All interested parties O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter-
change for her name Rowena quired amount of filing fees. If Judge of the Probate Court 404-371-2601 TO: All Interested Parties and are hereby notified to show ested parties are hereby noti-
Europa McNease to Rowena any objections are filed, a hear- Michael Hagley, Clerk of the to whom it may concern: cause why said Petition should fied to show cause why said
Europa Barber. Notice is ing will be scheduled at a later Probate Court YOLANDRIA JONES-TOTTEN not be granted. All objections to Petition should not be granted.
hereby given pursuant to any date. If no objections are filed, 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 220-468802 09/15, 09/22, the Petition must be in writing, All objections to the Petition
09/29, 10/06 2022 has petitioned to be appointed
interested or affected party to the petition may be granted 1100 Administrator of the estate of setting forth the grounds of any must be in writing, setting forth
appear in said Court and to file without a hearing. Decatur, Georgia 30030 NOTICE ++2022-1881++ such objections, and must be the grounds of any such objec-
TO: All Interested Parties and VIVIAN M. JONES deceased,
objections to such name Bedelia C Hargrove 404-371-2601 of said County. The Petitioner filed with the Court on or be- tions, and must be filed with the
change. Objections must be Judge of the Probate Court to whom it may concern: fore 10/17/2022. Court on or before 10/24/2022.
ANNACA FRAZIER has peti- has also applied for waiver of
filed with said Court within 30 Michael Hagley, Clerk of the 220-468800 09/15, 09/22, BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
tioned to be appointed Adminis- bond and/or grant of certain
days of the filing of said peti- Probate Court 09/29, 10/06/2022 objections to the petition must objections to the petition must
trator of the estate of ROLAND powers contained in O.C.G.A. §
tion. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. NOTICE ++2022-1896++ be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the
FRAZIER deceased, of said 53-12-261. All interested
This 9/28/2022 1100 TO: All Interested Parties and grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections.
County. The Petitioner has also parties are hereby notified to
Petitioner, Rowena Europa Decatur, Georgia 30030 to whom it may concern: All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn
applied for waiver of bond show cause why said Petition
McNease 404-371-2601 DARRELL MAURICE GAR- to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be-
and/or grant of certain powers should not be granted. All ob-
Address: c/o Attorney Trichelle RETT has petitioned to be ap- fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and
contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- jections to the Petition must be
Simmons 220-468798 09/15, 09/22, pointed Administrator(s) of the filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered
261. All interested parties are in writing, setting forth the
P.O. Box 360002 09/29, 10/06 2022 estate of JANE MAMIE NES- with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections,
hereby notified to show cause grounds of any such objections,
Decatur, GA 30036 NOTICE ++2022-1700++ BITT deceased, of said County. unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an
why said Petition should not be and must be filed with the Court
TO: All Interested Parties and The Petitioner(s) has also ap- indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate
granted. All objections to the on or before 10/17/2022.
to whom it may concern: plied for waiver of bond and/or court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re-
Administration SHANI FRANKLIN REID has grant of certain powers con- Petition must be in writing, set-
ting forth the grounds of any
objections to the petition must quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If
petitioned to be appointed Ad- tained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear-
such objections, and must be be in writing, setting forth the
220-468796 09/15, 09/22, ministrator of the estate of All interested parties are ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later
filed with the Court on or be- grounds of any such objections.
09/29, 10/06 2022 JOYCE BAILEY FRANKLIN de- hereby notified to show cause date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed,
fore 10/17/2022. All objections should be sworn
NOTICE ++2022-1540++ ceased, of said County. The why said Petition should not be the petition may be granted the petition may be granted
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All to before a notary public or be-
TO: All Interested Parties and Petitioner has also applied for granted. All objections to the without a hearing. without a hearing.
objections to the petition must fore a probate court clerk and
to whom it may concern: waiver of bond and/or grant of Petition must be in writing, set- Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove
be in writing, setting forth the filing fees must be tendered
WILLIE JAMAINE SMITH has certain powers contained in ting forth the grounds of any Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court
grounds of any such objections. with your pleadings/objections,
petitioned to be appointed Ad- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- such objections, and must be Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the
All objections should be sworn unless you qualify to file as an
ministrator of the estate of WIL- ested parties are hereby noti- filed with the Court on or be- Probate Court Probate Court
to before a notary public or be- indigent party. Contact probate
LIE JAMES MCGEE deceased, fied to show cause why said fore 10/17/2022. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
fore a probate court clerk, and court personnel for the re-
of said County. The Petitioner Petition should not be granted. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All 1100 1100
filing fees must be tendered quired amount of filing fees. If
has also applied for waiver of All objections to the Petition objections to the petition must Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030
with your pleadings/objections, any objections are filed, a hear-
bond and/or grant of certain must be in writing, setting forth be in writing, setting forth the 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
unless you qualify to file as an ing will be scheduled at a later
powers contained in O.C.G.A. § the grounds of any such objec- grounds of any such objections.
indigent party. Contact probate date. If no objections are filed, 220-468807 09/15, 09/22, 220-468877 09/22, 09/29,
53-12-261. All interested tions, and must be filed with the All objections should be sworn
court personnel for the re- the petition may be granted 09/29, 10/06 2022 10/06, 10/13
parties are hereby notified to Court on or before 10/17/2022. to before a notary public or be-
quired amount of filing fees. If without a hearing. NOTICE ++2021-0884++ NOTICE ++2022-1951++
show cause why said Petition BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All fore a probate court clerk, and
any objections are filed, a hear- Bedelia C Hargrove PROBATE COURT OF TO: All Interested Parties and
should not be granted. All ob- objections to the petition must filing fees must be tendered
ing will be scheduled at a later Judge of the Probate Court DEKALB COUNTY to whom it may concern:
jections to the Petition must be be in writing, setting forth the with your pleadings/objections,
date. If no objections are filed, Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- RE: Petition of KENDRA WILLI- AQUIA LAPORIA JOHNSON
in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. unless you qualify to file as an
the petition may be granted bate Court AMS HOWARD to Probate Will has petitioned to be appointed
grounds of any such objections, All objections should be sworn indigent party. Contact probate
without a hearing. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. in Solemn Form and for Letters Administrator of the estate of
and must be filed with the Court to before a notary public or be- court personnel for the re-
Bedelia C Hargrove 1100 of Administration with Will An- MARGARET MARIE JOHN-
on or before 10/17/2022. fore a probate court clerk, and quired amount of filing fees. If
Judge of the Probate Court Decatur, Georgia 30030 nexed the Will of RAYMOND SON deceased, of said County.
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All filing fees must be tendered any objections are filed, a hear-
Michael Hagley, Clerk of the 404-371-2601 LLOYD MAYS, Deceased The Petitioner has also applied
objections to the petition must with your pleadings/objections, ing will be scheduled at a later
unless you qualify to file as an date. If no objections are filed, Probate Court TO: Unknown Heirs: for waiver of bond and/or grant
be in writing, setting forth the 220-468805 09/15, 09/22, This is to notify you to file ob- of certain powers contained in
grounds of any such objections. indigent party. Contact probate the petition may be granted 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
court personnel for the re- without a hearing. 1100 09/29, 10/06 jection, if there is any, to the O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter-
All objections should be sworn NOTICE ++2022-1731++ above referenced petition, in ested parties are hereby noti-
to before a notary public or be- quired amount of filing fees. If Bedelia C Hargrove Decatur, Georgia 30030
any objections are filed, a hear- Judge of the Probate Court 404-371-2601 TO: Doug Clark and to whom it this Court on or before fied to show cause why said
fore a probate court clerk, and may concern: 10/17/2022 Petition should not be granted.
filing fees must be tendered ing will be scheduled at a later Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the
date. If no objections are filed, Probate Court HILARY B CRANFORD has pe- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All All objections to the Petition
with your pleadings/objections, 220-468803 09/15, 09/22, titioned to be appointed Admin- objections to the petition must must be in writing, setting forth
unless you qualify to file as an the petition may be granted 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
without a hearing. 1100 09/29, 10/06 2022 istrator of the estate of LENA be in writing, setting forth the the grounds of any such objec-
indigent party. Contact probate NOTICE ++2022-1870++ CLEORA FORTNER deceased, grounds of any such objections. tions, and must be filed with the
court personnel for the re- Bedelia C Hargrove Decatur, Georgia 30030
Judge of the Probate Court 404-371-2601 TO: All Interested Parties and of said County. All interested All pleadings/objections must Court on or before 10/24/2022.
quired amount of filing fees. If to whom it may concern: parties are hereby notified to be signed before a notary pub- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
any objections are filed, a hear- Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of
the Probate Court 220-468801 09/15, 09/22, RONALD CHERY has peti- show cause why said Petition lic or before a probate court objections to the petition must
ing will be scheduled at a later 09/29, 10/06/2022 tioned to be appointed Adminis- should not be granted. All ob- clerk and filing fees must be be in writing, setting forth the
date. If no objections are filed, 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
1100 NOTICE ++2022-1893++ trator of the estate of MARIE jections to the Petition must be tendered with your grounds of any such objections.
the petition may be granted TO: All Interested Parties and CAROLE JULES deceased, of in writing, setting forth the pleadings/objections, unless All objections should be sworn
without a hearing. Decatur, Georgia 30030
404-371-2601 to whom it may concern: said County. The Petitioner has grounds of any such objections, you qualify to file as an indi- to before a notary public or be-
Bedelia C Hargrove KAZIM BAMIDELE AMINU has also applied for waiver of bond and must be filed with the Court gent party. Contact probate fore a probate court clerk and
Judge of the Probate Court 220-468799 09/15, 09/22, petitioned to be appointed Ad- and/or grant of certain powers on or before 10/17/2022. court personnel at the follow- filing fees must be tendered
Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of 09/29, 10/06 2022 ministrator(s) of the estate of contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All ing address/telephone number with your pleadings/objections,
the Probate Court NOTICE ++2022-1903++ AMINAT ABIODUN AMINU de- 261. All interested parties are objections to the petition must for the required amount of fil- unless you qualify to file as an
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. TO: All Interested Parties and ceased, of said County. The hereby notified to show cause be in writing, setting forth the ing fees. If any objections are indigent party. Contact probate
1100 to whom it may concern: Petitioner(s) has also applied why said Petition should not be grounds of any such objections. filed, a hearing will be sched- court personnel for the re-
Decatur, Georgia 30030 SHIRLEY SULLIVAN has peti- for waiver of bond and/or grant granted. All objections to the All objections should be sworn uled at a later date. If no objec- quired amount of filing fees. If
404-371-2601 tioned to be appointed Adminis- of certain powers contained in Petition must be in writing, set- to before a notary public or be- tions are filed, the petition may any objections are filed, a hear-
220-468797 09/15, 09/22, trator of the estate of JAMES O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- ting forth the grounds of any fore a probate court clerk and be granted without a hearing. ing will be scheduled at a later
09/29, 10/06 2022 CURTIS SULLIVAN deceased, ested parties are hereby noti- such objections, and must be filing fees must be tendered Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of date. If no objections are filed,
NOTICE ++2022-1916++ of said County. The Petitioner fied to show cause why said filed with the Court on or be- with your pleadings/objections, the Probate Judge the petition may be granted
TO: All Interested Parties and has also applied for waiver of Petition should not be granted. fore 10/17/2022. unless you qualify to file as an Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of without a hearing.
to whom it may concern: bond and/or grant of certain All objections to the Petition BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All indigent party. Contact probate the Probate Court 556 North Bedelia C Hargrove
DAVID CLINE FORD has peti- powers contained in O.C.G.A. § must be in writing, setting forth objections to the petition must court personnel for the re- McDonough Street, Room 1100 Judge of the Probate Court
tioned to be appointed Adminis- 53-12-261. All interested the grounds of any such objec- be in writing, setting forth the quired amount of filing fees. If Decatur Georgia 30030 Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro-
trator of the estate of JAMES parties are hereby notified to tions, and must be filed with the grounds of any such objections. any objections are filed, a hear- (404) 371-2601 bate Court
DANNY FORD deceased, of show cause why said Petition Court on or before 10/17/2022. All objections should be sworn ing will be scheduled at a later 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
said County. The Petitioner has should not be granted. All ob- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All to before a notary public or be- date. If no objections are filed, 1100
also applied for waiver of bond jections to the Petition must be objections to the petition must fore a probate court clerk, and the petition may be granted Decatur, Georgia 30030
and/or grant of certain powers in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the filing fees must be tendered without a hearing. 404-371-2601
contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- grounds of any such objections, grounds of any such objections. with your pleadings/objections, Bedelia C Hargrove
261. All interested parties are and must be filed with the Court All objections should be sworn unless you qualify to file as an Judge of the Probate Court
hereby notified to show cause on or before 10/17/2022. to before a notary public or be- indigent party. Contact probate Donna F. Whitehead, Clerk of
why said Petition should not be BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All fore a probate court clerk, and court personnel for the re- the Probate Court
granted. All objections to the objections to the petition must filing fees must be tendered quired amount of filing fees. If 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
Petition must be in writing, set- be in writing, setting forth the with your pleadings/objections, any objections are filed, a hear- 1100
ting forth the grounds of any grounds of any such objections. unless you qualify to file as an ing will be scheduled at a later Decatur, Georgia 30030
such objections, and must be All objections should be sworn indigent party. Contact probate date. If no objections are filed, 404-371-2601
filed with the Court on or be- to before a notary public or be- court personnel for the re- the petition may be granted
fore 10/17/2022. fore a probate court clerk, and quired amount of filing fees. If without a hearing.
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All filing fees must be tendered any objections are filed, a hear- Bedelia C Hargrove
objections to the petition must with your pleadings/objections, ing will be scheduled at a later Judge of the Probate Court
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022Page 33
220-468878 09/22, 09/29, 220-468880 09/22, 09/29, 220-468882 09/22/, 09/29, 220-468884 09/22, 09/29, 220-468886 09/22, 09/29, 220-468888 09/22, 09/29, 220-468948 09/29, 10/06,
10/06, 10/13/2022 10/06, 10/13 10/06, 10/13 10/06, 10/13 2022 10/06, 10/13 2022 10/06, 10/13 10/13, 10/20 2022
NOTICE ++2022-1948++ NOTICE ++2022-1945++ NOTICE ++2018-1068++ NOTICE ++2022-1915++ NOTICE ++2022-1861++ NOTICE ++2022-1691++ NOTICE
TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and PROBATE COURT OF ++2022-1544++
to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: DEKALB COUNTY TO: All Interested Parties and
CORINTHIA JOAN BULLARD BRIAN WOODWARD has peti- SURATUN HASSAN has peti- MARSHA WISE VRONO has AE SOOK KIM has petitioned RE: Petition of JEFFERY MIMS to whom it may concern:
has petitioned to be appointed tioned to be appointed Adminis- tioned to be appointed Adminis- petitioned to be appointed Ad- to be appointed Administrator to Probate Will in Solemn Form RENEE LYNN BROWN has pe-
Administrator(s) of the estate of trator of the estate of JERRY trator of the estate of MALIK ministrator of the estate of SAM of the estate of YONG SUL SO and for Letters of Administra- titioned to be appointed Admin-
LINDA ROSA CAMPBELL de- LOUIS WOODWARD de- ABDUL-HASSAN deceased, of WISE deceased, of said deceased, of said County. The tion with Will Annexed the Will istrator of the estate of DON-
ceased, of said County. The ceased, of said County. The said County. The Petitioner has County. The Petitioner has also Petitioner has also applied for of JAMES EDWARD GAY, De- ALD RAY MILLER deceased,
Petitioner(s) has also applied Petitioner has also applied for also applied for waiver of bond applied for waiver of bond waiver of bond and/or grant of ceased of said County. The Petitioner
for waiver of bond and/or grant waiver of bond and/or grant of and/or grant of certain powers and/or grant of certain powers certain powers contained in TO: All Interested Parties: has also applied for waiver of
of certain powers contained in certain powers contained in contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- This is to notify you to file ob- bond and/or grant of certain
O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- 261. All interested parties are 261. All interested parties are ested parties are hereby noti- jection, if there is any, to the powers contained in O.C.G.A. §
ested parties are hereby noti- ested parties are hereby noti- hereby notified to show cause hereby notified to show cause fied to show cause why said above referenced petition, in 53-12-261. All interested
fied to show cause why said fied to show cause why said why said Petition should not be why said Petition should not be Petition should not be granted. this Court on or before parties are hereby notified to
Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted. granted. All objections to the granted. All objections to the All objections to the Petition 10 / 2 4 / 2 0 2 2 show cause why said Petition
All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition Petition must be in writing, set- Petition must be in writing, set- must be in writing, setting forth BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All should not be granted. All ob-
must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth ting forth the grounds of any ting forth the grounds of any the grounds of any such objec- objections to the petition must jections to the Petition must be
the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec- such objections, and must be such objections, and must be tions, and must be filed with the be in writing, setting forth the in writing, setting forth the
tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the filed with the Court on or be- filed with the Court on or be- Court on or before 10/24/2022. grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections,
Court on or before 10/24/2022. Court on or before 10/24/2022. fore 10/24/2022. fore 10/24/2022. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All All pleadings/objections must and must be filed with the Court
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must be signed before a notary pub- on or before 10/31/2022.
objections to the petition must objections to the petition must objections to the petition must objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the lic or before a probate court BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. clerk and filing fees must be objections to the petition must
grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn tendered with your be in writing, setting forth the
All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or be- pleadings/objections, unless grounds of any such objections.
to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- fore a probate court clerk, and you qualify to file as an indi- All objections should be sworn
fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk and fore a probate court clerk and fore a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered gent party. Contact probate to before a notary public or be-
filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, court personnel at the follow- fore a probate court clerk, and
with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an ing address/telephone number filing fees must be tendered
unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate for the required amount of fil- with your pleadings/objections,
indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the re- ing fees. If any objections are unless you qualify to file as an
court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If filed, a hearing will be sched- indigent party. Contact probate
quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- uled at a later date. If no objec- court personnel for the re-
any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later tions are filed, the petition may quired amount of filing fees. If
ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, be granted without a hearing. any objections are filed, a hear-
date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted Bedelia C Hargrove ing will be scheduled at a later
the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted without a hearing. Judge of the Probate Judge date. If no objections are filed,
without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove By: the petition may be granted
Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- without a hearing.
Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of bate Court Bedelia C Hargrove
Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of the Probate Court 556 North McDonough Street, Judge of the Probate Court
Probate Court bate Court bate Court the Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Room 1100 Michael Hagley, Clerk of the
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 Decatur Georgia 30030 Probate Court
1100 1100 1100 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 (404) 371-260 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 1100
404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 220-468887 09/22, 09/29, Decatur, Georgia 30030
220-468879 09/22, 09/29, 220-468881 09/22, 09/29, 220-468883 09/22, 09/29, 220-468885 09/22, 09/29, 10/06, 10/13 2022 220-468889 09/22, 09/29, 404-371-2601
10/06, 10/13/2022 10/06, 10/13/2022 10/06, 10/13 10/06, 10/13 NOTICE ++2022-0179++ 10/06, 10/13 2022 220-468949 09/29, 10/06,
NOTICE ++2022-1947++ NOTICE ++2022-1943++ NOTICE ++2022-1917++ NOTICE ++2022-1897++ TO: All Interested Parties and NOTICE ++2022-1839++ 10/13, 10/20 2022
TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and to whom it may concern: TO: Annette Richardson and to NOTICE
to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: CHERYL BROWN WYATT has whom it may concern: ++2022-1479++
SANDRA CHRISTINE PER- MICHELE L PRINCIPE has pe- DONALD DICKERSON has pe- KAZIM BAMIDELE AMINU has petitioned to be appointed Ad- LESSIE B ZUBER has peti- TO: All Interested Parties and
CELL-GILBERT has petitioned titioned to be appointed Admin- titioned to be appointed Admin- petitioned to be appointed Ad- ministrator of the estate of AL- tioned to be appointed Adminis- to whom it may concern:
to be appointed istrator(s) of the estate of istrator of the estate of HELEN ministrator of the estate of MO- BERT GERALD DANIELS de- trator of the estate of WILLIAM DERRICO DEANDRAE
Administrator(s) of the estate of NANCY JANE COPE de- DICKERSON deceased, of said BOLAJI AMINU deceased, of ceased, of said County. The ALLEN ZUBER deceased, of BARNHART has petitioned to
MICHELLE DOREEN BLAIR ceased, of said County. The County. The Petitioner has also said County. The Petitioner has Petitioner has also applied for said County. The Petitioner has be appointed Administrator of
deceased, of said County. The Petitioner(s) has also applied applied for waiver of bond also applied for waiver of bond waiver of bond and/or grant of also applied for waiver of bond the estate of JOHNNY ED-
Petitioner(s) has also applied for waiver of bond and/or grant and/or grant of certain powers and/or grant of certain powers certain powers contained in and/or grant of certain powers WARD BARNHART, JR. de-
for waiver of bond and/or grant of certain powers contained in contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- ceased, of said County. The
of certain powers contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- 261. All interested parties are 261. All interested parties are ested parties are hereby noti- 261. All interested parties are Petitioner has also applied for
O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- ested parties are hereby noti- hereby notified to show cause hereby notified to show cause fied to show cause why said hereby notified to show cause waiver of bond and/or grant of
ested parties are hereby noti- fied to show cause why said why said Petition should not be why said Petition should not be Petition should not be granted. why said Petition should not be certain powers contained in
fied to show cause why said Petition should not be granted. granted. All objections to the granted. All objections to the All objections to the Petition granted. All objections to the O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter-
Petition should not be granted. All objections to the Petition Petition must be in writing, set- Petition must be in writing, set- must be in writing, setting forth Petition must be in writing, set- ested parties are hereby noti-
All objections to the Petition must be in writing, setting forth ting forth the grounds of any ting forth the grounds of any the grounds of any such objec- ting forth the grounds of any fied to show cause why said
must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objec- such objections, and must be such objections, and must be tions, and must be filed with the such objections, and must be Petition should not be granted.
the grounds of any such objec- tions, and must be filed with the filed with the Court on or be- filed with the Court on or be- Court on or before 10/24/2022. filed with the Court on or be- All objections to the Petition
tions, and must be filed with the Court on or before 10/24/2022. fore 10/24/2022. fore 10/24/2022. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All fore 10/24/2022. must be in writing, setting forth
Court on or before 10/24/2022. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All the grounds of any such objec-
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must objections to the petition must objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the objections to the petition must tions, and must be filed with the
objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth the Court on or before 10/31/2022.
be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn grounds of any such objections. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or be- All objections should be sworn objections to the petition must
All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- fore a probate court clerk, and to before a notary public or be- be in writing, setting forth the
to before a notary public or be- fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk and fore a probate court clerk and filing fees must be tendered fore a probate court clerk, and grounds of any such objections.
fore a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, filing fees must be tendered All objections should be sworn
filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an with your pleadings/objections, to before a notary public or be-
with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate unless you qualify to file as an fore a probate court clerk, and
unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact probate filing fees must be tendered
indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If court personnel for the re- with your pleadings/objections,
court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If unless you qualify to file as an
quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- indigent party. Contact probate
any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later court personnel for the re-
ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, quired amount of filing fees. If
date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted without a hearing. the petition may be granted any objections are filed, a hear-
the petition may be granted without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. ing will be scheduled at a later
without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove date. If no objections are filed,
Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of Judge of the Probate Court the petition may be granted
Judge of the Probate Court Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- the Probate Court Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of without a hearing.
Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Probate Court bate Court bate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove
Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Judge of the Probate Court
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 1100 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 Michael Hagley, Clerk of the
1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Probate Court
Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
404-371-2601 1100
Decatur, Georgia 30030
Page 34 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 
220-468950 09/29, 10/06, 220-468952 09/29, 10/06, 220-468954 09/29, 10/06, 220-468956 09/29, 10/06, 220-468958 09/29, 10/06, 220-468960 09/29, 10/06, 220-469413 9/29, 10/6, 10/13,
10/13, 10/20/2022 10/13, 10/20/2022 10/13, 10/20/2022 10/13, 10/20/2022 10/13, 10/20/2022 10/13, 10/20/2022 10/20
++2022-1907++ ++2022-1965++ ++2022-1971++ ++2022-1982++ ++2022-1994++ ++2022-1999++ ++ 2022-1434++
TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and PROBATE COURT OF
to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: DEKALB COUNTY
be appointed Administrator(s) has petitioned to be appointed IE PFEFFER has petitioned to be appointed Administrator(s) DOLPH has petitioned to be titioned to be appointed Admin- MULLINS for APPOINTMENT
of the estate of EVELYN BE- Administrator(s) of the estate of be appointed Administrator(s) of the estate of TLUANG THA appointed Administrator(s) of istrator of the estate of RUBY OF COUNTY ADMINISTRAT-
ATRICE PRESSLEY a/k/a MARILYN SHAW LANGLEY of the estate of RENEE ANN MEN deceased, of said County. the estate of MARY NELL VICTORIA ALTMAN a/k/a/ OR FOR THE SOLE PUR-
EVELYN BEATRICE CLARK deceased, of said County. The PFEFFER deceased, of said The Petitioner(s) has also ap- RANDOLPH deceased, of said QUERUBE VICTORIA POSE OF COMMENING OR
a/k/a EVELYN PRESSLEY Petitioner(s) has also applied County. The Petitioner(s) has plied for waiver of bond and/or County. The Petitioner(s) has QUIJANO DE ALTMAN a/k/a CONTINUING A LAWSUIT,
CLARK deceased, of said for waiver of bond and/or grant also applied for waiver of bond grant of certain powers con- also applied for waiver of bond SANDY ALTMAN deceased, of FOR THE OF THE ESTATE
County. The Petitioner(s) has of certain powers contained in and/or grant of certain powers tained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. and/or grant of certain powers said County. The Petitioner(s) OF VERNISHAL EVERHART,
also applied for waiver of bond O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- All interested parties are contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- has also applied for waiver of DECEASED
and/or grant of certain powers ested parties are hereby noti- 261. All interested parties are hereby notified to show cause 261. All interested parties are bond and/or grant of certain TO: UNKNOWN HEIRS and All
contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- fied to show cause why said hereby notified to show cause why said Petition should not be hereby notified to show cause powers contained in O.C.G.A. § Interested Parties
261. All interested parties are Petition should not be granted. why said Petition should not be granted. All objections to the why said Petition should not be 53-12-261. All interested This is to notify you to file ob-
hereby notified to show cause All objections to the Petition granted. All objections to the Petition must be in writing, set- granted. All objections to the parties are hereby notified to jection, if there is any, to the
why said Petition should not be must be in writing, setting forth Petition must be in writing, set- ting forth the grounds of any Petition must be in writing, set- show cause why said Petition above referenced petition, in
granted. All objections to the the grounds of any such objec- ting forth the grounds of any such objections, and must be ting forth the grounds of any should not be granted. All ob- this Court on or before
Petition must be in writing, set- tions, and must be filed with the such objections, and must be filed with the Court on or be- such objections, and must be jections to the Petition must be 10 / 3 1 / 2 0 2 2 .
ting forth the grounds of any Court on or before 10/31/2022. filed with the Court on or be- fore 10/31/2022. filed with the Court on or be- in writing, setting forth the BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
such objections, and must be BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All fore 10/31/2022. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All fore 10/31/2022. grounds of any such objections, objections to the petition must
filed with the Court on or be- objections to the petition must BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All and must be filed with the Court be in writing, setting forth
fore 10/31/2022. be in writing, setting forth the objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the objections to the petition must on or before 10/31/2022. grounds of any such objections.
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth the BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All All pleadings/objections must
objections to the petition must All objections should be sworn grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn grounds of any such objections. objections to the petition must be signed before a notary pub-
be in writing, setting forth the to before a notary public or be- All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or be- All objections should be sworn be in writing, setting forth the lic or before a probate court
grounds of any such objections. fore a probate court clerk, and to before a notary public or be- fore a probate court clerk, and to before a notary public or be- grounds of any such objections. clerk, and filing fees must be
All objections should be sworn filing fees must be tendered fore a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered fore a probate court clerk, and All objections should be sworn tendered with your
to before a notary public or be- with your pleadings/objections, filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, filing fees must be tendered to before a notary public or be- pleadings/objections, unless
fore a probate court clerk, and unless you qualify to file as an with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an with your pleadings/objections, fore a probate court clerk, and you qualify to file as an indi-
filing fees must be tendered indigent party. Contact probate unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate unless you qualify to file as an filing fees must be tendered gent party. Contact probate
with your pleadings/objections, court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact probate with your pleadings/objections, court personnel at the follow-
unless you qualify to file as an quired amount of filing fees. If court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If court personnel for the re- unless you qualify to file as an ing address/telephone number
indigent party. Contact probate any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If indigent party. Contact probate for the required amount of fil-
court personnel for the re- ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- court personnel for the re- ing fees. If any objections are
quired amount of filing fees. If date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later quired amount of filing fees. If filed, a hearing will be sched-
any objections are filed, a hear- the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, any objections are filed, a hear- uled at a later date. If no objec-
ing will be scheduled at a later without a hearing. the petition may be granted without a hearing. the petition may be granted ing will be scheduled at a later tions are filed, the petition may
date. If no objections are filed, Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. date. If no objections are filed, be granted without a hearing.
the petition may be granted Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove the petition may be granted Bedelia C Hargrove
without a hearing. Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court without a hearing. Judge of the Probate Court
Bedelia C Hargrove Probate Court Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Probate Court Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Bedelia C Hargrove Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the
Judge of the Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Probate Court
Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
Probate Court Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 Probate Court 1100
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Decatur, Georgia 30030
1100 220-468953 09/29, 10/06, 404-371-2601 220-468957 09/29, 10/06, 404-371-2601 1100 404-371-2601
Decatur, Georgia 30030 10/13, 10/20 2022 220-468955 09/29, 10/06, 10/13, 10/20/2022 220-468959 09/29, 10/06, Decatur, Georgia 30030 220-469487 10/6, 10/13, 10/20,
404-371-2601 NOTICE 10/14, 10/20/2022 NOTICE 10/13, 10/20/2022 404-371-2601 10/27
++2022-1970++ NOTICE ++2022-1991++ NOTICE NOTICE
TO: All Interested Parties and ++2022-1975++ TO: All Interested Parties and ++2022-1997++ ++2022-1858++
to whom it may concern: TO: All Interested Parties and to whom it may concern: TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and
220-468951 09/29, 10/06, KENNETH D. BROWN has pe- to whom it may concern: ROBERT WINCHESTER has to whom it may concern: 220-468961 09/29, 10/06, to whom it may concern:
10/13, 10/20 titioned to be appointed Admin- MICHAEL KELSHALL BAP- petitioned to be appointed Ad- SANDRA D LESLIE has peti- 10/13, 10/20/2022 MOSES ALEXANDER DAVIS
NOTICE istrator of the estate of PHYL- TISTE has petitioned to be ap- ministrator(s) of the estate of tioned to be appointed Adminis- NOTICE has petitioned to be appointed
++2022-1959++ LIS ELAINE VESSELS de- pointed Administrator(s) of the HELEN VIRGINIA E. trator(s) of the estate of ++2022-2000++ Administrator of the estate of
TO: All Interested Parties and ceased, of said County. The estate of THERESA JUANITA WINCHESTER deceased, of THOMAS N/M/N LESLIE de- TO: All Interested Parties and MOSES DAVIS deceased, of
to whom it may concern: Petitioner has also applied for BAPTISTE deceased, of said said County. The Petitioner(s) ceased, of said County. The to whom it may concern: said County. The Petitioner(s)
MARILYN LOUISE HILL has waiver of bond and/or grant of County. The Petitioner(s) has has also applied for waiver of Petitioner(s) has also applied FRANCIS R. FARMER has pe- has also applied for waiver of
petitioned to be appointed Ad- certain powers contained in also applied for waiver of bond bond and/or grant of certain for waiver of bond and/or grant titioned to be appointed Admin- bond and/or grant of certain
ministrator of the estate of O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- and/or grant of certain powers powers contained in O.C.G.A. § of certain powers contained in istrator(s) of the estate of powers contained in O.C.G.A. §
GREGORY BERNARD BUTTS ested parties are hereby noti- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- 53-12-261. All interested O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- FRANCIS FARMER deceased, 53-12-261. All interested
deceased, of said County. The fied to show cause why said 261. All interested parties are parties are hereby notified to ested parties are hereby noti- of said County. The parties are hereby notified to
Petitioner has also applied for Petition should not be granted. hereby notified to show cause show cause why said Petition fied to show cause why said Petitioner(s) has also applied show cause why said Petition
waiver of bond and/or grant of All objections to the Petition why said Petition should not be should not be granted. All ob- Petition should not be granted. for waiver of bond and/or grant should not be granted. All ob-
certain powers contained in must be in writing, setting forth granted. All objections to the jections to the Petition must be All objections to the Petition of certain powers contained in jections to the Petition must be
O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- the grounds of any such objec- Petition must be in writing, set- in writing, setting forth the must be in writing, setting forth O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- in writing, setting forth the
ested parties are hereby noti- tions, and must be filed with the ting forth the grounds of any grounds of any such objections, the grounds of any such objec- ested parties are hereby noti- grounds of any such objections,
fied to show cause why said Court on or before 10/31/2022. such objections, and must be and must be filed with the Court tions, and must be filed with the fied to show cause why said and must be filed with the Court
Petition should not be granted. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All filed with the Court on or be- on or before 10/31/2022. Court on or before 10/31/2022. Petition should not be granted. on or before 11/07/2022.
All objections to the Petition objections to the petition must fore 10/31/2022. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All All objections to the Petition BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
must be in writing, setting forth be in writing, setting forth the BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must objections to the petition must must be in writing, setting forth objections to the petition must
the grounds of any such objec- grounds of any such objections. objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the the grounds of any such objec- be in writing, setting forth the
tions, and must be filed with the All objections should be sworn be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. tions, and must be filed with the grounds of any such objections.
Court on or before 10/31/2022. to before a notary public or be- grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn Court on or before 10/31/2022. All objections should be sworn
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All fore a probate court clerk, and All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All to before a notary public or be-
objections to the petition must filing fees must be tendered to before a notary public or be- fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and objections to the petition must fore a probate court clerk, and
be in writing, setting forth the with your pleadings/objections, fore a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered be in writing, setting forth the filing fees must be tendered
grounds of any such objections. unless you qualify to file as an filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, grounds of any such objections. with your pleadings/objections,
All objections should be sworn indigent party. Contact probate with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an All objections should be sworn unless you qualify to file as an
to before a notary public or be- court personnel for the re- unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate to before a notary public or be- indigent party. Contact probate
fore a probate court clerk and quired amount of filing fees. If indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- fore a probate court clerk, and court personnel for the re-
filing fees must be tendered any objections are filed, a hear- court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If filing fees must be tendered quired amount of filing fees. If
with your pleadings/objections, ing will be scheduled at a later quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- with your pleadings/objections, any objections are filed, a hear-
unless you qualify to file as an date. If no objections are filed, any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later unless you qualify to file as an ing will be scheduled at a later
indigent party. Contact probate the petition may be granted ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, indigent party. Contact probate date. If no objections are filed,
court personnel for the re- without a hearing. date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted the petition may be granted court personnel for the re- the petition may be granted
quired amount of filing fees. If Bedelia C Hargrove the petition may be granted without a hearing. without a hearing. quired amount of filing fees. If without a hearing.
any objections are filed, a hear- Judge of the Probate Court without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove any objections are filed, a hear- Bedelia C Hargrove
ing will be scheduled at a later Michael Hagley, Clerk of the Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court ing will be scheduled at a later Judge of the Probate Court
date. If no objections are filed, Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the date. If no objections are filed, Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the
the petition may be granted 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Probate Court Probate Court the petition may be granted Probate Court
without a hearing. 1100 Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. without a hearing. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
Bedelia C Hargrove Decatur, Georgia 30030 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 1100 Bedelia C Hargrove 1100
Judge of the Probate Court 404-371-2601 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Judge of the Probate Court Decatur, Georgia 30030
Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the 404-371-2601
bate Court 404-371-2601 Probate Court
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
1100 1100
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030
404-371-2601 404-371-2601
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022Page 35
220-469488 10/6, 10/13, 10/20, 220-469490 10/06, 10/13, 220-469492 10/06, 10/13, 220-469494 10/06, 10/13, 220-469496 10/06, 10/13, 220-469498 10/06, 10/13, 220-469500 10/06, 10/13,
10/27 10/20, 10/27 10/20, 10/27 2022 10/20, 10/27 2022 10/20, 10/27 2022 10/20, 10/27/2022 10/20, 10/27
++2022-2041++ ++2022-1954++ ++2022-1981++ ++2022-1996++ ++2022-2015++ ++2022-2017++ ++2016-0724++
TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and
to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern:
tioned to be appointed Adminis- has petitioned to be appointed tioned to be appointed Adminis- tioned to be appointed Adminis- appointed Administrator of the tioned to be appointed Adminis- titioned to be appointed Admin-
trator(s) of the estate of JOHN- Administrator of the estate of trator of the estate of ADDIE M. trator of the estate of VALEN- estate of THAN NATALE KY- trator(s) of the estate of istrator of the estate of HAR-
NIE WILLIAMS deceased, of DANIEL ARISTIDE deceased, DALE deceased, of said CIA ELLISON deceased, of AW deceased, of said County. TIMOTHY DRAKE HAIRE de- OLD LAWRENCE BRINSON
said County. The Petitioner(s) of said County. The Petitioner County. The Petitioner has also said County. The Petitioner has The Petitioner has also applied ceased, of said County. The deceased, of said County. The
has also applied for waiver of has also applied for waiver of applied for waiver of bond also applied for waiver of bond for waiver of bond and/or grant Petitioner(s) has also applied Petitioner(s) has also applied
bond and/or grant of certain bond and/or grant of certain and/or grant of certain powers and/or grant of certain powers of certain powers contained in for waiver of bond and/or grant for waiver of bond and/or grant
powers contained in O.C.G.A. § powers contained in O.C.G.A. § contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- of certain powers contained in of certain powers contained in
53-12-261. All interested 53-12-261. All interested 261. All interested parties are 261. All interested parties are ested parties are hereby noti- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter-
parties are hereby notified to parties are hereby notified to hereby notified to show cause hereby notified to show cause fied to show cause why said ested parties are hereby noti- ested parties are hereby noti-
show cause why said Petition show cause why said Petition why said Petition should not be why said Petition should not be Petition should not be granted. fied to show cause why said fied to show cause why said
should not be granted. All ob- should not be granted. All ob- granted. All objections to the granted. All objections to the All objections to the Petition Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted.
jections to the Petition must be jections to the Petition must be Petition must be in writing, set- Petition must be in writing, set- must be in writing, setting forth All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition
in writing, setting forth the in writing, setting forth the ting forth the grounds of any ting forth the grounds of any the grounds of any such objec- must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth
grounds of any such objections, grounds of any such objections, such objections, and must be such objections, and must be tions, and must be filed with the the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec-
and must be filed with the Court and must be filed with the Court filed with the Court on or be- filed with the Court on or be- Court on or before 11/07/2022. tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the
on or before 11/07/2022. on or before 11/07/2022. fore 11/07/2022. fore 11/07/2022. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All Court on or before 11/07/2022. Court on or before 11/07/2022.
objections to the petition must objections to the petition must objections to the petition must objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the objections to the petition must objections to the petition must
be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the
grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections.
All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or be- All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn
to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- fore a probate court clerk, and to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be-
fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk and fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk and
filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered
with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections,
unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an
indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate
court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re-
quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If
any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear-
ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later
date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed,
the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted without a hearing. the petition may be granted the petition may be granted
without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. without a hearing.
Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove
Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Michael Hagley, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court
Tiffany Kinslow, Clerk of the Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of Michael Hagley, Clerk of the Probate Court Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro-
Probate Court bate Court the Probate Court Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court bate Court
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
1100 1100 1100 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 1100
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030
404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 220-469497 10/06, 10/13, 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
220-469489 10/06, 10/13, 220-469491 10/06, 10/13, 220-469493 10/06, 10/13, 220-469495 10/06, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27/2022 220-469499 10/6, 10/13, 10/20, 220-469501 10/06, 10/13,
10/20, 10/27 10/20, 10/27 2022 10/20, 10/27 10/20, 10/27/2022 NOTICE 10/27 10/20, 10/27 2022
++2022-2048++ ++2022-1967++ ++2022-1979++ ++2022-2061++ TO: All Interested Parties and ++2022-2020++ ++2022-2030++
TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and to whom it may concern: TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and
to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: PAMELA G MOTT has peti- to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern:
JUANITA BROWN has peti- UTOPIA SKY BLAND has peti- AMINA FARAH has petitioned FERNANDO SATTERWHITE tioned to be appointed Adminis- STACEY GERARD MITCHELL RANDALL W. SPYKE has peti-
tioned to be appointed Adminis- tioned to be appointed Adminis- to be appointed Administrator has petitioned to be appointed trator(s) of the estate of KIM- has petitioned to be appointed tioned to be appointed Adminis-
trator of the estate of trator of the estate of of the estate of ABDIGAFAR Administrator(s) of the estate of BERLY ALLEN WYNNE de- Administrator of the estate of trator of the estate of JANICE
INGTON deceased, of said BROWN deceased, of said County. The Petitioner has also SR. deceased, of said County. Petitioner(s) has also applied ceased, of said County. The said County. The Petitioner has
County. The Petitioner has also County. The Petitioner has also applied for waiver of bond The Petitioner(s) has also ap- for waiver of bond and/or grant Petitioner has also applied for also applied for waiver of bond
applied for waiver of bond applied for waiver of bond and/or grant of certain powers plied for waiver of bond and/or of certain powers contained in waiver of bond and/or grant of and/or grant of certain powers
and/or grant of certain powers and/or grant of certain powers contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- grant of certain powers con- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- certain powers contained in contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-
contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- 261. All interested parties are tained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. ested parties are hereby noti- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- 261. All interested parties are
261. All interested parties are 261. All interested parties are hereby notified to show cause All interested parties are fied to show cause why said ested parties are hereby noti- hereby notified to show cause
hereby notified to show cause hereby notified to show cause why said Petition should not be hereby notified to show cause Petition should not be granted. fied to show cause why said why said Petition should not be
why said Petition should not be why said Petition should not be granted. All objections to the why said Petition should not be All objections to the Petition Petition should not be granted. granted. All objections to the
granted. All objections to the granted. All objections to the Petition must be in writing, set- granted. All objections to the must be in writing, setting forth All objections to the Petition Petition must be in writing, set-
Petition must be in writing, set- Petition must be in writing, set- ting forth the grounds of any Petition must be in writing, set- the grounds of any such objec- must be in writing, setting forth ting forth the grounds of any
ting forth the grounds of any ting forth the grounds of any such objections, and must be ting forth the grounds of any tions, and must be filed with the the grounds of any such objec- such objections, and must be
such objections, and must be such objections, and must be filed with the Court on or be- such objections, and must be Court on or before 11/07/2022. tions, and must be filed with the filed with the Court on or be-
filed with the Court on or be- filed with the Court on or be- fore 11/07/2022. filed with the Court on or be- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All Court on or before 11/07/2022. fore 11/07/2022.
fore 11/07/2022. fore 11/07/2022. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All fore 11/07/2022. objections to the petition must BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All be in writing, setting forth the objections to the petition must objections to the petition must
objections to the petition must objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the objections to the petition must grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the
be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth the All objections should be sworn grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections.
grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn grounds of any such objections. to before a notary public or be- All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn
All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or be- All objections should be sworn fore a probate court clerk, and to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be-
to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- fore a probate court clerk and to before a notary public or be- filing fees must be tendered fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and
fore a probate court clerk and fore a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered fore a probate court clerk, and with your pleadings/objections, filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered
filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, filing fees must be tendered unless you qualify to file as an with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections,
with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an with your pleadings/objections, indigent party. Contact probate unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an
unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate unless you qualify to file as an court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate
indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact probate quired amount of filing fees. If court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re-
court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If court personnel for the re- any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If
quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear-
any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later
ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed,
date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, without a hearing. the petition may be granted the petition may be granted
the petition may be granted the petition may be granted without a hearing. the petition may be granted Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. without a hearing.
without a hearing. without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove
Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court
Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- Judge of the Probate Court Probate Court Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Michael Hagley, Clerk of the
Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of bate Court Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court Probate Court
bate Court the Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 1100
1100 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
Page 36 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 
220-469502 10/06, 10/13, 220-469504 10/06, 10/13, 220-469506 10/06, 10/13, 220-469508 10/06, 10/13, 240-469510 10/06/2022
10/20, 10/27/2022
10/20, 10/27/2022
10/20, 10/27/2022
10/20, 10/27
Dismiss Executor Leave To Sale
++2022-2031++ ++2022-2037++ ++2022-2046++ ++2022-2054++ PROBATE COURT OF 250-468892 09/22, 09/29, 280-468816 9/15, 9/22, 9/29,
TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and DEKALB COUNTY 10/06, 10/13/2022 10/6
to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: RE: PETITION of WILLIAM E. NOTICE ++2020-1470++ NOTICE ++2002-1580++
JR. has petitioned to be ap- petitioned to be appointed Ad- MONS has petitioned to be ap- petitioned to be appointed Ad- MINISTRATOR OF THE ES- DEKALB COUNTY DEKALB COUNTY
pointed Administrator(s) of the ministrator(s) of the estate of pointed Administrator(s) of the ministrator of the estate of TATE OF JANICE M. CECIL, RE: PETITION of ANNA RE: PETITION of GREGORY A
CRUMBLEY deceased, of said ceased, of said County. The MONS deceased, of said DREW, JR. deceased, of said TO: All Interested Parties CHARGE as EXECUTOR OF SALE OF PROPERTY OF THE
County. The Petitioner(s) has Petitioner(s) has also applied County. The Petitioner(s) has County. The Petitioner has also This is to notify you to file ob- THE ESTATE OF PHILIP ESTATE OF CAROLE BUFF-
also applied for waiver of bond for waiver of bond and/or grant also applied for waiver of bond applied for waiver of bond jection, if there is any, to the SCOTT BUSH, DECEASED INGTON WHEELER, DE-
and/or grant of certain powers of certain powers contained in and/or grant of certain powers and/or grant of certain powers above referenced petition, in TO: Laureate Medical Group CEASED
contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- this Court on or before and Peachtree Neurological TO: KAYLYN O’KELLEY and
261. All interested parties are ested parties are hereby noti- 261. All interested parties are 261. All interested parties are 10 / 1 7 / 2 0 2 2 . Clinic, Digestive Care Consult- All Interested Parties
hereby notified to show cause fied to show cause why said hereby notified to show cause hereby notified to show cause BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All ants, DDS, and Georgia De- This is to notify you to file ob-
why said Petition should not be Petition should not be granted. why said Petition should not be why said Petition should not be objections to the petition must partment Of Rev Taxpayers jection, if there is any, to the
granted. All objections to the All objections to the Petition granted. All objections to the granted. All objections to the be in writing, setting forth Service Division All Interested above referenced petition, in
Petition must be in writing, set- must be in writing, setting forth Petition must be in writing, set- Petition must be in writing, set- grounds of any such objections. Parties this Court on or before
ting forth the grounds of any the grounds of any such objec- ting forth the grounds of any ting forth the grounds of any All pleadings/objections must This is to notify you to file ob- 10 / 1 7 / 2 0 2 2 .
such objections, and must be tions, and must be filed with the such objections, and must be such objections, and must be be signed before a notary pub- jection, if there is any, to the BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
filed with the Court on or be- Court on or before 11/07/2022. filed with the Court on or be- filed with the Court on or be- lic or before a probate court above referenced petition, in objections to the petition must
fore 11/07/2022. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All fore 11/07/2022. fore 11/07/2022. clerk, and filing fees must be this Court on or before be in writing, setting forth
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All tendered with your 10 / 2 4 / 2 0 2 2 . grounds of any such objections.
objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the objections to the petition must objections to the petition must pleadings/objections, unless BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All All pleadings/objections must
be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the you qualify to file as an indi- objections to the petition must be signed before a notary pub-
grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. gent party. Contact probate be in writing, setting forth lic or before a probate court
All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or be- All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn court personnel at the follow- grounds of any such objections. clerk, and filing fees must be
to before a notary public or be- fore a probate court clerk, and to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- ing address/telephone number All pleadings/objections must tendered with your
fore a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk and for the required amount of fil- be signed before a notary pub- pleadings/objections, unless
filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered ing fees. If any objections are lic or before a probate court you qualify to file as an indi-
with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, filed, a hearing will be sched- clerk, and filing fees must be gent party. Contact probate
unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an uled at a later date. If no objec- tendered with your court personnel at the follow-
indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate tions are filed, the petition may pleadings/objections, unless ing address/telephone number
court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- be granted without a hearing. you qualify to file as an indi- for the required amount of fil-
quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If Bedelia C Hargrove gent party. Contact probate ing fees. If any objections are
any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- Judge of the Probate Court court personnel at the follow- filed, a hearing will be sched-
ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the ing address/telephone number uled at a later date. If no objec-
date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, Probate Court for the required amount of fil- tions are filed, the petition may
the petition may be granted without a hearing. the petition may be granted the petition may be granted 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. ing fees. If any objections are be granted without a hearing.
without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. without a hearing. 1100 filed, a hearing will be sched- Bedelia C Hargrove
Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Decatur, Georgia 30030 uled at a later date. If no objec- Judge of the Probate Court
Judge of the Probate Court Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court 404-371-2601 tions are filed, the petition may Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the
Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Probate Court Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- 240-469511 10/06/2022 be granted without a hearing. Probate Court
Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court bate Court NOTICE Bedelia C Hargrove 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. ++2019-0414++ Judge of the Probate Court 1100
1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 1100 PROBATE COURT OF Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Decatur, Georgia 30030
Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 DEKALB COUNTY Probate Court 404-371-2601
404-371-2601 220-469505 10/06, 10/13, 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 RE: PETITION of BELINDA 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
220-469503 10/06, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27/2022 220-469507 10/06, 10/13, GAIL LAFAVOR for DIS- 1100
10/20, 10/27
10/20, 10/27/2022
Dismiss Administrator CHARGE as ADMINISTRAT-
Decatur, Georgia 30030
404-371-2601 Miscellaneous
++2022-2033++ TO: All Interested Parties and ++2022-2056++ MEDIA SATTERWHITE, DE-
240-469509 10/06/2022 250-469512 10/06/2022
TO: All Interested Parties and to whom it may concern: TO: All Interested Parties and CEASED 290-468817 9/15, 9/22, 9/29,
to whom it may concern: KAILEE SIMONE SMITH has to whom it may concern: TO: All Interested Parties 10/6
++2021-1124++ ++2020-1515++
KENNETH EARL HAYES has petitioned to be appointed Ad- HAROLD JEROME SEALS has This is to notify you to file ob- IN RE: Estate of JONATHAN
petitioned to be appointed Ad- ministrator(s) of the estate of petitioned to be appointed Ad- jection, if there is any, to the DAVID ROSEN Estate No.
ministrator of the estate of DE- KATHERINE ADRIENNE ministrator(s) of the estate of above referenced petition, in ++2021-2193++
BORAH OSLER HAYES de- SMITH deceased, of said SHARON DENICE SEALS de- this Court on or before Petition By Personal Repres-
ceased, of said County. The County. The Petitioner(s) has ceased, of said County. The 10 / 1 7 / 2 0 2 2 . entative for
Petitioner has also applied for also applied for waiver of bond Petitioner(s) has also applied BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All Waiver of Bond and Grant of
waiver of bond and/or grant of and/or grant of certain powers for waiver of bond and/or grant objections to the petition must Certain Powers
certain powers contained in contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- of certain powers contained in be in writing, setting forth NOTICE
O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- 261. All interested parties are O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- grounds of any such objections. GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY
TO: All Interested Parties IN, DECEASED
ested parties are hereby noti- hereby notified to show cause ested parties are hereby noti- All pleadings/objections must PROBATE COURT
This is to notify you to file ob- TO: All Interested Parties
fied to show cause why said why said Petition should not be fied to show cause why said be signed before a notary pub- HILLARY B. CRANFORD has
jection, if there is any, to the This is to notify you to file ob-
Petition should not be granted. granted. All objections to the Petition should not be granted. lic or before a probate court petitioned for waiver of bond
above referenced petition, in jection, if there is any, to the
All objections to the Petition Petition must be in writing, set- All objections to the Petition clerk, and filing fees must be and for the grant of certain
this Court on or before above referenced petition, in
must be in writing, setting forth ting forth the grounds of any must be in writing, setting forth tendered with your powers contained in O.C.G.A. §
10 / 1 7 / 2 0 2 2 . this Court on or before
the grounds of any such objec- such objections, and must be the grounds of any such objec- pleadings/objections, unless 53-12-261. All interested
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All 10 / 1 7 / 2 0 2 2 .
tions, and must be filed with the filed with the Court on or be- tions, and must be filed with the you qualify to file as an indi- parties are hereby notified to
objections to the petition must BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
Court on or before 11/07/2022. fore 11/07/2022. Court on or before 11/07/2022. gent party. Contact probate show cause why said Petition
be in writing, setting forth objections to the petition must
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All court personnel at the follow- should not be granted. All ob-
grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth
objections to the petition must objections to the petition must objections to the petition must ing address/telephone number jections to the Petition must be
All pleadings/objections must grounds of any such objections.
be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the for the required amount of fil- in writing, setting forth the
be signed before a notary pub- All pleadings/objections must
grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. ing fees. If any objections are grounds of any such objections,
lic or before a probate court be signed before a notary pub-
All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn filed, a hearing will be sched- and must be filed with the Court
clerk, and filing fees must be lic or before a probate court
to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- uled at a later date. If no objec- on or before 10/17/2022.
tendered with your clerk, and filing fees must be
fore a probate court clerk and fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and tions are filed, the petition may BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
pleadings/objections, unless tendered with your
filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered be granted without a hearing. pleadings/objections must be
you qualify to file as an indi- pleadings/objections, unless
with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, Bedelia C Hargrove signed under oath before a not-
gent party. Contact probate you qualify to file as an indi-
unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an Judge of the Probate Court ary public or before a probate
court personnel at the follow- gent party. Contact probate
indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the court clerk, and filing fees must
ing address/telephone number court personnel at the follow-
court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- Probate Court be tendered with your plead-
for the required amount of fil- ing address/telephone number
quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. ings/objections, unless you
ing fees. If any objections are for the required amount of fil-
any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- 1100 qualify to file as an indigent
filed, a hearing will be sched- ing fees. If any objections are
ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later Decatur, Georgia 30030 party. Contact probate court
uled at a later date. If no objec- filed, a hearing will be sched-
date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, 404-371-2601 personnel at the following ad-
tions are filed, the petition may uled at a later date. If no objec-
the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted dress/telephone number for the
be granted without a hearing. tions are filed, the petition may
without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. required amount of filing fees. If
Bedelia C Hargrove be granted without a hearing.
Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove any objections are filed, a hear-
Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove
Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court ing will be scheduled at a later
Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court
Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the date. If no objections are filed,
Probate Court Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the
bate Court Probate Court Probate Court the petition may be granted
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. without a hearing.
1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
1100 1100 1100 Bedelia C Hargrove
Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Judge of the Probate Court
404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030
404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the
Probate Court
556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
Decatur, Georgia 30030
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022Page 37
290-468818 9/15, 9/22, 9/29, 300-468897 09/22, 09/29, 310-468968 09/29, 10/06, 310-469514 10/06, 10/13, 310-469516 10/06, 10/13, 320-469519 10/6
IN RE: Estate of JESUS O
Will 10/06, 10/13/2022
10/13, 10/20/2022
10/20, 10/27/2022
10/20, 10/27
GUISASOLA Estate No. 300-468819 09/15, 09/22, ++2022-0767++ ++2022-2004++ ++2022-2057++ ++2022-2038++ GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY
++2022-1865++ 09/29, 10/06 2022 RE: PETITION OF EDWYNA TO: All Interested Parties TO: All Interested Parties TO: All Interested Parties A petition has been filed with
Petition By Personal Repres- NOTICE ++2022-0892++ STARR TO PROBATE IN SOL- The Petition of Greer P. The Petition of Helen Jean My- The Petition of Betty Jean Alex- the Board of Commissioners of
entative for RE: PETITION OF ESSIMENA EMN FORM THE WILL OF Mendel, for a year’s support ers Randolph, for a year’s sup- ander, for a year’s support from DeKalb County, Georgia, for
Waiver of Bond and Grant of E WILLIAMS STOKES TO GLORIA JEAN POWELL from the estate of Jarrod S. port from the estate of Moses the estate of Jimmy Alexander, the installation of speed tables
Certain Powers PROBATE IN SOLEMN FORM STARR, DECEASED, UPON Mendel, Deceased, for De- Robinson Randolph, De - Deceased, for Decedent’s Sur- on ++Eleanor Street++
NOTICE THE WILL OF IRENE WILLI- WHICH AN ORDER OR SER- cedent’s Surviving Spouse and ceased, for Decedent’s Surviv- viving Spouse and minor child, between Liberty Avenue and
GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY AMS LAWSON, DECEASED, VICE WAS GRANTED BY minor child, having been duly ing Spouse having been duly having been duly filed, all inter- Wilkinson Drive in the 15th Dis-
PROBATE COURT UPON WHICH AN ORDER OR THIS COURT. filed, all interested persons are filed, all interested persons are ested persons are hereby noti- trict of DeKalb County, Geor-
JESUS M GUISASOLA has pe- SERVICE WAS GRANTED BY TO: Angel Young hereby notified to show cause, hereby notified to show cause, fied to show cause, if any they gia. Said petition has been set
titioned for waiver of bond and THIS COURT. This is to notify you to file ob- if any they have, on or before if any they have, on or before have, on or before 11/07/2022, for hearing before the Board of
for the grant of certain powers TO: James Eric Lawson jection, if there is any, to the 10/31/2022, why said Petition 11/07/2022, why said Petition why said Petition should not be Commissioners at ten o’clock
contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- This is to notify you to file ob- Petition to Probate Will in Sol- should not be granted. should not be granted. granted. AM on Tuesday, October 25,
261. All interested parties are jection, if there is any, to the emn Form, in this Court on or All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition 2022 on Zoom. Meeting will be
hereby notified to show cause Petition to Probate Will in Sol- before 10/24/2022. must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth held via Zoom and broadcast
why said Petition should not be emn Form, in this Court on or BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec- on DCTV’s UStream link:
granted. All objections to the before 10/17/2022. objections to the Petition must tions, and must be filed on or tions, and must be filed on or tions, and must be filed on or
Petition must be in writing, set- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All be in writing, setting forth the before the time stated in the before the time stated in the before the time stated in the ctv-channel-23. Join from PC
ting forth the grounds of any objections to the Petition must grounds of any such objections. preceding sentence. All plead- preceding sentence. All plead- preceding sentence. All plead- Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:ht-
such objections, and must be be in writing, setting forth the All objections should be sworn ings/objections should be ings/objections should be ings/objections should be tps://
filed with the Court on or be- grounds of any such objections. to before a notary public or be- sworn to before a notary public sworn to before a notary public sworn to before a notary public 7753778046 or Telephone:
fore 10/17/2022. All objections should be sworn fore a Probate Court Clerk, and or before a Probate Court or before a Probate Court or before a Probate Court 602-333-0032 or 888-270-9936
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All to before a notary public or be- filing fees must be tendered Clerk, and filing fees must be Clerk, and filing fees must be Clerk, and filing fees must be (Toll Free). Conference code:
pleadings/objections must be fore a Probate Court Clerk, and with your objections, unless tendered with your objections, tendered with your objections, tendered with your objections, 217687. Meeting participants or
signed under oath before a not- filing fees must be tendered you qualify to file as an indi- unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an callers phone numbers may be
ary public or before a probate with your objections, unless gent party. Contact Probate indigent party. Contact Probate indigent party. Contact Probate indigent party. Contact Probate displayed to public viewing or
court clerk, and filing fees must you qualify to file as an indi- Court personnel for the re- Court personnel for the re- Court personnel for the re- Court personnel for the re- participating in the online meet-
be tendered with your plead- gent party. Contact Probate quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If ing. Citizens may also email
ings/objections, unless you Court personnel for the re- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- documents for inclusion into the
qualify to file as an indigent quired amount of filing fees. If ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later official record by submitting
party. Contact probate court any objections are filed, a hear- date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed date. If no objections are filed date. If no objections are filed such materials by 9am on the
personnel at the following ad- ing will be scheduled at a later the Petition may be granted the Petition may be granted the Petition may be granted the Petition may be granted date of the public hearing.Pub-
dress/telephone number for the date. If no objections are filed, without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. licHearing@dekalbcountyga.go
required amount of filing fees. If the Petition may be granted Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove v. All persons whose interest
any objections are filed, a hear- without a hearing. Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court are affected by the proposed
ing will be scheduled at a later Bedelia C Hargrove Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the By: By: By: installation of the described
date. If no objections are filed, Judge of the Probate Court Probate Court Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- traffic devices are hereby noti-
the petition may be granted Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court Probate Court bate Court fied of the Virtual Public Meet-
without a hearing. the Probate Court 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. ing to present such objection or
Bedelia C Hargrove 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 1100 1100 evidence herein as interest re-
Judge of the Probate Court 1100 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 quire.
Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 This 6th day of October, 2022.
Probate Court
556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
404-371-2601 Year’s Support 310-468969 09/29, 10/06, 310-469515 10/06, 10/13, By:
Michael L. Thurmond
1100 300-468896 09/22, 09/29, 10/13, 10/20 2022
10/20, 10/27
NOTICE Public Hearing Chief Executive Officer
Decatur, Georgia 30030 10/06, 10/13 2022 310-468895 09/22, 09/29/, DeKalb County, Georgia
NOTICE ++2022-1904++ ++2022-1868++
404-371-2601 10/06, 10/13 320-469517 10/6
++2022-1827++ TO: All Interested Parties TO: All Interested Parties
NOTICE ++2022-1923++ PUBLIC HEARING 320-469520 10/6
290-469513 10/06, 10/13, RE: PETITION OF VERONICA The Petition of Lissa Marie The Petition of Paula Hickey
TO: All Interested Parties NOTICE IS GIVEN as provided NOTICE OF
10/20, 10/27 2022 H. BOHANNON TO PROBATE Smith-Cote, for a year’s sup- Forney, for a year’s support
The Petition of Lena Bell White, in the ATLANTA COMMUNITY PUBLIC HEARING
IN RE: Estate of LEROY IN SOLEMN FORM THE WILL port from the estate of Jason from the estate of Larry J For-
for a year’s support from the DISTRICT ACT (Ga. L. 1991, p. GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY
THOMPSON, SR. Estate No. OF ROBERT H. BOHANNON, John Cote, Deceased, for De- ney, Deceased, for Decedent’s
estate of Willie White, Jr., De- 3653), that a caucus of A petition has been filed with
++2022-1956++ DECEASED, UPON WHICH cedent’s Surviving Spouse and Surviving Spouse, having been
ceased, for Decedent’s Surviv- ++Electors of the Little 5 Points the Board of Commissioners of
Petition By Personal Repres- AN ORDER OR SERVICE minor child, having been duly duly filed, all interested per-
ing Spouse, having been duly Community Improvement Dis- DeKalb County, Georgia, for
entative for WAS GRANTED BY THIS filed, all interested persons are sons are hereby notified to
filed, all interested persons are trict++ has been called for the the installation of speed tables
Waiver of Bond and Grant of COURT. hereby notified to show cause, show cause, if any they have,
hereby notified to show cause, 11th day of October, 2022. The on ++East Drive++ between
Certain Powers TO: Darryl Bohannon if any they have, on or before on or before 11/07/2022, why
if any they have, on or before purpose of the caucus of the Second Avenue and Mark Trail
NOTICE This is to notify you to file ob- 10/31/2022, why said Petition said Petition should not be
10/24/2022, why said Petition Electors will be to elect three in the 15th District of DeKalb
GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY jection, if there is any, to the should not be granted. granted.
should not be granted. Board Members to fill three ex- County, Georgia. Said petition
PROBATE COURT Petition to Probate Will in Sol- All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition
All objections to the Petition piring terms. The meeting will has been set for hearing be-
ORA LEE THOMPSON has pe- emn Form, in this Court on or must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth
must be in writing, setting forth be held in person at 1629 fore the Board of Commission-
titioned for waiver of bond and before 10/24/2022. the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec-
the grounds of any such objec- McLendon Avenue, Atlanta, GA ers at ten o’clock AM on Tues-
for the grant of certain powers BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All tions, and must be filed on or tions, and must be filed on or
tions, and must be filed on or 30307 and virtually via Zoom. A day, October 25, 2022 on
contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- objections to the Petition must before the time stated in the before the time stated in the
before the time stated in the link to the scheduled meeting Zoom. Meeting will be held via
261. All interested parties are be in writing, setting forth the preceding sentence. All plead- preceding sentence. All plead-
preceding sentence. All plead- can be found at Zoom and broadcast on
hereby notified to show cause grounds of any such objections. ings/objections should be ings/objections should be
ings/objections should be The DCTV’s UStream link:
why said Petition should not be All objections should be sworn sworn to before a notary public sworn to before a notary public
sworn to before a notary public meeting will begin at 6:30 pm
granted. All objections to the to before a notary public or be- or before a Probate Court or before a Probate Court
or before a Probate Court with the election occurring im- ctv-channel-23. Join from PC
Petition must be in writing, set- fore a Probate Court Clerk, and Clerk, and filing fees must be Clerk, and filing fees must be
Clerk, and filing fees must be mediately upon opening. A Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:ht-
ting forth the grounds of any filing fees must be tendered tendered with your objections, tendered with your objections,
tendered with your objections, quorum shall consist of those tps://
such objections, and must be with your objections, unless unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an
unless you qualify to file as an Electors present. All Electors, 7753778046 or Telephone:
filed with the Court on or be- you qualify to file as an indi- indigent party. Contact Probate indigent party. Contact Probate
indigent party. Contact Probate as designated under the Act 602-333-0032 or 888-270-9936
fore 11/07/2022. gent party. Contact Probate Court personnel for the re- Court personnel for the re-
Court personnel for the re- are invited to attend and cast (Toll Free). Conference code:
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All Court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If
quired amount of filing fees. If their votes. 217687. Meeting participants or
pleadings/objections must be quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear-
any objections are filed, a hear- callers phone numbers may be
signed under oath before a not- any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later 320-469518 10/6,10/13
ing will be scheduled at a later displayed to public viewing or
ary public or before a probate ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed date. If no objections are filed Public Hearing
date. If no objections are filed participating in the online meet-
court clerk, and filing fees must date. If no objections are filed, the Petition may be granted the Petition may be granted Mountain View Way Right of
the Petition may be granted ing. Citizens may also email
be tendered with your plead- the Petition may be granted without a hearing. without a hearing. Way Abandonment
without a hearing. documents for inclusion into the
ings/objections, unless you without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Notice is hereby given that the
Bedelia C Hargrove official record by submitting
qualify to file as an indigent Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court DeKalb County Board of Com-
Judge of the Probate Court such materials by 9am on the
party. Contact probate court Judge of the Probate Court By: By: missioners have made a de-
By: date of the public hearing.Pub-
personnel at the following ad- Michael Hagley, Clerk of the Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of termination that an approxim-
Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- licHearing@dekalbcountyga.go
dress/telephone number for the Probate Court the Probate Court the Probate Court ately 4,681.24 SF section of
bate Court v. All persons whose interest
required amount of filing fees. If 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. right of way located at ++1069
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. are affected by the proposed
any objections are filed, a hear- 1100 1100 1100 Mountain View Way, Conley,
1100 installation of the described
ing will be scheduled at a later Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 GA 30388++ has ceased to be
Decatur, Georgia 30030 traffic devices are hereby noti-
date. If no objections are filed, 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 used by the Public to the ex-
404-371-2601 fied of the Virtual Public Meet-
the petition may be granted tent that no substantial public
without a hearing. purpose is served by it. A pub- ing to present such objection or
Bedelia C Hargrove evidence herein as interest re-
lic hearing to consider the
Judge of the Probate Court abandonment of a 4,681.24 SF quire.
Michael Hagley, Clerk of the portion of right-of-way located This 6th day of October, 2022.
Probate Court at Mountain View Way will be By:
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. held at 10:00 a.m. on October Michael L. Thurmond
1100 25, 2022. The meeting will be Chief Executive Officer
Decatur, Georgia 30030 conducted virtually. To access DeKalb County, Georgia
404-371-2601 the livestream meeting, visit ht-
Circuit. Those wishing to LCWF Act of 1965. answer to the petition on or be- 36-35-3(1)(B), AS AMENDED, foreclosed, a court shall order
provide written input on this ap- PROJECT DESCRIPTION fore 10 DAYS OF THIS NO- AND AS REQUIRED BY FUR- The vehicles subject to liens as the sale of the vehicle to satis-
pointment should forward the DeKalb County Department of TICE. THER AUTHORITY OF stated above are identified as: fy the debt.
same as noted herein below no Recreation, Parks & Cultural Answer forms may be found in O.C.G.A. SECTION 36-35-4.1, The vehicle is currently located
later than November 13, 2022. Affairs (DRPCA) conducted the Magistrate Court Clerk’s Of- SO AS TO AMEND SECTION ++Chevrolet 2008 IMPALA at 154 Olive Street Avondale
Such input will be received and property conversions at the fol- fice located at: 556 North Mc- 5-201 OF THE CHARTER OF 2G1WB58K181279183++ Estates. Georgia 30002
Page 38 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 
kept in confidence and will be
used by the Judges of the Su-
lowing three parks:
Blackburn Park, 3493 Ashford
Donough Street Decatur, GA THE CITY OF ATLANTA,
GEORGIA, GA. L. 1996, P.
TAG# <unknown> Anyone with an ownership in-
terest in this vehicle should
30030 Forms may also be ob-
320-469650 10/6 perior Court of DeKalb County Dunwoody Road, Brookhaven, tained online at 4469, ET SEQ., AS CADILLAC 2004 DEVILLE contact the following business
CITY OF TUCKER in their decision regarding the Georgia 30319 (1.84 acres), for http://www.georgiamagistrate- AMENDED, BY STRIKING IN 1G6KD54Y84U139188 TAG# immediately: Business Name:
NOTICE OF reappointment of Judge Temi- a land swap with the Housing ITS ENTIRETY APPENDIX I TAQ3312 GA Hunt's Wrecker Service
PUBLIC HEARINGS ka W. Murry as a Judge of the Authority of DeKalb County in You are hereby notified , in ac- THERETO RELATING TO THE Impound Date:7/28/2022
ZONING BOARD OF AP- Juvenile Court, pursuant to 2006 related to Johnson Ferry cordance with OCGA 40-11- BOUNDARIES OF COUNCIL BMW 2011 740Li Address:
PEALS PUBLIC HEARING: O.C.G.A. § 15-11-50(f). The East housing development. 9(a)(2), that each of the follow- DISTRICTS AND INSERTING WBAKB4C51BC574526 TAG# 154 Olive Street, Avondale Es-
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, term as a Judge of the Juven- Mason Mill Park, 1346 McCon- ing below-referenced vehicles IN LIEU THEREOF A NEW AP- 188501W SC tates GA 30002
2022, AT 7:00 P.M. ile Court shall be four years. nell Drive, Decatur, Georgia are subject to a lien and a peti- PENDIX I ADOPTING THE Telephone#: 404-292-6697
CITY HALL Anyone interested in providing 30033 (0.634 acres), for con- tion may be filed in court to NEW OFFICIAL COUNCIL Toyota 1994 Corolla ++1FALP45X5VF163467 1997
ADDRESS: 1975 LAKESIDE their input regarding this mat- struction of a senior center fa- foreclose a lien for all amounts DISTRICTS MAP WITH RE- 2T1AE09B0RC063418 TAG# Ford Mustang++
PARKWAY, SUITE 350B, ter to the Court should direct cility in 2014. owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a LATED POPULATION SUM- TDJ3464 GA 330-468995 9/29,10/6
TUCKER, GA 30084 the same to LeNora Hawkins Wade Walker Park, 5585 Rock- court shall order the sale of the MARY REPORT, A PLAN ABANDONED MOTOR
VARIANCE APPLICATION: Ponzo, Superior Court Adminis- bridge Road, Stone Mountain, vehicle to satisfy the debt. The COMPONENTS REPORT Ford 2015 Mustang VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT
++V-22-0011++ trator, Stone Mountain Judicial Georgia 30088 (5.11 acres), for vehicles are currently located at (OUTLINING VOTING TABU- 1FA6P8AM1F5348218 TAG# NOTICE (TOWING OR
PETITIONER: Gwen Heaton Circuit, 556 N. McDonough St., construction of the YMCA Com- Prontow 2929 S Rainbow Dr LATION DISTRICTS/VTDS) <unknown> STORAGE COMPANY)
PRESENT ZONING: R-100 Suite 410, Decatur, Georgia munity Center in 2011. Decatur GA 30034. The AND THE BOUNDARY DE- Vehicle Make Infiniti
(Residential Medium Lot - 100) 30030, or via email at LH- Conversion of such parkland vehicles subject to liens as SCRIPTIONS OF COUNCIL Honda 2007 Accord Year: 2005
PROPOSED ZONING: R-100 for non-recreational use re- stated above are identified as: DISTRICTS 1 THROUGH 12, 1HGCM56807A044422 TAG# Vehicle ID#:
(Residential Medium Lot - 100) by no later than November 13, quires adequate replacement of AS REQUIRED BY CITY OF RYI5474 GA JNKCV51F65M305855
LOCATION: 3984 Northlake 2022. the displaced site and use and ++2002 TOYOTA CAMRY ATLANTA CHARTER SEC- Model: G35
Creek Drive ++reappointment of Judge preparation of an Environment- 4T1BE32K62U016091++ TION 5-202 FOLLOWING THE Ford 2002 Explorer Vehicle License# PZX7608
VARIANCE REQUEST: Vari- Temika W. Murry as a Judge of al Assessment (EA) pursuant to 2009 HONDA ACCORD 2020 UNITED STATES 1FMZU64E12UA07065 TAG# State GA
ance to stream buffer require- the Juvenile Court++ NEPA. The replacement site of 1HGCP26809A025877 DECENNIAL CENSUS; TO RE- JHP7620 NC You are hereby notified, in ac-
ments. 13.99 acres located at 817 2017 CHEVY SONIC PEAL CONFLICTING ORDIN- cordance with OCGA 40-11-19
330-468903 9/22,9/29,10/6 George Luther Drive, is pro- 1G1JF5SB3H4125098 ANCES; AND FOR OTHER
10/13 (a) (2), that the above-refer-
320-469676 10/6,10/13,10/20 posed as an expansion to the 2013 HYUNDAI SANTA FE PURPOSES. Anyone with an ownership in- enced vehicle is subject to a li-
Disclaimer adjacent Avondale-Dunaire 5XYZU3LA9DG076155 A copy of the proposed Charter terest in any of these vehicles
STATE BOARD MEMBER TO Disclaimer; Assignee's seizen en and a petition may be filed
HOLD PUBLIC HEARING Park and will include recreation 2012 HONDA CIVIC Amendment and supplemental should contact the following in court to foreclose a lien for
in deed, and lawful entry is in- opportunities to exceed those 19XFB2F56CE082458 materials are available for re- business immediately:
October 18, 2022 clusive of specifically that cer- all amounts owed. If the lien is
Lisa Kinnemore to Host uses that were displaced on the 2009 AUDI A4 view in the Office of the Muni- foreclosed, a court shall order
tain legally described portion of conversion sites. WAUJF78K49N065593 cipal Clerk of the City of At-
State Board of Education 330-468993 9/29,10/6 the sale of the vehicle to satis-
the original land grant or pat- PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD 2015 HYUNDAI ACCENT KM- lanta Georgia for the purpose
Fourth District Public Hearing ABANDONED MOTOR fy the debt.
ent No.15 and the whole there- The National Park Service HCT5AE9FU208273 of examination and inspection
The State Board of Education VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT The vehicle is currently located
of, including hereditament, tem- (NPS) is the federal agency re- 2010 CHRYSLER SEBRING by the public.
will hold a public hearing for cit- NOTICE (TOWING OR at 154 Olive Street Avondale
ements, pre-emption rights ap- sponsible for compliance with 1C3CC5RB6AN223139
izens in the Fourth Congres- 330-468988 9/26,10/6 STORAGE COMPANY) Estates. Georgia 30002
purtenant thereto, the record- the LWCF Act and NEPA, and 2008 HONDA ACCORD
sional District on ++Tuesday, ABANDONED MOTOR Vehicle Make: Lexus Anyone with an ownership in-
ing of this instrument shall not the Georgia Department of Nat- 1HGCP36838A041883
October 18, 2022++. The meet- VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT Year: 2005 terest in this vehicle should
be construed to deny or in- ural Resources (DNR) adminis- 2 0 1 2 D O D G E A V E N G ER
ing will be held from 7:00 p.m. NOTICE Vehicle ID#: contact the following business
fringe upon any other right to ters the LWCF grant program 1C3CDZAB7CN193684
– 8:00 p.m. at Chamblee High You are hereby notified, in ac- 2T2GA31U35C026258 immediately: Business Name:
claim the remaining portion on behalf of NPS. DeKalb 2019 TOYOTA CAMRY
School, 3688 Chamblee-Dun- cordance with OCGA § 40-11- Model: RX 330 Hunt's Wrecker Service
thereof. Any challenges to the County DRPCA is issuing this 4T1B11HK8KU691030
woody Rd., Chamblee, GA 19(a) (2), that each of the be- Vehicle License#: 4P8-3J0 Impound Date: 6/8/2022
validity of this Declaration & public notice on behalf of the 2017 GMC YUKON
30341. low-referenced vehicles are State TN Address:
Notice are subject to the limita- NPS and DNR to encourage 1GKS1HKJ8HR244937 subject to a lien and a petition You are hereby notified, in ac- 154 Olive Street, Avondale Es-
tions referenced herein addi- public review and comment on 2017 NISSAN ALTIMA
The purpose of the hearing is may be filed in court to fore- cordance with OCGA 40-11-19 tates GA 30002
tionally; A common courtesy of the proposed project and its 1N4AL3AP2HC186102
to hear comments from inter- close a lien for all amounts (a) (2), that the above-refer- Telephone#: 404-292-6697
thirty(30) days is stipulated for probable impacts. The Draft 2017 NISSAN ALTIMA
ested citizens and educators owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a enced vehicle is subject to a li- ++JNKCV51F65M305855 2005
any challenges hereto. Other- Environmental Assessments 1N4AL3AP3HC171236
within the congressional dis- court shall order the sale of the en and a petition may be filed Infiniti G35++
wise laches/estoppels shall are available for review on the 2008 HONDA ACCORD JHM-
trict regarding the performance vehicle to satisfy the debt. in court to foreclose a lien for 330-468996 9/29,10/6
forever bar the same against DeKalb County website CP264X8C060052
and problems of public educa- all amounts owed. If the lien is ABANDONED MOTOR
Allodial Freehold Estate; As- https://www.dekalbcountyga.go 2019 CHRYSLER 300
tion. Persons wishing to speak The vehicles are currently loc- foreclosed, a court shall order VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT
sessment lien theory to the v/parks/public-notice-an- 2C3CCABG5KH697401
should sign in upon arrival. ated at 2481 Old Covington the sale of the vehicle to satis- NOTICE (TOWING OR
contrary (ORS 275. 130), in- nouncements or a hard copy of 2015 DODGE JOURNEY Hwy SW Conyers, GA 30012 fy the debt. STORAGE COMPANY)
cluded. the Draft Environmental As- 3C4PDCGB4FT736270
The Georgia Department of The vehicle is currently located Vehicle Make Chevrolet
++No.15/Allodial Freehold Es- sessments can be reviewed at 2015 HYUNDAI ELANTRA
Education does not discrimin- The vehicles subject to liens as at 154 Olive Street Avondale Year: 2011
tate++ the DeKalb County RPCA of- 5NPDH4AE4FH556111
ate on the basis of disability in stated above are identified as: Estates. Georgia 30002 Vehicle ID#:
admission to, access to, or op- fice, 1950 West Exchange 2005 CHRYSLER TOWN & Anyone with an ownership in-
Place, Tucker, Georgia 30084. 2G1FA1ED1B9127270
erations of its programs, ser- 330-468904 9/22,9/29,10/6 C O U N T R Y ++Chevrolet 1997 W-SERIES terest in this vehicle should
Comments will be accepted be- Model: Camaro
vices, or activities. Individuals 10/13 2C4GP54L55R422502 4KBB4B1R4VJ001759++ contact the following business
ginning September 19, 2022, Vehicle License# RKC4562
who need assistance or auxili- PUBLIC NOTICE TAG# BKM9600 GA immediately: Business Name: State GA
ary aids for participation in this DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA until 7:00 a.m. Submit com- Anyone with an ownership in- Hunt's Wrecker Service
ments to Paige K. Singer, You are hereby notified, in ac-
public forum are invited to DEPARTMENT OF RECRE- terest in any of these vehicles Buick 2012 ENCLAVE Impound Date: 06/21/2022
DeKalb County Recreation, cordance with OCGA 40-11-19
make their needs known to ATION, PARKS & CULTURAL should contact the following 5GAKRDED8CJ298539 TAG# Address:
Parks and Cultural Affairs, Divi- (a) (2), that the above-refer-
Geraldine Price at sboead- AFFAIRS NOTICE OF AVAIL- business immediately. Busi- RZL6693 GA 154 Olive Street, Avondale Es-
sion Manager, 1950 West Ex- enced vehicle is subject to a li- no later ABILITY OF DRAFT ENVIR- ness name: PRONTOW 2929 tates GA 30002
change Place, Suite 400, Tuck- en and a petition may be filed
than 72 hours before the ONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS S. RAINBOW DR DECATUR Mitsubishi 2010 Outlander Telephone#: 404-292-6697
er, GA 30084 or via phone or e- in court to foreclose a lien for
scheduled event. FOR PROPERTY CONVER- GA 30034 678-626-0649 JA4AS3AWXAZ018998 TAG# ++2T2GA31U35C026258 2005
mail to Teriya Mattox (404) all amounts owed. If the lien is
SIONS UNDER LAND AND <unknown> Lexus RX 330++ foreclosed, a court shall order
WATER CONSERVATION 294-2926 at tmattox@dekalb- 330-468987 9/29,10/6,10/13 . All comments 330-468994 9/29,10/6 the sale of the vehicle to satis-
FUND PUBLIC NOTICE Anyone with an ownership in- ABANDONED MOTOR fy the debt.
PURPOSE OF NOTICE received prior to or on October NOTICE OF PROPOSED terest in any of these vehicles
Public Notice This proposal is to replace park 20, 2022, will be considered in AMENDMENT TO THE should contact the following
The vehicle is currently located
at 154 Olive Street Avondale
and recreation uses from three the formulation of final determ- CHARTER OF THE CITY OF business immediately:
inations regarding the proposal. STORAGE COMPANY) Estates. Georgia 30002
330-468739 9/8,10/6,11/3 property conversions at parks ATLANTA Vehicle Make Ford Anyone with an ownership in-
AMENDED NOTICE OF owned by DeKalb County. Re- ++DeKalb County Department Notice is hereby given that Quick Drop Impounding, Tow-
of Recreation, Parks & Cultural Year:1997 terest in this vehicle should
REAPPOINTMENT creational improvements at the ++Ordinance 22-O-1700++ has ing, and Recovery Vehicle ID#: contact the following business
JUVENILE COURT JUDGE properties were funded in part Affairs (DRPCA) conducted been introduced to amend the 2481 Old Covington Hwy SW
property conversions++ 1FALP45X5VF163467 immediately: Business Name:
STONE MOUNTAIN JUDICIAL using Land and Water Conser- Charter of the City of Atlanta Conyers GA 30012 Model: Mustang Hunt's Wrecker Service
CIRCUIT vation Fund (LWCF) grants, 330-468986 9/29,10/6 (Ga. Laws, 1996, p. 4469, et Vehicle License# 175XRZ Impound Date: 8/2/2022
The Superior Court of DeKalb which are protected under Sec- Abandoned Motor Vehicle/ seq.) approved April 15, 1996, 330-468989 9/29,10/6 State KY Address:
County, Stone Mountain Judi- tion 6(f)(3) of the LWCF Act of Petition Advertisement Notice as amended, said Ordinance ABANDONED MOTOR You are hereby notified, in ac- 154 Olive Street, Avondale Es-
cial Circuit is seeking input re- 1965 for outdoor recreation You are hereby notified, in ac- being captioned as follows: VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT cordance with OCGA 40-11-19 tates GA 30002
garding the reappointment of use. Conversion of such park- cordance with OCGA 40-11- AN ORDINANCE BY COUN- NOTICE (a) (2), that the above-refer- Telephone#: 404-292-6697
Judge Temika W. Murry as a land for non-recreational use 19.1, that petitions were filed in CILMEMBER ANDREA L. You are hereby notified, in ac- enced vehicle is subject to a li- ++2G1FA1ED1B9127270 2011
Judge of the Juvenile Court for requires adequate replace- the Magistrate Court of Dekalb BOONE, JASON H. WINSTON, cordance with OCGA § 40-11- en and a petition may be filed Chevrolet Camaro++
the Stone Mountain Judicial ment of the displaced sites and County to foreclose liens AMIR FAROKHI, BYRON 19(a) (2), that each of the be- in court to foreclose a lien for
Circuit. See O.C.G.A. § 15-11- uses and preparation of an En- against the vehicles listed for AMOS, JASON DOZIER, LILI- low-referenced vehicles are all amounts owed. If the lien is
50(f). vironmental Assessment (EA) all the amounts owed. If a lien ANA BAKHTIARI, ALEX WAN, subject to a lien and a petition foreclosed, a court shall order
In advance of this possible ap- pursuant to the National Envir- is foreclosed, the court shall or- HOWARD SHOOK, MARY may be filed in court to fore- the sale of the vehicle to satis-
pointment, the Judges of the onmental Policy Act (NEPA, 42 der the sale of the vehicle to NORWOOD, DUSTIN HILLIS, close a lien for all amounts fy the debt.
Superior Court of DeKalb USC 4321-4347). It is the pur- satisfy the debt. MARCI COLLIER OVER- owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a The vehicle is currently located
County seek the input of all in- pose of this notice to provide The present location of the STREET, AND ANTONIO court shall order the sale of the at 154 Olive Street Avondale
terested parties, including the for the exchange of information vehicle is: PRONTOW 2929 S. LEWIS ADOPTED BY VIRTUE vehicle to satisfy the debt. Estates. Georgia 30002
public, the Bar, and those per- regarding the effect of the pro- RAINBOW DR DECATUR GA OF THE AUTHORITY OF THE Anyone with an ownership in-
sons, entities and agencies posal on the community. This 30034 678-626-0649. Anyone MUNICIPAL HOME RULE ACT The vehicles are currently loc- terest in this vehicle should
served by the Juvenile Court of purpose is in accordance with with an ownership interest in OF 1965, GA. L. 1965, P. 298, ated at 2481 Old Covington contact the following business
the Stone Mountain Judicial and pursuant to NEPA and the vehicle listed herein may file an ET SEQ., O.C.G.A. SECTION Hwy SW Conyers, GA 30012 immediately: Business Name:
Circuit. Those wishing to LCWF Act of 1965. answer to the petition on or be- 36-35-3(1)(B), AS AMENDED, Hunt's Wrecker Service
provide written input on this ap- PROJECT DESCRIPTION fore 10 DAYS OF THIS NO- AND AS REQUIRED BY FUR- The vehicles subject to liens as Impound Date:7/28/2022
pointment should forward the DeKalb County Department of TICE. THER AUTHORITY OF stated above are identified as: Address:
same as noted herein below no Recreation, Parks & Cultural Answer forms may be found in O.C.G.A. SECTION 36-35-4.1, 154 Olive Street, Avondale Es-
later than November 13, 2022. Affairs (DRPCA) conducted the Magistrate Court Clerk’s Of- SO AS TO AMEND SECTION ++Chevrolet 2008 IMPALA tates GA 30002
Such input will be received and property conversions at the fol- fice located at: 556 North Mc- 5-201 OF THE CHARTER OF 2G1WB58K181279183++ Telephone#: 404-292-6697
kept in confidence and will be lowing three parks: Donough Street Decatur, GA THE CITY OF ATLANTA, TAG# <unknown> ++1FALP45X5VF163467 1997
used by the Judges of the Su- Blackburn Park, 3493 Ashford 30030 Forms may also be ob- GEORGIA, GA. L. 1996, P. Ford Mustang++
perior Court of DeKalb County Dunwoody Road, Brookhaven, tained online at 4469, ET SEQ., AS CADILLAC 2004 DEVILLE
in their decision regarding the Georgia 30319 (1.84 acres), for http://www.georgiamagistrate- AMENDED, BY STRIKING IN 1G6KD54Y84U139188 TAG#
reappointment of Judge Temi- a land swap with the Housing ITS ENTIRETY APPENDIX I TAQ3312 GA
ka W. Murry as a Judge of the Authority of DeKalb County in You are hereby notified , in ac- THERETO RELATING TO THE
TAG# RSJ9607 GA terest in vehicle listed herein ++2013 CHEVROLET IMPALA en and a petition may be filed
may file an answer to the peti- 2G1WG5E34D1152761++ To receive registration packet in court to foreclose a lien for
Kia 2013 SOUL tion on or before 10 DAYS OF 88189A please send a request to elec- all amounts owed. If the lien is
KNDJT2A55D7497061 TAG# THIS NOTICE. Vot- foreclosed, a court shall order
BDM1699 TX Answer forms may be found in ing will occur on the 24th of Oc- the sale of the vehicle to satis-
the Magistrate Court Clerk’s Of- Anyone with an ownership in- tober as stated above. Electors fy the debt.
The Champion Legal Section,
Dodge 2012 Grand Caravan Thursday,
terest in any of these vehicles
fice located at: OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 are to arrive on Zoom by 9:50 The vehicle is currently located Page 39
2C4RDGCGXCR279982 TAG# 556 North McDonough Street should contact the following o’clock A.M. on the 24th of Oc- at 154 Olive Street Avondale
330-469303 9/29,10/6 XUY721 LA Decatur, GA 30030 business immediately. tober 2022. Estates. Georgia 30002 330-469677 10/6,10/13,10/20
ABANDONED MOTOR Forms may also be obtained Anyone with an ownership in- 10/27
VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT Toyota 2001 Corolla online at www.georgiamagis- Business name: SOUTH CID member property owners terest in this vehicle should PUBLIC NOTICE
NOTICE 1NXBR12E61Z480631 TAG# DEKALB TOWING may send in a nomination for contact the following business DEKALB COUNTY
(REPAIR FACILITY) RHX2980 GA Address: 7043 ROGERS LAKE either post 2 or post 5 to elec- immediately: Business Name: POLICE DEPARTMENT
Vehicle Make:Chevrolet You are hereby notified , in ac- RD LITHONIA GA 30058 from Hunt's Wrecker Service This is to serve as ++Notice of
Year:2002 Saturn 2008 AURA cordance with OCGA 40-11- Telephone: (404)508-0246 Thursday, October 13th at 8 Impound Date: 08/23/2022 transfer of unclaimed articles in
Model: Tahoe 1G8ZS57N68F129041 TAG# 9(a)(2), that each of the follow- FAX: 770-482-3041 am to Friday, October 14th at 5 Address: possession of the DeKalb
Vehicle ID #: RLL4312 GA ing below-referenced vehicles pm. Nomination must include 154 Olive Street, Avondale Es- County Police Department++
1GNEK13Z62J212843 are subject to a lien and a peti- name and if the nominator is tates GA 30002 for over 90 days to “property-
Vehicle License #: Chevrolet 2008 Cobalt tion may be filed in court to 330-469525 10/6,10/13,10/20 being nominated for post 2 or Telephone#: 404-292-6697” to be sold for profit.
State 1G1AK58F887294991 TAG# foreclose a lien for all amounts PUBLIC NOTICE post 5. + + D o d g e 2 0 1 6 Funds from sales will be ap-
Person who left vehicle at facil- XVK545 GA owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a NOTICE OF PROPOSED 3C4PDCGB7GT194874 plied to the DeKalb County
ity: Doug Lueder court shall order the sale of the AMENDMENT A map of said District is on file Journey++ General Fund.
