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Date : December 4 – 5, 2014

Time : 6:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Participants : SMART NCR Team, Visitors from JDL and V5’s group
Number of Participants : Maximum of 20
Location : Villa Isabelita Resort, Brgy. Pansol, Purok 5, Laguna

Workshop Proposal

Workshop Title : Bringing Our Team Together

Workshop Description : We will provide activities for the group that will promote
Teamwork and trust. We will begin with some icebreakers/
Name games to help the group feel comfortable with each
other and start to move them out of their comfort
zones to
allow growth and learning. From here we will work with
the Group to establish the norms and behaviors the group
will uphold. After the group decided on the norms we will
work on teambuilding and trust activities. We will also
have a gift giving activity for our Christmas party. We will
end the workshop with a group debrief and team bonding.

Workshop Objective :
 To build a stronger teams
 Demonstrates the importance of each member to the
teams overall success
 Improves decision making abilities, increases
 To help break down barriers
 Build confidence

Issues Encountered :
 Inability to meet targets. Targets were not met for the
last 3 quarters.
 Poor coordination of team activities; disorganized and
chaotic handling of tasks
 Drop in the efficiency or productivity level of the team
 Disagreements between team members
 Decisions misunderstood or not carried through
 Negative reactions to the Manager
Villa Isabelita Resort
Brgy Pansol, Purok 5, Calamba Laguna

Description: Price 7,300.00 from 7pm – 5pm

Maximum Capacity:
Sleeping Capacity: 20 person


1 Adult Pool
1 Kiddie Pool

3 Rooms 2 Aircon


Kitchen Space
Gas Range
BBQ Grill
Dining Tables and Chairs

Videoke Machine
Parking Space
What White Lie?

This is a very basic "getting to know you" exercise with a slight competitive twist. Start with
everyone in your group writing down two truths about themselves and one lie. Go around the
room and have each person read their list of statements. Have the team vote on which statement
in the list is the lie. The person who gets the fewest votes for their lie wins. It may sound like a
game of deceit, but in the process you've learned a lot about each other. If your team is large,
save time by breaking into smaller groups and having the winners represent their group in a
winner's challenge

Salt and Pepper

This activity is fun, excellent for energizing your team, and also great as a get-to-know-one
another exercise. It doesn’t take up a lot of time and requires a few simple materials like a pen,
tape, and small sheets of paper. Recommended group size can range from 6-40 people.

1. A sheet of paper for every person.

2. As manager, come up with pairs of things such as, salt and pepper, yin and yang, shadow
and light, peanut butter and jelly, Mickey and Minnie mouse, male and female, and so
3. Separate the pairs and write only one of them per piece of paper. (Salt on one paper,
pepper on a completely different paper).
4. Tape one paper on the back of each person, making sure they can’t see it.
5. When you say go, everyone must walk around asking yes or no questions in order to find
out what word they have taped to their backs.
6. Once they figure that out, they’ll be able to find their other pair. The two will sit down
and learn three to five interesting facts about one another.
7. Optional step: have the pairs introduce their partners and the interesting facts they learned
about them.

This exercise will encourage communication and creativity among the participants. Learning
how to ask the right questions will be a challenge. It will also encourage teamwork as interacting
with the other team members is necessary.

Take What You Need

This exercise is an excellent get-to-know-you activity that doesn’t take up too much of your
team’s time. All you need is a toilet paper roll or two depending on the size of the group (you
can use pennies as another option). Recommended group size is 10-30 people.

1. Ask everyone to sit around in a circle.

2. Pass around the roll of toilet paper or pennies and tell them to take as much as they think
they’ll need, without disclosing what the items will be used for.
3. If your employees ask further questions, simply answer them with, “take as much as you
think you’ll need.”
4. Once that’s done, ask them to count the number of squares they each have.
5. Going around the circle, each person has to share a fact about themselves for every
square of toilet paper or penny they took. So, if someone takes 10 squares, they need to
share 10 facts about themselves.

Tip: In order to avoid someone taking 30 pennies or squares of toilet paper, you could set a limit
for each item. The facts don’t have to be long or time consuming.

This activity is particularly beneficial when new employees are hired. It encourages communication,
bonding, and helps the participants learn more about their colleagues. You’d be surprised what a simple
activity can teach you about someone you thought you knew.

Beach Ball Toss

Whether you’re adding on new team members, merging departments or trying to strengthen the
bond between existing employees, the following exercise is great as a get-to-know-one-another
activity and doesn’t require much time. Recommended group size is 5-25 people.

All you need for this activity is a beach ball that’s been divided with random questions written
on it. (Only you, as the manager should know what questions are on the ball). Questions can be
simple or more complex, i.e. what’s your favorite dessert? what are your weekly goals? if
conflict were to arise within your department, how would you go about handling that?

1. Have the participants stand in a circle and begin tossing the ball around. Whoever catches
the ball needs to introduce themselves and answer the question closest to their pinky
finger. (Another option would be to allow them to choose which question they’d like to

Tip: When coming up with the questions, you may ask the participants to submit three questions
each and pick which questions you’d like to write on the ball.

This exercise will help the participants learn more about their colleagues. Unlike a regular
meeting, this is a more exciting way to give everyone an opportunity to stay current with each
other’s goals and activities.

Human Knot
This brain teaser is funny and really works on teambuilding, problem solving and
communication. It will take around 15-30 minutes depending on how well everyone works
together. No materials are needed. Recommended group size ranges from 8-20 people.

