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Partnerships contemplated herein are those formed for private interest or purpose.

4. Onerous
- Because each of the parties aspires
Partnership Defined to procure himself a benefit through
the giving of something.
ART 1767. BY THE CONTRACT OF 5. Commutative
PARTNERSHIP TWO OR MORE PERSONS BIND - Because the undertaking of each of
partners is considered as the
equivalent of that of the others.
6. Principal
- Because it does not depend for its
PROFIT AMONG THEMSELVES. existence or validity upon some
TWO OR MORE PERSONS MAY ALSO FORM - other contracts (as opposed to
PROFESSION 7. Preparatory
- Because it is entered into as a means
to an end (i.e. to engage in business
 A partnership contract, in its essence, is a
or specific venture for the realization
contract of agency. (see Art. 1818)
of profits with the view of dividing
them among the contracting parties.
 Elements of Partnership:
 Essential Features of Partnership:
1. An agreement to contribute money,
(1) There must be a valid contract; (2) The
property, or industry to a common fund;
parties (two or more persons) must have
legal capacity to enter into the contract;
2. Intent to divide the profits among
(3) There must be a mutual contribution
of money, property, or industry to a
common fund;
 Requisites of Partnership:
(4) The object must be lawful; and (5) The
1. Intention to create a partnership;
primary purpose must be to obtain profits
2. Common fund obtained from
and to divide the same among the parties
contributions; and
3. Joint interest in diving the profits.
1. There must be a valid contract
partnership relation is fundamentally
 Characteristics of Partnership:
1. Consensual
- Note: there is no such thing as
- because it is perfected by mere
partnership created by law or by
consent, that is, upon the express or
operation or implication of law alone
implied agreement of two or more
(precisely because partnership is
created by trust)
2. Nominate
- Note: The partnership relation s not
- Because it has a special name or
the contract itself, but the result of
designation in our law
the contract.
- Example: Partnership for Growth
a. Form:
Program (Its primary objective is to
 May be oral or written,
address the binding constraints to
express or implied from
economic growth and development
the acts and declarations
in the Philippines; Ph and US)
of the parties subject to
3. Bilateral
the provisions of Art 1771
- Because it is entered into by two or
to 1773 and to the stature
more persons and the rights and
of frauds.
obligations arising therefrom are
always reciprocal.
- Example: Philippine-Japan Economic

2. Object which is the

Q: How is a partnership formed? subject matter of
A: It is created by agreement of the parties the contract; and
(Consensual)’ 3. Cause which is
established (the
Q: When is a partnership required to be in writing prestation or
(for purpose of enforceability)? promise of
A: GR: No special from is needed for its partners to
validity or existence (Art 1771, NCC). contribute money,
EXCPTNS: property, or
a. Art 1403 – When, by its terms, it industry to a
is not to be performed within a common fund)
year from the making thereof. Partnership relation is fiduciary in nature.
b. Art 1771 – When an immovable - It is based on trust and confidence;
property or real rights are
contributed thereto, it must be in Deletus personae – may be literally translated to
writing and public instrument. An “choice of person or choice of the persons.”;
inventory of the contributed - a partner has a right to choose with
property must also be made whom he wishes to associate himself.
which is attached to the public Only true in the case of a general
instrument. partner, but not as regards a limited
c. Art 1772 – when the capital is partner.
P3,000 or more, in money or
property, it must be in a public - Unless otherwise provided in the
instrument which must be partnership agreement, no one can
recorded in the Securities and become a member of the
Exchange Commission. partnership association without the
d. Limited Partnerships- must be consent of the other associates.
registered as such with SEC, - Any one of the partners may, at his
otherwise it is not valid as a sole pleasure, dictate a dissolution of
limited partnership but may still the partnership at will provided that
be considered as a general he acts in good faith otherwise it can
partnership with juridical result in liability for damages
personality. (presence of bad faith cannot
b. Articles of Partnership prevent the dissolution)
 Though partnership maybe A partnership liability may be imposed
informally created, it is upon a person under the principles of
customary to embody estoppel where he holds himself out, or
“articles of partnership” permits himself to be held out, as a
(states the name, nature partner in an enterprise.
or purpose and location of
the firm, and defining, Partnership by estoppel – where persons by
among others, the powers, their acts, consent, or representations have
rights, duties, and liabilities misled third persons or parties into believing that
of the partners among the former are partners in a non-existing
themselves, their partnership, such persons become subject to
contributions, the manner liabilities of partners to all who, in good faith,
by which the profits and deal with them in their apparent relations (Art
losses are to be shared, 1825)
and the procedure for
o (Estoppel is a bar which precludes a
dissolving the partnership)
person from denying or asserting
anything to the contrary of that
c. Requisites:
which has, in contemplation of law,
 Since it’s fundamentally
been established as the truth, either
contractual, the requisites
by the acts of judicial or legislative
of a valid contract must be
officers or by his own deed or
present namely:
representation, either expressed or
1. Consent and
capacity of the
contracting parties;