Any information relating to own- Mitsubishi 2011 Galant vehicle to satisfy the debt. TO THE CHARTER OF THE with the DeKalb County Com- 330-469548 10/6,10/13 Transfer of all property will be
er: 404.784.3365 4A32B2FFXBE012170 TAG# CITY OF ATLANTA mission Clerk. All Electors as ABANDONED MOTOR made under the supervision of
You are hereby notified, in ac- 176YPJ WI The vehicles are currently loc- Notice is hereby given that designated under the Act are VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT Sgt. A.B. Williams.
cordance with OCGA 40-11-19 ated at South Dekalb Towing, ++Ordinance 22-O-1745++ has invited to attend and cast their NOTICE (TOWING OR Items to be sold are as follows:
(b) (2), that the above-refer- Hyundai 2015 VELOSTER 7043 Rogers Lake Rd, Lithonia, been introduced to amend the votes. STORAGE COMPANY) 1. Tire and Rim sets
enced vehicle is subject to a li- KMHTC6AD1FU231124 TAG# GA 30058 Charter of the City of Atlanta Vehicle Make Hyundai 2. John Deere Lawn Mower
en and a petition may be filed RSP3004 GA (Ga. Laws, 1996, p. 4469, Et Year: 2012 3. Residential air condition
in court to foreclose a lien for The vehicles subject to liens as seq.) said Ordinance being 330-469527 10/6 Vehicle ID#: units
all amounts owed. If the lien is Chevrolet 2000 S10 stated above are identified as: captioned as follows: MEETING 5NPEC4AC5CH332116 4. Pressure Washers
foreclosed, a court shall order 1GCCS19W0Y8247617 TAG# AN ORDINANCE BY COUN- DEKALB BOARD OF Model: Sonata 5. Hand Trucks
the sale of the vehicle to satis- <unknown> ++2007 TOYOTA CAMRY CILMEMBER BYRON AMOS REGISTRATION AND Vehicle License# CRP3078 6. Weed Eaters
fy the debt. JTNBE46K273067603++ TO AMEND THE CHARTER ELECTIONS State GA 7. Air Sprayer
The vehicle is currently located Anyone with an ownership in- 88199 OF THE CITY OF ATLANTA, The DeKalb County Board of You are hereby notified, in ac- 8. Misc. Tools
at 1326 Glenwood Ave SE, At- terest in any of these vehicles GEORGIA, 1996 GA LAWS P. Registration and Elections cordance with OCGA 40-11-19 9. Coolers
lanta GA 30316. should contact the following 4469, ET SEQ., ADOPTED meeting for the purpose of con- (a) (2), that the above-refer- 10. Guitar
Anyone with an ownership in- business immediately: Anyone with an ownership in- UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF ducting its normal monthly busi- enced vehicle is subject to a li- 11. Residential Vacuum Clean-
terest in this vehicle should terest in any of these vehicles THE AUTHORITY OF THE ness will be held on en and a petition may be filed ers
contact the following business Quick Drop Impounding, Tow- should contact the following MUNICIPAL HOME RULE ACT ++Thursday, October 13, 2022, in court to foreclose a lien for 12. Stereo
immediately: ing, and Recovery business immediately. OF 1965, O.C.G.A. SECTION at 4:30 PM++. This meeting will all amounts owed. If the lien is 13. Speakers
Business Name: Motor City 2481 Old Covington Hwy SW 36-35-1 ET SEQ. AS be conducted via teleconfer- foreclosed, a court shall order 14. Echo Trimmer
South Conyers GA 30012 Business name: SOUTH AMENDED, BY AMENDING ence. the sale of the vehicle to satis- 15. Ryobi Saw
Address: 1326 Glenwood Ave DEKALB TOWING PART I ("CHARTER AND RE- fy the debt. 16. Gas Blower
SE, Atlanta GA 30316. Address: 7043 ROGERS LAKE LATED LAWS"), SUBPART A Simultaneous public access to The vehicle is currently located 17. Assortment of Shoes
330-469522 10/6,10/13
Telephone #: 404.525.8116 RD LITHONIA GA 30058 ("CHARTER"), APPENDIX IV the meeting will be available via at 154 Olive Street Avondale 18. Xbox game system
++Chevrolet 2002 Tahoe Telephone: (404)508-0246 (”CITIZENS REVIEW livestream on DCTV’s UStream Estates. Georgia 30002 19. Air Jordans
1GNEK13Z62J212843+ + FAX: 770-482-3041 BOARD”), SECTION 10(A) channel: Anyone with an ownership in- 20. Wheelchair
330-469441 9/29,10/6 (“COMPENSATION; CON- terest in this vehicle should 21. Tool bag
Vehicle Make: Saturn Year:
ABANDONED VEHICLE 330-469524 10/6,10/13 FLICT OF INTEREST; RE- ctv-channel-23 contact the following business 22. Washer and dryer
You are hereby notified in ac- Vehicle ID #: VEHICLE/PETITION LANTA CITIZEN’S REVIEW To make a comment, join via Hunt's Wrecker Service
cordance with O.C.G.A. Sec- ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE BOARD MEMBERSHIP COM- Zoom: Impound Date: 9/9/2022
tion 40-11-10(B)(2), that the be-
Vehicle License #: SOUTH DEKALB TOWING PENSATION; AND FOR OTH- Address: Public Sale
low referenced vehicles are State You are hereby notified, in ac- ER PURPOSES. /j/97184078303 154 Olive Street, Avondale Es-
subject to a lien and a petition Present location of vehicle: cordance with OCGA 40-11- A copy of the proposed Ordin- tates GA 30002 340-468926 9/29,10/6
maybe filed in DeKalb Magis- 7199 Maddox Rd Suite 1A, 19.1, that petitions were filed in ance and Charter Amendment Or telephone: Telephone#: 404-292-6697 STORAGE TREASURES
trate Court to foreclose a liens Lithonia GA 30058. the Magistrate Court of Dekalb is on file in the Office of the Mu- US Toll Free: 888 270 9936 ++5NPEC4AC5CH332116 AUCTION
for all amounts owed. If the li- You are hereby notified that a County to foreclose liens nicipal Clerk of the City of At- Conference code: 171493 2012 Hyundai Sonata++ Extra Space Storage will hold a
en is foreclosed, the Court shall petition was filed in the Magis- against the vehicles listed for lanta and in the Offices of the 330-469651 10/6,10/13 public auction to sell personal
order the sale of the vehicle to trate Court of DEKALB County all the amounts owed. If a lien clerks of the Superior Courts of Public comments of two ABANDONED MOTOR property described below be-
satisfy the debt. Vehicles ares to foreclose a lien for all is foreclosed, the court shall or- Fulton and DeKalb Counties, minutes or less may be made VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT longing to those individuals lis-
deemed abandoned and will be amounts owed. If the lien is der the sale of the vehicle to Georgia for the purpose of ex- live via the teleconference. For NOTICE ted below at the location indic-
disposed of if not claimed by foreclosed, a court shall order satisfy the debt. The present amination and inspection by the those joining the meeting by You are hereby notified, in ac- ated:
the owner by 10/13/2022. the sale of the vehicle to satis- location of the vehicle is: public. telephone, please be aware cordance with OCGA § 40-11- 2329 Panola RD. Lithonia, GA
fy the debt. Anyone with an that your phone number may 19(a) (2), that each of the be- 30058 ++10/14/22 at 2:30
Locations: ownership interest in this SOUTH DEKALB TOWING 330-469526 10/6,10/13,10/20 be displayed to the public view- low-referenced vehicles are PM++
vehicle may file an answer to 7043 ROGERS LAKE RD 10/27 ing or participating in the on- subject to a lien and a petition
5622 Peachtree Ind. Blvd. this petition on or before: LITHONIA GA 30058 NOTICE OF EAST METRO line meeting. Citizens who at- may be filed in court to fore- Ashanti Montgomery 108 Mat-
Chamblee, GA 30341 10/7/2022 (404)508-0246 DEKALB COMMUNITY IM- tend the meeting via the Zoom close a lien for all amounts tress, Dresser, TV, Totes,
++2012 Mercedes C250++ Answer forms may be found in PROVEMENT DISTRICT link above may join the public owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a Boxes, Vacuum, Luggage
WDDGF4HB6CR211249 the Magistrate Court Clerk’s of- Anyone with an ownership in- ELECTION comment queue by raising their court shall order the sale of the
fice located at: terest in vehicle listed herein NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN as hand in the Zoom application, vehicle to satisfy the debt. Raeshawn Womack 119 Bi-
2741 East College Ave. 556 N McDonough St 2nd may file an answer to the peti- provided in the DEKALB while citizens who attend the The vehicles are currently loc- cycles, Totes, Boxes, Antique
Decatur, GA 30030 Floor, Decatur GA 30030 tion on or before 10 DAYS OF COUNTY COMMUNITY IM- meeting via telephone may join ated at 2481 Old Covington Buffet, Holiday Decorations
09 Mercedes CLS 63 AMG Forms may also be obtained THIS NOTICE. PROVEMENT DISTRICTS the comment queue by press- Hwy SW Conyers, GA 30012
WDDJ77XX9A141634 online at www.georgiamagis- Answer forms may be found in ACT OF 2008 (Ga. L. 2008, p. ing # followed by 2. There will The vehicles subject to liens as Amalizz Mathews 177 Bicycle, the Magistrate Court Clerk’s Of- 3817) that a caucus of Electors be no comment cards, so when stated above are identified as: Doll House, Holiday Decora-
2017 Lexus GS 350F ++Saturn/2008/Outlook/ fice located at: of the East Metro DeKalb Com- you are called upon, please tions, Camping Chairs, Boxes,
JTHBZ1BLXHA008431 5GZER13778J293071++ 556 North McDonough Street munity Improvement District state your name for the record. ++Acura 1997 3.5 RL Totes
Decatur, GA 30030 (CID) shall be held on the 24th Also, please be conscious of JH4KA9658VC015542++
330-469523 10/6,10/13 Forms may also be obtained day of October, 2022 with the speaking time so that every- TAG# RXY3340 GA Ronecia James 206 Mattress,
330-469521 10/6,10/13 ABANDONED MOTOR online at www.georgiamagis- Zoom Conferencing Tool one has an opportunity to Dresser, Wall Art, Totes,
ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLE/ PETITION provide input in the allotted Nissan 2013 ROGUE Boxes, Microwave, Toys, Bed-
VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE 225799 time. Abusive, profane, or JN8AS5MT0DW515782 TAG# ding
NOTICE SOUTH DEKALB TOWING You are hereby notified , in ac- derogatory language will not be RWJ1444 GA
You are hereby notified, in ac- You are hereby notified, in ac- cordance with OCGA 40-11- The purpose of the caucus is to permitted. Ashley Bazin 254 Sofa, Chaise
cordance with OCGA § 40-11- cordance with OCGA 40-11- 9(a)(2), that each of the follow- ++elect 2 post positions, posts Chevrolet 2014 CRUZE Lounge
19(a) (2), that each of the be- 19.1, that petitions were filed in ing below-referenced vehicles 2 and 5 as Board Members to 330-469547 10/6,10/13 1G1PC5SB6E7317158 TAG#
low-referenced vehicles are the Magistrate Court of Dekalb are subject to a lien and a peti- serve on the East Metro ABANDONED MOTOR <unknown> Comeisha Beck 409 Washer,
subject to a lien and a petition County to foreclose liens tion may be filed in court to DeKalb Community Improve- VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT Dryer, TV, Wall Art, Vacuum,
may be filed in court to fore- against the vehicles listed for foreclose a lien for all amounts ment District Board++. Regis- NOTICE (TOWING OR Anyone with an ownership in- Chair, Small Appliances,
close a lien for all amounts all the amounts owed. If a lien owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a tration for the election shall be STORAGE COMPANY) terest in any of these vehicles Boxes, Totes,
owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a is foreclosed, the court shall or- court shall order the sale of the held electronically from Octo- Vehicle Make Dodge should contact the following Bedding, Grill
court shall order the sale of the der the sale of the vehicle to vehicle to satisfy the debt. ber 14, 2022 at 10:00AM and Year: 2016 business immediately:
vehicle to satisfy the debt. satisfy the debt. The present will close on October 17, 2022 Vehicle ID#: Ronisha Saunders 432 Lug-
The vehicles are currently loc- location of the vehicle is: The vehicles are currently loc- at 5:00 PM. Registration form 3C4PDCGB7GT194874 Quick Drop Impounding, Tow- gage, Boxes, Printer, Electron-
ated at 2481 Old Covington ated at South Dekalb Towing, will be accepted in signed not- Model: Journey ing, and Recovery ics, Totes, Bags, Stool, Shelf,
Hwy SW Conyers, GA 30012 SOUTH DEKALB TOWING 7043 Rogers Lake Rd, Lithonia, arized PDF format containing Vehicle License# CRP3078 2481 Old Covington Hwy SW Mattress,
The vehicles subject to liens as 7043 ROGERS LAKE RD GA 30058 the name of the designated State GA Conyers GA 30012 Vacuum
stated above are identified as: LITHONIA GA 30058 elector with the property tax You are hereby notified, in ac-
(404)508-0246 The vehicles subject to liens as parcel number and transmitted cordance with OCGA 40-11-19 Karen Gant 536 Wrought Iron
++Ford 2002 F150 stated above are identified as: t o (a) (2), that the above-refer- Bed, Patio Furniture, Wall Art,
1FTRX17222NB76294++ Anyone with an ownership in- enced vehicle is subject to a li- Boxes, Totes, TV, Shredder,
TAG# RSJ9607 GA terest in vehicle listed herein ++2013 CHEVROLET IMPALA en and a petition may be filed Totes, Boxes
may file an answer to the peti- 2G1WG5E34D1152761++ To receive registration packet in court to foreclose a lien for
Kia 2013 SOUL tion on or before 10 DAYS OF 88189A please send a request to elec- all amounts owed. If the lien is Maikia Lovett 823 Mattress,
KNDJT2A55D7497061 TAG# THIS NOTICE. Vot- foreclosed, a court shall order Designer Shoes, Designer
BDM1699 TX Answer forms may be found in ing will occur on the 24th of Oc- the sale of the vehicle to satis- Duffle Bag, Toys, Books, Totes,
the Magistrate Court Clerk’s Of- Anyone with an ownership in- tober as stated above. Electors fy the debt. Boxes,
Dodge 2012 Grand Caravan fice located at: terest in any of these vehicles are to arrive on Zoom by 9:50 The vehicle is currently located Back Pack
2C4RDGCGXCR279982 TAG# 556 North McDonough Street should contact the following o’clock A.M. on the 24th of Oc- at 154 Olive Street Avondale
XUY721 LA Decatur, GA 30030 business immediately. tober 2022. Estates. Georgia 30002 Queen Parhan 943 Bicycle,
Forms may also be obtained Anyone with an ownership in- Luggage, Totes, Table, Chair,
Toyota 2001 Corolla online at www.georgiamagis- Business name: SOUTH CID member property owners terest in this vehicle should Toys, Hover Board, Shoes
1NXBR12E61Z480631 TAG# DEKALB TOWING may send in a nomination for contact the following business
Totes, Boxes be selected on ++October 20th, ell, Nesta; 2086 - Woolbright, 1128 Mishon Brabham: Hsld Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip; H128 Latesia Jenkins:
2022, at 12 PM++ Lemuel; 2115 - Goodwin, gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip, Equip; 4262 yilong Zhang: Hsld Hsld gds/Furn, Tools/Applnces;
Maikia Lovett 823 Mattress, Unit Name of Occupant De- Tiffani; 2132 - Odisho, Solo- Tools/Applnces; 1234 jelani gds/Furn. I107 Bianca Street: Hsld
Designer Shoes, Designer scription of Property man; 2188 - Ruffin, Sonya; hawkins: Hsld gds/Furn; 1309 gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip,
Duffle Bag, Toys, Books, Totes, 2263 - Woolbright, Lemuel; Nicole J Jones: Hsld gds/Furn; And, due notice having been Tools/Applnces.
Boxes, B037 Taylor Davis Air Condi- 2264 - white, Adele 2025 Richard Stafford: Hsld given, to the owner of said
Page 40
Back Pack
closet, Ladder, TV
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 
tioner, Boxes, Chair, China PUBLIC STORAGE # 27210,
1801 Savoy Drive, Chamblee,
gds/Furn; 3023 Keisha Gray:
Hsld gds/Furn; 3042 Lucas
property and all parties known
to claim and interest therein,
And, due notice having been
given, to the owner of said
Queen Parhan 943 Bicycle, D049 Deborah Echols Bed, 340-468933 9/29,10/6 GA 30341, (470) 575-0587 Harmon: Inventor; 4015 Mi- and the time specified in such property and all parties known
Luggage, Totes, Table, Chair, Boxes, Sofa NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Time: 12:30 PM chael Sanders: Hsld gds/Furn, notice for payment of such hav- to claim and interest therein,
Toys, Hover Board, Shoes D059 Deborah Echols Bags, To satisfy the owner's storage Sale to be held at www.stor- TV/Stereo Equip, Tools/Ap- ing expired, the goods will be and the time specified in such
Boxes, Furniture lien, PS Retail Sales, LLC will plnces, Off Furn/Mach/Equip; sold to the highest bidder or notice for payment of such hav-
Myrtle Capel 1101 Bags, E084A Sandra Henley Boxes, sell at public lien sale on ++Oc- 2007 - Covington, Bria; 2013 - 4061 Marcus Cherry: Hsld otherwise disposed of at a pub- ing expired, the goods will be
Boxes, Totes, Bath Scale, Clothing tober 20, 2022++, the personal Pyles, Warren; 2014 - gds/Furn, Off Furn/Mach/Equip. lic auction to be held online at sold to the highest bidder or
Camp Chairs, Shoes 5018 Virginia M Walker Books, property in the below-listed Kennedy, Sherita; 2047 - Lock-, otherwise disposed of at a pub-
Boxes, Computer, Nightstand, units, which may include but ett, Florenda; 2050 - Forbes, And, due notice having been which will end on ++Tuesday, lic auction to be held online at
Nicole Gordon 1153 Luggage, Car front/back seat are not limited to: household Myieka; 3037 - Johnson, Rene; given, to the owner of said October 25, 2022 at 10 AM++.,
Shoes, Totes, Boxes, Electron- and personal items, office and 3061 - Childs, Jordan; 3083 - property and all parties known which will end on ++Tuesday,
ics, Clothes 340-468932 9/29,10/6 other equipment. The public Harris, Jamal; 3117 - Dos San- to claim and interest therein, 340-468938 9/29,10/6 October 25, 2022 at 10 AM++.
NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE sale of these items will begin at tos, Eliana; 3147 - Flemming, and the time specified in such PUBLIC SALE 340-468940 9/29,10/6
Montia Freeland 1807 Washer, To satisfy the owner's storage 09:00 AM and continue until all Cierra; 3149 - Campbell, notice for payment of such hav- In accordance with the provi- PUBLIC SALE
Dryer, Currency Counter, Small lien, PS Retail Sales, LLC will units are sold. Lien sale to be Renae; 3195 - Duncan, Ken- ing expired, the goods will be sions of State law, there being In accordance with the provi-
Appliances, Boxes, Artwork, sell at public lien sale on ++Oc- held at the online auction web- neth; 3215 - Jones, Jayda; sold to the highest bidder or due and unpaid charges for sions of State law, there being
Bags, tober 17, 2022++, the personal site, 3218 - English, Christine; 4006 otherwise disposed of at a pub- which the undersigned is en- due and unpaid charges for
Dresser property in the below-listed, - Eglars, Taniya; 4007 - Wood- lic auction to be held online at titled to satisfy an owner and/or which the undersigned is en-
units, which may include but where indicated. For online li- ley, Andraya; 4030 - Houston,, manager's lien of the goods titled to satisfy an owner and/or
Rodrick Maurice Duggans 1924 are not limited to: household en sales, bids will be accepted Karen; 4058 - Linton, Kathryn which will end on ++Tuesday, hereinafter described and manager's lien of the goods
Bed, Microwave, Mirror, Wall and personal items, office and until 2 hours after the time of K; 4080 - Morris, Haylie; 4093 - October 25, 2022 at 10 AM.++ stored at the Life Storage loca- hereinafter described and
Art, Chaise Lounge, Toys other equipment. The public the sale specified. Osikoya, Jhare; 4178 - Shot- tion(s) listed below. stored at the Life Storage loca-
sale of these items will begin at well, Quinton; 4181 - Diaby-Ou- 340-468936 9/29,10/6 #0633, 5208 Peachtree Blvd, tion(s) listed below.
Keisha Harley 1948 Totes, 09:30 AM and continue until all PUBLIC STORAGE # 25983, attara, Almamy; 5014 - Carr, PUBLIC SALE Chamblee, GA 30341. (470) #0913, 4561 Covington Hwy,
Boxes, Clothes units are sold. Lien sale to be 4340 Dunwoody Park, Dun- Jason; 5116 - Lovely, Chantel; In accordance with the provi- 282-6818 Decatur, GA 30035. (678) 705-
held at the online auction web- woody, GA 30338, (678) 436- 5133 - Thomas, Meryssa; 5187 sions of State law, there being 1700
James Mackey 2036 Totes, site, 3733 - Hughes , Jonda due and unpaid charges for 1048 Sherwin Tan: Hsld
Clothes, Papers, Personal, Time: 10:45 AM which the undersigned is en- gds/Furn; 1106 Joel Wilsford: 1121 Samuel Hunter: Hsld
Items where indicated. For online li- Sale to be held at www.stor- Public sale terms, rules, and titled to satisfy an owner and/or Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Stereo gds/Furn; 1144 Essence Mc-
en sales, bids will be accepted regulations will be made avail- manager's lien of the goods Equip, Off Furn/Mach/Equip, Cray: Hsld gds/Furn; 1208 Cyn-
The auction will be listed and until 2 hours after the time of A005 - Jackson, Maurice; A006 able prior to the sale. All sales hereinafter described and Acctng rcrds/Sales Sampls, thia Rowe: Off
a d v e r t i s e d o n w w w . s t o r- the sale specified. - Love, London; B126 - Adams, are subject to cancellation. We stored at the Life Storage loca- Paintings, camping gea; 2027 Furn/Mach/Equip; 1269 Shea Purchases Tyra; B197 - BodiedByYahni reserve the right to refuse any tion(s) listed below. Joel Wilsford: Hsld gds/Furn; Ann Thompson: Hsld gds/Furn,
must be made with cash only PUBLIC STORAGE # 28135, Lewis, Iyahna; B234 - Spencer, bid. Payment must be in cash #0378, 2910 N Decatur Rd, 2069 Kadarious Wilson: Hsld Off Furn/Mach/Equip; 1283
and paid at the above refer- 2080 Briarcliff Road NE, At- Darius; B235 - Chapman King, or credit card-no checks. Buy- Decatur, GA 30033. (404) 292- gds/Furn; 3058 Lucy Rutland: Natasha Carter: Hsld gds/Furn,
enced facility in order to com- lanta, GA 30329, (404) 793- Gwendolyn; B292 - James, ers must secure the units with 0666 Hsld gds/Furn; 3104 Gregory TV/Stereo Equip; 1314 Anissa
plete the transaction. Extra 0836 Kanisha; B455 - Sladden, Felix; their own personal locks. To Jacobs: Hsld gds/Furn; 4116 Bowen:
Space Storage may refuse any Time: 10:30 AM B546 - Rouse, Angela; B562 - claim tax-exempt status, origin- 2C08 Shae Roberts: Hsld Leslie Tyler: Hsld gds/Furn; Hsld gds/Furn; 1486 Irene Cor-
bid and may rescind any pur- Sale to be held at www.stor- Maolud, Macaiyyah; B585 - al RESALE certificates for each gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip; 5015 Brittany Turner: Hsld rea: Hsld gds/Furn; 1589 Wal-
chase up until the winning bid- Ware, Fernando; B590 - Ware, space purchased is required. 3D05 James Johnson: Hsld gds/Furn; 5080 Areeon Reid: ter Berry: Hsld gds/Furn; 1693
der takes possession of the 1014 - FRINK logistics llc Frink, Freddie By PS Retail Sales, LLC, 701 gds/Furn, Off Furn/Mach/Equip, Hsld gds/Furn; 5096 Elijah Oni-Eseleh Charlton: Hsld
personal property. Tracey; 1022 - Taylor, Ray- PUBLIC STORAGE # 28138, Western Avenue, Glendale, CA Acctng rcrds/Sales Sampls; Stroughter: Hsld gds/Furn, gds/Furn, Tools/Applnces, Lnd-
340-468931 9/29,10/6 mond; 1064 - Murray, Mikayla; 3679 McElroy Road, Doraville, 91201. (818) 244-8080. 3E14 Brittany Walton: Hsld TV/Stereo Equip; 5142 Kara scpng/Cnstrctn Equip, Tools,
NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF 1158 - Abernathy, Carol; 1296A GA 30340, (678) 541-8635 gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip, Malawy: Hsld gds/Furn; 5174 Mower, Light Furnitur; 1711
- Young, Jackie; 1432B - John- Time: 11:15 AM 340-468934 9/29,10/6 Brandi Miles: Hsld gds/Furn,
PERSONAL PROPERTY Tools/Applnces; 4A13 Ona Obra Hogans: Acctng
son, Naomi; 1452 - Barksdale, Sale to be held at www.stor- PUBLIC SALE Acctng rcrds/Sales Sampls.
Pursuant to the lien granted by Fountaine-Trollinger: Hsld rcrds/Sales Sampls; 1720
Nikayla; 2032 - Edwards Jr., Stone Mountain Storage loc-
the Georgia Self-Storage Facil- gds/Furn; 4B03 Heather Due- Joseph Coleman: Hsld
Carlos; 2113 - Kieh, Madea; A064 - Meles, Kibrom; E035 - ated at 1440 N. Hairston Road, And, due notice having been
ity Act, notice is hereby given berry: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Ste- gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip;
2152 - Baugh, Ricardo; 2154 - busby, chadwick; F801 - Taylor, Stone Mountain, GA 30083 will given, to the owner of said
that the undersigned self-stor- reo Equip; 4G02 Tinika Warren: 1721 Jonathan Toliver: Hsld
Cole, Niamnai; 2165 - Ebert, Denise; F804 - Hugee, Kia; hold an online public sale to en- property and all parties known
age units will be sold at a pub- Hsld gds/Furn, Salon Equip- gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip;
James; 2254 - Collier, Wil; F874 - Selver, Leonecia; F883 - force a lien imposed on said to claim and interest therein,
lic sale by competitive bidding, men; 4I04 Melvin Callahan: 1778 Gregory B Heard:
2257 - Bratcher, Denzale; 2318 Holmes, David property, as described below, and the time specified in such
to satisfy the lien of the Lessor, Hsld gds/Furn. Hsld gds/Furn; 1787 Nathan
- moorer, Deranus; 2363 - PUBLIC STORAGE # 08392, pursuant to the Georgia Self notice for payment of such hav-
with Metro Storage LLC as Storage Facility Act, Georgia Knight: Hsld gds/Furn; 1884
managing agent for Lessor, for Wyatt, Katrina; 2423 - Jackson, 4300 Peachtree Road NE, At- And, due notice having been ing expired, the goods will be Tawanda Burge: Hsld gds/Furn;
Quentin; 3008 - Hilton, Lloyld; lanta, GA 30319, (404) 480- Code 10-4-210 to 10-4-215. sold to the highest bidder or
rental and other charges due given, to the owner of said 1902 Tim Davenport: Hsld
3030 - Hunt, Kelly; 3201 - 3893 The auction will be held on otherwise disposed of at a pub-
from the undersigned. The said property and all parties known gds/Furn; 1908 Martiana
dance, rosemary; 3207 - Trice, Time: 11:30 AM website lic auction to be held online at
property has been stored and is to claim and interest therein, Gipson: Hsld gds/Furn; 1917
Carl; 3253 - garcia, brittany; Sale to be held at www.stor- (ht-,
located at the respective ad- and the time specified in such Justin Mcgruder: Hsld
3260 - sleet, Michael; 3294 - tp:// which will end on ++Tuesday,
dress below. Units up for auc- notice for payment of such hav- gds/Furn; 1927 Justin Mc-
Fincher, Darius; 3295 - Taylor, 1000 - Williamson, Erin; 1003 - and will end at ++3:00 PM on October 25, 2022 at 10 AM++
tion will be listed for public bid- ing expired, the goods will be gruder: Hsld gds/Furn; 1951
Phalan; 3301 - Portman, Miles; Youssif, Daniel; 1136 - mathis, Friday, October 21, 2022++.
ding on-line at www.Stor- sold to the highest bidder or 340-468939 9/29,10/6 Yolanda J Ingram: Hsld
3381 - Gooch, Kwinci; 3535 - alexis; 1228 - Bradley, DeArius; Management reserves the right beginning otherwise disposed of at a pub- PUBLIC SALE gds/Furn; 1964 Tatiana Hill:
Green, Phillip; 3552 - Daven- 1247 - Hargro, Ronald; 1367 - to withdraw any unit from sale.
five days prior to the sched- lic auction to be held online at In accordance with the provi- Hsld gds/Furn; 1965 Althea
port, Breanna; A036 - Rankins, Wright, Norman; 2022 - MOYE, Registered or motor vehicles
uled auction date and time. The, sions of State law, there being Barnes: Hsld gds/Furn; 1968
Porcha; A041 - Thorpe, Taylor; DENNIS; 2164 - Riggins, Dawn are sold "As Is / Parts Only," no
terms of the sale will be by lot which will end on ++Tuesday, due and unpaid charges for Duane Alexander: Hsld
A044 - goldberg, Tiffany l; PUBLIC STORAGE # 08053, titles or registration.
to the highest bidder for cash October 25th, 2022 at 10 which the undersigned is en- gds/Furn; 2051 Tchaka Gaines:
only. A 10% buyer’s premium C034H - Wilkson, Daryl; C035E 3692 Clairmont Road, Atlanta, AM.++ titled to satisfy an owner and/or Hsld gds/Furn; 2052 Tchaka
- Mitchell, Stephon; D002 - GA 30341, (678) 293-8537 Tenant Name Unit # Stored
will be charged per unit. All Items manager's lien of the goods Gaines: Hsld gds/Furn. And,
sales are final. Metro Self Stor- Hardy, Atlas; D006 - garrick, Time: 11:45 AM hereinafter described and due notice having been given,
Celsi; D014 - King, Brittany; Sale to be held at www.stor- Keith Campbell 148 hggs
age LLC reserves the right to 340-468937 9/29,10/6 stored at the Life Storage loca- to the owner of said property
withdraw any or all units, par- D055D - Foncha, Anna; D057E PUBLIC SALE tion(s) listed below. and all parties known to claim
- Buntin, Vanessa; E024 - oliv- 0105 - Moore jr, Alfred; 0108 - Melvin Fletcher 269 hggs
tial or entire, from the sale at In accordance with the provi- #0690, 2595 Candler Rd, Dec- and interest therein, and the
any time before the sale or to er, Kenneth; F018G - Innovat- Harvey, Briana; 0301 - Work- sions of State law, there being atur, GA 30032. (404) 212- time specified in such notice for
ive Tech Atl Ellzey, Tanetta; agegn, Elias; 0315 - Alvarez, Monica Whitfield 403 hhgs
refuse any bids. The property due and unpaid charges for 1125 payment of such having ex-
to be sold is described as “gen- G014 - Holt, Laquatta; G019 - Esmeralda; 0426 - Dunkley, Lu- which the undersigned is en- pired, the goods will be sold to
Williams, Tierney; G056 - cien; 0518 - Carroll, Bennia; Keith Campbell 509 hhgs
eral household items” unless titled to satisfy an owner and/or 230 Tammie Thomas: Hsld the highest bidder or otherwise
otherwise noted. All contents Zurkuhlen, Lori; H011 - Daniels, 0606 - Smith, Tellys; 0717 - Al- manager's lien of the goods gds/Furn; 261 Tahirah Wash- disposed of at a public auction
Justin varez, Esme; 1006 - Mille Lux Monica Whitfield 540 hhgs
must be removed completely hereinafter described and ington: Hsld gds/Furn; 409 Wil- to be held online at www.Stor-
from the property within 48 Furniture Hebron, Camille; stored at the Life Storage loca- lie Williams: Hsld gds/Furn; 833, which will
Public sale terms, rules, and 1304 - Rowzee, Steven; 1606 - Jabari Jones 554 hhgs
hours or sooner or are deemed tion(s) listed below. Dwayne Anderson: Hsld end on ++Tuesday, October
abandoned by bidder/buyer. regulations will be made avail- Green, Jonathan; 1736 - #0411, 1890 Briarwood Rd NE, gds/Furn, Tools/Applnces; 949 25, 2022 at 10 AM.++
Sale rules and regulations are able prior to the sale. All sales Gebremariam, Gedey; 1825 - Atlanta, GA 30329. (404) 425- Thomas Ambush: Hsld 340-468941 9/29,10/6
available at the time of sale. are subject to cancellation. We Whittaker, Shante 340-468935 9/29,10/6 5010 gds/Furn; 963 KrysShai Harper: PUBLIC SALE
Property includes the storage reserve the right to refuse any PUBLIC STORAGE # 08055, PUBLIC SALE Hsld gds/Furn; 982 Jennifer In accordance with the provi-
unit contents belonging to the bid. Payment must be in cash 1865 Savoy Drive, Chamblee, In accordance with the provi- 1007 Angel Bibiano: Tools/Ap- Boyer: Hsld gds/Furn; B234 sions of State law, there being
following tenants at the follow- or credit card-no checks. Buy- GA 30341, (678) 809-5444 sions of State law, there being plnces; 2053 POORNA Quixote Williams: Hsld due and unpaid charges for
ing locations: ers must secure the units with Time: 12:00 PM due and unpaid charges for BALACHANDRAN: Hsld gds/Furn; C104 Robert Price Jr: which the undersigned is en-
Metro Self Storage: 3391 N their own personal locks. To Sale to be held at www.stor- which the undersigned is en- gds/Furn, Tools/Applnces, Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Stereo titled to satisfy an owner and/or
Druid Hills Road, Decatur, GA claim tax-exempt status, origin- titled to satisfy an owner and/or Clothes, Beauty products, Kit- Equip, Tools/Applnces, Off manager's lien of the goods
30033. The bidding will close al RESALE certificates for each 1094 - Mutombo, Reagan; manager's lien of the goods chen item; 2161 David Sim- Furn/Mach/Equip; C110 Stan- hereinafter described and
on the website StorageTreas- space purchased is required. 1102 - Allen, Myranda; 1131 - hereinafter described and mons: Hsld gds/Furn, Tools/Ap- ella Victor: Hsld gds/Furn; C111 stored at the Life Storage loca- and a high bidder will By PS Retail Sales, LLC, 701 mendez, Elizabeth; 1133 - RI- stored at the Life Storage loca- plnces; 2190 Brian Lawson: Corey Jackson: Hsld gds/Furn; tion(s) listed below.
be selected on ++October 20th, Western Avenue, Glendale, CA OS, CHAXY; 1230 - JIMENEZ, tion(s) listed below. TV/Stereo Equip; 3048 Philip C113 Tamica # I 055, 1274 Crown Pointe
2022, at 12 PM++ 91201. (818) 244-8080. Juan; 1261 - Smith, Deven; #0151, 4427 Tilly Mill Road, Samuel: Hsld gds/Furn; 3181 Howard: Hsld gds/Furn; F206 Parkway, Dunwoody, G A
Unit Name of Occupant De- 1300 - Johnson, Leonni; 1352 - Doraville, GA 30360. (770) 455- Robert Dixon: Hsld gds/Furn; Tamal Anderson: Hsld 30338. (770) 399-5877
scription of Property WILLIAMS, HAROLD; 2051 - 3104 3243 Robert Wooten: Hsld gds/Furn; H114 Anthony Webb:
Dilworth, Sophia; 2075 - How- gds/Furn; 4027 Tyrone Joyner: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Stereo 3047 Andrea Days: Hsld
B037 Taylor Davis Air Condi- ell, Nesta; 2086 - Woolbright, 1128 Mishon Brabham: Hsld Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip; H128 Latesia Jenkins: gds/Furn, Clothes & toy; 4055
tioner, Boxes, Chair, China Lemuel; 2115 - Goodwin, gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip, Equip; 4262 yilong Zhang: Hsld Hsld gds/Furn, Tools/Applnces; Kevin Grant: Hsld gds/Furn,
closet, Ladder, TV Tiffani; 2132 - Odisho, Solo- Tools/Applnces; 1234 jelani gds/Furn. I107 Bianca Street: Hsld TV/Stereo Equip, Off
D049 Deborah Echols Bed, man; 2188 - Ruffin, Sonya; hawkins: Hsld gds/Furn; 1309 gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip, Furn/Mach/Equip; 4068, An-
Boxes, Sofa 2263 - Woolbright, Lemuel; Nicole J Jones: Hsld gds/Furn; And, due notice having been Tools/Applnces. gela Richmond: Hsld gds/Furn,
D059 Deborah Echols Bags, 2264 - white, Adele 2025 Richard Stafford: Hsld given, to the owner of said TV/Stereo Equip; 4128 Angela
Boxes, Furniture PUBLIC STORAGE # 27210, gds/Furn; 3023 Keisha Gray: property and all parties known And, due notice having been Ward: Office Mach/Equip.
E084A Sandra Henley Boxes, 1801 Savoy Drive, Chamblee, Hsld gds/Furn; 3042 Lucas to claim and interest therein, given, to the owner of said
Clothing GA 30341, (470) 575-0587 Harmon: Inventor; 4015 Mi- and the time specified in such property and all parties known And, due notice having been
5018 Virginia M Walker Books, Time: 12:30 PM chael Sanders: Hsld gds/Furn, notice for payment of such hav- to claim and interest therein, given, to the owner of said
Boxes, Computer, Nightstand, Sale to be held at www.stor- TV/Stereo Equip, Tools/Ap- ing expired, the goods will be and the time specified in such property and all parties known
Car front/back seat plnces, Off Furn/Mach/Equip; sold to the highest bidder or notice for payment of such hav-
gds/Furn, Clothes & toy; 4055 Hsld gds/Furn; 8064 Belinda TV/Stereo Equip, Tools/Ap- 3605 Dining table and chairs; Other
Kevin Grant: Hsld gds/Furn, Brunson: Hsld gds/Furn; 8067 plnces; A1302 Karena LaToya misc. household furniture;
TV/Stereo Equip, Off Amyre White: clothers toys; Dykes: Hsld gds/Furn; A1321 464 Rosemary Members: Hsld Many plastic totes containing
Furn/Mach/Equip; 4068, An- 8120 Telvin Washington: Hsld Shalisha Stockdale: Hsld gds/Furn. items; Many plastic bags con-
gela Richmond: Hsld gds/Furn, gds/Furn; 8129 Latasha Patter- gds/Furn; A1337 Latanya Fitts: taining items; Taped up boxes
TV/Stereo Equip; 4128 Angela son: Hsld gds/Furn; 8145 Bri- Hsld And, due notice having been containing it items. Many un-

Ward: Office Mach/Equip. The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12,
given, 2022
anna Skinkle: Clothing; 8173 to the owner of said
gds/Furn, Tools/ Applnces; seen items. Page 41
Elma Forbes: Hsld gds/Furn; A1523 Tameeka Bankston: property and all parties known
And, due notice having been 340-468943 9/29,10/6 9033 Whitney Callendar: Hsld Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Stereo 340-469005 9/29,10/6 to claim and interest therein, *Jessica Fears Unit: E-07 Unit
given, to the owner of said PUBLIC SALE gds/Furn; 9040 Ralph Equip, Tools/Applnces, Off STORAGE TREASURES and the time specified in such appears to contain: 2 Furniture
property and all parties known In accordance with the provi- Soodeen: Car Parts Only; 9067 Furn/Mach/Equip; A2014 AUCTION notice for payment of such hav- dollies; 2 square dining tables;
to claim and interest therein, sions of State law, there being Iyuana Harris: Hsld gds/Furn; Katiria Rodriguez: Hsld Extra Space Storage will hold a ing expired, the goods will be 2 sets of mattresses/box
and the time specified in such due and unpaid charges for 9072 Brandon D Hudgins: Hsld gds/Furn; A2056 Kadejha public auction to sell personal sold to the highest bidder or springs; 2 bed frames; End ta-
notice for payment of such hav- which the undersigned is en- gds/Furn; 9084 Walter Pernell: Washington: Hsld gds/Furn, property described below be- otherwise disposed of at a pub- ble; ironing board; Guitar;
ing expired, the goods will be titled to satisfy an owner and/or Hsld gds/Furn. Clothe; A2079 Jamilah Horton: longing to those individuals lis- lic auction to be held online at Plastic tote containing items;
sold to the highest bidder or manager's lien of the goods Hsld gds/Furn; ted below at the location indic-, Studio chair; Misc. items and
otherwise disposed of at a pub- hereinafter described and And, due notice having been A2133 Romecia Cook: Hsld ated: which will end on ++Tuesday, unseen items.
lic auction to be held online at stored at the Life Storage loca- given, to the owner of said gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip; 2232 Mountain Industrial BLV. October 25, 2022 at 10 AM++., tion(s) listed property and all parties known A2137 Roy Robinson: Hsld TUCKER, GA. 30084 at ++3:00 340-469528 10/6,10/13 340-469529 10/6
which will end on ++Tuesday, below. to claim and interest therein, gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip, Off PM on OCT 21, 2022++. Notice of Public Sale of NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE
October 25, 2022 at 10 AM++. #1105, 6231 Hillandale Dr, and the time specified in such Furn/Mach/Equip; A2145 Personal Property Transport Funding, LLC, Over-
Lithonia, GA 30058. (678) 782- notice for payment of such hav- Wayne Wright: Hsld gds/Furn; 1387-Jehan Spann -House- Notice is hereby given that land Park, Kansas will offer the
340-468942 9/29,10/6 8150 ing expired, the goods will be A2160 Shadidas Smith: Hsld hold Items Flakes Mill Self Storage, loc- following property at public sale
PUBLIC SALE sold to the highest bidder or gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip, 1739-Malcolm Thomas-House- ated at 3700 Flakes Mill Rd., at Arrow Truck Sales, Inc. 3233
In accordance with the provi- 2 3 2 Ry a n T h o m a s : Hs l d otherwise disposed of at a pub- Tools/Applnces, Off hold Items Decatur, GA 30034; intends to MORELAND AVENUE , Con-
sions of State law, there being gds/Furn; 252 Christopher lic auction to be held online at Furn/Mach/Equip; A2174 CHAZ 1758-Stacey Shefton - House- sell the personal property ac- ley, GA 30288 on 10/17/2022
due and unpaid charges for Johnson: Lndscpng/Cnstrctn, GREENE: Hsld gds/Furn, hold Items cording to the Georgia Self commencing at 10:00am
which the undersigned is en- Equip, Landscaping equipmen; which will end on ++Tuesday, Tools/Applnces, CLOTHE; 1283-Turkessa Hall - House- Storage Act, 10-4-210 through ++2014 MACK CXU613 | MID
titled to satisfy an owner and/or 350 Emily Stephens: October 25, 2022 at 10 AM++. A2326 Lamontisha Duncan: hold Items 10-4-215 to satisfy the owner's ROOF SLEEPER
manager's lien of the goods Hsld gds/Furn, Toys, Mat- 340-468945 9/29,10/6 Hsld gds/Furn, Tools/Applnces, lien. All bids will be accepted 1M1AW09Y9EM036619++
hereinafter described and tresse; 358 Tenia Brown: Hsld PUBLIC SALE Off Furn/Mach/Equip; A2333 The auction will be listed and online through www.storageau- The property may be inspected
stored at the Life Storage loca- gds/Furn; 378 DeAsia Whi- In accordance with the provi- Wyquetta Mitchell: Hsld advertised on www.stor- by appointment prior to the
tion(s) listed taker: Hsld gds/Furn; 416 Po- sions of State law, there being gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip, Purchases The auction will end on or after sale.
below. lanco Franco: Hsld gds/Furn, due and unpaid charges for Tools/Applnces; B135 Jeneen must be made with cash only ++10/25/2022 @ 1pm++. Inquiries:
#1103, 5951 Covington Hwy, Tools/Applnces; 444 Clint Lee: which the undersigned is en- Hart: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Stereo and paid at the above refer- Flakes Mill Self Storage re- 404-366-5121
Decatur, GA 30035. (470) 220- Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Stereo titled to satisfy an owner and/or Equip, Tools/Applnces, Acctng enced facility in order to com- serves the right to withdraw Cash sales only.
1982 Equip, Tools/Applnces; 497 manager's lien of the goods rcrds/Sales Sampls; C117 plete the transaction. Extra units from such a sale and re-
Courtney Lockhart: Hsld Space Storage may refuse any 340-469530 10/6
hereinafter described and Tracey Bransom: Hsld ject any bid. Terms of sale are
gds/Furn; 545 Jennifer John- bid and may rescind any pur- NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE
912A Kendrick Singleton: Hsld stored at the Life Storage loca- gds/Furn; C126 Donna McGee: cash or money order only.
son: Hsld gds/Furn, Tools/Ap- chase up until the winning bid- Transport Funding, LLC, Over-
gds/Furn, Tools/Applnces; tion(s) listed below. Hsld gds/Furn; D122 Donald
plnces; 618 Chiqute Brooks: der takes possession of the land Park, Kansas will offer the
B219 Nikesia Clements: Hsld #7212, 650 Dekalb Industrial Taylor: Hsld gds/Furn, *Daniel Myers Unit: G-1523
Hsld gds/Furn, Bags & Totes, personal property. following property at public sale
gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip; Way, Decatur, GA 30033. (404) Tools/Applnces; D126 Rasean Unit appears to contain: Wash-
Clothes & shoes, Stethoscope, at Arrow Truck Sales, Inc. 3233
C310 Shalea 666-4577 Rogers: Hsld gds/Furn; E108 er/Dryer; Toolbox; Mattress/Box
Comforte; 699 Patrick Fuller: MORELAND AVENUE , Con-
Currie: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Ste- Charlton Oni-Eseleh: Hsld Spring; Metal tub; 3-drawer
Hsld gds/Furn; 805 Sharon ley, GA 30288 on 10/14/2022
reo Equip, Tools/Applnces; 1032 Ashley Gaskin: Hsld gds/Furn, Lndscpng/Cnstrctn 340-469415 9/29,10/6 tote; Box containing dishes;
Green: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Ste- commencing at 10:00 am
C316 Debra Spells: Hsld gds/Furn; 1091 Alexis Brunson: Equip; E114 Tameeka Bank- PUBLIC SALE Misc. box containing items;
reo Equip; 834 Zina Mcdowell: ++2015 INTL PROSTAR |
gds/Furn, Tools/Applnces, Va- Hsld gds/Furn; 1097 Ariel Lee: ston: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Avondale Mini Storage located Misc. items.
Hsld gds/Furn; 862 Gary K RAISED ROOF SLEEPER
cuum, Mirror, Apartment item clothes fur- Equip. at 3111 Church Street,
White: Hsld gds/Furn. 3HSDJAPR5FN690943++
vaccuum, Sewing Machine, niture toys 4 wheeler et; 1109 Scottdale, GA 30079 will hold *Chaquisa Pullin Unit: C- The property may be inspected
Lights, chairs, table, furnitur; Borna Mottahed: Hsld And, due notice having been an online public sale to enforce 1824/1708 Unit appears to con-
And, due notice having been by appointment prior to the
C329 Michael Wiley: Hsld gds/Furn; 2025 chaz J hunter: given, to the owner of said a lien imposed on said prop- tain: King size mattress; Ad-
given, to the owner of said sale.
gds/Furn; D401 Cortney Hsld gds/Furn; 2121 Ketrick property and all parties known erty, as described below, pur- justable bed base and frame
property and all parties known Inquiries:
Collins: Tools/Applnces; E519 White: Household item; 2198 to claim and interest therein, suant to the Georgia Self Stor- Brand New in box; Bag contain-
to claim and interest therein, 404-366-5121
Ashley Lucas: clothin; E530 Anthony Linley: Boxe; 2201 Bri- and the time specified in such age Facility Act, Georgia Code ing bedding; Dresser and Mir-
and the time specified in such Cash sales only.
Desiree Lowery: clothes, dress- an Breakey: Hsld gds/Furn; notice for payment of such hav- 10-4-210 to 10-4-215. The auc- ror.
er; E551 Ron B. Lightsey: Hsld notice for payment of such hav- 2204 Terric Johnson: Hsld ing expired, the goods will be tion will be held on website 340-469531 10/6
gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip; ing expired, the goods will be gds/Furn; 3050 Nichelle Frazi- sold to the highest bidder or (ht- *Jaterrion Moon Unit: C-1101 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE
E571 Lovely Works: Hsld sold to the highest bidder or er: Hsld gds/Furn; 3074 Joseph otherwise disposed of at a pub- tp:// Unit appears to contain : Transport Funding, LLC, Over-
gds/Furn, Tools/Applnces, kids otherwise disposed of at a pub- Earlycutt: totes, boxes, mis. lic auction to be held online at and will end at ++11:30 am on Dozens of plastic totes contain- land Park, Kansas will offer the
item; E573 Christopher Davis: lic auction to be held online at, Thursday, October 20, 2022++ ing items; Metal shelving unit; following property at public sale
Hsld gds/Furn; E586 Quinton, And, due notice having been which will end on ++Tuesday, . Spice rack; Dozens of bags at Arrow Truck Sales, Inc. 3233
Banner: Hsld gds/Furn; E602 which will end on ++Tuesday, given, to the owner of said October 25, 2022 at 10 AM++. Management reserves the right containing items; Vacuum; MORELAND AVENUE , Con-
Natalie Douglas: Hsld gds/Furn; October 25, 2022 at 10 AM++. property and all parties known to withdraw any unit from sale. Canvas rolling wagon in box; ley, GA 30288 on 10/19/2022
F630 Janice Chai: Hsld to claim and interest therein, 340-468947 9/29,10/6 Registered or motor vehicles Box that appears to contain commencing at 10:00
gds/Furn; F642 Tykesha 340-468944 9/29,10/6 and the time specified in such PUBLIC SALE are sold "As Is / Parts Only," no Kuerig coffee maker; Box that am
Howard: Hsld gds/Furn, Ellipt- PUBLIC SALE notice for payment of such hav- In accordance with the provi- titles or registration. appears to contain a printer; ++2016 PETE 587 | RAISED
ica; G730 Nekia Holsey: Hsld In accordance with the provi- ing expired, the goods will be sions of State law, there being Many misc. items and many ROOF SLEEPER
gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip; sions of State law, there being sold to the highest bidder or due and unpaid charges for Tenant Name unseen items. 1XP4D49X3GD347983++
H812 Christopher Cunningham: due and unpaid charges for otherwise disposed of at a pub- which the undersigned is en- Unit # The property may be inspected
Hsld gds/Furn, Tools/Applnces; which the undersigned is en- lic auction to be held online at titled to satisfy an owner and/or Stored Items *Mercer Piper Unit: C-2510 Unit by appointment prior to the
H828 Charles Brooks: Hsld titled to satisfy an owner and/or, manager's lien of the goods Nolan C King appears to contain: Wooden sale.
gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip, manager's lien of the goods which will end on ++Tuesday, hereinafter described and 1011 cabinet with glass doors; Boxes Inquiries:
Tools/Applnces, Vehicle, boxe; hereinafter described and October 25th, 2022 at 10 stored at the Life Storage loca- HHG,Boxes that appear to contain speak- 404-366-5121
J001 Laura James: Hsld stored at the Life Storage loca- AM++. tion(s) listed below. ers; Misc. boxes containing Cash sales only.
gds/Furn; J118 Francesca tion(s) listed below. #8364, 5636 Redan Rd, Stone Maury Minor items; Toddler 4-wheeler; Misc.
Gourdet: Hsld gds/Furn, clothe; #1110, 1491 N Hairston Rd, 340-468946 9/29,10/6 Mountain, GA 30088. (770) 1017 bags containing items. 340-469532 10/6,10/13
J148 Antaevious Nguyen: Hsld Stone Mountain, GA 30083. PUBLIC SALE 847-6810 HHG BOXES NOTICE OF SALE
gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip, fur- (470) 938-6597 In accordance with the provi- *Dezzi Sloan Unit: D-12 Unit NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN
niture, T; K1112 Chantell sions of State law, there being 1030 Tonja Morant: Hsld Betsy W Dunson appears to contain: Pool table; that the undersigned intends to
Franklin: Hsld gds/Furn; K1130 1014 Bryan G Fountain: Hsld due and unpaid charges for gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip; A254 Blower; Electric heater; Key- sell the personal property de-
Aaron Rogers: Hsld gds/Furn, gds/Furn; 1022 Felipe Negrin: which the undersigned is en- 1048 Josefina Aroll: Hsld HHG, Furniture, and boxes board; Mechanic tools; Misc. scribed below to enforce a lien
TV/Stereo Equip, clothe; K1153 Tools/Applnces; 2055 Eliza- titled to satisfy an owner and/or gds/Furn; 2007 Joseph Jack- items. imposed on said property un-
Melinda O'Neal: Large TV box, beth Hunter: Hsld gds/Furn; manager's lien of the goods son: Hsld gds/Furn; 2010 Eboni 340-469448 9/29,10/6 der The Georgia Storage Facil-
Glasses, Food saver box, back- 2067 Martha Tucker: Hsld hereinafter described and Melton: Hsld gds/Furn; 2138 PUBLIC SALE *Mignon Lee Unit: C-2712 Unit ity Act. The undersigned will
pack, bin; L1228 Larry Mccon- gds/Furn; 2068 Ebony John- stored at the Life Storage loca- Rothell Keels: Hsld gds/Furn; In accordance with the provi- appears to contain: 4 Flat sell at public sale by competit-
nehead: Hsld gds/Furn. son: Hsld gds/Furn; 2074 tion(s) listed 2158 Traci Peavy: Hsld sions of State law, there being screen TVs including a 75” TV ive bidding on Thursday the
Marco Worthy: Hsld gds/Furn; below. gds/Furn; 2185 Terrell Swain: due and unpaid charges for appearing to be brand new ++20th day of October, 2022 at
And, due notice having been 2101 Anthony Carr: Hsld #8241, 6434 Covington Hwy, Hsld which the undersigned is en- sealed in box; Queen size bed 11:00 AM++ with bidding to
given, to the owner of said gds/Furn; 2141 Takeyah John- Lithonia, GA 30058. (770) 462- gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip; titled to satisfy an owner and/or framw in box; Christmas tree in take place on
property and all parties known son: Hsld gds/Furn; 3155 8261 2203 Synsabrian Miller: Hsld manager's lien of the goods box; Bag of clothes/shoes; Said property is SecurCare Self
to claim and interest therein, Tykeria Williams: Hsld gds/Furn; C127 Keanna Jack- hereinafter described and Computer monitor. Storage, 4141 Snapfinger
and the time specified in such gds/Furn; 4007 Duval Dukes: A1108 Kadejha Washington: son: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Stereo stored at the Life Storage loca- Woods Drive, Decatur, GA,
notice for payment of such hav- Hsld gds/Furn; 4008 Audra Kel- Hsld gds/Furn; A1193 PATAR- Equip, Tools/Applnces, Off tion(s) listed below. *Mignon Lee Unit: C-106 Unit 30035 DeKalb County
ing expired, the goods will be logg: Hsld gds/Furn; 4009 ICA ELIGON: Hsld gds/Furn, Furn/Mach/Equip; C130 April N #8489, 3810 Pleasantdale Rd, appears to contain: 2 sets of
sold to the highest bidder or Catherine Milam: Hsld TV/Stereo Equip, Clothe; Finley: Hsld gds/Furn; D123 Atlanta, GA 30340. (470) 682- queen size mattress and box Ozuem,Cecelia 00244 bed
otherwise disposed of at a pub- gds/Furn; 5031 Lisa Scurry: A1280 Jill Mays: Hsld gds/Furn, Kenneth Lunsford: Hsld 3605 springs; Dining table and rails, boxes, xmas tree, totes,
lic auction to be held online at Hsld gds/Furn; 5034 Sam Elig- Office files/document; A1290 gds/Furn; D127 Cierra chairs; Beige suede bags, luggage, blanet, xmas, we Silver Hills Waterproofing: Janelle Spencer: Hsld Scott: Hsld gds/Furn. 464 Rosemary Members: Hsld couch/loveseat; Ironing board; decor. Smith, Gladys 00253
which will end on ++Tuesday, Tools/Applnces; 6001 Leslie gds/Furn, Off Furn/Mach/Equip; gds/Furn. Dining table and chairs; Other wheel, bags, clothes, totes,
October 25, 2022 at 10 AM++. Shahan: Hsld gds/Furn; 6010 A1295 Teresa Paul: Hsld And, due notice having been misc. household furniture; blinds, shoes, basket. Young,
Kevin Ray: Tools/Applnces, gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip, given, to the owner of said And, due notice having been Many plastic totes containing Roger 00345 bike, fish aquari-
Lndscpng/Cnstrctn Equip; 8021 Tools/Applnces, Off property and all parties known given, to the owner of said items; Many plastic bags con- um, table, chairs, mirrors,
Shontrice Carter: Hsld Furn/Mach/Equip; A1298 De- to claim and interest therein, property and all parties known taining items; Taped up boxes boxes, dresser, night stand,
gds/Furn; 8053 Mark Owens: vorique Lee: Hsld gds/Furn, and the time specified in such to claim and interest therein, containing it items. Many un- speakers, books, coolers, buck-
Hsld gds/Furn; 8064 Belinda TV/Stereo Equip, Tools/Ap- notice for payment of such hav- and the time specified in such seen items. ets, cacinet. Adcock, Angela
Brunson: Hsld gds/Furn; 8067 plnces; A1302 Karena LaToya ing expired, the goods will be notice for payment of such hav- 00412 tarps, paint, fish aquari-
Amyre White: clothers toys; Dykes: Hsld gds/Furn; A1321 sold to the highest bidder or ing expired, the goods will be *Jessica Fears Unit: E-07 Unit um, bags, containers, buckets,
8120 Telvin Washington: Hsld Shalisha Stockdale: Hsld otherwise disposed of at a pub- sold to the highest bidder or appears to contain: 2 Furniture wood. Jamison, Sade 00428
gds/Furn; 8129 Latasha Patter- gds/Furn; A1337 Latanya Fitts: lic auction to be held online at otherwise disposed of at a pub- dollies; 2 square dining tables; bar stools, table, chairs, grill,
son: Hsld gds/Furn; 8145 Bri- Hsld, lic auction to be held online at 2 sets of mattresses/box fans, totes, hair dyer, bags,
anna Skinkle: Clothing; 8173 gds/Furn, Tools/Applnces; which will end on ++Tuesday,, springs; 2 bed frames; End ta- vac, lamps, flower, clothes. Hol-
Elma Forbes: Hsld gds/Furn; A1523 Tameeka Bankston: October 25, 2022 at 10 AM++. which will end on ++Tuesday, ble; ironing board; Guitar; loway, Jasmine 00616 stands,
9033 Whitney Callendar: Hsld Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Stereo October 25, 2022 at 10 AM++. Plastic tote containing items; lawn mower, boxes, totes
gds/Furn; 9040 Ralph Equip, Tools/Applnces, Off Studio chair; Misc. items and ,xmas tree, bed rails, micro
Soodeen: Car Parts Only; 9067 Furn/Mach/Equip; A2014 unseen items. wave, cooler, chair, umbella,
Iyuana Harris: Hsld gds/Furn; Katiria Rodriguez: Hsld kerosene heater. Johnson,
ets, cacinet. Adcock, Angela the sale specified. Ulrick; J033 - Jett, Skyla; J047 - tian, Mosses; E047 - Walker, 1750 Montreal Cir, Tucker, GA Personal items.
00412 tarps, paint, fish aquari- Fountain, Tatanisha; J056 - Talisha; E078 - young, Mone- 30084, (678) 256-3954
um, bags, containers, buckets, PUBLIC STORAGE # 23402, Beasley, Pamela; J070 - sha Time: 10:30 AM cherlani oneal
wood. Jamison, Sade 00428 1067 Memorial Drive, Atlanta, Hankins, Kizuwanda; J080 - PUBLIC STORAGE # 26667, Sale to be held at www.stor- E80
bar stools, table, chairs, grill, GA 30316, (404) 602-0128 Beasley, Pamela; K001 - Brad- 3375 N Druid Hills Road, Dec- washer and dryers, 2 bedroom
fans, totes, hair dyer, bags, Time: 09:45 AM ley, Amanda; K005 - Darden7 atur, GA 30033, (404) 666- A021 - Francois, Rebecca; apartment
Page 42
vac, lamps, flower, clothes. Hol-
loway, Jasmine 00616 stands,
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 
Sale to be held at www.stor- Industries LLC DARDEN,
RASHAD D; K039 - Lee,
Time: 02:00 PM
A142 - Pepp, Desalynn; A145 -
riley, kenneth; A166 - Griffin, Jovonn Barefield
lawn mower, boxes, totes A030 - Barry , Fatoumatta; Ta'money; L015 - glass, bobby; Sale to be held at www.stor- 340-469535 10/6,10/13 Jeremiah; A181 - Adewuyi, H12
,xmas tree, bed rails, micro A057 - True, Blunt; A058 - Wat- L040 - Davis, Cashawndra; NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Oladipo; A190 - Williams, Char- House supplies, furniture etc
wave, cooler, chair, umbella, son, Amber; A102 - kogo, chris- L161 - Wright, Yolanda; L165 - A016 - Gilliam, Terrance; B039 To satisfy the owner's storage quez; B002 - KISSEIH, AMAN-
kerosene heater. Johnson, tian; A110 - Johnson, Marc; Berschom, Chris; L208 - Park- - Morales, Theresa; J021 - lien, PS Retail Sales, LLC will ARH; B016 - Richardson, The auction will be listed and
Marvin 00617 tv, stroller, totes, A111 - jones, ambrosia; B015 - er, Candace; L229 - Jenkins Jr, Stribling, Channing; J126 - Ed- sell at public lien sale on ++Oc- Louella; C039 - Williams, Ray- advertised on www.stor-
bags, clothes, bar stools print- Turner, Rebecca; B020 - natal, Larry; M038 - Zirkelbach, wards, Blake; J137 - Kidd, tober 21, 2022++, the personal mond; D065 - Matthews, Purchases
er, lamp. Reid, Chrishawna Jerimi; B032B - james, quah- James Rosa; J176 - Anderson, Ro- property in the below-listed Stephanie; D071 - Ryans, must be made with cash only
00103 tv stand, couch, mat- lique; B032E - hubert, gerald; PUBLIC STORAGE # 21712, lynne; K007 - Bailey, Lavell; units, which may include but Nicole; D084 - ARYEE, AKO; and paid at the above refer-
tress, boxes, bins, fan, bed C004 - Royal, David; C010 - 4200 Snapfinger Woods Drive, K027 - bailey, precious; L007 - are not limited to: household D099 - Davis, Leartis; D134 - enced facility in order to com-
frame, luggage, lamps, blanets, Bethea, Erin; C019 - Johnson, Decatur, GA 30035, (404) 573- Baldwin, Dwanna; L015 - Jen- and personal items, office and Grimes, Theodore; E070 - Mc- plete the transaction. Extra
bags. Purchases must be paid Mollian; C035 - Code, William 4891 kins, Tameisha other equipment. The public Glown, Leticia; E130 - Kings- Space Storage may refuse any
for at the time of purchase at Lee; C044 - Seats, Detavis; Time: 12:00 PM PUBLIC STORAGE # 28136, sale of these items will begin at bury, Wade; E152 - Heard, bid and may rescind any pur-
storage facility by cash only. All C069 - Ray, luenell; C070 - Sale to be held at www.stor- 2940 North Decatur Road, Dec- 09:30 AM and continue until all Melody; E185 - Haynes, Jes- chase up until the winning bid-
purchased items are sold as is, Hayes limited llc hayes, gavin; atur, GA 30033, (404) 618- units are sold. Lien sale to be sica; E197 - Dixon, Marcus; der takes possession of the
where is, and must be re- D020 - Smith, Lauren; D038 - C025 - Brooks, Shirley; C032 - 0009 held at the online auction web- F051 - Paredes, Victor; F055 - personal property.
moved within 48 hours of the Merriell, Bjorn; D062 - June, Lawrence, Shakera; C049 - Time: 02:30 PM site, Ford, Sheena; G023 - Fallon,
sale. A refundable $100 cash Ruthanne; F014 - Lynch, Armstrong, Tyuan; C061 - Dav- Sale to be held at www.stor-, Jeremy; G025 - Basset, 340-469538 10/6,10/13
deposit for each unit won is re- Joshua; F023 - Gilmer, Briana is, Garren; C062 - Smith, where indicated. For online li- Rodger; H011 - Quest Dia- STORAGE TREASURES
quired. Sale is subject to can- PUBLIC STORAGE # 08050, Shamocka; D049 - Stinson, 0204 - Gardner, Yolanda; 0212 en sales, bids will be accepted gnostics MOORE, PETER AUCTION
cellation in the event of settle- 840 Hambrick Road, Stone Lakasca; D053 - Bradley, - Dorsey, Floyd; 0231 - Holland, until 2 hours after the time of ONE FACILITY – MULTIPLE
ment between owner and oblig- Mountain, GA 30083, (404) Tamara; D085 - Floyd, Ty- Holly; 0358 - Johnson, Kiera; the sale specified. Public sale terms, rules, and UNITS
ated party 445-0091 wanda; D102 - Thomas, Day- 0407 - Brown, Monica; 0422 - regulations will be made avail- Extra Space Storage will hold a
Time: 10:00 AM shia; E007 - Dailey, Michael; Harris, Karen; 0526 - Handy, PUBLIC STORAGE # 00509, able prior to the sale. All sales public auction to sell personal
340-469533 10/6,10/13 Sale to be held at www.stor- E016 - Williams, Mario; E043 - Rashad; 1126 - Ray, Delaney; 1438 Montreal Road, Tucker, are subject to cancellation. We property described below be-
PUBLIC SALE BANTON, TONYA; E055 - 1159 - Roberts, Solomon; 1232 GA 30084, (678) 304-6454 reserve the right to refuse any longing to those individuals lis-
WILL BE Sold Online at 0318 - JOHNS, LEONA; 0342 - Brock, Stephen; E061 - smith, - Everett, Courtney; 1242 - Wil- Time: 09:30 AM bid. Payment must be in cash ted below at the location indic- Ware, Raymond; 0349 - Kouri; E105 - Lyons, Dwight; liams, Jasmine; 1259 - Roberts, Sale to be held at www.stor- or credit card-no checks. Buy- ated:
Notice is hereby given that on Thomas, Shneasha; 0405 - E119 - Mitchell, Tiffany; F006 - Phillip; 1279 - Wells, Darrin; ers must secure the units with 1257 S Hairston Rd, Stone
Auction Date: ++October 17, Rush, Christina; 0422 - Brown, Wimberly, Shannon; F013 - 1284 - reid, Roshaine; 1286 - A020 - Hill, Tandra; B025 - their own personal locks. To Mountain, GA 30088, ++Octo-
2022++ U-Haul Company of Rachel; 0452 - Satterwhite Jr, Wyatt, Tesha; G001 - Bowens, Carter, Derdriecus; 1367 - Bon- Venson, Nkosi; B028 - Robin- claim tax-exempt status, origin- ber 21, 2022, at 11:00 AM++
Northeast Georgia will Sell un- Martin; 0504 - Taiste, chiquita; H017 - White, Omar; ner, Keneesha son, Sasha; C024 - TERRY, al RESALE certificates for each
der the contractual landlords li- Leemeena; 0536 - Jordon, H027 - mbye, abdoulie PUBLIC STORAGE # 28152, SHUWANDA; C025 - Saffo, space purchased is required. G704 Jimmie Eason Jr boxes,
en process by Online auction Shana; 0603 - joiner, Traquon; PUBLIC STORAGE # 23207, 3748 Covington Hwy, Decatur, Latisha; E037 - Thomas, Boris; By PS Retail Sales, LLC, 701 table, full size bed
the following storage units. The 0612 - Johnson-Crockrell, 4343 Covington Hwy, Decatur, GA 30032, (404) 736-6783 E050 - Yearwood, Felecity; Western Avenue, Glendale, CA G778 Marquasha Love couch,
goods to be sold are generally Amanda; 0623 - Strickland, GA 30035, (404) 596-5473 Time: 03:00 PM G007 - Martinez, Yashira; 91201. (818) 244-8080. bed, bedframe, household
described as household goods. Dominique; 0742 - grafton, an- Time: 12:30 PM Sale to be held at www.stor- G021 - Barnes, La'Queisha; items, clothes and shoes,
Dekalb County: dre; 0802 - Crockett, Ebonae; Sale to be held at www.stor- G031 - Danford, Lisa; G073 - 340-469536 10/6,10/13
0830 - lamar, ty-meer; 0908 - 1014 - Winslett, Nakia; 1104 - Robinson, Cashmere; G103 - NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF
J1004 Jeree Banks Mattress
Clarkston: Sams Rd: ransom, jamal; 0913 - Spencer, A008 - Thomas, Shalanda; Perkins, Brandi; 1151 - Willi- Bynum, Edward; H006 - PERSONAL PROPERTY
Box Spring Head Board Foot
E38 Annette Stewart Creola; 1001 - Wyatt, Charlett; A045 - Mena, Angelica; A046 - ams, Angelynne; 1218 - Over- Coakley-Mays, Germaine In accordance with the GA Self
Board Sofa Set Household
C109 Isaac Anderson 1003 - Herndon, Mary; 1011 - Reives, Sheila; A066 - Davis, ton, Jamarius; 1250 - Hines, Lynette; H017 - Kennedy, Service Storage Facilities Act
items Personal Items
D32 Nathaniel Young Price, Andre; 1031 - Byrd, Brit- Eric; A101 - Corley, Teva; A108 Arlynthia; 1319 - Blair, Bronson; Kierra notice is hereby given that the
A112 Douglas Collins House-
C53UB Davonna Grissom tani; 1049 - Adams, Corey; - Gates, Arthur; A112 - Win- 1329 - GRIER, HYACINTHE; PUBLIC STORAGE # 00516, undersigned will be sold at pub-
hold Goods
C57D Charles Tilley 415E - Leeper, Britney; 415N - field, Dane; A140 - Holmes, 1418 - Craig, Jessica; 1419 - 1844 Mtn Industrial Blvd, Tuck- lic sale to the highest bidder in
A118 Douglas Collins House-
D28 Delvin Harris koryan, Humble; 514M - Miller, Vincent; B209 - Richardson, Thompson, Crystal; 1430 - Dix- er, GA 30084, (678) 466-6104 order to satisfy lien of the own-
hold Goods
C21UB Alvin Courtney Valencia; 529D - Roper, Jessie; Greg; B210 - Thomas, Nicole; on, Donniel; 1504 - Thomas, Time: 09:45 AM er. Bidding to take place on
E506 Douglas Collins House-
A03 Mo Hill 529F - Mapp, Letosha B263 - Calloway, Jenell; B291 - Krystal; 1537 - Byrd, Tamia; Sale to be held at www.stor- ending ++Friday
hold Goods
Clarkston: Northern Ave: PUBLIC STORAGE # 08393, Dixon, Tashonda; B309 - John- 1542 - Walker, Lacey; 1543 - the 21st day of October, 2022
F628 Aliah Jukes BOXES AND
1203 Artkim Brown 1210 Clairmont Rd, Decatur, son, Genna; B324 - Nashalook, brown, jasmine; 1556 - Hargett, A027 - Cummings, Sahmieka; at 10:00 AM++. Said property is
1046 Robert Miles GA 30030, (404) 445-7924 Andrea; B342 - Clarke, Chris; Lastosha; 1621 - Griffin , A034 - Mcmoore, Cherise; Space Shop Self Storage, 3751
A105C Eunique Riley Clothing,
2059 Dajuana Houston Time: 10:30 AM C401 - Hicks, Javier; C438 - Al- Zachary; 1643 - Dickson, A061 - Leggett, Gloria; A091 - Buford Hwy, Atlanta, GA,
small items
3016 Betty Bolden Sale to be held at www.stor- len, Cassey; C446 - Ali, Amina; Flonzo; 1705 - Rich, Tamara; Hightower, Jada; A215 - 30329 Estrada Duran, Jorge A.
A147 Bridgemon Bolger Fur-
4007 Chinese Grant D526 - Perry, Jasmine; E623 - 1712 - jr, Ronald Sterling; 1733 o'meally, barrington; A231 - D05 TOOLS, TOTES,LUG-
2097 Esteban Rosario 2009 - Haire, Timothy; 2157 - Perry, Natasha - Mcduffie, Ebony; 1806 - Salvesen, John; A270 - Camer- GAGE, VACUUMS, . The auc-
C306 David Ibizugbe furniture
1036 Alvaro Salazar Mohabir, Sharmalee; 3506 - PUBLIC STORAGE # 25592, Murphy, Christopher; 1846 - on, Reginald; B009 - James, tion will be listed and advert-
F622 Terrance McCree tv,
1030 Patrick Edwards Farrell, Geoffrey 5260 Minola Drive, Lithonia, McAllister, Nigel; 1861 - Brown, Nicole; B014 - Keys, Jasmine; ised on Space
bags, totes
1026 Kiamo Stroud PUBLIC STORAGE # 20490, GA 30038, (404) 445-7828 Billy; 1920 - Myers, Tomeka; B019 - wilson, franky; B048 - Shop Self Storage may refuse
J1025 Cathy Douglas Clothes,
1178 Jacinta Johnson 5038 Covington Hwy, Decatur, Time: 01:00 PM 1922 - Horton, Tierra; 1924 - Fennell, Johnathan; C025 - any bid and may rescind any
plastic bins.
Memorial Drive: GA 30035, (404) 348-4205 Sale to be held at www.stor- Kamand, Nfali; 1926 - Porter, Gumbs, Andrea; C037 - Lee- purchase up until the winning
321 Susan Koroma Time: 11:00 AM Cortez; 2011 - Rogers, Brittany; abdullah, Fatima; C051 - Ur- bidder takes possession of the
The auction will be listed and
558 Timothy Bryant Sale to be held at www.stor- A0204 - Hoggs, Emmanuel; 2040 - Hunt, Marnisha; 207 - diales, Maria; D001 - Mus- personal property
advertised on www.stor-
756 Johnte Robinson A0406 - Lassiter, Warren; Cannon, Delores; 2108 - Nat- grove, Rex; D046 - Williams, Purchases
340-469537 10/6,10/13
215 Joseph Guy A010 - Martin, Devona; A020 - A0411 - Thorton, Serena; works Events and Creative Shawn; D049 - Cody, Jeanette must be made with cash only
129 Girm Gebremariam Harper, Angelica; A032 - Pool, A0501 - latner, deangelo; Designs LLC hayden, Natelya; PUBLIC STORAGE # 08051, and paid at the above refer-
724 Susan Koroma Jordan; A057 - Atwaters, A0605 - Hughes, Wanda; 220 - Harris, Ronnee; 222 - 2660 Mountain Industrial Blvd, enced facility in order to com-
Extra Space Storage will hold a
Covington Hwy: Shoulander; A067 - Billingsley, A07 11 - COO K, RAYNA; Corbett, Malik; 3032 - Lunan, Tucker, GA 30084, (678) 567- plete the transaction. Extra
public auction to sell personal
1244 Lee English Keon; A078 - Dix, Abrina; A096 A1002 - Copeland, Zane; Gary; 412 - Abel, Carrena; 501 6787 Space Storage may refuse any
property described below be-
1055 Shantrell Langlois - spearman, Joshua; A106 - A1009 - render, jamaria; A2022 - Edwards, Keyiffia; 506 - Time: 10:00 AM bid and may rescind any pur-
longing to those individuals lis-
O109 William Murpy Timothy, Timaiya; B006 - Plant, - gardner, stewart; A3031 - Hill, Thomas, Dorothy; 608 - Diallo, Sale to be held at www.stor- chase up until the winning bid-
ted below at the location indic-
1151 Melanie Lackey Destiny; B008 - Bradley, Sean; George; A5003 - Lorenzo, Abdual; 638 - Sutton, Taryn; der takes possession of the
1207 Tyree Nixon B014 - Johnson, Tyrone; B040 Henry; B0014 - Cruickshank, 821 - Minko, Hilaire; 840 - 0131 - Herod, Shawndell; 0147 personal property.
735 Hambrick Rd Stone Moun-
1141 Hellen Habte - Haugabook, Shanicquae; Ken dra; B0021 - hard in , Haynes, Lakeisha; 929 - Smith, - Dunlap, Kaloa; 0205 - Sales, tain, Ga 30083 404-276-4304,
1012 Gregory Favors C009 - Farmer, Gayla; C013 - michelle; B0502 - Nolbert, War- Johnna; 941 - Robinson, Willi- Matthew; 0436 - Rutledge, ++October 21, 2022 @ 10
O204 Kenyate Stephenson Tolbert, Shankira; C024 - Clark, ren; B0504 - Carter, Cepeda; am Michelle; 1135 - Coakley-Mays, am++ 340-469539 10/6,10/13
O335 Walter Briggs Feyanti; C034 - Fannin, Jeff; B0906 - Johnson, Angel; Germaine; 1138 - Lamberts, STORAGE TREASURES
D006 - Wynn, Anita; D046 - B3004 - Wallace, Kortney; Public sale terms, rules, and Mark; 1224 - Ravenell, Kelvin; Sundie Kaufmann AUCTION
340-469534 10/6,10/13 Green, Antonio; D069 - Bowe, B3008 - Jackson, Tamica; C42 regulations will be made avail- 1233 - Noel, Preston; 1420 - A61 Extra Space Storage will hold a
NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Bianca; E018 - Grayson, Phyl- - Beatty, Timothy able prior to the sale. All sales kelsey, Fernando; 1430 - Cole- Boxes, furniture, bicycles public auction to sell personal
To satisfy the owner's storage lis; G012 - Redman, Ronnie; PUBLIC STORAGE # 25981, are subject to cancellation. We man, Trinity property described below be-
lien, PS Retail Sales, LLC will H042 - James, Kimberly; H050 1504 Austin Dr, Decatur, GA reserve the right to refuse any PUBLIC STORAGE # 20491, LeGree Gaither longing to those individuals lis-
sell at public lien sale on ++Oc- - Turner, Johnny; H052 - 30032, (404) 602-0050 bid. Payment must be in cash 3400 Lawrenceville Hwy, Tuck- A67 ted below at the location indic-
tober 24, 2022++, the personal Walden, Cliffton Time: 01:45 PM or credit card-no checks. Buy- er, GA 30084, (678) 801-6672 Mattresses, Work equipment, ated:
property in the below-listed PUBLIC STORAGE # 20601, Sale to be held at www.stor- ers must secure the units with Time: 10:15 AM tools etc. 1989 Montreal Rd Tucker, GA
units, which may include but 3687 Flat Shoals Road, Dec- their own personal locks. To Sale to be held at www.stor- 30084 on ++October 21, 2022
are not limited to: household atur, GA 30034, (404) 573- A035 - Wimberly, Peggy; A036 claim tax-exempt status, origin- Michael Farley at 1:00 p.m.++
and personal items, office and 4859 - Jordan, Ta-Tanisha; A209 - al RESALE certificates for each A014 - Randall, Joshua; A018 - B31
other equipment. The public Time: 11:30 AM Bynes, Ebony; A212 - Charlie, space purchased is required. Duncan, Ashlea; A022 - Gray, 1bedroom apartment, Reginald Palmer-Unit 1089-
sale of these items will begin at Sale to be held at www.stor- Chastity; A245 - Houlston, By PS Retail Sales, LLC, 701 Jarett; A038 - Taylor, Sierra; Washer/dryer, dresser, tables, Boxes and tv stand
09:30 AM and continue until all Tierra; A252 - Rose, Derious; Western Avenue, Glendale, CA A077 - aquirre, Jannet; A085 - chairs Nina Kerr-Unit 1167-Boxes, ex-
units are sold. Lien sale to be B021 - West, Rena; B026 - B065 - Richardson, Latoya; 91201. (818) 244-8080. Bell, Tim; A111 - Chambers, tra items from downsizing.
held at the online auction web- Carter, Traneceya; C028 - B088 - Cook, Horace; B096 - Ashley D; A122 - B, Latoya; Arthur Bowens Winifred Stallings-Unit 1169-
site, Mathis, Willena; C063 - Clifton, Gaither, Zachery; C002 - A149 - Haven, John; A168 - C53 Clothing, Mario; C069 - Nelson, Danielle; Evans, Lavern; C022 - Howard, Ozegbe, Kay; B019 - Mini, Clothes, washer and dryer Myra Wells-Unit 2096-School
where indicated. For online li- D029 - The Browner Group Tiffany; C037 - Jones, Renika; Mayasir; C093 - Doward, Cath- supplies
en sales, bids will be accepted LLC Collins, Darlene; D037 - C067 - Franklin, Torri; D001 - rine Marion Lane Shabria Stapleton-Unit 3139-
until 2 hours after the time of Fortune, Marie; H012 - Cooper, Prophet, Anthony; D55B - Brit- PUBLIC STORAGE # 25987, D58 Boxes and Furniture
the sale specified. Ulrick; J033 - Jett, Skyla; J047 - tian, Mosses; E047 - Walker, 1750 Montreal Cir, Tucker, GA Personal items. Jazlyn Menuel-Unit 3207-
Fountain, Tatanisha; J056 - Talisha; E078 - young, Mone- 30084, (678) 256-3954 Household items
PUBLIC STORAGE # 23402, Beasley, Pamela; J070 - sha Time: 10:30 AM cherlani oneal Dhantory Baxter-Unit 4124-
1067 Memorial Drive, Atlanta, Hankins, Kizuwanda; J080 - PUBLIC STORAGE # 26667, Sale to be held at www.stor- E80 Dresser, chest, night stands,
GA 30316, (404) 602-0128 Beasley, Pamela; K001 - Brad- 3375 N Druid Hills Road, Dec- washer and dryers, 2 bedroom household items, etc...
Time: 09:45 AM ley, Amanda; K005 - Darden7 atur, GA 30033, (404) 666- A021 - Francois, Rebecca; apartment Lamont Graham-Unit 4199-
Sale to be held at www.stor- Industries LLC DARDEN , 4363 A142 - Pepp, Desalynn; A145 - Bins, clothes, personal items RASHAD D; K039 - Lee, Time: 02:00 PM riley, kenneth; A166 - Griffin, Jovonn Barefield Pilar Nvo-Unit B051-Queen
A030 - Barry , Fatoumatta; Ta'money; L015 - glass, bobby; Sale to be held at www.stor- Jeremiah; A181 - Adewuyi, H12 bed, boxes and personal items
A057 - True, Blunt; A058 - Wat- L040 - Davis, Cashawndra; Oladipo; A190 - Williams, Char- House supplies, furniture etc Yusef Ladson-Unit B071-Fur-
son, Amber; A102 - kogo, chris- L161 - Wright, Yolanda; L165 - A016 - Gilliam, Terrance; B039 quez; B002 - KISSEIH, AMAN- niture, Household Items,
tian; A110 - Johnson, Marc; Berschom, Chris; L208 - Park- - Morales, Theresa; J021 - ARH; B016 - Richardson, The auction will be listed and Aquarium, Piano, Boxes
Jazlyn Menuel-Unit 3207- Myya Green ottoman, bed C18-Shelomi Smith-Household plaintiff's attorney whose name
Household items Unit 5019 Goods, Boxes, Furniture. and address is: CHANIKA CE-
Dhantory Baxter-Unit 4124- 10 bags and bins D31-Marvin Phelps-Household LESTINE, 4900 CENTRAL DR,
Dresser, chest, night stands, • X19 Ashley Tate- Household Goods, Boxes, Furniture. APT 186, STONE MTN, GA
household items, etc... Marco Johnson items. D53-Katrina French-Household 30083 Answer in writing within
Lamont Graham-Unit 4199- Unit 5081 Goods, Boxes, Furniture. sixty (60) days of the date of

Bins, clothes, personal items Boxes, Bins The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 D119-Sheena Womble-House- the Order of Publication. Page 43
Pilar Nvo-Unit B051-Queen The auction will be listed and hold Goods, Boxes, Furniture. Witness the Honorable
bed, boxes and personal items David Mills advertised on www.stor- D141-Jameel Gresham- GREGORY A. ADAMS, Judge 350-468341 9/29,10/6,10/13 350-468791 9/15,9/22,9/29
Yusef Ladson-Unit B071-Fur- Unit 5139 Purchases Household Goods, Boxes, Fur- of the DeKalb Superior Court. 10/20 10/6
niture, Household Items, Clothes, shoes, luggage, bins, must be made with cash only niture. This the 1ST day of SEPTEM- NOTICE OF PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT
Aquarium, Piano, Boxes electronics and paid at the above refer- D192-James Dixon- House- BER, 2022. In the Superior Court OF DEKALB COUNTY
Shadasia George-Unit B199-2 enced facility in order to com- hold Goods, Boxes, Furniture. Debra DeBerry of DeKalb County STATE OF GEORGIA
bedroom, living room, cleaning Satara Moss plete the transaction. Extra E51-Quana Griffin- Household Clerk of Superior Court State of Georgia OREILLY ASSETS, LLC,
supplies Unit 6062 Space Storage may refuse any Goods, Boxes, Furniture. Civil Action# ++22FM5466-1++ Petitioner
556 N. McDonough Street
Clothing bid and may rescind any pur- E70-Stacey Poole-Household Brooklyn Lowe v.
The auction will be listed and chase up until the winning bid- Goods, Boxes, Furniture. G-130 Annex A TRACT OF LAND, BEING
Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 Plaintiff
advertised on www.stor- Byron Free der takes possession of the KNOWN AS Purchases vs.
Unit 6096 personal property. 5469 FARMVIEW CLOSE,
Jonathan Joyce
must be made with cash only
and paid at the above refer-
Household items, and appli-
340-469652 10/6,10/13
Public Notice
Service By Pub 350-468324 9/22,9/29,10/6, Defendant
enced facility in order to com- 10/13 To: Jonathan Joyce 16 034 08 238
Notice of Sale 350-468289 9/15,9/22,9/29
plete the transaction. Extra STORAGE TREASURES NOTICE OF PUBLICATION 2034 Longmont Drive AND As The Respective In-
To be sold to the 10/6
Space Storage may refuse any AUCTION: 7719 Highest Bidder at In the State Court Lawrenceville, GA 30044 terests
bid and may rescind any pur- Extra Space Storage will hold a NOTICE OF PUBLICATION By Order of the Court, for ser- May Be Or Appear: TENANT,
Facility location of DeKalb County
chase up until the winning bid- public auction to sell personal Storage World Inc. In the Superior Court vice by publication dated the OWNER OR
State of Georgia
der takes possession of the property described below be- On ++Oct. 20th, 2022++ of DeKalb County 10th day of June, 2022 You are OCCUPANT OF PROPERTY;
Action No.
personal property. longing to those individuals lis- Storage World Inc. has the right State of Georgia hereby notified that on the 8th RAYMOND
ted below at the location indic- to hold the auction with re- Civil Action File# day of Sept, 2022 The above- INGRAM; DEKALB COUNTY,
Janine A Braithwaite- McDon-
340-469540 10/6,10/13 ated: serve. ++22CV5576++ named Plaintiff filed suit against GEORGIA;
2661 Briarcliff Rd NE, Atlanta, ald
PUBLIC SALE All sales to be paid by cash. VININGS CREST CONDOMIN- you for: Declaration of Sole Respondents
GA, 30329 - October 27, 2022 Plaintiff
STORAGE TREASURES Contents of the units are IUM ASSOCIATION INC Custody.
@ 12:00 PM vs. CIVIL ACTION:
AUCTION: 1930 unknown and will be available Plaintiff You are required to file with
Abraham Tate FILE No. 22CV6743
Extra Space Storage will hold a at the time of the auction. v. the Clerk of Superior Court, and
public auction to sell personal Geoffrey Farrell Storage World Inc. Defendant NOTICE OF PUBLICATION
KELVIN HAMNER to serve upon the plaintiff or
property described below be- Unit 1144 3122 Panthersville Rd To: Abraham Tate TO:
Defendant plaintiff's attorney whose name
longing to those individuals lis- Furniture & Boxes. Decatur, GA 30034 UNKNOWN ADDRESS a. Raymond Ingram;
By Order for service by public- and address is: Brooklyn Lowe,
ted below at the location indic- 404-244-2131 By Order for service by public- You are hereby notified that the
ation dated the 26th day of Au- 1850 Cotillion Drive, Unit 4115,
ated: Jordan Mackey Time: 10:00 A.M. ation dated August 23, 2022, above-styled petition to quiet
Unit 117 gust, 2022, all interested Atlanta, GA 30338 an Answer title to property located at 5469
1248 Zonolite Rd NE Atlanta, you are hereby notified that on
Boxes. parties are hereby notified that in writing within sixty (60) days Farmview Close, Dekalb
GA 30306 - October 27, 2022 A26 Christine Hammons- July 27, 2021 Janine A Braith-
on June 14, 2022, Plaintiff filed of the date of the Order of Pub- County, Georgia, was filed
@ 10:30 AM Household furniture waite- McDonald filed suit
Kelli Lane its Verified Complaint for lication. against you in the Superior
C17 Damon Pope- Household against you for $TBD principle,
Chris Martin Unit 2060 furniture Money Owed and to Foreclose Witness the Honorable Court- Court of Dekalb County on Ju-
$TBD interest, and $TBD attor-
6C18 Papers. E24 Damon Pope- Household on Real Property against De- ney L Johnson, Judge of the ly 28, 2022 and that by reason
ney's fees.
Table,Bags, Boxes,Totes, furniture fendant Kelvin Hammer, said DeKalb Superior Court. of an order for service of sum-
You are required to file with
Chair, Desk ,File Cabinet and Chanel Acquah E28 Cedric Walker- Household case being filed in the Superior This the 16th day of Septem- mons by publication entered by
the Clerk of the State Court,
Shelves Unit 2351 items Court of DeKalb County and ber, 2022. the Court on September 1,
Furniture and to serve upon plaintiff's at-
I12 Shelton Rowe- Household assigned Civil Action File No. Debra DeBerry 2022, you are hereby com-
torney, Mitch B Ladson an An- manded and required to file
STORAGE TREASURES furniture 22CV5576. Clerk of Superior Court
Rashaad Delaney swer in writing within sixty (60) with the Clerk of said Court and
AUCTION: 1991 I19 Judith Gilmore- Household Defendant Kelvin Hammer is 556 N. McDonough Street
Unit 424 days of the date of the order for serve upon John Ayoub, Attor-
Extra Space Storage will hold a items hereby directed and required to G-130 Annex
public auction to sell personal 2 bedroom sets 4 tvs clothing publication. ney at Law, whose address is
D216 Reginald Young Sr- file with the Clerk of the Superi- Decatur, GA. 30030-3356
property described below be- items living room sets with fur- Household furniture Witness the Honorable Kim- 675 Seminole Ave., Suite 301,
or Court of DeKalb County, 350-468790 9/15,9/22,9/29
longing to those individuals lis- niture kitchen sets pots pan etc D2 4 3 J e s s i c a Pe t t i g re w- berly A. Alexander, Judge of Atlanta, GA 30307 an Answer
Georgia and to serve upon 10/6
ted below at the location indic- H o u s e h o l d f u rn i t u re this State Court. to the Complaint within sixty
Plaintiff's attorney an Answer to NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE
ated: The auctions will be listed and E119 Jessica Hightower- This the 9th day of September, (60) days of the filing date of
advertised on www.stor- this lawsuit, in writing, within OF RIGHT OF REDEMPTION
3693 Clairmont Rd. Chamblee, Household goods 2022. the Order for Service by Public- Purchases sixty (60) days of the date of STATE OF GEORGIA ation.
GA 30341 - October 27, 2022 E191 Reginald Young- House- Mary Bell, Clerk
must be made with cash only the Order for Publication. COUNTY OF DEKALB WITNESS, the Honorable
@ 10:50 AM hold furniture State Court of DeKalb County
and paid at the above refer- Witness the Honorable Yolan- To: Gregory A Adams, Judge of
I107 Valora Morris- Household By: M. Cheek 1) All Residents/Tenants/Occu-
Carlos Haynes enced facility in order to com- furniture da C Parker-Smith, Judge of Dekalb County Superior Court.
