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Quality of Yogurt I

Department of Food Science
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park 16802

ABSTRACT reactions and on parallels that can be drawn

from other products. They also rely on plain
Yogurt consumption in the United
common sense, provided that common sense
States has increased spectacularly during
has been honed by the diligent application of
the last decade. Product quality and
available knowledge and expertise. It is unfor-
satisfaction of consumer expectation are
tunate that the yogurt market is pervaded by
discussed since they are essential for the
considerable confusion on the American conti-
continued successful growth of the yo-
nent when it comes to legal standards (6),
gurt market. Much emphasis is placed on
microbial content (1), gross composition and
yogurt flavor, body, and texture. The
caloric content (8), and general quality features
coming identity crisis for yogurt is dealt
(3). This confusion is probably due to the rapid
with since "yogurt without bacteria" has
sales growth yogurt has experienced here in the
now made its appearance. The results of a
last decade (Table 1). Prior to 1970, only
brief microbiological evaluation of yogurt
sketchy sales and production figures were avail-
and of a consumer preference survey are
able since yogurt was a relatively insignificant
presented also.
commercial product. Earlier sales were esti-
mated as follows: 1965, 27.7; 1960, 20.0; and
1955, 7.7 million kg. In 1974, yogurt
Product quality and consumer satisfaction amounted to a $125 million market. Extrapola-
are fundamental to the successful and repeated tion of these figures will tell us that a $1 billion
sale of dairy products. Consumer satisfaction is market is in sight (Table 2). Present yogurt
a simplified definition of quality. One author consumption in the US stands at about .68
lists 13 definitions of the word quality (4). For kg/person. In a number of countries it ap-
example, we might call " q u a n t i t y " the "degree proaches 10 kg (Table 3). If we would double
to which a specific product satisfies the wants yogurt consumption every 4 yr in the USA, we
of a consumer." A second expression may be would still not reach that of these European
the "degree to which a class of products possess countries and already consume $1000 million
potential satisfaction for people generally." worth.
This is often called "quality of design." A third The future looks bright for the yogurt
type of quality is "quality of conformance," industry, but optimism alone will not bring us
namely, the property of conforming to prede- those desirable figures. The future of yogurt
termined specifications. If the quality of design depends very much on the quality we put into
is satisfactory and a product conforms to these it.
quality specifications, the quality itself will be

Y O G U R T Q U A L I T Y IN AN TABLE 1. Yogurt sales (in million kg) in the USA

EXPANDING MARKET since 1970 and percentage increases over previous
years (source: Milk Industry Foundation).
Unfortunately, in the relatively young yo-
gurt market, there are few standardized quality
US yogurt sales ('000 000 kg)
specifications. Manufacturers rely on consumer
1970 78
1971 107 (437.2%)
Received July 7, 1975. 1972 129 (+20.3%)
XAuthorized for publication on May 16, 1975 as 1973 148 (+14.8%)
Paper No. 4868 in the Journal Series of the Pennsyl- 1974 164 (+11.0%)
vania Agricultural Experiment Station.


TABLE 2. Projected per capita yogurt sales in the West Coast is considerably different from the
USA and possible future size of the yogurt market. product sold in the Eastern United States. A
European used to a less viscous yogurt finds the
Potential US yogurt market American pudding-like product unique and
(kg/person) Yogurt quality is particularly difficult to
1970 .4 $ 125 million standardize because of the many forms, varie-
1974 .8 250 ties, manufacturing methods, ingredients, and
1978 1.5 500
consumer preferences that exist. Since these
1986 6.0 1000
factors will always play an important role, it is
unlikely that a uniform yogurt quality concept
will ever emerge, such as has been developed for
The subject of quality assessment encompas- other dairy products. There are a number of
ses specifications, sampling and testing proce- common denominators, however, that have a
dures, and recording or reporting. Specifica- bearing on yogurt quality. Since a number of
tions usually are set by those who have devel- products are recognized within the broad cate-
oped or are selling the product. Increasingly, gory entitled yogurt, we feel obliged to strive
however, government regulatory agencies also for top quality in each of these yogurt sub-
are exerting pressure that product testing be groups. This situation makes yogurt and yogurt
consistent with the requirements of these agen- products an interesting, challenging, but also a
cies. The nutrition labeling program is a case in confusing area to work in.
point, as are federal and state standards for the The typical yogurt flavor can only be de-
composition of food products. Few legal speci- tected in plain yogurt. Fruit or flavored yogurt
fications for yogurt exist at this time (6). is only as good as the fruit mixture or flavoring
Sampling and testing procedures for yogurt that has been added. The 1973 survey by the
are often self-devised but are usually taken United Dairy Industry Association revealed that
from the standard methods that are applied to only 10.6% of all yogurt is sold as plain. A
related dairy products. survey in Central Pennsylvania in 1975 of 400
households (or 161 regular yogurt-consuming
THE MANY FACES OF YOGURT households) showed that 21% preferred plain
Regardless of plant specifications or regula- yogurt and the majority preferred a fruit
tory requirements, the consumer is the final yogurt (Fig. 1). It was also noted that consump-
judge of quality. Consumers as a group, as is tion of Swiss-style yogurt is about the same as
reflected by sales or market surveys, may even sundae-style yogurt (Fig. 2). In any case, fruit
change established criteria of quality. This is plays an enormous role in yogurt sales. Since so
especially true for foods that have many identi- much flavored and fruit yogurt is sold, its qual-
fiable and different quality parameters, such as ity lies mainly in the hands of the fruit and fla-
coffee, wine, beer, and even yogurt, which all vor suppliers. This is true, with regard to flavor,
may vary regionally and annually in their color, and microbial contamination. Of course,
quality attributes. The yogurt sold along the