1. Instruct the participants to stand in a circle, shoulder to shoulder.

2. Tell everyone to put their right hand in the air and grab the hand of someone standing
across the circle from them.
3. Now tell everyone to put their left hand in the air and grab the hand of a different person.
4. Someone needs to check that everyone is holding the hands of two different people and
that no one is holding the hand of someone who’s standing directly next to them.
5. The objective of the game is to untangle everyone without breaking the circle.
6. If the chain is broken, participants will have to start over.

TIP: Announce that this game requires casual clothing. Also remind others to be mindful of
colleagues, especially those with certain physical limitations.

This exercise will prove to be extremely challenging and will heavily rely on teamwork and
communication, without which, participants will find it extremely difficult to successfully
complete the task.

Office Celebrity

The game Celebrity is great for parties, but this play off of this classic is bound to break any
barriers between coworkers and lead to knowing one another better. When workers know more
about each other, they tend to work better together!

1. Break your office into two teams.

2. Write everyone’s name on separate pieces of paper and place them in a bowl.
3. Round One: The first team has one member get up and pull a name from the bowl. He or
she tries to get their team to guess which worker it is by giving characteristics of that
person. After the team guesses it, another name is chosen and so on until a minute has
passed. After one minute, the second team picks one member to try and get their team to
guess as many names as possible during a minute. This goes on, switching teams and
rotating players until all of the names have been guessed. Replace all names back into the
bowl. Keep a tally of how many names each team correctly guessed.
4. Round Two: Same as round one, but each moderator can only use ONE word to describe
each name drawn.
5. Round Three: Same as the previous rounds, but each moderator can’t use words to
describe drawn names, but instead must act them out. The team with the most correct
names tallied after three rounds wins!


Trivia is one of the most simple to set up and most enjoyable. From history to current events to
business questions, engaging in a simple game of trivia will sharpen minds and encourage
teamwork and office competition.

1. Split your employees into teams of three to six people.

2. Choose three rounds of topics (i.e., World History, Art and Music, Movies, etc.).
3. Ask five questions involving the first topic. After each question, have a member of each
team silently write down an answer on a piece of paper with their team name and turn it
in to the trivia moderator.
4. After each round, give the answers to questions so the teams can keep a tally of how
they’re doing.
5. After three rounds, the team with the most right answers wins. (You may need to have a
“lightning round” for a tie breaker.)

Poker Tower (15-30minutes) — Distribute a pack of poker cards and a pair of scissors to each group of
2-5 members. Instruct them to build the tallest poker tower using ONLY the cards and scissors given to
them. This will stimulate creativity and team bonding, as the team figures out how to build the tower
with the limited material available. (Optional: Spice up the game with 1 A4 size piece of paper)

The Mine Field (15-30 minutes) – The idea behind this exercise is to improve team members’ trust, their
relationship, and to communicate in a more effective way. You will need an open space such as an
empty room or hallway in which you will distribute ‘mines’ that are placed haphazardly around the area.
The ‘mine’s can be cones, balls, bottles etc. Team members are paired into teams of two. One team
member will be blindfolded and the other can see and talk, but is not allowed to enter the field or touch
their partner. The challenge is for the blind-folded person to walk from one side of the field to the other,
avoiding the mines by listening to the verbal instructions of their partners. (Optional: Have more than 1
pair walking through the mine simultaneously, so the difficulty of focusing and listening to the right
instructions increases)
Thursday, December 4, 2014


6:00 Arrival

6:30 – 8:00 Dinner preparation

8:00 – 9:00 Dinner

9:00 – 11:00 Christmas Party

 Exchange Gift
 Raffles
 Parlor Games

11:00 – onwards Swimming

Friday, December 5, 2014


6:00 – 7:00 Breakfast Preparation

7:00 – 8:00 Breakfast

8:00 – 8:30 Briefing/Introduction

 Welcome and Introduction to Programme

8:30 – 9:15 Ice Breaker

 Two Truths and One Lie – Warm up Get to know activity
o To encourage better communication in the office

o To know your coworkers better

9:15 – 10:00 Discussion

 What is Team building?
 What is a Team?
 What is a Successful Team?
 How does our team become a successful team?
 Goal Setting ( Individual and Group)
 Develop Norms and Behaviors for group
o To have a better understanding of what team building
and successful team are all about.
o To set the norms and standards that this group will
follow to allow them to reach their individual goals and
group goals
o Allow all group members to have a say in and create
these norms

10:00 – 11:00 Communication and Problem Solving Activities

1. Paper Tearing Exercise – communication
2. Human Knot – communication/problem solving
3. Helium Stick – communication/problem solving
 We will do a short debrief after each activity.
o Teach the importance of working as a team to accomplish
o Cooperation vs Competition
o Think Win Win
o To rely on teamwork and communication, without which,
it extremely difficult to complete the task successfully.

11:00 - 12:30 pm Lunch Preparation

12:30 – 1:30 Lunch

1:30 – 2:30 Communication and Problem Solving Activities Continued

2:30 – 3:30 Trust Activities

1. Trust Walk – introduction of trust
2. Mouse Trap Circle Activity – the importance of trust/how our
emotions affect others
 We will do a short debrief after each activity
o Start to learn to trust yourself, and show others that you
are trustworthy
o Start to develop trust among the group so they can work

o Take responsibility for our own feelings

3:30 – 4:30 Review of learning for the day and link to the workplace
4:30 – 5:00 Packing of things

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