Deputy Clerk pants
1024 plete the transaction. Extra the Superior Court of DeKalb This the 2nd day of September,
For: State Court 2) All persons known or un-
boxes, clothes, bar supplies Space Storage may refuse any Public Notice County. 2022.
of DeKalb County known who may claim an in-
bid and may rescind any pur- Notice of Sale This the 29th day of August, Clerk of Superior Court
DeKalb County Courthouse terest in property known as
Antoine Farrell chase up until the winning bid- To be sold to the 2022. ++5469 FARMVIEW CLOSE/16
556 N. McDonough Street 1853 Rosewood Road
2003 der takes possession of the Highest Bidder at Debra DeBerry 034 08 238/ 22CV6743++
personal property Decatur, Georgia 30030 3) Dorothy M. Heard
couch, mattress, boxes, Facility location Clerk of Superior Court
++October 27, 2022++ 4) Georgia Department of Pub-
clothes, shoes, totes Storage World, Inc. 556 N. McDonough Street 350-468792 9/15,9/22,9/29
lic Safety Credit Union
340-469541 10/6,10/13 Storage World Inc. has the right G-130 Annex 10/6
350-468340 9/29,10/6,10/13 5) DeKalb County, Georgia
Natasha Scott PUBLIC SALE to hold the auction with re- Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT
10/20 6) State of Georgia
2033 Extra Space Storage will hold a serve. 350-468323 9/22,9/29,10/6 OF DEKALB COUNTY
household item public auction to sell personal All sales to be paid by cash. 10/13 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION STATE OF GEORGIA
Take notice that: Pursuant to
property described below be- Contents of the units are NOTICE OF PUBLICATION In the Superior Court OREILLY ASSETS, LLC,
O.C.G.A. §48-4-45 and §48-4-
STORAGE TREASURES longing to those individuals lis- unknown and will be available of DeKalb County Petitioner
In the Superior Court 46, the right to redeem the fol-
AUCTION: 7335 ted below at the location indic- at the time of the auction. State of Georgia v.
of DeKalb County lowing described property, to
Extra Space Storage will hold a ated: Storage World Civil Action# ++22FM1150++ A TRACT OF LAND, BEING
State of Georgia wit:
public auction to sell personal 5502 Memorial Drive, Stone 3909 Flat Shoals Pkwy Kenneth Davis KNOWN AS
Civil Action# ++22FM7252-5++ Property Location: ++1853
property described below be- Mountain, GA 30083 on ++Oc- Decatur GA 30034 Plaintiff 2823 OAKLAND TER,
longing to those individuals lis- tober 21st, 2022 at 2:00 pm++ 404-458-5144 vs. GEORGIA BEING TAX PAR-
Plaintiff Map Reference No./Parcel No.:
ted below at the location indic- October 20th, 2022 Leslie Murphy CEL NUMBER
vs. 15 167 01 025++
ated: • F11 Martha Suomie - Bed, Time: 11:00 A.M. Defendant 15 152 08 013
JEROME JONES will expire and be forever fore-
673 Decatur Village Way. Dec- Clothes and Chair. Bicycle. AND As The Respective In-
To: Leslie Murphy closed and barred on Septem-
atur, GA 30033 - October 27, A107-James Dixon-Household Defendant terests
ADDRESS UKNOWN ber 23, 2022. The tax deed to
2022 @ 11:00 AM Goods, Boxes, Furniture. To: JEROME JONES May Be Or Appear: TENANT,
By Order of the Court, for ser- which this notice relates is
• G3 Timothy Fitzpatrick- Boxes A128-Akan Bey-Household ADDRESS UKNOWN OWNER OR
vice by publication dated the dated May 4, 2021, and is re-
Jasmin Brown Goods, Boxes, Furniture. By Order of the Court, for ser- OCCUPANT OF PROPERTY;
29th day of June, 2022 You are corded in the office of the Clerk
Unit 2073 B22-Lopez Starks-Household vice by publication dated the TRANSFORMATION PROP-
hereby notified that on the 7th of the Superior Court of DeKalb
3Bdr 1Table, 2 Couches, 3 • G6 Shaterra Willis- Furniture Goods, Boxes, Furniture. 1ST day of SEPTEMBER, 2022 ERTIES, LLC;
day of January, 2022 The County, Georgia, in Deed Book
Beds and personal items B102-Jeremy Arnold-House- You are hereby notified that on HAILEY BRADLEY WHITE JR.;
above-named Plaintiff filed suit 29490 at Page 466.
hold Goods, Boxes, Furniture. the 16TH day of AUGUST, JPMORGAN
The property may be re-
Trevor Woodside B109-Marvin Phelps-House- 2022 The above-named against you for: Legitimation. CHASE BANK, N.A.; DEKALB
deemed at any time before the
Unit 2092 • K225 Yarinya Spencer- 2pc hold Goods, Boxes, Furniture. You are required to file with COUNTY,
Plaintiff filed suit against you close of business on the afore-
Household Luggage B114- Brittney Hart-Household the Clerk of Superior Court, and GEORGIA;
for: NAME CHANGE OF mentioned barment date, by
Goods, Boxes, Furniture. to serve upon the plaintiff or Respondents
MINORS. payment of the redemption
Demarcus Crump B130-Artella Walker-House- plaintiff's attorney whose name
You are required to file with price as fixed and provided by
Unit 3061 • L165 Leslye Booker- Salon hold Goods, Boxes, Furniture. and address is: Kenneth Davis, CIVIL ACTION:
the Clerk of Superior Court, and law to LRP Capital, LLC at the
Queen mattress, clothes, and furniture, Leather Couch, and C18-Shelomi Smith-Household 977 Montreal Rd, Unit 1067, FILE No. 22CV6750
to serve upon the plaintiff or offices of the law firm of Clark
boxes Clothes Goods, Boxes, Furniture. Clarkston, GA 30021 Answer in NOTICE OF PUBLICATION
plaintiff's attorney whose name Law Group, LLC, 17 Executive
D31-Marvin Phelps-Household writing within sixty (60) days of TO:
and address is: CHANIKA CE- Park Drive, Ste. 480, Atlanta,
Monique Hobson Goods, Boxes, Furniture. a. Hailey Bradley White Jr.;
the date of the Order of Public- Georgia 30329.
Unit 4041 • L231 Latreeka Martin- House- D53-Katrina French-Household LESTINE, 4900 CENTRAL DR, You are hereby notified that the
Furniture hold items APT 186, STONE MTN, GA ation. above-styled petition to quiet
Goods, Boxes, Furniture.
• N28 Philip Sherman- Couch, D119-Sheena Womble-House- 30083 Answer in writing within Witness the Honorable Mark title to property located at 2823
Myya Green ottoman, bed hold Goods, Boxes, Furniture. sixty (60) days of the date of Anthony Scott, Judge of the Oakland Terrace, Dekalb
Unit 5019 D141-Jameel Gresham- the Order of Publication. DeKalb Superior Court. County, Georgia, was filed
10 bags and bins Household Goods, Boxes, Fur- Witness the Honorable This the 5th day of July, 2022. against you in the Superior
• X19 Ashley Tate- Household niture. GREGORY A. ADAMS, Judge Debra DeBerry Court of Dekalb County on Ju-
Marco Johnson items. D192-James Dixon- House- of the DeKalb Superior Court. Clerk of Superior Court ly 28, 2022 and that by reason
Unit 5081 hold Goods, Boxes, Furniture. This the 1ST day of SEPTEM- 556 N. McDonough Street of an order for service of sum-
Boxes, Bins E51-Quana Griffin- Household BER, 2022. G-130 Annex mons by publication entered by
The auction will be listed and Goods, Boxes, Furniture. Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 the Court on August 30, 2022,
Debra DeBerry
David Mills advertised on www.stor- E70-Stacey Poole-Household you are hereby commanded
Unit 5139 Purchases Clerk of Superior Court and required to file with the
Goods, Boxes, Furniture.
Clothes, shoes, luggage, bins, must be made with cash only 556 N. McDonough Street Clerk of said Court and serve
electronics and paid at the above refer- G-130 Annex upon John Ayoub, Attorney at
Oakland Terrace, Dekalb deem the following described and 48-4-46, the right to re- ded in plat book 67, page 83, being a part known as Resid-
County, Georgia, was filed property, previously owned by deem the following described Dekalb County Georgia Re- ence No. ++6009 Regent Man-
against you in the Superior tax fi. fa. defendant Nancy Jean property, previously owned by cords, which recorded plat is in- or of Somerset, Dekalb County,
Court of Dekalb County on Ju- Brewer, to wit: tax fi. fa. defendant Hamid Bri- corporated herein by this refer- Georgia++ and more specific-
ly 28, 2022 and that by reason chi, to wit: ence and made a part of this ally described in Deed Book
of an order for service of sum- All that tract or parcel of land ly- description. Said property be- 23033, Page 374, Dekalb
Page 44
mons by publication entered by
the Court on August 30, 2022,
The Champion
All that tract or parcelLegal
ing and being in Land Lot 291 of land ly-
ing and being in Land Lot 89 of
of the 18th District of DeKalb
Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 
ing known 1645 Glen Arm Drive
according to the present sys-
County, Georgia Records. Be-
ing commonly known as 6009
you are hereby commanded County, Georgia and being the 15th District, DeKalb tem of numbering houses in 350-468990 9/29,10/6,10/13 350-468991 9/29,10/6,10/13 Regent Manor according to the
and required to file with the known as Unit 4053 of County, Georgia, being Lot 8, Dekalb County Georgia. 10/20 10/20 present system of numbering
Clerk of said Court and serve Woodridge Condominium pur- of Westbury Subdivision, as per That property known as 1645 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE properties in DeKalb County,
upon John Ayoub, Attorney at suant to the Declaration of plat recorded at Plat Book 122, GLEN ARM DRIVE, according OF DEKALB COUNTY OF RIGHT OF REDEMPTION and also being known as tax
Law, whose address is 675 Condominium of the Woodridge Page 64, DeKalb County, to the present system of num- STATE OF GEORGIA STATE OF GEORGIA parcel number 16 088 04 107
Seminole Ave., Suite 301, At- Condominium recorded in Georgia Records, which plat is bering homes and having tax SARAH BRYAN SPICHER, COUNTY OF DEKALB per the maps and records of
lanta, GA 30307 an Answer to Deed Book 4978, Page 247, hereby incorporated herein and parcel identification number 16 Petitioner To: the DeKalb County tax as-
the Complaint within sixty (60) DeKalb County, Georgia Re- made a part hereof by refer- 060 01 097. v. 1. All persons known or un- sessor and tax commissioner,
days of the filing date of the Or- cords, as amended by the First ence. The tax deed to which this no- A TRACT OF LAND, BEING known who may claim an in- incorporated herein by refer-
der for Service by Publication. Amendment to the Declaration This property now known as tice relates is dated September KNOWN AS terest in property known as ence. TOGETHER WITH all
WITNESS, the Honorable Mark of Condominium of Woodridge ++3213 Panthers Trace, Dec- 7, 2021, and is recorded in the 2452 KELLY LAKE DRIVE, 2903 Salmon Avenue right, title, and interest running
Anthony Scott, Judge of Dekalb Condominium recorded in atur, GA.++ Office of the Clerk of the Super- GEORGIA BEING TAX PAR- 2. Resident/Tenant/Occupant with the above-described prop-
County Superior Court. Deed Book 5002, Page 76, Tax Parcel ID: 15 089 05 008 ior Court of DeKalb County, CEL NUMBER 3. Goose Holdings, LLC erty; and TOGETHER with all
This the 2nd day of September, aforesaid records, and as Georgia in Deed Book 29795, 15 138 12 012 4. Unknown Heirs of Donald L. rights, members, privileges and
2022. amended by the second will expire and be forever fore- Page 394. AND As The Respective In- Brennan a/k/a Donald Lester appurtenant easements.
Clerk of Superior Court amendment to the Declaration closed and barred on and after The property may be re- terests Brennan, Jr. The tax deed to which this no-
++2823 OAKLAND TER/15 152 of Condominium of Woodridge November 7, 2022. deemed on or before the time May Be Or Appear: TENANT, 5. Michael Patrick Brennan tice relates is dated September
08 013/ 22CV6750 ++ Condominium recorded in and date stated above by pay- OWNER OR and/or Unknown Heirs or his 7, 2021, and is recorded at
Deed Book 5052, Page 136, The tax deed to which this no- ment of the redemption price as OCCUPANT OF PROPERTY; Estate Representatives Deed book 29795, Page 390 in
350-468793 9/15,9/22,9/29 aforesaid records, and as tice relates is dated September fixed and provided by law to the BEVERLY 6. Bankers Mortgage Company the Office of the Clerk of the
10/6 amended by the Third Amend- 7, 2021 and is recorded in the undersigned at the following TURNER BLAKE, INDIVDU- 7. City of Atlanta Superior Court of Dekalb
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT ment recorded in Deed Book office of the Clerk of the Superi- address: ALLY, AND AS 8. DeKalb County County, Georgia. This notice
OF DEKALB COUNTY 5087, Page 289, aforesaid re- or Court of DeKalb County, Oreilly Assets LLC ADMINISTRATOR OF THE 9. State of Georgia also constitutes a demand for
STATE OF GEORGIA cords. Together with an undi- Georgia, in Deed Book 29795, c/o Carolina D. Bryant, Esq. ESTATES OF possession of the property de-
RI VERBEND O VERL O O K vided interest in the common Page 389. Ayoub, Mansour & Bryant, LLC FRANK TURNER SR. AND Take notice that: Pursuant to scribed herein on and after the
HOMEOWNERS’ ASSOCI- elements of said Declaration. 675 Seminole Avenue, Suite MARY ELLEN O.C.G.A. §48-4-45 and §48-4- foreclosure date and time set
ATION, INC. This property now known as The property may be re- 301 DANIEL TURNER; JANET T. 46, the right to redeem the fol- out above in the event the
Plaintiff, ++4053 Woodridge Way, Tuck- deemed at any time before the Atlanta, Georgia 30307 PRINTUP A/K/A lowing described property, to property is not timely re-
vs. er, GA.++ date stated above by payment 404.892.2599 JANET TURNER; FRANK wit: deemed.
RICKEY HARVEY, DeKalb Co. Tax Parcel ID: 18 of the redemption price as fixed Please be governed accord- TURNER JR.; Property Location: ++2903 Sal- The property may be re-
Defendant. 291 08 054 and provided by law to Douglas ingly. UNKNOWN HEIRS AT LAW mon Avenue deemed on or before the time
McKillip, attorney for Mr. ++1645 GLEN ARM DRIVE/ 16 OF LINDA Map Reference No./Parcel No.: and date stated above by pay-
CIVIL ACTION will expire and be forever fore- Deeds, LLC, 22 N Main St., 060 01 097++ TURNER; UNKNOWN HEIRS 15 182 02 160++ ment of the redemption price as
++FILE NO. 22CV2912++ closed and barred on and after Bldg B, Watkinsville, GA AT LAW OF will expire and be forever fore- fixed and provided by law to the
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION November 7, 2022. 30677. Note: redemption must KELVIN TURNER; UNKNOWN closed and barred on October undersigned at the following
By Order for Service by Public- be made only to Douglas McK- HEIRS AT 28, 2022. The tax deed to address:
ation dated the 30th day of The tax deed to which this no- illip personally, and redemption LAW OF FELICIA TURNER; which this notice relates is Cecil Grant
350-468911 9/22,9/29,10/6
June, 2022, all interested tice relates is dated September funds cannot be left at the law WENDY dated September 7, 2021 and c/o John Coleman, Esq.
parties are hereby notified that 7, 2021 and is recorded in the firm address. Tender must be TURNER; JARRELL PEALER is recorded in the office of the Coleman Law, LLC
on March 11, 2022, Plaintiff Ri- office of the Clerk of the Superi- made as required in O.C.G.A. § SR.; Clerk of the Superior Court of 675 Seminole Avenue, Suite
verbend Overlook Homeown- or Court of DeKalb County, 48-4-42 in lawful money of the AUTOMOTIVE CREDIT COR- DeKalb County, Georgia, in 302
[REF. O.C.G.A., Section 48-4-5
ers’ Association, Inc. filed its Georgia, in Deed Book 29795, United States (no revocable PORATION; Deed Book 29795, Page 388. Atlanta, Georgia 30307
et seq.; 48-4-45 & 48-4-46]
Verified Complaint for Money Page 400. monetary instrument will satis- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA; The property may be re- 404.974.4537
Owed against Defendant fy the requirements of the Respondents deemed at any time before the Please be governed accord-
Rickey Harvey, said case be- The property may be re- above-cited statute.) Last CIVIL ACTION: close of business on the afore- ingly.
ing filed in the Superior Court of deemed at any time before the minute redemption is a com- FILE No. 22CV6601 mentioned barment date, by
chael Thurmond 350-469313 10/6,10/13,10/20
DeKalb County and assigned date stated above by payment plicated legal process and if NOTICE OF PUBLICATION payment of the redemption
Occupant of 913 PARK GATE 10/27
Civil Action File No. 22CV2912. of the redemption price as fixed you are planning redemption, TO: price as fixed and provided by
Defendant Rickey Harvey is and provided by law to Douglas please review and comply with a. Wendy Turner and any Un- law to Deed Co, LLC. at the of-
RE: FORECLOSURE OF In the State Court
hereby directed and required to McKillip, attorney for Mr. the 72 Hour Redemption Policy known Heirs at Law of Wendy fices of the law firm of AC Law,
file with the Clerk of the Superi- Deeds, LLC, 22 N Main St., posted at the law firm. The title Tuner; PC at 2961 Olympic Industrial
FOR TAX SALE DEED (REF. State of Georgia
or Court of DeKalb County, Bldg B, Watkinsville, GA issues with this property are b. Unknown Heirs at Law of Dr, Ste 101, Atlanta, GA 30339.
O.C.G.A. § 48-4-45, 46) Civil Action No.
Georgia and to serve upon 30677. Note: redemption must complex. The inclusion of any Linda Turner;
Take notice that: ++22A02049-6++
Plaintiff’s attorney an Answer to be made only to Douglas McK- given party appearing in the To: c. Unknown Heirs at Law of
The right to redeem the follow- 350-468992 9/29,10/6,10/13 Alexis Bradley
this lawsuit, in writing, within illip personally, and redemption line in the above Notice DOES Kelvin Turner;
ing described property, to wit 10/20 vs.
sixty (60) days of the date of funds cannot be left at the law NOT NECESSARILY MEAN d. Unknown Heirs at Law of Fe-
will expire and be forever fore- NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE Christa Brewer
the Order for Publication. firm address. Tender must be that such party/ies possess a licia Turner;
closed and barred as of five OF RIGHT TO REDEEM To: Christa Brewer
Witness the Honorable Stacy K made as required in O.C.G.A. § redemption right. You are hereby notified that the
o’clock (5 p.m.) on October 24, [REF. O.C.G.A., Section 48-4-5 889 Rosser St NW
Hydrick, Judge of the Superior 48-4-42 in lawful money of the above-styled petition to quiet
2022 or 30 days after legal ser- et seq.; 48-4-45 & 48-4-46] Conyers, GA 30012
Court of DeKalb County. United States (no revocable title to property located at 2452
vice of the Notice pursuant to TO: TERRY BROWN; By Order for service by
This 7 day of September, 2022. monetary instrument will satis- Kelly Lake Drive, Dekalb
OCGA 48-4-45 et seq., DEKALB COUNTY; publication dated 9/23/2022,
Deputy Clerk, Superior Court of fy the requirements of the County, Georgia, was filed
350-468910 9/22,9/29,10/6, whichever date is later: SOMERSET CONDOMINIUM you are hereby notified that on
DeKalb County above-cited statute.) Last against you in the Superior
10/13 ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- ASSOCIATION, INC.; 6/2/2022, Alexis Bradley filed
Prepared and presented by: minute redemption is a com- Court of Dekalb County on Ju-
/s/ Griffin M. Bell plicated legal process and if ly 22, 2022 and that by reason
Griffin M. Bell you are planning redemption, of an order for service of sum-
[REF. O.C.G.A., Section 48-4-5 THE 18TH DISTRICT OF UNION; attorney’s fees.
Georgia Bar No. 270545 please review and comply with mons by publication entered by
et seq.; 48-4-45 & 48-4-46] DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, RICHARD GRAINGER; You are required to file
Winter Capriola Zenner, LLC the 72 Hour Redemption Policy the Court on September 14,
TO: AND BEING LOT 4, BLOCK A, ALL PARTIES KNOWN AND with the Clerk of the State
Attorneys for Plaintiff posted at the law firm. The title 2022, you are hereby com-
3490 Piedmont Road NE, Suite issues with this property are manded and required to file
800 complex. The inclusion of any with the Clerk of said Court and
Melody M. Maddox PLAT BOOK 76, PAGE 74, ANY RIGHT, TITLE, IN- Duncan an Answer in writing
Atlanta, Georgia 30305 given party appearing in the To: serve upon John Ayoub, Attor-
(404) 844-5700, line in the above Notice DOES ney at Law, whose address is
Occupant of 1645 GLEN ARM RECORDS. 6009 REGENT MANOR, date of the order for publica- NOT NECESSARILY MEAN 675 Seminole Ave., Suite 301,
DRIVE, DeKalb County, Geor- That property known as 913 LITHONIA, GA, INCLUDING tion.
that such party/ies possess a gia. PARK GATE PL according to Atlanta, GA 30307 an Answer ANY TENANT / OWNER / OC- Witness the Honorable
350-468794 9/15,9/22,9/29 redemption right. RE: FORECLOSURE OF the present system of number- to the Complaint within sixty CUPANT OF THE SUBJECT Ana Maria Martinez, Judge of
10/6 EQUITY OF REDEMPTION ing homes and having tax par- (60) days of the filing date of PROPERTY; this State Court.
NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE 350-468795 9/15,9/22,9/29 FOR TAX SALE DEED (REF. cel identification number 18 the Order for Service by Public- This 26th day of September,
OF RIGHT TO REDEEM 10/6 O.C.G.A. § 48-4-45, 46) 092 08 025. ation. RE: FORECLOSURE OF 2022.
TO: NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE Take notice that: The tax deed to which this no- WITNESS, the Honorable EQUITY OF REDEMPTION Mary Bell, Clerk
Def in Fi Fa Nancy Jean Brew- OF RIGHT TO REDEEM The right to redeem the follow- tice relates is dated September Stacy Hydrick, Judge of Dekalb FOR TAX SALE DEED (REF. State Court of DeKalb County
er; Occupant/Resident of 4053 TO: ing described property, to wit 7, 2021, and is recorded in the County Superior Court. O.C.G.A. § 48-4-45, 46) By: K Johnson
Woodridge Way, DeKalb Def in Fi Fa Hamid Brichi; Oc- will expire and be forever fore- Office of the Clerk of the Super- This the day of September, Deputy Clerk
County, GA; Woodridge Con- cupant/Resident of 3213 Pan- closed and barred as of five ior Court of DeKalb County, 2022. Take notice that: For: State Court
dominium Association, Inc.; All thers Trace, DeKalb County, o’clock (5 p.m.) on October 30, Georgia in Deed Book 29795, Clerk of Superior Court of DeKalb County
persons having of record in GA; Westbury Homeowners 2022 or 30 days after legal ser- Page 397. ++22CV6601/ 2452 KELLY The right to redeem the follow- DeKalb County Courthouse
DeKalb County any right, title, Association, Inc.; All persons vice of the Notice pursuant to The property may be re- LAKE DRIVE/ 15 138 12 012++ ing described property, to wit 556 N. McDonough Street
interest in, or lien upon 4053 having of record in DeKalb OCGA 48-4-45 et seq., deemed on or before the time will expire and be forever fore- Decatur, Georgia 30030
Woodridge Way, DeKalb County any right, title, interest whichever date is later: and date stated above by pay- closed and barred as of four
County, GA; All creditors of any in, or lien upon 3213 Panthers All that tract or parcel of land ly- ment of the redemption price as o’clock (4 p.m.) on and after
of the foregoing; and ALL THE Trace, DeKalb County, GA; All ing and being in Land Lot 60 of fixed and provided by law to the November 1, 2022, or within 30
WORLD. creditors of any of the forego- the 16th District, Dekalb undersigned at the following days after legal service of the
ing; and ALL THE WORLD. County, Georgia, being Lot 23, address: Notice pursuant to OCGA 48-4-
TAKE NOTICE THAT: Block B, Willow Wood (formerly Oreilly Assets LLC 45 et seq., whichever date is
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §48-4-45 TAKE NOTICE THAT: known as Stoneleigh, Unit Five) c/o John Ayoub Esq. later:
and 48-4-46, the right to re- Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §48-4-45 Subdivision, as per plat recor- Ayoub, Mansour & Bryant, LLC All that tract or parcel of land
deem the following described and 48-4-46, the right to re- ded in plat book 67, page 83, 675 Seminole Avenue, Suite being a part known as Resid-
property, previously owned by deem the following described Dekalb County Georgia Re- 301 ence No. ++6009 Regent Man-
tax fi. fa. defendant Nancy Jean property, previously owned by cords, which recorded plat is in- Atlanta, Georgia 30307 or of Somerset, Dekalb County,
Brewer, to wit: tax fi. fa. defendant Hamid Bri- corporated herein by this refer- 404.892.2599 Georgia++ and more specific-
chi, to wit: ence and made a part of this Please be governed accord- ally described in Deed Book
All that tract or parcel of land ly- description. Said property be- ingly. 23033, Page 374, Dekalb
ing and being in Land Lot 291 All that tract or parcel of land ly- ing known 1645 Glen Arm Drive ++913 PARK GATE PL/ 18 092 County, Georgia Records. Be-
of the 18th District of DeKalb ing and being in Land Lot 89 of according to the present sys- 08 025++ ing commonly known as 6009
County, Georgia and being the 15th District, DeKalb tem of numbering houses in Regent Manor according to the
known as Unit 4053 of County, Georgia, being Lot 8, Dekalb County Georgia. present system of numbering
Woodridge Condominium pur- of Westbury Subdivision, as per That property known as 1645 properties in DeKalb County,
suant to the Declaration of plat recorded at Plat Book 122, GLEN ARM DRIVE, according and also being known as tax
was filed by Irvin J. Johnson, and running thence north along cooperation and participation. reached at 1-470-540-9485 or
as Tax Commissioner of To: Jaquila D Bolden the west side of Hairston Road Clerk, Magistrate Court of by email at ordinancedivision-
Dekalb County (“Petitioner”) on 4371 Glenwood Road 178 feet to a point; thence in a DeKalb County
July 22, 2022 in the Superior Apt C3 westerly direction 301.6 feet to PERSONS SERVED: Make sure to have your case
Court of DeKalb County. The Decatur, GA 30032 a point; thence easterly 200 Edgar Jamal Gregory number and property address
purpose of the Petition is to dis- By Order for service by public- feet to the westerly side of Hair- 680 Lauren Parkway available.
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022
tribute excess funds received ation dated September 19, ston Road and the Point Of Be- Stone Mountain, Georgia Page 45
3. For questions about the
from a non-judicial tax sale of 2022, you are hereby notified ginning, according to a Plat of 30084 status of your case, call Assist-
350-469542 10/6,10/13,10/20 350-469544 10/6,10/13,10/20 the real property known as that on July 25, 202 2Sarah the H.E. Pittard Property made ant County Attorney Clark E.
10/27 10/27 6134 & 6137 E. Ponce de Le- June Gray filed suit against you by M.A. Freer, Surveyor, Fremont Investment & Loan Candler, II, Esq., at 404-371-
IN THE STATE COURT OF IN THE SUPERIOR COURT on Ave, Dekalb County, GA for $TBD principal, $TBD in- September 9, 1952; This being 2727 E Imperial Highway 3011 or email
DEKALB COUNTY OF DEKALB COUNTY (Parcel Identification #18-125- terest and $TBD attorney's the same property described in Brea, California 92821 cecandler@dekalbcountyga.go
STATE OF GEORGIA STATE OF GEORGIA 08-015 & #18-125-08-009). fees. Executors Deed from Howard v.
AUDREY DUNN OREILLY ASSETS, LLC, You are hereby given notice of Elson Pittard, Gordon Paul Pit- Deutsche Bank National Trust 4. You are required to file or
You are required to file with
Plaintiff Petitioner this action and directed to tard and Gladys Ruth Pittard Company present an answer to this case.
the Clerk of the State Court, 3 Park Plaza
vs. V. O.C.G.A. §9-11-4(f)(1)(C) and to serve upon plaintiff's at- Meredith, duly constituted Ex- If you do not answer, or fail to
EBONE ROBERTS A TRACT OF LAND, BEING which commands you to file ecutors of the Last Will and 16th Floor virtually appear at your sched-
torney, Dylan E Wilbanks an Irvine, California 92614
Defendant KNOWN AS 4792 FIELD- with the Clerk of the Superior Testament of Euna Ruth Britt uled hearing, this may result in
Answer in writing within sixty
TO: EBONE ROBERTS GREEN DRIVE, GEORGIA BE- Court of DeKalb County and Pittard, deceased, to Howard adverse consequences in your
1541 Walnut Ridge Ct ING TAX PARCEL NUMBER serve upon the Petitioner’s at- (60) days of the date of the or- Elson Pittard, Gordon Paul Pit- POSTING ON PROPERTY: case.
Stone Mountain, GA 30083 15 193 02 020 AND As The Re- torney, Ethan P. Pham, Nguy- der for publication. tard and Gladys Ruth Pittard 5. You may appear with or
CIVIL ACTION No.: spective Interests May Be Or en & Pham, LLC, 5430 Jimmy Witness the Honorable Meredith, dated February 10, 680 Lauren Parkway without an attorney.
++22A00447++ Appear: TENANT, OWNER OR Carter Blvd Suite 202, Nor- Johnny Panos, Judge of this 1992, recorded in Deed Book Stone Mountain, Georgia
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OCCUPANT OF PROPERTY; cross, Georgia 30093, an An- State Court. 7174, Page 458, DeKalb 30083 Thank you in advance for your
By ORDER of the Court, for JACQUELYN LINDSAY COD- swer within sixty (60) days of This 21st day of September, County, Georgia Records. Less ++22N00032/ 680 Lauren Park- cooperation and participation.
service by publication dated NER; ALRICK CODNER JR.; the date of the Order refer- 2022. and except that portion con- way/
22nd day of July, 2022. You JADA CODNER; LATEACHA enced above. Mary Bell, Clerk veyed to the Department of 18-071-01-027/HEARING NO- PERSONS SERVED:
are hereby notified that on the HODGE; DEKALB COUNTY, State Court of DeKalb County Transportation by Right-of-Way TICE++
2nd day of February, 2022, GEORGIA; 350-469546 10/6,10/13,10/20, By: J B Jackson Deed dated April 17, 1991, filed RS Rental I, LLC
Audrey Dunn filed suit against Respondents 10/27 Deputy Clerk on May 9, 1991 and recorded 350-469655 10/6,10/13 C/O Mynd Management
you for negligence and the CIVIL ACTION: IN THE SUPERIOR COURT For: State Court at Deed Book 6950, Page 557, IN THE MAGISTRATE COURT 1955 S Val Vista Dr.
damages resulting therefrom. FILE No. 22CV6611 OF DEKALB COUNTY of DeKalb County DeKalb County, Georgia Re- OF DEKALB COUNTY Suite 126
You are required to file with the NOTICE OF PUBLICATION STATE OF GEORGIA DeKalb County Courthouse cords”; Edgar Jamal Gregory, STATE OF GEORGIA Mesa, AZ 85204
Clerk of the State Court and to TO: SALEHA HOLDINGS, LLC; 556 N. McDonough Street Fremont Investment & Loan, DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA,
serve upon Plaintiff’s attorney, a. Alrick Codner Jr.; Petitioner, Deutsche Bank National Trust Petitioner, RS Rental I, LLC
Decatur, Georgia 30030
Diamond J. Johnson, whose You are hereby notified that the V. Company, and ALL PERSONS vs. C/O CT Corporation System
address is P.O. Box 2558, above-styled petition to quiet BESSIE MAE DUNCAN OR 350-469653 10/6,10/13,10/20 KNOWN OR UNKNOWN WHO 1638 ATHERTON DR, DEC- 289 S. Culver Street
Tucker, Georgia 30085, an An- title to property located at 4792 ANY UNKNOWN ESTATE 10/27 CLAIM OR MIGHT CLAIM AD- ATUR, GA 30035, as de- Lawrenceville, GA, 30046
swer in writing within sixty (60) Fieldgreen Drive, DeKalb REPRESENTATIVE OR UN- IN THE SUPERIOR COURT VERSELY TO ANY INTEREST scribed as “ALL THAT TRACT
days of the date of The Order County, Georgia, was filed KNOWN HEIRS AT LAW; OF DEKALB COUNTY IN THE DESCRIBED PARCEL OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING RS Rental I, LLC
of Publication. against you in the Superior DEKALB COUNTY; STATE OF GEORGIA OF REAL PROPERTY, AND BEING IN LAND LOT 189 1638 Atherton Dr
WITNESS, the Honorable, Alv- Court of DeKalb County on Ju- Respondents. AURELIA CATARINA PEREZ Respondents. OF THE 15TH DISTRICT, Decatur, Georgia 30035
in T. Wong, Judge of the ly 22, 2022 and that by reason LOPEZ CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA,
DeKalb State Court. of an order for service of sum- CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. PLAINTIFF 22N00032 BEING LOT 1, BLOCK F, DeKalb County Tax Commis-
This day of , 2022. mons by publication entered by ++22CV8011++ VS PROPERTY ADDRESS: GLENWOOD ESTATES SUB- sioner
Mary Bell, Clerk of State Court, the Court on September 23, NOTICE OF SERVICE OF LORENZO GONZALEZ 680 Lauren Parkway DIVISION, SECTION 1, UNIT P.O. Box 100004
DeKalb County, GA 2022, you are hereby com- SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION DEFENDANT Stone Mountain, Georgia II, AS PER PLAT RECORDED Decatur, Georgia 30031-7004
DeKalb County Courthouse manded and required to file TO: TO: LORENZO GONZALEZ 30083 IN PLAT BOOK 57, PAGE 103,
556 N. McDonough Street with the Clerk of said Court and a. Bessie Mae Duncan or any CIVIL ACTION NO. PARCEL ID NO.: DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA POSTING AT ADDRESS:
Decatur, Georgia 30030 serve upon John Ayoub, Attor- Unknown Estate Representat- ++22FM7835++ 18-071-01-027 RECORDS, WHICH RECOR-
350-469543 10/6,10/13,10/20 ney at Law, whose address is ive or Unknown heirs at Law NOTICE OF PUBLICATION HEARING NOTICE DED PLAY IS INCORPOR- 1638 Atherton Dr
10/27 675 Seminole Ave., Suite 301, (3247 ALTACREST DR, By ORDER of the Court, for TO: Interested parties in con- ATED HEREIN BY THIS REF- Decatur, Georgia 30035
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Atlanta, GA 30307 an Answer SCOTTDALE, GA 30079; 3245 service by publication dated the nection with the above refer- ERENCE AND MADE A PART
OF DEKALB COUNTY to the Complaint within sixty GIFFORD ST, SCOTTDALE, 26 day of SEPTEMBER, 2022. ence property: OF THIS DESCRIPTION, SAID This 28th day of September,
STATE OF GEORGIA (60) days of the filing date of GA 30079); You are hereby notified that on Your official hearing notice will PROPERTY KNOWN AS 1638 2022.
MAXEY HOLDINGS, LLC, the Order for Service by Public- You are hereby notified that the the 3RD day of SEPTEMBER, be mailed to you from the Ma- ATHERTON DRIVE ACCORD- /s/ Clark E. Candler, II
Petitioner ation. above styled action, seeking to 2022, the above-named gistrate Court of DeKalb County ING TO THE PRESENT SYS- Clark E. Candler, II
V. WITNESS, the Honorable Nora remove clouds on the Petition- Plaintiff filed suit against you for Ordinance Division. Upon re- TEM OF NUMBERING ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTOR-
A TRACT OF LAND, BEING Polk, Judge of DeKalb County er’s title to certain real property : DECLARATION OF SOLE ceipt of this notice, it is imperat- HOUSES IN DEKALB NEY
KNOWN AS 982 FOREST Superior Court. caused by the equities of re- CUSTODY. ive that you follow all the in- COUNTY, GEORGIA; RS Georgia Bar No. 803468
PATH, GEORGIA BEING TAX This the 26th day of Septem- demption following a tax sale, You are required to file with the structions as outlined. In the in- RENTAL I, LLC, MYND MAN- ++22N00033/1638 ATHER-
PARCEL NUMBER 16 034 01 ber, 2022. as specifically provided by Clerk of Superior Court, and to terest of public health and AGEMENT and ALL PER- TON DR/
266 AND As The Respective Clerk of Superior Court O.C.G.A § 23-3-44, related to serve upon the plaintiff or safety, the Court is conducting SONS KNOWN OR UN- 15 189 01 143/HEARING NO-
Interests May Be Or Appear: ++22CV6611 /4792 FIELD- property located at 3247 plaintiff's attorney, whose name your court appearance virtually. KNOWN WHO CLAIM OR TICE++
TENANT, OWNER OR OCCU- GREEN DRIVE/ 15 193 02 Altacrest Drive, Scottdale GA, and address is, JOSHUA MC- Do not report to the court- MIGHT CLAIM ADVERSELY 350-469656 10/6,10/13
PANT OF PROPERTY; RAN- 020++ Dekalb County Tax Parcel ID CALL, 671 E.E. BUTLER house or the County Law De- TO ANY INTEREST IN THE IN THE MAGISTRATE COURT
DALL DUNCAN; DEKALB 350-469545 10/6,10/13,10/20 18 046 03 218 was filed against PKWY STE. D GAINESVILLE, partment. DESCRIBED PARCEL OF OF DEKALB COUNTY STATE
COUNTY, GEORGIA; 10/27 you in the Superior Court of GA 30501, an Answer in writ- REAL PROPERTY, OF GEORGIA
Respondents NOTICE OF SERVICE BY Dekalb County on the Septem- ing within sixty (60) days of the 1. YOUR COURT DATE IS Respondents. DeKalb County, Georgia,
CIVIL ACTION: PUBLICATION ber 13, 2022, and that by reas- date of the Order of Publica- THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20TH, Petitioner,
FILE No. 22CV6723 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT on of an Order for Service of tion. 2022 AT 1:00 P.M. IF YOU CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. vs.
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OF DEKALB COUNTY STATE Summons by Publication WITNESS, the Honorable, HAVE A CONFLICT WITH 2 2N00033 1431 High Meadow Drive,
TO: OF GEORGIA entered by the Court on the ASHA JACKSON, Judge of the THIS DATE AND TIME, 1638 ATHERTON DR Stone Mountain, Georgia
Randall Duncan; DEKALB COUNTY TAX COM- 27th day of September, 2022 DeKalb Superior Court. PLEASE FOLLOW THE DECATUR, GEORGIA 30035 30083; “All that track or parcel
You are hereby notified that the MISSIONER, you are hereby commanded This, the 26 day of SEPTEM- STEPS AS OUTLINED IN THE PARCEL ID NO.: of land lying and being in Land
above-styled petition to quiet IRVIN J. JOHNSON, and required to file with the BER, 2022. COURT’S HEARING NOTICE. 15 189 01 143 Lot 194 of the 15th District,
title to property located at 982 Petitioner, Clerk of said Court and serve DEBRA DEBERRY, DeKalb County, being Lot 19,
Forest Path, DeKalb County, v. upon John Coleman, Attorney CLERK OF SUPERIOR 2. The Clerk’s office can be HEARING NOTICE block 19, Colony East, Unit 6,
Georgia, was filed against you GEORGIA INTOWN PROPER- at Law, whose address is 675 COURT reached at 1-470-540-9485 or TO: Interested parties in con- as per plat recorded in Plat
in the Superior Court of DeKalb TIES, LLC, et al., Respondents, Seminole Ave. NE, Suite 302, DEKALB COUNTY, GA by email at ordinancedivision- nection with the above refer- Book 57, page 88, DeKalb
County on July 27, 2022 and CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. Atlanta, GA 30307 an Answer DeKalb County Courthouse ence property: county records, which plat is
that by reason of an order for ++22CV6616++ to the Complaint within sixty 556 North McDonough Street, Make sure to have your case Your official hearing notice will hereby referred to and made a
service of summons by publica- To: JACK MORSE ESTATE (60) days. Ground Floor Decatur, GA number and property address be mailed to you from the Ma- part hereof by reference, being
tion entered by the Court on AND ALL HEIRS KNOWN AND WITNESS, the Honorable Mark 30030 available. gistrate Court of DeKalb County improved property known as
September 22, 2022, you are UNKNOWN; Anthony Scott, Judge of said Ordinance Division. Upon re- No. 1431 High Meadow Drive
hereby commanded and re- AND ANY AND ALL PARTIES Court. 350-469654 10/6,10/13 3. For questions about the ceipt of this notice, it is imperat- according to the present sys-
quired to file with the Clerk of CLAIMING INTEREST IN THE This the 27th day of Septem- IN THE MAGISTRATE COURT status of your case, call Assist- ive that you follow all the in- tem of numbering houses in
said Court and serve upon EXCESS PROCEEDS GENER- ber, 2022. OF DEKALB COUNTY ant County Attorney Clark E. structions as outlined. In the in- DeKalb County, Georgia and
John Ayoub, Attorney at Law, ATED FROM THE OCTOBER Debra DeBerry, STATE OF GEORGIA Candler, II, Esq., at 1-678-977- terest of public health and being more particularly shown
whose address is 675 Semin- 2, 2018, TAX SALE FOR Clerk of Superior Court, Dekalb DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, 8227 or by email at cecand- safety, the Court is conducting on survey prepared by Georgia
ole Ave., Suite 301, Atlanta, GA PROPERTY LOCATED AT County Petitioner, your court appearance virtually. Land Surveying Co., Inc. This
30307 an Answer to the Com- 6134 E. PONCE DE LEON vs. Do not report to the court- deed is subject to a security
plaint within sixty (60) days of AVE, (PARCEL ID 18-125-08- 680 Lauren Parkway, Stone 4. You are required to file or house or the County Law De- deed to Academy mortgage
the filing date of the Order for 015), AND 6137 E. PONCE DE 350-469550 10/6,10/13,10/20 Mountain, Georgia 30083, as present an answer to this case. partment. corporation recorded in deed
Service by Publication. LEON AVE, (PARCEL ID 18- 10/27 described as “All that tract or If you do not answer, or fail to book 5284, page 199, DeKalb
WITNESS, the Honorable Lat- 125-08-009), NOTICE OF PUBLICATION parcel of land lying and being in virtually appear at your sched- 1. YOUR COURT DATE IS County records.” FRANK
isha Dear Jackson, Judge of You are hereby notified that, In the State Court Land Lot 71 of the 18th District uled hearing, this may result in THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, BLACK, FEED THE PEOPLE
DeKalb County Superior Court. pursuant to an Order Directing of DeKalb County of DeKalb County, Georgia, adverse consequences in your 2022 AT 1:00 P.M. IF YOU ATLANTA, INC., ALL PER-
This the 23rd day of Septem- Service by Publication filed on State of Georgia and being more particularly de- case. HAVE A CONFLICT WITH SONS KNOWN OR UN-
ber, 2022. September 22, 2022 (“Order”) Action No. scribed as follows: Beginning at THIS DATE AND TIME, KNOWN WHO CLAIM OR
Clerk of Superior Court by the Honorable Stacey K. Hy- a point on the west side of Hair- 5. You may appear with or PLEASE FOLLOW THE MIGHT CLAIM ADVERSELY
++22A02740++ without an attorney.
++22CV6723 /982 FOREST drick, a Petition for Interplead- Sarah June Gray, ston Road, said Beginning STEPS AS OUTLINED IN THE TO ANY INTEREST IN THE
PATH/ 16 034 01 266++ er of Excess Funds (“Petition”) Point being 709 feet north of COURT’S HEARING NOTICE. DESCRIBED PARCEL OF
vs. Thank you in advance for your
in the above-referenced matter the south line of Land Lot 71, 2. The Clerk’s office can be REAL PROPERTY.
Jaquila D Bolden, and running thence north along cooperation and participation.
was filed by Irvin J. Johnson, reached at 1-470-540-9485 or Respondents.
as Tax Commissioner of To: Jaquila D Bolden the west side of Hairston Road Clerk, Magistrate Court of by email at ordinancedivision-
Dekalb County (“Petitioner”) on 4371 Glenwood Road 178 feet to a point; thence in a DeKalb County CIVIL ACTION FILE NO.
July 22, 2022 in the Superior Apt C3 westerly direction 301.6 feet to PERSONS SERVED: Make sure to have your case 22N00034
Court of DeKalb County. The Decatur, GA 30032 a point; thence easterly 200 Edgar Jamal Gregory number and property address 1431 High Meadow Drive
purpose of the Petition is to dis- By Order for service by public- feet to the westerly side of Hair- 680 Lauren Parkway available. Stone Mountain, Georgia
tribute excess funds received ation dated September 19, ston Road and the Point Of Be- Stone Mountain, Georgia 3. For questions about the 30083
from a non-judicial tax sale of 2022, you are hereby notified ginning, according to a Plat of 30084 status of your case, call Assist-
the real property known as that on July 25, 202 2Sarah the H.E. Pittard Property made ant County Attorney Clark E. Parcel Id. No: 15 194 14 060
6134 & 6137 E. Ponce de Le- June Gray filed suit against you by M.A. Freer, Surveyor, Fremont Investment & Loan Candler, II, Esq., at 404-371-
on Ave, Dekalb County, GA for $TBD principal, $TBD in- September 9, 1952; This being 2727 E Imperial Highway 3011 or email HEARING NOTICE
(Parcel Identification #18-125- terest and $TBD attorney's the same property described in Brea, California 92821 cecandler@dekalbcountyga.go TO: RESPONDENTS AND
Respondents. The tax deed to which this Whitfield. COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- ally entitled thereto.
property relates is recorded at Said property will be sold sub- CORDS, AS MAY BE To the best knowledge and be-
CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. Deed Book 21696, Page 670, ject to (a) any outstanding ad AMENDED. THIS CONVEY- lief of the undersigned, the
22N00034 DeKalb County, Georgia, re- valorem taxes (including taxes ANCE IS MADE SUBJECT TO party in possession of the Sub-
1431 High Meadow Drive cords. The property described which are a lien but not yet due THE DECLARATION AND ALL ject Property known as ++1203
Stone Mountain, Georgia above may be redeemed on or and payable), (b) any matters MATTERS REFERENCED Waldrop Place, Decatur, Geor-
Page 46
30083 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 
before the time and date stated
above by payment of the re-
which might be disclosed by an
accurate survey and inspection
gia 30034++, DeKalb County,
is Chenglun Huang.
Parcel Id. No: 15 194 14 060 350-469672 10/6,10/13,10/20 demption price as fixed and of the property, (c) the Declara- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 144, 360-469659 10/6,10/13,10/20 The unit will be sold subject to
10/27 provided by law to the under- tion, as amended, and (d) all PAGES 71-73, DEKALB 10/27 (a) any outstanding ad valorem
HEARING NOTICE NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE signed at the following address: matters of record superior to COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- NOTICE OF taxes, (including taxes which
TO: RESPONDENTS AND OF RIGHT TO REDEEM Gil Haim Varon the association lien first set out CORDS, AS MAY BE JUDICIAL FORECLOSURE are a lien but not yet due and
OTHER INTERESTED [REF. O.C.G.A. SECTIONS 48- c/o Joshua B. Adams, Esq. above, including but not limited AMENDED. STATE OF GEORGIA payable), (b) any matters which
PARTIES 4-5 ET SEQ.; 48-4-45 & 48-4- Weissman PC to the Security Deed from Brid- Said unit will be sold seriatim DEKALB COUNTY might be disclosed by an accur-
You are hereby notified that 46] One Alliance Center get H. Whitefield to Bank of with other units included in said Under and by virtue of ate survey and inspection of
DeKalb County, GA has filed a TO: JUAN CARLOS DURAN 3500 Lenox Road, 4th Floor America, N.A. recorded in Deed Judgment, in such order as de- O.C.G.A. § 44-3-109, the De- the property, (c) the Declara-
Complaint In Rem for Nuis- GARCIA; DEKALB COUNTY, Atlanta, GA 30326 Book 19269, Page 3 and last termined by the Judgment hold- claration of Condominium for tion of Condominium, as
ance Abatement and is re- GEORGIA; STATE OF GEOR- 404.926.4615 assigned to Legacy Mortgage er, until the Judgment is paid in Waldrop Park Condominium, as amended, and (d) all matters of
questing an IN REM judgment GIA; OCCUPANT/ TENANT/ Please be governed accord- Asset Trust 2021-GS3 recor- full. The debt secured by the may be amended (the "Declar- record superior to the con-
against property located at RESIDENT OF 2375 BRUCE ingly. ded in Deed Book 30109, Page Association’s lien, which totals ation"), filed of record at Deed dominium lien first set out
1431 High Meadow Drive, STREET, LITHONIA, GEOR- 381 and any encumbrances, $72,763.89 as of June 10, Book 16160, page 624, in the above, and any encumbrances,
Stone Mountain, Georgia GIA 30058; AND ALL PER- zoning ordinances, restrictions, 2022, plus post-judgment in- Superior Court of DeKalb current Waldrop Park Con-
30083. As of the date of execu- SONS KNOWN OR UN- covenants and matters of re- terest through November 1, County, Georgia Records, and dominium Association, Inc. li-
tion of this complaint, Petition- KNOWN HAVING ANY RIGHT, Sheriff’s Sale cord superior to the associ- 2022 of $1,635.19, has been by virtue of the Order Granting ens, zoning ordinances, restric-
er has incurred costs of approx- TITLE, INTEREST IN, OR LI- ation’s statutory lien first set out and is hereby declared due be- Plaintiff’s Motion for Summary tions, covenants and matters of
imately two thousand dollars EN UPON 2375 BRUCE 360-469657 10/6,10/13,10/20 above. cause of failure to pay the in- Judgment of the DeKalb record superior to the con-
($2,000.00). STREET, LITHONIA, GEOR- 10/27 The sale will be conducted sub- debtedness as and when due County Superior Court entered dominium lien first set out
GIA 30058. Notice of Judicial Foreclosure ject to (1) confirmation that the and in the manner provided for against Chenglun Huang, dated above.
The Magistrate Court will hold a RE: FORECLOSURE OF STATE OF GEORGIA sale is not prohibited under the in the Declaration. The debt re- June 10, 2022, in Civil Action The sale will be conducted sub-
hearing on this claim virtually. EQUITY OF REDEMPTION DEKALB COUNTY United States Bankruptcy maining in default, this sale will Number 21CV3357-10 and re- ject to: (1) confirmation that the
The hearing shall be held on FOR TAX SALE DEED (REF. Under and by virtue of Code, and (2) final confirma- be made for the purpose of corded in the DeKalb County sale is not prohibited under the
October 20, 2022, beginning at O.C.G.A. §§ 48-4-45 & 48-4- O.C.G.A. § 44-3-109, the tion and audit of the status of paying same and all expenses Georgia records; there will be United States Bankruptcy
1:00 P.M. (EST). Upon receipt 46) Amended and Restated Declar- the lien with the holder of the of the sale, as provided in the sold by the DeKalb County Code, and (2) final confirma-
of this letter, you should con- TAKE NOTICE THAT: The right ation of Condominium for Vin- Order to foreclose. Georgia Condominium Act, Sheriff’s Office at public outcry tion and audit of the status of
tact the Clerk at ordinancedivi- to redeem the following de- ings Crest Condominium, as Vinings Crest Condominium O.C.G.A. § 44-3-70, et seq., to the highest bidder for cash the lien with the holder of the scribed property, to wit, will ex- may be amended (the “Declara- Association, Inc. and the Declaration (notice of before the Courthouse door of Order to Foreclose Lien. Gov-
and include the above listed pire and be forever foreclosed tion”), filed of record in the c/o Miye Johnson Yi, Esq. intent to collect attorney’s fees DeKalb County, Georgia, with- ern yourself accordingly.
case number and your phone and barred as of five o’clock DeKalb County, Georgia re- Winter Capriola Zenner, LLC having been given). The ex- in the legal hours of sale on the Waldrop Park Condominium
number in the email. (5:00 p.m.) on the 17th day of cords, and by virtue of the 3490 Piedmont Rd., NE, Ste. cess, if any, will be distributed first Tuesday in November Association, Inc.
November, 2022. Court Order entered on Novem- 800 to the person or persons leg- 2022, to wit, November 1, c/o Steven Luper, Esq.
YOU ARE REQUIRED TO FILE The property is commonly ber 13, 2019, there will be sold Atlanta, Georgia 30305 ally entitled thereto. 2022, the following described Lipshutz Greenblatt LLC
OR PRESENT AN ANSWER known as ++2375 Bruce Street, by the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Phone: (404) 844-5700 To the best knowledge and be- property: 100 Crescent Centre Parkway,
TO THIS CLAIM WITHIN 30 Lithonia, GA 30058, Tax Par- Office at public outcry to the Fax: (404) 844-5701 lief of the undersigned, the ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Suite 200
DAYS AFTER SERVICE OF cel ID No. 16 153 08 029++, highest bidder for cash before party in possession of the Sub- CEL OF LAND LYING AND Tucker, GA 30084
THIS CLAIM UPON YOU. IF and more particularly de- the Courthouse door of DeKalb ject Property known as ++3101 BEING IN LAND LOTS 71 & 72 Office: 404-688-2300
YOU DO NOT ANSWER, scribed as follows: County, Georgia within the leg- THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING Waldrop Place, Decatur, Geor- OF THE 15TH DISTRICT OF Fax: 404-378-2004
JUDGMENT BY DEFAULT All that tract or parcel of land ly- al hours of sale on the first AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- gia 30034++, DeKalb County, DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING
WILL BE ENTERED AGAINST ing and being in Land Lot 168 Tuesday in November 2022, to TEMPTING TO COLLECT A is Chenglun Huang. AND BEING MORE PARTICU- AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT-
YOU. YOUR ANSWER MUST of the 16th District of DeKalb wit, November 1, 2022 the fol- DEBT ANY INFORMATION The unit will be sold subject to LARLY DESCRIBED AS FOL- TEMPTING TO COLLECT A
BE FILED IN WRITING. County, Georgia, being Lots 7 lowing described property: OBTAINED WILL BE USED (a) any outstanding ad valorem LOWS: CONDOMINIUM UNIT DEBT. ANY INFORMATION
and 8, Block A of the subdivi- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- FOR THAT PURPOSE taxes, (including taxes which #1203, OF WALDROP PARK OBTAINED WILL BE USED
• If you have witnesses, books, sion of the Ellen S. Johnson CEL OF LAND LYING AND are a lien but not yet due and CONDOMINIUM, AS MORE FOR THAT PURPOSE.
receipts, or other writings bear- Property, as per a plat by T.C. BEING IN LAND LOT 90, 15TH 360-469658 10/6,10/13,10/20 payable), (b) any matters which PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED
ing on this claim, you should Jackson C.E., dated June, DISTRICT, DEKALB COUNTY, 10/27 might be disclosed by an accur- AND DELINEATED IN THE 360-469660 10/6,10/13,10/20
bring them with you at the time 1938, and recorded in Plat GEORGIA, BEING UNIT 60, NOTICE OF ate survey and inspection of DECLARATION OF CON- 10/27
of hearing. Book 11, Page 89, DeKalb VININGS CREST CONDOMIN- JUDICIAL FORECLOSURE the property, (c) the Declara- DOMINIUM FOR WALDROP NOTICE OF
• If you wish to have witnesses County, Georgia, records, and IUM, A CONDOMINIUM, STATE OF GEORGIA tion of Condominium, as PARK CONDOMINIUM, RE- JUDICIAL FORECLOSURE
summoned, see the court at being more particularly de- PHASE XV, AS PER PLAT RE- DEKALB COUNTY amended, and (d) all matters of CORDED IN DEED BOOK STATE OF GEORGIA
once for assistance. scribed as follows: CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 171, Under and by virtue of record superior to the con- 16160 PAGE 624, ET. SEQ., DEKALB COUNTY
• If you have any claim against Beginning at a point on the PAGE 5-6, DEKALB COUNTY, O.C.G.A. § 44-3-109, the De- dominium lien first set out DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA Under and by virtue of
the petitioner, you should noti- northwestern side of Bruce GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH claration of Condominium for above, and any encumbrances, R E C O R D S , AS M A Y B E O.C.G.A. § 44-3-109, the De-
fy the court at once. Street (formerly known as PLAT IS INCORPORATED Waldrop Park Condominium, as current Waldrop Park Con- AMENDED. THIS CONVEY- claration of Condominium for
• If you admit the claim, but de- Bruce Road), a distance of two HEREIN AND MADE A PART may be amended (the "Declar- dominium Association, Inc. li- ANCE IS MADE SUBJECT TO Waldrop Park Condominium, as
sire additional time to pay, you hundred (200) feet Northeast- HEREOF BY REFERENCE. ation"), filed of record at Deed ens, zoning ordinances, restric- THE DECLARATION AND ALL may be amended (the "Declar-
must come to the hearing in erly from the intersection SUBJECT TO THAT CERTAIN Book 16160, page 624, in the tions, covenants and matters of MATTERS REFERENCED ation"), filed of record at Deed
person and state the circum- formed by the Northwestern DECLARATION OF CON- Superior Court of DeKalb record superior to the con- THEREIN, ALL MATTERS Book 16160, page 624, in the
stances to the court. side of Bruce Street with the DOMINIUM FOR VININGS County, Georgia Records, and dominium lien first set out SHOWN ON THE PLAT RE- Superior Court of DeKalb
• You may come with or without Northeastern side of Stone CREST CONDOMINIUM, A by virtue of the Order Granting above. CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 144, County, Georgia Records, and
an attorney. Street, said point of beginning CONDOMINIUM, RECORDED Plaintiff’s Motion for Summary The sale will be conducted sub- PAGES 71-73, DEKALB by virtue of the Order Granting
being at the Northeastern IN DEED BOOK 16100, PAGE Judgment of the DeKalb ject to: (1) confirmation that the COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- Plaintiff’s Motion for Summary
Clerk, Magistrate of DeKalb corner of Lot 9, said Block and 372, AFORESAID RECORDS, County Superior Court entered sale is not prohibited under the CORDS, AS MAY BE Judgment of the DeKalb
County Subdivision, and from said WHICH DECLARATION MAY against Chenglun Huang, dated United States Bankruptcy AMENDED, AND THE FLOOR County Superior Court entered
Service addresses: point of beginning run thence in BE AMENDED FROM TIME June 10, 2022, in Civil Action Code, and (2) final confirma- PLANS RECORDED IN CON- against Chenglun Huang, dated
a Northeastern direction, along TO TIME AND WHICH TERMS Number 21CV3357-10 and re- tion and audit of the status of DOMINIUM FLOOR PLAN June 10, 2022, in Civil Action
Posting on Property & US Mail the Northwestern side of Bruce AND CONDITIONS ARE IN- corded in the DeKalb County the lien with the holder of the BOOK 144, PAGE 71-73, Number 21CV3357-10 and re-
1431 High Meadow Drive Street, one hundred (100) feet CORPORATED HEREIN AND Georgia records; there will be Order to Foreclose Lien. Gov- AFORESAID RECORDS, AS corded in the DeKalb County
Stone Mountain, Georgia to the Southeastern corner of MADE A PART HEREOF BY sold by the DeKalb County ern yourself accordingly. MAY BE AMENDED. Georgia records; there will be
30083 Frank Black Lot 6, said Block and Subdivi- REFERENCE. Sheriff’s Office at public outcry Waldrop Park Condominium Said unit will be sold seriatim sold by the DeKalb County
2412 Hi Moon Trace Conyers, sion; run thence in a North- The debt secured by the Asso- to the highest bidder for cash Association, Inc. with other units included in said Sheriff’s Office at public outcry
Georgia 30012 western direction along the ciation’s lien, which totals before the Courthouse door of c/o Steven Luper, Esq. Judgment, in such order as de- to the highest bidder for cash
Feed the People Atlanta, Inc. Southwestern line of said Lot 6, $18,934.62 as of August 31, DeKalb County, Georgia, with- Lipshutz Greenblatt LLC termined by the Judgment hold- before the Courthouse door of
c/o Christopher Lee Jones, Re- a distance of one hundred fifty 2022 has been and is hereby in the legal hours of sale on the 100 Crescent Centre Parkway, er, until the Judgment is paid in DeKalb County, Georgia, with-
gistered Agent (150) feet to the Southeastern declared due because of fail- first Tuesday in November Suite 200 full. The debt secured by the in the legal hours of sale on the
4833 Truitt Lane line of Lot 13, said Block and ure to pay the indebtedness as 2022, to wit, November 1, Tucker, GA 30084 Association’s lien, which totals first Tuesday in November
Decatur, Georgia 30035 Subdivision; thence run in a and when due and in the man- 2022, the following described Office: 404-688-2300 $72,763.89 as of June 10, 2022, to wit, November 1,
Southwestern direction, along ner provided for in the Declara- property: Fax: 404-378-2004 2022, plus post-judgment in- 2022, the following described
Dated: September 28, 2022. the Southeastern line of said tion. The debt remaining in de- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING terest through November 1, property:
Lot 13, a distance of eighty-six fault, this sale will be made for CEL OF LAND LYING AND AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- 2022 of $1,635.19, has been ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
TERRY G. PHILLIPS (86) feet to the Northwestern the purpose of paying same BEING IN LAND LOTS 71 & 72 TEMPTING TO COLLECT A and is hereby declared due be- CEL OF LAND LYING AND
DEPUTY COUNTY ATTOR- corner of Lot 3, said Block and and all expenses of the sale, as OF THE 15TH DISTRICT OF DEBT. ANY INFORMATION cause of failure to pay the in- BEING IN LAND LOT 71 & 72
NEY Subdivision; thence run in a provided in the Georgia Con- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, OBTAINED WILL BE USED debtedness as and when due OF THE 15TH DISTRICT,
Georgia Bar No. 576865 Southeastern direction along dominium Act, O.C.G.A. § 44-3- AND BEING MORE PARTICU- FOR THAT PURPOSE. and in the manner provided for DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA,
the Northeastern side of said 109, et seq., and the Declara- LARLY DESCRIBED AS FOL- in the Declaration. The debt re- BEING BUILDING #6, UNIT
BENNETT D. BRYAN Lot 3, a distance of one hun- tion (notice of attempt to col- LOWS: CONDOMINIUM UNIT maining in default, this sale will #6201 OF THE WALDROP
SUPERVISING COUNTY AT- dred fifty (150) feet to the lect attorney's fees having been #3101, BUILDING 3 OF be made for the purpose of PARK CONDOMINIUM,
TORNEY Northwestern side of Bruce given). The excess, if any, will WALDROP PARK, A CON- paying same and all expenses PHASE 3 AS PER PLAT RE-
Georgia Bar No. 157099 Street and the point of begin- be distributed to the person or DOMINIUM, AS MORE PAR- of the sale, as provided in the CORDED AT PLAT BOOK 148,
ning; being the same property persons legally entitled thereto. TICULARLY DESCRIBED AND Georgia Condominium Act, PAGE 11-15, DEKALB
/s/ Gabriel L. Daniel as conveyed by Ellen S. John- To the best knowledge and be- DELINEATED IN THE DE- O.C.G.A. § 44-3-70, et seq., COUNTY, GEORGIA RE-
ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTOR- son to Lucius Clark by War- lief of the undersigned, the CLARATION OF CONDOMINI- and the Declaration (notice of CORDS, SUBJECT TO THAT
NEY ranty Deed recorded in Deed party in possession of the Sub- UM FOR WALDROP PARK intent to collect attorney’s fees CERTAIN DECLARATION OF
Georgia Bar No. 875992 Attor- Book 497, Page 582, and in ject Property known as ++2834 CONDOMINIUMS, RECOR- having been given). The ex- CONDOMINIUM FOR
neys for Petitioner Deed Book 548, Page 439, Vining Ridge Terrace, Decatur, DED IN DEED BOOK 16160 cess, if any, will be distributed WALDROP PARK CON-
++22N00034/1431 High Mead- aforesaid records. Georgia 30034++ is Bridget H. PAGE 624, ET. SEQ., DEKALB to the person or persons leg- DOMINIUM, RECORDED IN
ow Drive/ 15 194 14 The tax deed to which this Whitfield. COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- ally entitled thereto. DEED BOOK 16160, PAGE
060/HEARING NOTICE++ property relates is recorded at Said property will be sold sub- CORDS, AS MAY BE To the best knowledge and be- 624, ET. SEQ., AMENDED AT
Deed Book 21696, Page 670, ject to (a) any outstanding ad AMENDED. THIS CONVEY- lief of the undersigned, the DEED BOOK 16559, PAGE
DeKalb County, Georgia, re- valorem taxes (including taxes ANCE IS MADE SUBJECT TO party in possession of the Sub- 552, AMENDED AT DEED
cords. The property described which are a lien but not yet due THE DECLARATION AND ALL ject Property known as ++1203 BOOK 16731, PAGE 409,
above may be redeemed on or and payable), (b) any matters MATTERS REFERENCED Waldrop Place, Decatur, Geor- AMENDED AT DEED BOOK
before the time and date stated which might be disclosed by an THEREIN, ALL MATTERS gia 30034++, DeKalb County, 16731, PAGE 796, AMENDED
above by payment of the re- accurate survey and inspection SHOWN ON THE PLAT RE- is Chenglun Huang. AT DEED BOOK 17260, PAGE
demption price as fixed and of the property, (c) the Declara- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 144, The unit will be sold subject to 53, DEKALB COUNTY, GEOR-
provided by law to the under- tion, as amended, and (d) all PAGES 71-73, DEKALB (a) any outstanding ad valorem GIA RECORDS, WHICH DE-
signed at the following address: matters of record superior to COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- taxes, (including taxes which CLARATION MAY BE
Gil Haim Varon the association lien first set out CORDS, AS MAY BE are a lien but not yet due and AMENDED FROM TIME TO
DEED BOOK 16160, PAGE ally entitled thereto. 624, ET. SEQ., DEKALB
624, ET. SEQ., AMENDED AT To the best knowledge and be- COUNTY, GEORGIA RE-
DEED BOOK 16559, PAGE lief of the undersigned, the CORDS, AS MAY BE
552, AMENDED AT DEED party in possession of the Sub- AMENDED. THIS CONVEY-
BOOK 16731, PAGE 409, ject Property known as ANCE IS MADE SUBJECT TO

16731, PAGE 796, AMENDED The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022
atur, Georgia 30034++, DeKalb MATTERS REFERENCED Page 47
AT DEED BOOK 17260, PAGE County, is Chenglun Huang. THEREIN, ALL MATTERS
53, DEKALB COUNTY, GEOR- 360-469661 10/6,10/13,10/20 The unit will be sold subject to SHOWN ON THE PLAT RE- 370-468354 9/29,10/6 370-468357 9/29,10/6
(a) any outstanding ad valorem
taxes, (including taxes which
TIME AND WHICH TERMS STATE OF GEORGIA payable), (b) any matters which CORDS, AS MAY BE AFFIDAVIT FOR State of Georgia, State of Georgia,
AND CONDITIONS ARE IN- DEKALB COUNTY might be disclosed by an accur- AMENDED AND THE FLOOR REGISTRATION County of DeKalb County of DeKalb
CORPORATED HEREIN. BE- Under and by virtue of ate survey and inspection of PLANS RECORDED IN PLAT OF TRADE NAME The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby
ING THE SAME PROPERTY O.C.G.A. § 44-3-109, the De- the property, (c) the Declara- BOOK 144, PAGE 75, AFORE- State of Georgia, certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct-
CONVEYED IN A DEED UN- claration of Condominium for tion of Condominium, as SAID RECORDS, AS MAY BE County of DeKalb ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of
DER POWER DATED DECEM- Waldrop Park Condominium, as amended, and (d) all matters of AMENDED. The undersigned hereby DeKalb, at 4647 Allgood DeKalb, at 4261 E Conley Rd
BER 4, 2007, RECORDED may be amended (the "Declar- record superior to the con- Said unit will be sold seriatim certifies that they are conduct- Springs Drive Stone Mountain, Conley, GA 30288, in the State
APRIL 21, 2008, IN DEED ation"), filed of record at Deed dominium lien first set out with other units included in said ing a business in the County of GA 30083, in the State of Geor- of Georgia, under the name
BOOK 20768, PAGE 318, Book 16160, page 624, in the above, and any encumbrances, Judgment, in such order as de- DeKalb, at 982 Forest Trace gia, under the name ++Angel ++ECE Contractors++. Said
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA Superior Court of DeKalb current Waldrop Park Con- termined by the Judgment hold- Stone Mountain, GA 30088, in Works Consulting++. Said busi- business has been registered
RECORDS. County, Georgia Records, and dominium Association, Inc. li- er, until the Judgment is paid in the State of Georgia, under the ness has been registered. under Elite Cuts Enterprise,
Said unit will be sold seriatim by virtue of the Order Granting ens, zoning ordinances, restric- full. The debt secured by the name ++Quita Wands++. Said This affidavit is made in compli- LLC.
with other units included in said Plaintiff’s Motion for Summary tions, covenants and matters of Association’s lien, which totals business has been registered ance with GA Code Annotated, This affidavit is made in compli-
Judgment, in such order as de- Judgment of the DeKalb record superior to the con- $72,763.89 as of June 10, under Dr. Marquita Bradley, Title 10, Chapter 1, Section ance with GA Code Annotated,
termined by the Judgment hold- County Superior Court entered dominium lien first set out 2022, plus post-judgment in- LLC. 490. Title 10, Chapter 1, Section
er, until the Judgment is paid in against Chenglun Huang, dated above. terest through November 1, This affidavit is made in compli- Warde, Lisa M. 490.
full. The debt secured by the June 10, 2022, in Civil Action The sale will be conducted sub- 2022 of $1,635.19, has been ance with GA Code Annotated, Applicant / Owner Wadley , Eric D.
Association’s lien, which totals Number 21CV3357-10 and re- ject to: (1) confirmation that the and is hereby declared due be- Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Sworn to and subscribed this Applicant / Owner
$72,763.89 as of June 10, corded in the DeKalb County sale is not prohibited under the cause of failure to pay the in- 490. 9th day of September, 2022. Sworn to and subscribed this
2022, plus post-judgment in- Georgia records; there will be United States Bankruptcy debtedness as and when due Bradley, Marquita Instrument number 12th day of September, 2022.
terest through November 1, sold by the DeKalb County Code, and (2) final confirma- and in the manner provided for Applicant / Owner 2022TN00417 Instrument number
2022 of $1,635.19, has been Sheriff’s Office at public outcry tion and audit of the status of in the Declaration. The debt re- Sworn to and subscribed this Filed on September 9, 2022 2022TN00420
and is hereby declared due be- to the highest bidder for cash the lien with the holder of the maining in default, this sale will 7th day of September, 2022. Debra DeBerry Filed on September 12, 2022
cause of failure to pay the in- before the Courthouse door of Order to Foreclose Lien. Gov- be made for the purpose of Instrument number Clerk of Superior Court Debra DeBerry
debtedness as and when due DeKalb County, Georgia, with- ern yourself accordingly. paying same and all expenses 2022TN00414 In DeKalb County, Georgia Clerk of Superior Court
and in the manner provided for in the legal hours of sale on the Waldrop Park Condominium of the sale, as provided in the Filed on September 7, 2022 370-468355 9/29,10/6 In DeKalb County, Georgia
in the Declaration. The debt re- first Tuesday in November Association, Inc. Georgia Condominium Act, Debra DeBerry AFFIDAVIT FOR 370-468358 9/29,10/6
maining in default, this sale will 2022, to wit, November 1, c/o Steven Luper, Esq. O.C.G.A. § 44-3-70, et seq., Clerk of Superior Court REGISTRATION AFFIDAVIT FOR
be made for the purpose of 2022, the following described Lipshutz Greenblatt LLC and the Declaration (notice of In DeKalb County, Georgia OF A TRADE NAME REGISTRATION
paying same and all expenses property: 100 Crescent Centre Parkway, intent to collect attorney’s fees State of Georgia, OF TRADE NAME
of the sale, as provided in the ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Suite 200 having been given). The ex- 370-468352 9/29,10/6
County of DeKalb State of Georgia,
Georgia Condominium Act, CEL OF LAND LYING AND Tucker, GA 30084 cess, if any, will be distributed AFFIDAVIT FOR
The undersigned hereby County of DeKalb
O.C.G.A. § 44-3-70, et seq., BEING IN LAND LOTS 71 & 72 Office: 404-688-2300 to the person or persons leg- REGISTRATION
certifies that they are conduct- The undersigned hereby
and the Declaration (notice of OF THE 15TH DISTRICT OF Fax: 404-378-2004 ally entitled thereto. OF TRADE NAME
ing a business in the County of certifies that they are conduct-
intent to collect attorney’s fees DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING To the best knowledge and be- State of Georgia,
DeKalb, at 1614 Delano Drive ing a business in the County of
having been given). The ex- AND BEING MORE PARTICU- AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- lief of the undersigned, the County of DeKalb
Decatur, GA 30032, in the DeKalb, at 237 Perimeter Cen-
cess, if any, will be distributed LARLY DESCRIBED AS FOL- TEMPTING TO COLLECT A party in possession of the Sub- The undersigned hereby
State of Georgia, under the ter Pkwy NE Suite H-41 At-
to the person or persons leg- LOWS: CONDOMINIUM UNIT DEBT. ANY INFORMATION ject Property known as certifies that they are conduct-
name ++eso.projects++. Said lanta, GA 30346, in the State of
ally entitled thereto. #13301, BUILDING 13 OF OBTAINED WILL BE USED ++11102 Waldrop Place, Dec- ing a business in the County of
business has been registered. Georgia, under the name ++Mi-
To the best knowledge and be- WALDROP PARK, A CON- FOR THAT PURPOSE. atur, Georgia 30034++, DeKalb DeKalb, at 4831 Wilkins Sta-
This affidavit is made in compli- kata++. Said business has
lief of the undersigned, the DOMINIUM, AS MORE PAR- County, is Chenglun Huang. tion Dr Decatur, GA 30035, in
ance with GA Code Annotated, been registered under Mikata
party in possession of the Sub- TICULARLY DESCRIBED AND 360-469662 10/6,10/13,10/20 The unit will be sold subject to the State of Georgia, under the
Title 10, Chapter 1, Section 490 ATL LLC.
ject Property known as ++6201 DELINEATED IN THE DE- 10/27 (a) any outstanding ad valorem name ++Alexander Aperture
. This affidavit is made in compli-
Waldrop Place, Decatur, Geor- CLARATION OF CONDOMINI- NOTICE OF taxes, (including taxes which Photography++. Said business
Thurman, Lane ance with GA Code Annotated,
gia 30034++, DeKalb County, UM FOR WALDROP PARK, A JUDICIAL FORECLOSURE are a lien but not yet due and has been registered.
Applicant / Owner Title 10, Chapter 1, Section
is Chenglun Huang. CONDOMINIUM, RECORDED STATE OF GEORGIA payable), (b) any matters which This affidavit is made in compli-
Sworn to and subscribed this 490.
The unit will be sold subject to IN DEED BOOK 16160 PAGE DEKALB COUNTY might be disclosed by an accur- ance with GA Code Annotated,
9th day of September, 2022. Kim, Young Ran
(a) any outstanding ad valorem 624, ET. SEQ., DEKALB Under and by virtue of ate survey and inspection of Title 10, Chapter 1, Section
Instrument number Applicant / Owner
taxes, (including taxes which COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- O.C.G.A. § 44-3-109, the De- the property, (c) the Declara- 490.
2022TN00418 Sworn to and subscribed this
are a lien but not yet due and CORDS, AS MAY BE claration of Condominium for tion of Condominium, as Alexander, Terrence
Filed on September 9, 2022 12th day of September, 2022.
payable), (b) any matters which AMENDED. THIS CONVEY- Waldrop Park Condominium, as amended, and (d) all matters of Applicant / Owner
Debra DeBerry Instrument number
might be disclosed by an accur- ANCE IS MADE SUBJECT TO may be amended (the "Declar- record superior to the con- Sworn to and subscribed this
Clerk of Superior Court 2022TN00421
ate survey and inspection of THE DECLARATION AND ALL ation"), filed of record at Deed dominium lien first set out 7th day of September, 2022.
In DeKalb County, Georgia Filed on September 12, 2022
the property, (c) the Declara- MATTERS REFERENCED Book 16160, page 624, in the above, and any encumbrances, Instrument number
2022TN00415 370-468356 9/29,10/6 Debra DeBerry
tion of Condominium, as THEREIN, ALL MATTERS Superior Court of DeKalb current Waldrop Park Con- Clerk of Superior Court
amended, and (d) all matters of SHOWN ON THE PLAT RE- dominium Association, Inc. li- Filed on September 7, 2022 AFFIDAVIT FOR
County, Georgia Records, and REGISTRATION In DeKalb County, Georgia
record superior to the con- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 147, by virtue of the Order Granting ens, zoning ordinances, restric- Debra DeBerry
dominium lien first set out PAGES 35-37, DEKALB tions, covenants and matters of Clerk of Superior Court OF TRADE NAME 370-468359 9/29,10/6
Plaintiff’s Motion for Summary State of Georgia, AFFIDAVIT FOR
above, and any encumbrances, COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- Judgment of the DeKalb record superior to the con- In DeKalb County, Georgia
current Waldrop Park Con- CORDS, AS MAY BE dominium lien first set out 370-468353 9/29,10/6 County of DeKalb REGISTRATION
County Superior Court entered The undersigned hereby OF TRADE NAME
dominium Association, Inc. li- AMENDED AND THE FLOOR against Chenglun Huang, dated above. AFFIDAVIT FOR
ens, zoning ordinances, restric- PLANS RECORDED IN PLAT The sale will be conducted sub- REGISTRATION certifies that they are conduct- State of Georgia,
June 10, 2022, in Civil Action ing a business in the County of County of DeKalb
tions, covenants and matters of BOOK 144, PAGE 75, AFORE- Number 21CV3357-10 and re- ject to: (1) confirmation that the OF TRADE NAME
record superior to the con- SAID RECORDS, AS MAY BE sale is not prohibited under the State of Georgia, DeKalb, at 3696 Soapstone The undersigned hereby
corded in the DeKalb County Walk Stonecrest, GA 30038, in certifies that they are conduct-
dominium lien first set out AMENDED. Georgia records; there will be United States Bankruptcy County of DeKalb
above. Said unit will be sold seriatim Code, and (2) final confirma- The undersigned hereby the State of Georgia, under the ing a business in the County of
sold by the DeKalb County name ++Superior Tax Ser- DeKalb, at 4420 Hugh Howell
The sale will be conducted sub- with other units included in said Sheriff’s Office at public outcry tion and audit of the status of certifies that they are conduct-
ject to: (1) confirmation that the Judgment, in such order as de- the lien with the holder of the ing a business in the County of vices++. Said business has Rd Ste C4 Tucker, GA 30084,
to the highest bidder for cash been registered. in the State of Georgia, under
sale is not prohibited under the termined by the Judgment hold- before the Courthouse door of Order to Foreclose Lien. Gov- DeKalb, at 1231 Glenwood Av-
United States Bankruptcy er, until the Judgment is paid in ern yourself accordingly. enue SE Suite B, Unit A At- This affidavit is made in compli- the name ++Edible Arrange-
DeKalb County, Georgia, with- ance with GA Code Annotated, ments #1495++. Said business
Code, and (2) final confirma- full. The debt secured by the in the legal hours of sale on the Waldrop Park Condominium lanta, GA 30316, in the State of
tion and audit of the status of Association’s lien, which totals Association, Inc. Georgia, under the name Title 10, Chapter 1, Section has been registered under Im-
first Tuesday in November 490. pressive Brands LLC.
the lien with the holder of the $72,763.89 as of June 10, 2022, to wit, November 1, c/o Steven Luper, Esq. ++BRRS MANAGEMENT++.
Order to Foreclose Lien. Gov- 2022, plus post-judgment in- Lipshutz Greenblatt LLC Said business has been re- Lewis, Jawanna Mary-Ann This affidavit is made in compli-
2022, the following described Applicant / Owner ance with GA Code Annotated,
ern yourself accordingly. terest through November 1, property: 100 Crescent Centre Parkway, gistered under Browning -
Waldrop Park Condominium 2022 of $1,635.19, has been Suite 200 Richardson - Rine - & Schmidt Sworn to and subscribed this Title 10, Chapter 1, Section
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- 9th day of September, 2022. 490.
Association, Inc. and is hereby declared due be- CEL OF LAND LYING AND Tucker, GA 30084 Holdings LLC.
c/o Steven Luper, Esq. cause of failure to pay the in- Office: 404-688-2300 This affidavit is made in compli- Instrument number Rawling, Musa
BEING IN LAND LOTS 57, 71 2022TN00419 Applicant / Owner
Lipshutz Greenblatt LLC debtedness as and when due & 72 OF THE 15TH DISTRICT Fax: 404-378-2004 ance with GA Code Annotated,
100 Crescent Centre Parkway, and in the manner provided for THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Filed on September 9, 2022 Sworn to and subscribed this
OF DEKALB COUNTY, GEOR- Debra DeBerry 12th day of September, 2022.
Suite 200 in the Declaration. The debt re- GIA, AND BEING MORE PAR- AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- 490.
Tucker, GA 30084 maining in default, this sale will TEMPTING TO COLLECT A Richardson, Brandon Clerk of Superior Court Instrument number
TICULARLY DESCRIBED AS In DeKalb County, Georgia 2022TN00422
Office: 404-688-2300 be made for the purpose of FOLLOWS: CONDOMINIUM DEBT. ANY INFORMATION Applicant / Owner
Fax: 404-378-2004 paying same and all expenses OBTAINED WILL BE USED Sworn to and subscribed this Filed on September 12, 2022
UNIT #11102 OF WALDROP Debra DeBerry
THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING of the sale, as provided in the PARK, A CONDOMINIUM, AS FOR THAT PURPOSE. 8th day of September, 2022.
AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- Georgia Condominium Act, Instrument number Clerk of Superior Court
MORE PARTICULARLY DE- In DeKalb County, Georgia
DEBT. ANY INFORMATION and the Declaration (notice of IN THE DECLARATION OF Filed on September 8, 2022
OBTAINED WILL BE USED intent to collect attorney’s fees CONDOMINIUM FOR Debra DeBerry
FOR THAT PURPOSE. having been given). The ex- WALDROP PARK, A CON- Clerk of Superior Court
cess, if any, will be distributed DOMINIUM, RECORDED IN In DeKalb County, Georgia
to the person or persons leg- DEED BOOK 16160 PAGE
ally entitled thereto. 624, ET. SEQ., DEKALB
To the best knowledge and be- COUNTY, GEORGIA RE-
lief of the undersigned, the CORDS, AS MAY BE
party in possession of the Sub- AMENDED. THIS CONVEY-
ject Property known as ANCE IS MADE SUBJECT TO
++13301 Waldrop Cove, Dec- THE DECLARATION AND ALL
atur, Georgia 30034++, DeKalb MATTERS REFERENCED
County, is Chenglun Huang. THEREIN, ALL MATTERS
The unit will be sold subject to SHOWN ON THE PLAT RE-
(a) any outstanding ad valorem CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 144,
taxes, (including taxes which PAGES 56-58, DEKALB
are a lien but not yet due and COUNTY, GEORGIA RE-
Page 48 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 
370-468360 9/29,10/6 370-469454 9/29,10/6 370-469457 9/29,10/6 370-469460 9/29,10/6 370-469463 9/29,10/6 390-469009
Tax Sales 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia, TAX COMMISSIONER CUNNINGHAM PROPERTIES
County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb Ex-Officio Sheriff INC
The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby Tax Sales Defendant:
certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- Georgia, DeKalb County CUNNINGHAM PROPERTIES
ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of Will be sold the first Tuesday in INC
DeKalb, at 225 Ivy Glen Cir DeKalb, at 536 Fayetteville DeKalb, at 2801 Candler Road DeKalb, at 5067 Fieldgreen DeKalb, at 12307 Jefferson NOVEMBER, 2022 next at pub- All that parcel of land being de-
Avondale Estates, GA 30002, Road SE Atlanta, GA 30316, in Suite 3 Decatur, GA 30034, in Crossing Stone Mountain, GA Square CT Decatur, GA 30030, lic outcry before the Court- scribed as Parcel 18 017 01
in the State of Georgia, under the State of Georgia, under the the State of Georgia, under the 30088, in the State of Georgia, in the State of Georgia, under house door in said county with- 209 and 0 R FOND DU LAC
t h e n a m e name ++Halal Madina name ++Impress Lavish++. under the name ++MR Staff- the name ++Pinc Klub++. Said in the legal hours of sale to the DR in deed book 04624 page
++AACreativeShop++. Said Market++. Said business has Said business has been re- ing++. Said business has been business has been registered highest bidder for cash, unless 00001 less and except all par-
business has been registered been registered under Tier One gistered under The Lavish Net- registered under Richard Seni- under Dhanani LLC. previously paid the following cels other than 18 017 01 209.
under The Write Creative, LLC. Solutions, LLC. work LLC. or Care Services LLC. This affidavit is made in compli- described properties to wit: Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
This affidavit is made in compli- This affidavit is made in compli- This affidavit is made in compli- This affidavit is made in compli- ance with GA Code Annotated, "Real Property" amount of $1,958.00 to satisfy
ance with GA Code Annotated, ance with GA Code Annotated, ance with GA Code Annotated, ance with GA Code Annotated, Title 10, Chapter 1, Section certain state, county, and city
Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Title 10, Chapter 1, Section 490. 390-469006 fieri facias For tax, penalties,
490. 490. 490. 490. Dhanani, Arzoo 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS interest and legal cost for
Burroughs, Alicia Siddeeq, Musa Padgett, Jasmine Richard, Marjorie Applicant / Owner 22-R22368197-NOV-KDD year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007,
Applicant / Owner Applicant / Owner Applicant / Owner Applicant / Owner Sworn to and subscribed this To: Owner/Tenant: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2015, 2016,
Sworn to and subscribed this Sworn to and subscribed this Sworn to and subscribed this Sworn to and subscribed this 19th day of September, 2022. EDWARDS REAL ESTATE 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.
13th day of September, 2022. 6th day of September, 2022. 14th day of September, 2022. 15th day of September, 2022. Instrument number CONSTRUCTION INC
Defendant: 390-469010
Instrument number Instrument number Instrument number Instrument number 2022TN00434 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
2022TN00423 2022TN00413 2022TN00426 2022TN00429 Filed on September 19, 2022 EDWARDS REAL ESTATE
AND 22-R22455758-NOV-MLP
Filed on September 13, 2022 Filed on September 6, 2022 Filed on September 14, 2022 Filed on September 15, 2022 Debra DeBerry To: Owner/Tenant:
Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry Clerk of Superior Court CONSTRUCTION INC
All that parcel of land being de- EDSEL K GLADDEN HIS ES-
Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court In DeKalb County, Georgia TATE ADMINISTRATOR EX-
In DeKalb County, Georgia In DeKalb County, Georgia In DeKalb County, Georgia In DeKalb County, Georgia scribed as Parcel 15 033 03
370-469464 9/29,10/6 ECUTOR AND HEIRS KNOWN
042 and 3827 ADDISON GLEN
370-469452 9/29,10/6 370-469455 9/29,10/6 370-469458 9/29,10/6 370-469461 9/29,10/6 AFFIDAVIT FOR AND UNKNOWN AND TO ALL
WAY in deed book 17882 page
00491 less and except all par-
cels other than 15 033 03 042.
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia, County of DeKalb TATE ADMINISTRATOR EX-
amount of $4,767.26 to satisfy
County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb The undersigned hereby ECUTOR AND HEIRS KNOWN
certain state, county, and city
The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby certifies that they are conduct- AND UNKNOWN AND TO ALL
fieri facias For tax, penalties,
certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- ing a business in the County of THE WORLD
interest and legal cost for
ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of DeKalb, at 2751 Buford Hwy All that parcel of land being de-
year(s) 2008, 2012, 2013,
DeKalb, at 1813 Rock Chapel DeKalb, at 2865B North Druid DeKalb, at 2141 Poplar Falls DeKalb, at 2545 Sunset Drive NE Suite 701 Atlanta, GA scribed as Parcel 15 107 01
2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018,
Rd Stonecrest, GA 30058, in Hills Road NE Atlanta, GA Ave Lithonia, GA 30058, in the NE Atlanta, GA 30345, in the 30324, in the State of Georgia, 099 and 2908 R ALAMEDA
2019, 2020, 2021.
the State of Georgia, under the 30329-3924, in the State of State of Georgia, under the State of Georgia, under the under the name ++Trillion TRL in deed book 03585 page
name ++Wicked Clean Car Georgia, under the name name ++S & DK. Logistics++. name ++SLP Mudita++. Said Health Systems++. Said busi- 390-469007 00017 less and except all par-
Wash++. Said business has ++Results Physiotherapy++. Said business has been re- business has been registered ness has been registered un- 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS cels other than 15 107 01 099.
been registered under Thropp Said business has been re- gistered. under FGFU, LLC. der Twin Bridge Market LLC. 22-R22371834-NOV-KDD Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
Enterprises Inc. gistered under Agilitas USA, This affidavit is made in compli- This affidavit is made in compli- This affidavit is made in compli- To: Owner/Tenant: amount of $4,067.4315 13 to
This affidavit is made in compli- Inc. ance with GA Code Annotated, ance with GA Code Annotated, ance with GA Code Annotated, RIVER MILL ROCK MILL satisfy certain state, county,
ance with GA Code Annotated, This affidavit is made in compli- Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Title 10, Chapter 1, Section CLUB INC and city fieri facias For tax,
Title 10, Chapter 1, Section ance with GA Code Annotated, 490. 490. 490. Defendant: penalties, interest and legal
490. Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Kuykendall, Demetri Kaousias, Tammy Walker, Antiqua RIVER MILL ROCK MILL cost for year(s) 2005, 2006,
Javer, Ashish 490. Applicant / Owner Applicant / Owner Applicant / Owner CLUB INC 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011,
Applicant / Owner Wilson, Brian Sworn to and subscribed this Sworn to and subscribed this Sworn to and subscribed this All that parcel of land being de- 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016,
Sworn to and subscribed this Applicant / Owner 15th day of September, 2022. 19th day of September, 2022. 20th day of September, 2022. scribed as Parcel 15 027 01 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.
2nd day of September, 2022. Sworn to and subscribed this Instrument number Instrument number Instrument number 090 and 3489 RIVER MILL LN
in deed book 07338 page 390-469011
Instrument number 14th day of September, 2022. 2022TN00427 2022TN00431 2022TN00435 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
2022TN00411 Instrument number Filed on September 15, 2022 Filed on September 19, 2022 Filed on September 20, 2022 00032 less and except all par-
cels other than 15 027 01 090. 22-R22456954-NOV-MLP
Filed on September 2, 2022 2022TN00424 Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry To: Owner/Tenant:
Debra DeBerry Filed on September 14, 2022 Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
amount of $10,002.42 to satis- PHRISTAL R GREENE HER
Clerk of Superior Court Debra DeBerry In DeKalb County, Georgia In DeKalb County, Georgia In DeKalb County, Georgia ESTATE ADMINISTRATOR
In DeKalb County, Georgia Clerk of Superior Court fy certain state, county, and city
370-469459 9/29,10/6 370-469462 9/29,10/6 370-469465 9/29,10/6 fieri facias For tax, penalties, EXECUTOR AND HEIRS
interest and legal cost for
OF TRADE NAME REGISTRATION State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia, 2020, 2021. PHRISTAL R GREENE HER
State of Georgia, OF TRADE NAME County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb ESTATE ADMINISTRATOR
County of DeKalb State of Georgia, The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby 390-469008 EXECUTOR AND HEIRS
The undersigned hereby County of DeKalb certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS KNOWN AND UNKNOWN
certifies that they are conduct- The undersigned hereby ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of 22-R22381071-NOV-KDD AND TO ALL THE WORLD
ing a business in the County of certifies that they are conduct- DeKalb, at 2998 Panola Road, DeKalb, at 4679 Glenshire Pl DeKalb, at 2061 Hessian Court To: Owner/Tenant: All that parcel of land being de-
DeKalb, at 4369 Carrollwood Dr ing a business in the County of Ste 100 Stonecrest, GA 30038, Dunwoody, GA 30338, in the Stone Mountain, GA 30087, in OAK HILL SPRINGS LLC scribed as Parcel 15 136 01
Stone Mountain, GA 30083, in DeKalb, at 2865 Winter Rose in the State of Georgia, under State of Georgia, under the the State of Georgia, under the Defendant: 109 and 3025 R THRASHER
the State of Georgia, under the Court Atlanta, GA 30360, in the the name ++Panola Family name ++FaceLume++. Said name ++Georgia Women Con- OAK HILL SPRINGS LLC CIR in deed book 03531 page
name ++Joi's World Events++. State of Georgia, under the Dental++. Said business has business has been registered nect++. Said business has All that parcel of land being de- 00078 less and except all par-
Said business has been re- name ++Moving Target ATL been registered under Georgia under been registered under New scribed as Parcel 16 187 02 cels other than 15 136 01 109.
gistered. Northeast++. Said business Dental Professionals, PC. LLC. Power, Inc. 087 and 1926 OAK HILL Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
This affidavit is made in compli- has been registered under Al- This affidavit is made in compli- This affidavit is made in compli- This affidavit is made in compli- SPRINGS BLVD in deed book amount of $2,471.21 to satisfy
ance with GA Code Annotated, lison Events and Entertain- ance with GA Code Annotated, ance with GA Code Annotated, ance with GA Code Annotated, 12544 page 00563 less and ex- certain state, county, and city
Title 10, Chapter 1, Section ment LLC. Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Title 10, Chapter 1, Section cept all parcels other than 16 fieri facias For tax, penalties,
490. This affidavit is made in compli- 490. 490. 490. 187 02 087. interest and legal cost for
Dunlap, Christen ance with GA Code Annotated, Clarke, Michele Malik, Preeti Manrow, Melissa Faye Levied on 09/08/2022 for the year(s) 2006, 2007, 2008,
Applicant / Owner Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Applicant / Owner Applicant / Owner Applicant / Owner amount of $6,253.12 to satisfy 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013,
Sworn to and subscribed this 490. Sworn to and subscribed this Sworn to and subscribed this Sworn to and subscribed this certain state, county, and city 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018,
6th day of September, 2022. Allison, Bryan 16th day of September, 2022. 19th day of September, 2022. 19th day of September, 2022. fieri facias For tax, penalties, 2019, 2020, 2021.
Instrument number Applicant / Owner Instrument number Instrument number Instrument number interest and legal cost for
2022TN00412 Sworn to and subscribed this 2022TN00428 2022TN00433 2022TN00436 year(s) 2008, 2009, 2010,
Filed on September 6, 2022 15th day of September, 2022. Filed on September 16, 2022 Filed on September 19, 2022 Filed on September 19, 2022 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015,
Debra DeBerry Instrument number Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020,
Clerk of Superior Court 2022TN00425 Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court 2021.
In DeKalb County, Georgia Filed on September 15, 2022 In DeKalb County, Georgia In DeKalb County, Georgia In DeKalb County, Georgia
Debra DeBerry
Clerk of Superior Court
In DeKalb County, Georgia
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 Page 49
390-469012 390-469016 390-469019 390-469022 390-469026 390-469030 390-469034
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
22-R22457036-NOV-JFC 22-R22458953-NOV-MLP 22-R22461356-NOV-KDD 22-R22464403-NOV-KDD 22-R22465419-NOV-KDD 22-R22466982-NOV-MLP 22-R22469081-NOV-JFC
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: Defendant: All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- 008 and 262 OHM AVE in deed
scribed as Parcel 15 138 06 FRAN PENSADO HIS ES- JOHN A FOSTER HIS ES- scribed as Parcel 16 009 01 scribed as Parcel 16 035 01 scribed as Parcel 16 109 04 book 00631 page 00442 less
086 and 2557 R BRENTFORD TATE ADMINISTRATOR EX- TATE ADMINISTRATOR EX- 006 and 2717 SHELL BARK 362 and 5281 R KEMPER PL 018 and 3552 SERENITY LN in and except all parcels other
PL in deed book 13348 page ECUTOR AND HEIRS KNOWN ECUTOR AND HEIRS KNOWN RD in deed book 19470 page in deed book 05703 page deed book 15549 page 00028 than 18 009 22 008.