- A partnership may be created without any Its purpose is merely for

definite intention to create it. It is the investment and shall not take
substance and no the name of the part in the management and
arrangement, which determines the legal control of the business operation
relationship, although the designation adopted of the partnership. (not deemed
by the partners should be considered as “doing business” in the Ph and
indicative of their intention (68 C.J.S.. 415-417). therefore not required to obtain
a license).
2. Legal Capacity of the parties to enter into 3. Contribution of money, property, or
the contract industry
Individuals: Money – legal tender
- GR: any person may be a partner who o Checks, drafts, promissory notes
is capable of entering into payable to order, and other
contractual relations. mercantile documents are not
- EXC: (therefore) money but only representatives of
a. Unemancipated minors; (have money thus there is no
not attained the age of majority contribution unless they have been
which is 18 y/o; unmarried cashed.
minors) o Borrowed or loaned money may be
b. Insane or demented persons; contributed.
c. Deaf-mutes who do not know Property – may be real or personal.
how to write; o credit such as promissory note or
d. Persons who are suffering from other evidence of obligation or
civil interdiction; and even mere goodwill may be
e. Incompetents who are under contributed, as they are considered
guardianship property.
Partnership Industry - active cooperation, the
- Partnership can enter into a contract work of the party associated (either
of partnership with another manual or intellectual efforts).
Corporations 4. Legality of the object
- GR: Corporations does not have a - must be lawful otherwise no
capacity to enter into a contract of partnership can arise as the contract
partnership is considered inexistent and void ab
o Reason: since in a partnership, initio
the corporation would be bound - The object is unlawful when it is
by the act of persons who are not contrary to law, morals, good
its duly appointed and authorized customs, public order, or public
agents and officers, inconsistent policy. Examples:
with the policy of the law that the o Partnership to create
corporation shall manage its own monopolies or
affairs separately and exclusively combinations in restraint
(13 Am. Jur. par. 823; see Sec. 23, of trade (Art 185, RPC);
B.P. Blg. 68.) o To carry on gambling;
- EXPTNS: unless authorized by statute or o to engage in smuggling; etc
by its charter (The Uniform Partnership 5. Purpose to obtain profit (cause)
Act expressly allows a corporation to - a partnership is formed to carry on a
become partners) business.
o Corporation may enter into joint
venture 6. Sharing of Profits
o Corporation may enter into a - The essence of a partnership is to
contract of partnership where gain profits.
the partnership agreement - “there must be a joint interest in the
provides that the two partners profits” although not necessarily
will manage the partnership so equal shares.
that the management of
corporate interest is not
o Foreign corporation can only
enter into a limited partnership.

