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Potential of lumbodorsal fascia forces to generate back extension moments

during squat lifts

Dear Sir,

The main conclusion of McGill and Norman’-that What is the reason for this discrepancy? The
what we once termed the active part of the answer to this question cannot be found in ref. 1,
lumbodorsal fascia or the hydraulic amplifier nor in McGill and Norman’s ( 1986) Volvo Prize
mechanism’, does not provide a substantial extension article5. It can be obtained, however, by rooting
moment in the sagittal plane-is correct, but about in McGill’s (1986) PhD thesis7.
somewhat out of date3s4. Nevertheless the paper According to McGill’ (p. 92), ‘Ligaments con-
deserves some comment, as its authors have made a straining flexion are slack during the beginning of
separate and highly contentious claim concerning lumbar flexion. The degree of flexion necessary for
the role of the ligaments in sagittal plane lifting, the ligaments to start producing force from strain is
without adequate support. Due to the potential critical for the modeller.’ It seems that McGill’
influence of this model (for which the authors won decided that this degree of flexion should be 14”.
the Volvo prize in 1986) on clinical practice and The basis for this choice was that the constitutive
biomechanical thought, we have undertaken a equations used by McGill to predict force from strain
related correspondence with Spine, where details were would thereby limit the maximum flexion of the
first published. L4/L5 joint to about 17 “, which was taken by McGill
The authors claim that because none of their to be a typical value for the maximum flexion at this
subjects exhibited a total lumbar flexion of more than level. This estimate was in turn arrived at by
32” (of which they would ascribe 29% or 9.3” to assuming the typical maximum flexion of the lumbar
L45), the seven passive ligaments which they included spine to be 60”, of which 29 % would come from L4.
in their model could not be set under tension, and The figure of 60” was attributed (McGill’, p.148) to
thus could not contribute a sagittal-plane extension Farfans. Thus with McGill’s subjects never exhibiting
moment. It must be emphasized that this is the critical more than 32” of total lumbar flexion, or 9.3” at
assumption/calculation upon which all subsequent L4/L5, the neutral value of 14” would never be
calculations of their model depend, for the authors exceeded, and the ligaments would never experience
assign all the leftover moment (which under their any elongation past their resting state.
assumptions on ligament elongation, turns out to be But 60” is a huge figure for maximum lumbar
all the moment) to the activity of the muscles. The flexion. Macrae and Wright9 (Figures 5 and S), using
EMG readings are only used to assign what X-ray techniques, reported no values greater than
proportion of the load should go to which muscle, 40”. Ifone applies their regression model (correlation
not to determine whether or not the muscles are in coefficient = 0.97, SD = 3.5”) for measuring lumbar
fact supporting the entire load. Therefore it should flexibility from the modified Schober test to the data
not come as a surprise that with only muscles in the of Batti’e et ~1.” on 3020 subjects, a similar mean
final set of assumptions, only muscles are found in value (35’ in ZO-29-year-old males) for maximum
the solution. lumbar flexion is obtained. Batti’e et d’s 95th
Thus it is this calculation that lumbar flexion percentile ZO-29-year-old male had a maximum
is inadequate to set the connective tissue under lumbar flexibility of 46” according to this relation-
tension that must be examined more closely. First of ship. As stated above, Adams et aL6 found an average
all, it conflicts with much experimental data on the flexibility of 10 + 1.8” at the L4/L5 joint. If one
response of the motion segment. Consider McGill returns to Farfar?, one finds in table 3.1 (p. 46)
and Norman’s figure of 9.3’ of flexion for L4. Adams values for the ttypical range of motion of lumbar
et al6 found that the 6 L4-L5 motion segments they intervertebral joints’. The value for L4/L5 is listed
studied had flexion limits of between 7 and 12’ (mean at 12” in flexion, and the value for the entire lumbar
10 + 1.8” SD) ; and that the ligaments and disc of spine totals to 39.5”. The value of 60” does not seem
these samples resisted between 22 and 88 Nm of to be in our edition.
bending moment (mean = 46 f 24 Nm SD). Any Thus McGill and Norman’s elimination of the
contribution by passive stretching of the other ligamentous contribution is based entirely on the idea
connective tissues (lumbodorsal fascia, skin, etc.) that total ligament slack existed at up to 14” offlexion
would be in addition to this. Thus not only were the at L4/5. McGill7 found that if this slack ended instead
connective tissues of the motion segment experi- at IO”, then the ligaments of the intervertebral joint
mentally determined to be supporting a significant would indeed make a substantial contribution to the
moment, but the degree of lumbar flexion which restorative moment. This is essentially the conclusion
McGill and Norman claim does not set the ligaments that we reached in 19772. Given the fact that the
under tension turns out to have been close to or at 14” figure would seem to represent the extreme of
the physiologic limits. human variability, and the fact that its source is
0 1989 Butterworth & Co (Publishers) Ltd
0141-5425/89/020172XI5 $03.00
172 J. Biomed. Eng. 1989, Vol. 11, March
Letters to the Edifor