00544 less and except all par- AND UNKNOWN AND TO ALL AND UNKNOWN AND TO ALL 00477 less and except all par- 00180 less and except all par- less and except all parcels oth- Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
cels other than 15 138 06 086. THE WORLD THE WORLD cels other than 16 009 01 006. cels other than 16 035 01 362. er than 16 109 04 018. amount of $3,035 to satisfy cer-
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the tain state, county, and city fieri
amount of $3,133.14 to satisfy scribed as Parcel 15 167 08 scribed as Parcel 15 199 04 amount of $4,814.49 to satisfy amount of $1,533.32 to satisfy amount of $5,508.93 to satisfy facias For tax, penalties, in-
certain state, county, and city 006 and 1978 SHAMROCK DR 142 and 3305 ALVERADO certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city terest and legal cost for year(s)
fieri facias For tax, penalties, in deed book 01542 page WAY in deed book 03496 page fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,
interest and legal cost for 00536 less and except all par- 00360 less and except all par- interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,
year(s) 2011, 2012, 2013, cels other than 15 167 08 006. cels other than 15 199 04 142. year(s) 2009, 2010, 2011, year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, year(s) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.
2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013,
2019, 2020, 2021. amount of $3,630.42 to satisfy amount of $1,506.43 to satisfy 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018,
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city 390-469023 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. 2019, 2020, 2021. 390-469035
390-469013 fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for 22-R22470297-NOV-JFC
22-R22464696-NOV-KDD 390-469031
22-R22457145-NOV-JFC year(s) 2009, 2010, 2011, year(s) 2009, 2010, 2011, To: Owner/Tenant:
To: Owner/Tenant: 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
To: Owner/Tenant: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 390-469027 E D SHONE JR HIS ESTATE
MRS E C AKINS HER ES- 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. 2019, 2020, 2021. 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS ADMINISTRATOR EXECUT-
Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant:
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS All that parcel of land being de- B M C SERVICES INC
22-R22459793-NOV-MLP 22-R22461994-NOV-JFC scribed as Parcel 16 060 01 Defendant:
THE WORLD INC Defendant:
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: 037 and 1757 CHARMETH RD B M C HOMELAND
Defendant: Defendant: E D SHONE JR HIS ESTATE
Defendant: UNRETURNED PARCEL 00588 less and except all par- All that parcel of land being de-
EDWARD L HOWELL Defendant: cels other than 16 060 01 037. scribed as Parcel 16 123 05
All that parcel of land being de- UNKNOWN OWNER Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 080 and 6490 MARBUT RD in
scribed as Parcel 15 177 04 UNRETURNED PARCEL amount of $4,519.40 to satisfy deed book 05823 page 00014
THE WORLD All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de-
023 and 1194 TRENTON ST All that parcel of land being de- certain state, county, and city less and except all parcels oth-
All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 16 046 02 scribed as Parcel 18 043 02
SE in deed book 00899 page scribed as Parcel 15 206 03 fieri facias For tax, penalties, er than 16 123 05 080.
scribed as Parcel 15 149 07 074 and 5396 BEECHWOOD 083 and 558 R DOYAL MILLS
00199 less and except all par- 032 and 0 DEARBORN ST SE interest and legal cost for Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
033 and 2124 R 2ND ST in FOREST DR in deed book CT in deed book 02064 page
cels other than 15 177 04 023. in deed book page less and ex- year(s) 2008, 2009, 2010, amount of 2,313.66 to satisfy
deed book - page less and ex- 09962 page 00697 less and ex- 00397 less and except all par-
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the cept all parcels other than 15 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, certain state, county, and city
cept all parcels other than 15 cept all parcels other than 16 cels other than 18 043 02 083.
amount of $8,630.58 to satisfy 206 03 032. 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
149 07 033. 046 02 074. Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 2021. interest and legal cost for
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the amount of $3,717.98 to satisfy
fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $6,267.49 to satisfy 390-469024 year(s) 2007, 2008, 2009,
amount of $4,716.50 to satisfy amount of $2,820.22 to satisfy certain state, county, and city
interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014,
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties,
year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, fieri facias For tax, penalties, 22-R22464832-NOV-MLP 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019,
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, interest and legal cost for To: Owner/Tenant: 2020, 2021.
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007,
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, WAYNE A SCOTT
year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,
2018, 2021. 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, Defendant:
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,
390-469018 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, WAYNE A SCOTT 390-469032
2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 2018, 2021. All that parcel of land being de- 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
2019, 2020, 2021. 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.
22-R22459840-NOV-KDD 390-469021 scribed as Parcel 16 061 08 22-R22467944-NOV-KDD
390-469014 To: Owner/Tenant: 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 003 and 1620 CIRCLESTONE To: Owner/Tenant:
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS UNITED COMPANIES MORT- 22-R22464304-NOV-KDD LN in deed book 10714 page STERLING MILTON KEY 390-469036
22-R22457166-NOV-DJE GAGE OF To:Owner/Tenant: 00308 less and except all par- ELGIN RESHARD KEY 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
To: Owner/Tenant: GEORGIA INC KENNETH G HIGHTOWER cels other than 16 061 08 003. 390-469028 Defendant: 22-R22470376-NOV-KDD
SE HYON MORO Defendant: HIS ESTATE ADMINISTRAT- Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS STERLING MILTON KEY To:Owner/Tenant:
CORP GAGE OF KNOWN AND UNKNOWN certain state, county, and city To: Owner/Tenant: All that parcel of land being de- Defendant:
Defendant: GEORGIA INC AND TO ALL THE WORLD fieri facias For tax, penalties, REL PROPERTIES INC scribed as Parcel 16 102 05 EDMONDSON CICERO
SE HYON MORO All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: interest and legal cost for Defendant: 034 and 1954 PHILLIPS RD in All that parcel of land being de-
SHAWN DEV & INVESTMENT scribed as Parcel 15 191 01 KENNETH G HIGHTOWER year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, REL PROPERTIES INC deed book 02036 page 00325 scribed as Parcel 18 046 03
CORP 126 and 4508 DENISE DR in HIS ESTATE ADMINISTRAT- 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, All that parcel of land being de- less and except all parcels oth- 053 and 3174 BLANTON DR in
All that parcel of land being de- deed book 06681 page 00294 OR EXECUTOR AND HEIRS 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, scribed as Parcel 16 051 02 er than 16 102 05 034. deed book 00136 page 00306
scribed as Parcel 15 131 01 less and except all parcels oth- KNOWN AND UNKNOWN 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. 016 and 5609 WINCHESTER Levied on 09/08/2022 for the less and except all parcels oth-
113 and 2312 GREENWAY DR er than 15 191 01 126. AND TO ALL THE WORLD PL in deed book 09208 page amount of $3,274.27 to satisfy er than 18 046 03 053.
390-469025 00526 less and except all par- Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
in deed book 11102 page Levied on 09/08/2022 for the All that parcel of land being de- 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS certain state, county, and city
00709 less and except all par- amount of $4,701.10 to satisfy scribed as Parcel 16 005 02 cels other than 16 051 02 016. fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $3,672.65 to satisfy
22-R22465306-NOV-MLP Levied on 09/08/2022 for the certain state, county, and city
cels other than 15 131 01 113. certain state, county, and city 008 and 4767 BRIARBEND To: Owner/Tenant: interest and legal cost for
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the fieri facias For tax, penalties, TRCE in deed book 08517 amount of $5,711.16 to satisfy year(s) 2013, 2014, 2015, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
WAYNE A SCOTT certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for
amount of $4,319.89 to satisfy interest and legal cost for page 00420 less and except all Defendant: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020,
certain state, county, and city year(s) 2007, 2008, 2009, parcels other than 16 005 02 fieri facias For tax, penalties, 2021. year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007,
WAYNE A SCOTT interest and legal cost for 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,
fieri facias For tax, penalties, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 008. All that parcel of land being de-
interest and legal cost for 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, Levied on 09/08/2022 for the year(s) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018,
scribed as Parcel 16 035 01 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 390-469033 2019, 2020, 2021.
year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2020, 2021. amount of $5,446.57 to satisfy 263 and 1177 MUIRFOREST
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, certain state, county, and city 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
DR in deed book 10714 page 2020, 2021. 22-R22468103-NOV-KDD
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, fieri facias For tax, penalties, 00308 less and except all par-
2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. interest and legal cost for To: Owner/Tenant: 390-469037
cels other than 16 035 01 263. BARBARA J ROGERS BAR- 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
year(s) 2011, 2012, 2013, Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
390-469015 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, RENTINE 22-R22470451-NOV-MLP
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS amount of $2,411.93 to satisfy WILLIAM JESSE ROGERS To: Owner/Tenant:
2019, 2020, 2021. 390-469029
22-R22457242-NOV-MLP certain state, county, and city EST W B HAIRSTON EST
To: Owner/Tenant: fieri facias For tax, penalties, Defendant: JACQUELYN W HAIRSTON
WESLEY D GRIFFIN interest and legal cost for BARBARA J ROGERS BAR- EXEC
To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, RENTINE Defendant: W B HAIRSTON
WESLEY D GRIFFIN 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, WILLIAM JESSE ROGERS EST
All that parcel of land being de- 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, EST JACQUELYN W HAIRSTON
scribed as Parcel 15 149 09 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. All that parcel of land being de- EXEC
All that parcel of land being de-
026 and 2004 R GARDEN CIR scribed as Parcel 16 068 07 scribed as Parcel 16 167 08 All that parcel of land being de-
REAR in deed book 00881 029 and 1600 STONELEIGH 028 and 2229 JACKSON- scribed as Parcel 18 047 22
page 00584 less and except all HILL RD in deed book 10352 VILLE RD in deed book 05656 014 and 432 OHM AVE in deed
parcels other than 15 149 09 page 00611 less and except all page 00690 less and except all book 03283 page 00513 less
026. parcels other than 16 068 07 parcels other than 16 167 08 and except all parcels other
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 029. 028. than 18 047 22 014.
amount of $4,419.79 to satisfy Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
certain state, county, and city amount of $4,126.89 to satisfy amount of $4,232.10 to satisfy amount of $1,601.67 to satisfy
fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city
interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, year(s) 2010, 2011, 2012, year(s) 2011, 2012, 2013, year(s) 2011, 2012, 2013,
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018,
2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. 2019, 2020, 2021. 2019, 2020, 2021.
Page 50 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 
390-469038 390-469042 390-469046 390-469050 390-469054 390-469058 390-469061
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
22-R22470501-NOV-JFC 22-R22472017-NOV-KDD 22-R22473277-NOV-MLP 22-R22477641-NOV-JFC 22-R22483757-NOV-MLP 22-R22489146-NOV-MLP 22-R22490432-NOV-KDD
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- AND UNKNOWN AND TO ALL EXEC & UNKNOWN OWNER
BROWN JOHNSON EST AD- scribed as Parcel 18 068 11 scribed as Parcel 18 135 02 scribed as Parcel 18 375 02 THE WORLD Defendant: UNRETURNED PROPERTY
MIN EXEC & 100 and 6738 HESTERS CT in 002 and 1480 SILVER HILL RD 102 and 5393 MOUNT VER- Defendant: OREL JONES EST ADMIN EX- All that parcel of land being de-
HEIRS KNWN & UNKNWN deed book 19737 page 00755 in deed book 04158 page NON WAY in deed book 06444 MORRIS G KELLY HIS ES- EC & scribed as Parcel 18 187 01
All that parcel of land being de- less and except all parcels oth- 00149 less and except all par- page 00388 less and except all TATE ADMINISTRATOR EX- LEROY JONES EST ADMIN 245 and 2085 SHADY LN in
scribed as Parcel 18 047 23 er than 18 068 11 100. cels other than 18 135 02 002. parcels other than 18 375 02 ECUTOR AND HEIRS KNOWN EXEC & deed book - page less and ex-
016 and 458 BOOKER AVE in Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 102. AND UNKNOWN AND TO ALL All that parcel of land being de- cept all parcels other than 18
deed book 00535 page 00470 amount of $4,495.77 to satisfy amount of $2,436.57 to satisfy Levied on 09/08/2022 for the THE WORLD scribed as Parcel 18 046 03 187 01 245.
less and except all parcels oth- certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city amount of $2,885.82 to satisfy All that parcel of land being de- 005 and 3147 MCHENRY AVE Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
er than 18 047 23 016. fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city scribed as Parcel 15 135 13 in deed book 00642 page amount of $866.05 to satisfy
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, 025 and 3161 COLUMBIA 00502 less and except all par- certain state, county, and city
amount of $3,309.12 to satisfy year(s) 2011, 2012, 2013, year(s) 2006, 2007, 2008, interest and legal cost for WOODS DR in deed book cels other than 18 046 03 005. fieri facias For tax, penalties,
certain state, county, and city 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, 02642 page 00569 less and ex- Levied on 09/08/2022 for the interest and legal cost for
fieri facias For tax, penalties, 2019. 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, cept all parcels other than 15 amount of $2,618.69 to satisfy year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007,
interest and legal cost for 2019, 2020, 2021. 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 135 13 025. certain state, county, and city 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,
year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, 390-469047 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. Levied on 09/08/2022 for the fieri facias For tax, penalties, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018,
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS amount of $2,108 to satisfy cer- interest and legal cost for 2019, 2020, 2021.
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 390-469043 22-R22474013-NOV-KDD tain state, county, and city fieri year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, 390-469062
2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS To:Owner/Tenant: 390-469051 facias For tax, penalties, in- 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
22-R22472186-NOV-JFC NOAH DOSS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS terest and legal cost for year(s) 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 22-R22490439-NOV-KDD
To: Owner/Tenant: CLARA DOSS EST 22-R22477723-NOV-JFC 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. To: Owner/Tenant: EDWARDS
390-469039 M A PUSATERI TRUSTEE To: Owner/Tenant: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014,
Defendant: 390-469059 CO
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS MEDLOCK PARK PRESERVA- ALBEMARLE INC 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019,
NOAH DOSS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS Defendant:
22-R22470565-NOV-JFC TION TRST Defendant: 2020, 2021.
To: Owner/Tenant: Defendant: ALBEMARLE INC
All that parcel of land being de- 390-469055 To:Owner/Tenant: All that parcel of land being de-
MARY EMILY BREWER M A PUSATERI TRUSTEE All that parcel of land being de-
scribed as Parcel 18 224 01 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS GEORGE WHITAKER HIS EST scribed as Parcel 18 187 01
020 and 4488 R 22-R22484115-NOV-KDD ADMIN 246 and 2065 SHADY LN in
Defendant: TION TRST 202 and 5545 R MARTINA
LAWRENCEVILLE HWY in To: Owner/Tenant: EXEC HEIRS KNOWN & UN- deed book - page less and ex-
MARY EMILY BREWER All that parcel of land being de- WAY in deed book 02005 page
deed book 01838 page 00454 REX E COGAR KNOW cept all parcels other than 18
SURVARIA BREWER scribed as Parcel 18 102 09 00243 less and except all par-
less and except all parcels oth- C E BRADLEY Defendant: 187 01 246.
All that parcel of land being de- 035 and 2341 R HUNTING cels other than 18 379 01 202.
er than 18 224 01 020. Defendant: GEORGE WHITAKER HIS EST Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
scribed as Parcel 18 047 26 VALLEY DR REAR in deed Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the REX E COGAR ADMIN amount of $866.05 to satisfy
017 and 3132 WALKER ST in book 13009 page 00178 less amount of $3,702.81 to satisfy
amount of $3,822.43 to satisfy C E BRADLEY EXEC HEIRS KNOWN & UN- certain state, county, and city
deed book 03387 page 00185 and except all parcels other certain state, county, and city
certain state, county, and city All that parcel of land being de- KNOW fieri facias For tax, penalties,
less and except all parcels oth- than 18 102 09 035. fieri facias For tax, penalties,
fieri facias For tax, penalties, scribed as Parcel 15 149 04 All that parcel of land being de- interest and legal cost for
er than 18 047 26 017. Levied on 09/08/2022 for the interest and legal cost for
interest and legal cost for 170 and 0 ROCKHAVEN CIR in scribed as Parcel 18 046 03 year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007,
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the amount of $2,212.67 to satisfy year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007,
year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, deed book 01090 page 00218 036 and 3198 GRANBY AVE in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,
amount of $3,627.99 to satisfy certain state, county, and city 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, less and except all parcels oth- deed book 00100 page 00411 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,
certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, er than 15 149 04 170. less and except all parcels oth- 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.
fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.
2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. Levied on 09/08/2022 for the er than 18 046 03 036. 390-469063
interest and legal cost for year(s) 2008, 2010, 2011,
year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, 390-469048 amount of $991.08 to satisfy Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 390-469052 certain state, county, and city amount of $2,510.33 to satisfy 22-R22490889-NOV-JFC
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 22-R22476631-NOV-MLP 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city To: Owner/Tenant:
2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. To: Owner/Tenant: 22-R22483707-NOV-MLP interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, H J RICHARDSON
EMBRY CONSTRUCTION To: Owner/Tenant: year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, interest and legal cost for Defendant:
COMPANY KELLEY W B JR 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, H J RICHARDSON
390-469040 390-469044 Defendant: Defendant: 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, All that parcel of land being de-
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS EMBRY CONSTRUCTION KELLEY W B JR 2019, 2020, 2021. 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, scribed as Parcel 18 282 01
22-R22470624-NOV-KDD 22-R22472214-NOV-JFC COMPANY All that parcel of land being de- 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. 049 and 2985 FAIRLANE DR in
To: Owner/Tenant: 390-469056
To: Owner/Tenant: All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 15 127 01 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 390-469060 deed book 01337 page 00178
LUCY REESE EST ADMINEX- M A PUSATERI TRUSTEE scribed as Parcel 18 312 01 104 and 2610 PLEASANT 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS less and except all parcels oth-
EC 052 and 3555 R SANTA FE WOOD DR in deed book 00445 To: Owner/Tenant: 22-R22489463-NOV-MLP er than 18 282 01 049.
& HEIRS KNWN & UNWKNWN TION TRST TRL in deed book 01707 page page 00185 less and except all To: Owner/Tenant: Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
Defendant: REX E COGAR
Defendant: 00098 less and except all par- parcels other than 15 127 01 C E BRADLEY VIRGINIA D BURDETTE HER amount of $4,363.16 to satisfy
LUCY REESE EST ADMINEX- M A PUSATERI TRUSTEE cels other than 18 312 01 052. 104. ESTATE ADMINISTRATOR certain state, county, and city
EC Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the REX E COGAR EXECUTOR AND HEIRS fieri facias For tax, penalties,
& HEIRS KNWN & UNWKNWN TION TRST amount of $6,330.69 to satisfy amount of $3,942.24 to satisfy KNOWN AND UNKNOWN interest and legal cost for
All that parcel of land being de- C E BRADLEY
All that parcel of land being de- certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city COGAR REX E AND TO ALL THE WORLD year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007,
scribed as Parcel 18 046 03 scribed as Parcel 18 102 09 fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, Defendant: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,
039 and 2327 R HUNTING All that parcel of land being de-
195 and 3218 BLANTON DR in interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for scribed as Parcel 15 149 04 VIRGINIA D BURDETTE 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018,
deed book 00130 page 00429 VALLEY DR REAR in deed year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, HERESTATE ADMINISTRAT- 2019, 2020, 2021.
book 13009 page 00178 less 171 and 2154 ROCKHAVEN
less and except all parcels oth- 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, CIR in deed book 01090 page OR EXECUTOR AND HEIRS 390-469064
er than 18 046 03 195. and except all parcels other 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, KNOWN AND UNKNOWN
00218 less and except all par- 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the than 18 102 09 039. 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. AND TO ALL THE WORLD
cels other than 15 149 04 171. 22-R30006511-NOV-DJE
amount of $3,369.20 to satisfy Levied on 09/08/2022 for the All that parcel of land being de-
390-469049 Levied on 09/08/2022 for the To: Owner/Tenant:
certain state, county, and city amount of $2,147.49 to satisfy scribed as Parcel 18 047 23
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS amount of $750.58 to satisfy CHAPMAN VENTURES LLC
fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city 390-469053 028 and 434 BOOKER AVE in
22-R22477045-NOV-JFC certain state, county, and city Defendant:
interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS deed book 00156 page 00554
To: Owner/Tenant: fieri facias For tax, penalties, CHAPMAN VENTURES LLC
year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, interest and legal cost for 22-R22483750-NOV-MLP less and except all parcels oth-
ROSE HOMES INC interest and legal cost for All that parcel of land being de-
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, year(s) 2010, 2011, 2012, To: Owner/Tenant: er than 18 047 23 028.
Defendant: year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, scribed as Parcel 18 185 04
2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, MORRIS G KELLY HIS ES- Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
ROSE HOMES INC 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 058 and 1885 HERBERT DR in
2019, 2020, 2021. 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. TATE ADMINISTRATOR EX- amount of $2,485.26 to satisfy
All that parcel of land being de- 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, deed book 20743 page 00577
ECUTOR AND HEIRS KNOWN certain state, county, and city less and except all parcels oth-
scribed as Parcel 18 336 06 2019, 2020, 2021.
AND UNKNOWN AND TO ALL fieri facias For tax, penalties, er than 18 185 04 058.
034 and 4083 TILLY MILL RD
390-469041 THE WORLD 390-469057 interest and legal cost for
in deed book 09730 page Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 390-469045 Defendant: 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007,
00385 less and except all par- amount of 3,944.25 to satisfy
22-R22471947-NOV-MLP 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS MORRIS G KELLY HIS ES- 22-R22488931-NOV-JFC 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,
cels other than 18 336 06 034. certain state, county, and city
To: Owner/Tenant: 22-R22472985-NOV-MLP TATE ADMINISTRATOR EX- To: Owner/Tenant: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the fieri facias For tax, penalties,
amount of $6,358.85 to satisfy interest and legal cost for
certain state, county, and city year(s) 2012, 2013, 2014,
Defendant: Defendant: THE WORLD Defendant:
fieri facias For tax, penalties, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019,
interest and legal cost for 2020, 2021.
MICHAEL A ORR All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 15 135 12 MASTERS ASSOCIATION INC
year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007,
All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 18 122 08 121 and 3166 COLUMBIA All that parcel of land being de-
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,
scribed as Parcel 18 072 04 052 and 4386 ELEGANCE DR WOODS DR in deed book scribed as Parcel 18 025 04
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,
034 and 719 N HAIRSTON RD in deed book 04159 page 02642 page 00569 less and ex- 026 and 851 BILTMORE CT in
2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.
in deed book 21598 page 00153 less and except all par- cept all parcels other than 15 deed book 13997 page 00218
00768 less and except all par- cels other than 18 122 08 052. 135 12 121. less and except all parcels oth-
cels other than 18 072 04 034. Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the er than 18 025 04 026.
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the amount of $2,446.72 to satisfy amount of $2,074.00 to satisfy Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
amount of $4,766.44 to satisfy certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city amount of $3,198.80 to satisfy
certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city
fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties,
interest and legal cost for year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, year(s) 2008, 2010, 2011,
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016,
2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 Page 51
390-469065 390-469069 390-469073 390-469077 390-469081 390-469085 390-469089
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
22-R30006783-NOV-JFC 22-R30021019-NOV-MLP 22-R30054573-NOV-MLP 22-R30074513-NOV-JFC 22-R30092701-NOV-JFC 22-R30112427-NOV-KDD 22-R30122893-NOV-JFC
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: Defendant: EXECUTOR AND HEIRS Defendant: MARY ANN FOUNTAIN C Z KELL Defendant:
SUTTON VILLAGE C C COMMERCIAL KNOWN AND UNKNOWN NEGASH AREFA All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- I R C CONSTRUCTION CO
HOMEOWNERS ASSO DELAWARE L L C AND TO ALL THE WORLD ABDULKERIM SHEMSHIA scribed as Parcel 15 116 09 scribed as Parcel 15 169 01 INC
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: All that parcel of land being de- 004 and 2910 ROCKCLIFF RD 317 and 3445 CRESCENT DR All that parcel of land being de-
scribed as Parcel 18 066 14 scribed as Parcel 15 220 02 EDWIN L MCELHANNON HIS scribed as Parcel 18 068 12 SE in deed book 24224 page in deed book 00591 page scribed as Parcel 18 214 15
001 and 706 JOLLY AVE S in 065 and 3945 COVINGTON ESTATE ADMINISTRATOR 099 and 6941 BRANNON HILL 00340 less and except all par- 00351 less and except all par- 012 and 4286 3RD AVE in
deed book 05129 page 00278 HWY in deed book 08895 page EXECUTOR AND HEIRS RD in deed book 22436 page cels other than 15 116 09 004. cels other than 15 169 01 317. deed book 07992 page 00298
less and except all parcels oth- 00007 less and except all par- KNOWN AND UNKNOWN 00477 less and except all par- Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the less and except all parcels oth-
er than 18 066 14 001. cels other than 15 220 02 065. AND TO ALL THE WORLD cels other than 18 068 12 099. amount of $804.25 to satisfy amount of $1,457.29 to satisfy er than 18 214 15 012.
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the All that parcel of land being de- Levied on 09/08/2022 for the certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
amount of $4,428.79 to satisfy amount of $4,933.06 to satisfy scribed as Parcel 15 194 14 amount of $1,751.48 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $2,270.04 to satisfy
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city 001 and 4350 R CARROLL- certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, WOOD DR in deed book 07783 fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2016. year(s) 2017, 2018, 2019, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for page 00446 less and except all interest and legal cost for 390-469082 2020, 2021. interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2012, 2013, 2014, year(s) 2012, 2013, 2014, parcels other than 15 194 14 year(s) 2019, 2020, 2021. 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 390-469086 year(s) 2017, 2019, 2020,
2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 001. 390-469078 22-R30092702-NOV-JFC 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 2021.
2020, 2021. 2020, 2021. Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS To: Owner/Tenant: 22-R30113634-NOV-MLP 390-469090
390-469070 amount of $2,500.38 to satisfy 22-R30077576-NOV-JFC MARY ANN FOUNTAIN To: Owner/Tenant: 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
390-469066 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS certain state, county, and city To: Owner/Tenant: Defendant: ERA ESTEL YOUNG 22-R30128402-NOV-KDD
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 22-R30030080-NOV-KDD fieri facias For tax, penalties, OASIS HEALTHECARE SYS- MARY ANN FOUNTAIN Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant:
22-R30007857-NOV-KDD To: Owner/Tenant: interest and legal cost for TEMS LLC All that parcel of land being de- ERA ESTEL YOUNG TOWER FINANCIAL LLC
To: Owner/Tenant: PAMELA J COLLINS year(s) 2014, 2015, 2016, RC3WORLD INC scribed as Parcel 15 116 09 All that parcel of land being de- THE JOHN FALLON CO INC
MARSHALL D NELSON Defendant: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. Defendant: 005 and 2894 ROCKCLIFF RD scribed as Parcel 15 197 02 Defendant:
Defendant: All that parcel of land being de- TEMS LLC 00340 less and except all par- PL in deed book 01311 page THE JOHN FALLON CO INC
MARSHALL D NELSON scribed as Parcel 18 200 04 390-469074 RC3WORLD INC cels other than 15 116 09 005. 00454 less and except all par- All that parcel of land being de-
DINAH F NELSON 045 and 1459 N DRUID HILLS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS All that parcel of land being de- Levied on 09/08/2022 for the cels other than 15 197 02 036. scribed as Parcel 15 054 01
All that parcel of land being de- RD in deed book 05980 page 22-R30062953-NOV-JFC scribed as Parcel 16 038 02 amount of $777.29 to satisfy Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 098 and 3518 SANTA LETA
scribed as Parcel 15 171 11 00424 less and except all par- To:Owner/Tenant: 067 and 2034 PANOLA WAY certain state, county, and city amount of $1,355.57 to satisfy DR in deed book 04403 page
055 and 517 R ALLENDALE cels other than 18 200 04 045. MARY ANN FOUNTAIN CT in deed book 22491 page fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city 00303 less and except all par-
DR in deed book 06932 page Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Defendant: 00069 less and except all par- interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, cels other than 15 054 01 098.
00364 less and except all par- amount of $1,661.93 to satisfy MARY ANN FOUNTAIN cels other than 16 038 02 067. year(s) 2016. interest and legal cost for Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
cels other than 15 171 11 055. certain state, county, and city All that parcel of land being de- Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 390-469083 year(s) 2017, 2018, 2019, amount of $1,574.62 to satisfy
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the fieri facias For tax, penalties, scribed as Parcel 15 116 09 amount of $3,060.13 to satisfy 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 2020, 2021. certain state, county, and city
amount of $2,158.77 to satisfy interest and legal cost for 006 and 2888 ROCKCLIFF RD certain state, county, and city 22-R30094053-NOV-JFC 390-469087 fieri facias For tax, penalties,
certain state, county, and city year(s) 2013, 2014, 2015, SE in deed book 24224 page fieri facias For tax, penalties, To: Owner/Tenant: 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS interest and legal cost for
fieri facias For tax, penalties, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 00340 less and except all par- interest and legal cost for LILLIE ALLEN LYONS 22-R30122514-NOV-JFC year(s) 2018, 2019, 2020,
interest and legal cost for 2021. cels other than 15 116 09 006. year(s) 2015, 2016, 2017, WILLOWDALE INVEST- To: Owner/Tenant: 2021.
year(s) 2012, 2013, 2014, Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. MENTS LLC RYAN HOMES INC 390-469091
2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, amount of $480.96 to satisfy 390-469079 Defendant: TAX DEPT 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
2020, 2021. certain state, county, and city 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS LILLIE ALLEN LYONS Defendant: 22-R30130631-NOV-MLP
fieri facias For tax, penalties, 22-R30081129-NOV-JFC WILLOWDALE INVEST- RYAN HOMES INC To: Owner/Tenant:
To: Owner/Tenant:
interest and legal cost for To: Owner/Tenant: MENTS LLC TAX DEPT NRT INVESTMENTS LLC
year(s) 2015, 2016. CARLTON ADAMS All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- ROBERT L WILLIAMS JR
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS Defendant:
22-R30009736-NOV-KDD LEONARD E BUFFINGTON NORMAN ADAMS scribed as Parcel 16 169 02 scribed as Parcel 18 198 06 Defendant:
To: Owner/Tenant: All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: 028 and 7547 CONYERS ST in 012 and 1900 CURTIS DR in NRT INVESTMENTS LLC
390-469075 CARLTON ADAMS deed book 24427 page 00485 deed book 05657 page 00459 ROBERT L WILLIAMS JR
SHEDRICK HARRIS HIS ES- scribed as Parcel 18 145 02
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS NORMAN ADAMS less and except all parcels oth- less and except all parcels oth- All that parcel of land being de-
22-R30067376-NOV-KDD All that parcel of land being de- er than 16 169 02 028. er than 18 198 06 012. scribed as Parcel 15 137 09
ECUTOR AND HEIRS KNOWN in deed book 22080 page
To: Owner/Tenant: scribed as Parcel 18 074 03 Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 031 and 2304 R AMBER WAY
AND UNKNOWN AND TO ALL 00356 less and except all par-
GRADY J DAVIS 023 and 631 STONE MOUN- amount of $1,754.88 to satisfy amount of $1,773.31 to satisfy in deed book 25948 page
THE WORLD cels other than 18 145 02 114.
Defendant: TAIN LITHO RD in deed book certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city 00707 less and except all par-
Defendant: Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
GRADY J DAVIS 06349 page 00732 less and ex- fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, cels other than 15 137 09 031.
SHEDRICK HARRIS HIS ES- amount of $2,790.15 to satisfy
All that parcel of land being de- cept all parcels other than 18 interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
TATE ADMINISTRATOR EX- certain state, county, and city
scribed as Parcel 16 007 02 074 03 023. year(s) 2016, 2017, 2018, year(s) 2017, 2018, 2019, amount of $3,154.99 to satisfy
ECUTOR AND HEIRS KNOWN fieri facias For tax, penalties,
002 and 5656 COVINGTON Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 2019, 2020, 2021. 2020, 2021. certain state, county, and city
AND UNKNOWN AND TO ALL interest and legal cost for
HWY in deed book - page less amount of $1,634.53 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties,
THE WORLD year(s) 2013, 2014, 2015, 390-469084 390-469088
and except all parcels other certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for
All that parcel of land being de- 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
than 16 007 02 002. fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007,
scribed as Parcel 18 068 11 2021. 22-R30098062-NOV-MLP 22-R30122642-NOV-KDD
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the interest and legal cost for 2008, 2019, 2020, 2021.
082 and 6710 HESTERS CT in 390-469072 To: Owner/Tenant: To:Owner/Tenant:
amount of $1,544.91 to satisfy year(s) 2015, 2016, 2017,
deed book 22995 page 00487 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS COLLAZO AMY M THIRD MILLENNIUM DEVEL- 390-469092
certain state, county, and city 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.
less and except all parcels oth- 22-R30038327-NOV-JFC COLLAZO LOUIS JAVIER OPMENT 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
fieri facias For tax, penalties,
er than 18 068 11 082. To: Owner/Tenant: 390-469080 Defendant: Defendant: 22-R30133055-NOV-KDD
interest and legal cost for
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the MARION POPE 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS COLLAZO AMY M THIRD MILLENNIUM DEVEL- To: Owner/Tenant:
year(s) 2015, 2016, 2017,
amount of $1,925.49 to satisfy Defendant: 22-R30092700-NOV-JFC COLLAZO LOUIS JAVIER OPMENT COPELAND COMRIE
2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.
certain state, county, and city MARION POPE To: Owner/Tenant: All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- LINCOLN DACOSTA
fieri facias For tax, penalties, All that parcel of land being de- MARY ANN FOUNTAIN scribed as Parcel 15 174 08 scribed as Parcel 18 201 16 Defendant:
interest and legal cost for scribed as Parcel 16 109 02 Defendant: 078 and 1806 BRAEBURN CIR 027 and 2158 MILLENNIUM COPELAND COMRIE
390-469076 in deed book page less and ex-
year(s) 2009, 2010, 2011, 018 and 3564 RAGSDALE RD MARY ANN FOUNTAIN WAY in deed book 10092 page LINCOLN DACOSTA
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS cept all parcels other than 15
2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, in deed book page less and ex- All that parcel of land being de- 00274 less and except all par- All that parcel of land being de-
22-R30069097-NOV-JFC 174 08 078.
2017, 2018, 2019. cept all parcels other than 16 scribed as Parcel 15 116 09 cels other than 18 201 16 027. scribed as Parcel 15 196 01
To: Owner/Tenant: Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
109 02 018. 003 and 2916 ROCKCLIFF RD Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 037 and 4432 W INDIAN
OBIE HOWELL HIS ESTATE amount of $1,291.27 to satisfy
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the SE in deed book 24224 page amount of $1,609.48 to satisfy CREEK CIR in deed book
390-469068 ADMINISTRATOR EXECUT- certain state, county, and city
amount of $3,566.34 to satisfy 00342 less and except all par- certain state, county, and city 12737 page 00314 less and ex-
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS OR AND HEIRS KNOWN AND fieri facias For tax, penalties,
certain state, county, and city cels other than 15 116 09 003. fieri facias For tax, penalties, cept all parcels other than 15
22-R30016798-NOV-KDD UNKNOWN AND TO ALL THE interest and legal cost for
fieri facias For tax, penalties, Levied on 09/08/2022 for the interest and legal cost for 196 01 037.
To: Owner/Tenant: WORLD year(s) 2016, 2017, 2018,
interest and legal cost for amount of $773.79 to satisfy year(s) 2017, 2018, 2019, Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
year(s) 2013, 2014, 2015, certain state, county, and city 2020, 2021. amount of $1,565.30 to satisfy
INC Defendant:
2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city
2021. interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties,
year(s) 2016. interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2018, 2019, 2020,
All that parcel of land being de- HOWELL FAMILY
scribed as Parcel 15 001 01 All that parcel of land being de-
176 and 4722 RIVER FRONT scribed as Parcel 16 095 01
WAY in deed book 20311 page 099 and 1066 KINGWAY DR in
00624 less and except all par- deed book 07948 page 00700
cels other than 15 001 01 176. less and except all parcels oth-
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the er than 16 095 01 099.
amount of $1,990.90 to satisfy Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
certain state, county, and city amount of $1,700.41 to satisfy
fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city
interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties,
year(s) 2010, 2011, 2012, interest and legal cost for
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, year(s) 2015, 2016, 2017,
2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.
All that parcel of land being de-
Page 52 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 
scribed as Parcel 18 126 01
070 and 1382 PARK BLVD in
390-469093 390-469097 deed book - page less and ex- 390-469105 390-469109 390-469114 390-469118
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS cept all parcels other than 18 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
22-R30135916-NOV-JFC 22-R30140294-NOV-KDD 126 01 070. 22-R30155240-NOV-KDD 22-R30157088-NOV-KDD 22-R30161363-NOV-JFC 22-R30168877-NOV-JFC
To: Owner/Tenant: To:Owner/Tenant: Levied on 09/08/2022 for the To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
PROJECTS PERIPHERAL TATE ADMINISTRATOR EX- certain state, county, and city Defendant: Defendant: DAISY R LEMONS MARY L ANDREWS
Defendant: ECUTOR AND HEIRS KNOWN fieri facias For tax, penalties, ELKTON CORPORATION AVRIELA ZOHAR Defendant: Defendant:
SABRINA YOUNG AND UNKNOWN AND TO ALL interest and legal cost for All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- WILVA M KILLINGSWORTH PAUL D ANDREWS
PROJECTS PERIPHERAL THE WORLD year(s) 2018, 2019, 2020, scribed as Parcel 15 255 01 scribed as Parcel 16 074 14 DAISY R LEMONS MARY L ANDREWS
All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: 2021. 048 and 0 CORUNDUM CT in 031 and 3101 FAIRINGTON All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de-
scribed as Parcel 16 043 02 WILLIAM MOSELY JR HIS ES- deed book 02760 page 00238 VILLAGE DR in deed book scribed as Parcel 18 102 09 scribed as Parcel 15 109 08
074 and 5615 ROCK SPRINGS TATE ADMINISTRATOR EX- less and except all parcels oth- 27071 page 00596 less and ex- 037 and 2317 R HUNTING 061 and 1731 W CARIBAEA
RD in deed book 13126 page ECUTOR AND HEIRS KNOWN 390-469101 er than 15 255 01 048. cept all parcels other than 16 VALLEY DR REAR in deed TRL SE in deed book 04025
00280 less and except all par- AND UNKNOWN AND TO ALL 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 074 14 031. book 18197 page 00500 less page 00044 less and except all
cels other than 16 043 02 074. THE WORLD EST 22-R30151381-NOV-JFC amount of $1,518.17 to satisfy Levied on 09/08/2022 for the and except all parcels other parcels other than 15 109 08
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the All that parcel of land being de- To: Owner/Tenant: certain state, county, and city amount of $1,662.85 to satisfy than 18 102 09 037. 061.
amount of $1,403.11 to satisfy scribed as Parcel 18 046 03 CONNECTING IDEAS LLC fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
certain state, county, and city 063 and 3164 ALTACREST DR DONALD STEVEN WILSON interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $1,746.38 to satisfy amount of $1,673.11 to satisfy
fieri facias For tax, penalties, in deed book 01035 page Defendant: year(s) 2019, 2020, 2021. interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city
interest and legal cost for 00069 less and except all par- CONNECTING IDEAS LLC 390-469106 year(s) 2019, 2020, 2021. fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
year(s) 2018, 2019, 2020, cels other than 18 046 03 063. DONALD STEVEN WILSON 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for
2021. Levied on 09/08/2022 for the All that parcel of land being de- 22-R30156213-NOV-KDD 390-469110 year(s) 2019, 2020, 2021. year(s) 2019, 2020, 2021.
390-469094 amount of $1,425.60 to satisfy scribed as Parcel 15 138 13 To: Owner/Tenant: 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 390-469115
22-R30157310-NOV-KDD 390-469119
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS certain state, county, and city 047 and 2319 R BELMONT DR JOHN E SIMON HIS ESTATE 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
22-R30138785-NOV-MLP fieri facias For tax, penalties, in deed book 25882 page ADMINISTRATOR EXECUT- To: Owner/Tenant: 22-R30162639-NOV-KDD
To: Owner/Tenant: interest and legal cost for 00323 less and except all par- OR AND HEIRS KNOWN AND To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
SHIRLEY HOLMES year(s) 2018, 2019, 2020, cels other than 15 138 13 047. UNKNOWN AND TO ALL THE Defendant: MILES HIGHLAND OAKS
Defendant: 2021. Levied on 09/08/2022 for the WORLD WEST LLC Defendant:
SHIRLEY HOLMES amount of $1,893.63 to satisfy Defendant: All that parcel of land being de- Defendant:
scribed as Parcel 16 081 01 PILCHER FAMILY TRUST
All that parcel of land being de- certain state, county, and city JOHN E SIMON HIS ESTATE MILES HIGHLAND OAK S All that parcel of land being de-
scribed as Parcel 16 198 01 fieri facias For tax, penalties, ADMINISTRATOR EXECUT- 031 and 4421 PALISADES WEST LLC
PLACE DR in deed book 19220 scribed as Parcel 15 132 02
180 and 7598 POND VIEW LN 390-469098 interest and legal cost for OR AND HEIRS KNOWN AND All that parcel of land being de- 001 and 1970 SNAPFINGER
in deed book 28641 page 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS year(s) 2019, 2020, 2021. UNKNOWN AND TO ALL THE page 00694 less and except all scribed as Parcel 18 198 08
parcels other than 16 081 01 RD in deed book 26722 page
00187 less and except all par- 22-R30140841-NOV-KDD WORLD 016 and 1977 STERLING 00078 less and except all par-
cels other than 16 198 01 180. To: Owner/Tenant: All that parcel of land being de- 031. OAKS CIR in deed book 11709
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the cels other than 15 132 02 001.
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the ABEBE HOLDINGS LLC 390-469102 scribed as Parcel 16 038 08 page 00618 less and except all Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
amount of $2,094.85 to satisfy Defendant: 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 001 and 2076 R PANOLA RD amount of $1,624.47 to satisfy parcels other than 18 198 08
certain state, county, and city amount of $1,424.62 to satisfy
certain state, county, and city ABEBE HOLDINGS LLC 22-R30152616-NOV-KDD REAR in deed book 00712 016. certain state, county, and city
fieri facias For tax, penalties, All that parcel of land being de- To: Owner/Tenant: page 00046 less and except all fieri facias For tax, penalties, Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties,
interest and legal cost for scribed as Parcel 18 068 10 GLENWOOD DRIVE PART- parcels other than 16 038 08 amount of $1,516.56 to satisfy interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2018, 2020, 2021. 032 and 6567 OLD HAMPTON NERS LTD 001. year(s) 2019, 2020, 2021. certain state, county, and city year(s) 2020, 2021.
390-469095 DR in deed book 20519 page Defendant: Levied on 09/08/2022 for the fieri facias For tax, penalties,
390-469111 390-469120
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 00411 less and except all par- GLENWOOD DRIVE PART- amount of $1,688.98 to satisfy interest and legal cost for
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
22-R30138786-NOV-MLP cels other than 18 068 10 032. NERS LTD certain state, county, and city year(s) 2019, 2020, 2021.
22-R30160171-NOV-KDD 22-R30170495-NOV-DJE
To: Owner/Tenant: Levied on 09/08/2022 for the All that parcel of land being de- fieri facias For tax, penalties, 390-469116
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
SHIRLEY HOLMES amount of $1,708.77 to satisfy scribed as Parcel 15 169 01 interest and legal cost for 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
Defendant: certain state, county, and city 315 and 3475 GLENWOOD RD year(s) 2019, 2020, 2021. 22-R30166852-NOV-JFC
SHIRLEY HOLMES fieri facias For tax, penalties, in deed book 10923 page 390-469107 To: Owner/Tenant:
All that parcel of land being de- interest and legal cost for 00146 less and except all par- 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS TAMMY DENISE JOHNSON
scribed as Parcel 16 198 01 year(s) 2018, 2019, 2020, cels other than 15 169 01 315. 22-R30156933-NOV-MLP Defendant:
181 and 7603 POND VIEW LN 2021. Levied on 09/08/2022 for the To: Owner/Tenant: TAMMY DENISE JOHNSON
All that parcel of land being de- ROSIE B WRAY HER ES-
in deed book 28641 page amount of $1,639.74 to satisfy WELBORN ROAD COMMON scribed as Parcel 18 046 03 All that parcel of land being de-
certain state, county, and city TATE ADMINISTRATOR EX-
00187 less and except all par- TENANCY 190 and 3245 GRANBY AVE in scribed as Parcel 15 023 04 ECUTOR AND HEIRS KNOWN
cels other than 16 198 01 181. fieri facias For tax, penalties, Defendant: WELBORN ROAD deed book 26634 page 00111 008 and 3743 BOULDER-
390-469099 interest and legal cost for AND UNKNOWN AND TO ALL
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the COMMON TENANCY less and except all parcels oth- CREST RD SE in deed book THE WORLD
amount of $2,154.22 to satisfy 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS year(s) 2019, 2020, 2021. All that parcel of land being de- er than 18 046 03 190. 27124 page 00431 less and ex-
22-R30140983-NOV-JFC Defendant:
certain state, county, and city scribed as Parcel 16 071 09 Levied on 09/08/2022 for the cept all parcels other than 15 CHARLES CLIFFORD WRAY
fieri facias For tax, penalties, To: Owner/Tenant: 042 and 2275 WELLBORN RD amount of $1,446.73 to satisfy 023 04 008.
interest and legal cost for 390-469103 in deed book 27863 page certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
year(s) 2018, 2020, 2021. 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 00418 less and except all par- fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $1,747.73 to satisfy
390-469096 22-R30152689-NOV-KDD cels other than 16 071 09 042. interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS To: Owner/Tenant: Levied on 09/08/2022 for the year(s) 2019, 2020, 2021. fieri facias For tax, penalties,
22-R30139845-NOV-KDD NTW HOMES LLC amount of $907.44 to satisfy interest and legal cost for
To: Owner/Tenant: CHARLES ROGERS certain state, county, and city 390-469112 year(s) 2020, 2021.
LORRAINE MAYE-COCHRAN Defendant: fieri facias For tax, penalties, 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
KELLY BEAVERS CLEMONS NTW HOMES LLC interest and legal cost for 22-R30160266-NOV-JFC
EXECUTOR AND HEIRS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS THE WORLD
Defendant: CHARLES ROGERS year(s) 2019, 2020, 2021. To: Owner/Tenant:
KNOWN AND UNKNOWN 22-R30167592-NOV-MLP All that parcel of land being de-
LORRAINE MAYE-COCHRAN All that parcel of land being de- UNKNOWN OWNER
AND TO ALL THE WORLD 390-469108 To: Owner/Tenant: scribed as Parcel 15 157 10
All that parcel of land being de- 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS ADOLPHUS LEE 013 and 3923 BRESSLER CIR
All that parcel of land being de- 097 and 2618 R GLENVAL- Defendant:
scribed as Parcel 18 072 02 22-R30156937-NOV-MLP JOHNNIE WALKER-LEE in deed book 03819 page
scribed as Parcel 18 033 01 LEY DR in deed book 27320 UNKNOWN OWNER
025 and 362 KENILWORTH To: Owner/Tenant: Defendant: 00118 less and except all par-
027 and 539 MONTEAGLE page 00361 less and except all UNRETURNED PROPERTY
CIR in deed book 13732 page WELBORN ROAD COMMON ADOLPHUS LEE cels other than 15 157 10 013.
TRCE in deed book 25126 parcels other than 15 170 13 All that parcel of land being de-
00731 less and except all par- TENANCY JOHNNIE WALKER-LEE Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
page 00113 less and except all 097. scribed as Parcel 18 049 05
cels other than 18 072 02 025. Defendant: All that parcel of land being de- amount of $2,178.41 to satisfy
parcels other than 18 033 01 Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 081 and 2520 MANOR WALK
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the WELBORN ROAD COMMON scribed as Parcel 15 058 07 certain state, county, and city
027. amount of $1,550.32 to satisfy in deed book 10185 page
amount of $1,709.97 to satisfy TENANCY 012 and 3442 A BLAZING fieri facias For tax, penalties,
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the certain state, county, and city 00391 less and except all par-
certain state, county, and city All that parcel of land being de- PINE PATH A in deed book interest and legal cost for
amount of $1,602.57 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties, cels other than 18 049 05 081.
fieri facias For tax, penalties, scribed as Parcel 16 071 11 17815 page 00435 less and ex- year(s) 2016, 2020, 2021.
certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
interest and legal cost for 244 and 2245 WELLBORN RD cept all parcels other than 15
fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2019, 2020, 2021. amount of $1,468.76 to satisfy 390-469121
year(s) 2019, 2020, 2021. in deed book 27863 page 058 07 012.
interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
00418 less and except all par- Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
year(s) 2018, 2019, 2020, fieri facias For tax, penalties, 22-R30171072-NOV-JFC
cels other than 16 071 11 244. amount of $1,485.61 to satisfy
2021. 390-469104 interest and legal cost for To: Owner/Tenant:
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the certain state, county, and city
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS year(s) 2019, 2020, 2021. PROFUSION ENTERPRISE
amount of $898.16 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties,
390-469100 22-R30153119-NOV-MLP INC
certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS To: Owner/Tenant: 390-469113 VERNONA CHILES MCDUF-
fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2020, 2021.
22-R30142089-NOV-MLP MATTHEW KERR 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS FIE
To: Owner/Tenant: interest and legal cost for Defendant:
JEFF KERR 22-R30160547-NOV-KDD
KEITH G LAUER year(s) 2019, 2020, 2021. PROFUSION ENTERPRISE
Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant:
ECUTOR AND HEIRS KNOWN All that parcel of land being de- THINH PHAM FIE
AND UNKNOWN AND TO ALL scribed as Parcel 15 183 10 All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de-
THE WORLD 022 and 0 JOYCE AVE in deed scribed as Parcel 18 064 07 scribed as Parcel 15 172 11
Defendant: book 25282 page 00780 less 020 and 3023 JUDYLYN DR in 001 and 1904 2ND AVE in
KEITH G LAUER and except all parcels other deed book 27943 page 00083 deed book 24686 page 00247
DOROTHY A LAUER HER ES- than 15 183 10 022. less and except all parcels oth- less and except all parcels oth-
TATE ADMINISTRATOR EX- Levied on 09/08/2022 for the er than 18 064 07 020. er than 15 172 11 001.
ECUTOR AND HEIRS KNOWN amount of $1,384.30 to satisfy Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
AND UNKNOWN AND TO ALL certain state, county, and city amount of $1,565.37 to satisfy amount of $1,874.44 to satisfy
THE WORLD fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city
All that parcel of land being de- interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
scribed as Parcel 18 126 01 year(s) 2018, 2019, 2020, interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for
070 and 1382 PARK BLVD in 2021. year(s) 2019, 2021. year(s) 2020, 2021.
deed book - page less and ex-
cept all parcels other than 18
126 01 070.
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 Page 53
390-469122 390-469126 390-469131 390-469135 390-469140 390-469144 390-469149
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
22-R30175382-NOV-KDD 22-R30183312-NOV-JFC 22-R30188257-NOV-JFC 22-R30189101-NOV-JFC 22-R30189470-NOV-MLP 22-R30191125-NOV-KDD 22-R30191856-NOV-KDD
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To:Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
CARROL GRINSTEAD ASHWOOD DEVELOPMENT S T WILSON TRACY JEAN ROOME VICE All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de-
BARBARA A GRINSTEAD COMPANY CHARLIE HENDERSON ROBERT ROOME Defendant: scribed as Parcel 15 011 02 scribed as Parcel 16 028 01
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- ATLANTA MORTUARY SER- 011 and 4203 GRANT 119 and 5000 FAIRBROOKE
scribed as Parcel 16 038 07 scribed as Parcel 18 209 12 scribed as Parcel 15 203 04 scribed as Parcel 15 212 03 VICE INC FOREST CIR in deed book PATH in deed book 17148
104 and 5308 KINSDALE LN in 001 and 3130 BRIARCLIFF 061 and 2723 HOSEA L WILLI- 110 and 140 SISSON AVE in ATLANTA EMBALMING SER- 23811 page 00003 less and ex- page 00589 less and except all
deed book 05606 page 00182 WAY in deed book 09924 page AMS DR NE in deed book deed book 28333 page 00248 VICE cept all parcels other than 15 parcels other than 16 028 01
less and except all parcels oth- 00738 less and except all par- 27669 page 00723 less and ex- less and except all parcels oth- All that parcel of land being de- 011 02 011. 119.
er than 16 038 07 104. cels other than 18 209 12 001. cept all parcels other than 15 er than 15 212 03 110. scribed as Parcel 18 089 26 Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 203 04 061. Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 006 and 5406 E MOUNTAIN amount of $1,561.37 to satisfy amount of $1,615.95 to satisfy
amount of $1,455.89 to satisfy amount of $513.36 to satisfy Levied on 09/08/2022 for the amount of $1,621.56 to satisfy ST in deed book 27766 page certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city amount of $3,161.47 to satisfy certain state, county, and city 00398 less and except all par- fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties, cels other than 18 089 26 006. interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for Levied on 09/08/2022 for the year(s) 2021. year(s) 2021.
year(s) 2018, 2020, 2021. year(s) 2020, 2021. interest and legal cost for year(s) 2020. amount of $1,594.16 to satisfy
390-469123 year(s) 2020, 2021. certain state, county, and city 390-469150
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 390-469127 390-469132 fieri facias For tax, penalties, 390-469145 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
22-R30177694-NOV-MLP 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 390-469136 interest and legal cost for 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 22-R30192226-NOV-DJE
To: Owner/Tenant: 22-R30184296-NOV-DJE 22-R30188793-NOV-KDD 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS year(s) 2018, 2021. 22-R30191487-NOV-JFC To: Owner/Tenant:
JEFFERY D NIMITZ HIS ES- To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: 22-R30189102-NOV-KDD 390-469141 To: Owner/Tenant: BOGALE H MEKURIA
Defendant: ELETA M SIMMONS RANDEL H GARCIA Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant: BETTIE J DUVALL All that parcel of land being de-
JEFFERY D NIMITZ HIS ES- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- RAN PROPERTIES LLC YEMANE KIDANE All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 18 042 11
TATE PERS REP AND HEIRS scribed as Parcel 18 251 01 scribed as Parcel 15 071 06 All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: scribed as Parcel 15 062 01 043 and 415 DIXIE LEE LN in
KNOWN AND UNKNOWN 033 and 2795 EVANS WOODS 002 and 4102 WALDROP PL in scribed as Parcel 15 214 02 YEMANE KIDANE 016 and 4053 CHAPEL MILL deed book 27599 page 00697
All that parcel of land being de- DR in deed book 06373 page deed book 28302 page 00721 023 and 901 S CANDLER ST All that parcel of land being de- BND in deed book 06794 page less and except all parcels oth-
scribed as Parcel 16 136 09 00059 less and except all par- less and except all parcels oth- in deed book 30292 page scribed as Parcel 18 091 10 00755 less and except all par- er than 18 042 11 043.
016 and 2977 STONE MOUN- cels other than 18 251 01 033. er than 15 071 06 002. 00462 less and except all par- 019 and 1056 THORN WOODE cels other than 15 062 01 016. Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
TAIN ST in deed book 25331 Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the cels other than 15 214 02 023. LN in deed book 28246 page Levied on 09/08/2022 for the amount of $1,794.73 to satisfy
page 00063 less and except all amount of $1,794.39 to satisfy amount of $3,076.14 to satisfy Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 00788 less and except all par- amount of $1,705.91 to satisfy certain state, county, and city
parcels other than 16 136 09 certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city amount of $1,453.56 to satisfy cels other than 18 091 10 019. certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties,
016. fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/08/2022 for the fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $3,437.34 to satisfy interest and legal cost for year(s) 2021.
amount of $2,772.88 to satisfy year(s) 2020, 2021. year(s) 2020, 2021. interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city year(s) 2021.
certain state, county, and city year(s) 2020. fieri facias For tax, penalties, 390-469151
390-469128 390-469133
fieri facias For tax, penalties, 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS interest and legal cost for 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 390-469146
interest and legal cost for 22-R30188796-NOV-JFC year(s) 2020, 2021. 22-R30192539-NOV-KDD
22-R30185448-NOV-JFC 390-469137 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
year(s) 2020, 2021. To: Owner/Tenant: 390-469142 To:Owner/Tenant:
To: Owner/Tenant: 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 22-R30191623-NOV-MLP
390-469124 MAYNARD INDUSTRIES 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS ADVANTA IRA ADMINISTRA-
ALI MOHAMMAD SAIFI 22-R30189130-NOV-KDD To: Owner/Tenant:
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS TRUST 22-R30189736-NOV-MLP TION LLC
Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant: JORDAN B HERSCHAFT
To: Owner/Tenant: Defendant: MUHAMMAD ZAHID Defendant:
All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: JORDAN B HERSCHAFT
scribed as Parcel 18 312 07 UWE BROCKMANN All that parcel of land being de-
041 and 3734 JAMESTOWN All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 15 146 03
CT in deed book 24222 page scribed as Parcel 15 232 10 011 and 1107 R BOULDER-
KNOWN All that parcel of land being de- GHAZIPURA All that parcel of land being de-
00255 less and except all par- 054 and 75 BERKELEY RD in CREST RD in deed book
Defendant: scribed as Parcel 15 072 02 All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 15 090 05
cels other than 18 312 07 041. deed book 19466 page 00141 29754 page 00487 less and ex-
EINAR PEARSON SUND- 076 and 12104 WALDROP PL scribed as Parcel 18 294 01 014 and 3198 QUINCE TREE
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the less and except all parcels oth- cept all parcels other than 15
BERG ESTATE PERS REP in deed book 29649 page 043 and 3223 ARBOR RDG in LN in deed book 28888 page
amount of $1,646.84 to satisfy er than 15 232 10 054. 146 03 011.
AND HEIRS KNOWN AND UN- 00434 less and except all par- deed book 10990 page 00543 00718 less and except all par-
certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
KNOWN cels other than 15 072 02 076. less and except all parcels oth- cels other than 15 090 05 014.
fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $1,523.19 to satisfy amount of $1,366.32 to satisfy
All that parcel of land being de- Levied on 09/08/2022 for the er than 18 294 01 043. Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city
scribed as Parcel 18 044 09 amount of $2,892.80 to satisfy Levied on 09/08/2022 for the amount of $1,558.14 to satisfy
year(s) 2020, 2021. fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
042 and 625 RIDGECREEK certain state, county, and city amount of $1,358.01 to satisfy certain state, county, and city
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for
DR in deed book 07121 page 390-469129 fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties,
year(s) 2019. year(s) 2021.
00518 less and except all par- 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for
cels other than 18 044 09 042. 22-R30188040-NOV-JFC year(s) 2020, 2021. interest and legal cost for year(s) 2021.
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the To: Owner/Tenant: 390-469134 390-469138 year(s) 2018. 390-469147
amount of $2,995.32 to satisfy JAMES MOON 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 390-469152
certain state, county, and city LOUISE MOON 22-R30188850-NOV-MLP 22-R30189166-NOV-KDD 22-R30191740-NOV-MLP 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
fieri facias For tax, penalties, Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: 22-R30192557-NOV-JFC
To: Owner/Tenant:
year(s) 2020, 2021. LOUISE MOON Defendant: Defendant: Defendant: HAZEL WINBORNE
All that parcel of land being de- MOHAMED KEOULEN KANDE BRELEN WASHINGTON EUGENE EMORY Defendant:
390-469125 VELASQUEZ
scribed as Parcel 15 142 09 All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- JERRY TURNIPSEED
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS Defendant:
031 and 1240 FAYETTEVILLE scribed as Parcel 15 116 07 scribed as Parcel 16 001 01 scribed as Parcel 15 210 01 All that parcel of land being de-
RD SE in deed book 03469 029 and 2109 BRANNEN RD 083 and 777 COLFAX CT in 109 and 361 BROOKS AVE NE scribed as Parcel 15 090 06
To: Owner/Tenant: VELASQUEZ
page 00376 less and except all SE in deed book 27285 page deed book 28563 page 00568 in deed book 10921 page 016 and 3162 OLIVE TREE CT
CLE JOHNSON JR All that parcel of land being de-
parcels other than 15 142 09 00213 less and except all par- less and except all parcels oth- 00607 less and except all par- in deed book 30280 page
Defendant: scribed as Parcel 18 319 03
031. cels other than 15 116 07 029. er than 16 001 01 083. cels other than 15 210 01 109. 00646 less and except all par-
CLE JOHNSON JR 024 and 3522 PIN OAK CIR in
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the cels other than 15 090 06 016.
All that parcel of land being de- deed book 28379 page 00001
amount of $1,804.64 to satisfy amount of $1,342.11 to satisfy amount of $1,737.22 to satisfy amount of $1,350.43 to satisfy Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
scribed as Parcel 18 067 05 less and except all parcels oth-
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city amount of $1,360.01 to satisfy
025 and 3829 PARKLANE DR er than 18 319 03 024.
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city
in deed book 25248 page Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties,
00511 less and except all par- amount of $1,699.11 to satisfy
year(s) 2021. year(s) 2019. year(s) 2016, 2020. year(s) 2021. interest and legal cost for
cels other than 18 067 05 025. certain state, county, and city
year(s) 2021.
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the fieri facias For tax, penalties,
amount of $1,502.92 to satisfy interest and legal cost for
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 390-469139 390-469148 390-469153
certain state, county, and city year(s) 2020.
22-R30188236-NOV-MLP 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
fieri facias For tax, penalties, To: Owner/Tenant: 22-R30189264-NOV-MLP 22-R30191807-NOV-DJE 22-R30192829-NOV-MLP
interest and legal cost for DEBORAH J FRANCIS To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
DEBORAH J FRANCIS Defendant: Defendant: Defendant:
All that parcel of land being de- CYRUS MCFADDEN KODY J MILLER KARA S LAWRENCE
scribed as Parcel 15 182 03 All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de-
018 and 516 R DANIEL AVE scribed as Parcel 16 088 03 scribed as Parcel 15 252 04 scribed as Parcel 18 019 01
SE REAR in deed book 18702 022 and 2737 PENWOOD PL 016 and 691 HEATHMOOR PL 053 and 471 ROCK MEADOW
page 00756 less and except all in deed book 30480 page in deed book 28535 page DR in deed book 27522 page
parcels other than 15 182 03 00054 less and except all par- 00017 less and except all par- 00226 less and except all par-
018. cels other than 16 088 03 022. cels other than 15 252 04 016. cels other than 18 019 01 053.
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
amount of $3,940.68 to satisfy amount of $301.00 to satisfy amount of $1,899.18 to satisfy amount of $1,337.90 to satisfy
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2019, 2020,2021. year(s) 2021. year(s) 2021. year(s) 2021.
Page 54 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 
390-469154 390-469159 390-469164 390-469168 390-469172 390-469177 390-469181
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
22-R30192850-NOV-DJE 22-R30193735-NOV-MLP 22-R30194937-NOV-KDD 22-R30195041-NOV-JFC 22-R30195250-NOV-KDD 22-R30195761-NOV-JFC 22-R30196364-NOV-JFC
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- MARK ENNIS AND UNKNOWN AND TO ALL All that parcel of land being de- AND UNKNOWN AND TO ALL All that parcel of land being de-
scribed as Parcel 18 020 08 scribed as Parcel 18 070 09 LLOYD MALCOLM JR THE WORLD scribed as Parcel 15 199 07 THE WORLD scribed as Parcel 16 074 13
006 and 5588 STONINGTON 099 and 792 WINDCHASE LN All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: 007 and 3331 MAPLEHURST CHERRYANN JACKSON 023 and 3203 PAR THREE
TRACE PKWY in deed book in deed book 27596 page scribed as Parcel 16 039 02 MARY E WOODS HER ES- DR in deed book 02635 page OLIVER WAY in deed book 26663 page
23445 page 00180 less and ex- 00701 less and except all par- 005 and 2332 PANOLA RD in TATE ADMINISTRATOR EX- 00080 less and except all par- Defendant: 00086 less and except all par-
cept all parcels other than 18 cels other than 18 070 09 099. deed book 28665 page 00677 ECUTOR AND HEIRS KNOWN cels other than 15 199 07 007. MONTA OLIVER JR HIS ES- cels other than 16 074 13 023.
020 08 006. Levied on 09/08/2022 for the less and except all parcels oth- AND UNKNOWN AND TO ALL Levied on 09/08/2022 for the TATE ADMINISTRATOR EX- Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the amount of $1,123.58 to satisfy er than 16 039 02 005. THE WORLD amount of $1,433.98 to satisfy ECUTOR AND HEIRS KNOWN amount of $1,709.19 to satisfy
amount of $1,888.72 to satisfy certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/08/2022 for the All that parcel of land being de- certain state, county, and city AND UNKNOWN AND TO ALL certain state, county, and city
certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $398.85 to satisfy scribed as Parcel 16 152 04 fieri facias For tax, penalties, THE WORLD fieri facias For tax, penalties,
fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city 005 and 6865 MAGNOLIA ST interest and legal cost for CHERRYANN JACKSON interest and legal cost for
interest and legal cost for year(s) 2021. fieri facias For tax, penalties, in deed book 24190 page year(s) 2021. OLIVER year(s) 2021.
year(s) 2021. interest and legal cost for 00498 less and except all par- 390-469173 All that parcel of land being de- 390-469182
390-469155 390-469160 year(s) 2021. cels other than 16 152 04 005. 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS scribed as Parcel 15 171 23 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 390-469165 Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 22-R30195306-NOV-KDD 027 and 678 QUILLIAN AVE in 22-R30196369-NOV-DJE
22-R30193366-NOV-MLP 22-R30193741-NOV-JFC 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS amount of $947.68 to satisfy To: Owner/Tenant: deed book 08521 page 00500 To: Owner/Tenant:
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: 22-R30195035-NOV-MLP certain state, county, and city OSS AFFORDABLE HOME less and except all parcels oth- JERMAINE PREDESTIN
MPOYI MOISE MBWEBWE ABDULHAMID MOHAMED AB- To: Owner/Tenant: fieri facias For tax, penalties, REMODELING er than 15 171 23 027. REGINA MENDEZ
Defendant: DULAHI KDHL & ASSOCIATES LLC interest and legal cost for Defendant: Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Defendant:
MPOYI MOISE MBWEBWE Defendant: Defendant: year(s) 2021. OSS AFFORDABLE HOME amount of $1,724.94 to satisfy JERMAINE PREDESTIN
All that parcel of land being de- ABDULHAMID MOHAMED AB- KDHL & ASSOCIATES LLC 390-469169 REMODELING certain state, county, and city REGINA MENDEZ
scribed as Parcel 18 124 05 DULAHI All that parcel of land being de- 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS All that parcel of land being de- fieri facias For tax, penalties, All that parcel of land being de-
071 and 1134 DANTEL CT in All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 16 152 02 22-R30195051-NOV-MLP scribed as Parcel 16 065 01 interest and legal cost for scribed as Parcel 16 074 14
deed book 29875 page 00569 scribed as Parcel 18 070 09 007 and 6860 ROBINSON ST To: Owner/Tenant: 352 and 6037 SOUTHLAND year(s) 2021. 029 and 2304 FAIRINGTON
less and except all parcels oth- 132 and 775 WINDCHASE LN in deed book 30034 page XAVIER TODD DR in deed book 27387 page 390-469178 VILLAGE DR in deed book
er than 18 124 05 071. in deed book 25062 page 00777 less and except all par- Defendant: 00487 less and except all par- 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 26353 page 00266 less and ex-
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 00476 less and except all par- cels other than 16 152 02 007. XAVIER TODD cels other than 16 065 01 352. 22-R30195816-NOV-MLP cept all parcels other than 16
amount of $1,514.94 to satisfy cels other than 18 070 09 132. Levied on 09/08/2022 for the All that parcel of land being de- Levied on 09/08/2022 for the To: Owner/Tenant: 074 14 029.
certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/08/2022 for the amount of $724.24 to satisfy scribed as Parcel 16 152 06 amount of $1,490.03 to satisfy BOYD P BROOKS SR Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $1,770.03 to satisfy certain state, county, and city 003 and 2610 WIGGINS ST in certain state, county, and city BOYD P BROOKS JR amount of $1,878.64 to satisfy
interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties, deed book 24080 page 00310 fieri facias For tax, penalties, Defendant: certain state, county, and city
year(s) 2021. fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for less and except all parcels oth- interest and legal cost for BOYD P BROOKS SR fieri facias For tax, penalties,
interest and legal cost for year(s) 2021. er than 16 152 06 003. year(s) 2021. BOYD P BROOKS JR interest and legal cost for
390-469156 year(s) 2021.
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 390-469166 Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 390-469174 All that parcel of land being de- year(s) 2021.
22-R30193434-NOV-MLP 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS amount of $312.61 to satisfy 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS scribed as Parcel 15 229 05 390-469183
To: Owner/Tenant: 390-469161 22-R30195036-NOV-MLP certain state, county, and city 22-R30195379-NOV-DJE 021 and 3800 KENSING- 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
DAVID B GREENWAY 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS To: Owner/Tenant: fieri facias For tax, penalties, To: Owner/Tenant: WOOD TRCE in deed book 22-R30196370-NOV-KDD
WILLIAM CLYDE GREENWAY 22-R30193946-NOV-JFC KDHL & ASSOCIATES LLC interest and legal cost for RICHARD SYLVESTER 24584 page 00505 less and ex- To: Owner/Tenant:
JR To: Owner/Tenant: Defendant: year(s) 2021. COOPER cept all parcels other than 15 GOLD PROPERTY PART-
DAVID B GREENWAY AS SAMPSON TRUSTEE All that parcel of land being de- 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS Defendant: Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Defendant:
WILLIAM CLYDE GREENWAY Defendant: scribed as Parcel 16 152 02 22-R30195055-NOV-DJE RICHARD SYLVESTER amount of $1,353.20 to satisfy GOLD PROPERTY PART-
JR ST SUNFLOWER 011 and 6880 ROBINSON ST To: Owner/Tenant: COOPER certain state, county, and city NERS LLC
All that parcel of land being de- AS SAMPSON TRUSTEE in deed book 30034 page J L REAL ESTATE LLC CAROLYN COOPER fieri facias For tax, penalties, All that parcel of land being de-
scribed as Parcel 18 254 09 All that parcel of land being de- 00777 less and except all par- JBM REAL ESTATE HOLD- All that parcel of land being de- interest and legal cost for scribed as Parcel 16 074 14
133 and 2795 R STONE- scribed as Parcel 15 108 05 cels other than 16 152 02 011. INGS LLC scribed as Parcel 16 074 09 year(s) 2021. 033 and 3103 FAIRINGTON
SMITH CT in deed book 29340 005 and 2811 HORSE SHOE Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Defendant: 016 and 5904 TRENT JONES 390-469179 VILLAGE DR in deed book
page 00363 less and except all DR SE in deed book 19582 amount of $732.20 to satisfy J L REAL ESTATE LLC WAY in deed book 05862 page 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 25106 page 00595 less and ex-
parcels other than 18 254 09 page 00800 less and except all certain state, county, and city JBM REAL ESTATE HOLD- 00765 less and except all par- 22-R30196038-NOV-MLP cept all parcels other than 16
133. parcels other than 15 108 05 fieri facias For tax, penalties, INGS LLC cels other than 16 074 09 016. To: Owner/Tenant: 074 14 033.
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 005. interest and legal cost for All that parcel of land being de- Levied on 09/08/2022 for the MARK P MAILLOUX Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
amount of $1,436.31 to satisfy Levied on 09/08/2022 for the year(s) 2021. scribed as Parcel 18 046 03 amount of $1,916.31 to satisfy Defendant: amount of $1,581.78 to satisfy
certain state, county, and city amount of $1,784.04 to satisfy 006 and 3148 ROBINSON AVE certain state, county, and city MARK P MAILLOUX certain state, county, and city
fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city in deed book 28959 page fieri facias For tax, penalties, All that parcel of land being de- fieri facias For tax, penalties,
interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, 00257 less and except all par- interest and legal cost for scribed as Parcel 18 246 06 interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2021. interest and legal cost for cels other than 18 046 03 006. year(s) 2021. 131 and 3087 COLONIAL WAY year(s) 2021.
year(s) 2021. Levied on 09/08/2022 for the L in deed book 21981 page
390-469157 KDHL & ASSOCIATES LLC 390-469175 390-469184
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS Defendant: amount of $1,870.24 to satisfy 00115 less and except all par- 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
390-469162 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
22-R30193442-NOV-JFC KDHL & ASSOCIATES LLC certain state, county, and city cels other than 18 246 06 131. 22-R30196371-NOV-KDD
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 22-R30195695-NOV-KDD
To: Owner/Tenant: All that parcel of land being de- fieri facias For tax, penalties, Levied on 09/08/2022 for the To: Owner/Tenant:
22-R30194135-NOV-JFC To: Owner/Tenant:
SHANTERIA WHEELER scribed as Parcel 16 152 02 interest and legal cost for amount of $1,311.95 to satisfy HOLLYWOOD 33 LLC
Defendant: 012 and 6884 ROBINSON ST year(s) 2021. certain state, county, and city Defendant:
SHANTERIA WHEELER in deed book 30034 page 390-469171 fieri facias For tax, penalties, HOLLYWOOD 33 LLC
All that parcel of land being de- 00777 less and except all par- 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS interest and legal cost for All that parcel of land being de-
KUSH DYNASTIES LLC All that parcel of land being de-
scribed as Parcel 15 090 07 cels other than 16 152 02 012. 22-R30195161-NOV-JFC year(s) 2021. scribed as Parcel 16 074 14
All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 15 041 01
016 and 3161 CITRUS CT in Levied on 09/08/2022 for the To: Owner/Tenant: 033 and 2761 JAGUAR DR in 390-469180 037 and 3202 FAIRINGTON
scribed as Parcel 16 139 01 amount of $724.24 to satisfy 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
deed book 27858 page 00614 SHUREE STOVALL deed book 26690 page 00220 VILLAGE DR in deed book
003 and 3189 WOODROW DR certain state, county, and city 22-R30196272-NOV-JFC
less and except all parcels oth- SHIRLEY SMITH less and except all parcels oth- 26238 page 00673 less and ex-
in deed book 26645 page fieri facias For tax, penalties, To: Owner/Tenant:
er than 15 090 07 016. Defendant: er than 15 041 01 033. cept all parcels other than 16
00534 less and except all par- interest and legal cost for FULGENCIO RAMOS GUZ-
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the SHUREE STOVALL Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 074 14 037.
cels other than 16 139 01 003. year(s) 2021. MAN
amount of $1,749.13 to satisfy SHIRLEY SMITH amount of $1,527.98 to satisfy Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Defendant:
certain state, county, and city All that parcel of land being de- certain state, county, and city amount of $1,571.51 to satisfy
amount of $1,710.20 to satisfy FULGENCIO RAMOS GUZ-
fieri facias For tax, penalties, scribed as Parcel 15 084 01 fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city
certain state, county, and city MAN
interest and legal cost for 046 and 3059 WILL ROGERS interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties,
fieri facias For tax, penalties, All that parcel of land being de-
year(s) 2021. PL in deed book 28582 page year(s) 2021. interest and legal cost for
interest and legal cost for scribed as Parcel 16 068 01
390-469158 00431 less and except all par- 390-469176 year(s) 2021.
year(s) 2021. 007 and 5971 REDAN RD in
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS cels other than 15 084 01 046. 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
deed book 27274 page 00626 390-469185
22-R30193732-NOV-DJE Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 22-R30195708-NOV-DJE
390-469163 less and except all parcels oth- 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
To: Owner/Tenant: amount of $673.53 to satisfy To: Owner/Tenant:
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS er than 16 068 01 007. 22-R30196372-NOV-KDD
ANTOINETTE WILLIS certain state, county, and city BERNICE TYLER
22-R30194393-NOV-JFC Levied on 09/08/2022 for the To: Owner/Tenant:
KENYATTA WILLIS fieri facias For tax, penalties, LARRY J TYLER
To: Owner/Tenant: amount of $1,784.52 to satisfy WILSHIRE 63 LLC
Defendant: interest and legal cost for Defendant:
THALMUS A ROBERSON certain state, county, and city Defendant:
Defendant: fieri facias For tax, penalties, WILSHIRE 63 LLC
interest and legal cost for
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 16 074 14
year(s) 2021.
scribed as Parcel 18 070 09 scribed as Parcel 15 198 05 scribed as Parcel 15 105 03 039 and 3204 FAIRINGTON
084 and 705 WINDCHASE LN 018 and 3516 ORCHARD CIR 024 and 2902 GWENDON TER VILLAGE DR in deed book
in deed book 27367 page in deed book 13827 page in deed book 04801 page 26335 page 00368 less and ex-
00154 less and except all par- 00498 less and except all par- 00074 less and except all par- cept all parcels other than 16
cels other than 18 070 09 084. cels other than 15 198 05 018. cels other than 15 105 03 024. 074 14 039.
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
amount of $1,917.59 to satisfy amount of $602.18 to satisfy amount of $1,287.50 to satisfy amount of $1,581.78 to satisfy
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2021. year(s) 2021. year(s) 2021. year(s) 2021.
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 Page 55
390-469186 390-469190 390-469195 390-469200 390-469205 390-469209 390-469213
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
22-R30196378-NOV-KDD 22-R30197090-NOV-KDD 22-R30197485-NOV-MLP 22-R30197964-NOV-DJE 22-R30198178-NOV-KDD 22-R30198819-NOV-JFC 22-R30199183-NOV-JFC
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To:Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: TATE ADMINISTRATOR EX- Defendant: BAZ Defendant: Defendant: SHIRLEY WEATHERS
All that parcel of land being de- AND UNKNOWN AND TO ALL All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- Defendant:
scribed as Parcel 16 074 15 THE WORLD scribed as Parcel 16 088 04 MOHAMMADULLAH TOORA- scribed as Parcel 15 072 03 scribed as Parcel 16 034 03 KENNETH BAGLEY
051 and 7201 FAIRINGTON Defendant: 005 and 5905 SUTCLIFFE SQ BAZ 037 and 16101 WALDROP CV 088 and 1114 FOREST PATH SHIRLEY WEATHERS
VILLAGE DR in deed book JAMES G PETERMAN HIS ES- in deed book 27655 page FAUZIA SHERZAD in deed book 24025 page in deed book 21579 page BAGLEY
21803 page 00535 less and ex- TATE ADMINISTRATOR EX- 00709 less and except all par- All that parcel of land being de- 00277 less and except all par- 00001 less and except all par- All that parcel of land being de-
cept all parcels other than 16 ECUTOR AND HEIRS KNOWN cels other than 16 088 04 005. scribed as Parcel 18 044 09 cels other than 15 072 03 037. cels other than 16 034 03 088. scribed as Parcel 15 080 02
074 15 051. AND UNKNOWN AND TO ALL Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 144 and 320 RIDGECREEK Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 043 and 3363 ALMAND RD SE
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the THE WORLD amount of $1,373.27 to satisfy DR in deed book 28190 page amount of $1,595.83 to satisfy amount of $600.11 to satisfy in deed book 07919 page
amount of $1,637.14 to satisfy All that parcel of land being de- certain state, county, and city 00394 less and except all par- certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city 00173 less and except all par-
certain state, county, and city scribed as Parcel 18 351 05 fieri facias For tax, penalties, cels other than 18 044 09 144. fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, cels other than 15 080 02 043.
fieri facias For tax, penalties, 019 and 1473 KINGS DOWN interest and legal cost for Levied on 09/08/2022 for the interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
interest and legal cost for CIR in deed book 06991 page year(s) 2021. amount of $1,943.63 to satisfy year(s) 2021. year(s) 2021. amount of $569.82 to satisfy
year(s) 2021. 00306 less and except all par- certain state, county, and city 390-469206 390-469210 certain state, county, and city
390-469187 cels other than 18 351 05 019. 390-469196 fieri facias For tax, penalties, 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS fieri facias For tax, penalties,
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS interest and legal cost for 22-R30198182-NOV-KDD 22-R30199008-NOV-DJE interest and legal cost for
22-R30196382-NOV-KDD amount of $1,642.92 to satisfy 22-R30197496-NOV-MLP year(s) 2021. To:Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: year(s) 2021.
To: Owner/Tenant: certain state, county, and city To: Owner/Tenant: KELVIN THOMAS VALERIE ANNE PORTER
BEATRICE ANDREWS fieri facias For tax, penalties, 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS Defendant: Defendant: 390-469214
Defendant: interest and legal cost for Defendant: KELVIN THOMAS VALERIE ANNE PORTER 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
BEATRICE ANDREWS year(s) 2021. To: Owner/Tenant: All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- 22-R30199745-NOV-MLP
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 15 072 03 scribed as Parcel 18 103 12 To: Owner/Tenant:
390-469191 scribed as Parcel 16 088 04 PHILLIP ANDREW GIBSON
scribed as Parcel 16 074 16 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS Defendant: 060 and 17304 WALDROP CV 020 and 1142 N JAMESTOWN MARKORIOS ADAFRE
006 and 1201 FAIRINGTON 043 and 5904 SUTCLIFFE SQ in deed book 28472 page RD 201 in deed book 23469 Defendant:
22-R30197459-NOV-KDD in deed book 28619 page PHILLIP ANDREW GIBSON
RIDGE CIR in deed book To: Owner/Tenant: All that parcel of land being de- 00484 less and except all par- page 00164 less and except all MARKORIOS ADAFRE
22891 page 00784 less and ex- 00467 less and except all par- cels other than 15 072 03 060. parcels other than 18 103 12 All that parcel of land being de-
EDWIN LAMONT MOTLEY cels other than 16 088 04 043. scribed as Parcel 18 045 01
cept all parcels other than 16 Defendant: 003 and 634 NORTHERN AVE Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 020. scribed as Parcel 15 222 01
074 16 006. Levied on 09/08/2022 for the amount of $1,573.61 to satisfy Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 161 and 4245 TEAKWOOD CT
EDWIN LAMONT MOTLEY amount of $1,364.91 to satisfy in deed book 22180 page
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the All that parcel of land being de- 00348 less and except all par- certain state, county, and city amount of $1,815.68 to satisfy in deed book 18355 page
amount of $1,598.50 to satisfy certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city 00593 less and except all par-
scribed as Parcel 16 087 03 fieri facias For tax, penalties, cels other than 18 045 01 003.
certain state, county, and city 122 and 3014 FIELDS DR in Levied on 09/08/2022 for the interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, cels other than 15 222 01 161.
fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for year(s) 2021. interest and legal cost for Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
deed book 16288 page 00789 year(s) 2021. amount of $1,442.93 to satisfy
interest and legal cost for less and except all parcels oth- certain state, county, and city 390-469207 year(s) 2021. amount of $853.29 to satisfy
year(s) 2021. er than 16 087 03 122. 390-469197 fieri facias For tax, penalties, 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 390-469211 certain state, county, and city
390-469188 Levied on 09/08/2022 for the interest and legal cost for 22-R30198728-NOV-DJE 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS fieri facias For tax, penalties,
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS amount of $1,514.29 to satisfy year(s) 2021. To: Owner/Tenant: 22-R30199178-NOV-MLP interest and legal cost for
22-R30196383-NOV-KDD certain state, county, and city 390-469202 CARTER HOUSE PROPER- To: Owner/Tenant: year(s) 2021.
To: Owner/Tenant:
To: Owner/Tenant: fieri facias For tax, penalties, ISIAH ROBERTS JR 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS TIES LLC ADOLPH DAVIS
WALTER WHITE JR interest and legal cost for Defendant: 22-R30198156-NOV-JFC ERENST J HOLLOWAY JR Defendant: 390-469215
Defendant: year(s) 2021. ISIAH ROBERTS JR To: Owner/Tenant: Defendant: ADOLPH DAVIS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
WALTER WHITE JR All that parcel of land being de- ROMA LLC CARLOS RENO WILLIAMS All that parcel of land being de- 22-R30199829-NOV-DJE
All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 16 088 04 Defendant: HIS ESTATE ADMINISTRAT- scribed as Parcel 15 080 02 To: Owner/Tenant:
scribed as Parcel 16 074 16 104 and 6015 REGENT MNR ROMA LLC OR EXECUTOR AND HEIRS 009 and 3376 ALMAND RD SE DELROY NICHOLSON
011 and 1301 FAIRINGTON in deed book 24352 page All that parcel of land being de- KNOWN AND UNKNOWN in deed book 09436 page Defendant:
To: Owner/Tenant:
RIDGE CIR in deed book 00679 less and except all par- scribed as Parcel 15 072 02 AND TO ALL THE WORLD 00261 less and except all par- DELROY NICHOLSON
28122 page 00615 less and ex- cels other than 16 088 04 104. 001 and 6101 WALDROP PL in ERENST J HOLLOWAY JR cels other than 15 080 02 009. All that parcel of land being de-
cept all parcels other than 16 Levied on 09/08/2022 for the deed book 24436 page 00342 All that parcel of land being de- Levied on 09/08/2022 for the scribed as Parcel 16 120 03
074 16 011. amount of $1,459.62 to satisfy less and except all parcels oth- scribed as Parcel 15 170 08 amount of $903.09 to satisfy 050 and 2636 EVANS MILL DR
All that parcel of land being de-
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the certain state, county, and city er than 15 072 02 001. 003 and 2597 GLENVALLEY certain state, county, and city in deed book 25856 page
scribed as Parcel 16 088 03
amount of $1,517.63 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties, Levied on 09/08/2022 for the DR in deed book 30387 page fieri facias For tax, penalties, 00491 less and except all par-
007 and 2724 PENWOOD PL
certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for amount of $1,669.98 to satisfy 00751 less and except all par- interest and legal cost for cels other than 16 120 03 050.
in deed book 21606 page
fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2021. certain state, county, and city cels other than 15 170 08 003. year(s) 2021. Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
00235 less and except all par-
interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 390-469212 amount of $1,923.72 to satisfy
cels other than 16 088 03 007.
year(s) 2021. 390-469198 interest and legal cost for amount of $1,997.06 to satisfy 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS certain state, county, and city
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS year(s) 2021. certain state, county, and city 22-R30199182-NOV-JFC fieri facias For tax, penalties,
390-469189 amount of $1,350.26 to satisfy
22-R30197858-NOV-KDD fieri facias For tax, penalties, To: Owner/Tenant: interest and legal cost for
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS certain state, county, and city 390-469203
To: Owner/Tenant: interest and legal cost for KENNETH BAGLEY year(s) 2021.
22-R30196913-NOV-KDD fieri facias For tax, penalties, 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
To: Owner/Tenant: interest and legal cost for LIFESTYLE MNTNCE DEV 22-R30198164-NOV-KDD year(s) 2021. SHIRLEY WEATHERS
TRUSTEE 390-469208 BAGLEY 390-469216
MARK ENNIS year(s) 2021. To: Owner/Tenant:
MANDIGO BOYS DEEP STH 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS Defendant: 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
Defendant: 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS DARNELL PRUDE
Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant: SHIRLEY WEATHERS To: Owner/Tenant:
MARK ENNIS 22-R30197475-NOV-MLP Defendant:
TRUSTEE ANS TRUST All that parcel of land being de- Defendant:
All that parcel of land being de- PAMELA JAMES DARNELL PRUDE
scribed as Parcel 16 136 05 Defendant: All that parcel of land being de-
LND TR Defendant: 042 and 3369 ALMAND RD SE All that parcel of land being de-
019 and 6824 CHURCH ST in PAMELA JAMES scribed as Parcel 15 072 02
All that parcel of land being de- CRESENT CINEMA VETER- in deed book 07919 page scribed as Parcel 16 121 08
deed book 28568 page 00716 All that parcel of land being de- 032 and 8204 WALDROP PL in
scribed as Parcel 16 033 01 ANS TRUST 00173 less and except all par- 084 and 6445 WELLINGTON
less and except all parcels oth- scribed as Parcel 16 088 03 deed book 26137 page 00470
334 and 868 FOX VALLEY DR A SAMPSON TRUSTEE cels other than 15 080 02 042. CHASE CT in deed book 26373
er than 16 136 05 019. 019 and 2743 PENWOOD PL less and except all parcels oth-
in deed book 19237 page All that parcel of land being de- Levied on 09/08/2022 for the page 00002 less and except all
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the in deed book 26010 page er than 15 072 02 032.
00592 less and except all par- scribed as Parcel 15 220 01 amount of $1,516.35 to satisfy parcels other than 16 121 08
amount of $1,486.59 to satisfy 00454 less and except all par- Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
cels other than 16 033 01 334. 008 and 1130 LONGSHORE certain state, county, and city 084.
certain state, county, and city cels other than 16 088 03 019. amount of $1,595.83 to satisfy
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the DR in deed book 19562 page fieri facias For tax, penalties, Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
fieri facias For tax, penalties, Levied on 09/08/2022 for the certain state, county, and city
amount of $1,649.62 to satisfy 00662 less and except all par- interest and legal cost for amount of $1,337.44 to satisfy
interest and legal cost for amount of $1,354.50 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties,
certain state, county, and city cels other than 15 220 01 008. year(s) 2021. certain state, county, and city
year(s) 2021. certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for
fieri facias For tax, penalties, Levied on 09/08/2022 for the fieri facias For tax, penalties,
fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2021. interest and legal cost for
interest and legal cost for amount of $1,949.62 to satisfy
interest and legal cost for year(s) 2021. 390-469204 year(s) 2021.
year(s) 2021. certain state, county, and city
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS fieri facias For tax, penalties,
390-469194 390-469199 22-R30198176-NOV-DJE interest and legal cost for 390-469217
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS To: Owner/Tenant: year(s) 2021. 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
22-R30197483-NOV-MLP 22-R30197961-NOV-JFC LYNDA ANGELA AMECHI 22-R30199935-NOV-JFC
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: LINDA ANGELA AMECHI To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: Defendant: LYNDA ANGELA AMECHI Defendant:
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de-
scribed as Parcel 16 088 03 scribed as Parcel 18 044 09 scribed as Parcel 15 072 03 scribed as Parcel 18 041 10
039 and 2703 PENWOOD PL 084 and 423 RIDGECREEK 034 and 15302 WALDROP CV 044 and 566 HAMBRICK SQ in
in deed book 28298 page DR in deed book 24836 page in deed book 28093 page deed book 07226 page 00197
00042 less and except all par- 00577 less and except all par- 00551 less and except all par- less and except all parcels oth-
cels other than 16 088 03 039. cels other than 18 044 09 084. cels other than 15 072 03 034. er than 18 041 10 044.
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
amount of $1,482.91 to satisfy amount of $1,622.40 to satisfy amount of $1,909.40 to satisfy amount of $1,781.32 to satisfy
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2021. year(s) 2021. year(s) 2021. year(s) 2021.
Page 56 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 
390-469218 390-469222 390-469227 390-469231 390-469236 390-469240 390-469244
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
22-R30200112-NOV-MLP 22-R30200483-NOV-MLP 22-R30200575-NOV-JFC 22-R30201264-NOV-JFC 22-R30202089-NOV-KDD 22-R30202705-NOV-DJE 22-R30203317-NOV-KDD
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To:Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
AND UNKNOWN AND TO ALL All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: All that parcel of land being de- EXECUTOR AND HEIRS All that parcel of land being de- JONNIE TAYLOR
THE WORLD scribed as Parcel 18 067 05 FALCOM HOMES AND IN- scribed as Parcel 18 277 03 KNOWN AND UNKNOWN scribed as Parcel 16 104 08 MARY N TAYLOR
DORIS M RUCKER 012 and 3810 PARKLANE DR VESTMENTS L 008 and 3214 CALDWELL RD AND TO ALL THE WORLD 040 and 6348 WELLINGTON All that parcel of land being de-
Defendant: in deed book 24138 page WILLENNIUM LLC in deed book 08623 page Defendant: WALK WAY in deed book scribed as Parcel 15 093 01
KENNETH RUCKER HIS ES- 00475 less and except all par- All that parcel of land being de- 00328 less and except all par- JEANETTE W SMALLS 17277 page 00159 less and ex- 239 and 3086 JUNE APPLE
TATE ADMINISTRATOR EX- cels other than 18 067 05 012. scribed as Parcel 15 029 01 cels other than 18 277 03 008. STANFORD I SMALLS HIS cept all parcels other than 16 DR in deed book 05641 page
ECUTOR AND HEIRS KNOWN Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 182 and 3962 DAY TRL N in Levied on 09/08/2022 for the ESTATE ADMINISTRATOR 104 08 040. 00218 less and except all par-
AND UNKNOWN AND TO ALL amount of $1,361.03 to satisfy deed book 28144 page 00284 amount of $1,697.43 to satisfy EXECUTOR AND HEIRS Levied on 09/08/2022 for the cels other than 15 093 01 239.