TABLE 3. Per capita yogurt consumption in selected
countries in 1970. Not included are other fermented
milk beverages (source: International Dairy Federa-

(kg/person) 5~ PREFER
The Netherlands 13.7
Switzerland 7.5
France 6.1
USA .i
(.4 kg more accurate) FIG. 1. Yogurt type preferences among yogurt
consumers in Central Pennsylvania.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 59, No. 2


OF THE PEOPLE WHO PRE- superior even to electronic equipment, but they
FERRED FRUIT-FLAVOR, WHAT lack the objectivity of laboratory tests. Sensory

STYLE YOGURT DID THEY LIKE? evaluations should always complement the
more exact, impartial laboratory determina-
Assessment of yogurt quality can take place
at any time, but is usually made about 24 h
after production and should include, if pos-
sible: sensory evaluation (taste, aroma, visual
11% HAD NO appearance, body, and texture); microscopic
examination; titratable acidity and pH measure-
ment; compositional analysis (fat, protein, and
FIG, 2. Preferences between Swiss-style and sun- total solids); acetaldehyde production test; test
dae-style among yogurt consumers in Central Pennsyl- for coliform organisms; shelf life test after 4
vania who only consume fruit-flavored yogurt. days of storage at 15 C; and fill of container.

Taste and Aroma

we cannot shift the whole burden of quality
onto the ingredient suppliers. The dairy indus- There is some international controversy over
try is still responsible for the care and treat- what a good plain yogurt should taste like. The
ment of all ingredients, and for all phases of flavor depends almost entirely on the culture
manufacturing, product storage, and distribu- organisms and their metabolism during incuba-
tion. tion. Off-tastes and odors are usually by-prod-
ucts of faulty fermentation. The characteristic
HOW TO EVALUATE QUALITY flavor of yogurt is due to lactic acid, which has
IN YOGURT no odor of its own, and to trace amounts of
Yogurt quality can be assessed in two ways: acetaldehyde, diacetyl, and acetic acid. The
expert analysis through sensory evaluations original milk components and their concentra-
(subjective tests), and technical or laboratory tions also play a role, especially the fat and
analysis (objective tests) with the measurement solids-not-fat. There may also be certain addi-
of chemical, physical, and microbiological prop- rives that contribute to flavor. In flavored
erties. Sensory evaluations are usually rapid, yogurt, the fine, delicate taste and aroma or the
inexpensive (if no taste panel is involved), and occasional objectionable, astringent flavor are
effectively masked. Work in West Germany has
dealt with the acetaldehyde test that can be
carried out on the whey of filtered yogurt (10,
FERRED A "NATURAL" PRO- The flavor of yogurt is different from that of
other cultured milk products. This is mainly
DUCT OVER ONE WITH due to the high, almost 90%, proportion of
"SYNTHETIC CHEMICALS" acetaldehyde among the carbonyl compounds
present (about .005% or 50 ppm in the prod-
uct). The development of a blue color in
neutralized yogurt whey after addition of sever-
al drops each of three reagents is indicative of
acetaldehyde. The stronger the blue color, the
more acetaldehyde is present, and the more
flavorful the yogurt. In this way, a numerical
value can be assigned to the aroma or flavor
quality which otherwise would only be an
opinion. This test is said to be good for normal
FIG. 3. The importance of the "natural" concept cows' milk yogurt only. With the use of
among yogurt consumers in Central Pennsylvania. concentrated milk, the color reaction is ob-