unknown, it would seem reasonable that McGill and fosters creativity and generates a vigorous and
Norman re-evaluate this assumption. healthy debate. However, McGill and Norman have
Furthermore, the lumbodorsal fascia, which concentrated the bulk of their article on a subject
McGill and Norman acknowledge to be connected which is no longer controversial. This only ends up
to the ilium and the spinous processes, does not diverting attention from the crucial claim-based on
seemed to have been included as a restraining element an erroneous assumption about the flexibility of the
that could be set under tension by passive stretching. lumbar spine-that postural-dependent stretching of
No reason was given for this exclusion; yet the size the connective tissues (ligaments, fascia, et al.) has
and strength of this tissue, coupled with its relatively no role to play in sagittal-plane stabilization of the
long level arm, makes this a rather serious omission. spine.
Finally, the constitutive equations of the ligaments
used by McGill and Norman to determine the Serge Gracovetsky
response to stretching do not include any time Department of Electrical Engineering,
variables. As the ligaments are visco-elastic, their Concordia University,
resistance to stretching is higher when this stretching 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd West,
occurs rapidly. This factor could be significant yet
Quebec H3G IM8
was not incorporated in the model.
In sum, the model of the spine used by McGill
and Norman conflicts with published experimental 1. McGill SM, Norman RW. Potential of lumbodorsal fascia
data on the mechanical response of the intervertebral forces to generate back extension moments during squat lifts.
joint, and on the typical range of motion of the J Biomed Eng 1988, 10, 3128.
lumbar spine. It does not include the possibility of 2. Gracovetsky S, Farfan HF, Lamy C. A mathematical model
the lumbodorsal fascia acting as a passive restraining of the lumbar spine using an optimized system to control
element. It also conflicts with the fact that one of muscles and ligaments. Orthop Clin N Am 1977,8(l), 135-53.
3. Macintosh JE, Bogduk N, Gracovetsky S. The biomechanics
the best ways to measure lumbar flexion is in fact
of the thoracolumbar fascia. Clin Biomech 1987, 2, 78-83.
the significant skin elongation seen in the Schober
4. Tesh KM, Shaw Dunn J, Evans JH. The abdominal muscles
testsg,lO. Given the extreme sensitivity of their model
and vertebral stability. Spine 1987, 12(5), 5014.
to the assumed limit oflumbar flexion, and the nature 5. McGill SM, Norman RW. Partitioning of the L4-L5
of biological variability, it represents a serious dynamic moment into disc, ligamentous, and muscular
omission that this factor received no discussion at all components during lifting. Spine 1986, 11(7), 666-78.
in either ref. 1 or ref. 5. Why did they not simply 6. Adams MA, Hutton WC, Stott JRR. The resistance to
measure the maximum lumbar flexion of their actual flexion of the lumbar intervertebral joint. Spine 1980, 5(3),
test subjects? If passive stretching of the lumbodorsal 245-53.
fascia, and more reasonable values of maximal 7. McGill SM. PhD Thesis, University of Waterloo, 1986.
8. Farfan HF. Mechanical Disorders of the Low Back. Philadelphia,
lumbar flexion, are incorporated into an otherwise
Lea and Febiger, 1973.
reasonable model, McGill and Norman’s main
9. Macrae IF, Wright V. Measurement ofback movement. Ann
conclusions about the partitioning of the L4/L5 rheum Dis 1969, 28, 584-9.
dynamic moment into muscular and ligamentous 10. Batti’e MC, Bigos SJ, Sheehy A, Wortley MD. Spinal
contributions are completely reversed. flexibility and individual factors that influence it. Physical
Controversy and criticism is welcome, as it Therapy 1987, 67(5), 653-8.