- Note: A stipulation which excludes Art 1772 (3k; public Arts 1773 & 1775
one or more partners form any instrument; Securities and (immovable property
participation in the profits (or losses) Exchange Commission) and secret association/
is Void (art 1799). societies)
Failure to comply still creates In 1773, it does not
a juridical personality create a juridical
Q: How are profits distributed? (But any of the partners is personality since the
A: a. the partners share in the profits granted the right by the law contract itself is void
according to their agreement. (see Arts. 1357, 1358.) to (having no inventory of
b. In the absence of such: compel each other to execute the immovable
the contract in a public property.
i. Capitalist partner – in
instrument. Of course, this In 1175, no juridical
proportion to his right cannot be availed of if personality as well.
contribution. the partnership is void under
ii. Industrial partner – what is Article 1773
just and equitable under the
circumstances. Rules in determining existence of a partnership
7. Sharing of losses
- Partners share the losses. The
obligation is implied from the ART 1769. IN DETERMINING WHETHER
partnership relation. But, if only the PARTNERSHIP EXIST, THESE RULES SHALL
share of each partner in the profits APPLY:
has been agreed upon, the share of 1. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED BY
each in the losses shall be in the ARTICLE 1825, PERSONS WHO
same proportion (art. 1797) ARE NOT PARTNERS AS TO EACH
Q: How are losses distributed? TO THIRD PERSONS;
A: a. the partners share in the losses 2. CO-OWNERSHIP OR CO-
according to their agreement. POSSESSION DOES NOT OF
b. In the absence of such: ITSLEF CREATE PARTNERSHIP,
i. according to their WHETHER SUCH SO-OWNER OR
agreement as to profits; CO-POSSESOR DO OR DO NOT
ii. in the absence of profit SHARE ANY PROFITS MADE BY
agreement, in proportion to THE USE OF THE PROPERTY;
his capital contribution. 3. THE SHARING OF GROSS
Juridical Personality ESTABLISH PARTNERSHIP,
 A partnership is an entity separate from its DRAWN IF SUCH PROFITS WERE
aggregate individual partners. RECEIVED IN PAYMENT:
 As an independent juridical person, it may a. AS A DEBT BY
enter into contracts, acquire and possess INSTALLMENT OR
property of all kinds in its name, as well as incur OTHERWISE;
obligations and bring civil or criminal actions in b. AS WASGES OF
conformity with the laws and regulations of its AN EMPLOYEE
organization (art 46). OR RENT TO A
 Effects to the juridical personality of a LANDLORD;
partnership upon failure to comply with Art
1772 vs failure to comply with Arts 1773 and


OF A DECEASED Is always created by a Generally created by law and
PARTNER; contract, either expressly may exist even without a
d. AS INTEREST ON or impliedly. contract (Art 1767)
A LOAN, Juridical personality
Has a juridical personality none
separate and distinct from
AMOUNT OF that of each partner (Art
WITH THE Purpose
PROFITS OF THE Realization of profit (art Common enjoyment of a
BUSINESS; 1767) thing or right( Art 486) which
e. AS A does not necessarily involve
CONSIDERATION the sharing of profits.
A GOODWILL OF No limitation (Arts 1767, An agreement to keep the
A BUSINESS OR 1785) thing undivided for more
than ten (10) years is not
allowed (Art 494)
PROPERTY BY Disposal of interests
INSTALLMENTS A partner may not dispose May freely dispose of his
OR OTHERWISE. of his individual interest in individual interest.
the partnership (Art 1812)
so as to make the assignee
Notes: a partner unless agreed
 In case of doubt (terms are uncertain or no upon by all of the partners.
formal expression of the relations of Power to act with third persons
partners), Article 1779 shall apply. In absence of any A co-owner cannot
 In sub-paragraphs a – e, the profits in the stipulation to the contrary represent the co-ownership,
business are not share as profits of partners, (Art 1803), a partner may hence a judgement secured
but in some other purpose. bind the partnership. against only one of the co-
owners will not bind the
1. Persons are not partners as to each other are other co-owners.
not partners as to third persons Effect of Death
- GR: if they are not partners Death of a partner results Death of co-owner does not
between themselves, they cannot in the dissolution of the necessarily dissolve the co-
be partners to third persons. partnership. ownership.
- EXCPTN: Partnership by Estoppel
- Example:
- Illustrative case:

If A and B are not partners as to each other, Heirs, after partition of common properties, sold the
neither will they be partners with respect to C, a same with the intent of making profit and dividing the
third person. But if A, with the consent of B, same proportional to their respective share of the
represents to C that they are partners, then A inheritance.
and B will be considered partners as to C even if
they are not really partners Facts: A and B are co-owners of inherited properties.
They agreed to use the said common properties and the
income derived therefrom as a common fund with the
2. Co-ownership and co-possession intention to produce pro-fits for them in proportion to
- There is co-ownership (or co- their respective shares in the inheritance as determined
possession) whenever the ownership
in a project of partition.
(or co-possession) of an undivided
thing or right belongs to different Issue: What is the effect of such agreement on the
persons. existing co-ownership?
CO-POSSESSION Held: The co-ownership is automatically converted into
a partnership. From the moment of partition, A and B, as
heirs, are entitled already to their respective definite

shares of the estate and the income thereof, for each of between a co-ownership and a partnership. C, etc. were
them to manage and dispose of as exclusively his own not engaged in any joint venture by reason of that
without the intervention of the other heirs, and, isolated transaction.
accordingly, he becomes liable individually for all taxes in
connection therewith. If, after such partition, an heir The original purpose was to divide the lots for
allows his shares to be held in common with his co-heirs residential purposes. If later on they found it not feasible
under a single management to be used with the intent of to do so because of the high cost of construction, then
making profit thereby in proportion to his share, there they had no choice but to resell the same to dissolve the
can be no doubt that, even if no document doubt that, co-ownership. The division of the profits was merely
even if no document or instrument were executed for the incidental to the dissolution of the co-ownership which
purpose, for tax purposes, at least, an unregistered17 was, in the nature of things, a temporary state. It has to
partnership is formed. (Ona vs. Commissioner of Internal be terminated sooner or later.
Revenue, 45 SCRA 74 [1972].) (3) There must be an unmistakable intention to form a
Two persons contributed money to buy a sweepstakes partnership. — Article 1769(3) provides that “the
ticket with the intention to divide the prize which they sharing of gross returns does not of itself establish a
may win. partnership whether or not the persons sharing them
have a joint or common right or interest in any property
Facts: A, B, etc. put up money to buy a sweepstakes from which the returns are derived.” There must be an
ticket for the sole purpose of dividing equally the prize unmistakable intention to form a partnership or joint
which they may win as they did in fact the amount of venture.
P50,000.00. If a partnership had been formed by A, B,
etc. then it was liable for income tax pursuant to law then 3. Sharing of Gross Returns
in force; if merely a community of property, then such co-
- The sharing of gross returns alone does not
ownership was not liable, not having a legal personality
indicate that a partnership exists (gross
of its own. means before anything else is deducted i.e.
Issue: Did A, B, etc. form a partnership or merely a labilities) because the partners will only share
the profits only after they have satisfied all
community of property?
the liabilities of the partnership.
Held: A, B, etc. formed a partnership. The partnership
was not only formed, but upon the organization thereof 4. Receipt of share in the profits
- The sharing of profits and losses is a prima facie
and the winning of the prize, it appeared that B
evidence of an intention to form a partnership
personally appeared in the office of the Philippine Charity
but not a conclusive evidence, it may be
Sweepstakes, in his capacity as co-partner, and as such rebutted and outweighed by other
collected the prize. All these circumstances repel the idea circumstances.
that A, B, etc. organized and formed a community of - Receipt of share in the profit is not considered
property only. (Gatchalian vs. Collector of Internal a prima facie evidence of partnership when it is
Revenue, 67 Phil. 666 [1939].) received as:
o Payment of debt;
Children sold lots given by their father and divided the o Wage to an employee or rent to a
proceeds. landlord;
o Annuity to a widow or representative
Facts: O, after completing payment to S on two lots, of a deceased partner;
transferred his rights to his four children, C, etc. to enable o Interest on a loan; or
them to build their residences. S sold the two lots for o Consideration for the sale of property
P178,708.12 to C, etc. who resold them more than a year
later to T ART 1770. A partnership must have a lawful
object or purpose, and must be established
for P313,050, treating the profit of P134,341.88 as for the common benefit or interest of the
capital gains and paying an income tax on one-half of partners.
their respective shares (or P33,584) of the profit. When an unlawful partnership is dissolves by a
judicial decree, the profits shall be confiscated
Issue: Did C, etc. form a partnership under Article 1767?
in favor of the state, without prejudice to the
Held: No. (1) Division of profits was merely incidental. provisions of the Penal Code governing the
— They were co-owners pure and simple. To consider confiscation of the instruments and effects of
them as partners would obliterate the distinction a crime.