THE WORLD certain state, county, and city less and except all parcels oth- certain state, county, and city KNOWN AND UNKNOWN amount of $1,890.63 to satisfy Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
DORIS M RUCKER fieri facias For tax, penalties, er than 15 029 01 182. fieri facias For tax, penalties, AND TO ALL THE WORLD certain state, county, and city amount of $492.07 to satisfy
All that parcel of land being de- interest and legal cost for Levied on 09/08/2022 for the interest and legal cost for All that parcel of land being de- fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city
scribed as Parcel 15 132 02 year(s) 2021. amount of $807.20 to satisfy year(s) 2021. scribed as Parcel 15 127 08 interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties,
025 and 2380 EMERALD certain state, county, and city 093 and 4440 GOLF VISTA year(s) 2021. interest and legal cost for
FALLS DR in deed book 03723 390-469223 fieri facias For tax, penalties, CIR in deed book 10333 page 390-469241 year(s) 2021.
page 00022 less and except all interest and legal cost for 390-469232 00160 less and except all par- 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 390-469245
parcels other than 15 132 02 year(s) 2021. 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS cels other than 15 127 08 093. 22-R30202838-NOV-DJE
22-R30200495-NOV-MLP 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
025. 22-R30201408-NOV-KDD Levied on 09/08/2022 for the To: Owner/Tenant:
To: Owner/Tenant: 390-469228 22-R30203366-NOV-JFC
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the To: Owner/Tenant: amount of $1,635.48 to satisfy TAMIR OR
ADAM IBRAHIM 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS To: Owner/Tenant:
amount of $1,412.91 to satisfy SANDRA L MCKENZIE certain state, county, and city Defendant:
Defendant: 22-R30201147-NOV-KDD CRAIG A MARTIN
certain state, county, and city BEVERLY J STEED fieri facias For tax, penalties, TAMIR OR
fieri facias For tax, penalties, Defendant: interest and legal cost for All that parcel of land being de-
All that parcel of land being de- SARAH GARDNER HER ES- Defendant:
interest and legal cost for SANDRA L MCKENZIE year(s) 2021. scribed as Parcel 18 092 07
scribed as Parcel 18 067 05 TATE ADMINISTRATOR EX- CRAIG A MARTIN
year(s) 2021. BEVERLY J STEED 390-469237 039 and 4707 MARINERS
All that parcel of land being de- 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS WAY in deed book 26916 page
390-469219 in deed book 22161 page AND UNKNOWN AND TO ALL All that parcel of land being de-
scribed as Parcel 15 150 03 22-R30202392-NOV-DJE 00624 less and except all par-
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 00262 less and except all par- THE WORLD scribed as Parcel 16 074 18
011 and 2216 PINEWOOD DR To: Owner/Tenant: cels other than 18 092 07 039.
22-R30200186-NOV-DJE cels other than 18 067 05 059. Defendant: 041 and 4102 FAIRINGTON
in deed book 12914 page GISELE LANDERS-SMITH Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
To: Owner/Tenant: Levied on 09/08/2022 for the SARAH GARDNER HER ES- CLUB DR in deed book 23159
00193 less and except all par- Defendant: amount of $1,855.89 to satisfy
ANTHONY LESTAGE amount of $1,400.40 to satisfy TATE ADMINISTRATOR EX- page 00525 less and except all
cels other than 15 150 03 011. GISELE LANDERS-SMITH certain state, county, and city
TANYA LESTAGE certain state, county, and city ECUTOR AND HEIRS KNOWN parcels other than 16 074 18
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the All that parcel of land being de- fieri facias For tax, penalties,
Defendant: fieri facias For tax, penalties, AND UNKNOWN AND TO ALL 041.
amount of $1,446.60 to satisfy scribed as Parcel 15 151 09 interest and legal cost for
ANTHONY LESTAGE interest and legal cost for THE WORLD Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
certain state, county, and city 013 and 2190 KNOLL DR in year(s) 2021.
TANYA LESTAGE year(s) 2021. All that parcel of land being de- amount of $1,664.50 to satisfy
fieri facias For tax, penalties, deed book 22516 page 00203
All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 15 191 01 390-469242 certain state, county, and city
interest and legal cost for less and except all parcels oth-
scribed as Parcel 15 135 06 390-469224 140 and 4414 DENISE DR in 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS fieri facias For tax, penalties,
year(s) 2021. er than 15 151 09 013.
091 and 2280 PONTE VEDRA 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS deed book 06840 page 00166 22-R30203114-NOV-KDD interest and legal cost for
CT in deed book 23485 page 22-R30200496-NOV-MLP less and except all parcels oth- Levied on 09/08/2022 for the To: Owner/Tenant: year(s) 2021.
00712 less and except all par- To: Owner/Tenant: er than 15 191 01 140. 390-469233 amount of $1,923.13 to satisfy TERENCE N ANGLIN
cels other than 15 135 06 091. SAMUEL TOLESSA FITUMA Levied on 09/08/2022 for the certain state, county, and city NIGEL P ANGLIN 390-469246
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Defendant: amount of $556.42 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties, Defendant: 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
amount of $1,947.08 to satisfy SAMUEL TOLESSA FITUMA certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for TERENCE N ANGLIN 22-R30203392-NOV-KDD
To: Owner/Tenant:
certain state, county, and city All that parcel of land being de- fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2021. NIGEL P ANGLIN To: Owner/Tenant:
fieri facias For tax, penalties, scribed as Parcel 18 067 05 interest and legal cost for 390-469238 All that parcel of land being de- ROYALBRUTHA HOLDINGS
interest and legal cost for 062 and 3894 PARKLANE DR year(s) 2021. 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS scribed as Parcel 16 004 01 LLC
year(s) 2021. in deed book 28455 page 390-469229 22-R30202439-NOV-MLP 175 and 1480 CROOKED Defendant:
All that parcel of land being de-
390-469220 00149 less and except all par- 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS To: Owner/Tenant: TREE CIR in deed book 22142 ROYALBRUTHA HOLDINGS
scribed as Parcel 18 180 08
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS cels other than 18 067 05 062. 22-R30201151-NOV-DJE CURTIS CLARK page 00132 less and except all LLC
022 and 5699 REDCOAT RUN
22-R30200230-NOV-KDD Levied on 09/08/2022 for the To: Owner/Tenant: BETTY CLARK parcels other than 16 004 01 All that parcel of land being de-
in deed book 24013 page
To: Owner/Tenant: amount of $1,369.39 to satisfy DEMOCO J MILLER Defendant: 175. scribed as Parcel 16 075 04
00432 less and except all par-
MICHAEL C WILLIAMS certain state, county, and city Defendant: CURTIS CLARK Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 002 and 5884 PAR THREE CT
cels other than 18 180 08 022.
Defendant: fieri facias For tax, penalties, DEMOCO J MILLER BETTY CLARK amount of $1,500.10 to satisfy in deed book 25368 page
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
MICHAEL C WILLIAMS interest and legal cost for All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- certain state, county, and city 00710 less and except all par-
amount of $1,640.39 to satisfy
All that parcel of land being de- year(s) 2021. scribed as Parcel 15 191 02 scribed as Parcel 18 185 04 fieri facias For tax, penalties, cels other than 16 075 04 002.
certain state, county, and city
scribed as Parcel 16 063 01 007 and 1805 GLENHAVEN 050 and 1880 PETERS RD NW interest and legal cost for Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
fieri facias For tax, penalties,
081 and 972 SHADOWFORD CIR in deed book 24738 page in deed book 05945 page year(s) 2021. amount of $1,536.34 to satisfy
390-469225 interest and legal cost for
FALLS CT in deed book 21550 00289 less and except all par- 00640 less and except all par- certain state, county, and city
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS year(s) 2021. 390-469243
page 00519 less and except all cels other than 15 191 02 007. cels other than 18 185 04 050. fieri facias For tax, penalties,
22-R30200498-NOV-MLP 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
parcels other than 16 063 01 Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the interest and legal cost for
To: Owner/Tenant: 22-R30203231-NOV-KDD
081. amount of $1,708.96 to satisfy 390-469234 amount of $339.62 to satisfy year(s) 2021.
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Defendant: certain state, county, and city 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS certain state, county, and city ROBERT SMITH HIS ESTATE 390-469247
amount of $1,570.27 to satisfy FERDINAND LOPEZ fieri facias For tax, penalties, 22-R30201491-NOV-DJE fieri facias For tax, penalties, ADMINISTRATOR EXECUT- 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
certain state, county, and city All that parcel of land being de- interest and legal cost for To: Owner/Tenant: interest and legal cost for OR AND HEIRS KNOWN AND 22-R30203396-NOV-KDD
fieri facias For tax, penalties, scribed as Parcel 18 067 05 year(s) 2021. METRO CHIC HOMES LLC year(s) 2021. UNKNOWN AND TO ALL THE To: Owner/Tenant:
interest and legal cost for 066 and 3886 PARKLANE DR 390-469230 Defendant: 390-469239 WORLD EMORY CORNOG
year(s) 2021. in deed book 27384 page 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS METRO CHIC HOMES LLC 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS WILLIE JOE SMITH Defendant:
390-469221 00010 less and except all par- 22-R30201152-NOV-DJE All that parcel of land being de- 22-R30202495-NOV-DJE Defendant: EMORY CORNOG
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS cels other than 18 067 05 066. To: Owner/Tenant: scribed as Parcel 18 185 02 To: Owner/Tenant: ROBERT SMITH HIS ESTATE All that parcel of land being de-
22-R30200318-NOV-KDD Levied on 09/08/2022 for the DEMOCO J MILLER 005 and 1987 IDLEWOOD RD RICHARD SOWDER ADMINISTRATOR EXECUT- scribed as Parcel 16 075 04
To: Owner/Tenant: amount of $854.17 to satisfy Defendant: in deed book 27840 page Defendant: OR AND HEIRS KNOWN AND 006 and 5892 PAR THREE CT
STATURE PROPERTIES LLC certain state, county, and city DEMOCO J MILLER 00339 less and except all par- RICHARD SOWDER UNKNOWN AND TO ALL THE in deed book 27724 page
Defendant: fieri facias For tax, penalties, All that parcel of land being de- cels other than 18 185 02 005. All that parcel of land being de- WORLD 00530 less and except all par-
STATURE PROPERTIES LLC interest and legal cost for scribed as Parcel 15 191 02 Levied on 09/08/2022 for the scribed as Parcel 18 291 09 WILLIE JOE SMITH cels other than 16 075 04 006.
All that parcel of land being de- year(s) 2021. 022 and 1803 GLENHAVEN amount of $1,909.28 to satisfy 021 and 5089 WOODRIDGE All that parcel of land being de- Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
scribed as Parcel 18 275 08 CIR in deed book 24738 page certain state, county, and city WAY in deed book 09569 page scribed as Parcel 18 126 15 amount of $585.83 to satisfy
001 and 3147 OSBORNE RD 00289 less and except all par- fieri facias For tax, penalties, 00090 less and except all par- 007 and 6740 STEVILLE ST in certain state, county, and city
390-469226 interest and legal cost for
in deed book 23532 page cels other than 15 191 02 022. cels other than 18 291 09 021. deed book 24046 page 00434 fieri facias For tax, penalties,
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS year(s) 2021.
00001 less and except all par- Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the less and except all parcels oth- interest and legal cost for
cels other than 18 275 08 001. amount of $487.42 to satisfy amount of $1,939.22 to satisfy er than 18 126 15 007. year(s) 2021.
To: Owner/Tenant:
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
FALCOM HOMES AND IN- 390-469235 390-469248
amount of $1,510.28 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $305.24 to satisfy
VESTMENTS L 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city
WILLENNIUM LLC 22-R30201838-NOV-MLP 22-R30203414-NOV-JFC
fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2021. year(s) 2021. fieri facias For tax, penalties,
Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2021. year(s) 2021.
VESTMENTS L Defendant: Defendant:
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de-
scribed as Parcel 15 029 01 scribed as Parcel 18 089 30 scribed as Parcel 16 075 05
181 and 3952 DAY TRL N in 058 and 1150 RANKIN ST 15 027 and 6302 PAR FOUR WAY
deed book 28144 page 00283 O in deed book 22664 page in deed book 26070 page
less and except all parcels oth- 00784 less and except all par- 00174 less and except all par-
er than 15 029 01 181. cels other than 18 089 30 058. cels other than 16 075 05 027.
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
amount of $782.18 to satisfy amount of $1,384.32 to satisfy amount of $1,734.26 to satisfy
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2021. year(s) 2021. year(s) 2021.
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 Page 57
390-469249 390-469253 390-469258 390-469262 390-469267 390-469272 390-469277
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
22-R30203417-NOV-JFC 22-R30203911-NOV-DJE 22-R30204170-NOV-JFC 22-R30204570-NOV-JFC 22-R30204825-NOV-JFC 22-R30204909-NOV-JFC 22-R30205933-NOV-JFC
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To:Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
TEMEKA PADMORE All that parcel of land being de- MARY A HURST VINCENT THEODORE All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- Defendant:
TANA N MINOTT scribed as Parcel 18 332 06 All that parcel of land being de- WOMACK JONES scribed as Parcel 18 334 01 scribed as Parcel 15 122 06 VERONICA FREEMAN
All that parcel of land being de- 035 and 1902 QUEENS WAY scribed as Parcel 16 060 01 All that parcel of land being de- 175 and 4011 E JOHNSON 038 and 3260 ABBEYWOOD HILLCREST MORT & PROP-
scribed as Parcel 16 075 05 in deed book 22836 page 097 and 1645 GLEN ARM DR scribed as Parcel 16 102 02 CIR in deed book 26688 page DR in deed book 21272 page ERTIES
041 and 7301 PAR FOUR WAY 00353 less and except all par- in deed book 29795 page 064 and 2070 CHARLES 00720 less and except all par- 00768 less and except all par- All that parcel of land being de-
in deed book 25477 page cels other than 18 332 06 035. 00394 less and except all par- CUDD CT in deed book 22114 cels other than 18 334 01 175. cels other than 15 122 06 038. scribed as Parcel 15 186 15
00080 less and except all par- Levied on 09/08/2022 for the cels other than 16 060 01 097. page 00667 less and except all Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 120 and 1773 DERRILL DR in
cels other than 16 075 05 041. amount of $1,897.94 to satisfy Levied on 09/08/2022 for the parcels other than 16 102 02 amount of $1,761.63 to satisfy amount of $1,763.66 to satisfy deed book 25300 page 00621
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the certain state, county, and city amount of $1,692.66 to satisfy 064. certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city less and except all parcels oth-
amount of $1,709.19 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/08/2022 for the fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, er than 15 186 15 120.
certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $1,742.42 to satisfy interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2021. interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city year(s) 2021. year(s) 2021. amount of $1,823.28 to satisfy
interest and legal cost for year(s) 2021. fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city
year(s) 2021. 390-469254 390-469259 interest and legal cost for 390-469268 fieri facias For tax, penalties,
year(s) 2021. 390-469273 interest and legal cost for
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS year(s) 2021.
22-R30203952-NOV-KDD 22-R30204254-NOV-JFC 22-R30204852-NOV-MLP
390-469263 22-R30205341-NOV-JFC
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: 390-469278
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS To: Owner/Tenant:
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS Defendant: Defendant: ASSOCIATION INC 22-R30205977-NOV-KDD
To: Owner/Tenant: Defendant:
22-R30203428-NOV-KDD MAJESTY INC MARCUS J TILLMON Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant:
ESAMELDIN ABDELHAMID All that parcel of land being de-
JAMES E FUNDERBURKE scribed as Parcel 15 066 01 All that parcel of land being de- ASSOCIATION INC Defendant:
Defendant: scribed as Parcel 18 001 05
Defendant: 012 and 5370 FLAT SHOALS scribed as Parcel 15 143 13 All that parcel of land being de- FARON MATISSE WILLIAMS
JAMES E FUNDERBURKE PKWY in deed book 17180 045 and 1247 R BOULDER- scribed as Parcel 15 058 05 All that parcel of land being de-
ESAMELDIN ABDELHAMID deed book 28474 page 00219
All that parcel of land being de- page 00496 less and except all CREST RD in deed book 028 and 3278 BLAZING PINE scribed as Parcel 16 001 14
All that parcel of land being de- less and except all parcels oth-
scribed as Parcel 18 292 11 parcels other than 15 066 01 29003 page 00759 less and ex- KNL in deed book 23816 page 006 and 790 HERITAGE OAKS
scribed as Parcel 16 102 04 er than 18 001 05 041.
040 and 3296 HAMPTON 012. cept all parcels other than 15 00491 less and except all par- DR in deed book 08863 page
020 and 6394 PHILLIPS Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
GREEN WAY in deed book Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 143 13 045. cels other than 15 058 05 028. 00264 less and except all par-
CREEK DR in deed book amount of $1,676.64 to satisfy
06045 page 00699 less and ex- amount of $1,112.76 to satisfy Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the cels other than 16 001 14 006.
07929 page 00620 less and ex- certain state, county, and city
cept all parcels other than 18 certain state, county, and city amount of $1,749.97 to satisfy amount of $1,439.13 to satisfy Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
cept all parcels other than 16 fieri facias For tax, penalties,
292 11 040. fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city amount of $1,528.55 to satisfy
102 04 020. interest and legal cost for
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the year(s) 2021.
amount of $1,606.65 to satisfy year(s) 2021. interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties,
certain state, county, and city year(s) 2021. amount of $1,509.32 to satisfy year(s) 2021. interest and legal cost for
fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city 390-469274 year(s) 2021.
390-469255 390-469260 fieri facias For tax, penalties,
interest and legal cost for 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 390-469269 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 390-469279
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2021. 22-R30204345-NOV-KDD 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 22-R30205554-NOV-JFC 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
22-R30203957-NOV-KDD year(s) 2021.
To: Owner/Tenant: 22-R30204871-NOV-MLP To: Owner/Tenant: 22-R30205999-NOV-KDD
WILLIE L BAILEY To: Owner/Tenant: LINDA A SMITH To: Owner/Tenant:
MAJESTY INC 390-469264
Defendant: 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
390-469251 Defendant: ASSOCIATION INC LINDA A SMITH Defendant:
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS WILLIE L BAILEY Defendant: All that parcel of land being de- SWARG INVESTMENTS LLC
All that parcel of land being de- To: Owner/Tenant:
22-R30203685-NOV-KDD NATALIE H BAILEY CONDOMINIUM TAMARACK scribed as Parcel 18 020 09 All that parcel of land being de-
scribed as Parcel 15 066 01 RONALD BARKER
To: Owner/Tenant: All that parcel of land being de- ASSOCIATION INC 081 and 5593 WELLS CIR in scribed as Parcel 16 002 02
062 and 5378 FLAT SHOALS Defendant:
FRANCIS BOUDREAUX scribed as Parcel 16 077 04 All that parcel of land being de- deed book 09516 page 00502 120 and 979 PARKWEST LN in
PKWY in deed book 17180 RONALD BARKER
LUTICIA O BOUDREAUX 010 and 5791 SALEM RD in scribed as Parcel 15 058 06 less and except all parcels oth- deed book 22406 page 00717
page 00496 less and except all All that parcel of land being de-
Defendant: parcels other than 15 066 01 deed book 22088 page 00411 026 and 3464 BLAZING PINE er than 18 020 09 081. less and except all parcels oth-
scribed as Parcel 18 074 16 Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
FRANCIS BOUDREAUX 062. less and except all parcels oth- PATH A in deed book 24543 er than 16 002 02 120.
016 and 802 3RD ST in deed amount of $1,794.36 to satisfy
LUTICIA O BOUDREAUX Levied on 09/08/2022 for the er than 16 077 04 010. page 00496 less and except all Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
book 08234 page 00605 less certain state, county, and city
All that parcel of land being de- amount of $749.44 to satisfy Levied on 09/08/2022 for the parcels other than 15 058 06 amount of $1,035.69 to satisfy
and except all parcels other fieri facias For tax, penalties,
scribed as Parcel 18 028 01 certain state, county, and city amount of $1,498.10 to satisfy 026. certain state, county, and city
than 18 074 16 016. interest and legal cost for
145 and 194 SCENIC VIEW LN fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/08/2022 for the fieri facias For tax, penalties,
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the year(s) 2021.
in deed book 09961 page interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $1,392.61 to satisfy interest and legal cost for
amount of $1,123.95 to satisfy
00605 less and except all par- year(s) 2021. interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city year(s) 2021.
certain state, county, and city
cels other than 18 028 01 145. year(s) 2021. fieri facias For tax, penalties,
fieri facias For tax, penalties, 390-469275 390-469280
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the interest and legal cost for
390-469256 390-469261 interest and legal cost for 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
amount of $1,003.20 to satisfy year(s) 2021.
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS year(s) 2021. 22-R30205666-NOV-DJE 22-R30206177-NOV-KDD
certain state, county, and city
22-R30204000-NOV-JFC 22-R30204465-NOV-MLP To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
fieri facias For tax, penalties, 390-469265 390-469270
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: BAT SHEVA LEVI ANN LOCKE HAASE HER ES-
interest and legal cost for 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS
year(s) 2021. 22-R30204721-NOV-JFC 22-R30204887-NOV-KDD
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: All that parcel of land being de- AND UNKNOWN AND TO ALL
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- MEDHINA GIBIRMDIN scribed as Parcel 18 089 30 THE WORLD
Defendant: Defendant: 027 and 1150 RANKIN ST 3 L MARK ROBINSON PETITION-
390-469252 scribed as Parcel 15 122 06 scribed as Parcel 15 022 01 ANDREA L WHITTINGTON
004 and 3297 ABBEYWOOD 135 and 4079 BOULDERV- MEDHINA GIBIRMDIN in deed book 21663 page ER
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- 00618 less and except all par- Defendant:
22-R30203771-NOV-KDD DR in deed book 25512 page ISTA DR in deed book 16488 scribed as Parcel 15 058 08
00525 less and except all par- page 00045 less and except all scribed as Parcel 18 089 07 cels other than 18 089 30 027. ANN LOCKE HAASE HER ES-
To: Owner/Tenant: 009 and 839 MAIN ST in deed 048 and 3517 KINGSWOOD Levied on 09/08/2022 for the TATE ADMINISTRATOR EX-
CHARLES E HEINOLD HIS cels other than 15 122 06 004. parcels other than 15 022 01 RUN in deed book 14243 page
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 135. book 25456 page 00008 less amount of $1,827.59 to satisfy ECUTOR AND HEIRS KNOWN
ESTATE ADMINISTRATOR and except all parcels other 00360 less and except all par- certain state, county, and city AND UNKNOWN AND TO ALL
EXECUTOR AND HEIRS amount of $1,755.30 to satisfy Levied on 09/08/2022 for the cels other than 15 058 08 048.
certain state, county, and city amount of $1,407.86 to satisfy than 18 089 07 009. fieri facias For tax, penalties, THE WORLD EST
KNOWN AND UNKNOWN Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the interest and legal cost for MARK ROBINSON PETITION-
AND TO ALL THE WORLD fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city amount of $1,300.19 to satisfy
interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $1,621.09 to satisfy year(s) 2021. ER
EST certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city All that parcel of land being de-
MARY EELIZABETH BRYANS year(s) 2021. interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties,
year(s) 2021. fieri facias For tax, penalties, scribed as Parcel 18 370 02
HEINOLD interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for 390-469276 067 and 5036 REDCLIFF CT in
Defendant: 390-469257 year(s) 2021. year(s) 2021. 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS deed book 27485 page 00692
CHARLES E HEINOLD HIS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 22-R30205837-NOV-MLP less and except all parcels oth-
ESTATE ADMINISTRATOR 22-R30204095-NOV-JFC 390-469266 390-469271 To: Owner/Tenant: er than 18 370 02 067.
EXECUTOR AND HEIRS To: Owner/Tenant: 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS CARLOS EDGAR RODRIG- Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
KNOWN AND UNKNOWN ALBERTO E MINE 22-R30204753-NOV-JFC 22-R30204893-NOV-MLP UEZ amount of $1,567.30 to satisfy
AND TO ALL THE WORLD TANIA I MINE To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: Defendant: certain state, county, and city
HEINOLD ALBERTO E MINE Defendant: Defendant: UEZ interest and legal cost for
All that parcel of land being de- TANIA I MINE BEETEM H STRACK JR TASHA T MAYFIELD All that parcel of land being de- year(s) 2021.
scribed as Parcel 18 211 07 All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 15 060 06
076 and 2309 LAVISTA scribed as Parcel 16 058 05 scribed as Parcel 18 216 01 scribed as Parcel 15 058 08 024 and 3506 SHEPHERDS
WOODS DR in deed book 017 and 5635 BRIAR KNOLL 039 and 6015 ANTEBELLUM 110 and 3191 KINGSWOOD PATH in deed book 25333
03771 page 00061 less and ex- CT in deed book 09410 page DR in deed book 20211 page GLN in deed book 23344 page page 00784 less and except all
cept all parcels other than 18 00533 less and except all par- 00197 less and except all par- 00063 less and except all par- parcels other than 15 060 06
211 07 076. cels other than 16 058 05 017. cels other than 18 216 01 039. cels other than 15 058 08 110. 024.
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the
amount of $1,640.33 to satisfy amount of $1,746.64 to satisfy amount of $1,675.15 to satisfy amount of $1,435.08 to satisfy amount of $1,369.39 to satisfy
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2021. year(s) 2021. year(s) 2021. year(s) 2021. year(s) 2021.
but not limited to, assessments, all property described in said
liens, encumbrances, zoning Security Deed including but not
ordinances, easements, restric- limited to the following de-
tions, covenants, etc. scribed property:
The sale will be conducted sub- THE FOLLOWING DE-
ject to (1) confirmation that the SCRIBED REAL PROPERTY
Page 58 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022  sale is not prohibited under the
U.S. Bankruptcy Code; (2)
390-469281 390-469286 390-469291 390-469296 O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1; GIA; BEING MORE PARTICU-
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS Foreclosures: Residential and (3) final confirmation and LARLY DESCRIBED AS FOL-
22-R30206218-NOV-DJE 22-R30206588-NOV-JFC 22-R30207510-NOV-MLP 22-R30208052-NOV-KDD audit of the status of the loan LOWS:
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: 420-468406 9/1,9/8,9/15,9/22 with the holder of the security ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
JULIET ANNMARIE ELIZAB FIFA VENTURES LLC Defendant: Defendant: Notice of Sale Under Power Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section BEING IN LAND LOT 173 AND
ROSE Defendant: HASSAN O ABDULRAHMAN RASHAD HASAN Georgia, DEKALB County 9-13-172.1, which allows for 180 OF THE 15TH DISTRICT,
Defendant: SABRINA YOUNG All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- Under and by virtue of the certain procedures regarding DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA,
NINFAS WILLIS FIFA VENTURES LLC scribed as Parcel 18 017 01 scribed as Parcel 18 121 01 Power of Sale contained in a the rescission of judicial and BEING LOT 19, BLOCK A,
JULIET ANNMARIE ELIZAB All that parcel of land being de- 131 and 490 BARBASHELA 004 and 4750 E PONCE DE Deed to Secure Debt given by non-judicial sales in the State GLENWOOD SUBDIVISION,
ROSE scribed as Parcel 18 073 01 DR in deed book 25511 page LEON AVE in deed book 25059 MARY RANDOLPH and JOHN of Georgia, the Deed Under AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN
All that parcel of land being de- 161 and 5274 SHEPPARD LN 00066 less and except all par- page 00643 less and except all RANDOLPH to Mortgage Elec- Power and other foreclosure PLAT BOOK 17, PAGE 80,
scribed as Parcel 16 074 05 in deed book 29963 page cels other than 18 017 01 131. parcels other than 18 121 01 tronic Registration Systems, documents may not be DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA
025 and 94 WILLOWICK DR in 00656 less and except all par- Levied on 09/08/2022 for the 004. Inc. as nominee for COUNTRY- provided until final confirmation RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS
deed book 24438 page 00237 cels other than 18 073 01 161. amount of $659.40 to satisfy Levied on 09/08/2022 for the WIDE HOME LOANS, INC., and audit of the status of the INCORPORATED HEREIN
less and except all parcels oth- Levied on 09/08/2022 for the certain state, county, and city amount of $1,579.11 to satisfy dated February 2, 2006, and loan as provided in the preced- AND BY REFERENCE MADE
er than 16 074 05 025. amount of $707.92 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city recorded in Deed Book 18406, ing paragraph. A PART HEREOF.
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, Page 389, DEKALB County, Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section BEING THE SAME PROP-
amount of $1,371.68 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2021. interest and legal cost for Georgia records, and last as- 44-14-162.2, the entity that has ERTY CONVEYED TO HARRI-
certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for year(s) 2021. signed to Bank of America, N.A full authority to negotiate, ETT HANDSPIKE BY DEED
fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2021. in Book 22975, Page 247, con- amend and modify all terms of FROM HARRIET A. HAND-
interest and legal cost for 390-469292 veying the after-described the mortgage with the debtor is: SPIKE A/K/A HARRIET D.
year(s) 2021. 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 390-469297 property to secure a Note of Carrington Mortgage Services, HANDSPIKE, DATED
390-469287 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS LLC 3/7/1997, IN BOOK 09361,
390-469282 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 22-R30207511-NOV-MLP even date in the original prin-
To: Owner/Tenant: 22-R30210120-NOV-MLP cipal amount of $115,608.00, Attention: Loss Mitigation De- PAGE 0232, IN THE PUBLIC
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 22-R30206773-NOV-DJE To: Owner/Tenant: partment RECORDS OF DEKALB
22-R30206257-NOV-MLP To: Owner/Tenant: HASSAN O ABDULRAHMAN with interest at the rate spe-
Defendant: S DAVID CARR cified therein, there will be sold 1600 South Douglass Road. COUNTY, GEORGIA.
STACK DEVELOPMENT LLC Defendant: HASSAN O ABDULRAHMAN by the undersigned at public
All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: outcry to the highest bidder for Anaheim, CA 92806 DONNALEE AVENUE SOUTH,
Defendant: All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 18 017 01 cash before the Courthouse
132 and 500 BARBASHELA ELIZABETH CARR door of DEKALB County, Geor- The foregoing notwithstanding, APN: 15-173-01-014
STACK DEVELOPMENT LLC scribed as Parcel 15 057 07 All that parcel of land being de- nothing in OC.G.A. Section 44- Said legal description being
JAMELL YARN 007 and 3575 OAKVALE RD DR in deed book 25511 page gia, within the legal hours of
00066 less and except all par- scribed as Parcel 18 213 14 sale on the first Tuesday in 14-162.2 shall be construed to controlling, however the prop-
All that parcel of land being de- 101 in deed book 28485 page 006 and 2338 MAIN ST in deed require the secured creditor to erty is more commonly known
scribed as Parcel 16 074 08 00351 less and except all par- cels other than 18 017 01 132. November, 2022, to wit:
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the book 04364 page 00055 less November 1, 2022, the follow- negotiate, amend or modify the as 1744 DONNALEE AVE SE,
094 and 3084 PARC LOR- cels other than 15 057 07 007. and except all parcels other terms of the Deed to Secure ATLANTA, GA 30316.
RAINE in deed book 27013 Levied on 09/08/2022 for the amount of $692.12 to satisfy ing described property:
certain state, county, and city than 18 213 14 006. ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Debt described herein. The indebtedness secured by
page 00727 less and except all amount of $1,107.18 to satisfy Levied on 09/08/2022 for the This sale is conducted on be- said Security Deed has been
parcels other than 16 074 08 certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties, CEL OF LAND, LYING AND
interest and legal cost for amount of $272.84 to satisfy BEING IN LAND LOT 166 OF half of the secured creditor un- and is hereby declared due be-
094. fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city der the power of sale granted in cause of default under the
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the interest and legal cost for year(s) 2021. THE 15TH DISTRICT OF
fieri facias For tax, penalties, DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, the aforementioned security in- terms of said Security Deed.
amount of $1,389.36 to satisfy year(s) 2021. interest and legal cost for strument, specifically being The indebtedness remaining in
certain state, county, and city BEING LOT 10, BLOCK A,
year(s) 2021. DUNHILL ACRES SUBDIVI- Bank of America, N.A default, this sale will be made
fieri facias For tax, penalties, 390-469293 as attorney in fact for for the purpose of paying the
interest and legal cost for 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS MARY RANDOLPH and JOHN same, all expenses of the sale,
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS DED IN PLAT BOOK 22, PAGE
year(s) 2021. 22-R30207692-NOV-DJE RANDOLPH including attorneys’ fees (no-
22-R30206971-NOV-JFC 390-469298 6, DEKALB COUNTY, GEOR-
To: Owner/Tenant: Parkway Law Group, LLC tice to collect same having
390-469283 To: Owner/Tenant: 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS GIA RECORDS AND BEING
NAGESH ROY 1755 North Brown Road been given) and all other pay-
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS MARY E WOODS 22-R30210511-NOV-JFC IMPROVED PROPERTY
Defendant: Suite 150 ments provided for under the
22-R30206388-NOV-MLP Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant: KNOWN AS 3382 WICKHAM
NAGESH ROY Lawrenceville, GA 30043 terms of the Security Deed.
All that parcel of land being de- 404.719.5155 Said property will be sold on an
MELVIN DAVIS All that parcel of land being de- ESTATE ADMINISTRATOR 30033.
scribed as Parcel 18 312 07 SEPTEMBER 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, “as-is” basis without any rep-
Defendant: scribed as Parcel 16 055 08 EXECUTOR AND HEIRS The debt secured by said Deed
062 and 3727 CONCORD WAY OCTOBER 6, 13, 20, 27, 2022 resentation, warranty or re-
MELVIN DAVIS 076 and 100 RUE FONTAINE KNOWN AND UNKNOWN to Secure Debt has been and is
in deed book 10633 page ++22-0123/RANDOLPH++ course against the above-
All that parcel of land being de- in deed book 22522 page AND TO ALL THE WORLD hereby declared due because
00286 less and except all par- named or the undersigned. The
scribed as Parcel 15 158 12 00260 less and except all par- Defendant: of, among other possible
cels other than 18 312 07 062. THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING sale will also be subject to the
020 and 2456 LESLIE BROOK cels other than 16 055 08 076. CLIFFORD JACOBS JR HIS events of default, failure to pay
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- following items which may af-
DR in deed book 06326 page Levied on 09/08/2022 for the ESTATE ADMINISTRATOR the indebtedness as and when
amount of $1,969.67 to satisfy TEMPTING TO COLLECT A fect the title: any outstanding
00085 less and except all par- amount of $1,081.48 to satisfy EXECUTOR AND HEIRS due and in the manner
certain state, county, and city DEBT. ANY INFORMATION ad valorem taxes (including
cels other than 15 158 12 020. certain state, county, and city KNOWN AND UNKNOWN provided in the Note and Deed
fieri facias For tax, penalties, OBTAINED WILL BE USED taxes which are a lien, whether
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the fieri facias For tax, penalties, AND TO ALL THE WORLD All to Secure Debt. The debt re-
interest and legal cost for FOR THAT PURPOSE. or not now due and payable);
amount of $614.49 to satisfy interest and legal cost for that parcel of land being de- maining in default, this sale will
year(s) 2021. the right of redemption of any
certain state, county, and city year(s) 2021. scribed as Parcel 15 205 01 be made for the purpose of
fieri facias For tax, penalties, 021 and 2326 1ST AVE NE in paying the same and all ex- 420-468536 9/1,10/6,10/13, taxing authority; matters which
interest and legal cost for deed book 01962 page 00717 penses of this sale, as provided 10/20,10/27 would be disclosed by an ac-
390-469289 390-469294 less and except all parcels oth- curate survey or by an inspec-
year(s) 2021. in the Deed to Secure Debt and NOTICE OF SALE UNDER
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS er than 15 205 01 021. tion of the property; all zoning
by law, including attorney’s POWER
390-469284 22-R30207478-NOV-MLP 22-R30207704-NOV-DJE Levied on 09/08/2022 for the ordinances; assessments; li-
fees (notice of intent to collect GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: amount of $1,781.59 to satisfy ens; encumbrances; restric-
attorney’s fees having been By virtue of a Power of Sale
22-R30206390-NOV-DJE EPHEM SHAREW SRE DND HOLDINGS LLC certain state, county, and city tions; covenants, and any oth-
given). contained in that certain Secur-
To: Owner/Tenant: Defendant: Defendant: fieri facias For tax, penalties, er matters of record superior to
Said property is commonly ity Deed from HARRIETT
ELZINNIA FLOYD SHORTER EPHEM SHAREW SRE DND HOLDINGS LLC interest and legal cost for said Security Deed.
Defendant: All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- year(s) 2021. To the best of the knowledge
ELZINNIA FLOYD SHORTER scribed as Parcel 18 016 08 scribed as Parcel 15 057 07 and belief of the undersigned,
together with all fixtures and February 8, 2013, recorded
All that parcel of land being de- 011 and 416 PRINCE OF 120 and 3575 OAKVALE RD the owner and party in posses-
personal property attached to April 4, 2013, in Deed Book
scribed as Parcel 15 159 01 WALES in deed book 25401 1106 in deed book 28480 page sion of the property is HARRI-
390-469299 and constituting a part of said 23682, Page 691, DeKalb
041 and 4326 LANGDON DR in page 00792 less and except all 00755 less and except all par- ETT HANDSPIKE, KIM
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS property. To the best know- County, Georgia Records, said
deed book 09788 page 00031 parcels other than 18 016 08 cels other than 15 057 07 120. FLOWERS, or tenants(s).
22-R30210538-NOV-DJE ledge and belief of the under- Security Deed having been giv-
less and except all parcels oth- 011. Levied on 09/08/2022 for the The sale will be conducted sub-
To: Owner/Tenant: signed, the party (or parties) in en to secure a Note of even
er than 15 159 01 041. Levied on 09/08/2022 for the amount of $1,062.90 to satisfy ject (1) to confirmation that the
WILLIAM HARBIN JILES possession of the subject prop- date in the original principal
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the amount of $1,375.73 to satisfy certain state, county, and city sale is not prohibited under the
Defendant: erty is (are): MARY RAN- amount of One Hundred Thir-
amount of $1,315.55 to satisfy certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties, U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2)
certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for to final confirmation and audit
All that parcel of land being de- THE ESTATE(S) OF MARY & Ninety-Two and 00/100 dollars
fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for year(s) 2021. of the status of the loan with
scribed as Parcel 15 206 01 JOHN RANDOLPH, and or ten- ($113,392.00), with interest
interest and legal cost for year(s) 2021. the holder of the Security Deed.
132 and 47 KIRKWOOD RD ant or tenants. thereon as provided for therein,
year(s) 2021. said Security Deed having The entity having full authority
NE in deed book 05369 page Said property will be sold sub-
390-469285 390-469290 390-469295 00782 less and except all par- ject to (a) any outstanding ad been last sold, assigned and to negotiate, amend or modify
10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS 10/6,10/13,10/20,10/27DS cels other than 15 206 01 132. valorem taxes (including taxes transferred to WILMINGTON all terms of the loan (although
22-R30206454-NOV-JFC 22-R30207509-NOV-MLP 22-R30207834-NOV-KDD Levied on 09/08/2022 for the which are a lien, but not yet SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, not required by law to do so) is:
To: Owner/Tenant: To:Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: amount of $1,856.19 to satisfy due and payable), (b) any mat- FSB, AS TRUSTEE OF STAN- Carrington Mortgage Services,
AMY JAMES HASSAN O ABDULRAHMAN DARREL PACE certain state, county, and city ters which might be disclosed WICH MORTGAGE LOAN LLC, Loss Mitigation Dept.,
Defendant: Defendant: Defendant: fieri facias For tax, penalties, by an accurate survey and in- TRUST I, there will be sold at 1600 South Douglass Road
AMY JAMES HASSAN O ABDULRAHMAN DARREL PACE interest and legal cost for spection of the property, and public outcry to the highest bid- Suite 200A, Anaheim, CA
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- year(s) 2021. (c) all matters of record superi- der for cash at the DeKalb 92806, Telephone Number:
scribed as Parcel 15 206 04 scribed as Parcel 18 017 01 scribed as Parcel 15 183 06 or to the Deed to Secure Debt County Courthouse, within the 800-561-4567. Nothing in
049 and 0 ROGERS ST SE in 130 and 482 BARBASHELA 011 and 3128 GLENWOOD RD first set out above, including, legal hours of sale on the first O.C.G.A. Section 44-14-162.2
deed book 14192 page 00401 DR in deed book 25511 page SE in deed book 11962 page 390-999999 but not limited to, assessments, Tuesday in November, 2022, shall be construed to require a
less and except all parcels oth- 00066 less and except all par- 00156 less and except all par- TAX COMMISSIONER liens, encumbrances, zoning all property described in said secured creditor to negotiate,
er than 15 206 04 049. cels other than 18 017 01 130. cels other than 15 183 06 011. Ex-Officio Sheriff ordinances, easements, restric- Security Deed including but not amend, or modify the terms of
Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the Levied on 09/08/2022 for the DeKalb County tions, covenants, etc. limited to the following de- the mortgage instrument.
amount of $1,111.42 to satisfy amount of $659.40 to satisfy amount of $1,536.42 to satisfy Suite 100 The sale will be conducted sub- scribed property: WILMINGTON SAVINGS
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city 4380 Memorial Dr ject to (1) confirmation that the THE FOLLOWING DE- FUND SOCIETY, FSB, AS
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, Decatur, GA 30032 sale is not prohibited under the SCRIBED REAL PROPERTY TRUSTEE OF STANWICH
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for Refer to: Delinquent Collections U.S. Bankruptcy Code; (2) LOCATED IN COUNTY OF MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST I
year(s) 2021. year(s) 2021. year(s) 2021. 404-298-3053 O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1; DEKALB, STATE OF GEOR- as Attorney in Fact for
and (3) final confirmation and GIA; BEING MORE PARTICU- HARRIETT HANDSPIKE
audit of the status of the loan LARLY DESCRIBED AS FOL- THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY
with the holder of the security LOWS: BE HELD TO BE ACTING AS
secured creditor to negotiate, en, whether or not yet due and TEM OF NUMBERING given). Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2)
amend, or modify the terms of payable); (2) the right of re- HOUSES IN DEKALB Said property is commonly as Attorney-in-Fact for Azalea to final confirmation and audit
the mortgage instrument. demption of any taxing author- COUNTY, GEORGIA. known as 3124 SPRINGSIDE Cowan of the status of the loan with
WILMINGTON SAVINGS ity; (3) any matters which might THE MORTGAGOR COVEN- CROSSING DECATUR, GA File no. ++22-078282/Cowan++ the secured creditor.
FUND SOCIETY, FSB, AS be disclosed by an accurate ANTS AND AGREES THAT SO 30034, together with all fix- LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP* The property is or may be in
TRUSTEE OF STANWICH survey and inspection of the LONG AS THIS MORTGAGE tures and personal property at- Attorneys and Counselors at the possession of Johnny Der-

MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST I The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022Page 59
property; and (4) any assess- AND THE SAID NOTE SE- tached to and constituting a Law richo, successor in interest or
as Attorney in Fact for ments, liens, encumbrances, CURED HEREBY ARE GUAR- part of said property. To the 211 Perimeter Center Parkway, tenant(s).
HARRIETT HANDSPIKE zoning ordinances, restrictions, ANTEED UNDER THE PROVI- best knowledge and belief of 420-468918 9/29,10/6,10/13, N.E., Suite 300 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as At-
THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY covenants, and matters of re- SIONS OF THE SERVICE- the undersigned, the party (or 10/20,10/27 Atlanta, GA 30346 torney-in-Fact for Johnny Der-
BE HELD TO BE ACTING AS cord superior to the Security MEN'S READJUSTMENT ACT parties) in possession of the STATE OF GEORGIA (770) 220-2535/GR richo
A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN- Deed first set out above. OF 1944, AS AMENDED, HE subject property is (are): COUNTY OF DEKALB File no. ++22-079328/ Der-
TAINED WILL BE USED FOR confirmation that the sale is not MENT WHICH IMPOSES A Said property will be sold sub- Because of a default under the ANY INFORMATION OB- Attorneys and Counselors at
THAT PURPOSE. prohibited under the U.S. Bank- RESTRICTION UPON THE ject to (a) any outstanding ad terms of the Security Deed ex- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR Law
Attorney Contact: Rubin Lublin, ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- SALE OR OCCUPANCY OF valorem taxes (including taxes ecuted by Azalea Cowan to THAT PURPOSE. 211 Perimeter Center Parkway,
LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, firmation and audit of the status THE MORTGAGED PROP- which are a lien, but not yet Mortgage Electronic Registra- N.E., Suite 300
Suite 100, Peachtree Corners, of the loan with the holder of ERTY ON THE BASIS OF due and payable), (b) any mat- tion Systems, Inc. as nominee 420-468920 9/29,10/6,10/13 Atlanta, GA 30346
GA 30071 the Security Deed. RACE, COLOR OR CREED. ters which might be disclosed for Wolfe Financial Inc. dated 10/20,10/27 (770) 220-2535/GR
Telephone Number: (877) 813- The name, address, and tele- UPON ANY VIOLATION OF by an accurate survey and in- December 15, 2017, and recor- STATE OF GEORGIA
0992 Case No. ++CMS-22- phone number of the individual THIS UNDERTAKING, THE spection of the property, and ded in Deed Book 26662, Page COUNTY OF DEKALB *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING
04498-1/ HANDSPIKE/ or entity who has full authority MORTGAGEE MAY, AT ITPS (c) all matters of record superi- 173, DeKalb County Records, NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AS A DEBT COLLECTOR.
FLOWERS++ to negotiate, amend, and modi- OPETION, DECLARE THE UN- or to the Deed to Secure Debt said Security Deed having POWER ANY INFORMATION OB-
Ad Run Dates 09/01/2022, fy all terms of the mortgage is PAID BALANCE OF THE first set out above, including, been last sold, assigned, trans- Because of a default under the TAINED WILL BE USED FOR
10/06/2022, 10/13/2022, as follows: DEBT SECURED HEREBY IM- but not limited to, assessments, ferred and conveyed to terms of the Security Deed ex- THAT PURPOSE.
10/20/2022, 10/27/2022 LoanCare, LLC 3637 Sentara MEDIATELY DUE AND PAY- liens, encumbrances, zoning Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC, ecuted by Johnny Derricho to
420-468646 9/8,10/6,10/13, Way Virginia Beach, VA 23452 ABLE. ordinances, easements, restric- securing a Note in the original Mortgage Electronic Registra- 420-468921 9/29,10/6,10/13
10/20,10/27 1-800-274-6600 THE GRANTOR FURTHER tions, covenants, etc. principal amount of tion Systems, Inc., as Nominee 10/20,10/27
STATE OF GEORGIA Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. COVENANTS THAT SHOULD The sale will be conducted sub- $146,791.00, the holder there- for Milend, Inc. dated Decem- STATE OF GEORGIA
COUNTY OF DEKALB § 44-14-162.2, the above indi- VA FAIL OR REFUSE TO IS- ject to (1) confirmation that the of pursuant to said Deed and ber 17, 2015, and recorded in COUNTY OF DEKALB
NOTICE OF SALE UNDER vidual or entity is not required SUE ITS GUARANTY OF THE sale is not prohibited under the Note thereby secured has de- Deed Book 25319, Page 305, NOTICE OF SALE UNDER
POWER by law to negotiate, amend, or LOAN SECURED BY THIS SE- U.S. Bankruptcy Code; (2) clared the entire amount of said as last modified in Deed Book POWER
Pursuant to the power of sale modify the terms of the mort- CURITY INSTRUMENT UN- O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1; indebtedness due and payable 29946, Page 709, DeKalb Because of a default under the
contained in the Security Deed gage. DER THE PROVISIONS OF and (3) final confirmation and and, pursuant to the power of County Records, said Security terms of the Security Deed ex-
executed by CH ARLOTTE THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING THE SERVICEMEN'S READ- audit of the status of the loan sale contained in said Deed, Deed having been last sold, as- ecuted by Antoine S Diop and
DENENE WILLIAMS to MORT- AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- JUSTMENT ACT OF 1944, AS with the holder of the security will on the first Tuesday, signed, transferred and con- Toyia C King to Mortgage Elec-
GAGE ELECTRONIC REGIS- TEMPTING TO COLLECT A AMENDED, IN THE AMOUNT deed. November 1, 2022, during the veyed to Wells Fargo Bank, tronic Registration Systems,
TRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OF 60% OF THE LOAN Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section legal hours of sale, before the NA, securing a Note in the ori- Inc., as Nominee for Home
NOMINEE FOR MOVEMENT OBTAINED MAY BE USED AMOUNT OR $30,000, 9-13-172.1, which allows for Courthouse door in said ginal principal amount of America Mortgage, Inc. dated
MORTGAGE, LLC in the origin- FOR THAT PURPOSE. WHICHEVER IS LESS, WITH- certain procedures regarding County, sell at public outcry to $219,942.00, the holder there- November 29, 2007, and recor-
al principal amount of LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVI- IN 90 DAYS FROM THE DATE the rescission of judicial and the highest bidder for cash, the of pursuant to said Deed and ded in Deed Book 20476, Page
$225,735.00 dated September CING, LLC, as Attorney-in-Fact THE LOAN WOULD NOR- non-judicial sales in the State property described in said Note thereby secured has de- 106, DeKalb County Records,
27, 2019 and recorded in Deed for MALLY BECOME ELIGIBLE of Georgia, the Deed Under Deed, to-wit: clared the entire amount of said said Security Deed having
Book 27842, Page 258, DeKalb CHARLOTTE DENENE WILLI- FOR SUCH GUARANTY, THE Power and other foreclosure All that tract or parcel of land ly- indebtedness due and payable been last sold, assigned, trans-
County records, said Security AMS GRANTEE HEREIN MAY AT documents may not be ing and being in Land Lot 218 and, pursuant to the power of ferred and conveyed to Selene
Deed being last transferred to Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, ITS OPTION DECLARE ALL provided until final confirmation of the 16th District of DeKalb sale contained in said Deed, Finance, LP, securing a Note in
LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVI- Crane & Partners, PLLC 10700 SUMS SECURED BY THE SE- and audit of the status of the County, Georgia and being in will on the first Tuesday, the original principal amount of
CING, LLC in Deed Book Abbott’s Bridge Road Suite 170 CURITY INSTRUMENT IMME- loan as provided in the preced- Lot 7, Block C, of Harmony November 1, 2022, during the $146,108.00, the holder there-
28515, Page 257, DeKalb Duluth, GA 30097 Phone: DIATELY DUE AND PAYABLE. ing paragraph. Lakes Subdivision, Phase III, legal hours of sale, before the of pursuant to said Deed and
County records, the under- 470.321.7112 INCLUDING ALL BUILDINGS Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section as per plat recorded in Plat Courthouse door in said Note thereby secured has de-
signed will sell at public outcry Firm File No. ++22-050920 - AND IMPROVEMENTS NOW 44-14-162.2, the entity that has Bo o k 1 0 5 , Pa g e s 2 2 -3 3 , County, sell at public outcry to clared the entire amount of said
to the highest bidder for cash, KaH/WILLIAMS++ OR HEREAFTER EXISTING full authority to negotiate, DeKalb County records, which the highest bidder for cash, the indebtedness due and payable
before the Courthouse door in THEREON; TOGETHER WITH amend and modify all terms of plat is incorporated herein by property described in said and, pursuant to the power of
said County, or at such other 420-468846 9/22,9/29,10/6, THE HEREDITAMENTS AND the mortgage with the debtor is: this reference and made a part Deed, to-wit: sale contained in said Deed,
place as lawfully designated, 10/13,10/20,10/27 APPURTENANCES AND ALL Carrington Mortgage Services, of this description. All that tract or parcel of land ly- will on the first Tuesday,
within the legal hours of sale, Notice of Sale Under Power OTHER RIGHTS THERE- LLC Said property is known as 2250 ing and being in Land Lot 180 November 1, 2022, during the
on November 1, 2022, the Georgia, DEKALB County UNTO BELONGING, OR IN Attention: Loss Mitigation De- Harmony Lakes Cir, Lithonia, of the 18th District of Dekalb legal hours of sale, before the
property in said Security Deed Under and by virtue of the ANYWISE APPERTAINING, partment GA 30058, together with all fix- County, Georgia, being Lot 42 Courthouse door in said
and described as follows: Power of Sale contained in a AND THE REVERSION AND 1600 South Douglass Road. tures and personal property at- Block B of Smoke Rise, Unit County, sell at public outcry to
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Deed to Secure Debt given by REVERSIONS, REMAINDER Suites 100 & 200-A tached to and constituting a XXXIII, as per Plat thereof re- the highest bidder for cash, the
CEL OF LAND LYING AND DARRYL T. MAGBY to Mort- AND REMAINDERS, AND THE Anaheim, CA 92806 part of said property, if any. corded in Plat Book 59, page property described in said
BEING IN LAND LOT 43 OF gage Electronic Registration RENTS, ISSUES, AND 1-800-561-4567 Said property will be sold sub- 108, Dekalb County, Georgia, Deed, to-wit:
THE 15TH DISTRICT, OF Systems, Inc. as nominee for PROFITS OF THE ABOVE DE- The foregoing notwithstanding, ject to any outstanding ad records, which Plat is incorpor- All that tract or parcel of land ly-
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, B&M MORTGAGE CORP., SCRIBED PROPERTY, nothing in OC.G.A. Section 44- valorem taxes (including taxes ated herein and made a part ing and being in Land Lot 62 of
BEING LOT SEVENTY-ONE dated December 23, 1992, and (PROVIDED, HOWEVER, 14-162.2 shall be construed to which are a lien, whether or not hereof by reference for a more the 15th District, DeKalb
(71), OF UNIT IV OF MISTY recorded in Deed Book 7520, THAT THE GRANTOR SHALL require the secured creditor to now due and payable), the right detailed description. Said prop- County, Georgia, being Unit 7,
LAKE SUBDIVISION, AS PER Page 688, DEKALB County, BE ENTITLED TO COLLECT negotiate, amend or modify the of redemption of any taxing au- erty being known as 2070 Sil- Building D, Brycewood Lakes,
PLAT THEREOF RECORDED Georgia records, and last as- AND RETAIN THE SAID terms of the Deed to Secure thority, any matters which might ver Hill Road, according to the (a townhome community), per
IN PLAT BOOK 119, PAGE 72, signed to CARRINGTON RENTS, ISSUES AND Debt described herein. be disclosed by an accurate present system of numbering Plat Book 173, Pages 95-103,
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, MORTGAGE SERVICES, LLC, PROFITS UNTIL DEFAULT This sale is conducted on be- survey and inspection of the property in Dekalb County, DeKalb County, Georgia Re-
DEED RECORDS, WHICH RE- Book 27806, page 781, con- HEREUNDER); AND ALL FIX- half of the secured creditor un- property, any assessments, li- Georgia. cords, which is referred to and
CORDED PLAT IS INCOR- veying the after-described TURES NOW OR HERE- der the power of sale granted in ens, encumbrances, zoning or- Said property is known as 2070 made a part of this description
PORATED HEREIN BY REF- property to secure a Note of AFTER ATTACHED TO OR the aforementioned security in- dinances, restrictions, coven- Silver Hill Road, Stone Moun- Said property is known as 3551
ERENCE AND MADE A PART even date in the original prin- USED IN CONNECTION WITH strument, specifically being ants, and matters of record su- tain, GA 30087, together with Brycewood Drive, Decatur, GA
OF THIS DESCRIPTION. cipal amount of $62,750.00, THE PREMISES HEREIN DE- CARRINGTON MORTGAGE perior to the Security Deed first all fixtures and personal prop- 30034, together with all fix-
Said property being known as: with interest at the rate spe- SCRIBED AND IN ADDITION SERVICES, LLC set out above. erty attached to and constitut- tures and personal property at-
3899 MISTY LAKE ELLEN- cified therein, there will be sold THERETO THE FOLLOWING as attorney in fact for The proceeds of said sale will ing a part of said property, if tached to and constituting a
WOOD, GA 30294 by the undersigned at public DESCRIBED HOUSEHOLD DARRYL T. MAGBY be applied to the payment of any. part of said property, if any.
To the best of the outcry to the highest bidder for APPLIANCES, WHICH ARE, Parkway Law Group, LLC said indebtedness and all ex- Said property will be sold sub- Said property will be sold sub-
undersigned’s knowledge, the cash before the Courthouse AND SHALL BE DEEMED TO 1755 North Brown Road penses of said sale as provided ject to any outstanding ad ject to any outstanding ad
party or parties in possession door of DEKALB County, Geor- BE, FIXTURES AND A PART Suite 150 in said Deed, and the balance, valorem taxes (including taxes valorem taxes (including taxes
of said property is/are CHAR- gia, within the legal hours of OF THE REALTY, AND ARE A Lawrenceville, GA 30043 if any, will be distributed as which are a lien, whether or not which are a lien, whether or not
LOTTE DENENE WILLIAMS or sale on the first Tuesday in PORTION OF THE SECURITY 404.719.5155 provided by law. now due and payable), the right now due and payable), the right
tenant(s). November, 2022, to wit: FOR THE INDEBTEDNESS SEPTEMBER 22, 29, OCTO- The sale will be conducted sub- of redemption of any taxing au- of redemption of any taxing au-
The debt secured by said Se- November 1, 2022, the follow- HEREIN MENTIONED: BER, 6, 13, 20, 27, 2022 ject (1) to confirmation that the thority, any matters which might thority, any matters which might
curity Deed has been and is ing described property: RANGE/OVEN, FAN/HOOD ++22-0160 / MAGBY++ sale is not prohibited under the be disclosed by an accurate be disclosed by an accurate
hereby declared due and pay- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- The debt secured by said Deed THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) survey and inspection of the survey and inspection of the
able because of, among other CEL OF LAND LYING AND to Secure Debt has been and is AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- to final confirmation and audit property, any assessments, li- property, any assessments, li-
possible events of default, fail- BEING IN LAND LOT 91 OF hereby declared due because TEMPTING TO COLLECT A of the status of the loan with ens, encumbrances, zoning or- ens, encumbrances, zoning or-
ure to pay the indebtedness as THE 15TH DISTRICT OF of, among other possible DEBT. ANY INFORMATION the secured creditor. dinances, restrictions, coven- dinances, restrictions, coven-
provided for in the Note and DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, events of default, failure to pay OBTAINED WILL BE USED The property is or may be in ants, and matters of record su- ants, and matters of record su-
said Security Deed. The debt BEING LOT 10, BLOCK A, the indebtedness as and when FOR THAT PURPOSE. the possession of The Repres- perior to the Security Deed first perior to the Security Deed first
remaining in default, this sale SPRINGSIDE SUBDIVISION, due and in the manner entative of the Estate of Aza- set out above. set out above.
will be made for the purpose of AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN provided in the Note and Deed lea Cowan, successor in in- The proceeds of said sale will The proceeds of said sale will
paying the same and all ex- PLAT BOOK 90, PAGE 100, to Secure Debt. The debt re- terest or tenant(s). be applied to the payment of be applied to the payment of
penses of sale, including attor- DEKALB COUNTY RECORDS, maining in default, this sale will Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC said indebtedness and all ex- said indebtedness and all ex-
ney’s fees (notice of intent to WHICH DESCRIPTION IS IN- be made for the purpose of as Attorney-in-Fact for Azalea penses of said sale as provided penses of said sale as provided
collect attorney’s fees having CORPORATED HEREIN BY paying the same and all ex- Cowan in said Deed, and the balance, in said Deed, and the balance,
been given). REFERENCE THERETO; BE- penses of this sale, as provided File no. ++22-078282/Cowan++ if any, will be distributed as if any, will be distributed as
Said property will be sold sub- ING IMPROVED PROPERTY in the Deed to Secure Debt and LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP* provided by law. provided by law.
ject to the following: (1) any KNOWN AS 3124 SPRING- by law, including attorney’s Attorneys and Counselors at The sale will be conducted sub- The sale will be conducted sub-
outstanding ad valorem taxes SIDE CROSSING, ACCORD- fees (notice of intent to collect Law ject (1) to confirmation that the ject (1) to confirmation that the
(including taxes which are a li- ING TO THE PRESENT SYS- attorney’s fees having been 211 Perimeter Center Parkway, sale is not prohibited under the sale is not prohibited under the
en, whether or not yet due and TEM OF NUMBERING given). N.E., Suite 300 U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2)
payable); (2) the right of re- HOUSES IN DEKALB Said property is commonly Atlanta, GA 30346 to final confirmation and audit to final confirmation and audit
demption of any taxing author- COUNTY, GEORGIA. known as 3124 SPRINGSIDE (770) 220-2535/GR of the status of the loan with of the status of the loan with
ity; (3) any matters which might THE MORTGAGOR COVEN- CROSSING DECATUR, GA the secured creditor. the secured creditor.
be disclosed by an accurate ANTS AND AGREES THAT SO 30034, together with all fix- *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING The property is or may be in The property is or may be in
survey and inspection of the LONG AS THIS MORTGAGE tures and personal property at- AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. the possession of Johnny Der- the possession of Antoine S Di-
property; and (4) any assess- AND THE SAID NOTE SE- tached to and constituting a ANY INFORMATION OB- richo, successor in interest or op and Toyia C King, suc-
ments, liens, encumbrances, CURED HEREBY ARE GUAR- part of said property. To the TAINED WILL BE USED FOR tenant(s). cessor in interest or tenant(s).
zoning ordinances, restrictions, ANTEED UNDER THE PROVI- best knowledge and belief of THAT PURPOSE. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as At- Selene Finance LP as Attor-
covenants, and matters of re- SIONS OF THE SERVICE- the undersigned, the party (or torney-in-Fact for Johnny Der- ney-in-Fact for Antoine S Diop
cord superior to the Security MEN'S READJUSTMENT ACT parties) in possession of the richo and Toyia C King
Deed first set out above. OF 1944, AS AMENDED, HE subject property is (are): File no. ++22-079328/ Der- File no. ++21-077990/Diop/
U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) now due and payable), the right of said property is/are ESTH- outcry to the highest bidder for negotiate, amend or modify the due and in the manner
to final confirmation and audit of redemption of any taxing au- ER L. ROBINSON AND cash before the Courthouse terms of the Deed to Secure provided in the Note and Deed
of the status of the loan with thority, any matters which might CHERYL A. ROBINSON or ten- door of DEKALB County, Geor- Debt described herein. to Secure Debt. Because the
the secured creditor. be disclosed by an accurate ant(s). gia, within the legal hours of This sale is conducted on be- debt remains in default, this
The property is or may be in survey and inspection of the The debt secured by said Se- sale on the first Tuesday in half of the secured creditor un- sale will be made for the pur-
the possession of Antoine S Di- property, any assessments, li- curity Deed has been and is December, 2022, to wit: der the power of sale granted in pose of paying the same and
Page 60
op and Toyia C King, suc-
cessor in interest or tenant(s).
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 
ens, encumbrances, zoning or-
dinances, restrictions, coven-
hereby declared due and pay-
able because of, among other
December 6, 2022, the follow- the aforementioned security in-
strument, specifically being
all expenses of this sale, as
provided in the Deed to Secure
ing described property:
Selene Finance LP as Attor- ants, and matters of record su- possible events of default, fail- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Carrington Mortgage Services, Debt and by law, including at- 420-469308 10/6,10/13,10/20
ney-in-Fact for Antoine S Diop perior to the Security Deed first ure to pay the indebtedness as CEL OF LAND LYING AND LLC torney’s fees (notice of intent to 10/27
and Toyia C King set out above. provided for in the Note and BEING IN LAND LOT 149 OF as attorney in fact for collect attorney’s fees having Notice of Sale Under Power.
File no. ++21-077990/Diop/ The proceeds of said sale will said Security Deed. The debt THE 16TH DISTRICT, DEKALB PATRICIA D. LOOK TOW been given). BANK OF AMER- State of Georgia,
King++ be applied to the payment of remaining in default, this sale COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING Parkway Law Group, LLC ICA, N.A. holds the duly en- County of DEKALB.
LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP* said indebtedness and all ex- will be made for the purpose of LOT 20, CRESTVIEW MANOR, 1755 North Brown Road dorsed Note and is the current Under and by virtue of the
Attorneys and Counselors at penses of said sale as provided paying the same and all ex- AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN Suite 150 assignee of the Security Deed Power of Sale contained in a
Law in said Deed, and the balance, penses of sale, including attor- PLAT BOOK 183, PAGES 45- Lawrenceville, GA 30043 to the property. BANK OF Deed to Secure Debt given by
211 Perimeter Center Parkway, if any, will be distributed as ney’s fees (notice of intent to 51, DEKALB COUNTY RE- 404.719.5155 AMERICA, N.A., AS SUC- VIRLY C WILLIAMS to BANK
N.E., Suite 300 provided by law. collect attorney’s fees having CORDS, SAID PLAT BEING SEPTEMBER 29, OCTOBER CESSOR BY MERGER TO OF AMERICA, N.A. , dated
Atlanta, GA 30346 The sale will be conducted sub- been given). INCORPORATED HEREIN BY 6, 13, 20, 27, NOVEMBER 3, BAC HOME LOANS SERVI- 10/13/2004, and Recorded on
(770) 220-2535/jw ject (1) to confirmation that the Said property will be sold sub- REFERENCE THERETO. 10, 17, 24, DECEMBER 1, CING, LP, acting on behalf of 10/22/2004 as Book No. 16733 sale is not prohibited under the ject to the following: (1) any The debt secured by said Deed 2022 and, as necessary, in consulta- and Page No. 645, DEKALB
*THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) outstanding ad valorem taxes to Secure Debt has been and is ++22-0166/PATRICIA D. LOOK tion with FEDERAL NATIONAL County, Georgia records, as
AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. to final confirmation and audit (including taxes which are a li- hereby declared due because TOW++ MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION, last assigned to BANK OF
ANY INFORMATION OB- of the status of the loan with en, whether or not yet due and of, among other possible THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING A/K/A FANNIE MAE (the cur- AMERICA, N.A. (the Secured
TAINED WILL BE USED FOR the secured creditor. payable); (2) the right of re- events of default, failure to pay AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- rent investor on the loan), is the Creditor), by assignment, con-
THAT PURPOSE. The property is or may be in demption of any taxing author- the indebtedness as and when TEMPTING TO COLLECT A entity with the full authority to veying the after described prop-
420-468922 9/2910/6,10/13 the possession of Love Kumar ity; (3) any matters which might due and in the manner DEBT. ANY INFORMATION negotiate, amend, and modify erty to secure a Note of even
10/20,10/29 Garg, successor in interest or be disclosed by an accurate provided in the Note and Deed OBTAINED WILL BE USED all terms of the loan. Pursuant date in the original principal
STATE OF GEORGIA tenant(s). survey and inspection of the to Secure Debt. The debt re- FOR THAT PURPOSE. to O.C.G.A. § 44 14 162.2, amount of $140,000.00, with in-
COUNTY OF DEKALB Digital Federal Credit Union as property; and (4) any assess- maining in default, this sale will 420-469307 10/6,10/13,10/20 BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., AS terest at the rate specified
NOTICE OF SALE UNDER Attorney-in-Fact for Love Ku- ments, liens, encumbrances, be made for the purpose of 10/27 SUCCESSOR BY MERGER therein, there will be sold by the
POWER mar Garg zoning ordinances, restrictions, paying the same and all ex- Notice of Sale Under Power TO BAC HOME LOANS SER- undersigned at public outcry to
Because of a default under the File no. ++22-079182/Garg++ covenants, and matters of re- penses of this sale, as provided State of Georgia, VICING, LP may be contacted the highest bidder for cash at
terms of the Security Deed ex- LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP* cord superior to the Security in the Deed to Secure Debt and County of DEKALB. at: BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., the DEKALB County Court-
ecuted by Love Kumar Garg to Attorneys and Counselors at Deed first set out above. by law, including attorney’s Under and by virtue of the AS SUCCESSOR BY MER- house within the legal hours of
Digital Federal Credit Union Law Said sale will be conducted fees (notice of intent to collect Power of Sale contained in a GER TO BAC HOME LOANS sale on the first Tuesday in
dated May 30, 2017, and recor- 211 Perimeter Center Parkway, subject to the following: (1) attorney’s fees having been Deed to Secure Debt given by SERVICING, LP, 7105 COR- November, 2022, the following
ded in Deed Book 26307, Page N.E., Suite 300 confirmation that the sale is not given). NATHAN G SLUSS to MORT- PORATE DRIVE, PLANO, TX described property: ALL THAT
394, DeKalb County Records, Atlanta, GA 30346 prohibited under the U.S. Bank- Said property is commonly GAGE ELECTRONIC REGIS- 75024, 800 669 6650. Please TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND
securing a Note in the original (770) 220-2535/GR ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- known as 3480 STONELEIGH TRATION SYSTEMS, INC., note that, pursuant to O.C.G.A. LYING AND BEING IN LAND
principal amount of firmation and audit of the status WALK LITHONIA, GA 30038, ("MERS"), AS NOMINEE FOR § 44 14 162.2, the secured LOT 24 OF THE 18TH DIS-
$125,600.00, the holder there- *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING of the loan with the holder of together with all fixtures and AMERICAN BROKERS CON- creditor is not required to TRICT OF DEKALB COUNTY,
of pursuant to said Deed and AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. the Security Deed. personal property attached to DUIT , dated 10/18/2006, and amend or modify the terms of GEORGIA, BEING LOT 17,
Note thereby secured has de- ANY INFORMATION OB - The name, address, and tele- and constituting a part of said Recorded on 11/03/2006 as the loan. To the best know- BLOCK C, UNIT II OF RAVEN
clared the entire amount of said TAINED WILL BE USED FOR phone number of the individual property. To the best know- Book No. 19330 and Page No. ledge and belief of the under- SPRINGS SUBDIVISION, AS
indebtedness due and payable THAT PURPOSE. or entity who has full authority ledge and belief of the under- 229, DEKALB County, Georgia signed, the party/parties in pos- PER PLAT RECORDED IN
and, pursuant to the power of to negotiate, amend, and modi- signed, the party (or parties) in records, as last assigned to session of the subject property PLAT BOOK 62, PAGE 37,
sale contained in said Deed, 420-468924 9/29,10/6,10/13 fy all terms of the mortgage is possession of the subject prop- BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. (the known as 109 FLORA AVEN- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA
will on the first Tuesday, 10/20,10/27 as follows: erty is (are): PATRICIA D. Secured Creditor), by assign- UE, ATLANTA, GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS
November 1, 2022, during the STATE OF GEORGIA NEWREZ LLC D/B/A Shell- LOOK TOW or tenant or ten- ment, conveying the after de- 30307 is/are: NATHAN G INCORPORATED HEREIN
legal hours of sale, before the COUNTY OF DEKALB point Mortgage Servicing ants. scribed property to secure a SLUSS or tenant/tenants. Said AND MADE A PART HEREOF
Courthouse door in said NOTICE OF SALE UNDER 75 Beattie Place, Suite 300 Said property will be sold sub- Note of even date in the origin- property will be sold subject to BY REFERENCE. The debt se-
County, sell at public outcry to POWER Greenville, SC 29601 ject to (a) any outstanding ad al principal amount of (a) any outstanding ad valorem cured by said Deed to Secure
the highest bidder for cash, the Pursuant to the power of sale 866-825-2174 valorem taxes (including taxes $102,400.00, with interest at taxes (including taxes which Debt has been and is hereby
property described in said contained in the Security Deed Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. which are a lien, but not yet the rate specified therein, there are a lien, but not yet due and declared due because of,
Deed, to-wit: executed by ESTHER L. § 44-14-162.2, the above indi- due and payable), (b) any mat- will be sold by the undersigned payable), (b) any matters which among other possible events of
All that tract or parcel of land ly- ROBINSON AND CHERYL A. vidual or entity is not required ters which might be disclosed at public outcry to the highest might be disclosed by an accur- default, failure to pay the in-
ing and being in Land Lot 329 ROBINSON to BANK OF by law to negotiate, amend, or by an accurate survey and in- bidder for cash at the DEKALB ate survey and inspection of debtedness as and when due
of the 18th District of DeKalb AMERICA, N.A. in the original modify the terms of the mort- spection of the property, and County Courthouse within the the property, and (c) all mat- and in the manner provided in
County, Georgia, and being principal amount of $87,450.00 gage. (c) all matters of record superi- legal hours of sale on the first ters of record superior to the the Note and Deed to Secure
more particularly described as dated May 26, 2005 and recor- THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING or to the Deed to Secure Debt Tuesday in November, 2022, Deed to Secure Debt first set Debt. Because the debt re-
follows: ded in Deed Book 17528, Page AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- first set out above, including, the following described prop- out above, including, but not mains in default, this sale will
Condominium Unit 4107 of Villa 191, DeKalb County records, TEMPTING TO COLLECT A but not limited to, assessments, erty: ALL THAT TRACT OF limited to, assessments, liens, be made for the purpose of
Sonoma at Perimeter Summit, said Security Deed being last DEBT. ANY INFORMATION liens, encumbrances, zoning PARCEL OF LAND LYING encumbrances, zoning ordin- paying the same and all ex-
a Condominium, as more par- transferred to LEGACY MORT- OBTAINED MAY BE USED ordinances, easements, restric- AND BEING IN LAND LOT 209 ances, easements, restrictions, penses of this sale, as provided
ticularly described and delin- GAGE ASSET TRUST 2021- FOR THAT PURPOSE. tions, covenants, etc. OF THE 15TH DISTRICT, covenants, etc. The sale will be in the Deed to Secure Debt and
eated in the Declaration of GS3 in Deed Book 29953, LEGACY MORTGAGE ASSET The sale will be conducted sub- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, conducted subject to (1) con- by law, including attorney’s
Condominium for Villa Sonoma Page 411, DeKalb County re- TRUST 2021-GS3, ject to (1) confirmation that the BEING LOT 47, BAKER PROP- firmation that the sale is not fees (notice of intent to collect
at Perimeter Summit, a Con- cords, the undersigned will sell as Attorney-in-Fact for sale is not prohibited under the ERTY prohibited under the U.S. Bank- attorney’s fees having been
dominium, recorded in Deed at public outcry to the highest ESTHER L. ROBINSON AND U.S. Bankruptcy Code; (2) SUBDIVISION, AS PER PLAT ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- given). BANK OF AMERICA,
Book 17082, Page 471, et seq., bidder for cash, before the CHERYL A. ROBINSON O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1; THEREOF RECORDED IN firmation and audit of the status N.A. holds the duly endorsed
DeKalb County, Georgia Re- Courthouse door in said Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, and (3) final confirmation and DEED BOOK XX, PAGE 563, of the loan with the holder of Note and is the current assign-
cords, as may be amended, to- County, or at such other place Crane & Partners, PLLC audit of the status of the loan DEKALB COUNTY RECORDS, the security deed. Pursuant to ee of the Security Deed to the
gether with all right, title and in- as lawfully designated, within 10700 Abbott’s Bridge Road with the holder of the security AND BEING MORE PARTICU- O.C.G.A. Section 9 13 172.1, property. BANK OF AMERICA,
terest in the Common Ele- the legal hours of sale, on Suite 170 deed. LARLY DESCRIBED AS which allows for certain proced- N.A., AS SUCCESSOR BY
ments as set forth in said De- November 01, 2022, the prop- Duluth, GA 30097 Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section FOLLOWS: ures regarding the rescission of MERGER TO BAC HOME
claration. This conveyance is erty in said Security Deed and Phone: 470.321.7112 9-13-172.1, which allows for BEGINNING AT A POINT OF judicial and nonjudicial sales in LOANS SERVICING, LP, act-
made subject to the Declara- described as follows: Firm File No. ++22-064114 - certain procedures regarding THE NORTHEAST CORNER the State of Georgia, the Deed ing on behalf of and, as neces-
tion and all matters referenced ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- TiT /ROBINSON++ the rescission of judicial and OF FLORA AVENUE AND FIN- Under Power and other fore- sary, in consultation with BANK
therein, all matters shown on CEL OF LAND LYING AND 420-468925 9/29,10/6,10/13 non-judicial sales in the State LEY STREET, AND RUNNING closure documents may not be OF AMERICA, N.A. (the cur-
the plat recorded in Plat Book BEING IN LAND LOT 161 OF 10/20,10/27,11/3,11/10,11/17 of Georgia, the Deed Under THENCE NORTH ALONG THE provided until final confirmation rent investor on the loan), is the
150, Page 109, DeKalb County, THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB 11/24,12/1 Power and other foreclosure EAST SIDE OF FLORA and audit of the status of the entity with the full authority to
Georgia Records, as may be COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING Notice of Sale Under Power documents may not be AVENUE 50 FEET; THENCE loan as provided in the preced- negotiate, amend, and modify
amended and the floor plans BUILDING 24, UNIT 126, Georgia, DEKALB County provided until final confirmation EAST 150 FEET; THENCE ing paragraph. BANK OF all terms of the loan. Pursuant
recorded in Plat Book 150, PARK PLACE, UNIT II, AS Under and by virtue of the and audit of the status of the SOUTH 50 FEET TO THE AMERICA, N.A. as Attorney in to O.C.G.A. § 44 14 162.2,
Pages 110-149, aforesaid re- PER PLAT RECORDED IN Power of Sale contained in a loan as provided in the preced- NORTH SIDE OF FINLEY Fact for NATHAN G SLUSS. BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., AS
cords, as may be amended. PLAT BOOK 134, PAGES 75- Deed to Secure Debt given by ing paragraph. STREET; THENCE WEST THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING SUCCESSOR BY MERGER
Perimeter Summit Blvd. NE GIA RECORDS, WHICH PLAT Mortgage Electronic Registra- 44-14-162.2, the entity that has FINLEY TEMPTING TO COLLECT A VICING, LP may be contacted
Unit 4107, according to the IS INCORPORATED HEREIN tion Systems, Inc. as nominee full authority to negotiate, STREET 150 FEET TO THE DEBT. ANY INFORMATION at: BANK OF AMERICA, N.A.,
present system of numbering AND MADE A PART HEREOF for COLONIAL BANK, dated amend and modify all terms of POINT OF BEGINNING, AND OBTAINED WILL BE USED AS SUCCESSOR BY MER-
property in Dekalb County, BY REFERENCE. March 13, 2009, and recorded the mortgage with the debtor is: BEING IMPROVED PROP- FOR THAT PURPOSE. GER TO BAC HOME LOANS
Georgia. THE IMPROVEMENTS in Deed Book 21330, Page Carrington Mortgage Services, ERTY KNOWN AS 109 FLORA ++00000009434366/SLUSS++ SERVICING, LP, 7105 COR-
Perimeter Summit Boulevard 4634 GRAND CENTRAL, records, and last assigned to Attention: Loss Mitigation De- GEORGIA. TURNER & ENGEL, LLP 4004 75024, 800 669 6650. Please
NE, Unit 4107, Brookhaven, PARKWAY, GEORGIA - Carrington Mortgage Services, partment SUBJECT TO ALL EAS- Belt Line Road, Suite 100 Ad- note that, pursuant to O.C.G.A.
GA 30319, together with all fix- 30038. LLC, in Book 25725, Page 1, 1600 South Douglass Road. MENTS AND RESTRICTIONS dison, Texas 75001 Telephone: § 44 14 162.2, the secured
tures and personal property at- conveying the after-described Suites 100 & 200-A OF RECORD IF ANY. The debt (972) 341 5398. creditor is not required to
tached to and constituting a Said property being known as: property to secure a Note of Anaheim, CA 92806 secured by said Deed to Se- amend or modify the terms of
part of said property, if any. 4634 GRAND CENTRAL even date in the original prin- 1-800-561-4567 cure Debt has been and is the loan. To the best know-
Said property will be sold sub- PKWY DECATUR, GA 30038 cipal amount of $162,557.00, The foregoing notwithstanding, hereby declared due because ledge and belief of the under-
ject to any outstanding ad To the best of the with interest at the rate spe- nothing in OC.G.A. Section 44- of, among other possible signed, the party/parties in pos-
valorem taxes (including taxes undersigned’s knowledge, the cified therein, there will be sold 14-162.2 shall be construed to events of default, failure to pay session of the subject property
which are a lien, whether or not party or parties in possession by the undersigned at public require the secured creditor to the indebtedness as and when known as 520 RAVEN
now due and payable), the right of said property is/are ESTH- outcry to the highest bidder for negotiate, amend or modify the due and in the manner SPRINGS TRAIL, STONE
of redemption of any taxing au- ER L. ROBINSON AND cash before the Courthouse terms of the Deed to Secure provided in the Note and Deed MOUNTAIN, GEORGIA 30087
thority, any matters which might CHERYL A. ROBINSON or ten- door of DEKALB County, Geor- Debt described herein. to Secure Debt. Because the is/are: VIRLY C WILLIAMS or
be disclosed by an accurate ant(s). gia, within the legal hours of This sale is conducted on be- debt remains in default, this tenant/tenants. Said property
survey and inspection of the The debt secured by said Se- sale on the first Tuesday in half of the secured creditor un- sale will be made for the pur- will be sold subject to (a) any
property, any assessments, li- curity Deed has been and is D e c e m b e r , 2 0 2 2 , t o w i t: der the power of sale granted in pose of paying the same and outstanding ad valorem taxes
ens, encumbrances, zoning or- hereby declared due and pay- December 6, 2022, the follow- the aforementioned security in- all expenses of this sale, as (including taxes which are a li-
dinances, restrictions, coven- able because of, among other ing described property: strument, specifically being provided in the Deed to Secure en, but not yet due and pay-
ants, and matters of record su- possible events of default, fail- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Carrington Mortgage Services, Debt and by law, including at- able), (b) any matters which
perior to the Security Deed first ure to pay the indebtedness as CEL OF LAND LYING AND LLC torney’s fees (notice of intent to might be disclosed by an accur-
set out above. provided for in the Note and BEING IN LAND LOT 149 OF as attorney in fact for collect attorney’s fees having ate survey and inspection of
The proceeds of said sale will said Security Deed. The debt THE 16TH DISTRICT, DEKALB PATRICIA D. LOOK TOW been given). BANK OF AMER- the property, and (c) all mat-
SPRINGS TRAIL, STONE KNOWN AS: 1037 REDAN ing ad valorem taxes, including of this sale, including attorney’s The debt secured by said Se- ferred to as the "Declaration"),
MOUNTAIN, GEORGIA 30087 TRAIL taxes, which constitute liens fees (notice of intent to collect curity Deed has been and is and as per that Condominium
is/are: VIRLY C WILLIAMS or PARCEL: 16 0031 08 015 The upon said property whether or attorney’s fees having been hereby declared due because Plat Book recorded in Plat
tenant/tenants. Said property debt secured by said Deed to not now due and payable; d) given). of, among other possible Book 4, page 155, Aforesaid
will be sold subject to (a) any Secure Debt has been and is special assessments; e) the The individual or entity that has events of default, failure to pay Records. The interest herein
outstanding ad valorem taxes hereby declared due because right of redemption of any tax- full authority to negotiate, the indebtedness as and when conveyed includes, without lim-

(including taxes which are a li- The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022Page 61
of, among other possible ing authority; f) all outstanding amend and modify all terms of due and in the manner iting the generality of the fore-
en, but not yet due and pay- events of default, failure to pay bills for public utilities which the loan is Broker Solutions Inc. provided in the Note and Se- going, the undivided percent-
able), (b) any matters which the indebtedness as and when 420-469314 10/6,10/13,10/20, constitute liens upon said prop- dba New American Funding, curity Deed. The debt remain- age of interest in the common
might be disclosed by an accur- due and in the manner 10/27 erty; g) all restrictive covenants, New American Funding ing in default, this sale will be elements of Cedar Circle, a
ate survey and inspection of provided in the Note and Deed NOTICE OF SALE UNDER easements, rights-of-way and c/o Home Retention Depart- made for the purpose of pay- Condominium, appurtenant to
the property, and (c) all mat- to Secure Debt. Because the POWER any other matters of record su- ment, 11001 Lakeline Blvd. ing the same and all expenses the unit, as the same is spe-
ters of record superior to the debt remains in default, this STATE OF GEORGIA, perior to said Security Deed. To Ste. 325, Austin, TX 78717. of this sale, as provided in the cified in the Declaration.
Deed to Secure Debt first set sale will be made for the pur- COUNTY OF DEKALB the best of the knowledge and Said property will be sold on an Security Deed and by law, in- This conveyance is made sub-
out above, including, but not pose of paying the same and By virtue of a Power of Sale belief of the undersigned, the “as-is” basis without any rep- cluding attorney's fees (notice ject to all the provisions in said
limited to, assessments, liens, all expenses of this sale, as contained in that certain Secur- owners and party in posses- resentation, warranty or re- pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11 declaration and the Georgia
encumbrances, zoning ordin- provided in the Deed to Secure ity Deed from Rachel Duncan sion of the property are Rachel course against the above- having been given). Condominium Act, Official
ances, easements, restrictions, Debt and by law, including at- to Mortgage Electronic Regis- Duncan and or tenant(s). The named or the undersigned. The Said property will be sold sub- Code of Georgia Annotated,
covenants, etc. The sale will be torney’s fees (notice of intent to tration Systems, Inc., as nomin- sale will be conducted subject sale will also be subject to the ject to any outstanding ad Section 44-3-70 ET SEQ. The
conducted subject to (1) con- collect attorney’s fees having ee for PRIMELENDING, A to 1) confirmation that the sale following items which may af- valorem taxes (including taxes property herein conveyed is in-
firmation that the sale is not been given). U.S. BANK PLAINSCAPITAL COMPANY, is not prohibited under the U.S. fect the title: a) zoning ordin- which are a lien, but not yet tended solely for use as
prohibited under the U.S. Bank- TRUST, N.A., AS TRUSTEE dated August 12, 2020 and re- Bankruptcy code and 2) final ances; b) matters which would due and payable), the right of provided in said declaration.
ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- FOR LSRMF MORTGAGE corded on August 17, 2020 in confirmation and audit of the be disclosed by an accurate redemption of any taxing au- MR/mac 11/1/22
firmation and audit of the status HOLDINGS II MASTER PARTI- Deed Book 28563, Page 205, status of the loan with the hold- survey or by an inspection of thority, any matters which might ++Our file no. 22-08640GA -
of the loan with the holder of CIPATION TRUST holds the in the Office of the Clerk of Su- er of the Security Deed. the property; c) any outstand- be disclosed by an accurate FT18/Gramenz++
the security deed. Pursuant to duly endorsed Note and is the perior Court of Dekalb County, Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC ing ad valorem taxes, including survey and inspection of the
O.C.G.A. Section 9 13 172.1, current assignee of the Secur- Georgia, said Security Deed as Attorney-in-Fact for taxes, which constitute liens property, any assessments, li- 420-469327 10/6,10/13,10/20
which allows for certain proced- ity Deed to the property. FAY having been given to secure a ++Rachel Duncan++ upon said property whether or ens, encumbrances, zoning or- 10/27
ures regarding the rescission of SERVICING LLC, acting on be- Note of even date, in the origin- Contact: not now due and payable; d) dinances, restrictions, coven- NOTICE OF SALE
judicial and nonjudicial sales in half of and, as necessary, in al principal amount of Two Hun- Padgett Law Group: 6267 Old special assessments; e) the ants, and any matters of re- UNDER POWER
the State of Georgia, the Deed consultation with U.S. BANK dred Forty-Seven Thousand Water Oak Road, Suite 203, right of redemption of any tax- cord including, but not limited GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY
Under Power and other fore- TRUST, N.A., AS TRUSTEE Four Hundred Thirty-Five and Tallahassee, FL 32312; (850) ing authority; f) all outstanding to, those superior to the Secur- Under and by virtue of the
closure documents may not be FOR LSRMF MORTGAGE 00/100 dollars ($247,435.00) 422-2520 bills for public utilities which ity Deed first set out above. Power of Sale contained in a
provided until final confirmation HOLDINGS II MASTER PARTI- with interest thereon as Ad Run Dates: 10/06/22; constitute liens upon said prop- Said property will be sold on an Security Deed given by Josef M
and audit of the status of the CIPATION TRUST (the current provided therein, as last trans- 10/13/22; 10/20/22; 10/27/22 erty; g) all restrictive covenants, "as-is" basis without any rep- Courtney to Mortgage Electron-
loan as provided in the preced- investor on the loan), is the en- ferred to Lakeview Loan Servi- 420-469315 10/6,10/13,10/20 easements, rights-of-way and resentation, warranty or re- ic Registration Systems, Inc.,
ing paragraph. BANK OF tity with the full authority to ne- cing, LLC, recorded in Deed 10/27 any other matters of record su- course against the above- as grantee, as nominee for
AMERICA, N.A. as Attorney in gotiate, amend, and modify all Book 29770, Page 444, afore- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER perior to said Security Deed. To named or the undersigned. First Franklin a division of Na-
Fact for VIRLY C WILLIAMS. terms of the loan. Pursuant to said records, will be sold at POWER the best of the knowledge and Ameris Bank is the holder of tional City Bank, its successors
THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING O.C.G.A. § 44 14 162.2, FAY public outcry to the highest bid- STATE OF GEORGIA, belief of the undersigned, the the Security Deed to the prop- and assigns, dated December
AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- SERVICING LLC may be con- der for cash before the court- COUNTY OF DEKALB owners and party in posses- erty in accordance with OCGA 29, 2006, recorded in Deed
TEMPTING TO COLLECT A tacted at: FAY SERVICING house door of Dekalb County, By virtue of a Power of Sale sion of the property are Kourtni § 44-14-162.2. Book 19551, Page 565, DeKalb
DEBT. ANY INFORMATION LLC, 425 S. FINANCIAL Georgia, or at such place as contained in that certain Secur- Jacquea Virgin and or County, Georgia Records, as
OBTAINED WILL BE USED PLACE, SUITE 2000, CHICA- has or may be lawfully desig- ity Deed from Kourtni Jacquea tenant(s). The sale will be con- The entity that has full author- last transferred to First Franklin
FOR THAT PURPOSE. GO, IL 60605, 800 495 7166. nated as an alternative loca- Virgin to Mortgage Electronic ducted subject to 1) confirma- ity to negotiate, amend, and Mortgage Loan Trust, Mort-
++00000008942328/WILLI- Please note that, pursuant to tion, within the legal hours of Registration Systems, Inc., as tion that the sale is not prohib- modify all terms of the mort- gage Loan Asset-Backed Certi-
AMS++ BARRETT DAFFIN O.C.G.A. § 44 14 162.2, the se- sale on the first Tuesday in nominee for Broker Solutions, ited under the U.S. Bankruptcy gage with the debtor is: Ameris ficates, Series 2007-FFC, U.S.