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 59, No. 2


scured. The test is as follows. Five ml of filtered ly associated with suboptimal incubation tem-
yogurt whey is neutralized dropwise with a peratures, since it usually is n o t observed with
saturated NaOH solution until cloudiness oc- temperatures of 42 to 44 C.
curs. Then, 3 drops of a saturated solution of
sodium nitroprusside and 3 drops hexamethyl-
Body and Texture
enimine (or 5 drops piperidine) are added, with
shaking after each addition. After 1 min or 45 The consistency of yogurt is probably as
s, the development of a blue color is noted. important as flavor. Adequate firmness without
A high-quality yogurt with a pleasant taste syneresis is essential for a top-quality product.
depends very much on the ratio of two bacteri- Wheying-off may be indicative of faulty fer-
al species: Streptococcus tbermopbilus and mentation and off-flavors. The oldest m e t h o d
Lactobacillus bulgaricus. The streptococcus: lac- of obtaining good body and texture is pro-
tobacillus ratio in the final product should be longed heating of the milk to bring about an
1:1 and not above 3:2 for o p t i m u m results. It increase in solids by the evaporation of water.
can be adjusted by controlling incubation time The addition of milk solids to the yogurt milk
and temperature. A quick count of the rod:coc- or mix is much simpler, and the nutritional
cus ratio can easily be made by a simple value is better than when made from plain milk.
microscopic examination of a drop of yogurt. Milk fat also contributes to the b o d y and
Either a Gram stain or a methylene blue stain is texture if the mix is homogenized. Stabilizers
adequate. It is mainly the incubation which also may be used to obtain desirable b o d y and
makes yogurt manufacture an art rather than a texture. Some yogurt cultures produce a bacte-
science. The trial-and-error approach is often as rial "slime" which acts as a natural stabilizer.
fruitful as the strict control of all variables. It However, this approach to stabilization is still
should be understood that the lactobacilli do under development.
not produce flavor optimally until the milk is After compositional conditions are met,
acidified by the streptococci to pH 4.0 to 4.4. certain processing factors must be controlled. A
Acid development and development of yo- final pH of 4.1 to 4.2 after normal souring is
gurt flavor go hand in hand. Yogurt is thus a optimal; above pH 4.5 a weak coagulum is
product of bacterial symbiosis. After inocula- obtained. Although the incubation temperature
tion, the streptococci grow rapidly until a pH for yogurt has usually been 43 C, a slightly
of about 5.5 is reached. Thus, the growth of the lower one of 40 to 42 C will result in a better
lactobacilli is progressively favored. If incuba- body within an incubation time of a few hours.
tion is n o t halted at between pH 4.0 to 4.4, the The practice of incubating overnight by lower-
lactobacilli will continue to grow. Since they ing the temperature to below 32 C also has
are also capable of producing acid as well as found commercial adherents. It is important to
flavor, the acidity would go well below pH 4.0. avoid agitation during incubation and to cool
The streptococci would then disappear, the the yogurt immediately after incubation to 0 to
optimum bacterial ratio would be upset, and 5 C. Swiss-style yogurt should be held at least
the product would be extremely sour. Acid 16 h at 3 to 5 C. Mixing and pumping should be
development may be monitored by titrating the as gentle as possible.
acidity of the incubating yogurt or by measur- With fruit yogurt, it is i m p o r t a n t to use a
ing pH. Yogurt milk will become solid at an highly concentrated fruit preparation. Accord-
acidity of about .6% (expressed as lactic acid). ing to the federal standard of identity, fruit
The pH at this point is about 5.3 depending on preserves must have a minimum of 45% fruit,
the type of milk and the protein content (2). the remainder being sugar and water. A fruit
Market research must determine whether a low- preserve with a fruit percentage higher than
or high-acid yogurt is desired. The latter may 45% is less likely to produce body weakness in
have a titratable acidity of well above 1.0%. In Swiss-style yogurt. The most notable advance in
general, North American consumers prefer a yogurt fruit technology has been a reduction in
mild culture taste. sugar solids in sundae-style yogurts. This has
Bitterness in yogurt is mainly due to pep- helped minimize syneresis that usually results
tides caused by the proteolytic activity of L. from the relatively large differential in osmotic
bulgaricus during storage (9). This is particular- pressure between the yogurt and the fruit layer