Notes: partnership (Art 1768) or affect its liability and

 Effects of an unlawful partnership. The that of the partners to third persons.
following are the consequences of a  Rationale for registration: to prevent tax
partnership formed for an unlawful purpose: evation of big partnerships.
1. The contract is void ab initio and the
partnership never existed in the eyes of ART 1773. A contract of partnership is void,
the law (Art. 1409[1].); whenever immovable property is contributed
2. The profits shall be confiscated in favor of thereto, if an inventory of said property is not
the government; made, signed by the parties, and attached to
3. The instruments or tools and proceeds of the public instrument.
the crime shall also be forfeited in favor of
the government;22 and Notes:
4. The contributions of the partners shall not  Importance of making inventory of real property
be confiscated unless they fall under No. in partnership:
3.23 o To show how much is due from each
 Judicial decree is not necessary to dissolve an other to complete his share in the
unlawful partnership but sometimes it is common fund and how much is due
advisable to do so for security and to each of them in case of liquidation
convenience. (Tablason vs Bollozas, [CA} 51 O.G.
Partnership Form o Without it, the property cannot be
subject to inscription in the Registry
ART 1771. A partnership may be constituted in of Deeds and the contribution
any form, except where immovable property cannot prejudice third persons.
or real rights are contributed thereto, in which
case a public instrument shall be necessary. Q: What is the status of the partnership, as
Notes: regards to inventory of immovable property or
 GR: No special form is required for the validity real rights, if such is not complied with?
or existence of the contract of partnership. The A: The partnership is void.
contract may be made orally or in writing Note : in the case of Torres vs CA, GR No. 134559,
regardless of the value of the contributions. 12-9-1999, the court ruled that a void
EXCPTNS: [page 2] When an immovable partnership under art 1773, in relation
property or real rights are contributed thereto, to Art 1771, may still be considered as
it must be in writing and public instrument. An an ordinary contract as regards the
inventory of the contributed property must parties thereto from which rights and
also be made which is attached to the public obligations to each other may be
instrument. inferred and enforced.

ART 1774. Any immovable property or an

ART 1772. Every contract of partnership interest therein may be acquired in the
having a capital of three thousand pesos or partnership name. Title so acquired can be
more, in money or property, shall appear in a conveyed only in the partnership name.
public instrument, which must be recorded in
the Office of the Securities and Exchange
Commission. Notes:
Failure to comply with the requirements of  Since a partnership has a juridical personality
the preceding paragraph shall not affect the separate and distinct from that of the persons
liability of the partnership and the members or members composing it (Art 1768), it is but
thereof. logical and natural that immovable property ay
be acquired in the partnership name. Title so
Notes: acquired can, therefore, be conveyed only in
 Two requirements of Partnership with a capital the partnership name. (see Art. 46.)
of P3,000 or more, in money or property:
1. The contract must appear in a public
instrument; and
2. It must be recoded or registered with the
Securities and Exchange Commission.
 Failure to comply with the above requirements
does not prevent the formation of the