FRAPPIER TURNER & EN- cured creditor is not required to November, 2022, all property Inc., dba New American Fund- code and 2) final confirmation Bank, 1 Corporate Drive, Suite Bank National Association, as
GEL, LLP 4004 Belt Line Road, amend or modify the terms of described in said Security Deed ing, dated September 29, 2021 and audit of the status of the 360, Lake Zurich, IL 60047, Trustee, successor in interest
Suite 100 Addison, Texas the loan. To the best know- including but not limited to the and recorded on October 5, loan with the holder of the Se- 8006694268. to Bank of America, N.A., as
75001 Telephone: (972) 341 ledge and belief of the under- following described property: 2021 in Deed Book 29783, curity Deed. Note, however, that such entity Trustee, successor by merger
5398. signed, the party/parties in pos- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Page 359, in the Office of the Broker Solutions Inc. dba New is not required by law to negoti- to LaSalle Bank National Asso-
session of the subject property CEL OF LAND LYING AND Clerk of Superior Court of American Funding ate, amend or modify the terms ciation, as Trustee by assign-
420-469310 10/6,10/13,10/20 known as 1037 REDAN TRAIL, BEING IN LAND LOT 97 OF Dekalb County, Georgia, said as Attorney-in-Fact for of the loan. ment recorded in Deed Book
10/27 STONE MOUNTAIN, GEOR- THE 16TH DISTRICT, DEKALB Security Deed having been giv- ++Kourtni Jacquea Virgin++ To the best knowledge and be- 30539, Page 433, DeKalb
Notice of Sale Under Power. GIA 30083 is/are: CAROLYN K COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING en to secure a Note of even Contact: lief of the undersigned, the County, Georgia Records, con-
State of Georgia, WHEATLEY or tenant/tenants. LOT 8, BLOCK C, FOREST OF date, in the original principal Padgett Law Group: 6267 Old party in possession of the prop- veying the after-described
County of DEKALB. Said property will be sold sub- SOUTHLAND SUBDIVISION, amount of Two Hundred Sev- Water Oak Road, Suite 203, erty is Nancy L Gramenz or a property to secure a Note in the
Under and by virtue of the ject to (a) any outstanding ad UNIT 2, AS PER PLAT RE- enty-Nine Thousand Seven Tallahassee, FL 32312; (850) tenant or tenants and said original principal amount of
Power of Sale contained in a valorem taxes (including taxes CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 88, Hundred Thirty-Nine and 422-2520 property is more commonly FORTY-SEVEN THOUSAND
Deed to Secure Debt given by which are a lien, but not yet PAGE 10, DEKALB COUNTY, 00/100 dollars ($279,739.00) Ad Run Dates: 10/06/22; known as 3885 Cedar Circle, FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY
CAROLYN K WHEATLEY to due and payable), (b) any mat- GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH with interest thereon as 10/13/22; 10/20/22; 10/27/22 Tucker, Georgia 30084. Should AND 0/100 DOLLARS
WACHOVIA BANK, NATION- ters which might be disclosed RECORDED PLAT IS INCOR- provided therein, as last trans- 420-469326 10/6,10/13,10/20 a conflict arise between the ($47,480.00), with interest
AL ASSOCIATION , dated by an accurate survey and in- PORATED HEREIN BY THIS ferred to Broker Solutions Inc. 10/27 property address and the legal thereon as set forth therein,
03/13/2007, and Recorded on spection of the property, and REFERENCE AND MADE A dba New American Funding by NOTICE OF SALE description the legal descrip- there will be sold at public out-
04/04/2007 as Book No. 19820 (c) all matters of record superi- PART OF THIS DESCRIP- assignment to be recorded, will UNDER POWER tion will control. cry to the highest bidder for
and Page No. 729, DEKALB or to the Deed to Secure Debt TION. be sold at public outcry to the GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY The sale will be conducted sub- cash before the courthouse
County, Georgia records, as first set out above, including, Said property may more com- highest bidder for cash before Under and by virtue of the ject (1) to confirmation that the door of DeKalb County, Geor-
last assigned to U.S. BANK but not limited to, assessments, monly be known as 712 South- the courthouse door of Dekalb Power of Sale contained in a sale is not prohibited under the gia, or at such place as may be
TRUST, N.A., AS TRUSTEE liens, encumbrances, zoning land Pass, Stone Mountain, GA County, Georgia, or at such Security Deed given by Nancy U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) lawfully designated as an al-
FOR LSRMF MORTGAGE ordinances, easements, restric- 30087. place as has or may be law- L Gramenz to Mortgage Elec- to final confirmation and audit ternative, within the legal hours
HOLDINGS II MASTER PARTI- tions, covenants, etc. The sale The debt secured by said Se- fully designated as an alternat- tronic Registration Systems, of the status of the loan with of sale on the first Tuesday in
CIPATION TRUST (the Se- will be conducted subject to (1) curity Deed has been and is ive location, within the legal Inc., as grantee, as nominee for the holder of the security deed. November, 2022, the following
cured Creditor), by assignment, confirmation that the sale is not hereby declared due because hours of sale on the first Tues- Fidelity Bank d/b/a Fidelity Ameris Bank described property:
conveying the after described prohibited under the U.S. Bank- of, among other possible day in November, 2022, all Bank Mortgage, its successors as Attorney in Fact for SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED
property to secure a Note of ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- events of default, non-payment property described in said Se- and assigns, dated July 30, Nancy L Gramenz HERETO AND MADE A PART
even date in the original prin- firmation and audit of the status of the monthly installments on curity Deed including but not 2014, recorded in Deed Book McCalla Raymer HEREOF
cipal amount of $109,529.50, of the loan with the holder of said loan. The debt remaining limited to the following de- 24503, Page 284, DeKalb Leibert Pierce, LLC The debt secured by said Se-
with interest at the rate spe- the security deed. Pursuant to in default, this sale will be scribed property: County, Georgia Records, as 1544 Old Alabama Road curity Deed has been and is
cified therein, there will be sold O.C.G.A. Section 9 13 172.1, made for the purpose of pay- All that tract or parcel of land ly- last transferred to Ameris Bank Roswell, GA 30076 hereby declared due because
by the undersigned at public which allows for certain proced- ing the same and all expenses ing and being in Land Lot 58 of by assignment recorded in of, among other possible
outcry to the highest bidder for ures regarding the rescission of of this sale, including attorney’s the 16th District, Dekalb County Deed Book 30562, Page 247, EXHIBIT “A” events of default, failure to pay
cash at the DEKALB County judicial and nonjudicial sales in fees (notice of intent to collect Georgia, being Lot 24, of Bald- DeKalb County, Georgia Re- All that tract or parcel of land ly- the indebtedness as and when
Courthouse within the legal the State of Georgia, the Deed attorney’s fees having been win Park Subdivision, as per cords, conveying the after-de- ing and being in Land Lot 142, due and in the manner
hours of sale on the first Tues- Under Power and other fore- given). plat recorded in Plat Book 292, scribed property to secure a 18th of the District, Dekalb provided in the Note and Se-
day in November, 2022, the fol- closure documents may not be The individual or entity that has Pages 12-15, in the Office of Note in the original principal County, Georgia, and being curity Deed. The debt remain-
lowing described property: THE provided until final confirmation full authority to negotiate, the Clerk of Superior Court of amount of FIFTY-TWO THOU- identified and depicted as Unit ing in default, this sale will be
FOLLOWING PROPERTY: and audit of the status of the amend and modify all terms of Dekalb County, Georgia re- SAND ONE HUNDRED TEN No. 3885, (hereinafter some- made for the purpose of pay-
THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF loan as provided in the preced- the loan is Lakeview Loan Ser- cords, said plat is referred to for AND 0/100 DOLLARS times referred to as the "Unit") , ing the same and all expenses
LAND LYING AND BEING IN ing paragraph. U.S. BANK vicing, LLC, 5151 Corporate a more complete description. ($52,110.00), with interest Building 8, Parcel H of Cedar of this sale, as provided in the
LAND LOT(S) 31 OF DIS- TRUST, N.A., AS TRUSTEE Drive Said property may more com- thereon as set forth therein, Circle, a Condominium, togeth- Security Deed and by law, in-
TRICT 16, DEKALB COUNTY, FOR LSRMF MORTGAGE Troy, MI 48098. monly be known as 2159 there will be sold at public out- er with all right, title, and In- cluding attorney's fees (notice
GEORGIA, BEING LOT(S) 15, HOLDINGS II MASTER PARTI- Said property will be sold on an Apollo Place, Stonecrest, GA cry to the highest bidder for terest of Grantor in the unit and pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11
BLOCK B, REDAN PARK SUB- CIPATION TRUST as Attorney “as-is” basis without any rep- 30058. cash before the courthouse the appurtenances thereto un- having been given).
DIVISION, AS PER PLAT RE- in Fact for CAROLYN K resentation, warranty or re- The debt secured by said Se- door of DeKalb County, Geor- der that certain Declaration of Said property will be sold sub-
CORDED IN DEKALB WHEATLEY. THIS LAW FIRM course against the above- curity Deed has been and is gia, or at such place as may be Condominium for Cedar Circle, ject to any outstanding ad
COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- IS ACTING AS A DEBT COL- named or the undersigned. The hereby declared due because lawfully designated as an al- a Condominium, recorded in valorem taxes (including taxes
CORDS. LECTOR ATTEMPTING TO sale will also be subject to the of, among other possible ternative, within the legal hours Deed Book 4678, Page 718, which are a lien, but not yet
BEING AND INTENDING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- following items which may af- events of default, non-payment of sale on the first Tuesday in DeKalb County records, as due and payable), the right of
DESCRIBE THE SAME FORMATION OBTAINED WILL fect the title: a) zoning ordin- of the monthly installments on November, 2022, the following amended (said Declaration to- redemption of any taxing au-
PREMISES CONVEYED IN A BE USED FOR THAT PUR- ances; b) matters which would said loan. The debt remaining described property: gether with all exhibits thereto thority, any matters which might
DEED RECORDED POSE. ++00000009386707/ be disclosed by an accurate in default, this sale will be SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED and amendments thereto and be disclosed by an accurate
06/11/1998, IN BOOK 10051, WHEATLEY++ BARRETT survey or by an inspection of made for the purpose of pay- HERETO AND MADE A PART as may be amended from time survey and inspection of the
PAGE 196. DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER the property; c) any outstand- ing the same and all expenses HEREOF to time, hereinafter being re- property, any assessments, li-
KNOWN AS: 1037 REDAN & ENGEL, LLP 4004 Belt Line ing ad valorem taxes, including of this sale, including attorney’s The debt secured by said Se- ferred to as the "Declaration"), ens, encumbrances, zoning or-
TRAIL Road, Suite 100 Addison, taxes, which constitute liens fees (notice of intent to collect curity Deed has been and is and as per that Condominium dinances, restrictions, coven-
PARCEL: 16 0031 08 015 The Texas 75001 Telephone: (972) upon said property whether or attorney’s fees having been hereby declared due because Plat Book recorded in Plat ants, and any matters of re-
debt secured by said Deed to 341 5398. not now due and payable; d) given). of, among other possible Book 4, page 155, Aforesaid cord including, but not limited
Secure Debt has been and is special assessments; e) the The individual or entity that has events of default, failure to pay Records. The interest herein to, those superior to the Secur-
hereby declared due because right of redemption of any tax- full authority to negotiate, the indebtedness as and when conveyed includes, without lim- ity Deed first set out above.
of, among other possible ing authority; f) all outstanding amend and modify all terms of due and in the manner iting the generality of the fore- Said property will be sold on an
events of default, failure to pay bills for public utilities which the loan is Broker Solutions Inc. provided in the Note and Se- going, the undivided percent- "as-is" basis without any rep-
the indebtedness as and when constitute liens upon said prop- dba New American Funding, curity Deed. The debt remain- age of interest in the common resentation, warranty or re-
due and in the manner erty; g) all restrictive covenants, New American Funding ing in default, this sale will be elements of Cedar Circle, a course against the above-
provided in the Note and Deed easements, rights-of-way and c/o Home Retention Depart- made for the purpose of pay- Condominium, appurtenant to named or the undersigned.
to Secure Debt. Because the any other matters of record su- ment, 11001 Lakeline Blvd. ing the same and all expenses the unit, as the same is spe- First Franklin Mortgage Loan
ens, encumbrances, zoning or- Antoinette Y Jeffers or a tenant pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11 ment recorded in Deed Book Vanessa L Hartsfield Said property will be sold on an
dinances, restrictions, coven- or tenants and said property is having been given). 30528, Page 306, DeKalb McCalla Raymer "as-is" basis without any rep-
ants, and any matters of re- more commonly known as Said property will be sold sub- County, Georgia Records, con- Leibert Pierce, LLC resentation, warranty or re-
cord including, but not limited 1439 Briers Dr, Stone Moun- ject to any outstanding ad veying the after-described 1544 Old Alabama Road course against the above-
to, those superior to the Secur- tain, Georgia 30083. Should a valorem taxes (including taxes property to secure a Note in the Roswell, GA 30076 named or the undersigned.
ity Deed first set out above. conflict arise between the prop- which are a lien, but not yet original principal amount of Wilmington Savings Fund Soci-
Page 62
Said property will be sold on an
"as-is" basis without any rep-
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 
erty address and the legal de-
scription the legal description
due and payable), the right of FIFTY-NINE THOUSAND TWO EXHIBIT “A”
All that tract or parcel of land ly-
ety, FSB, not in its individual
capacity but solely as Owner
redemption of any taxing au- HUNDRED FIFTY AND 0/100
resentation, warranty or re- 420-469328 10/6,10/13,10/20 will control. thority, any matters which might DOLLARS ($59,250.00), with ing and being in Land Lot 102, Trustee of CSMC 2020-RPL4
course against the above- 10/27 The sale will be conducted sub- be disclosed by an accurate interest thereon as set forth 16th District, Dekalb County, Trust is the holder of the Secur-
named or the undersigned. NOTICE OF SALE ject (1) to confirmation that the survey and inspection of the therein, there will be sold at Georgia, being lot 20, Block A, ity Deed to the property in ac-
First Franklin Mortgage Loan UNDER POWER sale is not prohibited under the property, any assessments, li- public outcry to the highest bid- Unit One, The Corners, as per cordance with OCGA § 44-14-
Trust, Mortgage Loan Asset- GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) ens, encumbrances, zoning or- der for cash before the court- plat recorded in plat book 80, 162.2.
Backed Certificates, Series Under and by virtue of the to final confirmation and audit dinances, restrictions, coven- house door of DeKalb County, page 7, Dekalb County, Geor- The entity that has full author-
2007-FFC, U.S. Bank National Power of Sale contained in a of the status of the loan with ants, and any matters of re- Georgia, or at such place as gia records. ity to negotiate, amend, and
Association, as Trustee, suc- Security Deed given by Charles the holder of the security deed. cord including, but not limited may be lawfully designated as MR/meh 11/1/22 modify all terms of the mort-
cessor in interest to Bank of H Jeffers and Antoinette Y Jef- Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. suc- to, those superior to the Secur- an alternative, within the legal ++Our file no. 22-06941GA - gage with the debtor is: Select
America, N.A., as Trustee, suc- fers to Wachovia Bank, Nation- cessor by merger to Wachovia ity Deed first set out above. hours of sale on the first Tues- FT18/ HARTSFIELD++ Portfolio Servicing, Inc., 3217
cessor by merger to LaSalle al Association, dated May 5, Bank, N.A. Said property will be sold on an day in November, 2022, the fol- 420-469331 10/6,10/13,10/20 S. Decker Lake Dr., Salt Lake
Bank National Association, as 2005, recorded in Deed Book as Attorney in Fact for "as-is" basis without any rep- lowing described property: 10/27 City, UT 84119, 888-818-6032.
Trustee is the holder of the Se- 17464, Page 537, DeKalb Charles H Jeffers and resentation, warranty or re- SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED NOTICE OF SALE Note, however, that such entity
curity Deed to the property in County, Georgia Records, con- Antoinette Y Jeffers course against the above- HERETO AND MADE A PART UNDER POWER is not required by law to negoti-
accordance with OCGA § 44- veying the after-described McCalla Raymer named or the undersigned. HEREOF GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY ate, amend or modify the terms
14-162.2. property to secure a Note in the Leibert Pierce, LLC Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. The debt secured by said Se- Under and by virtue of the of the loan.
The entity that has full author- original principal amount of 1544 Old Alabama Road is the holder of the Security curity Deed has been and is Power of Sale contained in a To the best knowledge and be-
ity to negotiate, amend, and ONE HUNDRED NINETY-ONE Roswell, GA 30076 Deed to the property in accord- hereby declared due because Security Deed given by Karen lief of the undersigned, the
modify all terms of the mort- THOUSAND SEVEN HUN- ance with OCGA § 44-14- of, among other possible S Cozart to Mortgage Electron- party in possession of the prop-
gage with the debtor is: Spe- DRED AND 0/100 DOLLARS EXHIBIT “A” 162.2. events of default, failure to pay ic Registration Systems, Inc., erty is Karen S Cozart or a ten-
cialized Loan Servicing LLC, ($191,700.00), with interest ALL THAT CERTAIN PROP- The entity that has full author- the indebtedness as and when as grantee, as nominee for ant or tenants and said prop-
6200 S. Quebec St., Suite 300, thereon as set forth therein, ERTY SITUATED IN THE CITY ity to negotiate, amend, and due and in the manner Countrywide Home Loans, Inc., erty is more commonly known
Greenwood Village, CO 80111, there will be sold at public out- OF STONE MOUNTAIN IN modify all terms of the mort- provided in the Note and Se- its successors and assigns, as 2780 White Oak Drive, Dec-
800-306-6059. cry to the highest bidder for THE COUNTY OF DEKALB gage with the debtor is: Wells curity Deed. The debt remain- dated April 17, 2006, recorded atur, Georgia 30032. Should a
Note, however, that such entity cash before the courthouse AND STATE OF GEORGIA Fargo Bank, N.A., PO Box ing in default, this sale will be in Deed Book 18662, Page 7, conflict arise between the prop-
is not required by law to negoti- door of DeKalb County, Geor- AND BEING DESCRIBED IN A 10335, Des Moines, IA 50306, made for the purpose of pay- DeKalb County, Georgia Re- erty address and the legal de-
ate, amend or modify the terms gia, or at such place as may be DEED DATED 12/29/1995 AND 1-800-416-1472. ing the same and all expenses cords and as re-recorded in scription the legal description
of the loan. lawfully designated as an al- RECORDED 01/18/1996 IN Note, however, that such entity of this sale, as provided in the Deed Book 19764, Page 384, will control.
To the best knowledge and be- ternative, within the legal hours BOOK 8841 PAGE 746 is not required by law to negoti- Security Deed and by law, in- DeKalb County, Georgia Re- The sale will be conducted sub-
lief of the undersigned, the of sale on the first Tuesday in A M O N G T H E L A N D R E- ate, amend or modify the terms cluding attorney's fees (notice cords and as modified by that ject (1) to confirmation that the
party in possession of the prop- November, 2022, the following CORDS OF THE COUNTY of the loan. pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11 certain Loan Modification sale is not prohibited under the
erty is Josef M Courtney or a described property: AND STATE SET FORTH To the best knowledge and be- having been given). Agreement recorded in Deed U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2)
tenant or tenants and said SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED ABOVE AND REFERENCED lief of the undersigned, the Said property will be sold sub- Book 27194, Page 763, DeKalb to final confirmation and audit
property is more commonly HERETO AND MADE A PART AS FOLLOWS: LOT 35, LAND party in possession of the prop- ject to any outstanding ad County, Georgia Records, as of the status of the loan with
known as 5642 Fox Den Trail, HEREOF LOT 122, DISTRICT 18, SUB- erty is Michael A Zimmerman or valorem taxes (including taxes last transferred to Wilmington the holder of the security deed.
Lithonia, Georgia 30038. The debt secured by said Se- DIVISION BRIERS UNIT 3, a tenant or tenants and said which are a lien, but not yet Savings Fund Society, FSB, Wilmington Savings Fund Soci-
Should a conflict arise between curity Deed has been and is PLAT BOOK 71, PLAT PAGE property is more commonly due and payable), the right of not in its individual capacity but ety, FSB, not in its individual
the property address and the hereby declared due because 149, RECORDED DATE known as 3150 Parkridge Cres- redemption of any taxing au- solely as Owner Trustee of capacity but solely as Owner
legal description the legal de- of, among other possible 1/18/1996. PARCEL ID NUM- cent, Atlanta, Georgia 30341. thority, any matters which might CSMC 2020-RPL4 Trust by as- Trustee of CSMC 2020-RPL4
scription will control. events of default, failure to pay BER 18 122 02 131 Should a conflict arise between be disclosed by an accurate signment recorded in Deed Trust
The sale will be conducted sub- the indebtedness as and when MR/meh 11/1/22 the property address and the survey and inspection of the Book 29393, Page 214, DeKalb as Attorney in Fact for
ject (1) to confirmation that the due and in the manner ++Our file no. 20-03582GA - legal description the legal de- property, any assessments, li- County, Georgia Records, con- Karen S Cozart
sale is not prohibited under the provided in the Note and Se- FT5/JEFFERS++ scription will control. ens, encumbrances, zoning or- veying the after-described McCalla Raymer
U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) curity Deed. The debt remain- 420-469329 10/6,10/13,10/20 The sale will be conducted sub- dinances, restrictions, coven- property to secure a Note in the Leibert Pierce, LLC
to final confirmation and audit ing in default, this sale will be 10/27 ject (1) to confirmation that the ants, and any matters of re- original principal amount of 1544 Old Alabama Road
of the status of the loan with made for the purpose of pay- NOTICE OF SALE sale is not prohibited under the cord including, but not limited TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND Roswell, GA 30076
the holder of the security deed. ing the same and all expenses UNDER POWER U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to, those superior to the Secur- EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTY AND
First Franklin Mortgage Loan of this sale, as provided in the GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY to final confirmation and audit ity Deed first set out above. 0/100 DOLLARS EXHIBIT “A”
Trust, Mortgage Loan Asset- Security Deed and by law, in- Under and by virtue of the of the status of the loan with Said property will be sold on an ($200,850.00), with interest ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
Backed Certificates, Series cluding attorney's fees (notice Power of Sale contained in a the holder of the security deed. "as-is" basis without any rep- thereon as set forth therein, CEL OF LAND LYING AND
2007-FFC, U.S. Bank National pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11 Security Deed given by Mi- Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. resentation, warranty or re- there will be sold at public out- BEING IN LAND LOT 184 OF
Association, as Trustee, suc- having been given). chael A Zimmerman to First as Attorney in Fact for course against the above- cry to the highest bidder for THE 15TH DISTRICT OF
cessor in interest to Bank of Said property will be sold sub- Horizon Home Loan Corpora- Michael A Zimmerman named or the undersigned. cash before the courthouse DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA
America, N.A., as Trustee, suc- ject to any outstanding ad tion, dated January 9, 2003, re- McCalla Raymer NewRez LLC d/b/a Shellpoint door of DeKalb County, Geor- AND BEING MORE PARTICU-
cessor by merger to LaSalle valorem taxes (including taxes corded in Deed Book 14133, Leibert Pierce, LLC Mortgage Servicing is the hold- gia, or at such place as may be LARLY DESCRIBED AS FOL-
Bank National Association, as which are a lien, but not yet Page 761, DeKalb County, 1544 Old Alabama Road er of the Security Deed to the lawfully designated as an al- LOWS:
Trustee due and payable), the right of Georgia Records, as last trans- Roswell, GA 30076 property in accordance with ternative, within the legal hours BEGINNING 250.0 FEET EAST
as Attorney in Fact for redemption of any taxing au- ferred to Wells Fargo Bank, OCGA § 44-14-162.2. of sale on the first Tuesday in FROM THE NORTHEAST
Josef M Courtney thority, any matters which might N.A. by assignment recorded in EXHIBIT “A” The entity that has full author- November, 2022, the following CORNER OF THOMAS
McCalla Raymer be disclosed by an accurate Deed Book 20626, Page 211, ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- ity to negotiate, amend, and described property: STREET AND WHITE OAK
Leibert Pierce, LLC survey and inspection of the DeKalb County, Georgia Re- CEL OF LAND LYING AND modify all terms of the mort- SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED AVENUE; THENCE RUNNING
1544 Old Alabama Road property, any assessments, li- cords, conveying the after-de- BEING IN LAND LOT 278 OF gage with the debtor is: Shell- HERETO AND MADE A PART NORTH ALONG THE EAST
Roswell, GA 30076 ens, encumbrances, zoning or- scribed property to secure a THE 18TH DISTRICT OF point Mortgage Servicing, 55 HEREOF SIDE OF THE WEST ONE- dinances, restrictions, coven- Note in the original principal DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, Beattie Place, Suite 110, The debt secured by said Se- HALF OF LOT 3, BLOCK X,
EXHIBIT “A” ants, and any matters of re- amount of NINETY THOU- BEING LOT 12, BLOCK B, Greenville, SC 29601, (800) curity Deed has been and is 170.0 FEET TO A POINT;
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- cord including, but not limited SAND AND 0/100 DOLLARS UNIT #4 OF ASHFORD VIL- 365-7107. hereby declared due because THENCE RUNNING EAST
CEL OF LAND LYING AND to, those superior to the Secur- ($90,000.00), with interest LAGE, ACCORDING TO PLAT Note, however, that such entity of, among other possible 50.0 FEET TO A POINT AT
BEING IN LAND LOT 53 OF ity Deed first set out above. thereon as set forth therein, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK is not required by law to negoti- events of default, failure to pay THE NORTHWEST CORNER
THE 16TH DISTRICT OF Said property will be sold on an there will be sold at public out- 19, PAGE 132, DEKALB ate, amend or modify the terms the indebtedness as and when OF THE WEST ONE-HALF OF
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, "as-is" basis without any rep- cry to the highest bidder for COUNTY RECORDS, SAID of the loan. due and in the manner LOT 4, BLOCK X; THENCE
AND BEING LOT 9, BLOCK L resentation, warranty or re- cash before the courthouse PLAT BEING INCORPOR- To the best knowledge and be- provided in the Note and Se- RUNNING SOUTH ALONG
OF HUNTER'S HILL SUBDIVI- course against the above- door of DeKalb County, Geor- ATED HEREIN FOR A MORE lief of the undersigned, the curity Deed. The debt remain- THE WEST SIDE OF THE
SION, PHASE ONE, UNIT named or the undersigned. gia, or at such place as may be COMPLETE AND DETAILED party in possession of the prop- ing in default, this sale will be WEST ONE-HALF OF LOT 4,
FOUR, AS PER PLAT OF Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. suc- lawfully designated as an al- DESCRIPTION OF PROP- erty is Vanessa L Hartsfield or made for the purpose of pay- BLOCK X, 170.0 FEET TO A
SURVEY OF RECORD AT cessor by merger to Wachovia ternative, within the legal hours ERTY. a tenant or tenants and said ing the same and all expenses POINT ON THE NORTH SIDE
PLAT BOOK 88, PAGE 65, Bank, N.A. is the holder of the of sale on the first Tuesday in MR/mac 11/1/22 property is more commonly of this sale, as provided in the OF WHITE OAK AVENUE;
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA Security Deed to the property in November, 2022, the following ++Our file no. 22-09053GA - known as 2073 Phillips Rd, Security Deed and by law, in- THENCE RUNNING WEST
RECORDS, WHICH SAID accordance with OCGA § 44- described property: FT5/ZIMMERMAN++ Lithonia, Georgia 30058. cluding attorney's fees (notice ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF
PLAT OF SURVEY IS INCOR- 14-162.2. SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED Should a conflict arise between pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11 WHITE OAK AVENUE, 50.0
PORATED HEREIN AND BY The entity that has full author- HERETO AND MADE A PART 420-469330 10/6,10/13,10/20 the property address and the having been given). FEET TO THE POINT OF BE-
THIS REFERENCE MADE A ity to negotiate, amend, and HEREOF 10/27 legal description the legal de- Said property will be sold sub- GINNING; BEING THE EAST
PART HEREOF FOR A MORE modify all terms of the mort- The debt secured by said Se- NOTICE OF SALE scription will control. ject to any outstanding ad ONE-HALF OF LOT 3, BLOCK
COMPLETE AND ACCURATE gage with the debtor is: Wells curity Deed has been and is UNDER POWER The sale will be conducted sub- valorem taxes (including taxes X OF THE ALEXANDER ES-
DESCRIPTION. Fargo Home Mortgage a div. of hereby declared due because GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY ject (1) to confirmation that the which are a lien, but not yet TATE SUBDIVISION. AC-
Subject to that certain security Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., 1 of, among other possible Under and by virtue of the sale is not prohibited under the due and payable), the right of CORDING TO THE REVISED
deed from Josef M Courtney to Home Campus, MAC# X2303- events of default, failure to pay Power of Sale contained in a U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) redemption of any taxing au- PLAT BY GORDON NALLEY,
Mortgage Electronic Registra- 02D, Des Moines, IA 50328, 1- the indebtedness as and when Security Deed given by to final confirmation and audit thority, any matters which might C.E., September 1973 AND
tion Systems, Inc., as grantee, 888-508-8811. due and in the manner Vanessa L Hartsfield to South of the status of the loan with be disclosed by an accurate RECORDED IN DEKALB
as nominee for First Franklin, a Note, however, that such entity provided in the Note and Se- State Mortgage Inc., dated Au- the holder of the security deed. survey and inspection of the COUNTY RECORDS.
division of National City Bank, is not required by law to negoti- curity Deed. The debt remain- gust 24, 1995, recorded in NewRez LLC d/b/a property, any assessments, li- BEING THE SAME PROP-
its successors and assigns, ate, amend or modify the terms ing in default, this sale will be Deed Book 8687, Page 158, Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing ens, encumbrances, zoning or- ERTY AS CONVEYED FROM
dated December 29, 2006, and of the loan. made for the purpose of pay- DeKalb County, Georgia Re- as Attorney in Fact for dinances, restrictions, coven- STONEY RIVER CONSTRUC-
recorded in Deed Book 19551, To the best knowledge and be- ing the same and all expenses cords, as last transferred to Ne- Vanessa L Hartsfield ants, and any matters of re- TION SE INC. TO KAREN S.
Page 548, DeKalb County, lief of the undersigned, the of this sale, as provided in the wRez LLC f/k/a New Penn Fin- McCalla Raymer cord including, but not limited COZART, DATED 6/30/2003,
Georgia Records. party in possession of the prop- Security Deed and by law, in- ancial, LLC d/b/a Shellpoint Leibert Pierce, LLC to, those superior to the Secur- RECORDED 7/9/2003, IN
MR/mac 11/1/22 erty is Charles H Jeffers and cluding attorney's fees (notice Mortgage Servicing by assign- 1544 Old Alabama Road ity Deed first set out above. DEED BOOK 14866, PAGE
++Our file no. 22-07222GA - Antoinette Y Jeffers or a tenant pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11 ment recorded in Deed Book Roswell, GA 30076 Said property will be sold on an 105, DEKALB COUNTY
FT7/ Courtney++ or tenants and said property is having been given). 30528, Page 306, DeKalb "as-is" basis without any rep- GEORGIA.
more commonly known as Said property will be sold sub- County, Georgia Records, con- EXHIBIT “A” resentation, warranty or re- MR/mac 11/1/22
1439 Briers Dr, Stone Moun- ject to any outstanding ad veying the after-described All that tract or parcel of land ly- course against the above- ++Our file no. 21-05060GA -
tain, Georgia 30083. Should a valorem taxes (including taxes property to secure a Note in the ing and being in Land Lot 102, named or the undersigned. FT1/COZART++
conflict arise between the prop- which are a lien, but not yet original principal amount of 16th District, Dekalb County, Wilmington Savings Fund Soci-
erty address and the legal de- due and payable), the right of FIFTY-NINE THOUSAND TWO Georgia, being lot 20, Block A, ety, FSB, not in its individual
scription the legal description redemption of any taxing au- HUNDRED FIFTY AND 0/100 Unit One, The Corners, as per capacity but solely as Owner
will control. thority, any matters which might DOLLARS ($59,250.00), with plat recorded in plat book 80, Trustee of CSMC 2020-RPL4
The sale will be conducted sub- be disclosed by an accurate interest thereon as set forth page 7, Dekalb County, Geor- Trust is the holder of the Secur-
ject (1) to confirmation that the survey and inspection of the therein, there will be sold at gia records. ity Deed to the property in ac-
sale is not prohibited under the property, any assessments, li- public outcry to the highest bid- MR/meh 11/1/22 cordance with OCGA § 44-14-
ate, amend or modify the terms possible events of default, fail- a Federal Holiday, in which documents may not be any. To the best knowledge thereon as set forth therein,
of the loan. ure to pay the indebtedness as case being the first Wednes- provided until final confirmation and belief of the undersigned, there will be sold at public out-
To the best knowledge and be- provided for in the Note and day of said month), the follow- and audit of the status of the the party (or parties) in posses- cry to the highest bidder for
lief of the undersigned, the said Security Deed. The debt ing described property: loan as provided immediately sion of the subject property is cash before the courthouse
party in possession of the prop- remaining in default, this sale ALL THAT LOT, TRACT OR above. (are): Susan Drummond or ten- door of DeKalb County, Geor-
erty is Rose Harrison or a ten- will be made for the purpose of PARCEL OF LAND SITUATE,, LLC as agent ant or tenants. gia, or at such place as may be
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022Page 63
ant or tenants and said prop- paying the same and all ex- LYING AND BEING IN LAND and Attorney in Fact for Willis Navy Federal Credit Union is lawfully designated as an al-
erty is more commonly known penses of sale, including attor- LOT(S) NUMBERED 102 OF T. Brown the entity or individual desig- ternative, within the legal hours
420-469332 10/6,10/13,10/20 as 732 Bridgewood Court, ney’s fees (notice of intent to THE 16TH DISTRICT, DEKALB Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied- nated who shall have full au- of sale on the first Tuesday in
10/27 Lithonia, Georgia 30058. collect attorney’s fees having COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING mont Center, 3575 Piedmont thority to negotiate, amend and November, 2022, the following
NOTICE OF SALE Should a conflict arise between been given). KNOWN AND DESIGNATED Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, modify all terms of the mort- described property:
UNDER POWER the property address and the Said property will be sold sub- AS ALL OF LOT NUMBERED Georgia 30305, (404) 994- gage. SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED
GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY legal description the legal de- ject to the following: (1) any 43, BLOCK A, WOODCLIFFE 7637. Navy Federal Credit Union HERETO AND MADE A PART
Under and by virtue of the scription will control. outstanding ad valorem taxes WEST SUBDIVISION, AS SAID 2111-011A Navy Federal Credit Union 820 HEREOF
Power of Sale contained in a The sale will be conducted sub- (including taxes which are a li- LOT IS SHOWN UPON A MAP THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- Folin Lane Vienna, VA 22180- The debt secured by said Se-
Security Deed given by Rose ject (1) to confirmation that the en, whether or not yet due and OR PLAT OF SAID SUBDIVI- ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR 4907 (888) 503-7102 curity Deed has been and is
Harrison to CitiFinancial Mort- sale is not prohibited under the payable); (2) the right of re- SION RECORDED IN THE OF- ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A Note, however, that such entity hereby declared due because
gage Company, Inc., dated U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) demption of any taxing author- FICE OF THE CLERK OF THE DEBT. ANY INFORMATION or individual is not required by of, among other possible
May 10, 2002, recorded in to final confirmation and audit ity; (3) any matters which might SUPERIOR COURT OF OBTAINED WILL BE USED law to negotiate, amend or events of default, failure to pay
Deed Book 13270, Page 644, of the status of the loan with be disclosed by an accurate DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, FOR THAT PURPOSE. modify the terms of the loan. the indebtedness as and when
DeKalb County, Georgia Re- the holder of the security deed. survey and inspection of the AT PLAT BOOK 88, PAGE ++2111-011A/BROWN++ Said property will be sold sub- due and in the manner
cords, as last transferred to Towd Point Mortgage Trust property; and (4) any assess- 139, TO WHICH REFERENCE 420-469335 10/6,10/13,10/20 ject to: (a) any outstanding ad provided in the Note and Se-
Towd Point Mortgage Trust 2016-2, U.S. Bank National As- ments, liens, encumbrances, IS MADE FOR THE MORE 10/27 valorem taxes (including taxes curity Deed. The debt remain-
2016-2, U.S. Bank National As- sociation as Indenture Trustee zoning ordinances, restrictions, PARTICULAR LOCATION AND NOTICE OF SALE which are a lien, but not yet ing in default, this sale will be
sociation as Indenture Trustee as Attorney in Fact for covenants, and matters of re- DIMENSIONS OF SAID LOT. UNDER POWER, due and payable), (b) unpaid made for the purpose of pay-
by assignment recorded in Rose Harrison cord superior to the Security The debt secured by said Se- DEKALB COUNTY water or sewage bills that con- ing the same and all expenses
Deed Book 30452, Page 523, McCalla Raymer Deed first set out above. curity Deed has been and is Pursuant to the Power of Sale stitute a lien against the prop- of this sale, as provided in the
DeKalb County, Georgia Re- Leibert Pierce, LLC Said sale will be conducted hereby declared due because contained in a Security Deed erty whether due and payable Security Deed and by law, in-
cords, conveying the after-de- 1544 Old Alabama Road subject to the following: (1) of, among other possible given by Susan Drummond to or not yet due and payable and cluding attorney's fees (notice
scribed property to secure a Roswell, GA 30076 confirmation that the sale is not events of default, failure to pay Navy Federal Credit Union which may not be of record, (c) pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11
Note in the original principal prohibited under the U.S. Bank- the indebtedness as and when dated 6/28/2019 and recorded the right of redemption of any having been given).
amount of ONE HUNDRED EXHIBIT “A” ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- due and in the manner in Deed Book 27662 Page 560 taxing authority, (d) any mat- Said property will be sold sub-
FIFTY-NINE THOUSAND TWO All that tract or parcel of land ly- firmation and audit of the status provided in the Note and Se- DeKalb County, Georgia re- ters which might be disclosed ject to any outstanding ad
HUNDRED SEVENTY-TWO ing and being in Lend Lot 161 of the loan with the holder of curity Deed. The debt remain- cords; as last transferred to or by an accurate survey and in- valorem taxes (including taxes
AND 0/100 DOLLARS of the 16th District of DeKalb the Security Deed. ing in default, this sale will be acquired by Navy Federal spection of the property, and which are a lien, but not yet
($159,272.00), with interest County, Georgia, and being Lot The name, address, and tele- made for the purpose of pay- Credit Union, conveying the (e) any assessments, liens, en- due and payable), the right of
thereon as set forth therein, 9 of Stonebridge Woods West phone number of the individual ing the same and all expenses after-described property to se- cumbrances, zoning ordin- redemption of any taxing au-
there will be sold at public out- Subdivision, as per plat recor- or entity who has full authority of this sale, as provided in the cure a Note in the original prin- ances, restrictions, covenants, thority, any matters which might
cry to the highest bidder for ded in Plat Book 103, Page 87, to negotiate, amend, and modi- Security Deed and by law, in- cipal amount of $483,312.00, and matters of record superior be disclosed by an accurate
cash before the courthouse DeKalb County, Georgia Re- fy all terms of the mortgage is cluding attorney’s fees (notice with interest at the rate spe- to the Security Deed first set survey and inspection of the
door of DeKalb County, Geor- cords, which plat is incorpor- as follows: of intent to collect attorney’s cified therein, there will be sold out above. property, any assessments, li-
gia, or at such place as may be ated herein and made a part Cenlar Federal fees having been given). by the undersigned at public The sale will be conducted sub- ens, encumbrances, zoning or-
lawfully designated as an al- hereof by reference. Savings Bank Said property is commonly outcry to the highest bidder for ject to (1) confirmation that the dinances, restrictions, coven-
ternative, within the legal hours MR/jay 11/1/22 425 Phillips Boulevard known as 6325 Stablewood cash before the Courthouse sale is not prohibited under the ants, and any matters of re-
of sale on the first Tuesday in ++Our file no. 22-07414GA - Ewing, NJ 08618 Way, Lithonia, GA 30058 to- door of DeKalb County, Geor- U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) cord including, but not limited
November, 2022, the following FT1/HARRISON++ Phone: 1-800-223-6527 gether with all fixtures and per- gia (or such other area as des- final confirmation and audit of to, those superior to the Secur-
described property: 420-469333 10/6,10/13,10/20 Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. sonal property attached to and ignated by Order of the Superi- the status of the loan with the ity Deed first set out above.
SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED 10/27 § 44-14-162.2, the above indi- constituting a part of said prop- or Court of said county), within holder of the Security Deed. Said property will be sold on an
HERETO AND MADE A PART STATE OF GEORGIA vidual or entity is not required erty, if any. To the best know- the legal hours of sale on Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section "as-is" basis without any rep-
HEREOF COUNTY OF DEKALB by law to negotiate, amend, or ledge and belief of the under- November 1, 2022 (being the 9-13-172.1, which allows for resentation, warranty or re-
The debt secured by said Se- NOTICE OF SALE modify the terms of the mort- signed, the party (or parties) in first Tuesday of said month un- certain procedures regarding course against the above-
curity Deed has been and is UNDER POWER gage. possession of the subject prop- less said date falls on a Feder- the rescission of judicial and named or the undersigned.
hereby declared due because Pursuant to the power of sale THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING erty is (are): Tyria Rene Brown al Holiday, in which case being non-judicial sales in the State Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. is the
of, among other possible contained in the Security Deed AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- or tenant or tenants. the first Wednesday of said of Georgia, the Deed Under holder of the Security Deed to
events of default, failure to pay executed by TERRI PAGE to TEMPTING TO COLLECT A, LLC is the en- month), the following de- Power and other foreclosure the property in accordance with
the indebtedness as and when MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC DEBT. ANY INFORMATION tity or individual designated scribed property: documents may not be OCGA § 44-14-162.2.
due and in the manner REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, OBTAINED MAY BE USED who shall have full authority to ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- provided until final confirmation The entity that has full author-
provided in the Note and Se- INC., AS NOMINEE FOR RBC FOR THAT PURPOSE. negotiate, amend and modify CEL OF LAND LYING AND and audit of the status of the ity to negotiate, amend, and
curity Deed. The debt remain- BANK (GEORGIA), N.A. in the RBC BANK (GEORGIA), N.A., all terms of the mortgage. BEING IN LAND LOT NO. 201, loan as provided immediately modify all terms of the mort-
ing in default, this sale will be original principal amount of as Attorney-in-Fact for, LLC OF THE 18TH DISTRICT, OF above. gage with the debtor is: Wells
made for the purpose of pay- $167,448.00 dated October 19, TERRI PAGE, LLC 5465 Leg- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, Navy Federal Credit Union as Fargo Bank, N.A., PO Box
ing the same and all expenses 2020 and recorded in Deed Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, acy Dr. Suite 400, Plano TX BEING LOT NO. 6, BLOCK D, agent and Attorney in Fact for 10335, Des Moines, IA 50306,
of this sale, as provided in the Book 28840, Page 488, DeKalb Crane & Partners, PLLC 75024 Phone- 866-970-7105 E- UNIT I, HILLSIDE PARK SUB- Susan Drummond 1-800-416-1472.
Security Deed and by law, in- County records, said Security 10700 Abbott’s Bridge Road m a i l - DIVISION, AS PER PLAT RE- Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied- Note, however, that such entity
cluding attorney's fees (notice Deed being last transferred to Suite 170 CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 20, mont Center, 3575 Piedmont is not required by law to negoti-
pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11 RBC BANK (GEORGIA), N.A. Duluth, GA 30097 Note, however, that such entity PAGE 82, DEKALB COUNTY, Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, ate, amend or modify the terms
having been given). in Deed Book 30405, Page Phone: 470.321.7112 or individual is not required by GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH Georgia 30305, (404) 994- of the loan.
Said property will be sold sub- 660, DeKalb County records, ++Firm File No. 22-067588 – law to negotiate, amend or PLAT IS HEREBY ADOPTED 7637. To the best knowledge and be-
ject to any outstanding ad the undersigned will sell at pub- LiV/PAGE++ modify the terms of the loan. AND MADE A PART HEREOF 2049-086A lief of the undersigned, the
valorem taxes (including taxes lic outcry to the highest bidder Said property will be sold sub- BY REFERENCE THERETO THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- party in possession of the prop-
which are a lien, but not yet for cash, before the Court- 420-469334 10/6,10/13,10/20 ject to: (a) any outstanding ad FOR A MORE COMPLETE DE- ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR erty is Evelyn K Springer and
due and payable), the right of house door in said County, or 10/27 valorem taxes (including taxes SCRIPTION OF SAID PROP- ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A Estate of Evelyn Kathleen
redemption of any taxing au- at such other place as lawfully NOTICE OF SALE which are a lien, but not yet ERTY. SAID PROPERTY BE- DEBT. ANY INFORMATION Springer or a tenant or tenants
thority, any matters which might designated, within the legal UNDER POWER, due and payable), (b) unpaid ING IMPROVED PROPERTY OBTAINED WILL BE USED and said property is more com-
be disclosed by an accurate hours of sale, on November 01, DEKALB COUNTY water or sewage bills that con- NOW OR FORMERLY FOR THAT PURPOSE. monly known as 3784 Wake
survey and inspection of the 2022, the property in said Se- Pursuant to the Power of Sale stitute a lien against the prop- KNOWN AS 2155 FAIRWAY ++2049-086A/DRUMMOND++ Forest Road, Decatur, Georgia
property, any assessments, li- curity Deed and described as contained in a Security Deed erty whether due and payable CIRCLE, ACCORDING TO 30034. Should a conflict arise
ens, encumbrances, zoning or- follows: given by Willis T. Brown to or not yet due and payable and THE PRESENT SYSTEM OF 420-469336 10/6,10/13,10/20 between the property address
dinances, restrictions, coven- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Mortgage Electronic Registra- which may not be of record, (c) NUMBERING IN DEKALB 10/27 and the legal description the
ants, and any matters of re- CEL OF LAND LYING AND tion Systems, Inc., as grantee, the right of redemption of any COUNTY, GEORGIA. NOTICE OF SALE legal description will control.
cord including, but not limited BEING IN LAND LOT 168 OF as nominee for taxing authority, (d) any mat- PARCEL# 18 201 08 023 UNDER POWER The sale will be conducted sub-
to, those superior to the Secur- THE 18TH DISTRICT, DEKALB, LLC, its suc- ters which might be disclosed The debt secured by said Se- GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY ject (1) to confirmation that the
ity Deed first set out above. COUNTY, BEING LOT 4A, cessors and assigns dated by an accurate survey and in- curity Deed has been and is Under and by virtue of the sale is not prohibited under the
Said property will be sold on an QUAILBROOK (FKA WISCAS- 1/4/2019 and recorded in Deed spection of the property, and hereby declared due because Power of Sale contained in a U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2)
"as-is" basis without any rep- SET SQUARE) SUBDIVISION, Book 27346 Page 655 DeKalb (e) any assessments, liens, en- of, among other possible Security Deed given by Evelyn to final confirmation and audit
resentation, warranty or re- AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN County, Georgia records; as cumbrances, zoning ordin- events of default, failure to pay K Springer to Mortgage Elec- of the status of the loan with
course against the above- PLAT BOOK 89, PAGE 51, last transferred to or acquired ances, restrictions, covenants, the indebtedness as and when tronic Registration Systems, the holder of the security deed.
named or the undersigned. DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA by, LLC, con- and matters of record superior due and in the manner Inc., as grantee, as nominee for Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Towd Point Mortgage Trust RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS veying the afterdescribed prop- to the Security Deed first set provided in the Note and Se- American Internet Mortgage as Attorney in Fact for
2016-2, U.S. Bank National As- INCORPORATED HEREIN BY erty to secure a Note in the ori- out above. curity Deed. The debt remain- Inc., its successors and as- Evelyn K Springer
sociation as Indenture Trustee REFERENCE. ginal principal amount of The sale will be conducted sub- ing in default, this sale will be signs, dated June 28, 2011, re- McCalla Raymer
is the holder of the Security TAX ID: 18 168 12 004 $118,000.00, with interest at ject to (1) confirmation that the made for the purpose of pay- corded in Deed Book 22527, Leibert Pierce, LLC
Deed to the property in accord- Said property being known as: the rate specified therein, there sale is not prohibited under the ing the same and all expenses Page 646, DeKalb County, 1544 Old Alabama Road
ance with OCGA § 44-14- 4234 QUAILBROOK CT TUCK- will be sold by the undersigned U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) of this sale, as provided in the Georgia Records, as last trans- Roswell, GA 30076
162.2. ER, GA 30084 at public outcry to the highest final confirmation and audit of Security Deed and by law, in- ferred to Wells Fargo Bank,
The entity that has full author- To the best of the bidder for cash before the the status of the loan with the cluding attorney’s fees (notice N.A. by assignment recorded in EXHIBIT “A”
ity to negotiate, amend, and undersigned’s knowledge, the Courthouse door of DeKalb holder of the Security Deed. of intent to collect attorney’s Deed Book 24212, Page 411, All that tract or parcel of land ly-
modify all terms of the mort- party or parties in possession County, Georgia (or such other Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section fees having been given). DeKalb County, Georgia Re- ing and being in Land Lot 36,
gage with the debtor is: Select of said property is/are TERRI area as designated by Order of 9-13-172.1, which allows for Said property is commonly cords, conveying the after-de- 15th District, Dekalb County,
Portfolio Servicing, Inc., 3217 PAGE or tenant(s). the Superior Court of said certain procedures regarding known as 2155 Fairway Cir Ne, scribed property to secure a Georgia, being Lot 5 in Block D
S. Decker Lake Dr., Salt Lake The debt secured by said Se- county), within the legal hours the rescission of judicial and Brookhaven, GA 30319 togeth- Note in the original principal of Chapel Hill, Unit Two, as per
City, UT 84119, 888-818-6032. curity Deed has been and is of sale on November 1, 2022 non-judicial sales in the State er with all fixtures and personal amount of FORTY-FIVE THOU- plat recorded in Plat Book 39,
Note, however, that such entity hereby declared due and pay- (being the first Tuesday of said of Georgia, the Deed Under property attached to and consti- SAND AND 0/100 DOLLARS page 168, Dekalb County Re-
is not required by law to negoti- able because of, among other month unless said date falls on Power and other foreclosure tuting a part of said property, if ($45,000.00), with interest cords, and being more particu-
ate, amend or modify the terms possible events of default, fail- a Federal Holiday, in which documents may not be any. To the best knowledge thereon as set forth therein, larly described as follows: Be-
of the loan. ure to pay the indebtedness as case being the first Wednes- provided until final confirmation and belief of the undersigned, there will be sold at public out- ginning at a point on the East
To the best knowledge and be- provided for in the Note and day of said month), the follow- and audit of the status of the the party (or parties) in posses- cry to the highest bidder for side of Wake Forest Road
lief of the undersigned, the said Security Deed. The debt ing described property: loan as provided immediately sion of the subject property is cash before the courthouse (417) feet Southerly as meas-
party in possession of the prop- remaining in default, this sale ALL THAT LOT, TRACT OR above. (are): Susan Drummond or ten- door of DeKalb County, Geor- ured along the curvature of said
erty is Rose Harrison or a ten- will be made for the purpose of PARCEL OF LAND SITUATE,, LLC as agent ant or tenants. gia, or at such place as may be side of Wake Forest Road from
ant or tenants and said prop- paying the same and all ex- LYING AND BEING IN LAND and Attorney in Fact for Willis Navy Federal Credit Union is lawfully designated as an al- the intersection of the North-
erty is more commonly known penses of sale, including attor- LOT(S) NUMBERED 102 OF T. Brown the entity or individual desig- ternative, within the legal hours east side of Wake Forest Road
as 732 Bridgewood Court, ney’s fees (notice of intent to THE 16TH DISTRICT, DEKALB Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied- nated who shall have full au- of sale on the first Tuesday in with the Southeasterly side of
Lithonia, Georgia 30058. collect attorney’s fees having COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING mont Center, 3575 Piedmont thority to negotiate, amend and November, 2022, the following Lehigh Boulevard; continuing
Should a conflict arise between been given). KNOWN AND DESIGNATED Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, modify all terms of the mort- described property: thence Southerly (78.1) feet
the property address and the Said property will be sold sub- AS ALL OF LOT NUMBERED Georgia 30305, (404) 994- gage. SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED along said side of Wake Forest
larly described as follows: Be- "as-is" basis without any rep- TWENTY THOUSAND AND Thomas H Richardson A/K/A ing in default, this sale will be signed, the party (or parties) in
ginning at a point on the East resentation, warranty or re- 0/100 DOLLARS Tom Richardson made for the purpose of pay- possession of the subject prop-
side of Wake Forest Road course against the above- ($120,000.00), with interest McCalla Raymer ing the same and all expenses erty is (are): Tasha Atkins, Ad-
(417) feet Southerly as meas- named or the undersigned. thereon as set forth therein, Leibert Pierce, LLC of this sale, as provided in the ministrator of the Estate of
ured along the curvature of said FREEDOM MORTGAGE COR- there will be sold at public out- 1544 Old Alabama Road Security Deed and by law, in- Quindell Atkins and
side of Wake Forest Road from PORATION is the holder of the cry to the highest bidder for Roswell, GA 30076 cluding attorney’s fees (notice Estate/Heirs of Debra Good-
Page 64
the intersection of the North-
east side of Wake Forest Road
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 
Security Deed to the property in
accordance with OCGA § 44-
cash before the courthouse
of intent to collect attorney’s
fees having been given).
son-Atkins or tenant or tenants.
PennyMac Loan Services, LLC
door of DeKalb County, Geor-
with the Southeasterly side of 14-162.2. gia, or at such place as may be ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Said property is commonly 420-469341 10/6,10/13,10/20 is the entity or individual desig-
Lehigh Boulevard; continuing The entity that has full author- lawfully designated as an al- CEL OF LAND LYING AND known as 3303 Creekway Dr, 10/27 nated who shall have full au-
thence Southerly (78.1) feet ity to negotiate, amend, and ternative, within the legal hours BEING IN LAND LOT 338 OF Decatur, GA 30034 together NOTICE OF SALE thority to negotiate, amend and
along said side of Wake Forest modify all terms of the mort- of sale on the first Tuesday in THE 18TH DISTRICT, DEKALB with all fixtures and personal UNDER POWER, modify all terms of the mort-
Road to an iron pin; thence gage with the debtor is: Free- November, 2022, the following COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING property attached to and consti- DEKALB COUNTY gage.
Easterly 351.6 feet to an iron dom Mortgage Corporation, described property: LOT 21, BLOCK S, UNIT TWO, tuting a part of said property, if Pursuant to the Power of Sale PennyMac Loan Services, LLC
pin; thence Northwesterly 128.5 10500 Kinkaid Dr. Ste. 300, SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED OAKCLIFF ESTATES SUBDI- any. To the best knowledge contained in a Security Deed Loss Mitigation 3043 Towns-
feet to an iron pin at the South- Fishers, IN 46037, 855-690- HERETO AND MADE A PART VISION, SECTION THREE B, and belief of the undersigned, given by Quindell Atkins and gate Road #200, Westlake Vil-
east corner of Lot 4, said block 5900. HEREOF AS PER PLAT RECORDING IN the party (or parties) in posses- Debra Goodson-Atkins to Mort- lage, CA 91361 1-866-549-
and subdivision; thence West- Note, however, that such entity The debt secured by said Se- PLAT BOOK 35, PAGE 27, sion of the subject property is gage Electronic Registration 3583
erly 280.4 feet along the South- is not required by law to negoti- curity Deed has been and is DEKALB COUNTY GEORGIA (are): Estate/Heirs of Albert Systems, Inc., as grantee, as Note, however, that such entity
erly corner of Lot 4 to an iron ate, amend or modify the terms hereby declared due because RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS Brown and Patricia Brown or nominee for Paramount Equity or individual is not required by
pin at the Point of Beginning, of the loan. of, among other possible INCORPORATED HEREIN BY tenant or tenants. Mortgage, LLC, its successors law to negotiate, amend or
said property being known as To the best knowledge and be- events of default, failure to pay REFERENCE AND MADE A Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing and assigns dated 11/27/2017 modify the terms of the loan.
3784 Wake Forest Road. lief of the undersigned, the the indebtedness as and when PART THEREOF is the entity or individual desig- and recorded in Deed Book Said property will be sold sub-
MR/ca 11/1/22 party in possession of the prop- due and in the manner APR #i 18-338-07-043 nated who shall have full au- 26648 Page 151 DeKalb ject to: (a) any outstanding ad
++Our file no. 22-09052GA - erty is Blake Bailey or a tenant provided in the Note and Se- MR/meh 11/1/22 thority to negotiate, amend and County, Georgia records; as valorem taxes (including taxes
FT5/ SPRINGER++ or tenants and said property is curity Deed. The debt remain- ++Our file no. 22-08756GA - modify all terms of the mort- last transferred to or acquired which are a lien, but not yet
more commonly known as ing in default, this sale will be FT8/RICHARDSON++ gage. by PennyMac Loan Services, due and payable), (b) unpaid
420-469337 10/6,10/13,10/20 3447 River Mill Ln, Ellenwood, made for the purpose of pay- Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing LLC, conveying the after-de- water or sewage bills that con-
10/27 Georgia 30294. Should a con- ing the same and all expenses 420-469340 10/6,10/13,10/20 PO Box 10826 Greenville, SC scribed property to secure a stitute a lien against the prop-
NOTICE OF SALE flict arise between the property of this sale, as provided in the 10/27 29603-0826 1-800-365-7107 Note in the original principal erty whether due and payable
UNDER POWER address and the legal descrip- Security Deed and by law, in- NOTICE OF SALE Note, however, that such entity amount of $153,000.00, with in- or not yet due and payable and
GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY tion the legal description will cluding attorney's fees (notice UNDER POWER, or individual is not required by terest at the rate specified which may not be of record, (c)
Under and by virtue of the control. pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11 DEKALB COUNTY law to negotiate, amend or therein, there will be sold by the the right of redemption of any
Power of Sale contained in a The sale will be conducted sub- having been given). Pursuant to the Power of Sale modify the terms of the loan. undersigned at public outcry to taxing authority, (d) any mat-
Security Deed given by Blake ject (1) to confirmation that the Said property will be sold sub- contained in a Security Deed Said property will be sold sub- the highest bidder for cash be- ters which might be disclosed
Bailey to Mortgage Electronic sale is not prohibited under the ject to any outstanding ad given by Albert Brown and Pa- ject to: (a) any outstanding ad fore the Courthouse door of by an accurate survey and in-
Registration Systems, Inc., as U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) valorem taxes (including taxes tricia Brown to Mortgage Elec- valorem taxes (including taxes DeKalb County, Georgia (or spection of the property, and
grantee, as nominee for Free- to final confirmation and audit which are a lien, but not yet tronic Registration Systems, which are a lien, but not yet such other area as designated (e) any assessments, liens, en-
dom Mortgage Corporation, its of the status of the loan with due and payable), the right of Inc., as grantee, as nominee for due and payable), (b) unpaid by Order of the Superior Court cumbrances, zoning ordin-
successors and assigns, dated the holder of the security deed. redemption of any taxing au- PGNF HOME LENDING water or sewage bills that con- of said county), within the legal ances, restrictions, covenants,
April 18, 2016, recorded in FREEDOM MORTGAGE COR- thority, any matters which might CORP., its successors and as- stitute a lien against the prop- hours of sale on November 1, and matters of record superior
Deed Book 25550, Page 277, PORATION be disclosed by an accurate signs. dated 4/26/2004 and re- erty whether due and payable 2022 (being the first Tuesday of to the Security Deed first set
DeKalb County, Georgia Re- as Attorney in Fact for survey and inspection of the corded in Deed Book 16125 or not yet due and payable and said month unless said date out above.
cords, as last transferred to Blake Bailey property, any assessments, li- Page 210 Dekalb County, which may not be of record, (c) falls on a Federal Holiday, in The sale will be conducted sub-
FREEDOM MORTGAGE COR- McCalla Raymer ens, encumbrances, zoning or- Georgia records; as last trans- the right of redemption of any which case being the first Wed- ject to (1) confirmation that the
PORATION by assignment re- Leibert Pierce, LLC dinances, restrictions, coven- ferred to or acquired by THE taxing authority, (d) any mat- nesday of said month), the fol- sale is not prohibited under the
corded in Deed Book 28066, 1544 Old Alabama Road ants, and any matters of re- BANK OF NEW YORK MEL- ters which might be disclosed lowing described property: U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2)
Page 352, DeKalb County, Roswell, GA 30076 cord including, but not limited LON FKA THE BANK OF NEW by an accurate survey and in- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- final confirmation and audit of
Georgia Records, conveying to, those superior to the Secur- YORK, AS TRUSTEE FOR spection of the property, and CEL OF LAND LYING AND the status of the loan with the
the after-described property to EXHIBIT “A” ity Deed first set out above. THE CERTIFICATE HOLD- (e) any assessments, liens, en- BEING IN LAND LOT 128 OF holder of the Security Deed.
secure a Note in the original ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Said property will be sold on an ERS OF THE CWABS INC., cumbrances, zoning ordin- THE 16TH DISTRICT, DEKALB Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section
principal amount of ONE HUN- CEL OF LAND LYING AND "as-is" basis without any rep- ASSET-BACKED CERTIFIC- ances, restrictions, covenants, COUNTY, GEORGIA, AND BE- 9-13-172.1, which allows for
DRED ELEVEN THOUSAND BEING IN LAND LOT 27 OF resentation, warranty or re- ATES, SERIES 2004-6, con- and matters of record superior ING LOT 66, BLOCK A, certain procedures regarding
TWO HUNDRED FORTY-ONE THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB course against the above- veying the after-described to the Security Deed first set CHESTER HILLS, AS PER the rescission of judicial and
AND 0/100 DOLLARS COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING named or the undersigned. property to secure a Note in the out above. PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT non-judicial sales in the State
($111,241.00), with interest LOT 96, BLOCK A, RIVER U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- original principal amount of The sale will be conducted sub- BOOK 132, PAGE 110, AND of Georgia, the Deed Under
thereon as set forth therein, MILL SUBDIVISION, UNIT ciation, not in its individual ca- $129,600.00, with interest at ject to (1) confirmation that the PLAT BOOK 137, PAGE 66, Power and other foreclosure
there will be sold at public out- ONE, AS PER PLAT RECOR- pacity but solely as owner trust- the rate specified therein, there sale is not prohibited under the DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA documents may not be
cry to the highest bidder for DED IN PLAT BOOK 93, PAGE ee for RCF 2 Acquisition Trust will be sold by the undersigned U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) RECORDS, WHICH RECOR- provided until final confirmation
cash before the courthouse 24, DEKALB COUNTY, GEOR- c/o U.S. Bank Trust National at public outcry to the highest final confirmation and audit of DED PLAT IS INCORPOR- and audit of the status of the
door of DeKalb County, Geor- GIA RECORDS, WHICH PLAT Association bidder for cash before the the status of the loan with the ATED HEREIN BY REFER- loan as provided immediately
gia, or at such place as may be IS INCORPORATED HEREIN is the holder of the Security Courthouse door of Dekalb holder of the Security Deed. ENCE FOR A MORE COM- above.
lawfully designated as an al- BY REFERENCE AND MADE Deed to the property in accord- County, Georgia (or such other Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section PLETE DESCRIPTION OF PennyMac Loan Services, LLC
ternative, within the legal hours A PART OF THIS DESCRIP- ance with OCGA § 44-14- area as designated by Order of 9-13-172.1, which allows for SAID PROPERTY. as agent and Attorney in Fact
of sale on the first Tuesday in TION. SAID PROPERTY BE- 162.2. the Superior Court of said certain procedures regarding APW: 16 128 01 038 for Quindell Atkins and Debra
November, 2022, the following ING KNOWN AS 3447 RIVER county), within the legal hours the rescission of judicial and BEING THE SAME PROP- Goodson-Atkins
described property: MILL LANE ACCORDING TO The entity that has full author- of sale on November 1, 2022 non-judicial sales in the State ERTY CONVEYED TO Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied-
SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED THE PRESENT SYSTEM OF ity to negotiate, amend, and (being the first Tuesday of said of Georgia, the Deed Under Q UI N DE L L A T K I NS A N D mont Center, 3575 Piedmont
HERETO AND MADE A PART NUMBERING PROPERTY IN modify all terms of the mort- month unless said date falls on Power and other foreclosure DEBRA GOODSON-ATKINS, Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta,
HEREOF DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA. gage with the debtor is: Selene a Federal Holiday, in which documents may not be AS JOINT TENANTS WITH Georgia 30305, (404) 994-
The debt secured by said Se- MR/chr 11/1/22 Finance, 3501 Olympus case being the first Wednes- provided until final confirmation SURVIVORSHIP AND NOT AS 7637.
curity Deed has been and is ++Our file no. 5790119 - Boulevard, 5th Floor, Suite 500, day of said month), the follow- and audit of the status of the TENANTS IN COMMON BY 1120-23665A
hereby declared due because FT17/BAILEY++ Dallas, TX 75019, 7136252034. ing described property: loan as provided immediately DEED FROM QUINDELL THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT-
of, among other possible 420-469338 10/6,10/13,10/20 Note, however, that such entity ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- above. ATKINS RECORDED ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR
events of default, failure to pay 10/27 is not required by law to negoti- CEL OF LAND LYING AND THE BANK OF NEW YORK 03/29/2012 IN DEED BOOK ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A
the indebtedness as and when NOTICE OF SALE ate, amend or modify the terms BEING IN LAND LOT 69 OF MELLON FKA THE BANK OF 22949 PAGE 44, IN THE OF- DEBT. ANY INFORMATION
curity Deed. The debt remain- Under and by virtue of the lief of the undersigned, the BEING LOT 31, BLOCK "C" HOLDERS OF THE CWABS KALB COUNTY, GEORGIA. ++1120-23665A/ATKINS/
ing in default, this sale will be Power of Sale contained in a party in possession of the prop- UNIT THREE, PHASE TWO INC., ASSETBACKED CERTI- The debt secured by said Se- GOODSON-ATKINS++
made for the purpose of pay- Security Deed given by erty is Thomas H Richardson OF CREEKWOOD HILLS, AS FICATES, SERIES 2004-6 as curity Deed has been and is 420-469342 10/6,10/13,10/20
ing the same and all expenses Thomas H Richardson A/K/A A/K/A Tom Richardson or a PER PLAT RECORDED IN agent and Attorney in Fact for hereby declared due because 10/27
of this sale, as provided in the Tom Richardson to Mortgage tenant or tenants and said PLAT BOOK 59, PAGE 8, Albert Brown and Patricia of, among other possible NOTICE OF SALE
Security Deed and by law, in- Electronic Registration Sys- property is more commonly DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA Brown events of default, failure to pay UNDER POWER,
cluding attorney's fees (notice tems, Inc., as grantee, as nom- known as 4102 English Oak Dr, RECORDS, SAID PLAT BE- Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied- the indebtedness as and when DEKALB COUNTY
pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11 inee for Flagstar Bank, FSB, its Atlanta, Georgia 30340. Should ING INCORPORATED mont Center, 3575 Piedmont due and in the manner Pursuant to the Power of Sale
having been given). successors and assigns, dated a conflict arise between the HEREIN AND MADE A PART Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, provided in the Note and Se- contained in a Security Deed
Said property will be sold sub- February 22, 2008, recorded in property address and the legal HEREOF BY REFERENCE; Georgia 30305, (404) 994- curity Deed. The debt remain- given by Fredrick W. Hender-
ject to any outstanding ad Deed Book 20663, Page 23, description the legal descrip- BEING IMPROVED PROP- 7637. ing in default, this sale will be son to MetLife Home Loans, a
valorem taxes (including taxes DeKalb County, Georgia Re- tion will control. ERTY KNOWN AS 3303 1263-2530A made for the purpose of pay- Division of MetLife Bank, N.A.
which are a lien, but not yet cords, as last transferred to The sale will be conducted sub- CREEKWOOD DRIVE, AC- THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- ing the same and all expenses dated 12/12/2009 and recor-
due and payable), the right of U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- ject (1) to confirmation that the CORDING TO THE PRESENT ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR of this sale, as provided in the ded in Deed Book 21792 Page
redemption of any taxing au- ciation, not in its individual ca- sale is not prohibited under the SYSTEM OF NUMBERING ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A Security Deed and by law, in- 768 and modified at Deed Book
thority, any matters which might pacity but solely as owner trust- U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) HOUSES IN DEKALB DEBT. ANY INFORMATION cluding attorney’s fees (notice 26939Page 176and re-recor-
be disclosed by an accurate ee for RCF 2 Acquisition Trust to final confirmation and audit COUNTY, GEORGIA. OBTAINED WILL BE USED of intent to collect attorney’s ded at Deed Book 26939Page
survey and inspection of the c/o U.S. Bank Trust National of the status of the loan with The debt secured by said Se- FOR THAT PURPOSE. fees having been given). 164DeKalb County, Georgia re-
property, any assessments, li- Association the holder of the security deed. curity Deed has been and is ++1263-2530A/BROWN++ Said property is commonly cords; as last transferred to or
ens, encumbrances, zoning or- by assignment recorded in U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- hereby declared due because known as 585 Robin Ridge, acquired by Mortgage Assets
dinances, restrictions, coven- Deed Book 30504, Page 255, ciation, not in its individual ca- of, among other possible Stone Mountain, GA 30087 to- Management, LLC, conveying
ants, and any matters of re- DeKalb County, Georgia Re- pacity but solely as owner trust- events of default, failure to pay gether with all fixtures and per- the after-described property to
cord including, but not limited cords, conveying the after-de- ee for RCF 2 Acquisition Trust the indebtedness as and when sonal property attached to and secure a Note in the original
to, those superior to the Secur- scribed property to secure a c/o U.S. Bank Trust National due and in the manner constituting a part of said prop- principal amount of
ity Deed first set out above. Note in the original principal Association provided in the Note and Se- erty, if any. To the best know- $271,500.00, with interest at
Said property will be sold on an amount of ONE HUNDRED as Attorney in Fact for curity Deed. The debt remain- ledge and belief of the under- the rate specified therein, there
"as-is" basis without any rep- TWENTY THOUSAND AND Thomas H Richardson A/K/A ing in default, this sale will be signed, the party (or parties) in will be sold by the undersigned
resentation, warranty or re- 0/100 DOLLARS Tom Richardson made for the purpose of pay- possession of the subject prop- at public outcry to the highest
course against the above- ($120,000.00), with interest McCalla Raymer ing the same and all expenses erty is (are): Tasha Atkins, Ad- bidder for cash before the
named or the undersigned. thereon as set forth therein, Leibert Pierce, LLC of this sale, as provided in the ministrator of the Estate of Courthouse door of DeKalb
FREEDOM MORTGAGE COR- there will be sold at public out- 1544 Old Alabama Road Security Deed and by law, in- Quindell Atkins and County, Georgia (or such other
PORATION is the holder of the cry to the highest bidder for Roswell, GA 30076 cluding attorney’s fees (notice Estate/Heirs of Debra Good- area as designated by Order of
Security Deed to the property in cash before the courthouse of intent to collect attorney’s son-Atkins or tenant or tenants. the Superior Court of said
accordance with OCGA § 44- door of DeKalb County, Geor- EXHIBIT “A” fees having been given). PennyMac Loan Services, LLC county), within the legal hours
14-162.2. gia, or at such place as may be ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Said property is commonly is the entity or individual desig- of sale on November 1, 2022
The entity that has full author- lawfully designated as an al- CEL OF LAND LYING AND known as 3303 Creekway Dr, nated who shall have full au- (being the first Tuesday of said
ity to negotiate, amend, and ternative, within the legal hours BEING IN LAND LOT 338 OF Decatur, GA 30034 together thority to negotiate, amend and month unless said date falls on
modify all terms of the mort- of sale on the first Tuesday in THE 18TH DISTRICT, DEKALB with all fixtures and personal modify all terms of the mort- a Federal Holiday, in which
will be sold by the undersigned valorem taxes (including taxes DED IN PLAT BOOK 80, PAGE and audit of the status of the signed, the party (or parties) in property to secure a Note in the Roswell, GA 30076
at public outcry to the highest which are a lien, but not yet III, DEKALB COUNTY, GEOR- loan as provided immediately possession of the subject prop- original principal amount of
bidder for cash before the due and payable), (b) unpaid GIA RECORDS, WHICH RE- above. erty is (are): Yvonne Waits or ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY-ONE EXHIBIT “A”
Courthouse door of DeKalb water or sewage bills that con- CORDED PLAT IS INCOR- Reverse Mortgage Funding tenant or tenants. THOUSAND SEVEN HUN- ALL THAT TRACT or parcel of
County, Georgia (or such other stitute a lien against the prop- PROATED HEREIN BY THIS LLC as agent and Attorney in Bank of America is the entity or DRED SEVEN AND 0/100 land lying and being in Land
area as designated by Order of erty whether due and payable REFERENCE AND MADE A Fact for Graceline Conerly individual designated who shall DOLLARS ($181,707.00), with Lot 157 of the 15th District,

the Superior Court of said The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022Page 65
or not yet due and payable and PART OF THIS DESCRIP- Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied- have full authority to negotiate, interest thereon as set forth DeKalb County, Georgia, be-
county), within the legal hours which may not be of record, (c) TION, SAID PROPERTY BE- mont Center, 3575 Piedmont amend and modify all terms of therein, there will be sold at ing Lot 476, Block L, Emerald
of sale on November 1, 2022 the right of redemption of any ING KNOWN AS 1741 Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, the mortgage. public outcry to the highest bid- North, as per plat recorded in
(being the first Tuesday of said taxing authority, (d) any mat- GOLFCREST COURT, AC- Georgia 30305, (404) 994- Bank of America Home Loan der for cash before the court- Plat Book 49, Page 123,
month unless said date falls on ters which might be disclosed CORDING TO THE PRESENT 7637. Assistance Dept. 7105 Corpor- house door of DeKalb County, DeKalb County, Georgia re-
a Federal Holiday, in which by an accurate survey and in- SYSTEM OF NUMBERING 1823-404A ate Drive Plano, TX 75024 Georgia, or at such place as cord which plat is incorporated
case being the first Wednes- spection of the property, and PROPERTY IN DEKALB THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- (800) 669-6650 may be lawfully designated as herein by this reference and
day of said month), the follow- (e) any assessments, liens, en- COUNTY, GEORGIA. ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR Note, however, that such entity an alternative, within the legal made a part of this description
ing described property: cumbrances, zoning ordin- Being all the premises con- ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A or individual is not required by hours of sale on the first Tues- Property Address 3972 Emer-
All that tract or parcel of land ly- ances, restrictions, covenants, veyed to Graceline Conerly, DEBT. ANY INFORMATION law to negotiate, amend or day in November, 2022, the fol- ald North Drive, Decatur, GA
ing and being in Land Lot 186 and matters of record superior from Sidney Stokes and Patri- OBTAINED WILL BE USED modify the terms of the loan. lowing described property: 30035
of the 18th District, DeKalb to the Security Deed first set cia Stokes, by deed dated April FOR THAT PURPOSE. Said property will be sold sub- SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED MR/mac 11/1/22
County, Georgia and being part out above. 20, 2007, recorded May 07, ++1823-404A/CONERLY++ ject to: (a) any outstanding ad HERETO AND MADE A PART ++Our file no. 22-07076GA -
of Lot 14, Block A, Smith Es- The sale will be conducted sub- 2007, in Book 19919, Page 420-469344 10/6,10/13,10/20 valorem taxes (including taxes HEREOF FT18/MORRIS++
tates Subdivision, Unit Two, as ject to (1) confirmation that the 466, in the Official Public Re- 10/27 which are a lien, but not yet The debt secured by said Se-
per a plat recorded in Plat Book sale is not prohibited under the cords of DeKalb County, State NOTICE OF SALE due and payable), (b) unpaid curity Deed has been and is 420-469346 10/6,10/13,10/20
34 Page 75, DeKalb County, U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) of Georgia. UNDER POWER, water or sewage bills that con- hereby declared due because 10/27
Georgia Records and being final confirmation and audit of Tax ID No: 16 037 01 073 DEKALB COUNTY stitute a lien against the prop- of, among other possible NOTICE OF SALE
more particularly described as the status of the loan with the The debt secured by said Se- Pursuant to the Power of Sale erty whether due and payable events of default, failure to pay UNDER POWER
follows: holder of the Security Deed. curity Deed has been and is contained in a Security Deed or not yet due and payable and the indebtedness as and when GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY
Beginning at an iron pin on the Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section hereby declared due because given by Yvonne Waits to which may not be of record, (c) due and in the manner Under and by virtue of the
North side of Brownlee Drive 9-13-172.1, which allows for of, among other possible Countrywide Bank, a Division of the right of redemption of any provided in the Note and Se- Power of Sale contained in a
1,147 feet westerly as meas- certain procedures regarding events of default, failure to pay Treasury Bank, N.A. dated taxing authority, (d) any mat- curity Deed. The debt remain- Security Deed given by Fran-
ured along the northerly side of the rescission of judicial and the indebtedness as and when 5/23/2003 and recorded in ters which might be disclosed ing in default, this sale will be cine Dunn to Bank of America,
Brownlee Drive from the north- non-judicial sales in the State due and in the manner Deed Book 14754 Page 323 by an accurate survey and in- made for the purpose of pay- N.A., dated March 26, 2008, re-
west corner of Smithfield Drive of Georgia, the Deed Under provided in the Note and Se- DeKalb County, Georgia re- spection of the property, and ing the same and all expenses corded in Deed Book 20732,
and Brownlee Drive if said Power and other foreclosure curity Deed. The debt remain- cords; as last transferred to or (e) any assessments, liens, en- of this sale, as provided in the Page 478, DeKalb County,
street lines extended to form an documents may not be ing in default, this sale will be acquired by THE BANK OF cumbrances, zoning ordin- Security Deed and by law, in- Georgia Records, as last trans-
angle instead of a curve, and provided until final confirmation made for the purpose of pay- NEW YORK MELLON FKA ances, restrictions, covenants, cluding attorney's fees (notice ferred to Specialized Loan Ser-
thence running north 157 feet and audit of the status of the ing the same and all expenses THE BANK OF NEW YORK AS and matters of record superior pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11 vicing LLC
to an iron pin; thence west loan as provided immediately of this sale, as provided in the SUCCESSOR INDENTURE to the Security Deed first set having been given). by assignment recorded in
105.8 feet to an iron pin; thence above. Security Deed and by law, in- TRUSTEE TO JPMORGAN out above. Said property will be sold sub- Deed Book 28318, Page 345,
south 168 feet to an iron pin on Mortgage Assets Management, cluding attorney’s fees (notice CHASE BANK, N.A., AS IN- The sale will be conducted sub- ject to any outstanding ad DeKalb County, Georgia Re-
the north side of Brownlee LLC as agent and Attorney in of intent to collect attorney’s DENTURE TRUSTEE FOR ject to (1) confirmation that the valorem taxes (including taxes cords, conveying the after-de-
Drive; thence east along the Fact for Fredrick W. Henderson fees having been given). THE CWABS REVOLVING sale is not prohibited under the which are a lien, but not yet scribed property to secure a
north side of Brownlee Drive Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied- Said property is commonly HOME EQUITY LOAN ASSET U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) due and payable), the right of Note in the original principal
121.3 feet to an iron pin and mont Center, 3575 Piedmont known as 1741 Golfcrest Court, BACKED NOTES, SERIES final confirmation and audit of redemption of any taxing au- amount of EIGHTY-NIN E
the Point and Beginning; Being Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, Stone Mountain, GA 30088 to- 2004-A, conveying the after-de- the status of the loan with the thority, any matters which might THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED
improved property known as Georgia 30305, (404) 994- gether with all fixtures and per- scribed property to secure a holder of the Security Deed. be disclosed by an accurate AND 0/100 DOLLARS
4152 Brownlee Drive accord- 7637. sonal property attached to and Note in the original principal Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section survey and inspection of the ($89,600.00), with interest
ing to the present system of 1341-911A constituting a part of said prop- amount of $49,050.00, with in- 9-13-172.1, which allows for property, any assessments, li- thereon as set forth therein,
numbering houses in DeKalb THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- erty, if any. To the best know- terest at the rate specified certain procedures regarding ens, encumbrances, zoning or- there will be sold at public out-
County, Georgia. ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ledge and belief of the under- therein, there will be sold by the the rescission of judicial and dinances, restrictions, coven- cry to the highest bidder for
BEING the same premises ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A signed, the party (or parties) in undersigned at public outcry to non-judicial sales in the State ants, and any matters of re- cash before the courthouse
granted and conveyed to Fred- DEBT. ANY INFORMATION possession of the subject prop- the highest bidder for cash be- of Georgia, the Deed Under cord including, but not limited door of DeKalb County, Geor-
erick W. Henderson, by Deed OBTAINED WILL BE USED erty is (are): Estate/Heirs of fore the Courthouse door of Power and other foreclosure to, those superior to the Secur- gia, or at such place as may be
from Rosalind R. Henderson, FOR THAT PURPOSE. Graceline Conerly or tenant or DeKalb County, Georgia (or documents may not be ity Deed first set out above. lawfully designated as an al-
deceased, dated 03/26/2008 ++1341-911A/HENDERSON++ tenants. such other area as designated provided until final confirmation Said property will be sold on an ternative, within the legal hours
and recorded 03/27/2008 in the CeLink is the entity or individu- by Order of the Superior Court and audit of the status of the "as-is" basis without any rep- of sale on the first Tuesday in
Clerk of Courts Office in and for 420-469343 10/6,10/13,10/20 al designated who shall have of said county), within the legal loan as provided immediately resentation, warranty or re- November, 2022, the following
DeKalb County, Georgia in 10/27 full authority to negotiate, hours of sale on November 1, above. course against the above- described property:
Deed Book Volume and Page NOTICE OF SALE amend and modify all terms of 2022 (being the first Tuesday of THE BANK OF NEW YORK named or the undersigned. SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED
20713-742. UNDER POWER, the mortgage. said month unless said date MELLON FKA THE BANK OF Wilmington Savings Fund Soci- HERETO AND MADE A PART
The debt secured by said Se- DEKALB COUNTY CeLink Loss Mitigation Depart- falls on a Federal Holiday, in NEW YORK AS SUCCESSOR ety, FSB, not in its individual HEREOF
curity Deed has been and is Pursuant to the Power of Sale ment P.O. Box 40724 Lansing, which case being the first Wed- INDENTURE TRUSTEE TO capacity but solely as Trustee The debt secured by said Se-
hereby declared due because contained in a Security Deed MI 48901-7924 Phone: 866- nesday of said month), the fol- JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, for Reliant Trust, series HPP is curity Deed has been and is
of, among other possible given by Graceline Conerly to 446-0026 lowing described property: N.A., AS INDENTURE TRUST- the holder of the Security Deed hereby declared due because
events of default, failure to pay Mortgage Electronic Registra- Note, however, that such entity All that tract or parcel of land ly- EE FOR THE CWABS RE- to the property in accordance of, among other possible
the indebtedness as and when tion Systems, Inc., as grantee, or individual is not required by ing and being in Lot 184 of the VOLVING HOME EQUITY with OCGA § 44-14-162.2. events of default, failure to pay
due and in the manner as nominee for United North- law to negotiate, amend or 15th District of DeKalb County, LOAN ASSET BACKED The entity that has full author- the indebtedness as and when
provided in the Note and Se- ern Mortgage Bankers Limited, modify the terms of the loan. Georgia, being Lot 2, Block 2, NOTES, SERIES 2004-A as ity to negotiate, amend, and due and in the manner
curity Deed. The debt remain- its successors and assigns. Said property will be sold sub- Belvedere Park Subdivision, agent and Attorney in Fact for modify all terms of the mort- provided in the Note and Se-
ing in default, this sale will be dated 6/20/2016 and recorded ject to: (a) any outstanding ad Section 3, as per plat recorded Yvonne Waits gage with the debtor is: Fay curity Deed. The debt remain-
made for the purpose of pay- in Deed Book 25659 Page 103 valorem taxes (including taxes in Plat Book 26, Page 37, Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied- Servicing, LLC, 425 S. Finan- ing in default, this sale will be
ing the same and all expenses Dekalb County, Georgia re- which are a lien, but not yet DeKalb County Records, which mont Center, 3575 Piedmont cial Place, Suite 2000, Chica- made for the purpose of pay-
of this sale, as provided in the cords; as last transferred to or due and payable), (b) unpaid plat is incorporated herein and Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, go, IL 60605, 800-495-7166. ing the same and all expenses
Security Deed and by law, in- acquired by Reverse Mortgage water or sewage bills that con- made a part of this description. Georgia 30305, (404) 994- Note, however, that such entity of this sale, as provided in the
cluding attorney’s fees (notice Funding LLC, conveying the stitute a lien against the prop- This sale is made subject to 7637. is not required by law to negoti- Security Deed and by law, in-
of intent to collect attorney’s after-described property to se- erty whether due and payable that Security Deed in the 1016-5338A ate, amend or modify the terms cluding attorney's fees (notice
fees having been given). cure a Note in the original prin- or not yet due and payable and amount of $68,750.00, recor- THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- of the loan. pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11
Said property is commonly cipal amount of $219,000.00, which may not be of record, (c) ded on 6/13/2003 in Deed Book ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR To the best knowledge and be- having been given).
known as 4152 Brownlee Drive, with interest at the rate spe- the right of redemption of any 14754, Page 310, aforesaid re- ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A lief of the undersigned, the Said property will be sold sub-
Tucker, GA 30084 together cified therein, there will be sold taxing authority, (d) any mat- cords. DEBT. ANY INFORMATION party in possession of the prop- ject to any outstanding ad
with all fixtures and personal by the undersigned at public ters which might be disclosed The debt secured by said Se- OBTAINED WILL BE USED erty is Elsie Morris or a tenant valorem taxes (including taxes
property attached to and consti- outcry to the highest bidder for by an accurate survey and in- curity Deed has been and is FOR THAT PURPOSE. or tenants and said property is which are a lien, but not yet
tuting a part of said property, if cash before the Courthouse spection of the property, and hereby declared due because ++1016-5338A/WAITS++ more commonly known as due and payable), the right of
any. To the best knowledge door of Dekalb County, Geor- (e) any assessments, liens, en- of, among other possible 420-469345 10/6,10/13,10/20 3972 Emerald North Dr, Dec- redemption of any taxing au-
and belief of the undersigned, gia (or such other area as des- cumbrances, zoning ordin- events of default, failure to pay 10/27 atur, Georgia 30035. Should a thority, any matters which might
the party (or parties) in posses- ignated by Order of the Superi- ances, restrictions, covenants, the indebtedness as and when NOTICE OF SALE conflict arise between the prop- be disclosed by an accurate
sion of the subject property is or Court of said county), within and matters of record superior due and in the manner UNDER POWER erty address and the legal de- survey and inspection of the
(are): Fredrick W. Henderson or the legal hours of sale on to the Security Deed first set provided in the Note and Se- GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY scription the legal description property, any assessments, li-
tenant or tenants. November 1, 2022 (being the out above. curity Deed. The debt remain- Under and by virtue of the will control. ens, encumbrances, zoning or-
PHH Mortgage Corporation is first Tuesday of said month un- The sale will be conducted sub- ing in default, this sale will be Power of Sale contained in a The sale will be conducted sub- dinances, restrictions, coven-
the entity or individual desig- less said date falls on a Feder- ject to (1) confirmation that the made for the purpose of pay- Security Deed given by Elsie ject (1) to confirmation that the ants, and any matters of re-
nated who shall have full au- al Holiday, in which case being sale is not prohibited under the ing the same and all expenses Morris to Financial Freedom sale is not prohibited under the cord including, but not limited
thority to negotiate, amend and the first Wednesday of said U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) of this sale, as provided in the Funding Corporation, dated U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to, those superior to the Secur-
modify all terms of the mort- month), the following de- final confirmation and audit of Security Deed and by law, in- January 28, 2005, recorded in to final confirmation and audit ity Deed first set out above.
gage. scribed property: the status of the loan with the cluding attorney’s fees (notice Deed Book 17091, Page 217, of the status of the loan with Said property will be sold on an
PHH Mortgage Corporation THE LAND IS DESCRIBED AS holder of the Security Deed. of intent to collect attorney’s DeKalb County, Georgia Re- the holder of the security deed. "as-is" basis without any rep-
Loss Mitigation 14405 Walters FOLLOWS: Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section fees having been given). cords, as last transferred to Wilmington Savings Fund Soci- resentation, warranty or re-
Road, Suite 200 Houston, TX ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- 9-13-172.1, which allows for Said property is commonly Wilmington Savings Fund Soci- ety, FSB, not in its individual course against the above-
77014 888-918-1110 CEL OF LAND LYING AND certain procedures regarding known as 2807 Santa Barbara ety, FSB, not in its individual capacity but solely as Trustee named or the undersigned.
Note, however, that such entity BEING IN LAND LOT 37 OF the rescission of judicial and Drive, Decatur, GA 30032 to- capacity but solely as Trustee for Reliant Trust, series HPP Specialized Loan Servicing
or individual is not required by THE 16TH DISTRICT, DEKALB non-judicial sales in the State gether with all fixtures and per- for Reliant Trust, series HPP by as Attorney in Fact for LLC
law to negotiate, amend or COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING of Georgia, the Deed Under sonal property attached to and assignment recorded in Deed Elsie Morris is the holder of the Security
modify the terms of the loan. LOT 69, BLOCK M, HIDDEN Power and other foreclosure constituting a part of said prop- Book 30453, Page 37, DeKalb McCalla Raymer Deed to the property in accord-
Said property will be sold sub- HILLS SUBDIVISION, UNIT documents may not be erty, if any. To the best know- County, Georgia Records, con- Leibert Pierce, LLC ance with OCGA § 44-14-
ject to: (a) any outstanding ad FIVE, AS PER PLAT RECOR- provided until final confirmation ledge and belief of the under- veying the after-described 1544 Old Alabama Road 162.2.
valorem taxes (including taxes DED IN PLAT BOOK 80, PAGE and audit of the status of the signed, the party (or parties) in property to secure a Note in the Roswell, GA 30076 The entity that has full author-
which are a lien, but not yet III, DEKALB COUNTY, GEOR- loan as provided immediately possession of the subject prop- original principal amount of ity to negotiate, amend, and
due and payable), (b) unpaid GIA RECORDS, WHICH RE- above. erty is (are): Yvonne Waits or ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY-ONE EXHIBIT “A” modify all terms of the mort-
water or sewage bills that con- CORDED PLAT IS INCOR- Reverse Mortgage Funding tenant or tenants. THOUSAND SEVEN HUN- ALL THAT TRACT or parcel of gage with the debtor is: Spe-
stitute a lien against the prop- PROATED HEREIN BY THIS LLC as agent and Attorney in Bank of America is the entity or DRED SEVEN AND 0/100 land lying and being in Land cialized Loan Servicing LLC,
erty whether due and payable REFERENCE AND MADE A Fact for Graceline Conerly individual designated who shall DOLLARS ($181,707.00), with Lot 157 of the 15th District, 6200 S. Quebec St., Suite 300,
or not yet due and payable and PART OF THIS DESCRIP- Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied- have full authority to negotiate, interest thereon as set forth DeKalb County, Georgia, be- Greenwood Village, CO 80111,
which may not be of record, (c) TION, SAID PROPERTY BE- mont Center, 3575 Piedmont amend and modify all terms of therein, there will be sold at ing Lot 476, Block L, Emerald 800-306-6059.
the right of redemption of any ING KNOWN AS 1741 Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, the mortgage. public outcry to the highest bid- North, as per plat recorded in Note, however, that such entity
taxing authority, (d) any mat- GOLFCREST COURT, AC- Georgia 30305, (404) 994- Bank of America Home Loan der for cash before the court- Plat Book 49, Page 123, is not required by law to negoti-
ters which might be disclosed CORDING TO THE PRESENT 7637. Assistance Dept. 7105 Corpor- house door of DeKalb County, DeKalb County, Georgia re- ate, amend or modify the terms
by an accurate survey and in- SYSTEM OF NUMBERING 1823-404A ate Drive Plano, TX 75024 Georgia, or at such place as cord which plat is incorporated of the loan.
The entity that has full author- curity Deed has been and is ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- hereby declared due and pay- al Holiday, in which case being certain procedures regarding
ity to negotiate, amend, and hereby declared due because firmation and audit of the status able because of, among other the first Wednesday of said the rescission of judicial and
modify all terms of the mort- of, among other possible of the loan with the holder of possible events of default, fail- month), the following de- non-judicial sales in the State
gage with the debtor is: Spe- events of default, failure to pay the Security Deed. ure to pay the indebtedness as scribed property: of Georgia, the Deed Under
cialized Loan Servicing LLC, the indebtedness as and when The name, address, and tele- provided for in the Note and ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Power and other foreclosure
6200 S. Quebec St., Suite 300, due and in the manner phone number of the individual said Security Deed. The debt CEL OF LAND LYING AND documents may not be
Page 66
Greenwood Village, CO 80111,
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 
provided in the Note and Se-
curity Deed. The debt remain-
or entity who has full authority
to negotiate, amend, and modi-
remaining in default, this sale BEING IN LAND LOT 198 OF provided until final confirmation
and audit of the status of the
will be made for the purpose of THE 18T H DISTRICT OF
Note, however, that such entity ing in default, this sale will be 420-469348 10/6,10/13,10/20 fy all terms of the mortgage is paying the same and all ex- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, loan as provided immediately
is not required by law to negoti- made for the purpose of pay- 10/27 as follows: penses of sale, including attor- BEING UNIT G, BUILDING above.
ate, amend or modify the terms ing the same and all expenses STATE OF GEORGIA Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. ney’s fees (notice of intent to 110, KEY'S LAKE CONDOMIN- LoanCare, LLC as agent and
of the loan. of this sale, as provided in the COUNTY OF DEKALB 3217 S. Decker Lake Drive collect attorney’s fees having IUM, PHASE ONE, UNIT TEN, Attorney in Fact for Susan Stott
To the best knowledge and be- Security Deed and by law, in- NOTICE OF SALE Salt Lake City, UT 84119 been given). AS SHOWN ON THAT PLAT Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied-
lief of the undersigned, the cluding attorney's fees (notice UNDER POWER 800-635-9698 Said property will be sold sub- OF SURVEY DATED JUNE 25, mont Center, 3575 Piedmont
party in possession of the prop- pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11 Pursuant to the power of sale Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. ject to the following: (1) any 1985, AS REVISED FEBRU- Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta,
erty is Francine Dunn or a ten- having been given). contained in the Security Deed § 44-14-162.2, the above indi- outstanding ad valorem taxes ARY 3, 1987, PREPARED BY Georgia 30305, (404) 994-
ant or tenants and said prop- Said property will be sold sub- executed by JOHN S. vidual or entity is not required (including taxes which are a li- GREENHORNE & O'MARA, 7637.
erty is more commonly known ject to any outstanding ad MITCHELL to AMERICAN by law to negotiate, amend, or en, whether or not yet due and INC., WHICH PLAT IS RE- 1154-1942A
as 1723 Capistrana Place, valorem taxes (including taxes EQUITY MORTGAGE, INC. in modify the terms of the mort- payable); (2) the right of re- CORDED IN CONDOMINIUM THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT-
Decatur, Georgia 30032. which are a lien, but not yet the original principal amount of gage. demption of any taxing author- PLAT BOOK 6, PAGE 83, ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR
Should a conflict arise between due and payable), the right of $110,700.00 dated March 12, THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING ity; (3) any matters which might DEKALB COUNTY RECORDS, ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A
the property address and the redemption of any taxing au- 2003 and recorded in Deed AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- be disclosed by an accurate AND WHICH UNIT IS MORE DEBT. ANY INFORMATION
legal description the legal de- thority, any matters which might Book 14364, Page 71, DeKalb TEMPTING TO COLLECT A survey and inspection of the PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED OBTAINED WILL BE USED
scription will control. be disclosed by an accurate County records, said Security DEBT. ANY INFORMATION property; and (4) any assess- IN THE DECLARATION OF FOR THAT PURPOSE.
