Land Apportionment Act 1930-Part 1

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ACT 1930-PART 1

The land Apportionment Act was a law passed in 1930 by Settler government in
It was a law governing the distribution of land into white and black owned land.
It was necessitated by the need to promote white or settler agriculture.
In Rhodesia there were
96 000 000 acres of land.
49 000 0000 acres was allocated to whites (51%) and this land was given to 50
000 settlers
21 000 000 acres was allocated to blacks who had a population of over a million
people (1 081 000)the rest were forest lands.
What influenced the Land apportionment
Act of 1930
1. The LAA of 1930 was influenced by 1923 Constitution to pass a racist law and
legislation aimed at increasing wealth and power of settlers.
2. It was influenced by Morris Carter commission of 1925 which advocated for
division of land into white and African land.
3. It was influenced by the need to reduce competition between black and white
4.It was influenced by the need to get cheap labour force for white farmers and
was only possible after impoverishing black people.
It was influenced by the need to promote settler interests as suggested by
Godfrey Huggins.
Motives of passing the land
Apportionment Act of 1930
1. The settler government wanted to give whites or setttlers bigger and fertile
2.They wanted to impoverish Africans to force them to depend on whites for
3.they were influenced by Morris Carter belief in racial discrimination.
4.They wanted to stop competition between white and black farmers.
5.They wanted to improve white or settler agriculture and kill or destroy African
6 They wanted to create cheap labour force for white farmers and miners.
7 they wanted to keep land for their unborn children.
Settlers motives in introducing Land
Apportionment of 1930
1. the law was influenced by racial separating lands on the basis of
colour as suggested by Morris Carter commission.
2. The law was meant to create cheap labour force for European farmers and miners.
3 It was meant to stop serious competition between black and white commercial
4.the settlers wanted to keep land for their unborn children.
5.the law was meant to impoverish Africans so that they look up to white farmers
for survival.
6. The act was meant to destroy African agriculture and improve settler agriculture.
7 The aim of the law was to promote settler interests as stipulated in 1923
constitution which increased power and wealth of settlers
Morris Carter commission
Nature of settlers land/ white farmers
1. Settlers got large tracts of land.
2. The land was spacious.
3. The land had a low population density.
4. The land allocated to settlers was fertile and had rich and good soils.
5.The land received high rainfall totals.
6.The land was close to the market centres.
7.The land was close to roads and railway lines.
8.Yeilds were high due to nature of soils and high rainfall totals
Nature of black land/ African farmers
1. Land allocated to black farmers was small in size.
2. African farmers were overcrowded in the reserves were they were settled.
3.The land allocated to blacks had high population density
4 .Land allocated to blacks was infertile, rocky sandy and had poor soils.
5. Land allocated to blacks received low rainfall totals
6. Geographical position of land allocated to blacks was far away from roads
and railway lines as well as far away from market centres.
7.Because of the nature of soils and rainfall totals yields were low.
Effects of Land Apportionment Act of
1930 on Blacks
More land protests followed.
Led to formation of ANC- African National Congress
This brewed hatred between black and white farmers resulting in Chimurenga 2
Africans were given ultimatum to leave white land that is eviction notice.
Blacks were overcrowded.
There was serious land shortage among the peasants and some became
Africans were impoverished and pauperized.
Africans lost fertile lands.
Africans were forced to work for white farmers where they were exploited.

Yields were low and poor.

There was overstocking and overgrazing resulting in soil erosion and serious
land degradation.
Led to kaffir farming
Africans were located far away from market centres, roads and rail, making
commercial farming impossible.
It ended competition between black and white farmers.
Classification of the Effects of land
Apportionment Act on Black people
Political Effects Social Effects Economic Effects

More land protests Blacks were overcrowded Yields were low and poor.
Led to formation of ANC There was serious land There was overstocking
African National Congress. shortage some became and overgrazing resulting
landless. in soil erosion and serious
land degradation.
This brewed hatred Africans were Led to kaffir farming.
between black and white impoverished and
farmers resulting in pauperized.
chimurenga 2
Africans were given Africans lost fertile lands Africans were located far
ultimatum to leave white Africans were forced to away from market centres,
land that is eviction notice. work for white farmers roads and rail making
were they were exploited. commercial farming
Impact the land apportionment act on white

Settler government’s aim to further settlers interests was achieved as they became
settlers became wealthy.
Competition between black and white farmers was removed and ended.
White settler farmers were in possession of large tracts of land.

White settlers had cheap labour force for their mines and farms.
White settlers had land for their unborn babies.
Due to Kaffir farming the absentee landlords made vast profits from charging rental
from black peasants.
The settler farmers were located in close to roads, rail and market centres makng it
possible to practice commercial farming.
Was settler government justified in
passing that land Apportionment law
justified unjustified
1. Wanted to promote settler interests It created serious land shortage among
2. Kill competition between black and It impoverished African peasant farmers
white farmers
3 create cheap labour force for their Africans were located in poor soils far
farms and mines away from market centres, roads and
rail resulting in subsistence farming
4Wanted to keep lands for their unborn It resulted in overstocking overcrowding
babies overgrazing soil erosion and land
5 they wanted to divide land on racial
lines as suggested by Morris carter
6 they wanted to improve European or
Practice questions

Assess settlers government motive in introducing the land apportionment act.

Evaluate the effects of land apportionment act of 1930 on blacks
What were effects of land apportionment act of1930 on on white settlers in
Was European government justified in passing the land apportionment actof
The land apportionment act of 1930 was a blessing and a curse .” how far true is
this verdict in Rhodesia between 1930-51
“The land Apportionment act brought more good than harm in Southern
Rhodesia” How true is this assertion.?
The end

Theresa Shamiso Sibanda

Mount pleasant High school

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