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 Tell me about yourself.

My name is Jea. “Over the years, I have gained plenty of diverse skills, qualities, and experience that
have helped me to become a proficient and highly effective Virtual Assistant. I would describe myself as
resourceful, customer-focused, flexible, and someone who will go out of their way to deliver exceptional
service as a Virtual Assistant. Before applying for this position, I studied the job description carefully to
make sure I had the necessary attributes to perform to a high standard in the role. I consider myself to
be a high achiever. For example, in my last role, I helped the company win an important sales contract
by working additional hours as a VA over the weekend to collate all the relevant documentation they
needed to submit a very strong proposal. If you hire me as a Virtual Assistant, I will be reliable,
trustworthy, adaptable, and someone who always demonstrates exceptional time-keeping,
administrative skills, and attention to detail in the role.”

 How might your coworkers describe you?

My coworkers would describe me as an organized, thoughtful person who works well under pressure. So
much of what I enjoy about doing administrative work is creating a well-organized environment and
anticipating the needs of my coworkers to make office life run as smoothly as possible. My colleagues
regularly comment on my positive attitude and problem-solving abilities when we get a difficult client on
the phone, and I never forget to organize surprises when someone in the office has a birthday."

 How might your current manager describe you?

"Determined. I will do anything to get the job done right, even if that means working longer hours or
starting over again."**"I think he would say I am driven by success. That's because I am constantly
reaching out to new clients and trying to secure new deals for the company."

"He would describe me as personable and kind since I am always asking people how they are doing. But
more than that, he would also say that I am a quick learner. I find that I catch onto new projects and
systems quite easily, And I am happy to pass that knowledge onto others so that we can all work well
together for our shared end goals."

 What's your greatest strength as a virtual assistant?

“I’m very organized and enjoy scheduling my day-to-day tasks. I make a point to track what I do to help
me improve my good habits and eliminate bad ones. That’s why I think I’d be perfect for this position as
it may require scheduling or appointment tasks”. “I
have excellent time management
skills, which is why I am so good at keeping my clients organized. Another
strength of mine is my ability to multitask. I can work on several projects at
once without getting overwhelmed. My communication skills are also strong,
as I always make sure to communicate clearly with my clients.”
 What's your greatest weakness as a virtual assistant?

I work too hard. So hard that, you will have a tough time keeping me busy.

I am so committed that I finish off the tasks of other team members also, and they don’t like that.

“Some of my weaknesses? Let’s see...First, I’d say I’m not a very spontaneous person. I prefer to work
prepared and according to a well-defined plan. This sometimes works to my disadvantage, because it’s
impossible to always be prepared.

I am too focused when working. In fact, I often forget that its time to go home at the end of the day. I
have a habit of getting fully absorbed into my work.

the biggest weakness or the challenge a virtual assistant faces is not having a physical
presence while dealing with its client. Although today virtuality is becoming more
acceptable still it is not getting acceptance in the field of the workforce. But its biggest
weakness is even its advantage as he can be work remotely from anywhere without creating
any burden on the employer.

 Where do you see yourself in five of 10 years?

Ideally, I’d also like to take move from an entry-level role into one that’s a bit more advanced within the
next five years if the opportunity arises. Along the way, I also want to explore emerging trends in the
field, including on my own time. That way, I can provide an employer with value beyond my current role,
hopefully putting me on the track to a rewarding career.

 How did you hear about this position?

 Why do you want to be a virtual assistant?

I want to be a Virtual Assistant because I feel I work the best when I am given set tasks and
responsibilities I need to work on each day and when I am working towards a defined objective. Being
someone that is highly organized, proficient, industrious, and self-sufficient the position of a Virtual
Assistant is very much suited to my natural abilities. I also want to be a Virtual Assistant because I
genuinely get the most satisfaction when I have a job where I am serving others. I feel a great sense of
pride in the knowledge that the work I have done for someone has had a positive impact on their goals
and objectives.

 Why do you want to work for us?

“I’m impressed by your company’s commitment to the growth and development of its employees. One
of my friends works their and she has praised this company for its excellent treatment of employees for
years. I’m looking for a company that empowers and challenges its employees to be the best
professionals they can be. In my research, I’ve found that you invest in ongoing education of your
employees through education reimbursement, onsite training and mentorship programs. In addition,
you have a great reputation for leadership in the industry. This is a company at which I would be
honored to grow my career.”

Great culture! The leadership team is full of industry veterans that are very bright. They are very
dedicated to delivering an incredible service to the client. Leadership really cares about the staff and
provides a full month of training to ensure successful onboarding. There are great incentives like health
insurance and performance-based bonuses. Scale Virtually's support team is awesome and they will
really support you from training to client interview to training you on what needs to be done for the
client up until you are actually working with a client. I really appreciate all of them!

 What's your ideal work environment?

"From talking to a few employees here, I discovered that your organization prides itself on
having a family atmosphere, where peers work closely together. I thrive in those kinds of
environments. "I want to work for a company wherein Ill be working with people who are
supportive and positive. Where we help each other achieve our goals and celebrate victories
together when we work as a team. I find that the best work environment is when we empower
each other by uplifting each other and rising together.

"What's your preferred salary range for this position?

 How soon are you available to start work?

I am available to start whenever you need me to start

 What's your preferred schedule?
 I am available to work Monday through Friday, and I am very flexible about
the start and end times on those days. I'm willing to make occasional
additional hours work with my schedule. I really value my weekend time
with my family. I'm more than willing to go above and beyond during the
standard workweek.

 How many hours a week are you available?

 Do you have questions for me?

What are the day-to-day responsibilities of the position?

How has this position changed over time?

Can you describe the working culture of the company?

Do you provide professional development opportunities? If so, what do those look like?

What are some of the challenges I might face in this position?

How does the company measure success in this role?

What is your company’s customer service philosophy?

What is the biggest challenge the company has faced in the past year?

Can you tell me more about the department or team I would be working in?

Do you have any concerns or questions about my qualifications?

What will you do if you’re tasked with something you don’t have experience

“If I’m given a task that I don’t know much about, I’d be honest about it with the client. I’d ask them if I
could get some help from others who are more knowledgeable. But, at the same time, I would take the
task as an opportunity to learn a new skill”.

1. How do you prioritize which emails to respond to first when your inbox is full?

 "I'd start by quickly scanning the subject lines and senders for every email to get a general idea of what
I'm working with, and then I'd consider any recent projects or upcoming deadlines that require the most
attention and sort the emails by which are time-sensitive and which can wait. Based on that, I respond
to the emails with the tighter deadlines first."

. What do you do when a client isn't articulating their requests well?

"As your virtual assistant, I believe it's important to anticipate the

needs of you, your clients and your business overall. After having
some knowledge about your clients, I can quickly identify the source
of the client's problems and their needs in the future. In this scenario,
I'd ask them questions to better understand the issues they're facing
so I can proceed with the right solution."
3. Explain how you would handle a situation where your laptop
crashed while you were performing your duties.

Once my laptop crashed, I'd switch to a tablet or smartphone while

trying to get my laptop back up and running. I'd also make sure I
have all the information I need backed up on another device. If my
laptop doesn't seem like it's going to work again before the deadline,
I'd continue my work on one of the other devices to ensure I meet the

18. How Did You Become A Virtual Assistant?

When I reflect, I think my educational background prepared the ground. In no time I started
undertaking courses and workshops which helped me gather the necessary skills. I coupled my
learning with actual work experience as a full-time Virtual Assistant on the basis of honorarium.
This helped me a lot to sharpen my abilities as I had the opportunity to apply my learning.

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