The sale will be conducted sub- survey and inspection of the Deed being last transferred to OBTAINED MAY BE USED ments, liens, encumbrances, CONDOMINIUM OF KEY'S ++1154-1942A/STOTT++
ject (1) to confirmation that the property, any assessments, li- U.S. BANK TRUST NATIONAL FOR THAT PURPOSE. zoning ordinances, restrictions, LAKE CONDOMINIUM DATED
sale is not prohibited under the ens, encumbrances, zoning or- ASSOCIATION, NOT IN ITS U.S. BANK TRUST NATIONAL covenants, and matters of re- MARCH 21, 1985, RECOR- 420-469351 10/6,10/13,10/20
U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) dinances, restrictions, coven- INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUT ASSOCIATION, NOT IN ITS cord superior to the Security DED IN DEED BOOK 5244, 10/27
to final confirmation and audit ants, and any matters of re- SOLELY AS COLLATERAL INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUT Deed first set out above. PAGE 1, AFORESAID RE- NOTICE OF SALE
of the status of the loan with cord including, but not limited TRUST TRUSTEE OF SOLELY AS COLLATERAL Said sale will be conducted CORDS, AS AMENDED. UNDER POWER
the holder of the security deed. to, those superior to the Secur- FIRSTKEY MASTER FUND- TRUST TRUSTEE OF subject to the following: (1) The debt secured by said Se- GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY
Specialized Loan Servicing ity Deed first set out above. ING 2021-A COLLATERAL FIRSTKEY MASTER FUND- confirmation that the sale is not curity Deed has been and is Under and by virtue of the
LLC Said property will be sold on an TRUST in Deed Book 29612, ING 2021-A COLLATERAL prohibited under the U.S. Bank- hereby declared due because Power of Sale contained in a
as Attorney in Fact for "as-is" basis without any rep- Page 568, DeKalb County re- TRUST, ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- of, among other possible Security Deed given by Ronald
Francine Dunn resentation, warranty or re- cords, the undersigned will sell as Attorney-in-Fact for firmation and audit of the status events of default, failure to pay L Pearcey and Candyce A Pat-
McCalla Raymer course against the above- at public outcry to the highest JOHN S. MITCHELL of the loan with the holder of the indebtedness as and when terson to Mortgage Electronic
Leibert Pierce, LLC named or the undersigned. bidder for cash, before the Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, the Security Deed. due and in the manner Registration Systems, Inc., as
1544 Old Alabama Road Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC Courthouse door in said Crane & Partners, PLLC The name, address, and tele- provided in the Note and Se- grantee, as nominee for Mort-
Roswell, GA 30076 is the holder of the Security County, or at such other place 10700 Abbott’s Bridge Road phone number of the individual curity Deed. The debt remain- gage Lenders Network USA, Deed to the property in accord- as lawfully designated, within Suite 170 or entity who has full authority ing in default, this sale will be Inc., its successors and as-
EXHIBIT “A” ance with OCGA § 44-14- the legal hours of sale, on Duluth, GA 30097 to negotiate, amend, and modi- made for the purpose of pay- signs, dated October 20, 2006,
Ail that *certain parcel of land 162.2. November 01, 2022, the prop- Phone: 470.321.7112 fy all terms of the mortgage is ing the same and all expenses recorded in Deed Book 19314,
situated in Land Lot 185. 15th The entity that has full author- erty in said Security Deed and ++Firm File No. 18-202468 – as follows: of this sale, as provided in the Page 494, DeKalb County,
District, County of DeKalb, ity to negotiate, amend, and described as follows: KaH/MITCHELL++ PHH Mortgage Corporation Security Deed and by law, in- Georgia Records, as last trans-
State of Georgia. being known modify all terms of the mort- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- 420-469349 10/6,10/13,10/20 1 Mortgage Way cluding attorney’s fees (notice ferred to U.S. Bank Trust Na-
as Lot 4, Block Q. Section 4. gage with the debtor is: M&T CEL OF LAND LYING AND 10/27 Mount Laurel, NJ 08054 of intent to collect attorney’s tional Association, not in its in-
Belvedere Park, as shown on Bank , One Fountain Plaza, BEING IN LAND LOT 61 OF .STATE OF GEORGIA 866-503-5559 fees having been given). dividual capacity but solely as
plat recorded in Plat Book 23 Buffalo, NY 14203, 800-724- THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB COUNTY OF DEKALB Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. Said property is commonly owner trustee for RCF 2 Ac-
page 139. more fully described 1633. COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING NOTICE OF SALE § 44-14-162.2, the above indi- known as 1362 Keys Lake Dr quisition Trust by assignment
in Deed Book 11509 page 711, Note, however, that such entity LOT 17, BLOCK A, UNIT TWO, UNDER POWER vidual or entity is not required Unit 1362, Atlanta, GA 30319 recorded in Deed Book 2444,
DeKalb County Records. is not required by law to negoti- PLATINA PARK TOWN- Pursuant to the power of sale by law to negotiate, amend, or together with all fixtures and Page 270, and as re-recorded
MR/mac 11/1/22 ate, amend or modify the terms HOUSES SUBDIVISION, AS contained in the Security Deed modify the terms of the mort- personal property attached to in Deed Book 30294, Page
++Our file no. 22-08694GA - of the loan. PER PLAT RECORDED IN executed by LILLIAN WILLI- gage. and constituting a part of said 397, DeKalb County, Georgia
FT7/DUNN++ To the best knowledge and be- PLAT BOOK 95, PAGE 56 AMS to MORTGAGE ELEC- THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING property, if any. To the best Records, conveying the after-
lief of the undersigned, the DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA TRO NI C REG I STRATI O N AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- knowledge and belief of the un- described property to secure a
420-469347 10/6,10/13,10/20 party in possession of the prop- RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMIN- TEMPTING TO COLLECT A dersigned, the party (or parties) Note in the original principal
10/27 erty is Rogers Lwenduru INCORPORATED BY REFER- EE FOR GENERATION DEBT. ANY INFORMATION in possession of the subject amount of SEVEN HUNDRED
UNDER POWER Lwenduru Kyaruzi or a tenant PART OF THIS DESCRIP- original principal amount of FOR THAT PURPOSE. of Susan Stott and Reid Stott or AND 0/100 DOLLARS
GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY or tenants and said property is TION. $75,000.00 dated November 3, MORTGAGE ASSETS MAN- tenant or tenants. ($724,000.00), with interest
Under and by virtue of the more commonly known as PARCEL ID: 15 061 02 084 2010 and recorded in Deed AGEMENT, LLC, LoanCare, LLC is the entity or thereon as set forth therein,
Power of Sale contained in a 4527 Mossey Dr, Lithonia, Said property being known as: Book 22258, Page 798, DeKalb as Attorney-in-Fact for individual designated who shall there will be sold at public out-
Security Deed given by Rogers Georgia 30038. Should a con- 3543 LEHIGH WAY DEC- County records, said Security LILLIAN WILLIAMS have full authority to negotiate, cry to the highest bidder for
Lwenduru Kyaruzi to Mortgage flict arise between the property ATUR, GA 30034 Deed being last transferred to Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, amend and modify all terms of cash before the courthouse
Electronic Registration Sys- address and the legal descrip- To the best of the MORTGAGE ASSETS MAN- Crane & Partners, PLLC the mortgage. door of DeKalb County, Geor-
tems, Inc., as grantee, as nom- tion the legal description will undersigned’s knowledge, the AGEMENT, LLC in Deed Book 10700 Abbott’s Bridge Road LoanCare, LLC Attention: Loss gia, or at such place as may be
inee for Fairway Independent control. party or parties in possession 29753, Page 40, DeKalb Suite 170 Mitigation Department 3637 lawfully designated as an al-
Mortgage Corporation, its suc- The sale will be conducted sub- of said property is/are JOHN S. County records, the under- Duluth, GA 30097 Sentara Way Virginia Beach, ternative, within the legal hours
cessors and assigns, dated ject (1) to confirmation that the MITCHELL or tenant(s). signed will sell at public outcry Phone: 470.321.7112 VA 23452 of sale on the first Tuesday in
June 28, 2017, recorded in sale is not prohibited under the The debt secured by said Se- to the highest bidder for cash, ++Firm File No. 21-148134 – 800-909-9525 November, 2022, the following
Deed Book 26351, Page 796, U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) curity Deed has been and is before the Courthouse door in LiV/WILLIAMS++ Note, however, that such entity described property:
DeKalb County, Georgia Re- to final confirmation and audit hereby declared due and pay- said County, or at such other 420-469350 10/6,10/13,10/20 or individual is not required by SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED
cords and as modified by that of the status of the loan with able because of, among other place as lawfully designated, 10/27 law to negotiate, amend or HERETO AND MADE A PART
certain Loan Modification the holder of the security deed. possible events of default, fail- within the legal hours of sale, NOTICE OF SALE modify the terms of the loan. HEREOF
Agreement recorded in Deed ure to pay the indebtedness as on November 1, 2022, the UNDER POWER, Said property will be sold sub- The debt secured by said Se-
Book 30177, Page 266, DeKalb Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC provided for in the Note and property in said Security Deed DEKALB COUNTY ject to: (a) any outstanding ad curity Deed has been and is
County, Georgia Records, as as Attorney in Fact for said Security Deed. The debt and described as follows: Pursuant to the Power of Sale valorem taxes (including taxes hereby declared due because
last transferred to Lakeview Rogers Lwenduru Kyaruzi remaining in default, this sale ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- contained in a Security Deed which are a lien, but not yet of, among other possible
Loan Servicing, LLC by assign- McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, will be made for the purpose of CEL OF LAND LYING AND given by Susan Stott to Mort- due and payable), (b) unpaid events of default, failure to pay
ment recorded in Deed Book LLC paying the same and all ex- BEING IN LAND LOT 108 OF gage Electronic Registration water or sewage bills that con- the indebtedness as and when
29571, Page 78, DeKalb 1544 Old Alabama Road penses of sale, including attor- THE 15TH DISTRICT OF Systems, Inc., as grantee, as stitute a lien against the prop- due and in the manner
County, Georgia Records, con- Roswell, GA 30076 ney’s fees (notice of intent to DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, nominee for NBank, N.A., its erty whether due and payable provided in the Note and Se-
veying the after-described collect attorney’s fees having BEING LOT 8, BLOCK J, successors and assigns. dated or not yet due and payable and curity Deed. The debt remain-
property to secure a Note in the EXHIBIT “A” been given). PARKER RANCH EXTEN- 2/4/2003 and recorded in Deed which may not be of record, (c) ing in default, this sale will be
original principal amount of All that tract or parcel of land ly- Said property will be sold sub- SION, UNIT III, AS SHOWN AT Book 14255 Page 320 Dekalb the right of redemption of any made for the purpose of pay-
THREE HUNDRED SIXTY- ing and being in Land Lots 31 ject to the following: (1) any PLAT BOOK 53, PAGE 110, County, Georgia records; as taxing authority, (d) any mat- ing the same and all expenses
FIVE THOUSAND SEVENTY- and 32 of the 15th District of outstanding ad valorem taxes SAID PROPERTY BEING last transferred to or acquired ters which might be disclosed of this sale, as provided in the
NINE AND 0/100 DOLLARS Dekalb County, Georgia, being (including taxes which are a li- KNOWN AS 1969 WEEKIRK by LoanCare, LLC, conveying by an accurate survey and in- Security Deed and by law, in-
($365,079.00), with interest Lot 6A of Dogwood Cove Sub- en, whether or not yet due and ROAD ACCORDING TO THE the after-described property to spection of the property, and cluding attorney's fees (notice
thereon as set forth therein, division according to plat recor- payable); (2) the right of re- CURRENTY SYSTEM OF secure a Note in the original (e) any assessments, liens, en- pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11
there will be sold at public out- ded at Plat Book 147, Page 3, demption of any taxing author- NUMBERING HOUSES IN AT- principal amount of $50,000.00, cumbrances, zoning ordin- having been given).
cry to the highest bidder for Dekalb County, Georgia Re- ity; (3) any matters which might LANTA, DEKALB COUNTY, with interest at the rate spe- ances, restrictions, covenants, Said property will be sold sub-
cash before the courthouse cords, which plat is incorpor- be disclosed by an accurate GEORGIA. cified therein, there will be sold and matters of record superior ject to any outstanding ad
door of DeKalb County, Geor- ated herein and made a part survey and inspection of the TAX ID: 15 108 09 003 by the undersigned at public to the Security Deed first set valorem taxes (including taxes
gia, or at such place as may be hereof by reference thereto. property; and (4) any assess- Said property being known as: outcry to the highest bidder for out above. which are a lien, but not yet
lawfully designated as an al- MR/ca 11/1/22 ments, liens, encumbrances, 1969 WEE KIRK RD SE. AT- cash before the Courthouse The sale will be conducted sub- due and payable), the right of
ternative, within the legal hours ++Our file no. 22-09130GA - zoning ordinances, restrictions, LANTA, GA 30316 door of Dekalb County, Geor- ject to (1) confirmation that the redemption of any taxing au-
of sale on the first Tuesday in FT5/KYARUZI++ covenants, and matters of re- To the best of the gia (or such other area as des- sale is not prohibited under the thority, any matters which might
November, 2022, the following cord superior to the Security undersigned’s knowledge, the ignated by Order of the Superi- U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) be disclosed by an accurate
described property: Deed first set out above. party or parties in possession or Court of said county), within final confirmation and audit of survey and inspection of the
SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED Said sale will be conducted of said property is/are LILLIAN the legal hours of sale on the status of the loan with the property, any assessments, li-
HERETO AND MADE A PART subject to the following: (1) WILLIAMS or tenant(s). November 1, 2022 (being the holder of the Security Deed. ens, encumbrances, zoning or-
HEREOF confirmation that the sale is not The debt secured by said Se- first Tuesday of said month un- Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section dinances, restrictions, coven-
The debt secured by said Se- prohibited under the U.S. Bank- curity Deed has been and is less said date falls on a Feder- 9-13-172.1, which allows for ants, and any matters of re-
curity Deed has been and is ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- hereby declared due and pay- al Holiday, in which case being certain procedures regarding cord including, but not limited
hereby declared due because firmation and audit of the status able because of, among other the first Wednesday of said the rescission of judicial and to, those superior to the Secur-
of, among other possible of the loan with the holder of possible events of default, fail- month), the following de- non-judicial sales in the State ity Deed first set out above.
events of default, failure to pay the Security Deed. ure to pay the indebtedness as scribed property: of Georgia, the Deed Under Said property will be sold on an
the indebtedness as and when The name, address, and tele- provided for in the Note and ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Power and other foreclosure "as-is" basis without any rep-
due and in the manner phone number of the individual said Security Deed. The debt CEL OF LAND LYING AND documents may not be resentation, warranty or re-
provided in the Note and Se- or entity who has full authority remaining in default, this sale BEING IN LAND LOT 198 OF provided until final confirmation course against the above-
curity Deed. The debt remain- to negotiate, amend, and modi- will be made for the purpose of THE 18TH DISTRICT OF and audit of the status of the named or the undersigned.
ing in default, this sale will be fy all terms of the mortgage is paying the same and all ex- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, loan as provided immediately U.S. Bank Trust National Asso-
made for the purpose of pay- as follows: penses of sale, including attor- BEING UNIT G, BUILDING above. ciation, not in its individual ca-
ing the same and all expenses Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. ney’s fees (notice of intent to 110, KEY'S LAKE CONDOMIN- LoanCare, LLC as agent and pacity but solely as owner trust-
of this sale, as provided in the 3217 S. Decker Lake Drive collect attorney’s fees having IUM, PHASE ONE, UNIT TEN, Attorney in Fact for Susan Stott ee for RCF 2 Acquisition Trust
cord including, but not limited Book 30537, Page 64, DeKalb 2007-1SL, Asset-Backed Se- Said property will be sold sub- is not required by law to negoti- ing in default, this sale will be
to, those superior to the Secur- County, Georgia Records, con- curities, Series 2007-1SL ject to any outstanding ad ate, amend or modify the terms made for the purpose of pay-
ity Deed first set out above. veying the after-described as Attorney in Fact for valorem taxes (including taxes of the loan. ing the same and all expenses
Said property will be sold on an property to secure a Note in the Wanda Johnson which are a lien, but not yet To the best knowledge and be- of this sale, as provided in the
"as-is" basis without any rep- original principal amount of McCalla Raymer due and payable), the right of lief of the undersigned, the Security Deed and by law, in-
resentation, warranty or re- THIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND Leibert Pierce, LLC redemption of any taxing au- party in possession of the prop- cluding attorney's fees (notice

course against the above- The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022Page 67
AND 0/100 DOLLARS 1544 Old Alabama Road thority, any matters which might erty is Wanda Gordon and Es- pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11
named or the undersigned. ($35,000.00), with interest Roswell, GA 30076 be disclosed by an accurate tate of Wanda Gordon or a ten- having been given).
U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- thereon as set forth therein, survey and inspection of the 420-469354 10/6,10/13,10/20 ant or tenants and said prop- Said property will be sold sub-
ciation, not in its individual ca- there will be sold at public out- EXHIBIT “A” property, any assessments, li- 10/27 erty is more commonly known ject to any outstanding ad
pacity but solely as owner trust- cry to the highest bidder for All that tract or parcel of land ly- ens, encumbrances, zoning or- NOTICE OF SALE as 5624 Hunters Crossing valorem taxes (including taxes
ee for RCF 2 Acquisition Trust cash before the courthouse ing and being in Land Lot 122 dinances, restrictions, coven- UNDER POWER Court, Lithonia, Georgia 30058. which are a lien, but not yet
c/o U.S. Bank Trust National door of DeKalb County, Geor- of the 16th District, DeKalb ants, and any matters of re- GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY Should a conflict arise between due and payable), the right of
Association is the holder of the gia, or at such place as may be County, Georgia, being Lot 50, cord including, but not limited Under and by virtue of the the property address and the redemption of any taxing au-
Security Deed to the property in lawfully designated as an al- Block C, Stonebridge Creek Es- to, those superior to the Secur- Power of Sale contained in a legal description the legal de- thority, any matters which might
accordance with OCGA § 44- ternative, within the legal hours tates Subdivision, Unit Two, as ity Deed first set out above. Security Deed given by Wanda scription will control. be disclosed by an accurate
14-162.2. of sale on the first Tuesday in per plat recorded in Plat Book Said property will be sold on an Gordon to Norwest Mortgage, The sale will be conducted sub- survey and inspection of the
The entity that has full author- November, 2022, the following 118, Page 46-52, DeKalb "as-is" basis without any rep- Inc., dated April 25, 1997, re- ject (1) to confirmation that the property, any assessments, li-
ity to negotiate, amend, and described property: County, Georgia records, which resentation, warranty or re- corded in Deed Book 9423, sale is not prohibited under the ens, encumbrances, zoning or-
modify all terms of the mort- SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED recorded plat is incorporated course against the above- Page 219, DeKalb County, U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) dinances, restrictions, coven-
gage with the debtor is: Selene HERETO AND MADE A PART herein by this reference and named or the undersigned. Georgia Records, as last trans- to final confirmation and audit ants, and any matters of re-
Finance, 3501 Olympus HEREOF made a part of this description. Freedom Mortgage Corpora- ferred to U.S. Bank Trust Na- of the status of the loan with cord including, but not limited
Boulevard, 5th Floor, Suite 500, The debt secured by said Se- Subject to that Security Deed tion is the holder of the Secur- tional Association, not in its in- the holder of the security deed. to, those superior to the Secur-
Dallas, TX 75019, 7136252034. curity Deed has been and is from Wanda Johnson to Mort- ity Deed to the property in ac- dividual capacity but solely as U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- ity Deed first set out above.
Note, however, that such entity hereby declared due because gage Electronic Registration cordance with OCGA § 44-14- owner trustee for RCF 2 Ac- ciation, not in its individual ca- Said property will be sold on an
is not required by law to negoti- of, among other possible Systems, Inc., as grantee, as 162.2. quisition Trust pacity but solely as owner trust- "as-is" basis without any rep-
ate, amend or modify the terms events of default, failure to pay nominee for Ownit Mortgage The entity that has full author- by assignment recorded in ee for RCF 2 Acquisition Trust resentation, warranty or re-
of the loan. the indebtedness as and when Solutions, Inc., its successors ity to negotiate, amend, and Deed Book 29917, Page 251, as Attorney in Fact for course against the above-
To the best knowledge and be- due and in the manner and assigns, recorded July 11, modify all terms of the mort- DeKalb County, Georgia Re- Wanda Gordon named or the undersigned.
lief of the undersigned, the provided in the Note and Se- 2006, in Deed Book 18911, gage with the debtor is: Free- cords, conveying the after-de- McCalla Raymer Specialized Loan Servicing
party in possession of the prop- curity Deed. The debt remain- Page 54, DeKalb County, dom Mortgage Corporation, scribed property to secure a Leibert Pierce, LLC LLC is the holder of the Secur-
erty is Ronald L Pearcey and ing in default, this sale will be Georgia records. 10500 Kinkaid Dr. Ste. 300, Note in the original principal 1544 Old Alabama Road ity Deed to the property in ac-
Candyce A Patterson or a ten- made for the purpose of pay- The right, if any, of The United Fishers, IN 46037, 855-690- amount of NINETY-THREE Roswell, GA 30076 cordance with OCGA § 44-14-
ant or tenants and said prop- ing the same and all expenses States of America to redeem 5900. THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED 162.2.
erty is more commonly known of this sale, as provided in the said land within 120 days from Note, however, that such entity TWENTY AND 0/100 DOL- EXHIBIT “A” The entity that has full author-
as 5390 Sandy Lake E, Security Deed and by law, in- the date of the foreclosure sale is not required by law to negoti- LARS ($93,120.00), with in- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- ity to negotiate, amend, and
Lithonia, Georgia 30038. cluding attorney's fees (notice held on November 1, 2022, as ate, amend or modify the terms terest thereon as set forth CEL OF LAND LYING AND modify all terms of the mort-
Should a conflict arise between pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11 provided for by the Federal Tax of the loan. therein, there will be sold at BEING IN LAND LOT 54, 16TH gage with the debtor is: Spe-
the property address and the having been given). Lien Act of 1966 (Public Law To the best knowledge and be- public outcry to the highest bid- DISTRICT, DEKALB COUNTY cialized Loan Servicing LLC,
legal description the legal de- Said property will be sold sub- 89-719). lief of the undersigned, the der for cash before the court- RECORDS, GEORGIA, BE- 6200 S. Quebec St., Suite 300,
scription will control. ject to any outstanding ad MR/ca 11/1/22 party in possession of the prop- house door of DeKalb County, ING LOT 12, HUNTERS Greenwood Village, CO 80111,
The sale will be conducted sub- valorem taxes (including taxes ++Our file no. 22-08087GA - erty is Analia Diana Serebrenik Georgia, or at such place as CROSSING SUBDIVISION, AS 800-306-6059.
ject (1) to confirmation that the which are a lien, but not yet FT7/JOHNSON++ or a tenant or tenants and said may be lawfully designated as PER PLAT RECORDED IN Note, however, that such entity
sale is not prohibited under the due and payable), the right of property is more commonly an alternative, within the legal PLAT BOOK 90, PAGE 37, is not required by law to negoti-
U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) redemption of any taxing au- 420-469353 10/6,10/13,10/20 known as 2928 Lavista Way, hours of sale on the first Tues- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA ate, amend or modify the terms
to final confirmation and audit thority, any matters which might 10/27 Decatur, Georgia 30033. day in November, 2022, the fol- RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS of the loan.
of the status of the loan with be disclosed by an accurate NOTICE OF SALE Should a conflict arise between lowing described property: HEREBY REFERRED TO AND To the best knowledge and be-
the holder of the security deed. survey and inspection of the UNDER POWER the property address and the SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED MADE A PART OF THIS DE- lief of the undersigned, the
U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- property, any assessments, li- GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY legal description the legal de- HERETO AND MADE A PART SCRIPTION. party in possession of the prop-
ciation, not in its individual ca- ens, encumbrances, zoning or- Under and by virtue of the scription will control. HEREOF MR/mac 11/1/22 erty is Faried Amani or a ten-
pacity but solely as owner trust- dinances, restrictions, coven- Power of Sale contained in a The sale will be conducted sub- The debt secured by said Se- ++Our file no. 22-06823GA - ant or tenants and said prop-
ee for RCF 2 Acquisition Trust ants, and any matters of re- Security Deed given by Analia ject (1) to confirmation that the curity Deed has been and is FT8/GORDON++ erty is more commonly known
c/o U.S. Bank Trust National cord including, but not limited Diana Serebrenik to Mortgage sale is not prohibited under the hereby declared due because as 2724 Peeler Road, Atlanta,
Association to, those superior to the Secur- Electronic Registration Sys- U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) of, among other possible 420-469355 10/6,10/13,10/20 Georgia 30360. Should a con-
as Attorney in Fact for ity Deed first set out above. tems, Inc., as grantee, as nom- to final confirmation and audit events of default, failure to pay 10/27 flict arise between the property
Ronald L Pearcey and Said property will be sold on an inee for Southeast Mortgage of of the status of the loan with the indebtedness as and when NOTICE OF SALE address and the legal descrip-
Candyce A Patterson "as-is" basis without any rep- Georgia, Inc., its successors the holder of the security deed. due and in the manner UNDER POWER tion the legal description will
McCalla Raymer resentation, warranty or re- and assigns, dated January 30, Freedom Mortgage Corporation provided in the Note and Se- GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY control.
Leibert Pierce, LLC course against the above- 2014, recorded in Deed Book as Attorney in Fact for curity Deed. The debt remain- Under and by virtue of the The sale will be conducted sub-
1544 Old Alabama Road named or the undersigned. 24242, Page 490, DeKalb Analia Diana Serebrenik ing in default, this sale will be Power of Sale contained in a ject (1) to confirmation that the
Roswell, GA 30076 Deutsche Bank National Trust County, Georgia Records, as McCalla Raymer made for the purpose of pay- Security Deed given by Faried sale is not prohibited under the Company, as Indenture Trust- last transferred to Freedom Leibert Pierce, LLC ing the same and all expenses Amani to Mortgage Electronic U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2)
EXHIBIT “A” ee, on behalf of the holders of Mortgage Corporation by as- 1544 Old Alabama Road of this sale, as provided in the Registration Systems, Inc., as to final confirmation and audit
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- the Terwin Mortgage Trust signment recorded in Deed Roswell, GA 30076 Security Deed and by law, in- grantee, as nominee for Branch of the status of the loan with
CEL OF LAND LYING AND 2007-1SL, Asset-Backed Se- Book 30468, Page 301, DeKalb cluding attorney's fees (notice Banking and Trust Company, the holder of the security deed.
BEING IN LAND LOT 47, 16 curities, Series 2007-1SL is the County, Georgia Records, con- EXHIBIT “A” pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11 its successors and assigns, Specialized Loan Servicing
DISTRICT, DEKALB COUNTY, holder of the Security Deed to veying the after-described ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- having been given). dated August 20, 2012, recor- LLC
GA, BEING LOT 1, SAND- the property in accordance with property to secure a Note in the CEL OF LAND LYING AND Said property will be sold sub- ded in Deed Book 23237, Page as Attorney in Fact for
STONE ESTATES SUBDIVI- OCGA § 44-14-162.2. original principal amount of BEING IN LAND LOTS 162 ject to any outstanding ad 519, DeKalb County, Georgia Faried Amani
SION, AS PER PLAT RECOR- The entity that has full author- ONE HUNDRED FORTY-SEV- AND 163 OF THE 18TH DIS- valorem taxes (including taxes Records, as last transferred to McCalla Raymer
DED IN PLAT BOOK 101, ity to negotiate, amend, and EN THOUSAND SIX HUN- TRICT, DEKALB COUNTY, which are a lien, but not yet Specialized Loan Servicing Leibert Pierce, LLC
PAGE 12, COUNTY, GA RE- modify all terms of the mort- DRED AND 0/100 DOLLARS GEORGIA, BEING MORE due and payable), the right of LLC by assignment recorded in 1544 Old Alabama Road
CORDS, WHICH PLAT IS IN gage with the debtor is: Spe- ($147,600.00), with interest PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED redemption of any taxing au- Deed Book 30394, Page 247, Roswell, GA 30076
INCORPORPORATED cialized Loan Servicing LLC, thereon as set forth therein, AS FOLLOWS: thority, any matters which might DeKalb County, Georgia Re-
HEREIN AND MADE A PART 6200 S. Quebec St., Suite 300, there will be sold at public out- THAT CERTAIN CONDOMINI- be disclosed by an accurate cords, conveying the after-de- EXHIBIT “A”
HEREOF BY REFERENCE. Greenwood Village, CO 80111, cry to the highest bidder for UM UNIT NUMBER 2928 AND survey and inspection of the scribed property to secure a All that tract or parcel of land ly-
MR/mac 11/1/22 800-306-6059. cash before the courthouse RIGHTS APPURTENANT property, any assessments, li- Note in the original principal ing and being in Land Lot 358,
++Our file no. 21-06077GA - Note, however, that such entity door of DeKalb County, Geor- THERETO AS DESCRIBED IN ens, encumbrances, zoning or- amount of NINETY-THREE 18th District, DeKalb County,
FT18/PEARCEY/ PATTER- is not required by law to negoti- gia, or at such place as may be THAT CERTAIN DECLARA- dinances, restrictions, coven- THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED Georgia, being known as Lot 7,
SON++ ate, amend or modify the terms lawfully designated as an al- TION OF CONDOMINIUM FOR ants, and any matters of re- FORTY-NINE AND 0/100 DOL- Block C, Unit One DeKalb
420-469352 10/6,10/13,10/20 of the loan. ternative, within the legal hours LA VISTA CONDOMINIUM, cord including, but not limited LARS ($93,149.00), with in- Highlands Subdivision, as per
10/27 To the best knowledge and be- of sale on the first Tuesday in DATED JUNE 20, 1975, FILED to, those superior to the Secur- terest thereon as set forth plat recorded at Plat Book 50,
NOTICE OF SALE lief of the undersigned, the November, 2022, the following FOR RECORD JUNE 20, 1975, ity Deed first set out above. therein, there will be sold at Page 57, DeKalb County,
UNDER POWER party in possession of the prop- described property: RECORDED IN DEED BOOK Said property will be sold on an public outcry to the highest bid- Georgia Records. Said plat be-
GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY erty is Wanda Johnson or a SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED 3348 PAGE 493, RECORDS "as-is" basis without any rep- der for cash before the court- ing incorporated herein by ref-
Under and by virtue of the tenant or tenants and said HERETO AND MADE A PART OF DEKALB COUNTY, GEOR- resentation, warranty or re- house door of DeKalb County, erence hereto. Subject to any
Power of Sale contained in a property is more commonly HEREOF GIA; AS AMENDED, WITH course against the above- Georgia, or at such place as right of way deeds or other
Security Deed given by Wanda known as 6742 Pole Creek The debt secured by said Se- SAID UNIT'S APPURTENANT named or the undersigned. may be lawfully designated as easements of record.
Johnson to Mortgage Electron- Drive, Lithonia, Georgia 30058. curity Deed has been and is PERCENTAGE OF UNDI- U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- an alternative, within the legal MR/ca 11/1/22
ic Registration Systems, Inc., Should a conflict arise between hereby declared due because VIDED INTEREST IN THE ciation, not in its individual ca- hours of sale on the first Tues- ++Our file no. 22-06903GA -
as grantee, as nominee for the property address and the of, among other possible COMMON ELEMENTS OF LA pacity but solely as owner trust- day in November, 2022, the fol- FT7/AMANI++
Ownit Mortgage Solutions, Inc., legal description the legal de- events of default, failure to pay VISTA CONDOMINIUM, AS ee for RCF 2 Acquisition Trust lowing described property: 420-469356 10/6,10/13,10/20
its successors and assigns, scription will control. the indebtedness as and when PROVIDED BY SAID DECLAR- is the holder of the Security SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED 10/27
dated June 26, 2006, recorded The sale will be conducted sub- due and in the manner ATION, WHICH DECLARA- Deed to the property in accord- HERETO AND MADE A PART NOTICE OF SALE
in Deed Book 18911, Page 75, ject (1) to confirmation that the provided in the Note and Se- TION, PLAT, PLANS, AND AL- ance with OCGA § 44-14- HEREOF UNDER POWER
DeKalb County, Georgia Re- sale is not prohibited under the curity Deed. The debt remain- LIED INSTRUMENTS AND 162.2. The debt secured by said Se- GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY
cords, as last transferred to U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) ing in default, this sale will be AMENDMENTS EXECUTED The entity that has full author- curity Deed has been and is Under and by virtue of the
Deutsche Bank National Trust to final confirmation and audit made for the purpose of pay- THERETO, ARE INCORPOR- ity to negotiate, amend, and hereby declared due because Power of Sale contained in a
Company, as Indenture Trust- of the status of the loan with ing the same and all expenses ATED HEREIN BY REFER- modify all terms of the mort- of, among other possible Security Deed given by An-
ee, on behalf of the holders of the holder of the security deed. of this sale, as provided in the ENCE AS PART OF THE DE- gage with the debtor is: Selene events of default, failure to pay thony E Alston to Mortgage
the Terwin Mortgage Trust Deutsche Bank National Trust Security Deed and by law, in- SCRIPTION OF THE PROP- Finance, 3501 Olympus the indebtedness as and when Electronic Registration Sys-
2007-1SL, Asset-Backed Se- Company, as Indenture Trust- cluding attorney's fees (notice ERTY DESCRIBED HEREBY. Boulevard, 5th Floor, Suite 500, due and in the manner tems, Inc., as grantee, as nom-
curities, Series 2007-1SL by ee, on behalf of the holders of pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11 MR/mac 11/1/22 Dallas, TX 75019, 7136252034. provided in the Note and Se- inee for HomeBanc Mortgage
assignment recorded in Deed the Terwin Mortgage Trust having been given). ++Our file no. 22-09188GA - Note, however, that such entity curity Deed. The debt remain- Corporation, its successors and
Book 30537, Page 64, DeKalb 2007-1SL, Asset-Backed Se- Said property will be sold sub- FT17/ Serebrenik++ is not required by law to negoti- ing in default, this sale will be assigns, dated July 24, 2003,
County, Georgia Records, con- curities, Series 2007-1SL ject to any outstanding ad ate, amend or modify the terms made for the purpose of pay- recorded in Deed Book 15032,
veying the after-described as Attorney in Fact for valorem taxes (including taxes of the loan. ing the same and all expenses Page 270, DeKalb County,
property to secure a Note in the Wanda Johnson which are a lien, but not yet To the best knowledge and be- of this sale, as provided in the Georgia Records, as last trans-
original principal amount of McCalla Raymer due and payable), the right of lief of the undersigned, the Security Deed and by law, in- ferred to PNC BANK, NATION-
THIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND Leibert Pierce, LLC redemption of any taxing au- party in possession of the prop- cluding attorney's fees (notice AL ASSOCIATION by assign-
AND 0/100 DOLLARS 1544 Old Alabama Road thority, any matters which might erty is Wanda Gordon and Es- pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11 ment recorded in Deed Book
($35,000.00), with interest Roswell, GA 30076 be disclosed by an accurate tate of Wanda Gordon or a ten- having been given). 30264, Page 163, DeKalb
thereon as set forth therein, survey and inspection of the ant or tenants and said prop- Said property will be sold sub- County, Georgia Records, con-
there will be sold at public out- EXHIBIT “A” property, any assessments, li- erty is more commonly known ject to any outstanding ad veying the after-described
cry to the highest bidder for All that tract or parcel of land ly- ens, encumbrances, zoning or- as 5624 Hunters Crossing valorem taxes (including taxes property to secure a Note in the
cash before the courthouse ing and being in Land Lot 122 dinances, restrictions, coven- Court, Lithonia, Georgia 30058. which are a lien, but not yet original principal amount of
assigns, dated July 24, 2003, as Attorney in Fact for having been given). as modified by that certain flict arise between the property events of default, failure to pay OF RECORD.
recorded in Deed Book 15032, Anthony E Alston Said property will be sold sub- Loan Modification Agreement address and the legal descrip- the indebtedness as and when SUBJECT TO THAT CERTAIN
Page 270, DeKalb County, McCalla Raymer ject to any outstanding ad recorded in Deed Book 27165, tion the legal description will due and in the manner SECURITY DEED FROM
Georgia Records, as last trans- Leibert Pierce, LLC valorem taxes (including taxes Page 356, DeKalb County, control. provided in the Note and Se- TABATHA M. TAYLOR TO
ferred to PNC BANK, NATION- 1544 Old Alabama Road which are a lien, but not yet Georgia Records, as last trans- The sale will be conducted sub- curity Deed. The debt remain- MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC
AL ASSOCIATION by assign- Roswell, GA 30076 due and payable), the right of ferred to U.S. Bank National ject (1) to confirmation that the ing in default, this sale will be REGISTRATION SYSTEMS,
Page 68
ment recorded in Deed Book
30264, Page 163, DeKalb EXHIBIT “A”
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 redemption of any taxing au-
thority, any matters which might
Association as trustee on be- sale is not prohibited under the
U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2)
made for the purpose of pay-
ing the same and all expenses
half of the holders of the Citig-
County, Georgia Records, con- That certain condominium Unit be disclosed by an accurate roup Mortgage Loan Trust Inc. to final confirmation and audit of this sale, as provided in the FUNDING INC., ITS SUC-
veying the after-described in Land Lots 97 and 128 of the survey and inspection of the Asset-Backed Pass-Through of the status of the loan with Security Deed and by law, in- CESSORS AND ASSIGNS,
property to secure a Note in the 15th District of DeKalb and property, any assessments, li- Certificates, Series 2007-6 by the holder of the security deed. cluding attorney's fees (notice DATED JANUARY 25, 2007,
original principal amount of Land Lot 9 of the 16th District ens, encumbrances, zoning or- assignment recorded in Deed U.S. Bank National Associ- pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11 AND RECORDED IN DEED
ONE HUNDRED NINE THOU- of DeKalb County, Georgia, dinances, restrictions, coven- Book 30557, Page 218, DeKalb ation as trustee on behalf of the having been given). BOOK 19641, PAGE 106,
SAND AND 0/100 DOLLARS and being identified and depic- ants, and any matters of re- County, Georgia Records, con- holders of the Citigroup Mort- Said property will be sold sub- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA
($109,000.00), with interest ted as Unit 60, Building 15 on cord including, but not limited veying the after-described gage Loan Trust Inc. Asset- ject to any outstanding ad RECORDS.
thereon as set forth therein, that certain Site Plan for Final to, those superior to the Secur- property to secure a Note in the Backed Pass-Through Certific- valorem taxes (including taxes MR/meh 11/1/22
there will be sold at public out- Plat for Buildings 15-18 ity Deed first set out above. original principal amount of ates, Series 2007-6 which are a lien, but not yet ++Our file no. 22-09007GA -
cry to the highest bidder for Snapfinger Manor Condomini- Said property will be sold on an ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-SIX as Attorney in Fact for due and payable), the right of FT7/TAYLOR++
cash before the courthouse ums, as per plat recorded in "as-is" basis without any rep- THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED Nathaniel A Barnes, Jr redemption of any taxing au- 420-469363 10/6,10/13,10/20
door of DeKalb County, Geor- Condo Plat Book 136, pages resentation, warranty or re- THIRTY AND 0/100 DOLLARS McCalla Raymer thority, any matters which might 10/27
gia, or at such place as may be 30-32, later revised in Plat course against the above- ($136,230.00), with interest Leibert Pierce, LLC be disclosed by an accurate NOTICE OF SALE UNDER
lawfully designated as an al- Book 147, Pages 6-8 DeKalb named or the undersigned. thereon as set forth therein, 1544 Old Alabama Road survey and inspection of the POWER
ternative, within the legal hours County records, together with Ameris Bank is the holder of there will be sold at public out- Roswell, GA 30076 property, any assessments, li- STATE OF GEORGIA
of sale on the first Tuesday in all right, title and interest of the Security Deed to the prop- cry to the highest bidder for ens, encumbrances, zoning or- COUNTY OF DEKALB
November, 2022, the following Grantor in the Unit and the Ap- erty in accordance with OCGA cash before the courthouse EXHIBIT “A” dinances, restrictions, coven- Under and by virtue of the
described property: purtenances thereto under that § 44-14-162.2. door of DeKalb County, Geor- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- ants, and any matters of re- power of sale contained in that
SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED certain Declaration of The entity that has full author- gia, or at such place as may be CEL OF LAND lying and being cord including, but not limited certain Security Deed, Assign-
HERETO AND MADE A PART Snapfinger Manor, A Con- ity to negotiate, amend, and lawfully designated as an al- in Land Lot 240 of the 15th Dis- to, those superior to the Secur- ment of Leases and Rents, Se-
HEREOF dominium , recorded in Deed modify all terms of the mort- ternative, within the legal hours trict, DeKalb County, Georgia, ity Deed first set out above. curity Agreement and Fixture
The debt secured by said Se- Book 14072, page 319, DeKalb gage with the debtor is: Ameris of sale on the first Tuesday in and being more particularly de- Said property will be sold on an Filing from 2 Big Legacy LLC
curity Deed has been and is County records, and as Bank, 1 Corporate Drive, Suite November, 2022, the following scribed as follows: "as-is" basis without any rep- (the “Grantor”) to and in favor of
hereby declared due because amended, said Declaration in- 360, Lake Zurich, IL 60047, described property: resentation, warranty or re- Flip Funding LLC (the
of, among other possible cluding all exhibits thereto and 8006694268. SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED Condominiums 572-B CAND- course against the above- “Lender”), predecessor in in-
events of default, failure to pay interest herein conveyed in- Note, however, that such entity HERETO AND MADE A PART LER PARKSIDE CONDOMINI- named or the undersigned. terest to NYMT Commercial Ac-
the indebtedness as and when cludes without limiting the gen- is not required by law to negoti- HEREOF UM, a Condominium, as more FirstKey Master Funding 2021- quisitions, LLC (the “Holder”)
due and in the manner erality or the foregoing, the un- ate, amend or modify the terms The debt secured by said Se- particularly described and de- A Collateral Trust, U.S. Bank dated May 13, 2021, and recor-
provided in the Note and Se- divided percentage interest in of the loan. curity Deed has been and is lineated in the Declaration of Trust National Association as ded in Deed Book 29485, Page
curity Deed. The debt remain- the common elements of To the best knowledge and be- hereby declared due because Condominium for CANDLER Collateral Trust Trustee is the 40, DeKalb County, Georgia re-
ing in default, this sale will be Snapfinger Manor Condomini- lief of the undersigned, the of, among other possible PARKSIDE Condominium, re- holder of the Security Deed to cords (as assigned, amended
made for the purpose of pay- um, appurtenant to the Unit as party in possession of the prop- events of default, failure to pay corded in Deed Book 11973, the property in accordance with and/or modified, the “Security
ing the same and all expenses the same is specified in the De- erty is John Tyler Meeks and the indebtedness as and when Page 4, DeKalb County, Geor- OCGA § 44-14-162.2. Deed”), securing that certain
of this sale, as provided in the claration. Meghan Sharp Meeks or a ten- due and in the manner gia Records. The entity that has full author- Note dated May 13, 2021 in the
Security Deed and by law, in- MR/ca 11/1/22 ant or tenants and said prop- provided in the Note and Se- This conveyance is made sub- ity to negotiate, amend, and original principal amount of
cluding attorney's fees (notice ++Our file no. 22-08752GA - erty is more commonly known curity Deed. The debt remain- ject to the Declaration and all modify all terms of the mort- $262,500.00 executed by
pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11 FT1/ALSTON++ as 1544 Aragon Way NE, ing in default, this sale will be matters referenced therein, all gage with the debtor is: Spe- Grantor payable to Holder (as
having been given). Brookhaven, Georgia 30319. made for the purpose of pay- matters shown on the plat re- cialized Loan Servicing LLC, amended and/or modified, the
Said property will be sold sub- 420-469357 10/6,10/13,10/20 Should a conflict arise between ing the same and all expenses corded in Plat Book 119, Page 6200 S. Quebec St., Suite 300, “Note”), there will be sold at
ject to any outstanding ad 10/27 the property address and the of this sale, as provided in the 53, DeKalb County, Georgia Greenwood Village, CO 80111, public outcry by Holder, as at-
valorem taxes (including taxes NOTICE OF SALE legal description the legal de- Security Deed and by law, in- Records, and the floor plans re- 800-306-6059. torney-in-fact for Grantor, to the
which are a lien, but not yet UNDER POWER scription will control. cluding attorney's fees (notice corded in Plat Book 119, Pages Note, however, that such entity highest bidder for cash
due and payable), the right of GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY The sale will be conducted sub- pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11 54-60, aforesaid records. is not required by law to negoti- between the legal hours for
redemption of any taxing au- Under and by virtue of the ject (1) to confirmation that the having been given). MR/meh 11/1/22 ate, amend or modify the terms sale before the Courthouse
thority, any matters which might Power of Sale contained in a sale is not prohibited under the Said property will be sold sub- ++Our file no. 5187117 - of the loan. door in DeKalb County, Geor-
be disclosed by an accurate Security Deed given by John U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) ject to any outstanding ad FT17/BARNES++ To the best knowledge and be- gia, on Tuesday, November 1,
survey and inspection of the Tyler Meeks and Meghan to final confirmation and audit valorem taxes (including taxes lief of the undersigned, the 2022, the following described
property, any assessments, li- Sharp Meeks to Mortgage Elec- of the status of the loan with which are a lien, but not yet 420-469359 10/6,10/13,10/20 party in possession of the prop- land, improvements and appur-
ens, encumbrances, zoning or- tronic Registration Systems, the holder of the security deed. due and payable), the right of 10/27 erty is Tabatha M Taylor or a tenances (hereinafter collect-
dinances, restrictions, coven- Inc., as grantee, as nominee for Ameris Bank redemption of any taxing au- NOTICE OF SALE tenant or tenants and said ively referred to as the
ants, and any matters of re- Ameris Bank, its successors as Attorney in Fact for thority, any matters which might UNDER POWER property is more commonly “Premises”) to wit:
cord including, but not limited and assigns, dated October 23, John Tyler Meeks and be disclosed by an accurate GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY known as 4540 Parmalee Path, All that tract or parcel of land ly-
to, those superior to the Secur- 2019, recorded in Deed Book Meghan Sharp Meeks survey and inspection of the Under and by virtue of the Conley, Georgia 30288. Should ing and being in Land Lot 225
ity Deed first set out above. 27888, Page 578, DeKalb McCalla Raymer property, any assessments, li- Power of Sale contained in a a conflict arise between the of the 15th District, DeKalb
Said property will be sold on an County, Georgia Records, as Leibert Pierce, LLC ens, encumbrances, zoning or- Security Deed given by property address and the legal County, Georgia being Lot 25,
"as-is" basis without any rep- last transferred to Ameris Bank 1544 Old Alabama Road dinances, restrictions, coven- Tabatha M Taylor to Mortgage description the legal descrip- Building 6, Pinnacle Heights
resentation, warranty or re- by assignment recorded in Roswell, GA 30076 ants, and any matters of re- Electronic Registration Sys- tion will control. Subdivision, as per plat recor-
course against the above- Deed Book 30519, Page 583, cord including, but not limited tems, Inc., as grantee, as nom- The sale will be conducted sub- ded in Plat Book 139, Pages
named or the undersigned. DeKalb County, Georgia Re- EXHIBIT “A” to, those superior to the Secur- inee for Choice Capital Fund- ject (1) to confirmation that the 14-15, DeKalb County, Geor-
PNC BANK, NATIONAL ASSO- cords, conveying the after-de- All that tract or parcel of land ly- ity Deed first set out above. ing, Inc., its successors and as- sale is not prohibited under the gia Records, which plat is incor-
CIATION is the holder of the scribed property to secure a ing and being in Land Lot 242 Said property will be sold on an signs, dated January 25, 2007, U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) porated herein by reference
Security Deed to the property in Note in the original principal of the 18th District, DeKalb "as-is" basis without any rep- recorded in Deed Book 19641, to final confirmation and audit and made a part of this descrip-
accordance with OCGA § 44- amount of EIGHT HUNDRED County, Georgia, being Lot 29, resentation, warranty or re- Page 124, DeKalb County, of the status of the loan with tion. Said property being known
14-162.2. FORTY THOUSAND AND Block 24, Plot 7 of Ashford course against the above- Georgia Records, as last trans- the holder of the security deed. as 4861 Pinnacle Drive accord-
The entity that has full author- 0/100 DOLLARS Park Subdivision, as per plat named or the undersigned. ferred to FirstKey Master Fund- FirstKey Master Funding 2021- ing to the present system of
ity to negotiate, amend, and ($840,000.00), with interest recorded in Plat Book 18, Page U.S. Bank National Associ- ing 2021-A Collateral Trust, A Collateral Trust, U.S. Bank numbering houses in DeKalb
modify all terms of the mort- thereon as set forth therein, 21, DeKalb County, Georgia re- ation as trustee on behalf of the U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- Trust National Association as County, Georgia. TAX ID: 15-
gage with the debtor is: PNC there will be sold at public out- cords, which recorded plat is in- holders of the Citigroup Mort- ciation as Collateral Trust Collateral Trust Trustee 225-06-025.
Bank, N.A., 3232 Newmark cry to the highest bidder for corporated herein by this refer- gage Loan Trust Inc. Asset- Trustee by assignment recor- as Attorney in Fact for TOGETHER WITH the rents,
Drive, Miamisburg, OH 45342, cash before the courthouse ence and made a part of this Backed Pass-Through Certific- ded in Deed Book 30574, Page Tabatha M Taylor issues and profits thereof.
800-523-8654. door of DeKalb County, Geor- description. Said property be- ates, Series 2007-6 is the hold- 161, DeKalb County, Georgia McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, The property is commonly
Note, however, that such entity gia, or at such place as may be ing known as 1544 Aragon er of the Security Deed to the Records, conveying the after- LLC known as: 4861 Pinnacle Drive,
is not required by law to negoti- lawfully designated as an al- Way NE according to the property in accordance with described property to secure a 1544 Old Alabama Road Stone Mountain, DeKalb
ate, amend or modify the terms ternative, within the legal hours present system of numbering OCGA § 44-14-162.2. Note in the original principal Roswell, GA 30076 County, GA, 30088.
of the loan. of sale on the first Tuesday in property in DeKalb County, The entity that has full author- amount of THIRTY-EIGHT The indebtedness evidenced
To the best knowledge and be- November, 2022, the following Georgia. ity to negotiate, amend, and THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED EXHIBIT “A” by the Note is due and payable
lief of the undersigned, the described property: MR/meh 11/1/22 modify all terms of the mort- AND 0/100 DOLLARS ALL THOSE TRACTS OR and remains unpaid. The Se-
party in possession of the prop- SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED ++Our file no. 22-08618GA - gage with the debtor is: Mid- ($38,900.00), with interest PARCELS OF LAND LYING curity Deed therefore has be-
erty is Anthony E Alston or a HERETO AND MADE A PART FT18/MEEKS++ land Mortgage, a division of thereon as set forth therein, AND BEING IN LAND LOT 13 come and is now foreclosable
tenant or tenants and said HEREOF 420-469358 10/6,10/13,10/20 MidFirst Bank, 999 N.W. Grand there will be sold at public out- OF THE 15TH DISTRICT, according to its terms. Accord-
property is more commonly The debt secured by said Se- 10/27 Boulevard Suite 100, Ok- cry to the highest bidder for DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, ingly, the Premises will be sold
known as 2771 Snapfinger curity Deed has been and is NOTICE OF SALE lahoma City, OK 73118-6116, cash before the courthouse BEING LOT 92, OF CQNLEY at public outcry pursuant to the
Manor, Decatur, Georgia hereby declared due because UNDER POWER 800-654-4566. door of DeKalb County, Geor- CREEK, PHASE ONE, AS PER terms of the power of sale
30035. Should a conflict arise of, among other possible GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY Note, however, that such entity gia, or at such place as may be PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT provided in the Security Deed.
between the property address events of default, failure to pay Under and by virtue of the is not required by law to negoti- lawfully designated as an al- BOOK 134 , PAGES 105-113, The Premises will be sold on
and the legal description the the indebtedness as and when Power of Sale contained in a ate, amend or modify the terms ternative, within the legal hours DEKALB COUNTY RECORDS; an “as is, where is” basis
legal description will control. due and in the manner Security Deed given by Nath- of the loan. of sale on the first Tuesday in WHICH PLAT IS INCORPOR- without recourse against Hold-
The sale will be conducted sub- provided in the Note and Se- aniel A Barnes, Jr to Mortgage To the best knowledge and be- November, 2022, the following ATED HEREIN AND MADE er and without representation
ject (1) to confirmation that the curity Deed. The debt remain- Electronic Registration Sys- lief of the undersigned, the described property: APART HEREOF BY REFER- or warranty of any kind or
sale is not prohibited under the ing in default, this sale will be tems, Inc., as grantee, as nom- party in possession of the prop- SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED ENCE. nature whatsoever by Holder
U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) made for the purpose of pay- inee for Opteum Financial Ser- erty is Nathaniel A Barnes, Jr or HERETO AND MADE A PART A.P.N.: 1501302078 with respect thereto.
to final confirmation and audit ing the same and all expenses vices, LLC, its successors and a tenant or tenants and said HEREOF THIS SECURITY INSTRU- The proceeds of the sale are to
of the status of the loan with of this sale, as provided in the assigns, dated January 26, property is more commonly The debt secured by said Se- MENT IS SUBORDINATE TO be applied first to the ex-
the holder of the security deed. Security Deed and by law, in- 2007, recorded in Deed Book known as 572-B Goldsboro curity Deed has been and is AN EXISTING FIRST LIEN(S) penses of the sale and all pro-
PNC BANK, cluding attorney's fees (notice 19622, Page 730, DeKalb Road NE, Unit 572-B, Atlanta, hereby declared due because OF RECORD. ceedings in connection there-
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11 County, Georgia Records and Georgia 30307. Should a con- of, among other possible SUBJECT TO THAT CERTAIN with, including attorneys’ fees
as Attorney in Fact for having been given). as modified by that certain flict arise between the property events of default, failure to pay SECURITY DEED FROM (notice of intention to collect at-
Anthony E Alston Said property will be sold sub- Loan Modification Agreement address and the legal descrip- the indebtedness as and when TABATHA M. TAYLOR TO torneys’ fees having been giv-
McCalla Raymer ject to any outstanding ad recorded in Deed Book 27165, tion the legal description will due and in the manner MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC en), then to the payment of all
Leibert Pierce, LLC valorem taxes (including taxes Page 356, DeKalb County, control. provided in the Note and Se- REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, sums secured by the Security
1544 Old Alabama Road which are a lien, but not yet Georgia Records, as last trans- The sale will be conducted sub- curity Deed. The debt remain- INC., AS GRANTEE, AS NOM- Deed, and the remainder, if
Roswell, GA 30076 due and payable), the right of ferred to U.S. Bank National ject (1) to confirmation that the ing in default, this sale will be INEE FOR CHOICE CAPITAL any, will be paid to the person redemption of any taxing au- Association as trustee on be- sale is not prohibited under the made for the purpose of pay- FUNDING INC., ITS SUC- or persons legally entitled
EXHIBIT “A” thority, any matters which might half of the holders of the Citig- U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) ing the same and all expenses CESSORS AND ASSIGNS, thereto, all as provided in the
That certain condominium Unit be disclosed by an accurate roup Mortgage Loan Trust Inc. to final confirmation and audit of this sale, as provided in the DATED JANUARY 25, 2007, Security Deed. The Premises
in Land Lots 97 and 128 of the survey and inspection of the Asset-Backed Pass-Through of the status of the loan with Security Deed and by law, in- AND RECORDED IN DEED shall be sold as the property of
15th District of DeKalb and property, any assessments, li- Certificates, Series 2007-6 by the holder of the security deed. cluding attorney's fees (notice BOOK 19641, PAGE 106, Grantor, subject to all restric-
Land Lot 9 of the 16th District ens, encumbrances, zoning or- assignment recorded in Deed U.S. Bank National Associ- pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11 DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA tions, easements and other
(notice of intention to collect at- The indebtedness evidenced scribed land, improvements terest to AlphaFlow Transition- Premises is the Grantor and with respect thereto. Said property being known as
torneys’ fees having been giv- by the Note is due and payable and appurtenances (herein- al Mortgage Trust 2021-WL1 the party or parties in posses- The proceeds of the sale are to 4874 Pinnacle Drive, accord-
en), then to the payment of all and remains unpaid. The Se- after collectively referred to as (the “Holder”) dated May 13, sion of the Premises is the be applied first to the ex- ing to the present system of
sums secured by the Security curity Deed therefore has be- the “Premises”) to wit: 2021, and recorded in Deed Grantor or tenants of the Grant- penses of the sale and all pro- numbering houses in DeKalb
Deed, and the remainder, if come and is now foreclosable All that tract or parcel of land ly- Book 29485, Page 319, DeKalb or. ceedings in connection there- County, Georgia. PARCEL ID:
any, will be paid to the person according to its terms. Accord- ing and being in Land Lot 225 County, Georgia records, as ALPHAFLOW TRANSITIONAL with, including attorneys’ fees 15 225 06 006.

or persons legally entitled The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022Page 69
ingly, the Premises will be sold of the 15th District, DeKalb transferred and assigned to MORTGAGE TRUST 2021- (notice of intention to collect at- TOGETHER WITH the rents,
thereto, all as provided in the at public outcry pursuant to the County, Georgia being Lot 22, Holder by that certain Assign- WL1 torneys’ fees having been giv- issues and profits thereof.
Security Deed. The Premises terms of the power of sale Building 6, Pinnacle Heights ment of Security Deed/Mort- As Attorney-in-Fact for en), then to the payment of all The property is commonly
shall be sold as the property of provided in the Security Deed. Subdivision, as per plat recor- gage recorded July 12, 2022 in ++2 BIG LEGACY LLC ++ sums secured by the Security known as: 4874 Pinnacle Drive,
Grantor, subject to all restric- The Premises will be sold on ded in Plat Book 139, Pages Deed Book 30450, Page 730 Lisa Wolgast, Esq. Deed, and the remainder, if Stone Mountain, DeKalb
tions, easements and other an “as is, where is” basis 14-15, DeKalb County, Geor- aforesaid records (as assigned, Morris, Manning & Martin, any, will be paid to the person County, GA, 30088.
matters of record that are prior without recourse against Hold- gia Records, which plat is incor- amended and/or modified, the L.L.P. or persons legally entitled The indebtedness evidenced
to the Security Deed and to er and without representation porated herein by reference “Security Deed”), securing that 1600 Atlanta Financial Center thereto, all as provided in the by the Note is due and payable
which the Security Deed is sub- or warranty of any kind or and made a part of this descrip- certain Note dated May 13, 3343 Peachtree Road, N.E. Security Deed. The Premises and remains unpaid. The Se-
ject and to any unpaid city, nature whatsoever by Holder tion. Said property being known 2021 in the original principal Atlanta, Georgia 30326 shall be sold as the property of curity Deed therefore has be-
county and state ad valorem with respect thereto. as 4867 Pinnacle Drive accord- amount of $262,500.00 ex- (404) 233-7000 Grantor, subject to all restric- come and is now foreclosable
taxes or assessments relating The proceeds of the sale are to ing to the present system of ecuted by Grantor payable to tions, easements and other according to its terms. Accord-
to the Premises. be applied first to the ex- numbering houses in DeKalb Holder (as amended and/or 420-469367 10/6,10/13,10/20 matters of record that are prior ingly, the Premises will be sold
To the best of the penses of the sale and all pro- County, Georgia. TAX ID: 15- modified, the “Note”), there will 10/27 to the Security Deed and to at public outcry pursuant to the
undersigned’s knowledge and ceedings in connection there- 225-06-022. be sold at public outcry by NOTICE OF SALE UNDER which the Security Deed is sub- terms of the power of sale
belief, the owner of the with, including attorneys’ fees TOGETHER WITH the rents, Holder, as attorney-in-fact for POWER ject and to any unpaid city, provided in the Security Deed.
Premises is the Grantor and (notice of intention to collect at- issues and profits thereof. Grantor, to the highest bidder STATE OF GEORGIA county and state ad valorem The Premises will be sold on
the party or parties in posses- torneys’ fees having been giv- The property is commonly for cash between the legal COUNTY OF DEKALB taxes or assessments relating an “as is, where is” basis
sion of the Premises is the en), then to the payment of all known as: 4867 Pinnacle Drive, hours for sale before the Court- Under and by virtue of the to the Premises. without recourse against Hold-
Grantor or tenants of the Grant- sums secured by the Security Stone Mountain, DeKalb house door in DeKalb County, power of sale contained in that To the best of the er and without representation
or. Deed, and the remainder, if County, GA, 30088. Georgia, on Tuesday, Novem- certain Security Deed, Assign- undersigned’s knowledge and or warranty of any kind or
NYMT COMMERCIAL AC- any, will be paid to the person The indebtedness evidenced ber 1, 2022, the following de- ment of Leases and Rents, Se- belief, the owner of the nature whatsoever by Holder
QUISITIONS, LLC or persons legally entitled by the Note is due and payable scribed land, improvements curity Agreement and Fixture Premises is the Grantor and with respect thereto.
As Attorney-in-Fact for thereto, all as provided in the and remains unpaid. The Se- and appurtenances (herein- Filing from 2 Big Legacy LLC the party or parties in posses- The proceeds of the sale are to
++2 BIG HOLDINGS LLC++ Security Deed. The Premises curity Deed therefore has be- after collectively referred to as (the “Grantor”) to and in favor of sion of the Premises is the be applied first to the ex-
Lisa Wolgast, Esq. shall be sold as the property of come and is now foreclosable the “Premises”) to wit: Flip Funding LLC (the Grantor or tenants of the Grant- penses of the sale and all pro-
Morris, Manning & Martin, Grantor, subject to all restric- according to its terms. Accord- All that tract or parcel of land ly- “Lender”), predecessor in in- or. ceedings in connection there-
L.L.P. tions, easements and other ingly, the Premises will be sold ing and being in Land Lot 225 terest to AlphaFlow Transition- ALPHAFLOW TRANSITIONAL with, including attorneys’ fees
1600 Atlanta Financial Center matters of record that are prior at public outcry pursuant to the of the 15th District, DeKalb al Mortgage Trust 2021-WL1 MORTGAGE TRUST 2021- (notice of intention to collect at-
3343 Peachtree Road, N.E. to the Security Deed and to terms of the power of sale County, Georgia being Lot 21, (the “Holder”) dated May 28, WL1 torneys’ fees having been giv-
Atlanta, Georgia 30326 which the Security Deed is sub- provided in the Security Deed. Building 5, Pinnacle Heights 2021, and recorded in Deed As Attorney-in-Fact for en), then to the payment of all
(404) 233-7000 ject and to any unpaid city, The Premises will be sold on Subdivision, as per plat recor- Book 29485, Page 356, DeKalb ++2 BIG LEGACY LLC++ sums secured by the Security
county and state ad valorem an “as is, where is” basis ded in Plat Book 139, Pages County, Georgia records, as Lisa Wolgast, Esq. Deed, and the remainder, if
420-469364 10/6,10/13,10/20 taxes or assessments relating without recourse against Hold- 14-15, DeKalb County, Geor- transferred and assigned to Morris, Manning & Martin, any, will be paid to the person
10/27 to the Premises. er and without representation gia Records, which plat is incor- Holder by that certain Assign- L.L.P. or persons legally entitled
NOTICE OF SALE UNDER To the best of the or warranty of any kind or porated herein by reference ment of Security Deed/Mort- 1600 Atlanta Financial Center thereto, all as provided in the
POWER undersigned’s knowledge and nature whatsoever by Holder and made a part of this descrip- gage recorded July 12, 2022 in 3343 Peachtree Road, N.E. Security Deed. The Premises
STATE OF GEORGIA belief, the owner of the with respect thereto. tion. Said property being known Deed Book 30450, Page 732 Atlanta, Georgia 30326 shall be sold as the property of
COUNTY OF DEKALB Premises is the Grantor and The proceeds of the sale are to as 4869 Pinnacle Drive accord- aforesaid records (as assigned, (404) 233-7000 Grantor, subject to all restric-
Under and by virtue of the the party or parties in posses- be applied first to the ex- ing to the present system of amended and/or modified, the tions, easements and other
power of sale contained in that sion of the Premises is the penses of the sale and all pro- numbering houses in DeKalb “Security Deed”), securing that 420-469368 10/6,10/13,10/20 matters of record that are prior
certain Security Deed, Assign- Grantor or tenants of the Grant- ceedings in connection there- County, Georgia. TAX ID: 15- certain Note dated May 28, 10/27 to the Security Deed and to
ment of Leases and Rents, Se- or. with, including attorneys’ fees 225-06-021. 2021 in the original principal NOTICE OF SALE UNDER which the Security Deed is sub-
curity Agreement and Fixture NYMT COMMERCIAL AC- (notice of intention to collect at- TOGETHER WITH the rents, amount of $262,500.00 ex- POWER ject and to any unpaid city,
Filing from 2 Big Legacy LLC QUISITIONS, LLC torneys’ fees having been giv- issues and profits thereof. ecuted by Grantor payable to STATE OF GEORGIA county and state ad valorem
(the “Grantor”) to and in favor of As Attorney-in-Fact for en), then to the payment of all The property is commonly Holder (as amended and/or COUNTY OF DEKALB taxes or assessments relating
Flip Funding LLC (the ++2 BIG LEGACY LLC++ sums secured by the Security known as: 4869 Pinnacle Drive, modified, the “Note”), there will Under and by virtue of the to the Premises.
“Lender”), predecessor in in- Lisa Wolgast, Esq. Deed, and the remainder, if Stone Mountain, DeKalb be sold at public outcry by power of sale contained in that To the best of the
terest to NYMT Commercial Ac- Morris, Manning & Martin, any, will be paid to the person County, GA, 30088. Holder, as attorney-in-fact for certain Security Deed, Assign- undersigned’s knowledge and
quisitions, LLC (the “Holder”) L.L.P. or persons legally entitled The indebtedness evidenced Grantor, to the highest bidder ment of Leases and Rents, Se- belief, the owner of the
dated April 15, 2021, and recor- 1600 Atlanta Financial Center thereto, all as provided in the by the Note is due and payable for cash between the legal curity Agreement and Fixture Premises is the Grantor and
ded in Deed Book 29328, Page 3343 Peachtree Road, N.E. Security Deed. The Premises and remains unpaid. The Se- hours for sale before the Court- Filing from 2 Big Legacy LLC the party or parties in posses-
177, DeKalb County, Georgia Atlanta, Georgia 30326 shall be sold as the property of curity Deed therefore has be- house door in DeKalb County, (the “Grantor”) to and in favor of sion of the Premises is the
records (as assigned, amended (404) 233-7000 Grantor, subject to all restric- come and is now foreclosable Georgia, on Tuesday, Novem- Flip Funding LLC (the Grantor or tenants of the Grant-
and/or modified, the “Security tions, easements and other according to its terms. Accord- ber 1, 2022, the following de- “Lender”), predecessor in in- or.
Deed”), securing that certain 420-469365 10/6,10/13,10/20 matters of record that are prior ingly, the Premises will be sold scribed land, improvements terest to AlphaFlow Transition- ALPHAFLOW TRANSITIONAL
Note dated April 15, 2021 in the 10/27 to the Security Deed and to at public outcry pursuant to the and appurtenances (herein- al Mortgage Trust 2021-WL1 MORTGAGE TRUST 2021-
original principal amount of NOTICE OF SALE UNDER which the Security Deed is sub- terms of the power of sale after collectively referred to as (the “Holder”) dated April 30, WL1
$262,500.00 executed by POWER ject and to any unpaid city, provided in the Security Deed. the “Premises”) to wit: 2021, and recorded in Deed As Attorney-in-Fact for
Grantor payable to Holder (as STATE OF GEORGIA county and state ad valorem The Premises will be sold on All that tract or parcel of land ly- Book 29485, Page 283, DeKalb ++2 BIG LEGACY LLC++
amended and/or modified, the COUNTY OF DEKALB taxes or assessments relating an “as is, where is” basis ing and being in Land Lot 225 County, Georgia records, as Lisa Wolgast, Esq.
“Note”), there will be sold at Under and by virtue of the to the Premises. without recourse against Hold- of the 15th District, DeKalb transferred and assigned to Morris, Manning & Martin,
public outcry by Holder, as at- power of sale contained in that To the best of the er and without representation County, Georgia, being Lot 20, Holder by that certain Assign- L.L.P.
torney-in-fact for Grantor, to the certain Security Deed, Assign- undersigned’s knowledge and or warranty of any kind or Building 5, Pinnacle Heights ment of Security Deed/Mort- 1600 Atlanta Financial Center
highest bidder for cash ment of Leases and Rents, Se- belief, the owner of the nature whatsoever by Holder Subdivision, as per plat recor- gage recorded July 12, 2022 in 3343 Peachtree Road, N.E.
between the legal hours for curity Agreement and Fixture Premises is the Grantor and with respect thereto. ded in Plat Book 139, Pages Deed Book 30450, Page 734 Atlanta, Georgia 30326
sale before the Courthouse Filing from 2 Big Legacy LLC the party or parties in posses- The proceeds of the sale are to 14-15, DeKalb County, Geor- aforesaid records (as assigned, (404) 233-7000
door in DeKalb County, Geor- (the “Grantor”) to and in favor of sion of the Premises is the be applied first to the ex- gia Records, which plat is incor- amended and/or modified, the
gia, on Tuesday, November 1, Flip Funding LLC (the Grantor or tenants of the Grant- penses of the sale and all pro- porated herein by reference “Security Deed”), securing that 420-469369 10/6,10/13,10/20
2022, the following described “Lender”), predecessor in in- or. ceedings in connection there- and made a part of this descrip- certain Note dated April 30, 10/27
land, improvements and appur- terest to AlphaFlow Transition- ALPHAFLOW TRANSITIONAL with, including attorneys’ fees tion. Said Property being 2021 in the original principal NOTICE OF SALE UNDER
tenances (hereinafter collect- al Mortgage Trust 2021-WL1 MORTGAGE TRUST 2021- (notice of intention to collect at- known as 4871 Pinnacle Drive amount of $262,500.00 ex- POWER
ively referred to as the (the “Holder”) dated May 13, WL1 torneys’ fees having been giv- according to the present sys- ecuted by Grantor payable to STATE OF GEORGIA
“Premises”) to wit: 2021, and recorded in Deed As Attorney-in-Fact for en), then to the payment of all tem of numbering houses in Holder (as amended and/or COUNTY OF DEKALB
All that tract or parcel of land ly- Book 29485, Page 301, DeKalb ++2 BIG LEGACY LLC ++ sums secured by the Security DeKalb County, Georgia. TAX modified, the “Note”), there will Under and by virtue of the
ing and being in Land Lot 225, County, Georgia records, as Lisa Wolgast, Esq. Deed, and the remainder, if ID: 15-225-06-020. be sold at public outcry by power of sale contained in that
of the 15th District, DeKalb transferred and assigned to Morris, Manning & Martin, any, will be paid to the person TOGETHER WITH the rents, Holder, as attorney-in-fact for certain Security Deed, Assign-
County, Georgia, being Lot 3, Holder by that certain Assign- L.L.P. or persons legally entitled issues and profits thereof. Grantor, to the highest bidder ment of Leases and Rents, Se-
Building 1, Pinnacle Heights ment of Security Deed/Mort- 1600 Atlanta Financial Center thereto, all as provided in the The property is commonly for cash between the legal curity Agreement and Fixture
Subdivision as per plat recor- gage recorded July 12, 2022 in 3343 Peachtree Road, N.E. Security Deed. The Premises known as: 4871 Pinnacle Drive, hours for sale before the Court- Filing from 2 Big Legacy LLC
ded in Plat Book 139, Pages Deed Book 30450, Page 728 Atlanta, Georgia 30326 shall be sold as the property of Stone Mountain, DeKalb house door in DeKalb County, (the “Grantor”) to and in favor of
14-15, DeKalb County, Geor- aforesaid records (as assigned, (404) 233-7000 Grantor, subject to all restric- County, GA, 30088. Georgia, on Tuesday, Novem- Flip Funding LLC (the
gia Records, which plat is incor- amended and/or modified, the tions, easements and other The indebtedness evidenced ber 1, 2022, the following de- “Lender”), predecessor in in-
porated herein by reference for “Security Deed”), securing that 420-469366 10/6,10/13,10/20 matters of record that are prior by the Note is due and payable scribed land, improvements terest to AlphaFlow Transition-
a more complete description certain Note dated May 13, 10/27 to the Security Deed and to and remains unpaid. The Se- and appurtenances (herein- al Mortgage Trust 2021-WL1
and made a part of this descrip- 2021 in the original principal NOTICE OF SALE UNDER which the Security Deed is sub- curity Deed therefore has be- after collectively referred to as (the “Holder”) dated April 30,
tion. Said property being known amount of $262,500.00 ex- POWER ject and to any unpaid city, come and is now foreclosable the “Premises”) to wit: 2021, and recorded in Deed
as 4866 Pinnacle Drive, ac- ecuted by Grantor payable to STATE OF GEORGIA county and state ad valorem according to its terms. Accord- All that tract or parcel of land ly- Book 29485, Page 494, DeKalb
cording to the present system Holder (as amended and/or COUNTY OF DEKALB taxes or assessments relating ingly, the Premises will be sold ing and being in Land Lot 225, County, Georgia records, as
of numbering property in modified, the “Note”), there will Under and by virtue of the to the Premises. at public outcry pursuant to the of the 15th District, DeKalb transferred and assigned to
DeKalb County, Georgia. PAR- be sold at public outcry by power of sale contained in that To the best of the terms of the power of sale County, Georgia, being Lot 6, Holder by that certain Assign-
CEL ID: 15 225 06 003. Holder, as attorney-in-fact for certain Security Deed, Assign- undersigned’s knowledge and provided in the Security Deed. Building 2, Pinnacle Heights ment of Security Deed/Mort-
TOGETHER WITH the rents, Grantor, to the highest bidder ment of Leases and Rents, Se- belief, the owner of the The Premises will be sold on Subdivision as per plat recor- gage recorded July 12, 2022 in
issues and profits thereof. for cash between the legal curity Agreement and Fixture Premises is the Grantor and an “as is, where is” basis ded in Plat Book 139, Pages Deed Book 30450, Page 736
The property is commonly hours for sale before the Court- Filing from 2 Big Legacy LLC the party or parties in posses- without recourse against Hold- 14-15, DeKalb County, Geor- aforesaid records (as assigned,
known as: 4866 Pinnacle Drive, house door in DeKalb County, (the “Grantor”) to and in favor of sion of the Premises is the er and without representation gia Records, which plat is incor- amended and/or modified, the
Stone Mountain, DeKalb Georgia, on Tuesday, Novem- Flip Funding LLC (the Grantor or tenants of the Grant- or warranty of any kind or porated herein by reference for “Security Deed”), securing that
County, GA, 30088. ber 1, 2022, the following de- “Lender”), predecessor in in- or. nature whatsoever by Holder a more complete description. certain Note dated April 30,
The indebtedness evidenced scribed land, improvements terest to AlphaFlow Transition- ALPHAFLOW TRANSITIONAL with respect thereto. Said property being known as 2021 in the original principal
by the Note is due and payable and appurtenances (herein- al Mortgage Trust 2021-WL1 MORTGAGE TRUST 2021- The proceeds of the sale are to 4874 Pinnacle Drive, accord- amount of $262,500.00 ex-
and remains unpaid. The Se- after collectively referred to as (the “Holder”) dated May 13, WL1 be applied first to the ex- ing to the present system of ecuted by Grantor payable to
curity Deed therefore has be- the “Premises”) to wit: 2021, and recorded in Deed As Attorney-in-Fact for penses of the sale and all pro- numbering houses in DeKalb Holder (as amended and/or
come and is now foreclosable All that tract or parcel of land ly- Book 29485, Page 319, DeKalb ++2 BIG LEGACY LLC ++ ceedings in connection there- County, Georgia. PARCEL ID: modified, the “Note”), there will
according to its terms. Accord- ing and being in Land Lot 225 County, Georgia records, as Lisa Wolgast, Esq. with, including attorneys’ fees 15 225 06 006. be sold at public outcry by
ingly, the Premises will be sold of the 15th District, DeKalb transferred and assigned to Morris, Manning & Martin, (notice of intention to collect at- TOGETHER WITH the rents, Holder, as attorney-in-fact for
at public outcry pursuant to the County, Georgia being Lot 22, Holder by that certain Assign- L.L.P. torneys’ fees having been giv- issues and profits thereof. Grantor, to the highest bidder
terms of the power of sale Building 6, Pinnacle Heights ment of Security Deed/Mort- 1600 Atlanta Financial Center en), then to the payment of all The property is commonly for cash between the legal
provided in the Security Deed. Subdivision, as per plat recor- gage recorded July 12, 2022 in 3343 Peachtree Road, N.E. sums secured by the Security known as: 4874 Pinnacle Drive, hours for sale before the Court-
The Premises will be sold on ded in Plat Book 139, Pages Deed Book 30450, Page 730 Atlanta, Georgia 30326 Deed, and the remainder, if Stone Mountain, DeKalb house door in DeKalb County,
an “as is, where is” basis 14-15, DeKalb County, Geor- aforesaid records (as assigned, (404) 233-7000 any, will be paid to the person County, GA, 30088. Georgia, on Tuesday, Novem-
2021 in the original principal Grantor, subject to all restric- an “as is, where is” basis A Right Of 55 Feet As Exten- lowing described personal
amount of $262,500.00 ex- tions, easements and other without recourse against Hold- ded), Thence Along The Right property owned by Vice Bar &
ecuted by Grantor payable to matters of record that are prior er and without representation Of Way Of Oakleaf Circle Bistro, LLC, or its successors-
Holder (as amended and/or to the Security Deed and to or warranty of any kind or 302.64 Feet To The True Point in-title and secured by the Se-
modified, the “Note”), there will which the Security Deed is sub- nature whatsoever by Holder Of Beginning: Thence North 08 curity Deed, to wit:
be sold at public outcry by ject and to any unpaid city, with respect thereto. Degrees, 33 Minutes, 45 All personal property described
Page 70
Holder, as attorney-in-fact for
Grantor, to the highest bidder
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 
county and state ad valorem
taxes or assessments relating
The proceeds of the sale are to
be applied first to the ex-
Seconds West 42.00 Feet To A
Point; Thence North 81 De-
in and subject to the Security
Deed, which is hereby incorpor-
for cash between the legal 420-469370 10/6,10/13,10/20, to the Premises. penses of the sale and all pro- grees, 26 Minutes, 15 Seconds 420-469373 10/6,10/13,10/20 ated by this reference.
hours for sale before the Court- 10/27 To the best of the ceedings in connection there- East 93.16 Feet To A Point; 10/27 Less and except any fixtures
house door in DeKalb County, NOTICE OF SALE UNDER undersigned’s knowledge and with, including attorneys’ fees Thence South 08 Degrees, 33 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER subject to the security interest
Georgia, on Tuesday, Novem- POWER belief, the owner of the (notice of intention to collect at- Minutes, 45 Seconds East POWER IN SECURITY DEED on the above-described real
ber 1, 2022, the following de- STATE OF GEORGIA Premises is the Grantor and torneys’ fees having been giv- 42.00 Feet To A Point; Thence STATE OF GEORGIA property.
scribed land, improvements COUNTY OF DEKALB the party or parties in posses- en), then to the payment of all South 81 Degrees, 26 Minutes, COUNTY OF DEKALB The debt secured by the Secur-
and appurtenances (herein- Under and by virtue of the sion of the Premises is the sums secured by the Security 15 Seconds West 93.16 Feet Under and by virtue of the ity Deed is evidenced by a
after collectively referred to as power of sale contained in that Grantor or tenants of the Grant- Deed, and the remainder, if To The True Point Of Begin- Power of Sale contained in the Promissory Note, dated June
the “Premises”) to wit: certain Security Deed, Assign- or. any, will be paid to the person ning. Said Parcel Of Landing Security Deed from Vice Bar & 30, 2021, executed by Vice Bar
All that tract or parcel of land ly- ment of Leases and Rents, Se- NYMT COMMERCIAL AC- or persons legally entitled Being Known As 2456 Oakleaf Bistro, LLC to PBREI, LLC, & Bistro, LLC to PBREI, LLC in
ing and being in Land Lot 225, curity Agreement and Fixture QUISITIONS, LLC thereto, all as provided in the Circle, 0.09 Acres As Shown dated June 30, 2021 and recor- the original principal amount of
of the 15th District, DeKalb Filing from 2 Big Legacy LLC As Attorney-in-Fact for Security Deed. The Premises On Survey For Hatteras Con- ded in Deed Book 29533, Page $380,000.00, as modified by
County, Georgia, being Lot 8, (the “Grantor”) to and in favor of ++2 BIG LEGACY LLC++ shall be sold as the property of struction, Llc, Dated 03/11/16 65, in the offices of the Clerk of Loan Forbearance and Modific-
Building 2, Pinnacle Heights Flip Funding LLC (the Lisa Wolgast, Esq. Grantor, subject to all restric- By Patrick And Associates, the Superior Court of DeKalb ation Agreement dated July 26,
Subdivision as per plat recor- “Lender”), predecessor in in- Morris, Manning & Martin, tions, easements and other Inc., And Being Certified By County, Georgia, as last as- 2022, inter alia increasing the
ded in Plat Book 139, Pages terest to NYMT Commercial Ac- L.L.P. matters of record that are prior James S. Hull, Jr., R.L.S. signed to AG Investment Hold- principal amount of the afore-
14-15, DeKalb County, Geor- quisitions, LLC (the “Holder”) 1600 Atlanta Financial Center to the Security Deed and to #2856. Said property is com- ings LLC, a Georgia limited li- said Promissory Note to
gia Records, which plat is incor- dated May 13, 2021, and recor- 3343 Peachtree Road, N.E. which the Security Deed is sub- monly known as 2456 Oakleaf ability company, as to a 50% $422,500.00 (as same may
porated herein by reference for ded in Deed Book 29485, Page Atlanta, Georgia 30326 ject and to any unpaid city, Circle Lithonia, GA 30058. The interest, and Preston & Babloo have been further modified, re-
a more complete description. 2, DeKalb County, Georgia re- (404) 233-7000 county and state ad valorem indebtedness secured by said Investments LLC, a Georgia newed or amended, the
Said Property being known as: cords (as assigned, amended taxes or assessments relating Security Deed has been and is limited liability company, as to a "Note"), plus interest from date
4878 Pinnacle Drive, accord- and/or modified, the “Security 420-469371 10/6,10/13,10/20 to the Premises. hereby declared due because 50% interest, by Transfer and on the unpaid balance until
ing to the present system of Deed”), securing that certain 10/27 To the best of the of, among other possible Assignment of Security Deed paid, and other indebtedness.
numbering houses in DeKalb Note dated May 13, 2021 in the NOTICE OF SALE UNDER undersigned’s knowledge and events of default, failure to pay and Recorded Documents Default has occurred and con-
County, Georgia. PARCEL ID: original principal amount of POWER belief, the owner of the the indebtedness as and when dated July 26, 2022 and recor- tinues under the terms of the
15 225 06 008. $262,500.00 executed by STATE OF GEORGIA Premises is the Grantor and due and in the manner ded in Deed Book 30480, Page Note and Security Deed by
TOGETHER WITH the rents, Grantor payable to Holder (as COUNTY OF DEKALB the party or parties in posses- provided in the Note and Se- 172, aforesaid records, and as reason of, among other pos-
issues and profits thereof. amended and/or modified, the Under and by virtue of the sion of the Premises is the curity Deed. The debt remain- modified by Modification of Se- sible events of default, the non-
The property is commonly “Note”), there will be sold at power of sale contained in that Grantor or tenants of the Grant- ing in default, this sale will be curity Deed dated July 26, 2022 payment when due of the in-
known as: 4878 Pinnacle Drive, public outcry by Holder, as at- certain Security Deed, Assign- or. made for the purpose of pay- and recorded in Deed Book debtedness evidenced by the
Stone Mountain, DeKalb torney-in-fact for Grantor, to the ment of Leases and Rents, Se- NYMT COMMERCIAL AC- ing the same and all expenses 30485, Page 330, aforesaid re- Note and secured by the Se-
County, GA, 30088. highest bidder for cash curity Agreement and Fixture QUISITIONS, LLC of the sale, as provided in the cords (as same may have been curity Deed and the failure to
The indebtedness evidenced between the legal hours for Filing from 2 Big Legacy LLC As Attorney-in-Fact for Security Deed and by law, in- modified from time to time, col- comply with the terms and con-
by the Note is due and payable sale before the Courthouse (the “Grantor”) to and in favor of ++2 BIG LEGACY LLC++ cluding attorneys' fees (notice lectively the “Security Deed”); ditions of the Note and Secur-
and remains unpaid. The Se- door in DeKalb County, Geor- Flip Funding LLC (the Lisa Wolgast, Esq. of intent to collect attorneys’ the undersigned will sell at pub- ity Deed. By reason of this de-
curity Deed therefore has be- gia, on Tuesday, November 1, “Lender”), predecessor in in- Morris, Manning & Martin, fees having been given). The lic outcry to the highest and fault, the Security Deed has
come and is now foreclosable 2022, the following described terest to NYMT Commercial Ac- L.L.P. entity having full authority to best bidder for cash before the been declared foreclosable ac-
according to its terms. Accord- land, improvements and appur- quisitions, LLC (the “Holder”) 1600 Atlanta Financial Center negotiate, amend or modify all door of the Courthouse of cording to its terms.
ingly, the Premises will be sold tenances (hereinafter collect- dated May 28, 2021, and recor- 3343 Peachtree Road, N.E. terms of the loan (although not DeKalb County, Georgia, dur- The above-described real prop-
at public outcry pursuant to the ively referred to as the ded in Deed Book 29485, Page Atlanta, Georgia 30326 required by law to do so) is: ing the legal hours of sale, on erty will be sold to the highest
terms of the power of sale “Premises”) to wit: 337, DeKalb County, Georgia (404) 233-7000 Freedom Mortgage Corpora- the first Tuesday in November, and best bidder for cash as the
provided in the Security Deed. All that tract or parcel of land ly- records (as assigned, amended tion, Attention: Loss Mitigation 2022, the following described property of Vice Bar & Bistro,
The Premises will be sold on ing and being in Land Lot 225 and/or modified, the “Security 420-469372 10/6,10/13,10/20, Department, 10500 Kincaid real property, to wit: LLC, the proceeds to be ap-
an “as is, where is” basis of the 15th District, DeKalb Deed”), securing that certain 10/27 Drive Fishers, IN 46037, Tele- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- plied to the payment of said in-
without recourse against Hold- County, Georgia being Lot 16, Note dated May 28, 2021 in the Notice Of Sale Under Power phone No.: 855-690-5900. CEL OF LAND LYING AND debtedness, attorneys' fees,
er and without representation Building 5, Pinnacle Heights original principal amount of Georgia, Dekalb County Under Nothing in O.C.G.A. Section BEING IN LAND LOT 337 OF and the lawful expenses of said
or warranty of any kind or Subdivision, as per plat recor- $262,500.00 executed by and by virtue of the Power of 44-14-162.2 shall be construed THE 18TH DISTRICT, DEKALB sale, all as provided in the Note
nature whatsoever by Holder ded in Plat Book 139, Pages Grantor payable to Holder (as Sale contained in that certain to require the secured creditor COUNTY, GEORGIA AND BE- and Security Deed. The sale
with respect thereto. 14-15, DeKalb County, Geor- amended and/or modified, the Security Deed given by Freder- to negotiate, amend, or modify ING SHOWN AND DESIG- shall be subject to the follow-
The proceeds of the sale are to gia Records, which plat is incor- “Note”), there will be sold at ick Braxton and Kimberli the terms of the security instru- NATED AS UNITS 108 AND ing: all outstanding ad valorem
be applied first to the ex- porated herein by reference public outcry by Holder, as at- Thomas, Joint tenants to Mort- ment. Said property will be sold 109 OF SEOUL PLAZA, A taxes and/or assessments, if
penses of the sale and all pro- and made a part of this descrip- torney-in-fact for Grantor, to the gage Electronic Registration subject to any outstanding ad CONDOMINIUM, TOGETHER any; possible redemptive rights
ceedings in connection there- tion. Said property being known highest bidder for cash Systems, Inc., as Beneficiary, valorem taxes (including taxes WITH THEIR APPURTENANT of the Internal Revenue Ser-
with, including attorneys’ fees as 4879 Pinnacle Drive accord- between the legal hours for as nominee for Ameris Bank, which are a lien, whether or not PERCENTAGE OF UNDI- vice, if any; and all other prior
(notice of intention to collect at- ing to the present system of sale before the Courthouse its successors and assigns, now due and payable), any VIDED INTEREST IN THE assessments, easements, re-
torneys’ fees having been giv- numbering houses in DeKalb door in DeKalb County, Geor- dated 7/22/2016, and recorded matters which might be dis- COMMON ELEMENTS, AS strictions or matters of record.
en), then to the payment of all County, Georgia. TAX ID: 15- gia, on Tuesday, November 1, on 8/1/2016, in Instrument No.: closed by an accurate survey DESCRIBED IN THAT CER- To the best of the
sums secured by the Security 225-06-016. 2022, the following described 20 16 112093, Deed Book and inspection of the property, TAIN DECLARATION OF undersigned's knowledge and
Deed, and the remainder, if TOGETHER WITH the rents, land, improvements and appur- 25702, Page 179, DeKalb any assessments, liens, en- CONDOMINIUM FOR SEOUL belief, the real property is
any, will be paid to the person issues and profits thereof. tenances (hereinafter collect- County, Georgia records, as cumbrances, zoning ordin- PLAZA, A CONDOMINIUM, presently owned by Vice Bar &
or persons legally entitled The property is commonly ively referred to as the last assigned to Freedom Mort- ances, restrictions, covenants, RECORDED IN DEED BOOK Bistro, LLC.
thereto, all as provided in the known as: 4879 Pinnacle Drive, “Premises”) to wit: gage Corporation by assign- and any other matters of re- 17364, PAGE 675, ET SEQ, To the best of the
Security Deed. The Premises Stone Mountain, DeKalb All that tract or parcel of land ly- ment recorded on 7/28/2022 in cord superior to the Security DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA undersigned's knowledge and
shall be sold as the property of County, GA, 30088. ing and being in Land Lot 225, Instrument No. 2022117049 Deed first set out above. To the RECORDS, AND ON AS- belief, the party in possession
Grantor, subject to all restric- The indebtedness evidenced of the 15th District, DeKalb Deed Book 30480, Page 442, best knowledge and belief of BUILT SITE PLAN RECOR- of the real property is Vice Bar
tions, easements and other by the Note is due and payable County, Georgia, being Lot 15, conveying the after-described the undersigned, the party(ies) DED IN CONDOMINIUM PLAT & Bistro, LLC, and tenants
matters of record that are prior and remains unpaid. The Se- Building 4, Pinnacle Heights property to secure a Note in the in possession of the property is BOOK 163, PAGES 97-99, holding under it.
to the Security Deed and to curity Deed therefore has be- Subdivision as per plat recor- original principal amount of (are) Frederick Braxton and AFORESAID RECORDS, AS All personal property will be
which the Security Deed is sub- come and is now foreclosable ded in Plat Book 139, Pages $161,345.00, with interest Kimberli Thomas or tenant(s) or WELL AS CONDOMINIUM sold in one lot to the highest
ject and to any unpaid city, according to its terms. Accord- 14-15, DeKalb County, Geor- thereon as provided for therein, other occupants. The sale will PLANS FILED IN THE CON- and best bidder for cash as the
county and state ad valorem ingly, the Premises will be sold gia Records, which plat is incor- there will be sold at public out- be conducted subject to (1) DOMINIUM CABINET, AFORE- property of Vice Bar & Bistro,
taxes or assessments relating at public outcry pursuant to the porated herein by reference for cry to the highest bidder for confirmation that the sale is not SAID RECORDS, SAID DE- LLC, or its successors-in-title,
to the Premises. terms of the power of sale a more complete description. cash before the Courthouse prohibited under the U.S. Bank- CLARATION, SITE PLAN AND on an "as is, where is" basis
To the best of the provided in the Security Deed. Said property being known as door of DeKalb County, Geor- ruptcy Code, (2) final confirma- CONDOMINIUM PLANS ARE and without representation,
undersigned’s knowledge and The Premises will be sold on 4898 Pinnacle Drive, accord- gia, within the legal hours of tion and audit of the status of INCORPORATED HEREIN BY warranty or recourse, express
belief, the owner of the an “as is, where is” basis ing to the present system of sale on 11/1/2022, the follow- the loan with the holder of the REFERENCE THERETO FOR or implied, of the undersigned,
Premises is the Grantor and without recourse against Hold- numbering houses in DeKalb ing described property: All That Security Deed, and (3) any right ALL PURPOSES. and subject to all matters of re-
the party or parties in posses- er and without representation County, Georgia. PARCEL ID: Tract Or Parcel Of Land Lying of redemption or other lien not ALSO KNOWN AS: 5953 cord affecting said personal
sion of the Premises is the or warranty of any kind or 15 225 06 015. And Being In Land Lot 153 Of extinguished by foreclosure. BUFORD HIGHWAY, UNITS property, the proceeds to be
Grantor or tenants of the Grant- nature whatsoever by Holder TOGETHER WITH the rents, The 16th District, Dekalb The sale is conducted on be- #108 & #109, DORAVILLE, GA applied to the payment of said
or. with respect thereto. issues and profits thereof. County, Georgia, And Shown half of the secured creditor un- 30340 indebtedness, attorneys' fees
ALPHAFLOW TRANSITIONAL The proceeds of the sale are to The property is commonly As Lot 75 Of Oakleaf At Stone- der the power of sale granted in PROPERTY BEING MORE and the lawful expenses of said
MORTGAGE TRUST 2021- be applied first to the ex- known as: 4898 Pinnacle Drive, crest, As Shown On Plat Book the aforementioned security in- COMMONLY KNOWN AS: sale, all as provided in the Se-
WL1 penses of the sale and all pro- Stone Mountain, DeKalb 173, Page 105 Dekalb County, strument, specifically being 5953 BUFORD HIGHWAY, curity Deed.