Dear Sir,

The comments stated in Dr Gracovetsky’s letter to moment of the trunk in the types of lifts that we have
the editor do not address the paper published in the reported-quat lifts. His model output predicts that
Journal of Biomedical Engineering ( 1988), 10 : 3 12-8. these passive tissues play a major role. The reason
Readers of the Journal of Biomedical Engineering will for the discrepancy in outputs, a discrepancy which
have to read our article in Spine’ and Dr concerns us as much as it does Dr Gracovetsky, is
Gracovetsky’s and Farfan’s in Spine2 to understand because of a dramatic difference in modelling
what the issues are. The critique by Stokes et aL3 of approach.
the Gracovetsky and Farfan paper is also informative. The major difference between our model approach
Thus, we are surprised that Dr Gracovetsky’s letter and that of Dr Gracovetsky is that he elected to use
is being considered for publication in the Journal of an optimization technique to partition loads among
Biomedical Engineering. However, since you kindly the ligaments and muscles of the low back. The
gave us the opportunity to respond, we are doing so. output of an optimization model depends, to a large
What has prompted Dr Gracovetsky to attack extent, on what variable or function one assumes
our work here, and in other forums, is that the output that the body minimizes or optimizes. He has
from opr model of the lumbar spine shows very little assumed that stress on the joint is minimized. This
contribution from passive tissues (e.g. ligaments, assumption demands that tissues with the largest
lumbodorsal fascia) to the support of the extensor moment arms must produce the majority of the