a. General Partnership – one

ART 1775. Associations and societies, whose
where all the partners are
articles are kept secret among the members,
general partners who are liable
and wherein any one of the members may with respect to their individual
contract in his own name with third persons, properties, after the assets of
shall have no juridical personally, and shall be the partnership have been
governed by the provisions relating to exhausted.
ownership. b. Limited Partnership – one
Notes: formed by 2 or more persons
 It is essential that the articles of partnership be having as members one or more
be given publicity for the protection not only of general partners and one or
the members themselves but also third more limited partners, the
persons from fraud and deceit to which latter not being personally liable
otherwise they would be easy victims for the obligations of the
Classification of Partnership 3. Duration
a. Partnership at will – partnership
ART. 1776. As to its object, a partnership is for a particular undertaking or
either universal or particular. As regards the
liability of the partners, a partnership may be ART 1783 - A particular partnership has for
general or limited. its object determinate things, their use or
fruits, or a specific undertaking, or the
Notes: exercise of a profession or vocation.
 Classifications of partnership.
1. As to the extent of its subject matter. — venture which may be
A partnership may be: terminated anytime by mutual
a. Universal partnership (Art. 1777.) agreement.
i. Universal partnership of all b. Partnership with a fixed period –
present property (Article 1778); the term for which the
and partnership to exist is fixed or
 Property which agreed upon or one formed for
belonged to a particular undertaking.
each of the 4. Legality of existence
partners at the a. de jure partnership – one which
time of the has complied with all the legal
constitution of requirements for its
the partnership. establishment.
 Profits which b. de facto partnership – one
they may which has failed to comply with
acquire from all all the legal requirements for its
property establishment.
contributed. 5. Representation to others
ii. Universal partnership of a. Ordinary or real partnership –
profits. (Article 1780) one which actually exist among
 Comprises all the partners and also as to third
that the partners persons.
may acquire by b. Ostensible or partnership by
their industry or estoppel – one which in reality
work during the is not a partnership, but is
existence of the considered a partnership only in
partnership. relation to those who, by their
b. Particular partnership – it is one conduct or admission, are
which has for its object, precluded to deny or disprove
determinate things, their use its existence.
and fruits, or a specific 6. Publicity
undertaking or the exercise of a a. Secret partnership –
profession or a vocation. partnership that is not known to
(Article 1783). many but only as to its partners.
2. Liability of partners b. Notorious or open partnership –
it is known not only to the

partners, but to the public as 17. Retiring partner – one withdrawn from the
well. partnership; a withdrawing partner.

7. Purpose Universal Partnership

a. Commercial or trading – one
formed for the transaction of ART. 1777 A universal partnership may refer
business. to all the present property or to all the profits.
b. Professional or non-trading –
one formed for the exercise of a Notes:
profession.  Two kinds:
Kinds of partners: 1. Universal Partnership of all present
1. Capitalist – contributes money or property to property
the common fund. 2. Universal partnership of all profits
2. Industrial – contributes only his industry or
personal service Universal Partnership of all present property

3. General – one whose liability to 3rd persons ART. 1778. A partnership of all present
extend to his personal or separate property. property is that in which the partners
4. Limited – one whose liability to third persons is contribute all the property which actually
limited to his capital contribution. belongs to them to a common fund, with the
intention of dividing the same among
5. Managing – manages affairs or business of the themselves, as well as all the profits which
partnership; he may be appointed either in the they may acquire therewith.
articles of partnership or after the constitution
of the partnership; also known as general or ART. 1179. In a universal partnership of all
real partner. present property, the property which
6. Liquidating – takes charge of the winding up of
belonged to each of the partners at the time
partnership affairs upon dissolution.
of the constitution of the partnership,
becomes the common property of all the
7. Partner by estoppel – is not really a partner but
is liable as a partner for the protection of
partners, as well as all the profits which they
innocent 3rd persons; the term “quasi-partner” may acquire therewith.
is sometimes used. A stipulation for the common enjoyment of
any other profits may also be made, but the
8. Continuing partner – continues the business of property which the partners may acquire
a partnership after it has been dissolved by subsequently by inheritance, legacy or
reason of the admission of a new partner, donation cannot be included in such
retirement, death, or expulsion of one of the stipulation except the fruits thereof.
9. Surviving partner – remains after a partnership
has been dissolved by death of a partner.
 Universal partnership of all present property –
10. Sub-partner – is not a member of the
in this kind of partnership, the partners
partnership; contracts with a partner with
contribute all of the property which actually
reference to the latter’s share in the
belonged to them into a common fund, with
the intention of dividing the same among
11. Ostensible – takes active part and known to the
themselves, as well as the profits which they
public as partner in the business.
may acquire through the properties
12. Secret – takes active part in the business but is
not known to be a partner by outside parties.
13. Silent – does not take any active part in the  The following become a common property of
business although he may be known to be a all partners:
partner. 1. Property which actually belonged to them
14. Dormant – does not take active part in the at the time of the constitution of the
business and is not known or held out as a partnership; and
partner. 2. Profits which they may acquire for the
15. Original partner – one who is a member of the property contributed.
partnership from the time of its organization;  GR: future properties cannot be contributed/
16. Incoming partner – a person lately, or about ot Rationale: Contribution must be
be, taken into an existing partnership as a determinate things since the position of a
member. partner is like of that a donor, and

