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Name : Riyani

NIM : 2109180091
Class : II D
Lecture : Language Testing and Assessment

I. Matching
Type 1 : word-definition/ synonym matching
Find the correct meaning in the right column of each word in the left column.
a. Gloomy : sad miserable
b. Vital : very important
c. Barren : too poor to produce

Type 2 : blank-filling
Filling in the blanks with suitable words listed above the text.
“Write (1) carefully, the teacher shouted (2) angrily, but don’t waste time. You must get
used to working (3) quickly. Please, sir,” a student said (4) politely. “I’ve finished”, “No,
you haven’t,” answered the teacher. “You haven’t (5) completely finished until you’ve
ruled a line at the end.”

Type 3 : finding synonyms of the words in the list in the reading text.
Find the synonyms of the following words in the text.
An eight-month old hippopotamus named Susan began a journey by lorry and plane
yesterday from the National Zoo in Washington to Singapore. Zoo keepers hope that she
will be a companion for a lonely male hippopotamus report say. Singapore Zoo has spent
a long time looking for a new male for their hippo, named Congo. Ever since the death of
Lucy, his mate, Congo had been sad and lonely, a spokesman said.
a. Trip : journey
b. Except : lonely
c. Friend : companion
d. Search : looking for
e. Partner : mate

Make 5 matching items for the following reading text.
Find the synonyms of the following underlined words in the text.

Dave show was very keen to succeed in his first big game in the senior football
league. During the first forty minutes he played with great skill, scoring one goal and by
helping one of his team-mates, he scored another goal.

After the second goal, however, he discovered that he made a dreadful mistake.
He was playing for the wrong side!

The mix-up began……………………

J. Rearrangement
Type 1 : rearranging scrambled words/ phrase into sentences.
a. She was wearing a new lovely red leather jacket.
b. Susan had already finished when the phone suddenly rang.

Type 2 : rearranging scrambled sentences into good order.

1) There was a strong wind and it was raining heavily.
2) However, we decided to set out and try to climb the mountain.
3) This time we had better equipment and were determined to succeed.

Make 3 rearrangement items with scrambled phrase.
a. Do you know where I put ……………………….?
(expensive/ new/ my/ laptop)
b. My mother asked me to take………………………….
c. Zain goes to school by riding…………………………
K. Error Recognition
Type 1 : choose the underlined word phrase which is incorrect.
a. There is a terrible accident at the air show yesterday.
The answer is A

Type 2 : Choose the incorrect part of the sentence.

a. There is/a terrible accident/at the air show yesterday.
The answer is A

Type 3 : the sentence contains one error. Find and correct it.
a. There is a terrible accident at the air show yesterday.
The error is in the word “is”, and the correct one should be “was” because the sentence
used time signal “yesterday” which indicates a past event.
The correct sentence : There was a terrible accident at the air show yesterday.

Make at least three error recognition items based on students’ mistakes in this writing

Nina a high school students. She live in east Jakarta with his parent. Now she is taking
final examine this year. She wanted to go to college when she is finish. She wanted to be

1) The sentences below contain some errors. Find and correct them.
a. Nina a high school students.
b. She live in east Jakarta with his parent.
c. She wanted to be doctor.

The answers for those error recognition items:

a. The answer : There should be “is” after the word Nina and the word
student should be singular.
The correct sentence : Nina is a high school student.
b. The answer : The word “live” should be “lives” and the possessive
pronoun should be “her” because Nina is a girl.
The correct sentence : She lives in east Jakarta with her parent.
c. The answer : The verb “wanted” should be “wants” because it’s a
present event and there should be an article “a” before the word “doctor.
The correct sentence : She wants to be a doctor.

L. Interview
1. Asking questions
In this test, students are being interviewees who apply for a job vacancy; here is the list
of questions:
a. Tell me about yourself!
b. Where do you live?
c. Where did you get the information of our job vacancy?
d. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
e. Do you have any work experience before?
f. What position do you apply for?
g. How much salary do you expect?
h. Why should I hire you?

2. Testing students in pairs

With your peer group, make a conversation about a doctor and patient in a medical

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