J. Biomed. Eng. 1989, Vol. 11, March 173

extensor moment. These tissues, according to Dr disc angle required before ligaments are appre-
Gracovetsky, are the lumbodorsal fascia and the ciably recruited, an angle reported in the McGill
midline ligaments. However, in our opinion, no one thesis. We were negligent in not reporting this
knows what the optimization function really is nor angle in the Spine article2 and for this oversight
can this approach respond to variations in the way we apologize. From his reading of the thesis, Dr
that different individuals perform lifts. If the kine- Gracovetsky then assumed that this angle was
matic input is the same on different trials, the model applied for every subject. The wording in the
output will be the same. Our model, on the other thesis was not perfectly clear on this point. In fact,
hand, makes no assumptions about what is optimized the maximum amount of lumbar flexion was
or minimized. Rather it is driven, trial to trial, lift measured in each subject and the ligaments of the
to lift, subject to subject from measured biological model were turned to contribute to resisting
responses, such as EMG to assist with allocation of flexion at the appropriate measured angle. We did
forces to the various muscles and measured thorax not apply an assumed angle for every subject. It
and pelvis motion to try and calculate the straining so happened that these initial three subjects
of ligaments and discs in living human subjects. Our reached a similar full flexion of f 7’. Subjects can
model is free to choose which tissues support the reach full flexion while standing by hanging on
moment in any given lift, depending upon the their ligaments with no EMG activity in either
amount of spine flexion to recruit the passive tissues, the erectors or the abdominals. The ligaments and
and amount and source of muscle electrical activity discs support this relatively low moment at full
as an indication of muscle involvement. flexion and they will not permit significant further
Nonetheless, his letter has been useful because flexion due to their stiffness. In 23 young male
it has forced us to go back and reassess our university student subjects that have subse-
assumptions. We have done this and have re-checked quently been analysed in our laboratory the
data used in our model development. None of Dr maximum average Aexion at L4/L5 was 16.6” (SD
Gracovetsky’s arguments has changed our minds. 2.2). While ligaments are recruited approximately
To reiterate, the output of our model shows that for half-way to full flexion sign&ant ligament contri-
the types of lifts reported, the ligaments played very bution does not occur until within a few degrees
little role. During flexion, we measured the forward of full llexion. If an inflexible subject was tested
bending rotation to be predominantly about the hip who could only manage 8” of rotation during the
joints and not caused by significant flexion of the full Aexion, for example, then the model would
lumbar spine. Further, the presence of high levels of ‘tune’ the ligaments to resist further rotation.
extensor muscle EMG activity throughout the Thus, is it erroneous for Dr Gracovetsky to state
duration of all lifts provided no experimental support ‘the ligamentous contribution is based entirely
for Dr Gracovetsky’s notion that the ligaments on the idea that total ligament slack existed at up
alleviate the muscles of their responsibility to support to 14” of flexion at L4/L5’. Nor have we ever
the Aexion moment. Furthermore, to our knowledge, stated that the ligaments ‘have no role to play
he has not reported convincing experimental data in stabilization of the spine’. Anyone who slowly
that would support such a notion. ‘slumps’ in a chair can palpate the ligaments
We have addressed the specific points raised as they strain close to full flexion. The ligaments
in Dr Gracovetsky’s letter in the following list. are paramount in providing this function.
3. Dr Gracovetsky chose to quote the work of
1. Our conclusions that the limbodorsal fascia Adams et al.’ as stating that the flexion limit of
provides no active support to extensor moment L4/L5 was between 7 and 12” (mean 10” +_ 1.8”
generation were termed ‘somewhat out of date’ SD). Careful review of the paper shows that these
by Dr Gracovetsky. He referred to two articles data were ofin uitro specimens set in dental plaster.
acintosh, Bogduk and Gracovetsky’ and Tesh However, in the same paper, Adams et al. reported
:Kl/ 5 as studies which arrived at the same more relevant data: the average flexion limit of
con&ions as our paper, published in the Journal the L4/L5 joint in 18 normal subjects (ages 20-58
of Biomedical Engineering in 1988. Although we may years) was 14” +_ 3” as determined from roent-
have been a little slow in scouring the current genograms. .Further, the flexion moment applied
literature, we make an attempt to keep up to date. to these joints ranged from only 22 to 88 Nm which
Both of these papers appear to have been could hardly be considered to support the majority
published after we had submitted our paper _to of the load when we routinely observe 450 Nm
the Jourraal of Biomedical Engineering. Furthermore, during demanding lifts, in the laboratory. Why
the problem of lags in publication of submitted would Dr Gracovetsky choose to substantiate his
manuscripts is well known to all of us, including point on cadaveric data when data on live
Dr Gracovetsky. Although he retracted, or at least humans appeared earlier in the article. Adams
clarified, his claims of the major role of the and Hutton* in a more recent paper clearly show
lumbodorsal fascia mechanism in providing a the difference in range of motion at the L4/L5
substantial extension moment, in the article and other discs between cadavers and living
which he co-authored with Macintosh and people.
Bogduk4, there is no mention of this retraction or 4. The statement of Dr Gracovetsky that the passive
clarification in his book published in 19886. contributions of the lumbodorsal fascia have been
2. Dr Gracovetsky has chosen to attack the choice ignored in our work and ‘makes this a rather
of 14” as the approximate L4/L5 intervertebral serious omission’ is false. This passive component