donations cannot comprehend future o Profits acquired by the partners

property. Thus, property subsequently through chance, such as lottery or by
acquired by (1.) inheritance; (2.) legacy; or lucrative title without employment
(3.) donation cannot be included by of any physical or intellectual efforts,
stipulation. are not included.
EXCPTN: Fruits thereof. o In view if par 2, fruits of property
 Any stipulation including subsequently acquired by the
property so acquired is partners do not belong to the
void. partnership. Such profits may,
 Profits from other sources (not from the however be included by express
properties contributed) will become a common stipulation.
property only if there is a stipulation.
Presumption of universal partnership of profits
Universal Partnership of Profits
ART 1781 – Articles of universal partnership
ART 1780. A universal partnership of profits entered into without specification of its
comprises all that the partners may acquire nature, only constitute a universal partnership
by their industry or work during the existence of profits.
of the partnership. Notes:
Movable or immovable property which each  If the partnership does not specify its nature,
of the partners may possess at the time of whether it is one of “present property” or of
the celebration of the contract shall continue “profits” only, it will be presumed that the
parties intended merely a partnership of profits.
to pertain exclusively to each, only the
o Rationale: universal partnership of
usufruct passing to the partnership.
profits imposes less obligations on
Notes: the partners, since they preserve the
 Universal partnership of profits – comprises all ownership of their separate
that the partners may acquire by their industry property.
or work during the existence of the partnership  Applicable only when a universal partnership
and the usufruct of movable or immovable has been recognized.
property which each of the partners may
possess at the time of the celebration of the Who may be partners?
o in this class of partnership, the
partners retain their ownership over
ART 1782 – Persons who are prohibited from
their present and future property. giving each other any donation or
o Only the profits or income and the advantage cannot enter into universal
use or usufruct of said property partnership.
passes to the partnership.
o Upon dissolution, such property is Notes:
returned to the partners who own it.  GR: Any person capacitated to contract may
enter into a contract of partnership.
Example: EXCPTN: Persons who are prohibited from
giving each other donation or advantages;
In the preceding example, if the agreement of A Rationale: partners virtually makes donation.
and B is that they would retain the ownership over To allow persons who are prohibited to give
their respective properties, only their usufruct each other any donation or advantage to form
a universal partnership will be like permitting
being transferred to partnership X & Co., and that
them to do indirectly what the law expressly
they would divide equally the net profits realized
during the existence of the partnership, then the
Effects of violation of this Article: partnership is
partnership formed is a universal partnership of null and void.
profits.  Persons prohibited from giving each other
donations or advantage:
Upon the dissolution of the partnership, the
o Spouses (Art 87, FC);
properties shall be returned to the respective
 EXCPTN: husband and wife
owners. The amount of P100,000 contributed by B may enter into a particular
shall be paid to him as a loan to the partnership. partnership (professional
o Common law spouses (Art 87, FC);

o Persons guilty of adultery or

concubinage (Art 739); (conviction is
not necessary)
o Persons guilty of the same criminal
offense (Art 739);
o Public officers or his wife,
descendants, and ascendants, by
reason of his office;

Particular Partnership

ART 1783 – A particular partnership has for its

objective determinate things, their use of
fruits, or a specific undertaking, or the
exercise of a profession or vocation.

 Particular Partnership is a partnership that is
limited and well-defined, being confined to an
undertaking of a single, temporary, or ad hoc

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