As Attorney-in-Fact for ceedings in connection there- County, GA, 30088. Georgia Superior Court Re- Freedom Mortgage Corpora- UNITS 108 & 109, AG Investment Holdings LLC, a
++2 BIG LEGACY LLC++ with, including attorneys’ fees The indebtedness evidenced cords Which Plat Is Incorpor- tion as Attorney in Fact For Fre- DORAVILLE, GEORGIA 30340 Georgia limited liability com-
Lisa Wolgast, Esq. (notice of intention to collect at- by the Note is due and payable ated Here And Made A Part derick Braxton and Kimberli In addition, under and by virtue pany, as to a 50% interest, and
Morris, Manning & Martin, torneys’ fees having been giv- and remains unpaid. The Se- Hereof By Reference; Said Lot Thomas. Nestor Trustee Ser- of the power of sale contained Preston & Babloo Investments
L.L.P. en), then to the payment of all curity Deed therefore has be- Is More Particularly Described vices, LLC, 2850 Redhill Ave, in the Security Deed, the un- LLC, a Georgia limited liability
1600 Atlanta Financial Center sums secured by the Security come and is now foreclosable As Follows: Commencing At A Suite 240, Santa Ana, CA dersigned will also sell at pub- company, as to a 50% interest,
3343 Peachtree Road, N.E. Deed, and the remainder, if according to its terms. Accord- Point On The Westerly Right Of 92705, (888) 403-4115, ++TS # lic outcry to the highest bidder as successors in interest to
Atlanta, Georgia 30326 any, will be paid to the person ingly, the Premises will be sold Way Of Oakleaf Ridge, (Said 2 0 2 2 - for cash before the door of the PBREI, LLC, as Attorney-in-
(404) 233-7000 or persons legally entitled at public outcry pursuant to the Road Having A Right Of Way 02953/Braxton/Thomas++ For Courthouse of DeKalb County, Fact for ++Vice Bar & Bistro,
thereto, all as provided in the terms of the power of sale Of 55 Feet) And The Intersec- sale information, visit: Georgia, immediately following LLC++.
Security Deed. The Premises provided in the Security Deed. tion Of The Northerly Right Of the sale of the above-de- M. Todd Westfall, Esquire
shall be sold as the property of The Premises will be sold on Way Of Oakleaf Circle (Having sales-information or call (888) scribed real property, the fol- WESTFALL, LLC
Grantor, subject to all restric- an “as is, where is” basis A Right Of 55 Feet As Exten- 902-3989. lowing described personal 4994 Lower Roswell Rd, Ste 6,
tions, easements and other without recourse against Hold- ded), Thence Along The Right property owned by Vice Bar & Marietta, Georgia 30068
matters of record that are prior er and without representation Of Way Of Oakleaf Circle Bistro, LLC, or its successors- (678) 384-7005
to the Security Deed and to or warranty of any kind or 302.64 Feet To The True Point in-title and secured by the Se-
which the Security Deed is sub- nature whatsoever by Holder Of Beginning: Thence North 08 curity Deed, to wit:
ject and to any unpaid city, with respect thereto. Degrees, 33 Minutes, 45 All personal property described
county and state ad valorem The proceeds of the sale are to Seconds West 42.00 Feet To A in and subject to the Security
taxes or assessments relating be applied first to the ex- Point; Thence North 81 De- Deed, which is hereby incorpor-
to the Premises. penses of the sale and all pro- grees, 26 Minutes, 15 Seconds ated by this reference.
To the best of the ceedings in connection there- East 93.16 Feet To A Point; Less and except any fixtures
undersigned’s knowledge and with, including attorneys’ fees Thence South 08 Degrees, 33 subject to the security interest
belief, the owner of the (notice of intention to collect at- Minutes, 45 Seconds East on the above-described real
events of default, failure to pay therein, there will be sold at erty is Anyaegbu Ikemba Ig- Selene Finance they can be an iron pin; thence south 09 de-
the indebtedness as and when public outcry to the highest bid- bonagwam or tenant(s); and contacted at (877) 735-3637 for grees 26 minutes 52 seconds
due and in the manner der for cash before the court- said property is more com- Loss Mitigation Dept, or by writ- east a distance of 100 feet to
provided in the Note and Se- house door of Dekalb County, monly known as 2981 Oakvale ing to 3501 Olympus an iron pin; thence north 89 de-
curity Deed. The debt remain- Georgia, within the legal hours Hts, Decatur, GA 30034. Boulevard, 5 th Floor, Suite grees 33 minutes 34 seconds
ing in default, this sale will be of sale on November 1, 2022, The sale will be conducted sub- 500, Coppell, Texas 75019, to west a distance of 140 feet to
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022Page 71
made for the purpose of pay- the following described prop- ject to (1) confirmation that the discuss possible alternatives to an iron pin found on the east
ing the same and all expenses erty: sale is not prohibited under the avoid foreclosure. side of Livingston Place; thence
420-469375 10/6,10/13,10/20 of this sale, as provided in Se- All that tract or parcel of land ly- 420-469378 10/6,11/10,11/17 U.S. Bankruptcy Code (2) final Said property will be sold sub- north 09 degrees 26 minutes
10/27 curity Deed and by law, includ- ing and being in Land Lot 159 11/24,12/1 confirmation and audit of the ject to any outstanding ad 52 seconds west a distance of
NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE ing attorney’s fees (notice of in- of the 16th District of Dekalb NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE status of the loan with the hold- valorem taxes (including taxes 100 feet to an iron pin and the
SALE UNDER POWER tent to collect attorney’s fees County Georgia, being Lot 9, SALE UNDER POWER er of the security deed and (3) which are a lien, but not yet POINT OF BEGINNING, all as
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA having been given). McKenzey Cove South Subdivi- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA any right of redemption or oth- due and payable), any matters more particularly shown on sur-
Under and by virtue of the The entity having full authority sion, as per plat recorded in Under and by virtue of the er lien not extinguished by fore- which might be disclosed by an vey for Yvonne Dauria by Solar
Power of Sale contained in a to negotiate, amend or modify Plat Book 82, Page 110 & 111, Power of Sale contained in a closure. accurate survey and inspection Land Surveying Company
Security Deed given by MIKE all terms of the loan (although Dekalb County, Georgia Re- Security Deed given by Anyae- Nations Direct Mortgage, LLC of the property, any assess- dated June 29, 2000.
E. LAWRY A/K/A MICHAEL E. not required by law to do so) is: cords, which plat is incorpor- gbu Ikemba Igbonagwam to as Attorney in Fact for Anyae- ments, liens, encumbrances, Being that parcel of land con-
LAWRY to OPTION ONE PHH Mortgage Corporation ated herein and made a part Mortgage Electronic Registra- gbu Ikemba Igbonagwam. zoning ordinances, restrictions, veyed to Yvonne L. Dauria from
MORTGAGE CORPORATION, they can be contacted at 1-800- hereof by reference, and being tion Systems, Inc., as grantee, Brock & Scott, PLLC covenants, and matters of re- John Wesley Steadham, as Ex-
dated March 22, 2006, and re- 750-2518 for Loss Mitigation known as 6984 Kevin Court, as nominee for Nations Direct 4360 Chamblee Dunwoody cord superior to the Security ecutor of the Last Will and
corded in Deed Book 18553, Dept, or by writing to One Mort- Stone Mountain, GA 30087, ac- Mortgage, LLC dba Motive Road Deed first set out above. Testament of Burma S.
Page 517, Dekalb County, gage Way, Mount Laurel, New cording to the present system Lending, dated February 28, Suite 310 To the best knowledge and be- Steadham, deceased by that
Georgia Records, as last trans- Jersey 08054, to discuss pos- of numbering houses in Dekalb 2017, and recorded in Deed Atlanta, GA 30341 lief of the undersigned, the deed dated 06/29/2000 and re-
ferred to Deutsche Bank Na- sible alternatives to avoid fore- County, Georgia. Book 26190, Page 512, Dekalb 404-789-2661 party in possession of the prop- corded 07/07/2000 in Deed
tional Trust Company, as Trust- closure. The debt secured by said Se- County, Georgia Records, as B&S file no.: ++22-11863/Ig- erty is Shirley Henderson or Book 11455, at Page 604 of
ee for Soundview Home Loan Said property will be sold sub- curity Deed has been and is last transferred to Nations Dir- bonagwam++ tenant(s); and said property is DeKalb County, GA Public Re-
Trust 2006-OPT4, Asset- ject to any outstanding ad hereby declared due because ect Mortgage, LLC by assign- 420-469379 10/6,10/13,10/20 more commonly known as gistry.
Backed Certificates, Series valorem taxes (including taxes of, among other possible ment recorded on September 10/27 1906 Snapfinger Rd, Decatur, Tax Map Reference: 15 248 16
2006-OPT4 by assignment re- which are a lien, but not yet events of default, failure to pay 2, 2022 in Book 30545 Page NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE GA 30035. 003
corded on September 1, 2022 due and payable), any matters the indebtedness as and when 565 in the Office of the Clerk of SALE UNDER POWER The sale will be conducted sub- The debt secured by said Se-
in Book 30545 Page 230 in the which might be disclosed by an due and in the manner Superior Court of Dekalb DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA ject to (1) confirmation that the curity Deed has been and is
Office of the Clerk of Superior accurate survey and inspection provided in the Note and Se- County, Georgia Records, con- Under and by virtue of the sale is not prohibited under the hereby declared due because
Court of Dekalb County, Geor- of the property, any assess- curity Deed. The debt remain- veying the after-described Power of Sale contained in a U.S. Bankruptcy Code (2) final of, among other possible
gia Records, conveying the ments, liens, encumbrances, ing in default, this sale will be property to secure a Note in the Security Deed given by Shirley confirmation and audit of the events of default, failure to pay
after-described property to se- zoning ordinances, restrictions, made for the purpose of pay- original principal amount of Henderson to Mortgage Elec- status of the loan with the hold- the indebtedness as and when
cure a Note in the original prin- covenants, and matters of re- ing the same and all expenses Ninety-Six Thousand Two Hun- tronic Registration Systems, er of the security deed and (3) due and in the manner
cipal amount of One Hundred cord superior to the Security of this sale, as provided in Se- dred Twenty-Four and 0/100 Inc., as grantee, as nominee for any right of redemption or oth- provided in the Note and Se-
Sixteen Thousand and 0/100 Deed first set out above. curity Deed and by law, includ- dollars ($96,224.00), with in- Ditech Financial LLC, dated er lien not extinguished by fore- curity Deed. The debt remain-
dollars ($116,000.00), with in- To the best knowledge and be- ing attorney’s fees (notice of in- terest thereon as set forth May 9, 2016, and recorded in closure. ing in default, this sale will be
terest thereon as set forth lief of the undersigned, the tent to collect attorney’s fees therein, there will be sold at Deed Book 25592, Page 381, U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- made for the purpose of pay-
therein, there will be sold at party in possession of the prop- having been given). public outcry to the highest bid- Dekalb County, Georgia Re- ciation, not in its individual ca- ing the same and all expenses
public outcry to the highest bid- erty is Estate of Michael E. The entity having full authority der for cash before the court- cords, as last transferred to pacity but solely as owner trust- of this sale, as provided in Se-
der for cash before the court- Lawry or tenant(s); and said to negotiate, amend or modify house door of Dekalb County, U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- ee for RCF 2 Acquisition Trust curity Deed and by law, includ-
house door of Dekalb County, property is more commonly all terms of the loan (although Georgia, within the legal hours ciation, not in its individual ca- as Attorney in Fact for Shirley ing attorney’s fees (notice of in-
Georgia, within the legal hours known as 528 Allendale Dr, not required by law to do so) is: of sale on December 6, 2022, pacity but solely as owner trust- Henderson. tent to collect attorney’s fees
of sale on November 1, 2022, Decatur, GA 30032. PHH Mortgage Corporation the following described prop- ee for RCF 2 Acquisition Trust Brock & Scott, PLLC having been given).
the following described prop- The sale will be conducted sub- they can be contacted at 1-800- erty: by assignment recorded on Au- 4360 Chamblee Dunwoody The entity having full authority
erty: ject to (1) confirmation that the 750-2518 for Loss Mitigation All that tract or parcel of land ly- gust 30, 2022 in Book 30539 Road to negotiate, amend or modify
All that real estate situated and sale is not prohibited under the Dept, or by writing to One Mort- ing and being in Land Lot 57 of Page 51 in the Office of the Suite 310 all terms of the loan (although
being in Land Lot 171, 15th U.S. Bankruptcy Code (2) final gage Way, Mount Laurel, New the 15th District of DeKalb Clerk of Superior Court of Atlanta, GA 30341 not required by law to do so) is:
District, DeKalb County, Geor- confirmation and audit of the Jersey 08054, to discuss pos- County, Georgia, being Lot 2, Dekalb County, Georgia Re- 404-789-2661 Selene Finance they can be
gia, being Lot 46, Block E, status of the loan with the hold- sible alternatives to avoid fore- Block B, Oakvale Heights Sub- cords, conveying the after-de- B&S file no.: ++22- contacted at (877) 735-3637 for
Buena Vista Heights, as per er of the security deed and (3) closure. division, Unit One, Phase One, scribed property to secure a 15033/Henderson++ Loss Mitigation Dept, or by writ-
plat recorded in Plat Book 15, any right of redemption or oth- Said property will be sold sub- as per plat recorded in Plat Note in the original principal 420-469380 10/6,10/13,10/20 ing to 3501 Olympus
Page 32, DeKalb County Re- er lien not extinguished by fore- ject to any outstanding ad Book 89, Page 10, DeKalb amount of Ninety Thousand 10/27 Boulevard, 5 th Floor, Suite
cords, and being more particu- closure. valorem taxes (including taxes County, Georgia Records, as Nine Hundred and 0/100 dol- NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE 500, Coppell, Texas 75019, to
larly described as follows: Be- Deutsche Bank National Trust which are a lien, but not yet revised in Plat Book 91, Page lars ($90,900.00), with interest SALE UNDER POWER discuss possible alternatives to
ginning at an iron pin found on Company, as Trustee for due and payable), any matters 8, DeKalb County, Georgia Re- thereon as set forth therein, DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA avoid foreclosure.
the easterly side of Allendale Soundview Home Loan Trust which might be disclosed by an cords. there will be sold at public out- Under and by virtue of the Said property will be sold sub-
Drive five hundred forty and 2006-OPT4, Asset-Backed Cer- accurate survey and inspection The debt secured by said Se- cry to the highest bidder for Power of Sale contained in a ject to any outstanding ad
seven tenths (540.7) feet north- tificates, Series 2006-OPT4 as of the property, any assess- curity Deed has been and is cash before the courthouse Security Deed given by Yvonne valorem taxes (including taxes
erly as measured along the Attorney in Fact for MIKE E. ments, liens, encumbrances, hereby declared due because door of Dekalb County, Geor- L. Dauria to Bank of America, which are a lien, but not yet
easterly side of Allendale Drive LAWRY A/K/A MICHAEL E. zoning ordinances, restrictions, of, among other possible gia, within the legal hours of N.A., dated June 11, 2009, and due and payable), any matters
form the corner formed by the LAWRY. covenants, and matters of re- events of default, failure to pay sale on November 1, 2022, the recorded in Deed Book 21526, which might be disclosed by an
intersection of the easterly side Brock & Scott, PLLC cord superior to the Security the indebtedness as and when following described property: Page 377, Dekalb County, accurate survey and inspection
of Allendale Drive with the 4360 Chamblee Dunwoody Deed first set out above. due and in the manner ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Georgia Records, as last trans- of the property, any assess-
northwesterly side of Hillside Road To the best knowledge and be- provided in the Note and Se- CEL OF LAND LYING AND ferred to U.S. Bank Trust Na- ments, liens, encumbrances,
Avenue, said point of begin- Suite 310 lief of the undersigned, the curity Deed. The debt remain- BEING IN LAND LOT 132 OF tional Association, not in its in- zoning ordinances, restrictions,
ning also being at the line divid- Atlanta, GA 30341 party in possession of the prop- ing in default, this sale will be THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB dividual capacity but solely as covenants, and matters of re-
ing Lots 45 and 46, said block 404-789-2661 erty is Willie E. Jackson and made for the purpose of pay- COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING owner trustee for RCF 2 Ac- cord superior to the Security
and subdivision; run thence B&S file no.: ++22-09300 Tytsie H. Jackson or tenant(s); ing the same and all expenses LOT 451, BLOCK "S", EMER- quisition Trust by assignment Deed first set out above.
northerly along the easterly /LAWRY++ and said property is more com- of this sale, as provided in Se- ALD NORTH, UNIT II, AS PER recorded on August 16, 2022 in To the best knowledge and be-
side of Allendale Drive sixty- 420-469377 10/6,10/13,10/20, monly known as 6984 Kevin Ct, curity Deed and by law, includ- PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT Book 30514 Page 662 in the lief of the undersigned, the
nine and five tenths (69.5) feet 10/27 Lithonia, GA 30058. ing attorney’s fees (notice of in- BOOK 52, PAGE 71, IN THE Office of the Clerk of Superior party in possession of the prop-
to an iron pin found and Lot 47, NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE The sale will be conducted sub- tent to collect attorney’s fees OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF Court of Dekalb County, Geor- erty is Yvonne L. Dauria or ten-
said block ad subdivision; run SALE UNDER POWER ject to (1) confirmation that the having been given). SUPERIOR COURT OF gia Records, conveying the ant(s); and said property is
thence easterly along the DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA sale is not prohibited under the The entity having full authority DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA after-described property to se- more commonly known as 726
southerly line of Lot 47 one Under and by virtue of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code (2) final to negotiate, amend or modify RECORDS, WHICH RECOR- cure a Note in the original prin- Livingstone Pl, Decatur, GA
hundred fifty (150) feet to an Power of Sale contained in a confirmation and audit of the all terms of the loan (although DED PLAT IS INCORPOR- cipal amount of One Hundred 30030.
iron pin found and Lot 58, said Security Deed given by Willie status of the loan with the hold- not required by law to do so) is: ATED HEREIN AND MADE A Thirty-Three Thousand Eight The sale will be conducted sub-
block and subdivision; run E. Jackson and Tytsie H. Jack- er of the security deed and (3) Nations Direct Mortgage, LLC PART HEREOF BY REFER- Hundred and 0/100 dollars ject to (1) confirmation that the
thence southerly along the son to Ameriquest Mortgage any right of redemption or oth- they can be contacted at (866) ENCE. ($133,800.00), with interest sale is not prohibited under the
westerly line of Lots 58 and 59, Company, dated September er lien not extinguished by fore- 397-5370 for Loss Mitigation A.P.N. 15-132-08-023 thereon as set forth therein, U.S. Bankruptcy Code (2) final
said block and subdivision, 23, 2002, and recorded in Deed closure. Dept, or by writing to 1 Corpor- The debt secured by said Se- there will be sold at public out- confirmation and audit of the
sixty-nine and five tenths (69.5) Book 13751, Page 43, Dekalb Deutsche Bank National Trust ate Drive, Suite 360, Lake curity Deed has been and is cry to the highest bidder for status of the loan with the hold-
feet to an iron pin found and County, Georgia Records, as Company, as Trustee for Zurich, Illinois 60047, to dis- hereby declared due because cash before the courthouse er of the security deed and (3)
said Lot 45; run thence west- last transferred to Deutsche Ameriquest Mortgage Securit- cuss possible alternatives to of, among other possible door of Dekalb County, Geor- any right of redemption or oth-
erly along the northerly line of Bank National Trust Company, ies Inc., Asset-Backed Pass- avoid foreclosure. events of default, failure to pay gia, within the legal hours of er lien not extinguished by fore-
said Lot 45 one hundred fifty as Trustee for Ameriquest Mort- Through Certificates, Series Said property will be sold sub- the indebtedness as and when sale on November 1, 2022, the closure.
(150) feet to the easterly side of gage Securities Inc., Asset- 2002-4 as Attorney in Fact for ject to any outstanding ad due and in the manner following described property: U.S. Bank Trust National Asso-
Allendale Drive and the point of Backed Pass-Through Certific- Willie E. Jackson and Tytsie H. valorem taxes (including taxes provided in the Note and Se- All that tract of parcel of land ly- ciation, not in its individual ca-
beginning, being improved ates, Series 2002-4 by assign- Jackson. which are a lien, but not yet curity Deed. The debt remain- ing and being in Land Lot 248 pacity but solely as owner trust-
property having a one-story ment recorded on February 17, Brock & Scott, PLLC due and payable), any matters ing in default, this sale will be of the 15th District of Dekalb ee for RCF 2 Acquisition Trust
brick house thereon and being 2009 in Book 21269 Page 616 4360 Chamblee Dunwoody which might be disclosed by an made for the purpose of pay- County, Georgia, and being as Attorney in Fact for Yvonne
more particularly shown on sur- in the Office of the Clerk of Su- Road accurate survey and inspection ing the same and all expenses more particularly described as L. Dauria.
vey prepared by Georgia Land perior Court of Dekalb County, Suite 310 of the property, any assess- of this sale, as provided in Se- follows: Brock & Scott, PLLC
Surveying Co., Inc., dated May Georgia Records, conveying Atlanta, GA 30341 ments, liens, encumbrances, curity Deed and by law, includ- Beginning at an iron pin found 4360 Chamblee Dunwoody
15, 1980, and being known as the after-described property to 404-789-2661 zoning ordinances, restrictions, ing attorney’s fees (notice of in- on the east side of Livingston Road
528 Allendale Drive, Decatur, secure a Note in the original B&S file no.: ++22-14086 covenants, and matters of re- tent to collect attorney’s fees Place, 300 feet south of the Suite 310
Georgia 30032. principal amount of One Hun- /Jackson++ cord superior to the Security having been given). southeast intersection of Living- Atlanta, GA 30341
The debt secured by said Se- dred Ninety-Nine Thousand Deed first set out above. The entity having full authority ston Place and East Collage 404-789-2661
curity Deed has been and is Seven Hundred Fifty and 0/100 To the best knowledge and be- to negotiate, amend or modify Avenue; thence south 89 de- B&S file no.: ++22-14464 /
hereby declared due because dollars ($199,750.00), with in- lief of the undersigned, the all terms of the loan (although grees 33 minutes 34 seconds Dauria++
of , among other possible terest thereon as set forth party in possession of the prop- not required by law to do so) is: east a distance of 140 feet to
events of default, failure to pay therein, there will be sold at erty is Anyaegbu Ikemba Ig- Selene Finance they can be an iron pin; thence south 09 de-
the indebtedness as and when public outcry to the highest bid- bonagwam or tenant(s); and contacted at (877) 735-3637 for grees 26 minutes 52 seconds
due and in the manner der for cash before the court- said property is more com- Loss Mitigation Dept, or by writ- east a distance of 100 feet to
provided in the Note and Se- house door of Dekalb County, monly known as 2981 Oakvale ing to 3501 Olympus an iron pin; thence north 89 de-
curity Deed. The debt remain- Georgia, within the legal hours Hts, Decatur, GA 30034. Boulevard, 5 th Floor, Suite grees 33 minutes 34 seconds
ing in default, this sale will be of sale on November 1, 2022, The sale will be conducted sub- 500, Coppell, Texas 75019, to west a distance of 140 feet to
made for the purpose of pay- the following described prop- ject to (1) confirmation that the discuss possible alternatives to an iron pin found on the east
ing the same and all expenses erty: sale is not prohibited under the avoid foreclosure. side of Livingston Place; thence
of this sale, as provided in Se- All that tract or parcel of land ly- U.S. Bankruptcy Code (2) final Said property will be sold sub- north 09 degrees 26 minutes
curity Deed and by law, includ- ing and being in Land Lot 159 confirmation and audit of the ject to any outstanding ad 52 seconds west a distance of
ing attorney’s fees (notice of in- of the 16th District of Dekalb status of the loan with the hold- valorem taxes (including taxes 100 feet to an iron pin and the
tent to collect attorney’s fees County Georgia, being Lot 9, er of the security deed and (3) which are a lien, but not yet POINT OF BEGINNING, all as
Nationstar Mortgage LLC as At- Road, Suite 100, Irvine, CA Tax Map or Parcel ID No.: 18- 2022 in Deed Book 30345, law to negotiate, amend or
torney-in-Fact for Thelma F 92618, to discuss possible al- 143-04-008 Page 409, DeKalb County, modify the terms of the mort-
Shorter ternatives to avoid foreclosure. The debt secured by said Se- Georgia Records, conveying gage instrument. Notice has
File no. ++22- Said property will be sold sub- curity Deed has been and is the after-described property to been given of intention to col-
079276/Shorter++ ject to any outstanding ad hereby declared due because secure a Note in the original lect attorneys fees in accord-
LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP* valorem taxes (including taxes of, among other possible principal amount of One Hun- ance with the terms of the note
Page 72 Law
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 
Attorneys and Counselors at which are a lien, but not yet
due and payable), any matters
events of default, failure to pay
the indebtedness as and when
dred Twenty-Eight Thousand secured by said Deed.
To the best knowledge and be-
One Hundred Forty-Six And
420-469381 10/6,10/13,10/20 211 Perimeter Center Parkway, which might be disclosed by an due and in the manner 00/100 Dollars ($128,146.00), 420-469391 10/6,10/13,10/20 lief of the undersigned, the
10/27 N.E., Suite 300 accurate survey and inspection provided in the Note and Se- with interest thereon as set 10/27 party in possession of the prop-
STATE OF GEORGIA Atlanta, GA 30346 of the property, any assess- curity Deed. The debt remain- forth therein, there will be sold NOTICE OF SALE UNDER erty is BLITZ 7 HOLDINGS,
COUNTY OF DEKALB (770) 220-2535/GR ments, liens, encumbrances, ing in default, this sale will be at public outcry to the highest POWER LLC, JOHN TAYLOR, or a ten-
NOTICE OF SALE UNDER zoning ordinances, restrictions, made for the purpose of pay- bidder for cash before the GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY ant or tenants, and said prop-
POWER *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING covenants, and matters of re- ing the same and all expenses courthouse door of DeKalb By virtue of a Power of Sale erty is more commonly known
Because of a default under the AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. cord superior to the Security of this sale, as provided in Se- County, Georgia, within the leg- contained in that certain Secur- as:
terms of the Security Deed ex- ANY INFORMATION OB- Deed first set out above. curity Deed and by law, includ- al hours of sale on November ity Deed from BLITZ 7 HOLD- 3089 CORBIN AVENUE, DEC-
ecuted by Thelma F Shorter to TAINED WILL BE USED FOR To the best knowledge and be- ing attorney’s fees (notice of in- 1, 2022 the following described INGS, LLC to TUCKY LEND- ATUR, GA 30034
Mortgage Electronic Registra- THAT PURPOSE. lief of the undersigned, the tent to collect attorney’s fees property: ING, LP, dated July 7, 2017, re- The sale will be conducted sub-
tion Systems, Inc., as Nominee 420-469387 10/6,10/13,10/20 parties in possession of the having been given). ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- corded in Deed Book 26369, ject (1) to confirmation that the
for Wachovia Bank, N.A. dated 10/27 property are Bruce H. Daniels Your mortgage servicer, Rush- CEL OF LAND LYING AND Page 532, DEKALB County, sale is not prohibited under the
January 11, 2002, and recor- NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE and Eboni Blount or tenant(s); more Loan Management Ser- BEING IN LAND LOT 91 OF GA Records, said Security U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2)
ded in Deed Book 12957, Page SALE UNDER POWER and said property is more com- vices, LLC, as servicer for U.S. THE 16TH DISTRICT OF Deed having been given to se- to final confirmation and audit
669, DeKalb County Records, DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA monly known as 6680 Poplar Bank Trust National Associ- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, cure a Note of even date in the of the status of the loan with
said Security Deed having THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO Grove Way, Stone Mountain, ation, as Trustee of the LB- BEING LOT 12 OF VICTORI- original principal amount of the holder of the Security Deed.
been last sold, assigned, trans- COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- GA 30087. Cabana Series IV Trust, can be AN ESTATES, AS PER PLAT ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND TUCKY LENDING, LP
ferred and conveyed to Nation- FORMATION OBTAINED WILL The sale will be conducted sub- contacted at 888-504-7200 or RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK AND 00/100 DOLLARS (U.S. as Attorney in Fact for
star Mortgage, LLC, securing a BE USED FOR THAT PUR- ject (1) to confirmation that the by writing to 15480 Laguna 81, PAGE 20, DEKALB $100,000.00) with interest BLITZ 7 HOLDINGS, LLC
Note in the original principal POSE. sale is not prohibited under the Canyon Road, Suite 100, COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- thereon as provided for therein, Contact:
amount of $124,000.00, the Under and by virtue of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) Irvine, CA 92618, to discuss CORDS; SAID PLAT IS IN- there will be sold at public out- Perrie & Associates, LLC
holder thereof pursuant to said Power of Sale contained in a to final confirmation and audit possible alternatives to avoid CORPORATED HEREIN BY cry to the highest bidder for 100 Galleria Pkwy., N.W.
Deed and Note thereby se- Security Deed given by Bruce of the status of the loan with foreclosure. REFERENCE FOR A MORE cash before the courthouse Suite 1170
cured has declared the entire H. Daniels and Eboni Blount to the holder of the security deed. Said property will be sold sub- COMPLETE AND ACCURATE door of DEKALB County, Geor- Atlanta, GA 30339
amount of said indebtedness Mortgage Electronic Registra- U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- ject to any outstanding ad DESCRIPTION. gia, within the legal hours of 770-579-2700
due and payable and, pursuant tion Systems, Inc., as nominee ciation, as Trustee of BKPL-EG valorem taxes (including taxes Tax ID #: 16-091-02-038 sale on the first Tuesday in File No.: ++22-004CM /BLITZ 7
to the power of sale contained for The CIT Group/Consumer Holding Trust as Attorney in which are a lien, but not yet The debt secured by said Se- NOVEMBER, 2022, the follow- HOLDINGS, LLC++
in said Deed, will on the first Finance, Inc. dated July 28, Fact for Bruce H. Daniels and due and payable), any matters curity Deed has been and is ing described property: THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPT-
Tuesday, November 1, 2022, 2005 and recorded on August Eboni Blount which might be disclosed by an hereby declared due because ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- ING TO COLLECT A DEBT OR
during the legal hours of sale, 8, 2005 in Deed Book 17745, McMichael Taylor Gray, LLC accurate survey and inspection of, among other possible CEL OF LAND LYING AND TO ENFORCE THE TERMS
before the Courthouse door in Page 248, DeKalb County, 3550 Engineering Drive, Suite of the property, any assess- events of default, failure to pay BEING IN LAND LOT 86 OF AND CONDITIONS OF THE
said County, sell at public out- Georgia Records, and later as- 260 ments, liens, encumbrances, the indebtedness as and when THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB SECURITY DEED. ANY IN-
cry to the highest bidder for signed to U.S. Bank Trust Na- Peachtree Corners, GA 30092 zoning ordinances, restrictions, due and in the manner COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING FORMATION OBTAINED WILL
cash, the property described in tional Association, as Trustee 404-474-7149 covenants, and matters of re- provided in the Note and Se- LOT 14, BLOCK D, SUN VAL- BE USED FOR THAT PUR-
said Deed, to-wit: of BKPL-EG Holding Trust by MTG File No.: ++GA2022- cord superior to the Security curity Deed. The debt remain- LEY SUBDIVISION, UNIT POSE.
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Assignment of Security Deed 00319 /Daniels/Blount++ Deed first set out above. ing in default, this sale will be THREE, AS PER PLAT RE-
CEL OF LAND lying and being recorded on April 7, 2022 in To the best knowledge and be- made for the purpose of pay- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 38, 420-469392 10/6,10/13,10/20
in Land Lot 92 of the 15th Dis- Deed Book 30250, Page 353, 420-469388 10/6,10/13,10/20 lief of the undersigned, the ing the same and all expenses PAGE 62, DEKALB COUNTY, 10/27
trict of DeKalb County, Geor- DeKalb County, Georgia Re- 10/27 parties in possession of the of this sale, as provided in Se- GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE
gia, being Lot 1, Block "A" of cords, conveying the after-de- NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE property are Doug Daniels and curity Deed and by law, includ- PLAT IS INCORPORATED SALE UNDER POWER
Creekwood Hills Subdivision, scribed property to secure a SALE UNDER POWER Carolyn Daniels or tenant(s); ing attorney’s fees (notice of in- HEREIN AND MADE A PART DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA
Unit Two, as per plat recorded Note in the original principal DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA and said property is more com- tent to collect attorney’s fees HEREOF BY REFERENCE Under and by virtue of the
at Plat Book 57, Page 91, amount of Two Hundred Four THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO monly known as 3660 Prince having been given). FOR A MORE DETAILED DE- Power of Sale contained in a
DeKalb County, Georgia re- Thousand And 00/100 Dollars COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- Way, Tucker, GA 30084. Your mortgage servicer, Rush- SCRIPTION. Security Deed given by Dan
cords, which plat is hereby in- ($204,000.00), with interest FORMATION OBTAINED WILL The sale will be conducted sub- more Loan Management Ser- PROPERTY BEING MORE Peak a/k/a Daniel T. Peak II to
corporated herein and made a thereon as set forth therein, BE USED FOR THAT PUR- ject (1) to confirmation that the vices, LLC, as servicer for U.S. COMMONLY KNOWN AS 3089 Bank of America, N.A., dated
part hereof, and being im- there will be sold at public out- POSE. sale is not prohibited under the Bank National Association not CORBIN AVENUE, ACCORD- April 5, 2005, and recorded in
proved property known as No. cry to the highest bidder for Under and by virtue of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) in its individual capacity but ING TO THE PRESENT SYS- Deed Book 17446, Page 412,
3481 Boring Road, according to cash before the courthouse Power of Sale contained in a to final confirmation and audit solely as Legal Title Trustee for TEM OF NUMBERING Dekalb County, Georgia Re-
the present system of number- door of DeKalb County, Geor- Security Deed given by Doug of the status of the loan with RMTP Trust, Series 2021 BKM- HOUSES IN DEKALB cords, as last transferred to
ing houses in DeKalb County, gia, within the legal hours of Daniels and Carolyn Daniels to the holder of the security deed. TT-V, can be contacted at 888- COUNTY, GEORGIA. U.S. Bank Trust National Asso-
Georgia. sale on November 1, 2022 the Beneficial Mortgage Co. of U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- 504-7200 or by writing to 15480 PARCEL ID # 15 086 09 014 ciation, not in its individual ca-
Said property is known as 3481 following described property: Georgia dated March 15, 2001 ciation, as Trustee of the LB- Laguna Canyon Road, Suite The indebtedness secured by pacity but solely as owner trust-
Boring Rd, Decatur, GA 30034, All that tract or parcel of land ly- and recorded on March 21, Cabana Series IV Trust as At- 100, Irvine, CA 92618, to dis- said Security Deed has been ee for RCF 2 Acquisition Trust
together with all fixtures and ing and being in Land Lot 25 of 2001 in Deed Book 11951, torney in Fact for Doug Daniels cuss possible alternatives to and is hereby declared due be- by assignment recorded on Au-
personal property attached to the 18th District, Dekalb Page 605, DeKalb County, and Carolyn Daniels avoid foreclosure. cause of default under the gust 9, 2022 in Book 30503
and constituting a part of said County, Georgia, Being Lot 88, Georgia Records, and later as- McMichael Taylor Gray, LLC Said property will be sold sub- terms of said Security Deed Page 794 in the Office of the
property, if any. Mountain Oaks Subdivision, signed to U.S. Bank Trust Na- 3550 Engineering Drive, Suite ject to any outstanding ad and Note, including but not lim- Clerk of Superior Court of
Said property will be sold sub- Unit One, Phase Six, as per tional Association, as Trustee 260 valorem taxes (including taxes ited to the nonpayment of the Dekalb County, Georgia Re-
ject to any outstanding ad plat recorded in Plat Book 103, of the LB-Cabana Series IV Peachtree Corners, GA 30092 which are a lien, but not yet indebtedness as and when cords, conveying the after-de-
valorem taxes (including taxes Page 42, DeKalb County, Trust by Assignment of Secur- 404-474-7149 due and payable), any matters due. The indebtedness remain- scribed property to secure a
which are a lien, whether or not Georgia records, which recor- ity Deed recorded on April 29, MTG File No.: ++GA2021- which might be disclosed by an ing in default, this sale will be Note in the original principal
now due and payable), the right ded plat is incorporated herein 2022 in Deed Book 30300, 01541 /Daniels++ accurate survey and inspection made for the purpose of pay- amount of One Hundred Fifty
of redemption of any taxing au- by this reference and made a Page 374, DeKalb County, of the property, any assess- ing the same, all expenses of Thousand and 0/100 dollars
thority, any matters which might part of this description. Said Georgia Records, conveying 420-469389 10/6,10/13,10/20 ments, liens, encumbrances, the sale, including attorney's ($150,000.00), with interest
be disclosed by an accurate property being known as 6680 the after-described property to 10/27 zoning ordinances, restrictions, fees and all other payments thereon as set forth therein,
survey and inspection of the Poplar Grove Way according to secure a Note in the original NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE covenants, and matters of re- provided for under the terms of there will be sold at public out-
property, any assessments, li- the present system of number- principal amount of One Hun- SALE UNDER POWER cord superior to the Security the Security Deed and Note. cry to the highest bidder for
ens, encumbrances, zoning or- ing houses in DeKalb County, dred Forty-Seven Thousand DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA Deed first set out above. Said property will be sold sub- cash before the courthouse
dinances, restrictions, coven- Georgia. Three Hundred Fifty-Eight And THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO To the best knowledge and be- ject to the following items which door of Dekalb County, Geor-
ants, and matters of record su- Tax ID #: 18 025 03 161 12/100 Dollars ($147,358.12), COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- lief of the undersigned, the may affect the title to said prop- gia, within the legal hours of
perior to the Security Deed first The debt secured by said Se- with interest thereon as set FORMATION OBTAINED WILL parties in possession of the erty: all zoning ordinances; sale on November 1, 2022, the
set out above. curity Deed has been and is forth therein, there will be sold BE USED FOR THAT PUR- property are Gail V. Jones or matters which would be dis- following described property:
The proceeds of said sale will hereby declared due because at public outcry to the highest POSE. tenant(s); and said property is closed by an accurate survey ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
be applied to the payment of of, among other possible bidder for cash before the Under and by virtue of the more commonly known as or by an inspection of the prop- CEL OF LAND LYING AND
said indebtedness and all ex- events of default, failure to pay courthouse door of DeKalb Power of Sale contained in a 2056 Hilda Burns Place, erty; any outstanding taxes, in- BEING IN THE CITY OF AT-
penses of said sale as provided the indebtedness as and when County, Georgia, within the leg- Security Deed given by Gail V. Lithonia, GA 30058. cluding but not limited to ad LANTA, IN LAND LOT 208 OF
in said Deed, and the balance, due and in the manner al hours of sale on November Jones to Mortgage Electronic The sale will be conducted sub- valorem taxes, which consti- THE 15TH DISTRICT OF
if any, will be distributed as provided in the Note and Se- 1, 2022 the following described Registration Systems, Inc. as ject (1) to confirmation that the tute liens upon said property; DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA,
provided by law. curity Deed. The debt remain- property: nominee for Residential Fin- sale is not prohibited under the special assessments; all out- AND BEING MORE PARTICU-
The sale will be conducted sub- ing in default, this sale will be All that tract or parcel of land ly- ance Corp. dated August 26, U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) standing bills for public utilities LARLY DESCRIBED AS FOL-
ject (1) to confirmation that the made for the purpose of pay- ing and being in Land Lot 143 2008 and recorded on Septem- to final confirmation and audit which constitute liens upon said LOWS:
sale is not prohibited under the ing the same and all expenses of the 18th District, DeKalb ber 3, 2008 in Deed Book of the status of the loan with property; all restrictive coven- BEGINNING AT A POINT ON
U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) of this sale, as provided in Se- County, Georgia, being Lot 19, 21027, Page 5, DeKalb County, the holder of the security deed. ants, easements, rights-of-way THE WEST SIDE OF WHITE-
to final confirmation and audit curity Deed and by law, includ- Block C of Edingburgh Estates Georgia Records, modified by U.S. Bank National Associ- and any other matters of re- FORD AVENUE (50) FEET
of the status of the loan with ing attorney’s fees (notice of in- Subdivision, Unit II, as per plat Loan Modification recorded on ation not in its individual capa- cord superior to said Security SOUTH FROM THE SOUTHW-
the secured creditor. tent to collect attorney’s fees recorded in Plat Book 36, Page May 29, 2012 in Deed Book city but solely as Legal Title Deed. EST CORNER OF THE INTER-
The property is or may be in having been given). 127, DeKalb County, Georgia 23052, Page 698, DeKalb Trustee for RMTP Trust, Series Tucky Lending, LP, Michael P. SECTION OF WHITEFORD
the possession of The Repres- Your mortgage servicer, Rush- records, which plat is incorpor- County, Georgia Records, and 2021 BKM-TT-V as Attorney in Williams, Manager, 770-298- AVENUE AND DUPONT AV-
entative of the Estate of more Loan Management Ser- ated herein by reference and later assigned to U.S. Bank Na- Fact for Gail V. Jones 6894, as the secured creditor is ENUE; RUNNING THENCE
Thelma F Shorter, successor in vices, LLC, as servicer for U.S. made a part hereof, being im- tional Association not in its indi- McMichael Taylor Gray, LLC the entity that has full authority SOUTH ALONG THE WEST
interest or tenant(s). Bank Trust National Associ- proved property known as vidual capacity but solely as 3550 Engineering Drive, Suite to negotiate, amend, and modi- SIDE OF WHITEFORD AVEN-
Nationstar Mortgage LLC as At- ation, as Trustee of BKPL-EG 23660 Prince Way, according Legal Title Trustee for RMTP 260 fy all terms of the mortgage UE FIFTY-ONE (51) FEET;
torney-in-Fact for Thelma F Holding Trust, can be contac- to the present system of num- Trust, Series 2021 BKM-TT-V Peachtree Corners, GA 30092 with the debtor. RUNNING THENCE WEST
Shorter ted at 888-504-7200 or by writ- bering houses in DeKalb by Assignment of Security 404-474-7149 Please understand that the se- ONE HUNDRED TEN (110
File no. ++22- ing to 15480 Laguna Canyon County, Ge orgia. Deed recorded on May 19, MTG File No.: ++GA2022- cured creditor is not required by FEET); RUNNING THENCE
079276/Shorter++ Road, Suite 100, Irvine, CA Tax Map or Parcel ID No.: 18- 2022 in Deed Book 30345, 00222/Jones++ law to negotiate, amend or NORTH FIFTY-ONE FEET;
LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP* 92618, to discuss possible al- 143-04-008 Page 409, DeKalb County, modify the terms of the mort- RUNNING THENCE EAST
Attorneys and Counselors at ternatives to avoid foreclosure. The debt secured by said Se- Georgia Records, conveying gage instrument. Notice has ONE HUNDRED TEN (110)
Law Said property will be sold sub- curity Deed has been and is the after-described property to been given of intention to col- FEET TO THE WEST SIDE OF
211 Perimeter Center Parkway, ject to any outstanding ad hereby declared due because secure a Note in the original lect attorneys fees in accord- WHITEFORD AVENUE AND
N.E., Suite 300 valorem taxes (including taxes of, among other possible principal amount of One Hun- ance with the terms of the note THE POINT OF BEGINNING.
Atlanta, GA 30346 which are a lien, but not yet events of default, failure to pay dred Twenty-Eight Thousand secured by said Deed. The debt secured by said Se-
(770) 220-2535/GR due and payable), any matters the indebtedness as and when One Hundred Forty-Six And To the best knowledge and be- curity Deed has been and is which might be disclosed by an due and in the manner 00/100 Dollars ($128,146.00), lief of the undersigned, the hereby declared due because
*THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING accurate survey and inspection provided in the Note and Se- with interest thereon as set party in possession of the prop- of, among other possible
AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. of the property, any assess- curity Deed. The debt remain- forth therein, there will be sold erty is BLITZ 7 HOLDINGS, events of default, failure to pay
ANY INFORMATION OB- ments, liens, encumbrances, ing in default, this sale will be at public outcry to the highest LLC, JOHN TAYLOR, or a ten- the indebtedness as and when
NORTH FIFTY-ONE FEET; transferred to NewRez LLC KEVIN ANDRE GORHAM SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF said Security Deed. erty is more commonly known
RUNNING THENCE EAST d/b/a Shellpoint Mortgage Ser- THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY WAY LINE OF COLLEGE AV- To the best of the knowledge as 785 MASTERS DRIVE,
ONE HUNDRED TEN (110) vicing, there will be sold at pub- BE HELD TO BE ACTING AS ENUE AND THE TRUE POINT and belief of the undersigned, STONE MOUNTAIN, GA
FEET TO THE WEST SIDE OF lic outcry to the highest bidder A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN- OF BEGINNING. the owner and party in posses- 30087.
WHITEFORD AVENUE AND for cash at the DeKalb County DER FEDERAL LAW. IF SO, THE ABOVE DESCRIBED sion of the property is EUNICE The indebtedness secured by

The debt secured by said Se- The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022Page 73
hours of sale on the first Tues- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR TRACT II CONTAINING 0.172 ALYSON OLIVIA FAYE, or ten- and is hereby declared due be-
curity Deed has been and is day in November, 2022, all THAT PURPOSE. ACRES ON THAT CERTAIN ants(s). cause of default under the
hereby declared due because property described in said Se- Attorney Contact: Rubin Lublin, FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT 420-469396 10/6,10/13,10/20 The sale will be conducted sub- terms of said Security Deed.
of, among other possible curity Deed including but not LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, FOR HABITAT FOR HUMAN- 10/27 ject (1) to confirmation that the The indebtedness remaining in
events of default, failure to pay limited to the following de- Suite 100, Peachtree Corners, ITY IN ATLANTA, INC. DATED NOTICE OF SALE UNDER sale is not prohibited under the default, this sale will be made
the indebtedness as and when scribed property: GA 30071 JULY 24, 1992, AND BEAR- POWER U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) for the purpose of paying the
due and in the manner ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Telephone Number: (877) 813- ING THE SEAL OF ESTON GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY to final confirmation and audit same, all expenses of the sale,
provided in the Note and Se- CEL OF LAND LYING AND 0992 Case No. ++SHP-22- PENDLEY, GEORGIA RE- By virtue of a Power of Sale of the status of the loan with including attorneys’ fees (no-
curity Deed. The debt remain- BEING IN LAND LOTS 35 AND 00646-3/GORHAM++ GISTERED PROFESSIONAL contained in that certain Secur- the holder of the Security Deed. tice to collect same having
ing in default, this sale will be 36 OF THE 16TH DISTRICT, Ad Run Dates 10/06/2022, LAND SURVEYOR NO. 945. ity Deed from EUNICE HAFN- The entity having full authority been given) and all other pay-
made for the purpose of pay- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, 10/13/2022, 10/20/2022, Said legal description being ER CAVALCANTI and to negotiate, amend or modify ments provided for under the
ing the same and all expenses BEING LOT 38, KENNONS 10/27/2022 controlling, however the prop- ALYSON OLIVIA FAYE to all terms of the loan (although terms of the Security Deed.
of this sale, as provided in Se- RIDGE SUBDIVISION, UNIT erty is more commonly known MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC not required by law to do so) is: Said property will be sold on an
curity Deed and by law, includ- ONE, AS PER PLAT RECOR- 420-469395 10/6,10/13,10/20 as 2011 COLLEGE AVE NE, REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, Cardinal Financial Company, “as-is” basis without any rep-
ing attorney’s fees (notice of in- DED IN PLAT BOOK 88, PAGE 10/27 ATLANTA, GA 30317. INC. AS GRANTEE, AS NOM- Limited Partnership, Loss Mitig- resentation, warranty or re-
tent to collect attorney’s fees 33, DEKALB COUNTY, GEOR- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER The indebtedness secured by INEE FOR CARDINAL FINAN- ation Dept., 1 Corporate Drive course against the above-
having been given). GIA RECORDS. POWER said Security Deed has been CIAL COMPANY, LIMITED Ste 360, Lake Zurich, IL 60047, named or the undersigned. The
The entity having full authority Said legal description being GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY and is hereby declared due be- PARTNERSHIP, dated July 5, Telephone Number: 1-866-397- sale will also be subject to the
to negotiate, amend or modify controlling, however the prop- By virtue of a Power of Sale cause of default under the 2019, recorded August 12, 5370. Nothing in O.C.G.A. Sec- following items which may af-
all terms of the loan (although erty is more commonly known contained in that certain Secur- terms of said Security Deed. 2019, in Deed Book 27723, tion 44-14-162.2 shall be con- fect the title: any outstanding
not required by law to do so) is: as 1453 WINFIELD GLEN, ity Deed from RICKY D PETTY The indebtedness remaining in Page 207, DeKalb County, strued to require a secured ad valorem taxes (including
Selene Finance they can be STONE MOUNTAIN, GA to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC default, this sale will be made Georgia Records, said Security creditor to negotiate, amend, or taxes which are a lien, whether
contacted at (877) 735-3637 for 30088. REGISTRATION SYSTEMS for the purpose of paying the Deed having been given to se- modify the terms of the mort- or not now due and payable);
Loss Mitigation Dept, or by writ- The indebtedness secured by INC. AS GRANTEE, AS NOM- same, all expenses of the sale, cure a Note of even date in the gage instrument. the right of redemption of any
ing to 3501 Olympus said Security Deed has been INEE FOR DITECH FINAN- including attorneys’ fees (no- original principal amount of CARDINAL FINANCIAL COM- taxing authority; matters which
Boulevard, 5 th Floor, Suite and is hereby declared due be- CIAL LLC, dated August 26, tice to collect same having Two Hundred Twenty-Nine PANY, LIMITED PARTNER- would be disclosed by an ac-
500, Coppell, Texas 75019, to cause of default under the 2019, recorded September 26, been given) and all other pay- Thousand One Hundred SHIP curate survey or by an inspec-
discuss possible alternatives to terms of said Security Deed. 2019, in Deed Book 27818, ments provided for under the Ninety-One and 00/100 dollars as Attorney in Fact for tion of the property; all zoning
avoid foreclosure. The indebtedness remaining in Page 314, DeKalb County, terms of the Security Deed. ($229,191.00), with interest EUNICE HAFNER CAVAL- ordinances; assessments; li-
Said property will be sold sub- default, this sale will be made Georgia Records, said Security Said property will be sold on an thereon as provided for therein, CANTI, ALYSON OLIVIA FAYE ens; encumbrances; restric-
ject to any outstanding ad for the purpose of paying the Deed having been given to se- “as-is” basis without any rep- said Security Deed having THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY tions; covenants, and any oth-
valorem taxes (including taxes same, all expenses of the sale, cure a Note of even date in the resentation, warranty or re- been last sold, assigned and BE HELD TO BE ACTING AS er matters of record superior to
which are a lien, but not yet including attorneys’ fees (no- original principal amount of course against the above- transferred to Cardinal Finan- A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN- said Security Deed.
due and payable), any matters tice to collect same having Eighty-Seven Thousand Nine named or the undersigned. The cial Company, Limited Partner- DER FEDERAL LAW. IF SO, To the best of the knowledge
which might be disclosed by an been given) and all other pay- Hundred Thirty-Seven and sale will also be subject to the ship, there will be sold at pub- ANY INFORMATION OB- and belief of the undersigned,
accurate survey and inspection ments provided for under the 00/100 dollars ($87,937.00), following items which may af- lic outcry to the highest bidder TAINED WILL BE USED FOR the owner and party in posses-
of the property, any assess- terms of the Security Deed. with interest thereon as fect the title: any outstanding for cash at the DeKalb County THAT PURPOSE. sion of the property is
ments, liens, encumbrances, Said property will be sold on an provided for therein, said Se- ad valorem taxes (including Courthouse, within the legal Attorney Contact: Rubin Lublin, ROMAHN HEMINGWAY,
zoning ordinances, restrictions, “as-is” basis without any rep- curity Deed having been last taxes which are a lien, whether hours of sale on the first Tues- LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, ROMAHN HEMINGWAY, or
covenants, and matters of re- resentation, warranty or re- sold, assigned and transferred or not now due and payable); day in November, 2022, all Suite 100, Peachtree Corners, tenants(s).
cord superior to the Security course against the above- to NewRez LLC d/b/a Shell- the right of redemption of any property described in said Se- GA 30071 The sale will be conducted sub-
Deed first set out above. named or the undersigned. The point Mortgage Servicing, there taxing authority; matters which curity Deed including but not Telephone Number: (877) 813- ject (1) to confirmation that the
To the best knowledge and be- sale will also be subject to the will be sold at public outcry to would be disclosed by an ac- limited to the following de- 0992 Case No. ++DCFC-22- sale is not prohibited under the
lief of the undersigned, the following items which may af- the highest bidder for cash at curate survey or by an inspec- scribed property: 0 0 2 9 0 - U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2)
party in possession of the prop- fect the title: any outstanding the DeKalb County Court- tion of the property; all zoning ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- 8/CAVALCANTI/FAYE++ to final confirmation and audit
erty is Lisa Thomas or ad valorem taxes (including house, within the legal hours of ordinances; assessments; li- CEL OF LAND LYING AND Ad Run Dates 10/06/2022, of the status of the loan with
tenant(s); and said property is taxes which are a lien, whether sale on the first Tuesday in ens; encumbrances; restric- BEING IN LAND LOT 218 OF 10/13/2022, 10/20/2022, the holder of the Security Deed.
more commonly known as 43 or not now due and payable); November, 2022, all property tions; covenants, and any oth- THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB 10/27/2022 The entity having full authority
Whitefoord Ave Se, Atlanta, GA the right of redemption of any described in said Security Deed er matters of record superior to COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING 420-469397 10/6,10/13,10/20 to negotiate, amend or modify
30317 taxing authority; matters which including but not limited to the said Security Deed. LOT 28, BLOCK A, UNIT TWO, 10/27 all terms of the loan (although
The sale will be conducted sub- would be disclosed by an ac- following described property: To the best of the knowledge MEADOWBROOK ACRES, AS NOTICE OF SALE UNDER not required by law to do so) is:
ject to (1) confirmation that the curate survey or by an inspec- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- and belief of the undersigned, PER PLAT RECORDED IN POWER Fay Servicing, LLC, Loss Mitig-
sale is not prohibited under the tion of the property; all zoning CEL OF LAND LYING AND the owner and party in posses- PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY ation Dept., 425 S. Financial
U.S. Bankruptcy Code (2) final ordinances; assessments; li- BEING IN LAND LOT 211 OF sion of the property is RICKY D BOOK 26, PAGE 81, DEKALB By virtue of a Power of Sale Place Suite 2000, Chicago, IL
confirmation and audit of the ens; encumbrances; restric- THE 15TH SITRICT, DEKALB PETTY, ESTATE AND/OR COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- contained in that certain Secur- 60605, Telephone Number:
status of the loan with the hold- tions; covenants, and any oth- COUNTY, GEORIGA, AND BE- HEIRS AT LAW OF RICKY CORDS, WHICH PLAT IS IN- ity Deed from ROMAHN HEM- 800-495-7166. Nothing in
er of the security deed and (3) er matters of record superior to ING MORE PARTICULARLY PETTY , TITLE LITIGATION CORPORATED HEREIN AND INGWAY to CITIZENS TRUST O.C.G.A. Section 44-14-162.2
any right of redemption or oth- said Security Deed. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: FUNDING, LLC , or tenants(s). MADE A PART HEREOF BY BANK MORTGAGE SER- shall be construed to require a
er lien not extinguished by fore- To the best of the knowledge TO FIND THE TRUE POINT The sale will be conducted sub- REFERENCE. VICES, INC., dated August 12, secured creditor to negotiate,
closure. and belief of the undersigned, OF BEGINNING, COMMENCE ject (1) to confirmation that the Said legal description being 1999, recorded August 30, amend, or modify the terms of
U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- the owner and party in posses- AT A BRASS DISK FOUND AT sale is not prohibited under the controlling, however the prop- 1999, in Deed Book 10916, the mortgage instrument.
ciation, not in its individual ca- sion of the property is KEVIN THE INTERSECTION OF THE U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) erty is more commonly known Page 193, DeKalb County, U.S. BANK TRUST NATIONAL
pacity but solely as owner trust- ANDRE GORHAM, or SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF to final confirmation and audit as 3155 BOBBIE LANE, DEC- Georgia Records, said Security ASSOCIATION, NOT IN ITS
ee for RCF 2 Acquisition Trust tenants(s). WAY LINE OF COLLEGE AV- of the status of the loan with ATUR, GA 30032. Deed having been given to se- INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUT
as Attorney in Fact for Dan The sale will be conducted sub- ENUE (50 FOOT RIGHT OF the holder of the Security Deed. The indebtedness secured by cure a Note of even date in the SOLELY AS OWNER TRUST-
Peak a/k/a Daniel T. Peak II. ject (1) to confirmation that the WAY) WITH THE EASTERN The entity having full authority said Security Deed has been original principal amount of EE FOR VRMTG ASSET
Brock & Scott, PLLC sale is not prohibited under the RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF to negotiate, amend or modify and is hereby declared due be- Two Hundred Seventy Thou- TRUST
4360 Chamblee Dunwoody U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) KIRKWOOD AVENUE (50 all terms of the loan (although cause of default under the sand and 00/100 dollars as Attorney in Fact for
Road to final confirmation and audit FOOT RIGHT OF WAY); RUN not required by law to do so) is: terms of said Security Deed. ($270,000.00), with interest ROMAHN HEMINGWAY
Suite 310 of the status of the loan with THENCE ALONG THE RIGHT NewRez LLC, F/K/A New Penn The indebtedness remaining in thereon as provided for therein, THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY
Atlanta, GA 30341 the holder of the Security Deed. OF WAY LINE OF COLLEGE Financial, LLC, D/B/A Shell- default, this sale will be made said Security Deed having BE HELD TO BE ACTING AS
404-789-2661 The entity having full authority AVENUE NORTH 53 DE- point Mortgage Servicing, Loss for the purpose of paying the been last sold, assigned and A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN-
B&S file no.: ++22-15243 / to negotiate, amend or modify GREES 11 MINUTES 27 Mitigation Dept., 75 Beattie same, all expenses of the sale, transferred to U.S. Bank Trust DER FEDERAL LAW. IF SO,
Peak++ all terms of the loan (although SECONDS EAST 96.71 FEET Place Ste. 300, Greenville, SC including attorneys’ fees (no- National Association, not in its ANY INFORMATION OB -
420-469394 10/6,10/13,10/20 not required by law to do so) is: TO A 1/2" REBAR OKACED 29601, Telephone Number: tice to collect same having individual capacity but solely as TAINED WILL BE USED FOR
10/27 NewRez LLC, F/K/A New Penn AND THE TRUE POINT OF 800-365-7107. Nothing in been given) and all other pay- Owner Trustee for VRMTG As- THAT PURPOSE.
NOTICE OF SALE UNDER Financial, LLC, D/B/A Shell- BEGINNING; FROM THE O.C.G.A. Section 44-14-162.2 ments provided for under the set Trust , there will be sold at Attorney Contact: Rubin Lublin,
POWER point Mortgage Servicing, Loss TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING shall be construed to require a terms of the Security Deed. public outcry to the highest bid- LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place,
GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY Mitigation Dept., 75 Beattie AS THUS ESTABLISHED, secured creditor to negotiate, Said property will be sold on an der for cash at the DeKalb Suite 100, Peachtree Corners,
By virtue of a Power of Sale Place Ste. 300, Greenville, SC CONTINUE ALONG SAID amend, or modify the terms of “as-is” basis without any rep- County Courthouse, within the GA 30071
contained in that certain Secur- 29601, Telephone Number: RIGHT OF WAY LINE NORTH the mortgage instrument. resentation, warranty or re- legal hours of sale on the first Telephone Number: (877) 813-
ity Deed from KEVIN ANDRE 800-365-7107. Nothing in 54 DEGREES 26 MINUTES 01 NEWREZ LLC D/B/A SHELL- course against the above- Tuesday in November, 2022, 0992 Case No. ++FAY-11-
GORHAM to UNION PLANT- O.C.G.A. Section 44-14-162.2 SECONDS EAST 63.71 FEET POINT MORTGAGE SERVI- named or the undersigned. The all property described in said 14509-5/ HEMINGWAY++
ERS BANK, N.A., dated Febru- shall be construed to require a TO A 1/2" REBAR PLACE; CING sale will also be subject to the Security Deed including but not Ad Run Dates 10/06/2022,
ary 25, 2003, recorded March secured creditor to negotiate, THENCE LEAVE SAID RIGHT as Attorney in Fact for following items which may af- limited to the following de- 10/13/2022, 10/20/2022,
4, 2003, in Deed Book 14291, amend, or modify the terms of OF WAY LINE AND RUN RICKY D PETTY fect the title: any outstanding scribed property: 10/27/2022
Page 450, DeKalb County, the mortgage instrument. SOUTH 12 DEGREES 41 THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY ad valorem taxes (including All that tract or parcel of land ly-
Georgia Records, said Security NEWREZ LLC D/B/A SHELL- MINUTES 36 SECONDS EAST BE HELD TO BE ACTING AS taxes which are a lien, whether ing and being in Land Lot 65 of
Deed having been given to se- POINT MORTGAGE SERVI- 143.61 FEET TO A 1/2" RE- A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN- or not now due and payable); the 16th District of DeKalb
cure a Note of even date in the CING BAR PLACED; THENCE DER FEDERAL LAW. IF SO, the right of redemption of any County, Georgia, being Lot 21,
original principal amount of as Attorney in Fact for SOUTH 83 DEGREES 56 ANY INFORMATION OB - taxing authority; matters which the Southland Subdivision, Unit
One Hundred Forty-Two Thou- KEVIN ANDRE GORHAM MINUTES 59 SECONDS TAINED WILL BE USED FOR would be disclosed by an ac- III, according to plat recorded in
sand One Hundred Seventy- THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY WEST 59.09 FEET TO A 1/2" THAT PURPOSE. curate survey or by an inspec- Plat Book 90, Page 78, DeKalb
Three and 00/100 dollars BE HELD TO BE ACTING AS REBAR PLACED; THENCE Attorney Contact: Rubin Lublin, tion of the property; all zoning County Records, which plat is
($142,173.00), with interest A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN- NORTH 12 DEGREES 41 LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, ordinances; assessments; li- incorporated herein by refer-
thereon as provided for therein, DER FEDERAL LAW. IF SO, MINUTES 36 SECONDS Suite 100, Peachtree Corners, ens; encumbrances; restric- ence.
said Security Deed having ANY INFORMATION OB- WEST 112.01 FEET TO A 1/2" GA 30071 tions; covenants, and any oth- Said legal description being
been last sold, assigned and TAINED WILL BE USED FOR REBARD PALCED ON THE Telephone Number: (877) 813- er matters of record superior to controlling, however the prop-
transferred to NewRez LLC THAT PURPOSE. SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF 0992 Case No. ++SHP-22- said Security Deed. erty is more commonly known
d/b/a Shellpoint Mortgage Ser- Attorney Contact: Rubin Lublin, WAY LINE OF COLLEGE AV- 01909-5/ PETTY++ To the best of the knowledge as 785 MASTERS DRIVE,
vicing, there will be sold at pub- LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, ENUE AND THE TRUE POINT Ad Run Dates 10/06/2022, and belief of the undersigned, STONE MOUNTAIN, GA
lic outcry to the highest bidder Suite 100, Peachtree Corners, OF BEGINNING. 10/13/2022, 10/20/2022, the owner and party in posses- 30087.
for cash at the DeKalb County GA 30071 THE ABOVE DESCRIBED 10/27/2022 sion of the property is EUNICE The indebtedness secured by
Courthouse, within the legal Telephone Number: (877) 813- PROPERTY IS SHOWN AS HAFNER CAVALCANTI, said Security Deed has been
hours of sale on the first Tues- 0992 Case No. ++SHP-22- TRACT II CONTAINING 0.172 ALYSON OLIVIA FAYE, or ten- and is hereby declared due be-
day in November, 2022, all 00646-3/GORHAM++ ACRES ON THAT CERTAIN ants(s). cause of default under the
property described in said Se- Ad Run Dates 10/06/2022, FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT The sale will be conducted sub- terms of said Security Deed.
curity Deed including but not 10/13/2022, 10/20/2022, FOR HABITAT FOR HUMAN- ject (1) to confirmation that the The indebtedness remaining in
limited to the following de- 10/27/2022 ITY IN ATLANTA, INC. DATED sale is not prohibited under the default, this sale will be made
scribed property: JULY 24, 1992, AND BEAR- U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) for the purpose of paying the
tenants(s). ard Park Condominium recor- Leslie Mark Watts and The to be Danny Usalavage and with all fixtures and personal
The sale will be conducted sub- ded in Deed Book 9912, Page Representative of Estate of The Representative of Estate of property attached to and consti-
ject (1) to confirmation that the 296, recorded April 7, 1998, Leslie Mark Watts, or tenant(s). Danny Usalavage, or tenant(s). tuting a part of said property.
sale is not prohibited under the DeKalb County Records, as MidFirst Bank, DMS Builders, Inc. Pension To the best knowledge and be-
U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) now or hereafter amended as as Transferee, Assignee, and Plan Trust as Secured Creditor lief of the undersigned, the
to final confirmation and audit provided therein. And subject to Secured Creditor As attorney-in-fact for the afore- party (or parties) in possession
Page 74 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 
of the status of the loan with
the holder of the Security Deed.
the Easement and Covenant to
Share Costs between Orchard
As attorney-in-fact for the afore-
said Grantor
said Grantor
Campbell & Brannon, LLC At-
of the subject property is (are):
Heirs at Law of the Estate of
420-469398 10/6,10/13,10/20, The entity having full authority Park Condominium Associ- 420-469411 10/6,10/13,10/20 Campbell & Brannon, LLC torneys at Law Edward L. Daniel or tenant or
10/27 to negotiate, amend or modify ation, Inc. and Lifestyle-Orch- 10/27 Attorneys at Law Glenridge Highlands II tenants.
NOTICE OF SALE UNDER all terms of the loan (although ard Inc. recorded March 3, NOTICE OF SALE UNDER Glenridge Highlands II 5565 Glenridge Connector, Said property will be sold sub-
POWER not required by law to do so) is: 1998, in Deed Book 9853, POWER CONTAINED IN 5565 Glenridge Connector, Suite 350 ject to (a) any outstanding ad
GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY Scottsdale REI, LLC, Loss Mit- Page 218, aforesaid records. SECURITY DEED Suite 350 Atlanta, GA 30342 valorem taxes (including taxes
By virtue of a Power of Sale igation Dept., 1525 S Higley Rd The improvements thereon be- STATE OF GEORGIA, Atlanta, GA 30342 (770) 392-0041 which are a lien, but not yet
contained in that certain Secur- Ste 104-157, Gilbert, AZ ing known as 4383 Orchard COUNTY OF DeKalb (770) 392-0041 ++22-6884 /Usalavage++ due and payable), (b) any mat-
ity Deed from VANESSA R 85296, Telephone Number: Park Court, Stone Mountain, Pursuant to a power of sale ++22-6868/Watts++ THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ters which might be disclosed
HOLMES and ALFRED J 714-458-1021. Nothing in Georgia - 30083. contained in a certain security THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE HELD TO BE ACTING by an accurate survey and in-
HOLMES to CITIFINANCIAL O.C.G.A. Section 44-14-162.2 Said legal description being deed executed by Barbara HELD TO BE ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN- spection of the property, and
SERVICES, INC., dated May shall be construed to require a controlling, however the prop- Nicole Watts and Leslie Mark AS A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN- DER FEDERAL LAW. (c) all matters of record superi-
23, 2006, recorded May 24, secured creditor to negotiate, erty is more commonly known Watts, hereinafter referred to as DER FEDERAL LAW. IF SO, ANY INFORMATION or to the Deed to Secure Debt
2006, in Deed Book 18738, amend, or modify the terms of as 4383 ORCHARD PARK CT, Grantor, to Sun America Mort- IF SO, ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED first set out above, including,
Page 148, DeKalb County, the mortgage instrument. STONE MOUNTAIN, GA gage Corporation recorded in OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. but not limited to, assessments,
Georgia Records, said Security EDWARD BROWN 30083. Deed Book 11244, beginning at FOR THAT PURPOSE. 420-469443 10/6,10/13,10/20 liens, encumbrances, zoning
Deed having been given to se- as Attorney in Fact for The indebtedness secured by page 785 and modified at Deed 420-469412 10/6,10/13,10/20 10/27 ordinances, easements, restric-
cure a Note of even date in the VANESSA R HOLMES, AL- said Security Deed has been Book 22363, Page 638, of the 10/27 Notice of Sale Under Power tions, covenants, etc.
original principal amount of FRED J HOLMES and is hereby declared due be- deed records of the Clerk of the NOTICE OF SALE UNDER Georgia, DeKalb County The sale will be conducted sub-
One Hundred Thirty-Three THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY cause of default under the Superior Court of the aforesaid POWER CONTAINED Under and by virtue of the ject to (1) confirmation that the
Thousand Eighty-Three and BE HELD TO BE ACTING AS terms of said Security Deed. state and county, and by virtue IN SECURITY DEED Power of Sale contained in a sale is not prohibited under the
03/100 dollars ($133,083.03), A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN- The indebtedness remaining in of a default under the terms of STATE OF GEORGIA, Deed to Secure Debt given by U.S. Bankruptcy Code; (2)
with interest thereon as DER FEDERAL LAW. IF SO, default, this sale will be made said security deed, and the re- COUNTY OF DeKalb Edward L. Daniel to Beneficial O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1;
provided for therein, said Se- ANY INFORMATION OB - for the purpose of paying the lated note, the undersigned at- Pursuant to a power of sale Mortgage Co. of Georgia, dated and (3) final confirmation and
curity Deed having been last TAINED WILL BE USED FOR same, all expenses of the sale, torney-in-fact for the aforesaid contained in a certain security November 1, 2004, and recor- audit of the status of the loan
sold, assigned and transferred THAT PURPOSE. including attorneys’ fees (no- Grantor (which attorney-in-fact deed executed by Danny Usa- ded in Deed Book 16774, Page with the holder of the security
to Edward Brown, there will be Attorney Contact: Rubin Lublin, tice to collect same having is the present holder of said se- lavage, hereinafter referred to 214, DeKalb County, Georgia deed.
sold at public outcry to the LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, been given) and all other pay- curity deed and note secured as Grantor, to DMS Builders, records, having been rein- Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section
highest bidder for cash at the Suite 100, Peachtree Corners, ments provided for under the thereby) will sell at the usual Inc. Pension Plan Trust recor- stated and reformed by Court 9-13-172.1, which allows for
DeKalb County Courthouse, GA 30071 terms of the Security Deed. place of conducting Sheriff's ded in Deed Book 18159, be- Orders recorded in Deed Book certain procedures regarding
within the legal hours of sale on Telephone Number: (877) 813- Said property will be sold on an sales in said county within the ginning at page 250, of the 28755, Page 235 and Deed the rescission of judicial and
the first Tuesday in November, 0992 Case No. ++SDR-22- “as-is” basis without any rep- legal hours of sale, to the deed records of the Clerk of the Book 29216, Page 307, afore- nonjudicial sales in the State of
2022, all property described in 02924-3/HOLMES++ resentation, warranty or re- highest bidder on the first Tues- Superior Court of the aforesaid said records and as last trans- Georgia, the Deed Under
said Security Deed including Ad Run Dates 10/06/2022, course against the above- day in November 2022, all state and county, and by virtue ferred to U.S. Bank National Power and other foreclosure
but not limited to the following 10/13/2022, 10/20/2022, named or the undersigned. The property described in said se- of a default under the terms of Association, not in its individu- documents may not be
described property: 10/27/2022 sale will also be subject to the curity deed including but not said security deed, and the re- al capacity but solely in its ca- provided until final confirmation
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- following items which may af- limited to the following de- lated note, the undersigned at- pacity as Indenture Trustee of and audit of the status of the
CEL OF LAND LYING AND 420-469400 10/6,10/13,10/20, fect the title: any outstanding scribed property: torney-in-fact for the aforesaid CIM Trust 2021-NR3 by As- loan as provided in the preced-
BEING IN LAND LOT 194 OF 10/27 ad valorem taxes (including All that tract or parcel of land ly- Grantor (which attorney-in-fact signment recorded in Deed ing paragraph.
THE 15TH DISTRICT OF NOTICE OF SALE UNDER taxes which are a lien, whether ing and being in Land Lot 13, is the present holder of said se- Book 29501, Page 417, DeKalb Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, POWER or not now due and payable); 18th District, DeKalb County, curity deed and note secured County, Georgia records, con- 44-14-162.2, the entity that has
BEING LOT 11, BLOCK M, GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY the right of redemption of any Georgia, being Lot 7, Block A, thereby) will sell at the usual veying the after-described full authority to negotiate,
WOODRIDGE SUBDIVISION, By virtue of a Power of Sale taxing authority; matters which Unit 1, Cherokee Heights Sub- place of conducting Sheriff's property to secure a Note of amend and modify all terms of
UNIT VI, AS PER PLAT RE- contained in that certain Secur- would be disclosed by an ac- division, Unit 1, per plat recor- sales in said county within the even date in the original prin- the mortgage with the debtor is:
CORDED AT PLAT BOOK 67, ity Deed from CHARLES ED- curate survey or by an inspec- ded in Plat Book 23, Page 110, legal hours of sale, for cash, to cipal amount of $122,050.19, Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc.
PAGE 21, DEKALB COUNTY, WARD MCFARLAND, JR. to tion of the property; all zoning DeKalb County Records which the highest bidder on the first with interest at the rate spe- Attention: Loss Mitigation De-
GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC ordinances; assessments; li- plat is incorporated herein and Tuesday in November 2022, all cified therein, there will be sold partment
PLAT IS INCORPORATED REGISTRATION SYSTEMS ens; encumbrances; restric- made a part hereof by refer- property described in said se- by the undersigned at public 3217 S. Decker Lake Drive
HEREIN AND MADE A PART INC. AS GRANTEE, AS NOM- tions; covenants, and any oth- ence. curity deed including but not outcry to the highest bidder for Salt Lake City, Utah 84119
HEREOF BY REFERENCE INEE FOR SHELTER HOME er matters of record superior to Said legal description being limited to the following de- cash before the Courthouse 1-888-818-6032
Said legal description being MORTGAGE, LLC, dated Janu- said Security Deed. controlling, however, the Prop- scribed property: door of DeKalb County, Geor- The foregoing notwithstanding,
controlling, however the prop- ary 18, 2022, recorded Janu- To the best of the knowledge erty is more commonly known All that tract or parcel of land ly- gia, within the legal hours of nothing in OC.G.A. Section 44-
erty is more commonly known ary 19, 2022, in Deed Book and belief of the undersigned, as: 512 S. Indian Creek Dr., ing and being in Land Lot 101 sale on the first Tuesday in 14-162.2 shall be construed to
as 1456 RED CEDAR TRAIL, 30063, Page 559, DeKalb the owner and party in posses- Stone Mountain, GA 30083 of the 18th District of DeKalb November, 2022, to wit: require the secured creditor to
STONE MOUNTIAN, GA County, Georgia Records, said sion of the property is Said property will be sold on an County, Georgia, being Lot 68, November 1, 2022, the follow- negotiate, amend or modify the
30083. Security Deed having been giv- CHARLES EDWARD MCFAR- “as-is” basis without any rep- Block A, University Heights ing described property: terms of the Deed to Secure
The indebtedness secured by en to secure a Note of even LAND, JR., or tenants(s). resentation, warranty or re- Subdivision, Section 7, as per All that tract or parcel of land ly- Debt described herein.
said Security Deed has been date in the original principal The sale will be conducted sub- course against the above- plat recorded in Plat Book 24, ing and being in Land Lot 20 of This sale is conducted on be-
and is hereby declared due be- amount of One Hundred Fifty- ject (1) to confirmation that the named or the undersigned. The Page 107, DeKalb County, the 15th District, Dekalb half of the secured creditor un-
cause of default under the Four Thousand Three Hundred sale is not prohibited under the sale will be subject to the fol- Georgia Records, which plat is County, Georgia, being Lot 2, der the power of sale granted in
terms of said Security Deed. Seventy-Five and 00/100 dol- U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) lowing items which may affect incorporated herein and made Block A, Unit VI, of Cedar the aforementioned security in-
The indebtedness remaining in lars ($154,375.00), with in- to final confirmation and audit the title: any outstanding ad a part hereof by reference Grove Acres, Unit Four, as per strument, specifically being
default, this sale will be made terest thereon as provided for of the status of the loan with valorem taxes (including taxes thereto. plat recorded in Plat Book 66, U.S. Bank National Associ-
for the purpose of paying the therein, said Security Deed the holder of the Security Deed. which are a lien but not yet due Said legal description being Page 28, Dekalb County, Geor- ation, not in its individual capa-
same, all expenses of the sale, having been last sold, as- The entity having full authority and payable); any matters controlling, however, the Prop- gia records, which plat is incor- city but solely in its capacity as
including attorneys’ fees (no- signed and transferred to Ne- to negotiate, amend or modify which might be disclosed by an erty is more commonly known porated herein by reference Indenture Trustee of CIM Trust
tice to collect same having wRez LLC d/b/a Shellpoint all terms of the loan (although accurate survey and inspection as: 1226 Willivee Drive, Dec- and made a part hereof, being 2021-NR3
been given) and all other pay- Mortgage Servicing, there will not required by law to do so) is: of the property; any assess- atur, GA 30033 improved property nkown as as attorney in fact for
ments provided for under the be sold at public outcry to the NewRez LLC, F/K/A New Penn ments, liens, encumbrances, Said property will be sold on an No. 1781 Jajef Avenue, Conley, Edward L. Daniel
terms of the Security Deed. highest bidder for cash at the Financial, LLC, D/B/A Shell- zoning ordinances, restrictions, “as-is” basis without any rep- Georgia, according to the Richard B. Maner, P.C.
Said property will be sold on an DeKalb County Courthouse, point Mortgage Servicing, Loss and all other matters of record resentation, warranty or re- present system of numbering 180 Interstate N Parkway, Suite
“as-is” basis without any rep- within the legal hours of sale on Mitigation Dept., 75 Beattie superior to the said Security course against the above- houses in Dekalb County, 200
resentation, warranty or re- the first Tuesday in November, Place Ste. 300, Greenville, SC Deed. The sale will be conduc- named or the undersigned. The Georgia, all according to a sur- Atlanta, GA 30339
course against the above- 2022, all property described in 29601, Telephone Number: ted subject (1) to confirmation sale will be subject to the fol- vey prepared by Eston Pendley 404.252.6385
named or the undersigned. The said Security Deed including 800-365-7107. Nothing in that the sale is not prohibited lowing items which may affect & Assoc., Inc., dated June 14, THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING
sale will also be subject to the but not limited to the following O.C.G.A. Section 44-14-162.2 under the U.S. Bankruptcy the title: any outstanding ad 1996. AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT-
following items which may af- described property: shall be construed to require a Code and (2) to final confirma- valorem taxes (including taxes The debt secured by said Deed TEMPTING TO COLLECT A
fect the title: any outstanding All that certain condominium secured creditor to negotiate, tion and audit of the status of which are a lien but not yet due to Secure Debt has been and is DEBT. ANY INFORMATION
ad valorem taxes (including unit lying and being in Land amend, or modify the terms of the loan with the holder of the and payable); any matters hereby declared due because OBTAINED WILL BE USED
taxes which are a lien, whether Lots 121 and 122 of the 18th the mortgage instrument. Security Deed. MidFirst Bank, which might be disclosed by an of, among other possible FOR THAT PURPOSE.
or not now due and payable); District, DeKalb County, Geor- NEWREZ LLC D/B/A SHELL- through its division Midland accurate survey and inspection events of default, failure to pay ++FC21-081 /Daniel++
the right of redemption of any gia, and being identified and POINT MORTGAGE SERVI- Mortgage is the entity with au- of the property; any assess- the indebtedness as and when 420-469444 10/6,10/13,10/20
taxing authority; matters which depicted as Condominium Unit CING thority to negotiate, amend and ments, liens, encumbrances, due and in the manner 10/27
would be disclosed by an ac- Number 4383 in Building Num- as Attorney in Fact for modify the terms of the Note zoning ordinances, restrictions, provided in the Note and Deed Notice of Sale Under Power
curate survey or by an inspec- ber Four of Orchard Park II CHARLES EDWARD MCFAR- and Security Deed. MidFirst and all other matters of record to Secure Debt. The debt re- Georgia, DeKalb County
tion of the property; all zoning Condominium, as shown in LAND, JR. Bank, through its division Mid- superior to the said Security maining in default, this sale will Under and by virtue of the
ordinances; assessments; li- Condominium Plat Book 7, THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY land Mortgage’s address is 999 Deed. The sale will be conduc- be made for the purpose of Power of Sale contained in a
ens; encumbrances; restric- Page 59, DeKalb County, BE HELD TO BE ACTING AS N.W. Grand Blvd., Oklahoma ted subject (1) to confirmation paying the same and all ex- Deed to Secure Debt given by
tions; covenants, and any oth- Georgia Records, as re-recor- A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN- City, OK 73118. MidFirst Bank, that the sale is not prohibited penses of this sale, as provided Aribiti Works, LLC, a Georgia
er matters of record superior to ded in Condominium Plat Book DER FEDERAL LAW. IF SO, through its division Midland under the U.S. Bankruptcy in the Deed to Secure Debt and limited liability company to Sky-
said Security Deed. 7, Page 61, together with its ANY INFORMATION OB - Mortgage may be contacted by Code and (2) to final confirma- by law, including attorney’s Beam Capital REIT LLC, dated
To the best of the knowledge appurtenant percentage of un- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR telephone at 1-800-552-3000. tion and audit of the status of fees (notice of intent to collect June 28, 2021, and recorded in
and belief of the undersigned, divided interest in the common THAT PURPOSE. To the best of the the loan with the holder of the attorney’s fees having been Deed Book 29523, Page 495,
the owner and party in posses- elements of said Orchard Park Attorney Contact: Rubin Lublin, undersigned's knowledge and Security Deed. To the best of given). DeKalb County, Georgia re-
sion of the property is Condominium as set forth and LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, belief, the party in possession the undersigned's knowledge Said property is commonly cords, conveying the after-de-
VANESSA R HOLMES, AL- provided in that certain Declar- Suite 100, Peachtree Corners, of the property is believed to be and belief, the party in posses- known as 1781 Jajef Avenue, scribed property to secure a
FRED J HOLMES, or ation of Condominium for Orch- GA 30071 Barbara Nicole Watts and sion of the property is believed Conley, GA 30288, together Note of even date in the origin-
tenants(s). ard Park Condominium recor- Telephone Number: (877) 813- Leslie Mark Watts and The to be Danny Usalavage and with all fixtures and personal al principal amount of
The sale will be conducted sub- ded in Deed Book 9912, Page 0992 Case No. ++SHP-22- Representative of Estate of The Representative of Estate of property attached to and consti- $146,500.00, with interest at
ject (1) to confirmation that the 296, recorded April 7, 1998, 05112-1/MCFARLAND, JR.++ Leslie Mark Watts, or tenant(s). Danny Usalavage, or tenant(s). tuting a part of said property. the rate specified therein, there
sale is not prohibited under the DeKalb County Records, as Ad Run Dates 10/06/2022, MidFirst Bank, DMS Builders, Inc. Pension To the best knowledge and be- will be sold by the undersigned
U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) now or hereafter amended as 10/13/2022, 10/20/2022, as Transferee, Assignee, and Plan Trust as Secured Creditor lief of the undersigned, the at public outcry to the highest
to final confirmation and audit provided therein. And subject to 10/27/2022 Secured Creditor As attorney-in-fact for the afore- party (or parties) in possession bidder for cash before the
of the status of the loan with the Easement and Covenant to As attorney-in-fact for the afore- said Grantor of the subject property is (are): Courthouse door of DeKalb
the holder of the Security Deed. Share Costs between Orchard said Grantor Campbell & Brannon, LLC At- Heirs at Law of the Estate of County, Georgia, within the leg-
The entity having full authority Park Condominium Associ- Campbell & Brannon, LLC torneys at Law Edward L. Daniel or tenant or al hours of sale on the first
to negotiate, amend or modify ation, Inc. and Lifestyle-Orch- Attorneys at Law Glenridge Highlands II tenants. Tuesday in November, 2022, to
all terms of the loan (although ard Inc. recorded March 3, Glenridge Highlands II 5565 Glenridge Connector, Said property will be sold sub- wit: November 1, 2022, the fol-
not required by law to do so) is: 1998, in Deed Book 9853, 5565 Glenridge Connector, Suite 350 ject to (a) any outstanding ad lowing described property:
al principal amount of with the holder of the security VISION, AS PER PLAT
$146,500.00, with interest at deed. THEREOF RECORDED IN
the rate specified therein, there Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section PLAT BOOK 110, PAGE 70-75,
will be sold by the undersigned 9-13-172.1, which allows for DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA
at public outcry to the highest certain procedures regarding RECORDS, WHICH RECOR-
bidder for cash before the the rescission of judicial and DED PLAT IS INCORPOR-

Courthouse door of DeKalb The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022Page 75
nonjudicial sales in the State of ATED HEREIN BY REFER-
County, Georgia, within the leg- Georgia, the Deed Under ENCE AND MADE A PART OF
al hours of sale on the first Power and other foreclosure THIS DESCRIPTION.
Tuesday in November, 2022, to documents may not be The debt secured by said Se-
wit: November 1, 2022, the fol- provided until final confirmation curity Deed has been and is
lowing described property: and audit of the status of the hereby declared due because
All that tract or parcel of land ly- loan as provided in the preced- of, among other possible
ing and being in Lend Lot 154 ing paragraph. events of default, failure to pay
of the 15th District of DeKalb Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section the indebtedness as and when
County, Georgia, and, being 44-14-162.2, the entity that has due and in the manner
more particularly described as full authority to negotiate, provided in the Note and Se-
follows: amend and modify all terms of curity Deed. The debt remain-
Beginning at a point on the the mortgage with the debtor is: ing in default, this sale will be
west side of Columbia Drive SkyBeam Capital, LLC made for the purpose of pay-
350 feet southerly as meas- Attention: Loss Mitigation De- ing the same and all expenses
ured along the west side of partment of this sale, as provided in Se-
Columbia Drive from its inter- 3225 Cumberland Blvd, Suite curity Deed and by law, includ-
section with the south side of 100 ing attorney’s fees (notice of in-
McAfee Road; running thence Atlanta, GA 30339 tent to collect attorney’s fees
South 89 degrees 50 minutes 404-793-2323 having been given).
East a distance of 248.0 feet to The foregoing notwithstanding, Your mortgage servicer can be
a rebar placed; running thence nothing in OC.G.A. Section 44- contacted at 800-603-0836 -
North 00 degrees 39 minutes 14-162.2 shall be construed to Loss Mitigation Dept., or by
East a distance of 125.0 feet to require the secured creditor to writing to SN Servicing Corpor-
an open end pipe found; run- negotiate, amend or modify the ation (Servicer), 323 Fifth
ning thence North 89 degrees terms of the Deed to Secure Street, Eureka, CA 95501, to
50 minutes West a distance of Debt described herein. discuss possible alternatives to
248.0 feet to a rebar placed; This sale is conducted on be- avoid foreclosure.
running thence South 00 de- half of the secured creditor un- Said property will be sold sub-
grees 39 minutes West a dis- der the power of sale granted in ject to any outstanding ad
tance of 125.0 feet to a rebar the aforementioned security in- valorem taxes (including taxes
placed and the POINT OF BE- strument, specifically being which are a lien, but not yet
GINNING, being improved SkyBeam Capital REIT LLC due and payable), any matters
property known as 2043 as attorney in fact for which might be disclosed by an
COLUMBIA DRIVE, according Aribiti Works, LLC, a Georgia accurate survey and inspection
to the present system of num- limited liability company of the property, any assess-
ber houses in DeKalb County, Richard B. Maner, P.C. ments, liens, encumbrances,
and being more particularly 180 Interstate N Parkway, Suite zoning ordinances, restrictions,
shown on that certain Plat of 200 covenants, and matters of re-
survey prepared by Eston Atlanta, GA 30339 cord superior to the Security
Pendley & Assoc., Inc., dated 404.252.6385 Deed first set out above.
July 16, 1990. THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING To the best knowledge and be-
Tax ID#: 15-154-12-003 AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- lief of the undersigned, the
Subject to any Easements or TEMPTING TO COLLECT A party in possession of the prop-
Restrictions of Record DEBT. ANY INFORMATION erty is Darte D. Hill; Tellisa O.
The debt secured by said Deed OBTAINED WILL BE USED Hill; or tenant(s); and said prop-
to Secure Debt has been and is FOR THAT PURPOSE. erty is more commonly known
hereby declared due because ++FC22-262 /Aribiti Works, as 3934 Waldrop Hills Drive,
of, among other possible LLC,++ Decatur, GA 30034.
events of default, failure to pay The sale will be conducted sub-
the indebtedness as and when 420-469449 10/6,10/13,10/20 ject (1) to confirmation that the
due and in the manner 10/27 sale is not prohibited under the
provided in the Note and Deed NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2)
to Secure Debt. The debt re- SALE UNDER POWER to final confirmation and audit
maining in default, this sale will DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA of the status of the loan with
be made for the purpose of THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO the holder of the security deed.
paying the same and all ex- COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- U.S. Bank Trust National Asso-
penses of this sale, as provided FORMATION OBTAINED WILL ciation, as Trustee of Cabana
in the Deed to Secure Debt and BE USED FOR THAT PUR- Series V Trust as Attorney in
by law, including attorney’s POSE. Fact for ++Darte D. Hill amd
fees (notice of intent to collect Under and by virtue of the Tellisa O. Hill++.
attorney’s fees having been Power of Sale contained in a Quinn Legal, P.A.
given). Security Deed given by Darte 19321 US Hwy 19 N, Suite 512
Said property is commonly D. Hill and Tellisa O. Hill to Clearwater, FL 33764
known as 2043 Columbia Creve Cor Mortgage Inc., dated Phone: (727) 474-9603
Drive, Decatur, GA 30032, to- August 1, 2006, and recorded
gether with all fixtures and per- in Deed Book 19007, Page By: /s/ Dena L. Daniels
sonal property attached to and 532, Dekalb County, Georgia Dena L. Daniels, Esq.
constituting a part of said prop- Records, as last transferred to Georgia Bar Number 736759
erty. To the best knowledge U.S. Bank Trust National Asso-
and belief of the undersigned, ciation, as Trustee of Cabana 040-469678 10/6
the party (or parties) in posses- Series V Trust by assignment DEKALB COUNTY GOVERNMENT
sion of the subject property is recorded in Deed Book 30376,
(are): Aribiti Works LLC, c/o Page 282 in the Office of the
Advertisement for Thursday, October 06, 2022
Busayo Kayode, as manager or Clerk of Superior Court of Sealed bids will be received in the Department of Purchasing and Contracting, The Maloof Center, 1300 Commerce Drive,
tenant or tenants. Dekalb County, Georgia Re- 2nd Floor, Decatur, Georgia 30030, for the following until 3:00 P.M. on date(s) designated below:
Said property will be sold sub- cords, conveying the after-de-
ject to (a) any outstanding ad scribed property to secure a
valorem taxes (including taxes Note in the original principal
which are a lien, but not yet
amount of one hundred fifty-five
due and payable), (b) any mat- thousand three hundred sev- SOLICITATION NO.
ters which might be disclosed enty and 00/100 ($155,370.00),
by an accurate survey and in- with interest thereon as set
spection of the property, and forth therein, there will be sold 22-500634 Design Services for South River Trail VI October 27, 2022
(c) all matters of record superi- at public outcry to the highest
or to the Deed to Secure Debt bidder for cash before the
first set out above, including, courthouse door of Dekalb
22-101538 Sewer Rods and Accessories November 03, 2022
but not limited to, assessments, County, Georgia, within the leg-
liens, encumbrances, zoning al hours of sale on November 22-101543 SPLOST Phase II Road Resurfacing Project November 03, 2022
ordinances, easements, restric- 1, 2022, the following de-
tions, covenants, etc. scribed property: (Area A) (365 Day Contract)
The sale will be conducted sub- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
ject to (1) confirmation that the CEL OF LAND LYING AND
sale is not prohibited under the BEING IN LAND LOT 59 OF
U.S. Bankruptcy Code; (2) THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB Specifications and other details will be available in the Purchasing and Contracting Department, The Maloof Center, 2nd
O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1; COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING
and (3) final confirmation and LOT 137, BLOCK B, UNIT II Floor, 1300 Commerce Drive, Decatur, Georgia 30030. For additional information, please view the DeKalb County
audit of the status of the loan OF WALDROP HILLS SUBDI-
with the holder of the security VISION, AS PER PLAT
Website at:
deed. THEREOF RECORDED IN DeKalb County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or any part thereof, to waive any technicalities, and to re-
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section PLAT BOOK 110, PAGE 70-75,
9-13-172.1, which allows for DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA
certain procedures regarding RECORDS, WHICH RECOR-
the rescission of judicial and DED PLAT IS INCORPOR- By: Michelle Butler, Procurement Manager
nonjudicial sales in the State of ATED HEREIN BY REFER-
Georgia, the Deed Under ENCE AND MADE A PART OF DeKalb County, Purchasing and Contracting Department
Power and other foreclosure THIS DESCRIPTION.
documents may not be The debt secured by said Se-
provided until final confirmation curity Deed has been and is
and audit of the status of the hereby declared due because
Page 76 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022 

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