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 59, No. 2


(5). Any type of fruit can be used for making heat treatment of the milk; heating of the
fruit yogurt: frozen, canned, dried; and that is coagulum during incubation or thereafter; the
the order of use in the USA. There are now use of rennet as a stabilizer; insufficient acid
more than 30 flavors available from the fruit formation, e.g., pH 4.8; cultures capable of
processing industry. The most recent trend is forming enzymes that coagulate milk protein;
toward an "all natural" product: no artificial high carbon dioxide content; and high incuba-
color, no "chemical" preservatives, and only tion temperatures. Syneresis is prevented by:
"natural" additives. homogenization of the fat; increasing protein
The "natural" concept has acquired a special content to above 3.5%; low milk mineral
significance during the past two decades of content; milk sterilization or heat treatment,
increased use of so-called "chemical or synthet- leading to some protein degradation; slightly
ic food additives." There are several major lower incubation temperature; cooling of the
national brands of yogurt on the market that coagulum without shock, agitation, or vibra-
carry the word "natural" on their labels. In a tion; choice of the lowest temperature possible
recent Central Pennsylvania yogurt consumer if the yogurt must be mixed, as in Swiss-style;
survey, 2/3 said they preferred a "natural" sufficient acid development, i.e., pH 4.0 to 4.4;
yogurt over other brands that contained use of "slime-producing" cultures; use of
"synthetic" flavoring, colors, preservatives, and hydrocolloid or other stabilizers; and care in
stabilizers. The remaining third did not dis- the handling and transporting of yogurt.
criminate (Fig. 3). Although there is no evi-
dence that one type of yogurt has any harm or
Microbiological Contaminants
benefit over the other, it nevertheless behooves
the yogurt industry to recognize this over- Another common problem with yogurt is
whelming public sentiment. contamination by coliform organisms. They are
The use of stabilizers depends on legal completely undesirable in any milk product.
restrictions. Gelatin at .3 to .8% could be used, Since these gram-negative, gas-producing bacte-
but the yogurt might not be purchased by ria are killed during pasteurization, they are the
consumers obeying certain dietary laws because result of post-pasteurization contamination.
gelatin is a meat product of uncertain origin. Proper plant management and sanitation tech-
The same could be said about rennet; however, niques should be able to control these coliform
use of this enzyme has always led to a grainy problems. The same holds true for psychro-
texture. Suitable stabilizers include modified trophic bacteria.
starch, carrageenan, alginate, carboxymethylcel- Sporeformers, such as Bacillus subtilis, if
lulose, and related substances, also locust bean present in the milk, survive the heat treatment
gum and other gums. These may be used singly and germinate during incubation. When this
or in combinations. All stabilizers are approved occurs, the batch of yogurt is lost. Thorough
food additives. When properly chosen, they cleaning of all equipment and a purity check of
play an important role in improving the body, the culture should follow.
texture, mouthfeel, and appearance of yogurt. Not much has been published a b o u t bacteri-
Good yogurt can be made without the use of ophage in yogurt. A slow starter culture may be
added stabilizers. Unfortunately, a yogurt with- the first indication when this problem arises.
out stabilizer is more vulnerable to a number of However, with the increasing use of fresh and
stress factors than one that has been stabilized frozen culture services, there may never be a
properly. bacteriophage problem in the yogurt industry.
Leakage of whey (syneresis) from yogurt is a A yeast and mold count indicates contami-
common defect and must be controlled. The nation with these organisms, particularly with
following list includes most of the factors that fruit yogurt where a yeast or mold problem is
have a bearing on wheying-off in yogurt. more likely to arise. A reputable fruit supplier
Syneresis is caused by: broken coagulum due to will undoubtedly have an effective quality
rough handling, particularly at elevated temper- control program for his products a n d adhere to
atures, wrong acidity, and by abnormal milk; rigid standards. A reasonable specification for a
protein content below 3.4%; low fat content; yogurt fruit mixture might state maximum
high mineral content of the milk; insufficient counts in the fruit as follows: standard plate