174 J. Biomed. Eng. 1989, Vol. I 1, March

,?_ttiersto the Editor

of the LDF is shown in equation (6) of McGill However, within the constraints of this uncertainty
and Norman’ and explained in the text. we stand by our conclusions. Our model output shows
clearly that passive tissues play almost no role in the
We have no delusions that our measurements are types of lifts that we reported. Maybe passive tissues
error-free and that all of our modelling assumptions will prove to be important in other types of lifts.
will withstand the tests ofnew experimental evidence.
As soon as our errors are proven to us we will change SM. McGill
the appropriate details in the model and our entire R.W. Norman
approach, if necessary. Dr Gracovtsky certainly has Faculty of Human Kinetics and Leisure Studies
Department of Kinesiology
not convinced us. Indeed we are beginning to resent
University of Waterloo
his selective presentation and extrapolations from
other people’s data and misquoting of our work to Ontario N2L 3Gl
try to substantiate his a priori position, implicit in his Canada
optimization approach, that passive tissues play a
major role in supporting the trunk during all lifting
1. McGill SM and Norman RW. Partitioning of the L4/L5
dynamic moment into disc, ligamentous and muscular
Dr Gracovetsky continues to under-estimate the components during lifting. Spine 1986; 11, 66678.
importance of the spine musculature in main- 2. Gracovetsky S and Farfan H. The optimum spine. Spine 11,
taining dynamic equilibrium taking the viewpoint 1986; 543-73.
that the muscles are not of sufficient size. His opinion 3. Stokes IAF, Krag MH, Wilder DG. A critique of ‘the
is base on measures of muscle cross-sectional area optimum spine’. Spine 1987; 12, 51 l-2.
obtained from cadavers. This is in spite of several 4. Macintosh JE, Bogduk N, Gracovetsky S. The biomechanics
recent papers reporting the much larger muscles of the thoracolumbar fascia. Clin Biomech 1987; 2, 7883.
measured in living, working individuals. 5. Tesh KM, Shaw Dunn J, Evans JH. The abdominal mucles
and vertebral stability. Spine1987; 12, 5018.
We are confident that we have made no glaring
6. Gracovetsky S. TheSpinal Engine, New York: Springer-Verlag,
errors in the development of the model and that the
general approach is sound. Unfortunately it is not 7. Adams MA, Hutton WC, Stott JRR. The resistance to flexion
yet possible to directly validate our model outputs, of the lumbar spine. Spine 5, 245-53.
Dr Gracovetsky’s model outputs or anybody else’s 8. Adams MA and Hutton WC. Has the limbar spine a margin of
at this point in the development of the science. safety in forward bending? Clin Biomech 1986; 1, 34.

Circumferential and longitudinal viscoelasticity of human iliac arterial

segments in vitro

Dear Sir,

First let me express my warm congratulations to the pressure of a magnitude equal to the mechanical
authors of ‘Circumferential and longitudinal visco- pressure acting in vivo. Observations similar to this
elasticity of human iliac arterial segments in vitro’ or to that expressed by Papageorgiu and Jones should
(G.L. Papageorgiu and N.B. Jones, J Biomed Eng be of fundamental importance to researchers when
1988; 10: 82-90) for their excellent and very attempting to extrapolate results from in mortem
thorough treatment of this important biomechanical samples to the in vivo system. It would also be
problem. interesting to investigate the possibility of occurrence
I agree wholeheartedly with the authors’ statement of ‘creep’ and ‘relaxation’ phenomena in arteries.
to the effect that ‘there is an interesting question with When analysing static circumferential and longi-
regard to the effect of wall smooth muscle activity tudinal elasticity the authors present their data using
on wall elasticity; when cadaveric arteries are used Lagrangian definitions of strain, i.e.
there is no smooth muscle activity’. On the other
hand I also feel that the complex fluid mechanics-
thermodynamic characteristics of the blood flow may
play an important role in the mechanical properties
of the wall arteries.
It may be of some interest to point out that
Kobayashi and his colleagues’ showed that consider- where lr is the firal length of the specimen and Zi is
able viscoelastic effects were observed in cadaveric the initial length of the specimen.
cornea but that these characteristics almost disap- One might question whether it would not have
peared if the in mortemeye was subjected to an internal been more convenient from a practical viewpoint,

J. Biomed. Eng. 1989, Vol. 11, March 175

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