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 59, No. 2


count, 500/g; coliforms, 10/g; molds, 10/g; ized yogurt) is discussed at length elsewhere
yeasts, 10/g; and salmonella, none. The pres- (7).
ence of potassium sorbate at .1% or less may be Total plate counts per ml in eleven yogurt
helpful. samples ranged as follows: day 2, 26 million to
4159 million; day 10, 700 million to 30,300
million; and day 20, 1200 million to 71,700
A B R I E F L O O K A T THE M I C R O B I O L O G Y million. In all eleven samples, counts increased
from day 2 to day 10 when held at 7 C. In
Investigation into the microbiological quali- seven samples, the counts continued to increase
ty of yogurt sold in Central Pennsylvania over the next 10 days of storage.
revealed some undesirable contamination. Four-
teen different yogurt samples from seven manu- MUST Y O G U R T C O N T A I N B A C T E R I A ?
facturers were investigated. They included One company selling a pasteurized yogurt
plain, sundae-style, and Swiss-style yogurt, both product claims a shelf life of 4 wk for its items.
fruit yogurt and flavored yogurt. Three of its yogurts were analyzed and the total
Three containers of each yogurt were anal- plate counts were n o t indicative of typical
yzed 2, 10, and 20 days after purchase. There yogurt. With relatively low counts, the question
were no coliforms in any of the products. arises whether a consumer will be defrauded
Yeasts and molds were detected in seven because the traditional expectation of large
samples, with the three highest counts in the numbers of bacteria in yogurt was not satisfied.
products of one company (Table 4). A problem The dairy industry obviously has a product
with plant sanitation, the fruit, the filling identity problem that must be resolved. One
operation, or the containers could be suspected. solution would be to delete the term "yogurt"
At day 20, these three samples also had positive from products with no or low numbers of
psychrotroph counts, namely, 4, 720, and viable organisms. A new name would have to be
145/ml. coined. Resolution of this problem will also
The total plate count of yogurt, as expected depend on the deliberations by the Internation-
for a cultured milk product, is extremely high al Dairy Federation (of which the USA is not a
and extremely variable from product to prod- member) and by the Codex Alimentarius Com-
uct. It can be assumed that consumers of mission (FAO/WHO) presently drawing up stan-
yogurt have always expected large numbers of dards for yogurt.
viable bacteria in this product. A brief, informal
survey of about 100 dairy technologists and ACKNOWLEDGMENT
related professionals supports that assumption.
The author thanks Ida F. Dalmacio for
A survey of general yogurt buyers in Central
conducting the microbiological work and Ste-
Pennsylvania, however, indicated that 56%
yen R. Fram for conducting the telephone
knew that yogurt contained large numbers of
bacteria but 44% did n o t know they were
consuming large numbers of viable bacteria. REFERENCES
The subject of yogurt with bacteria versus 1 Arnott, D. R., C. L. Duitschaever, and D. M.
yogurt without bacteria (sterilized or pasteur- Bullock. 1974. Microbiological evaluation of yo-

TABLE 4. Yeast and mold counts in the products of one company.

Yeasts/ml Molds/ml

Yogurt Day 2 Day 10 Day 20 Day 2 Day 10 Day 20

Plain < 1 < 1 22 < 1 < 1 < 1

Vanilla 9 211 278 1 1 < 1
Strawberry 219 336 171 < 1 9 48

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 59, No. 2


gurt produced commercially in Ontario. J. Milk J. 10(2):18.

Food Technol. 37:11. 8 Kroger, M., and J. C. Weaver. 1973. Confusion
2 Davis, J. G. 1956. Yogurt and other cultured milks. about yogurt-compositional and otherwise. J.
J. Soc. Dairy Technol. 9:69. Milk Food Technol. 36: 388.
3 Duitschaever, C. L., D. R. Arnott, and D. M. 9 Renz, U., and Z. Puhan. 1975. Beitrag zur Kennt-
Bullock. 1972. Quality evaluation of yogurt pro- nis yon Faktoren, die Bitrerkeit im Joghurt beg~in-
duced commercially in Ontario. J. Milk Food stigen. Milchwissenschaft 30:265.
Technol. 35:173.
4 Johnson, A. H., and M. S. Peterson. 1974. Page 10 Schulz, M. E., and G. Hingst. 1954. Beitrffge zur
731 in Encyclopedia of food technology. The AVI Chemic des Joghurts. I. Acetaldehyd-Farbreak-
Publ. Co., Westport, CT. tionen zur Jogurt-Untersuchun~ Milchwissenschaft
5 Kivi, G. C. 1975. (Food Producers, Inc., Minneapo- 9:330.
lis.) Personal communication. 11 Schulz, M. E., E. Voss, and W. Kley. 1954. Beitr~ge
6 Kroger, M. 1973. Controlling the quality of yogurt. zur Chemic des Joghurts. II. Untersuchungen iiber
Dairy and Ice Creaxn Field 156(1):38. die Anwendbarkeit der Acetaldehyd-Farbreak-
7 Kroger, M. 1975. How do you wnnt your y o g u r t - tionen zur Beurteilung yon Joghurt. Milchwissen-
with or without bacteria. Cultured Dairy Products schaft 9:361.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 59, No. 2

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